Africa – Birds & Birding 62 Greater Spotted Eagle

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Africa – Birds & Birding 62 Greater Spotted Eagle 62 GREATER SPOTTED EAGLE AFRICA – BIRDS & BIRDING Left The juvenile he distribution range of the Greater Spotted Eagle, Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga, photographed while wintering in India. T from West to east, extends from East Poland across to Ussuriland and Manchuria on the Pacific Ocean, in east- ernmost Russia and China. From north to south it runs from the southern edge of the taiga to the rim of the steppe zone. Once clearly much more common, the species is today very rare throughout its range. As well as being the rarest, the Greater Spotted Eagle is also the least studied of all European eagle species. As part of a long-term programme we are endeavour- ing to raise the level of knowledge and increase the protection of this highly endangered species, by using the most advanced technology, such as satellite tracking, to investigate its migration and overwintering habits. Until now, very little has been known about the geographical location of this species’ wintering grounds in Africa. Ringing provides no clues because of the small number of birds ringed and the Text by minimal recovery rate. According to the relevant field guides, it is a Palearctic Bernd-U. Meyburg, winter migrant to Africa, chiefly north- east Africa, and is unknown south of the Christiane Meyburg, Equator. Formerly recorded as being quite common in Eritrea, its recent status is obscure. Accurate records are scarce Tadeusz Mizera, and many are doubtful, as the species is often mistaken for a Steppe, Tawny or Grzegorz Maciorowski Lesser Spotted Eagle. With the help of satellite telemetry, by and Jan Kowalski means of a small transmitter harnessed to the bird and tracked by way of two Photographs by NASA satellites, we succeeded for the first time in proving that a Greater Bernd-U. Meyburg Spotted Eagle spent more than two months in Zambia, far further south than its previously known or presumed wintering grounds. ୴ 1998 – VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1 GREATER SPOTTED EAGLE 63 On 18 and 20 July 1996 a pair of Greater Above The Greater Spotted Of the many measurements taken, only a Spotted Eagles were successfully trapped in Eagle which was tracked, few are given here: weight 1 550 grams with our study area in the Biebrza National Park in by means of a satellite empty crop; wing length 51.8 centimetres; north-east Poland in order to fit them with transmitter, from Poland wingspan 167.5 centimetres. satellite transmitters. We used the Dho-gaza to Zambia. The irises of both male and female were method, whereby the eagle attacks a live Opposite The eyrie and dark brown in colour. The colour of the iris is eagle owl tethered to a perch in front of a breeding habitat of the most positive indicator when distinguish- mistnet and becornes entangled in the net. lt the Greater Spotted Eagle ing between adult Lesser and Greater Spotted causes no harm to the bird and we have in Poland. Eagles, since the species overlap to some ex- already caught many different species of tent in body size and colour of the plumage. eagles in this way. This distinguishing mark is, however, little To our great surprise, the male bad typical known and scarcely referred to in the litera- juvenile plumage over a large area of its ture. The adult Lesser Spotted Eagle has an rump, showing the whitish to yellow spots amber-coloured iris. From a short distance or which are clearly larger and more numerous with the help of strong binoculars, perched in this species than in the young Lesser adults of both species can be positively iden- Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina. Each spot tified using this field mark. measured approxirnately 30 x 15 millimetres This, however, does not help in the identi- and, apart from other field marks, these iden- fication of young individuals of both species, tified it beyond any doubt as a Greater since the young Lesser Spotted Eagle also has Spotted Eagle. To our knowledge there is no a dark iris. At what age the change in colour record in the literature of a breeding Greater occurs, and how long this takes, remains Spotted Eagle, or any other eagle species, unknown. The young of both species are, showing partial juvenile plumage. Cases have however, generally easy to distinguish by been known in a few other eagle species of their plumage. birds with wholly immature plumage breed- On 20 July the eagles’ nest contained one ing successfully. This has occurred most fre- almost fully fledged young and a dead half- quently among Imperial Eagles of both grown nestling. Both parents, each fitted species (A. heliaca and A. adalberti). The rest of with a satellite transmitter, could now be the plumage was normal and corresponded to tracked to their wintering grounds and back typical adult