suffer from or G&MOHE'S AROMATIC WINE For tlio I >e in oc rat. with with fever, and at last I could frame no execuee for rc- ters below ! Not one man in a thousand Why dyspepsia indiges- hunger, burning wheu MAKRfl ;ion, yon may be^relieved by Wheat ; now but a task OUR WORLD. without water to qucnch my thirst. maining longer. But nothing could would have shrunk from such ; Hitters. at last them I saw a cool tear me from the who had not one in five hundred would have BY WII.UAX uhcnton. When I opened away girl gone coral worm. Ûf^forïïtUmofrai,β NEW, RICH BLOOD, Keel-former—Thn Ami will completely chatte the blood In tli*■ white curtain to and fro before saved my life—whom I knew but too over at any price or under any consider- It U a wondrous waving Τ If KS DA Y «•util* ay*tem lu three month», Its specialty world, for everywhere Hood's an an-*k lauguld, itllnioreV Aromatic Wine. That as I trend its courts I hardly dare check, beyond only tramp, my I 1 f τοα are n«· tlilmore'· Aromatic song—" We never aoJ Proprietor. dyspeptic, To think of it In common mood. was too too to its to fear. her flow- Boarding-I.ouee «peak K4uor « :ne. If ait· troubled h lib u*t> any the curtain was honest, sincere, give Gathering up you Indigestion, caught up, raindrops stopped is we pass pie." Ullmorv * VrouiaUc Win·. If art· troubled I feast on 1U us food, you delights angel the and on hands and knees she with «* (liltnonV Aromatic and among needless ing skirts, i>*r Year, ilrrplrwatlk, And And my soul u tin· with pralsetul prayer. dropping glistening object pain. Fj.lKS AM) Bl'tiS. I ! a use IWtu·—8VΫ0O et» Wine. you live in Malarial district, to over » .twiitctioo ot trt> I wander In the woods or In the fllelds leaves. I felt as if in as I in heart I had resolved crawled the long rals and α *Ιτ»ρ<*·. i.ilmor»"» vromatlc Win·* If you arc weak fairyland Deep my bridge. Slowly File*, roaches, ants, bed-bags, «tr· -tlv λ i W till· atl mono.a, *n«r oonfliK-mt-nt, em· lîilmore's Aromatic And see the trees and gross with bush and cleared out by η It paid over more of tie after was It was nice, gophers, chipmunks, !.< Ore oral· will b« handled the clean, white coverlet work to worthy tie already of I*»·U Wine If trouble» 1 from nervou* exhaustion, up something passed. on en J of tbe weed·, Bough Rats." l.V. jtfaetioa i>aiJ till th« ι··* «illiiiore'a Aromatic Wine. If troubled It' oi>i llow wondrous Nature such abundance and 1 looked at the few more of But, mean- time for our train to comc over will b· rhefxtsl. with lack of uae t.i mort·'» Aromatic j ields, me, cheap pic- her, worthy myself. dashing rtu two do'Ur» eneify, <■·«!·. me I: tro.ibl«l with of ttie And sense and soul with and rod and Im- Cop··· ·»· Neurnlgia Stom- good beauty tures and the neat, sweetness of while I could not leave her, the and hurl her down to death Solomon applied—Spare the }Ι·|Ι· or Wine simple altogether bridge ach lungs, use (illmore1» Aromatic 11 feotU! ' >rove the trouttng. yon vtoh to bring the rose η to your cheeks their influence with amid the dark and waters of the Content am I with all she gives, for she the room. and through muddy AJr^rMaing, tur»tn and the to your eyes, thou uae finally Kate* ol sparkle tiilmore's Aromatic Wine Tbi« Is the only Is muther of my life uud true to me ! 44 men who had work· \ » were ever so p>pu- lhul xortrn. Where am I ?" unconsciously I men upon the road, rushing river. The blood from the lac- family dyes «1 Λ Iron ami Hark preparation that will not black, j aras the Diamond Dyes. They never fill. <·»« en th· or headache It has save·! was 1 .Kfc of *Γ·<·« «J*· ceat·. teed *lee in and wonder, ed with O'Neil before he killed, erated knees had stained her dress, but It Is fir to The for Mi wrek., buodrwis from the It U spoke, my surprise Hie lack superior logwood. ι» fni,:.«s|iu-et *l4»UOaal. conmimptlve'* grave. THAT WIFK OK MINK «"* ι*»1· th·· MOM valuable ever known tor was that of she did not ; 1 ►th r colors are brilliant. s ·: «·♦—» remedy aloud. received a position. It only falter her long hair is blown Koncw Painful Monthly slcknee*. There is every- i-R.«mTK to be gain»·»! It It will give at the head of the a the Not out from her net the of the are bores like trees? Because we S.UQ thing by taking G KO. Κ. Λ curtain hanging brakeman upon night express. by fury wind, Why K«U BMMt rich blood and of it. It will BT PARISH. Notw*o· iJ# you (food plenty Dve them best when they leave. (VJrtiO· restore tho»e that are all run down and are bed was which gave me think. not to you, but she must not ->·,»■ WUU. 1JI suddenly lifted, much you Perhaps «top. s poor and emaciated. It will regulate the IJO room as neat credit at rV and K*«»cutor·'Notice·, ^toruaeb and Β» weis. It acts on the Liver. It "Are «ick ?" It was the soft a of another friend, with your At last she reached the shore, and al- Cckk VofKsK.i.K. -»i .... j-al) you slight glimpse my ecoffing »·βιη act· on lb·- Yihi can not eatiinate its > NoUea. Kidneys. tu me. I m't pay large doctor's bills. The best V lT*rt'.*r«.aa4 for th··*»· in advance·! a*e It la a asked as own. A entered and tho but it was most flew the track to the office, iWiaiMioa«Γ»- m».|r with I.«η*·: juat voice of young that this, my young girl bauk, everything ^ up ele- i. TVraj» girl ι!· .lieal bo »k !, ΙΊ0 pages, »Λ onueued any con·,. 1er·M· what tbey nets! to ton·- theui up and give tbetn publish'· tiMsa- a came to the side of was the world had our train was to start. on M t. tor quickly ,a»·.. if two ;S rent stamp* to pay Ad- and bed. It was the face of strange me. It was first Breathless and in broken accents she postage. rt »p**. '· tl>r Iif.moou dream, I my eyes, my given my step upward, j Α. I'. Λ M >ston. Miss. r · Ιτβπίβιη* Gilmore's for Piles. opened heavy iré** Ordway Co., well raubliahrd ! Specific was tie foi low lug A Positive cure f«»r Piles, either Itlind, Uleed· to seemed for a moment friend the roadside ; her sunny hair and I believe I in that told her sad, fearful tale, and then faint M naihî at I looked up what by prouder mt _ in*. Itching falling. M l'lcerat«l. Also for ThediiPrene* between melodrama and a u > :»:ula and all diseases of the Anus and Kec. a were the and earnest had been with me as brakeman's than 1 ever was in my iind weak from her fell back glimpse of i'aradise. There eyes cap excitement, nellow dram d-ρ >ad< upm how far the W.m. N«u. • a it now—the the wArm and as I her ither to the worthlessness of the VW Λ Ter A rbiiatielprua, ..Imore*"» > 'Ixir, or. Cure for Con- tired aud faint, it seemed md I remembered promised I ran on the road—it was the P. I), dry office, put expose Î. V,., S. R. Nil··, Magnetic ging myself, j Jio.i fctcajr·. lit.; is a Uiat is the tesult of he big Condition Powders, and it ( sumption, preparation in the dust. her earnest pack / M»··· vear» It i» an almost tnfalia- and thrown their aid and two months iown, great eyes Beans to too. We know of a: ol experiment. year ago, there, upoh swc»oning and (j.—fur nearly making opened keep it up, '(Ύ '>!.· for t ν sore KlUU r»-m-dy ougli·, «»l«ls, Influenza. " one kind that ar« and »( IM a with soft, between Piattsmouth for a moment to meet mine und mly absolutely pure, aiutbeU Throat. Hoarsen**·. Croup, V*Uiin&, lironcbi- dark background, girl's face, So you are at last awake," said she, every night the tiip wearily u ιί>« colored «lip hat is Sheridan's. j, τ c\kxn ioo«« wl»h- tis. and all klnrtretl cTtatoaea of the air pas· , » mount iln·, and and earnest on tem- rain or shine. read the lore in them, and her white !h· •aire» sunny hair, great eyes. her cool, moist hands my and Delaven, lips »ι Uc λ4ιμν4 paiMMti laying iner- .ι·«ι«ι· for Oxford A M <;»kry, so. " Buds are like some ~ '■» *.h« ncnrr»t aifr&i. Ag«*i*a County. a «miled. pretentious m or Ν.»ο·1 to Was she handsome:" ask. 1 all then of I would mis C t.tuur, R. you No, and the fever gone. Now and Sunday go to mean· thr ) t|«t la paid Kryebnrg. Wilky, ples—"awake " liants. well at ilrst, only burst «. η tar iii|>. They «. Bethel are she not. I don't think there was a Vou must feel much better." down to the little of the O'Neil'» "You saved murmured, nd leave soon after. λ* Jitf* tu suppose cottage ^ ;aaf ire anoul l be takn not rroditeO 44 44 I never could H I î>e mou «-y w feature in her whole face ; with a after- irery low, "Oh, a .t ι\ aad sin#le pretty 1 could look Yes," my and thus many George, is concent- m br ai>i>ri»Γ*ΑΚ\*, I was as worn out as man could tie." tle love. I began to dream she loved go. nearly 44 Hut where am I ?" The sun of the next as it came There may not be much music in a horse well be, and looked black and me, and it made me a better man. morning everything ut he knows when lie strikes at I must ask that generally and Counselor Law, sum- Ia of all orders, clear and glistened on the A::ornev even in that bright spite One I think it was of a Wed- ip bright, he keen oat. nc. dreary enough, night, η ®bitTERS for fear that the vision over into the atcrford, might ain and THE GREAT mer ^ueetion, our an un- peeping day. nesday, we made up train, drops The chief clerk of the Government Dis- now UKKKK'K, was a a ade. chasm, where the wreck and the cus that no medicine cheat is >ILK â I only tramp then—not rag- one, and left Plattsmouth •ocky iry says 4' usually large without J»hn*<*n'e Ano Uni- Vou are safe in our house ( men like the eun of omplete tyn· ρ such as drove out enough lead seemed my at German ged, dirty tramp, you before dark. It had been storming lay, ifnt. No medicine known to medical sci- Laic, we just Attorneys Remedy.) mother's and mine. I told you that lew to look down in use RkTHBL. Ms. but life, up- uce for internal or external possesses of your hard for two and it bid fair to be ! rising pity K. tlUUtKK door-yard yesterday, perhaps, days, »U.il. AUDlkOS * were but would faint be- tie wonderful power of this Anodyne. £> -vrf > TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. a and a kind poor, you right >n the wreck and ruin of my past. tramp nevertheless, word, a dark tempestuous night, sj>ecial freight 1 tin c iloathlr LatUca in dcîicatr : ore our dwor." am now did ask. to the J a were now we "How I ? you When a poor fellow begins going &. HI TCHIXJ, who are all and face strange train left an hour ahead of us, which |C... ·λ% de pitying 44 to ·· Spel!a, jhral'.h, it is his who continues ^ 1 on Mint uad«. 1 am I said on the hill ogs. only dog tut wn, »houMu*t'j to me. I had been what, thank very sorry," penitently. That little cottage yonder It wûl c rf- t V,:rrzKS. things were to at Somerset. •J with him. and Cowudlor at Lav, I'.rrma, 44 don't Do pass pmpathize M a Hum ! That help. you 1 a mine, and I am back in old Monty m· (iod, I am a with—for as it to my pro- Kmmtp. #l,Ouo w.:i to-day, lawyer, The night grew later, proved The great popular rkmkdy ok thk ~ bepaijf3 ' mow how si; k been ?" 1 ·.« I :»-·!>«·j.· !' racA· •vhcre&il■"* in you've 1 ession, hard to my young man—a back my one of the I had ever working keep posi- ( ay for couirhs, colds, asthma and al! long tls'iT tk\«k. Uii curcd bv using] rir κ l;mxES v.. good practice be roughest exper- I I entire but as I never dreamed to be d IRIcnltles, is Adamsou's Botanic Balsam, torcurc. It eastern but a love for drink protested my ignorance. a hurri- ion, happy j pota home, strong ienced ; the wind blew to take, at Law, lue ver fada. 44 perfect ' «expensive, reliable, pleasant Attorney and Counn*lor Well, had a fever, and !»een 1 ind I owe it all to that.brave little wife Tat!vc«Trhoan not drink, but with it a you've the of the c ares as anil gives universal M .1 I N t —yet altogether 44 cane from the north, glare by magic, 1>I.\I IKLI>, y cocCncd It, Cleastc Uio vitiated me. wild she informed Hut s atisfactlon. A trial is the best testimon- bu»iae.« a Specialty niUl.s a-, i work· you acc into debt sometime*," >f mine. : ·< »«1 I'roUate jthe jbloodwben reckless of running was incessant, and the f -s ν \ s bant· expenditure, lightnimr heavy il. Price 30 cts. Trial size 10 cts. μ luipuritica 1 tow lie still until 1 to > <■ re get you something W. ΠΚΚ, r t j s-f ::g tlirough the —had brought me down. uf thunder rolled the whole an«! η peals along " a fMnl cxcrci·#, Plny^îes, Γ-lotrlics, 1 •at." Vou are a great coquette," sai. Ib-ljf en I remember the that the final crash A Man Who was Too Cakkkii..— day iau to a Madison Avenue young lady. "I at Law, c 1 ι· <■ isiu-ma Umuta. said this she from the sky. and Counsellor As she got up V bald headed man shot a min- was ittoruy •tri'ig Γ:ητΐ:« an I bcal^x trUI iol· came, and how hard 1 tried to avert it, "Watch fur a red light at negro lead jiltey," the response. i'kTW ko. Ms. sharp I ' ittle in which she had been " was to a realization of situa· rocking-chair mas- 1 trcl the other and arrainged inflation, tor N«« Hampabirc. |be wsak and uekxy. not waking my No. 2,' I heard the train night Backache, stitches in the side, M i.nu κ 'bridge 1 a a of the bowels, are Ι11ΤΠΕΒ«·| to itting. as 1 tefore of the pcace. nd soreness symptoms General Pel -lit;· v.·:n euro Ι-\Χ'ΓC·.·:.!·1'' tion until it was too Ute. It seemed ter to the engineer of the frvight justice 44 the say 0 f a disordered state of the digestive and IT (. DAVIS, et Jep-nt'·! tcniie Jj'laint T> -l'tbe Us- No, don't go !" I caught her by the "I think w so favored, said defendant, M-i.ru' a Bnr- 1.^ .Ii-aged ; it ill cure me impossible that 1, always his train out of the yard. "Judge," sslmllate organs, which can be promptly |c^> |jj »· to eat heavy pulled îuo, and j ju vQJ ! leeve. 1 don't want fellow. I cornrcieu me ust if not anjthing Vf» Ί" iv α a one rliVOP hv had a to shoot the nu ny if. tot be troubled should be, could be, and right tnormgniy A Y AT LA j>enniless, I Cathartic Pille. An dinner TTORJfE s-tntt a nimiKSw 1 tnd I do want to last yer's pille, a still in a you." one over the river vent the show night expecting uo Iol'I be without »! :" 1 yn-.jiip andU absolutely beggar, certainly 0'Neil's—the long * drcl:t. |Wretlb>. beggar's position. just PARIS ' olf new and remain I waj for fear of augh. was nestled in the he scoundrel got something ladies think that the lat- « ι * where known, —their little cottage Ksthetlc young unill, not know I am afraid you do just shot him." e it invention in caramels is just loo too- j j Bitters, my creditors, I struck otf into new re- thick wood between the two. Sulphur do she said t isome for anything. at Law, the word vhat you want," pleasantly. "I don't believe it the Attorneys and that's I no one judge* replied, gions, begged—yes, " Just how it suppose You won't happened some- Ye», I do ; I want you. 'but if that it was One voice all over the land κο··β up from (line. fur honest work, and seems you thought M —begged work, any knows, but it that "bridge " are so Xoricay, will voice sounded very exactly under the revised η tothers. that says, My daughter* I* Bl-OCk. it in vain. 1 did odd I ζο, you:" My hing new, you had, all out of υΠΜ Ua«|AHAT begged for get No. 2" had been swept away by the fury feble ami «ad, with no strength, A. s. Ki*k\u~ 1 mxious in its weakne>« a to kill exertion. What ι HuLr. here and there, but nothing last- tatutes of Arkansaw, right (j reath and life at the least jobe, of the storm, and the red lantern, safely is slm- " Not without mother calls me. Now c an we do for them?" The answer w for me to live iim." * kii.it. ing, only just enough placed by careful hands to stop the ad- le ami full of hope. One to four weeks' jum I fo to "The man is not dead, Your Honor, se of Hitters will make them healthy, from hand to mouth—and some- sleep." had out in the terri- 'η Hop along me vancing train, gone r and cheerful. at Lav». She settled the white coverlet about a osy, sprightly 4 Counselor it was even at that. uggested constable. Attorney times poorly enough, ble gale. The heavy freight propelled said the turn- a loses tne sack in which a rery carefully. "In that case," judge, When drummer I'ariA, Maine. The night before, with fever burning down the between the two " me 1 asked ateep grade h e carries his you may very prop- Ha· »'»j at.0 How did here:" to the "I'll have to send samples ν aœatij· gι* eu Ο l'roUâ'je you get ng defendant, in vein*, 1 bad left Hidgetield—left its own rushed with c that he has lost his grip. COulcUM. my bridges by weight, rly say ou to You should be more careful or all the 1 >resently. without a scream the little and took jail. on a bracket. supper money—and *' me : by cottage Λ servant girl fell it é mm One of the station men helped iow fool with the law."—Arkansato j> long night had trudged onward, down the terrible plunge into the air, down fif- you Her skull, she did uearly crack it, 1 ind you were heavy, if you hadn't Trailer. St. Jacobs Oil applying, Counsellors at Law, the white road. Sick, terribly rocks below. great, country ty feet to the Saved hpr from 1 to eat." dying- luck l Me. inything the racket." l fir il, with the hot fever coursing through my When I saw it, early the next morning Dropped all Pbide of Race.—A It proved to be "just I back on and watched ν hlic for νιτυ*ι> Coc*rr. lay my pillow Λ steamboat from Goshen, τακτ Pi veins and my tongue ;"faint and the wreck was with the dead, owns a fine tract of cedar land captain O. 11 HkiWT. parching complete, gentleman a boiler ; >·» I*. luui. 1 1er there in the stillness of the Was hurt by explosion and from sitting and a few hungry, footsore weary long mangled bodies of the trainmen wedged lot far from Austin, Texas, On the pains in his hip, vr.u.ktu. is Wealth ! 1 Oom. It was a sweet Health and but little picture enough St. Jacobs Oil got the grip. £ travel, disheartened, caring into the water and crushed down by the lays ago he watt told that some negroes a rai. h "l ! or man—more than that to me, for He calls it the all-hea!ing lotion. as the sun any so he rode arul Counsellor at Latr, whether I lived or died, just timbers. vere cutting down the timber, Attornj, to a woman for a heavy O V Κ L1. M A rat. j had " known that were came I sank into the low, cool-look- scarcely spoken our train ? ask. >ut to see about it. To his astonish- It was first hogs good up "And you be a to receive harsh ■» eat when Japhet Ham. It would and lost all ong year, excepting as it was a white ing bushes by the road-side, Well I'll tell you about that nent he found wealthy neighbor hem not to Noah thiug was good after .1. W. Davis. 1 inswers. consciousness. told to me. vith a team and wagon, hauling off the t rying it. 1 he sun that came streaming into the "Are you sick, sir ?" Florence and her mother were about imber. entered the the on- SI RiJEO.Y DE.VTIST. the net- If disease has system | vindow. here and there aud eu- The was with even piercing to rest, the lantern to I am astonished, Colonel," | r way to drive it out is to purify Maine. »WT »JU> IWAiS TtBAT question repeated retiring believing "Why, as is ac- So. Par * Hi I t work of vines, went down, casting r ich the blood. To this end, » f ir Duxl slowly "I heard tu· h<4 w >, has been that iron could not be a. the Brain resuJt ea in to still the tslecp. to ithorto "Ratio «τμοηγκτ Itep-mkinr. S-.tV-o —g oi hand to my throbbing temples ment later the fearful crash. Realizing imber, and here I find you, a white man, harmless to %o .Ic-a* anx death. over Γ as to be absolutely | J lunar it aiii lut1»; m.-*rv. How those two women did watch repared in to be has been over- mutiire < Τι Agi, loi (Kit aov, Weakuee· Hor- timber. You lie teeth. This difficulty Pr« pain. in a moment what had happened, suiting my ought [ of Ph)/sivlan Surgeon. it ..r ,rx I η το! notary I.o»K«»a l Sixrmatorrh· care me the that fol- Brown Chemical Company tj- 44 ind for during days c ome the «met of the brain, aeli are man ?" the ' by s OFFICE era caitnl 1>τ over exertion Where your friends, poor ence a lantern, and amid ishamed of who offer their Brown c >nt uu« yourself." laltim >re. Md., or over hat'h box in which I better very graspad Ouen «ad uUt»: atiiwr iaiiulfelw got a Iron 0*; fe w Sut*. l)»y a ·Ιχ boxes was a look of in those owed—days of water, to tell the truth," [ ron Bitters as faultless preparation 0i« monUi't treatuint. 