Fi.a;.oiiL We observe among the Amer- that the Oovrrnment thus established is Telegraphic Brevities. Mr Seward offered a resolution, covering r. a kaVkBB . I K. 1LOHB1 SPECIAL NOTICES. subject two principles in the pretty much the same ground as his previ iSc M1S('KI.!.XK()IS. MIS( ican names registered at the bauking house lothe asericd YLNSON TI L jILM AN. i:i.LANKOL'S. Declaration of lndeptndencc; and wc hold Yesterday's Noon Dinpatchek. ous propositions in the Republican caucus. Kane .V l'aris, the name of and It mall do iu Km Ouili) of Lhorettc. Co., further, that lhe Hist of its fonuatiou sub The impeachment of Mr Floyd, Secre- Railroad & Steamboat Agents New Importations FIRST PREMIUM. r. Democrat W. 15. of War, is to iu Mr. Reynolds of Louisville. jects it to a third fun priuciplo, tary freely talked of night AND namely: the law of compact. Wc maintain STARTLING RUM0RSM the hotels and political circles, on account I ! ! On Saturday Mayor Wood, of New Kentucky Feed HORRIBLE IkStWSSSI two more of the developments. FORWARDING AND COM- Tutter. that la every compact or ! recent fraud FROM pain o l upoa York, was married to Miss Alice Fentier FOIIT MOULTRIE EVACUATED MKF.CT CARklCATTRaa nMtMllr e P'irties, the obligation is mutual; that the MISSION WCERCTIAIVTS, TOIS UNRIVALLED STRAW A FODDER CBTTBn , a wi mau.ai f .vug sil.li all aha aav and Children Mill, of Fifth Avenue. of ;.ne of tbe contraciiiig parties to Dao. -- 7 Ralph Dead. CORNER OF ADtMS AND THE No la ik- - largest KcnuKoiMn 1 V failure Chaklkstox, Fort Moultrie Farnham LEVER. P 'be eat a aat pew mat r R X T K D AND P I B L I I II E D P aaau-atar- a iVm A'aUettb. tJaaaerara, wSkere Ha Aft 11 It it stated that Will Carnett, Esq., is ptii. rm a material par: of the ngreemen! was evacuated last night. Previous to the GstttT Falls, N. H., December 27 Jin aBa MFMPUI. ever ba ebe Cnit.d States. The HARJTKY. HUGHES CO. othe'-- , and that where TP. Murdered ft about to rer ijn his position as cashier of the entirely releases the evacuation the guns Vera spiked The fort Rlph Farnham, the last survivor of the ad btoagbt ii, disrepute by parasitee no aibiiratoris provided Bach ptrty is re is now being demolished by tire. Ouly four battle of Bunker Hill, died this morning af J. A, EU.lIUliIEaEIIMl! aoJ rHo Kmi aide Tiiird Htrevet, IkHwwii Southern Bank, a charge he has ably tilled. Ptrnton. .an aBy " Tor Cents ! " milted lo bis own judgment lo determine the soldiers were lefl in charge. The so'diera the residence of bis son in Acloo, Me. His lark.M auol Jiiiaaiaaiai Madam Colson, the prion donna, while of failure, ail its consequences tore ami ' bSb ktra leg eg wrhmi aat h w. a!l wetTntvrrenw .rt tar " Oray Barks " aat fort with have all been conveyed to Fort Sumter. age was 104 years. I months, and It days. COMMISSION MERCHANT AMD both In t'tc case, that fact i' estab- prevails. The couves DEALRH IN ". 'V " iWl MaSI kV . Wegroea in Philadelphia had to contend against prs"nt Intense excitement Bar,., r. . Z lei Free FRIDAY MoKMSi. lished with certainty. We assert that lion secret session. t littrtl-mitrV- will - fife andsword," as the other evening she is iu All Kinds of Feed and Froduce ct aaa til- fifteen sftBaflwBtS bate deliberately refused Second Ihyatch It is only the CALL FOR No Chatfe a BCan set tire to her dres- from a lamp from which fulfil their constitutional St fOimil STRF.KT BK MAIN AND RIVER for years past to that are ea aura. The cannon ate S. CASSEUAV & SONS ant elaeelf the alcohol burned over the side and drop- olliyations, and we rtfer lo their own A DEMOCRATIC STATE UNION l.aaUVIHr, KY. WAJVTBD ltd ttafrar Proclamation is is - spiked, and it rumored that a train rTAT.URAIN viAi,LKINl..- o paooUCE SULB Of tha following Paawgriaiatra And Hi Family By (.ovemor. mind BtSlB'TI 'be proof. 1B K aiucgy SB the ped on her. With great presence of tt laid to blow up ihc Fort. This last report IN V AUtra PRNSloNS. y haafhag aevch cheap eeitfca aaaa tta wakV. The Constitution ot the Tailed States, in Consignment, spirited aal Bberal cash a leancea is doubled. The indigns B B vHARLBH W ABBOTT. LATBN Al she crushed ii oat immediately, escaping excitement aud ocl I V Ten BCtlcs throup hva 4Mramp its Fourth Article, provide as fthow?: tion of the people is intcuse. aad varied asaoilcieul of BRYAN, ruoiua A. Ireiaasl. W dlsjgTs mU KEHTUCKY LEGISLATURE TO BE with a burnt hand. A lew eveniug-- later ' No service or b.bor la Ju v .sie. Id ka to. ta pat person held lo "ARB o r DOWNS B.NO LISH CHI N A. Kiel rather VIlbllK Dec. -- 7, 12:30 p. m Major n.N CUTLBEY iriollTinvaiv d scene thereof, iug Charleston, "-A- Win ,1 .To take-ki-a CONVENED she fell on lhe igger iu the slabbing one State, Ihelawt esca aTbTw?ivSbI,A- T- aw Bond J.iel J ...nai.n laa Life Audersou atatSS that he evacuated Fort R FkENCU CHINA. PLATED CASTORS a navater. Aat cw Parker. Th,.m. JZ painted ail coloea, by her into another, shall, iu COBstqawnoc of any ew aha PhoSo.rarh. ta ta Terr of timrjw. i.to, and injured arm quite M (ho er Itaw,. John Taylor. Jo-o- a Wa ' . ul'r.e in order lo allay discussion ... 25 - W . a-- are law or regulation therein, be Bohemian .'.ass. colored ulass. a i. ik. elaa .i:. B i,e of Bnlkoril teste in rar. badly. the same lime to WRAPPINGS! P.V 4k tin tkt bit- be de about that post and ai llll'l llVUl.lll I , KaMTBK Ull. from Fuch service or liln.r, shall DBCORArED VASES. ODoR aXSTTLBA, Madame PAtterson first strengthen his owu position. In Cloth. Velvet and 811k. of ihe newest pajl I sab la by tfet Tairtoaalh nedion ot ilie TbirJ P.onapirte, livered up, on claim cf the party to whom now open an .r ex. reed. PLATED PORES aad SPOONS. 2X1 ere First Freminms! wife of the Ute Prince Jerome, is a' pres- such service or labor m.y be due." ! saA M RK A DOWN'S. 41S Main St. FWSmZli&mSmW ArlsoltJ of i lie Constiiuliua of Kentucky OONVENTIOX STATUETTES, ren of - THE Charleston Items. JsoaaealSathergaiX . Kennedy.R M he This was material to the Jaae wtweVaS ent iu Paris (iiillardet writes that stipulation to Ttkonaas: May Lyoa. WVUmm A K K SKWINT, LW. Alabama MaTKSS DUNCAN. anusewaf Nsaary Ma. idsas, 0 ROVER 4 P MACHINE to Assembly on ex- - CO pact Ciiaulkston, December The I am instructed by the Demo- & MNNEM WARE TBA W ARE. coaTeae the lieaeral met at resi.lenoe of an con.pac'. that without it that n Slate I . St at H recently her the Conveutiou will have au immense majority Market ktl l!l Kt T MI'HtNT! would not have been made The grwaejst Street, between first end 8econ GEAMTB COMMON l pov- - Committee to call a WAHB. WABB. Greet Fair iraordinary oecacions. hi he seat of resident, and that, notwithstand- in favor of secession. are rumors cratic Convention of JU.-- V At tb lui closed at Ckcaitotle. S. C, ta American numtier of the contrite: iug parlies held There AVE RIIi'i: li A R ?LI'ERI')R LOT Ftrat freariam was s war Jed t tkr life here that several hundred troops are en H ot Country Haas end Cv Side, faa are Sa FRUIT JAR.. FEATHER DU8TBE3, BiwBt, I, Bcriah Magoflin, Ciorernor of ing her advanced age, the retains her slaves, and the State of had pre- Delegates from all the counties in Ken. pre:ar.sl. o firntsh faniil'e. with GROYRR A BAKER rFWlNO MACHINE route for the Charleston foris. AlbU, (hat ICB PITCHERS, and vivacity. She hn a number of letters viously declared her of its value, of the best ijeui'v. In an aaaaat to suit coatoakara; TOILET SETS. a - :r.v Ktaai Pai said rommonwelth, Jo herely call upon Fort Sumter was reinforced ou Sunday tucky, to be holden in city Louie- - and In a'l case- Si :,r-- r laWts b any part ol the by making i the condition of her cesiou the of i,l arnta at ta UaaTv.vi.Tcuu aaa Aaaiccinaai. Faa ar of her husband's, which she proposes to city free charga. lh with marines under ihe disguise tf laborers SoVOlve theru a call. They guaraatee eatlafar-thm- Bounty Laat aad Perudoa DAetubwrs of the ticncr&i Asaembly, to of the territory which now oompoes vills, on - Clata Warr aaVMaVkj aa the ITtk alt. e7 publish, with a menoir. In yielding to the Postal matters coniinue bore as formerly. Tuesday the 8th day of get Bu Call and see them, at Wat Ada ' TiikliiV States north ef the Ohio river. Louisville, Ky . iRcx aktal p n.j no can furaiab convene at the capilol, in Frankfort, on Many foreign ships nn in port toek out aud to the op- tagailam .n n COAX! COAX ! desire .it her m tt..l- - m. to follow a military The saOf articl-- of the Conatitutiou January ucxt( invite ce 8. C4SSED4Y Ixfomai: acb raaa. arIT their cloarance papers before the 2u.li, and J.N. CUTTFR & CO,, 0v. Lhe of next, (o the she wished siipulates also for rendition by the several in (OLD 8TEA.M C0M.VDNICATION Kih