
This web – site explains the history of an anonymous Catalan family that holds a peculiar surname: OROBITG. Being specially interested in a legend transmitted through generations according to which this surname was brought to by a Russian soldier, we started investigating so as to confirm if it was true or not. Below you will find the results of a research carried out since 1977. The information sources used are the following: National Historical Archive of Madrid (ANHM - sources of the Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Poblet, Catalonia), (‘Fogatges’ – ancient census), local archives (sources of ancient public notaries), ancient original documents kept by our family (wills, marriage contracts, …) and bibliography.

We invite you to travel back to the XIII century, thus discovering how our ancestors lived. Though historical books do not relay on their daily fights, we should thank our existence to their day-to-day ‘small’ achievements.

The outcome of the legend and the origin of the OROBITG surname will provide us with the opportunity to revive a common unknown past for most of you.


THE OROBITG FROM CATALONIA • Research from XIII to XV centuries ...... 2 • Research XVI and XVII centuries ...... 4 • Research from XVIII to XXI centuries ...... 6 - ...... 7 - Granyenella ...... 10


ORIGIN OF THE SURNAME • Different ways of writing Orobitg ...... 14 • Hypothesis related to the origin of the surname...... 17 - Balkan origin ...... 18 - Russian origin ...... 19 - Catalan origin ...... 22

WHERE DO THEY LIVE • Nowadays...... 23 • From XIII to XIX centuries ...... 25

DO YOU WISH TO KNOW MORE ABOUT US? • Who we are ...... 27 • Future projects ...... 28 • Do you wish to collaborate? ...... 29


INDEX 1 / 32

Research (XIII to XV centuries)

The Orobitg

Data related to this period as it has been gathered until today is not abundant. However, the contents are quite significant.

XIII century: We have found out a document certifying that in 1249 Mr Arnaldi Orvig from Cervera (a village located in Catalonia’s , 100 km far from Barcelona) was the owner of a tract of land. In those remote years this fact meant certain financing capacity.

XIV century: A hundred years later, in Cervera lived three families, whose surname was Orobitg. Moreover, we have found out at the end of this century the first two Orobitg families living in Granyenella (a small village 5 Knight. Miniature of the km far from Cervera). In fact, the descendants of both families have been living in Granyenella until late XX century. ‘Customs and Privileges of Barcelona’ (XIV century)

XV century: Existing documents indicate the presence of the Orobitg families in Cervera as well as the above mentioned both families from Granyenella. Furthermore, a document dated in 1497 indicates the existence of an Orobitg for the first time in Gramuntell (15 km far from Cervera).

Medieval Kingdom of Catalonia - Arago

In order to understand the origins of the Orobitg family from Cervera, we have to get back to the Middle Ages, particularly in 1249 in Cervera, where Mr Arnaldi Orvig (the first documented Orobitg until today) lived. The village of Cervera was set up in early 1000 by rebuilding a former fortification, which had been probably Muslim.

Following the escape of the Muslims from Cervera (and the western part of Catalonia) in 1100, those people willing to find places to settle together with fruitful land were attracted by the possibility to establish themselves and their families on those lands, now far from the Muslim threatens. In return, they lived under the protection of the castles.

Controlling tower in Escaló (Pallars Sobirà – Pyrenees, north - western side of Vassalage Catalonia)

The newcomers in Cervera were allowed to be direct owners of land, thus not being linked to any kind of vassalage relationship, whereas in nearby villages such as Granyenella and Verdú their inhabitants were subject to a feudal system directly linked to the Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Poblet. The feudal regimes were quite strict in the Kingdom of Catalonia - Arago until 1486, when as a result of numerous fights lead by farmers the feudal servitude system was finally abolished.

Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Poblet (Tarragona, Catalonia)



At that time existed multiple religious orders that were considerably influential at all levels, from subjects to the king itself. Moreover, in some cases, such as the ‘templers’, priests were victims of other religious orders’ anxieties to get further power.

Different religions coexisted at the same time, particularly Christians, Jewish and former Muslims. The latters were working – hard humble people that usually lived submitted to feudal conditions. As per the Jewish, they lived in community so that they maintained their traditions together with a high cultural level and important financing capacities. Moreover, the Jewish were so influent that they counted on the protection of the king. However, continuous droughts, plagues and diseases resulted in the despair of the population that blamed the Jewish for such sufferings. As a result, assaults to the Jewish community were often made, whereas at the same time they received a discriminative treatment. In the end, the Catholic Kings signed in 1492 a decree according to which the Jewish were to be expelled out of the country. Years later, in 1609, the former Muslims were obliged Droughts, plagues and diseases to follow the same fate.

The Catalan expansion

The Kingdom of Catalonia – Arago (‘Corona Catalano – Aragonesa’) expanded all over the Mediterranean between the XIII and XV centuries. Trade relationships and Christian process in Middle Eastern and North African countries were the key elements to promote such growth, which guaranteed the Catalan presence in Sicily, Naples, Greece, the coast of the former Yugoslavia, Turkey, Albania, Palestine, north of Egypt, north of Africa, Cyprus, ...

Catalan boat

The Catalan institutions

In the XII century, the village of Cervera was granted by the king the privilege of having a local government. In contrast, in other villages a ‘veguer’ (local representative of a count) was in charge of carrying out the main public responsibilities, such as tax collection, territorial defence, implementation of laws and regulations related to public organisation.

When it was necessary to take decisions, the King gathered all the counts. In a meeting the King celebrated in Cervera in 1359, it was formally set up the Generalitat (Government of Catalonia). Later on (late XV century), having been the Kingdoms of Catalonia – Arago and Castilla unified, it was necessary to get the approval by the Generalitat of any initiative from Castilla (Madrid) to implement it.

