Volume 35. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1in* at tiiswoKiii i’iwtofftoe!i Number

Wilbur F. iKMorc her. -shc row To the of Rev. Chase. suddenly and would London is our Memory England. I might almost say (Fmni regular Correspondent.) the Soldiers’ Milllivan Harbor. have offered her Thoughts Suggested by Mon- The Woman’s Relief Corps. C'iUiuorih 3uurmau hand, hut one of the chil- the world, for the world is there repre- Washington Letter. ument at Ellsworth- The carpenters are pushing ahead rapid- YW HY \ V. r. WARDW KI.L. dren sent a V WILKhV Lop AI am* I*‘*L1TI» At. .»Ol K' iL up wail. “Your are sented. In its area of on th«* new the it breaking about nine hundred ONF. OK ITS MK.MIIKKS Sl’K.AKS K.AHNKST ly hotel near chalet; will »Lt*HE|i KA KKt IIIIKSI'U 1U MO tile hanks in and mv be called the spoiling ennal boat," square miles, live and move more than “Manor Inn” and is adver- Washington, 1>. June ’8f,. BY REV. V. I*. WARI>WKLI.. WOI‘I>S IN* ITS BKHAI.K. * **k h nil Col «> M, VI » AST M AlNF I'ONKKKKXCF A1 C., 3, t". •iiiny J-’n .11*4 pan; SI Till and so she settled hack in tised to open July «Ith. It will be con plete- her old position. twice the of our six New population Eng- a Memorial J. Editor. I»F.\ I KR. In the The President's tardiness in making ap- (From sermon preached at Woman's Kclief Corps! What'a glori- lv and elegantly furnished—excellent cuis- C. Chilcott. intervals of children's babble they land states. Camden on Memorial ous name! And how much Is contained ine (French and and will com- \t rest with tin Saviour. U. blessed the carried on a pointments is the cause of Sunday.) Knglish) strained conversation. She In a short one undoubtedly ocean » In visit ran I saw in those three words is known to I mand superb and mountain views. Tli* I a oi lie Ar«*|i«p*T linn*0*1 1 bought ! only nay From my window, a few months only acc used him of not considerable dissatisfaction among the study « onnly armor laid dow n ! coining to sav the St. those who belong to and are interested in there have been many \ soldi, r of ,1. -u-. his good-bye tower. Paul’s Cathedral. Westmin- ago I looked out upon the form of a granite Already applications I \ \| I Kit \N ‘•»>iifi'Ii,ntl\ ■•• imi"i" liefore lie the of the precious dead. It was General manager Hunt and treasurer J. lie h. aid III. glad me — age "Son. take up spoke. Taking streets, and parks, the under- knew and the ! i- mi I:-I tha thy bridges they only understood what .i-mi* i|>t;«•!» letter from w ho insist on seeing all the important po- -ct on guard to protect its precious trust. II Howard of the Sullivan Harbor Land I 'III It III' ii.-i:Ht.i'n»*d hr Ilian; crow u.” crumpled his pocket lie passed ground and the crowds of work consists of. Let tne for tin* ben- railway people. There it stands clad in mail. Frater- say Co., were in seven ■ triple town 1 last week. 11 in "ii Uu- popular re'tn n|M|i< tin it to sitions tilled by good republicans. As sam- efit days re*an! her and said: I've been a All Hies. 1 saw of these good women, send in your ap- i>.i' ••! Perhaps and n ueh more. Hut nity. Charity and silent ^inutiu- merit. ''.I fair did he look at the morning's bright < f thi* men Loyalty. Though fool but this is 1 went ples bolding important positions and plication at once and we will soon explain J. M. Brow n of Bar Harbor lias rented r s «*l -1 Its* K1IT1*,x daw u. why away." She these are described in book- ami motionless. I have said. “That soldier UM guide cy- w hat the duties and lhree mouths after the of a are. what is expected the on the corner of BenvemCo * 11 li t !li a-P It y In manhood'* full strength as lie rose from his read it “Yon inauguration keeps step with the Its work is building P ;f j -tl i> #1 woiidcriugly. have been—it clopedias better than I can do. To give present.” of to every member. In the first place, every anil avenues and will a < bed. President let us take the l’. S. watch the of heroic sacrifice Waukeag open A. am ala** .* toi wa.il* •• n^th »'f Uinc an was a republican memory written to girl. Her real name is one s one an lx* in lilt It* w e ere blushed the next impressions, the and scene** making application must loyal and store. ■ km., at tli. :.i« ! p* >» ar That thought objects the and bring it out of the past into the pres- bakery, confectionery fruit Mr. marshal of District of Columbia, the must to morn. Harriet." to such ent it will every respect! They he willing Brown is well and known and Tl,. r. mi. | i, i. latiou' fr.-m the atiovc leading feelings should be related This do. ami as I gazed upon favorably would h.1 soundless register of wills, and the collector of cus- do in their to the tn* The -pi aking kindly ••••••* everything power help w ill, no naui. -1 l* lips that the hearer conclu- that miracle in stone, the feeling that was doubt, meet with success here. .. ;:nu«'.t may appreciate the \ ,, vi ., untilallarrearajre and dead. poor and soldiers us; also toms. The incumbent* are all Cleveland in Cobbler kec/.er came over me needy among After the were abed ami the and some- new optiuii an-Ian; orphans sions draw n. London Is too great a subject the w idows and orphans of soldiers. Kvery The' church at West Sullivan was V 't' (HUM and of hi- vision before me: _ pp*li. n*i appointments, they each in hav- thing passed Hut !»< ith ail id walked rinse by his moon had risen they walked to the shore to glory effort must lie forth to relieve the dedicated Saturday. June 1st. A very able vpii it "i. ••! tli*'term whethe iinp.iti* assert an opinion of. without giving a put si«h ; left his home in this district en- "He held up the sermon was in c:\en or ing and mystic lapstone, wants and of these brave, dedicatory preached the not. together. When were married, the reason it sufferings loyal I >< nth * ager w i«<1 a rail to tin -kies. they for it. For instauee, an American Held up like a lens. v M tt'lal'HK I'P isloss. '1; bi»p* listed in the and men answered and morning Hcv. Mr. of Mas>a- next rebel army, tin* last men- And he who their country’s call by Applehee v* -w mi tin < i»*» did In fall, the school teacher them a counted the long coming. \ :.ik* a paper regularlyfrmi And drotq mg hi- ol. gave might say the city is behind the times, and years chusetts, an excellent discourse in the tioned * nee twclitics and tens fought and bled that the dear old flag *• h. ii;. lire* te«1 to his natm-’or an hide publicly offered the follow ing H> by spindle-legged table. a afternoon Lev. Mr. Bow ler of Hancock .' person who had not been there < >m• iinml rd ear-, might float on forever! And the widow by he ha*- 'ubsi-ribed «»r ii.*t —U re When from its -tained -uimnit. II. a\en greet- might to*»st > quoth keezer, e and the evening services were conducted « Ki»\ v A n. A ltd tin v ti:«\ I told : whose was indescribable and • d hi- ey s. Fosi» naturally inquire “What, the greatest, anguish '• ii ■: *• -r — hi- “Here’s to the hand that the Hcv. Mr. paiH*r I Sketch of European in tiie world behind tin* times! Hr .t law n r" of the best hotels al- found tin* dead or her chil- pray Well, many this district are inclined to blame Lolled from tlx -tone. among dying, other streets and avenues laid out tin; N. ■ si Pure. the Pres- magic by I t•'» t K»< KIBKH* "o re-t tin ..1 night Farewell!" wre've North lb noiim ot. 17. lSs'.V dren all Absolutely May low eandl s in tin* rooms. 1 cannot And a marvelous mingled fatherless, penniless! Wives, Sullivan Harbor Co. The dat* m the address.lnl»el "ii each nulinerih not said ; only ident for allow ing sm h men to remain in picture .til.** !>••>* ij.-r nn cr va»»« \ n:ir\« «>i jninl> Mr. F.‘Ut>>r The unknown aud mothers and ran pel 'tl. «s ||„ r. Ill*- t" M hwh the Ml I inert tin known. daughters, you spend pa P aiv! w ! 'I •. i* a i hrotln thee (iood answer do not have and the ■ r-shall greet morning, why gas oilier a a a. Mi arrears an { hy they longer than Is neces- vi'iir time in a more than Mrs Helen B Stevens has moved into the pa ip! 'Uhn*TtI*em t T. day absolutely profitable way tin t ri« I'niinai Kill*. .Ur!- *• i-1 ttl ere long. Learning that .1 II Town took tin* place of forest and mills r.'.'ti.'Me.; t. j•:i\ a- *“«»n a* Montgomery. i;>«j electric light in them. There are no ar-* a hand" towards the few rooms ot Mrs. ( harles up possible. I:t:..I, W HI, tl til luii'ir t'>**t. *.h<>rt sary to select their successors? These mm. w«‘ie on streams, aud vessels ••lending making lately cupiid by a .. aii"t, •. r* t" -■■~. one of bu-y solitary .at'.ii* ri|»ti.*n. ■ 1 the nt < aSilIli nr |! ill | in promint young lawyers of for them. The chamber wait- remaining of a broken-dowu 'laptium. ,r a. t. ire t" -tat*- tin rangemeiits mind not excuse men sailed the w rivers of the then un- years poor, r*'j, request**.!, • •ai.- VS » »■ you,had the of thos« inding Ilur Al ll * ► Nt. I1. ! t h ! A 11 Waldo and a Penobscot soldier's liie and that of his widow and I* 'I Mil' p. v. the paj*el is, or in to lie sent V for tin I -worth A merle an.] county, hoy. had I if settled hanks. So I stand before tins C. wt N. IV 1 ers do not know. doubt tin* proprie- who followed their States into I*. Simpson has moved into the Shoen- a an f i.: t" m nte all names I rebellion; and proper plain math a trip aer‘»ss the ocean on husiu< soldier and orphan) peaceful happy? bar »>, tors would know. What an Englishman granite cottage. 1> A Story Simplified. they lived here under the shadow, so to Those of u** who lived through those a ■ tian**' «.f a i-lrvs-. always jriva I thought it might he to the Like a cloud of mi-f. th*- blackness i interesting bestows is done without ••xeiiscs for its dark dav* what we Mr. who has the chalet ti a lln" a- one t<> w hfch of tie- 1 nittd States Government >ad. fully realize ought Gray, occupied well a-the ym reader* of speak, Lo|k from the magic stone. m many the Amkui< an. if I cnuhl to tiie this winter, has rented the 'll the ,.ap«*r afterwanin sent. it from without A ml a marvelous s do for in blue," and George Sperry In the tlrst 1 have main- demerits You take him and of their own free will picture miugl* remaining “hoys « ... plane always deliberately K* it La a ! ilia.!*' j po-t ..ftjei get his of the ami unknown and tin- known. I believe it the of woman who house. 1 impression* Knglish it The duty every 'I.'. • ..r*ler. or re«rt*teie*l l«*tt**r lx* done with question that he believes the greatest went south to tained that something should take part in an effort to de- tan without with household French for s,, I His look is fixed i>n the future ; I follow its interfering people publication, wr<»te b«-f in the world. It is and “Stilling the waves.” by L’eV. II IVin* in our stories. and English, the government and now cares to the W. k. C I assure w ‘Ik- are authorize t agents fur th< the dt lb-ston. whit country my eyes upon reading Simpson Sunday :»shiu*ton letter h you are at liberty to publish will continue t< jo. a wonderful work, and '• if it be but a candle. It be arc millions of will rail this s 1 I >4 W i'ti:i*l..|' 'I |t(.'t.,|, ing- it is. to 1*.- pulled up. as it were, at the may they tardiness «.f a republican President, in re people country afternoon. Bhebe Cary beautiful p« ein, ** ■» Your* of our noblest and i*est \| l*i » \..;i A "tat* M It*.spin truly. hone- of the of national very many very "Field was read and afraid of gas The man who erected the < Many questions Breaching." seemed < most t.me. in the of comfortable im nines, .... lir. .» New A -rk I II AVI \ Ml I IIM exciting perhaps very •L M. :;*t very paid women are if not ail their Hi iciiins polities will* lie forever settled. The devoting nearly for tie season. M"U\. I I I I•. .**•.■. AN 't., IlisUiB. building in Loudon had to take imrticularly appropriate iphiinrti'ii ini t-t an interview ealculated to work higlies. tin-government tried so hard to time to this work. Let me of ( ami*i \. they sound of theological gloriously good Si n. « ]' !" A I I A .1 H»>pi lie*' "1 .New A ork May 11. ls*‘.». sharp controversy June J. ldnis« If on tin* floor to urge all those who can to us. 1! Ii v I *•, *. Park !:■ w New A rk. deliver the apartments upper •lest will have cut knots of tan- possibly join the de-ired results and unhap- M\ I>»:\i; Fiukmi You ask m- to ray. many religious N \A Phila. A MKMHK.lt. \ I KK A •sos.Tlti.es Itu: idliitf give assurance that it would not fall down the few gle The nations w ill call lu-r blessed, she py eharaett r- from perplexing diftlrtii- v.m d ..... 1 Among presidential appoint- it i ii« in 11 *. _ ...... '...o i,i.. » ♦ i. ... w ill indeed he a delightsome land. The Fancy was ment,. ilnntnr tli.. IK1.I II,...L IV. I-,. I... f. Crockery u i .. t l- asserted that a *tet» last DIRECTORY. winter an*I my Impression* of the hearts of a happy and prosperous pm.pie Memorial Day saw a very large gath- r- am*- Broadway. N*w Y >rk i- made up *»f ju-t i ‘wing (.n.ig.- s Fisher. of to In .*» r«l in the corridor and presently the Luglish and French. and London and Par Delaware, will Indd in memory the trials, sufferings Foreign News. ing of people at Bluchill. a perfeet dav and tin t -iii'li building- grand--t -tr< be first auditor of tin- : .F N. ami oi me » c snail not cool and beautiful. The dear ores Ml i.< H 1'lKi T* 'KT d" r IVrehmee it is a love seem* i" Mcasury I’at- triumph* past re*!.ng op.-ned Mv lieart. certainly. responds to y»ur j 1 hi at 1 .* A M SaLDail in til.' world, and m til's vve might I'Tsuii, New see that day. but we shall be remembered at S*-a*ide cemetery w«ie i<- :»i. i.tir « in re-pert of Hampshire, to be second V was iiiitifuiiy v: k Serv a’. .U W b ling- an-being played upon Ihc hist few lines Canadian schooner wrecked on QLABB '¥/ASE 'cry interesting request. iml our gra\«s will ii"t be forgotten. melllbcrt'lI, tin* beautiful tl'ivvel'. -av. tin- But ;eg a' London i- behind time- it auditor of the W < in !. at It B M >cn'ir»> .. .< ate mniiiK r our (\ iullos Island Lake Ontario, and tin n...-! sympathies of 1ftt« r Hr*1 so kind and treasury Cnapiuau. we mav be to look out eight scattered with a lavish hand 11. r: if- evem your remind me IVrhaps permuted 1 M at. 1 M Bray er Tuesday -k«»i: uu > i- Vmeiii that • \« !- Kuglaml. d Nt vv York, to i»** sailors arc thought to !»♦• lost. ai< aroused. \ve languish, but without "o only solicitor general: .John of that silent land" ami see the gather- ternoon the chureh was filled to forcibly of iny great in*h bt.-dm •"" to Baptist in- m 1 i,-i! n. at .*B Youth i- e\ er f. arh—. ti iug the < ■ i>in.sn » atii p efforts teacher «*f vouthful Trade. my dream** It will be! age, the V igor of mid- had been ordered from \ i. toria. If to Braver !..>et !fc Holiday unknown and making possibh n-\ decrepit .—>.-.I ■.IBM Wi-rk'.y s is general, anti Lewis K. Larsons. Sr.. of ill very siip-s I* ssons and recall so n< ourag* cruise in Sea was denied t«» I \| ic. r* m -'id Sail rdnv many and j dle life, the beauty of young womanhood Behring officially tx>n the oration "ii *!•<• Aim-i c an >• ■!- ha-already mad- u- gi- at will make Mabama. to be l S the .: 7 B M < -» »nd tin* of the attorney for in tie* House of I ominous i din : i:, < i \ ki» *n i: \\*.i— m destroy- uniformity men Is that the boy of IViiobs, <»t *•» much and manhood, the bloom of youth and dicr" by tlx* K«*\. Win. I- *r-y:!i «.f Puck- 1 ia*. S' ail B M Sunday School a' >T« »\ 1 M •. u- greater. northern and middle district of i..-.y s. the-unlight Alabama artless childhood under the folds of a star- An \u>triun was ntlimut. 'llnu too, plays needed. that the undertaking becomes a Prime mortally port. | sl«« k "f \\ ik the shad Mr Parsons was the flag with a of wounded in a a « a' originator, and the ry canopied sky peace, duel with lieutenant of ath .: Br> a :nc at I- a * Sahbitl School : :iup->rtant a part :n modern -lory pleasure tome, and I only wish | coi.hi <;•••> \ CbHigh. K-q ami a party f tv* i’ill" 'illill- 11 e and the world ’Hiat searching out the cemeteries of the land huss.u... it supply leading in the White w r in f«»\\ it w-.k, with a Plain and Decorated .«• we are obliged to wait patientl; for talk it instead of it. 1 | spirit organizing gentlemen la-t M i-t ! a c a! 2 Hi * Braver Meetinf (rockery toyou writing r and placing floral tributes of love on the a digr*-- »n ti-.m th. but it I he filial matters before the Samoan new of *n** ••! ttn g amle V M :.-»v s 1- 4 a •«. n, '- hair —ubj, 'Ian’s republican of Alabama. purchasing stt k. a< r— tin hero ight up ther.- are many im id* nt in -uch .t party," grax es «»f the s111 nt du-t of the great army \* "• I ... 1 atrip Con ten me have been agreed > I 4 v. Mkk.iiso Kverv •»und*' atS.4 in r 1 ^ *t fr-mi a Loti 'on wh«»le- : which a upon. quarries. tw a of roses u,; recently held convention at Birin- of tjie ■: a s*atu* res* jar ir«- bett< r n than Republic a a: V Via::' ip.*n spoh. written, the list, n I lestrurt ive storms have occurred :n -aii ami -hoc n.. han! Tin f;r-t I his memorial is not for alone. A rman >f mt:- fam. ■ •• w. iugham. to-day profc--or an-1 m a rmr fore are allowed r attention and qin stioti" the | France. Mexico ami ( hina. prompting «»n that mound was written arriv* d Safi" « aAMVIi h .k« ■ 'Oliver'-ati m aft* r making his a*«pjain- The two ( '■ grassy twenty ly, from P-»"t«»ii. ! e\ a brook Hay turn »mmissioners (Jen. • 1 v ,1 V ! Tnrada' hi r then most m l nieeti in honor of sev- \ !, *;r»t ry .pi.! faraway interesting features leading *>m ago 1 he struggle of is Victoria, her -b arm r ltlnehill an.I hav >• tamu F. u ru an- «lo u- years to-day and \ua’U»! ran« wn-. \ Am* harm Lew Wallace and s,- s Tin ker wi. entieth created three Baronets Cssk r is1 : ;i ‘.utt. rt'v poi-es not im identai- a"iiy to the most d< sirahle sights and Beverley not altogether for to-day it is for a vast birthday, f Dodge's seaside Resort" for the -iim:ii. r s w Stsvss d Eeiur hap 4 K In* ad ay every .. make b<"U- and -1m,- .i, ur :i ^ u were announced last week future til so Its results are not vet readi- and a Kniuht x < v a* \b i.*t .ut c i.s;h uo■;s 1 ti-st appointments y penings. Fxtcnsive o|ierat ••ns vvi.l 5 begun a* •• than vv. and will ed efforts are before us great r S. 1 h ;r*t T• r*day 1 every With *-h.-aper government but withdrawn as great yet M.nisi, Washburn presented his ere- W.'Uid til d be well to d'UVUy My trip was taken in the winter immediately premature, tlx- mineral at onee F -p. ak uji't.f v Ju and August. and, are in store is •l« .s f tin- arti-tie padding” •mellow cold i" manufactur'd ;n the laud en with the of a redeemed human- land hghe-t | been promise ■IH* *• •• H:.l» a-keo him how hu.g that had going know w hether the w ithdrawal of the diet for it a big -ah frann vv-rk -lew more prominently.'* beyond the stormy Atlantic :i" wed :i» her* ap- ity K hi. V- f'l-n B John Bright's will bequeaths an estate lay .... and In -aid *** nee nti. w* !'*■ tak* n P 'intntents were or tern s p.-v F. I Dn w v Tin I. ke our have we not ac- a coii! to** that settles down about on* permanent only of 1 t to his chiidn n. N*-\t Sabbath, » Ware architecture U Se.-. and K»»urt!. I ue*day pounds I afn noth d a dr rvi:i vn s mr* Is 11 1:101;. otl'raw hnle-." an! rwanl- porary In the meantime Datne Humor is | preach to the children m the aft- nm hi and t. a; A> v s. 1 and K »;r:i M -lav* too ornamentations, and filled an \incn* an at h ast and if it d* ■* A eat.u anm»iu:< < s thatfien- «»f rnv n many chill*, s dispatch wn mar.:.*:»• tun a f: :n l!n .-i f quired 1 1 \si 1 in in a concert will he held in the at ■ di- f A evening * i; U M M II k •» I-..-T v V. I r*t and 1 rd in all of eral has too daikcm d rooms, shaded i: *t fri /e. ^ .*1 warm b\ an gratifying busily engaged circulating sorts Hvppohte captured port-au-Prim e ■ .!• 1 i.:: •* :n with d C.. 1. 1 *vs‘.b ( M .• \. July and iugUmt. ..f k j t,,, ,-r. t... many yourself Washington, May ) the ongregational hurdi. in that line ii f.oiidon window and himself Presi- a » > I .:*t M .' shop tom-fool stories about the matter. Not proclaims provisional table- and etching-' "pen tire of j.«-at if you be in some b M-. ,1 J'r ■?.*> n lamps, spind'e legged parts 7 th, deut of v w \.. ? n ! ti. lieu. Stover. and fain of Nrw U 1: » |; 1V- y r» But our great e..unti> not yet familiarly wishing to do one an I Ha) K-q Prices. vv. * heroine- ■•f Ireland, and if in any injustice shall .. at t IBM. standard Try >l> llav. not nt« d tin K.ngland and France m< dical asso< iations and the uip’at* 1 lie various 1 he Mattie a York arriv ed at Peters' 1’oint >..turda\ .wfl to the average f- r- gn*r When I not Wniship. (Iloucestcr \\ 1 I M even* rip. hy It] v nation at one report any of these very will be to leam very y iffun hei manner of n-d.g and walking, by of soft coal, *u chimney b» >n*l improbable medical profession glad schooner, has been s.-i/ed, charged with -teanx r Pdiehill. a ati -nl.iu iA ai rive«i in Cork 1 -■ ut telegram home di- the yarns. that dr John S. Millings. Surgeon I S in < .June :h Si n. '1 me i»etid her neck, and over- reach, a delusion so far :i" is lishini; anadian waters. \ ;• W ; ;••.». V 3 1» VI: aid I ry graceful of warmth Maim in Armv has consent! d to take of the v. ... re. t;»t \ miv re* t* d '.linden. While wailing 1 he President charge -r— y » B..i; 1 she did. her motives, her concerned. 1 he tars have no llrts. Luch greatly enjoyed his trip I,.' Samoan Commissioners have oked what pu- on tin- and Sta- « It 1 M Turn V TO*1. V U K.— I ir-t and third earn** Mortality Vitality th« -tati'oi for tin- train the operator t" where Report drawn a and it to J. P. carries **r Brooklyn, lie reviewed the M. up protocol submitted Orders. rity and her mind? After considering passenger his rug rube an*l «»n tistics of the I nited States as returned by Obeying Eldridge, toil)* a- a.-knl tlw ii (ioverurneuts for and a-off handed pos-il-le morial its 1 icsjiretive approv- *- to an day parade, the Kiev cut h ctisiis. lln-e thing- for a spa* 1 determined exceedingly cold day has a can «.f hot notwithstanding al. :{.» Main Street. 1- m*t Maim- m California': Certainly *. hurried nature IL left here the I'nitcd SUU has no syst* m of writ* a and being somewhat weary water for his feet, which the «mpany Wednesday Kvery sailor lias hi- story of the im-- -lory de. sUitistics. such as is Karlhquake shocks have been felt at said 1 ••but didn't mention it in the afternoon and registration of vital over ip. heroine in a furnishes. It i" Thursday night at 10 o'elo. k take- which “landlubber-" make GEO. W. D. D. i*f aristoeraev. 1 -ought my something iik- a stag* other d\ili/.cd nations for many places m and France. S„ did -<* and relied upon by Kurland BKAGDON, a- vv r ’ten II* names sea. wined alw m spatdi. -end it he was hack iu the White House. of things at *>--« .. rate boarding hou-c at South Kmi. ride iu Maine without the snow the of ascertaining the actual has purpose Smallpox broken out in Captain to be the of what t tie .'ir- itwa- o e < n c .tud, n ;.n le>- thau an exactly opposite y v Supe rintendent Porter, of the census movement f our census af- \N is-ni urn's in Fast Africa. la 'IBKM B PINK STKKKT II, rhaps -In* wa- a little weary **f the up My business required a Uit to Irelan*i. population, amp on land. \ -heet. for instam -'• hour aft* rw arils hurt au.has r* foMs the of obtaining ■ it ceived the of Mm only opportunity I nit* i States W. W a l a -!;• •'! !• \ riflujitc ti.i I*h: a i* I H*iital ( ten a- well, and t<» the <»f bad government ami dis- applicate>n Minister Thom be:xg -Oll.e* '“tig bf, like Ij.hla per longed r-caj>e country estimate of the hirth v bu-'ii*-- called im* to near an is lvrli M Boulogne. Kate B t 'othran of i‘alifornia. t*» be approximate asvv .fli< ahv ,.n ir. i| K li^ Osrar of or a sheet "f water is nothing m a for a while, be that as it may. she took a content and poverty and crime. I ap- tin- by expert and death rates ..f much larger part f e 'f i- -tali ui between l. -n- >vv n. the 27th u!t. A new Ih'V had e .me on board a \\ Kranee It a way isor of the census Ft the ooni on the seeond floor front and ar- in painter -* The fact Is notable with *>i>lem <*f State ami North Pacific squadron angeit hei In b.nging- td**>ut her and t- f which wc daily read, to see houseless any satisfactory been employed to paint the -hip'- -el* (i. B. Stuart, a \erv ancient walled and castled. because it is munii ration. has .rii ordered t-. < rinse in Behring Sea. city, the first of the ipal egist -* :it.l down t<> haul work Her name was and starving and Inl- application I fje painter was at work upon a g t g humanity ragged and In view of this, the Census < Ulice. d ,i Ii i- *piite a re-ort for I.ngli-h people kind ever made a woman. It is rumored that the Mexican C«»n under the -mp* -tern. dm- ■ a it dm by suspended a Day and -In- had theory, lr* u. I went from Quecimtovvn l«* Cork mg the month of this wib issue t it \\a- to May year, uifs, who had g -’ iu*o a •L ATTORNEY very gav. I did «.■ i ke and glad At tin State and little discussing the cession of Lower captain, just • or Navy department to the t matt* r wln-tber !nr were blue iin! to Athlon*- rail. Tin-latter is the medical throughout •• ye- by city profession t alifornia to the l nit. d States alolig-ide, railed out to t !:• In V W leuv e it. credence is put iu the report sidan’s Registers for the ; 111 AM) : »wn or wii* : iierhad a stateiv walk •dt ii a ted about live mile" fr**m the centre telegraphed country I’hy stood leaning \ er the rail for I will more accurate returns \ des< of ti..' Am. r < an Paris is the id.