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Louisville Democrat DAILY LOUISVILLE DEMOCRAT. OUISVILIjE 28, 18G0. VOLUME W 11. KENTUCKY: FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER NUMBER 110. Fi.a;.oiiL We observe among the Amer- that the Oovrrnment thus established is Telegraphic Brevities. Mr Seward offered a resolution, covering r. a kaVkBB . I K. 1LOHB1 SPECIAL NOTICES. subject two principles in the pretty much the same ground as his previ iSc M1S('KI.!.XK()IS. MIS( ican names registered at the bauking house lothe asericd YLNSON TI L jILM AN. i:i.LANKOL'S. Declaration of lndeptndencc; and wc hold Yesterday's Noon Dinpatchek. ous propositions in the Republican caucus. Kane .V l'aris, the name of and It mall do iu Km Ouili) of Lhorettc. Co., further, that lhe Hist of its fonuatiou sub The impeachment of Mr Floyd, Secre- Railroad & Steamboat Agents New Importations FIRST PREMIUM. r. Democrat W. 15. of War, is to iu Mr. Reynolds of Louisville. jects it to a third fun priuciplo, tary freely talked of night AND namely: the law of compact. Wc maintain STARTLING RUM0RSM the hotels and political circles, on account I ! ! On Saturday Mayor Wood, of New Kentucky Feed HORRIBLE IkStWSSSI two more of the developments. FORWARDING AND COM- Tutter. that la every compact or ! recent fraud FROM pain o l upoa York, was married to Miss Alice Fentier FOIIT MOULTRIE EVACUATED MKF.CT CARklCATTRaa nMtMllr e P'irties, the obligation is mutual; that the MISSION WCERCTIAIVTS, TOIS UNRIVALLED STRAW A FODDER CBTTBn , a wi mau.ai f .vug sil.li all aha aav and Children Mill, of Fifth Avenue. of ;.ne of tbe contraciiiig parties to Dao. -- 7 Ralph Dead. CORNER OF ADtMS AND THE No la ik- - largest KcnuKoiMn 1 V failure Chaklkstox, Fort Moultrie Farnham LEVER. P 'be eat a aat pew mat r R X T K D AND P I B L I I II E D P aaau-atar- a iVm A'aUettb. tJaaaerara, wSkere Ha Aft 11 It it stated that Will Carnett, Esq., is ptii. rm a material par: of the ngreemen! was evacuated last night. Previous to the GstttT Falls, N. H., December 27 Jin aBa MFMPUI. ever ba ebe Cnit.d States. The HARJTKY. HUGHES CO. othe'-- , and that where TP. Murdered ft about to rer ijn his position as cashier of the entirely releases the evacuation the guns Vera spiked The fort Rlph Farnham, the last survivor of the ad btoagbt ii, disrepute by parasitee no aibiiratoris provided Bach ptrty is re is now being demolished by tire. Ouly four battle of Bunker Hill, died this morning af J. A, EU.lIUliIEaEIIMl! aoJ rHo Kmi aide Tiiird Htrevet, IkHwwii Southern Bank, a charge he has ably tilled. Ptrnton. .an aBy " Tor Cents ! " milted lo bis own judgment lo determine the soldiers were lefl in charge. The so'diera the residence of bis son in Acloo, Me. His lark.M auol Jiiiaaiaaiai Madam Colson, the prion donna, while of failure, ail its consequences tore ami ' bSb ktra leg eg wrhmi aat h w. a!l wetTntvrrenw .rt tar " Oray Barks " aat fort with have all been conveyed to Fort Sumter. age was 104 years. I months, and It days. COMMISSION MERCHANT AMD both In t'tc case, that fact i' estab- prevails. The couves DEALRH IN ". 'V " iWl MaSI kV . Wegroea in Philadelphia had to contend against prs"nt Intense excitement Bar,., r. Z lei Free FRIDAY MoKMSi. lished with certainty. We assert that lion secret session. t littrtl-mitrV- will - fife andsword," as the other evening she is iu All Kinds of Feed and Froduce ct aaa til- fifteen sftBaflwBtS bate deliberately refused Second Ihyatch It is only the CALL FOR No Chatfe a BCan set tire to her dres- from a lamp from which fulfil their constitutional St fOimil STRF.KT BK MAIN AND RIVER for years past to that are ea aura. The cannon ate S. CASSEUAV & SONS ant elaeelf the alcohol burned over the side and drop- olliyations, and we rtfer lo their own A DEMOCRATIC STATE UNION l.aaUVIHr, KY. WAJVTBD ltd ttafrar Proclamation is is - spiked, and it rumored that a train rTAT.URAIN viAi,LKINl..- o paooUCE SULB Of tha following Paawgriaiatra And Hi Family By (.ovemor. mind BtSlB'TI 'be proof. 