41 h»x,or There pity great hurricane of wind, the deluge "Well, responded Ml cure for Indigee- Se ov Otail prqa receipt M (low—the old, gray-headed, matronly to steal tim- nd a positive dyspepsia, Ul l η to uare anv CMC. With earnest that if I should live forever and the ;he other "I do hate ·. ρ.·—η|»»ι t > T>r«. I Τ lltu, to <· g'i*rantrr bo\e« eyes, the incessant of lightning, party, troubles, etc. bexea aoe> w r.» the little What de- glare ion. kidney >!'b. M U wk>,«( l'ortkiil. rarti or l<-r icc ·Ι»·«Ι r<»r« uip«nie rrfuaU 44 echoed the words sound- lightful, dainty, they fence rails that I con- riT-e· im .1 «' Wkt k Co Friends !" I ; for the wreck. nake such bully H. TILTON. M. not then one tage and started FBIII a, tuaraiit·**·* llirouji II. U. ll*V 4 CO. 44 (ne with their own hands ! And ;·»:·· a to me. Did to all of race." NEVER iMltl, l'>rUâa*L M .inaction ed almost like mockery soon in the cluded pride PROBABLY |>ruifti»t·. omif me the Her went out very drop hae and rte >t- would fan and talk with in long light <>f medicines Surgeon, Μ ι«ι le an>l Κ as I:i the history proprietary Physician ever know such men I to have was to that TlHlnr. you felt her said he met success at h<>nn· equal >orw»), tummer wind but she bravely way His Gheat Gain.—Some any article MADE, afternoons. llitf.n's Saksa- o—— >VA rClii_ ?" was which lias been iijm.ii Street, Mr liUW friends woods and timbers and others asserted that he |>oured *» V il' I iirnjm.t OtiJg·' when the mother was out, I through the falling Hilled such has Ιμ··ίι (he siicccm to. p. m ma i 44 One day, I'AltlLU. Why, r* Ul. office llonr· Us What have you done—are you a waters but when the re- In t:He from whole to the eoge cf the rushing hurt, of this article, that nearly every faintly in λ Snly dangerously criminal ?" dis- have been taking it at mid the covered the crushed and drowned the crowd he whole neighltorhooil* *. wu^ruving and that porter pushed through week brings new evi- L* F- UOLDEN. O-, a start- concealing nothing, watching the same time. Every rti η « M **· of the chest « *v«cukJty. Ί ! if ta; i.«-td!cn. your name," said, q ..r/ii* IIy seem to think. I am of was IIUUUUfirkfJ* Ο J'.fst Remedies Ι'ί·« »; >tom- 'guilty* being to She knew was and he iioUXu'a I>rug » f! ι ITirfcA Quti this pie " I I of that horrible death. It his left thumb, V /· That is enough," replied. leap ot ,lu' v'^tah,e J poor. simple Λ '## K.LIDITY and that the with its » and had measured ,n ΤΛΕ» JOUI* A CLARK, \; \wti_: L; mi.·I in the old- long night express, strawberry peddler 440h, that is all !" What a relief there was sitting up now, great ν :t " and times. such««f*·»· proportion mUM.rii i».r. I simple procès^ It load of was nearly due, that Uumb over 10,000 Sarsapar/l/a/ DKSTUTS, as I was I noticed fashioned chair. is George passengers, medicinal effects of SOLID was in her voice ; sick rocking as to derive their greatest Ht. a; -!>. !: (he «Ή. A plato warn them of their ; a man ! I see how it is" sighed KOBWAY VlLLAOI, none to danger "Poor with least disturbance to the whole syv 14 are mother and And the on eûle of a it. We poor, too, I; Gray. yours?" to so ^4JHL ·» silver or «.« .» i> s 'Iderwl eaetal, but still friends, sea- anced In its action upon alinuaitary <· P. J.jNtH. C. A CLARK- romjH^itiou at the the berry on several of the gale. opening liver, the the stomach, art» then between one sick at our door without killed the railroad years ago, fury you just canal, the kidneys, thr-»· paned polished leave any or UYU1KH1C IHSTITUTt. office at Somerset the liowels and the circulation of the blood, in this the cases, us this little house, The telegraph son." s: I r-llers. l'r hark% Can walk at all, sir ?" and the company gave action of tho ^|AIM help. you avert the whis- that It brines about a healthy are «nit and was the to "Hush ! Mum is the word !" « t· 1<·Λί1-, t··., shaped by *· we to the trains if the Matland only place that can hardly be Devvted to Female Invalid*. I will see," 1 said, ; and in- and watch 'flag' for entire human organism, Kxolujivelj is faintly was fellow as he started re- * thick To Somerset live miles, the who have not seen the Wmnot», Me. ιϋ· ui ! former*. The gold not be safe the water in pered poor credited by those with a hold on should ; catastrophe. a small kin!CAM Ml îor CirCuiAT en^ne before she could reach there it doses of Hood's Yrrt- it all m if such one takee half a ly laxative, take a few smooth than She said very long an artificial which up pint cases of η liave l^en worn ] wfectly by feet and rather walked, simply, I ΓΛΙΙΙ.Κ PiI.L». It Is well In all K. CAKPK3iTK.lt. staggered, too a common to would be late—the express wouljl room a measure. It's great 1'iiii usuess to take the».· pills in eomu'Cfiun rem· the Thit it when at I a life was old and enough of in quart davs. pKAJIll ν trir'i rin,' gold. out into the road ; but last got the with the s.u iparilla for the first t-'ii Matland was a me sir—a With be r F c ,λ· u.«u/< tttuL litis proetm. her. gone gain 1 hat dull, sleepy, Ik once more into the sunshine, the old diz- a ii>e of these remedies. Wlu AUCTIONEER. was of the and wooden overcome bv the vith a raiid mile, but between her and Matland sympathy public a trial and Im again? i'< çuitrantrt in a swoon The of a railroad laborer, make >011 give them yourself H Rnnanza District* faintnese came OTer me, and daughter with a around it, I shall KimfxiU il/, it to zy or fifteen feet above its thumb rag of "•I Uc tnt'M w.rraating — was a the ten of tills elty say· Hood's Lf i/iirturrr* and I loved her and I only river, season in Straw- An ex-aldrrtiinii RI ME. in the dust. the best twenty years. " TUEL, ·· ·> Casta I fell forward strongest »■·' iy -rr. of these and to this ehe must It is the Narsapa- 110,000 ! natural height, pass ! the mers- Sarsaparilla. O. Box 144, Lockk's Mills. i^tates and For I was conscious of tramp bu-ries Straw-bu-riee—heap I ever saw." £ i>f>v. irri.-l in the I'nilod days following feet above rilla think. cross over liridge ?ίο. 1, fifty ure for cents !" and ach- "Not very elevated," you j twen-tyf-i-v-e contains one hundred < ... Ijr.ot aikl Oldest lactoiy. nothing but pain—a throbbing Kach dollar bottle Paris Hotel bul the roaring rushing water. Sold ail West J Λ-k .Jeweler a of not, in the social scale, '•We know thee, says (averages)doses. by druggists. AM1> your of the head, feeling throughout Perhaps gentle spring," ing 400 feet one dollar, or six for five dollars. a* She must cross this would be I^ec STABLE our hearts be as true, our love bridge, a Indeed, but this poet 'LIYEKY ΝΟΤΗΈ, and suffering. I had closed my might poet. Hood's Harsaiurilla, prepared only by G hunger with but the ties and rails fellow to take at a θ J. CALDWKLL, Proprietor. Λ f long, nothing a along masquer· I. liOOI>& CO., Apothecaries,IjoweHMass. The >c!^'tmen ot Parla will Ue in &β**ί«η the heat and and even good dis- hontf eyes in dust, great. a could moet Whit P>»n. Me ir«l Tut-iwlav of eaeh month, at the town heavy for the wind blowing g&le, ade. He penetrate any bee to In the which followed, and theii support, Om. at i o'cloelt ία ll>« ultwiiooa, to tr»n«art any there after I seemed days 'Iood's Tooth-Powdu, ►tTTn Τ» A ut im> fooml α· 11· at as I lay day day, wa· jyUse ρτιη tsar row* batoie the boar ι. the seething, lUlb rAtUL t Iv wrt! * CO'· .\ν«ηφ»ΜΤ ■e*s that prot>«rly until and foaming, muddy guise. ff4. K. Chair·»·. 1 same tender care, I grew rapidly better, fch Hut.au Ht Surv** Sç ν CCUTIS, be breathing the dry air, suffering Ι«ν«ιι twM bv iuadciuf u IX HtW 1 DU*. P»rii, Maiu«t May 39fth, 1SK5. NEWS OF THE THK Subscriber hereby give· publie notice ti»n» WRRK OXFORD COUNTY LOCALS. Under the direction of the teachers, the celebrate the :10th anniversary of hie mar- ot State •he ha· been duly appointed by the Hoe Juug· In This and imubm scholars are preparing Tor au exhibition at riage with Mies Kuth Marston. The day Probate for the County of Oxford, Sunday : The coronation of of th» Albany. 2*.».—William L. Williams the trust of Executrix of the eaUte μμ«1 off r, #rforb May the end οΓ the present term, which closes was clear, and of June'· IKt'tf Lincoln Plantation. ■occeeatally ; no bright sunny—one ALVIN WILBOM, a reliable m»a attemp·* ,1' Democrat bond μ th· „(%,ïTSJKt»5?ÎiÎtag for relief. The statemeutof ίΐ-jS nade to take hi* life. *·» has sold the little farm that he recently July 3rd. perfect days, and the occasion waa one of In said County, deeeaand, by firing Uw directe: Monday: Mr. Merrick TARIS. MAINE, JUNE 5, 1883. to Wilber. Mr. Wil- Mr. W. Q. has returned from ibetherefcreiJwneauaUMr·*·ta·,to mak· commence^ ι purchased Benjamin Spring great enjoyment greetings and deb ted to the eetate oîmlM deceaaed In Kindly and tfcOM who hare any de- (the closing; argument the sur to Montreal with some tine well wishes were Immediate pay meet ; Over liams has to Elmira, New York, very horse·, for this happy day earne to Eighty-five trial. ^ gone mandaU hereon to exhibit the ® well known PAGES. after fallen to his which he has added to his livery, making over when we were summoned to 8A*AH » BKNWB1T. A good Cbrlatlan nil, : A large SIX lliok property recently scarcely ill· work·. A ne··ihrou^boit wboee Tuesday flair-polo Ml 1883. mi wit* for *ood W λ froin May U, ___ I h· ν •«offered store of R· H. hlte Co wife, will or from a deceased it one, if not the beet in the County. a bountiful dinner, if λ fclr speci- statement· oannut be lap—ched. by heirship which, w·· »t ^ ·■ At a Court ol Prabate held at with the Llm and Kidney complaint «ml three men. about ten thousand dol- INO. men of the and cook OXKDRn, oualj Injuring Decisions. Aunt, said to be good cheer good within and forthe County of Oxford, on time· bUion·. -—L.even > Newspaper Parle, my §οη· were killed in Indiana a the of A. D. 1881. by a "nice fall." Hkiirox.—Hev. N. Lincoln, of N. Brldg- which has friend table third Tueaday May : tornii 1. Any person who take» a paper r'gularlj lars. Quite spread Thayer's Guardian af Wednesday A disaster name o· OS the petition of Baker Phillip», occurred direeted to his lu 8nn- on.^■ | from the oiîu-e—whether Archie S. Gole who has been engaged ton, preached at the Baptist church, through these years, may It. minor h»ir of Leonard k. Bottles Brooklyn bridge whereby whether he kn tuocriM or not U twenty-nine Hsrry Phillip', Thousand twelve ,*, another'*. or late of in eald County, deoeaa- were killed and « ν m en f has returued to his with Rev. Phillip·, Hebron, Um fifty Injured, it Wls re*pon*it>!e lor the pa selling nursery stock, day, the 27th Inst, In exchange somewhat account for the of his llcenaeto Mil and «οηνβτ certain wlft has also aoftnd for mn with ( hi happiness ed, praying for My off the i. If a orier· his paper diwatioued on file In the by crowding steps on the person farm to ruu it for this season if not longer. S. I). Richardson. married life. The over, S. P. Max- real *»iate deacrlbed In hit petition une trouble aad palpltatlo· of the heart, also New all arrearage*, or toe pei>li«ter na« repast at an advan- muat pay Prob«t« office, to William Beroril, that terrible d Imam that many aa anfurtuaaie plde. to «end it until payment 1» tnajo. aad Ε. II. Foster has on Mon- a ooatinae The village blacksmith. The school commenced im made in which he al- lageoua offer of four hundred dollars. womb la au weakne··. : The «mount. m hetner the i- village pleasant speech Striae with, Female Thursday Harvard collect "te whole paper the notio· Boar·! of to do a of Miss Ordered, That said petitioner give seers to of(J taken from the office or not. real estate, intending 28th, under the charge luded to the relations which had an refused confer the purchased day, May happy to all persons Interested by causing abstract \ 3. The ourta have decided that re..i»'ag tt houorary little He has a flne horse, Celia H. of No. Livermore, a mem- existed between himself and Mr. of his petition with thlsorder thereon. to Ik· of LL.D. upon Gov. Butler aa 1 oeriodical* from the ·*>»' farming. young Wing Thayer pub- Sold in 1882 Hat /. take aewspapers lished three weeks »uco*sslvely in the Oxford won the boat ofllre or reaovin< and leaviaic ihea une.tMed.loi considerable at the champion race »t dapple grey which is showing ber of the Class of *85 Academy. flrom boyhood to middle life. In behalf of Democrat, printed at Paris, that they may appear We aeveral doctors and uaed differ· Poi^y u ide nee ol Irau 1. employed Pines, over Kennedy, 20 prima roeie.ev from at a Probate Court to be held at Paris in said •at klad· of tnediclaai bat they «ltd ■«* our· ■»· by lengths in he offers to sell. Probably some- The Base Ball Club won a game the guests assembled 0. F. Hammond next miles. A ^Γ„ speed, the third Tuesday of June next, atf We wm adviaod to try The Household Blood freight train on the Countyon , body will make money on him. the Oxfords, at Oxford Village, on Satur- made a presentation of the gifts which o'clock in the forenoon and show cause If any they Purifler aad Trunk R. R· fell through a f;r^ 1118810» not be bridge n* TBI 8WSM8H hare, why the same should granted. Stratford, Ν. H·. the II. O. Wilber has a pair of matched colts day, the 2i*»th. were numerous and valuable. J. F. King Β. A. KKYE. Judge. killing engineer, n·,. Boston Journal says : mtn and a The A true attest: U.C. Davi*. Befister. brakeman., of Maine beta»; about which if traiued will make a val- Chandler's Orchestra, of , has then read a well timed, and copy on Its Hon. John L. Movens rightly poem, appro- : Reduction of the -w· dt- h lion. W. W » Court of held a Friday public to give up th« Mi««ion, for a been the Class of '83 to fam- to the occasion. II. E. ÛxToBD. aa :—At Probate, Cough Svrup. After using aeverel bottle·, to our Is of a* bin sue uable span carriage. engaged by priate Hammond, of Oxlord Thomas. ir of Portland, spoken Paris, within and for the Countv it relieved u*. «nd with much treasure during May-^.O^.O""· of b· D. 18KJ- •urprlae (Mur. Mr. Thomas has the advantage Our summer schools are just commenc- ish music at th*»ir graduation on Friday, J. K. Hammond, N. Mason, S. P. Stearns on the third Tuesday of Ma* Α. and aatiafaction we do bighly recommend It a· a with ο of A. Guardian of inff thoroughly familiar the lauguikgc t.. ON the petition Mary Ellis, valuable Tkmpkk*ti kf. iawt wkkk at the ha\ ing. June 2i»th. The of the Clati and Zlba made short speeches ; all G., Thomas L· aad ; that people and of country generaliy, organization Thayer Geo. it., Henry U., Egbort M » riin < in >weder minors of Ox lord aforesaid, in Sunday, ; j\ tng served as onsul Norway arvi 23th.—Miss Beckie T. is as follows: M. At wood. Presi- to the warmest regard and Mary K. Kills, Monday, ;, cln. Axdovkr, May George testifying for llrenac to sell and Tuesday. 60®, several yearaaiuce. said Conntr, praying Merits cloudy; v. summer the two who commem- or rortaln real Wednesday Akers of this towu is teaching the dent; Henry K. Stearns, Vice President; friendship for today eouvey at publie private sale clear ; 44 3. rain We would add to the above that Mr medicine. To all men aad women that are Thursday, ; estate situated at Fort Kalrfleld in Aroostook Co., : Friday, 4;: familiar school in District No. 7. Walter E. Morton. 1). P. orate this The exercises in the • u th· dlaeaaea, we do clear; Saturday. 52 clear. Thomas is not only thoroughly Secretary; Foye, anniversary. and fully deaerlbed in her |>etilion on Die (Turing with any of «bore ad viae iliam to It. I cannot it aa high with the lansaafi·· of the Swedes, but with Our Supervisor, M. F. Corson, es that there are 270 scholars in this Tirrell, Helen Howe and Lizzie E. Mar- and "Home Sweet Home." Among the to all Interested causleg an abstract REV. JOHN SPINNEY, Stark», jowlj( of the pcraon* by for little Americans Is He has received the thanks of with this order thereon, to "(htr l.ittU. special over were a silver her| petition TBIAL BOTTLES CTt. fa, town, an increase of about 20 last shall, Executive Committee. presents large easy chair, three weeks in King of Swedeu for his admirable transla- be published aueeessively and tht .Vnr*ery," published by the " a dozen silver knives and the Oxford Democrat at Paris that they Ru^ tion of a Swedish work. The Last Athen- The amount expended for schools cake basket, printed MEDICINES 1 year. •l\r<>un. 20th.—The Γ·Ίί<·/· Xnrt may at a Probate Court to be held at Paris I'ubiishlng Co., Boston. It has w ol May appear ai^ , and has up the ildeme.-s la.st $4.1*1 per scholar. forks, spoons, sets, quite a sum of la «aid county on the third Tuesday of June next, That are hlghlv recommended by reliable peo ian"; opened here, year averaged trout at the Lakes glass London office. a of om says ttshlng Rangeley at 9 o'clock In the forenoon and show eanse If any our atate, for iJ onauioption, Dyapepala, Pe our own State with thriving colony at the Lakes is better than towels, vases etc. Pie .la The ttshing Andover money, bed-spreads, the same should not be male and Liver trouble thousand Swedes, who followed hitu fron^ is entirely played out. Can't the they have, why granted. dlaeaaea, Kidaey.I.ung for several On the unanimous wish was that Κ A. FltYK, Judge Rlllouaaeaa, Loat Manhood. Bbeumatiam, Cough· a to Maine. years. us a on this departing Scientific discovery. Sweden correspondent give little light A trneoopy.-attest II. C. Da via. Register. Catarrh aad Derolilou· Uumora, Ac., We hazard nothing in savins that thcr» The heavy raius have quickened river all might be present at the Golden Wed- i'robably our Andover corres· OXKORD.aa:—At a court of Probate held at Is no in an in Maine, and no tn.tt subject? The Household Blood Purifier and A SEW A*P *<>** probably driving considerably. It is expected that pondent does not read the Police „Vetr#.— ding. t Pari*, within and for the County ot Oxford IMIORTANT ΤΗΕυΕΥ in the United State?·, better t< on the third of May, A. U. l«Kl. or thk most equipped rear will leave the West Branch of the En. Tuesday osa vitai. yci.·.- the j has re- Administrator on the e·- Cough Syrup. oar country at the Court of Swe- So. Pari».—Mr. John Whitman GEOKGKC- WING, ΛΝΟ MB represent Wm. who sold out his bar- L. lato of Huckfleld. In TIuSS or THE DAY. lion. W. W Ellis River today, and the entire drive will Cummings, tale of ClUtrles Blnkuell, Rkannwtlt·. Acta·· aad Pain*, den than our fellow citizen, cently sold his farm, and purchased the C. said deeokaed. heviog preeeeted bis ac- ber a few will go to South county, r< vh the in a few days. shop days ago, count of adminUtretiou of the estate of said de· Thomas, jr. Androscoggin M. Daley stand In this village. THE BELIEF LIMIMENT. be conceded ev Windham, where he will opeu a barber'* j ceased for allowance: one We believe this will by Mies Nellie F. is seriously 111 tf Theae medicine* are from the If any had informed Queen Cutting S. P. Maxim is his two I Orpkrku, that the said Administrator give notice compounded E;tt. one who knows him, ο a and if his head Is erecting story nil· of root· and berba. «η.I eold all deal· ery irrespective and candy store, all Interested a ol this pure by beth in her that she with lung complaint. shop to persons by rsusiug copy m. YV palmiest days α*ύ And. we should be sorn on the he has also in JOHN PERKINS A CO.. Portland. Me party. though table. He is a dwelling "highlands," ! order to be published three wttk· successively John >ewton lost α valu- level put in a billiard good BOWDITCH. WF.BHTKK. A CO., AucustA, Me. have been seated in her in his active from w< Mr. W. very new the Oxford Democrat, at Paris tliat they palace LonA VI,H. would have declared it to be a If the Hall is for all pur- David Dunn, esq., the jovial Poland A true copy—Attcid:—11. Kegi-Ur n^rac*. iater to Sweden.