-al city gaiety. Lore from Panada that s,-veral pose of obtaining ription exhibit 1 .ct ! o. it vv a- that -he • -uld do more good f Ireland. I rev* from there into tie Knglish go the painter tunc. It will of death* than it i> possible for t» c imin- in th Machinery Palace at the Paris I ..t writ* voii about it thi- war vessels had been ordered to Behiing Fverynody -txml.i know tli.it the ‘■•■•it's COUNSELLOR at LAW. iv :ii !.• lmu y if si.- aim* right into the oiiutry about ten imie-. a. ng the bank" eratoisio make It is hoped that, hibit ion is o; ven one-third of t h«- is * earnestly space ii a w bole lett* r it-* it. Sea painter i- the nq.e vv he h n.;;K. .t f.i-t with distinctions to the I s nccu n b v ::i •f th. prevent in of the p d the \ Uiern a n v it. Kllsworth. Me. M of povert*. at. -uttering and foumi Shannon ami aiii'-ng its tributarv physician* every part country display. tin- bov did not know it. He ran aft am sti’fft. " 1 v * d ! lie gentleman whom Ira 11, vessels from ves- ( HsIlS ollie. m tin seizing Knglish sealing will cii-openi**• with the t .ut her "Wi. .ii *.• ii:-!«*ad <*f waiting lakes. I saw t» n inth "" hoim* -. their r< *1" Clv f in S h go the r*.p* by w hieh tl painter -tage W tiaid'mr. ha- ie-dcd iu this work. Tin* record should Qu Mr II sels in those watt rs. under the President important W 1- Del \. i,:*-i tin church < -, B. a. h oil th. Ma^ .:tl, ne is,am l.ii.t •■! haw ti.eni \ -ut ny taken ff by the ofli ,.f the law oth* r* be from June 1 l-**'*. to d. v. \. v ar-. i- a Kr* neh kept May t * i me, ral ..I March Inasmuch as the as- st. Lawn in,, oj v,. m,.;io re of Meantime tie- captain went. •! w a eg — proclamation. particulars uimittee ir tli- a a*• i charity She Jeserted for this land of out ", and tw *. 1 s',m 1. Nearly 000 of the-e registration1 •> <• vv a terrific huni.aiie which d over t li*- be e;| -1 !f DR. H. GREELY. selt.dar. familiar with all tin- place- of full and sole over pass, at -< that be sumption authority books Were tilled Ulltl letUllledto tile pent 1.' r morning- a cooking hool n,y driver told me. vv« re vacant Up Mfj ii,. •You ra-e:.llie ealie.l, •!• n't with the u--t islands im•nnn^ of Sunday. the loth. “why y \l-ltedand ae.plainted peo- those waters by the I lilted States govern- office in Issii, a 111 i nearly all of them tis« d iv 1. eh she bad established, her afternoons a use of haunted. The latter were Six! I. 1 •> s r. let go the painter*" being is. reported DENTIST. Win ti not engaged in bu-im -- vv r« for statistical purposes. It hoped that, ple. ment has been ceived by the governments He gone -ir -a.d the bov. b|i-*h;> it the poor girls sewing school ami her large houses with ample lam!", but w.-rc double tills number W ill be obtained for ••• ami stud- 1 tl P: .;»•!« Ik-ntrt’. rollege* -aw th* sight- vver«- entertained of tlie vvorhl without even the slightest he gone, pots, hru-hes and all veiling- in study. Her aff* < tions had not fast falling t*» decay. 1 saw other farm" the Klcvcnth Ousii*. National News. i. d the and cu-t-uus. it is 1 v b Store. pc*.pi*- diplomatic protest, hardly probable 1‘hvsiciai.s not receiving Registers ran *% Peeii blighted and her iife was no grind of Ul.'i hoil"cs Well ti!!eti- »Inn** The other members locality domain of the Kegisti r, an olltcial 1 which iv dames |: both Bapt*s? were Your- \* to. n\elope eler«rymen. ry truly. jected be dfow I' r.al.sv 2.V h lilt ln>u-ehold • oil -1 ,-t ed of an apothecary Lord Ca"tleinaine. a possess.»r of \a"t es- rpures no stamp will provided for their ll!e>the by the Thera- vva- an incident, at tlx- Ccntenm b .1 11 MoN H.oMl uv (Jen. the <*reely, chief signal officer, has return to of their boat, while flshiii". vva- a- !•* Mr- -- < Washington. upsetting bail which embarra--ing Dr. Patten b rk a ho*11 ten* In r. an In rb doctor, a tates over which it i" his only right l*> ol- ordered that ail announcements and publi- If ail medical and surgical practitioners Cleveland and Mr- Have- a- r .. i- aim:- milliner and a student in his led rents, adjusted bv law. ami with re- 1 he A'oiin^ Men's Ifemocratic club of ■ flashy young "ill h ml their aid. • c in !•»* f-'innl at t!s■ « ni.-l In throughout the country ing to the t*v -tinder-. Mrs icvcian-l l:ay night 1 -ii .l.uirtiai cations of the signal service shall hereaf- New York i;ave the much talked of ban- sc 1'nlike to the value of the the » last year at the Div inity hool. gard land and abili- tin* and vital statistics of the had a de- ! e to !.. .i ;x .-.I ter be called ••forecasts" instead of ••indi- mortality quet to X pr« sid. nt Cleveland at the Fifth expressed Mason’s iln* moilern teller 1 will not a-k ty of the tenant, and while that rent is A N* w of Emerson- Klcvcnth Census w ill be more mmprchcii- Mrs so was ed to Block, story you paid Expotsition \ v. nue •tel M n* lay v enini; of last week Hayes cations si\ •* and than hav ev • r been. v\;i- -Ian at -v\ ■! ••• •••inxn-.'tiiiii. tf-'- axe complete they of the four hundred who ;ng t T«.*i«*|*ti*■ to In- dragged through a weary account of it i" the tenant's from generation t*» gen- Nearly A' !. ad. is of the 1 >< ni". racy wen is in should take a tendance her. Mr- Have- en- Secretary Tracy stirring up tilings Kvery physician personal the files',, The enthusiasm •voke.l bv tin upon being tin- of each, the conversation, man- eration. i" rewarded there as it i" sw -etn*--- of Km* rsou'- doings Industry The hr*-adth and in this as full and ac- grossed in a conversation at the Cute an 1 the navy His latest orders pride having report of Mr. ( veland was unbounded • r«-. in th*- new memoir. department. present ners -.- of each to them at tin* win and while much in Ireland lif, are revealed again curate in 11 is to make it ! .. and dr* drop very ap- possible >• not if >>gui/ t g r vi-:t Dr. Lewis are for the the iron clads All factions of t he I im»eracy vvere pres, nt. immediately Hodgkins "Km* r-on iu Coneor*l." w ritten with a sym- completion of It is that all informa- but will an American,old-fashioned and un- hereby promised , acknow ledg.-d tie- tut r* lm-t .>n and cum [a.-t into oblivion, simply -ay— pears.to • iov. rnor Hill was anion^ the speakers. simply his son pathy that i- almost veneration by Puritan and Amphitrite," which have tion obtained through this source shall be Went on with her roUV er-at loll. Mi's have an to the .-* hool teacher and tin* handy, yet it is a beautiful country, rich iu his .s«*r\ .< »•■* to the ahai).s eye Wahlo Lmei>,*u. So much has s T« i.'lrrs Kdward confidential. The \rneriea a professB.Bal been ly ing for several years in an unfinish- hi !»l strictly up committee held ( leveland -tood slightly ernbai ra--e-l f..r a student. ami strong in human muscle. *»f the gvat Con- of Kllsworth and Divinity products been -aid am! published bom 1; 1 IV l’<>1:11 1:. meetini! in New York. It is said are inoux nt and then turned ami wa.k. d out Im-• *|.1*• vicinity. ed condition, one at a at they That there is in its cord believe that private shipyard of t'eisih determined to adhere *.» the of OI I K i: \tl» llEMIIll.tf E with Ur. Miss Day came in late from her daily something wrong peo- might Superintendent conditions of the box feeling decidedly chagrined In been ail t*d»K Delaware, and the other at ami tin- -tojv of hi-..IV hail Wilmington. ho!,tin^ till* Clip under th- deed of iX! f t to tlx-ineantinx Mr- Haw- w .ha- I H 1101)4. k I* ft. rounds ami in the stuffy hall was intro- ple the government of them cannot be pp ami mw of hi- ■ ’• But the i'n-shnes- in.-ight the Norfolk are to be .. wduh tin- linjilish ed all v i-it«»r vv a- i.<- -f doubted. town ami col- navy yard. They 6 ii£8 of Our Neighbors. yachtsmen object aemg that her duced to the young di- Kvery village and a 1 of quite unexpectedly son’- characterization that if*• There be no race this >ea- < w -«■. prove finished by the department, one at the may.therefore, i numerous class pm-pm h* k mtr-• as lection of houses have their in fact, overturned him he fullness •• -.. 1*56. I**®. vine. nearly constabulary more than ordinary present- SOU. 'mrin >iis mi -mu .1 -i.-. .■ -* 1 League Island navy yard, and the other at 1*1,111 1 1 Sll VUINiI IN M VINK. to restrain the Their line theme- of an unu.-uai duration «»I interest a ame suddenly out of his room. II** recov- people. forms, Tin* new State government was in- ami discovering that 'In lady w :«■ halo i- New Vork. I.evviston .Journal, j and influence No tran-<**mh ntal been introduced ?■. her :i.td g<-nc. & Saloon. ered himself seizing a peg of the hat bright uniforms and swaggering manm-i" animated in Khode Island the 20th. ire, by seretie •>! Km« r>on It is a that movements for tin- Oyster Sating phiee*I about the figure The auti-Malione of Vir- good sign what her nawas. and was are the and be republicans casually tret- in-ar which he company at signs of royalty, may as In the are Mrs. Harriet Ilubhnnl has won 4 OOVIIIV parted hv one who knew him completely. solution of the labor problem becoming Ayer much a- well a- : agi a,i d \s !i« v J. U l’r v ”;\ en, that the r«al mm. holds the fort. The President will give protit sharing enterprise inaugurated Tin- ITe'i'h-tit in the a ThrV are each f.-istii, ,nahi.- bat ■ .• participated r's M>-/ in- air- Jiim N :;:: man and Mi" Gay went to her room in and anxkti*-'. a- well a' hi' pleasures, the largest shoe manufacturing firm in IJ'irj" li»e anti's a on the 11th inst. meim rial « xcitIm-s m N. V.. a hearing dlu- day Brooklyn, i-a\ a n iiii iiim at !•• tie- neii w It was a week that site in Hut country where people desert hou-e*. mav be -tu«Iii-d with renewed satisfaction Maine, gives the principle happy home graceful Lemuel Ward Peters. flutter. spout the J"th. Tlieie \va> a parade of 12,ouo because are .several s dieiit character are mination. iu recent have borne a !:»: _••• -! ‘a out his <*nc evening they haunted and will not pay point'of men. year-, guessing profession. was not %tt4»ritr> anil 4 ouu«elor at law, 1 out Emerson 1 >11 > III l»ll. the of its for 1: Mill brought clearly. Patents Granted j rent, and their own sustaining reputation the — she saw his shadow the curtain, adjusted graduated by •• upon j tin .shrewd Yankee." so often notierd, The eoroner's jury in the inquest into 24»M %% 4)ii St.. ... 44. Hogrn M \ NI KAt Tt UEli OF Itorklaixi i. ourhr-i •a/cttc j tie excellence. It an *—:•> b> il i,' a-lungt heard not without fault ami lie d publish* arms the load shaking and judges,are may nor the mall blessed with the ririn liealth the dentil of Washington Iriillg Bishop, ItuiUliuK. Itoilou. Mans. flying, An aeronaut fell from hi- balloon at Hus- Janies reviewitig the woik iu black and whit•• she said “the guarding, or a semblance of it. for the and untroubled w *i condition', as ha> To citizens of the New States has dct-bh d that d« ath w as cuiim-iI by coma, I f4 Ids voice raised; sadly, mys- Idly England ton Texas, the other :'JH> feet, to the of F. l>. Milb t, Edw in A. A fr d r of na- day, ami the re-p* tfuliy Solil it*- tht whether the man was killed or not. A heavy snow storm and for his dessert, that much of the tax ent U. S. Patent say cyclone articit* are of and -.-I)-, r. am: note book while waiting they complained very and kind neighbor and friend, I lawyers, opp. Office, the portraits the-e arti-t-, I .• .f all pet irii.*r a-*istanc4*. sympathetic prevailed in northern Michigan Thur-day. ti,. mi-4 .m » lit.* t*. <*r in Monument*. Talb* ts ai.d -• of It was a matter of rents tiie constant worker. iking the 1). C. good advice. several view-of the old l-.n_i:di original an*l all she said. “No—the reportorial stall!”; government. S, upon Washington, 1 In- wind blew down a brick P.roadway, n-i< ami hi- service* in tht si\->tnry ,, t !*• i.(*. **11* kinds of r.-m. t-rv and g ik at lowest of Emerson s “shrewdness when she As as the common report Journal.! in village “iu a hollow of the green hills in Wor- »* of -amt-, uml*-r the rule- an*l « « «—? :* > only. long disquiet among peo- |Augusta tobacco Danville, Va., Thurs- I... ration the leg |*ri« Only ?! til i{Ua f ^*.tr,;t« u»**d and She felt inexpressibly happy j lie J. Abbott, Rummey, X. II., sash fasten- factory amenta n art men t at Wa-h and bis biographer says .iti,.i. **! t e govei | tl»« l»rst •! « k 111: t-1111» g ■. iiaiitt Meani Ind- lie was exists the is prospi rity," Trim shade trees! If kept day and the men were killed A not'' i-r cestershire,” where Mr. Abbey and Mr. Pi t na learned from the little milliner that ple constabulary necessary ! G. A. New friction your properly I for tto4 U»i*4 bj law, lehing works Ci. I’artii .ar all. nlion to life bunletied with n-spous bililies er; Barns, Haven, Ct., jaiil ami began add much to the beauty of our streets will tin-, ami six others were seriously iu- -ons have made their borne. A-it to confirm :111«• an experience f«»r more than twenty yean and lettering. at the school. all the forms ami show of power. hard work they j polishing a student Divinity and with debts from which, by clutch. It. I. Barney, Rutland, Vt., stone unless h* IK lit\e-that he :* aMi1 t** pre-* nl iaini* t*e and the comfort of passers-by, but j ured. Mr. Janie-’s criticism, this Num- that Home rule w ill not relieve it. The and the closest he freed him- nppncintive :.,!•* tin- m their \acted legal aspects Then followed an aequainianee gave people economy, sawer; A. O. Brunne, ; is too fre- department WATER STREET. ELLSWORTH.MAINE. | Meriden, Ct., lamp their exuberance pruned they ber contains a full-page drawing Mr. hi ,mur in the '•immunity where joi only, give and the street a by quaint up pro*»t never come. I would not it would the electric rays leaving — her iu her work, say or end seemed de- w r* i*i4* ai.*1 where y .revlilenee inu-t. in the main and encouraged whatever public private Ct., silk and winder; C. II. poem “Quince.’’illustrated ith nine draw- helped spinner Cooley, quagmire for days after a severe vain. —J. (i. of has i !„. totiiht, among y**..r friend- ami acquaintance* never come. Hut when and or on another and bet- Clark.Ksq.. Bangor pro- and loved each other. speakers writ- sirable commanding Ct., F. ings by Mr. Abbey. This Number of Il"rr- vii,. an most lainiliar with your circumstan.-es they Hartford, grain weigher; Eaton, sen ted the Maim* State one of the I ter To the writers of books, it will Too Mi en Jamaica ginger. college and dependencies. All corre*jM>D4ienc« I betook ers for American hearers say it is almost day.” • r's is also notable fortwo‘*tirst appearance-.*' right- Hie beautiful Sunday morning *on lectur- Conway. N II., poison distributor; C. A. finest herbariums in the country. It was with claimant.- will Ik* ansueri-d without delay be small comfort to hear that listen to his reached, let them be careful that future [ Argus.! collected the late Rev. Blake of Miss Nannie Mayo Fitzhugh, of * Mr,d I -hall l#e pleased u> see ami talk with all in her with him out to L-to Mr. Emerson mainly depended for his Hearts, Meriden, Ct., wick raiser; G. P. hy Joseph j ing A man in (i n ham the other went t<» contributes a r* -led III claims the government. not day Andover, Mass., and Mr. short story, “T'other Mi-s U upon sermon, and a it was to events do compel them, like Mr. Par- livelihood, for his books brought him little purchased by ; A. F Hi KNHAM. maiden happy' day Fenner, New London, Ct., printer delivery the and four of of his life. Mr. Em- village nought quarts Clark at a cost of $1,000. It is to be | Maudy," ami the English psychologist, lames I > Pension Ellsworth.Me. nell’s confession before the Time* com- until the last years Attorney, be sure! sheet ; C. M. Fuller, Terryville, Ct., head cracked corn for his chickens and a bottle known as the Blake herbarium. The col- | Ikv. ttt devoted to the Sully, bis initial effort in fiction, “Friendly Ellsworth, >ept. IT. mission, to acknow them erson was always lyceum, He l'nfortunately the school teacher, wbo delilierately ledge and holder; C. W. Harris, Hartford, Ct., of Jamaica ginger for himself. got lection embraces about 5u,(XHl specimens. 4wgoi*ipnrm once a powerful centre of instruction gear Rivalry; a story of the Twentieth Ceutury." j her ts “boastful and home about midnight and by that time the wore glasses and always souuded exaggerated.” and was for three years a umbrella; F.L. Johnson, Ct., to the ant ^ influence, forty Wallingford, Jamaica made him feel so ambitious —The Maine delegation Right ElKworth Steam ginger — Kennan l.atmilry also loved the From Athloue I went to London by Dub- member of a club, the Social Cir- of Good Iu the June Century Mr. begins and ing's very carefully, literary top spinner; G. II. Knight, Providence, it. that he determined to feed the chickens Worthy (Iraml Lodge Templars • of the most an lin, St. channel and land- cle, of Concord. of the world, which is t be held in Ids account important investiga- Ilye House. young preacher and she was unprinci- crossing George's L, jewel ring; F. T. Leilich, Bridgeport, that night. He used a lamp w hen he went Chicago, Some of the most inspiring parts of the last week, left the 25th for tions made him into the Exile w Ksr KM) MoS RIVER but at in Wales. Dublin is a to take their feed. beginning ult., by System, viz., BlUIHiE.ELLAW'ORTH.MK C. C. woman. She did nothing hastily, ing Holyhead Ct., machine take F. M. Mix, to wake up the chickens pled are records from his relating sewing up; that Boston will be Kara. All kinds book journal soon the city. In they joined his \isit to the Convict Miues of He of Garment- cleansed ami dyed. Ware, a Hue I was there the Hon. Win. He then went to bed. Pretty bided her time. It came. Site found city. day and to New E. N. West- Kid Ghives ami Ostrich Feathers a WHITE (iRAMTE to the duties of citizenship person- Britain, Ct., lock; Nash, the Massachusetts delegates, and will cover the de- specialty, WARE. neighbors saw a tire, ami on betaking by will take several articles to fully l.aumlrv \N ork of all kind- doue at -hurt notice hand- O’Brien was taken to The freedom. He said: The Maine A large assortment of half-finished letter ill Miss Gay’s through jail. al and religious port, Ct., catch pin; W. H. Palmer, Nor- barn both travel together. delegation and the facts learned L. .1. themselves to it found the burned, scription of the mines by lyv40 FILES, Prop’r w ho from election think of the mem and the latch crowd that met him at the station was “Those stay away F. H. Mont- the chickens roasted and the house consists following prominent ~ writing knowing preacher's but wich, Ct., lap maker; Perry, just him in this of his extraordinary journey that one vote w ill do no good. ”1 is bers of the order in this State Grand < hief part at half immense and wild. It was too to saved the house. Hot WHITE would turn iu the door just great one vote will Vt., toe M. F. Smith, New blazing up. They Two striking are those of “Convicts DISHES, key one step more to think that pelier, weight: James 11. Hamilton of Matta- pictures Just received at Jamaica Templar letter which she No stranger to Irish enthusiasm become stuff; ginger. at iu one of tin* Kara (JoId Placers*’ and JUST RECEIVED past five, she laid the judge. do no harm. But if they should Haven, Ct., micrometer capipers; 1). M. wainkcag, (Iraml Vice Templar Josie R work the could its result. Some interested in themselves, in their career, INTERESTING POINTS IN HISTORY, of Uiildeford. Grand “Convicts at Night from the a cargo of crumpled a little, face upward upon predict political Smyth, Hartford, Ct., signature gatherer; Pollard Secretary Returning will would no more stay away from the K. Brackett of Belfast, Grand The of this number of stairs. It ran— aspirant probably turn it to advan- they A. W. Hartford, A. j Lewiston .Journal.] George Mines." frontispiece o from affec- Sperry, Ct., pessary; L. election than from honesty Treasurer Frank Gipson of Stetson, and the is a of the famous French b**«t Kettle “Dearest are a foolish, tage. But the royal law passed on with As was to have been expected the first Century portrait Tbe Universal Cooking Crock, the HarryYou tion.” On the “vicious practice” of pair- Taplin, Sorestville, Ct., with raiser; M. (iiand Mrs. L. C. of on the sea coast. The Deputy Partington whose work has had such im- in tin* market for cooking Oat Meal, of the Honorable Member of Parliament, out three tow ns in Maine were artist Corot, jealous dear. How can you accuse me ing” he exclaimed : "Suppose the S. Ct., pan; Portland. The Grand Alternates are: or Tracy, Glastonbury, frying area now contained in York and Cumber- on the art of the Sauce, Preserves, auytliiug ami his had mense influence day and has nm\ such You know that no one of my sight admirers’, to prison, hundred heroes at Thermopylae paired G. M. New Professor Frank W. Gowen of Freedom, im llawn, Ct., run that i* liable to burn on. infidelity? buckle; had the six in existence would it Tyrrell, land counties pre- been subject to such fierce controversy. The we will sell In addition to our and his hair and whiskers were taken off off with three hundred Persians, Hon. Charles W. Longley of Bath, E. H. which can take- your place in my heart. Not a D. II. Warner, Bridgeport, Ct., corset vious to 1700. Kittery enjoys the honor stock of Groceries for the next been all the same to Greece and to of L. H. McCann article is by Mrs. van Rensselaer, and along [J3^Tom<* and see (hem. his clothes have oldest town in the State. Horr Lewiston, of Port- that I do not to see and exchanged for prison garbs of being the day passes long you— history?” clasp; F. Richards, Hartford, Ct., driller; land anil Job Sanford of Bangor. with the letter-press is another portrait of was Scarboro in Cumberland county, the Oth seem so far and the time is so and he otherwise coaxed and nursed of freedom and of na- you away It is the Emerson B. Loomis, Hartford, Ct., process ami ap- in 1058. The “Corot at Work," drawn from a photograph these town, v&as incorporated only HOLT’S wish——” here the letter ended into having his own way, as much as a po- ture that appears most distinctly in The is I for C. P. — Eaton. old long! paratus gas; Liudley, Bridgeport, county at the beginning of the eighteenth Scribner's for June marks by Wyatt painter working new His son writes: “Strangers Magazine litical criminal can reasonably ask of Eng- pages. II. W. was York, and it was not until away in the open air under an with abruptly. were his Ct., julep straiuer; Lyon, Bridge- century the beginning of a new not less no- umbrella, Sixty wish to see his study; the woods enterprise Days and Lincoln counties land's halting 1700 that Cumberland a in his mouth. A number of The follow ing day lie accepted a call to justice. the of his Ct., button strip m ker. table than the Series commenced a pipe reproduc- At very low prices, for cash, as we intend mak best study during years greatest port, Hancock and Railway were organized. Washing- tions of Corot's are also The Ing a change in our business, aw" A11 persons ii L-and thence. New England is rightly named. How and the so-called, at home, It is the series of articles paintings given. East departed activity, study, ton followed in 1780, Kennebec in 1700, year ago. popular want of such goods will save money by calling ot room.” One wood engravings arc as smiled when she saw much we resemble old England ! W e are in- rather his library and writing on The Practical of a interesting specimens The school teacher —The Hell Gate which was Oxford in 1805. Somerset ill 1800, Penob- Applications Electricity, will illustrate his and lofty tower, of American work of this kind. a new Iu that anecdote sincerity which has of chief reproductive Miss listless, saw her take only deed England. visiting grand in 1884, has been down scot in 1810, Waldo in 1827, Franklin ami subject become importance Gay pale, love for freedom: While at completed pulled are all Mr. preaching in 1828, Aroostook in in the and industrial They by Eldridge Kingsley. D. H. EPPES & SON no at country it is the experience of a success- Daniel Donovan, who bought it for old Piscataquis 1880, scientific, commercial, FOB SALE. a cup of coffee at breakfast, supper East Lexington he was reading one of his by iron. It was 256 feet was built to Androscoggin ami Sagadahoc in 1854, and worlds. The article, Professor C. sav strained ful to the homestead he and high, opening by I hereby offer for sale the homestead all, and gloated when she her offspring returning old sermons; suddenly stopped, Knox in 1800. recently which I have staud a wind of 100 miles an hour, and had F. Brackett, of Princeton, is entitled “Elec- A Card. Main by me in Ellsworth for the sum of $3,000. call- where he was born and to the said quietly: “The passage Street, occupied looks as the postman passed ithout training on side. It was For further information to Geo. P. but it was three lamps the seaward THEY MIGHT RESIGN. in the Service of Man.” It is an intro- apply Dutton, Our just read I do not believe, tricity Ellsworth,or to the subscriber at san Luis Celia overcame her and grew that inspired his advancement. sky in use about two as mariners Obispo, ing. grief, only years, [BUldeford Journal.] which sets foith, in a clear and >Iaine. California. wrongly placed.” ^ ductory paper Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Freeman wish to take Ellsworth, and the next sum- is brighter, our villages are livelier, our complained that the light was confusing, II. A. DITTOS. busy and happy again Prentiss, the Journal's Washington cor- wav, some of the eomruon methods tf6 to instead of a precise hy this opportunity through the American to March 2, 1889. tf 10 farms are more our an injury navigation benefit, the mer carried six little feeble orphans natural, people quick- respondent, says “lady clerks” in the the more away —A was in the and in December, 1886, the electric which important electrical phe- express their heartfelt thanks to the citizens big burglary perpetrated lamps land office are much exercised over and in them er, but we are the same. Familiar general are the laws to the sea-side, making happy yet division of the Chicago post-office were removed. The tower and its nomena produced, which they re- of North Sedgwick for their registry equip- the appointment by the President of the timely assistance * LAID FOR SALE. was content. One as she was names and faces are there and here. Noth- were sold the structure veal, and the involved in •hFOR SALE she day Sunday night. Eighty-six registered pack ment piecemeal, Rev. Mr. Townsend, the colored minister principles measur- reudered to them during their misfortune bv is there more here were taken from the vault in to Mr. Donovan. electrical The subscriber offers for sale his field of abont them the sand, sitting in ing strange; fluished, ages Super- going last, as in that office. We ing quantities such as the tire, and for the One small safe in amusing upon of Indiana, recorder Volt, mauy gifts bestowed upon good »r.