January lake ialo career in French army, that now loading. will eration tending delegates to said Con- No Set NLMBEE SSt) MAIN STREET, WEEKLY BE J cto States ol lugitives fiotii justice from the are Others probably take DISTILL! KS OP AND II M AIL DRAI.Flt IB TWEEM Oo., - he should preserve an independence worthy WaaCaiau.MiJlorKki4 IS. ax i a laOUA L. keep couataatly coaaiJeratton the interest of the Common- other States. clearances under protest. vention of all the citixeus of the Com- aaSl dlasir LoctTiu.a. Et. a head the best aaaftUa at tb lawaat aiarkat prtca-- of his name, and has alio wed Baft an aunual Many intelligent Carolinians say that ii BOURBON WHISKIES' wealth, as the same may be involved in The titueral Government, alhe common riN NEW YORK AND IRELAND, SvaT HBcee Wk street, wast aktc. aa4 coraar Sf is a difiicult matter to uutauglc the gordian monwealth, without respect to parties, 8KCOND Wapaaaai kMUntvaamu. leMA pension of francs. The fortune of sgcut, passed laws to carry into effect these HTKEKT MNQL.4.VD rBAMCB AND SMKMAWT. or connected with the present dii'lracteJ stipulations af the States. For many years kuot of Union, but as a last resort they will favorable to the maintenance of the Fed. BET RUN AAD BARGAINS! Mrs Patterson she accrued by her economy MAI" MARKET, I ! Uovax, Oct. bar 2. cut it. ba-i- a KotartUa at Bar TeroagS Tie kola t laa. these laws a'ere executed. Bui an iucrebs eral Union, on the of non interven el dAwlf laMimvi I. LB condition of our common country. and judicious use of the pension accorded Mr. Brown's resolution this morning was fHE powerful iron steam- - m ing ho tility on the part of tU Northern lion by Congress with slavery in the M. aklnaCITV aal tr a.aVstB Tta Carpal lAalea at by raw oat ' In teal ton onv whereof I have hereunto rt I This: referred io the Committee uu the of til ara bib - her by Napoleon pension Was sup- States to the institution of slavery has led Constitu SAUDI, 23RY. BARGAINS! CITY OF MAV Mac afta AJea wa kava cm eeee that wa would rare ., I.av aaa- ami ae.l the aal ot the cuim..n tion. Territories, and the faithful inforoement CHESTER, El. aBttBaWaa , wealth Done at r'rankkxt thi- - J7th day ..I pressed by the Bourbons; but, kt a disregard ot their cbligatio s, and the have put n uor . arprte Bo aru-j- w it is rumored, naaaaaaTF . 9 lTT!!rT!r to ara naaeed Itocrraher. and In the attlh ear ol tlir The Convention sat in secret session till of existing laws for the protection aud JAMES TREASY. calling rasVve 111 laws of the General Government have ceased f a COBB a aal Mai a. wttk It. that we weald be very unwilling la kava aaeth- Cowiniuawealtli.!. that Napoleon thinks of restoring it. I1ARNEB8. BR1 'O.v S aad Pi i rs. every SATURDAYad B the Governor. B MAGOFIIN. to effect the of half past four, when it adjourned till ten surrender of slave COLLARS esa BARGAINS! in, without n Ta dit objfets the Constitution property, without let L aaaaaaaV CSaa Osama) kn Aiiaagemeats are raade, it is o'clock to morrow. sakaaaT. rarw a. A Msvaasl gene. is aal, Sr. retary of State. bessf -- r. It : The States of Maine, New Hampshire. Ver. or v , ml., used and our where hindrance by the laws or authorities of OOKNKR fill AND a K K KT si s New I - . i ataa, to a atrtkJa as la ataaat laa ifligtlia mt ska said, to sscurs the election f Hon James tnont, Connecticut, Rhode atS tat latll l.xVII.I.K. KV. CLOTHING! South uon slaveholding States. Bo The Committee of the Senate, It la K M oorhead, of Pittsburg, to the United IMI, New York, Pennsylvania. Illinois, Carolina' Convention. ' B. kaaaaaajaa H Ohio, Michigan, and I ii a r , S. Dec. Uii. Secret Set J. COCIIRAN, A.. the ssclnaa. and ilreaelaaa flea taw cat Indiana, lrston C, W. KOA.TH, Bw Pasaswe. apply t?ORTVS A CO.. ITT Bread thought, and with good reason, will States Senate. Democratic CLOTHING! way. HlJ Pt. aaa Wf tklnk voa oo nut overrate Us aasaij In Iowa hare enacted laws which either nullify ion The following ordinance was passed Chairman State Com. MERCHANT TAILOR, New Tack. J ft. DALE 15 Broadway New York. alerting taat Ma4am aaK to tar caract'. wear. If our aothing They have adopted, as The Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks, the the acts sfCsSMBTwBS, er render Useless any in the secret session this evening: At a I .ate of the Arm of J. L Deppen A Co.. and prlnclpa CLOTHING, of H win add t,yUdag ta raw IheSa, Iu of the The Robbery Bonds SrB. Deafts Myakaa threngh Besykmad. I I age ana.au lulu get. a rale, to report only what a majority of the Democratic candidate for Governor in the attempt to execute many ot these Cnveution people of the State of or Indian The late vuvier 1:1 11 ll we It, (ralinc tnat AT THE Bcotlaal. aoal tv Wet b A a. 7 1ly raerrru!v r do roar csstouora a Co- robbery I. ttepublicaa and their opponents will agree lata contest in Indiana, is about to remove Slates the tugiu.t i; uisjb.irged from the South Carolina, begun and holden in of Indian Trust Bonds was yester- IXTOLXD RKSPf.iTFl r 'tM Hi taack (realcr Uulnaa tkaa wc aa yea. service or labor claimed, and in none cf them lumbia on the 1 7th of December, 1MB, and day the topic of general remark. Tbe v menus and th- - publ IPRIWQ TRAHB. HALL a II to The first proposition of Mr Crittenden, to Indianapolis to practice law. has tat. n and r iltied t 180 I860 thl.l has the State Government complied with the thence couiiuuel hi adjournment to Charles- clerk who so culpably allowed himself to street. etwecti Market Great Clothing House aUrriaatoo'. Qarpet wast SlaataYajr Llatar Paaot Uaa taa 14 to divide the territory, was rejected: the David Stuart, of Chicago, has commenced made in Tbe ton, and there by divers adjournments to the lay bands upon property placed iu his where he w,.u.d b-- please to sec a snv of them as -- T.XR i UAIN, Alain stipulation the Constitution. charge he ph to favor it OF at FonrU atraat, and Market, at klui with a call, he will do L't'. h by J"1'1 a act four Republicans voting against it, and, a soil for slanler against Mr. lurch for State of New Jersey, at an early day, passed the of December of the same. the government, and for which, of WHOLESALE HW TOUW. aSST waravaakl -at to aat the tvatoaxer. and a St guar a law for the rendition of fugitive slavos in Or lnini. . t iil provisional in fur Die oourse, the government was and is re - Sproule A also, three of their opponents Davis, Hun- personal damages in lhe sum of 100,000: tits an tee. In al! rasas. Tluo.ktji 10.- pas', favors, would r Mandeville, "Tfaere U Do use cnlliittauce ol the coliim.-r- i lal facilities ot IsOuth sponsible, is named Goddard apectfuUv solicit Dry Talkinw." conformity with bet' constitutional Bal r. Bailey, from a centra aasre of the au;.. B B CORN KR MAIN Goods Dealers and Toombs. The Carat aa. A W K AND FOURTH STREETS, Voo itr-- b aiM awa rstk.au. fcat K. ky ter last named three were another parly claims 40,000. Mr. Burch but feel- Alabama, and held tbe office of Appeal ATU, aVo. 417 JfeBM eaat.'A nde, ttAtamg taking: the currsuiof Wiikrkas, t is due to our late confede No. KM street, ttreti, Satk, taay kappea get poor Ufa nj fourth taHl THI RATMMMl BtTIl, akaan. ta taelr in taey atoaaki willing to vote for it, if offered by the Re seems to be universally execrated. Uepori ing has led her more reecnily to enaot laws rates in political union as the United States Clerk for Indian matters in ihe Secretary's LaaSkilMa, Ky. call aaaa Br. Oatra. rrko will extrl. at tbaas from taa which office of the Interior s, HAVE NOW ON HAND THE I'B ARB NOW OPENING A VERT LARGE ANB publicans in good faith The other propo Bays that the Marine Bank ihrtw out his rendered inopera'ive tbe reinedbs of America, as also to the citisene of South Department, bt a Looking-Glasse- I'E LARGIST AND TV ccapiatf taaartaaat if ailemma la a Terr short Ufa. Baa4 adreritoen ot to provided by her own law aud by the laws salary of S'J.OOU per annum He was not a of L'LOTHINO and GEN aa atker enatasa aaaard "Lactr eitions ware rejected by the four Ki publi- cheeks the other day. All torts ol icJigui-tie- s Carolina engaged in commerce, that no t. SlLRNISill.ua OOODS ever brought to this SPBlNml. FABCT ANB STAPLE DEI OoOBS, Ht ills I'sttats Bsmcal of Cougress. of New York, clerk in the Indian office. We maraet. all of xrhl h are m an uiec ouraetvra Bitrata-a- In tat S.ate abrupt nor sudden change be made in the learn thatht Portrait & tared by at S1EBT. GLOVES, VARIETIES AN D NoTlONB aaftdtf voting against them. These Republi offered to him. Picture Frames our great manufactory ia New Tort, and ta th latest are even the of transit for a slave has was induced to take the bonds in in