hole o Y olume TV.—No. 44. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1893. W N . 200

YYmblliii? Kells. * I*rlntliiu: lionise. (loiiiiino btirffoioH in .Jewelor.v and Op­ (!0>1 .M KNCKM ENT. TIIK CLASS IMJOI’IIECV. William J. Murray, of Detroit,and Miss tical (ioo(1k. Evch t<>stcd Em? at .Sev«*ii I^railiiHtes friiiii Hie St. .IiiIiiih Hikli Was the work of .lames O. Metiuistion KitKIM'H, llicWiTT ».t (io’s. S<‘Iio(il are Ailileil to the Loiii; Lint. and ns it is nwessar.v lo have it ver- Carrie 1. Turner were married Wednesday THE NEWS Reaiitifiil l>ea|ior, batiim for a proper understanding we afternoon, June 21, 1893, at the home of PubliHlioiI every 'I'ueHiliiy from the EnteH TVJ'TAVHTvTOTH. Newton Hall wasneyer more beaut'full.v print it below: the bride’s jiarents, M'illiam Turner in Block Corner of State and SprlnK Streetis, by trimmed for any festivities than for the A .lOl’RNKV. this villag<‘. “I'licle Jaaon”—.Newton Hall—.Inly 'I- There are times when the iiiiiiil |?i»eH out in EOUIH 13. OIMtiS, Coinnienceinent exercises last Thursday At 4 o’clock, Mr. D, If. Hunt began to Misa Inn I’errin is home from .\nn fjiney uml iiu.Hes 011 the future as well hh 011 Editor and Proprietor, evening. The sides of tlie stage were the |iHKt. play the wedding march and the bridal At 75 ceiitN ii Year Ktrictlf in Ailrnnce. .•\rbor. part3' entered the east room. Rev. W. triinined with gris'ii wfiile motto “Who hiith not Hhured that taliu ho atill ami CnrdH of tluvnkH lir> eeiitw each. .1. 11. Monntnin reHirnetl to Chicago “.Nlihi cuva futuri” was lixed in white (iwp, ,C. .Mien iirecis'ding the bridesmaid. Miss LeKal N’otieen at Htatiite rates. Marriage and Death notieen free. Monday. above the sjieakers. The body of the The volcelesH thought, that would iiotHiieuk, Florence E. .Murray, and best man, Mr. BiiHiness loeals 5 cents per line each time. hall was draped with tiie class colors, hut weep. ” C. Howard'rnrner. After the ceremony Hnsiness Directory cards a line per year. ’I'lie moat vivid Hn* scene ever jittempt- How wonderlul It Ih that the luiiid ean eii- Transient advertisinjr payable In advance. had been perfornied and congratulations ed at Nf'wton Mali, -Inly Jl. lavender and white, which hung from the coinpaHH HO much In ho brief a period ; that Y'early advertising? rates made known on offered, a bountiful repast was served. application. T. S. Congdon went to I'helaea .yeater- chandilers. Thelloral iiresentations were It caiijourmy while nt home SliKht events Anonymous commnnications will never re­ of the jiast may occupy our tliouKhts, and The presents were nmny and beautiful, ceive notii ’e. brought to the stage before the o[)ening day to vi.ait relatives for a few weeks. Hiiice life Is a collection of little thluj?H, why Locals ainont? reading; matter 10 cents jkm - of the exerciswK thus avoiding all throw­ 'J'he attending relatives in-esent were Mr. line eacli in.s<*rtion. Don’t fail to see the great saw mill in may we not look forward nnil see wlmt the .Murray’s mother. .Mrs. ,\. Murray, Rob’t Oldtuary poetry or n'solutions will posU ing of flowers. Rev. E. M. DIanchard future has in store for uh ? tlvely not lie Inserted unle*- jiaid for at 5 full operation at Newton Hull, .Inly .’5. H. Murray’ and wife, Wm. .Nf. McKa.v, ceuts tier line. offered the opening jirayer which was One evening as I was Heated In the lant Adilress all commnnications to Don’t forget the ice cream and straw­ followed by a kinder-garten song “Raby rayn of th ! Ketlin;? Him, tuininj?the leaven of (Jeo. F. Portin’ and Mrs. Lnella.V. Fildew, ST. JOHNS NEWS. St. Johns, Mich. berry social \VedneHda.vevening..Inne2iS. is going to Rye-lo-land” by thejirimary an old alhiim, familiar facen were bronjfht to all of Detroit. view. As my mind passed on tlirouffb the ’Mrs. Will Mclaine, of Owosso, is visit­ " n. A trij) to Chicago returning to Detroit IUjsixess I)IKECTOKY. 5 realms ()f time. I saw a clear outline of the ing her jiurents, .Mr. nnK\V.\ a AV.\I.UKII»<;i:, Attorneys aloii)?, 1 knew It was Frank. Mv heart was that the marriage of Louis 1). (Jibbs and Fn-d Ki\npp, superintendent of the I’er- intellectuality everyone knowing some­ at Law. Ollice over t’orner Dmi; Store. filled with sadness wlien I beheld him fillinfi' Aliss Jennie finiiham will take jilaee to­ 2 rinton schools, is spending his vacation 'liril.l, II. IlKl N'StlN, Attorney at Law, thing and no ote iier.sun knowing it all. that humble [lositIon, for during; our school morrow, Wednesdu', at the residence of y\ St. .Johns. 1L>1 with his parents in St. .lohns. There was once brutal oppression and days we all i>redicted for him a hrllliuiit the brides' parents on ProsjiH’t sti-eet. slavi'ry now nil were fnv to think and future, ami believed he would one day be MONEY LOANINO. . (lo and see the tremendous explosion capable of aHslKtiiis-in ilraftiiif the laws of Only the immediate relatives will be act. and blow-uj) of the pleasure steamer S)in- the nation, hut since he is hap()y in hlHchosen jiresent and aftertheceremoii.y i)(*rformed ICIIHJ.VN >IOKTt;.VOE COMPANY. OFR FAS'r AOK. (Limited.) Capital !?7.".000. Corner of bmim at Newton Hall, .Inly JJ. vocation no one has reason lo eoiniilaln. by Rev. W. (’. .Mien, the 2:4-7 train will MM'alker and Sprinj? streets. St. .Johns. Mon ­ "Then* i.s no word in the English lan­ Bevond snow capped mountains in a (piiet Allan C. Adams and famil.v, aeoom- ey to loan, investments made, mortfcaj^es for guage which so exactly pictures onr vlllaire, I met Nora. She had become a be taken for Chiengo. The return trip sale. A few pieces of land for sale. 1 l>anie(l by .Master Holly Hart, are visit­ will be via the lakes and is intiMided to present age whicli so truly accounts for famous Botaidst. She showed me her tine ing Alma friends and relatives for a few iierheilum containing'specimens from many occui)3’ two weeks. rHYSK'lANS. the contrasts of onr habits with those of da.vs. climes. I also noticed here a beautiful col­ r. a . .1. \Yl<.. JMiysician, Sur;?eon and du.v, bound for Chicago, to remain ten lar>?c si>?n hcarliij? tlic iininc M'm. Moss. Notary Public. Otflce east side of main tlie line of thought which she devcloned I’lion cnteriiiH: the door I was met by a work­ For a cool dress bn^’ a C’hullie of Bt., Eureka, .Midi. dn.vs. in an excellent manner. In by-gone days man will), wlicn leiiquired fortlieproprietor, Cmapin cV Co . A H Y P. II .A Y ENS, .M. 1). OtJice over R. Mrs. fi. S. Price and cliddren, acc^in- it was a slow process tliroiigh wliicli conducted me tlirouKli a room where n num- Great Closing Hut Sale. .1. M'oodniff ’s store, St. .Jolins. Otilce linnied by (ilenn SttTl. lelt for O’d AFis- every person or thing went to become ner of men were busily eunuKed In tlie manu ­ hoars:M 9 to 11 am and 2 to pm. 1 facture of electrical macldnery, to a finely •Ml goods in the Trimmed Deiiurtment sion Saturday. .They expect to remain perfecti’d along a given line now every- eiiuljiped laboratory beyond wliere I saw a to be closed out legurdless of jiriee. M’e KNKY PALMER, .M. I). OtHce over keep consttintl.y on hand an immense a.s- H Hunt ’s dnif? store. Hours 2 to ii r.M. a few w(K?ks. tliing is done (piickly. In tliisconnection man engn;?ed lu cltauttiii;? brass into j?‘>ld by an electrical process. 1 immediately rccoj?- sortment of all grades. Now is .vour J. TR AYIS, M. I». OfJicp over Fildew Miss Rose Lockwood, one of the teach­ the sjieaker mentioned the building of the time to buy for the World's Friir or & .Millman's. Residence, \Vi>?l)tH St. pyramids with the elaborate buildings of iiized Idm b.v Ids broad slionlders and dark Fourth of Jnl\’, and buy eheapl.v. JDiseases of Women and Cldldren a speclallf.v.ers at I.owell, Mich,, last .year,siientSnn- curly locks, as tlie Will of old. Respectfully ’, da.y the giiest of Miss .Alberta Stevenson the present time. Even joy and grief, In a for eastern city I found tlio two rc- Mas. L. t’AXFlKLD, DENTISTS. in St. .Johns. our deepest emotions, have been made mainiti;? j?irls of the class of '9;$. Crowds of celestials were Koln^ every eveiiiiij? to hetir For Sale. * RTIII R (ORBIN, I). I). S.—Crowns, You are cordiall.v invited to attend the the victims of modern rapidity and it is “Bridge Work” (teetJi wltliont plates) now being talked as being the thing to ‘‘I’lioebe, Asia’s Rrentest ITlma Donna. ” The M. E. jtarsonage on .State street Aand all tlie I.atest I’rocesses. lawn social given bv St, Katharine's •Scores of copper colored (jnebejirluKodmirerH have funerals at evening to save time. east is for sale. Iminire of or address fiuild at the home of Rev. R. D, Stearns, had desired to sliare cliopstieks with lier but .M. .\. Kniffin ’, St. Johns. D.VUDEKS. Wednesday evening, June 28. ICONOCLAS.M, slie disdainfully refused, determined tofollow I-'rank Peyton Ruck delivered a mas- lier calHnj? if she could n<) one lint a The <;reat .Ittrai-tioii ILSON A- CARC.SS, Bartiers. I.adles’ Misses .Mate and Hattie Marshal and Hair Pnttlnp: and ShninpooliiK a oration upon tlie above subject and celestial for a poorer half. Wlille Mad>?e had Tliis w(‘ek is the closing out of Lace and Wupeclalty. IValker street west. flStfMiss Lon Baldwin, all of Ovid, visited gained mucli renown hy lier descriptive wrlt- Portier Curtains. At Chafi .n A Co’s. in the course of liis remarks mentioned ln>?s and hooks ot travel. She was one of from Frida.y over Sunday with .Afiss 50 Cent .Siiiniiier t'orsets. rjYHE CLINTON COPNTV SAVINC.S BANK. that we, a liberal jieople are fast becom­ the few who are horn to be j?reat. Florence AYalter in this village, ing iconoclasts or breakers of cherished At this period tlie rlsiii); ^nooa bejfan to The best 50c Summer (’orset in the ST. .JOHNS, .MICH. city is sold at John Hicks ’. Fred Kwen and sister, Miss Nellie, of idols and beliefs. He spoke of the disap­ cast her shadows amoiiK the trees, ami the PAYS 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ON DE­ stillness of the tilKlit was liroken by the Tacoma, Wash., with Mr. andMrs. .\mos pearance of the Salem M’itchery and the Tin* Lai^i’st Sto<*k POSITS AND LOANS .MONEY ON AJ’- moiirnftil hootlat? of the owl and the sharii And best nssortment of Ladies’ Fuder- PRONED BONDS AND REAL ES­ Ewen, of Ithaca, spent Sunday in St. fanciful beliefs of even the present day notes of the Whip poor will. Gradually the weur is to be found at Chaim .n A: Co’s. TATE SJX’URITY. .Johns, the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. are rapidly disappearing. Partisan cnilliiiK air and the falliiiK dew caused me to awaken to the realities of life. Risint' I re­ Silk Mitts. ALBERT.!. BALDWIN, President. Sowle. papm’s are no longer so 8 troiigl3-adhei'ed stored the album to its jilace and soon the .lOSIAH UPTON. Vice-I‘resident. The largest stand of paper eyer ])nt n]» to and liberal politicians are iconoclasts. (lood ones for 25c a jniir at only thoughts of my classmates were; John Hii ks ’. I’. E. \YAI.,SWORTH, Treasurer. in St. .lohns is that of “Fncle .Jason,” Ever^ ’ present tendency is towai’d icono- “In the moonlit;ht, life's |>ale moonlight, R. DICXTER, .Asst. Treasurer. wliich covers the entire side of Corbit A- clusm and if we would engage in a fight ToRether we arc jflidinj? o’er the lake. The Henley l.awn >Io\v<*r JTATE RANK OF ST. .lOlINS. Valentine’s new building on west Walker under its banner, we must have culture Where the mountains cast their shadows, Saves Imlf the labor. Try’ one and be Athwart onr silvern wake.” s street. It is the work of O. T..eigh Esler. convinci ’d. For sale by COM.MERCIAL AND SAVINGS. and that comes only by obtaining the .Vmbra I’atterson sang the Angel's Sl’.VFLDINO A Co. There will be an examination this (Tues­ hurmonions training of all our powers CAriTAI, $.>(),000. Serentide with a violin obligato b^' .Mrs. <'arp«*t.*«. day) afternoon commencing at of both intellectual and ph^'sical and that NET ASSETS OF STOCKHOLDERS, $900 000.00. H. Rohrendt ns the next nuniber on the Many styles—all grades—lowest prie•ices candidates for scholarship at Annapolis milleninni is surely’ coming. At .loiiN Hicks ’. PORTER K. PERRIN, President. l»rograin. 8 I10 htis a beautiful voice and naval school. The notice should have’ Tiie Quartette aniionnci'd for the next sings with innch exjtression. GEO. F. MARVIN, Vice-President. number was dispensed with because of the SpetMal KurKain This Week. J. W. FITZG ERA Id). Cashier. been made sooner, but information was THE VALEDICTORV 125 Ladies Night Dresses, of Fruit of II. H. FITZGERALD, Asst.C. delayed. inability’ of one of the ladies to sing 1 R.y Miss I’hebe Denton was verv ablj- the Loom cotton. Worth fl ..50, for fl. DIRECTORS: The scenic and mechanical jiroduction, owing to a severe cold. Mr. F. 11. rendered and nian^’ thoughts brought At CiiAi’iN ik Co’s. P. K. I’errin, f). AV. Mtinker, Geo. F. Marvin, “Fncle Jason,” will be presented nt New­ Frazell was engaged with a few ininute^s out for reineniberance b^’ those ju’esent. The New Iinprnveil (Mianipinn J. H. Corbit, ,1. H. Fedewa, Otis ton Hall, Monday evening, July R, by a notice to jilay a clarinet solo which he Miss Denton sjioke of our many advan­ Is the only Wringer that will adjust Fuller, Edwin E. AVhlte, .las. snpnrb east, together with scenic and did in excellent 8t.yle and to the satisfac­ itself to different thickness of clothing at Richardson. C. S. Allison, tages, both educational and social, and tion of all present. the same time. For sale only by G. E. Corbin, .Jesse ni(H;hanical embellishments. Seats now how highly such things should be es­ Sl'ACLDIXO A Co. .Sullivan. on sale at Littell’s. tig : simiink ’s riddlk . teemed. M’e should never consider the I.inoh‘iini. 4 Per Cent. Interest Pulii on Time Deposits. Flint Clobe: “Mr. F. .M. Milliken has R3'.Miss Nora, M'andcll was adrnirabl.y blessings given others with covetousness A good line nt John Hk ks ’. just returned from Traverse City and re- delivered and the advanced subject given but be brave to conquer difficulties and .St..lollIIS .Markets. jiorts that ho has arranged to take a fine dressing. The riddle was pro- make onr surroundings our teachers. K<‘antil'nl Kinhronlerles. (Corrected this niorniiiK. .June 27.) lionnded to the journe^’ing pilgrim Nain Sook and .Mullsin sets with flounc- M’hite wlient, new orobl, ...... 01 charge of the Ne-.Vh-Ta-Wanta Hotel on The da3*s of past school life tire no more. No 2 Red wheat, new or old,...... '"lit Traverpe Ray, six miles by water from through life, who, when only in its begin­ ings to match At Chapin «,k Co’s. Oats...... 02 The teachers were thanked 'for thrir Barley, perewt ...... -^1-<>1 2.''> Traverse (,'ity. .Mr. and Mrs. Milliken ning, found that character was “Man’s good work and the itnrents Werefeelinglj’ The Chl<*a|?n Corset YValst. Rye...... OO truest and richest estate without which For summer wear is the finest waist Corn in ear...... 2.')@28 will open tlie place the first of July. In remembered for their good deeds, the Corn, shelled ...... 4.') the meantime the Milliken’s Point en- he dies intestate. Someone hassaid that sold. For sale l)v John Hicks . I.nrd ...... 