£r for sale very six west able of the intendent Howard’s division. No trace low acres at Beechland, on the Mt. of more I cannot better define an matter to fill and Ohm—terms which have *•—* two show "**s.ol>e six feet their midst.assisting in the construction improved. —The annual of the American presume it will be easy Ampere, lately them since that time. For all of which Vjoir aii.ttb Desert road, and near the residence of Mr. H. A. was left and the was evidently meeting they other nine feet. The* can be seen robbery their if come into not bP.wllin, m Pierce. at the American office. a a shadow fell across them and she while in than to say, Unitarian association its sessions places they resign. They might general use, though popularly are very grateful and Mrs. A. ) flKKELY at her Inquire canal, my feelings England committed some one familiar with the began fully appreciate their borne on Sabi gt La J. C. CHILCOTT. by it and see. U school ho,'*. in Tremont Temple, Boston,the 28th nit try understood. (be l*b fcim? Ellsworth, April 4,1880. tf 15 looked up to see the handsome preacher I felt at home. place. sympathy. The Great Catastrophe. Lamoiiie and its Surroundings for DRY k FANCY GOODS ‘I lie « i* a brief Waste no time in looking i.o.vmg Matein-i.t of 'Flu- conditions of conquest, (success) the ten ilile deluge in :iu the Kain. Hood, Are and rail- way smashes. THURSDAY. JUNE 13, 1889. flood on v 1 :l:* have l»eeii itieu!iii«*«|. Mam Best Assortment and the Lowest Prices A fter We carrv the have the Hungarians were eaug'.it mangling and unseason-like weather we are visit- LADIES’ NIGHT ROBES ! Largest Stock, the ed weather: We «!•> not r. cl mionvinou- letters ami commu- robbing bodies; four were chased into by juicy rains, fogs and down- > 11 .*11-• The Tjiune amt address or the writer the rive: and two wen* lynched; six men pours and the growlers are out. ,uv in allrei-' m.i.-pcn-uMf, not nee«---artl\ lor were sled for trying to rob the National Col. John Shoenbar and wife arrived iu pu atn«i, nut a- guarantee of -rood faith. < bank at Johnstown, ddiree trains \N cannot undertake to return oi preserve ooin- xpress town on Saturday. The Colonel is busy LADIES’CORSET COVERS! A N N O U N C E M E N T arc not G muiiie itioiis that used. which pissed through the flood at Cone- all round absut in his work and his lady is s P RIN maugh. have reached Altoona with scores “busy too.** She is attending to the mul- A Great Calamity which has made tLe of passenger*. Further damage and loss titudinous affairs connected with moving of life bv tne floods are reported from the into the Jordan cottage lately purchased LADIES’ WHITE SKIRTS ! Whole World Km- Chemung and Cene*< e Valleys, and travel by them. ha* been iniernipud on the Frie Kailroad. Manager Shoenhar is out with more IT IS A FACT! June 1 Idle half has not been told, and ! Ar «»iiK the monumental honor- of all w »rk and this will make the hearts of me- never will l*e. From the lVun*vivauia be chanic* ami workingmen glad -lhe citizens of Kllsworth Ladies’ CAMBRIC DRAWERS! t.un in few indeed can the parallel railroad to Main street. Johnstown n ‘th- ##*Tlie Point' is becoming a regular beehive and and found of the one which a fc.v airo is standing hut a stone church and a vicinity will celebrate day- ing morning and night teams laden with toil- large brick *c)iool house. The streets are the coming Fourth of overtook the Couemauirh Valley and sud- ers make a goodly procession as they wend July M. GALLErlT. one sickening. f »ul-*mellii:g mass ot wood in a suitable manner, and in like an their way to ami from their homes. denly. avenjrinir spirit, destroyed and d.-bn* an 1 the work of for searching order to do so should be lit mi lo.ooo to lo.iK»o human live- and We learn of more building lot* sold dur- they b»>«lie•.* ha* m’y tairly oeg.tn. I n latest B3YS’ SHIRT WAISTS ing the past week, ami have met with a dressed in a suit, we call attention Shades, vilh property roughly estimated to reach in estinnite* put ti.e l»'*x of life fi.uil Ivi.imo becoming ”1*lit; bargains your OUR SILK-WARP HENRIETTA Opaque fane), number of from a distance look- to l*J.«Mo. Fveiv one is so persons the best can afford, the value millions of dollars. The ex- thoroughly they to for this are all Iresli new Rollers. thirty out for a ho spring at and $1.25 are the c tired out autl overcome bv the of ing locations, and those have $1.00 heapest weight ladies in and now From 15 cents to $1.00. bv us from the tent of the though have chosen their lot* will build after particular, direct ask 50 cts. ; the iu.»t were sold at £1.00 catastrophe, days the »li*a*ter a* to be unable to give already goods purchased in New llo.-ton house* utterly is the time to be " e Kiighind. i! *vv d tin w aters brok* the of tlie schsoii. However the looking manufaotuerers and importers. within a mouth daps- sinct through any ;n curate details or figures. closing I'm- the same 25 per cent. mole. arc ow ner* of a number of around for what i* wanted. were' de- goocl* tin burners which contiued tlicm. is not June \* a mean* of tludmg out tne company large found several lots which they ami locations which numb* of the dead at Johnstown, ofllees sightly lovely by ap- We think we have what you of out in and to do known, and never will be known sirioiis closing lump LADIES' probably pearances w ill soon be of. Fast Biack at vvi.ieh the survivors could their disposed want. Our register sales for May this were ready to sacrifice to a house French in l« 'ail; but t air^reuate of what has Hosiery, name* wen* the lltli li g .aeut. The three-masted schooner Jennie A. Beiges Opened: were than ever larger before, which had an outlet sidlicicntlv large already conic to li^ht 1- truly heart-rend- lVnnsvivau.a Militia, vva* «udered mere Stubbs arrived in the river on Thursday. FOIL which to show that we will be this season, prices* •*(», COTTON < go to handle ol goods. popular ing and before its terrible mairnitude the ami p.ml on guard; the m * d of pi .»v ts- apt Karnham has been iu command of great quantities UNDERWEAR have the t hat are want- have ho anti 7o cts. * ion* i* *»iii great ; main thousand* o| *1 »1 her during her coasting season, and ('apt. goods We, witli oiu several brunches, '[ 11 <*\ i*r. Hie vv orld stands appalled. same are have been to lue Stubbs will start iu a few on a ed, and are our con- lars contributed relief days Ashing supplying that outlet, consequently we arc in --<1 material, TI news from most disasters *;oii- fund from all of the to the Grand Hanks. tastily ear^ parts country. trip customers with the suin1. oiler as as dition to goods cheap any DRESS SILKS. I *1«I lowei than the ma- omI.v rvi^i rate- and the real Jam Idle best estimates on loss of inabilities Capt Nathar King. I understand, is hav- Our stock is well se- do large, retail house ill New Kuglniid and in lie bought for. truth, but not -o in this ease. hour life, based oil tile I'egistrv of the living ing a new barn and stable built w hich are Kvery lected and low. that 1 ami of an uuoiticial it at from prices offer them so. (hir stock in assortment < >ei Corns at ! to poll, put t<» eclipse all buildings of this class hereto- an very new report has only added to & « is all that is wanted insure Velvels Plushes. am. Uhl State. l:\.M>n to l.'»,l>0«>. idie \:iet of fore seen iii our locality. Mr. Carlton is to auv in the 15. 25, .**7A 5o, and 75 <*ts. rs of 1 u eqtical than ever. bv lln* fl .«*d i* a* ii" * des. It i* our de- cheaper property destroyed yet j Mi Gow crew have moved one large ready Nijht Ditsms from 5o ets to £.1.00. s\\. !!« d t!ie numb, : -f t In 1!-ad. as mum a mallei *1 guess work a* the ! !>u:iding and have another well oil the vva. sire to and benefit phase Satire Hh.ad.am 03 I le ans from 50 cts to * £.*1.00 » \aet limniK'i of In. that weie iost Id ;u ami will nio"t move the With tin- \ eption perhaps of a few | likely dwelling and we are PARASOLS! every patron, i aw cl's, 5o t all app- .trance* lie- losse* vv:i» am ut to hoii"e of 1 Pivid Swctt. and smaller build- at $1 .mi. $>! .25. $! .50 and ?! *i from cts. £1.50. fl",. i*. in China. w hieli in ordiub to record much in earnest when SPRIN6 JACKETS, not less than s..".on. ...m i tii* *e» m* a ings during the coming work. Oi!ui very s iris. 75ft to £5.(10. or n itoo trah;;., have struck b'o human v in -mm iv*l wc state that thi* season we FAILLES, ast amount. but ii must be r* building" are yet uu«outra< ted for w hhh THIS YEARS GOODS from 50 c. to $6.00. ,, o at $ I 00. $ I 25, ami ?l ii^r- it of \i-tenee at one fell swoop, that tie valley vv a* full of valuable ma- j w ill hav e t » be moved. are fully prepared to do *o. iiuiex and factories. & Gamuts. and "f tin I...-bon earthquake which is Flic steamer Minnehaha. (Gpt. S. P. Wraps Lorn INFANTS’ WEAR. Idle resident portion of Woodvale'. no ( CHINA a. d to have thrown down a considerable i'“ii"iii". is doing good work during the 2k. h. XTonms, SiLKS, SATINS, :* out dll' It V Jackets, completely wipe.i p •, > :ui\ season. File Im* not is- NO. MAIN St H.LsWouril Jersey t of : c;*\ and -i. stj. .\ »• | a: iut »»•1 captain yet Come and sec them. pm iss lx estimated at '>n.oo i. till In In'.»nts’ short and !«'•.» dresses, sued a regular time-table, but makes regu- so §:; no, 8t.no, $5.on, SILK VENETIANS ■ (mi, So.oO. ot of its inhabitants. it well be .. bis abov e li,e VV 1. ki d v. '.age is present- may lar trips M Midavs ami leaving m assortment «»f • !<»rs fr. in 5o ct-. to £:*. 00. Saturdays, "For a time 1 had no wa* ! to 810.00. The Post,.n larjje -»f tin* world ed ail awful spectacle. Here are eillxtereu ! lon^ appetite, $C,.0H. up d-uibo in tin* history all "le.iui'iojit wharf at o'clock v. m for Int.r.ts’ short cloaks, the several tiiousai. iniia .i.aiox vv m- ** r«-*t!e** at ni-ht. and tnu*h «!• hilitat* *1. i the same is from §d.5o to Bar il ti -or ami in the afternoon. wry price for ^ WE WARRANT OUR DRESS SILKS. tin* parallel of tlie .Jolm-t >*vn disaster an returning tmm to ami Unless aid is given mill soon A fter t w * hott I* f \ wr'* ilia. £2.00 £0.00. aped, j s*.:■ i" engaged at other time" iu towing taking s:,r*ap.u §15.00. be found Sad il i- t-> eoulemplad* the must want, a* starvation tliev from « s. perish 'ii" -tr* ami F. SMITH. Infant.-* cloaks, aii'i u-iiaig panics mi ime oi my Tijitii upp*-tit« returned. ami my l«*n^ ll .tit eruption «.f V -uvuis which in a star* them in the faee. 1 ..• v are fa: i Cloth. Jackets, to in" i.tte trip" i»« twe, ii Winter liar *or un i health wa* otnph t* iy r« *t«»r« «!.'* 1*. M. Fi.*h- \ from £2.00 £10 «•(>. ai-.v*- Johnstown that the relief .* in t!ie In,- uried be- part Ha « a "i1 day. a-o, deep Haiboi tin apt n espied something er, < N Y t'rnin t•» £ 1 “.00. II f.i:. t luec trom 50ft.-.to £•» have not vet reached them. >*\ve;«t, caps, *l\ *at w hirh tie e.»uid not determine ami ■' in- r:i v xt i. *. 1 si iiivi v :iiixi'i, from I l'ain from IioIilt* *th>n. and tmi I;.! i’!t>* embroidered bluiikets. *n st. am for it he found it to be a dy**p»*p*ia. Inside v as was mg plank Jorsoys, 1 St the hid- Wcdl). — l.iV moruuig At .Killlls hearty ealiu.'. i* r* lewd it mu * r-v t.ikitu* mu In mi 1 .00 to si m i ,m the w is lashed a life £ top preserver. < !e t<» S.*> (onsistiiu of Tahir kilims, v town before a thousand funeral- were of 'iirter** I.iu l.i wr I’ill* mum dial* iy after troin .V'rts. “0. -lif! fit fate t 1 sasti vhirh h i> rtakeu lit j l'.-rfy I 50 and Cts. nothing moje A few days before dinner. I »mi’t thi-. facts’ -hirts, their u l here were no forget v. in V a■ !i i' hein-ved t«» he coursing grc. side- styles. (rashes utaiijih [here had been cts. t* 1.00. nit? a- 1 he of tin-. : you:tlu\u-j lied and Hum £ formality majority masters riant growth of hair, to it* « •< d<»r natural (tuilK Spreads is r us >a\ keep It uot f to on whose shoul- tins weir .if rough pi <• 1 he in :u-e- were a* in to u*e SIMON. inUIUT. MACKER- S 'lig irds during the night are not com- youth, and remove dandruff. only ; lllankets. will lie sold at lower tii rs the resj-'11*;h;;ity .( this 'l;>a-:i r may -trorig x teams, an I instead of pad mon so far east, but on one of our late Hall'- Hair Ih-mw< r. a. ei ;-i .me e-'rtln theie w«t.- g.amra. i--st. hut m « ills ei uta.n that the IVser- > EL (01). HADDOCK ■ ne and warm nights a of roleus than nri -x 'dns to one team n lent y the pi » pair \ m ill'* w ife *h*'U.i! a!w.i\* he t!i**a»n*. prlees quoted. > s,» rwti: !s it' ih-alt out 1 a-e in a tree hy hiirstinn ■ ". '■•"hup .i \w xcd, ai opposite my study pc i i y to her llll-halld. hut if -he i* tk AM) liOHSTERS. imtt.ms \\ lack, H.01W- window aii'l lender* d som*-delicious nuis m « * i;;ml; if d- ath and «h 'triii tn>n of their t'Ui ns m the of moth. eaitii >i'I cm-, and ii- art r I *u I’d.-. -In & mid-nely lap it -T ItH KIVI.Ii \T Curtains. i'hey omun nei d their concert about innot Im for t hey make In f •« I i k a dif- Draperies ;*i rt\ vs a' into • \. n •• to N 'Ui.no er f .. wa- th* r- to 1 t Ml tit M r. t It u »t hi-Min'd pro ><• Mi. liOSli.il t. ne iV|.m k id the morning and as I fereo! p* I—*li." at lea-t *n filet al -.n and •'*00 xapl.s in' 1 Sel im’s at !1 t rjo.itn a m-t bb s-mg a*. 1 !ie <1m i- ra: \ •< d drop. pt I a' t v t.-r in i!i<• iiiilusliial " tin ir hu*hiiid- o -■• t‘»o. < .lit* rIron I'i GOTT & MOORE’S. '•*' :in ets. > oo Fourth ton. fii* the ..g!it .,f the k in a \ Ours 25 and :»’> rh. O, < grovel, Fortim.'ite Yoitinr 'ti ;•> r M.a to a ilie-lhil d of tie- .dies I ixeled haw Kidy. d ._r.\ U'i July ■ 1 ; p.-asiir s- ied to his mate M '1 Oil. t \ *! Ill j*.| < ■ < 'pon We have had 4-+ v t iiur 1 eeu so mangle*!, luui-e.i or harred that by -i-4- +4* 4-f 4~f 4>+ ■J>» nt‘ i*.iin** in •*» 1 ii,« !i I t liina silks. our Seamless, ■ Buy \ -i .• pii■»‘i•' iuh of ntntieinen. and performed no use- little nni-e • far this season, K'm he*ti 't 1 :h d -n^ 11 *iii inured ldentifl* at ,*>u w ..- --tble very frog nip ■ > > K him v did *» ■. -!• i.m- f .« d t«> m 1 mm >um to Bo'tnn riff 7.7 <;s. «■ •! 1 cts k> a in v i< m w hieh it was 1 •tit a little in"i‘e than usual of that ex*— .imp! Mi* Franklin (iraniti F. } 75 t- and Hose at 25 p i.r, ful part the inity al- 7 i- i. a:. I $1."". per June .1.din-town juatunt.i. afford \ I me to Or. I * ;•< life drum" of try h. .- f rn 11 I- h n I th»- * in ;o-n. tint .- rating and the cnergdi, j*« rally am: ova ii to exist a' a nieuaee t<> the peoph no one w ill be all w. :,i, I omul all % > the railroad has .»-*-u pra« -u-peinJ- idegi i'.ls nat ioual pride a glorious I tired pi* ! .no, :u; '* -•1. and have been e«i fa lit and there h*\er was a nation that h.O had tM l \\ It. for the s\«...|, i f!: in ui ltli. military guar-1- pia< in:t-• jam* "ill WHEN YOU CAN’ h* Uetit of •'!»« I S. Uai n^. uni1 ::^ d- vel -w•:ve in ;nd s •• poetry a* He: -tati ai'-ng t!.. turn- to pr« w :.t -r. j' t cans.- thin the \net! into B 'f«> 7*< pfiit'. Nottingham (urtaiiis. ;i \. •! 111 *: 1 ! 1’ k aIi ■! nm r xv ill pri 1 h> I.. ,t i:i IM. I,., a:.; !. :; >n to thr.ii thousands of hearts from coming th \ train "- pi’"'id >fits fat'i»-r!and a* this pres m at •’■»» p. ph- way. lluU.sl. It n m _ •, ! !•, ... -.f 7-’> >1 on. ami t<* if -. | \ fh I'V til*- -Oi if t i.— Si.'Jo Si. up whirl; left lb t !-'*:; Ihll!-iav afternoon in A11 el is*M-s of s-ty mi*-striving 0Ill’s dO l(>. re : h- in to i• I' of n •••;,• iarm^ lg 111 t!ie«i *1 tv if ... i. J ■: a lid fl Hid. In a "hi it town five ! 'liars ■ | 1'lif irnn-tr. ! >li-i ■p-n W -t !i c.t U ot her !• f..;!ow .ii tracks .. f ■ !.»• ‘" a- at 1> -. ,va. and tin pa—cngi-r- .«•' hr.un h1'- -‘I** i. ! i: -■!••- if i« it — IV. S ? > r: ii 7-» c '. mi: isitiiiKsT lumps m r. I. s s 4 w l- -a} that these ate to** mAh'. p« .pie lu re j iii'-s■ ..f jaritv to t!i-- b.-rcav.- I pire.l 111* h -t; t.v put' Ml* ii alie «li- DRY "• GOODS In ,»t » —• iiid .th h'roiu tin- f htit P. !..* : .oi n.i 1 Ifnriftta 7 ets •: a;. : warnmn a.. to th e ii -ady. Phey ann*'t bah n rai*- >.f Jowly walks Lace lied Sets. II til them tirne. \V. and uil\ flu* suffeier- ..t food .•;’• up to t h*- upper ranks of so. ty ah are H. u..rtli : -r t11 ia." un’ii r hois. v\ere depriw -• * ami !.\ Kli is. A. M.. it n h. s. »l Ir.iiii to >5.00. w -us t u. to tin :r abb;* •. $2.50 l»i*'h sh-'Ul-l go to them. give -ordiiig 1 *'» in 1!« m • r t, 11.»• l»f't u .-tt 'w ;i *.o fatal <:< .an- the axls, ; intrepid »a. •• :. N -\v is to a- .. in is receiving united Kt;gland the front Forced to Ideate Home. 'Pin-sanitary pr C. E. ■** ffnls \\«n th £ I J5. l.aee Pillow Shams, GAUZE UADEHYA EAG .■ w d at 1 r in- < <& nra; r st- attention The -turn bridge and othei "f past a'iimity We an- just A- d Eyors. Co., ; hw r MI u. If f'*r> * 1 to!e.a\. their pe**p|e It«mi •’»'i cts t " er for ladies, tin a, m.-se-> .»■ i ,n.di n strum- ut *-, hi i-.w her in the Where the l- 111 in hav ing tins --national pr:• | iiair. warn:u.n th j*.Are- WTl'lkagr heaped jiaek- Dangor. Plaids & '.* a s Stripes gi- atest .ant '.r-. are j Work on !'v ian I • _'* 1111 < V !!■ Ill* f* ••a : •. n < ata'tr -phe. ui : «:-• becoming un.citiy's property of l.atie’* I’ M If ..(IT **..| " in i “ jf i" nif ..* ti >in 'ii» cis. t<» Curtain Poles with fixtures, au.se of s.-i n-us trout.ie 1 he 1 s i > d I If I v u In-!. \**ur !i\* r an*l ki !i *.n» *.f if I. g- :■ •■{ I* .• Ur; i. ... |. ^anitar} g p along witll |s;ng ig order. I .• v. .is •. i-rtake: I». ati. e--id flood' it : i'll k 1 i.i- I* j- liar an .n-n (t may -- »t* are eon*: ‘tel 1 ,f*i. umn -n ,u> .gun a thorough sy-t« in i Id-i;! 'll" ire -mg made to -ill t II s.-\,-ral ipat*al haw lo-ad.iehe ami an at .an it-. _■ ii ania » .\ "i'• ‘h m: '• in- HP■ ; :i' a few of tte- :n-t-iii' un-i.'hMv eoiujd. ,i* m t f ... t mi tu\ many iitim tits of iaboi* from w« k to wet k b-p I.I 1;mU)-*rv in-. •* t he tlij «*. If- <>t f * •*: n^_i-l !---d iy f-.r • inp.• d thi* .'l and \N .• c.t: \ os r D» «1»tl * r» ii;.t ■ i a. i.■ r isiii o im a v\ere d. --ii f fi .'in tin ea ieaml In .« mi. '] 1 Holland Shades with Rollers. i.-Mgr« deep drain the workmen ill* t II <• a- tin ly. I he idn pi .o«* it. F\. ry one lik* tile iatf W.1I t !;• If 1- d H- W tie h had b. rotne e\ S a at t he 4-atest of ('«>1 set— ill st» Ck I' m ladle- ill I III a' .t W tiger pi ledge gl h. blit this — :;.a ■\:.d thi U .: raster ten ihie j dept f. I *[■-. :/• ; .■ I. ut-. Iy l t Fine at ts. e nt vum Kmicli Dress It i- iinpo--.be-. h r to rea« ii i s*. ruction w:h overcome and the miw- Goods. scs. (‘all on ii- !’<>r c i'.m % u 1 in .* a •••- T :.a‘ re u!.. h m ik ■ »M unif- " hi a; 1 thr- n»f t!i• {V .• -• th. ;i •• -line f th** danger a- the ige .III,' loO lie- :> water "If the shoic j.r:. m I long Hie fl.ara t# r- in " hi all 1 f Opaque. an «»vt here ju-t what wa: w t: < I lay. yoil the he vvoii kin." T..- svmpathy and w :. Kage irn.A;:.- wln-r it I die t own I ii"'1' wle* have notie. t » paid particular ■ .’*• xorahlx kiiHAii t n 1 any In .1' * If 111 .&i! t:.«1 ivcavt '. 5" to >5 i*o. ha- limeade Henrietta, tp j^li-lrs at t-. from .50 cts. .. w i.e.'ii to aid the been fortunate m having cool weather ;• W"ik "ii the ar«- as tonislie! at | haul i»l'"pv -uni*l pavilion V- tin I ii i- ta. '*•- at Franklin tln- ; tIn- time, but there ha- been the advances made both on tlie* inside and 'idler an si.; -rs v\ r« n-*t < --mined t<» to-day j xt-ir. rim-* " h » wi-.lt fi*r a nijht A" "i a br _ '..ii. t ..- ae- ht and makes prompt utside work «!uring a week's time 1 .• will he on-- » »ntim-i t were a' vv id-- a' the tiiji«- ami value f«»r their unuu-y. V f nt I. t. u> '. w he mon* m-> harf is -s t ah to « ■ —:»r> g :»g fast mg >tuple11-*; hv •"»>' -mall ^ [unif than sat--!:'<1 \i-;tmir • Wo rid. At t;..' e u annot reud/.e •1 :.< .* s t.. dl'tain Pin- r. ports r..;u:ng in fr-»n» gr -hug fo. aveiitf s. streets and h u Ten .(. It!.,, k -|.!!t ? I a." !.. '.it xx i«ie-a a ak«- villas*- l he "hole ar- 3000 SHEETS OF cur j.n. MUSIC, ti.e of the 'h«*. k" n ■Io:.!iM"-,vn ind. at. lint the ! •-» of life of «;riv.-s i- ge'iing tin- ,v along 1 he fei- magnitude ■alumi’y, rangement " ill he umler the au-pi« a «.f ■ « i. Hi -1 lei ov »u-est iinat* ii ami * boat has orne down the l' m riwr •• •• «. -• » .' u'.ly Hil tn nm-t « aiiu-t if- a- a *«»nv»*?.ir t«* all \tii<> nil l-*i ‘I tIt !.•» ••■? i: \\ .I 1 ih.• a !•■!- and it well we eann *t. !*ut the woridean : .• «irani**- Ban! I Deal Foulard Camhrie may : 'h.iti’w:.! :*. eoi.tln.'i to le-- the Mid < 1. thau apt trank Winterl'othum writes hf forth t<* make th:.- the I hi'm i-i- i' >ol l at tli*- : _'uiar nni'i* »:•! tr*»m l■ * <*t SI ! -hr. : < » a;. » leal./ ln-unh t 'Now that he- I t wiii put worth U f,.j- s,- in*; ii-mally .'»>{,» .lU s ’: it '... ri g uew ,-a model boat mad ets and -• r resp* r*iw iiiui^ fVfiit •»f the a-mi i• hiiiir. ss of ltd"- m-t alter the ! w hei d »wii on to lu-r route in a « every although materially ng r. 1 F lllai- h .. lllue ,r Our S'«k i- f h»» m« »'f \ u i l ami M u ,;. .. m-ral M an i_- Indigo Print A Pongees. y y ; 1 .v < ■ » the more lavs. »tir n-ighbors at liar I\\:j af air -r«*t »■. NN lh*- :»* ivr 'it*' -• ip |..-r I y' ill* itiir»«»u ha! I a- r \\ •’ He \tl-t ,11 s h. I lit. !.- are enthusiastic over m-w Hat' sl,;.' Harbor this line «*f •u-rf \\ a*!'- ai f im*- in l-»<■. ... man k n liH" and s. .f-'.e diet Wu.- li _'!•■■ j. y \\ |,.v. _r,.* fj,. j. | at .1 hih-t oW li. t n .* t: < of In lid •f MilhllUI'.lt loll tht1 will be lied Ulld l-‘2 (ase Chocolate c-' "in a"««i t im-ar i- ■. '»■ * j Op Print, .ie. j Hi* Ih\u-i than aii\"m-' ami _■«•«*< l ;h*- r- ala:;;. ■: .. t11 ! .• i. fa ai. ». n w. _ .t rk-. and who with hi- vwf had a t will enhance the value of i md in K ieii Tin-YYomlorliil Kniile (luck. '• .;jt-> a : v ion for ailev iatioii I'.eing the made tin* m l at Con- KHH) real brass -p.-rat t!ie .--rape during flood, 4-spe. iaiiy Hull's and >al.s- Papers Fuglisii • I- i- statement ti.it m-t .---- than Cove be 1 .... Or vhr.l I k i. f human 'u.l- inn i..-...ng •ury’s and general util ty p. to retail as 1 I* pins •••» ii W ere io-: at .1* ...It-tow 11 till ! i ii -ieisbu' a short time to th- ! imported 1 eigli opening lu -•!. 1 -.iA. i.i' to Us that M.n -•■ it ... « i. n.eii-. t >r- >f as a leader at of iejinu After he lower p the rt:stie.,ting s.»-a-«»u. but otn of k Il n .5.-I ■ f>e. '•■I. at 1 d.'asters -.unlit to teach us 1 t.; ! -i. am '» •• ■ ion of the town had been inundated by he workmen remarked the oiler lay. lhui>'U\ •) til i. K**r tn-i..rx .pi I'l p. f..r ! .-i:rc >>t tin- 1 — k / ...if-* i: .it h i- (•* i. -• a>t *•; v =i'. f ;. 1 -u. and t hat ra:n- am! tin driven to •f b**re v\ be a "f W ork done bet w eeii cop;. -in-inavy pc.»pl« {‘lie ■ ! -: ( te Tie-unii ilie ia-.vs of mitur* \ M. t. I*. XI Via:.--a, 1- i»*- I" Bar .. ft their t urn and the -a- Ellsworth, Harbor and puu.deled \s Kobert III one of llis late 'Cl ! Rockland. a. .r :n»pres> f a.tiiiile wisdom j Cohyer *n-. oh ;.,ek th. m-ar \i-.* a tin.- |-n« if li> in afternoon nor,' r« marked, what a as a <; it a x i) and mighty thing love, they ;iewr turn a-ide ;u their op- a -am tin ii were drunk ami * -aihi.g notiv, a -I.IIAM) power faith must lx ! If man I Mr. II .... erations f .r and U'. If we net in the ar .n l the street- and when the f! *d Notice of foreclosure. y u»s faith that something « an be done in Sheri IPs Sale Til f them they will sui rus pies*. •oine siir* s.-nse it is d«»ue already and WC-OLENS \7I7 H E BE W |, ;,r. F I.- tl,,- 11 w k. -- M 2-th v i. ; -av<- '', t n lie- naught tr-.d Fourth ot* duly vv vY tin-y waits its time to eome into visible ex- * "" A i:. ! i- •. <-rv :• ’. an a- .... .ran- w 1 w »n.y ii. I 'PA K I \ .i. .... ,v. I " the a..iy f a: ! .! igg. *>: her- A 11. 1'e -.*!••- *’ ‘■lit Ip. !•.- mortgage dee I taji d tl .• iw.-i.tv n't.I d i\ of stelio 1 M. ,1 Mi.-! r.-.-K .a 7 ». t.-t •« I. i,; rtiorde I, U.e Hale ... k h h have of their no ludlllelence as to ti..- « ollkV', their famili# were alone and »w. r- It ■'* it. of nil lef. Ill ... 1 l! '' 11 ■ p .1 urn- 1* .1 C W. I I.k _*>•*■ •!. .-..lives rd to III. k -tv X; M liegt-ll”. l«, p •• to -av. c- 2.ie. Dress Goods for n lit..* .111.I K .• \ IT.- Die. ... .f -k (1 the part they may perform in the univei'i tie Ills* A lr hi the tl. tl.. II k < \n !n- I• ai:k, “f E.;-uorth. * ■■'••• ‘;l- ''I.-. 11.1 ell »bel' at, !i*»l!ie tl iiunty of * la or pa tee I ,. , U-* -rlUUilie' to VV.ud i! the foJlse- inaliy Dance & I'»e. and *2()e. *:'l -••%! al hi a *... t Dress .