—/Vt*.-. large enough the citizens took of the oppor- Valaable Life Tonic. Curee completely Cancer sick. But he he ain't advantage And had lived in the we wonder so many of those lawyer is quite says Notice. ouaf»k oxrout» cousty ry Druggist· dav, this miracle successor of Hon. .John 1.. who it and who so goinç to die yet. I'm going Orvic* •ell l(. apparent would mon as the probable say is, persistently op- residences. STAI K OK MA1NK. se- PRICE ONLY 30 CENTS. have been Stevens as Minister to Sweden. The shake hauds with a Democratic Pres- a»:-Perts, *;». A. D. 1!«1. witnessed and nr. posed the eflbrt made to have It enlarged good Mo. OXKOBD, May readily an oue, Mr. Herbert F. llall of Kansas City, to Notice, that on theild Of lection would be admirable espec leave ident !" is give day seem at all strange or unnatural. a year a^o, shsald, at this bu>y time, Α. I». 1*&I. a Wsrraut in Insol- The as with a'.i other qual ricat:<»ns fitting Merrill Brackett found some is in town visiting his relatives and ΊΜΙΙ-.May, ially Hall recently wai Isnued oui of the Court of Insolvency THE IEW PATEIT truth is, new are him for the Mr. Thomas car off work and hasten to the ^ taking vency principles coming into position. on the friends. for said County of Oxford, «garnet the .-«uie of a? which had lain out of doors 1 and the of and write the Swedish language their with them two and three apples Κ of Paris, in the ol existence, operation speak supper S. P. Maxim A Son have finished Amos Spanlding County many a the all but were perfectly nearly ail to be an Insolvent Debtor, on laws unknown in the is well as native of kingdom.—A>m«- hour* before an entertaiment Is announced grounds winter, Oxlord, iudged DUST-PROOF past being a contract of said I »eblor, w hlch petition was tiled on fully bfr Journal. fresh and sound. for 5000 Patent l)lsh Drainers. petition unuentood in the In no to as did when the the Mth day of May, a. o. 1naid debtor, to turn or lor bis FACTCBlil» ΤΠΚ , belonging the human Millions of Rockland. a> Rail of course. Brother "A. and ihe and transfer of anv body. ρtop* Uon. D. N. Mortland of ; 'h; seats enough to go around, after planting. Just think, uew it is to be like the one that ; use, delivery prop- house, him are forbidden law ; That a meeting have died in from some the other wa> that « r. Ward, Jr."—Oxfonl wou't be any- erty by b) Watch Oo. past ages im* road Commissioner; village was burned two Of the Creditor's of i*aid Debtor, to prove their American where to Bethel H1U!" years ago. nificant or controlled eau.*? W. of as Trus that Debts and choose onu or more Assignee· of his easily which Capt. C- K*»yes Karmington. Bethel.—A correspondent writes be Our soul is tilled with sorrow, to behold The cheese factory will begin opera- ; cstsie, will !>e held at a Court of Insolvency, to WALTBAHf, ,11AM. is understood now and tee of the Of th< wa« observed iu holden al Probate Court Boon» in 1'itrls. in said thoroughly readily Agricultural College. Memorial Day generally a co-laborer In tions this week. X. our talented Brother C., on the i"th of June, a. I». lNsJ, at TIiIh (a*c ia formel in on·' solid with handled. the en. Journal County, day piece Consumption during former, the Lewi«ton says the town and at the ! nine o'clock in the torenoon. by speakiug singing the of the Oxford out Joint or ·υ«Μΐι, in rsoMT thu* been an vineyard Democrat, Wkst Pakis.—The circle met with Mrs. hand the date tirst above writ· opening owtr, tire has considered incut»· Hon I). N. Mortland. who has beer In the a crowded i.fven under my past Cemetery. evening, utterance to such rash and reckless ; en. AUSTIN P. 8ΓΚΛΚΝ8, Deputy sheriff, avoidiugthe aaual Car, and securing groate disease. it nominated for Railroad Commissioner bj giving A. Andrews Wednesday afternoon and ble And y«t ii demonstrattd house listened to an interesting a ldress by as Messenger of the Court of Inxolvenoy. for said strength and the Governor, has l»een a member of bot! boast. As as an otlset to the above, the dnraldllty. that it has been and can be even af- evening. Woodstock circle was Invited, County ol Oxford. These cured, and is a Hon. Enoch Foster. After the address the VVnU'lit··are all ornr racE. Tlie beset, branches of the Leftislaturt·. Universalis!* have du^ the cellar and laid ter it has had a run Dr. and Into which an extra I· long Felix Oswald prominent member of the Knox Couutv audience vot I to request Mr. Foster to quite largely represented. n«M«Bfer'i Noilre. «innig crystal broad and the foundation of a uew Ο υ with an has contributed a notable artide λ Bar. deep Mr. and Mrs Stearns of Gorham. have Okmck υκ thk SiiEKirr or χ mu Couwtt «'a[>ooially prepare»"I water-proof oe just send the address to theO\roKi> Democrat STATE or MAINE. and elegant church. tnent, U atlavl,o«l U> tlie ea«e tiy screwing it this to' the > is of the beeu friends in this place; also OXKOBD, aa:-Ma| il, A. b. liKI. subject Popular Capt. Keyes editor Faruiingtou for At this writing, the copy visiting anil thus forma nn publication. J. Hamilton. President of the P. & O. R. is to gire notice, that on the SU thereon, airtight Junction He a, 1 sol- Mr. and Mrs. Raker of Dexter are Monthly. r^ard.* consumption Ckromclt : was a thorough volunteer not been so it will be neces- visiting day of May a. t>. IskI. a warrant in insol- with the of Uie cos*·, wliioh la proof has received, at the I.ake House. 11111s hotly scrofula. The R.. recently stopped was Ifsued out of the Cou rt of pulmonary impurities of dier, the war. three relatives here. vency Insolvency animât ilu.«t and molature. during serving years *ary to defer its for one week. lur «aid County of Oxford, again»l the cita le of a | publication He had a land-lockeil salmon, To railroad the blood constant irritation '.a 15-pouud Mrs. leaves to visit Charles II. Cotlin of in (aid Cjuu men, traveler», mineni, lumber produce during which time he was severely wound- Abiel Chandler, one of our most Mooney to-day Woodstock, jr.. in the men and an? the thus their delicate which he caught Sebago; this, says friends In Lewiston. ty. ■djudged to be Insolvent Debtor, on petition other* who almost conntnntly ex· lungs, destroying ed. and was for valiant conduct. and of «aid debtor whicn «>ι died on the Mil· promoted pr-'inpt enterprising correspondents. Is land-locked sal- petition |κμκ·ι| uuil who bave to make reference tissues and death. His Tr in+rrij·'. the largest to oi A. ». l»vi. to which la*t naiued fre.juent causing tueory war he served in the 1 Mrs. Nathan Andrews has beeu called day May, After the regular ha> rented his farm for three years, and to the watch, tbeee are of the utmost mon in this State for a number ot date intend on claims I* to be computed ; that the <|ualltles shows conclusively th»t consumption is » He is now on the retired list, lie caught Harps well very suddenly on account of raeuiof debu aud the delivery and transfer army. moved into the village, where he will de- pay any importance. blood disease. It ha. its years. of any property belonging to said debtor, to him origin pnman· is an active and is well îa her daughter's illness. Republican, vote his time to the sale of Agricultural Carr has a tine boat. or for his u»e, aod ihe deliv cry aud tr&nslerof any Fred purchased Th« ly in a deranged condition of the »eec Mr. Shaw has rented the house rtr hint law that a meet- fallawlag letter· tell their owa kidney» rted for the position to which he ha- Implements, lie has also sev- belong- prop* by arojforbldden hy purchased John Robinson recently purchased the ing of tiic creditors ot »a,d debtor, to prove their a tor or liver, the only two organs of the uhmîiiImL ing to Mr. Levi Curtis. jr. body, enteen of land situated between debts aud choose one or more Asnigueea of *aid facres lKan colt, a tine animal. Parties who are "VaI.Im^TA, bEOBGU, July m, 1SW aside from the lungs, that purify the Mr. sick eetate, will be held at a court of Idsolvency to be Br »ad Street an I Street, where Leonard Swan has been quite "I eoltl one of Patent l>u«t Proof Cases t.l 4 Wl ·1-" L./i~—« '"»· Gov. Ργαινγκι» is like other senile sol- Chapman lookius for an extra colt wili do well to holden at the Probate court room, in Parte in «aid your for a few ol Oxtorit, un ibe ioth day ol June, about ten months and tlie other it came he will build a residence this «ammer. days. County ago, day diseased are in a sore or lacerited diers—he loves to over his old bat- Mr. R. a call. A. t>. lNvi, at nine o'clock in the foreuoon. they t.ght give Mrs. our and l>ack to me with tlie reooeat t«> make it wind Next >ummer he intends to erect several Bradbury vory tasty oblig- Olven under luy band ihe date flrst above written. state which communicate* to ev. tles. In a ha.:" column reply to an item casier. Oil «xiiminittiou I found that the stein poison Paris.—Carl Mason, son of Ma- ing milliner has returned from JAMES M DAY, Deputy Sheriff, i to let to Emery recently was ounce of blood that we recently published. he tries to show ly-rtnished cottages city people i as Meaaenger of the Court of Insolvency for said nitty, and I, Inquired Into the cause of It. ery passes ><»u of this town, about three aud a half vriviauu ntiu « vaiviun; scivvwu o^vrva w« louuiy οι lutuni that his while Governor were ai"U^U l.ït SUU1UJCI >c»uu Ttoo geuUuuiau *laleend and com» s to tie till he was threatened bv the cottages, ssrn)«T's Mette·· the system non-part.>an. of the through a last week 1920 hills of potatoes. When Mr. Geo. ha* a lien that ornes or the shkkikf ok Ox*okd coumty river, when his chain caught In a bush to at the hotels. Mr. Chandler Is writing Young recently where the is Republican newspapers, in regard Couu- ST AT Κ OF M AI Mi. wul threw hi«t watch into about twelve fee* of lungs, poison deposited, are of the deeds of smart old laid an that measured 8 1-2 C 1--' of the Fourth Maine Battery iu the you telling egg bj OXFORD, (»§.—May £1, α. ι» 1Hs3. in the formed ty officers. This matter was thoroughly history water, anil lie wa* about two houni ΙΙηΊΙηκ It. causing decomposition finely men, don't the little ones. inches. Γ11ΗΙ·» m to give notice. that on the t wcuty-third •>attl« of Cellar Mountain. 18*-· forget he It cells of the diseas. d of discussed during the last State canvas.*, Aug. X dav of May, A. I>. !»-'!. a Warrrnt In In- When got out it wait running and bo lunge. Any p4rt Wm. K. Greene has beeu Road Miss of Sumner is the solvency wit* Ι.-aMcti out ol the (Jouit of insolven- on We if it Is not to lie In appointed Harding teaching thought all right. In about three month» he the has ar.d and the their verdict his hope, published lor of Oxlord. the estate body contaminating power. people passed at cy »*ld County »galn-t to for iu for I'aris Hill District. He pro- school the Corner. Nom I)e Ρι.γμε. fiHUiil that the atom wait hunt to turn and tent administration. If Gov. Plaistcd wa> book form, secure it publication Surveyor of Kuius II. Potter, ol Hartford. *1 jα■ 1 ^<χ 1 to be yet the blood, which is the life of the on .in Insolvent I>ebtor. on ol said deblor. it to me. the m lh."rat. proposes to begin work the highways I petition is into contact threatened he Di wa> on system, direct by Republican newspapers. Κγμκοει).—Farmers in Rumford are which petition IIled the Kth day of May, I can say that the watch is all that the com brought next June 7. All who wish to *. I». Ib.v—Memorial well with their work for the season. I c'.ann 1» to be That the of any work out their taxes, are to along computed. payment to requested ap- railroad aud mill men. in»? all of the respect by doing what he considered served in Canton on Wednesday, the 30th, Grass Is there debu and ihe delivery and tranafer of any prop contagion parts body. a. on that looking remarkably well, to «aid to h.m or lor hi· 1». W. BKNTLY." 4· on Main Street at 7 debtor, whwe the pear m., erty belonging Bishop Jesse T. Peck, D.D., LL.D., right. as by serting his thority." in under the following programme Proces- being no winter killed places on the mead- une, und the delivery and tranrfrr of any proper- with tools, teams. &c. Ι y him are forbidden That a meetilig death has been so ΰ manner the of!'- sion formed in front of G. A. K. Halt, Jay, by by law; recently regretted, he did, simply to rebuke ows, and with a favorable season there is to their •■Ci-nrros. Iowa. April J9, lwi. The scholars in Miss Giles's school j of tlie ('(editor* of said Debtor, prove to have died of gave one or mora Of nut I wish would send inc a for the reported pneumonià, cioas editors. headed s Band, followed >y of an abundant ! debt* and choose Assignee» you spriti* by Thompson promise hay crop. 1 a memorial exercise, last Fri- estate, will be held at a Court of ln»olvencv, to be Wm. which medical authorities *rfirm indi- 1. Longfellow Ellery Watch Hy tlie way this Ellery John A. Hodge Poet, No. 71. Capt. More than the usual acreage of sweet iiolden at Pari*, In said County, on III· VOth day dav afternoon. a number of citi- I In a watch I sold in Screw bezel Cane to a cate· a diseased condition of the to those Quito : of June, a. t>. I.sM, at nine o'clock in the fore- your kidney. —The Boston If-ra! suggest.-» commander ; ue\t, Son:· of \ eter corn will be season the Virgin planted this for noon farmer last fall. The first of he lost Republicans who wish to run Robert T. zens interested themselves to attend, aud January It is well known, moreover, that for sev- ans. Ε. K. Glbbe; then followed cit- of Horace F. who 3 1-1 • liven under tny hand the date llrat above writ the watch In Lincoln, sou of Abraham Lincoln, for Pres- Capt. factory Webb, pays the woo·Is, ami found It this week all were well paid for tluir trouble. Miss ten. .loSIAll \Y. WH1TTES, Deputy Sheriff, eral he had been the victim of se- izens on foot and with a in about one of \. .iter. 1* had laiu three years ident. that take Gen. Charles llamlin. carriages, making cents for 'J8 ounces of corn. a» of the Court of Insolvency, (or foot they had a ex- Me»-,-nicer vere and the Qik-s arranged very appropriate and over kidney trouble, pneumoni» son of Hannibal Hamlin, for Vice Presi- procession one-half mile In length, I *aid Count y of Oxford. months in irtow and water, with but nearly Charles A. Kimball plans to make exten was ercise, and is entitled to much crtdit for slight Injury to the a bair which terminated his life only dent. and repeat the ticket of 1*·ϊ0—Lin- liter the rnirch- Sotlce of Ikcoad Meet In* of Ir.dllon I· watch—only spring finally forming procession, they sive improvements in his house the com- result of the blood coln and Hamlin.— JE>nae&*r Journal. the excellent manner in which the pupils laiolvtary, L. 8. RAYMOND." the last previous pois- ed to Pine Grove where the us- one Uie creditor* of Kdwiu of Cantoir Cemetery ing season, adding story, bay windows Thompson Tlie above were severe and de- The matter which is left We made a suggestion on this carried it out. The program was as fol- in the County of Oxford, and State of Maine very tests, oning. deadly subject ual ceremonies were TO performed by placing and new tlnish. which will make It one of Insolvent debtor:—You are noli lied, monstrate beyond a doubt, that for rea- Here is another: Take the the school : hereby any in the the blcxxi last week. lows Memorial Song by with the of the of tho Court lungs by impure clogi wreaths of flowers upon the graves of our the best residences in town. That approval Judge sonable length of time during which a watch the When man who was second on the ticket in !*·> sketch of Life, Lizzie of Insolvency lor said County of Oxford, the up and finally chokes patient. Longfellow's by be under water It would receive no In- Illustrious l)ead; after which, John D. The Mexico and East Rumford Cheese second raretlng of the creditor* of «aid Insolvent might this is it is called Hon. Hanoib*l Ilamlin. for President ία Giles; Recitation, The Angel and the In to be held at the Probate Court room Jury whatever. accomplished rapidly Hodge. es«|.. father of John A. llodge In appointed Factory have closed up their aflairs aud m Paris, lu said of Oxford ,ou or ; when 1**1. and then if yon wish, put on the son Child, Ida Brown; The Village Black- County Wednesday We make these eases In l»oth gold and silver, pneumonia quick consumption whose honor the name of this Post was sold the .vth day of June, a. u. IM, at» o'clock In their building aud fixtures to Fred A. and as a Dust-Proof lum but in any event it of his father—Hamlin and Lincoln. We Lou\ le Swett : Arm Chair, to the the torenoon. You will govern yourselve* accord· Perfectly Wlsd- slowly, consumption, a few and words in- smith, My given, in appropriate Porter and 1*. Eaton, who are con lag Watch the WsrU U caused are bound have the names reversed, of Cyrus in*ly. Case, Challenge is the result of blood, by to School Children Cambridge, Géorgie (•iven nnder mv hand and the order of Court impure troduced W. S. esq., of Hart- Prodnci Its Robinson, templating moving the to some of A. r>. ΙιΜ. E«i«al. diseased and liver. somehow. Shaw; Hiawatha's Childhood, MaryTaylor: machinery this nth dav May. kidneys ford. who delivered a most excellent a.l- other localitv and manufacture cheese. UK I! UK Κ C. DAVIS, Register of the Court of Fob Sale bv ai.l Kirst-Ci-a*· Jewkler*. These are facts of science, and vouched Song. The Bridge. Maggie Stanley. Birdie Insolvency for *aid County of Oxford. dre-s for the occasion, tilled with patriot- Mr. Porter is one of the best cheese mak- for by all the leading of t:.e —The Detroit Frtt Prtss notes the fact Doble; of writ- Λοίι. c of Ncoad M**tlnf of Creditor· la physicians a Evangeline—Circumstances lam and loyaltv. He very aptlv dropped ers in the State, aud has had some 8 or 10 Insol vestry. show the that there hasn't been one single well-de- ing the poem and extracts from same. Hat- day. They desirability—:Uv, few words for those men who. duriuc the the creditors of David A. of fined case of crankism since Gulteau drop- years' experience in the business, aud now Jordan Albany, the necessity, of these mo«t im- lie Crocker; Something Left Undone, Ellis lu the County of Oxlord, and Slate ol Maine, keeping the scaffold. warmest of the owns a TO r. ped through part Rebellion, preferred full line of cheese making machin- η solvent debtor:—You are Thai organs in perfect co&diti .n, Doble; The 1'oet and His Song, Susie hereby untitled, portant to snuff the cool breezes of the St. Law- of the most and with the approval of the Judge of the Court CAUGHT to insure health, but also to ery approved patterns any unly esci; Nr« Ai>vektis*:mknt.