Poster of an exhibition related to the creation in 1359 of the Government of Catalonia



(XVI and XVII centuries) The Orobitg

During those centuries there is evidence of the existence of the before mentioned both families in Granyenella as well as in Verdú (20 km par from Cervera) and in Gramuntell. However, until now we have not been able to find documents certifying the existence of Orobitg families in Cervera in this period.

During those centuries, the Orobitg descendants lived on agriculture, as had done their ancestors. They had lands of their own property. Moreover, in the case of families in Granyenella and Verdú, they were to pay taxes to the Monastery of Poblet in return for cultivating those tracts of land.

The new world

The fact of discovering America in 1492 supported the Kingdom of Castilla in becoming an important empire during that period. However, at the same time Turkish and Muslim piracy decreased trade relationships in the Mediterranean and the Kingdom of Castilla did not allow Catalans to held trade relationships with America until 1778. Both facts lead to a decline process in the Kingdom of Catalonia – Arago.

Despite the internal differences, neither Catalonia nor Castilla yield in the different religious contests that took place in Europe at that time due to the important influence of religious institutions in both Kingdoms at both social and political levels.

Christopher Columbus

Relationship with the Kingdom of Castilla

The fact that the Kingdom of Catalonia’ economy lost importance during that period resulted in a decrease of its negotiating capacities with the Spanish Kings, who tried to reduce the power of the Catalan institutions, thus making uniform both Spanish Kingdoms (Castilla and Catalonia - Arago).

Late this period, a decrease of trade relationships between the Kingdom of Castilla and America took place at the same time that had expanded. This fact together with

different conflicts in its domains resulted in continuous ‘Guerra (war) dels Segadors’ (1640-52) decreases in the financing capacities of the Kingdom of Castilla. This is why in order to face such financing necessities the Castilians continuously asked the Kingdom of Catalonia - Arago for financing and military contributions that Catalonia could not afford to. Given the weak-financing situation, the Catalan institutions, having at that time full financing administrative capacity, did not give in to the claims of the Castilian institutions.

Moreover, frequent conflicts between France and the Kingdom of Castilla took place in the XVII century. Due to geographical reasons, those conflicts particularly affected the Kingdom of Catalonia - Arago as its inhabitants were obliged to host the Castilian troops and their abuses. This is why, together with the continuous attempts by Felip IV to centralise the administration of both Kingdoms by abolishing the Catalan institutions and eliminating Catalan’s ancient privileges, from 1640 to 1652 finally took place the ‘Guerra dels Segadors’, an important war to defend the Kingdom of Catalonia - Aragon’s ancient institution, culture and rights.


Hard living conditions

Apart from continuous droughts, plagues, diseases and farming struggle, the Kingdom of Catalonia had to face a new phenomenon that would evolve in the future: brigands.

Though agriculture remained the main economic sector, in some villages artisans and their representative associations become a new important sector. Moreover, nobility and religious institutions enriched continuously at the same time that consolidated their social position. It is in this period that most castles of the area of Lleida - Segarra (central Catalonia, it gathers the before mentioned Cervera, Granyenella, Montoliu and Verdú) that were former defensive fortifications were either rebuilt and readapted as palaces or definitely abandoned by its owners when they decided to move to main cities.

Castle of Les Sitges (Lleida) Castle of Meià (Lleida) Castle of Verdú (Lleida)


Research (XVIII to XXI centuries)

Fortunately, we have been able to gather quite a lot of information related to this period. Though most of it refers to Cervera and Granyenella.

Starting with the Orobitg families in the above-mentioned villages, since the XVII century they spread in Catalonia, a few of them in the rest of Spain and in Andorra as well. Mention is also made to Mr Antoni Orobitg from Sabadell (Barcelona), who moved to Puerto Rico in late XIX century, thus setting up a new branch that nowadays lives in the USA (mainly in Florida).

We hope to be able to add to this site different Orobitg branches from any part of the world. We thus invite you to collaborate. Thank you in advance for your contributions!

Meanwhile, we have divided the existing information into two branches, as follows:

Branches from Branches from Cervera Granyenella


Research (XVIII to XXI centuries) - Cervera

The Orobitg families in Cervera

Explanation is to be made to a tradition heir system implemented in Catalonia for centuries. According to it, the former male descendant of a family inherited all family properties (family house, lands, working tools, ...). He was in return to remain at the same village, thus further developing the way of living on of his ancestors. When there were no male descendants, the former female descendant was appointed as

heiress. Regarding the other descendants they received a Shield of Cervera (La Segarra) contribution and in some cases married to descendants of prosperous families (when possible). During the XVIII century in Cervera lived some descendants of both Orobitg families from Granyenella, particularly those that were not heirs. They found in Cervera a possibility to succeed.

The Orobitg from Cervera: farmers

Some tried to continue living on agriculture, though with considerable difficulties. As usually the family properties went to the first – born male and considering that new technologies had not introduced into the agriculture sector, it had to be difficult to successfully dedicate to this sector.

The Orobitg from Cervera: builders

Some decided to dedicate to the construction sector. It was a prosperous period. Apart from the construction of the University, an economic and urban development took place. Nobility from neighbourhood villages moved to Cervera, the City Hall building was enlarged, the churches of Saint Magi and Saint Christopher were built as well as the Hospital of Castelltort, …

The Orobitg builders benefited from a good financing position and social prestige. They belonged to the ‘Cofraria of Saint Raphael’, the association sector at that time. To be accepted as member of it, one had to pass complex theoretical exams (building planning, architectonic calculations, …). During at least five generations the Orobitg worked as builders.