• imp V .iff w ho entered tin- res-dema <>f t.oods f I;i t. I wiili tti. building- tlier*..a -ituat. d in ; tl., I... -r i, •. Supper, * iamdie- Would have i; saved. •«» ti ■ ..Me I ,,w -. •« ...| I- |;.. •. i. of t.ii ir hat; -u w .1. av all u» iu il ;. \ 1 Ip.grrs at eka. Kansas, md Eden aforesaid .uni bounded and b ri j 1"| for I‘2 l-'2e. a 1 r« .!• [... j. !: t •• o red Mr and M r* K"g< > w as x I- 1 ■! ,, theh-ast. Th'y are absolutely eertain in 1 It .ei n j, V\ k. fng u from jail by a crowd of men and VIEW :. m leaning to IJ tdeir op -ra’.Ui' and we may -i- p- nd »n A Railroad Accident at Oakland. BJ1Y HOUSE, iiu.g to a t legruph polo. II ... : ,. V -!u:tb -1 p at ?. V -■ a: th- ;.i to brinn v.. a I »r woe. an-ordin^ t«» toad W. -t. : ten ,!- t.. E. W t- II II west Mon "... ght, *1 10< 3, while PRETTY MARSH. line tli.-i.. following -aid !.;•■ n..rth*'iJ. f •. m th. AT a; he w. ;i"Uiiie towai 1 ti.em. \riu— mi —i \<.i i: -ii.\ s- niK- «»i in- •• '• « ...' re .ng ill a h o.fs a -».tke tb*-ln •- i-.i-t.-i ii a lid A 1th Ynvn; i; held Methodist rliun parallel * til. lil-t de-4 I'.!« d lull ten a at the YUlhv IMx;x. "Never a law vva- :-*rn that d:d n -t ■ ro-ls to -take flv is it m»> ai i'oin. ;oy. Ohio, an attempt was made 1 Isi x , .1 11111* 1 I. abovc I. I count-. *«-a -a;.I K Kin.. * •. I. then.-e follow tug | K- '"Ui of < < ow t!,e Half a «*f !tic \ Up budding. peek -■ ■ road !• ir [.; 'uinipoteie i-r I ! a Ml |..\t i- .; % llrn M W. ,\.- -.-utlierly rod-* to th*- tlrst inei-tio:,. d -t. 1 .-I IInii. T’fp ,i IllH. ,,f .. u is* i,g was taken tin: bound :-•!» and wb.-n- K Mat-lied w inn-aud-w u-. with evii and powtier from under , i. m\. .r.i w ! .u f tl I I* 'I l*"-.il. -o! .ii*: at I I- I" '-‘I- i... '..lift. I\- .. t. .n M1 t-outalning -.ji.au- rod-, ■’ I \ 1 t *1 M U S t. A MW s|H it IIKIMI.-M. Kit i.-'hd V' d'.u I -• .1- tie I*ttoll ..f lid III «- 1 I :h* in •Mo aft. r tie- was i : turnli _ at ii'-ii* 1' M .- '•! I ■ I?. •• >rtgage lokell, w itli ..ng attempt discovered, liioiil i‘. M n H vs. k mu r«-a-o»i ..t -"dh-.»e-.t -i |e land ..t W ili •: ! thi .• ELLSWORTH! r.•!- lai-n.-' iMiimr :n.M t tfu lu* _•••-! !,. t > .. II the breaeli d tin- eon by k'iwn_- n .\ r ! y'h ■ «. -I." ■ 1:1. k:i.. K.fr. -I I.n -« rv. •*. ..*»•! Mu I t. Ii. tin I r:■ to ailV I wa- ■• n kid. d -i» —«»—o-— p wrecked a mih w<-: *.f ii;ik- had the been ignited. n. Monday, powder i.. M-.|i,i> .i Oi« Iie-ti a. It -!• \x 111 »'•* .ir|M-t in ell V. <_'• nt t I.:l«\\<■!tii M ’« »• 'I -s \ \i, iaiel station. A rai-.-d n- i.. .•■n. •.« t Ini •*»el '•hail he t.* >)i..\, 11 A K N I N \ Ha\K. terrible shower Ii Miss I.ouise il »o,|. of has -aIar>la\ I tn .I.i::.-, plc.t-.-t t«> anvoiu’ * I- Newark, < '..-”1 one .. v \i ■ le. barb I'o.rrill. Ti« ,-ui. r. |.t half |..r anting a tn-l. i-fl'i *-t in «....!. n -. ’’ * t * 1" t The Senatorial Coiiiih.ttee at Tacoma- All residents of towns .*r|■« 'V'J- •’ l-v lla-ke.l u .)••?,: I.il lii t|.» 1 l.< -urroundini: Ellsworth. June »lb, i*. .-- *. ... ;l 1 order I Ii.»I Mi. < -aw •»\« T‘ :,'U tllol.- ■ Ii -s i, ugiuei-r tin* rails r the ulvert de- for '“•mu* tuiii- to NYw <-nu**- '1 ... p-,r. ,. |»a>t York and :tr»* invited to he at one of the a HI-- •» present Pure Linen Crash .ie. lhe.l follow w Mu-t < f k IS:: ... »<*d and oil ’he per to :t *1 tf.. It!. put brakes lull could i;g h- r frk*ml> amount of curiosit\ in jd. •i. -• W any •• inn it road I« KINKSr CKI.KliliA 11< >NS ,-vi-r wit- It i- in-l I t:n:e »•• .; v « ..inf..rt l.ut it will .i.ii,i/ from !;• .. |,:li t.. lSr....k-\ x A *. » ! lit Tacoma lit,- •< th -train. The engine went o»ei. pu\ the '*nii:.g I.>ity !?! .|.. at Notice of Foreclosure. by .eadjn/ i’. in this section of the State. u I* on t!*• t<*ini* r. -> nes>ed k tin !■' i• .. vh;i: 'Ti-ii "Himittef which recently \ i>i 1 kiggag, e\pii and mail ■'■••n **Ht islit-d. I' 11«*\ hat•• h*artu*d the objrrt ••ur -tore. A t.i_ ti nt*- in uth fI. | w n.1 !• .to » >is « Mil' ll. •. K*E \<. .lames >. M ...re. f F den. in the ; on the ;i't !.\ a |.« x i!- wen* a total wre« k. e of the pasture nw .n il bs u up' Jm.T v.’l v i'he passenger *f In r i-it?* and an- Mi<*» Hood is One of the features <>f ti..- «‘d !* happy. unhp day Will -M.t f Hu e .. k and '•lar. ..f M i..- hearing -v.. Wa'biugt.ui Territ*>ry comp!* !y cap- ■ tr> <»n ttie Laundered A by brink A wrecking > to (ontrai'tors. l nlauudered I * .a .»•; .-in,; -ill, -topped ioliniM .ami Imt littU* to New York will he the Yotiee mortgage I., | dated ttn tw .-nt lift:. •! a ..f Mr., d at Ifrooklh. Ma >, (. .... 1 |... T',„ ... the Ta< >rna and trips tivated pe.»|-»leof tltebeuu- train from cn-w i*. i. < "Hi' I' IlltM-ltlr-- 1.4 kill \Vat»n ill-- brought a large At-n* to give h*s*»*ms on the violin to Mrs. Is-7 and reeoi. d in tile II. k Ib-gi-ti I.. F. Hi»o|»Eli I",- j.,, | *-f.i.<- I -. I-will t«e rceein-J ! t!.<-tru-te. -. lit*} mi--i.-i!t r- ** « mb I t * pr«.p Shirts. of he■.••!-, ook J14. .g* 1 ... ..in •• .. ; i• in. til. ,| -. ti* of ti. charm* >r. Ho attend to the wounded >\i vi *, P ir r < 1« binM*ugers :h«- Vietoria Hotel. Miss Hood that M. tlu- llr-t ha <-t !• l.n: illiiiT a ted in n a n a- i,: ,...... nguished Senator say** j .Ii.;., i mlumi s liicvile Hose that purl ..f the -aid t..\\ li t E-b kn Slu iill ’s Salt'. wo'iudeil as 1 is follow- William Uii.h-r- :h»* ex-mistres*. or the White House ha> DEDICATION liar 11.11 of. and i.. and d. -n a- fol Pugh's farewell look at the d -1 from l.V, to 2Jr .f'c. .- Mi-'W-cap;- •' t. [;■ >ii- ma\ be -e«*n it the -tor*- "f '•argent, regular price low-, to wit Beginning at a -take .-u the moth STATE «»1 \IM .I'li.-'i .il..- ’*•. engineer, in arm-, legs and breast. ieeti and is now M v»v .r,'„ making rapid progress Me The trn.-lei s re-crv•• the t«» •' 1 -argents right 11 t the southw* orncr o! II V N" < K -s •'*"»•">' I. lk ! tt .■ r. A peak of M-uint Tac.»ma occupied just one '■ langej-ou-: K s < o.,iini. South I with the ••fiddle and the 03? t :ui\ and ail bid- uM |uite protkient iv'i t'mil of tli«* Loom land now ■.! f-.run-t :y .1 E. It. I »•- ttn nee we-t •»> i|f, .ij 1 < Ucnuiuiits AK‘ N 'iUh d.r. ■- -- hour au. t:Milan, legs crushed; Mr. iwJ4 I*. Ii. 11 \ 111»1N <.. Trustee < -. erl\ nd ? one a T >1.1 V |. I ■. ,l,r' l'"1' I- quarter. During portion badly mu.” by Hum oek -Ire* hundred feet to pi in ,-x :. 1 • '.P iT.-l | :,t June 4, I" *. M Ird. v ,. hv. .1-! M"v tin- t ... l';:i:• r-m. lblta-t. mail agent, leg- ami >argentv il!e, -take tin-nr.- n..i tIn .. >i.«- linn li.-d and -ev euty .in, ,|-( ji.1,.,1 .. the time "p'-nt in tin city. Senator II ik Vnotlier ha> been ••» •» » .'Um.'ia re.,.a...| i.. th. robbery committed by ti\ e fe.-r !.\ !;ii,d F N M-.-e- n, I ota. rs to a 'supreme pUhtl.ihllig ||ii- (n-JUi, |, IN ‘.am! Mr. (iar- la. < .iinj badly injured: Spear, "in t at a lerm at LI.-w rtl: .n tin- U4'«ki. >11.-. i * wa^ the of Dovern *r M-«ore and be- liighv\ aym: n. supposed to be the same India l.inrti Reiiiuatils -take tn« nee ea-ter!> I y t.'.e ->nitli i)■ i«- of land "f il I I 11- \, guest r m.i < 1 ne -d.i ot il A. II. --- m u "N. agent. i< g- rushed, '■ \pi in tav ..: t | -p;i dangerous. 1 F. o iilv nine f.-.-t t>. tin* north p« pid ilI at F.il A ltlMi me who has »et*n the mails in 7c. per •lo-eph Fripp • rahtree "I h tin- <» -\ernor's he Mr. robbing only part]. I! .. k, ill -.mi ...r * * fore aving presence Lib >y. Portland, mail agent. rio.sbrok- we-t corner ot -aid land -I d I .-«»), tin-nee '»«»k. i,hr iir>i i.mhii Wi«< on-iu ami who also ELLSWORTH’S Xl"1” H ... went a Of il s in k. ..' '■ ■''' '“•tor, t»f, <11 In ad through ti e w. -tern lim t -aid land now or mi,,.. .,r | l(,u gave ti.:* tna>t Tacoma, the- best .if and cut Sle\ eiis. Skow in— VIETH’S southerly by LM.'.a y i'_ ? dent, and $'£l *2 ...f ..f ;"i,t rain on the Milwaukee and Northern road HOTEL, Hood Table Linen |*ei-v..ne imndi and tw>. mt.ta p.p ... Mil. Il _ in. formerly eighty 1 ---nger, one torn off ill/ de-erilie.I real estate. t»> x\ It :n the senators expre leg feet to the tir-t-nu ntn-m d bourn w the \eerti;u If ilh tlci.k tit. tin all.” During their stay .t't week. Oil the 41 It lie entered the stole at TV. 1.together itli land .ml the of h r 1TEW 245 Tremont Boston. parrel..f situated in -.mi If -. t... crushed. Doctors Par* Street, * i u the sa m • .»i u I, rj I badly iiln made i*. 1 m. a h.-r.-witii. h.-r.-a-th.- eoinUtion U k reservation :ioinp- pns-»-ng»r on No. I:.. a>- lic-taurant and Cafe Central l«* rov'-. and rti i.i a e-i.-i M;, »vei all the he had. which he did un-urpn.«s»'d. Patent Rockers of -aid mortgage iia- be. n b?-..k- it, now th*-relore...... j t(l lfll It will money ill oi stores and Fanej se||....l in Ml -e lot llielie, a in answer to the take two oi three da\-to points interest, principal p'a-■«.-.» reason el the north. X is sell |-"d- l" a speech compliment. 0 amount of at *2.v*> and hy breach of tin- .-..million tin red | the SHo. The robber then •f amiis'iiiriit. Par-'-el room free. Ilor-e < ars to up. *.. "<••• •< ar tin* wi.-.-k am! tin- track, (’on* elaiin a foreclosure f said mortgage rl I.. a t:, k. ai,.| Hale as he was repair -t. -Ii. at the tow n r. '.i*. > Senator had dined i led. SHOE ill the door then. ii % -a: just FACTORY! point- pass duetor ( roekett was M \KY E. MtiuKK. Yolicc 1 not hurt. t"\\n road t<* a. e !., of met one of the r's Im.'J Illl.Xin IV % ■ Ki ll \>!i (lianiher Sets.s‘>o. "t m.a .- ..p,- Foi'itIomht. — Proprietor by L+rty representatives. It is **aid Governor will at once Antique E'teu, June ist, a. I*. I v-y. ;iwJ4 nt.iinin/ lto-COeti. Stevens, the The of horribles will un- fourth part of an m re „".r. «THERKAS .l .hn T. s You want of lacoma. said expre-- ine-sen- parade i.—. t../. flier w:ih my opinion all a session of the Hu- buildtiij. • 1 -.ii t i, -<■!'• ‘bed I of re- special Pennsylvania Oak Hall Stands, M'l & standing on the -am. \t»d »*n We y senator, as he i ue-d.iy morning injuries ever before up. ti.. Maine's greeted doubtedly surpass any 2'ith da o| .In .. |. smilingly ive l in egislature and ask them to make an -ill.-eriber |—-» ,t |.. the accident on the Maine t'en- appro- hereby give.- public jn-tiee t.■ all ■s' Y, seen the at t •• the reporter. How >hali 1 give it? What in 111 ieitv. <■•■ueerin-.| forenoon, sh IT utn-e in tral. The was priation of f*»r the relief of \en < Till that she has be«-.i deceased a resident of Style Anliqne bomber duly appointed, r.ll-woith in -aid -aid real < >>at« can I to ar- and ha-tak* n h. eoimty. and ill lunguag* employ express my I'li* Trial of upon rselt the trust ot an ad t lie ‘"''•'"''i-'ii.Li'l’i”Y Showln gan and was Johnstown. KXtllXKS will be the right litleand intere-t w breli th< ’k"-'-']' k'1 dent aiimiratiou of the continued courte- thirty-nine years of inini-tratrix of the *--tate of ijilman < Crane, late -aid \ II*- l**ave- two most Sets, bevel glass Hj»m- !ia- ill ,1 le.11 e-late. will -..if age. tuoliierles- ehiidreii. —Tin* grand concluded an interesting that lias taken plait1 lllvlO, ofUrland in the county .t H.tncoek, d.-i .-a -«-d, at sies ami kimlm sses that have been jury Friday place public uetlon to -.ml .M-.-ution given S. for £42 w orth £.Vj. bond us the law direct-; -he -atl-f.x and A. of Portland, one of the in- into the of by giving then-tore eo-t of -ale. Iv. .I'M to mvs, if and ever since Libby nvestigation hasty autopsy here fora as one of the 22 1 >. I.. Kl h I I'l,u iff. I,all ..I a brother senators longtime, t.. 11 mi .>. r**«|U»‘sts all wdm are indebted to -aid dr mail agents, is a ant—:cthiii_' to -at and drink, we persons jured in bud way. but the nii:d reader It i> said indictments estate we have been in Tacoma? In 11*» other Bishop. euteis the race for the first will -« I: you .iL'ood barrel .-r KI.OI I: for eeitsed's to make immediate i-avim-nt and doctors have of engines .Mt.ami hopes his life. He vere found against the doctors who made a tho-c who have demands thereon to during our travels have I been so com- saving perfectly pure tea imported bv our-elve® which any exhibit city has time. the same for incut. NOTICE. several brokeu ribs and a fractured t. The will many people are drinking, that ran t drink the pa\ iu no other have we grand jury report Monday. SlSBlr fortably housed; city skull. common tea-, g$ MORAL EI.EA K. KANE. C. Where a.on the sixteenth ofivt,.! .-r, \. m been th of so much at- —Colonel John Kelton lias been appoint- -A FINK GAMK OF- Orland, -th. ls.<». :5w J4 day lecip.cuts polite F W. DYCPEPS1A. May 1 one 'V U \ me a lu-te Patter-on. the old mail agent who 'd hKI.NK ONLY lioii]) STI FF. oung gave the ten tention. i hope to be back in Tacoma adjutant general of the army to suc- tollow in/, to w it w as on the train ami injured about the I believe in its future, legs, ked General Drum, retired. »1 T j: k>- r<, (Vt. hi, again. thoroughly was carried to his OjhuO home at Belfast Sabatti-. Me :il 0, LSso. H .vali e received, I to « and I believe as that it w ill Ik* by spec- A| proini-e thoroughly —A convention, BASE BALL — non-partisan prohibition r? IT O T I E ! > or ial train. Dear Sir*: I dmi k tie >.> irt« C oiiii/ order, the sum of ..n»- him !■ .t dollar■- i, a of great commercial at ■ailed men of all t.;Ut 1:: ui\, I.. F two city importance I by parties to aid the cause made uji Atwood’s. I y ears from date. W itb intei e-t at -: eeid 'Z\M'Z"*'YT"*«“ gineer Underwood of es- II an.'.m k ss. per Lewiston, n -Court of commissioner:-, .11" ..... no distant The new state w ill go re- if in Nebraska assembled WILL have tak ii two !- »:u-

r my uaeh county it Kllsworth. s,.|.| day. with the least of prohibition in ATTRACT MAW. tf-21 Adi T« rm. A l>. I—;*. .. caped injury any of the and have V u e.tu use name April I hi- i;oti* is "in- '>••••" a and I fed Lincoln, The they ie-.p* my /i\e„ lor piano I'. r.m d r.»U:m.| link- ... publican beyond per-adventure Nebraska,Thursday. attend- r. w I n T'llE county etuniii.--ioners will receive prop..- .Y but hail a narrow and Welcome if ;> y.*.| any. deiu ered to me. and made h\ \ .., employes, escape from 1 a -r satisfied in from citi- ince was about 4od. The ours 1 als until -t, to be left w ith the el* rk of saving meeting your in organization of X ti uly, July j -jnare No 17 f 1 and w (i n|i n drowning the swirling water some 50 courts, to furnish the materials and labor for oil a/i.. -al r, large nek; Uivnw* korth r- 11s. the new state has excellent timber to 1 Wm. ii. Johnson. j mam the « f,h. 1 ;; U,'! '',ltv State non-partisan league was to pr. jH itx of-aid .( > until thi* '•o.lslo a «t.,k.- I feet below the wreck. Iu this agreed “THE tile entire outside brickwork of < ■ connection it.g *mrt House lu.te -ar Mir u ■ 'Mr, her senators from.*’ m 1 a pavilion;”- |* paid In full and all it mi of the th. n- choose league will be immediately formed, ( PROGRAMME : and Jail building and for all outside iron expen-. .p tti«r»oi, \ I —Calliope paid helping perilous family application "t tin town ..t X II. IV t- th.- romlltion Of A. M. ccRs. wife ha I -Lur. 1. ** ha l\ ; -he 1 Trenton. Ilane. rk » mu.tv. Man,.-. m.-ngagf I, .- i.... My very Hv order of Countv Commissioners. "ok. II. !..,%% a visit a few aud thus- position. 1.K ■”>. pa/e |,| W t*i1'!vf.,re. JX'a -oil of ;i 1 office days ago sang tile bitters, and they cut <■ y cur* d her. 1 have 3vv24 iE li. S.\l Clerk \.ui ileiv.t-the -aid Hole. l»y I, l(m-k»porl Cfiitre. 1. of Bells. Nl»KKsj of Courts. ha-j" Hot heel, lltioniher.'if I Kinging known others tr-mic I t'i Piles who have been P lid .l« oj llll/lo tin teln.r there.,I, claim a M.ivrio^ur.. ,,f '. iy- Since the 2. Parade of and there I- a hreurh of the now •"•****'■■ J'MIS V conference year lias commenced Fantastic*. entirely cured by usii :ii. se lutb i-. ondithm therein, hulUM.V Lamoine and Uoiint Desert the h\ 1) fair Cuibv's Niue, Seattle in Ashes, two persons have united with the M. E. 3. Bicycle Kace. Moses Parsons. reform nvwn of the non payment of said Administrator's Sale of Real lion-and the breaeh "t the ronditioii therein, I Franklin, May 21th, i. ''’".{J”.* What were thine, church, more are aud three 4. 200 Yards dash on Main street. a prospect* expected, Land Co., Proprietors. elaim foreeio-ure of-aii| note and give tin- no have 5. Sack tire as Wlitu three lime* their hack* you had i A LOSS UK SKY UN MILLIONS. professed religion, joining the class, Kace. 33 m sf, & m zi Estate. thereof required by statute and have been started. fi. Hose Kace. r. r. voi'Nt; dusted I cottage meetings lyr23chgmo IV. obtained license from the A Notice. Chicago, June G.—A dispatch received 7. Base Ball. Honorable By Wlswell, Kin/ IVters, hi.* Att’v's. Messenger’s On Memorial This hotel and cafe U* <>. 1* A.l». iskii. 'OL E THE Hut alas! the Maine -States, this Sunday the pastor preach- will and HAN Cunningham. Judge of the Probate Ellsworth, .May 21, :;w?» -Ill.I.lfE ..E IUNOH.K. c.,1 Ml. here evening says that Seattle, W. T., 8. Band completed ready Court. I shall s,-n ,lt ed to a from the Concert in P. (>. Square. subscriber hereby gives pubP notice to all to accommodate guests on the -iSth dav of dune public auction at tin- (.range Aud old Buwdoiu and Bates, is A large congregation words, More at North STATE OE MAINE burning. loss of $5,000,000 is report- 9. over concerned, that she has been j I'-'.i. It wi!11*c conducted on the BrooksviMe, at ten <.Vl.»ek in the “This shall be a Procession Principal streets to rilKIFOR duly appointed American and Memorial unto Hancock ss 1 day you," md has taken herself the trust of an exeeu- under the forenoon, on the second da v of Julv —Junes, a 0 ,-v. But their bools on thy hopes aud they ed. aud the remainder of the city is iu dan- end at upon ; Kutopcan plans, management of an ex- next, tb** fol- “Voices of Memorial Last Factory. rix ot the last will testament of caterer. The lowing described real state f Wtr Bowdoin I HO ,S to subject, Day.” and John Henry perienced cuisine will he first- Til*- home Itive iKA.ee that n the 1-t busted. ger. 10. Dedication of class in sterul farm of the late College. 1. his was on the Factory. itimsou, late of Sullivan in the county of Han- every n-speet, and the of ! Jonathan Hodge, situated June, A. |, i.t In I. Sunday subject “Thoughts appointments in MINATK >NS for admission to f Portland, Ore., June 7.—The entire •oek bond as the law both e.-tahlishinent- modem We-t Brook-vilie and the widow ollege will n„, l>.,ue,l out I recent deceased, by giving directs; and convenient The including „f the It,-..Item .. calamity in Pennsylvania.’’ 1>. M. ravilion is dower therein. Mud E\Abe held at < leaveland la tur. lioom, Ma.s-a anl business portion of Seattle is now die therefore requests all persons w ho are indebt- supplied with tin- purest of homestead farm contains 7.‘> niny ..r ll;„M„ t, the. nothing sparkling ebusetts till H ttlle. X and Ilgams: lit, —A w ind a er ed to said deceased's to make iiuin diate i water Iron, li mit's w hich acres more *»r less. Hall, S.\IIUI»\V, .Inn,, " cloud hurst duriug show but ruins. Tlic M. E. church at the village has been 11. Boat Race. estate, Lake, has an altitude of esi'iLt ami I rank II l.nmll, smoking •i'itli and »!*tb. and on Mhoay and >vii '■ and those who have immediate de- over two hundred feetal*o\e Dated Brookaville. Mav2srh. is.-;*. ni,\\ ni'iio’11*!4llM.luuU am, as e*» at 9.45 near the otic payment, any tide water, luainage partuei a,el I rne-t u,- Thursday morning Togus The burned district iu an l!ev. S. Gross and hith and Uth. ,• n 1 Seattle covers supplied Sunday by 12. Tub Race. nands thereon to exhibit the same for settlement. ami sanitary arrange ments are 3vv>*» CH ARLES H. Admr. September beginnin/ h d.i\ at »cu-wmi'»r"< the about one perfect. FEKKINS, > •'{<• A. M All inn, \\.. road, and a half miles east of area of blocks. The of another closed on account of the 13. Trial of LATHKRIS’K AlXiUsTA STlMsoS. I he situation o| the eand.datt must be present on gky thirty-one boundary Sunday Engines. \ historic town ot Lamoine as 'lei.tins, It ! Jan. Isfcy. 3w24 a of summer riday morning. tit o oio sal,si'l'T', Augusta. plowed up the ground aud tore the burned district is as follows: illness of the pastor. 14. Race of for Mh, place sojourning cannot i.e excelled '•tUion "l, ors, t,|,„.h M, Univer- quickest water. W II.I.l \M " uetlti..,, III, ,I Engines Its elevated and attractive HkW. I’resident. tin 1-t ila\ < f ire s and fences for half a mile. It location, June, h. m., |»s:* t.. sxk, up Front, to Second. 15. live Mile Race, in invigorating Brunswick, Max 24th. I" *. 5w v> lale sity, Spring James, A town meeting was held to see go-as-you-please, climate, beautiful drives, interest ...... struck the farm owned Dr. ! Saturday picturesque scenerv and Assessors’ Notice...... nuute.l th ,, ,i„ buildings by South, Fourth. Wall and Water streets. Ire Hancock Hall. easy aceessinility both by land and water of if the town will taxed Ur furnish a sup- Notice. make E. Briekett Augusta and this a desirable resort tor diota: see kin- George occupi- This comprises the business portion of the a retired ass* .--orsof FilUworth will hold ses-ionsat 1 the.,, are A. ply of water for the village. Two sides to EVENING. Whereas Lizzie lias retreat within a short drive l.v f,a‘'v *> ed by Stephen Thurstou. demolished the residence district The Babbidge,my wife, wilfully or sail of twenty min. THEthe Mayor and Aldermen’s Boom from i :l ineeling of tin- er»*li Jt city ; escaped. tlie Is it for one leserted and without all utes duration, of oi>of ii,l I, i barn iu which were question. right living 1*1. Running High Jump. me, any just cause, per- fashionable and charmin'- lUr o’clock r. St.,' to •'» o’clock I*. 5i., on the 1 -t and :hd th,'h ehm.".' the tools, car- .lm m. r. « farming official furnished the local and ions are herein warned not to trust heron in> ac- Harbor. W s figures by two or live miles from said village to pav 17. Hammer. | ednesday of *-a< h month, until Oc tober 1st, to aud horses, and unroofed another ! Throwing •ount as 1 shall no debts contracted bv her. The staunch anil commodious riages insurance companies and newspa- taxes water pay ,1ouh|.. end Kerry attend to any business before '1'"''''- I.. a, Ell. and foreign for supply which would Ire of no 18. ( Greased Pole. MKLBl KS M. BABBllX.K. steamer \V. properly coming o„,h ‘'r" barn. It took chimneys shingles from at limhing Chapin, will he on the route them. "" the lath „f the loss 87,- e .lay per figures place property benefit to his in case of fire? But Ml. June 10, IsM). 3ri4* '"•tHr II l.amoine and the FRAZERbbeItIe ',,, 1 * t*'11 roof of the house. buildings 19. Grand Entertainment iu Hancock Desert, Me., celebrated mens on Mt BEST IN THE WOKI.II. in the forenoon. the Loss,$800. 000,000. T is is covered a total insur- Desert, distance from shore ( ALVIN I*. Joy, 1 lMiio’. uinlerV by the more money invested in said village Hall. to shor... three ^faring qualities are unsurpassed, actually my lnunl the ilate lir-i ai.ov. writ amount uua riers of a mile, iin.1 will S. F. STOCK Bit tlXil-:, | Assessors outlasting two bt>xe« of ance of Of this $1,-1 make trios beta any other brand. ... James W. —The Maine Cuiversaiist State con- $2,250,000. the less tax on outside, the better facilities yeti A. NV. »ot I*aiti.km»n. Music throughout the day will be the named ffteen CUSHMAN, of effected by heat. GET >\a riff a>* the 4th. 904,000 is held in fur-] I'iaccs every niiimt. s. The estab \ THE GEN LINE. me«sei,jr«.r *,f ttn* court of In- vention met in Auburn Hon. by companies represented for the induce- lishment of this HknuyJ. Joy, ! Ellsworth __ FOR SALE BY oiM«|put\ iu for sani j extinguishing fire, greater uished by the Emerald Baud and Drum F*r Sale. ferry practically ,,,rt.„s upland y county of llanc.H k. Jail San Francisco. Six ! (HAS. R. VV A SO merchants and Dealers Henrv Lord of Bangor was chosen presi- Oregonian companies ment for investing. cnnimiinlcatbxi lietween Lamoine Mini Har Harbor ATT, J Generally. Corps. The Dr Bush farm at North Hancock, consist- a tf23 W. W. carry risk* representing a total of $250,000. ! aflnrdinz pleasant amt interestin/r cart-lazc ride dent, liev. Hooper.Orono, secretary further see next of 150 acres of land in all, about of miles nu Mt. rm >uI.m rib. lu-rel' Fifteen small Kain. rain, raiu; grass and all fe^-Kor particulars ng including :i>l Desert, aiuiilst some of the gives public notice to all K. Dresser of Auburn, treasurer. outside companies carry vegetation ') acres of cultivated land. The 1 rone m-,i, that lie has and Hon. week’s issue. 3w24 remaining por- most rnairnilicent scenery tolie found in Hie eoun. bee,, ,tui% appointed risks estimated at about uxuriant. ions consist of aud wood land. There be Ml.! ria> Uken The report of the executive committee cov- $50,000. pasture try. Lamoine ean reached by the Boston and upon himself the trust of an s also a large number of aluable fruit trees on Maine and Eastern railroads or Mlmr-.f estate of M irv II. late the church the were bv boats from Bos- I COLLECTOR’S NOTICE! M"; Herrick, the work of duriug Field strawberries picked here ! nd There are a and a half house and >i l.r.Htklin, in the ering he place. story ton. Further particulars may be"had at the offices county of Hanro« k,decease*I, w and the —The saw and mill of II. laten with cream on the who bond as the past year as read general opening slave George j try your correspondent FOR SALE! large barn in good repair premises. This of the Lamoine and Mount Itesert '.and Co pprsons liavo not piiid thoir Tax- »y giving law directs; he therefore re- Lincoln hich is a valuable will be sold at Booms 4A < es |iic.-t.H all w ho are of the routine of the convention followed. at Washington,was totally ;wo weeks ago. One picked three arm,w hay farm, and t