10 board for their liberal ways and hearQ’ Butter...... l()(0 by II. A. Milliken, jirovided Mr. Roth- tearful fnrewell to “The Da^’s that arc Pork, live, perewt ...... #0..'70((if7 well succeeds in selling the requisite num­ more plain its dileniation. So, the best beautiful tints for parties and weddings. no .More.” •Vt Chaimn ik Co’s. ber of lots,” material is brought to the surface in The diplomas were presented by I’rof. Card of Thanks. St. Johns will celebrate in grand style character bj* overcoming difficulties. The China Mattini;;. I ileslre to extend my heartfelt thanks to 1). R. Y'ntema after a short speech in on July R. In the morning a grand mer­ qnalitj’ of character does not depend For summer fioor covering the many friends whoevldenced so truly their which he gave many itertinent words of At John Hicks ’. frlendsjiii) and sympathy diiriiiK my re«*ent chants’ jiarade, headed by the St. Johns upon the amount of accomplishment but advice. bereavement. Especlall.v is ihatiks due band and the famous Klu-Kln.x-Klan, accoinidishments help the good charac­ Messrs Theodore Price and Harry Everything appertaining to the Jewelry Secretary D. .S. French, .Superintendent T. C. will make a tour of the principal HtnTtH ter to shine. business to be had at Kreitp’s DeWitt & Beach. Foreman E. C. Whetstone and the Padle3’ gave an instrumental duet us the Co’s. Prills lower than the lowest. DUX FE.MINI KAUn'I. many employes who had such tendercare for and promises to be the largest ever wit­ closing number, nmdering it very skill­ The Owosso .Steam Laundry. my boy and so heartll.v showed tholr reward nessed in central Michigan. The band “The Woman Author of the Deed” was fully. by nttendlnw the last sad rites of burial, will render a choice concert jirogram all Has placed its St. Johns agency in the the title of the able essay given hy Miss At the high senool the class of ’93, the hands of I>eon S. M’iggins who will j?ive Farther, I would say that In no sense Is the the afternoon and all kinds of ('aledonian .Madge Runday, who traced the progress St. .Johns Mannfactnrinw Company respon ­ school board, teachers, relatives and prompt attention to all orders. Work sible for my son ’s death but to the contrary games, such as foot racing, sack racing, of woman through the past to the pres­ friends were given an informal reception done on one day’s notice. Headquarters were eonstantly fearful eoncernlnw hissafety. bicycle, hurdle and whfsdbarrow racing, ent. The buffetings overcome; the op­ by the juniors which closed with a ban­ in H. Rehrendt’s cigar store. Respectfully, jumping, etc., etc., will be indulgtsl in. pressive yoke thrown off and at last rec- quet in the halls of the building. .Summer Itress Gimx Is. .JACOB BERRY. liiberal prizes are offered in each event. ognizfHi in every walk of life as a capable Pongees, Outings, Saceens, etc , ('IoH4‘(l .Inly 4Hi. We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks The grand balloon ascension and para­ being with a mind and the ability to use .\t John Hicks ’. Onr stores will b<< closed all day July to the many sympathixinw friends who so chute drop takes place at 5 o’clock, and it. It has been the ambition of woman to rise. Now the realiration of her efforts 4th. JoH.N Hicks . The Naked Truth willlDKly assisted dnrlnw the lonjc Illness and the celebration will be one long to lie Is that celebrated hand forged, char­ at the final end of onr dear mother, Mrs. are coming every day, in education, af- C haim .n & Co. endiih coal finish grass scythe sold by John Wilson. .May Heaven ’s bh'sulnws lie rememliered by the jieople of St. Johns flliatioii in business and general resjiect H. L. K 'K. t ohns f im antile o Spauldinii a Co . their i>ortton. THE (’HlLDUES. and vicinity. along all line's. S . J M : C . HATCH OF NKT\’ NAMKS. MADE TO FIGHT FIRE. I MANY TOWN8 UUUNED. GOLD FROM EUROPE, THE NEWS. President Cleveland Makes Numerous j and Blwablk l>eatr,o]r(>d. TVYille Merritt and Other Places Also NuflTer. Appointiiieiits. THE TIDE NOW TURNS TOWARD MINNESOTA MARSHAL USES “Mon, women, and children on cuts ready I3V" I— ID. ^11313^ The {'resident ha.s made the following AMERICA. appointments: (.'ullector-* of Internal Hev- HIS PISTOL. to leave. For God’s sake send us aid!” was TUESDAY, JUNK 27, 1893. enuo —Joshua I>. Power's for the Second the startling message received from Vir­ District of ; Hen Johnson, Fifth Tliunsanda 81iuiit Approval at the Ac­ ginia, Minn., at Duluth, Bunday afternoou. Awful Record of Death by I.lglitnliiK and District of Kentucky ; Altiert L New, Dis­ quittal of I.lasle Itordeii—Niue Men There are just four buildings left at Vir­ WIndatorma —Several Perish l»y l-'lre at RUN ABOVE THE MARK. trict of Colorado: James W. Murphy. First Killed and Tweuty-six luJuieJ la a lluoe ginia. a thriving mining town of 3.500 In­ Duluth —Death of Kx*Seuatur Stuiifurd— District of Wisconsin: John T. Essary, Train 8mash-up. habitants before the lira Blwablk and Glganth: Reunion. Second District of ; Kopc Ellas, Merritt are reported lu ashes, while j ______WORLD’S FAIR ADMISSIONS ON Fifth District of North Curorina; Charles Mountain Iron and other towns j Couiiug Our 'Way. THURSDAY, 127.272. M. Sbunuou of Arizona, for the Good for the Marsliul. also sufforecL It is reasonably certain that ' Nine hundred thousand dollars of gold District of New Mexico. Collectors A thunder sliower has given Minnesota there bus been no mortality at the several was ordered Wednesday b/ llHrlng, Ma» of Customs—August Huss. fur the Iron property owners on ti.o range their towns destroyed. It Is Impossible to ap ­ > goun Ca for shipment from London ei-ause for Tliouiu^ F. Ilayurd l'r«»eiited to th« Va. Indian agents—John fc'. T. Il Hron- causing grave apprehensions. The resi­ sev’orul thousands of persons are made many months the yellow metal has been Uue«ii—F»reit KeUuued. tano, Grande Hondo agency in Ore tun; dents thtire had been fghting the flames homeless. All the villages destroyed flowing from our shores. Wall street men Kalph Hall. Devil's Luke agency In North ever since Sunday. Tuesday a number of were mining towns that have sprung take this us evidence that tho adverse tide Dakota; W. Leven Powell. Neah Hay men refused to longer buttle with the up within the past year. Virginia Is less yinw the I'lilr IlooiuH. has turned, and that gold will now move agency in Washington; Lewis T. Krwtn. flumes, but they were persuaded than a year old and was regarded as the continuously In this direction A Wash ­ The paid adinUslonH lo iho Fair Thurs ­ most promising town on tho Iron range. It Yakimah agency In Washington: Fred­ to a change of stutlment by ington dispatch ways: The shipment of day reached the number of l-T.STiJ. The had bunks, hotels, business blocks, and erick Treon, Crow Creek and lx>wer the village marsh.'il. who com­ (dOO.OOO in gold to the United Btates bjr • I cause of the mlsthty linpctua In the number pelled them to work at the point of uts i-o- Louies of the business men and Brule agency In South Dakota; Baring A Magoun, of London, Is accepted of visitors rests in the Fair Itsolt There volver. Fortunately no lives wore lost. A mlnera All were of frame construction William L. Hargrove, of Indiana, West­ in official circles as a sign that tho tide has was no puiude of Midway people; no ;;rand clo>e exainlnaiiun of the bones found at and burn(*d like tinder. 'The towns are so ern Shoshone agency In Nevada: Jtimes . turned In this dlre';tlon. Major 8. G. persunace riding about the grounds; up Virginia prove thent to be other than hu ­ situated that tho lielt of fire took them in P. Wolsey, of Arkansas, at the Ponca. Paw­ Brock, until recently chief of the Berenu military order'* murch'.ng in bright armor. man. If thorn were no fatalities at any of at about tho same time. nee, Otoe and Oakland agency in Oklaho ­ of Statistics of tho Treasury Departn'cnt, In fact, ilierewas noihing of special In­ tho camps or upon tho roads the Virginia ma Territory: Joseph Hobinson. of Ml.s- I Is among those who have been predicting terest to arou=e I he enliiu.sJHrm, There f re go«*s InL) history unaccompanied by RISKED HER I.IFE TU H.WM: HER HOV. aourl. at the Nozperces agency in Idaho; J. I an early cessation of the shipment of gold were many well-known peoi)le In at­ loss of life. Even Hradley Tnylo-, whoso Roe Young, of Kentucky, at tho Pltna A Findlay Motiter Shockingly Mangled la to Europe and the resumption of gold ex ­ tendance. Oov. McKinley was ihrre, with heroically rescued a woman from a burn ­ agency In Arizona: Thomas H. Savage at un ICleviitur Accident. ports from that section of tho world to this. a lur,;u number of Ohio* The flre- the Green Hay agency Irt Wisconsin. Unltt'd ing building and was frightfully burned In tho elevator of the.Argyl Hotel, Find­ worka and llluiiilnallons drew groat crowds, himself, will recover. It Is thought. sti:ickp:n at thk ciitci s. States Marshal —Otto Poomlller, for tho lay, Ohio, Mrs E. IL Graham waH making but these feaiures were not responsible for District of South Dakota. the result, wh ch surprised all. because the Ll/.ZIK ItOIlDKN tho ascent with her two-year-old son. and Seven Killed, Thirty Hurt, and Ten Thou ­ number of visitors leaclol 101.a.i at 3 KXCITM.MMXT ON 'CI'ANGK. when between tho second and third floors sand Escape. *>’clotk In the iifierm o i. At that hour .Shouts of .'Vpprovul »t the Result of llic tho child was caught between the car and RIngling Bros.’ circus tent struck by vast numbers were crowding the turnstiles, Action of tlie French Government Hooiiis tlreut Trial. the side of the shaft, and was Jerked un­ lightning at River Falls, Wls., Wednesday and Loforo the day tlo-.ed the 3 ((’clock re­ 'Wheat, Corn and tlats. Twelve good men and true find that Liz­ derneath tho carriage, the iron netting afternoon, and tho fact that seven persons turns had been greatly Increased. There was great excitement on the Chi ­ zie Andrew Borden Is not guilty of the giving way and Icjtllng him thrungli. Tho were Instantly killed and thirty more or cago Hoard of Trade for an hour or so the murder of her father and stepmother at mother grubbed the child and endeavored less seriously injured, was almost dwarfed IIKATIIS FltOM I’OISON. other morning. The day before nobody Fall River, Mass, And it took the twelve to hold him by bis clothing, but tho rapidly In tho narrow escape of a crowd seemed to want any wheat, corn or oats; good men just one hour and thirty-one ascending cur caught her arms and broke of 10,000 people. Tho weather wa» St. I.oiiia I'ollce Susj>»«ct n Vouiig Woman Ihelr only anxiety then was to get rid of mlnute.s to come to that conclusion. Tho them like pipestems, horribly mangling clear but the air close and sti­ of Killing ■{(•r Itelntlveu. what they already had. All that was scone In the courtroom while the jury and crushing tho tiesh. The child was fling when tho crowd poured Into Mra Charles Stewart, daughter of John changed Ly cable reports. A deafening was being polled and was announcing Its dropped and fell to the bottom of the shaft, tho tent, atid during the early aftornoon McKlbbeu, who died at tt. Luke's Hos­ shout shook the rafters of tho building and verdict was a moit impie'Otve ona Clerk while the car was stopped at the fourth the thunder rolled ominously. At4 o’clock pital. fcC Louis under circumstances tbe only Intelligible sound from the Borden polled tho jury. Then followed a floor. Just in time to prevent being dashed the sky darkened and the gloom of the In­ strongly indicating that ho had been pois ­ mingled voices was: “I’ll buy.' ” “I’ll buy I” few seconds of siwful suspense while the to jiloc'es. Tho child will lecover. but Mra terior of tlie tent was relieved by occa­ oned, also died Thursday afternoon. Mrs. The uninitiated were asking each other assemblage leaned forward and listened to Graham is in a precarious condition. sional flashes of lightning, which drew J. C. liriggs, another daughter, is very LI. what It was all about The fact was tho the next question. “Genllomen of the out faint shrieks of alarm from and the sicktiess Is pronounced the same us Available .Stocks of Wlieat. French Government had removed the duty jury, now what say you? Is tho prisoner the more timid. Just at 4 o’clock that which resulted lu the death of father The avullublo sIoc 'ks of wheat in the on hay and Is preparing to take tho duties guilty or not guilty?” “Not guilty. ” For there was a blinding fl-ash of and sister. The story, briefly outlined. United States and Canada are thus given off corn, oats and barley, which moans that sixty seconds there was not a sound. lightning followed by a terrific peal of Is that Mrs. Higgs vixited her father's house by Bradstreet's: East of tho Rocky Mount ­ the worst that has been reported ub>ut the Then tlie crowd of a thou**and men thunder. The electricity filled tho tent and took dinner there. Mrs. Stowart pre ­ ains, 02,378, OUJ bushuls; of the Rock­ damage to the French crops from the and women broke Into a cry of joy with Its vivid flame. Tho air seetned on pared the mo il. whlcii con-lsied of soup, ies. 3,110,000. Exports of wheat (and of year's drought l.s true and they will and approval that rang for mli(^s outside lire. Tho bolt had struck tho center pole bulled cabbage, canned corned beef, bread, flour as wheat) from Now York. Boston, need a'l wo can spare of fo»*n. oats and and told tbe waiting thousands about the of tho tent and In an Inst ant diffused Itself butter and tea. Almost immodiatcly after PhlludelpJila, Baltimore, Newport News, other feeding stuff to keep their horses and court house that Lizzie was a free woman. over the crowd. dinner those who pirtco'a of tho repast cattle alive. What Is true of the situation Bho sank to tho floor lifeless. Physicians Now Orleans, Galveston, San Francisco, ICD.Ml'ND.S T.ALKS ON SILVER, were tak’n violently sick, all of them In Franco applies with ecjual force to Ger­ at once applied restoratives, and In ten I'ortland (Ore.), Portland (Mo.), Tacoma, vomiting freely and complaining of sore and Seattle, us reported by mall and wiru many and England, wlicre dry weather was minutes she revived. Chief Justice Ma­ I .Says He Is in Favor of the Repeal of the throats and mouth and of excruciating equally protracted. son stepped down from his bench, and. to Bradstreet’s for the week, were 3,844,840 Slipriiian Law. crump'-. McKlbben's family consisted of reaching out both hands toward I.lzzlo bushels. Ex-Bonatnr George F. Edmunds, while his wife, the two daughters. Mr& Wetzel, Hanks to (iivc Dicrcasol .Vccomiiiodutlons, Borden, ho grasped her right hand and •losepli tJell'ersoii Is Taken III. speaking In Now York the other day of the and a younger daughter named Maud, w ho la said: “.Miss Borden, your trial was a fair K. G. Dun Si. Ca’s weekly review of trade Joseph Jefferson left New York on tho ])resont business depression, was asked about ID years of ago. Owing to marital one; your acquittal a just verdict. Lot •ays: steamboat Thursday on his way to Buz­ what he would do to help troubles. Mrs. McKibben does not live with mo congratulate you.” Concerted action by the banks of Now zard’s Bay. Ho seemed In poor condition the present dlfficultiee. her husband, but resides with her daughter, Hosaid: “1 have no legis­ York has changed tho situation materially. on the trip, and during the night was taken Mra Itiggs. Maud MeKlbben refused to .MEN OF CO.M.MERCE MEET. lation to propose beyond Mure failures and a tremendous drain of quite 111, and a physician was with him eat any of tho dinner and Is the only mem­ thtt repeal of the Bherman money to the West ha 1 such an effect hero two or throe hours. Mr. Jefferson ’s condi ­ ber of the family who was not taken sick. that the banks were unanimous In deciding Hunk.s, Uailivays and Insuranci) Discussed law and tho return to tbe tion had not improved In the morning, and moTtelary 'awn which ex ­ It Is .said the police Imvo evidence to tho upon tho Is-suo of clearing-house cert 111- In Congress ut Chicago. ho was removed In an ambulance to tbe isted before lS7;i. When effect that she bought piirls green a few caU'a Much Increased accummodatlons for Bankers and financiers were not niinior- the business community are expected to Mollln House, Full Rivar, Muss., where ho we ptiS'O'd the Bherman days nga Tho family is well lo do Jeal­ oits at the opening session of the congress act something had to l)e result, and doubtless will unless spoculu- at the Art Institute In Chicagix Indeed will remain until ho recovers his strength. ousy of her sisters has b 2cu a marked trait tiOD is stimulated to absorb all tho increase done. A crisis was Im­ all the sessions of the different congresses Two physicians are in attendance upon pending. I v.ued for the of Maud’s character. In available resources through undue pref ­ him. erence for rntirkelable securities over other wore sllmly attended. Bo few were the measure and am willing AMHASSADOK HAVAUI) PKKSF.XTKI). assets, Tho weakness of banks at many delegates who In tho interests of tho vari­ Fire Destroys Much Property. to take my share of the Western points continues; the wide-spread ous subjects lo be discu-sed cared to OKO. F. although 1 Conveyed to Windsor by Special Carriage, The High Bplro Distillery, Harrisburg, was not persoiialli ’ in favor of It. A can ­ stringency is having a serious effect upon swelter in tho hot, dump, thick atmos­ Pa., one of the largest In tbe State, was Where lie I i lljeeived with C.