WooSavaa-bJmiiBu- right ra'e of duties on imports into the Slate; and question mm lork. London and Parts styles. We solicit aa ex- sribraclag alaaoat artkla In our Mae. can o on sail mean to make no con The London Critic says: hear from been denied by her tiibut.al-- : and the whereas, order to assist a friend, a Mr. Russell, well am nation or our stock, which me are always ready aad taduceaaenu a parrhaaara, aod reaaactfklrw Ir-il- et lair-By- e l alr-tr- it is not desired by this State to wldiug to show. Invite the attention of ..cr asUixuers aad the city aaA States of Ohio an Iowa have refusi-- to known as the proprietor in the wagon train C. S. COOPER, eaeiona: nor could aaything be the that Na'.tiauicl Hawthruiie, sshtsas secure advantages in trade to our own - belter Slates ports A WM. A HAIR-DYE- . surrender to jus: ice with lines between the city of Letvenworth iar 9LBTI- UAISL BATHKLORB fugiuves charged abate those of any olher of the slaveholding and oVER-o- 1'S LOW TBE expected of them Their backers at home his Concord is engaged upon a Utah No. 319 Third Street, between Market and FOR SALE AT murder, and with inciting servile insurrec late in the and New Mexico. It is said that Mr. FN! SPROULE A MANDEVILLEit. tmm OSaSIKaX ABB BBBT tB THS WOKi.L Slates her confederates said Jefferson, east side. say. that tht people have decided the point uew remance, which rumor says is to have tion in the State of Virginia Thus the Russell held a large amount of drafts ac- Union: and whereas, this ordinance, for a taa aarlr aaka KrBaMa Balr-D- by ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON LM.NB DRESS SUITS FOE SALE LOW Paraataaa ia their favor, and that they have no com for its subject English life: and that James Constitutional compact has been deliberate considerations indie ited, is designed to be cepted the Secretary of War, but on AN HAND 01 AT the au laaaaVkat, an : r :u- - atya of ! Molding, of tie., various stylos for Pictures 01 BPROULB a MANlaEWLLrS. ly broken by the non-sla- t which he could not realize, and finding r WRIGHT A BRliaiKFOR-- katwi proiBsssB to make. That assertion will do Buseeil Lowell, ofttigulow and disregarded provisional: therefore we, the people of that Business Car :.. Ac .At. jaw atkart: ara aaara Papers' celebrity, Mr. Parties In want l InaliHaas, akl akiata kaaaata chotding States, and the consequence Carolina, in Bailey the custodian of these trust of such wil do well lo call before BUSINESS) U thai day dtaaalvecl by autuai for blockheads: but Souih Convention assembled, purchasing also where. lal U1T9 FOE BALI LOW AT ad tt.ya wtak ta aicaaa flat tall partisan nearly a mil has several literary ventures in contempt follows is bonds, induced him to lend them dtf FINE B that South Carolina released from do declare, ordain, and it is hereby declared until his 8PBOULB MANDEVILLTS. The :uai ess he raWatvK tv J AMBB BaUBSBl tlkUT. BBO. ar RUTTY HAlRayaa laataaUy k a majority of the people of this country tion among them a new book of 'Fireside its obligation. and ordained: own receipts would come round, so that the oRD. aaaa ta style at The which bonds could be up WESTERN FURNISHING dOOM FOB SALB LOW AT have decided them The " ends for this Constitution wa all taken and all made right HOTEL, . kBk na - ' against only ques Travels.' First, That citizens of this State who t'ini .sPRoULE A MANiitV 1LI.E-S- framed are declared by itself to be "to form at the date of again. At first $150,000 worth of binds LATE VACABO HOUSE, Wimxs staXALC aaa lUPLOMAJt aaaa aaaa tion that remains is, did these four Republi. George Law, says the Savannah K pub- the ordinance of secession Parties iu.leoi.-- us mw ill a more perfect Union, establish justice, in- ofEpe were taken in this way, but as about aow dne. wts rufl thaw aajsraaa ta Wat. A . atrkalsr ataoc Mat, aoa arar M.. were holding connected with the onj South side . a. aaaa sat aa:l. aat havhas rant represent properly the majority of the lican, has at last succeeded iu working oil $100,ou0 Market, bet. Fourth k Fifth. claaaaa agaixva will - sure domestic tranquility, provide for the could ba realised on them, a RBCBIVED-X- O DOZEN LINEN AND tkaa aadne at aarHnnaai kaaa k aa aaaa to hear customs under the United States within the a- - taa af taa JACOB III., SHIRTS. all mftff'"- o: free States? It to, and their decision is to his worthless old muskets on a soft cus common defense, prcuiote tbe general wel- second abstraction was made, and then HUKD Proprietors. V xliee, and for sale low paronr 1n limits of South Carolina be. and they are A VI N a i to close DEV LlJf'S, LaaMiaV. May SB a. lorn 11Xii A aUTCHBUan prod ocas aeaaar , and no concessions can be The fare, and secure the blessings of liberty to hereby appointed to hold, others margins of former defi yjtTB Would respectfully inform tub pcb- - ecttdlnatlal Under Nat onal tloteL B, obtained. tomer. State of Alabama is the victim under the gov v? lie that slue- - the above i, has passed aat ta ka flatliiatakil aaa to ourselves and posteri'y ciencies. Mr Russell's business taking an jae froa tba kai aatara. mmrwt wc may make up our minds to revolution, or of the "sell." eminent ot this State exclusively, without hands of Mrs. taeat It baa been entirely reatte In at otdt t may bacaa- - The ends it endtavored to accomplish by any further connection whatever with the unfavorable turn, and the troubles of the egant style and Is now open lor the reception guests WATER WORKS. ion, or whatever name we choose to A private letter from Florence, says a Federal Government, in which each past six weeks following on, tbe criminal Located la the central and husii.eaas part nl the city. It THOB WILLIAMS, GBO. BBOBSTOH State Federal Government of the United States, has rare a.lvanta---- -i for V:.n traveling, public. The pro COACHES! call it. was recognized as an equal, and had separ- acts of Mr Bailey could no longer bo con- prletors will --pare no pains to make theirguesu feet that "Robt. Hart, the youug American the same offices they now fill until otherwise le THOaS. Mad. soJd. or srpttad (la Bin private rooaiat at II. comtorta'. and tn every respect Trelr lerdei WILLIAMS & CO., taa ate control over its own institutions. The cealed. Mr. was yesterday lodged in will always be m lib. n Pactary. We do net believe, however, that these sculptor, has just completed a magnificent directed, aud that they receive the same pay supplied lhe .st the market and Wm kt Bon4 strwK. Maw Tark. of jail, we the oase seasons an.. rd, an ! t;, i,ir will be stocked with only right property in slaves was recognized and understand was before . th North aids of Mshct, bet. Third & Fourth, aH and euiolumeuis for their services. best of w Lion ra.Ci,-ars- Bald ta etatoa aaa taaras at taa Dm: ad fflilsi k men represent a majority of any free State bust of Theodore It is ex- etc B PREPARED TO W Parker. without by giving to free persons distinct political the Grand Jury. Mr. Russell is also in the BaTW. soli, it patronage ok) 8IX-SE- INTRODUCE ATER INTO BTvgtiat - t, ct ftavk i v Second. That until this convention or the of tha R0CKAWAY8 ; HAT Sterea, Factartea, There two or hands of officers on New patransaodof the pubi.e lu general. Re. la ronaectioa maybe three exceptions, but ception the best likeness ever seen of this right'; by giving them the right to repre- sent lo York to FOUR-SE- wtth th- - LouLsviiie Water ou general assembly shall otherwise provide, dtf JACOB FRIEND B CO. ROC RAW A Y3 ; Co.. re.na.ia teraxa not more. sent, and bunheniug the with direct arrest him. It will be perceived by the Ml Having bat a laaj aaaarliuca a tha bawaaaaaMB fcar ranter.'' taxes shall appoint to all vacancies which shall all ataatat taa aaa. at SHIFTING-TO- P BUOQ1ES; guarantee of oar work a ee doao a a aweaer aaa BfBL for three nfihs of their slaves; by authoriz proceedings of the House of Representatives VL4W XOTIC'E. A BATCH BLOR. at Bond atraat. Haw Tark. aaa We have never expected much from Con- - cccur iu such offices. iog the importation of slaves for that these embezzlements formed the sub- SLIDE-SE- ; aaU by M.amj. Waaaa B Bkarktra i aji ,m Baa-- twenty Third That until otherwise provided by BC00IE8 rreas, aad still less from the Administration. INDEPENDENT STATE OF years, and by stipulating for the ject of a communication to that body yes- rendition this convention or the general assembly, the TROTTING BUGGIES , terday by There is, we still hold, sense enough in this of fugitives from labor revenue collection and navigation laws of the the Secretary of the Interior. MOREHAO dt BRIOOS, SOUTH CAROLINA! We affirm ends for which The bonds abstracted amount to $870,000. 