STJOHNS NEWS hole o Y olume TV.—No. 44. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1893. W N . 200 YYmblliii? Kells. * Hton.ni I*rlntliiu: lionise. (loiiiiino btirffoioH in .Jewelor.v and Op­ (!0>1 .M KNCKM ENT. TIIK CLASS IMJOI’IIECV. William J. Murray, of Detroit,and Miss tical (ioo(1k. Evch t<>stcd Em? at .Sev«*ii I^railiiHtes friiiii Hie St. .IiiIiiih Hikli Was the work of .lames O. Metiuistion KitKIM'H, llicWiTT ».t (io’s. S<‘Iio(il are Ailileil to the Loiii; Lint. and ns it is nwessar.v lo have it ver- Carrie 1. Turner were married Wednesday THE NEWS Reaiitifiil l>e<MiratioiiH.—Cool AVeatlier. All IiKleiX'iulciit Ne\VH|>a|ior, batiim for a proper understanding we afternoon, June 21, 1893, at the home of PubliHlioiI every 'I'ueHiliiy from the EnteH TVJ'TAVHTvTOTH. Newton Hall wasneyer more beaut'full.v print it below: the bride’s jiarents, M'illiam Turner in Block Corner of State and SprlnK Streetis, by trimmed for any festivities than for the A .lOl’RNKV. this villag<‘. “I'licle Jaaon”—.Newton Hall—.Inly 'I- There are times when the iiiiiiil |?i»eH out in EOUIH 13. OIMtiS, Coinnienceinent exercises last Thursday At 4 o’clock, Mr. D, If. Hunt began to Misa Inn I’errin is home from .\nn fjiney uml iiu.Hes 011 the future as well hh 011 Editor and Proprietor, evening. The sides of tlie stage were the |iHKt. play the wedding march and the bridal At 75 ceiitN ii Year Ktrictlf in Ailrnnce. .•\rbor. part3' entered the east room. Rev. W. triinined with gris'ii wfiile theclu.ss motto “Who hiith not Hhured that taliu ho atill ami CnrdH of tluvnkH lir> eeiitw each. .1. 11. Monntnin reHirnetl to Chicago “.Nlihi cuva futuri” was lixed in white (iwp, ,C. .Mien iirecis'ding the bridesmaid. Miss LeKal N’otieen at Htatiite rates. Marriage and Death notieen free. Monday. above the sjieakers. The body of the The volcelesH thought, that would iiotHiieuk, Florence E. .Murray, and best man, Mr. BiiHiness loeals 5 cents per line each time. hut weep. ” hall was draped with tiie class colors, C. Howard'rnrner. After the ceremony Hnsiness Directory cards a line per year. ’I'lie moat vivid Hn* scene ever jittempt- How wonderlul It Ih that the luiiid ean eii- Transient advertisinjr payable In advance. had been perfornied and congratulations ed at Nf'wton Mali, -Inly Jl. lavender and white, which hung from the coinpaHH HO much In ho brief a period ; that Y'early advertising? rates made known on offered, a bountiful repast was served. application. T. S. Congdon went to I'helaea .yeater- chandilers. Thelloral iiresentations were It caiijourmy while nt home SliKht events Anonymous commnnications will never re­ of the jiast may occupy our tliouKhts, and The presents were nmny and beautiful, ceive notii ’e. brought to the stage before the o[)ening day to vi.ait relatives for a few weeks. Hiiice life Is a collection of little thluj?H, why Locals ainont? reading; matter 10 cents jkm - of the exerciswK thus avoiding all throw­ 'J'he attending relatives in-esent were Mr. line eacli in.s<*rtion. Don’t fail to see the great saw mill in may we not look forward nnil see wlmt the .Murray’s mother. .Mrs. ,\. Murray, Rob’t Oldtuary poetry or n'solutions will posU ing of flowers. Rev. E. M. DIanchard future has in store for uh ? tlvely not lie Inserted unle*- jiaid for at 5 full operation at Newton Hull, .Inly .’5. H. Murray’ and wife, Wm. .Nf. McKa.v, ceuts tier line. offered the opening jirayer which was One evening as I was Heated In the lant Adilress all commnnications to Don’t forget the ice cream and straw­ followed by a kinder-garten song “Raby rayn of th ! Ketlin;? Him, tuininj?the leaven of (Jeo. F. Portin’ and Mrs. Lnella.V. Fildew, ST. JOHNS NEWS. St. Johns, Mich. berry social \VedneHda.vevening..Inne2iS. is going to Rye-lo-land” by thejirimary an old alhiim, familiar facen were bronjfht to all of Detroit. view. As my mind passed on tlirouffb the ’Mrs. Will Mclaine, of Owosso, is visit­ " n. A trij) to Chicago returning to Detroit IUjsixess I)IKECTOKY. 5 realms ()f time. I saw a clear outline of the ing her jiurents, .Mr. nn<l Mrs. Wm. l.NFU’KNC!