^remoiiy. merchants and manufacturers who are In vass shown I us that if we dl I nut pass the phere of tho art place, that It was neces­ burned, and with it at least five thousand Tho llon^ Thomas F. Hayard, tho first no way concerned with speculative opera ­ act tlic silver men would a free-silver sary to consolidate .several of them barrels of, entailing a loss of $200,- bill. I believe now that if we had let the American Anib;issador ti Great Hrituin, tions. A sharp full In foreign exchange re­ Into one meeting. To tho session 000. The town of Dundoff, Pa., was visited crasli come the country to-day would have has presented hla credentials from the moves the chance of gold export at pres ­ ent, hut it is due to foreign jiurch.'isos of of tho bankers was added that of by the most serious fire In Its history. Tho been more comfortable. ” The Senator said American -Government to the Queen. In securities rather than to a change in trade the railway men and tho insurance Methodist church and the house of Mrs. he Is not In favor of anno.xlng tho Hawaiian accordance with tho usual (custom that ob ­ Islands, and thought tho Russian tr(3aty balances. men. and tho three congresses were held John \V. Babson were totally destroyocL A tains In the case of Ambassadors a state would da together. Reprosentutlvcs of the leading number of dwellings w»>ro badly burned. carriage was furnished by tho Hritlsh Gov­ Fire I.oss of WIJ.’IO.OOO. factors in the world wore present. The loss will reucii 6150,000, as tho build ­ TWO MILLION I.DS.S. ernment lo convey Mr. Huyard from his Only a burned and blackened shell now '1 ho heads of most of tho men were gray remains of tho six-story slruetnro at the ings burned wore among tho best in the f'onflagrat Ion fi msed by a .Small Hoy hotel lo the railway station. Upon his ar­ with the cares of business But they did town. rival at the station he was received by northwest corner of Wabash avenue jind not seem at all cureworn and were ciuick to Flaying with Mutches. Congress street, Chicago. '1 he lire, which Four Men Hlamed, Gen. Sir Christopher 'Jeesdalo, master of appreciate a joke or a good point In a Eighty dwellings, six gr eery and gen- the (reremonles Mr. Hnyard was conducted broke out eurly^Hunday morning on the first speecli. The congress was openetl by Ly­ Col. Frederick Ainsworth, Contractor crnl stores, two cliurcho;, tho lailway sta­ floor, completely gutted tho building from to a special saloon carriage In waiting for man J. Gage, who welcomed tho financiers Dint, Engineer Basse, and Buperlntendrnt tion and round house, were destroj’ed by a the second floor upward. Even tho stores on him, in which ho traveled to Windsor, A to Ohlcaga Ho began by annuuncing that Covert have been held responsible by the fire which swept tho village of Gibson, di­ the ground floor are damaged so badly by state carriage awaited his coming at tho a telegram had been recofv(>d from Bonator Coroner ’s jury for the Ford Theater dlsns- rectly opposite I'rederlckton. N, R. Tbe Winds if station and Mr. Ha.yard who was srnolco and water that tho building Is a John Bherman saying that tho great Ohioan ter. Criminal negligence and munslaugh- fire started shortly before ‘J o’clock, and Is accompanied by his wife, cniered It and total wreck. The total loss on stock and was unable to he present Mr. Gage then tor are charged ugulnst them. believed to have originated from a little buildings Is estimated at between 8300.000 was driven lo tho castle, where, after the entered upon a discussion of the topics Indeiiinlty frikiii Pern. hoy playing with a toy pistol and matches and I3r)0.003. Two-thirds of this will be In his father ’s burn. (»nc hundred and usual formalllles. ho presented L) her which wore to he taken up in tho coii'^ress. Through the negotiations of tho United * V borne by O. W, Hicliardson & Co, Ibo thirty farnlllv's were rendered homeless and Majesty tho lett IlY ClIOLUItA. cial Derailed Near a Tunnel. and laborers. The desrructlort of property r mob In M :rch. I.eiKl Ore Discovered in ^lissourl. Four cars of a train ot six were derailed win amount to $2,000,030, with very smul) One Hundred and Mighty Deal lis in a Single Last April a cyclone parsed through the on the Manhattan Beach branch of tho Oil IVorks in Trouble. Insurance. Dav .'Xmoiig ,'Meeca rilgrims. northweslern portion of Washington Coun ­ Long Island Railroad on Tuesday after­ Tho GenO'see Gil Company, Untiled, of Fatal Fire at Duluth. A dispatch from Alexandria says that ty. Ma. leveling the largest forest trees, noon. Nine persons were killed and Buffalo, N. Y., has assigned. The liabll- At Duluth. Mliiii.. the Buniioll building, there were ISO cholera deaths among the scattering and laying waste every­ twenty-^lx persons were InjurcJ. Several lles are about $300,000. Mecca i llgrlnis Thursday. At Toulon there thing In its path for several miles. A few of thoso^ Injured, according to tho doc­ a flvt'-siory frame structure and a regular fire-trap, was destroyed by lire shortly were three deaths, making 100 since Janu ­ days later Joseph Uoeff and Mr Rutledge tors who attended them, will prob ­ MARKET QUOTATIDNS. ary. The authorities liavo appointed a were walking through tho track of tho ably dio. Bevoral hundred feet east of after inldnl;ht. In thi* buildin; were four stores, two saloons, and two newspaper commission to th(.roughJy exumino tho stornt. At the base of a largo tree which tho Rarkvllle station Is a tunnel CHICAGO. sanitation of the port, parts of which are had been uprool(>d they discovered a large under tho Coney Island driveway. rATTr,K—Common to Prime.... f.'t 25 e. At a point whore it originated there ficial returns indicate that the disease Is quality of galena or blue sulphurate of It was said that an axlo In tho front truck Oats —No. 2...... 30 otO 31 was no pisslble source of fire. Tho total 1 RYK—No. 2...... 48 60 loss Is about 40.000, with a total Insurance slowly declining In 'the provinces which lead can ba taken off dally by two men. of tho fourth car had given wuy, throwing Butter —Choice Creamery...... 20}^ were ravaged last year. In Hessarahia which has paid them during the lust week tho cur from tho truck. Tho trainmen and Ko eath ot Senator Stanford. worthy (»f mention. Pea Hldge, Clay County, Tonn.. near tho ats O —No. 2 White ...... 34 36 Ben.ator Leland Stanford died at his home line of Cumberland County. Kentucky. Can Sell No More Vagrants. ST. LOUIS. In California Wednesday morning. Ho Mi'chanlcs >Ieet in Detroit. The officers escaped without Injury. Tho No more vagrants will be sold off tho Cattle ...... 3 no 6 00 HO(tB...... 3 on t<$ 6 25 Jiad been 111 some time Ills death was due Tho Junior Order of United American moonshiners left no dead on tho Hold, hut block In Missouri, tho Bupremo Court de­ Wheat —No, 2 Red...... ei ® C3 to a coinplICHtlon of (.rgartlc iroubltts. He Mechanics hold Its annual meeting In De­ there wore Indications that some of them ciding that the law was unconstitutlonuL Corn -No. v...... 37 & 38 Oats -No. 3...... w 30 was in his tisual heultli Tuesday and took troit. This Is the fortieth annlvors.ary of had been hurt A largo distillery appar ­ Vagrants have recently been sold to tho Rye —No. 2...... a...... 40 eS 61 a drive around his slock ftirm and retired the order, which was founded May 17. 1853, atus and a quantity of mash and liquor highest bidder ut Mexico, Mur.'.hall, Fay­ CINCINNATI. shortly after 10 o’clock. Ho made no com­ In Philadelphia. Tho State of I’cnnsyl- ette and other points Joseph Thompson, Cattle ...... 3 on (? 6 60 were destroyed. plaint during tho day regarding his health. vanla alone has 021 lodges, with a mum- the negro to have been sold, and George, Hocjh ...... 3 00 t* 6 50 llaHe-ltnll lleeord. sheep ...... 3 00 5 00 Shortly after midnight his vaiet entered hershlp of about 200.000; Indiana, 20 Hardin, who was sold, have boon released. Wheat —No. 2 Red...... 62 (si> 64 his bed-room and found bis master lodges; Illinois, 40 lodges; Maryland, 64; The standing of the clubs of the Na­ Corn -No. 2...... 37 37)4 Oatb —No. 2 Mixed ...... 82 (o, 33 (lead. Tho news of tho Senator's death Netw York. 120; Now Jersey, 179; Ohio. Sl.'i. tional League Is shown by the following lle(|U(>sts of .\ctor Miiwlii Hootli. Uye -No . 2...... bC <9 ca was speedily sent to his business assncia cs and ovory J^jjate in the Union Is represented table: The will of Edwin Thomas Booth, tho DETROIT. and friend**. The btdy will be embtilmod. by from 20 U) uOO lodgea h f>C.l W. T,. T»c. actor, loaves t'fio hulk of his property to Cattle ...... s 00 6 00 1(1 .C3A Bnltlmoro . 23 23 .000 his daughter. The value of his personal Hoos ...... 3 (10 C(9 7 60 Brooklyn.. 16 .036 Washington 21 ■23 477 sheep ...... 3 00 <4((t 431A Death In a Rat Hite. Oatb —No. 2 White ...... so 9 si by tho Comml'tee on Ceremonies and the atfl8 between eastern termlpals and north At Pittsburg, Pa., judgments and exe ­ Cotiticil of Administration .as “Veterans ’ Mrs. J, T. Ford died at her homo, one Rye ...... 82 (^ 64 Pacific coasf poinla, Northcrti Pacific rates cutions were (lied against the Duiiuosno BUFFALO. Day." and It Is exp >cte(l that during that m*le east of Richmond. Pa., from blood Cattle —Common to'I'rlme... 3 60 ^ 6 60 from Portland and nil Puget''^>und points Tube Works Company for $350,000. It is wc<*k fully 50,000 (»Id soldlt^rs will he In at­ poisoning, caused by a rut bite ten days Hoob —Best Grades...... 4 on ($ 7 25 to i^t. Paul, Mhmeapolls and lAiluth are stated that nearly tho entire debt of tho Wheat —No. 1 Northern ...... 07 (ft ah tendance. Axldresses will t;o made on eacli ago. Bho was the mother of tho notorious first-class. '1 ... company Is Included in ’ the judgment. No. 2 Bed...... 60)4(15 70)4 of llieso days by prominent g*>ntlomnn of Bob and Charley Ford, who killed Jesse This is secured by the property. Tho fail­ MILWAUKEE. Missouri Fatalities. James at BU Joseph, Ma, under a contract Wheat —No, 3 Spring ...... 03)4(3 04<4 T)oth Federtil und tionfedorate armies and ure Is caused by general 4cpro«>slon' In Corn —No. s...... 30 « so William Cummings, it farmer near Stans- with (iov. Crittenden. special features In fireworks will bo added bu8loes.s. Oatb —No, 3 White ...... 34 ® 86 for tho veterans. Wrry, .Ma, and three trt the family of JcSlh^i Rye —No. 1...... 60 (?« 63 Blow to Register. Doyle, are reported killed by llghtnltig Drove Dito tlie Dpoii Dratv. Barley —No. 2...... 67 9 6» ■\Vest Virginians Dedlrnle. Official returns show that of 110,000 Chi ­ Pork —Mesa...... 19 75 25 Wosinesday afternoon, I>r. William Evatt of Chicago drove into nese in the United Btates inly 13,170 are NEW YORK. The Sftato BuildInz at tho n.. *Ihe river from the Taylor street bridge, Cattle ...... s to & n World’s Fair was ( edicated Tuesday .Caniint Moy who was in the H0(»8...... 3 00 (3 7 76 aft(»rn(H'n Tim build tut Is two sto­ At Woo


