Hawai‘i Tourism 2018 Market Updates

Presenter Name Reene Ho-Phang Hawaiʻi Tourism China [email protected]

#GTA2017 China Economic Outlook  Exchange  Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) . RMB vs USD: 8.45% China 114 112 110 108 106 104 102 100

China Sources : Bloomberg Markets

#GTS2017 3 China Outbound Travel – Market Growth

#GTS2017 4 Highlights of 2018 BMP | 22. Market Trends #1 – ‘New’ First Tier | 11.7m

Nanjing | 7.2m

Zhengzhou | 4.3m | 11.1m Xi’an | 6.5m | 6.3m | 7.4m | 4.1m | 7.5m | 3.7m | 9.8m | 3.1m | 3.5m

Kunming | 3.9m | 6.2m | 0.8m | 11.1m

Shenzhen | 10.4m | 3.5m

#GTS2017 6 Market Trends #2 – Digitization of China

#GTS2017 7 Market Trends #3 – Relaxed Visa One Belt One Road

#GTS2017 8 Market Challenges #1 – Airlift

Changsha – Beijing – Las Vegas – Beijing – Los Hangzhou – San Francisco Xiamen – Shenzhen – Chengdu – Los Angeles Angeles Chengdu – New York – New York Chengdu – New York Shanghai – San Jose Chengdu – Hangzhou – Los Xiamen – Los Angeles Chongqing – Los Angeles Shenzhen – Los Angeles Angeles Chongqing – New York

Shanghai – Beijing – Los Angeles Xi’an – San Francisco – Qingdao – San Shanghai - Francisco

#GTS2017 9 Market Challenges #2 – Hawaiʻi at Premium

#GTS2017 10 Chinese Arrivals to Hawaiʻi – Green Shoots

China Arrivals & LOS 2015 2016 Growth(%) Dispersal 2015 2016 Growth (%)

Group Tours 87,924 80,071 -8.9 Oʻahu 95% 96% 1

FIT 85,596 90,007 5.2 Island of Hawaiʻi 26% 29% 3

Maui 16% 19% 3

Kaua‘i 3% 3% -

#GTS2017 11 Target Audience Trade Marketing – 2018 China Mission ● Camp ALOHA!

#GTS2017 13 Group Travel Agents

#GTS2017 14 FIT Travel Agents

#GTS2017 15 Luxury Travel Agents

#GTS2017 16 Happy Healthy Hawaiʻi - 2018 Initiatives

#GTS2017 17 Happy Healthy Hawaiʻi - 2018 Initiatives

6. “Be Inspire” 1. Diamond of MCI Pack Islands

5. Little Astronomer of 乐活 2. Island Styles Hawaiʻi of Seasons Lè huó

3. Hawaiʻi Baby 4. Cuisine of Ambassador ALOHA

#GTS2017 18 Leisure Initiative #1 – ‘Diamond’ of Islands

#GTS2017 19 Initiative #2: Island Styles of Seasons

#GTS2017 20 Initiative #3: Hawaiʻi Baby Ambassador

#GTS2017 21 Initiative #4: Food Culture Of Aloha

#GTS2017 22 MCI Campaign #1: Be inspired ● Hawaiʻi MCI pack!

#GTS2017 23 MCI Campaign #2: Little Astronomer of Hawaiʻi

#GTS2017 24 Summary

Incremental Target KPI 24,000 Visitor Arrivals

Incremental US$43.2 Million Expenditures 88Million Generated Number of Impressions

Million Total Tentative Room Nights US$16.5 PR Value 45,000

14,000 Total Definite Room Nights Total Definite Room Nights 10,000 (New to Hawaiʻi)

#GTS2017 25 Hawai‘i Tourism Kong 2018 Market Updates

Speaker: Yvonne Ma Director, HTHK

#GTA2017 Economic / Political Environment

 GDP growth rate  Unemployment rate  Consumer price index

#GTA2017 Economic / political environment economic outlook

3.1% IN 2017 3.3% IN 2017 103.8% IN 2017

2% IN 2016 3.3% IN 2016 102.5% IN 2016 GDP Growth Unemployment Consumer Price Rate Rate Index

#GTS2017 28 Trends in Hong Kong

 Industry updates  Road trip  Eco-tourism and environmental conservation  travel  Romantic break - LGBT

#GTA2017 Trends in Hong Kong Arrivals into Hawai‘i in Jan – Jun 2016 & 2017

Industry Updates 4400 4324

 26.5% increase in HK’s total arrivals to 4200 Hawai‘i from Jan to Jun 2017 4000  Total visitor spending: USD 7.78 million 3800

3600 3418 3400 (Source: Airlines subscribed system Marketing Information Data Tapes - MIDT) 3200