—The Pond's Ex- Vork ; Footsteps of Angels, Belle Colburn : of Insolvency lor said County of Oxford. the rence in the Dominion of Canada than to locality wisning to establish a factory will •ecoud meeting of the creditor* ol said insol- death. It has been fully shown, to the tract Co.. of New York change their ad- The Children. Maxim; My Lost vent Is to be held at the Probate Court toin the in The cere- Maynard appointed of Union army Dixie. be fortunate to secure him. Cheese man- lu Paris In said of on satisfaction nearly every vertisement. this week. We know of no Vouth, Birdie Doble; The Arrow room, County Oxford, unprejudiced Song. the twentieth of June, a. D. a monies were then concluded by the road- ufactured by him command the Wcduesday, day BAD COLD mind, that Warner's Safe Kidney ar. I better household than Ρ >nd s Ex- ind the Carrie Briggs; Weariness, highest lst(, at nine o'clock In the forenoon. You will remedy an Song, an ieg of original poem, written by Gusta- and are much after. govern yourselves accordingly. Liver Cure is the that tract. It Lillie Wreck of the Car- price sought only remedy will cure an insect bite relieving Shaw; Hesperus, (> iveu un,1er my hand an·! the order of Court vus llavford. After from the Niai F. :ure and in health the blood- returning lloyt has been A i>. great the in a few minutes. It will rie Davis; The Builders, Sewell Rowe; making repairs this l<>th dav ol M*y. 188 The SUMMER COLDS and keep stinging a was the acts cemetery, diuuer given members and his house this which UKRRICK C. DAVIS, Register ol the are a· dan- organs of the body. It di- take the from a burn or bruise as from Mamie Doe; paiutiug spring of Couyha quite purifying pain raj of the anil Legend Evangeline, Court of Insolvency fur said County Oxlord. Post. Band, Sous of Veterans, adds much to the looks of his farm. gerous as those of upon these members, healing all and for soreness and lameness we rhe Two Mabel good ■ectly idly, I. Angels, Crockett; Song, OXFORD. »§:— At a Court ol Probate held at midwinter. by Capt. G. Virgin at the Canton House. There has been a boom in real es- jlcers which may have formed in them, have found to it. The rhe is Dime, Leua Wright, Mamie Doe ; quite Paris, withiu and lor the County of Oxford nothing etjual Day on the Tuesdav of A. D. I**!. ind them in a condition to John tate here this Win. W. Stevens third May But they yield to the Mm· placing pun- toilet articles of this arc al- ffcTSBCM,J«»l.—Mr. Thomes, Killed at the Ford, ; The spring. Oa the of tl. Brown, of Beihcl. company Maggie Stanley pctltkn George treatment and and not the blood. This is π has sold his farm to James K. Welch. in said that Samuel F Gibson outfit ry poison so ahead in the market. Wo have used who went to San Francisco more than a children's Lena County, praying Hour, Wright; Excelsior, of Bethel, be appointed Administrator on Ibe to be taken In nor false Mr. \S\ A. sold one of his die statement theory. with Kev. C. D. is at Henry Small has farms, estate of David F. late ol In their toilet soap exclusively for years. Al! year ago, Barrows, Carrie Briggs; Short quotations from Brown, Bethel, «aid time. and most of .deceased: 'J. Beach, foreman of the Buffalo, Ν \ home for the summer. Mr. Barrows and of char- the property about Rumford County our now these writings, suggestive the said > druggist.* keep prépara- Longfellow's Ordered, That ρρΙϋΙΟΕβΓ give notice all Rubber was r Falls has bauds within six months. a Fop dlaeasea of THROAT, Type Foundry, given up tions. family came East at the same time and are acteristics of his own life—recited by the changed to all persons Interested by causing copy ol week* auccessive- NOSTRILS, HEAD or lie both and friends. For at Wm. Evans has sold the Asa S. Howard tbi»ordertobepubli*hedthree by physicians J. I'· P. Burnuam the we'1 knoHu Lowell. Mass. >chool, in concert, and each member, lyluths Oxford Democrat printed at Pari*, that pho- by BREATHING AP- our he had a terrible ac- The new at the corner of Main farm to Barker. RCMKORI). tLev may at a Probate Court to be held at years cough, of is out of his room* bakery, The Psalm of Life, Eugene appear tographer Norway, ndlvidually; Song, on the'bird of June PARATUS and i·» Paria,In said County Tuesday d by sweats, chills, and Towle S^s., open and shows a good o'clock In the lorenoon and show cause x>mpani night most of the time, now taking view». By rhe school room was prettily decorated Base Ball.—The first of a series of three nest,at ulne well known He assortment of eatables. If any they have why the same should not be ill the symptoms. sp.-nt seen advertisement, it will be that he will nrith flowers, and upon the blackboard be- games between the Paris Hill and Hebron granted. ι season south and found no relief. He A. FRYE. meeting at the Sun- RICHARD Judge. " and of each Temperance Vestry. a of the At Clubs was at last give sittings Friday Saturday ng lithographic portrait poet. partly played Hebron, A true copy, attest:—II. C- Davis. Register. PerryDavissPainKiller *ys : I finally concluded to try War- day p. m. : reading by Miss Hattie A. Pike, week. >ne side of this was written the date of Saturday. At close of seventh inning the Is the SOVEREIGN Remedy ler's Safe Cure and in three months I Miss Williams re- by Virgie Howe, on other side S. M. Kiug. So. Par.s. show* a due cut lis birth—Feb. Ί7. 1*07 ; the score was 11 to 10 in favor of the home recovered nn 1 -t in irks as usual. A committee was fained twenty pounds, M »wer. has ap- he date of his Mar. 24. 18*2. Club. On the of the Leonard for which he death. eighth inning the Hebrons ALL DRUGGISTS KEEP « and health was restore.) pointed to make arrangements for a read- inergy my fully takeu the agency Tu** maehm·· s made Scholars in Miss school that rt fused to abide bv a ruling of the umpire, The list could be in* room to be m of the Associa- Ripley's prolonged indefinitely in three sizes I, two h >rse. charge No, cuttiug lave not been absent or for the (Frost of Norway,) and declined to play . >ut has been said to to ev- 1 tardy PAIN enough prove 4 feet, ·> inches ; No. 2, two horse, cut I to the KILLER Kev. B. S· Stone i» to lie absent for two nonth ol May: Mary Perkins, Winnie longer; which, according rules, ry sufferer from pulmonic troubles, that feet; No. 3, one horse, cut i I-:» feet It the to the Club. reason to Mfveks iu Massai husetts. rVillis, Myra Spoflbrd, Linda Bell Rawson, gives game vititing here is no be discouraged in claims to be the easiest. draught, simplest Mr. Κ be η Weeks has rua out a new fildred Willis, Lila Doe, Flossie Mason, .1 Challenge.—We hereby challenge the he least, and that health can be re. Freedom in a Notice. and best mower the market. st- ,-i below the Academy, at right angles Vnna Mason. Jarvis Thayer, Fred Wright. Hebron Β. B. Club to play single game tored. lhi· d·* Κ'™· J. W Pennev of Me 'hanic Fall·* has de- οΓ ball for §l'5.00 a with us, on Sat- Thii.w ί*ί ββΐϊ& I.h**e my with Main St. Mrs Marcia Mason was thrown from a side, ion, Elbridge Can*, his time during tbc remainder >1 his to trade The Bad anu Wokthlbss cided to continue to show our readers that at 'i at minority, an d set lor himself; that Nathan P. has sold his farm to at Snow s Falls, after- urday p. in., o'clock,. June^£3, 1883, I shall elsim Osgood arriage Saturday none of bis earnings, nor i>*v anv ^ ire never iinitaUd or eounterftite.i. This splendid He Is a the Fair Grounds of the lebts ol his engine. working up large Frank Thomes, an I will go West. ioou and quite seriously injured. She was Oxford Co. Agr'l contracting after this date | ι especially true of a mediciQ.·. and His family business in engines, and machine work J. E. Webster and the Association ; the two nines to be that the imitai fami'y of Lowell were ust turning carriage around, when the composed OSGOOD X CARB. Proof remedy at his We ι ^of the value. As soon a* it bad shop. k low his work is tirst ia tow a last week. lorse took at some unknown reason of the same members who played at He- ■ark. highest fright Wltness-G. C. POOR. class in fc proved hy the whole wor.l eveiy respect, and wi'l compare The Green Hill Water is intro- md whirled bron last Saturday. Paris Hill B. B. C. being square round, nearly upset- ΓΓat %"«£*Hop Bitters was the purest, best an 1 favorable with that from machin- THE NOYES PORTABLE BOOK-CASE any city duced in various places this spring. Sev- ing the carriage and throwing her out CARD. ieml1' "n^lcloe on earth, ist, while the terms are much lower. ?! .T^?a^,e to-ran to eral stores have taken it. >u to her head and shoulders, inflict- The readers of this paper should not Bold· sot only 90 to 80 ordinary volume·, but the any imitations sprung op and Ukabbctobd Dictionary as latter either teal the and County Treasurer J. C. A. has a motor well,the HIS OPINION. notice* in which the press Marble, pub- F. Wiley ior serious wounds ; but it is fail to visit the store of Chandler & or as desired haa 1 S grinding ng quite hoped Estes, open eloeed, ; ATTACntsm (not Gsar IsaUMs· sa Anlksrlly aU* kit of the had the lishes. to law. an shown In for labob a its ρ eople country expressed according Abstract of cotfei·. People realized the convenience of ίο bones were broken. As yet, it is not Music Hall, Lewiston, and exam- cut) holding «t», maga- •w» te tlse lalgsuat, opposite sine* and newipepers; also a book bbr fob bxad· Pspalar q lerita of H. B., and Induce suffering In- Criminal Costs, since no. can ) accruing last Nov- the water more fully this week, when ow- mown how badly she is hurt, but It Is ine their large stock of new Room Papers which be adjusted to any height and any 101 West Tenth Street, y ailds to use their stuff instead, expecting and all offered at halt τη nues of a com- Nkw To a·, Ang 11,1K0. j ember. and serious internal and angW L ) make on the credit aud ing to some changes repairs the water auch feared injuries were Borders, Window Shades, Fixtures, mon library table. Being on caster*, it to practically Mksbbs Sbabubt A Jon>aos : money good Geo. A. i Portland, a bbvo lvcto book-cask a* well as β dictiokaby I am slow to nia my ialtb to aew curative n ame of H. B. others started nos- Gay Co., advertise was shut off for a few hours. nilicted. She had a little child in the car- etc. also carry a fall line of Miscel- any Many They ■OLDKB. Lawyer*, Doctor* and gent. BENSON« CAPCINE PÔBOC8 PL AS- tl In Β to send of all their free Many Mini·ten, ■ums put up similar style to Η. .with samples goods New York is to with which unhurt. laneous and Blank Au- Scholar· have found tjut It fill· ''the ΈΒ has won opinion. I Had It an «χ. _ by The Circus exhibit here. iage her, escaped Books, Photograph, long-felt ay good devised name· in which the wor«1 others have to use m want," Bad many who fewer hooka find epaonall* cleanly plaster and rapid its .. Uiously mail. The firm is one of the oldest and Jnne 12. husband was also within a few and or Hod·" were used la a way to in 1er feet of tograph, Card Albums, Pictures, it an book-ca»e All who tee it ■etinn. Maay tests of it· qnallties ta hit own Hop" ample pratoelt, and wuue " most reliable in the those who have wed it longeât praise it meat. It trolly, and among mv patients, have were lbu city. The a concert at er when the horse started : but all Frames aed and convlaeed ,, or Guy Family gave Con- hap- Statuary, Stereoscopes u and to ae that there I· no at tic 11 oo tiïuSiî t°*nll*TK1 remedies weighs lb·., Intobed in dark single le so vales. .. pretended Α. M Administrator, offers for elejantly "Κ* name is, French, cert Hall. eve. pened so he was unable to render cherry or black walnut Tne manufacturer of le Ibrpopular use, none so la rase* c ?JL their ·*> '· or Monday quickly, Views, Writing Desks, Ink-stands, Gold thto helpful of " r λ me a thOM WIUl word sale a lot of Real Estate in Oxford at Otis- BMBt comprehensive article to the original inventor Back. Local Bheumatlsm, Neuralgia, Con- Hop", The Pioneers had a ss is tance. Pens and **lu connecte·! Young strawberry Pencils, Jewelry, Pocket-knives, and manufacturer of Dictionary H older· ; make* I •siIon of the Bronchial Tubes and Lan*· sad hJÛFEÏÎÛJ way field to the Estate of the Wire > * ith^K-2. ?*?"· η·»»·, are Imitation- or belonging Joseph festival at the Vestry, June 1st. Wedding.—Saturday, the I'd inst., there Shears and Scissors, Bill Books, Dictionary bolder, the Improved and Ptr- .nmbago. orelbelr Wallets, (telly Adjustable Book-Holder and bvbbvtuino Yon may itol free to use my aame. ®. i.ntiw?.mnterfeita. Beware oiihe·. Tom h η French The " scholars of the Academy have a athered at the old family homestead of Shopping Bags and Purses, Hand Mirrors, HUT cab BSDHUUEDia thto Une. Send for circular· Very truly year·, Non Resident tad price· to II. H. m Sale, Lovell. pr osperous Lyceum ilexander in Paris, relatives and Brushes and Base KANt, M.D.. meeting every fort- Thayer Combe, Croquet, Balls LA VERNE Physician·in-Chief of the 0· " L M and W. Ε W. NOTES, Ontacy Home. Çarriag*» by Mann. riends to the number of t and Bats, etc., all at low 'Hoe of tte CAPCINE Λ eenta. night. seventy-flve etc., prices. WW, Monroe £ MlUfM ΠΓ ΓΠΠπΙ#Γιτ|Τμ 8t.CncM* Seabury * Johnson, Chemists,·,New Tat*. " ground : here was won the battle of Bai j For the I>cinocrat. Dr. C. S. Johnson, Key West, Fia.. say» : THE GREAT GERMAN A TRIP OUT. "Parties who us* Brown's Iron Bitters and Goods Axe, in the Black Hawk war; the victor r Dry Fancy and REMEDY Wilson's Mii.i.o, tell m* It Is the Ικ-st of ιη·*<Η<·ίη ■<· Spring Summer] $*f0r& Detitflcraf la commemorated hy a flag-staff one hun Mk., May 17,'S3. the swollen Ma- dred feet in height, which was erected 01 \ Crossing waters of the A <|Uarter-drck Is better thin no .«iiip. Mail. MAINE, Jl'NE 1883. of itself Is By AT THE STORK OK PARIS. 5, the bluff behind the town in 187H. galloway, which enough to dis- Terr »u<*tta wltl FOR : high of tht rtatterinc PAIN. ι· τ «*w R^Iptm tmlcirH to V'r.OKTixr Is acknowledged by all ri »<*.·« effort* in thto line bare been mH bluffs are courage one, not useil hardships, tiif which »ur p**t The in large part of limestom of to f>e '.he best an I niosl acrea-ed our la< illUta for th« iN-ople r· liable • f ha«« Urg«ly feature the tun ANDREWS & KHKLMATISM, SUPPLEMENT. formation, and are well wooded on thel; only redeeming being >«τ, bl iorm I \ Sample re«pon«ib!e (or the thrown down, If your neck is not mgh »ατοη· atuding to «4 «or Savi-i.·*, car oasm:, QUINSY, SWKI.I.1NG8, pavment. before it; hut we soon partly «ο ttist i. If a person order· hi paper Ί ifcootlmie I hi , swept everything Q'lirk complète, permanent rure. Corns, selictioa· at h,>«e and We would e*ll a when once anor to sHI can be ih« «me benefit* a* tho«e living Dress Goods and taken from the oflice or not. the new road, last year. Is always thus tccurliif Trimmings, M to the water's for In some gin, by opened ι· on· on a •ml have in stock hear» cashmeres 4Λ and Bt'KSN, AI.M. X The have decided that refining U edge shipping. raffl îd for the ρ >or. CM ettr. Our buaint·· lue ted black Court* A W io. fium the ttoti very pleasant. The road Is very level, anl I wide, for TV. to φΙ.Οο j>er yd. Λiu) all othpai>ere and periodical· places the rock far up the sides is being strtfUy Also C4»lim"re* in (.«met. mid phIiu. office or and leaving itacm unc.ill<-d foi Dr. Kline's Great Cardinal, Ox-b'ood, removing on one ol the views are beautiful In Its various wind- Nerve H-istorer Is the kv We have a few of lilack Momκ· ia fueit cv tde nee ο I Iraud. quarried for Government use; PRICE piece» cloth, FIFTY CENTS I BOTTLE. prima mirvel of the age for all N'»rve Diseases. ONE SYSTEM, which we wt«h to clo»e m l offer them at ft5e. ings, and of Down |per Sol<1 by all Druggists and the Wisconsin bluffs a railroad is built change scenery. past lits oer will i>« jooaJ a* repr*«eatcj. yd.. worth II All stopped free. Sen! to !»:M Arch and *11 origlna'ly Ikaler*. Direction.! In U the tranquil falls of Molledgeunck, to the We have jsst received «οme new style» in language*. For the Democrat- from the quarry to the shore, and so steep Street, I'hlla.. Pa. of of Our Goods swifter ami more ambitions ones of l'on· Samples any The Charles A. Co. TEN DAYS ON A RAFT-BOAT. Is its descent that it seems impossible for c<»nu. ti Vogtler Should music be sold be the cord? Drum i*lih or» »!*' κ very important LADIES » λ. took, where of new together SACKINGS, vooilk* à οα) foot in safe- there Is strong talk relative to and can show a l line our title sound strange to a loaded car ever to reach the music be information (too of the*e goods. We Hall Though may might sold the pound. luaorr, M<Ι.,Γ.Λ.Α. mills built Coe & Beauman. or by have a good line of The loaded car down draws the being by many Eastern ears, wo beg no one to fan- ty. going the and a HtvK rsKti "Giîkai American Si'kcii ic" ORDERS one back each time. An Iowa blurr Company they represent, having MAIL An Internal Revenue Officer Saved. cy for α moment that a raft-boat Is some empty In for »rat tree to any at]lire··. Cotton and Wool Dress Goods, railroad from West Milan to the Umba· nv«' wear, some which are re- attack of Kiduey «11»- rough, rougher, roughest, you well but m wr satisfaction. hun- umnar or and such, with their gives cette.! dir-ctlT Irom the manufactories of Read ease, aiul at time* Fullered intensely. I re- ters," like the river itself, is gigantic: castellated, llnd the of M at* I Ivxter, and cut free of e bar ce when busy, bustling village Berlin, cvived the medical advice of some of out best of and acres of verdure of trees and shrubs, have («βrebâti of ns. In our stock of dreds steam-mills, fragrant clinging full of life and In a narrow /•/j" >:ir readers will η ttice a new ad- physician* fur a long time, without being bene- vim, gorge lumber lie along quite the appearance of ruined and ivy- vert nein nt. Clover Bitters. This m 11- WAGONS. fited by their prescription*. Being discouraged piles towering sky-ward, with natural water power unsurpssed. oa a lot cf cin w h IV·· Ir· ird »k<'n as 1 hart hand Bice BOOTS AND the failure of which feed these mantled castles on inaccessible heights. «ρ of highly it SHOES, by the doctors to help me, and be- the banks. The logs The Berlin Mille has been a we have mat ni.ade several valuable add it tons, se- Company great is from the r··· 1 while to use Hunt's a friend who is compounded and s ing urged Kemedy by are cut in the for- Hock on the Minnesota shore lected front the largest hom of Portland and myriad mills far-away Chimney to this section of the The c'over. It contains -.it virtue for Boston. had tested it· merits, although reluctant to try a help country. gr spring ests of northern Minnesota and Wisconsin, specially beautiful In that way. Queen's and Μ Mi l <1 s.-is s und all are Buckboards, In we·'· wear we keep Hart's Hand Sewed patent medicine. 1 was finally induced to try the new church would do credit to a much who ailing Boots, which are to custom made, also a and two bottles of and down the various tributa- Bluff in the same State is the on shout I rail on their for it. e tor the latter must be made Into Im- ty-live feet; the last hundred feet or more wid:it-, «Inch lor style, ease aud durability is Before 1 had taken it three days the excruci- they Idencce—noticeable among them Is the new m Γ/ y dance, tread on hie pt corn. a wall of rock surmounted j not eaoeltetf. ating pan* in my back had disap|>earcd, and be- mense rafts, in which form they finish perpendicular house of Mr. Lawson Beattle. CMMivn'· sn ! MU so*' wear a g.vod variety fore 1 had used two bottles 1 was entirely cur<«kr. «hi-h I will warrant l·» gire Wall and Borders ! the in a few doses floated down with the current, being high with interest the of of tfaio·* pains my kidneys return, of the tinge lier were η «. 