8ULEIES, Be, B. AUX It is Seldom country to save it, if that tense can ever be that these United Slates, as far as may be practicable, ATTOBNKVs. A NSK.LLORS AT LAW TROiSJOULEURS! ajattr Government yatiuH'il Intelligencer. 'l anrthlnx la ta medical line, aar wwatd this was instituted have been be, and A brought to bear upon it. The demagogues, The Declaration of Independence they are hereby adopted and made 1.UIISV 1I.I.P, KY. FINE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE CHEAP AT toww, aalaas we caald be convinced taat we ara taat defeated, and the G overnment iiaelf has been L. 8. B. D C. ta L. E. laws of this Slate, saving thai no duty shall MOREUEAD aetacoardDM a a J laraaUat In to however, are in the way. This Rural Virginian a Mktropolitan MESSRS. t EKIOUS WILL BI RR, rertaaienainc the Republican made desti uc:ivc of them by the action of be collected upon at partBenklp Is tba Courts In II AICIHT4 WHEELER'I HIS AOKNTS DR. flOrVrrn-KRrCK-i The declaratioc of causes for the seces- imports from the Slates held the city pnb.ir J KBKATKD BITTBB the of LouUvllle. and tn the and Federal party may imagine they can get along this non slaveholding Siatts Th.se States forming the late Federal Union known as Hotel. The Washington tiiar of Wednesday Courts OPPOSITE TUB Q IIO USE, TJAVE JUsT KEIURNEO FROM FRANCE tor tba care of taat Bawl terrible aad fatal of all sion of South Carolina from the Federal haM In frankiort lu the absouce of aaa a nlalaai at ALT aa with a ana aaaartau t have assumed th light of deciding upon the I cither will aecur the aaSdtf lwreran-- Agv. Wnm own way; bat they will toon find their uited States of America, nor upon the tells the following story ktteatlon af tth. LOUISVILLE BT. ouvue Wiiaunv oa exaarteace wttk mistake Union, ap- of ATTENlION GIVEN TO THE ARMAtsNAC and as reported by the committee the propriety cur domestic institutions: tonnape of vessels owned in whole or in LANGrjaVVnalS, tBat Tataable aoectdc. w can aatrty aay tor db They must not part A few days ago a named E. M. OF CLAIMS. Otllce on Jelteraon street M that mistake the position of aud have denied (be rights of gentleman between Career and Fifth tag aa af Ui aknr aaare. It Etacwt a pointed to prepare an address to the peopte propeity by the citizens of said States, saving and rftf ! All of which are of the eery bal aakBawg Bakk a wttaaat rlraL he Corder, from Virginia, arrived at the Clar- Southern Bank luautity ot Its ttmel-- aaai.tase stands by the I nion, because established in fifteen of the States and re excepting of goakkT Notes ban siveil msnr a Baaow bring of the Southern States, is as follows: the act Congress adopted ou endon House vikjfii. c c. sowig V. cognized by the Constinn de- iu this city, and took loJgings. KIN L1QI t frata a pr. at uare cr.y,. Rvery Uy we arar at lw she expects tht people of the free States to ion: they have tha 3d of March, 1Ho7, entitled "An act He did not appear at the breakfast table, tbe MURRELL ft BOWLES, Par ksahloeable ParUea Butraa. the wrai ca.u at Pet er and Asm. To those The State of South Carolina, having de nounced a sinful the int tution of slavery; authorizing the of LOUISIAZVA, at do justice, aad take no attitude of defiance. deposit the papers of next morning, and at ten a. m., Ihe clerk, I take pleaur la inkwmlag tha wahbe that I a a who arc lr. tar afflict-- wltb any af the coau tetmined to resume her separate and equal they B ve prmiitcd the opto establishment foreign vessels with Ihe consuls of their Commission tost opeaed a Store .va aajaats an It is bo part of her purpose to submit to among , thinking he might be ill, proceeded to his Merchants, TEIVNESSBE, artoinr fr.i Irregularity af the ata.tlT or the place nations, deems it due to among them of societies, whose avowed respective nations," which said act is de Na. ang. (.reea Slrwt, T2B, gan-- . ... apartment, which he fouud locked. t trert, 'a. . caal mm Baj aval thai. Black Republican programme. to the remaining United Slates of object is to dis'urb the peace and to eloign By C A.'fotnlng th LouJsTlPe orBce. where peraoaa If it is per clired lobe of no force within the limits of y SOUTH AROLIIxTA, Jouraal using a pass-ke- he managed to oc.Awmo NEW ORLEANS. tn purcbaa pure ti m cisted in, America, and to the nations of the world, the properly of the citizens of other Slates. thrust out lairing tbe article a ul be sure ta they will find this State one of the this State. the door key unlocked tad it. the BMSt Inteaas pan. at a she should and the door. On NORTH CAROLI2VA, 1 - roughest that declare the,cauees which have They have encouraged and assisted thou Four:h. All vessels built in South Caro- Aa warrant all my Goods a be eawalae. I have aflra- certain care for their tHs Try tbtra. aad ha oanrtnred customers they have to deal with led to this act. of slaves to leave opening the door he was nearly knocked JOHN SNYDER & CO at ay aaaature a evary article whh-- I have Bar sal. sands our their homes: lina or elsewhere, owned L. B m Fran, mew assay rt and for the amount 1 , . MISSOURI Eahv in vhtt a lor nuta. af akaar qmaktiea. It it because Kentucky is not of Lin the year 17b"), those who remaiu senseless by the odor of gad, but springing W 0 KN l K UROOK its. r.air afraid In that portion of the and have been incited by of d by a citizen, of or citizens into tbe room he succeeded in raising a win- coln aad his party programme, that she is British empire embracing Great Britain, emissaries, books and pictures, to servile B uih any of Flour and Commission merchants OSOROZA, Carolina, or the slaveholding dow and turning oil the gas, which had been uuuer.ook to make laws lor the government insurrectit a. Commonwealths ot 806 Main St., bet. Third and JVourth, HEW STOCK 0 lest excited thau the extreme South. We Norlh America, and whistling through the burner all uight. The of that portion composed of tbe thirteen tor twenty five years this agttatiou has commanded by Two Verdicts! look ob Lincoln's election an citizens thereof, anil no Yirginiau lay oa the bed senseless, it LOUISVILLE, KY., CHINA. GLASS QUa&X3WA&X at accident. American Colonies A struggle for the right ksa StSBBsly increasing, until it has now olher shall be and VIRGINIA. aaat rare rary Irsasnsnt saaxeca. In relation ta registered as vessels of Souih was at first supposed lifeless, his Parttrn'ar aBawh ,n given H the sale of Flour and JUST RECE veii and bis party a a looaely jointed mass of ensued, which resulted, ecurcd to us aid lhe power of the common features Produce ti'pped to ns. m air-Dy- Carolina under authority of Ihe oolleclor ji r e. hideously bloated, and presenting every ap W -. Uladoro n of heterogeneous material that will on the t.h of July. 177'i. in a declarttion, lhe cf lhe aud naval officer. IneaTes, D nner snd Tnilet Wan- Ro- - The Brat af these 4eotoasaa hi frora pan of Dr. crumble pcarance of strangulation. As soon as the by the Colonics, "tha tbey are, an ot right Constitution, a sectional party has found FltlO wt-- time the Chatham, mrbo to pieces, without power All ufho;l i af olEcars rare aa has ao arjaat bt thi. oaatry aa aa to take care of it I N room became relieved of the poisonous Venitian Blind aaalrtic ought to be, FREE AND DLPI1N UENT wi' bin that article es. abashing the Execu atoresaid, in which it is usual and proper Factory. 9aa, kV.t li aitat.aat oechrras the Dve ta rot rasa self, much leas gas, a slight of orr Cat- - b stiilataV to annoy others Nothing STATES; and that, as free aud independent live Depart iu 'tit, the means of subverting set the twitching the muscles of the BUrii in taoree.rafi. Thla raay be called to forth authority under which they but the away of its Stales, they have rull power to war, the CesSatl uiiou i seif. A t:eograptiical throat indicated that there was still life in TERX-IC- running opponents can ley line act and stylo of documents issued by them THE PCIBVT1P1C the man, and several physicians were imme- JOHN F.TlARVEY, Morris & Hogg, conclude peace, contract ailiances, has been drawn t!ie i laa aaaaa as toaaopasy aaa. saw it. We say, moat emphatically, to this across Uuion, aud all or any of hem, be in the name of the State No. 4ilH iniii ffaewtaaaaada diately summoned to his bedside. His case MAKKKT S'l'KKET, ISI commerce, and lo do all other acts aud the States north of that Hue have united in ot B M Main Street, Id house ibrlow Fourth. Eoa. US and Four) who aa the Dya are anaalw, i.i In raaaaaaraalag H. Republican party, not to look for aid from 'tb Carolina. was NOR1H SIDE. BKTW 1EN SECOND AND THIRD. ark things which independent may ot tbe election of a to high office of pronounced