MMlipiiifir Buled Huy to Franco--Man and ftainpinit of What the Muilern Amerh-an Team Itoutod by a Woodchuck —Com­ i'atrlut of Wealth llUplay* on the Na- lU'. plain of a Now Law—Trouble with Uull- O II tluii'M Anniversary —J’ulnter!* on How to I'oad Men, A I'ruduce j’yroterhiiles.- From Fur unil Near. Flreworks on the f-'^urtli. , G rand Kapid S, aceordin^f to the In this great year of (Columbian fetes new city directory just issued, claims tho man of wealth and fashion is going to have a population of over 100,(HM). to make thing.s noisy on tne day and Eddik O'Bkien , of Mackinac Island, night of the 4tl\, I was rocdfitly given was drowned off the Chenaux Islands a glance at tho order book of probably while out lishinif. Ills boat capsized. tho largest fireworks maniifucti,^’er in tho world, writes a Now York corre­ Nora White , a lO-year-old spondent, and I felt a strong inclination l^enn ‘firl, maj' die from wounds re- to go up in a balloon to witness tho tfeived in the face by being kicked by mugnilioont pyrorainas which prtimise a vicious horse. to illuminate Now York suburoau Mk.s. (.’IIARLES H. Speddlv , of Lan­ homos. sing. was dangerously burned while at­ While at tho manufacturer’s I was tempting to fill u lighted gasoline given some inUirosting })ointers on not stove. She will probably recover. alone tho latest in the way of fire­ The new steam barge Groorge Stone, works, but on how to arrange for fine iK'longing to Bradley and others of pyrobsohnic effects. The jn’cttiest nov­ ('Icveland, was launched at Wheeler & elties for this season will undoubtedly (a *.'s yards, West Bay City, Satui-day. b(3 tho Japanese day fireworks. Tho Mr. and Mrs. Edward Curry , of little top-shaped Iximlw are fired from Mason, who have not been living hap­ mortars, or upright guns, and. explod ­ pily together of late, took largo doses ing at a great altitude, will display life- of morphine. Mrs. Curry is dead, but size figures of some national celebri­ the man will recover. ties, flowers of all kinds and colors and designs ajipropriate to this World’s A SMALL sawmill four miles south of Fair year. The boinlw are made Sanford, on theF'lint &; Pore Marquette in sizes of nine, twelve and eighteen Railroad, owmed and ojiorated by II. .1. | '-’J Inches circumference. 1 was told that Yates & Son, of Saginaw, was totally i mmn PI inW ’** ”'**' tho secret of their manufacture has destroyed by fire early Thursday morn­ never been betray«3d by the .Taiianeso, ing. Loss, $ 2,0(X). No insurance. I and that tho American designs to go It is fondly imagined by those most ! Into the bombs were sent to .Japan and interested that tlio smoko nuisance ; redrawn there. They will bti exjiloded case at Port Huron which was begun l on ever^' lawn from Tuxedo to tho there recently may not stop short of | Tlioiisand Islands, and from Bar Har­ the abatement of all coal smoke in I’ort any attention to his wife's sharp “Back, ye spalpecnl” she cried; “firo bor to Coronado Beach on the Pacific Huron and on the American side of tho thrusts. Not so with the raw i-ecuits tho gun.” coast. St. Clair River. of the command, however. The woman She Avas addressing herself to tho To arrange a fine disjilay take plenty Bliss & V anauken of Saginaw, had a wonderful effect upon them. demoralized Larry, w’ho was struggling have purchased ()(),(XK),(M)0 feet of stand­ There wasn’t one of them who wouldn't in her grasp. He succeeding in h'ee- ing timber and a camp outfit in tho rather march right up to a cannon's ing himself, and throw’ing down his Georgian Bav district. The consider- \ mouth than receive a scornful glance portfire he cut and ran for it. at ion is private. Tho timber will | from her. Because of her powerbil in- “Devil a shtep w’illl rin till that gun’s come to the Bliss & Vanauken mill to j llucnce over the men she became a fired.” shouted Molly. Snatehing up l)e manufactured. | privileged character. She adopted a burning brand she touched off the last semi-rcgimental dn'ss. It consisted of cannon that was discharged in Fort The edgings that have heretofore ! LAGS in ulr, a short blue skirt, the scarlet coat of (Hinton in the very faces of the enemy l>een thrown into tho burners of saw- i Fla.’S East and an urtilleryinan and a cocked hat worn who wore pouring over the ramjmrt. mills at Marinette will hereafter l>e , West, rakishly on one side. It was at the In tho momentary confusion that this utilized in tho manufacture of matches. I FI ass every wlioro. (•apturo of Fori Montgomery and Fort audacious display of nerve caused, The straight-grained pieces are picked i Ours w Itti tliO rest. Clinton that Mollv first distinguished Molly made her cscajK;. out. dried in racks, sawed, cut into ' herself in tho service of her country suf­ Nine months later the woman, then short pieces and shipped. Boys on the run. ficiently to cause her name to be writ­ only 22 years old, was with Hirry on Arthur Heney , a farmer living j Hoys at a stand. ten in revolutionary history. liOrry was tho field of battle once more. It was near Alpena, is having lots of trouble Boys full of fun. manning a cannon in tho latter fort in Monmouth where the troops w'cre with the men who are constructing tho All- through the a puerile sort of a way. Molly hovered massed this time. In that memorable: new railroad there. Tho other day he land. about him and tho other fluttering battle Molly fairly outdid horsclf in drove twentj’-fivo of them off his farm. I siiirits trying to jirevont their remain­ displaying energy and enthusiasm. She Now he has had six arrested on a ^ Shouts from the ing courage from oozing out. Word flitted among tho .soldiers threatening, of room; as extensive a lawn as possi­ charge of trespass on Tiis property. i crowd. was ])assed that tho terri’ole Hessians commanding, and cursing tlicni as tho ble. l*lacc your aerial fireworks in Shouts South and were advancing in vast numbers, almost occasion demanded. ()n tho sunny boxes far to the roar and covered with Complaint comes from variou.s sec­ t ) the demoralizatiop of the garrison. morning in June that the battle wak tions of tho State regarding the new ; North, oilcloth or tarpaulin to prevent damp­ Shouts Ion,; and If it hadn’t been for Molly disaster fought Molly was carrying water to ness or sparks from getting at them. registry law which requires that no | would have swept over the fort quickly. the soldiers as usual, and occasionally deed, land contract, or plat shall bt) ; loud. Y'our roi’ket troughs .should l)e erected She raised everybrnly's spirits by making suggestions, which the officers woll to tho side of these covered boxes recorded unless tho county treasurer’s 1 “Hurrah for the Fourth!" mounting the rampart and shouting: tolerated from her as well. .Shot and certificate accomi)anies it, certifying ‘ and fairlv well to the rear of the lawn. -Youth ’s Companion. “Come on. Hessians or redcoats; we'll shell filled the air. meiwing down row Don’t fail to erect them in a direction that taxes have lieen jiaid for the past ' trait ye all the same, and'll ])ut more after row of soldiers. Larry was di.s- five years. j away from the spec’tators. Y'our bomb­ MOLLY PITCHER. bullets an’ balls into vees than ve ’ll tinguishing tho battery to which bo shells must Ixi! firexl a good ways from During the past week hundreds of, was connect(‘d by his otfcclivo fire. It the crowd. I’lace the largest set pieco wagon-loads of baled hay have been ; held a commanding position in full in the'centor of the lawn and then dis­ brought to the steamboat warehouses i On the west bank of tho Hudson, a view of tho enemy. The Briti.-h gun­ tribute the other pieces in such man­ at Aljiena for shipment to Boston. Two few miles south of Buttermilk Falls, is ners were trying their best to pick ner and at such distance from each hundred tons have already been shiiv | tho grave of Molly Pitcher, one of tho Larry down and finally i-uccocded. Molly other that they may not set firo t<) one vH?d. and it is said some of it will go to ^ most famous personages in tho I’ovolu- was just returning from tht^ sjiring another while burning, the smallest France. This is a new enterprise for tionarj- war. She was tho only woman with u pitcher of water. When within pieces always being placed nearest the Alpena, but bids fair to be a growing whose namo over a]>peared on the jiay- a few feet of her husband a fragment spectators. Colored fires, mines, foun- one. j roll of the American army and her of a cannon ball found a mark in iLarry. name was jilaced there by order of killing him instantly just as ho was in “/----- Henry V. V. Pierce, a well-known ' General Washington, in recognition of tho act of discharging the field jiiece. voung man of Grand Rapids, went to her services in various battles. Molly’s Mollio saw her husband fall. She Pent water about a year ago to act as maiden name, says a writoi* in the dropped her itail. and with wild shrieks assistant station agent for tho C. & \V. ' Utica Glol)o, was Mary Ludwig. She and groans threw herself u])on his M. Road. Monday ho drew his wages was a stout, frocklc-faecd. red-haired mangled remains, ft was tfic first for May and since then he has not lieen Irish girl. After her marriage time Mollie liad over Ix'cn seen to give seen. A search was instituted, but to to Larry OT'larharty hoi’ husband away to grief, and the .buttery stoppc'd no avail. He bears an excellent repu­ went to the front as an artilleryman tiring temrorarily. There was no gun­ iHiilin Uil tation and no cause is known for his .and Molly nunained at home. She ner to take faithful Lurry's jilacc at the i !: i ' : F /' • ! i disappearance. j didn’t stay separated from her husband field piece, and the officer in charge of A Northville farmer while plowing , long, how’over. On a Monday morning, the battery ordered its withdrawal. ■Y"7\l w I turned up a woodchuck with a furrow. ' after she had hung u]) her weekly When Mollie heard this order .she Tho animal attacked tho team, which ' washing and gone into a field near th(' sprang to her feet. ])anting to avenge I i}. i {I : ! ’ CL...... ; i t Is’camo frightened and ran away. The house to pick blackberries, a horseman TOi.D TO JOi.N iii:h nrsB.ANn. the death of her husband. “No, yer honorl" she cri«Ml. “I’ll take \ \i\\ ...... /; r 1 i wo(Klchuck then turned his attention . rode up and told her she must join her > 1 1 to the man to such good purpose that I husWnd. Without a word M dlv jiieked loiko for supptM’.” The cnomv advanced Larry’s place, and it’ll do me sore ’•%.> *•. / K .i the weary plowman wended his way 1 her still wet clothes from the lino, upon tho two forts simultaneously. heart good to send some o' Ihim ri'd- homeward at nearly as rapid a gait as rolled them up in a bundle. jura{>ed They were ovidentivof tho opinion that eoats as killed him to the devil. ’’ And MA(3MFI< ENT MILITARV OESIOK. his horses, leaving his chuckship tho upon the horse lichind tho man. and the resistance would be light. They with a wild Irish j’cll she grablied up tains, aerolites, batteries, cissons and undisputed ixissessor of tho field. j rode away. She attached hors(*lf to soon discovered their error, however. the jiortfire and discharged the piece. geysers should be placed in line in All that dav. till tho order came to Escanaba has enlarged its fire ' the command in which Larry served. Terrific fires were poured into them front of the display, each woll away limits. 1 She made herself useful by carrying from both forts,causing them to fall back retreat, Molly manned the gun, I from tho other. Balloons must lie fired water to tho soldiers in a huge ])itcher. with fewer numliers. Again and again discharging It as fast a.s she A YOUNG son of Charles Epjiort, of I I in that corner of the lawn where the could loud it. her eyes lighted ^ breeze will be sure to carry them away Monroe, fell recently and broke his by a strange fire of anger her red thigh bone. i from the inclosuro at once. Begin j hair dishevelled and Hying. When vour pyrotechnics with rockets, bal­ The Brown City village dads became the battery was finally forced to out loons, liombshells, and illuminations, so excited that they indulged in a free- and run Molly refused to abandon the then firo off your set pieces, commenc­ for-all-fight. bo aerial effects, anci closing with the while fishing. cheering her on all sides. The story of largest pieco. The effect of this will Molly’s action spread like wildfire Farmers in tho vicinity of Raisin- bt3 vastly enhanced by firing off a bat- ville and Monroe are greatly Iwthered through the camp. On the following U’ry at either side. Now, one word by sheep-killing dogs. morning, all covered with dirt and more as lo precautions. Always attach blood. Gen. (ireene presented her to your lighting torch to a stick about While fifty men were raising a barn Gen, Washington, who conferred tho at East Bay. tho whole structure col- six feet long. rank of a sergeant upon her. Molly re­ One of the prettiest displays will ha la])so«l. A numl)er of legs were broken. mained with the army some time after While the Ib-vear-old daughter of tho battle which made her a widow, Mrs. Alcorn, of ifarrisvillo, was light ­ but she was never tho same again. She ing a fire with kerosene her dross was an object of sjx'cial admiration from caught fire. She cun hardly nicover, j tho French officers. They never tired •lOHN RooSEN, of Ontonagon, while | of hearing tho wondorfurstories of tho scutlling with a conqianion, fell in such i during exploits of the dashing Irish a manner as to throw his weight on vivandiero. When she passed along his l«}ft foot, breaking his leg at the the French lines occasionally, soliciting anklo. alms, she was greeted with volleys of The St. Ignace hose cart company i “Bravo, madam!” while the orowns was making a jiractico run tho other | fairly rained into her hat. evening when Wm, I.4i Fountain, one • \ After Larry's death Molly grow mo­ of the firemen, trip])cd and fell vio- rose and sullen, and soon I’ctired from lontlv on the edge of the sidewalk, 1 the arniv. B«;fore leaving, however, breaking his collar bone. j she received tho distinction of captain hv brevet, and on the recommendation A Manlstique tcat’her recently re- i o? Gen. Washington hi‘r name was reived the following excuse from a i)ar- I jilaced on the half-pay list for life. She ent whose little girl had been absent | went to West INiint to live, Icing under from sehool: "Dear Miss----- , I wish if tho jcrsonal charge of the command­ to a])prise you of tho fact that the in ­ ant there. She lived with various disposition of rav little daughter oper ­ MOIJ.Y MANS THE GUN. familios thereabouts, the commi.ssary ated to {irevent lier from presenting an at tlio j)ost ])aying her boanl. while Hp])oaranco at your recent ])edagogical This is the way she got her iioculiur they advanced and again and again supplies of various kinds wore sent to ( that of Mrs. Van ib'nssehu'r ('riigtM’, at exercises; and hence this concise ox- name. they were repulsed. The forces of tho hei- direct from tho Secretary of War Tdlowild. I don’t think it will cost over jilanation is respectfully offered to suls Molly distinguished herself by her enemy were t(K» much for the garrison, at Washington, ( apt. Molly associated .^.YOO. and it will consist, T am told, of serve tho interests of justice and In reckless bravery. She had a thorough however, and it lieeomo a])})aront after exclnsivoly with tin- soldiery, siicnding three set pi<;ces. including “The Con- hoi>cs that, in the kindness of your contempt for eowai’ds and u mighty a time that the forts would l)e taken. hoi- days and ovening.s in tlu! garrison, : tinontal Minute Man." “The VYashing- heart, you may bo induced to accept sharp tongue. Harry lackivl courage, When all was eonfnsion in Fort Clin­ drinking and smoking and swoaring \ ton Statue," and a “(ioddoss of Lib- this exctisc as valid, sufficient and sat­ and. consequently, he came in for con­ ton. when the gunners had de.sorted with tlu' Im'sI of thoin. H'oward tfie : erty.” Tlioso aro all magnificorit in isfactory. and may feci inclined tr stant abuse. But he was of n philo- their guns and the onemv was about to closo her life Ix'caino f;'.;- from woll or- I color effects, and will he shown to graciously <'ondone the offeus^', if on». Bophii-al turn of mind and he acoejded pour over tho rampart, tVie shrill voice derod. As tlm of l or .vU>Vous ‘ splendid advantngr> ,ya tho ma.gnit'cen* ha - heou <'('’n:nittod." his matrimonial fate without paying of Molly was heard abo\e the epri':;r. living ho !iied ' Tuger lawn. to \V«1>m, Uatei ^ TUESDAY. JI:NK 27, 18U3. March li. IHUOaiid re«*or«le. In the otilce of tlie BeglMter of Deeds f«n- Clin Klectioii of Ottlcorn. ton county, In MIohlRan, in LIher 74 of Mort Riigt's, on page 21H,on whicli Mortgage tliere ADDITIONAL NEWSLETS. is claimed to be due at the date of this notice 'the following named were elected HARDWARE One Hundred atxl Eight Dollnrs and Nine (’(•nts hesides an attorney ft“e of Flfte«*n Dol MiHH Ali(5«) HaUMTt, of Grand Eed^t*, is oHicers and'eoinmittees of the Congrega­ Inrs stipulated In said Mortgage to be paid, should any proce**eudinu; the wwk with lier eieter, Mrs. tional Y. I*. S. C. K. for the six months said tnortgage: and no*suit or proc(*edingat commencing July I, 1893 : law or In ei|ulty having been institut(*d to re- >11. III. 11. III. .1*. III. p. rn. p. rn. Dr. L. .Jones, Hero we are with the two c«»ver nay i»nrtOf the »leht secured by said DETROIT... Lv ti 40 1040 4 05 H OO 1045 Prt-aldHUt-Misi 11. 