1 Papers deepening feet mtoil. so oa 1 sh ( >ul lu t \ i«o a nice « «tiataotM· ta rrtry thl« the scison li r the«e go:ds, and we would Hunt's effects a cure. each its level a line of detached rocks l».sl Bemedy «juickly steered great oars affixed to end. top large until we reach we see the walk A'ler one bottle oftheH-Iief ,**1·· «-tally invite U»e attention ol ihc trade to til» | by green, Paris; min? Before cle>-n r«·'-ived and I'.ca-c call aud > *- City, I open.d. of late has boon almost bled small houses, that only aid of co'i! wtlk as well as ever. •m · them. to whom 1 recommended thi- valuable medicine, ess, which years byjthe bree/.e, but occasional snow-drifts adorn TOP BUGGIES, J I. Ilo»is> >.v, Lincoln We have thi. lav place t an order for a full as- an a we the differ- Prop. House, lie was suffering severely from attack which the use of steam- glass could distinguish the hillsides as far as we Of the !tleil at* It·, ort:n< ot of the celebrated entirely superseded by go. Richmond, He. I was pronounced by his physician a decided -aso ence. boats, watch guide them much more rap- The at Paris Hill is <|ulet and of Brighl's Disease of the Kidneys. I obtained little cabins lie the village destination. Mauy log along As- \';i.'tld i- now on the free list, there Averill Mixed Paint, two bottles of Hunt's Remedy for him, and he Idly to their Thirty years pleasant, and looks like a good place to for in»ldo and o«t»i le work These gfO«l< have wherever there Is room for the b« in^ now li > American ch .ese 11 comp ti PHAETONS commenced taking It. and began to at the mere that a steam- shore, —AND— no >r ι t.tin. and are warranted to improve liio. suggestion live happy and grow old "gracefully.· witli it. \ supcrl ThJUM·)'»1 a farm between the hillside and once, and was speedily restored to health, and a clearing of I near two veara longer tban load and oil. boat could be made to propel raft safely our brief stay at the Union House was We have as u»eat a good tine υ·' Groceries, be attributes tin· saving of his life, under the and one we an Indian of islands and the river; day pass A CARD. Hardware, Croekerr. Ola-" War·, llat* λ Car*. of a merciful to Hunt's through the intricate ways rendered the kind, moth- OPEN BUGGIES blessing Providence, jι very pleasant by I'itiiit Μ·· 1 in··». Paint «»to< k Athlon a>11 in a canoe. The farmers along the river To all who are from the errors < »- low a.* car. be bought >alt, >n have been suffering all i>f«b h 1 vUlaell Remedy. sand-bars up the river, would hostess, and we recommend all ! Cioth an l Cotton au 1 W >ol Carpeting* Jto. : erly way- and Indiscretions of nervous weak- e'tewberc. Another friend of mine in New to whom trade with steamers | youth, arc ia York, to a man as a lunatic : plyabrisk passing call and examine the m if you sufficient brand worn travelers to Mrs. I l'l«w*e I recommended lluut's was nil i Cummings's tempt- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., u! an* hm I Remedy, suffeilng out in skiffs, of waat oi a vehicle no while the Mis- bringing provisions and we will send a that will cure kickic ANDREWS Sl CURTIS. severely from Kiduey di«*-ase, and was entirely a<>w, day passes upper j ing viands good care, of which recipe you, sorts for sale. ok ciiARflE. This W ·»ι Piri·, Arril cured of it after using this wonderful medicine is to when retain a temem- great remedy was dis- lissipl open navigation, great > shall always pleasant only a short We pans inlands that are acres in extent, covered a in South America. J. C. BILLINGS, period. rafts of logs may not be seen gliding down have all by missionary brance. After you committed Send a Feeling deeply grateful for the great benefits and as beautiful as with self-addressed envelope to the Hev. ,'a. river, backed steamers, which thrs any private park, BETHEL, MAINE, experienced by my friends and myself from the by sorts of fitur jm*, and sweat accordingly, Joseph T. Inman. Ι), Ν. V. City. ~ their untrodden grass, and variety of Station use tu The great CALL AND SEE OUR of Hunt's Remedy, I feel it be my duty, as lave gained the uamo of raft.s-boats. you ought to be secure from fever and a.· a of It is stated as a fact that hear «ell great privilege, to furnish you this vol· aud destitute trees, many which being overgrown many people Ir.st raft-boats wire small, ague, one year at least, and have bottled THE BEST IN USE. nntary and unsolicited statement of facts for the with wild »iues are of as compact ■K\st when their eyes are closed. Think of ; but these have grape Information of your large number of if proper accommodation* up wisdom for the next trip that adverse :his in church. NEW LOT OF reader·, and form mm by are an>l perfect though pruned many of whom undoubtedly suffering from ! ;ra·. where you have EVAPORATOR. a These compels you THE AMERICAN this widely-spreading scourge, and 1 believe that ! of the hand of careful gardener. ScRorrxA. Λ medicine that tlio letter boats, until the ne plus ultra learned that a woman nay decide, "when destroys it is the best medicine now known, arid that it Islands are uninhabitable, since are convenience seems now at- they germs of Scrofula and lias the power to root Farmers and Fruit Growers will cure all ease· of Kidney diseases that can be romfort and lawyers agree." water; but in sum- it out is the afflicted. The Decorated cured. submerged during high appreciated by be «are and buy oct lhi« *ea*on. For Catalogs* ;ained. Crockery. for —The June number of the North Λ>Λ*η remarkable cure» of men, women and chil- I shall N· pleased to confer with any one who mer are used pasturage. in I information al-out them a!d.-««- kindness of those in it they largely all By the authority ran /»*■ r»'-... opens with an article by Jos dren as described testimonials, may desire an interview regarding the statements We one at snnset, to by prove to for ten ever remember, night just Niromo, Chief of the Bureau Hood's a reliable medic ine con- SOMETHING WE CAN SELL berc.u contained. Truly jour», K'came our privilege enjoy, jr., Treasury Sarsaparilla have seen a herd of cows swimming home of on Manufacturing remedial which eradicate KiUlMcM' HXXSHAW, netnorable the Statistics, "American taining agents A. F. MASON, September days, hospital· a W llwtcr Street. from one of them. Interests." in which Is given singularly Scrofula front the blood. 100 doses 91.00. one of the fastest, and tv of daintiest, full and instructive historical sketch of Selil by all dealers. C.I. llood A Co., Lowell, .Maes. 11ST LOTS TO SXJXT, On a pleasant afternoon, as wo pass near North Buckfield, Maine. I'rom the Fort'and Daily Advertiser. •very way finest, of these boats : the Lady the rise and progress of manufactures in our Is called to a To remove : Sit on a the attention hap- a paint freshly* daubed 3 race. This steamer is one of four owned shore, the United States, together with very el- -AT A- ( ■ellar door, or wash the cheeks of a for Oxford ar»d And-oscoggin Co s. py company of mud-turtles, twelve of them, fectlve presentation of their present con- rosy A^ent iy a large lumber firm of Ciiuton. Iowa; ileeping beauty. ami small, that are serenely sunning dltlon, and of the agency of tariff legisla- die was built lu is.sl, is one hundred and large the tion in promoting diversttled indus'.ries themselves on a log that lies partly in *,*·· Better bear evils than ily to Moderate hirty-five feet long by twenty eight wide, and encouraging the inventive gen us or present Price, water. we so near that hose unknown." Better still, use Bbbls. Flour, Capillars!Wanted. for Although pass the Should this author s advoca Kldney- 1,000 ind lias accommodations people. twenty-four Vort and make your evils to AMI Willi Η Wt / \/ W V ΓΙΚ">ΙΙΝ> to call on inc. that .ire the waves from our wheel lash their rv of legislation prove distaste- present fly CAN 1 1 all the river boats great protective JA/" t\ f ba'd. losing their hair, troubled abln passengers. Like >arts unknown. If you llud yourself get- and our noise must seem to them ter- lui, the read·, r lluds the needed corrective Michigan's. w ith dandruff or limn r. tbo->e thit have been u n· it aud like most of the log, ( bilious, head mouth foul, the is fl bottomed, in an article the Hon. Wm. M. ing heavy, eyes able U» get cured and I will cure theu» with two Into the water by Springer of rillc, yet only jump ■ rellow. kidneys disordered, symptoms Roller, cate for Customers at an) time. capillars for live Μϋη or nothing. No •aft-boats, is a stern-wheeler, lier cabin on Incidental Taxation, which is an Michigan Dupi ten take at once a l>av r«llcs tormenting you, few s as and as as can be. Painted undignified argument for Free Trade. I). Oilman, St. Louis. are ma Sc. I challenge any person in the city dainty cozy loses of Use it an an ad- wink and blink as as though President of John 1 J Kidney-Wort. of I'ortisnd, to ptodticc a c.v-c tl>at 1 can- η with touches of and composedly Hopkins Diversity, , white, pale pink " ance guard—either la dry or liquid form not euro, unless the roots are entirely dead, a turtle writes of the Present Aspects of St. Louis Holler*. a su-amboat were but brother pad- College -It is efficient. which !>· cot the c.t-e in more thin one ca».· In ten ; :old, Brussels carpet of «jui» t design, raw as affected the iucrease of I)., J ... t Tralnlug," by ■ vears. '« ίιι ud vet they may hive been bald for Any dling ·■". Ait/fff.·» 4 A OF dlk rattan furniture of liand- by. wealth and the development of NEW LINE one bailBK "('" rsoaot lie humbugged. draperies, luxury, He is an even tempered carpenter who The crookedness of the chaunel is natural science, and the influence of a iome patten), long mirror supported by partly ( an his when another Minnesottn ratent. the price ol il i «r Iliât Two or three Self keep spirit-level purpo-e. outlined at set on larger religious liberty. Edward pre- j wants to borrow it. Uoitic* uill mike all of the at>ove cores. Never- I narbl<> walnut table», anil cheerful night by light.·» promi- vorkman slab, sente some weighty considerations ou the I*cts*·. we think skeptical and Iwimlnlim pri- nent of the or on islands : 1 :oal fire on cool and evenings— points shore, ad in son*. that are ram) of nil the above disease*. and inorniugs "Abase of Citizenship," exhibited the Band Curtains maintained On Τιιικγυ Days'Triai.. their hsir rflured, oiuht to be willing to pay #.'· iuch Is the ladies' cabin, which, with only these lights nre erected and by machinations of the dynamitists against a BEST," Fancy ie«ult aim·-·! »t U The Voi.taic Belt Co., Virthtill, V«-Α., "PILLSBURY'S alter the a"'oa>pll«t)ed. the I*. S. Government. The little I ■* rap- in disregard of the T. HILL M \S-KIKL1». r, ;wo lattice ou board, seems almost like friendly power, obliga- vill semi Dr. Dyes'·» celebrated Electro- I**: Flour I'roj. tions «f American I'rof. Isaac loau iered 'he < enteuuisl Iti'H-k. Portland. Maine. soon become a familiar sight, and neutrality. /oltalc Belts anil Electric on Under the burrieaue posts " Appliances Portland Me., Oot. inn, IvJ. private property. some of Herbert L. Rice criticises Speu- ( to men or fl«. ·ι ii '·! * we sec the as he rows his rial for thirty (young Just Received. rrlcr. (Π ( κ Μ Κ of which are scattered Singing." Finally, symposium , iealth and Address as above. >r the sunset lights that bathe the charge several, manly vigor. Of dandruff and hum τ. Κ. C. ΝΚΛΙ., M. !>.. glorious on "The Moral Influence of the Drama," FOR CASH, or more shore. B.—No risk is Incurred, as 0. mo «·ι I' >. new and for four miles along thirty lays' N. Η· trees in BOLSTER, Π cured Padnf· GOULD ,he on the one bright brightness, the participants being. side, trial Is allowed. corner M>ril< ind Comitm strntt·· friend the —AT— ApoUte«*ry, int the waters till seem of molten Below l'rairie Du Cbieu, our the Key. Dr. J. M. well kuowu as 11» »slea prove n« popularity. βϋΡΡΥ. KIN> they Buckley, South Paris. and of the and on the oth- 44 MAX A iLuKN, l'ius. ;old. pilot points out to us in the distance, an opponent stage; I spread my waves from poll to poll," It is bringing out a good growth ol hair where John the actor, A. M. Palmer, ■emarked as he rented an- Lover tfcan it His Been far Years. but discernible the trees, the er, Gilbert, the wig-maker, Prices I «ai ltald- C. Α· PAKm»\«, ) tiKO. C. the attractions of cabin or deck, just through (Druggist Despite theatrical manager, aud William Winter. >ther adornment. And will be joM according??. It Κ \KSK, Κ. II. Il \ VI I.I Ν t.VKDINKK M.PAB which then a capillary jur favorite resort is the : the fort from Jeff. Davis, young critic. 50 cents a number: $."» a Maine Co. KKK. J. ν LAN!» pilot-house dramatic Steamship twelve of hit customer* of with the daughter of at I know of lu curing liyhest point of observation, and open on .stalf-ofllcer, eloped year. Published 30 Lafayette Place, Why They Cam. Him "Oi.d Man." baldne»*, dandruff, Λ Κ (». SoMhltS. Barber. W e al*o h at* on hand Gen. the commandant. New York. that's so." said Line to New York It cured a number oi customers oi the ill sides to with Taylor Stopping "Ye·, sadly Jenkins, «enl-Weekly ha* my t>itflit seeing. Equipped 1 above il.*e«5»i>, .lulls P.WEL II, Barber. the same my hair Is turning gray and falling out from our state-rooms, we for a few moments at La Crosse, of the Arc 1 am with it set- ramp-chairs —The publishers Interchange tefore its time. Use I .}_ «IV Τ » highly pleased Capillar!· " something? would, ever for the Ι friend tells us of this, the former home of the Notes and a anvthiog I Med ll M' toilet, lailv mount the stairs to the hurricane announce that (jaeries >ut most hair restorers are dangerous." I lake Ιο roeouimending it. Miss Μ Κ. "I U piea-un* the notorious of that journal is growing so 44 Par- ΚΟ'ι KIUS, HKI.KS t». II liii.IV-and man other* leek, and thence to the where, *'|Br!ck" Pomeroy, andjhis Department" True," answered his frieud, but Bradley's pilot-house, in that it is somewhat I bave uœd hair dre**ing, think it hi» all The rapidly popularity er'* Hair Balsam is as harmless as It Is your jooks or work as pretext, we sit for lyiCrossf Democrat. elegant Pomeroy the merit* »ou claim for it oo your circular*. fancy dillicult totlnd space for answers to all the Give his name and effective. I've trifd it and know. tbe »e.v>n | dav of Tune, JOHN 0. PKOCTKK.L'Q. and at the water with its < ipera Ilouse still perpetuate addressed to It. the Pure Bone ani alter Saturlay lours gaze vary- questions Although ! he Balsam a show and the will stop Meal, next, the steamer* ΚΙ.ΕΛν»ι: ι and Γ8IN is In the far boys Bradley's ON aud the Islands, whose lame, while P. himself West, space has been steadily increased, it ha* Man It never C<>MA wdl leave franklin Whip·. Portland, ing lights shades, -ailing you Old Jenkins.'" and SlTl'RDAY, at « SAVE YOUR MONEY and his divorced wife is married been found necessary, within the last two color to •»erv VTEDMtSOàY «oft maples with their gay liveries seem happily 'ails to restore the original gray Γ M and leave Pier S* Kaat River. New York, to issue from time to time AID Γ LACK IT IN a La Crosse years, special >r faded hair. an ele Meal for Cattle \ an i SATURDAY,at tri the of autumn, to noted Iowa photographer. Richly perfumed, Braiifrt te Bons IMBSOil advance-gaard approaching four-page Notes and (Queries supplements. tbe «ummer months these steamer* of or fifteen ;ant dressing. l>tinng md the bluffs which grow is an enterprising city twelve Since the of the in endeav- will tou' h at Vinevard Haven on their pan higher day by beginning year, from New York. Price, including An thousand inhabitants, and boasts electric to and full A Boston contains an advertise- Bone save to and Endowmet Policy lay as we push northward. oring give questioners prompt paper Cracked Stale rooms, Js.ui. answers, such serious inroads have been ι nent a seaside to Brcullet/s we some in its streets. of cottage rent,'-with These steamer* are fltteil op with tine aecom- We had fancied might describe lights principal made on belonging to other ( itable and There's some horse- for making thia a very at Winona for wc have space properly piano." FOK FOWLS. modations passengers, >f these grand and lovely views, which are Calling coal, the has been «.esirablc route for travellers between New York departments, that Interchange lense in that. a about the acl Maine. >r for partie· desiring to take HOME COMPANY. tainted in uufading colors upon time for a half hour's stroll city, to and Answers. a memory's virtually given up Queries We »hall us hand the ie*.· >11 excursion in the summer month to keep thromh which stands on level inclosed In of the amount Tapping κοκ Dropsy. pleasure Harm. ;anvas ; but our hands are powerless to ground, by spite, however, generous Vineyard of devoted to It has A well known medical authority says l.oods -fi.pi» J by tin* line destined beyond to one bluffs. The streets are wide au»l reg- space them, lately UNION MUTUAL :ft the veil and make them real who high 4 a Portland or .New Vork will be a! «.-nee forwaracd been to pace with the When dropsical effusion has reached the shade trees handsome, and many impossible keep PLASTER GROUND OURSELVES to destination on arrival. las never beheld them. Many of the ular, have decided, to ihronlc stage, tapping must be reported to can at L'i queries. They therefore, Ticket* ami State room» be obtained Life Insurance Une those of the never relied Company jluffs when seen from a distance present of the buildings ; notably issue an eight-page extra cn .May 22, thir- us a temporary relief, but is From the he*l Rxchacee ΟΙ Ροκτιλμ». M*ink, is now in it." Thirty- WM. ι· Directir. School and State Normal School. teen columns of which will be devoted to ιροη as a cure." The cause of the drop»y 1>AV1S, Filth Year, ami at uo time ha* It born mare m almost unbroken level of horizon to the High InC nust be or It Is a mere Portland MijrlU, mote inecenlll. It- rr tu It» |ι>ι of from Winona are Notes, and Answers, treating, removed, question prosperous, 1 and are fertile The shipments grain Queries in- ■ye, table-lauds, stretching on 1 >f time—the must die. To remove year was A Laboelt Ikcuusid business. among other subjects, Artistic Furnish- patient Ini*re»»t*d Increase.! : second to those of Chicago and Mil- Xora Scotia liovk\ crea--d Asset.··, Surpiu-, or a long distance into the States It was only Embroidering, Work, Wood ,he cause permanently, use Hunt's Kerne- DR. MORSE, to and all secured at ings, Repousse Dividend* policy hoideis, : of wheat and liver medicine, to see corn aud wheat fields, waukee the shipments averag- Decorative Oil Paiuting, Stencil- ly. the great kidney Ox thl Tkkatmknt op Throat and Lrso a decreased expenditure. lingular Carving, on China and Leather Work. rhis great medicine for the bla I- iHtiuti ην Uu ica rtu Inhalation. ASSETS and hundreds ing οοο,οοο bushels yearly. ling, Painting kidneys, louses hay-stacks, perched no At 40 Cents per 100 Pounds. the act of is of great ben- W, liver, and urinary organs has rival. The word inhalation mean» simp Iv There are large flour mills here, aud on This department practical >f feet up in the air. in Art. The Extra Iunt's cures when all other med- or pirmg drawing OF DOLLARS we near that Thm# that bave u-e·! «! ff· planter OVER SIX MILLIONS Under the shadow of some cliff a our way down the river stop to subscrlb- I ciues fall. U mean* a mode of adiainiste.*- high will be furnished free regular *ft aware that In medical usa*e it is PAID TO POI.ICY IIOLDEItS often nestles the water's of the W inona Mill Co., and although ers of the Art and can be " ing medicines through the medium of the breath. ittle village by Interchange, I would like scalloped oysters," she news a as we wonld decide to see for ourselves the others through companies Thu« we aay "I inhale medicine.'' Millions of Dollars· ;dge; aud witli its houses clingiug to the evening, bought by ■emarked. lie answered, meaning to be difference being Over for ten cents, or addressing the Art to take a medicine" The Eighteen a inside of a Western flour mill. The by 441 don't know how scallop oys- 'ay,"1 40-Our new btiiine-s thus far in l!-*3, *ho\vs lillside, aud its general straggling appear- great New York. "unuy, the while Interchange, 140 Nassau St., bias said she. FRESH GROUND one is in haled. or breathed into lunge, large increase over ΙΛί.'