entirely hopeless at first, ebew all ethers, toe tU( cgauu nslaislma af the States mm the rimh. bm nevs hereafter collected by FINR B this State in their position: it's the last right do." but no pains were spared in order to resusci- LSIilS.llU. tESTieiV karnaks aat browns It haparta. and taa rapUtty af Ma Presidtni of tiio United Slates, whoso an aforesaid officer shall, after deducting GAV'8 CHINA PALAl'K 'i'hey tate him. All day long they practiced their DBBPBL'If ULLY INFORM!! iUS FRIENDS Bui Thlsls place to look to for such aid. We have had further solemnly declare!, that opinions and purpose- are hostile to slave- the siiuia necessary for tbe compensation AND THB of upon him, re- place CORNER OF PTJBUC VBBBfCT. whenever form of He art and finally succeeded in l W more faith in any government becomes ry. is to be entrusted with the the officer and other expeases, be paid into r M. :.. CLOTHING! The srhlak eonatttau taaar may than others the people of the storing him to consciousness, where he Is p.. liaaial rordlcn destructive of the ends for which it was cf common Government, -- partial and he SHOULDER-SEA- AjVE the the ireasiirr af 'he of outh Carolina band, I SHIRTS. FOURTH OREIiiV STS keasea at the sjtat Itohiai in af tree States. We know there are a million it is ine was prouounced to be iu a fair way to re- Tta la established, the right of the people to because he has declared tnat that "Govern, for tbe use of said usual to the kr All sixes, tn stock and made to order; GBI8TABOBU. Bo. Bxtor Hwaa, B. T. State, subject to the cover In his igioranoe old Blinds at .ViiiT ERA TUB and a half there now, and when the whole alter or abolish it, and to institute a new l caunot endure permanently, halt of the nature and AND a ordei u ot of the BWalBaa LADIES' BBT Batd aaaiabrea and saspBet l.y all kali the General i ' . GENTLEMEN'S luani field is government. Deeming the Government of slave and half tree," and that useofgss, heha ..n the light and left give China, (i!avs iiupe nswarv Bar Boward Wilder, tat Mala street, aad Mrs. 0. surveyed, vast accession will bt made the public Assembly. Furnishing; Goods, Combs and and Great Brilain to have become destructive of mind must rest in the is the flow unstopped. BMataa, a rasretk atreat. AWents deT 'Bwla to this million and a half belief that slaveiy Seventh. The t flicers aforesaid shall ble 1. rm c .sh. H U N I N K ends, they declared Colonic-"ar- c the course :! Brushes, Soaps, Ac. T HAVE JUST OPEN E! that the in of ultimate extinction. retain in all At sat kf lNf. Wc shall if this will not to be their bands property of the 9e& y, go 1 SONIC TkMPLE with a very HUNNE FOR ALL THROAT AM set prove absolved from the I'.riiish Crown, and This sectional combination for the sub I WELLS uited Slates iu their possession, custody or heavy was the fall of now that ihe was I ext. r. w. urely new stock of very rich Chi LCN3 00MPLA1MT8. the result. The that all political between them version of cuy amaLL j. scaaa ERfAL IX accidental success of these connection the Constitution, has been aided control, subject tbe dispo-a- l iii of Louisville, CNIt CLCTHNO lo of the State, cut off from ail commuaaaBBBBB with lhe verity CutierT. rdlv'r Plated W ..re. Waf WHOOPIMO and the Slate of Great Britain is, and ought in some of he - crazy people North has turned the heads of States by elevating to who will account for the same upon a final outer for forty laOriSVILLFa LlfaiHT HOUSE! Looking i.a- Woudaa aad B XWJOH, AMD EVKRV be, world tight hoars. Large s:,.-- i Oa- - to totally dissolved." persons who, by las Supreme Law with MEDICAL an of PoRBRL'N-MR- their leaders. Their conduct may bring on settlement the Government of lhe DEPARTMENT, Brae Portables, Pillar Light. COUGH TIK In pursuance of this Declaration of Inde- of the land, are incapable of becoming tela. OF. - United States. The Washington SDIIUIaI IIKiHLS, to ran Gas and Steaa Pine, at d AND EVEN ACTL- revolution, aad secession, and in pendence, each gkr papers say Si I REMEDY. anarchy, of the thirteen States pro citizen:'; and their vctts have been used to Chestnot St, 8th 9th AL, CONSUMPTION. Done at Charleston, Dec. Mtja, ISoO, and have never before been so few visitors at the betwu DEALERS IN rant them as which case they had look out cceded to exercise its separate inaugurate a new THE GREAT better for their sovereignty; policy, hostile to lhe signed, B. F. Jamison President; attest, B Federal on the rpilE TWENTi d to keep sect S MBt RALOIC capital opening of Cougress. a. n, m ill HUKlfEWELL adopud for itself a Constitution, and ap- South, aud destructive of its peace F. coinni- on Limps Chandeliers, Lamp Fixture Mch nducem nia a KBMKllV AKD L necks and Arthur, Clerk. The obligation of secreey The not i . ATI Ka pointed olticers for the hotels are more than half full. llniluary Lectures are b. ... akaK..rl ar OBI administration of safety was AHD ATE. ADAPTED TO Government withdrawn. kWatHUKI LL'BRICATIHO praB,The in all its departments Legis- On lhe 4th of March next will Lt7 oeltdlf EVBKT 8PECIB. OP South Carolina manifesto has the this party Charleston, Dec. The Convention Court of Appeals. lative, Executive and Judicial. For purposes lake possession of the government. It has Louisville Bone Mill. OiMPLAIMTa. NER- merit of being brief. With her right of .s- reassembled this morning ot defense, they united their arms aud their thai the South shall be excluded e , s.n- - OtU a aB TOM VOUS A CHRoKIC HEAD- announced After prayer the journal was read. The Fa.tNirokT, Dec. 27, ISM. t i Twenty-Kin- t ecession we shall not meddle, if she oan give counsels; and, in 1778, a Mrs, E. C. VVetbrell Corner and hrayson SIX CA- they entered into from the common Territory; that the judicial CAFSES DICIKCD. OLE FoR THE LENJ CREEK (V A.) COAL ACHE. RHEUM AT1AM. President announced the reason why yester- tGENIs EES IBAVB ToiSPOKM ALL THOSE a good League, knowu as the of Coufedera v Ballard. ic? oil ors No.aus MAl EBT. fourth do.. r wea ENGAGED TARRH. TOOTH AMD BAB reason. Some of the parties to the Articles tribunals shall be made sectional, and that day's ordinance was t'an .UBruied. REOPEN HER SCHOOL FOR 0 I R I faiakaa aat ttarifeatnetbat tion, cot priced in the va I'antl. II t.rv .oltrm. yyiLL of Fourth. LOU lav ILLS. RV eclSdly Jlb leaeeaaxglsiatljy ACHE. Lot XLREH AND whereby ibey agreed to entrust the a war must be waged against slavery until Ru .tor va or Federal compact have violated its terms, and journal. mnn. ed. and would aBafl kksxtr --nag. alui.nistraiiou of their external relations to it sbali cea-- e throughout the United Key a Trimble, JeHcrs ..n; alWriued ANODYNE. WIWELUOMPLAIMTB. that releasee the would do if State. Mr. Middleton here moved that the Con- Monday, Ia Bngtar..I, Oiiaiiaj an ta the kastera aakta at others. That a common agent, known as the Congress oaiihKS. Sept. 3d. NOW THE tha country, thla kind of Manure ka aaaw BM real Jaatvcr nan be awn the abor prriiaratloB, of The guarantees of the Constitution will vention go into immediately. IS TIME t.a aa the United secret n'iuti Mc Reynolds vs Louisville Chancery; at" I many years with tha greate.t ..icoaae TN. baa way bat by aracarlnc and reading aascriatlra oaropaleta. to withdrawal was from those who did the tbe States, expressly declaring, in then no longer exist; the of T..lotl. manjat SchoolriMiiiis on to MB equal rights Mr. Detrcvil tried to in a nioUllle.l HO us to Kive Spliellee Fourth ..tree!, eat sl.tr, three door a aa It is strew froa lo ,aaatk aa acre a first gel resoultion dalllSltes. norlh Chestnut taB, aad plow deep tieaxht; war be toaad wtth all dealer., or will be sent by proprietor act; bat what about those that have the article, "thai each Slate retains iis the 8tates will be lott. The slaveholding to Hunter v McCoy, Henry: tuotlun t.. post cue hrat x o' tbe a a ra. Tina, a Sutes declare that the Governor of South Caro- BaT Pan i houl charge. Is eery pc. flu ble to use two poaada tba batkaae at aa taaaal Poraulas ssad Trta! Bottlea to sovereignly, freedom and independence, and will no have the overrule.!, snd rule vs Harriet Iluuier lo fclve secutltv an tor a aat not been of States longer power of lina be aakks, returnable to .tsy wf i.s.tf each hose; Oaxaawt Waaaw. aat a w. tral In guilty these acts The authors authorized and requested tc take h tash term UJNCURRaJNTMOiNEY Celery, A u IrUta. xr who wtsl find deeel jpmeat both worthy their every power, jurisdiction and right, which or thu y va Kainey, over- - kUI; for Potatoes, .i n. hat and the possession of a Boyle; n tltn.ii Be reearlne In w ;A:s M acceptance aad approval. of this manifesto charge Indiana and Illinois is not, by Fort Moultrie, when he was furrows. One of tbe principal aaa this Confederation, expressly Federal Government will have become their J. r. SHEOHIilaA jH. --aA. ! k. in the hauling of H the farmer Deing etaaaaed u interrupted by the demand molion Fuuk etal vsUrlmn. Jell, rula va appellant, re- HP Clin iMlslasi aoncltrd troes all whoa aaraaatla to I that the T H. oaa load, la a a e,uivaleat at with passing personal delegated the nited States in Congress enemy. Hie i a liberty bills, which to go into session had turnable to talth day ol term lo traieu-- Ipl of record. . AND TUB SOLVENT twenty to twenty-t- load of bora er rasioatty pswaaata to a trta the abore rellalle assembled." secret the preccdeuce. Bwawaaewatala si taeaaary atat.laahvawi rhjaainj. -- MISSOURI. a maaoa atabaa charge is not true at all. The course Sectional interest and animosity will agreement Merchant Tailor, Illinois, Money will be takea at par thla correct and exhibits tiled. week tor a'l kinds of aa' prepare I to raraath aay Under ihis Confederation, the war of the deepen the irritation, and reme- Revlll vs Hellll. Henry: Ho. 72 FOURTH "l etcatr:d .oaatrty at Bar sale by the aaaa! ah si as a and retail deal en it to compel these a'l hope of STREET, tha short.