---... -._____ and In Board of and City County. Mayor -Workm.ii u-o 1S6S. Aldermen. rnicagetl In a now June building -An Kllsworth lady Is canvassing this (’alvin Clark ami I _' lO, 1889. in city Capt. wife arrived here work by ('apt. Currier, whose only com- ESTABLISHED platform front of Coomb*' Block. for a very popular and interesting book en- on the Bluchill a short time since and in- An Afternoon at Reed's Pond. pensation for this important enterprise is k k k_ QUICKEST REMED* KMOWM MYBifXI Hou. anil Mr*. Uaac Ijiwrenc* titled of tend to make this their home. AA < AI>JO< KNEI) of Sorreu- “Glimpse* Years,” the autobi- permauent tl For backache, and all sudden, sharp _ MEETING. Fifty the of benefit to others in coming B ^A^A ^B^^ were in ( Claik has hope ■ ■ or weaknesses ofevery iu the to, tliin city, ography of an American woman, Frances apt. followed the sea for years, B^B ^ft long .standing pains ••* Mayor chair. Friday. There i» **«•«» rare in June” by hHH ■ ■ I of fresh hemli*ck and nothing day j K. making his home in Portland. His years. I kind. Virtues hops. \ M.rinen present. W I. Millikcn. Willard, written order of the National aged BB B1 balsam cowbiuod. It is wonderfully v h < # Moore, in tbia by pins ii ordinal !<>«•.ililles. dial know of, \n j.t .loy. Campbell, Esq.,of Portland,is mother is still and do " Woman'* 1 living doubt wel- Castine, June 10, *89. • "-gait and Cushman. city for a or two. hrisliau l moii. in lime d n at Re# d's Pond which is rarest of day Temperance comes him home ■ I ▼▼ wRP SOOTHING. PAIN-KILLING, — her again. \'I hitt the Mavnr draw prefatory tin* author say*: “Whether for lo. IKE and STRENGTHENING- > At en rat.-onr | if \ made of hi* warrant "The Liberal Temperance I'nion lias June Sires. ■ CURAT up pur- Hoallinol ll»r>H»r. \ 7r> f r ill gou, subscribed welcome child, the romping girl, Strawberries are ripening about three mailed for ^ ^AS Tk .ft!* «ft liner "Bo*# Hale,” t Frank- complete spriug street forthwith, as per nights since June 1st. price. apt. B#nj. ward the of the the the weeks earlier than usual, with a agreement. defraying expen*e* Fourth of happy student, roving teacher, the promise twl: for Signature the «"i U. 'n. 'a waiting for us. We were Painters are very busy on the Methodist of proprietxrrt, HOP PLASTER Co., BOSTON, ffinuinf sjreedily duly celebration in this tireless traveler, the of an abundant crop. N "ti-.i. licit a committee 1h* city. temperance organizer, which will soon be for dedi- r iMspot ted to “t amp Comfort,” on St «,ft*s» Hppointe«l by chapel ready will be a and the and of wom- The grass is forward and it is ! tic or to There gram! Fourth of cele- lastly, politician advocate very cation. Guilnrni *■ k. where we found •peel lent May investigate in regard to bill pre- July quarters, bration at an's rights !*' \\ Ith a and thought that In some sections of the town we-iitt d N\ J. ( Franklin. See advertisement eU»- graphic versatile pen j in have -tt's Neck. which is a by onuick. *ald labor it w ill be to cut on the Many improvements buildings tM'autiful [teninsula of being jht- w Miss ha* ready 17th. f-un*d here. Willard told the story of these seven been the few vet a! aer»--. lias by order Board of Health. Committee accomplished during past something .#f a historv. F or j The Y. P. S. a persons in a book of about "00 which is C. E. had strawberry weeks. Mr. Robinson's house fton; on streets was -The several committee* on the of pages [ Benjamin IcpKCK ! J mm years it w as the home of one W. S. appointed. Fourth festival on the of the sth. to raise replete with interest from to end. evening has been and a neat new fence N celebration in this are beginning j repainted _ CACt < j^po^od "tt. a oted. That the matter of building tower duly city requested to for the but we have not mysterious character of Revolutionary To tin* friends of money society, J added to liis grounds. A. 1. —-—=> on meet at every good cuu««\both in this Holmes’premi- _ engine house !** taken from the Aldermen's room. even- learned what sum was Vi.. ; on. ,w ho built him a house there and the table. Thursday realized. ses, store, house and stable have all re- lop lived and the book be w Noted. ing of this week, for and country Kurope, will ry v a That Aldermen i'ushinan and business, the citizens Mr. Eorin S. a much I ceived a new coat of The bouse of cultivating piece of land and by hunting Joy w elcoitie. Keyes, respected paint. " are n chief engim-f r Leland. constitute a iuvited to meet with them. citizen of this town, died a few Clark. Jr., is im- Me. : I fishing I his Scott. according to our \al- com- days ago j Henry being greatly a Ellsworth. mittee to — after illness. The afflicted the addition of towers and 1 build said tower or not. as \merica in 177$ a* the pri at. secretary of power premises. provements on his premises on Impel street. N Mr Herbert W a unfinished state, to add much to *fed. That W hen this ( loses that White, who lias for promise < on. How# ,\ native..f *»<■•>;Lnd. iiln-rnllv meeting tl»c Mr. Fred II. of New York, is few driven a meat-cart convenience and appearance of the a in -s be taken until doy visiting Allow u* to express through the columns of ! years past, through lu.at.-d and h t*v r«.f* h. Monday evening, June surge#m j s-;,,u. s#rv- j hi* Mrs. 1 our town, i** to retire from the firm of house. 17th. I mother, I>avld doy, in this city. the Amkkican’ our warmest think- for and 1 a* a surgeon In Hi# lb ti-h iirmv. where In White a. I)avis. owing to illness, liis A very small young lady lias taken up N oled. That a committee in1 to — ReV. F. \. Mavis nio*t hearty appreciation of the kiudm*-* and I ^Revolutionary \\ ir.tog.tioi withathoiis- appointed j of Sedgwick, has been many customers w ill be sorry to learn this, her abode in the home of Mr. and Mrs. examine in to a shown u* the Masonic " regird enlarging the stage in taking three weeks’ vacation in sympathy by Maternity, for their own as well as Ids Adelbert seem w tnl British tr*H>p», b# w.- tak. n prisoner at attending sake, l>eeause liiiiey. who quite illing to I our ami Hancock Hall, the committee of Boston the National neighbors the citizen* of I! i-worth •f his honest and e man- her heard, care, autl free of - t !• batt «• ..f Trent##!., bn: he vv #- - hoi. rn M rl.iis, luarrho u, Khrumnli-ni. oral.: i. Toothache, r.urucbe, I A Me* man w hi* h s., suddenly atm* to us in the death of the business. Wasgatt. chairman of committee connected w ith the several anniversaries. The water has been N* rv«>u» Headache, .** lallra, I -nine Hock and Soreness hi Ifcdy <*r l.lmbs. .. r •main in thl* ountrv. and aft.-r travelling f..r power problem again I | husbaud and I he Sell. is on streets, made a verbal report in relation to father of the subscribers. For Omaha, which loaded with revived, and this time it K not 'ill ( ilk N A } K. CURESV* PARALYSIS —Fred Hartshorn. Ksq., of 1‘oiebester. all the bru ks from Mr. Amos Orcutt's lias Win. I, (tillev’s lias EXTERNAL USE. t!»e UTTM Ut-1 if rant *tr**t a« per <»eo. kind deeds done at our house and tor yard, large boiling spring AS MUCH FOR INTERNAL AS FOR tin:.. v caiue t I. lsw rth. with one S unn petition presented by It I* -'lnt lies In the fn**t th .r if n '* i-in town for the purpose of *i tiling the be.-n waiting two weeks for a fair been walled an excellent reser- marvelous, how many different eotnnlainfs It will cure. Its strong ifii I *: at la*t up the kind offices of our Ms-onii nearly up. making 11 uli Hum* and bruises !ik*- Kolb vim* n'l maim, ( Chill*. I »#\t# r. Foi .uisi.b regular meeting, re|*nrt- equally quickly. a.mg Cuts, M.ikl**. Crump*, rabie length of time he w to >- Mavis A Smith estate. Mr. Hartshorn has tak- fib ind sail to Boston. voir. and the water will Ik* eouveyed to I arm n< *Muscl*'S Slid Joint* and Mu.ik DISEASE. iiik that tin visited the in a ml- at the grave, we are grate- HEART .»* y locality rain especially CURES rve#l do. t##r. law yer ami d #« >gm to the n tin* bouses in its Dr. <, hcU n rni.1*« p# an office in room 4 adjoining the Amkkii v\ When will our learn that check vicinity. Phillips ORIGINATED BY AN OLD FAMILY PHYSICIAH. storen *md ’*»« the a* ful. people 1 ked matter over well a* non. ■ * of and J. A Freeman are also **r order «ll»eet from u*. and r»‘*iiie*t it.'■hail i* reive aerrtlfleat'* tnnt the y shrill i«n tb«- ltntn* of ] l "I the'town, often refusing all.omi*n- office, in tin I i'dule block. Mi». Hartshorn reins an cruel torture to a horse? Your preparing the A’lwhohuy I. aohim a ! oRI>. r* fund* I ir not alandaUto *at.->tb I. la tail if r>. t- ♦, i« >, £: pn J aid t > m > t I under the circumstances. and found Freeman to like manner. ♦ anti #ti ami never mort noticed ix few a spring do duty in of il.r uit. d Mat* *. or .iim-ia. J~\ ulimbSo hi. t M-lit fr« e. S. NScX A CO.. !’• -t« Mi taking than tin most will conn- later and tiny will spend the sum- A*.nks |.«»m*. coriesp«mdeut days ago. g puni| I. Jt'h -"tile things that be -•» if tlnd a I# a v should remedied. which Ii'»im which was suth because the Point people too. spring to " «gre j for hi* *« rv ‘. « s. {|. vv <• vci v re- mer in Liisworth. FicKI* II. ring greatly vva- d. ■f I a distance utilize, water can be the AFTER If. ■ reJMirt neighboi- lit as t#> In- former accept* Kll-worth. June 11. 1 ***•*>. icing driven long with his supplied GENERATION GENERATION HAVE USED AND BLESSED HEUWATISM, life, whieh was regard- — N We have received from the class (if ■*;». hood at small fr->m %n oted. That the committee at In ad eh. eked too high. England lias a expense. lyrLVMp j ! by the iti/. n- #- a mvsterv Final v appointed MU* >ara :i verv in- law which the last regular meeting to * onfer in relation through Sargent. pr« tt> forbids the Use of eheck-reiiis. The extreme difficulty i>f obtaining a ■ 1 -»■!t s. *t’• > Mr. F. d. secret -*f tin- 4 her- w I«‘#l at \«-# k. vv # lc,\, ,i.l. and iMiphell, try r. in l> dmja. i vitation to l»c s« nt at the cannot wr be as humane? sufficient of flowers "ii memorial t*- t > Herman tak** pti commencement Why supply Mitinued t«> dainag* Chick. that they t field Kifle < lull -i n*l- the follow u g challenge reside there a hermit until the ln- a when nature : tw.-or \ej. ist» of tb« I Ml. Seminal) at Bin ks- 1 he .sell. Snow arrived at Mr. o day. surprising fact, dame CURES DYSPEPSIA m**re doctors with t h* in and hav. s»n t•» the The iting-.r and 4 In n field squall rm;ti. #>f "bilg.-d him to abandon his paper-: > ha- been so lavish of her em- dune 1'J. \\ extend Bill' lil<"! ctt|t|ia! I* 11 unman a few ago from blossoms, * \am:u.-dion made as to the n * iv*d. < yard days y -# injury Hff1« lulls a a r» l:*‘Vc« li r mi lag# and k the ear# winch h# ne. d# d had match for gold badge and .*»•") boldens me to agaiu that all ladies [batiks for tin kind iuv it.ition anti verv min h B"-f-‘ii. with quintals of lish to be re- reque-t, : N -I**!, To tak* a recess until even- Mn cit.unploh-iilp of the stall oil Fl i'ia> M ay j *>" ll the home of Mr B# n Monday made. The tlsh had beeu made who have tlowers to contribute for this Joy. regret our inahilitv to be nt bv rea««»u of L'l'li I’ln tieid team won a previously j ing. luue 17. at 7 o't i«>« k. stamlard tim* presi berry victory sacred occasion, in future, trill *rml them COMPLAINT. Reed s has a at some other CURES LIVER Rond what ar# »*1 th# iipja t 'he needs over the Ihnigor team of twenty-live yard. pressing of oilier n»att« entitl* «l to point-, w 1» { .r R C- •: Attest r. K. If AI K. Cl-FRK to the persous detailed to decorate. 1 as H id ]..w er connected w hi* h ^.ia *• th« in tin* h.nlge iml the the excellent colts in tills vicin- p##lld |.y “the Harrows.” iiur latMiis. champion- Among R-nli*-. ..i»A fortunate to secure a liberal quan- sllip of the -tate. N'*W It there !- team lu i- enough y I together ;t ;- about eight mil long and will ity a yearling, Maud K.. owned by W. M e the stafetti.it doubts our daitu w* will h. tity here thrtn. though 1 have and are glad to bear that iVillector Reiman very !. Bn wster. which bids to be a valu- l>fj «//Nr ■;i-rr k:DNEY BLADDER ei age from thr»« to I..:-- A. J. Haynes Drowned. fair f..ui in width, happy to meet them. to thank two young ladies Miss May > and •«» an.I ha* iuiprovetl during the week since our last able !e»r-e She has been broken j has several islands Hiiiong which l#e already Mi**- Harmon. f<*r a may A watch maker hu*im-s not far (o bringing generous A ti iribl* •sue. 11 is phv siriaua speak em ouragiuglv .■»• doing the harness, and is a pretty stepper. vis B vista M accident happened in our bay bunch When it is remembered that all to hi* iecovi from (Miami a iliugc rr« entlv received the foi- » HI DN C BRONCHITIS aft* rn**o», near Trenton ry. i tile members of the about id th# «* d Woman. The water j. |...:,| and Tuesday Bayside, several orders, e-wing from a customer, who had ev .deiitU "b li result- .j .1 Rev. Frank H >n. am! I Vi this must be decorated with '■ th* *!r**w imu f Mr. A. 1'. Healey. Mr*, d. year, » .it.J r1 ... U14 ***> of l.aV •_• #! >n, :. *o|n# 1 # ;# a- hillg h ! ell oil.I time: -I 1i;»a *• Ik ell f-.t W all li a in. s Watching button-hole some idea of i.- ,,f Trent.ui. a gentleman well-know n M. H kins ami A. M u«htnau. are at- , bouquets, the two s. • Hay } It*-, Cftare of hundred f««t. The M ■' I. ami 1 w.iit and \\ at. h Will pth nery my thi«»ug!i amount needed can be •. I .‘KilMTH. m v. tic imagined. :.L th He with Mc—rs. Austin II .1 tending I nitarian Mate ‘onf«-r* nee. now the U at. h< « -.f tin and I ha At Mi. Irving Haslam and wife have goue a #ejiid the -h.-r# of ti;c .nd u.d the cnv y day irght. j p Sprvy to re the sum- ► and N\ mi I.- id. was engaged in fishing iu a n session in Portland, a* d« gate* from the Watched ii*. a W’ltelitnali, atellluily W at* h- Sullivan win they will spend | r 'Urn. is i. fir a an arc v# lii r> iti:' with W itehfu m -- in tin* W at. h tower *>t mer. a little < city. > -r- id Haynes’ AA I: V. f. AA attract j ve. curred hen* mi last, caused ! •I ill — ill III' *» it i'fl'l < !• Thursday by -!* r*-. w hen soint* means, the l**n»t vv a* it. > < < ..rnfort. which w as i#u t Hr. hy up- Mr. A. d.Hrant. w!c -e retirement from when ti.« \' Ii l« l!-hall t .u*elhe Wat.' the of a and amp by !• i.* while at work in the mill e-cape criminal, captured •' *< Uu.r-.hiy M*ssrs. .! and Lord hold of the •• 11- Y uti 11 !!i• at* 11111tik• liii Ie ii*I- I: > ■ 1. ■ •> got .in --. am 'ii n *n tue ii.ii iihi 'mr here by Sheriff Moure -. a a; i»»u- < a i. nu« ! up w :!|j p il; hand w.»- -irm k arms of a drum brought Deputy rns W;»ti h ami thu« r> s •- Wahlilu, t>y the i rv and sav.-f !h-in-- ves. but Mr. my It seems that ( Moor*- a warrant <‘*ti\• im Haym*. /.’< l w .n atin«'Uin « d la*t w **-k. w enter w apt. had '■r> n-<• f.*r •v.»mf<*rl.‘‘ It ha- ii- ill, " ahlmi,: for in> \\ »tt ti.” Ill'll broke the hone- above the knuckles ib«.ugh he rai time' g*»t hold of the for the arrest of one Walter Smith. «>n a ■»unk»” an-! .urlaim -! •*!*• rth-." a!! f v,hi* ti dory he office of Wi*w* K in*: A: IVlei-for the Distress after Nai y >f the tirm* at Green'* Mr Elmer km ha* gone to Ellsworth Constipation, Dyspepsia, Eat.ny, Dizziness, seo, :‘i.d I*-* : --f t!». r**-n of Mr. 1. r-i. I.**! hu«ine>« Kunlun;, charge of breaking and entering Smith e p« "f reading law. ! ii i' U-« n fur ni-l.-d w ith bed-; it ha- a < — k »uriM*M’ u :i he i- « around the tho F iton »t < ■*.. .lealeri in itr-merle*. mploved grading had been at his father in law Mer- Drowsiness, Pain in Side, Coated Tongue, Bad Tasto > '•> le 1. and -ft' rt .v aft* art d b* m ath -try living di*.«j p* iv. r. *'in un i a *ok w!om * urjjr tab!.-. c«*od di-h* Mr*. Helen A < ou*ln* of Lamoine. 1** •*?>»• mw Jar! l*>ot* ulel *le.. aie! u*iia s f*»um! sey s. at the old mill-house, olithew<«t in the Mouth, Sallow and all disorders caused % the -ui f.u > -inkiuj itt :»?»,.ut twelve feet >? everytli.ii- Skin, ku •- f- rk-. i'n tl,> Mr- Julia i- -p A'* .A f-» \en Maine women who n•• iio-mt* r* f -* Kingman relativ side of some two miles from in a _• in r «i *r. 'i i\• h* n -tabli-h. *1 tie visiting Long Fond, a bilious stato of the h " it* l itber twmen \v» re *••« n from by system. « -mi of ..nr v i- : < at tie mam apt. V II It. ..«tt> prt-pur- h* New F.n. and Woman’* l'r* -* A *»«*• ttimi. -n- -t * huh I Mon .niueir. «| tt i-tm.' it >t»ur city. road in the woods, and when 4 tit'! r> «< m-d. 1 he IhmIv of 'I \ dt Hf u stomach or the Mr. i. •.,!« for not be in In* d tb: without rhintj the I an « \o 1 ul mupi or. In- inline ti-h < h -w I- r iitn'* I.iteiin- ti .v.tluvc i_'-> 1 he Mi- Millard Kittn-dg*- is quite seriou-lv sought could found, but jntrtjiutf fr >♦•* r» Ur> It!alne md family will !**:»%«• Ilaytie* a a* m*on recovered. •< v w and the bou ets. iiscotnfort t ► HI id do! m-eof! t..wh lit* > tu« n did ill. just leaving attending huup; Wa-hln-ton for •• Bar Harbor the latter of oiitinm the bu-un \« hui.t a ^ <• v part I.t-l »r he pi n e in a team to .1 nf If is no longer n- ar\ so-nr one’s .Mrs out with the •»id l d v. •- < • belonging ^ Ui aik» -l 'u*.t at tin ri-k of-J « Mr. son accident th*-m- Im hi* month. n.-sv *t..i. 4 U t, tin upp» ir vofw.hi. h i.-org*- ook'-young Kllsvvorth. was a peison whom the -h. .;!' 4 tivr and tat \ .ire fast to the iction s\ v v •• nl.v -w.ikow.d a Harrison & Morton tin purg pi!!', giving vv.iy gentle «-at inni-tie Hi-u^h the w 1„« natui ally •*ur l’*«»U~th of .Inly cclebrat iou i* s no«ly I. il> ..ti.l to the !• >t ami »!,■•• I # u ^ — U* 11 at first thought to be the man he was in mild and II IV Buniil has appointed po*tm»s- I !' W Ie ’-*'•!• 1- W ell li'. v om dav la-t week He 4 HI « In !. <|, «| whistle expert pleasant remedy. * 1 a M-ri ti ! w- an u*«ur*l fait. Mur *i f izcu* ami !»•• it s' prof* d.ji. man. in h so halted him and to 1 a e of. proceeded era! iHdliain in p .«■ * of John I’ru* worthy. ■u* I I ; a*.Hit. 'll. I il oil lll.ikf *|.e- • i; d c.,n-:d*-rable dilth in getting it 4 If »rn. •! that a ; '• t w »\* 'lit 1! *ti' J i: f *e r a 'V It* ulty I j .«*; ;••. h-tt. d th.- toward* e\pel»*- *• to be by of Hi. ami lain halt. -unl investigate Though disclaiming a ^ • *l^n* tl. l*u> >n^’ down: 'ait it was the only way In* e *uhl j h a< iuif air i*f IP rd’f I’ot. !. art- i- m i the *•• far a* made u» an- l. c.'i,. ."Hi l'»h- it 1 .* at ii w n» a Smith, re- admitted that he was a fri- nd of -fuiiy program up. get it out of hi- throat a- In- eould not d is onl one or two are t ken I t ► * pills, they readily -- Andrew*' or«he»tra of Bancor, ha* 1m en vs t' r-fn*nt ami svhutf ainl Hire.- Ht.»r*-h«>u*. *. In*, and to in it- i- iii.»ml- a* w That f of ti tin •: .n -»ur a lv* :umn». At a r»- identify himself, produced let- M S» any rtj»inj cough or-p*-ak tili he had swallowed it a tin ight ut pii-^en* r ot m« da inr. It tr\ them \• s: v.• ’! ’•/ b to .» in F ti.< II:* Inother I* ill tal 11,. w.Mi him ;n tie ters a ldr*sst I t" r. • 11_■ «:* d p -worth. 111i> 1-t, for r*hi[. from his pocket *• f A *t lima ro-t of u- ut im-t.n^lfii f.on nut tee* were H ut- w- re very mueh alarmed ah -ut 4 be In vials ar cents each 01 for S v, hoot ami -le.e hufim par* to be an I pleased. 25 5 $1.00. ^ i.• : iratinatiin.; \* r« i*< of th*- I .-worth H _*i Lyoiis claiming that his naim 1 •»'. lock. I ‘r. ii on-1 baft «! I; it a- whi-tle was m as large as an or sent bv mail. appointed arly s. 4 Address, ‘• -as -a as the d< of Smith vivas that of a everywhere ^ '’I-. i* * It h m .*!in;/.»n--u .*•■ IP el thi* ant the! that hlarri i-'. iptiou j* -r wo ho..!, I'h* men.U ..f thi* .■Id fashioned cent. We hear that all dan u»d f rii y«,r-. II- tir-t pure hated «»• t.* a; ••nisnitt. I It. A :k* n. < h i.r n.m ; I I m n‘* 1 ii*!nut shor*. stout man. while ns was 4 CAKTKlt \I: CO., New York to f nr. if s \ t tllin :i-o apt. i- i'""k young Ly- City. tw* N M .fiord* d a ;T* at hall, each star to Il g*-r pa.--«-d and that Master -ays !' nty a. i- ■: ft k I A. Milan, » .*rk.«»*o \ Pan-her. 1 r* a— h;x feet and Moon-, ui ’ud'd ■ Dearly A sheet " \V > t a p ■ ani :: h o; i. vs 111 «So vs n I i. In g »•'.! f »r tin whistle- and i- a Harri- bony 4 f-y Cards \ W :raduatloii N iiee. ^ vv * -• .pn ■ *, I h. '-is 1- H Iw-autltu 1: t Ut: » U f u nr. to l*-t him M > .re tlieii enter' d ,• ei,*. man g l'Ki -■ P t\ from \t !..ntn >iv;tn'' I- ami. -one four son and Morton all through <- 11- ‘«lllfll « — !•• n ► Ho rapt. 11> \t. i! i- d !n- purob.i-o- tint : « •:, i. *!io. fa t'.rv It. T. Kev. m. H I .111.1'! "f l*ii- k-port, h.»- In*u*e and search* d that with ut result* « ••;*.*. I m. .< t#* i t t lei ioh«ter In tin ifnr- Tin- drives of tl e east and middle ^ ^ ^ ^ Ihcsh ** trap*. an •/ s " II 1:1; II W :!. Ha- w \ M ti'iiinan. P. 11. Stratton. oj.riiied to In- hou*e s\ .ih an atta. k of tl .in- ’hen thinking there might be app *« 1 i ,«-** ill a *o -t -me rtr in all in and th*- la-t "f the er«-w ss a ini t h> y I 1. _■ t h meiit between Sinitti and s<;n i. d Illustrated Illuminated Book mailed on a.s **’ ft)** tnor< than 7"" a. re- l«>rd- or i mi. n* ii K. It i.. it. MaiM'iu. < rheuniat i«m. Lyon*, application above r* !IP «*i HU I on, j li im*. flatory w.nt down riv*-r I he alei el to ate !» -r a* I’, e k I- .ml ainl «V«» Sunday morning. again in of the latter. As ;r was I '• in. had ef- nt to tin- u pursuit -h..r* of thi-iak*. Ho ha- i.-a I: ,v,:t. Martha '1. As* is, »*• w f Bo-fi.n. v wr-t drive. we ha- left <»r*-at Mr-. I: \ .||! irr.e.i a il ll SS ll!{ f Ill branch hear, and no vv* vis; ... ■ If early other tracks r« ■tMinod ja run— u ?<• pu* a habhin.; work- ; _ < ••minriet II P. Itarfi.-tt. K. It. «;lh h*-r lau.'liter. ha- return*-1 ? ■ ti. ciis. tin p; o«j ., t -t ratln r -lark tin in vt tm.rn- Bond ami will be in this week. t*» H I U •- \ M. owing the previous night's run. h*- ha 1 > e HM) *■ _•■ r i«.-I it:.! !. ni ir t *. Nut :if- I.adie- Wanted, : and- k-d-aimou. mi ! t« that :n : " \ k» n. K. I -in w iii d*i th< -unimer her*. ra; one wo k was no he 1 our *1 on .» * II* fun «!*•«( \p tnd «p« Frost night last quit' trouble in tra« ing him. having taken 1 Sot*n. t.r.-.Ttiiu' through am! fe. u 4 pr.-tts 4,1 P: n_ and -.ralli ii M. < marly h< av u nit but did but little : lt road to Somesville. niiM hr r*-.a- \ n>I !"•' in. n to ■ .11 drii.-.M-t for j tlllpb* •< « th:- y I'rtctc! nu to- j \N has *• r* s "i t>* it art!-’ pain; ai.j! a it w a- f‘e *llr { ? :»« ss !.• n .pf a- vv. r*- not the near the sheer* 1 trial p:n-k f I I M >. -k t tt at ti-h. \t -out th- !ak• i- fa.i s- i i» \ Pa ell- r. L. \ M man. damage tocp.ps th«* plants fork Hippies Lyons j pr- :y of tin- <•* > M I titon. 1 »•« r I-i- •_*!. !•» Mr. m l Mr*. » m- !*•**•;iptive Beacon. ■ »t and erb n tin dt> • venal by May ni-:.. ••• ss * !• w« ! e k* ■! far to be alTe* t«-d. It i- oft' on to the Oak Mill road uul d> »..UI I. » >• •- " ;■ h ti-h •.ti- t P*..-» « M. t 01 at •:. <*k» qui enough along Mil M I • udm^ trout, ha--. K F t. 11 P P.artktt. ; stopped, a ji.' isi l’"W r-. a -mi. ; at W inter HarlM»r.whi> h w a* hut : I »i In- I; KV M r.*pri*tor. vs f 1 In 111. 1\ that s\ 1* tin o-o that and -trawberrv himself out "f and to s. i; thought apple tliinkmg sight ... A ft. r -up r w had a m ry F- ..f tie !•;... !i\• r u,.| k. ii it -w--- ii i’-N* an l s'Hr« turn h pr »mi-e of future -u \ Ml un- w r* t..o mature to be iiniJi dam the sherd! ’>ut a of the small part a < -taim. t?•-* ■ buggy i- rtir»-. For and lean h .m- r it --Hi-. ru!i!,.n_ 1 --ion F H. A *• u John II I.*-and. *: * •! .. a 1 -In 1’ n positive .-on-tip.ition -*. \\ inter Hartsor «*-* in* to Ih- **tie of th* p| •! ..flee l-mu.-llt \li amount >f farm was visible, so the ig-' have g oily quietly driving past iii_r up tli. nip \i n it w>.nd« r-. » hil- N I ;i 1’i‘iml. EYE >n«.nlv to th- of th- tin.I return- i Jam. 1 ,r ki1- A M •::.!»* r. II. M P* k. I• s ::. *. VS. ,n \v. in v«- that ti.. f. ,t OUR IS READY head -. — a a- p-md ■ min- pa*'*'* *m the Ii.* ? ., f f i. i,. dm..in’* :.g d >m and if the 'ii continue* turn. Moore slid his team into the nusi.es dr* n do ‘. t.v.in.n- | u;>. -it. l.ai_'>->i/» N. -J> f; oil their mnn»*t heart F li ■. ku f II. \\ alt. J. U a \ favorable a- it thus far a bountiful saw com*- b.i* k ...ip .'n> lit-. At .d. di u_ I Itav. It i* In autifu’ s .»ml attra* tls*■ Is •*. ! has crept back, Lyons turn, l -\\ .a t. r ilraujlit -• V s • U \ n .di' w*r* t: n; "ort!,. n* It w an F inta- II It. Il ilnn *. I f. harvest i- look* l for It i- -aid that the ind aim for .lust then a lyrt U'int»*rpnrt .Ii.nr !>v K.v. If. ,- Ha*liiiir*, *• ss -• again Mersey md *t the n! tun* a- It d* s« -. >* s. pi l in a fair* I h uni ss in r .1." •«. i. -I. V «|Uatl- v. of t* an min' M • t»11.[.*'* F\mmi > "pti n it nn- I'.n, Mr. M. ni -ml Mn- !.. t* rn-i »ii "* nt at. >u< >nj:t*-t-. r*m.m- \*x M Samuel Jr.. f. ss. on !- v v fa-t. A heav v er- of is made *m the man he had 1 ■ The k tin- liot* I ss:,' b* in.; p hay expect inquiries erning •• • of wh: h the thank-of th. an- *!n- I 1 in no in Han nk H..!i II M. \. K •_'• r. '1;. i’ ! II..: party -I •• to -eti f In ir I'll* a **. h.r> I \I do m* ■! in.- f..r two tr- and J.r. ; iim: tip e«l met. ami was informed that he was a ► \N b. \ I* u floe Is < in 1111 11 P. to \ .. n a 1111 ii on*- eftv« au»l Ml*!* Kuf«* Hr?i fi •t to I r. M II f. !..- k !t.- u on; Vh'Sn vv J >: dan. FJlilon Fn<*. park | ii- li!.’ 1 os I: •! a tip. li. I a- m< f l I _r ! p. wanted on certain I. It :- rutm-red a has been culprit charges by r-iwtu. km. li I .1 r,. M II. the •- In 0*4*1. The r-• ! * ;< h > tirin I n.!