'at. Haldwlii. Mortgag**. MIlwHukeeJet.. 7 00 1058 4 25 8 15 1106 Mr. A. T. Halbert nnd wife and two Vice I'reeidcul—llobt. lluck. Therefore, by virtue of the power of sale in P. III. 7 48 1 145 5 8 58 1215 sous, from (irand Leilge, spent Sunday Secretary—A. K IVtrie. sabi mortgage containe, 1M!).*I, at 8 28 1 230 5 51 P 38 1 14 Treasurer—!'. E. VVaNwonh. one o’clock In the nfternooii, at the west front Diiraiid...... P 05 1 50 U 12 1015 2 18 OwoHso Jet...... 1 005 2 20 2 50 Tile subject next Sunday at r. M. I’. M. (.'oiumlttce —.\Iaiy I*. Hunt, Eugene Liv- door of the Court House, for Clinton count on 7 e on the market. in Michigan, In the village of .St. .lohns, •St. .JoliiiH...... 1 054 247 8 04 3 58 which will be talked about at the Con- ingsluu. Alice .Mallhouse, Juta Itroaa, J. L. liauiii* 08 sahl c 00 11 20 8 20 llio (Jraiide railroad, accompaui**d by Dated May 2;i, isliB. .Milwattkeeb.v .S ...... 1 U 30, U 80 5 his wife, who has been visiting sevM?ral Ida Poat, Alva Bennett, Clara Hope. CLAUI.VDA GIBBS. t’hicago by St ...... 1 t; ()0‘ Belief CoiuiiiitU-e—.Mrr. A. C. Adauia, Belle I'KitKiNs & Bai ,OWIN', Mortgagee KASTYVAItl). we<*ks in this viirinity, returned home Petenion, Vedie Balliiig'-r, Lizzie Burge.'ui; Mrs. .Attorneys for Mortgaget*. yestenluy morning. Walbworth. Social Coniiuitiec —Pauliije .V laiiis, Gcuevivu New Traill .Servb-e. ICiiitie, (iruee lldiit, Frank Duck, .A. ('. Adams. I. O. O. K. I)e<-ortitioii ServloeK. 'I'he Chicago, Bock Island Pacitic Bail­ STATIONS. Flower Coiuiiiitti-e—I ucia Fiy, JrH.-. W'alaon, Alary vice, and travelersen rouleto Ileuver, Pueblo, illa ami the I'liigle. ('(dorado Springs or to .Miiiiieupolis. St. Milwauk(*e by S t) <)() July 2, IHD.M. The i»roce|psion will ilitlit, Ida l'«>at, llirani lim.-uiiCliarlie Patteison. Paul, and Sioux Falls should note this fact: t’ldcago by .St 7 .HO Junior ( o.uiiiitlee —(iracu Ai. Dutiald. Leltie The new train West Is callt'd tin* Rocky » G a. in. a. m. p. m. p. ni. form at the hall, and headed by the St. .Siuiili. .Mountain Limited, luns via Omaha and Lin­ (irand Haven L n 4e OO 2 lO H 00 Johns (,’ornet Hand and escort(*d by the Al.l. AMI SEE (M B STO( K BEFOBK lil YING coln, and leaves Chicago daily at 10:2.'> A. .m. Fcrrysbuig ...... sc- .’> 44 O.'i 2 1 .'i « 05 MLaini'iii'y ('oimiiili.-e —.S'i.\i,i:, .Mich., .Iiinc 17, IsuB Goodricli Line for Chicago. tliese triiins are vesfiluiled. carry Pullman ’s p. III. superli service, as well as the ever uopular St. Jolins..,, H 25 1217 5 20 2 no the cemetery, wheri* the graves of our .\s two meiuLcrsof the Eighth .Mitdiigau Bock Island Dining Car Service. Take the OW(JSHO Jet. H 57 1255 0 00 2 25 Great Bock IslaiHl Route. The Twin City a. III. deceased brothers will be diHrorated by Infantry W(?rc rcturiiiiig home from their A.NO Express leaving Chicago dally ut B:.’')() i*. m., Durand ...... 5 10 !) 2.‘l 1 47 0 HO 3 58 the Daughters of Itebekah. after which reunion at Si., .lohiis, J tine 1IJ, th«‘y had “City of Wfioirie” carries through sh-epers to Kansas City, ar­ Holly...... 5 55 1014 2 20 7 40 4 47 riving there at N:BO a . m. Pontiac ...... 0 35 105:{1 3 05 S 25 5 37 Drother W. .\, Norton, of St lohns, will a very mirrow escape from tirowning (Built e.\pressly for this route.) JNO. SEBASTIAN, .MIl’ker Jot...... i 7 20 1132, 3 45 9 05 0 30 deliver an address. when abont thret* miles north of DeWitt. Tliese Steamships have Immense reserve tien'l Pass. Agent. DETROIT....^r| 7 40llJ|j>0' 4 05| U 251 7 00 power, which enuhles them to make iheir fi^t’halr Par, Huflet (,'ar and Sleeping Car CiiAUi.Ks (’noss. .Vt about 1):3() in tin* evening they found regular schedules in the most unlavt>rable .Service. weather. > .lou.N O’D uv .ne , water over the roail iind with nothings to A Leader. Eastward, No. 12 lias Piillinan Sli*ei)er, Each 1,200 tons burden, with sUH*plng ac- Sinei* its first iiitroduetiou, Idleetric Chicago to Detroit. No. 14 has Wagner Bnffet Will Evo .n , warn them of thinger lljey nttem|itet] to commodutions for BOO pussengers, will leave Chair Car, Grand Haven to Detroit. GBAND HAVEN for CHICAGO daily, except Ditters has gained rupidl.y in popular No. 18 has (.'hair Car, (irand Itapids Committ(H‘ on .Arrangements. cross. 'rh(*,v soon fonntl tln*niselvcH in Saturday, at H:,BO e, m. favor, until now it is cl(*ni ’ly in the It*ad to Di'trolt. No. 82 has Wagner Sleeper Extra Saturday Trips to t'HH’AGO, roniiiienrlng Grand Itaidds to Detroit. serious tronhh*. Th»* water was so tieep among pure medical tonics and altera- West ward, No, 11 has Chair Car, Detroit Ill iCt-piy. it wtis next to impos.le to nuinago .May IB and eniling Sept. D, both days Inclusive. tiv(*s— eoiituiiiiiig nothing which iiermits to Gnitul Ba|iids. No. 1.5 has Wagner Par- Extra .Steamers will he placert on this route its use as a b(*verage or intoxicant, it is lor BulVetCar, Detroit toGraiidIHaveii. No.17 The article in last week’s News from their hoi-se wht-n at the most tlangerons after June 1st, so as to make thi-ee trips a rtHutgnized as the best and pur(*st im*di- hasPiillman Buffet .S)eep(*r Detr(,)lt toChiengo. the pen of .M. Daln’ock, advising the part the animal l)(*came frightened at a day each way dally, If business demands It. No. 81 has Wagner Sleeper, Detroit toGrantl Hoatiiig log and began to madly plunge. Arriving in ('HIC.AGO the following moni- ciiie for all ailments of the .Stomach, Rapids. jiioneer society to pay for what it wants liig in time for the outgidng trains. Liver or Kiln»*ys.—It will cure Sick JNO. W. LOUD, BEN. FLETCHER. Fortiiniitely both were good swimmers Traltic .Manager. 'I'rav. Pass. Agent, allows that the wiiter still retains an in­ and elear-headed and though the water F.AItE, berth Included...... I^B.dO I li*adaehe, 1 iidigest iuii, ('oust ipatiou, and THOMAS BROMLEY. Aireiit. St. Johns. terest in the society and kindly extends WHS ten feet d**i ‘)) they siicc(*«‘ded in e.x- i:oi'NT> Titll’, good for season...... ,5.00 drive .Malaria from the syMt(*m. Satis­ tricating ihem.selves and horse. Dy B(‘turning, leave CHICAGO tlally, excejit faction guaraut(*(>d with (“aeh botth* or jidvice, but should his advice be followed Siiiiday. at 7:.‘ IO 1*. m., arriving at GBA.ND money retundi*d. I’riee only ode per bot­ TOLEDO, ANN .YKDDIC A’ NORTH .MIC'H- and a collection be taken w ould he con­ can*fnhy feeling the wa.v for nearly fort.v H.AVEX early next morning In time for the ItiAN IC.Y 1L\V.\ V. rods they reached hard land and sought .'»:4.'') A. .M. Limited Express train tui D.. G.H. tle. Sold by Fild(*w A' .Millmaii,St. Joliii.s tribute as cheerfully and as liberally in shelter in a farm housene.n-by. 'riiongh & .M. It’y for all points East ami North. uud Fowler. I'Lxeursioii Itiilletiii. •“hard cash” as he hasiii advici;? .Advice, the man (if he may he railed one) pre­ Extra Sunday Trips to Grand Haven romnienring ------.May It and ending Sept. 1(1, both days inrluslve. Dates of one fare for the round trip will like a vote of thanks, is good in its tends to he H. follower of t’hiist, he re­ fused us shelter nnd we dripping and This is the Short Line to the WOBLD'S be made for the following (’onv<*ntionH : jilace, but neither, it is true, will fully COH’MBIAN EXI’OSITIO.N, landing pas- D i'li..\.m’sGi;um .vn .MEmciXK Co.:—Gentle­ Christian Endeavor Cnioii at Montreal chilh*d began to wonder if every body sengers in Chicago only one block from the men:— For over four y(*arH 1 have b(><*u answer when nature calls for a good cn that road was built in (hat way. niinois Central U. U., running trains direct .1 Illy 4tli to 8th. to the EXPOSITION BCILDINIJS. afflicted with an eruption of the skin, Chautaii(|ii(t and Ba.v View Caiiiii Meeting scjuare meal. The pioneet society’ has We have positive pnjof they are not, which bec:tme vi'rj* troublt*Home and I for at th<* hon e of tlie .Maliar tirothers THBOCGH TICKETS to All Points via. at Bay View July 11th to August loth. no intention ol bring parsimonious, CHICA(}0, can be had of all Railroad 'I'lcket could g(*t no relief. I was also troubled Baptist Young Pe(>pl(* ’s I’lilon of AiiierlcH wens'eived ev« ry kindm*ss that could be Agents. but these men and women whohavedone very biidly with coustijmtion which noth­ at Indianapolis .Inly 13th to lOth, possibly sliowii ns ai.d we desire through A. Wi Goodrich, Pres't, G. Hudson Gen Traffic Mgr. ing 1 tri(*d gave me jiei maui'iit rtditff un­ lnt(>riiatfotial Epworth League at Cleve­ so much to bring Clinton county to its your papt*r to extend mit only heartfelt CHICAGO. AlILWAFKEE. til I took Dnilam’s Gr**at German DIood, land .lul.v nth to Pth. present degree of iirosjierity and yoni- thanks lait the th.-iiiks of oar faiiiili(*s J. W, Gillmanj Sup't Jno. Singleton, Gen PasAgt, Liver, Stoumeh uud Kidney Kem(*dy,and North America Saengerfest at Cleveland fort, have a right to receive some with­ nnd friends to .lames ami 'riioiims Mahar CHICAGO. CHICA(J(). since taking I have be(*u entirely cured. and .Mrs, .Mahar b»r I he shown Jnlv 11th to 14th. out pr ying for it in “spot cash’’ and had For a tonic, blood ]iuriti(*r and geiii*ral tons, h'liEi) .'siiii*i*. l.aiismg. li(*tiltli r(*st()r( ‘r I cun lieartil.vri*c()mm«'ud Kati's of one and on(*-third fare for the h not been for their efforts and others (). G. .\.NOUEWs. Diiiiaomhile. Fred . F. Murdoch it. .Mbs. W.m. (’opkl.vnd , Flint, -Mich, round tri|» for the following: like them, professional musicians would For side by 'rravis cV: Daker. Hnckley Park Camp Meeting at .Muski'gon Jjardly be able to make wages at the —dkai .kh in — .I line 2Htli to .lul.v Ititli. Itiano. It is true that the (‘ffort to ]>ro- Wbui Makes ii Iteaiitifiil M'oinan. Hackley Park Assembly .Meeting at .Mus­ kegon July 27tli to August 8tli. vide music for the lab* meeting of the niHRBLE AND GRANITE. Flku .mit, I.vii ., July 1st, ISDI. Salvation Arm.v .State Encamiimeut at societv was not fuliv successful (all d i i n* i D fll.y.m's Gbk.vt Gi:bm.\x .Mkdicink C o.: Flint July 27tli to .August 8tli...... IIHHIc I-S. CEMETERY WORK. .\ly duught(‘r lias been uftlietc'd with I'''oi' information jts to date of sah* and Some of the St.-lohrs singers wouldliave 1 llO JlOAAt'l'S, F(*male trouble tor ov(*r six yetirs and I have puid out over iji'T.'iO in vtiin trying return limit of tickets, call on .\gent, 'C. ch(H*rfully lent their aid in furnishing TllC Cllicftclill RalvCS, CUT STONE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. to find a r(*iief for h(*r. -V hid.v friend a(l- \ A: X. .M. D’y or w i ite, music had not other duties l>'‘‘vented, |'f SlIpcritH* Ilnvill, ”: Tools, viH(*d me to s»H-ur(> a botth* of Dnilam’s W. 11. DLN.N’F'r i’, G. C. .V. "r; “•’. n,J^cvcrlianows. Shop Opposite the PoRtofllce, Great Gi*rmaii Femalt* Cterim*'ronic ami 'I'oli'do, Ohio. willinglv for their iia.v the consciousness I ‘ i r, i, i ^ \ i she has been eouipI(*tely cured by it. 1V(* of a gmal dce.l well ami kindly done,! Hencri broiipt^old Ad- .ST. JOII,NS. MIC’IIIG.AN guvi* it a fair trijil and the r(*sults w(*r(* wonderful. W«* cannot recommend it while othcis chos«‘not to aid unless re-j JustclhlC i IcU'- too higlily to all ladies who art* jifllict(‘d. wardcd with dollars. The soiriety has I TOWS, “Cleveland to Buffalo while you sleep." D k.\.i.\i\i.\ Git.v.voEU. ni*arly always been well provided "ith | J)j-jJ|».^ Cor sah* hy Ttavis ik Daker. musn;■ at■ ■'ils mcetin/r.s, 'by tliosi’ "''‘‘’Crown Drills,' ’ C leveland & Buffalo Transit C o. .Mngiilllceiit Side Wheel Steel Steaim*rs, tiiiaraiiteeil ( lire. rli(*t*i-fully nml willingly aiilml witlioul We nuthorizi* out' adv(*ftised druggist (l<*siriug n pcfuuiary Icwanl. , i Wheel Cultivators,r i ■ "State of Ohio’’ anCSt Fallii'l .\gt. iiearl.v two years, have tried iihysieiiius THE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO make it effective by Ixiidiiig 1 hesubserip- T F. NEWMAN, Gen’l Mgr., Cleveland. and all known r<'im*(lies, btit found no p(*rmaneiit relief until I tried a bottle of tion? Son of A 1’ion :;ki !. Diillam’K Great Geriimti Liniment and it gave me instant and permuneut relii'f. THE 15. W \ J E1V .s.*.A-ON. mz. MOilELAfll) 2.5 ecuts jK'f bottle. Signed by D. S. W. —i i:.\ i.r;;: i>:. Sm*ll, llamiltou, .Midi., .\jiril 11, Istll. ICalf-Fari* on I be Detroit, (o'liiid Driven S: For stile by 'rrnvi.s A: Daket" UXDEUTAKER. •M itw iiuLee K’y. —Has llic very (iBsioat KsaasfjaisE. OPPOSIT,'; COURT ROUSE S5UAEE, The ad vent of hot weallier sets I'vi'ry- Johns...... Midi liody thinking nboiit the cool br<-(,'/;esand 1 h(* good 1 imes at I’ay t'iew. 'I'he Snm- BEST FACILITIES Put us down im*r I'niversily o[)ens on July 12, the I-::; —I'or llic— B. F. MILLER. .Asst'inbly on July ID, eontinuiiigto Aug­ Til ust Id. and the Detroit, Grand lliiven A DELIVERY - OF - MILK On tlic Top of Your List Liver) and Boarding Stable, .Milwaukee IFy will sell half-fare round (It the OM IJInk.) ■f'V-VTt,-..- trill tickets there covering thefull season. In Sealed Hollies. 'rieki'ts will be rtold daily from July ID to ID, inclusive, with retiiriilimit .Vugust Just the Idea for the eoiniiij^ When you go out to have your idiotos 17. 'fhe .\ssembly progr.'Hiis are stiid to Suninicr. They keep out taken. be tin* riehe.-it‘ tind flu* I'ltiversit.V ’ ad- the dust and all eoiitaini- vautages the best ev(>r off('r(*d tla'ie. Tin* I'niversity IJeview gives nil the nation. Iirograms and eours' sof iii.siruetioii. t«‘lls all about Day View expenses, etc. 'flit* - ■ L.' Sff ‘--V-G’r■ - Sour Mills For Beautiful Tone and Elegant Finish KOAKDINO A SPKCI.AI.TV, Jiim* Tiumber is betintifiilly illustrated Tbe Largest uud IL-st Mock of Pianos, Or­ and will interest you Send for it to .Mr. gans and <):bei‘ Nfio.ical i nst i'iiin(‘nlH DELIVERED TUESDAYS AKD FRIDAYS. J. .M. Hall, Day \'iew, Mich. in Clinton County. We Take the Lead. First-Class Tarnouts at Reasonable Rales Cream J. SARRISOIT, V. S., For Sale. The Latest Vocal and Instrumental Music. Fight lots on Lansing stifct; each 00 Griiduiit(‘()f the t )ntnrl(» Veterinnry College, DELIVERED ONLY ON SPECIAL ORDERS of Toronto, Canada, xl72 fc(*t. IVill sell on easy terms or exchange for siimll btrm. )if:'*'2 DOORS WEST OF POST OFFICE. HJSLlSlIsTON, Can be found at ttpy time at tlii8 place Inquire of L. D. Giuns. ead ok linton ve ST. JOHNS, MICH. DO ' NOT - FORGET - HIM. H C A SfMUII and tee me. ST JOHNS, MICH St. Johns THE NEWSQiir New = LOUIH I). QIBBS, Editor and Pru|)rletur. TUKSIMY, JUNE 27, 18«a. CELEBRATES IV E WH « . Mrs. A. O. Hunt returned from Chicago SHIRT WAISTS last Thursday. w e ^Yill l)e here to whoop lier up ! It will you toconie Miss Kva Sage, of Detroit, visited St. Many Miles. • .Johns people last wt*ek. Miss Madge Duiidny is the guest of Ann Arbor friends this week. = = Just Received IE AND SEE OyN DISPEAV. ItaA'l.,attiiig left St.Johns yesterday for Chi(!ago to spem^ the summer. J. H. Mountain, who holds a tutorshi|> They are Beauties, and include Every Grade, from in a private school in Chicago, is visiting Ziet the Band Play. in St. Johns. Come Boys, Come Cirls I Misses Grace Hunt ami Leuh Fowler returmHl Saturday from Ann Arbor for 50 TO $6.50 EACH J\ily 3d,—All Day. the summer. I Miss I’auline .