- -; uoitcd. delinquent parties to Revolution was on, !!d IMllliBwg PetttL Beat J carried and on the dy is rendered vain by the fact ih it public Washington City Gossip. li .FFKltS FUR SALE TO ftUST. AD. RkUTETt, ttSJeowraon street, fooler vs Petttt, Hsnrv; l!I NS AND wA Baawab comply with the bond, and not desert those of September, 17tvi, the Mai va t ' lhe nubile In general. BT tat kawewa im wmh. L. contest ended, and opinion at the North his invested a great Washington, December Ltti. Further tin Pettit. Hem and best J0H miMWKLL, Proprietor, hotluhild vsRauttal. lasahrrflkl Chancery; ae lee ted alock of GimhIs et market, M. HOPKINS. No. Jettersoo atreet, who have not nullified the law. a detiuiiire treaty was signed by Great Brit- political error wi'h s Una J. tot CHK.Vl:ST AVI. I'll AKMACKLTIfT. the stations of a more show that Russell, Majors & BahchwS ia Frank et ai, L.nils ilk- CaasSafTi const. ting ol Fren. k an. tsslmer . .1.2 dtf between Founk Plrth. ain, in which acknowledged Inde- Rolh. vs I and Vesting-- ..f all ,tvl.-- at aai V Besides, is the the erroneous religious belief. Co.'s contract has two liild llluan. Louisville Chancery were sub- superior REDUCED PRICES. Mo. Commercial Wharf. Boaton. Mask this not the reason of South years to run. The mitted u bi lei's. Stock of Getitl SI, rs, ud pendence ol the Colonies in the following We, therefore, the people of South Caro alleged fUnilshlna trallj BBT WILSON. PETBat A Co.. to hotaaak Agent., and Carolina. She would be with- acceptances of the Secretary of War liord el al vs Urantion, assignee. Be , Louisville REMOVAL. CARPETS MADE AND PL" just as secure terms: Una, Chancery; same order. offered In Ska mar,. aayt s all 0O6 dAw by our delegates, in Convention are said to of - fA cents tke verd wmrraate.i null consist mere memoranda, McClellau.l va ; Haviu' out the Fugitive Slave law as with it. We, 1. His ac- Smith, Jederson argued by Jude mt HENRY BEY ROD Store, Abt. Britannic Majesty appealing lo the Supreme Judge stating so much BodU-- r appellant and W. WELLS, t bSSaaVTeaaaaD & r that money would be due submitted. West, Cannon, Sherrill Co., uclS.BBB Filth st., beiweei of the the com- knowledges the said L'aited States, viz: of the world for of Gro se vs Jones, J rtlVi soli; argued by Jell Broan for the hecauuiian border States, are ones to the recitude our inten. ou the execution of service every Instance. t prouiptlyaT WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ptives. certain under appellant. Order ill alLCUTTHS CUT AND PUT DoWN New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode lions, have solemnly ten led to. and r i WITH Tat fBiallia. hsrhsg beaa to health la a plain of this evil, and we have not put South declared that the the contract for the transportation of army PleuilUit s Renal et at. Jefferson; argue! by Dcmbltz at Beta than tor the same 7 uea aad ratiril Is sbbI and Pioridence Con- lor appellee, uii.l by Stout for appellant. tuallty of good-- asa aei reet. tu U a arw weeks by a very etmptr reasedr. after having Plantations, Union heretofore existing between this supplies, which Russell used from time to ti HENRY KKYBODTS Crkoaterv Store, Carolina forward to fight our battles. New New Pmnsyl-v.in- )gta Firth V between Jsobriwa aud taraea, aewera! years wtoh a aver las sAecttoa. ssat necticut, lurk, Jersey, i State anil the other States of North America time as collateral security in borrowing XOTION9, alt that Cread Bawaas, Oansamptton, to aarleai to suake the plan would bring Canada to our i. Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North is dissolved, and that the Sra'e of South money. Such . riRIFY THE 1ILOOD. Variety and Fancy Hoods, S M t DE IN THB MOST memersnda or certificates WoouenTCart-- asagataca. Carolina, South Carolina aud , to Carolina has resumed I DOZEN" A.SrtlRTKD I'AINTKD BUCKETS': aad t style; also, Wnwtomr borders, and take away all remedy for er position among have heretofore been given by the other REMOVED TO No. . SOUTH SIDE OF tWm of every de rrtptaa mate aat hang. Ad To all arna deatoa tt ha mm seat a copy vf the be bUI r.ttfalUN AND 350 2'0 dot Toy and Oatrt.-- do do: MOKKATT'8 HAVE tha met,, 1NDEPEND the nations of the world as a free, sover- as 1. street, three doors east of losses. This shows how much she SBBOS for departments, under like circumstances. BkS No. 1 snd s I'slutel Tuba; Svetk. used (frae of hsrre). with tar dlrecUous ENl STATES; that he treats with them as Bo- Our stock being large for tks season, we have ta eign, and independent State, with full pow- Goddard Bailey, in his 4a In be Lou Hie d astag letter of confession to 40 neats White Cedar do: Vegetable Life to take i ivment fot Oooda th note ef all found nowhe in Is. preparing ai the aaate. which they will and s oar interest in this matter. such; snd for himself, his and suc- Pills HENRY BEY ROOT heirs er to levy war, conclude peace, contract Thompson, : 160 common Pins; the Banks In rood stsndlui; two weeks sine of tbe Secretary says That no olficer boxes and exira Clothes Caro- te The cessors, all 7.r gross Pal.-u- State, of Tennessee. Mi.souil. North ant South ocl m Filth st. we Republicans propose to exclude us relinquishes claims lo the gov- alliances, establish commerce, and to do all of Government spnn do de; Georgia, Vtrginis. Meet of the advertiser In eeodli.g the Pre- - the ha any complicity in, 100 d )i WI!;o.v Market Baskets, all sizes; lina. Pennsylvania, ohie. Indiana, LaWly thro-r- 4 LD FURNITURB RIPAIRED from all the Territories is ernment, proprietary and territorial rights other acts and things which independent or (he slightest M dot School aa Ladies' Faticv Baskets; Illinois (exe.pt the Banks oat by Chicago BkaBkwBt the ssRlctod. an.', spread Inloma This brought knowledge of, the fact of his PIIKIXHSTTERS and Iowa. V varu.sbe.1 wuk aaa sad of the same and every part thereof." 2U0 doz Rolling Pasiry Pus and 1'uiato Mashers; banker), aal .llaaalck at Uon which kg a i States may of right do. hiving abstracted AND ' HENRY BKR DTS Store, lives ta be laralmabtc. aad he mt in at last, though it doesn't appear to be the bonds, and it was IUI Hall Ruli-l- various styles; rHE HIGH ENVIED CUI.EBRITV WHICH OUR STOCK OF Thus were established lhe two great prin- And, for the S pre eminent Medicines have ac oc dta Firlk at. bet aaaa Oetlersoi. and .re, n. erlll try his reaar-ly- . It will coat then support of this Declaration, confined lo the persons directly implicated 116 ilut red and white Cedar Buckets, sixes; ittlred for their a more than an addmdum. It is true this is ciples hy the Colonies, 75 dot red and white Cedar Cars, do; nvarlaWe ettlcacy tn a!: the disease whl. ii thev proles, n.,U r,k a asserted namely, the with a firm reliance on the protection of and heretofore named. to cure, has ren The bondsmen for SOU dot Brooms, of various styles; lend liie usual Ka. lice ot pumng not Christmas Toys I proposed, aad it has been right of a State to govern itself: and the llivinc M) only unuree.sary, but unvv.utliy ol Hi e They ta - the r., a.l.lreM proposed and at. Providence, we mutually pledge to Mr. Bailey surrendered him and he Hearth Brooms; are yL'ITK Barkeepers and Grocers, of a people to 100 dox Whisk do; known by rulis; tn.dr ood works lesllfv tor them, IS COMPLETE. Bar. EDW ARD A. WILSON. tempted often before. It is no right abolish a government each other our lives, our fortunes, and our