. is stories in and is :crs." "Then some," nice, it is hard to believe that one of the building eight height, the other ia swallowed or taken into the stomach » We the June which 1· superior t that which hv« t*vn kept. Inhala, with whose electricity. Entering engine —The Wide Awake, opens Tliis. then. U what is meant by Med icated BUSINESS IX MAINE. ittle Swiss hamlets, pictures lighted by To Tourists and Travelers. of volume of that magazine, keep the best tira.le· where two immense Corliss the seventeenth never to work without tion. 1ΘΒ1 1ΘΘ3 ire are all so famllar, has not suddenly honse, engines A mechanic goes will have Illustrated poems by Mrs. A. 1). medicines inhaled we watch with fear and lis tools. Neither should you start on a The reader will observe that all j down before us. This illusion is furnish power, and from Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt, dropped T. Whitney without the lun«'« are not alike, any more than those swift of the won- ourney being fully equipped by mlo $366,000 oftentimes the fact that the trembling the precision now so seldom heard from In the maga- htface the benefits to $246,000 I leightened by ilways having a bottle of Pond's Extraci taken into the aiemach. and which seems almost ziues her in Ireland. Bright nhabltants are of birth, aud with derful machinery, during sojourn η Iu cases of from inhalation uiust always depend foreign a series your knapsack. accident, be derived Wan/eη our Mrs. Susette Tibbies) begins Agent» Everywhere, from the land of alive as its throbs souud in Eyes ( 1 lislocated over-straining, the experience and skill of the phytician learts not fully weaned mighty in the Jane H'iVfr joints, etc., upon of Omaha tent-stories far medical Meal. ears, and the breath of the vhen you are probably from Cotton Seed who for them. their have built the New World great fly-wheels them verbatim as told her pre-crili*e nativity, Awake, giving the of it at have seemed unnecess- FUEEL faces. the terrible insistance, importance having Th'a explanation might ANDHÔWE7Agent, lomes with a lingering touch of Old World fans our Contemplating bv her father, mother and grandmother. ! «orne have received the und cannot be over-estimated, Pedestri- ary but for the fact that AT NORWAY. HAIKU of these monster and These tent-stories will have notes »tyle. possibilities engines, copious 1 CORN MEAL. BRAN, that inhalation, instead of curious ins, oarsmen, base-baller*, cricketers, gym- erroneous impression ever out Mr. Tibbies, explaining useages have them or We recall as an the little Ital- if we shall get alive, by îasts, and all athletes will tlnd it a trie i» some specific remedy rOKWAKD And Cleans°d example, wondering The first being a mode 'Ί practice. and beliefs among the Indians. to the most oppos ite an'1 Pre,,,ed Ta,l· of backed blackness of darkness sur- 'riend. For relieviug and curing sprains, or nostrum alike applicable l>yea by ian town Genoa, Wisconsin, by suddenly the "The Babes in the wood," This were to de- vrtiio ηι π story is entitled forms of uulmonarv disea*». YUUK ULU OR PBBsaxiH at iruiscs, foot-soreness, chatlncs, swelling··, of .ck The iluffs live hundred feet high. Its only ho- rounds us, and our hearts stand still with and contains some very odd suggestions Meal, irade it to th·· r>**<-r furpw· ut exertim or fa- ;ver built iu town, aud which about realized : ere wc can think most delicate ani f««t>ie certainly being Miss be In the June Wide Axcake, is from the pen of notice charg·· that may required fs we learn The Albany Express gives local tigue. Any the tneoi By Kxpre looks as though it had long since ceased twice, the has returned, and of Senator Ed- treatment la affecte! bv simply varying light Mary Edmunds, daughter hat 44a in that Is in a dan- Tous it mav be ρ j qj j 1 j lamp post city cm- rompUn'. altera expect log electricity by munds. ïerous condition and liable to fall." The Seed. rendered stimulant, expectorant, 1M Preble St. lu the same Grass man- a scare. With Orne Jewett at And in this the and low, aud across ous bent on us story by Sarah :old winter and the session tire or astringent, pleasure. LACES, FEATHERS, shore, long bearing boys, giving unusually long necessary to be effected " "The Life of Oliver Wendell every action or change Port'and, Main·, Travel- which calls to number. \ )f the Legislature must hâve been very at bottom ner much more its front a weather-beaten sign, a peep into the boiler room, AH of which will be aoM price*. Cbe lungs can be brought about Holmes," written Ε. E. "Brown, which apon certaintv oi by îard on Albany posts. aad with tenfold greater Kid Gloves, &C., FTetabliHhed 1R4W. »rs' Home." mind the furnace of Nebucadnezzar, we is near- lamp ipe^liiy in other way. has been some time in preparation, results than can be produced any are acted in everv The sun rises so late In the little towns are to escape to the open air. Going The author has been kindly fa- so Call and See The disea-»-4 surfaces up>n By Mail. in New glad ly ready. That Hacking Cough can be quickly Please Us, membrane of the head, Largest England. with such data as part, not only U>e mucus below the eastern bluffs, and sets so to the floor of the mill, wc vored by Dr. Holmes nired Shiloh's Cure ; we it. tabes, but the remotest air Lace Curtains done up like new by Machin- early next ground by guarantee throat and mu-cular the volume full In frtsh An·! be < oneinced. In reach of medica- that wp makes will render very suffer with and Llv- in the longs are brought or Piano Covers a Special? for those under the western ones, take a look at the machinery which Will you Dyspepsia cells in this ery. Cleansing Dying and authetlc. It will have several then. '» my plan of treatment matter, ir Shiloh's Vitalizer Is guar- (10·.— Such. and (Send for Circilak.) their which are brief at best, the "Patent Process" flour, and then go and other complaint? branch" of medical practice, fancy days, Illustrations. Imagination," anteed to cure most important than twenty years de- yon. an experience of more in winter be the of short- to see the flour in barrels MacDonald, with aa In- with ot must epitome up stairs put up by George made miserable that u> tlie t-eatm· nt con-umption Essays Sleepless nights by C.W. DUNHAM & Co., vote·!, iareely i am enabled to little are had A. P. Ι). I). LL. oi 'be air pasnages, ness. So many of these villages and sacks. this time we have troduction by Peabody, terrible Shiloh's Cure is the rem- tad diseases By & in cough. Increase·] conideree of the superior D., will be Issued by D. Lothrop Co. for speak with directly to the MT0ST®»W Ijefore us as we write : some one distin- enough of the whir of machinery, edy you. Me- of convex ing remedies quite a few "Around the the Τ Vest Paris, artvania*·'* InHnUUton, The days. Ranche," Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath Ibe disease by medtcet'd III αάτιΆNerve Restorer feature fixing them in our there are too many trap- «eat of I· ■ ■ lingulshing and conclude new in the V. I. F. is of chronio eaiarrh. hoarse A N'Rvr.Ίη-evsk*. Only pirt volume Series, by secured Shiloh's Catarrh Price moat inveterate caaee ■■/VûflBam by Remedy. and other affections of the Fitt, a>iUpw and A«m Jftctum*. memory : —there is Minueiska, Minn., doors to make explorations whol- Belle Kellogg free. ne··, loss of Tolce rt/of evening Towne^ 50c. Nasal Injector been fouad to yield moat ! and throat have whose weather-vane once seen can never so leave six stories forever unin- For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's JUST RECEIVED tangs and aimpie measures. ly safe, —The Savannah .Vetce observes that TKN POIND effectually to these direct ot Consumption, where be immense wooden fish, Yankee Girl. is on the The val- Porous Plaster. Price 25c. And m the worst caae* forgotten—an vestigated. New England decline. it aever tails to relieve and C Cure there ia no hope of cure, Philadelphia. I'a. intrnnciMdrvajuU. uation do not show it. The same Shiloh's Cough onsumption and afford the great- ^HArchSt. evidently of home manufacture, mounted Bucktield, Me. reports the most urgent avmptoms remarks that the New Euglander is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con- eat comfort and relief on a tall staff which is planted on the bluff (Concluded next week.) paper Silver can be treated by letter. becomes a American when he sumption. Coin Persona at a distance very good need for Spoons, (TtAKLKS MOK3K, MP. Varnishes, hundreds of feet above the roofs of the its limits and mingles with Shiloh's Vitalizer Is what you to and will ex baage for etc. Paints, Oils, goes beyound Made order lor l>iseases of the Throat. Langs, loss of dizziness, Physician houses. Wis., has an artes- by a Ed- other When he went South to constipation, appetite, St.. Portland Me. Tempelleau, Saved Technicality.—Rev. people. US Fiee of the American and ail symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 1<> AMD WHITEWASH ian well whose waters rise above the tops ward Ellis, the Baptist local preacher prevent the destruction PtlT BRUSHES, was at St. he sends his money to and 75c. per bottle. Silver Another town from Maine, who sentenced nation and when Mutilated Coin, 1~\K ■. S. JOSKS, AND of the surrounding trees. them from whooping cough and bronchitis John, Ν. B., to one year's imprisonment Southern cities to rescue pesti- Croup, to So. the of its three churches relieved by Shiloh's Cure. OR GREENBACKS. Kormerle of Bath, Me., h*s reroovnd has steeples for has had his sentance quashed lence, resulting largely from carelessness, immediately ani sur PAINTERS' SUPPLIES adultery, II. Paris Paris, where he will practice Medicine blue. one at Victo- of were of an American.—Bon- For sale by J. Rawson, illll, St oear Landing day because the marriage laws Maine he was something gery. ΟΛ'β and residence on High painted A. M. South Pari», HORACE COLE, 1 to 3 and .to hU trial. ton Journal, and Gerry, Par is Hill road. Office boera from Wis., we find ourselves on historic I not proved on answered. Store, Maine, ry, NORWAY, MAINE, Ivr· * All call· day or night promp'.ly Noyes' Drug Norway, ΓΙ2 For tlit· Democrat. STATEMENT LITTLE BESSEY. PICKING Γ Γ CHIPS. Vegetine. or TUE 8TAKD1NU AND CONDITION OF TU Κ SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS I'lwM the bright, iye>- wa_- laughiug ttie sua :n Hi west Ilk· agréai ball sink· Fringed soil, .ind deep; Medicine, Uushed the glad loving voice. Iiij, to any Family 30UTH PARIS SAVINGS BANK, -AT- dell Superior For Bessfers asleep. The mists lay iu folds on mountain and ; full choirs of lasped are the pretty hands. rrom the willow riiucd pond Purifies the Blood, Benovatee anil Iimgor- South 8th, 1883, As Paris, May ne'er clasped before. music, ALVA SQUItTLEFF. PKKSIDENT, GEO. A. WILSON,T**A8URE*. to ates the whole Folded «trance and still the twilight's sweet «pell. system. Forever more* tccoinpanied LIABILITIES. m MKDICIRAL I'ltUl'kRTlKS AKfc Mio» lav in en uio-sy hollows, ICPOsit». ·«·.»» 5ί I And the the dear sunny curl». it. lies ci gr. DRUG red, ;eserve.l Fund, GERRY'S so lu rries, deep STORE, Fringed with gold Λ hile the wtuter green 3tt. d th* -1 wherefhe -May flowere1 "petals, Alterative, Tonic, Solvent O'er marble, cold. mantled bed. feep out fresh from their leaf Diuretic. l'.ut she passed away gently. SOUTH PARIS- Tender wee thing, lust under the hill stood a wide gray-roofed RESOURCES, a the J.'stimatnl Like babe, for world Vm.kTiNK l« made exeluolvelr from the Julee» larm boos·, Par and One shadow could (ling, bark», roots an·! herb·, ami (harjed the of the last setting ray of cjreftillj-.'flcftoil on book!. facing glow thai it will efleetuallv Valut. Market Value. As Ihe soft, tinted win »o »tionj{lY concentrated May flower, >f the th blossom and fade. eradicate from the »y»tem every Funds Oirned, I ηlmll sell at low I 1ΙΓΜΟΚ Tt MORS, C'ANCKR, CAN- 00 ♦ 1, 200 00 bave in a full line of which very Leaving a sweet breath •lows, A, SCROFTLOt'S utted States BomW, 4», Coupon, 1907, $9,300 $2.R18 I jufit put goods, KUrSH'F.LAP, SAI.T ItllKl'M, $ΥΡ· 500 985 00 500 00 In some 01 the fael cr ROUS lll MOK ity of Portland. "·. 1887. see lovely glade. K'lth the glow lading day. AT TIIK 00 Call and them. H1LITII Dl8KA»l>. CANKER. FaISTSI.ss lily of Fort Mndlson, la., 5·. 1902, 5,000 5 ,250 00 5,000 prices. As some of an·! all ill-caee* lhat ariec from impure Railroad Ronds (hcntil. bright bird passage .>ut iu the door yard by the newly cut wood Stomach, •■Μη» low and sad, blood, SCIATICA, iM ! IRMAIKRV and ClIKOMC inilroM'optrin and.Kenpebec.fi», 18;*', «,000 β,720 00 8.00000 500 00 A* If some token pile, RHFt'MATI'M, Ni RAtOIA. UOIT and Sl'INAL laine Ccntial, fis, Extension. 1.500 Ι,ΟΗΙΟΟ 1 leaving ÎHUO, 00 Of Spring's that were glad Two mem children in careless glee trips; Complaints, ran only be ctrectu*lly cored laine Central, 7e, Consol, lui2, δ,οοο «,200 00 »,000 I through the blood. FISHING HAMMOCKS, ■'our of hands make only a pleasure TACKLE, ^o one dear little lie*->ie pair For t'i.CRR* an.I Rut iTtVK Di«kasks of the Total Kallrosd Bonde of Maine, ♦12,500 Mas left n sweet brenth. if the homely task—picking up chips. >k|S, PoSTCLM, 1'ΙΜΓΙ.Κ», ItLOTCIIKS. I OILS, Corporation Rond* l'trtted. CROQUET SETS, And a song as she passed o'er Tkrti κ sc vt.i>iiKAD,aiiil Ringworm, Vr.oimiiR irw KngUnd Car Trust, «a 15*7, 18.1», .1,000 .1,000 00 3.00U00 R0DS hemlock and cure. uo The waters of death. How lb· great logs of maple, ba» never fulled to rffoct a |>erinnoent la il road Equipment Co., 0β, 1*80, 3,COO 3,ouo00 3,000 BATS, For Tains i> the Hack, KidnktComplaints, At the root· of the daisies— poplar w ere DRoP«Y. FlVAlK WntKvlUI.'i, Lt'tCORMtlŒA, Total Bonde Neath the green sod, urnl when first they Corporation Own»), ♦fi.nX) REELS, Loomed high stately arising from internal ulcTjtlon and uterio·· «lie- Rank Stock BALLS lie»*ie rests most securely. omitd, en». ► and (η tiMOMlMB ai complaint». umberland National Bank, Portland, M 116 10 HOOKS" acte 111) lot. vifjorat 's anil strengthens tbo whole »y»tem. 'irst National Bank, Portland. 3,lui 5,542 Ου .I,*·*) MARBLES, in the great sleds through the pasture upon the Atcreiive organ*. allays inflammations, 'ra tera National Bank, Portland, 4"0 839 00 4O0O0 erre» ulceration» and rebutâtes the bowela. 00 GAMES. The Life. Ο trees and hoc A l.esther National Bank, Auburn, pymo li.oiooo 10,1»» FLIES, OUT DOOR Future -ow, fallen monarchal yc great « Hi Il AltlTl Al. COSTIVE- »W Kv>r \TARRH, SPEFSIA. «orway Nutunnl Bank, Norway, 7,4V PALPITATION of tu* IIkart, IIkaoaciie, luth National Bank. Bath, MO 7*25 00 .νιο no is no then life is UO If then· hereafter, shorn from broad trunks to tip- I'll»·.. M uvofSMSs, mill (.IMKAI. PRoSTRA 'irst National Bank, Bath, 1 0f4» 1 ABO oo 1 ,CO0 Thy sceptres ha» that TH>N ι>1 THE NERVOr·» SYSTEM no medicine "irsi National IUnk, l.ewlston. 1.000 1,two 00 1,000 00 let thou with thoughts a» the one debauch, ami the highest reignest supreme i-vfr riven »uch Mitisfaction laculacturcr* National 1.0"·» 1,150 00 1,000(10 long perfect of Hank, l.ewlston, cluster Vei.i.tinf. It | uritlcs the blood, cleanses all education is to know how to find ami ov \round the day- of picking up chips. the organs, an>-e*tes α controlling power Total Bank Stock of Maine. 825,480 vous jO A. M. cr the no (-ystem. •romiiim Account, 4,442 GERRY, how best to Ii there and wide fire- The rematkable cure» effected by Veueγινκ 107 78 Druggist, enjoy pleasure. I he great roomy kitchen open nsuraeoe Account, have induced many anil apothecaile* 810 no is a ami phyoiclan» 'lapcnec Account, is hereafter, virtue deceit place, «·· know, to and use it In their whom pri-ecribc iaie, new 5CO 00 •randinother's face and the old rocking chair, oun fani'lle*. H heroism is a lie. See that uian Loans on Publie fund*. Odd Fellow* Block, So. Paris. young danc- In lact \ Ki.i.fiNK is tho bent yet discov- 1 lie big ojH-n tire place, its cheery liâmes remedy 3,0)0 00 2,000 00 1 ered for the above diseases, sad la the only pell-M ;ity of F.vansvilie, Ind., Bond», from a hundred wounds. le Loans on Rank Stofk. bleeding ing, able I5LOOD Pl'RD'IKB yet placed belore the' rlrst National Bank, Portland. 1,£00 00 1,000 00 in of a sister s honor. trapping the room an a rosy glare. public. died defense Loans <>m Sarinyi Rank Rooks. 1,650 0)) 1/50 0O I mnm' on the that have io. Paris Saving* ltank, If there is no hereafter, that noblest Πια* tonight days 00 100 00 Yei^et ii ie Ortland Saving» Bank, 100 Greatest and Grandest of will forever unrewarded. gone, loans on < \srpor*tUm Stock. Opening deeds THE RKST 400 00 400 0>* go IV h lie the evening shades silently fall, Is nUrnstional Mcainahip Co PortlanJ, foo mi ««) 00 -OF- distant hills are hidden away, nion Wli»rf Co See that sister in the \ml the far 00 1.10 00 young hospital il ou ut Mica Building Association, Paru, •>10 »'er curtained a va^t sable 18 by pall. MEDICINE. ,oan» on other Collaterals, 22,042 18 29,042 over a victim of the ; SPRING 00 07 to bending plague „oai>4 on njmc alone. !>7 Γ1ι« horizon is Ο moon, t hou art rising, al and a light. OXIX)ItD. o. Pari» Association, ride anil em -ilv cry stairway* reaching me, Building «5 00 rapid hasty sepulture ΛΙ UN Γ III T< IIINsoN. AdmloDtratoron io. Pari* \ silage Cori>or*uou. taoo rioui to the far twinkling stars, Ό If there is way up UmMtUi ol C>ru« Hutchlna, late ol Canton, In ,oar.- on MorUaves of Heal K»tat?. 1314*5 es 131.M5 reward her devotion. Λ fil Made ».«I·! ui.atv ilre«-a»· «1. h ivinR pr· »entei with .?. II. ltrown A Son», at l| per cent, !β0 l t hat arc tonight o'er that dear old said de· 28 28 no hereafter, her met a sorry ! watching t unt of administration of the h»uiteol a-ii deposited with Norway National Bank, 2.105 2,105 charity 14 5,l«rt 44 —EVER ΙΝ- Clothing homestead, cca-fd lor allowance: 'ash on hand, 5,1*1 Ready See that Mi M «aid Admin'rKite notice to all requital. hoMiiur | \nd a fcrvent w lsh comes to my lips, Ottlwad liât ·"· r a of this Pr- jier!·! inte e»t d, bv lu-in» copy of u riiat heart was as boo\ antly, blithsonicly in »7 affrighted child at the window my ier to be {-ubltsl ed three week» iniece*»ively npaid accrued interest, 2,W0 glad, the Oxford iH'inocrat. printed at Paris, that they He holds it at a court of Prolate to be held at burning building. long \> in the days of picking up chip-. inav appear it said e< uniy, υιι the third Tu<»!ay of ZILl'itA. Pari», >ue depositor* uni including other liabilities, enough for a sturdy couii>aniou t< •June nex· at nin· o'clock in the forenoon, and Α Clmnce to Buy l>s;. cause if an> have, why the came should ♦0,87.» 41» from he falb Ivorj ion, Conn., May, •how they r t;lve Savings May s will as a in an honor on the fol-1 [Teck's Sun.; EU9TKR. TK1UBI KKK. Heal Hotel, where find just good stock, every respect, battlefield. They to a" 11 Γ·'>ε· int. n·»!' .1 by r»usii'j( a copy ..f thl» O. II. MASOS, Pit) 411» VT. ENOCH yon a ?mall at A mother residing in city or«l« to be pabli»hc-| thi*i· w«*k» »ucee»»lvelv In can be found in any retail House in Maine. low that into the thick of tin Democrat at Part·, that tWr .1 A III I.I 1'IKS. ilag Sun the »>\ferd printed the North writes to know it* the at η Probate ('· irt to tie he| | at l'uri» and when the sounds tin may »t>(car DtpoaRr, fight, bugle l:i «:ild eountv on the third Tueadav of June next, {••*rrved FndiI, can't that η ill induce her a retreat ! say something ai nin.'o'eloi k in the fnenooa ard »how eauie If •roiiu. few return from the put Specialty. carnage. the n·· »hou!d 1h· allowed Bm/n Clothing anv ibey have wh\ I'r.v\is, Regi»ler. prices guaranteed a man who drunk every time or faces to the foe. and a smile was young gets RESOURCES. as money refunded. OXFORD,»*:—it Court oi Probate held ac Ktlt mated Everything represented, tie takes the to a If the Par.», within and for the Count ν of Oxford All Wool Undershirts and Drawers, 25 cts. ea<*h. Thri-o on in girl party. Par ami C knrt/dil Punts, $1.75. their features death, on ol A. D. IM. stamped j the third Tuemlay May. l'aine. ifnrLet I nine. un llooin. Boxes linen faced Collars, 25 cts. Other in mother (Annul to induce t·. KIMllVI.L, adnil:n»trator on the goods comparison. If there is no tluir heroism say anything I>KAKI, r*Mic Fundi Ο une·!. hereafter, «••t.nc t -;ir.ii^ Kuiit· ill, Utc ef Bethel, |n »aid ι» r to an cscort who itr οι I .