Moreover, some of them complemented their incomes by transporting salt from the Cardona’ mines. At that time delays of payments related to the construction sector were very frequent.



Pending issues

Research is to be finished so as to complete the genealogy of those Orobitg families living in Cervera. Nowadays, there are two Orobitg families living in Cervera. One of them has been living in this village for 150 years (five generations) and is native from Verdú (LLeida). The second one are the descendants of (*) the main branch of the Orobitg family from Cal Niu of Granyenella, which for the first time in 400 years decided to move to Cervera.

(*) In small villages each house is usually given a nickname.

The arrival of the Bourbon dynasty

The ‘Guerra de Successió’ or Succession War (1701- 14) led to a new period of radical social, politic and economic changes. It faced two dynasties, the Bourbons (Castilla supported by France, which represented an absolutist and centralised monarchy) against the Austria’s Habsburg dynasty (Catalonia supported by Austria, England, The Netherlands and Portugal, which represented the decentralist imperialism and the important cultural and intellectual process of the XVIII century). As the former finally succeed, it was finally able to implement changes to centralise and make uniform the Kingdoms of Castilla and Catalonia - Arago. As a result, Catalan University of Cervera (Lleida) institutions were finally abolished, thus its economic and political autonomy were cancelled.

Changing period

During the XIX century many conflicts took place. The first of them was the invasion by Napoleó (1801 – 1814), which particularly affected Catalonia, whereas later on the three Carlinist wars (progressist wing against conservative wing).

At the same time, it was characterised by important changes at society level due to the arrival of new technologies (electricity, photography, railway, …) as well as the diffusion of the ideas of the French Revolution. Moreover, the ecclesiastical institutions started losing weight, particularly by the Mendizabal’ process Steam train in Cervera (Lleida) (1836) through which its rich patrimony was privatised.

Furthermore, discussions were tackled around the necessity to switch the monarchic system into a constitutional democracy. Finally, mention is to be made to the important migrant movements (from the countryside to cities) of that period. The most adventurous people moved to America so as to try to succeed and get wealthy.


Modernism, dictatorship and technological revolution

The beginnings of the XX century in Catalonia were quite prosperous and innovative. Moreover, Barcelona was holding at the same time both a new cultural period (international exhibitions in 1888 and 1926, Modernism, ...) together with political movements (trade – union claims, willingness to recover autonomy, ...). However, at international level mention is to be made to the First Wold War (1914 – 18) and the Wall Street crack in 1929.

Modernism: Batlló House by Antoni Gaudí (Barcelona)

Unfortunately the Civil War (1936 - 39) and the fascist dictatorship of Franco (1939 - 75) resulted in an almost 40 years period characterised by an international isolation and an impoverishment of most society levels.

Later on, particularly from 1978 onwards, a democracy period was set – up. It allowed that Catalan institutions (first recovered in 1932 during the Republic, though abolished in 1936) were recovered. Moreover, those who had moved to European or American countries because of the Civil War, were able to come back. Once again, it took place both cultural and economic movements towards a general improvement aiming to reach European living standards.

University of Cervera adapted as military hospital (1938)


Research (XVIII to XXI centuries) - Granyenella

The Orobitg from Granyenella

In Granyenella lived two Orobitg families during the XVIII, XIX and XX centuries. Particularly, one branch lived in a house (known as the ‘above’ Orobitg) located on a square at the top part of the village, whereas the other branch lived in a house named ‘Cal Niu’ located at the bottom part of the village. Granyenella (La Segarra)

Nowadays, none of the Orobitg members live in Granyenella. The heir of the Cal Niu branch moved to Cervera in 1971 and the other branch moved to Bellvís (area of Lleida). Finally, we would like to mention that there is a house known as Cal Orobitg, where nobody has lived for the last 50 years (now in ruinous situation).

The Orobitg from Cal Niu

They lived on agriculture from the very beginning, acquiring new properties and expanding over the years. At the same time they were involved in the social institutions of the village. A document dated in 1724 certifies that Ramon Orobitg worked as councilman of the village council. His son, named Francesc, took the same duties years later. Mention is to be made to the fact that both documents are written in Castilian as a result of the Decree of ‘Nova Planta’ (1716), which abolished the Catalan institutions, and forbad the use of the Catalan language. Other documents (wills, purchase and selling of properties, …) written during the same period are in Catalan due to the importance of Catalonia’s culture to its inhabitants. Decree of ‘Nova Planta’ (1716)

Mention is still made in the documents from the XVII and the XIX centuries to the ancient obligation of paying taxes to the Monastery of Poblet in return for cultivating tracts of land, being the owner the Orobitg family. However, thanks to the Mendizabal process, this obligation finished over 1836.

Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Poblet

Though diseases and plagues had been surmounted, this was a period characterised by numerous warlike conflicts. Consequently, three out of ten generations got the first – male – born descendant died prematurely. Therefore, it was needed to appoint a new heir. Moreover, in four occasions the heir married two or more times as the first wife had prematurely died as well.

Cal Niu (Granyenella)


The ‘above’ Orobitg

Until now we have analysed those documents of the XVII century. One can observe that during the mentioned century this branch suffered from financial restrictions, as they had to sell land in order to pay debts, or to be able to provide a daughter with a contribution so that she could get married, or even to refund a loan lent by the priest itself so as to celebrate a weekly mass. Moreover, those descendants not considered as heirs usually moved to Cervera, where they learnt a profession and complemented their incomes by carrying out some agriculture duties.