-: OF I’UIXTIXO. future of my classmates. via the lakes will be tukoi after which attokneys . Feriier. This was the opening oration renderi'd First aiipeared a midille ajfed lady. She tlie3’ are to reside in a new end com- was a kind nurse tenderly earintr for the II.NKH.I.M A < I,.Ar.K.Atforn “yH atl.aw, F. F. Mnrdock and wife, of Lowell, by William .1. .Moss. Hespoke of civiliza­ ])Ietely furnished home at 892 Sixteenth .St..lolins. <)llice ill ()pera House Block. tion iis belonging to the past four or five Hick. Her face sisMued familiar, hut I diil not I street. [ spefit Snnduy with his brother, F. l'\ recojjnize her until I asked her “Why are you I r.vi.ltr.IDHi: A OSHOItN. Otilce over Murdock. centurii's and that now the diffusion of here? ” and she aiiswereil—liecnuse, then I These estimable young people are well- .Vlllson's Jewelry store, St. .lolins. knowledge made it (‘any for the humble knew It could he none other than Myra. known in St. Johns where ihe bride was The class of 'b(), St. .lohiis high school, OKTON A WEI.^I Kit. (liHce over Nixon school-boy to bei:onie a confonnder of Eviilently Home jtreat disaiiiiolntment in life born and only complimetary remarks & Oo's. linrd ware, opposite Tlie Steel. will hohl a rennion at the home of .Mi.ss N those once wise ir en. Oral teaching was nad no( Improved her temper. are heard in connection with heart\’ well- .Mu.v .Moreland to-night. I next beheld a man with slljfhtly silvered yon A' OOOI.INf;, Attorneys at Law, once the only means as the writing of wishing for the future. .St..Johns. 12.'{ hair, whose dress iilainl v indicated that he L Hon, S. S. Walker went to Ann Arbor books was so exjieiisive, now jirinting was a tllh'rofthe soil. He was drivinjr a .ll. II. C.A.STI.IO, Attorney and .Money yesterda.v to enjoy commencement week had made books and papers so cheap lazy tetim of oxen and w hen lie threw a few Ijoaner, .St. .Johns.' We ai’o pleased to announce this week W with his daughter, Flolse. that our great world is a storehouse of Greek adjectives at them to hasten them ^EI>K\V.\ a AV.\I.UKII»<;i:, Attorneys aloii)?, 1 knew It was Frank. Mv heart was that the marriage of Louis 1). (Jibbs and Fn-d Ki\npp, superintendent of the I’er- intellectuality everyone knowing some­ at Law. Ollice over t’orner Dmi; Store. filled with sadness wlien I beheld him fillinfi' Aliss Jennie finiiham will take jilaee to­ 2 rinton schools, is spending his vacation 'liril.l, II. IlKl N'StlN, Attorney at Law, thing and no ote iier.sun knowing it all. that humble [lositIon, for during; our school morrow, Wednesdu', at the residence of y\ St. .Johns. 1L>1 with his parents in St. .lohns. There was once brutal oppression and days we all i>redicted for him a hrllliuiit future, ami believed he would one day be the brides' parents on ProsjiH’t sti-eet. slavi'ry now nil were fnv to think and MONEY LOANINO. (lo and see the tremendous explosion capable of aHslKtiiis-in ilraftiiif the laws of Only the immediate relatives will be and blow-uj) of the pleasure steamer S)in- act. ICIIHJ.VN >IOKTt;.VOE COMPANY. the nation, hut since he is hap()y in hlHchosen jiresent and aftertheceremoii.y i)(*rformed OFR FAS'r AOK. vocation no one has reason lo eoiniilaln. (Limited.) Capital !?7.".000. Corner of bmim at Newton Hall, .Inly JJ. by Rev. W. (’. .Mien, the 2:4-7 train will MM'alker and Sprinj? streets. St. .Johns. Mon ­ "Then* i.s no word in the English lan­ Bevond snow capped mountains in a (piiet Allan C. Adams and famil.v, aeoom- ey to loan, investments made, mortfcaj^es for guage which so exactly pictures onr vlllaire, I met Nora. She had become a be taken for Chiengo. The return trip sale. A few pieces of land for sale. 1 l>anie(l by .Master Holly Hart, are visit­ will be via the lakes and is intiMided to present age whicli so truly accounts for famous Botaidst. She showed me her tine ing Alma friends and relatives for a few iierheilum containing'specimens from many occui)3’ two weeks. rHYSK'lANS. the contrasts of onr habits with those of da.vs. climes. I also noticed here a beautiful col­ r. a . .1. \Yl<.<iINS, Pliysician and Stir- the ancients as the Himfilf little adjective lection of .Mosses which seemed to be the Kcon. Ollice over Sullivan ’s (^lotliin); A. L. Casterline and grandson, Mark, fast.” This was the opening .sentence of siiecial subject of her care and attention. Business Locals . DStore. 4Stf of Maple Kapids, were in St. .lohns Mon- Miss Myra Sperry’s essay and jiortrays In a European city I saw before a door a O M. POST .'M. l>. JMiysician, Sur;?eon and du.v, bound for Chicago, to remain ten lar>?c si>?n hcarliij? tlic iininc M'm.
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