\dam8 returned Wednes- They arc Slick. Come and Sec Them. j day from her visit with Cleveland and I Oberlin friends. Our Stores will be Closed the 4th. Master Willis Hoffman went to Fenton j yesterday to sj>end the summer vacation with his grandparents. I John Hicks is having flagstone walks I placed through the beautiful grounds LADIES' SPRING JACKETS i about his residence on State 8 trt?et. j Miss Gertrude M(‘ad returned for the At Reduced Prices to close stock. 8t. Johns Mercantile Co. I summer from Dellevue, Mich., where she We have a good line N'ct to select lias been a teacher for the post year. from. Mr. and Mrs. George Winston, of I’alriiyra, N. Y., are visiting their grand­ f SUolins will Celebrate. •• son, Commissioner U. M. Winston, of this village. William Petrie, one of the professors in the Knoxville branch of the university of FourtlT of Tennessee, is visiting with his brothel’s, Don’t Dorset ^ r----AND- (Jeorge and Alex. The M. I’J. aid society, of Deiignl, will That \YC have the Largest Stock Summer Goods. meet with Mrs. l-'rank Harvey on Thurs­ of Carpets, Lincoleums, and Cur­ day, June 21), at 1 o’clock. A special in­ tains in St. Johns. vitation is extended to all. 10, Il.T. Miller, of Scottsville, N. Y., THE BEST STYLES. traveling agent for Shilos consumption Special Prices, remedies, spent Friday night, the guest of Dr. I... Jones, in St. Johns. Tlney are Goia^ Past. Married, Monday, June 11), at the MOST PERFECT GOODS. lOpiseopal parsonage, hy Rev. R. D. >.W Stearns, Win. Decker, of Gratiot, to Miss lOlvina Reninger, of Duplain. Man’ied, at the residence of Richard AT LOWEST PRICES. Rixley, of St. Johns, June 21, 1893, by Respectfully, •M. N. Duncan Esij,, Mr. lOugeue J. Drya STRAAY AND SUMMER HATS IN OREAT VARIETY. to .Miss Lula Goss, both of DeWitt. Dr. Palmer, assistt^l by Drs. Gillam and Weller, amjmtated the left leg just H. L. KENDRICK. COAIE AND SEE THE below the knee for Peter Litwiller, of i Gretaihusli, last’Thursday. A diseased ankle bone and joint necessitated the Davies ^ Aclanrs Rochester Clothing Co. operation. Miss Inez Cramer, who was a teacher in the east ward of this village and last —Arc now showing the finest line of— year taught in Raraboo, Wis.. is visiting her people in Clinton county. She has h(*en re-engaged for the coming year in in Central Michigan, consisting of End Sjiring, Side, Brew­ Raraboo. ster, Trinkin, Boughton, Dexter Oucen, Steel Gear and other Mrs. Geo. Woodruff went to attend the coinmencement exercises in the state Top> Bu-grgriosi. normal from which institution Miss Florence Wilson graduates this w»‘ek. straight Sill and Cut-under Canojw and Ivxtcnsion Top. Miss Wilson has he<*ii secured to teach nt Norway, FppiT IVnninsuln, next year. SJxxrreyiS, A cheerful letter from Dow. Lyon, Phaetons, Two Scat Open Buggies, Platform and Lumber formerly of Rengal, tells us that I’etos- Wagons, Road Wagons, Road Carts etc., which will be key is booming, that Ray I'iew was But don ’t our XcYcr-Bcforc-Iuiuallcd Prices and yalucs never fairer and his hcallh i.s better than sold at lowest possible ])riccs consistent with A High make the people dock to the ^Mercantile Co ’s Shoe Store. ever before. He says: “If it wasn't for Grade of Workmanship and Material. Can ’t help it—we’ve ^^ot the "oods, and sell them we must, | his bald pate we would think him one oi We make all kinds of Light and Heavy, Single and Double even if at a loss to JIS. Wc’yc ;L?ot too many Boots and I the hoys.” Shoes and must unload them. \Yc know our ^j^reat and, .John Grove, oiii‘of St. Johns’ former startling prices will make them ^o, for they can ’t be! residents, died in the Kalamazoo insane matched in the city. .We name this week the asylum last I’riday, aged 74 years’. The And caiTw a full stock of Rohes, Dusters, Fh' Nets, Covers, remains wen* brought to St. Johns and Sheets, Whips and General Horse Goods. We also handle the funeral conducted hy Rev. C. G. that leader of I'arm Tools, The Eowesl Fhtes Ever Diltil loi Sie Diiallis. Thomas at the home of D. Daharsh Sun­ day afternoon. ■V^]tiL±;pj3l€5 ]E3C o..2:*x *o'w- 2,000 pairs of Ladies’Fine Don^ola Kid Shoes, But-j Portland Review: “ Nettie Davies, ton or Lace, Patent Leather Ti])])ed Toes, Opera and Phil-; who has taught in the high sehool the adelphia Sciuarc lasts, all I)on;:rola Kid or Cloth To])s, and ; past .year, returned home to St. .lohns Fridn.v. Miss Davies is an nbh* teacher, Our contracts were made early at lowest figures sell in the rcf^nlar wa\^ at $3.00. Our price this week will i and has made many fi i(*nd.s during her be 1 tesidence in Portland. She will attend S3]po> 1: the Cniversity of .Michigan next v(*nr. No wonder lime is ha<'gnrd and worn We pay notliing for accommodation, take all discounts OE 1)I!I';1IH’)II'I out. Watches keep time, clocks strike* and give our customers the l)cneflt. Wc can and will vScll time, trains, (some of 'em) run on lime, you goods as low as the Time Dealer or Commission Man th(* I’liorister Ix-ats time, thefon'inan lays can buy them. If you need anything in our line AKJ’.VOr TO T!!E WOKI.I>*.S out time, at prize fights they call time, F vii: ? some try and save tiim* hut almost every­ PORTER & DAVIES body now and then kills time, ix'ople are It ’Will Yoxx Jewelers. It so .vou will consult your inbuest and always going to do something if they get To 1 ook us over and compare goods and [jrices. Wc know comfort hv' <-h*iosin^f <*ne of the routes time, and possibly yonr sulHcriplion is o If er(‘d I) V t h e I) Id' 1 {() rr, (i a ,\ NI) 11 .V i: \ we can please you and Enjrravcrs. Mih\v.\rKi:i>: icy .\.\i) tolkdo , behind time. S.VUIX.WV iV MrSKi:f;f)N ICYwiththoir Mrs. John Wilson died of cancer at the Opticians. Hail and Steajuer connections. These home of her daughter, Mrs. J’anma I Jlis, lines offer various n)nteH hy rail and on Steel stn,>et, Wednesda.v morning, water and nt ver.v liberni rates. You Our aim is to give you the vey best \ allies for 3’our e;in f'o to ChicuKo by rail ami return l)y June 21, J893, aged nearly 80 years. money. Cull and kh* for .vonrHolvc.'H that we carry one of (loodrieh I’alatial Steamers by She was the widow of John Wilson, an fine a line of floods aw there i.s in the way of nrand Haven, or by way of Mil- formerly engaged in the meat hnsiness in wanlo'o and this Company’s elegant line St. Johns nnd who died twelve yenis County, which we will sell you at bot­ of Steamers. Or you can rev<*rse your ago. The family had be«*n residents of We Want Your Patronage. tom prices. route, do hy way of (Jrand Haven and Steamer to Chicago. Return all rail. St. Johns since IHG.a. The funeral was Wc guarantee all goods to be jvist as r©pros©Xlt©d No other lim*s offer attractions of a held Thursday afternoon at the house. and respcctfulh' invite inspection. World’s fair trip fi8 are made hy these Rev. W. C. Allen officiating. J'our companies. Tickets are for sale at all principal ticket offices. For information daughters, Mrs. Kmnm Kills, of St. Johns; as to rab*s. routes, etc., apT>ly to all Mrs. O. M. Renjamin, of Grand Rajuds; agents of this and connecHng lines. ^^rH, .Jami*8 Mahoney, of JJnj* City nnd Mrs. Wm. Kidder, of Ruffalo, survive her; Davies & Adams, the first taree l>eing present at the STEEL BLOCK. ST. JOHNS, MICH. funeral. bow ng In her gracoful way and going •ml thl§ Is one reason why It !• the out, followo 1 by Dinah. HEAL IIUKAL READING best feed for horses. Another quite Ralph wo'ild have left a note for Lea,, important reason Is that the kind of but ho feared it might lall into other* WILL LE FOUND IN THIS DE­ nutriment it contains is rather for hun is nml defeat his scheme. Mrs. Coii- PARTMENT. giving strength than for making fat. P*‘ dit promised to send for Lea In the Hut whole oats are not perfectly di­ morning, and that she and Ellen would gested, and to give most good they I tlieii explain everything and en o n her \t licro IIh* CuMior ll<*uii Ih ltulHt><). aiii IIh Oil —A I'lieup uii«l good sense that precaution would be r —Cullliij; C'iuvoi* corn and fed with cut. tnoistened ho hud captured and burned an English hay. This is the standby for work­ war slo p named tho Wanderer, com­ unnecessary. tuo Furly. mando I by an oflh er of that name. "1 tell you, my boy,” said Squire Con­ ing horses. It is (juickly oaten, Tho \N anderor was on -c the Adventure dit, as ho stood witli h's iiaiids on A IIuiim ’-.MiiiIu Fruit Kvapuralor. easily and thoroughly digested, and (■alley, of New York. In cunofusion, Italjih’s shoulders, and his eyo'? and if care is taken not to leave some to voice telling of his anxiety, “that I The illustration, from rann and Don says, ‘Do not send any ammuni­ iluiiic, shows a cheap ami good evap­ stand and sour, then teams can tie tion from your sliip. hidrl’s object Is don’t at all like your doing what you propose. Consider that you have os- orator that will do more lh:in twice kept on this cut feed for weeks lo captur.) tho r on Hawk, He prepar.'d,’ | and be in better heart at the end of .\nd then L’on gave a brief account of ; cuped from tlie lion’s den and the fiery the work of i-ome hleli-priced ma­ what had become of Captain Denham, [ turnaco, and that it may be tempting chines. It is built of wood. The their work tlian when they begin. destruction to place yourself again in frame is made of ’2x2 in.posts and 2x. ‘l and asked that his letter be t^Oi n;\or\d <^!eck “Then tho Lioutenaut will not send , In. horizontal drawer re.sts. The aiivthiiig to the Waiulerer.'" salil Haljih, ' “Knowledge is power. 'J'hore wcul I drawer rests arc placed flatwise be­ The castor bean is a native of the be cause for alarm If they knew what West India Islands where it grows in “We talked tho whole matter over, i we do. I and my ineii Ivill go prepared tween tlie I osts, ralibeted A in. on Captain, and iiad just reachorf a < on- ' either side to receive tlic drawers. great luxuriance. It is cultivated as lor every oniergem-y, Tho light will a field crop in our lower Middle States riiA!*Ti;i: wiv. clu-ion wlien thr* Squire oumt* so uuox- , lake place near Mon’auk, an I tho The sides and backs of the drawers [lectedly on board." said Valentino. j and also in the .States bordering the HAM'ri ItF.NHAM MAKESS M : AltriAN IKMENTS. “And tliat concliisl m wa.s tliat you' Wanderer Is the more powerful vessel arc lA in. wide; the front is 2 in. wide, K«iulio Condlt was a ni:;ii of force*, j of 1 lio.two; slie has lully sevouty men with a J in. rabbet aliovc and below Ohio Kiver on the north. It is r;ii cd would still goon as if you did not bus - i extensively in India where there arc He could /lnleady convey- weight?’’ 111* ss and prosper you in this contest X for right.” blit of an inferior iiuaiitv, while the anoes, [ “That is exn' tly wh it we decided to seed of the lower growing variety It i3 not necessary lo recount tiic ^ do, and I now see that we acted W’isoly, , l{aln!i kissel Mrt. Condit and Ellen, troubles ho liad in Kettin^ aboard the i and \ alenlliie, by virtue of his ro 'Oiit furnishes the oil whidi is used as a for our condu -t meets your apjiroval, i medicine. I’lie manner of cultiva­ ship, where ids co jiiuK caused no little Wliile I am telling you this, tlie Wan- ! right, did the same, and both went cousteination to the ni;'ht svatch. derer’s bouts are carrying off tlio ‘am­ down to the shore. tion, according to the Orange .ludd He found Lieutenant lled^jes and Val- munition’ and stowing it in their own ' They put off iii^tlie canoe which tho Farmer, is essentially the same outlno Dayton very busy. He took them magazines. sijuiro ha 1 use 1, and they had to watt wherever raised. In this country it 11 one side, told them liis astoundiiiK “tVolldone, Valentine. All, I know some time till tlie boats of tho \N ander­ is planted in a rich mellow soil and Htorv, and brouylit \ aientine back in llie ship was in good hands. There is or, laden witli their last cargo of "fixed aiiimuiiitioii,” had loft tlio Sea Hawk, hoed much the same as corn. It his canoe. not on tfio ocean a more comp tent, yields l)eans at the rate of twenty to Wlu'ii the Snulro found llalph was in cool-headed man than thatsamo (leorgo , before they could got on boar I without t!io house, and in his own room, he ran attracting attention. thirty bushels per acre. There are a Hedges.” I number of different methods of ex ­ end caus'ht the young Captain in his “I wish wo coulrl say Iho same of liis j lialph Denham still rotaine 1 his dis­ ing rabliels on the siding of the house arms, and for foine minutes he was so brother, the doctor,” growled the guise, so that Lioutenaut Hedges did so that when the drawers are pushed tracting the oil from the seed.s. Hy overcome by his emotions that lie could Kiiuire. | not know him at first, and could not be 1 in exiieriinents which have been made, not speak. c nvinced tliat It was he, till they had the outside surfa e will be siiiootli. “T’nclo Xehemiah is infatuate i with The bottoms of the drawers are made the “cold drawing” process as it is Mrs. Condit, goo i, prudent woman, Fox, ” said Valentino. “Hut if he sus­ entered the cabin and turned up the i called, extracts the most oil and the closed a 1 the shutters, drew close the of galvanized wire cloth. T'here is a pected his real character, there is not a | lights. i product is also better than that ob­ blind.s, locked the door-* in the diiecticui man in the countiy who would pursue ’ Otlicllo had learne 1 from Don, tho false front to each drawer, .’J in. Irack. of the servants’ «iuarlers, and enjoined cabin boy, that tliore wa-. to be a re- ( The upright posts arc 2A ft apart. tained by other methods. In this hitn to justice more relentlessly.” process the seeds arc separated from on all present the necessity of speaking “Thai’s so,” said tho sq'iirc, “but it ception on board tho Wanderer th ' fol- | The drawers arc .‘I'J tt apart, with a in low tones, sh ■ lierself setting a i ex ­ do '8 gall mo to see an old friend make lowing afternoon at 2 o clock, an I) aientine knew onojgli e>f the cap­ morning." whom I know nothing, wish me deml?’’ are connecting rods attached to tlie tain s story to lu I was going to toll you what we or as good as oy mo, and I can bring begin coming for it at eleven o’clock. and show him liow Ralph Denham and (juantity supposed to be a meal will air and sunlight, and it is therefore lo-inortow two hundreil warriors all his gallant in is can play him a Roland be sufficient. The poultryman must I)nt a half hour before that time- say well armed, and place them on board ready to he raked up almost as soon two hours ago—a young blaek man sud­ for his Oliver. Hring tho ship’s list, Mr. observe his flocks and judge of their tho Sen Hawk, If they can be of any use Dayton, and let me look over the as tedded. This also is a great ad­ denly appeared on the ship, and his there. Many of them, as Ralpli l>en- wants liy the amount of for igc on vantage in “catchy” weather, such dripping clothing told how he liad come.” namo.s. ’ the range.. hani knows, me good sailors, and all of (to he CONTINTKI) ) as that in which most hay is made.