3000 2016 2017

#GTS2017 30 Trends in Hong Kong Provisional Civil International Air Traffic Statistics at HKIA Jan – Jun 2016 & 2017 Industry Updates 6,400,000  35.7 million passenger traffic 6,300,000 6,200,000  ↑1.3% YOY 6,100,000 6,000,000 5,900,000 5,800,000 5,700,000 5,600,000 5,500,000 5,400,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2016 2017

#GTS2017 31 Trends in Hong Kong Self-drive  17% of the HK traveler swould rent vehicle in advance  Hong Kong ranked no.15 among global car rental industry by region  Top 5 travel themes at HK International Travel Expo (ITE)

#GTS2017 32 Trends in Hong Kong Eco-tourism and Environmental Conservation

 Increasing ecotourism education / travel trends

E.g. Sustainable agriculture and promotes creative nature education - organic farms and organize community activities and farmers markets for family trips

 Top 5 travel themes by Hong Kong travelers

#GTS2017 33 Trends in Hong Kong Family Travel  Over 90% of parents have traveled with their children  Over 50% first brought their children to travel when they were only 0-2 years old  Reasons for family travel: . 30% : academic related reasons . 20% : as a reward for having good academic results . 8% : inspect overseas schooling and boarding environment . 2% : use travelling experience as part of the portfolio for school interviews

#GTS2017 34 Trends in Hong Kong Romantic Break  Nearly 50% of HK consumers travel as a couple

 No anti-discrimination or same-sex marriage laws in HK

 60% of Hongkongers would be in favor of an anti-discrimination law for LGBT people

 Total value of Hong Kong’s LGBT tourism market was estimated to be US$4.3 billion in 2015, representing about 1.45 per cent of the ’s gross domestic product for that year.

#GTS2017 35 Target Market

 Millennials - Active Leisure FIT travelers  Millennials - Avid Outdoor Travelers  Romance – LGBT Couples

#GTA2017 Millennials Active Leisure FIT Travelers  Experiential, highly educated, Seeks to learn

Avid Outdoor Travelers  Well-travelled, value distinctive travel, experiences

LGBT Couples  Destination weddings, Honeymoon, Anniversaries, Romance escape

#GTS2017 37 Highlights of 2018 Brand Management Plan

 Wild & Wondrous  Green Dreams  Trade Education  CAMP ALOHA 2018 Sales Mission  Nikon – I AM ALOHA  LGBT Romance in Aloha State

#GTA2017 WILD & WONDROUS TOUR January 2018

 Target: Outdoor FIT Travelers

 Concept . Highlight the secret and authentic WILD destinations . See unspoiled scenery, find unspoiled people. . Unprecedented access to local passions and interests . Joining local workshops and meeting with locals . Going through corridor of small communities

#GTS2017 39 Green Dreams – Eco-Chic Hawai‘i attractions March 2018  Target: Eco-friendly Travelers

 Concept . Promote eco-friendly destinations/activities . ‘Enjoy travel with a conscience’ – KEEPING IT PONO! . Educate the visitors via earned media

#GTS2017 40 Trade Education Part 1 - FAMs February 2018

 Maui and Kaua‘i Exploration  6 leading Hong Kong OTA, wholesalers and high end niche agencies  Hawai‘i Expert master test  Certificate of Maui and Kaua‘i as expert  Encourage them to promote the islands with  recognition

#GTS2017 41 Nikon – I AM ALOHA Nikon x Aloha Dog Walk in Little Hawai‘i Trail in Hong Kong & Doctor Dog Visit July 2018

#GTS2017 42 Nikon – I AM ALOHA

#GTS2017 43 Nikon – I AM ALOHA Nikon x Astrolink x HTHK – Unspoiled Nature – Hawai‘i Guide Book

July – October 2018  Launch a comprehensive travel guide to the islands of Hawai‘I  1st Hong Kong traditional Chinese Hawai‘i guide book  Suggest inspiring scenic road trip itineraries . Distributed by Nikon and Astrolink via : . Hong Kong Radio • Hong Kong Space Museum • Big Camera Retail Shops in Hong Kong • Schools & Photography groups in Hong Kong • Leading HK newspaper such as HK01

#GTS2017 44 Pink Dot HK x LGBT Romance in the Rainbow State

Initiative 7 (October 2018)  Target audience: LGBT Community in HK

 Concept . Capture a greater market share of LGBT travelers from HK market = 700,000 population . New product offerings to retail agencies and high spending niche market . Pink Dot HK is a free, annual outdoor carnival and concert in support of inclusiveness and diversity . Increase awareness of range of Hawai‘i offerings . Promote equality to HK market, spreading Aloha spirit!

#GTS2017 45 Target KPI in 2018

 Total visitor arrivals: 9,965

Arrival no. 2016 -2018 YOY

10,000 9,500 9,000 8,500 12.4% 8,000 7,500 7,000 2016 2017 2018

#GTS2017 46 Contact

Reene Ho Phang - Managing Director, HTC & HTHK [email protected]

Echo Zhou – Trade & MCI Director, HTC [email protected]

Yvonne Ma - Director, HTHK [email protected]