coloration. to their nesting territory. ୴ 64 GREATER SPOTTED EAGLE AFRICA – BIRDS & BIRDING 1998 – VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1 GREATER SPOTTED EAGLE 65 A comparison of the adult Greater Spotted Eagle (left) with the adult Lesser Spotted Eagle (right) clearly shows the difference in eye colour. Since the species overlap to some degree in body size and plumage coloration, the difference in eye colour is the most reliable indicator when distinguishing between them. The young bird, also fitted with a trans- Aslin and Mike Bailey, of the Kapani Safari mitter, left the nest territory a few days after Lodge, managed to get within five kilometres the female but several days before the male, of the eagle but were unable to proceed and was tracked as far as Albania. The further. The area was very wet underfoot and female spent the Winter in Chad but the much of their progress was impeded by male once again surprised us. lt flew to flooded dambos (drainage areas) which were Zambia, 13 degrees of latitude farther south difficult to bypass. than a Greater Spotted Eagle had ever been Up to this stage, the eagle had been located recorded before. Previously, the southern- by satellite more than 525 times, with 114 of most observations of Greater Spotted Eagle these during the 1996/97 overwintering sea- were of single birds in Uganda and Kenya. son in Zambia. Although this species is closely There was not a single record from Tanzania. related to the Lesser Spotted Eagle, the over- After crossing Uganda and the Western part wintering behaviour is fundamentally of Tanzania in a southerly direction, the male different. To date, the Lesser Spotted Eagles flew over the Tanzania/Zambia border on which we have fitted with satellite transmitters 17 or 18 December 1996, and spent from cover ever-widening distances of hundreds, 19 to 23 December in the North Luangwa even thousands of kilometres wandering over National Park. lt then flew on to the South their wintering grounds in Africa south of the Luangwa National Park, which it reached 10th latitude. In contrast, the Greater Spotted on 28 December, having thus travelled Eagle in Zambia made use of only a very 9 270 kilometres from its breeding site in small area, which reflects the behaviour of Poland. lt stayed for two months in the other members of the species which have north-east part of the park, about 14 kilome- been similarly studied. tres West of Mukasanga and 28 kilometres On 9 March the eagle was located for the north of Kakumbi. The most exact location last time on its wintering grounds. On that was received on 9 January 1997, 12.52.0° S / day it left the South Luangwa National Park 31.51.21° E. The area is mixed woodland, pre- and by midday on 10 March it had already dominantly Mopane and Terminalia. flown nearly 300 kilometres northwards. lt We were in permanent e-mail contact with spent the night of 10 March only three kilo- observers in the South Luangwa National Park metres south of the border with Tanzania, and transmitted to them the co-ordinates that is, 414 kilometres distant from its winter received by the Argos satellite system. Nick quarters. The homeward journey proceeded ୴ 66 GREATER SPOTTED EAGLE AFRICA – BIRDS & BIRDING quickly, with the bird covering up to 350 grounds. On 3 December there followed a kilometres each day, and reaching Suez after location of top quality from the old wintering dose on three weeks. After arriving at its site in South Luangwa National Park – breeding site the eagle with its transmitter less than 500 metres from the most precise was sighted several times by observers. location of the previous season, on 9 January lt appeared to have retained the juvenile 1997. The bird had thus returned exactly to plumage in the area over the rump. In the its former winter quarters. previous year during the fitting of the trans- The question naturally arose as to whether mitter, the feathers in this region had not this was the only eagle to migrate so far south appeared worn. This was thus clearly not a or whether the species had in the past simply question of the juvenile plumage not having been overlooked. The fact that in the field moulted out, but of an area in which, due to even leading specialists often fail to distin- some genetic defect, the juvenile feathering guish the Greater Spotted Eagle from the renewed itself after the moult. An interesting Lesser Spotted Eagle, for which Zambia is a and surely most unusual anomaly. major wintering area, suggests that hitherto We were naturally eager to know whether the species has been overlooked. In addition, the eagle would again overwinter in Zambia. it was living in highly inaccessible terrain and We had so far not succeeded in tracking a its chosen quarters, despite full knowledge of Greater Spotted Eagle over such a long the coordinates, proved impossible to reach.
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