— “l»at WHS 'I'eHo; I know dat was my them are as much at home on water ns gran’chile, Tollo," chuckled Dinah. Muihliii; Tf'li<>oiH. “Yes, Idnah, he said his name was men to tho NVaiiderer, an I 1 Ilk** the ('orn loves warmth, and esiv'cially I>iiii|j;<*r From Cokl Driiikn. Tello, ant I rccognlzctl m him the plan, the force of (ieorge Hedges w 11 There is an intcres in g tliscussion on early in the season it is a rnisDike to servant of Col. (Irahain, who is hereon just now in the l.o idon Selio 1 Hoard Man is the only animal who craves 1)0 weakened so much. If you agree I put the seed down much below the ice-cold drinks in hot weather. The some mysterious mission." will wear the plume and carry Uio spear upon the iii.strui'tion that sliall tie given 'Hut pardon mo, Val; wlia’, was this in relig'ion and morals, (/ii' point has surface of the cultivated and levelled wiser instinct of all domestic ani­ of V.’yandnueh, the insignia of our soil. Wc'liave seen many pieces of black boy’s object in coming here;*" cliiefs, and the Montauks will then fol­ been decided tlius lar. 'J he religious mals prefers water near the tcmpci- 'I will explain. Captain; there is so low I’ntilla to the silent tents of doatii exercises are not to lie limited to h corn planted in the days when all aturc of tho surrounding air in hum­ mu<‘h to tempt ono ofT the lln ' of direct if need be.” simple reading of the HHile, but the planting was done by band seriously mer, and in cold weather that which sailing that 1 lose siglit of the point leaeio'is nn* fo make smdi exjilauat on injured i)V two deep marking. On is AVhlle Cntllla spoke, lor beautiful and comnient as they lliink necessary near the blood heat. Cows will afo'ad. NVell. Othello drew the lieu­ face* became radiant, lier lithe form was one occasion, says the American often drink from some muddy pond tenant and myself lo ono side, wlo-re drawn up, amt lior eyes burned with a witiiout infringing upon any creed or Cultivator, one of t' c iilanter.s, de­ n » one else eouhf see or hear, and tfien sect. In other words, the matter is left while refusing clear water trorn a light like unto that xvhich inspired the spite the deep marking, dug with his deep well. I'o get them to drink he took from his big mouth a letter care­ followers of .loan of Are when on tho almost entirely to tlie judgment of ihe fully wrapped up in oiled silk, and told individual feaidiers. Tlie next point t< hoe a soft, moist place to droji the the latter it should be pumped sev- eve of battle she (lashed along their seed corn in. it was four or five us to read it, lines. be met is wdietlicr the te:i< lier siiall era! hours tictore using and allowed “We took him to the I’nbin, gave him Impress iqnm tlie pupils the moral dan­ (lavs after the other corn was uj) hc- to warm all it will in ttic sun. a glass of brandy and a change of ■'Ha, the Montauks have at length a gers of wisJiing to tie rich, or leading a fori' this planter’s row> began to peer clothes, and then read the letter, which chief worthy of NVyan'Iauch. I aceept. life o'‘ luxury, of intomp 'iMiiee, u id oi K<*oplli|; iioK** ill Siii;ill I.oIk. I gladly accept, noble I’ntilla, cried above the surface, and some of it was signed by Donald Camt*ron. the wicUeiliics < ill its various forms. .Judg­ rotted in the ground. Ilesaid; “Wait Do you not keep too many [»lgs fn cabin boy of tho Wanderer, I have the th* ‘ Captain. ing from the discussions whicdi th*' mat­ letter with me, but ns it is a little long [ “Hiitwiint will Fox say?" asked N al- ter is arousing tlie in*'mb»'rs of th* till drought comes, and It will go the same pen’.-' Fven if of tho sannr I will give you n synopsis. Ho says fie entint. boar*! f*Jel fln'inselves in n kind ol alu'ad of the other,’’ but It never did. litter, if the litter belargc, some will is sixteen years of age, was born In “He need not know ll. To-morrow Sebornlan fog. Tlie corn put down too deeply kept g*t the advantage of others ;itKl (Hasgow, ami was cabin boy last on an night th<*y can tiounl tho .Sea Hawk behind all the .season. crowd the weaker ones awas from tlie Indiaman, which was captured and de- from their canoes. Hedges and you i*lH(')it orlii I 11**111. 1 trough. We do not blame pig» f'tr s'l* ycd oiT the Island of Madagascar must HO ' to that," replied tho Captain. l'*}inalo fish of all species ar*' i** nsid- OiiIh f«ir VXorkiiiK !fnr<*'H. this. It is their nature, and tin* jiig by :’ftpt. Kid f. He was the only ono "•’ome, Diimh; you mii-t help me, I al*biy more mimerDUi than males, with 'J’he linll of the o;it gives thi.s grain that docs not try to make a hog of will 1 e here again to-morrow bemie the two single exeeptiou-, tho angler am ■Hved, and since then h< has I ecn Capt. more bulk iu protection to weight. iL-silf 1“ tril % .-rth muol'. F »K s cabin toy. ■ an is in nii'l-honvenr}," said ratllia, th'.* catfish. Mip of 11)6 I'nUrd States. k. large, hiiiidaoipo Map of the United FAIR mLL BE OPEN. Itates, mounted and suitable fur office oi borne use. I4 i^siiod by the Burlingtoa 'TIS SO DECIDED BY THE COURT Route. Copio) will bo mailed to any ad* OF APPEALS. Arena on receipt of (ifteoti cents In postage 99 by 1*. 8. F.i'HTiH, Oen'l Fa'>s. A^eut, C.. B. 'HE U. 5. Government Chemists Ii Q. It It, Chicago. IlL The Uites Ternstlles »t th » Colum- A for .Mittriitxoiv. Man Kxpo.itloB In ('hlr4.*'o Will C'ontlniie have reported, after an exami ­ W, Swing un Stsixtlar, l>e.n^e« tlM rrum;.t« A j'oiincr man in Tuaoaloosn, Ala,, ati- nation of scores of different brands, vertises for a wife who la willing to «f Churob-tioing People. Miss C. G. McClavr , School* marry him on his income of $40 a month. that the Royal Baking Powder is ab ­ teacher, 753 Park Place, Elmira, N, He will allow her $r«U a year lor drenses nitter Fight K»4eb. Y. “This Spring while away from and hats. CTiicf .Tuatic© Fuller, of the United solutely pure, of highest leavening States Supreme Court, sitting in the home teaching my first term in a Aatu’i'^hloir. United StttUw Court of Amnials, has capacity, and superior to all others. country school I was perfectly The Now York Tribune ppeaks edi­ rendorod a deqriiiidD in tlie World'iFalr wretched with that human agony torially of Now Orieui.s n« “the most case which op<*na the Fair on Sunday. called dyspepsia. After dieting for opulous and wealthy town” on the The government made a motion to have two weeks and getting no better, a anks of the Mississippi. the appeal dismissed on the ground that the Court of Appeals had no juris­ ij friend wrote me, sug^sting that I K The boat 5c soap In the worhl Is Dobbins ’ diction over a case in which the consti­ take August P'lower. The very next Perfect Soap. Have your grocer :rot it and tutionality of an act of Congress had Fupular. Chameleon Nplders. day I purcba.sed a bottle. I am de­ try for yourself. It Is sure to rcvolutloulte the trade and use of soap. Dobbins* Soap been disputed. The deidsion handed Archdemjon Williams, whom Sir Almost all travellers in tropical re­ lighted to say that August Flower Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. down by Justkie Fuller first holds W'altor Sc'ott called “a heaven-born gions have wonderful stories to tell of helped me so that I have quite re­ that the Court Of Appeal* ha* teacher,” was greatly l)eloved at Edin­ the strange mimicry of leaves and flow­ covered from my indisposition. ” O >lcp Mixture. jurisdiction. The second point de­ burgh Acadeinj’, where ho presided. ers by insects. Sometimes the purpose “Scotch whisky" made In fiorrnnny le cided was on tho wrnt of injunc­ His treatment of the boj’s was in har­ of tho imitation appears to be conceal­ I am seventy-sevpiv years old being largely imported into India. tion Issued bj' the United Btates Clnnilt mony with his oj>en, unaffected charac­ ment, and sometimes the lajdng of a and have had my age renewet at least twenty years by the us*^ Court to restrain the oiienlng of the ter. snare to catch other insects. A curious of Swift’s Sp^ific My foot The most remarkable springs in the Pair on Hunduy. This decision dus- Itev. W. H. l^rfinghorno saj's, in his instance of this is related by Mr. H. H. and leg to my knee was a world are in California; Ihey 1 rotlucc solves the writ of Injunction. .Justices ‘‘Ibuuinisecm’es, ” that one day when J. Bell. While traveling on the (Jold running sore for two years, and physicians said sulphuric acid and ink. it could not be cured. After taking fifteen Bmall Bunn and Allen, sitting with Chief tho rector was going through the foot­ Coast of Africa last year, ho noticed in bottles S. S. S. there is not a sore on my limbs, and I ball grounds to his class-room the ball the bushes a singular-looking white have a new lease on Al H The pleasant coating of Bcocham's Pills life. Vou ought to III 11 comploiely Uisguisc.s the tasie without Im­ chanced to bound toward him. Tho flower with a blue center. let all sufferers know ■ WfcEl# pairing their efficiency. ‘J5 ceiit^ a box. Hj)irit of his youth camo mightily uix)n Stopjiing to examine it ho ho found, of your wonderful remedy. Ira F. Stilfs, him, and ho rushed at tho ball, his to his u.stouishment, that it was not a Palmer, Kansas City. lT>n.\b beauty is a fugitive never to gown lU’ing in tho air, and Indng a flower at all, but a spider’s web, and be located.—Mine, Sovlgno, powerful man, sent it over the railing tho 8 upix)sed light-blue heart of tho into a carpenter’s j-ard on the other flower was the spider itself lying in IS A WONDERFUL Put up In neat watch-shaped bottles REMEDY—especially lor ■ iigar-cuatcd, Simtll Hile Hcans. side of the street. Awaj' troo])ed the wait for its })rey. Tho legs of tho cun­ old people. It builds up boys to l)eg the janitor tooiKjn the gate ning spider, yellow mottled with brown, the general health. Treat- G eohoe Washinoton ’h father was a on the plea that it was tho rector who were extended in such a waj* as to re­ 1 free. fanner. _ had sent tho ball out of bounds. semble the divisions iKjtween tho petals SWIFT SPCIFIC COMPANY, Now the janitor had lost an arm, and of tho flower. Atlanta, Ga. N. K. Brown ’s Essence Jamaica rtlnger will ?Vv- onre Indigestion. None better. Try it. ‘JS cents. wore a hook on which was hanging the The web itself, very delicately woven bunch of keys for which tho boys were into a rosette pattern, was white, and pleading. (Jno of tho boj’s boldly’ the threads that susiiended it from tho IT'S RATHER TOO MUCH FOR YOU — the ordinary, bulky slipjted them off the hook, and while bushes were so flne as to l>e almost in­ COLLAR^SeCUFFS. pill. Too big to take, tho others detained the janitor, un­ visible. The whole thing had the u^>- tuid too mucli disturb ­ locked the gate. Then they all rushed pearanee of lielng susiiended in the air ance for your poor sys­ together across the j-ard. and swpy mall for HIx Centn. Address, giving k 1z«‘ and C’onstination, Indiges­ ernment to enforce .Sunday’ closing fol­ ing down the knees of his trousers, a a sirnilar game for the sake of eonceiil- style wniiteeiug a fine returned. ohrist filed a bill for injunction on May tell him the meaning of a word. larger siiecimen of the same sjx^cies of L powtler and packether, spider, whoso flower web resembled an always reotly for use. Will make If you're suiTering from United States of America vs. Tho in pure mischief, and the translator orchid. This spider exhibited the ] the best perfumed Hard Soap In UO World’s Columbian Exposition, H. N. desi)eratelj* reiKjated: lainuiea without hoilitig. it Is the ’Catarrh, the proprietors same remarkable power of changingits best for cleansing waste-pipes, of Doctor Sage's Catarrh Jliginbotham, D. II. Burnham, Ed- "An^'thing vou llkel” color. disinfecting sinks, cloHets, wash ­ Remedy ask you*to tiy inund Rice, Ckmrgo R. Davis, and Hor- Tho rector l)roko into a hearty laugh, ing bottles, paints, trees, etc. ^Magnetic ^lineral Mud Itaths for Ilcaltli I'E.NN.V. SAI.T yvt’ti to- their medicine. 'Fhen, if ac*o Tucker." This is the suit on which and almost beside himself with merri­ Gen. Agts., Pbila., Po. you can’t be cured, they’ll the appeal was taken. Without action ment left his high desk and came down and Strength. p.a}' 3’ou $500 in ca-^h. tho suit went over Sunday' until argu­ to enjoy the joke with the bot's. Tho only place In tho world that you can enjoy tho luxury and boneflts of a Ma fen whti visit braiod Inoia .na Minekai . si-uinos , Warren B g B ■ H H for practical people. bj' .Judges Woexis and Jenkins, sitting out fear. If one were diligent, it was County, lud. It is nature’s own rentody many towns. No hamples to ■D |k Bp n I Tells how to make carry and no hsles t > make. B HB ■_ n tho best Brown Bread, on the Circuit Ixiueh, while Judge enough. He was never satirized or re­ for the treatn»eut of the worst forms of MEN! The work can be doii • in h Grosscup diasented. Application for a proved because he could not move rheumatism, kidney and liver trouble, skin lew miiintes while waiting ! r B B B EB Bb H the best Meat Stews, and blood diseases. A $150,000 hotel and for trains. No expense attached to It -clear cii«h the bi'st-iiked Fish BUi^ersedoas, ptuiding hearing on an ap­ mountains. I)rotlt. .Mauv traveling men now nisking thi inlaily bath-house, steam-heated,electrlc-llghted, expeiiHCH with It. all without taking any time from or Meat Haah, Plain Cake, A^le Pie, peal, was made by the defendants, and "You may not bck-Hox 818 , Clilrair . 111. Puddings from odds and ends. Tells staying the effect of the Circuit sui'c j'ou will Ik ; a good man.”—Youth’s how to economize and still set a good you will be better and more satisfactorily table, and also tells how to always have Court decision until an apiH*al cr)uld ('ompanion. taken care of. with the absolute certainty a ^od appetite and keep strong and be heard. The appeal has been of deriving greater physical benefit, tlian Ely’s Cream Balm well by the us© of the grand remedy of heard and the decision of tho A C'lianre for ilraltli you can got elsewhere In this country. WILL CURE Is afforded those fast sinking into a condition Located on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois the Indians, Kickapoo Indian S^wa. United States Circuit Ck)urt closing Huilroad. 