Despite technological improvements in other sectors, in 1933 Catalan agriculture used working tools similar to those from the Middle Ages

The arrival of the Bourbon dynasty

The ‘Guerra de Successió’ or Succession War (1701- 14) led to a new period of radical social, politic and economic changes. It faced two dynasties, the Bourbons (Castilla supported by France, which represented an absolutist and centralised monarchy) against the Austria’s Habsburg dynasty (Catalonia supported by Austria, England, The Netherlands and Portugal, which represented the decentralist imperialism and the important cultural and intellectual process of the XVIII century). As the former finally

succeed, it was finally able to implement changes to centralise and make uniform the Kingdoms of Castilla University of Cervera (Lleida) and Catalonia - Arago. As a result, Catalan institutions were abolished, thus its economic and political autonomy were cancelled.


Changing period

During the XIX century many conflicts took place. The first of them was the invasion by Napoleó (1801 – 1814), which particularly affected Catalonia, whereas later on the three Carlinist wars (progressist wing against conservative wing).

At the same time, it was characterised by important changes at society level due to the arrival of new technologies (electricity, photography, railway, …) as well as the diffusion of the ideas of the French Revolution. Moreover, the ecclesiastical institutions started losing weight, particularly by the Mendizabal’ process Steam train in Cervera (Lleida) (1836) through which its rich patrimony was privatised.

Furthermore, discussions were tackled around the necessity to switch the monarchic system into a constitutional democracy. Finally, mention is to be made to the important migrant movements (from the countryside to cities) of that period. The most adventurous people moved to America so as to try to succeed and get wealthy.

Modernism, dictatorship and technological revolution

The beginnings of the XX century in Catalonia were quite prosperous and innovative. Moreover, Barcelona was holding at the same time both a new cultural period (international exhibitions in 1888 and 1926, Modernism, ...) together with political movements (trade – union claims, willingness to recover autonomy, ...). However, at international level mention is to be made to the First Wold War (1914 – 18) and the Wall Street crack in 1929.

Modernism: Batlló House by Antoni Gaudí (Barcelona)

Unfortunately the Civil War (1936 - 39) and the fascist dictatorship of Franco (1939 - 75) resulted in an almost 40 years period characterised by an international isolation and an impoverishment of most society levels.

Later on, particularly from 1978 onwards, a democracy period was set – up. It allowed that Catalan institutions (first recovered in 1932, though abolished in 1936) were recovered. Moreover, those who had moved to European or American countries because of the Civil War, were able to come back. Once again, it took place both cultural and economic movements towards a general improvement aiming to reach European living standards.

University of Cervera adapted as military hospital (1938)


The Orobitg

f r o m A m e r i c a

Puerto Rico and the USA

At the end of the XIX century, Mr Antoni Orobitg, a carpenter from Sabadell (Barcelona), moved to Puerto Rico. In 1898 Puerto Rico got his independence from Spain. Despite this fact, the first Orobitg in this country had already settled in definitely.

Internet has allowed us to contact with the direct descendants of Mr Antoni Orobitg. They have been actively collaborating with us. Nowadays Ms Sisy Orobitg Reyes lives in Miami, whereas her family lives in the south of the USA and Puerto Rico.

We hope we will soon be able to update this web – site by incorporating the information they have provide us with.


Nowadays, there are four 'Orobitg' families in Argentina. It is unknown to us how and when did they moved to this country. However, Argentina was a common destination for quite a lot of Catalan people moving to Latin America in the XIX and XX centuries.

Until now we have not succeed in contacting the descendants of those families neither in Argentina nor in Catalonia or other parts of Spain.


Different ways of writing Orobitg

Such a peculiar surname usually requires it is spelled, especially when registering official documents, otherwise administrative mistakes could be made. But, what did it happen centuries ago when our ancestors, as most of the population, were illiterate and did not know how to write their surname? According to members of the Catalan Society of Genealogy (‘Interesting links’ section), it usually happened in Catalonia that a surname was written in different ways within a same family line because those family members did not know how to write it.

Different ways of writing Orobitg

The way the surnames were written basically depended on how the notary public understood their pronunciation. Below you will find a synopsis of the evolution of the different ways of writing the surname as it has been recorded in different ancient documents:

XIII century – ORVIG: The only document of the XIII available until now (Mr Arnaldi Orvig, Cervera, 1249), registers the surname without the second ‘O’.

XIV century – ORVIG, ORBIG, OROVIG: For the first time, one can find the surname written as ‘Orbig’ instead of ‘Orvig’, being the pronunciation the same in both cases. The need to differentiate families with the same surname could be as well a reason to write the surname in different way, as this particularity is often observed through centuries. Finally, from 1366 onwards it will be written including the second ‘O’.

XV century - OROVIG: The most common version is OROVIG, though other versions that only appear in this century are ‘Orevix’ and ‘Arovix’. Moreover, in a same village appears someone called ‘Orovig’ and another person called ‘Oromir’. It is not clear if ‘Oromir’ is a new way of writing the surname.

XVI century – OROVIG: The ‘Orovig’ version is still the most frequently used. Other versions are Arovig, Oromig and Oranig! At the end of this century one started using –ITG at the end (Orovitg).

XVII – OROVIG, OROVITG, OREVITG: Both versions are used, though from mid century onwards the common version is OROVITG. Other founded versions are Orevitg and Horevitg. Please note that in the latter version ‘H’ is not pronounced.

XVIII century – OROVITG: During this century some documents are signed directly by the Orobitg members. Therefore, it is plausible that the literate process finally arrived to the countryside. Still, the ‘Orovitg’ version is the most commonly used.

XIX century – OROVITG, OROBITG: For the first time it appears the ‘Orobitg’ version, which was used more often than the ‘Orovitg’ one. The use of the ‘b’ could come from the influence of the Castilian. Please note that the pronunciation is the same in both cases.

XX century – OROBITG: The used version is ‘Orobitg’.