«.-w «too Itjn Is, u*. opUon.il. I**»Î-I:»1S, tl.000 $9jOOO :he duughti give up t >nnty, deceased, ha\Inn pro»ente,| hi·· accounl 00 was suicide ami their courage a mock- ity of I'^ri ηΊ Bon i*. Οι, Κ Κ I 07, 10,0 >0 li ,M0 00 lO.OoJ of ad.η mitral Ion ol the K»iaie of »ail i!e'ca»el l»ll ("I insult- hi.r, .ι weak can- Γοηιιοί lUihel.l· Itrid^i-, IftO, Λ.ΙΜ) >£000θ of fate. life i> closed iu poor newspaper tor all iwiooe: ery Early tbal the «aid Admtn'r rive notice the OHt>EltEl>. Total Public Kund* ol M.tiuc, f.O.OWl & aot do The has a of thi· BICKNELL got Intrr. «ι»··Ι caa»inir death : the terminates all con any g^nl. girl to all per»on» by ι···ρν A'.iWrixii/ Rowi* Oirneii. grave wn NEAL, rxlord priuted they Portlandand Kennebce, <·», l.uoo ι,ι#» oo !,«*■» Ου things at a I'robate Court to be held at t rvetiur.', 1MB, in with such a man. appear engagement young in nd* owned, ♦- 'όΟ v in the i'oreno(. \irporuii*>% NORWAY, MAINE. wreck, the tomb, rtoat^ the sweet voice they why S'cw England Car Tnwt β». S.iart RI( 11 Λ Κ I > A HiVK,Jud »> At a Court of Probate Held at /.'Hint on s'r the Count* ot Oxford, ou ent husband. She never will find such tciliel Sm ιηκ" Until, •Λ 00 Then is no luath? Wiud scvin.- so 1- tr.u»s.· the third Tueed it of A I». If I. May, Loans on Name* •Ό» (JO .11 e»t.te of alonc. tion χ ease. Mo-IS Al.LfcV, Kxi'iitor the « I.oan- on Personal liions» M|i ·*· ι;· πι ·* οι 11 χ— »γ·ι, ιπ > ίγ. Properly. This Ule ot mortal breath Loan* to the Town» of Bctbrl, <.raf;>n and Muin, a.iTjci man sow w iid deceased, having presented hut account ofid- A young may oats,and get ly. Loan* on Mortgage· of Krai K*t«te. 4 J,MT M is but a suburb of thr life ra-lustration ot :!u Estate of ild Ί&μκ<1 (or »Ι· elysi..... I in <1 » ■- » *» ·-» r*«! Κλ α w full n< η fui* "a»li «U-potit· Kir-: National Hank, Portland, at -l |*r rent "" "" lowanee : .utli οα S.1W sa · OriUred, Γίι*1 tlie «ail Εν u.or cclice hand, PIRSONSSPILLS give Lo5i.rEU.oW. r. MAKE NEW RICH BIX>OI), it ami reform, and become a •ι· iuiereste» bv causing a ropy of this times, tonllj^r- And will uc dcpoeitor* and including other liabilities, ιο η who will tak« 1 Fill rarh from 1 to IS wi*ki, may br n-tloml to maiiri Jueanl that, whenever •yuare. useful citizen and good the Oxford Democrat printed at Part·, they night m*v -.r »t a Probate < <-ort (■> be h»>ld at Paris >i'p·· above all liabiliti··, #s,se 7« health, If aurh a Ihlnf be (nmiIMf. Pur rurlnc Frnule Complaint* theer Fill· hit· no name of man is the doctrine band, but be will never have a in ii-.»· M oontyon th·· third lucsdiy of Jane next «urplu* spoken. spree [Cite of mi«Te«t rh«rred on C cent. uw thrm In their Ire. Hold or aent mail for at :· o'clock in the lorenoon and show e.iusc if any loan*, per equal. I'hyalriana print everywhere, by of is announced ; it cleaves \iiuu>l Exp«n ·>«·», immortality he presence of the girl he loves. The they have why the s.une should n"t be allowed. el(ht letter-atampa. fcen.1 for circular. I. H. JOHNSON * CO.. BOSTON, ΜΑΜΗ. it. Λ. ym K. Jud-e. keurit.e·. kept in Sale Depo*tt \ ault. Portland to las constitution. a Κ ΚΕΙ» E. RICHARDS, Bank Examiner. ncre fait ol a young man taking girl A trneeopv—attest: H O. Davis, it.-gi-.ter. CROUP, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. EjCKR-soN. JOHSMIN'M ANOOYNK LINIM KNT «UJ inatan- ο α or a and sleigh ride, getting OX('OKI), «·»:— M a Court of Probate h»!d at tatiroutly reliera it <■»« tirriM* and «III all tliat *· party, There tli· happy «nul» ever rv, Pan·, within and lor tue County ol lUlord, on cur· uiur cam «at of ten. 1 uf·>πη·ικ>η UtM *Ui aat· and lim tent fh» mall t · m-wtnt Shall m· «>t with slitiu iruak. and humiliating her, causing c third TlMdM tl Mr. A. D. t^RS. 1883. many by Duo delay litoKI.I.A Κ.ί<ΚΛ KK\ λ certain In 1883. rre»eni>.ii la better than cur·. Vn«i each -iuill know then· on· another's lao p-»-«cnt« 1er to others for escort to Tc DIPHTHERIA defend upon Mt purport tag to b· tM lut Will Md ZLIISTE OF By beatJlc virtue oi the tair.rnt ol Aidmlt μλρρ-, late of I'txllcld, in I HAVE A. FULL ANODYNE LINIMENT one that he has no JOHNSON'S XZJTZX'rtfo i;»ji Jons»·» u-r hume, is evidence said ile« ?·■>« Cuut, Coiin.y, Plarâaaa ο< th« for Pn »'>d that «lie inn* be appotoud ad- Chrvmtc Itt.rtimatism. l'hr.mlr IMarrh»·, Chronic liyienterv. Cholera Morbu·. Kidney Trouble·, :t for her, tk-o and If Toilet urvr..ii judCI.euiiat. cut Patent Goods, An Veti-rinart .«.r and him a Medicines, Κιιι·ΙΙ«Μ engagement entirely. to all ·η· uterested eau-inr ropy of this mansions: if it were not so, I wouhl port· I·;. ν w tnn· : ··. In ».·» < > tint mut I ■ Fancy untry. ι> ι»γΊ· t■> '·< uni 'inhed thr·-·· w rk« Id he with insult now, before she is ur«-r«»ircly of tin Ham ami t attle Powder» aold here I a put up I tie Oxfor·. l>tm-KT.it at I "uri -. that have toùl yon. I go to prepare |>rintebat< » url t<> be held at Paris TOBACCO AND CIGARS, tondit» η Γ .«der» ere ab«>lutel> pure and MAKE HENS LAY place for you. in *aid (_oi.ntv.on the third Tuesday of June next, liuai<-ii*el,y ν Unable. Nothing on earth «ill make hem lay like Hhertdana Condition Powdera. Iiuaa, 1 Uaapn- at » o'chx-k in tin forenoon and -1:"··»· cause If any #U to 1 load. «Mil e»»ry « lier», or aent by maii for tf itUar-aUmp· 1. β. JoukaoN A Co Horroa, kUaa. John xiv : *2. 1 ouk out for herself, and he will get And all of the Goods in a pint they have why the «aid li «trumeiit -hould not t>e Staple usually kept ami λ 1 ■ »v%» 1 as the last Will so live, that » :i«?u thy ttumiaoa? comes to K>iit < Irunk from habit. proved, approve·! ..nl Tc.-itament ol said deceised. * * The innumerable cuit au a as he Κ. Α. If a young man loves girl FRYE, Judge. FIRST CLASS PRIG STORE. A trur copyattcst :— 11. C- Da* ι». Register. hould lo\e her to marry her, a look of T.'.ou ,Ό not, lik<- tin ·,α:ϋΤΛ -lave at n:xi.t. OXFORD, s.» :-At a ol Fro Late lieM a I HAVE NOW ON HAND the of XOurgei! to h:- Uunçeon, but, ^>taiucapprobation on the third Tuesday of May, A. u., 1««3. soutbfU PHYSICIANS PBESCIRPTIONS PREPARED PERFECTLY PURE. AN UNUSUAL LARGE STOCK OF *1:1 lx to break him of any hab- OS the pet it.on of w. II. l»yer, of Canton, In lïy an.unialtvnn^ trust, approach thy ffiav t enough -■»; 1 County, pray.ig that John 1'. >wi-ey, of anton. >*e Adra:ui-tr*tor on tlie -tale l.ike one who wrap» ;h· «ry of his cout h t that he has that she does not like. If api>oinlcd of John Morrlsev, late ol Canton, in said County, to p. m. About huu, ami lie· «low 11 to pleasant <:r· urn». ?tore ironi 0 to a. m„ 1 to and 7 8, .. words '•Please don't drink, Charley, di ceased : ojien Sunday's 10, 2, FURNITURE, BlTiHI. Ordered, — That the «aid Petitioner give rom the lips of Charley's girl are not notire to all ppfwD> Interested by cau»lng FOR SPRING TRADE, J. ΙΙλκκί Ελ-;μαν. property man of the α copy of tin* order to be iiublUb- to his for benzine, dthr ·'· week» «uco iu the Oxlord Demo the Euclid Opera House, of Cleveland, O., ■nough spoil appetite sslvely SOUTH ME. crat printed at Paria. thai "they may appear at a PARIS, tlropped dead while engaged in hi.·* work •Farewell, Charley, forever," should be Probate Court to '.•••held at Pari· in said County be Sold at nu It*·' t ::lr ! Tuesday of June next at nine o'clock Which will Reduced Prices, on the of I'^ih. lib was she should make morning Apr. age ht next andla^t remark in tac· forenoon and'slitw cause it any the; have CONSISTING OF why Ihe mm should not be i6 years. He married illUie, daughter of to granted. CLOTHING. CLOTHING. ο him. Marrying men reform them R. A. Kit Υ Κ, Judge. the late Ethial Stevens of Greenwood, A true opy—attest : ll.C. Da ν in, Re glatir ia> ne\er been a successful on MEN'S AND BOYS'. Ash & Pine Chamber some tweive or thirteen and enterprise Walnut, Suits, years ago, OXFORD, se:—At a Court ol Probate held at he of women. Girls are worth was then but juat returned from the West part Pari·, within and for the County of Oxlord on ■« ■ .«»■* the it-trd Tnes.lavof Μ ιν. A. O. 1883. M- -m. avirra« oo to sacrifice their I. F. & Block. much, unmarried, ou Co., Indies where ae had resided several years. X. J«>UN30S Ct'SHMAN, Executor the es Huntington lite Norway of Kdwin K. Gray, late of Paris, in said His funeral took 1, at the resi- ives to beat sense into the head of any place May i'·» vy, decease·!, luving pre*cn'<·!». lorenoon, Nobby Fancy Pine Chamber Sets, with Bureau, 0 full set, $18.00 was one most if anv they have, why the same should not be pieces, He of the accomplished Men's Suits, $10.00. Men's Suits, $15 to $'20. M " " ν a man not wean allowed. Case, 9 23.00 men America. can him. Such does Dressing large be«l, pieties property in In early life he U. A. FRYE, Judge, rood Assortment in light and dark colors. Fine Dress Suit. much time in the West Indies and as a He will home to A tme C. Parlor Suits in Black Hair Cloth, Walnut Frames, 7 with spent is easy calf. go copy—attest:—11. DAVIS, Register. Good Business Suit. pieces, South America, where he acquired a knowl- Patent Rocker, 35.00 ober and not till the other DXtoRD, ks:—At a Court ot Probate in Id at edge of the Spanish lan^uase. Ile came up places Pari», within and for the County of Oxford PANTS! PANTS! PANTS! Parlor Suits in Hlack Hair Cloth, Walnut frames, 7 pieces, piped here. If we mistake not, from Five of such a married life on the third ef A. Philadelphia, lose. years Tuesday May, D. 1881. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $.100, $3.50, $4 00, $4.50, $5.00. Gent's Patent Rocker, Double Back Sofa 40.00 being brought by Mr. John A. Ellsler in EBEN E. RAND, named Executor in a eertai $1.00, back, Large V ill make a middle woman of the t to ann Is·;·.'. He was property mau of the aged tMtrumemt urporting be the l*«t Will Good assortment of Children's Suits in Short and French Bedsteads, 4.00 Opera résument of James A Harmon. lat«* of Bethel, Long I^ega House from the time it until his 2.30 opened ] •ands'.me.-t, sweetest-dispositioned girl j in sa.il tonnty, decca«ed, having presutcd the WORK MADE TO ORDER. Cottage Bedsteads, death. In his calliug he was not mtao for Probate: CUSTOM only : at a was ever of. A lino of lint· from which wc will nmku to order. Work I skillful but a and uuder his direc- m.ther proud girl Ordered, Tliat the »aid Executor give notice Wo curry a large woolens garment* genius inu-re-ie.l, a of nd tits warranted. Other Goods in Low Prices. « 1 |,ci»ons by c*u»lng copy this Corresponding tion the stai»e settina at the Opera House \iil -uch a man, that next marry hoping )· !.·· to be publi-lied three weeks successively in GOODS. GOODS WABBAHTX» A8 HIPHK8KKTXD. has been erd County. prices goods given. ganee. Many of the articles used for orn- ν ill be wcrse. The nose will to begin »ext, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and show amentation were the work of his owu HATS AND CAPS. care, au auv thev have, why the said instru· M the eves bleared, the clothes A nicc line of Straw Goods. hands. He was eccentric in some of his nd| lient should not be proved, approved and A lar^e stock in all the lato and nobby Stylos. ai» last Will aud Testament of said ways but was a warm friend aud highly ] worn, and the wife who would have ...wed the issly lec< a ed. S. CUM iu C. enterta.niu^ conversation. The news een *uch a and happy mother, with R. A. FKYE. Judge. F. & Co., Block, Norway. MINGS, of his sad death will be learned with sin- proud Λ true copy—attest :—H. C. DAVIS. Register. Huntington Norway NORWAY, ME. cere regret by a large circle of acju aint- ι husband that had sense, becomes asham- XKORI), 88:—At a Couit 01" Probate held at OXFORD, 88 At ft Court ο» Probate, hel>l at ances." JXKtRD, sa:—At a Court ot Probate held at i'&ris. within und for the of Oxford, Paris within and for tbe County of Oxford at in the and County •d to look herself glass, Paris, within ard lor the County of Oxford, on the third Tuesday of May. A. D. ls&J. i on the third Tuesday of May, A. D. 1881. r t Tuesday ol May, Α. V. 1SS1. ELIZA A. widow of Albert W. Smart, (iEOROK It. BEARCE. Executor on (beet-late POLITICAL. have a fit of sickness SMART, i tad almost ratln-r ENoCU KO>TKR, Executor on the estate of itc of Sweden. deceased havmic presented her John E. Bear ce, late of Norwav. in «aid County, her for fear Wd W.Davis, late of Itcthel. in ea id County, itition for>n allowance out of (he Personal Ka- deceased, having presented hit aeoount of ad- THE IRON AGE han to be visited by friends, his account ot said : ministration of tbe eMate of »aid deceased lor al- — Icceascd, having presented admin- te of deceased FoK Pkotkctiox. Gould, when tor Jay them all nration ol the estate Of said deceased allow· Ordered, That the said petitioner give notice i lowanre : a he is so * 1er husband will give away. oe: all interested a of this • Ordered, that «aid Executor notlceto all asked by reporter why strongly person* by canting copy give Cultivator and Horse Hoe. in favor of protection, replied : "Because be all in its Ordered, That the «aid Executor give noticr derto be published three week «successively in the per on· Interested by causing a copy of thli order Whiskey may right place ] ο all persons interested by enusing a copy of this tford Democrat at that may to be published three week* in the use. free trade is another name for the reduc- printed Pari·, they Hucce»*lveljr The most and Cultivator in 56 rderto week-successively in tin at a Probate Conrt to be held at Pari· Oxford Democrat, a newspaper printed at Par- complete perfect Weight only pounds. »ut that is not in the stomach of a ! l.«ei>ubli*hedthree >pear tion of the price of labor to the corre- young j ixford Democrat printed at Paris, that they may «aldCountyon the third Tuesday ot June next ia, that thev may appear at a Probate Court to be « at a Probate Court to be held at Paris, in V o'clock lntheforenoonand shew cautelf any : held at Paria, is said county,on the third prices in England. But for the r ml* who and pi>ear Tueaday sponding contemplates matrimony, aid County on the third Tuesday of June next, the same should not be of June next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon difference in the cost of labor between ey hare, why granted. in the forenoon and show cause if U. A. KKYK. I and *how cause. It have, the name 1 who takes such a man for life will t V o'clock any Judge. any they why The Cultivator and Hiller. and this we could pro- girl the same should not be allowed. A C. DAVIS. should not be allowed. England country 1 hey have( why true copy—attest:—H. Register Wright as RICHARD A. FRYE, R. A. FRYK, Hiller fits duce cheaply as they do, as the cost of r p^ret it as as she lives. There are Judge, Judge. The Wright any Cultivator. long —Attest H -C. Davis Register. ss:—At a Court of Probate held at A : H. C. Davis. the raw material is the same. Remove A trueconv XRORD, trueoopy—Attest Register, s ure to for all Parie within and for the county of Oxford, ami our be sober enough you destroy manufac- boys on the third of A. D.. 1W1. protection 1XF0RD, 88 At a Court of Probate held at Tuesday May, OXFORD, β· At a Court ot Probate held at If the W nsmed in a Corn and tores. uuder- no for the of PKLEC CiKRRISH, Executor within and ior tbe of on Potato Democratic party t tie girls, and there is need of marry- Paris, within and County Oxford Paris County Oxford Stockbridge's Manures, rtai:i Instrument to be the the last ot A. D. takes to level down labor to the rn the third Tuesday of May. A. D. lssa. purporting the third Tuesday May. I«i3. English ill and Testament of Susan E. late of 1 ig a drunkard, and the girl that does so, ; ON tile i>eiition ot VorneA Crost y, Widow of, Dearborn, HESTER A. BARTLETT, widow of Elias 8. STANDARD Per pauper basis, they will our indus- ti in said $2,00. destroy eieiniah S. Crosby, late of Philadelphia, Penn., iram, County, deceased, haying prcsent- Bartlett, late of Bethel, deceased, baring present· SUPERPHOSPHATES, 100, tries. a the advice of her will w tbe same for Probate : ed her for an allowaace out or the mother, leceat'd, Ρ ravine; tliat her Dower may be set out petition Per gainst Ordered, That the said Executor notice to Estate of said deceased: 1 > her from e Real Estate of sai l deceased, in give sonal Socket 35 If the in the the she mar- a! 1 interested b of That the said Petitioner Hoes, Warranted, Cents. majority Legislature per- d eserve all unhappiness t ic thOxford. persons by causing copy this] Ordered, give notice County οι to be three weeks successively in sist in creating new ottices which the pub- Ordered, That the said petitioner pive notice iler published to all person· interested, by causing a copy of this r "· a of this th β Oxford Democrat printed at Paris, that they order to be three weeks lic sendee not as ill persons interested by cau-tnj; copy published sneeeesirely In Fall stock of all Tools at Bed Rock Prices. Call and see us. does require, they might L at a Probate Court to be held at Paris tbe at : ° ty appear Oxford Democrat, printed Parla, that they a General to on well choose Keciever wind «ι » said County, the third Tuesday of Jane next at a Probate Court to be —"No wonder," said the doctor, "the ixxoru wniiKTai yiiiaru I may appear held at Parla, this State at be at at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and shew cause if any In said on tbe third of up the Democrat party in * pp» ar at a Probate Court to held Parie, County, Tueaday Jane th have the said instrument should not be at nine of the clock in the once, or at all events to withdraw the c lild is sick all the time. It has both said County on the third fuesdavof June next, ey why next, forenoon, and MASON and as the last Will and r ν o'clock in the forenoon and show cause if Pr oved, approved allowed shew cause, il any they hare, why the same should BROS., concern from active it can any business until and a same not be I T« stament of said deceased. not be s grandmothers and grandfathers J ley have, why the should granted. granted, be controlled by men of patriotism and R. A. FRYE, Judge. Β, A. FETE, Judge. R. A. FRY*. Judge. Norway Blook, Me. — I true attest Norway, sgaacity Xnr York Sun. Jc ind? store in the same block." A true copy—attest : H. C. Davis, Register. A copy» :—H.C, Davis, Register. Atrneeopy—attest: H.C>Davis.Register. public notice ihnt ural cause of the war. He eulogized th< e Ho» Jodrp of MEMORIAL DAY. ABSTRACT OF an ) the and tc j»r«SS,«Ljiu for the t «M»tr of Oxford nnd a·»iMtuoi Norway Light Infantry, presented «trmti>r .» the estate of *T?!\!f 4(tniiB .JOINT the comply the original inaeûer- NOTICE ! Rev. Father Wilds' ALLKN. UK οί H SERVICES BÏ THE present IMPORTANT Hlii.-TOt HSB TOWNS ; docenno.1 b* bond naihe Uw of the made CRIMINAL Jf.ii'onnti giving OF NORWAY AND PARIS. out and pay-roll company, up COSTS, IF ΥΟΓ BUY THE EXPFRIENCE. i>w>i· w,iner*i(»re requests all perron· Indebted Ai.LOWK» in WOULD u Coi'stt <(Smimionkr's Court, *'iW ** d«on»eddecenaod to make Ifian*4iate at Portland, Aug. 5, l!SGl, by himself Th« Ilex. Z. P. Wilds, well-known !ϋΤtbt mum-li-w of Notemiikk Tkrm. URi. city u who haï· *uy demand· ihcre aa»me«t, nn>l tho* Addresses btUo^ ernor The autograph of each mem- Board oi Priionere. $14β 77 missionary In Srw York, und brother of the the «am* to Frederick Ro- Paymaster. °*,^Γ.