The London Gazette, 6 January, 1956

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The London Gazette, 6 January, 1956 146 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 6 JANUARY, 1956 Admiralty, Bath. be addressed to the Director of Navy Accounts (D.N.A.3A), Admiralty, Bath. Such applications 24th December, 1955. should be accompanied by Certificates of Service. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested The following are the amounts due to individuals therein, that the distribution of an award for the in the various classes:— salvage of M.V. "Protector III'' on 14th-15th May, £ s. d. 1954, by Her Majesty's Ship "Sx. AUSTELL BAY" 8th Class 2 15 0 will commence on Saturday, the 7th January, 1956, 9th 240 in the Directorate of Navy Accounts, Branch 3A, 10th 1 13 2 Admiralty, Bath. All applications from persons llth , 176 entitled to share, who are not now serving, should 12th , 16 7 ROYAL NAVY AND ROYAL MARINES BALANCES OF PAY, ETC. UNDISPOSED OF Names of Officers, Petty Officers and Seamen of the Royal Navy and Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Men of the Royal Marines, etc., whose Naval Assets are held by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for distribution amongst the next-of-kin or others entitled, and whose deaths, or Naval assets, have been reported between 1st April, 1946 and 31st March, 1948. Application from persons supposing themselves entitled as next-of-kin or legal representatives should be addressed by letter to " The Inspector of Seamen's Wills, Admiralty, Bath, Somerset". Admiralty, December, 1955. Case Rank or Date of Amount No. Name Rating Ship Death Due £ s. d. 61/769 GREENWOOD, F. Temporary 9th September, 1947 13 13 0 Lieutenant, — R.N.V.R. 1602/1947 BARR, A Pensioner, R.M. ... 26th September, 1947 834 852/1947 BARTLETT, F. J. Pensioner, R.N. ... — 1 3th May, 1947 ... 45 5 1 1652/1948 BIRCH, A. G. Shipwright 3rd Class H.M.S. —VICTORY... 14th May, 1946 ... 880 33/1948 BLACK, D Pensioner, R.N. ... 10th August, 1947 ... 16 0 11 494/1948 BYRNE, D Pensioner, R.N. ... — 21st December, 1947 712 2433/1946 COMYN, K. C. Able Seaman — 5th August, 1946 ... 440 782/1948 CRAIG, J Pensioner, R.N. ... — 2nd March, 1948 ... 26 14 5 1059/1948 DUFFIN, J Pensioner, R.N. ... — 29th February, 1948 24 10 8 375/1947 DUNCAN, H. C. Pensioner, R.N. ... — 21st January, 1947... 559 2800/1946 EVANS, R. M. Pensioner, R.M. ... — 19th October, 1946... 14 0 0 2558/1946 FARRELLY, P. Stoker 1st Class ... H.M.S. DRAK— E ... 7th September, 1946 95 5 6 2206/1946 FIDDY, G. W. Pensioner, R.N. ... 4th July, 1946 ... 17 2 3 1579/1947 FREEBERO, W. A. ... Stoker Mechanic ... H.M.S. LEANDER..— . 21st November, 1947 440 2986/1946 GAFFEE, W. Pensioner, R.M. ... 28th November, 1946 11 1 0 436/1948 GIBB, J. (R.) Pensioner, R.M. ... — 14th December, 1947 7 12 11 1502/1948 GIBBONS, G Able Seaman H.M.S. DRAK— E I... 16th May, 1947 ... 440 392/1948 GIBBONS, T Pensioner, R.N. ... 26th January, 1948... 12 15 3 2225/1946 GIBSON, A Acting Able Seaman H.M.L.C.T.(E— ) 303 15th May, 1946 ... 440 2082/1948 GIBSON, J. McG. or Able Seaman H.M.S. PEMBROKE 19th February 1947 440 WILKIE, J. 40/1948 GRAY, J. S Pensioner, R.N. ... 14th October, 1947... 31 17 7 2345/1946 HARTNEY, P. Pensioner, R.N. ... — 2nd August, 1946 ... 23 19 2 1261/1948 HURST, A Acting Able Seaman — 13th August, 1947 ... 440 53/1948 LARGE, E. E. Pensioner, R.M. ... — 13th October, 1947... 7 18 4 718/1947 LOVELL, F. W. Able Seaman — 10th November, 1946 440 999/1948 MACKENZIE, J. A. ... Engine Room — 18th October, 1944... 23 2 0 Artificer, — 4th Class. 227/1947 MILLS, J. R Pensioner, R.N. ... 30th January, 1947... 18 5 4 2156/1948 MITCHELL, E. C. ... Seaman — 8th January, 1948... 440 452/1948 MOORE, J Pensioner, R.N. ... — 3rd February, 1948 18 8 6 693/1948 MORTLOCK, S. P. ... Pensioner, R.N. ... — 20th July, 1947 29 11 1 74/1947 MOUAT, J. F. Pensioner, R.N. ... — 1st January, 1947... 29 1 6 660/1947 NORRKH, A Pensioner, R.N. ... — 7th June, 1946 ... 49 0 2 2562/1946 NORTHAM, J. Or W. Pensioner, R.N. ... — 16th August, 1946 ... 8 4 10 J.C. — 946/1948 PAGE.W. Pensioner, R.N. ... 28th February, 1948 12 13 6 612/1947 PIERCE, J. Pensioner, R.N. ... — 21st February, 1947 46 3 9 2970/1946 PRATT, C. E. Pensioner, R.N. ... — 9th October, 1946... 12 19 9 149/1948 PUSEY, W. Pensioner, R.N. ... — 18th December, 1947 659 2446/1946 PYNE, T. Pensioner R.N. ... — 20th August, 1946 ... 485 1134/1947 READ, E. (A.) Pensioner, R.N. ... — I7th July, 1947 ... 4 11 9 2453/1948 ROBINSON, J. R. Able Seaman — 27th April, 1947 ... 440 1367/1948 ROBINSON, J. W. ... Chief Engineman, — 24th December, 1946 880 R.N.R. — 1251/1947 ROBSON, R. W. Pensioner, R.N. ... 29th July, 1947 ... 4 15 1 1696/1948 SHEPHERD, C. W. ... Stoker 1st Class ... H.M.S. VICTORY..— . 6th December, 1947 440 1888/1946 SMITH, L. E Able Seaman H.M.S. VULTURE... 14th May, 1946 ... 440 1795/1948 THOMPSON, J. (C. W.) Stoker 1st Class ... 4th February, 1946 440 2962/1946 TOOHEY, M Pensioner, R.M. ... — 12th November, 1946 887 745/1947 TURNER, F. W. Pensioner, R.N. ... — 7th May, 1947 ... 22 10 9 2520/1946 WARNE, A Pensioner, R.N. ... — 19th August, 1946 ... 9 18 2 1321/1947 WHEELER, A. E. Stores Petty Officer H.M.S. —VICTORY... 3rd October, 1947... 660 896/1947 WHITE, T. W. Stoker 1st Class ... — 9th May, 1947 ... 440 1609/1948 WOODGATE, J. Stoker 1st Class ... 4th June, 1947 ... 440 26/1947 WOOLFORD, E. C. ... Pensioner, R.N. ... — 22nd October, 1946... 16 1 10 283/1947 WRIGHT, W. W. A.... Pensioner, R.N. ... — 13th February, 1947 28 17 7.
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