Two examples from the XVIII century

In 1772 Mr Jaume Orovitg signed this document using a clear understandable calligraphy, in contrast with the writing of the notary itself (bottom part of the document). Mr Jaume Orovitg lived in Cervera and belonged to a branch that was member of the builders association, thus having received a good education. Curiously, Mr Jaume Orovitg wrote his surname using ‘v’, whereas he wrote the surname of his father, Mr Francesch Orobitg differently (b)!


‘... per mi Jaume Orovitg y per Francesch Orobitg mon pare y de sa voluntat firmo jo Jaume Orovitg.

En poder de mi Josep Armengol y Perello notari ------collegiat de Cervera y afirmo coneixer els dits confessants y que dit Jaume Orovitg per ell y per dit son pare per no saber de escriure y de sa voluntat ho firma de sa ma.’

In 1766 Mr Jolià Orovix reached an agreement to get married to Ms Margarida Magre. Mr Jolià Orovix and his father Mr Francesc Orovig were from Granyenella, lived on agriculture and apparently wrote their surname with some difficulties. Moreover, they wrote it differently! Jolià had been appointed as heir, though he died prematurely.


‘Felip Magre, Francesch Orovig, Jolià Orovix. Per las nombradas Madalena Magre y Margarida Orovig y Magre per dir no saber escriure de sa voluntat y presencia firmo jo Francisco ...’


Orobitg as it is nowadays written

According to the Catalan Statistics Institute (IDESCAT, 31st December 2000), there are in Catalonia two derived versions from Orobitg, particularly Orovitg and Arobitg, being in both cases quite a minority comparing to Orobitg. Logo of the Catalan Statistics Other ancient particular versions (Orovig, Arovig, Orevitg, Oromig, Orovix, Institute Arovix, Orevix, Arovitg,...) have completely disappeared.

Moreover, there is a surname that could come from Orobitg, which is written in two different ways as follows: Oronich and Oranich. Furthermore, since 1497 until at least the XVII century, one can find Orobitg members in Gramuntell (Lleida). Curiously, in the census of Gramuntell in 1553, one can find somebody called Oranig! (could it come from Orobitg as well ...?)

Furthermore, there has always been certain confusion around the surnames ‘Orobitg’ and ‘Oromí’. Until now it has not been possible to confirm that both surnames share a same origin. In any case, different versions of Oromí, such as Aromí and Arumí are nowadays more common than Orobitg.

According to the Idescat services, there are in Catalonia 317 people that hold ‘Orobitg’ as either first or second surname (*), which represents 0,005% of the total population of Catalonia. Effectively, in contrast with other surnames, ‘Orobitg’ has not spread through the years. Therefore, it is not considered a common surname. Moreover, as its pronunciation is very different comparing to other surnames, if your surname is ‘Orobitg’, you have probably been asked quite a lot of times where do you come from!

Within the ranking of the surnames available in Catalonia, ‘Orobitg’ is in the 4393 position, ‘Orovitg’ in the 32535 position and ‘Arovitg’ in the 35759 position. This list has been drafted considering the number of people holding each existing surname.

(*) Please note that in our country a person holds two surnames. The first one is the surname of the father, whereas the second one is the mother’s surname. Lately, the government changed the law so that the first surname can be switched by the second one.


Origin of the surname

The legend

There is within our branch a legend that has been explained through generations. It says that the first Orobitg member was a Russian soldier that came to Catalonia due to warlike conflicts in the northern part of Europe.

It is difficult to certify if it is true or not. However, as it has been explained for centuries, we shall better bear it in mind in case one day we come across a document that could add valuable information in terms of confirming this legend or denying it.

Soldier from the Middle Ages

The experts’ opinion

FRANCESC DE BORJA MOLL. In his book ‘The Catalan surnames’, Mr Francesc de Borja Moll classifies ‘Orobitg’ amongst the surnames of Germanic origin. Without providing further details, he says:

‘Orovig. Orobig. Orobitg. Orabitg. Arovitx and Revig come from Ordwig, which is made of ‘ort’ (‘sword’) and ‘wig’ (‘fight’)’

JAIME DE QUEREXETA. Bask etymologist that in 1970 wrote the ‘The Basc Surnames and Shields Dictionary’. In his opinion, ‘Orobitg’ is a version of

some Bask surnames such as Orobi, Orobit, Orobio, Orobia, Borobio and Francesc de Borja Moll Borobia.

In this case, Orobi would mean ‘place of barley’, as it is made of ‘oro’ (‘barley’) and ‘bi’ (‘place of’).

Our hypothesis

Considering that we are enthusiasts of history, but not professionals, below you will find our opinions, which have been drafted based on information gathered during the last years as well as coherent reasoning.

Moreover, as detailed before the Orobitg surname was written in different ways. Not to mention that both from 1249 until the XVIII the Orobitg were illiterate and that the notary public wrote the surname according to how he understood its pronunciation. This is way we have decided to concentrate on the pronunciation as a key element to compare ‘Orobitg’ with other international surnames.

Balkan origin Russian origin Catalan origin



Arguments for:

• Within the former Yugoslavia quite a lot of surnames end with -IC, being its pronunciation the same as –ITG (‘Orobitg’) • Within the same area, there are quite a lot of surnames that start with ORO- (Orolic, Orosic, Orozovic, Orobabic, Orovic,...) • By using the telephone guide of Croatia, we have been able to verify that nowadays there are in this country some families named Orovic. It happens that the pronunciation of the Croatian ‘Orovic’ is the same as the Catalan ‘Orobitg’ • Given that the first documented Orobitg (Mr Arnaldi Orvig, Cervera, 1249) belongs to a period (XIII to XV centuries) during which the Kingdom of Catalonia - Arago expanded considerably over the Mediterranean (*), it could be possible that either a trader or a navigator could have brought this surname to Catalonia

(*) Dubrovnik (Ragusa) had a permanent trade office in Barcelona and the Kingdom of Catalonia – Arago had a permanent trade office in Dubrovnik (Ragusa).