is now in As to and tbey thrive by nearer being jail. the bail required of Received and for sale rhfttp by not the faith of the credulous. aaST CANN43W. ktwjUtRILX, a CO. ANYBODY ELSE WHO MAY BB IB WAB1 erU dAwly Rings Co.. Mew York when it becomes destructive of the ends for sacred Woodaum-a- OB plished honor. Russell, it having been agreed to take OhRIN RAWHoN, and Broom Store. IN ALL CASKS 'he now than formerly, nor as which it was instituted. And deS dAw XtS Main street, bet. Third and Fourth. concurrent SLtoo,oO0 outside of the jurisdiction of the Of Asthma, Acute and L't ic l.lici.inatUni. Affectta with of of the Bladder and Kl.ineya. NEW IMPORTATIONS I PURE OLD COPPER WHISKY Ad Act of Gratitude. the establishment these principles, Wasuim;ton, December 24. Governor court, Senator tireen ami o Representatives "298," "293," "298. BILI.IOUS FEVERS AND TwDrrr Tb 'Lsvki Corns or a Mslicai. Boog rem The is left to was the tact that each colony liecame and Andrew, Doolittle LIVER COMPLAINTS. la the city, win lo well a cat eat Oka reader conclude, with "in. Senators and Trumbull, Woodson and Barrett, all of Missouri, have In the Soutli aud W est, where prevail, tiaraa kaluiCaeVL .rios-- a who ha baeaoBec. was recognize! by the mother country as Representatives they wl be found Invaluable. Peak ers, CRUTCHER k McCREADT, nJKrr. exorable logic," that the real motive is not Burlingame and Tapnan, gone his security for the amount. The re- farmers and MATH IS A STOCK, taaDy carat of asrvsa BBaYatr. loea of a r'KEE, SOVEREIGN AND INDEPEND- and a of others, who once use the Me.ll.inee, will never after- DIXIE'S naiij. isi number other Senators and mem maining $300, 000 is being citi- wards be wltt.out Iheni. At No. 177 Mala door Louisville afr-e- f, atght. gives. South Carolina wants to cut a figure made up by it., three below not Oa Market Agfa ara Firtt mmj Sttmmd, ekaaeaa rrariting froa aarby errors, by teUew ENT STATE bers of Congress, held a Bullous Ch...t. a. riotis Looseto'ss. CosUve-tie- conference yester- zens of Washington. Bile. NOW log the aaa a i Ulna girea la a medical work, in world: cot. 1)S, o l lis in 'holn-- RECEIVING LA ROB ADDITIONS TO and who the Charleston a free city: the In 177, deputies were appointed by the day, at the rooms of , ARB st.- Francis P. Blair, sr Senator Douglas denies that he refused CONSUMl! ION Usot with great success In this elbr - k oi China aud vtueeusware. on hand aad tsaalin R ats aty. in grakaaas t tar Slates to revise the At of arriving large and eat State the head of a Southern t 'onfeJeracy. tides Confedera- and unanimously agreed that the integrity to put himself right on the on the ease. e kardaoaw aaortmeet the banetit of Oanaump'.l'a an. I N on record CORRUPT HUMORS. DROPSIES. tion, and the 17ih September, 17S7, of the Union should be preserved, though it resolutions of Davis Ulorioui field for ambitious mediocrities to Senators and Toombs, no2S W A II 117 et. GLASSWARE, these deputies recommended for the adoption cost millions of lives JF. V. Timet. KUKKIIAKliT Maiket DYSPEPSA No person with this dlstresalog disease to aay atsrasi. en receipt of two stamp, s copy af the saying that he did put on the journal a hould delay using thee Medicines Immediately. Britannia aad Plate.) Castors, Looking Glaaaae aad Leas- shite, that, otherwise, this dull world of of the States, the Articles of I uion, known I "vl I WIS DOW ULASS, AsSoKTKD SIZES ts ros Water aB o every donkeys in council, it cost statement that he declined voting on ab- U Coolers, Toilet Seta aad Pratt Jai. wart, o alileamt Infarsaatlua raoalret. Addrea Four "if a le)UU brand, for sals by ERUPTIONS ni1 waajj SEIN. mulch will be ode led a Vw fig urea aaa be aeaat LATHS! ours will sever In what gaudy as the Constitution of the United States K. ' e. M.T. dAwly appreciate. stract propositions, which were Ml A. RORINSON A CO the market- - ap7 FACT I Allanr. d8 of lives;" provided the lives of the said not red"ced ERiSlPELAS AND FLATULENCY. la NT RED WITH IMPROVED MACHJN-sr- v tinsel the Southern League has dressed up The parties to whom this Constitution to the form of amendments to the Constitu- out af tbe baa vpaadvy af Poplar Tlaka. donkeys are as included iu the FEVER AND AGUE For thi- - scourge Western Caal and tea laaav ! w&s submitted were the several sovereign milliou. tion, when he had just offered 500 ofthe Tbf Great Xlnrlisb Remedy their idol a Southern Confederacy! A few amendments country theso mediefn.-- will l.e found a safe speedy JA TIES E. SMITH, States: they were to agree or disagree, aud Sacrificing lives just now will not save this iu due form, covering all the poiuts in the FLOUIl -J-DBC RECE1VKD. So UBls OF No. an certain remedy. ther medicines leave the systeu years of experience, if it can be afforded, Fiaur and for sale by eubject to a return of the disease- -a cure l.y ibeae medi- CARO AND SEAL nine of them agreed, the compact resolutions. it. ENGRAVER, whin Union. It is dangerous to talk about it, UKoktiK R. PATTON. cines permanent. To' 'hem. be satisfied and be cured He. 1 Pnar taaaaaa. SiStaa taeaaamsi. will dispel all ISO a these illusiont. effect among tho. e The Secessionists wall Fourth atraat. bet. Main and River. kvSS No. 71 THIRD STREET EAST SIDE was to take concurring, more act. are much comforted by FOULS OF COMPLEXION. much attempting the Crazy fools! JOU 1) Drestetl Poplar Flooring, and the General Government, as the com- private accounts from Maryland and lOEPkK. ItAUS RIO COFFEE TO ARR1V E A.N GENERAL DKUIUTT. BBT. M A B othtr J for sale by MAIB ABD 1 IT STBBBTS, had as well talk of a f Gout. Giddiness, Gravel. e.ery In- Man Ufa lured ef theaagkly Poplar, BBS aafyTha Nsw York Herald Lin- mon agent, was then to be invested with they throwing match States. acts BENEDICT B SON. kind. l oolsvllle. aanail a presses B B ward Fevtr. Ini:ain;u:.t..rT llheu:uf...n. lapure hbsal. Br. per thousand. . ttwA SIR JAMES CLARKE'S coln to make his their authority. into a powder magazine to save it. Since General Cass has retired from the - BOXES NEW CROP MALAOA IN Jaundice Loss ol A; nr.. 8BT VISITING CARDS aamtly Eagri ii aad aalS dtf Baeth atte Swltwa. be, kewek d Fweea. public views. We do not IR.MllNS. printed. 11 of (he fur by LIVERC MP1.A1 rs bit dt If only nine thirteeu States had State Department the vieits from dislin. IV believe that hit views are of unit UKO MilllKIS No 1.14 Tlilr.l ,t LEPROSY. LOOSENESS. Female Pills. the slightest concurred, the other four would have re- guished gentlemen have been numerous, Hotica to E4af Private information reports Governor 1 E W rtSKS OF MEN 8 EXTRA FINK PlI'sH MERCURIAL DISEASES Is Indeed, we do J. H. Osvtca Losravvaaa W ca-- Taw tnraluaMe saedlcia anfalttag tn the care of importance. not believe that mained as they then were separate n including the representees frora foreign A. Caps lust reel I this d ly per ami for sale Never falls to all MONTGOMEar I Houston as making a grca. Union speech, in eradicate enUrely the effecu of I 31 ira : iw tot r LAUD A W MhKl LOR. NO. JEFFERSON Jute auk. itaa a. :t.uae ,.si staceruiis dtoeaaea lueldeat to the one mas in ten would read them if pub- States, independent of any of the face governmeuts, who evince t him the marked AITS. Inrltdtelv sooner me most powerfu prepar- the of threats, and eventually carrying deli St Main street, bet. Third and riiillttl ation et Saraapartlla. IS DAILY RECEIVING A BEALTIFUL PERSONS WHO LIVE ON TUB oPrNkUTB SlOB provisions of the Constitution. In fact, with him tbe largest audience consideration which commenced with their Night Sweats. Nervous Debility, Complaints a ment ..t 1 loths, Caselmeres and veiling of th ease, a. of tba street froa where tha teet taala ate late, lished. There is no real alarm at what he ever assembled NEW BE A V BBS Nrvons eJ. obstructions did not accede to official QOMI BTTLBBOI KB AN FKKNt'H of all kinds, Or.:an'c Adecllon... Palpllattou ot the eat styles, which I Intend to make up to order, oa are herehv notified tha the Water Oaapaay. a two of the States the in Texas, rtotninent Republicans aro mov- intercourse. t ' Hats lust received In. in the W camt n5 Boa whatever aad sweeny may do. The in the South is to uiaiiurac'tilsrsaW Heart, Painter's cliollc. termea and mi th shortest notice, aad will equalise tb at arvtc pipe a all eawawaasmmv caaw. a care uias ha relied hostility Constitution until long after it had gone The Secretary of the Treasury himself al LADD A WATTS', g arantee a tit to tlie deformed. wtn pay aw aa aack savtee state raay be an ing here to secure Houston a seat in the Salt Mi Main street, Third PILES. mo.l a iauj the ultra sentiment evinced by