120 miles south from Chicago. This valuable and Practical Cook Book the World's Fair on Sundaj' is reversed. of hoiK'lcsH debility. The means are at hand. Send to H. L. Ivramer, P. O. Hox A. Gen­ GAT arrh should be in every kitchen; and we Tho Government is declaretl to have In the form of a genial medicinal cordial, Hos­ eral Manager, Indiana Mineral Springs, will send it free to any address upon no exi.dusivo right or authoritj' in the tetler’s Stomach Hitters embodies the com- | Warren County. Ind for beautifully lllus- I I’rlco 50 Cents. I receipt of a two-cent stamp to pay cont rol of tho World’s Columljiau Ex- blued qualities of a blood fectlllzcr and de- i 1 rated i)rlntod matter, which will tell you pff.stage. Address, Healj’ & Bigelow, Apply Halm Into each nostril. purent. a tonic and an alterative. While It ' all about it ^SOcl r^ew Ilaven. Conn. jX)sition, The Court held that the I ELY UUUa, setVarreu 8L. N. Y. promotes digestion and assimilation, and approi)riation of two and a half mill­ I l.iitlo r’s We• (\)burg, where it has Ix'cn in jvosses- corporation was in tudual ai;d lawful an 1 i)urer by Its use, they who resort to this Company in Minnesota, Bend for Maps and Circti* l)ossos8 ion. and that this fact had been sterling medicinal agent acquire not only j sion of a family' that has had no idea of lars. They will be sent to you recognized by a«‘t8 of the national vigor, but boouns every man to bo happy, be Catarrh Cannot He Cnrc«t Sundaj’ and settles tho case for all sure; With liOCAIj APPI.ICATIONS, as they cannot time, as an ajqieal would have to go to Ho sends us no sorrows that l»avo not some reach the seat of the dlseaso. Catarrh is a bloud tho .Supreme Court of the United States, , cu re. or constitutional disease, and In order to cure it Giir duty down herj i.s to do, n))t to know; you must take internal remedies. Hall's Ca­ a^Oomer Sixty-third Streetand ITlncctou Avemio wliich dot^s not meet until October, tarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts directly (KnglewoodI, Cliicago. First-clsHH beds, good tali lo. when the Fail- will b<.' ended. Live .'IS though llfo were earnest, and life on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Ca­ Rates Hli'2 per dav. Electric curs to World's Fali'i will be su tarrh (;ure is not a quack meiliclne. It was pro ­ Grounds; 10 minutes ’ ride. F.W. Jones , Propnotor. Ilrl**ll«;ts. scribed by one of the best physicians in this OOWLEDGE ll«‘v»*rpM the <’<><1. country for years, and Is a regulai- prescription. The business jmrt of Dundoff, Fa., It is composod of the best tonics knowm, com­ Brings comfort and improvement and burned. Loss, $150,000, ^fassachusptt.s still reveres the mem­ bined with the best blood puriflers. acting di­ tends to i*erHotial enjoyment when One of the Booneville, Mo., bank ory of tho codfish, onco tho chief indus­ rectly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect rightly used. The many, who live bet­ try of her people, and keeps a wooden combination of the two ingrediouts is what roblxjrs lias Ixxm captured in .Arkansas. i produces such wonderful results In curing ca­ painjphletiph let descriptiveUescript of the farm lands ot Ne, ter than others and enjoy life more, with model of one hanging in her House of tarrh. Bend for tectimonlals, free. braska,HKS Sorttiuest Kan 4>aH and Kastern Colorado, expenditure, l»y more promptly Finki .ev . Dhessek & Co.. Boston Representatives. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. with sectional map. will he mailed tree to any ad­ stationers, have assigned. J.riabilitics Bold by druggists, price 75o. dress on upplU-atlon to I*, .s. El .STJ8, General I’ai* adapting the W’orld’s best products to senger .\gt.C.,H. A: (J. R. R , Chii . aoo , III. $150,000. Olltt4> H Ditch. the’nceds of physical being, will attest .Meaiic.^t S«'Oun«lreL The improved elastic triiHS the value to health of the pure liquid The Ilighspire distillery at Harris The Now Anio aqueduct at Rome was is the only triiHs lu exist ­ burg, Pa., wa.s destroj-ed by fire. Loss sixty-three miles long. Probably tho thiof over ence that is worn with ah laxative principles embraced in tho Holute eomfort night amt $ 200,000. caught is Ijouis Buurgurd, of Paris, RUPTURE remedy, Syrup of ‘Figs. Ami \\ c Itiij' Them. day, and it retains the rup ­ wht) recently, whilo riding in a cab, ture under the hardest ex- Its excellence is due to it.s presenting The next meeting of the Interna­ Canton, (,'lilna, exports 12,000,000 fans ripped open tho cushitins, tied tho eri’ise or wven^st Ktraiu, tional Typographical Union will be and will eff«-ct a pt-niiHUeuf in the form most aceeptahle and pleas­ every yeoi'. horsehair into a jiarcel, and with tho .SendCUREU. for < 'atatogue f'ree. and speedy cure. held in Lotusvilie, Ky. ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly inojiey ^inn-urod from soiling his “jilun- Iiii|i'rov««l EliAHtic TriisM Co., 822 Bhoapwav .N. Y Nample I’nekuge IVIuilod Free. beneficial j)ropcrtic.s of a |K*rfect lax­ Judgments have been entered at der" })aid the cabman his faro. ^QPVom ISto'W Ib* ative; efiTectually cleansing the system, Pittsburg against the Duquesno Iron Address Small Hilo Heans, New York. mouth. Kami- I trvfttnicnt (by prso- disi)clling colds, headaches and levers Works for $^0,000. This counlrj ’ lias 0,144,590 men avail­ Dyspepsia, Heartburn. Hoadache. Las­ ticinif pbvtkriAnL N4. •Urvlng.^k ana permanently curing constipation. wenty situde. Spring Fever, all debilitation and Tboa««nd» nir^d.iir^d. ft#nd (kfc lo \ ____ T persons were killed bj’ tiie able for iiiilitury dutj’. winter Irregularities fly before Sndth ’^ <>• %V. F. SNVI>Kf{, M. Mall Oept. It has given satisfaedion to millions and explosion of a powder magazine at Hilo Heans SmalL ’’I'lix-ntoi', CliIouu;«). Ill. met with the approval of the medical Soaramanga, Greece. profession, because it acts on the Kid­ A MANDARIAN betrayed French TiiF. most fiuarrolsonie oroaturo In Swellings in tlie Neck til© world is tho scorpion. Two placed rsuccessfuily Prosecute* ClaUna*. neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ troops at Catuoun. Siam, and several LataPrtDclpal Examiner U.8. Penelon Bureau. ening them and it is perfectly free fronr' French soldiers were slain. Or goitre, made iiiy nock in tho same box will always sling each Svrsin last war, l&att ot The olde.-«t monument in tho world is package, also the name. Syrup of Figs, drowned while bathing in Wood’s all ••iiliiPty I'pniovoil tlipj and being well informed, you will not goitre. 1 urn now in tliel the mound coverln.; tlie Tower of Babel, W'***'^ WHITING TO AI'VKKTIsEK.S, Lake. lieMt ot heuUh.antl weigh lyct erected B. ('. ’J‘247. Id thL i>ai>rr,ase Niiy you enw tl'.v advcrtinoiit i;t accept any substitute if oflered. ponndn. ” Miuj. H. C. Sw - The Oregon and Washington Mort- yoRii l/'ntnii Omntr. .Mil- ttinbiirg, I’ennaylvauia. .Mra. SViiierurd. DOUBLE: THE SIRENGIMof anyyotne other lence; will not AtreM ij BEST POLISH IN THE WORLD. fa'fe^e Company of Portland, Oregon, , or got out of sliiipo A I’erfect Kurin I'eiice,yet Huud- ed, with small liabilities and small a Sarsa­ rr ww ■atw'avi h to Oriuifiieiit II laiwii. Write lor iirleea. assets. parilla DMrrlptlvs Clrrular sod HARTA1AN HFa. CO.. Hood’s M Cures I TMtimuDlslt, * 1*0 Cits- BEAVER FALLS, PA. udge ann J V has sustained the de­ |u* of HartniAD httsi ( ms I( hanliert Ml.. Xtw York. IIi>oi I’m I’HIn act easily, yet prerotnptly and ettl- murrer in tho famous Crounso will case * Than gARB Wires'”Picket* lAwn Tr»» BRANCBES J ilSItliM NUIeMI.. < bUsgn. '(••nt ’T on the livss nnd bowels. I and riow*r Onirdi, Fit*. ( il-HiS 8. ronjtk 8U, AtUnU, n* at Syracuse, N. Y. The estate is valued ^Visible . Ikl* VGrs Mstii, sic., rKkk. at $4,000,(100. Ki.LWOOD, jM)stofflco burglar, has es- NARTMj cajHid from tho Huntington (I*a.) jail. PISO’S CURE FOR ORMamental * CooanaiptlTes and people DO NOT BE DECEIVED This is the fifth successful escape from who have weak lungs or Asth­ with Pastes, Enamels, and Paint* wliich t’lo jail within five months. ma. should use I’lso’s Cure for I Consumption. It has enred stain the hands, injure tho iron, and burn Mike Tovey , the famous express thousaods. It has not Injur-I red. The Rising Sun Stove Polish is Bril­ messenger of the Wells, Fargo & Co. ed one. It Is not bad to lake. tt€ liant, Odorless, and I>arablo. Each psrk.ige It Is the best cough syrup. line, was shot dea toa* ■■ th* print U BM ■»0llft*' l* (’ough Cure at Travis & Baker’s. U ilMnld took naturml aU*. but plnla um I dtoUnot. D*a't tntl u *nU nwl bar* yonr * 7 ** MUd HFJUNDUSH.—S. A. Wat«oij c Iohin I a Ora Travis is at home for a wet‘k. The greatest w'orm destro.yer on earth very HUccHHHful term of nehool in C. Jones has a tine new cow barn. is Dullam,s Great German AVorin Lozen- BY KING'S NEW SYSTEM, G Dist. No. 1 luHt week. In the after­ Oak Bidge cemetery has a new well and gers, onl.v 25 cents per box. For sale by AMD FITXKD WIXH COBCBIMAXIOM 8 PECTAG1JEE 9* noon the teacher and acholai'H repainHJtool houte. Travis & Baker. to tfie f^rove of V. U. DotHford where the THEY WILL CORRECT AND PRESERVE THE SWHT. • Some from here attended the show at Buy Dullam’s Great German 1.5 cent PBDLERS CANNOT CBT THESE OOODS. Hcholure reiideivd on intereHtinj; j)ro- Liver I*ills 40 in each package, at Travis Krani, after whicli i(!e cream, cake an., Bajiids, and A. N. Steward has ordered are spending a few days with n'latives them. heie on their way home from the World’s Oats in general do not look as well as Fair. farmers could wish, although some WILIER SVIDIVBN IF There will be an ice cream social at the pieces are good and are nowlieatlingout. residence of Win. Jhebe on WednesiJay evening, June 2H, given by the young OWLEB.—Ernest Schemer wascalled 9 9 ladies of Dist. .No. 1. Proceeds to be to Chicago Saturday by the sick­ used in iiurchasing an organ for the ness of his brother-in law’s wife, Hchool. Flb* returned home Moiidav morning OUT I_OT "R bringing the news of her death. He and UPL.MN.—.\nna Day, daujrhter-in- his wile went to the southern part of the law of (leorge Day, is visiting friends state to attend t he funeral. lien*, iihe has livc'd in Oregon for NORTH. Dthe jiast two y<*ars wliere her husband,S.vdne 3' Parks has a new barn nearl3' Thomas Day, is in business. Shereports completed. times hard out tliere. Jos, Kasper has opened a liver 3’ barn Jas. Traster is on the sick list. 111 our village. Ja3'.Mead has finished the foundation .Mark L«*<‘tch went to Dakota rt*centl 3’ for a new iiouse. to sjiend the summer. Inis Twtes, of Mt. Pleasant, is visiting League me«*ting Sunda3' eviaiing at her brother, B. E. Tetder. Suliject, “(fur (’ountr3'.” The Hubbard scdiool, of Bingham, gave Mrs. Louis 1‘arks, who has been ver 3' a picnic last Friday. The whole district sick the [last w(*ek is convalescing. turnwl out and all liad a good time. .A goodl.v numl)er of the jieojile from Win. Cantin’, who has worked on the this vicinity atbuided the show at Ionia farm of the late Wm. .\rmour for tlie Saturda3’. past four yinirs, has gone to live with an Mrs, .Mice laiEce and Master James, uncle in Essex. went D) Finla3’. Ohio, Frida3' morning EW.— F. .M. Torr.v, of Flint, and B. to spend a few wi-eks. .M. Winston, of St. Johns, addressed Miss Edie Cramjiton closed hersummer a large audience in the .Maccabi'c term of .scliof)!, south of town, last Fri- Rball last Friday evening. The peojileda3 ', with literar3' exercises. were ver^' much j)len.«ed with thespee<-hes .Mrs. Webster and daughter. Edna, made b.v these two gentlemen and would joined Mr. and .Mrs. Wright, of LakeCit3’ be glad to hear from them again some Frida3’ to visit the World’s fair. time in the future. The vocal music was Dr. Thomas S. Sul<><*ba, formerl3' from furnished by the 3’oung ladies of the Messopotauii,.Asla, will givean illustrated Sunday school and the instrumental l<*cture at the-M. E. church, W(*dnesda 3’ music by Edwin U^'es on the violin, ac­ evening, June 28. A cordial invitation companied 1)3' .Vrminta flew, on the is exteiidi'd to all. organ. Mrs. Jas. fiance and Mrs. (leo. Baldwin Edward Smith, of Hoscommon, i.svisit­ went to laike Odessa last w(H*k to spend ing relatives in this vicinit 3’. a few da.ys. Messrs Lance and Baldwin Mrs. Ij. ,S. Bew and daughter spent joiiK'd them 8 unda.y and will return home part of last week visiting friends in Ithaca. the fore part of the wo eivi n In ivciip ot eolieo without tin- k!ic>vi- liome. eilg.! of I ini p.itieiit, wuo will voluut;irllj' slop ainokiugor chewing in a fe w d iys. ^ Ldisp'ict, B. Blank, closed his school with •an be en-cd «t hono*, and wit!’. (ilen Bliss’ new barn IS nearing com- a picnic, follow(*d by a literar.v program. DRIJNEEHSES aM MORPfliNE MBi? pletion. .A jarge number were present from the iha p.-tic'.-.t, ),y the use of our SPECIAL rOR/.'.ULA GOLD CCRG TABLETS, Fred Eisman, of Lansing, sjient a few neighborhood. Ice cream was furnished Jtnrimj: t rert’i'oil t'nl ient.i live nPowi (I the in-e nsc < f I.iqncr or Hoi- a in al)Ui)dance. pliiiie ui.iP. S’).'-; tiiio) tJiey shiili \'oI'ji;i;!rily giv.5 t.jeni ii/i. a *' „ A FEW days in Biley last wwk.' ’ !•:! r.,. ;;i)inrs Hiiil jininpl'.let ot testimonials trec.niid (.hull ^ r^3f) Mrs. H. Boss visited her relatives in Airs. Nettie Hoover keeps in (|uit poor be. filiul to I 'ui'e MzlVeriTS from nny ol tln-so Iniblts i)i o.oiiDrinnle.'i- TestiBcnials health. li.yii w ith pt ix its vJiobiiV" becti ci'ircd by-the u.’-eofoiir'i ’Am.KTJs ^ AVatertown 'rhursda3' I’ACLUTS fro for sole ))y cll riifST-CLASS from persons Bird Fields has left the cm pi o>' of .las. David Bogers is the first to commence dm^elsis u' S 1.00 l"'i'package. ha3’ing. li j'onr ..nnigi.-: doe.) not Kv'ep thc'.)i, eneb'so ns J | ,CO .vho have been Wright and mov«‘d awa3' from I{ile3’. nndwewili i'cnU \ou,bv retuin mail, a package of our Milton Williams will take his b(*st girl h'raiik .Abbott, of St. .Johns, was in Tnblets. ' - t « a cured by the use of Tyebanon last w,eek. Write yonr name md nddre-w ph’lnly, nnd sti to , y out the fourth in a sjian new bugg3'. whether t.rc for 'loeuecu, Murpkiue or Mrs. Steward, formerly .Miss Bills, has (’harlotte Sessions is fast recov(>ring l.iqnor 1'.,. the congratulations and good wishes of her usual good health. DO NOT BH DECFiiVED Into pnrehivfilng s Tablets. any of the various nostrums thst nre is’liig Tub Ohio Chemical Co.: • her Bile3’ friends. Several from this vicinit 3’ went to otl ’ered lor Ask lor IE-T'lT.f.>17 : l)EtK sir:—I hiiVH been using your Theodore Miller returned last we<‘k !'’orepaugh’s show in Ionia* lust Satur- TA.T^T.'PVT’gt r.nd take no otUei ,, ... cure for tobacco h.iblt, nnd found it would Muuufuctured only by V/ / do what jou i lalni for it. I used ten centa from the AVorld’s fair. He says the big dn.y. wt';!Ii t.f t.'ic st:oiige.' oonstuniliotioi .:.iid drliik.U', ttiroiigh lait 11 «.ftfter lend. usinir I was your led toTablrLs try your but Tiitithree ilnysHe heqiiitrlrlii^lng, wnsn heavy and John Hollister is home from Detroit. weeks. and will nut toiu h liquor of any Iii:)d. 1 h.)vo v.iilt"*! foni' mdiUh betoro writing He was twent3'-oiie last we<*k and is cele­ you, in ui der to know tho cure \. us pcn.)..ncut.. Yours trulv, brating. Noth'*, mils". HELEN MOURISON. Cincinnati , Ohio . The ball games betw<>en the Eureka On the 19th day of June. 189.‘l, the The Ohio Chemical Co :—(}entlkhf .n :—Your Tablets have nerformedaDlmclo in niy ease. and Elsie clubs resulted in a score of 5 to firm of E. P. Waldron A Co. bought the I have list’d morphine, hypi’Uor»* to $1,000 general partner and (Jeorge AValdron as RESPONSIBLE . (’ash will buy a good place in splendid spet'ial (to the amount of fr»,0(K) until IGENTS WANTEDl THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO. neighborhood whei-e vaiuiw are steadily 01, 63 and 00 Opmrm Block. LIMA, OHIO. Feb. 1, 180(». Signet!, ) mention this 1 rising. This is a bargaiii. Inquire of E. P. Wai .pkon , L. D. (jibbs. •f JwfJ (Jkomoe Wai .pron .