Zadar (Croatia), map of 1675 Croatia and Zadar (in red), map of 2006

Arguments against:

• We should not forget that in the XIII century Catalonia had just begun its trade relationships over the Mediterranean, which were to become more important over the years. • As none of the more ancient documents gathered until now (XIII and XIV centuries) contain any mention of the origin of the Orobitg members, right now we are not able to confirm that ‘Orobitg’ has a foreign origin. • Similarities among modern surnames do not imply that they have a common origin. Moreover, we have to take into consideration that languages evolve.



Though until now we have not been able to find evidences confirming that Orobitg has a foreign origin, the family legend has make us being interested in the Russian and Tartar surnames. Please note that Catalan people from the Middle Ages said ‘Tartar’ to mean those people coming from Oriental Europe and Russia.

The Horowitz family

Some years ago, we paid attention to the surname of a famous pianist of Russian origin, Mr Vladimir Horowitz. With a lot of imagination but no scientific reasoning, we tried to find links between the ‘Horowitz’ and the ‘Orobitg’ families as follows:

• As ‘H’ is not pronounced in Catalan, Horowitz could have evolved as --> Orowitz • As ‘W’ is a letter rarely used in Catalan, notary public could have easily transformed Orowitz into --> Orovitz • The end of the Orobitg surname in Catalan is still nowadays difficult to pronounce, thus getting into confusion quite frequently when writing it. Horowitz – Orobitg, non – Moreover, the ‘z’ in small letters can easily be read in Catalan as ‘g’ verified development of the (Orovitz --> Orovitg) surname

Internet allowed us to find a wide developed web – site (www.geocities.com/horowitzassociation/) that has confirmed that there are no origin links between the Horowitz and the Orobitg families.

It explains that the Horowitz is a Jewish family of Czech origin. They say that one of the families thrown out of Spain at the end of the XV century settled in a Czech village called Horevice. When years later it moved to Prague, they decided to use the name of the village as a surname.

Should the Orobitg from Catalonia had been Jewish, this fact would have been registered in the ancient documents we have been gathering. We can confirm however, that in those documents there is no

mention of this fact. Moreover, if the origin of the Horowitz surname is dated on the XV century and we have been able to find a document Logo of the Horowitz Association registering Mr Arnaldi Orvig (Cervera) in 1249, we are able to confirm that ‘Horowitz’ and ‘Orobitg’ do not share the same origin.

Nowadays, ‘Horowitz’ is a common surname in Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Israel and the USA. This fact is quite understandable considering that Jewish people are characterised by their high mobility.


The Tartar people

People coming from a wide range of destinations arrived in Catalonia from the XIII century onwards. Some came as slaves, whereas others due to trade relationships or other reasons. Some slaves of wealthy families were known as Tartar. Please note that at that time in Catalonia any person known as Tartar meant that he – she came from any country of a wide Asian area (from the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean) that was either governed by Tartarian people or whose inhabitants came from Tartaria.

Ancient map of Europe indicating Tartaria

Strange though it may seem, during the Middle Ages some people travelled to distant countries. They had different reasons to do so: Christian process in the Middle East and North African countries, trade of exotic products (saffron, species, silk, tints, gold, …), immigration in order to search a new country to settle in or to escape from wars or fighting conflicts, ...

Though until now we have not been able to find any document certifying the existence of some Orobitg of foreign origin, the fact of the migratory movements of Tartarian people towards the Western European countries provide the legend of our family with a certain degree of credibility.

In any case, we should not forget that the most ancient Orobitg found until now (Mr Arnaldi Orvig, Cervera, 1249) belongs to a period when the migratory movements and the expansion over the Mediterranean had just started. Mr Arnaldi Orvig (1249) was the owner of a piece of land, therefore he was not a slave. However, we should bear in mind as well that in some cases slaves were allowed to get their freedom and be owners of land properties.


Nowadays, there is a Russian Republic called Tartarstan, which is located in the central area of this country. It has 3,873,600 inhabitants, 44% Russian and 48% Tartarian.

Map detailing the localisation of Tatarstan (2003)



Amongst the hypothesis related to the origin of the surname, one could think about the possibility of a Catalan origin.

Arguments for:

• According to the information analysed until now, the Orobitg families lived in Lleida since the XIII century and from the XVII onwards they moved to other parts of Catalonia and other countries. • In the northern part of Catalonia (quite near to Cervera and Granyenella), one can find names of villages, whose origin belongs to centuries before the Roman period (Basc origin, Celtic origin, Iberian origin). Some of them (such as Nyer, Olopte, Oveix, Urtx, ...) are quite peculiar and strange to us due to their so ancient origin. Moreover, the use of the surnames was generalised from the XI century onwards. It may have happened that the Orobitg had adopted such an ancient name (as the above mentioned villages) that nowadays it results peculiar to us.

Arguments against:

• It is difficult to find either in Catalonia or in the rest of Spain surnames starting with ORO- (Orozco, Orona, Oromir) and there are no references of surnames ended by -ITG. • Only the etymologists Mr Moll and Mr Querexeta have dealt with the origin of the ‘Orobitg’ surname. They do not agree on the origin of the surname. In any case, neither Mr Moll nor Mr Querexeta say that ‘Orobitg’ has a Catalan origin.