•.• **1 I F I!. t.ninla fot, that hand eng.ag n. ntir- ri .itin. nt. J1 .no. linwlars free Ii* — ill. ai.d -oeolll t" « V. 11. 15* .. .t! t I !._.!»•- ’.I, II la 'and. with oth* r* to I** buiMIlm* ! by apt } Palmer Fre-man. to whom he was referred Hi mahai. ah'l .M •> Mu. K -s 11 ■ 1 «-d for tin- Fourth and that there to ». ii. -' loin 'lit.. he havin.- of app > 1114 ■ wa.sl.tid out tin i.« tiii< ii of \ mi 1. »- !n«..js«rny, July f r hi- mark- <1 ulinury -kt!!. int'd f-\ : »• :m *111; mi* by for further so M.»ore k!\ Thi- ity. Pr t.a t.ii.ip! of lii* .r<«litor*. lin k.*} t will h. an xt.-nsive c* U-hratioti here, also particulars; qu'* S. I). VVitdiiN. A| ■ I** « u *111111* m •-I. sr. ! it 1- d that ;i 1 1. iiimx nl I A. M man. H. promt-, • driv ing on. sighted ahead and saw lti.l.NST. tf -0 11 that out-of-town teams will play base t»a 11 Lyons May ss:ii be rtni»h* *l th*- loth of I hi* m ss Obituary P. Ii art > ‘l I I w by July. <». him turn into the woods in the diret riori Ilni'a-iimA Comp.ins here \DY D F IO MO I It FKn. wiil Tin- distance th* Bangor Railway •*f the 1 *i« •«!. 1 x• uIiv« committee F li. Atkeu, A. W. r...ot shorten from park June 3. Mersey’s. Stopping at mouth .f has••■■•uretl control of the franchit-e of tin \ you : 1 i at i.i.I.i and brokeu of < %i i. m ihi »- r. 1 -*kj*. l*i Bu* beside a mueb better a* the by-road, he sent hi* assistant out.. 1. v. M (** >. k*|M>rt, tn-iu^ t>\ 1 -i. I I t oburn. P H. -tratton. — : your n—i k .-hi -uff- rin^ and eryin. I*. ie.!>*. ot t utra1 for a peel up the K-miu is •» d Freeman's and learned that Lv oils, m ! :• 'I r* k On F: for*-u---n «-t b »f r- ss a* a !• ;;»! road for ail to U*e. With of uriiiio tr. ih: If -•>. .1 lid it tult .* bitfn I In i.’. ,\ ■ ! day II 1 f** ll poo Obituary mi| 1 >r to '! aiel talk f -r.ljc** |< < *1 I I'l It .V « O I Hoetou — k* a-' fr>-1 Hal.- Freeman knew him ’hat les i’ln k t- *■ /'•* artor) thi* elty fr>*m -1 n >. Finery. 1.- -f P> on. Hid t 1 t.. .f r i.- of M i;>. \\ i\s|mv > Ayr mu»t i-aal at North Bu* t* hIh h.I In eat \in till: .:i!i-- a ill. till, tiofi to 1 1-;;: to .1 tile « k-port 1 he number at th.* V 1’ forged an order on Ward Newman for 'IH I III M. *» V HI I* < illl.hKK s I KK I Il- •: « '. new- that < goodly present •virry 'I «i ,iifai»t -i A n. brought the -tartHn^ apt. W'• **. **» s ilh the ( ! l • liatn l>*»rr. th*-mail in* seventeen dollars, which had »•• n ■ as.b. .. v u<- i- in It w ill r*-ti*-\ > ■» WOODBURY & LATHAM, ili n.*.. tin- moo*, vfJ «ir*io!:. y.> tpt. n^ei'- S. ( F meet nig on I'litir-day « en ls*. !:- :uni I.t. l'i \\ i.r:y. a_. ■! -t k 1 ! V " f 1 :i*tlie ro.'i -as that the N* a V *1 k prayer ii.-ir * 1 I.-»rd -I;- -u 1- u.y .. lory 1 **-ttin- n h* r w t .. ;tf -nib I- •null* di it- I' I 1, ! I in- .. 1' I : « ad. 11 :iU"lli« "iumn. h* f*»r**M»k n*-*t and hi* at, rin»m- ii.g. wa- most J Mr- Hannail Heath ; sct.d.ug b-p. >tiri M: \ ] Portland., Maine. 1 a h-t who are m’.i.-'te.l 111 tile ro I vs 1 1. June*-', happily -urpri-. by .rk that Later a-lii.o bru-_ pit s it. niolbt i>. tin I* !« n > nu-iak.- about it. ii i '» morning. at late-t the a llm- clock, of to Mrs IL ath to go to \\ j{ u *r upon -ir- t.e.k p..-*i *-loit of it, and report*. ss 11 li I? Kha ii»\. ‘...ll *u'.' ...I ‘.v by present of chapel J •!.« *' Pi.! M *t 11". d bo r o. hit* re- -> 1.: .. 11 1 1 a 1 it tli-' w < arr;o i It d> r> >\jw k v .v M l 1' — that lien L »;d 1 v to Ionic and take out a writ the man, the 'titoih^on.-. apt. \s i- *. itor is on * k* * th* m th- in the <.ii ut is tr:i*ut it. put in the .'ciehrated make of against tt i in- tIn «*u*. pin.' p- ..pa- Ingraham" -t. -in a« Ii and !»> A < « 1.1 ■ w I ■ 1 -ofr. n- • at 'v n ■ k' ! with latid!oek*d *..on *n. !-. u_r* •! 7' »■ ar-. ■ W e e assistant who \ A \ >! k *t !• " daV- a_ !.**' b t r. man ! of th- *um u- l. .1 to hu I ami oak. a f ■■■■*. addition to tin* m-w went back to ('apt Moore warm >e\era! pai ti* w r«* aiixiou-s i" :• 'y chapel tb* _Mim-. nature- ii.ll.niiu it ion. and _iv.- N .Lwi.k M * vr..f»lj 1 .May ■ -• t h i. Ii three loVS ||V of v» m st i-t. 1 p. w n for th* .in *-• u .pltj (o|!!ltll. It was the *f Ke\ then ill to tin ist in 1 v w «!• 1 Z m ry wo11 anion Friday morning iv furm-iung-. present Her.sey ton- 11,.I it-1 _• t-. h.- !. 111. Mi:-. a_. •! -7 \* at -. mm.: .- .r. in- hatching ? 4 » «lay. h 1 1 1 hi --ton base sol>.I thi* to meet < ■!• !«ia \ 1 r 1111 \<. :.. iin i-t. :ii -' 1 !,* lit}. th>- and to time, aptur. p.. :i --' 11 t .1: 1 kfiam A » <*.. of ? ■ -- ! ie meeting pa-tor people repaired tt allle.l of In th- l< _ t!i- L• 1*. Wii*h:n:I"ii, one ill tml tl.e -U 111 SS -l- I,! Ill !; It j- U t .li!i! 111. L) {’ pain- S. tic i- tb. ion of .. 1.. 1 1 ti. ...d. -r 1 n-1 t. -t • -. hast a reun "ii at Leak's l-..*ml. Thur-di'. the home "f Mr and Mr- Bartlett to iu- and brought to W. Harb.-r In pn -*-iapt lay < I ', two lioll* of tie- lot,| mi he -\ iii U for* a vi h r* main* 1 tin- v* --» !. that l>. f.Vi.'Oi. n t< i-1 th*-mat. by them for meantime Mrs Heath had nm. to the f.-in 1 mi!-.- ai.-i pii\-h i.in- in tin t t.-l .Fun- _*"t!i. IMmnr at I*• .*k’* l-!*ml II -u-. ss I h iin-et at !511.■ t. ar>- «»f a'.Miut d:v iduaF) and together thank *■' "• nt »-.jual S had l*ott« r iro for a d-M-b-r. Th* mat* .1 «< «■► to _'i-t- i, Miiimi-i -.!"!• the watering -• V « Harb«»r. but went the steamboat wharf { -.* all'! It til If he thought that the ihi- um t«-I. valuable 1 ■•'•;.* ck :•. TtiHi ! ‘Pie A* \s has*- reinaik*d mans time* before. ’ll. entirely -\p yet gift ont tin a 1 l* ‘ia ut- ibct: 1 -i< u » oner. t*ut oil hi- r. turn with ph; III -i.• »U 1 the » 1 t|e l!. i r-’llte through a misunderstanding ami hud m-t m. >1 r■ ir*> tii'l 11.1K 1 *ub*« rdn- for "• p. alotia- the Hill-or ss now F iin « o. I W lien tin* lim< Kev k Bartlett supplied the pulpit 1\ 4". -ay •a roa-i than *o *. r. < I.• w»» *le:» 1. looksvirli !•-- fas.r -u tin got the warrant tin- slier:;!' took .• •: mfj d O• rt tim- ift- apt. *r-l \mm;i< n 1 i* the im-t mw-\ m 1 j r tin- vacation. ready « t*» r we shall during pastor's 1 oin* to tiiiir* h tin- 'linn* table, »i -.’i ss. 1 > to •: 1 ie tie.-.- on it* n- rtheru h f his t Freeman's sta ami >. ut, 4 .,*•-. ) l« uj.4 ihf Th*- remain- r-:n h- thl- « it> u -:» relative prisoner 1 ri. 'lain*-, and contain* much wo I *l oil th*- of I more of our number have ^.. W :. < f enure* <•»T- t*» Mr "*the tail* ri_'ht,*' 1 recently his assistant for Heath -m r at hi- a’* Xpert Ih. V-rinai xatniu-atMCi at < Mrs. The pris • nln. and the fun* ral wa» h* hi t tv aud other matter* which e.iiiuot faii Mr Freman f->r W e»k Cj.ot, H* tbf oursc. pas-ed away I>«*rity was allowed to go into a rear room, winch HtMMi \* in*. \ i*::. :•». * ss a* att< me >1 hs m *m ill er.*w«l. r- leii.'e oil I’m. -tree! on “‘Utldai ift-rn tii.« tin- ,’itii. in the affairs of our HI : .uiit.'!*. t int* r* *t. many years prominent tlie said had but the one I .-r. Whn P.eh’' waa *i.-k, w« -at<* h*>r r*AAtnrla, I at proprietor Hie annual m*' till- **f tin i*lili* d SS .• SV .1* II* ll*t* •■* — K-v. < K W. Hubbar-1. a--!-t- -l 1 I UllfllSorih- I l town ami of the church lore; also Mi u — ir m* of th* French- or means of exit, forgetting the window When -«.«**< h.i t H- + + + + I in r*-«'ul nrmu.b tin_r f sh* ah« rred f-»r iMtoria, w Bangor Hails' * ssa- h* 1*1 th* oth lit SS r till!. 00 k. M- ri !. II K e who a ^ lir. T* ofh< iatin^r. 1 i.< b-li ;} ouipnny ; Mary Lane after comparatively which was a1 out twelve feet from the :.*\e *• <■ ii. I uti*y. m 1 rt Land A M at* r * •».. W «• e 1 regard III.> and Mt. In on ti.-a m». St -a an* f.» it-for a, nuiu' r i. -t.. a h* ar*l of urti> > in > Tren- th< rnj it*} She was *ne hvl »i.>« e 1 ■ 1 -rant* *1 th* *arth to the of heaven. Wuaii iuldrca. them *etori*. A -*. :•. re*>lk» « tin have t-» th- ir ditiotial 11jlit- iin! pris si* !•> IP- Inn Non. ti :n t« un-.-iin^ vs itli activity for tiis who was notvisibi. and 0 the brethren who were bound Mr. pi ipai. prisoner CEPTED, AS FOLLOWS: to. I'm June 2T»th. of the k f ** •!* **••* *f -day a* naim tie- k. »nling Seiigwu last 1.* jji-’.dui were and th ■. a Secretary search revealed the fact that he had ! Mil brother the m\-ti* ti*'' niiu' epte*l jf | UA II UCiUlK 1 ■ I’AM.'ilt. U*• r »•»! HLd UU- by l* :> c. 1. | A I-- of tw*-n!v-*ix iadie* all*! tell .0 lit 1* « < iss as tile a»t iin B.e amlN.isi- through up t: ion« ; ro. * *»v*n and .-on-.iu< th* l*a~. In. .»,* 1* ..* h*T r* nu .in *. o\\ vs. *■ 1. 1-1 ■- ! tin ».! u a t* JuueE. A. D. t -• l ll-' let!,. >. eii a in ii i> 1.t:« d at the a*tim- Normal *ehoo; i* i--n * ss« re tak* u t in. inquiry several persons had sii*p- V V V M I M I M. I I* >s of the ! oinp.my Steps .'imp 1‘ f, and a—'iriii. funeral .•-reiiioiiy ii. _ t— J.rne-t IP 'uPit-.ry. U.Ihury. cious character across the road round Dead in Ib «i. ItAK It UtUOK : W »-k ia«. f x«i». Ifiur-dav. th* balance **f -t*M-k. The r**»*I ssill extern! " skipping 1 I I N\baelbin.- I 4 4-tim-; I \ Me< w n-h ; Mi I »• — rt I !! a th*- j^rav- in .-in-bry. .-«*:iy ’arty, Hilhrl.licc ami flehls into the vv*M»tls, since whe h t 4 II .a 11 vr• },. ar or r< ad .f *..nie ..in- that 1';., et « Inal «■«! 1 \v b* .« lame at I'own from * astim t*» Bangor, then**** over the IVn- hi-t-.ry I*« r. 1 * I hapiuaii. Orrin^toti; Ilaiirork. r* iiioiiv w ,« --•! *-y H »n. -I -h** Ii. IP jH.vert) has seen or <*r I: li a 1 » been heard of him ha- retired 111 '.'nod 'll that h rank, l»" •.. 1 A • « « I>ru*- n M in:ar»-t 1. u-hiuan. a*tim 1 r- W it|t« r lovely, gra*s grow- nothing Ippareiit »!. IKi -11 !M< ;. M ait ha m. W.-diie^dav 19. i.h«<-ot < Vutral !••:**• <1 Hue to a emmetti**n with p... ph- perfectly it w i'll m-.-t I!.. evening. Juu«- "f tne other man Smith will I.. n loiind ■!. .1 in I tli- a in.' in--: n- .. T II J h ho -upt i«-m»*uf• *1 .ippropri.r■ Ivati IP***. « nton : s:t!>■•!:.-lory. Frank ing rim-tv and looks now as if there will The publi* the Canadian 1'adti* in. i-t'. ■ ni\ I- ii-wortt h -. ■ »J * w- w-.r*!-. th- 1 a eon-i-tm_'of om -haif dozen *iiv*-r huilal I*, I. The Here do well to be t»n the lookout for this dan ii.. Anti-Apoideet \| .pi.\> r> murk- made in -eh-—n prize- I itlam hai I. I ott parf, be of ■ plenty hay. litis an l Pm « \ 11 h r i Ket-.i l*.m.1. : *0ti* tnd a fim* HinU-r water **t wiillw — s has* .il ve tin- ii\ e 1 .• ami n il-i t i.-viiton the roils who are to be old pn M I'-.ro w ith a l.- erfu’ >nd ■,a- : t.*t-p• Allofrlie Bu* k*port fishiru *---«!* g* pair, thought lloiirn. I ho,* Iu*!in^ *• F irm.-rs are about'done Some -. M* w 1 I >. o. 2*». 1»" T r. .. .1 A planting. •Ion* of Fa-t|M»rt s--.; tw ladie- -» le.ol. 'l ie I ru-t-e- |'i itn ipal "[tenders The team has been reclaimed |Vu..!.-...t Jm..-. 1 I a « \. a a ail- t the most pov erty *tri*keu 11 o ss' for the ( rand Batik* and tin- III. nt-r II* v Frank L H* departed h lutve a little more grain to sow aud have *1 Iijiv, Ink* l. tw .) b nt A litA pop!. V by F. H I its ovvtier. It M.uK.If I .* 1 iv* r ami a tin* silk hand- \ in that by >f t!*«• h it --ti. >inl it ha- win. born it 8ui ai,d .liinkin^ up fiieml* of the nituresouie fishermen .ir to now wait tili it i- some drier. for helped 1. Lord tin- -iUiie 8. parulv-l- It A .It TO i: VIC H VI.!• June me.’ !»'// or l’i.---iii. m II* id. Fain * k 1. ii> f. to Hie jentaim-n. A -up- town will now asvait their return- !• I .*1 I l> V. Julie *>. 1"'*^*. < J4. !*•-- ’. and w a- th*- •»f •*! M jHiverty | anxiously Sm* work in the sardine but u.'. At the home of tie --p mi. eorn. r >>f Thir- factory around or 1 1 dat 11 of tin- II art. iudu ate t I'M I* M. *» ■ r a b* rv* diu th* lovvt-r hall. Mou- *r-« I lav J*. At th- of *dxb u Ir *m- The last three sc**eli» t•» sail were tin- ainl * »h:*> -tie. t* > li *i li. II ii*-. -on noth- Ham,<»k...... la \ I». Mr* nun* f 1!, Lord. year- t\-t!iir>! nothing driving. They hav.-put up A. has it- 11- t rdru^vri-t-. Mrs. John Logan almost per- V.- t <» •! *t o ii e, ‘1 t* !;• -trj will furni*h niu*i<*. ou*e \ >. Woodruff. * of | I. Ha 1 of 1 -w- tii. V lima uni Th** farmers lu. '! i ****}, .-ii- o.l to aJ * outiiiu« <’ :n tb it three-master. Arthur *pt. *

1 w. r«- unit. *i in tin- plans M \V.*t,rv. i 11 ra_ -. >- me m t.■_*-. but not in v 1 v« t ^*jv\ 11*.** < holy are hauling the little ti-h oil to their lands. all the tim,-, during the remain-1* r ; John l>* \*r*ux. and Amy KiiuhT. -*pt. a lad U< «r- l»«.i,.|. : e W ! " ii: nearly of 111 ill iinol.s ia-t itur-las e\e|iili-at post-graduate school for young It i- {lie riehee o| Multitude*. j >! .rab *. li bolel* l.\p. K..'W.-rth Ft..'.-.. I *< and th* < wo vessels are 1 alii, iua-hort tim- 1 an 1 k* have I>4 lano. **n Marblehead. apt. «• I handsome building where vvid be its «.ue f hi- lib H* Ihi a'-ry -ixtv tbow-an l>almon fry M"U*lay s n.. k. -Iu.I.’r <»u*tave Kroe.er. f 1 i• latin-'. very housekeeping taught 1 uit. ,i i-r that a iim- r .1* ;** i Mere. »f people p.-r-overiii;,* KHhw .Till. » >av\ \er wild. Work stead- hi- uau', ,r to be in the Tu* \ few of the Ultimate fill lei* of tie hi ele ami in goes along **f the Mrs. L«* 1 \• rif• of \ \\ (>KKK! V. P. M i, ,u 1 i»tiip-mit%t* r wh for been tak* n to It Harbor placed llealb, *da> higher accomplishment*. >f Dr. David k-nii.-D’- 1 Ib-inedy. Krjinki; i:o;i-l,. I .J is ■< -■ r• »*-in wei* *ent. li* fi*-liHirnt- wi-r*- but no rush and indeed her 1 N. V.. vv > ! nr.' I- > uni A.u* li.tnriMk. I I — uii* v, water* are pr« ily, everything gau has sell,»lars for Kotid-u;. — hu-iu- nruiueu. mri- t lut«*^ric> an*l lak*-* ill that uilty. lie -uitable ; — invitation of Colonel Lewis. Mr. Frank already twenty *. > < r. nv a I » By r\< I after tin- im ainl nuiiihcr of verv uiliet here. school which will be located either in N. vv IP u-11.lih* uinati-ni. I*. bi!.r\ -.f the Mt. !»r*crt Y rr> of .i ... .1 I.. * j: lt d Ilf* had the Nt»-i rotiti-len* beinj w. 1 *to* k- 1 w ,th -altiiod this year. -Tow. a It vk Ii vkkmu re-pert rial .-Conn gilt- VV. t>. ti. >| r. II a !- o w • I -. o and Itladd. and F E. Wallace ha** had the store of his York or Chicago. "toina«di. 11 kidie r, w him. At the tim- *f hi- -loath ( li- trn-Pd ->\i .»f tli- N >rcr«>— Bro- ainl b>r ''i'. -Tat•• ;Kun* to jtar llat w km — ■: ot !.-■ tliHt t li*‘ a ho Hotel Sorrento. **orrcn!o, has beeu d ; Land the Rev. H. Bernard arp* in; all 11 ili'1 fVJ’iJlill «ipen* Company, father, the late .1- T. Wallace, renovated ♦ *\\o 1 > « il <1 111 —The most extensive lir»- in .1 :u-k-»«»i;- oh -l. i' -t i**-m -*f M — til* l *-t >•:«!■- I.i- -tatiolu IbC when no otln r in-di.-iin- or tr» at- Mops »!.« ! at >*iir h w a- in ommand --f the bark w w .Sorr» uto during tin* tin-blood, ’*u) met.■. r.»r gue-t-. I ii> ouiiuiug « omi rises uai .is ter is to preach at coming and in fir?*t-ratc and has moved These Train- counc .* It t \ at -« nt !• ing lig 'g' <1 at tli*- N v\ \ hapc vilh-.Fla., for occurred \Y« <1- ha- b.-t n -.f an\ un-nt b« n< tit. ** 1 -• pl many years nieiit perm :i **f iiu !,. bv .1 -dill I-.m-r> A trains on Main Li,. t .»n« asou. Iti-urum building. llit-biide In-* -tork of into it. with the addi- At #I*i formerly «»mp »n>*- goods nestlay morning. least huihiiugs ami M. I -tin w i- .- tir « .*'•' i.f III w* luv- iw wh-i. = < n is i >kit:ss :t rs tli-r*-art i« now :» h. !! kiinwii IhT'- iii Mualia. F<>r .» numb* r tion of new. He will a large assort- the u* \v addition of sixty rooms which —Commencing. Tuesday. June 11. the pop- keep were destroyed. "tnir. itv of K!■ i.i; \ a- tUr time i- not tb* j of al -In W a* a -i* :i■ I v .it I *. M *■ and t iiou^li ou -hoc*. -*t ment of both for ladies’ < v M i'\rn M m i\ and 'nr luii^h pb-a-ant b.-ing built. I* is to be lighted by electricitv ular double steamer Blu* -hill. (.apt. dry goods —The New Woman’s club in for yung ladies win* an- trouM. d with fn k- propeller -tor*-. 1 »:,■'>’(•’ of 27. England j w m a I’ll- -I'M rl.x : for tiiut lsiU*r.--tins .. j drv good- IPifijxtfrh May I’ortiami ilii arlv n.ng wtlt * att-r fm••ijwIi' U t Jjr-y m I at -a. gentlemen’s wear. ie». pimple-, moth and tail ami had -kin gt-n- and will be most eh-gantly furnished. The u A. will make three Boston elected Mrs. .Julia Ward How. .Hid leaving rtiun I at III M. every hn j: ,n: Tinatit \s :io Crockett, trip- per' -Can union.- tell whi-li i- tli** more r -v< ap- a a :\ to u-e paint-or dry [mw. *. for u tx-cjiix' brutal rimi-' ttirir is house liipiid Ml an v ai ..f t, 11.. It >1. ill : M w <* ud tyrant-. meal- will be served at the cafe. between aud EiUworth, hav- (’apt. Edgar Sawyer building -- than ours* If week Rockland proved -p« iing, \ppotu.-Po\oi Appomattox? president. tin make the -k n look well for the time wi roti- near of Fred > only r,w-. not that r\*n bwtuled mid ll v 11 "t ii. at « mi* the resilience Dyer. by and Weli-t.-r'* 1 Mel ion ui ,i -1 I.ogunC I) 1 it V ■ g.I xioii xoilliui'f U iy f r.-uaiiati.m that he may l h- Bangor High S.-hooI nine went to ing Rocklau*! every Tuesday, Thursday | being. eoiup -iri t di-« .nr born of and -piraev" tin-word w itli oik* t; but in the Work in the is still Mood I Bitter- ami 1.1 h.«: .1;, I t .o « d< rcd but ip ju»tW -pell dry plate factory have snlpMir i-worth P< t'. «i W II teliuial. • on the -tcamer and were and Ellsworth every Monday, Wed- Ellsworth Price Current. pure a-tine the l-t Gy p»ie Saturday, of d Mate- it i- w i;h II. SET -«» ou but r alb- li*l I'nit. po-t-ofli. -pelt on. \our -kin will he fair and rosy. I*AV.miN rin* n* --ary -titi>*b<»ard. to going complexion N am W:!‘*«ir. I -ip!»- and See uew advertisement am .• -illV Mr- y defeated by the Ca-tine nine by 11 to X. The nesday Friday. twotN. 'I lie mw-paper- -.-m to be divided } >u /. "//. >* ne. Vice l*re yK i;i d di-** n* wbi* b J* born A of nine ladies went on a buek- u>j \l'!J -ew t r bv that ini.-uaiii* !} in th- of the woid. the party F. E. B'MIT1I BY, fj \. ar ha- i toother game wa- play-d in old Fort George and was appear next week. -pel'ing majorit\. per- COltKKCI H> W EE KEY. r — ; ride to Addison If want a custom-uit made from tl.-i .*4. :-v ! vr ■' and in; t'-. A"<* tu. board yesterday. They you Apr f ii-» Ji. i-a-t -ra-oii a <{Uilt f the whim*. caprice, itupul- il ip-, u-itig two tM»,r,»r(h witnessed by a big crowd. Miss Amelia Bush who has spent the win- ! at Austin’s. .Jt NE 13, lSS!*. he-t of material, trimming- and workman- < v\ a- not that kind of < p>» ! took dinner 11 -'.'7 11 e<‘e -. c f tin- hour. a[ in the highe-t style of art. and to tit like that The funeral of Mr. John Buck, one of the t»*r iti Boston, now «ity preparatory j the dietate-of Weh-ter*- I >i« f V. It that w ill to Portland next ship man. W* are tol l tho-.-v\h know Dr. Googins go «i« I cu—per lb— \our measure i!, i. friend- interested m the wel- a by Super, the paper on tin* wall, leave al citizen- of occurred at his to to her summer cottage at Hancock to : be for von. Iirother. though the whole world to attend the Medical Association. XX, »'• .50 Japan, .40u 6( of wa» a strict ii-> hi- "-a t elderly Buck-port, going week the Boston Clothing >tore on will et al K ■ -min.. V iliai-dcll. jet-Eor t !10Ui;b hr iplinariau. be agaili-t \oil.\erilv VOU hoict-. T o' Oolong. .im.q ami} summer. of UeW-pap.-rdolll w with him to visit their will I at i.-id'ii- -ii Kin -treet, ou Saturday af- spend the His ife will go ltd. kwheat lb .«'•'* !!• of the-e, and more, at as low as m ht W t.urch in Bath, rater face** was one full of kindue^a and ju— .an look \oiir williaealin a— -per Sugar--per pri<•* Haptt-t upon -p.-lling (ieo. E who has a law lb Granulated. b lotf n. 1-t. The services were con- -*i,n. opened office Graham—per shown in the country. Wool! terno health aud June excellent farm at North Hancock, -uraii* e rectitude.- Lr,ri*- 1 ■* ,ru ,,f ;t ce —The j of orthographic lb .l'.’a 2" Coflee-- V Alt. .1 inpaired slid consideration. at 11H Middle street. Steak. Beet—per ■ ducted Ke\. Prof, < ha-e. of the K. M. C. i- for sale. ton Jour mil. p..rk, .11a 12 Yallow known as the I»r. Bush homestead, (apt. the stable Veal—per lb .b-u.12 Map!.-. I V. 2/ -o- •• v. (ireat here among a 1 lie >, minary. i—i-l« d R» Ammi Prince of See advertisement in another column. competition Hoa.Kts, .P2a.|s Yliirino b ,. of New bury port, a warm frieud w bo stood high in by ; .Molasses--pergal-- eu and men. A the can Ar- was born in Hurrj stranger visiting place lUef. Corned—per lb .06*0 Havana. .4"a.4’ ; this ami Hr w :i- a thollght- Bangor. Mr. Buck Bucksporl, place .teiTll of bis fellow men. He —Mrs. Geo. A. with her daughter. if he understands Plate. ."7 Porto Itico, .50a.-V of Bryant, was observed a- Children's get his ritles for nothing KIN worth Port. Something Import,mrc nut ,,f J.a.-t Boston, are stopping No\. j-j 1, The funeral w as largely at- June '.Mlt Day Jerked, .*1 K. man wbo became ibe frit ml and of Augusta, is Syrup. ■ uI, earnest Miss Myrtle E. Bryant visiting with a it. .14 Syrup, 1.22 ARRIVED ia\ I.. for a of week- tended the citizen-, who held Mr. Buck in by the Methodist Sunday school, Tongue, Maple couple cause ealeulated to rid by and lb b*a.l! lb— to Growers of Wool! the > of evert gmsi Mrs. parents in this city. Mr. at church which was in- ( Mir schools are all in Pork—per Fruit—per dune »> rinds many changes m upporter uud Bryant's concert the very getting along good lb .I0a.ll Figs. 1Y. J» Thursday, Bartlett iictlcr. high esteem for his sterling character geu- Lard—per t be world of its eviN and make men Mrs. Masou on Turner’s Hill. Some fine the chil- we as we hear no lb -04 Kaisins, .12a.'3 Si h Susan Frances, -addlcr, Bo.-toii .»u since ago teresting. speaking by shape, think, complaints. Pig's Feet—per and thirty years a widow and three -* people bv iai disposition. He leaves Tripe—per lb Prunes, sen D I.awn u. e. Latte?-■ n, Boston 1 lewili be missed ami mourned a dren and the floral offerings were beautiful. in town. and little ate greatly —Go and see the wonderful Eugle clock healthy Hams—per lb 12 Tamarinds, .U —< li Mu.neoia. Boston Mrs ] ig.u IVrrv danghtet sons who have much in their be- Very Ray, aud reiatives.ineiuding a sympathy were assisted by Miss Arey Mutton—per lb OSa.bj Lemons -p»rb. -* Boston The -i: ii-er takes this .1 for I srge circle of friend* w on exhibition at Hancock They greatly June 8. seh Cop} Trow orgy, opportunity form- r father. Mr. Samuel Springer's, which ill be (low !t> .sa b* d*-z /»a..* latter. Mr. reavement. of who is teaching school here. Lamb—per orange*—per dune 7 ing the U o,.| «.row of ibis county, 't! .n ■ culled wife, daughter and *ou.Ui- with Buck-port, lb 2< a.25 ton l.t.OOab. •* Friday, a f.-tt weeks' tarry. er) Hall, for three days, commencing Butter—per Hay -per pure base. I all the pn-pt ny of the j — i at H an»*-t. It* .12a.15 b P at the as-i-laut Wa.iingford. Conn., H tineas. says: Mrs. Abigail Thomas died June ofh. Cheese—per Hay Seed—per -«li -.ir.di Itl.ai-del Pomroy, »rt-mouth is teaching | 'red H. laird, being gentlemanly of this week. Sec* advertisement in .li Herd* Grass, 2.'4 \1_lassie Springer “The luesday night by the Thursday the <>f her Mrs. Wood- Eggs—perdoz h Light of tin- Ka-t, Young, Boston at this The bereaved fallii- performance residence daughter, Mr. G. F. Small was in Bangor last Klee—per lb .06*."* Bed Top, 1 ’■* 1 istbrook. I lost-master place. with- another column. -< a K 1 >avis. Bo-ton ; I.n o r Mu-ieal Comedy Company was, was and 9 months Pickles gal -.'4) lb 1; uilty, warmest bury. She years old, week to lumber. per clover--per -»Ii K t u.-hman, Patten, Boston i v in tiieir great grief will have the the entertainment that has purchase .-V> W cord-- Mary is to build out exception, best" has the class town about olives—per qt rani—per Mr Donnell preparing —Mr. II. F. Joy photographed had been in twenty-five years .'••» 2 Via4/4 SAILED Henry of ail who know them. been in the house this season. As P. S. Knowlton, editor of the Deer Cracked Wheat—per lb 1 try Hard, I s. given opera a lou-e near Mr Will 11- ard empathy of and will same rates to and was formerly of Stockton. Out lb D Soil * Thej whole program is replete with refined, ‘slC by request open Isle tinzfttp, was from his office Meal—per Saturday, dune in returning Meal—per bu .5*1 Coal—per t**u-- unite a fleet of vessels are reported pure, artistic acting, music, singing the teachers ami of the several schools Ten soldiers, weary and worn from ser- at to his home at bu .'fl Stove, S T.1 Sell Dc’aware Hutchins, Rondout vni.dk lllsIDKl. ai Magazine. -We liave sparkling, pupils Green’s Lauding Sunset, Com—per from the dif- B to iml«v- ■ bu .W> Egg, 6.2i tile loa ling with ami comedy. It is -imply impossible j in this for the next vices in t! late war. met and decorated his throw him Barley—per AKR1\ ED hay granite of the Bangor Ills- city, twenty days. he overturned carriage ing Oats—per bu 45 Blacksmith's, f>.5oa?.5( eeelved the latest number | idealize so exceedingly good are the whole of nine of their comrades who COMPANY, ferent here. the graves out ami the i/otton bug I .SO Lumber p* M-- S« h Wakefield, Bluehill quarries — wagon Seed—per Express, the editor and and it is needless to say w ill be Mrs. Geo. F. Keeue and son of Howard, considerably damaging orieal Magazine from publish- company, they have before to await the Shorts—per bag 125 Hemlock. s.tkhib'.iM •.