1B K aiucgy SB the ped on her. With great presence of tt laid to blow up ihc Fort. This last report IN V AUtra PRNSloNS. y haafhag aevch cheap eeitfca aaaa tta wakV. The Constitution ot the Tailed States, in Consignment, spirited aal Bberal cash a leancea is doubled. The indigns B B vHARLBH W ABBOTT. LATBN Al she crushed ii oat immediately, escaping excitement aud ocl I V Ten BCtlcs throup hva 4Mramp its Fourth Article, provide as fthow?: tion of the people is intcuse. aad varied asaoilcieul of BRYAN, ruoiua A. Ireiaasl. W dlsjgTs mU KEHTUCKY LEGISLATURE TO BE with a burnt hand. A lew eveniug-- later ' No service or b.bor la Ju v .sie. Id ka to. ta pat person held lo "ARB o r DOWNS B.NO LISH CHI N A. Kiel rather VIlbllK Dec. -- 7, 12:30 p. m Major n.N CUTLBEY iriollTinvaiv d scene thereof, iug Charleston, "-A- Win ,1 .To take-ki-a CONVENED she fell on lhe igger iu the slabbing one State, Ihelawt esca aTbTw?ivSbI,A- T- aw Bond J.iel J ...nai.n laa Life Audersou atatSS that he evacuated Fort R FkENCU CHINA. PLATED CASTORS a navater. Aat cw Parker. Th,.m. JZ painted ail coloea, by her into another, shall, iu COBstqawnoc of any ew aha PhoSo.rarh. ta ta Terr of timrjw. i.to, and injured arm quite M (ho er Itaw,. John Taylor. Jo-o- a Wa ' . ul'r.e in order lo allay discussion ... 25 - W . a-- are law or regulation therein, be Bohemian .'.ass. colored ulass. a i. ik. elaa .i:. B i,e of Bnlkoril teste in rar. badly. the same lime to WRAPPINGS! P.V 4k tin tkt bit- be de about that post and ai llll'l llVUl.lll I , KaMTBK Ull. from Fuch service or liln.r, shall DBCORArED VASES. ODoR aXSTTLBA, Madame PAtterson first strengthen his owu position. In Cloth. Velvet and 811k. of ihe newest pajl I sab la by tfet Tairtoaalh nedion ot ilie TbirJ P.onapirte, livered up, on claim cf the party to whom now open an .r ex. reed. PLATED PORES aad SPOONS. 2X1 ere First Freminms! wife of the Ute Prince Jerome, is a' pres- such service or labor m.y be due." ! saA M RK A DOWN'S. 41S Main St. FWSmZli&mSmW ArlsoltJ of i lie Constiiuliua of Kentucky OONVENTIOX STATUETTES, ren of - THE Charleston Items. JsoaaealSathergaiX . Kennedy.R M he This was material to the Jaae wtweVaS ent iu Paris (iiillardet writes that stipulation to Ttkonaas: May Lyoa. WVUmm A K K SKWINT, LW. Alabama MaTKSS DUNCAN. anusewaf Nsaary Ma. idsas, 0 ROVER 4 P MACHINE to Assembly on ex- - CO pact Ciiaulkston, December The I am instructed by the Demo- & MNNEM WARE TBA W ARE. coaTeae the lieaeral met at resi.lenoe of an con.pac'. that without it that n Slate I . St at H recently her the Conveutiou will have au immense majority Market ktl l!l Kt T MI'HtNT! would not have been made The grwaejst Street, between first end 8econ GEAMTB COMMON l pov- - Committee to call a WAHB. WABB. Greet Fair iraordinary oecacions. hi he seat of resident, and that, notwithstand- in favor of secession. are rumors cratic Convention of JU.-- V At tb lui closed at Ckcaitotle. S. C, ta American numtier of the contrite: iug parlies held There AVE RIIi'i: li A R ?LI'ERI')R LOT Ftrat freariam was s war Jed t tkr life here that several hundred troops are en H ot Country Haas end Cv Side, faa are Sa FRUIT JAR.. FEATHER DU8TBE3, BiwBt, I, Bcriah Magoflin, Ciorernor of ing her advanced age, the retains her slaves, and the State of Virginia had pre- Delegates from all the counties in Ken. pre:ar.sl. o firntsh faniil'e. with GROYRR A BAKER rFWlNO MACHINE route for the Charleston foris. AlbU, (hat ICB PITCHERS, and vivacity. She hn a number of letters viously declared her of its value, of the best ijeui'v. In an aaaaat to suit coatoakara; TOILET SETS. a - :r.v Ktaai Pai said rommonwelth, Jo herely call upon Fort Sumter was reinforced ou Sunday tucky, to be holden in city Louie- - and In a'l case- Si :,r-- r laWts b any part ol the by making i the condition of her cesiou the of i,l arnta at ta UaaTv.vi.Tcuu aaa Aaaiccinaai. Faa ar of her husband's, which she proposes to city free charga. lh with marines under ihe disguise tf laborers SoVOlve theru a call. They guaraatee eatlafar-thm- Bounty Laat aad Perudoa DAetubwrs of the ticncr&i Asaembly, to of the territory which now oompoes vills, on - Clata Warr aaVMaVkj aa the ITtk alt. e7 publish, with a menoir. In yielding to the Postal matters coniinue bore as formerly. Tuesday the 8th day of get Bu Call and see them, at Wat Ada ' TiikliiV States north ef the Ohio river. Louisville, Ky . iRcx aktal p n.j no can furaiab convene at the capilol, in Frankfort, on Many foreign ships nn in port toek out aud to the op- tagailam .n n COAX! COAX ! desire .it her m tt..l- - m. to follow a military The saOf articl-- of the Conatitutiou January ucxt( invite ce 8.
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