Where do they live N o w a d a y s

Geographical distribution of the Orobitg in Catalonia

According to the Catalan Statistics Institute (IDESCAT, 31st December 2000) , there are in Catalonia 317 people that hold ‘Orobitg’ as either first or second surname (*), which represents 0,005% of the total population of

Catalonia. Logo of the Catalan Statistics Institute (*) As explained before, in our country a person holds two surnames. The first one is the surname of the father, whereas the second one is the mother’s surname. Lately, the government changed the law so that the first surname can be switched by the second one.

It can be confirmed that the concentration of ‘Orobitg’ in Lleida (Segarra 6,94% + Urgell 17,3% = 23,97%) is still important nowadays, specially considering that in this area the density of population as well as the degree of its industrialisation are quite low. Moreover, one can observe the fact that over the years some Orobitg moved towards the main cities (usually the most industrialised) so as to find new opportunities to live on.


Geographical distribution of the Orobitg in the world

Though we have not been able to develop this section by using official statistics data, in 2002 we made a research analysing the European, North – American and South – American telephone guides available in Internet. Considering that the before mentioned information sources present some limits (ie some people avoid their surname appears on phone guides, phone guides only record the name of one person – not the whole family members, ...), the below detailed graphics should be considered as an orientation only:

Gathered data certifies that the ‘Orobitg’ live mostly in Catalonia. Up to 28,16% of the ‘Orobitg’ live outside Catalonia, particularly in:

• 11,17% in different Spanish provinces • 4,85% in Andorra (a small country located in the Pyrenees – between France and Spain) • 9,71% in America (Puerto Rico, Argentina and the USA). Probably the Orobitg from Puerto Rico and the USA come from the same branch. However, until now it is to us unknown the origin of the ‘Orobitg’ from Argentina.


It is clear that since the XIII century onwards there is a non – interrupted concentration of Orobitg in Catalonia, particularly in the area of Lleida. The origin of the branches from Barcelona and the Spanish provinces should be studied (in fact, they are being studied) to verify if their origins come from Lleida as well. If so, we should concentrate in investigating the hypothesis of a foreign origin in Catalonia towards the XIII century.


Where do they live from XIII to XIX centuries

Settlements of the Orobitg in 1497

In 1497 ‘Ferran el Catòlic’ was the King of Catalonia. In 1497 he ordered to made a ‘Fogatge’, which was a census made to recollect taxes, which registered one person per family (usually the father). Within the ‘Fogatge’ (1497) we have found out:

• Mr Guim Arovix in Gramuntell (Lleida) • Mr Pere Orevix çabater (‘shoemaker’) in Cervera (Lleida) • Mr Anthoni Orovig and Mr Johan Oromir in Granyenella (Lleida)

In other parts of Catalonia there are eleven families, whose surname is ‘Oromir’. Though we believe that ‘Oromir’ is a different surname, in 1497 there was an ‘Oromir’ in Granyenella. This fact could be explained as a necessity to differentiate families with the same surname ...

Diseases in the XIV century, the war against ‘Joan Catalonia, XXI century II’ (John II) and the Jewish being thrown out resulted in an important decrease of the Kingdom of Catalonia’ inhabitants.

Settlements of the Orobitg in 1553

In 1553 it was ordered a new ‘Fogatge’ (census) was made. As well as in the ‘Fogatge’ made in 1497, it is clear that the Orobitg’ settlements are located in the area of Lleida, as follows:

• In Gramuntell, Mr Gabriell Oranig, who we believe is descendant of Mr Guim Arovix (1497) as there are no other similar surnames in this village. Moreover, 33 years later (in 1586) there is Mr Pere Oromig in Gramuntell, who was probably the descendant of Mr Gabriell Oranig. • In Granyena, Mr Montserrat Oronig, priest. Please note that at that time Montserrat was a male name (whereas nowadays it is female)! • In Granyenella, Mr Antoni Arovig, Ms Aroviga (widow) and Mr Joan Aromir. We believe that two branches existed in Granyenella and that Mr Joan (*) Aromir got his surname changed in order to differentiate from other family members with the same name. • Verdú (for the first time), Mr Antoni Orovig and Mr Joan Oromig. • In contrast, there were no ‘Orobitg’ members in Cervera

(*) Please note that in Catalan ‘Joan’ is a male name (John)


Settlements of the Orobitg in the XVII and XVIII centuries

Certain documents demonstrate that during both centuries the Orobitg descendants spread over Catalonia. They lived not only in Cervera, Granyena, Granyenella, Verdú and Gramuntell (area of Lleida), but also in Tàrrega, Tèrmens and later on in Sabadell (the latter near to Barcelona). This analysis is to be finished and completed by the census of Catalonia in 1687, 1718 and 1787.


Who we are

The reasons to set up this web - site

It was in 1977 when Mr Andrés Barrera, a sociologist of the Complutense University of Madrid contacted us. He was preparing a thesis related to the Heir System in Catalonia. This is why he offered to analyse a list of documents our ancestors had been gathering (purchase of lands, wills, wedding rights and duties, ...). As a result, a first genealogy was drafted. Years later, we further developed this study due to a request by the subject of History at high school.

Later on, we have taken advantage (when possible) of our spare time to further develop the research by visiting historical archives, searching information on Internet or reading books and articles.

As a result we have over the years gathered valuable information that we would like to share with you. Moreover, we would like that this web Document certifying the purchase of a – site serves as a tool to collect other available information so as to tract of land (1766). The original is take a step further towards the research of the origin of the surname. kept by our family together with other ancient documents.

Who we are We are the descendants of the Orobitg family from Cal Niu (Granyenella). From left to right: Maria (daughter), Carme Petit (mother), Òscar (Eulàlia’s husband), Eulàlia (daughter), Sisco (father) and Francesc (son).