* rare, delight- gone great bugle and harness. Mr. Knowlton was for- Sunday, dune has fitted the mill w i'li inn. bin- .of ran to all expectation wel* otne visitors and be greeted with the au- time in this very Fine bag l.»W lO.WalK.ik ami up improved J. W. Porter, and find it a- u«ual R. I.. are spending a short city After that sad service were Feed—per Spruce, at ail so far this ir. Col. favor us with call. they tunate in with so few lb .ftw b* Pine. 12.OOii35.OI Seh Vestal, La nip ?on, Camden ery. He is prepared, alter May l-t. Is,-si, to make f,1 lie is not herself dience they deserve, should they and escaping injuries. Apples, dried—per and number. The follow- visiting Mrs. Keene’s parents. Collector about one hundred citizens and Green—perbbl LYOatt.tO Sbingles- per M— partie- ow n wool into roll-: also shall make aluahle Interesting a return.” joined by SAILED month. j School at Sunset is progressing finely Poultry—per lb— Cedar, Extra. 3 21 flannel i*r Bed Blankets tithe; yvlu'eor o.Vf.d, of a Mrs. Redman. Mrs. Keene’s husband, l>r. listened to a short address Rev. F. A. June 10. j , are the contents: Account Journey The above will in Han- by the of Miss Mills. Turkeys, .?•> one, 2 b Monday, dune 10 al-o either or heavy yvcghfs in satfm t-, in ng company perform under instruction Myra *• light ___Bk.o.v. in this of Ellsworth, which was ap- .17 No. 1. lb or -tot now Fort Point, up the Keene, who spent several days city, Palmer highly Chickens, Seh Susan France?, Saddler, Rockland mixtures or colored into king yarn anv -i/»> rout Fort I’ownal. cock Hall. evening. June 15. Re- .14 -ik Saturday all. was offered We understand our next district lodge Hens, Scoots, and in any color or whitejtrTn mixtures; aba'll also West traaklla ( had- has returned home to resume his duties as res- preciated by Prayer by bu— M— ARRIVED •euobseot River to Quebee. by Joseph seats for -ale at McDonald’s goods will be held with Winter Home at V. getsbles -per «'lapb< *ard«—per manufacture j served dry Rev I). B. Phelan, ami two hymns were Lodge Potatoes, -50 Extra Spruce. 25.(i Business is here at present. of ident at the .State institutions of Tuesday, dune 11 very good Isaac Clewiey. Fort I’ownal; physician So. Deer Isle, in lb 05 No. 1, 1 ■< < 4 vlck. 1764; j store. sung the sweet-voiced singers. Chil- August. Squash—per Spruce. are'all full blast; by lb .0-4 Clear 35.04 Sch Harvey, Bar Harbor I he quarries running the of Sulliv an. Rhode Island. Beet*—per Pine, Grape, 1 i/nealogv of Ingalls family. accident at Bucks- ! dren brought flowers to deck the graves of The prospect of an abundant and lb "4 Extra Pine, 40.01 money is not plentiful. The great —There was a very bail early Cabbage—per SAILED very ourt from siillwa- — lb o4 M—• WOOL (ietieral a of Pine Tree Court noble deeds can season Laths—per ALL CLOTHS so Jt .; Petition to the j I At special meeting those heroes whose they is good in this locality. The grass Onions—per trouble is there is too much store pay. port, Thursday morning. Capt. Ivory Grant, Beans-ber bu 900a 4.00 Spruce, 1.54 Wednesday, June I- j Nickerson. Jr., i of this never as we older ones do. but we and of the are we want is a class of men er. now Oruuo. PSV4; Thomas A. O. F. city. Tuesday evening. $50 ptize many other crops three Sausage—per lb Nails—per lb .04a.if Seh of the East, Roudout to What the well known horseman, and a ten years old [ Light Young, Indie.-'or wear. speak to honor those after we liolocna. .12 Cement Cask 1.54 for both gentlemen’s The sub- W. Hamlin and and Readfield, was raised iu aid of the Johnstown sufferers. want them graves weeks earlier than in former years. per S. h Catheilne. Sinclair, Boston | H Macomber. K. nd family of Orrington were about t lb— 1-1* scriber has had over 27 in the Jilt,.v. boy named Walter Sweet, working to them. It was with Fish—tier Lime—perCa.sk Seh Boston years experience a are gone join pleas- Knii*. Drv .06a.00 M 8.00aI2.<4 Copy, Trewrorgy, woolen btnonesn. No will I e men tliat do cash business. of Lincoln 1762; — Cod. Brick—per pains spared to mak< W 11 I ard. lie.: First Record County. the animal sudden- E. H. (freely. of this city, has been Sch D s Law rence, Patterson, Boston a two years old colt, when Esq ure that I seated four of those now old Pollock. .04 White Lead—per lb .04a.01 our work first class,and our prices nil, he low has re- Lincoln County J cornet band of Marriage from of tlie Eastern Maine cwt .70a.**) Hides—per lb-- Ox .W as the same eias- of work is done The Franklin just {eeords became and kicked with both elected vice-president iuen who wear G. A. R on their bats, at the Ellsworth Salt—per Domestic Ports. anywhere. Ex- ly frightened [For American.] box .20 Cow. .(H some new music. AH of their Memoir of Zadock Her- Hairy—per tend to all a cordial invitation t-» give me a trial ceived {coord*. 17(56-1774: fed. One hoof struck Grant ami in- State Fair Association, and will undoubtedly table, for a better dinner than they got Oil—per gal— Calf Skins,—green .50a»4 June setas to the Capt. J my Salmon for the Bagaduce Biver. Boston—Ar S, Daniel Webster, Tup ami l know you will want to come again. Bolls, is fresh and up musical Me. as Linseed, .05 Pelts, .75 a 1.04 music fully of Deunyavllle. but the was the fulfil the duties of the office in a highly satis- for a when on the march, ami Raritan River; Sea Pigeon, Eaton, Peril: cloth, and at the instruments ey, jured him severely, boy great- many day w Kerosene, .10a.IS Tallow—per lb per, yarn dye-stuffs factory for sale, All of their j their faces i could but con- Amboy either w hob-sale er retail, or will standpoint. received the full force of manner. I looked into Wool—perlb .22a. 2s hough, exchange for order the ! er sufferer. He thej factory steamer Ar June 9, .sell David Barbour, Deei or w ill cash for w ool. have been put in first-class by w those forms On the Cimbria last week, we Strawberries—per box .14 Tried, .0i Brown, Jr., wool, pay good Orders by season in social circles trast them ith strong manly St., _Tiie event of the other hoof upon the top of his head, rendering I — Au examination of the bill of fare for diu Isle mail or express will receive prompt attention, and Standard Musical Company, Sudbury marched in but one met A. P. Currier of who sch in the marriage who away 1863; yet (’apt. Sedgwick, Ar June 7, Martel, Nutter, Steuben satisfaction guaranteed. Parties can have th ir tccurred in Castine. the 4th, unconscious and cutting a gash in his ner at the American House, Boston. him to-day, (Wednes- of we draw s a Sid June 7, seh Geo W Co lins wool earned the same it. Fame* A. those, think, pension. had two tin canisters, 10,000 sat day they bung L-. daugliter off Cspt. or four inches Surgeons there. j containing —No remedy ever pave such universal Belfast— sid June 7. -«lis Helen, White, Somes can obtain and samples at the Potatoes bugs are rather scarce here at ,f Csriotta youngest scalp three long. day), makes us wish we could dine prices fact -rv salmon, from Me. These isfadion wherever introduced as Brown’s In Sound for Philadelphia; Webster Barnard, New ea-NVool U4> with ('lark A \\ atcr of the U. S- revenue steamer who sewed the wound but on that south young Enfield, huvis, street, V. Fengar. were called up There is almost that is good Murry. will be to present. everything staut Relief. Try it. York taken the mill and returned free < f John N. Swazey, son of was not to he was to put into Walker’s Brooks- June Mount Boston. F. W. Hamlin will finish sawfcg ■Woodbury.’- to Mr. Thursday noon the boy expected j bill, but what struck us with most force was Mr. Joseph Kane, who sold his farm to pond, Bangor—Ar 8, schs Vernon, charge. spool —If sfck headache i* what are Car John Boston of the N»- was an last and moved to In two will leave the misery, Douglass, -Samples of work and prices can he had wood the week. Edward Swazev, cashier Bucksjmrt live, so seriously was he hurt. He in the of so far ahead of an Mr. John Stewart year rille. years they II by coming array vegetables, ter’s Little Liver PBIs if they will positively Danversnort—Ar June 8, sch Win Card writing to subscriber in Ellsworth, P. o. Box H A. 8. marriage occurred at the Brooklin, has Martin Alley's down 224, loiial bank. The insensible condition. Maine season, such as green peas, purchased pond and pass Bagaduce river to the cure it? People who h^ve used them speai Wmister. Philadelphia on Court street. ordiuary June schs Deei .omeof Mrs. L. M. Perkins on the shore road and has taken of their worth. are small am Boolhbay—Sid 7, May Queen, Stevens, President of the Ac. place sea. When three old will re- frankly They GEORGE L. bv a large concourse of —Mrs. L. M. N. string beans, beets, Ac., This farm is years they Isle for Boston; Victor for Jonesport MORRISON, —As the Concord au<1 Claremont rail- ,ud was attended possession of the same. easy to take. and Mr. Samuel of Maine, has returned from turn to the river and to New Bedford—Ar June 6, soh Fred C Holden ’riends of tiie bride groom. W. C. T. U., just as three women in a within a few minutes’ walk of his old pond spawn, was the afternoon, — Calais. road passenger train rounding acted as groomsman, —Thursday A box of Ayer’s Pills saved many a fit o Rich, Manufacturer. H. Boardman of Bangor, a in Washington county, where she at- home. then about ten Portsmouth— Ar June fi, soh Grace Gower, Ho curve near Horseshoe the 4th, the as bridesmaid. The trip small boat were from Brooksville to weighing pounds. They poud. md Miss Ella C. Fengar crossing sickness. When a remedy does not happen t< 1 boken Ellsworth,March 27,18e9. 3ml* tended the county convention, and visited to noticed a man standing a short yet l*aiitifun.nd lost control of the boat, on ac- Mrs. Fred Haskell has gone Sullivan will return every year after this, weighing June for St N B engineer narriage ceremony, simple, Last in the Castine, they he within reach, are liable to neglec ; Shi 5, brig Angelin, John, locomo- the Rev.Hm. othee towns. Tuesday, heavy rain, Mr. Haskell is a people distauce from the track. When the impressive, was performed by count of the wind the tide, aud to work at carpentering. about 18 to 20 when four Perth Amboy—sid June 8, sch Jed Frye, Soutl of she rode miles by carriage, driving strong against pounds years old, aud, of course, if serious Hines 1 Notice of of his the Congregational church fifty-seven as slight ailments for Mnrolehead Assignee tive within 10 feet of him lie Kor-vth of *• first-class workman his work al vays Amboy got apparent- herself a return team” part of the w ay, and drifted against the fore chains of a small 20 to 30 when 5 old. A after which tiie company partook and pounds years follows they have to suffer the consequences Portland—Ar June 7, sch Lizzie Cochran, Nev in front of tbe Buck-port an hour and a half to an testifies. ly deliberately step|>ed at 12:30 o’clock the happy iu the evening spoke schooner at anchor iu Cove, York M a Sim repast and lying Morey’s fish way must be prepared for them to “A stitch in time saves nine.” Appointment. engine, being struck and killed instantly. tour of two weeks audience which tilled the Congregational Mrs. W. C. is relative* Ar June 8, sch Fannie A Sperling. Toole, Vine The undersigned hereby gives notice of his " left ou their wedding which it. to the chains Bellatty visiting np- The train and the •ouple west. M bile church at East Macbias. While there she was capsized They clung out and into the river from the yard Haven pointment as assignee of the estate iieo. stopped body, horribly '•'j. ...» different cities of the in this place. pass pond. —There is no one article in the line of tnedi ot >E f>. w Harris. She also for fifteen until rescued some men Vineyard Haven—Ar June 7, sch J A H Crow of Ellsworth, Hancock countv. Maim mutilated, as picked up and brought to steamer-Electa.- which had the guest of Mrs. Austin minutes, by a increased numbei clues that so a return for the mon Lray, who “ OB the is at Somesville In a few years greatly given larjre Lord,Gardiner for New York has been declared an insolvent 55 ■mbarkin'g to connect visited the Union at Bar Harbor, making ar- them the shore. G. W. Torrey working ley, upon petition by C ncord. Tbe man w as a stranger about for a special trip who happened to see from as a good porous strengthening plaster * June sch Z chartered which of salmon be looked for in ey 'Salem—Ar 8, Robert Dorlty, Hoboke the court of Insolvency for said of Han. of the were de- rangements for the State Convention, is a few may Bagaduce J county years age and poorly dressed. There the train at Belfast, eouple a severe aud were Mrs. A. L. Bellatty spending such as Carter’s Smart Weed and Belladouu Ar June fi. schs Brave, Stanley, Amboy; Emin cock. *7t serenade from will meet at Bar Harbor in the They got drenching nearly was about him’ to assist in hia by a parting probably early weeks with her here. river and the pond, as the result of tilts Backache Plasters. Green, Smith, Port Johnson 3w22* CO AS. II, nothiug Ighlfullv surprised I exhausted. parents DBUMMEY, Assignee, identification. ;be Castine band. autumn. ■arts* ill*. HOW TO LIVE. t of BIG BARGAINS' Mr. lteuben Smith, who died of con- An Attack Gravel. Spring Arrangement B. T. Vht Twrlbls of a Woman ut OCX— SQWLE, at Otis was a Suffering BANK. sumption May 29, native BURRILL NATIONAL 1600. COUNSELOR AT lie liveth long who liveth well! How She was Cared. LAW, Hair of this town and was here for ^ Happily All other life is short and vain ; brought Ayer’s There Is I now that I do n< t owo »T.\TK sTUtKT. Fl.l Vigor nothing tc MK the “ideal” enjoy woiail. Hair-dressing. It re- He liveth who can tell burial. He travelled many thousand j longest having used Dr. David Kennedy’* lav r.1 «lonwdy, OF ISstores the color to gray hair ; ELLSWORTH, ME., promotes Of living most for heavenly gain. miles covering Kansas and different made at Handout, N. Y. My troubles 1- ia my a fresh and TO CHARLES C. BUHRILI. BANKER,)- vigorous growth ; prevents and from which I cev< l t > recov- _(SUCCESSOR parts of the United States. But as the kidneys rx;wr ORGANS! the formation of lie liveth long who liveth well! •r. First there wero pain* ia bark, 1 was fever- my fatal disease was and a* lie Steamboat Company. MONEY TO LOAN! make* All else is slowly ish, with no appetito and could n«>t sleep. I va* com- LEGITIMATE BAAklAG. ++ ++ +-b- dandruff; the being dung away FILLY Pi'Ll) for EVERY klXD of -l-+ ++ MUl 1 In' tMili-x ril'fi v 111 .h tnloi ni tli*' ih.ii can knew its the to nan a and t *•> v, uk that I }a11111V*■ ||« hair soft and lie liveth longest who tell surely doing work, desire pelled cane, finally y h.i- mud* silken; "'<• '•'« iua»»u*in. nt- with reliable tliokn- Of true done each could not stand alone. Tho distress in my Lack waC Manl, i-lli. and imparts a deli- things truly day. of his heart was to return to his na’ive Co,iwifii.li,>; Souinlsty. w hereby he enabled to buy and sell terrible. I wa*burning up with a fever or constant fumble l*rt»|H*llcr Moanu TO AM. \V110 AV VAT TO BIT cate but lasting per- land to die. He arrived at Waste not back to Him his sister's ly ahivering as if cold, kly physicians said fume. thy being; Paid $50,000.00. (Imminent. State, t and Who it. give; home in Otis some live weeks ago and Up Capital, mint) V (>0011 ORIiAA. “Several months freely gave freely t I HAD BRIGHT'S DISEASE, Else is that being but a dreatn: his last hours with her. He BLUEH ILL, ago inv hair com- passed which was alarming information. To add to af- not to iny Business MUTt,\i,KS He what thou seemest! live thy creed! Friday, May .‘list, ami others, and will extend favor consistcn* with sound Banking. No matter what style or make you want, my head was almost ance my physician gave up my case, and I resigned cheerfully every Hold to earth the torch divine; I aimer of Ellsworth The lion. Ill VSl> \U> Agent t..| lit bald. I tried many up officiating. myself to die. I Lad four doctors attend me, tho beat K., \oii wish to -av»* ami tin* best if money get but did no I tiual- He w hat thou to he made. C*». n-dies, they pood. pravest speaker paid a deservedly warm trib- in tho country, yet I constantly grow worse. Bix able Mortgage in tie- woibl. it remains for 1 a let tie of Hair Let the Master's be thine. years ago last how wel 11 PARSONS, Cashier. " til p>o only bought Ayer's Vigor, great steps ute June. remember tho time! J CHAS. ('. BURRILL, President. JAi S. O. A. ( litH K I ’TI CiimiPHtHltT. of to the deceased ami made 1 a of the con- praise tI- ■ and, after only part •aw Dr. Kennody*a Favorite Remedy advertised in w«t‘k f-»r North llav you to iiiYe-t lira’> tu t e\eryluHly’s low- usin^ two|H*r tS. T. SGWLE, head was covered with a Fill each hour with what will last; a and address which ono k. Brookliu. Blmhlll. >uri*y. tents. my up feeling appropriate curpsper. After using bottle I tlirew away my ?-Mr*t*ntvlYl«\ Se**lwl« KHf est then call ami of me as I KlhtV'rtl prices, buy heavy growth of hair. 1 recommend the moments as go; must ha\e been with consola- cane and went to Now York on a visit, and three bot- him) Huy up they replete Ih*ktan«l on arrival of «truim»r from vmir as tin* l*e-t in the tles cured me. I hare never had a return of Leaving (,l \K.\NTl-:i-: to sell h«*li»w tii«‘ sharpest preparation The life above, when this is past, Gravel. ami Satur t tion to the bereaved sister and friends, 1 ton ton \Vr«ln«'Mht) lay w orld.”—T. Mumlay, Sharon Irove, Ky. Bor of the pains or weakness in tho back, and though ('. F. K. HARTSHORN. JOHN B. REDMAN Mom Is the food oflife below. CHAS. Rl'RRlLL. |{of iirniiiil u ill leave FII*\vorth every lay ripe am over competition. 1 have used A yer’s Hair for a lie leaves two sisters and one brother I sixty years of ago I am a in. Vigor JAMES F. DAVIS, II. B. CLEAVES, NEWELL B. COOI.IDOK, •«ml Thurxluv at 7 oVItn k, an U -ecu at office l. mbe; o! and it Loth ami V,-? samples my y. is. has always given Sow if thou the truth wouldst to mourn his besides a of Will toueh at inter* entnjf hiivllmi- ways truth, reap; loss, host Now BRVANT BRADLEY. with the HANCOCK COUNTY in. satisfac tion. It is an excellent dress- Vigorous and coining IV» *t will eon mat at Km-klarnl o\, r t :«• 11 --ton Clothing Slot Main Who sows the false shall reap the vain; Iriemls. the that ^ Strong the hair from May circle .steamers for lioflon 'llro t. ing, prevents turning family m T wm* in mr prime. I do *11 my own work, and coni:ksto\i>ex< k invited. lu^kr.l Maine Fleet and sound thy conscience keep; Ticket* on Ifcmnt. IIn**ii*ct Street. Ell-worth, gr insures its vigorous growth, and has been broken so many times be unit- rarely know shat it 1* t bo tired. 1 k.-p the nM.it- tint Through — From hollow words and deeds retrain. cinein the r.••um» and give it t mr grand'liildn n, keeps tie- s.alp white and clean.” through...... ed at last where sickness and death •nd recommend it w henover I» m » but phyM'iana < At \ IN At '"TIN. tieneral Manager. n II..rv A. Jackson, Salem. Mass. and all of the various * I n retnedh bad taK. could n«»t IM\" 1 W t KI«< a- ami Atfcnt, liooklnmi. Bank, *• Sow love, and taste its fruitage pure; never come. do Dr. Kennedy’* Favorite lb in..Iy did—it stayod Savings 1 have used Hair for nt I. -1‘worth. Ayer’s Vipor the disease arid made too a strong.1vigor. us woman. T. K IIA I K. S- .vv and read it^ harvest bright; u. a. JOV. promoting the growth of the hair, and peace, George Black, Sr., lias purchased x» Mrs. Kmelino 1*. Mum. burg 11UL Ohio. if l*J SO. Itt. STATE NT It I I , it For the Sow sunbeams on the rock and moor. ESTAnLISIIED 1033. think unequab-d. restoring the house and farm recently owned and '! I ha.: to its or _!iial color, and for a tire sit- And reap a harvest-home ot light. Dr, Favorite ('oinmoto ed Ilindtiea-. .»> ing. it canned l*e Mir pass. •«1.”—Mrs. Geo. Marcellas Merrill. Mr. Kennedy’s Remedy. occupied hy 1‘repsred by u r. r / / /:/. La 1\\er. lia: Lap.ds. Mich. Men ill his j v t /* 11 />", rr*.* t ami wife have moved to DU. DAVII1 KENNEDY, RON DO IT, N. Y. ‘•Av. i's lia r Vigor is a nn*st excel- POLICE MATEO\S. • 1 per bottle Bix for all S.S.Co. s by druggists. Boston^ k r t i i lent .c for tlie hair. 1 . Bangor i j p.oation speak of it I. mu my ov\ n e\p«ii* nee. Its use Mr. John Jordan is having his house has1 .1 \ K l»A\ I". NKU Fl l. r» t ! .1 WANT the growth of new hair and The Wilmington Sl>tr DO YOU piom.de- (Del.) painted. ii.ake- it and -• *fr. The is ot at in s glo--\ Vigor called in the potent aid the list, WIMHIl SEimCE. >| 1 lilt k A VFU V. V > \ Id III |;A the least a1-- •;; are !<*r daudrullJ. AV. ltow * n. has been remarkably ad- Tlie most for secure a Vegetation fjuods •• of the effort to police- L a Lnqintvr." M> Arthur. Ohio. support j vanced by the rain of the past week. jidis y w nm «»mi: It to I.. V. Jot's matron. a money sosio 1 i.- ! Ayer’s Hair Vigor for It publishes large picture, Mr. Mark ( Morrison who ha* been t. i-l two >• a -. and found tt all it is show Faith. Justice I CA- harness and trunk store. He ing Hope, Charity. ('or reel for all men, suitable for all Of '< 'ASIONS and (If C 1 n•. d t• Is 11 ie-ton the natu- j absent from town the last months clothing M.rev and as) eight ; •. to no Wisdom, I> I lias the stock and li.ii ausc-s the hair personified TIONS. &aY" IV The HKsT of everything in Tld* bank ho never -ufflttjvd a •. ! largest attending school in Pittsfield, i* at ItANi.olt t INI t u * 1. A .,ru it soft and Indus in modern costume, a! Keep- offering a l*t. )*a'.d de^-itor* prices to a man who days !'•» I •• course-looking a-, l’.u« wi allmr rinutii'^ M’> .; at about the of I petition will h k*|Mirt. ji tnw thousand tw<» hundred rd age fly. Messrs. Mancel ami Alonzo 'I a. fifty Harnesses of all tirades from stands with hands in his look- i Bailey Ihe Greatest Blood — I u-t.t nimlen. lio.kl.aml amt ... •i.ilny 1 -i ,*li .< i 1 in the his ln ad. pockets, Purifier! ’• top«»f at 11 \ '1 1'. < 1 Jordan arrived home from California KNOW iN. Thur**tay and -7 lon dollar* f d. The best is the \ r ..•• in- t tal Ayer’s Hair at the women askance with a most J SHI to sHl. ing • i:i n itMNii A t .• ha.i re in the 2nd. The former has been i *. it nn.in M, ^ l*eg;tn ining, and. women gone I" forbidden scowl. Two ,» b. 12' '•I I. « From r...'f.>i I'm -lav- ami hr,-la, a' I* M in the end. n .c- mouth-. l a l a t;i.« growth of al^'iit two the latter about nine. cheapest seen years, 1*111 U D! I I I UM !--! From i:.« k a ■ :. \y a- Cal O' 1 of tl,e lia i; I ■ I- r.” •!. fl.'.l* II, of a miserable arc in -J c -« appearance no «. :.t ;i d.. euro th~ I it ail v» la £« I* :l v .: !< ,H .It.- 1. fell /. It will .t about \ M tom in-: Sa:. .-.NY. t Juno 9. \. V. l,.» It- 'lEor^. .Mid £0« '•■•■ «• ■ Spt... tlie near a dark door mark- \n «<•-’. -t-I r* «-f skill di >'0, fpu U'p. .. a- ,mI .1* Tt Ilk- ••! all background, In**. •2 .’.',"11 on til" f." O v. ni’.t i;, ;!(...!(•-• :tl• •*;.*. pimple \ N I» n;l N, IIM \ N V, \ \ id “To the cells.” Faith is ■ I*B IC1 *A I R TO BK I'LIEASED. \||»INI 1 *K*Ftil -• pointing VMin:TV IX COOh'IX'r ,t awful ||’ F S: a .- u.il- :t_- v\ tii|—. harness M 1.1*111 HIT I KKS 1* V>< m £ I.IM **. « v. |*er- toward them while g it appealingly, "••*■» t*» -•■ In t.i::. t.- tin Mi-im-.. it h*w .m l war um"lioiiiM n!iM ( ,,,1,111. v..,, i*. p a ‘‘The remark- J June 1st. 1st. Iter. ls|. Wi-dom bearing the everlasting potato!” »■.'• h rtubl ra hi, a :'■ •' Sept. vmiti'i. llilt.urin. at -!:••! t initlri. presents petition I IJTonr KM NEVER HAVE BETTER GOODS BEEN SHOWN. l.avr I’. II- II irl.ot. W. ath* |*. niium O -• .i*i 1 s. ed the Mrs. ( leaves, | I op distiiM in *wt -s. -t i. **•■*..»- l« *•«*••« BY words. **(«ivc these poor creatures a housekeeper, Y ,r ,? II r. J’.''' I and Mar. 1st. lias call- as the dock said the time to din- NEVER HAVE GREATER VARIETIES BEEN OFFERED. ~ Cj. Mass. matron.” The cartoon been get 1 Dr. J. C. Lowell, blue for It* V| — Aye. S3 PILLS ';! "*'• t ! -worn.. M I ner was “I'd like a work ,l >;o1 J;E i \ M an t -t«-am«*l i: ••a r» '• ,11, boM au. Perfumer*. ed out bv the discourteous action of approaching. rmi r.'itir.thi'v at load ‘d* tij-.•*» i.} Vf| "" W >■- an-’ "* a .1 o \,.ur NEVER HAVE PRICES BEEN SO LOW. Mr >nrn ..£<■, tUir*la;< or two of the old time* rem- p ,-t in ;; ; ; A. some the council—an my mother r what all. I r L. member of alM.nl M JOY, city i I '.TU’lll'K IllTTKI:-. ,m«t« ELLSWORTH. embers. when were ti*ed I the -i amt I. »>'»“. **»« i:i n i:\i\h 38, MAIN STREET, lyrb'.nrm Irishman, a num- potatoes only , apparently—toward r i«n.% as we use and other v '• 'l ber of ladies who came to turnip* egetnhles, Bitters! Y an It .-!••• I K: ! it I* Wilmington Ia J rjsu!pilur1 L= There is ii.. i 1 we this season in 111 I. k " 1 V once in a while. Two buslieU, jourToagtw Ooatoq i'...im fin iin)ii.ivi-in.-nt the li.ii^.iins offer | for the of a matron. they low ‘on’t wait nntll u 1 petition appointment Uwlth stickv yon niornw.tf*, u|>«>n ai i. al "I ^i-minT lr"in KOK SALK. were a fair t-*r > 'll"* 1 iidcr the ieture are the words : -ay. oon*idcred -apply p # IT I- Mill **:..puUf refuse to t * n il should he lost without f«»r din- could stubbornly listen potatoc* \ i l M. .mi*-1 \* iti ’li hi mitl, *’f tins t»ia T a M. rr k m *db r -ale ddc" THE 1 ad »m| f« j ■ \ ai.y •• ner. l" Mi'll ‘II! < .1 '1 M must be boiled. ill ill. -I'llii. 'ZjENCE acres of Timber I .am! together with tln-ir mill I •II |pj II r' III II lively day ilny he Invalid’s Cents’ Fur- f 7 raMmn"i.io Frlnid.H Clothing, Hats, Caps, II \- t tVMKv \ t. »:• uni. tv. -:l mated ill bi ll.kin near the ur.-t line I'm -are I should not know how to prop, j -Hi h a cause? Shame on ! \ ur ■■in i Tb<* MAIN Vi I IV \.. nt. H- -i. or tie low !:. i. the -taj, no 1 h a ling to < ilai- you without tlu in. I.ate in the !' 1 W II.I 1 \.\| II Hil « -• Alan.i*> r. I’. .1 ; m was the jet alnu*' uF£j>rr& M .i'pe.| ;th <>11iv exciue that would Jj hearing i'.i ! F i: •■!»