tt- Northern among other eleven; denies thai any defalcation exists in this bet and Fourth. P. J. H Moalaroeavy. eaB to tin ma the sane witkin right lee of tb Ta Married Letsrlea into operation the aud Cabinet, as he has indicated his willingness The original proprietor ol these m. llrlna was eared which ia tbe distance the street mala ar akl kwam'the each Department; however, the into SODA: of Piles of Vi years standing by the use Med- curtatoue. The wis ke ky M B si sfflailj salted. It wiu, In a ahart flga). brksg is his election, mode re during that interval, they exercised to accept, if necessary to save tbe Union. examination B14JAHB of these Life 0. natxtoaga, w. iiaiaaaa aal. avhas and the of TARTAR-C- icines ..lone. avga. ere. Ht on tke first ameanuual Bat amentbly the functions of an independent nation. its condition continues, and so far none of Ml'IIOR; Late a Lwuitritte. Eg.) (tVats JAM ) aa period with regalartty. and conciliation is for the Northern A. V. Timet. Pains In the bead, aide, back, limbs. Joints and organs Bbahlb, A. HABKia the trust bonds are missing ASAFoETIDA; its mwaua xwaaew By this Constitution, certain duties were When the Republicans show a disposition BOK AX; RHEUMATISM. GALLAGHER OYER, ANBt Slates to abolish their nullifying laws, and The Commissioners from Seuth Carolina BKOI.STONE: & Fkrer skaaft aaf at tatra op frmmln that an charged on the several States, and the ex- Those afflicted with this terrible to do justice, they can offer .San a have FLO. 81 I. ll l: disease will be aura aaaa. aaatag 6V HKST THRKK MONTH, for each State to make itself responsible for ercise of of their powers Jacinto arrived and taken private quarters. of relief bv the Life Medicine. Commission a at certain restrained, CARS. MAGNESIA; Cotton Factors and BBU1 NO. KANAWHA aep are to on seat in Cabinet. Guess Union ISy agreement they will confer with the OA i ii ai SALT. nr, knag Attsnrrrva. feat a seerg eMer fugitive lost la iis border. The Herald had which necessarily implied their continued tbe that Blub i an Merchants, O.VJynj 3 fits bbk. Extra KaaawhaBa.t; and I err farp President to morrow, either verbally or in OLIVE OIL: SWEET OIL; UkS Buery R.nam saw. krr na.. mrt pnatsj aH existence as sovereign States But, to re- speech would not suit them RUBIN; ' kka ha Salt, as well be silent about L:.aooln's opinions: writing. The subject will be SCROFULA,. KINO.S EVIL, tn its wont forms. Ulcer. No. .13 C'AHONDELKT STRI-:- n sn-- aarxaa aw aB case of Nervosa doubt, au amendment was added referred to SAl.TPbTKR; of every description. W a la aad Spinel Atwctlooa. Pale a move all LICORICE; New Urleua, la. ll UlXlII ao one cares what they are, any more Congress in a short message, on which an oc!7tf Thlr.1 atreet. betweea Malm sssJrnpV th Back aad Ltabs. Hearln a. Pagbra aa sRaht eier- - than which drc'arrd I bat tbe powers not dele- EtjPIn the Rlack Hawk war, it is stated, JdlJCBE PABTBj Worms of all kinds are effectually expelled by these Ms tin M KS MtliE ON tXNSION exciting and critical debate is UL'M medicines. Parents mill do well lo adm'nlster them NH 01 Pork. Bacon, Lard, Bagging. tior.. r:p -f it - - ,.- for an editorial ia the Herald. gated to the United States by the Const ilu Major Anderson, now Fort anticipated. MVKRII; Roe. commandant at It la not known or believed here GUM Twin. Jean aad Lkaaay, to th above bow, br teevs net lleatarv. to hit., and all th pain's. Dts-- tion, nor prohibited by it to tbe States, are that any SAL SODA Moultrie, was Inspector lieneral of the troops have been ordered A I B hy a dto mlerwd syatea. thr- Pllla to the respectively, or to the lo the forts in AIRS. TUB LIFE I'll Is SPAHKE UALIaAOHCB. II B :he aBT"George Sanders, in May, telegraphed reserved Slates For sale by EDWARD WILDER, AND i'tkENIX HITTERS WWI react a cure whea all other arena faked. Uliuois volunteers, of one of lhe companies Charleston harbor, nor is it al present the he people On the ltd May, I7M, South Car- dejl Ml Main street. PURIFY THE DLOOD. tekS SB Main atre Ml dsrecrtoos la the paVeahlat around arh pacKaga. from Charleston to the President, to yield intention of the Administration to do so. Beurxa. olina, by a convention of her people, papsed of which Abe l.iucoln was captain. OI.IDAVS W E INTRODUCED!)) 10 And thus remove all diseases from ihe WhAeh aboard b careful! v area reed for of On contrary, is HUE Jl'ST awham the harmony the party, and support to Ibis the it asserted that tbe II HOLIDAY HAT, soin. thing new an very Prepared by DR. VM. B Mol'FATT J. JW MaIb A an ordinance assenting Constitution, 10ks, atrrrt. betue catalmng flfty f.tto. aad .articled with the revenue customs President believes that such a course would ' No. MB Broadway. t.Moehtt BuOdlnx) li T GEO. R. PATTOAT, IN STORK ND FOR Douglas The 1'resident refused The and afterwards altered her own constitution, fjyThe from in Soulh A 119 For.'sale bv all Druggists HAS ALB VERT weveraameet Staeap fOraat Britain, can he sect servo to inflame lhe Southern sentiment, PllATHK.ll SMITH Main aid? In o.a a auil purchaser.. ovr laat) Bwe SI consequence was December, dis- to conform herself lo the obligations sbe Carolina ports was not sufficient to defray COMMISSION tar aat ata peataae stamps. that ia a which is particularly to be avoided at the LA RET WtMa MERCHANT awaaTkt had undertaken. J Hi awaraw Hungarian Aaaaal JOB MWRa from same the expenses of tbe ports themselves doien Claret; best Bourbon kg y patch the city, announced that during present moment. I' II Hal-- , rigea mall li. prabab the BflrtieateT. Mew Terk. Thus was est.blished. by compact Etr.it Main street, el Cap. wi uoien norueaux do; And Feed A. Produce Dealer, Wbiay now for aal ia ta Stale. mSm Bafci ka la A Sooth Carolina had left L'nioa. the last quarter. The Times' Washington correspondent BBT awitBt bp Bayaoad Tyler. Sprier' the thi States, a Government, with de- dell PRATHEK A 439 St Fourth St., Let. Main River, In the Senate Committee of SMITH. Main GEORGB WBLBT. aad tht B Brother, aat ell the wbslnsM aad retell DrrnggWU. powers, ex- says: Thirteen, fined objects and limited to the Charleston Beam. FLANNEL AND -- IHKKOKKE ro!ACOO-- Tt DRUM. IISISVIUI IT. GSO. F. Bski la Bew Albany by Dr. T. B. BJgrTlie Mercury calli Mr. lirimes asked if Mr. Tooraba' provision pANTON LININH Austin. tAjpThe lectures of the Wendell Philips word's of tbe grant, and to so much S cases colored Canton Pannel, Snioiiiu Tobaaca, Saaerta, la lore and ATTENTION GIVEN TO AND press, to assorted; for sate by PERSONAL THE SALB DEUOOIST THEMiaT. TrrrlAejej Cass "a hoary headed trickster and hum- recognizing the right of properly in man 10 enss brawn and bleached do, do; Dried Fruits. Butter. Eggs Onions. aad O W. Curtis style, are a very expen- more only as was necessary to execute the - cases ptlnled Cloak Un JelS NOCK WD KS B CO. FVortr Ba. was of South. If n. do; Aaeea. Potato., on. Lard ac )ST This limitation bug." Hard oo the Mercury. tbe ultimatum the so, On hand and tor sal- 1;. tor cath by GIEESE for GROCERIES. UQUORS WOULD Mi RESPECTFULLY INFOEM AJBB BajtSSWAB-- - power granted lef the 'e Owan aad I meads and tke sive luxury ia the community of Boston they should sign an agreement to that effect, JAMES LOW ill.. :U8 Sixth st. y atl) hxapilme Weaiern P.. serve Cheese: RED A ItTU'l.ES solicited and filled oa the moat 1 ay eabBr that I hare whole remkining mass of power subject to IS weak Bvorable terms. aeeat ay from ta ooraer FkBh e re- a alda. bet. Main and Market. in hatstem Dairy do; aa a aad They need, generally, betides policemen, a to faty-Th- niontown News is and the Republicans would aign one tn A- Liberal Cash the clause reserving it tbe States or to tickled, and lOUNTRY HOLLOW W AKK -- an og I. ItJIl r In store and lor sale br - Advaara auxde aa eaaatawakaata pudiating it. MAIt.-H- tl l. CO. rand foi .. regiment of infantry to stand beside them. the people, and rendered unnecessary any the Country Ilollowwate. iich as Skillets. Ovens. Eng- tekt IIW.HERT congratulates public upon the fact that lish Pots Stew Kettl-- s, LMRE works of des We Mr. Toombs refused to answer, and would Pots. Suaar and ls.g Irona on TIN no BOXES PtUNTkRMIMSTaal JT at Ike lowest all sale and hop to merit a good ahav of How specification of retervtd lights. bold hand aud tor sale lo the trade at low prlcra by KINIPING price. Purchasers whl to weB U sea ' S fli,. long will boston staad treat to them I "the new calaboose is ready for occupancy " not slate what the ultimatum would be. received per steamer E. II U'r hiid and r th ems etre. aul WALLACE. LITHOOW A (Jo fur sale by W A CO. ,noJli B BELKNAP dU A. BORIS. No. aj Third M near Mala.