Curiously, none of us is related to history research: Maria is economist, Carme leads a natural healthy therapies shop, Òscar is an IT professional, Eulàlia works for a financing bank, Sisco is nowadays retired (former farmer and furniture industrial manager) and Francesc is an industrial designer.

Our villages

Granyenella. It is located 5 km far from Cervera. Cervera (7000 inhabitants). We have grown Our direct ancestors lived in this village since the up in Cervera, surrounded by an important XIII century. historical heritage.


Future projects

New technologies have allowed us to know the Orobitg family from America, to connect with many other Orobitg that we did not know they exist, to divulge the results of the research we have been carrying out during the last years, ...

[email protected]

So as to take a complementary step, we believe the best way to share the opinions of all Orobitg and to know each other would be to organise a meeting of Orobitg members.

• Would you like to know the Orobitg from Argentina or the USA and how they moved to the American continent? • Do you know that amongst the Orobitg we count on a representative of FC Barcelona (football team)’ players, a mathematician university professor, architects, doctors, farmers, anthropologists, high school teachers, engineers, lawyers, ...? • Would you like to now how your ancestors lived? • Would it be interesting to you to listen to a professional genealogist so as to get an in depth sight into history and the study of genealogies and, perhaps, to provide us with some answers?

Right now the idea of organising this meeting is a future project. However, we remain thinking about the ‘ideal recipe’ so that our wish one day becomes true.

+ + +

To know people To listen to professional To learn more about history genealogists

+ + =

A little bit of music and dance To enjoy a good lunch The perfect recipe !!!


Do you wish to collaborate?

• Do you know anyone whose surname is Orobitg? • If your surname is Orobitg, have you ever drafted a genealogy of your family? • Do you have any hypothesis related to the origin of the Orobitg surname? • Sometimes Orobitg can be seen as a peculiar surname ... could you like to explain us any anecdote?

In order to discover the origin of the surname we have to rebuild the history of the family as if it was a puzzle, where each interlocking piece is as important as the others to be able to get to the origin. If you have information we would appreciate that you send it so as to further investigate on the origin of the surname:

[email protected]

Should you need any further information or wish to send your suggestions and comments, do not hesitate to contact us.

Based on the received information, we will try to obtain answers to pending questions such as:

• Does the origin of the surname Orobitg come from Catalonia?, or • Is the origin of it Balkan, Russian, Germanic, ...? • Being so ancient, why Orobitg has not widely spread?


Interesting links

Willing to get more information? Below you will find a list of different interesting web – sites.


Catalan Society of Genealogy (*****) – Wide developed site that contains information related to Catalan surnames. Moreover, it provides with not only ideas to find sources of information, but also indications on how to proceed to investigate the origin of a surname. Furthermore, people from any country are able to send messages asking for their ancient Catalan origins. Finally, it contains links to partner members and other interesting sources.

Family Search (****) - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-days Saints gathers information from international historical archives in order to facilitate researches of your ancestors. It also advises on how to carry out a research as well as the selection of potential sources of information.

Geneanet.org (***) – It links with other web – sites related to any particular surname from any country. Though it contains a lot of information, it is easy to use. It is available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish, Portuguese and Dutch.

Ancestry.com (***) – Do you wish to know if you have family links in the USA?

Catalan Statistics Institute - Surnames (***) – Amongst others, it provides information on the number of people from Catalonia that hold a specific surname. Incredible though it may seem, did you know that nowadays Garcia, Martinez and Lopez are the most common surnames in Catalonia?

Infobel (***) – It links to telephone guides from any country. Bear in mind that English or French versions of those guides are not available in some cases.

Surnames.org (***) – It specialises in searching for the origins of surnames. It provides information of the origin, meaning, history, genealogy, statistics, celebrities, and shields ... of 4276 Catalan surnames.



Tourism of Catalonia (****) – It provides useful information for whoever wishes to visit Catalonia, such as tourism offices, cultural events agenda, weather forecast, updated traffic data, lodging, ... Moreover, it links to the institutions responsible for tourism promotion in Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida and Girona.

Ara Lleida (***) – A virtual insight into different attractive aspects of the area of Lleida (mountain sports, rural tourism, culture, Romanesque, ...). Moreover, if you wish, you will be sent a free brochure. The ‘Diputació de Lleida’ (a representative institution of Lleida) provides a site for each village. So as to get into it you have to access to http://(nameofvillage).ddl.net (ie http://verdu.ddl.net)

Cistercian Route (**) – To know more about the Cistercian monasteries of Catalonia and their neighbouring villages.

Visit to the Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Poblet (***) – An interesting site that allows you to virtually visit most of the Monastery’ sections. It is available in Catalan and Spanish.

City hall of Cervera (****) – To those who wish to know more about the village where Mr Arnaldi Orvig (1249), the first documented Orobitg in Catalonia lived in. It contains a video explaining the history of Cervera since its very beginnings.



Globofiesta – Specialised in providing services to decorate celebrations by

using globes and other materials. Do you joint us?

Formes 14 - Formes 14 is a commercial and play area offering modern high quality furniture and home related complements.

www.orobitg.com – It provides information related to Transme, a company from Lleida specialised in transforming, developing and finishing parts made of iron, aluminium and stainless steel.

‘ARC Cultura i Espectacles’ – ‘Promocions Artístiques Orobitg’ is a well – known company from Cervera specialising in the provision of show and music companies.

Joel Orobitg - Pigtail is a rock and blues music group from Andorra. It is lead by Joel Orobitg.

Horowitz Association – Horowitz is a wide world – widespread Jewish family. In its web – site you will find further details on its history. .