* wh it *u I'itf 1 Goods. mode rn in n hlneiv. r-mri sa w 1 1> g luiiili r, wla n are ohl and |j nishing i! 1 the of the t "ini' il sprinj. {Kitatne* |•■•or, It 1 bor« it »v .i k r> I -aw«. interrupt proceedings f I Ud .. It \ ! !r. ds. -tl’Mk' nine a ut ill. i.o\ efi a >earee. is the hardest tune of the It. H a h!***i'»inir t«» l>»* within reach of such an Our hcatiti- Mm-, machine. \ 11 istitil:f<>i k i* t; ui^ht. rl< an iiml tr«,>h an-1 ••■>n-ii«tM wholly of tin* latest a: I I’ral Kslal** lor Sale. Vlir.w THYSFI F.41 yW'r 1 ] II .• V, II tur itc- water cusc is Letter than n*»ne hut £•■: up C > »•* 1.11**11 > a Bottle 1 H »CI E’.MCfcl □ □ -:. Til n ..I l>> n*» J hc,U-« I’m ’.ired ni«»*i »r s* h-H Ih i.-.-i wh fii \oii .tillin' i. N c -1 i.-ni r.l tm1 i i- ■- •!.- i’-- •» it pc n< wlin made that remark. Sell Try To-day! | ->|*««I \|>« Tl..- -u t» I t Mill, M;ke, -« ill '’an ! ..u Medical Treatise « w > -y.. tt.r, di -tic l». i’s«i .. A mint v * in tin 1* it t .r. VUii ml.-I SI ui ever e «»k them Kentucky •i and ,V I mi v cr ran « »'is. 1 n m ■■ « \. i; pi I»«ti < N 1 : w C w.'ise •1 -piriled «liri>ajs i* If’ hr -1 1 -ugh I'.. m I Yo itlk. I'n .! f .1 _■ 4 w-. I; -I.o-I. am! CcdtAgr f..i \ -ur excuse was than n*uie. mvijm* tumptat *m « •->»f !• "I I '!• 1*. Bn ! -itiiHt.-.! 1 In- * of u ir. 1 t’tiv -I- it i:..i ! I. 1 t -r, man an n 11:i d*«T into lighter- from fashion r” asked her \ niece. ii -i ;• it l:< »ck i:t > i ih )\\ HIM I s •I * M ! lability, W t of tl t 1111 li ;si;inj •. >i i.fiu i: id i i.i*-'- g,-t 11 -C a:, ale u thin one hait n-.ile of hat are he procet 'lings .--tat*' i- a -in.11: f.Hli ■ :- -a: *-r. VT TIP: STORK of ■ Ne\i r Im rod id it r I hen I II attend r.• I- me ti:a k*-t f. •!■ .ii.- luml., la Ii ami -tun w.-ik of \ I X'ini compared to tin humanity and on. iMiiUi* _ i..,. S tor i.i N of In,-; \\ : id to the till- time. are Kll-w 'it \ > -• e « these ladies were potatoes I’liey !! plan* and '.and at a l<\\ tig urn. ami I moraiitv in which \ B on t, rme II,-a- f■ r the ! aid Very f r a C. PARTRIDGE. -.Tr.ng easily jood » engaged an i in which acre vainlv prepared lbo- .11. M.I = < S'" l* — ,t' d w Inn- 11■ r■ I. lor ■d UmU w hle h U | they ehanje, convenient, t <»», when \<-u I’auptT Notin*. the -pec .a! t• ii-i:i*--- of file e a -.ipai.y « all oil <«r Irving to interest von? lhere you were, •; ha\ c the ot t he stm e • < i. i. .• > Tin- MAiN and her.* !<>p 11; Is n> vv n t i.iiviii: fist rnrivcil a a i w »-11 h I -tuck «>t ti r V i.• ST., doing n*» particular g«»od, p! Oi.tra- i* it I ..f I l' <-rta*j»J ion. F.MY-rvatl nif < 1 \- \otl ale haki .. an I i.an 1: j > < «. a: < W v ■ HI I N wh l he N >1t1'»I h> r n low nti 1 Wi fe Faith, isdom. Men pud M » W"iio I,us just Lii.i it, Loll fc—k*W— a WM. Hope. for W .rk. It -*.tho l rail .o’ !irl t h« -idc it SLADES’ AMBER • mi hi t' a a .1 and .Justice all to you to i.»* put p SOAP, Might thi- .tv. ,-i Avoid tm«ki i L i.rU'.i1 in Ik it lim 'll pleading If -iu > •K a;tiO .- *r< »- vk I. \>. li.uuliii. r w an u : Bocauso rk. It j Agent, n N* II. afn j l ; heard. W hy. Mike, jsilitics—if -t it »ko. •'... tindOKT, -!. fu.i *: ■ i : i in with ■ c ::motion iaii!i'\ ot si;, d t m ■ •• i I i!) |>«. Maine. i manners, should have proper «j p H vki:. I• 'N I i gim prompted ■ I Frrr, ■ > ** **. ttt l- .:"i til it into :..ld Watt I wheir t !.«•%’ U. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. K11*tv 11 ‘.. A ., I i- o! i: .: :• r: o larjif \ "il t i ar this appeal N" p-•:11i i.-.ug pr* ill- .n .. author, Win ll I’m r. M It In fiotiti-4.iole.-u ■ !• !t b»r halt an li an t b c um- lim. r- •..• I COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL ever t.» that had nunc <- want the Comic:! from th#> N .it > on Moj.c.il Am .it n, tii.it they Would not fall lo i:i < V .r -• •- X ■ d. ESSAY on NERVOUS ana For Sale. t light ami and Christian mol I pieces :.U, for th«t PRIZE ju-ti'*» tloTi ?• c- n.iiii n,l it :•* 'ur 1 ri< nd*. DEBILIT Y. It. • T «d Ki ll l*o: Man !1 t 1 lit Wt 11* lilt a LKWIS I PHYSICAL this « e Yet put RIi:xd, all! \ to coiuiii' lld it than .hiking. pud- -it i.u;« ro » L \. I 4: ii itiip .'f AmUm:.1. VI / 'll! di*di and sots < i with salt .It d lent r..-< iri ;>* r- v f ., ■:•. \ ,i ft .. in a! nr time w as too v !u dec ! hear it ! £ tally, by 1111 1*1 >11 1 > 1 < M I s ■- 1 I 1 I IF. 111. ■ A ii V n- * a till o v -. ail 1 little and milk '1.*-- * C. E. PARTRIDGE. 1 II.I.IAV N-dli:!-. Well. \ ll la li d it. orill* 1 ; pepper, p-uied I fan> d»'.4l« ».n« he hu<* tli«* U I Itougiiui .So. t Itu 1 ftnrli M., Itoeton. » »tain«*« ur it was ar.ir w -. .sl.o« oilliout and prirn »l on Ellsworth., Maine. !• t'u4» gr it tier* i-. a- ■-o I Mii% <. —wg. ly on a le\ el it li :1a :at«». i. .-w Ai 1 .-worth, tvv.to met d matt, r- -••mew hat. rr.iv it p. the liitn down an a fraud. bottom, put tLrttlcd jji ikvVtf. \ f < ha kino t he hoped that it "ill receive your (LANS. ONSTLKS. M ILI.OI’S minutes hcfiit st-rvinj, crumb- f but- heart v approv al ? ter W. re a the t and the Lobsters \ Hnnaii llatltlles In Little Uo'-k. Ark., a member of sprinkled p dish was returned to theo\. n to hrow u II *-1 !iH I. \ l.l» A r To the Stoekin lders oi the the city council made what the paper* II.WOYER I lie r* st cf the dinner was bof-t«.k • ailed **a rattling speech” against the Waterford Mininir t o. Toiii d. she. 1 t .mat’ c- and boil- GOTTd MOORE'S 'lit of a matron, lb-declared plain appointtn Ka-t A I of llrM.* Itf I a M-- ed macaioni. with | -rth. that the worn, n who w, re taken to t e pu'diiij. apple* a- dcotb e \ -I, U II ■* were -• <1 a- t • ho irie- lo« FIRE INSURANCE ■ k-up dcgr.nlt t !.■■•• fill Hal M ( as s CO., * A few afterward Aunt h U7..NTED MAN Si m iti ■ iaimable, and that on.y the roughest days N<» 4 \ \t >na hr. m w youk. It k tit’ V was 1. ik i J odtish for .and N 1 t«»r them. For thi- sup; ’• hand 'i g was tit '• r*« •• I- " i: -••Hit \ tntn.ll Mat. Hunt. nmn.Mii i. .« .•>«. I *-\i- I >l...wtn,j _ ci a\ c l the i\ of >ta vv:i- a :1 re I uk'd b\ pt iIcjj^e iearning ; H.- it.-., (li.- * ••in j ..Hi \, Jan. J, l-vi. !,.• -haridv 1 justly vi«' an- .•!.*'.• r V s*» f "it h .♦.; n t t i's t JO with it. >.I Was ,ed, d the ll 1 \ < But the city par* AI.I'ISL "*AKK ( O.. ( inrinuail, Ohio. 11 w M and medium-sized -ta in \. :.-i I man.. «A | aiuii' d « j ;,;j K«■-• •• '• i'• ai. >ifI. |. iocs, and them in a f»au'V in Uaimiti.•*, t which was put pan t aide ear to the pcti'ion. ■• i- L.m; w hi h was a ot tin 1 id for Infants and Children. bv tlie Imsines- men of teas|H>onful signed leading '1 t«il t- $j h ;,j-i v. women tax- nutter. 'sall and a little pepper were the city. and by -I M 'I \!A "1 \ —h 1 •*. “Cr**«nria s »o wrlI to children that I C Astoria mr*x Colic. fVmrf;r*A*: id led.and the stirred over the I lilt. ! adapted a of two <»r potatoes I -l i-. li >u11 ■•. >.. v I n payers representing capital I rrconi Boor Stomach. I>iarrhcr.L*uon I and lire for ora- minute ; then three taldi- *‘*j thiia bandied thoii-aiid dollars, i K *ii ii '■« l!r ^o™ U, II. A S‘V“ p- M.irtcii-:' Uv «t I,.. W. L. DOUGLAS 1 .'dills of milk were added and all .'li- ■ tJ n v » 1 -t.; !« vot' to create tie* t!i -m p. i -Il III « Mil ii I 'ill >' if m style *4.«»0 II \S I* -| \\ \ • V\ I I I -IIOI o3n t roi l( \\|> I \»:MI ».- -ilol :. I -t Mm ... It ;».• J iU Itlu< kill. thought that when sin was njain in- j * I \ I i; \ \ \ I I » < \ll llol | i..n k u 11 n-i. «i.i ,ii *>t,M k-. 1 a •; Mr. L F. sherit! cii u d to b. tired of the **c\ci lasiin j \\ o |{ K I \ t. M \ N 11 o I Ho-pci. dcpu’.y * 2.00 mnl M.r. i;o\ -< I loo | VJIOI itato." -die would cle n*e me ot kliu. was in tnis last p style -.. Mi Bro- place j Wilt .ill.-. I .1 » < ot » kino that was a little out of the Tin* LT il• f TMv t I \i• \ • Mli- -1i -. ... Week on basilic-.-. 11 .7:51 ^t ; .t ; V li.. ! ll •< :• -. l'h?i"7-\1rrr: W, L. DOUGLAS tli.- ;'u h i; i- iu* 1„ common, so rehcyiuj herself < f some pr*>\. Mr. I >aniel < L.tt of 1 iiouklin is ein- \ii t.lln l*r..|M-rtv, fV .) K,C '-M v*“*: and tin of S3 SHOE L A D°I E 3. at on the labor, *;nitif\'iiij; palate- phned here present quar- Wiitrriitl. r.r»t St\h-. m -t Most Successful and Most v 11 I'llting. Pop- her household. — •• HhS.l \MIS V\ If n i1 r, V M on Pr. -: U ■; I.. IHKK I 111 vi-i l.v\» v a -. ••*v**sr ry. l)OU.I.A\ KTON, MASS. ular in the Market. Range I 11 \i: 1 1 I U-M \.i Brothers, Mr 1 .1 McAllister, of LADIES surrEUs -r. A Whiting Bm-ksport, 1 llt.M I Wll l.. Ii. ral I,t. tV Esamins 77. L. $2 CO \A, Eragla: It .* rl v i- a■■ kn > !• !_r ! » make- calls here quite often, selling •;> » tl VI: A. >ll vw. ,\ is knitted in tin* Sr.::: ::r and lad:::. dl »•••.:• :> an :«i.>n\ ’a :$? >ia i > srm-:i:r. He late- l his pattern h.*ne\- gc-ntlcnsen -■y Ribands and has ■' carriages. .. V swapping in ot Fih: sai.k nv u : !i i' Mil >. eomli stitch, and two «.-l"ts yarn. -?r>f. , la W for old with S. ■ ly exchanged \t r\ !M >t m it•riil'. t';*»r >i_:h in •- 1 ioFt and dark. lake two of No. Ill hy '>< J- L SiiiH"'.i >«*ld to (. ii. Han- Chos.C. Bum'll,.Asl., F-r.dagc and Hoyle. Young, Agent. \\ I In V ill v steel east on 11 ">M needles and stitches < I* r i nor- EL Li "ft C I 1H Win. Chapman and frank ( urtis. cock. l.l inn ME3 with the dark shade. -i than otii- r :n «J O B vv- any ik\W fund'd. W a ter D«»y!c and repaired First row —Plain, with dark shade (lark A Parker. So. Wed Plain l.ctrs < abi- .Itiimary l*t. «<> di n's. s‘*eoiid tow with dark -hade Harbor. j»t*l I5i>«\ Top nr I .n\\ lint \\ ct«» k a Plain, now liuve in full line (-1 Mr. Orlando of Kllsworlii I < ln-a m, Kb-\at«‘il Slirlnvs laid 69th Semi-Annual Financial Statement Ingalls until jet to the last -t. then you pi-k I.. K. Lamoine. Tank, \\ irkrt !>nnr IVdal wa- here last vve**k in connection with Hodgkins, on. a st. it knit the last up knit plain, and I y rli at t arhimnt. In : f .• vari* t v ids sewing machine business. ry one plain. orstyirw mt-■•!. l’vn liaiiL'r warrant*-*!. a I *r i! lir-t -' i-^ Men’s Mr. A. H. Briggs made sixty-live Third low—Like second row. liral'-rs. Man- ROUTE.j * ufa-tur> ! and Mr >;d»- a Pants, week a — PHfENlI Working Fast this with INSURANCE mile trip down Fourth row Slip 2 dark stitches CO., THE THE FORUM. <)F 11 V K'l F< >1U> ( >NN GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. load of ot] on to tie* needle w ithout pas.-ongers. rijjht-hami At :••-* t.Tctiil.K.*r H, lsv* (Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and ('apt ( ookson. schooner Helen Mon- kuiitinj, then knit 2 plain with the Chicago, Karras & Ncbr.iR ,.H. WOOD, BISHOP & CO. 1 to load shade of wool u at from star -. $l.imi. SI.UP >1..*,0, >1.7.*. SU.1imi. $•_>..*.(! mid SI!.OH tague, arrived hist Wednesday lijht ; p U ])ci' pair. BANGOR, ME. \ A \ 5,ih 1. * IT i; with stone tor Pittsburg. IVnn. to end of row. r« :v. .» i.i I 'i:i >t w iili ,i " i" a- i.i '."it:, \ f." A-Kol.l.oW- c«e are are Filth row—# 2 dark stitches, •! These pants made from the best ol slock and a turn-out from here went Slip TI'. pH.. I «on m .: It i- Conned Bluffis fn IOWA .; ; ignite large • 1 :‘ ■: > ii. -: ll II;:. 1; iv t:. 1 rot'!0-™!? 2 Ii<>ht ones ; from to end “i f• American of ijs.it_r cub. wit.-. SOTA-Watirtown and Siou:c I in r. \ CO a purl repeat »i A we to to dance last > iiv a great trade‘atthe them. Hate also receiv- Surry Satuiday. jet-. and am.mg it- 11111 u t 2 of the Kansas n .H.-IO lit price of mu' I nil. City ft.1 leading M ritiTs «d 111.' Wi ld. il give- .lUtbol'.i.l -tat. .1 k- in ! gf-in NKBkA:tivAill*? Tot 1 m-,. made a visit to his Horton. -r our line of ( ( ookson 11 e dl U--1. .ii« ol -1 te .ti.k> r'ei 1. ad: _• I'-w. 1( in ed spring apt. Sixth row—Like riftli row. Abilene, Caldwell, KAN > J hi if t •! P. .ok -1... RADO. ■ home iu Iloekland while hi- vessel was •Jtu ll'.n of tile time. i’lie New Y"**rk //• / k-. Travoraea Sow and va m-P — Mi-, Seventh row Like sixth row. of ;t. It !i.i- il.ine Jtn-re t.. I.**mt!,.- tiia.kla. t.a ll .-.lam..11- p.;i -k '1... k- .: affordingthe b< t ftu ilitieaof nu < rcontmun loading. I din thi- week. of die ..uucctnm vv 1th current litcra *>i i*.• r:vli..n ami Uaiii “a >!..»« k- .uwl tour..-. and cities in ning tenth, and eleventh country Southern N'obr., (:.t y Kightlt, ninth, til! t! an .11. I a 1 Ii an Mexico, Indian Texas ? hut scarce; • Territorv, Ar m’n Hav is in demand, « v. rv ■ •".if 1 '• ii' 1 W an-r I1..II-I « coust and l' a:;i good rows—Like second row, with dark ee|.t:..na! o|.|.-.rttinit' tor trader ibo I-.:,..- trans-oceamc Seaports. American to -••cure the Koih m. If2 P' il h-tui*-. j.: 1 ■> u hi Carpeting < .-t Sl-S.On for a ton in Fllsworth. AND shade. ^Sest Loan- ou < ollat.-ru : r“ ^ SOLID FAST VESTIBULE Ural h-talc h. ,iu-, EXPRESS TRAINS .1 uuv ». Twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth and | 7 black A.-, uiiinlat.-1 lot. -t :m l U- 1.0. j_n.il fifteenth row—Like the fifth 'f I»« .l ham. fourth, 1 SpSffJ2SSS»S5SSM£'SSK3 A Total A--, Lash ts, $5,<* 147 17 r-n-blS: Jb.; .... -V S WALL PAPER, sixtli ami seventh rows, in the same Wj Stockings TRAInWIm&'TM''? ; Sundae. May 2Gtb.Waller I. Parker Bar Bute m Landis between Chicago and' ^”1 Or order. ^FineSlorsThat 1.1 AIUI I 1II Kansas WITH Po-t. N<>. l.iC. attended elittreh in a Rechruntr Chair Cara .FREE andCi^y" Palac, 'U Choice of from the row ttutil WtherSMUT routes to mu from .... t V. S. \V. Repeat eighth « a-h < 9uq • liK.lv and lit Chapin preached Wash out .ir:t.il. Ad^bIos, Diego. San Francisco i’ can count on need- •.« you fit! stitches your |... <»111 -:. •. .. ji ,17;, prompt connections und transfers Quick ti a memorial sermon, which was elo- f Nf In Union D< 1 *tive. le. Now divide the stitches lor the N ,W2 quent. interesting and instru onl-. Mirplus, 1,172,41.14.1 THE FAMOUS BORDEBiNG TO MATCH. sides of the foot; knit across the lirst MADE BY ALBERT LEA ROUTE all soldier-’ Total (In Decoration Day 22 the llritJC \--♦•is, 5,i*»t M'i i7 stitches, preserving honey-comh Rock v c> For (ASH we are selling cracked CORA and MEAL in town were decorated. At j lota I.*.-- Paul -in- tlrgunU.ithoi graves : then hind otf 22 stitch- of (. oiiu.auv, pattern loosely ui r -• «■ iul act of $21,085,463 03 lit: 3u m., the Post formed at G. A. Organized d« Maine, approved at ,V) ets. bushel. WHOLE CORA Full at tiOets. es for the : then knit the remain- March 7#th, I—P. it courses per weight instep Kellogg, Pre-Ment. through th moat r» du t li.. hall. P. P Gilmore, commander, I* " nl ing 22 stitches oti a third needle, like "kilt..1 \ Pn t. Minnesota, and East Southern Dakota,.. >ua, Sou-. -t.-m .1 II Mltehrll. J I \ trr pn*Vt. and marched t<> the cemetery THE SHORT LINE '• villatge the first ones, continue to knit VIA SENECA \ND K -i \ ♦» and pat- II llurdi.’k. ".-. i. tai .. '•pp ... travel between THE ONLY where services were held with an < iipital stock. $:io,oon oo ( lia-. E. A-.-’t Cincinnati, ImhunanoliVL -> '.Jr ap- tern until a PEEK LESS BRONZE PA1NTS-G I.alarm*. "v.-r« tary you get piece long enough 41000 Shart'K. par vultie « u< It, $7*00 Colors, Joseph, Atchison, Kmt&ae t u 8u Perfect Substitute address hv Mr. E. B. Moore. PEEBLES* I II \DR\ ItLITM). Leavenworth, propriate to reach the hack of the heel. then hind PEEBLES* INK POWDER* .»Kinds 7 Color*. ■ ■ .. „c for Mother’s Milk. Geo. A. Gilmore, formerly of this Now back and knit the PEEBLES* slim AN|» H4RNF**, DRL**IM,. TicEslSSSfcsSs-uutrb.Lub oil'loosely. go l EEBLE*.* EGO D1E.S—1» Color*. INVALUABLE died near Falls, Minn., SIDNEY M IlKtM.t l’rc-idctit. IN CHOLERA INFANTUM town, Fergus other 22 stitches in the same way and (.has. (\ Ill K t: I ii.. Treasurer. brio and Teething. on the 23rd tilt., of He tiie E'-~- OH,,* consumption. of same length. Ml.lv i.\ s. SMI ii, Clerk. C. C. A Assimilated BURRILL, Aqt. EiS!£t Quickly Food was a machinist trade and went Sew the heel by together strongly. y i; ro« Dyspeptics, West in IH18. Mr. Gilmore was a _ Consumptives, Turn the slipper wrong side out and ELLSWORTH, MAINE. Convalescents. a devoted IdKKCTOJlH: most worthy young rnan, sew it to a lamb’s wool sole Then trim CURELAME DR. tht well known brme — Perfect Nutrient By SWEET, turgeon, phvucian —' A had friends tar and wide, Daniel W. Bar Me. ■uid invent-»f the SWEET SYSTEM. about > i: w DISEASES. ehristian and the of the running in Brewer, Harlmr, Enquire IN ALL WASTING top slipper (after Elihu T. Humor, it Ai Disk**i»TbF «Trn Send or apply for cxamina- Gilmore and a *• turn blank*-m ! FRFE. ti Requires No COOKING. lie was a son of Tvrrel an elastic (with border as fol- S. II. rartienlur'. !*■ Sweet’* Medical In- tufting Rmlick, for I June and Itf Mm. THE SAMPLES firmary Infirm, Union Park St..Boston, STATEMENT OF THE BY MAIL, (’has. ( Biirri'.l, Me. Keeps in All Climates. brother of P. P. Gilmore, Esq. lows : Ell-worth, Kverard II. (ireelv, lyrti has CONDITION OF Tin: UNITED STATES Mr. Arno G. Hooper newly With both shades of yarn used at Arm* W. King. Hutson B. BK ASCII OF mailedloan* address. the Lake house and it is now a ^minders, THE MUSIC STORE. and FAJrra,” painted once east on 4 stitches. Wm. E. Me. Goods. Dc-i-lcs, East I.amoilie. BTJSIUNTESS Dry Fancy very stand. First row—Plain. Halsey.I. Boar* I man, Boston, Mass. Doliber-Goodale Co., pretty John Shoenbar, Boston, Mass. .Mr. Daniel A. Trueworthy, son of Second row—‘Insert the right-hand Sidney M. Hedges, It- Strictly One Pricer*) The sUwk of the almve Is now offered 1 yiT.'nnn the is low w ith needle into the stitch in the usual company ___ postmaster, consump- way. to inve-tor- fora limited sna. e Ot time and until r/u c a 1 " r,u' •<». a short time. the around fin titer notice at par. to the sum “Mtiagthcant. tion, and can survive but Wind wool three times '-ub-criptbms HI will be received at the following places Bar arm | the and the two first of Harbor and Tru-t Bar " 111 needle, fingers Banking Company. Harbor, -.»wl print peryaul mark,..I,. Mr Ktr-t Naiienai Bank. Bar Harbor, Me.. Bur- the left hand, over the Priute.1 <•!,•,nlar ,,f yarn needle, rill National Bank, Ell-worth. Me.. First Nation- Information win am, who w atchman *- Shaw’s Business Me. pie*. This! Fremont Hidden goes and draw all four threads of yarn al Bank. Ell-worth, Me., and the company office, College, Portland, Read * 214 >t.. Boom P», Boston,Mas-. tfIf* umiruiiKMil.o ah.I ma< liiia H taken in adianw lot moved his Washington entire on the steamer Lewiston,has through the stitch; repeat from to Open the year. The only Business Col- ; new. lege in New England which ha.- its Theory and to of row. family Bangor. end Practice in separate apartments, and conducts a r A stock of Mrs. Greenlaw lias moved Third row—Plain, counting all four Ladies' Department. Positively the only institu- good Violins, Banjos, Eastman Bros. & Nancy Xolice of Foreclosure. tion in the country which Bancroft, of the threads draw in the on Guitars, Mandolins, Sheet MONEY IS SCARCE! into the George Foster house. through the first of January, 1889, is as follows: Music, next row as one stitch. Geo. A. Martin, of Franklin, in the REFUSES Tl) ACCEPT PAYMENT IN ADVANCE. loirniMi, ni: I am to sell for the ^30 old Mrs. Jonathan previous ASSETS. Instruction Books, and Mu- And goiDg goods accordingly A smart lady, WHEREAS,county of Hancock, and State of Maine, by Strings •>U» 13 from second row until of his deed dated the Send for free Catalogue. Real Estate, w her Repeat mortgage seventeenth day of *l,SOO,tt)rt no sical of Dow, ho is in seventy-seventh 3int8 F. L. SHAW. Loans on Boud and Merchandise all kinds. Fine to trim the of April, a. ii. Is,—, and recorded in the Hancoek, Principal. Mortgage, l.Kj-i 850 do of length suflicieul top slip- I’, s. Government year, has woven 180yds. carpeting Registry of Deeds, book 22a. page 121*. conveyed to Bonds, *2JH>4 1H7 50 imported strings for Violin and Ban- ; then sew it on and finish with a me. the’undersigned. a certain parcel of real es- state and City Rouds, "":J47 7s7 ju FOR SALS. since the loth of March, besides per Cash in doing tate situated in said Franklin, Ixmuded and de- Bank's, 713,134 -20 Sheet Music T|,o V -talo of the of ribbon on each made No lice of Foreclosure. Other admitted jos. and sent late lie,-, T II mini,-I on bow instep, scribed as follow-, to wit One undivided half of Assets, 56.-»M52 71 Strings by & her housework. mnkaport road. tom mile- irom « im Dress Goods a certain lot or of land situated on Trimmings, as parcel both mail of the same shades the yarn. John of hv hi* postpaid. liu| flirt* of is at work in Brook- sides of Taunton stream, lieginniug at a large bray, Brooksvllle, HOSIER!, Edward Johnson dated $6,963,811 id SPhNCEK. SHAWLS, LADIES’ and SEATS' ODER WEAR, roek near the eastern end of the dam across said WHEREAS,mortgage deed, the twenty second dav Ks^Can MAI.I.. COTTAGE PORCH. of March, a. and furnish music or mu- Me. liu in the sardine factory. SEE.VFROil THE stream; thence running south two deg. east seven- d., recorded ‘in Hancock LIABILITIES: any Eiinworth, and Goods Store of Inwik And in fact everything that can be found in a first-class Dry Fancy teen rods and ten links to a spruce free spotted; Registry Deeds, 20t>, page Ids, conveyed sic books at short notice. is house fur to Cornelius now certain Unearned Premiums, $2,988,464 79 The usual at Mrs. Eli Perry keeping thence south fifty-six and three-fourths d g. west Gray, deceased,a parcel will be sold greatly reduced prices. Trees aliotlt the house make it more of real estate situated in Unpaid Losses, 4*29,119 b8 eight rods and nine links to a rock at the side of Brooksville, Hancock I discount to teachers. W. II. Foster. as Perpetual Policy L 85 case of Sateens for 12 1-2 cts. I 1 Case of Percale. to the thence south county, Maine, bounded follows, to wit North- ability, 336,315 1 only homelike and attractive, and shield it tin- road leading mill; twenty- All other K 44 44 westerly hv land owned Edward Liabilities, 229,384 11 4W-COBKESI*OSI*KNl INVITED •» Print. 1 Print. one and one half deg. west sixteeu r«»ds *o the formerly by 1 Cochico j Indigo of is in town Surplus, 28 Capt.E. H.Torrey Surry of winter and the a Howard, southwesterly land owned $3,000,527 from the cold winds brook; thence southwest to point on the western by formerly Pat ent s and some busi- of the brook about two and one half rods by Benjamin Howard, southeasterly l»v “Horse visiting relatives, doing sun of summer. side ALL WIDTHS. hot shoe Creek,” northeasterly by land own $6,963,811 91 SHEETIN&ilN he one of the east of a yellow birch tree spotted; thence wester- formerly ness for that town, being the out west ed by Edward and Isaac Howard, same A grapevine over building ly to said tree; thence north twelve deg. six- being V!'rka to a premises sold and conveyed to said John Gray hv Obtain*] an,I all selectmen. teen rods and twenty links stake and stones; C. Patent h'nbirele'1' ;rr:",r will not the increase said Cornelius March a. C. Burrill, FRANK eon,lurtoil for Moderate IV,-, injure building,will west rods to the 22, d., DNl.’and M. S; ,!,T thence north twenty’deg. eight top Dray, Agent. whereas the condition of said JOY. °l'p»*iut I s. Patent < mi,,-. We born in thence north two west mortgage has been ho’nave o™"!no Mrs. Mary Thompson, 1800, the attractiveness of the anil of a large rock; twenty deg. sutratcem-ira, all bu„lne-a .lire,-I premises, and stones near the western broken, now, therefore,bv reason of the breach of Bar Harbor. Me. lienee ! twenty rod- to a stake ln,,in‘,“« I" HAMBURGS died at her brother. Geo. C. will furnish food the condition thereof 1 claim a foreclosure of said le», l,n„ an,I at Hardy’s, wholesome.agreeable end of the dam; thence south seventy four deg. __ LESSCOsT A’“U’?f SUSAN J_ from was at east across the brook or about ten rods to mortgage. bRAY, Admr’x. Semi ,° wT WaMhlnprom. Mav 30th. The funeral held at cost. pond Farm with slight to a of said By Geo. M. Attv. for Sale. Im i',1 o"*’ l'h,,,o- 'leaerlpt- the of beginning, according plan Warren, ion. nTHe a, I vine wide 25 half place June If patentable or not free ,.f* From 6 to 12 inches Jor only cts., just price. the church at North Deer Isle, by When the as much atten- lot and mill recorded In vol. 140, 183 3,1889. 3W->3 Onr garden gets privilege page chriree. fee not ,lne til! patent I. a,-ore,I of Hancock Registry of Deeds, together with one- A book, “How to Rev. C. H. Gleason. tion as the swiue and the fruit Situated in North Rluehlll, one hundred and Obtain Patent-.“ with re- lot, all situated thereon. > half of the mill and buildings acres of rente to rln-nts YOUR CHa2sCE! forty laud, twenty acres laud, in your »iate, county. or THIS IS care as the cat- And whereas the condition of said mortgage mowing aunt .ytunl 3 A load of lumber has been lauded trees as much feed and Safe for Sale! plenty of wood and well watered; house $8x32 own. free. Addreaa has been broken, now, therefore, bv reason of the feet, finished below, with ell barn 30x50 Deer to be used in re- tle, there will be more health and breach of the condition thereof 1 claim a foreclos- A good safe suitable for office 16x35feet; at North Isle, good use is for sale at feet. An orchard of about trees. JOHN I\ GORDON. the American office. fifty Can be the wharf at that humor on the and as much ure of said mortgage. bought for $850. For further A. place. farm, just B. T. Sow le, his Att’y. Hancock Plb. particulars inquire C. SNOW & pairing By „„ County Co. t°LMAN CO., 1839. 3w22 %£££§?% on the premises or of McDonald. June 3. M. L. money.—American Agriculturist. Franklin, May 24th, A.’l>. Ellsworth, May 2$, ltitfcl. tf22 W.t. \ inalbaven. J. H. | SMITH, 2mos20* Opposite Patent ‘Jfflce, Washington, D.C.

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