οι χΗΛΗ State re. liquors, Hiram A. Utr rmlnrnt Judge Wild·, of the Mawnrliu· OLIVER A I.I.KN. bik or Oouiam, Ex-Qovrrnor Sidney ber of the Co. was annexed to the pay-roll. Intoxicating Κ ill*, Ju*t«*p. S «7 Prices •etta write* η» at the Lowest Supreme Court, follow·: " Best Goods _ Prrham of I'akis. Scroeon ββιηο S __ S. C. Gor- furnished the United States Same, Justice, SI Hayli.l*". ThU company " "7H F.. Ml h AVtr York. Ικ»2. ~ St., 16, kerebr rutitv that don υ»" Ροκ ii.a.nd, and Rev. W. W. £ame,»auiR Juatloe, 2 >·7 —BUY OF— Map «nbnerlber |tlr*· piihtie war with 32»; 47 " I MKM ΒΑ. J. C. A VTR Ar Γι lieiitfenien ; THK O'e.l the honorable during the men, Including Same, fame Justice, 5 21 h.» ha- 1"** Ju*> »I»PC br Hooper ow Norway—A Fink Proces- " ! I,ast winter I was troubled wltli η most uncom- for the Coon ui oxiord, and this t; W. Pike. Mit lmue, 3 Si lud**· ofl'rvbaie sion—Goon M I Ρκο- commissioned officers. In presenting " fortable itching humor ulT«»etli»|i more .·«[« tre«t of \ ite»ni«t'rof the fc.-Ute of MC—Ααογτ 4.0O0 Howard olaK Alvarado Ilrayfortl, dally «.Teed ttw & CO. > which itched so intolerably at "«VERA. 'au» of S„«*v, ΙΊ.Κ IN Al TENDANCE. souvenir of one, if not the old- Jutiice. IS *3 GEO· A. GAY my limbo, night, Îr«J*«'s interesting " and burned so intensely, that I coulil m-nrr.-lv iir d*c-n«etJ a« the Juhn»..n, Seth Walker, Jaetlce. "il 'Λ of all kinds of in our line sent free by Mail. Remember ,««1 louatr. est In the war from this Sta:e, Samples goods any clothing over them. 1 ».w aiw» a sulferer h* therefore r* i«»at* at! in company of !»* di*«t* pomoua can nave from 10 to 15 cent from a stiver» catarrh anil catarrhal cough ; my thi e«:»te of «nid ârt+a*,«1 to ma*» .m- The mémorial "A solder's aula· DECKMRl.K Triim Γ-82. you positively per by buying your carpetings, é*&»ed *° services over the graves Governor Robie said: appetite wag poor, and my system α good ileal ruu '■*· ·■»' Itl4·' »ho have an τ de νβ. J»hn N. S. us. in tho to visit the n«*w and ■uriuit» p«r»> State Wei eon, Win. Dodge, any kind, of Don't Fail when elegant down. the value of AYER'e 8ak*apa- exhibit the »\mv I» of the soldiers who tiled in the War for to such an of city Knowli-g ™*nd» ;ΜΓ·υβ to graph insignificant pay-roll Juitice 27 2S riixa, by observation of many other cane·, and AL ΟΙΟΝ NEVER?. » Cloak llootns of the l'nlon. m instituted and to •40.30 ft>r thre»' months' service, makes It McLu< a·. Samuel I». Wadanorth from personal mm informer yean,! Ν (fan taking :"*®· designed Ju»tic« 12 42 it for the above-named Ιό. " disorder·. My Slav I be perpetuated the for it that not Thome», Hiram Λ Rllli JiiIlN 2 07 apjxlito ber»t>» uhl.r notice that by loyal organisation valuable, proves loyalty Improved almost from the first dose. After a .ub«erit>er *l»e« ; " David Initiée i W "-j-HE br the Mnj. Ftid** known Pile, Knapp ■hort time the feverand itching were allayed, and bee· dulr npp >int«il as the Orand of the of rfiward led the Norway " A. w h*» Army Repub- hope pecuniary L I»avi«l GEO GAY & all Of irritation of the aft Intoïlcétinf! qiiore, CO., (ifrn* skiu>nntr. *!Tlo* cent and I attribute theno result» to tl»·» he ther*h)T t|: ρ·τ«>η*ια tion the was a one.—all tue Gov. Robie's ad- «ronger, djrvc'i injur.t· dav bright, snnny defence of country." March ls>3. use of the which I iui- Tkrm, A. GAY & Saiwaparii.I-a, recommend '«tale oi «afcl drv .·.>·*.! to m*k« GEO. CO., to Uh- the more favorable reason over an hour, and he closed with all eonûdence a* the beat blood medicine 4tbud aud th.w.· who h.-\»· an; de suspiciously by dress occupied State vi. Murry Judklna, C. F. Whitmau *'* pa}meat, β 11 ever devised. I took It in small do·*· three to exhiMtthe asm*· to of the of the Jlkti'D _.n .h'rr>>n days preceding and following with remarks to the Grand Army •· St. time· a and In lean than two bottles. JOSEPH MOLELLAN. rainy Intoxicating I.iq'iors, Alfred Cole 499 St., Corner Brown day, used, all, Congress I theae facta at their it. As the towns of a sentence written Juedce 3 42 place your service, hoping IS»3- per announcement, in significant do Mai IS, Republic Sunt, «aine Justice 4 OH publication may good. iu to a distin- PORTLAND, ME. Toura T. P. Wild·.*' a·:—At a Coorl of l'roM«h*M at Norway and Paris united, response to General Washington by stme, Mine Justice 4 ΐο respectfully, n\t\>KD, " and tor tho Ooun:« of Oxford l> ηνίΙ·β I*. Alfred I· con- ρ,τ·., wiifcln the Invitation of Rust G. A. French author ftfW the Revolu- Sampson, The above instance bnt one of the many of I». IW. Harry Post, guished CuleJuaiiee 10 50 third Tuc«dav Haï, Α. oar on the » eoming to notice, which the a ftrum In of carritd II. Hartford A»a O. Pike stantly prove per- ΛιΗ-H Λ Λ1 Kr i; iro>*ata R., Norway, ami successfully tionary War. George lo bo tin la· Wi I and Tt·. .1 until'·: 11 08 fect adaptability of Avfr's SaraapaRIU.a to gOUMcnt purport!»* ont the in onr Issue the hour, 1 » *·!»«. !*te "f Krrebnnr tn programme published 0*lug to the lateness of many core of all disease· from im- tan,mt of J ■»» tho arising impuroor lb· Mme oaatT d*. en··*, having pf«*euted of two weeks since. At au early hour the In the audience felt obliged to leave the Mat Tkrm, ltH2. LEONARD MOWER FOR 1883. poverished blood, and a weakened vitality. {Or Pr'tatc Board of Priseticra 78 $1 lb* *.«>d citizens of the two towns, and from Gov. Rabie s address, in or- Orpekkd. That petitioner gtr· many hill, during State v·. Goodyear Ο. I». Kdward* Justice 1» inter^-ted by cnsidn· a ·· got ο* to all p*r«on« towus, to at Nor- der to reach llieir homes befjro ; Plumincr lloit C. F. Whitman of thi· »rd»r to b» uhllahetl adjoining began gather evening Ayer's Sarsap'arilla , copy Justice SO 37 cleans.··, enriches, and strengthens the blood In th· Oxford l>nao we ll lor '· Hir.r (nl· n«c»inl»«ijr way, where the procession was to start. but those who stayed, were repaid Auiecbury 11. Burnell litlbcrt stimulates the action of the stomach and IowcIs that mt api«ar at a II 08 era! -.Tinted at l'art*, th·) B»rretl Juitice b*· Held at Kan·, m «aid Omtn THE PROCESSION their attention. »' Pike and thereby enables tho system to resist and over- rubatr Conrt to InloxieeUng Liquor· Aea O. th r»nJ«j ot Jum aval, at *o ci.*k •luetic·; " ®β come the attacluof all ty oa tbr Formal on Main Street, Its right resting Some over nine hundred took diu* Semfulcmi ihteatti, Frtij* and *h«·» caa**lf«nv th«y lui»·· people ■' * "" th* (orraooa Same name Justice float tht Grnrrul là d not be of Stin, Ukrumntmm, CniarrH, :h« «λι·l in»>ruaa«ol ahian pror^d, opposite Rustrleld grounds, and ner in Concert Hall ; the '· Same name Juiilicri f of Wfv and Cemetery rtlliug capacious anil all disorders from ->r «ο I ailow».) aa the U*t Will Tetla- » Hiram A. Kill* Justice 2 07 Ixbility, resulting poor ,P|.p..vol at a. Hnuic 10:30 m.. moved toward So. Paris in tables three there w is ·· a 01 *aKl doee*aeavia. Keiruter, iug for all, and of fragments they gathered A tmecopT—atte«t Chief Marshall. up many basketful*. 8. J. Cot er. Uakcii Tkrm, Ii«S. Dr. J. C. &. Mass. a·:—At a Court oi frooatr h-Id at Norway Rami—.vpiece·. Ayer Co., Lowell, i>XfOKl>. fbr the c.MMitT ot Oxford, V. were cred- sut· VI. Flto A-a O, Pike Justice i ►! 1 all for p., ». within ant Norway Light Infantry -Co. I», 1st Ktx'tM The services throughout very Sold by Druggists; price 81, κ|χ bottles oi a. I». 1*1. ·« Thum··* H irttm \. Kilts .luetic I!» cJ oo tbe th.rii T'i"«I»t May SI -4i niu»Wvt« | w a c>-r itable to those who had of th<* ar- ·· ( lin·· Samuel Wad· worth .lu tice U '.«7 \UA U k !*«·, u»airJ haceutrix Norway hnrnuipiiient, 1 Ο. Ο. I'. charge Cl W ill «' 1! itrhin-on ·*. I Gil»« m Justice 3Λ ft? In·lament utp..rtt*4 to ta tua l_«t Sn.rnri* llatxl—17 ρ lee»··. ttnl was done n.« t^n rangements. everything ·· L. F. Whliman ; 'ΛΛναί 01 Juliu» V. h n<. latr cl i'ar;·. Rust foal ϋ. A. and 1'arla Veteran· French JuiUo· 07 AYER'S ,β.! τ. Harry K-. ·· ha\ r« the • *»e as tin I .-mb ird A t). Piks Justice * ,, â r.-antv, deceased, jirr-MD'aJ lx»nt »irong. promptly possible, considering ·· Judkin» I V. w hitman Justice 12 fur Trob tc ; l>ard >n Alfred Cole Juswe T!»at the «aid Kte^otrlt rive »oU.-«· Norway an·) Part* >aM>a?h :ιη>1 l»av School o-v*d This will ·η· long and re- ·· Tra»k .luaUco li Intoreated by <-au«ta« a copy «I Children. dey pleasantly Child Jotm U. PILLS Kill pfituat w, re to he lin* »wt. ( contain in* mem'iered all who pre>Aut. WirNK8-*K·.. 0n« u.-4ab!i«lin| amag*·· ^pcalors.i liaplaln», Rep by GltANI> Jt'RT — — I >.» ■<·'at '■ Oxford ormted mcutaUm * of the 1'<«m ai»U luvttod oueats Best Purgative Medicine »a^-M»*T,"'y State vi. Thome· a! a rn>batc on ai P^ri» mat Ihcr may a^'pear ItUten· in innl.iif<'4 an.! foot. Grand ·· 4 » »i euro In·: —T!r· Trui·.'.ai ai è A. M procession Imposing tickets ta Ta»xbty has to s.nin i-^ue Saturday .. 410 m reliable. l a»·. itorud lr-ti ι- begnn t'dd bold everywhere. Always a··- »Î*a* Cu 'Vh) anil ·. " •tu» well handled by Chief Marshal Roister i:. < I fricn Sat- Emery mal ι» awv«v>\*« nul al to au·! Lewist y" •t. a: »avL ,J ριθ*·0. Portland, " Cludboliru *1 '-4 W i.! and Tcainioelit of >ai'l de· his aids—Assistant Marshals A. F. [ 1 «ni » .ί»ι· .aat Capt. urday till Fare from So. Paris ·· F.atou 4U I Monday. ·· cmhiI. Noyes, Wm. C. Cole and Capt. G. C- Pratt. to and η turn to I,< wistoo Ε\λΒ· Ε Λ. FRYK JeJg*. Portland ·· AUCTION, to Brown H C. Uni th. .-Wl-ur. was a but the excel- 25. t.- η arcotBinodation ·· i)J A .;« •cop»—nttcaf The route long one, 81 This great Preach '® The undersigned, Administratrix on lit-good· at families to Oxford ·· '·' eitaie which were "t »· a of OAM t.nd who «.end their Audrvvti mil il ill and VP. And-ena. will -nil (i\ViiKI> —Al lonrt lent music of the two bard·» was inspirit- persons of Oa/ord also to Sat- nt Publie 8slc, at her rcfl.lence at Wr.lPnrl· on ρ» a.UiiB and forth· Cvnni) summer homes, and Orn· BR'e Hi LI S. lw and no was visible. County the ninth dav of A II. at lu thr third Ta.*«lar ot Mar. A. D. ing faltering Perhaps (OUI) June. 18*1, ot shoppers. State vs. llutchlnaou 1® o'clock A M the u vl l'taak U. Ii« l. liatplim of urday -fl following described property, < ι\ f„ priiik the nu»re noticeable features were " Frmch * w hei* oi ton:·:.* A among viz : A parcel of Henl Kststc kituitid in Albany H li.rjtm natnor ·· « ·" IΕ £jm Hutchinson \ THE Β EST. ΤΙ CIIEAPEST. and known sk the Kdgeeomb lil ice. a smtllpir' «!« ·■'» '· ur*. in-thlt ant> dtc-A*«d the colors of the which wire ·' I ·»».·. Infantry, It Ο It X. Katun * ■••.•I of re .il fslale fltusled in VV wdstock. and the »n·· lo »cll end * »«·» c*rt«in real Pi Kmerr * caw m y-»· < ι» l*n> and .li·»*·" Andrews il so l in *tid t«be.1 m Hta i^tltOO η lilt· the proudly borne along which, though 1 Machine privilege «via;· I home* £ I The Leonard WNiitotk. AlsooMiktn in the tVc?t Parla !.< linui ih ||. K Mr. an·! Mr< <» P. Kua- II..I h in the ste&m 5 share· I'nion «: lrH d Hir·. for the Iu II, a >f anil lia itself Mill, M:iing Com ρ my of (, 3. r »'f ehl hun " is the result of lifetime· experience, proved «?!!,» dan *hu r it if '."'tr, to Mr. au ! Μ Γι·. \Y. 9. I If»· 1° I practical Woodstock, a lot of n' t·'·.la mil il of «al Ed· la H. T*"TVia: record were never sullied nor trailed iu " promissory and b*t. t haoum been to bo the >i *r cit·· n«tlec Uow, a 'Unsbtof. (i three it has in use, lightest simple, demand*, belonging to raid estate; 1 horse Or»:. r»d That th· *ai " years ol the an also the :xi w to tho wi> of LnUtcr Brown Τ 1 covered I Int* rr ··· J bi enu«ln« an .iMir.iet presence of euemy ; steady, liera O.intor, M 23, '·{ t f.iil to before year· old, carnage, evpren· wagon. to ni! 'U* ·· Evan» mont hann examine pur- on to be Mer···?, aiUuaiiU·-. M «y 24, 10 th« wii'c ol I* K. "V easily I hsrne·», 1 glei?h, 1 stove, sni m m y other aril- hi· oa nul-, tbi ourlet then pub old-time of the veterans of |*(t tramp 'CI-'G5, * «ife ul File .. of wtrkt ·β<*ν«»1τ·1ν I I the Oxford I» niai· daughter. KifÎl.loll» \Y. > V* «Sen·! for circular. e|es| personal pr0|* ry, ron-mtng of farming li*h.-d thrrc l.in'coll » 1® chasing. at I'nrif.lhat thrv m »v a. the of an hundred Λ Jiini .'ο I a daughter. I tools, furniture, Ac. l«ru; rn'· prim··»! appear who, surviving perils Fife at Tan* ο «al·! ADA M. AKDREW9, Adm *. a Probate Court ι.· be held 21 »· V battle-tlells. are ever on each recur- Krencb II. Τι nx, AneUoww r. '.he third Tne^-'a* of June n»xt. nt ready Ο, I untv on J. c. MARBLE, H est Ι·'·, IM3. torr».· at ·Ί··»\Τ c ;«-»■ It any tbeT 31 HI Kl*. M. South Me. 1'aris, May m th· interest- Alt S. o'rlork memorial to the Tr« a»urer. Paris, »r. ring day perform founty KING, >Uio »»vou'.I n<»t »>■·(, na.whvUl· last Rake, \ .11· « 111 -11 Naif. Κ A. fKYE.Jndjr. mg yet mournful pilgrimage to the Kolirr ol Foreclosure· for Oxford Co, Also for the Yankee Horse Γ I»avi« J Agent Agent a licence from the Hon. lu of Atm»*op*— art*«t Η Eectste·, In Pari». M\x bv Rcv A lltll. Mr K*.rn II Pursuant to Ige resting-place of their dead comrades. All »vbercaa Edwin W. Lawrence, of Albany, In Murahal', of Γατί-, «η·Ι M«-- Sartb J. tlerrlck, | Probate, for the County of Oxford, I shsll sell at a·:—Al η Court ol f rotate held M the t aunt? oilIsford and Stale of Maine, bv hi* on '.Sth Α. I». υ\»ΌΚΙ>. a «out 11 »*. the column reached «irri'n >m·!. j public Miction, the day of June, Oxlorl on 01 nl* th of Marrli, Α- ». » l:d for the. Connty of inonsv»t<· de<'d, dakKl Hie day ten in the on far nr.ihla At the M Κ in Wr«t ΓαγΙ«, Msy 'if', 18K.1, at o'clock forenoon, thcprcmls- A. L». I*. l'an»ο绣β sud ι· vir led in tho Oalord th· th;rd Tneadii ot Μη», Rl\ ERsIDE CEMETERY, H. Rrvant of Ι» 1Ns>2 IC'if■-'■>)* ®'I e·, all the right, title and lnterr»t, which Thomas bv Κ··». W. P. Merrill, Mr 1» t.> ot John t' >wa»e*. Adminlttr· i.ook Γ.<7, I'iKc couveyetl me. the ON ib* (*uon .. I deed-, II. Itean, lato ol Brownileld. in said eoiintv, de At So. Paris. The order of exercise» here Uweowood an I Mi·» Kva A yoiiftir"··! daughter ·11· [ noti ol th.- eainte of Maria L. t.oj ! nnder»i|fned, a certain d ol real ·»ΙλΙ«;, anil to the described real tor tr boni· Itufus of itrvaat'i· Γ··η<1. paie ccued, bad In following d»»^*acd. prmving of I>ualiam, r* of Pert», in «ηΙΊ AV»i:ntT. was as follow* Selection the So. Paris uaied eaid Albany, being estate, viz: Ssid real estate being one-half in teal ealate by j on the «lath dev oi Matrii, for liornso to *ell and oarer oera.n which I reeidtd i>ald | common and undivided of the farm known as the Pr<>t«t· aame tarin deeded b. me, ou Jewr br·) m bi« ution on tile in the Hand, followed by an introductory Grand J A II. ISNi. and the James M. Bean, homestead farm, in said Brown an ndran- to eaid hi* >n W Law- Udl.··. to >nmnel I". Irl.h of Peru, at ! ϊ that »»id day if Marco, Held excepting the dwelling hou-e, work shop· : service couductcd Commander deeil ot ; and wherea· the oor. mrrr IMeou· offer oi a (teen htindr»d dollar» Army by CARRIAGES rence. by warranty and shed adjoining the barn, al*o J of land tice to We bave on band a line lot of ut Raid ha» been br>k n, now on Ordered, That it« aald l'.l.U. iier (ιν< η Rev. I. G. of the Post; singing | Iillon mo;tK*gc FOR THE LADIES. which the dweiUn/house and work «hop stand, Sprague ol tlie <·οιι· an ab-tract ol therefore, bv Hi*· reason breach of the boun laric» of said farm as vl/: *1: per* na m;«iivted. by tanain* being follow·, therom to Le nnb the So. Paris Choir ; prayer Rev. (llti)n thereof, I claim a forec.oeare oi Bounded on tho North lai d owne.l hU pe: Won with titi* order by by -aidj by by Joseph in tlm oxford and Concord κ ton. <■ ran ν Ile < oii«>n and Thomas (Cotton, on Uahr ! ihret ne.à- ao.-coMirclr and an address Beach Wagons, m0,,4{,8,?· Mar Mr. Wlswell of Norway; OU1N H. Ol'PTlLL. now Mrs. James M- Dtnii» rat, a ne* apnp·-r prtnWd ai Pari», In *vaid | âLàO V FEW— the west bv l»nd owned by a Court, l«l. Abel."wan. on the outh by'and Conaty, lïat 'h·y ma> appear at I'tetuk by Kv-G«>vernor Perhaui. after which de- May 22, Black Dress Goods. Bean, formerly bjr June Bean and la be held at Part*, on the third Tuevdav ol of Thomas otton. William Hill. KIIB. ahonr tails from the Post decorated the graves so on thee»rt neat, a: nine o*c)<»ek tn the f<-re-n·' a. ind the Lewis W. Brown Κ arm, called, .ice «h<'U.d not FIEE ASSOCIATION B. liean James Maher and -na«e If .my lhev h«»r «bythr of the soldiers who an* buried iu the cem- OPEN BUGGIES, by land owned by Kli Thew now owned b« grarle.l." wbicb wo «ill sril lew lor ca»h e*rrt*g·'· OF PHILADELPHIA. the Ira Bick ford farm, «ο called, by RICH VHP Α- ΓΗΥF, Jndsr. the name of each announced are all bailt in a minner from the be»t AoKivine W. liray. etery, being Iboroegh STATEMBIVT JM17HI 1·Ι. I"S2 I 1 11 C. DArtv lle^iater j of «tivck, and warranted to be M rei>re»eu te·!. M. M. PHINNEY hated at Brown tie Id, this ilst day Qt May, A. A t*n··'ΛΓΤ—Atteat the Post The Ex-Governor's J by Adjutant. Kuijairie* bv an! urutnpMy answered. Ca»h Aaavla, |t ,ΛΓ. ,i.l.l | D. l«Ki. j LIABILITIES. Is now a beautiful lino of Mark KM Β. BKAN'. Λ lmtn r. remarks were very Impressive as he re- opening j Uni a d Lonre·, #213.883.41 t French of Nuns Veil- called the past. In which he has been so L. M. & W. E. U' !■ ·jr.tnrr r'rn I, 2 rtil.Cîu.iW Suiting». Consisting C,'omni«»*»iot»rr«»' Nolii'f. j MANN, ta»h Caj'ital, 1' l/Ml.'M 117.I1H.J' in anminlK»ionrrK to receive and cx iinine the claims j Juae ΙΡΓΙ. W.J V.HEELK Ag« lit, So.^.Pan». Me I ever BROWN'S^ iod, lino of BIacIc Cashmeres nf rriviitiirt thi· ('«Lite «»! John II. 1 >«>Uif 1 young lu wltose hands the trust will be cheapest j CAirit»'*. from 33c. to $1.00 per laic of t'plon, in ·ι·Ι i Coun'jr, dr«riiciuttn-nt *rr bed ai d boeri, without Ju»itla!>l« f-au-e, I hereby say l>ig was fine. simply allowed to -aid creditors in whu-b to present particu'arly ιaiilnin all iiKeiust harbor' H or iruaim/ and liv ' jiereoue gains in Bliick Dress (îoods, people and their claim*, ami that they Will be· in the retraced its hrr ou aœouut, a* I shall pay no uiile of hei prove Reforming, procession my ran save .■•('«•ion at ot Λ. in liethel IRON ing at a distance will find they th·: lit· office Κ Krje on tli·· i»t "I the là» t Saturday steps toward the beautiful grounds of the | to >atsrday April, money by coming t<» Norway purchase l»eiorc Ibc third Ttie»day ol ./une. and Hie l.ixt Nor.WAY 1*1 NK (iltOVK CKMETKKY, their Dress Goods. Remember the Saturday ! for* Ih·· τtiii·| Tuc«dav of August, it place. tea o'clock In the torraoop, for the of Which was reacbei at about 1 p. m. Ow- | purpo«e BITTERS. receiving and ex Miiinin/ .-at·! claim». ing to the lat'-ness of the hour, all of the Dated ut 11. U»el, tin; I fill <1 \\ of \laro, t»-3. THE BEST TONIC. A I.V \ Ν I; «»< >I> W IS. G. Α. Κ burial ritual that well could be GIDEON Λ. HAsTINGS. Cures Completely ι»$·|μ·|>»Ιλ. j ΊμΙμγι». I.hrr mill was Tt»e Cadet Band In··.··■.n'i -r « i> Iv.'. I -hall ->ell at ln*( CV™· »! Of Mt riwe. I μ Kev. W. W. pastor of the Nor- [ auction un !*-.« dt-j o-ed of at private -ill·» »d iimm and m II McK<-nney Ut Th· rimI raltafcle. carefully préparai! dower therein, h samuel too limited to even the OLD PICTURES COPIED. of «η<1 pouMtK l of. of lh« l>r»«ui >(» I· our space is give Hartford, died, -cized nd l.eat pari«ilr« >\ KmciExr Am rinn girl to «·-m» of Umb«>: Kaanac u< b eeeflc «I kind. OF DECEASED PERSONS. lo general homework in a > in al I family. Goo· I iff iiar λ kl cor- the Band and the décor- URES A* « I'aei'y Medioee thry M* dirge by Norway wage* and a permanent »itcation to the right per- L m bv letter to .ng ile^larlae. I teapp.aiet, ât; ·η of the soldiers' graves. SEND POSTAL CARD FOR CIRCULAR son. HKiereecce rtijiiired. Apply OF ALL REMEDIES Uui. U»e b'ood of I .1 POTTER. PuHlUber.lpswicb, KheumaUaoi, l»Tapep*ia—<*kftriB{ It was 2 o'chx k when and The "Globe" Kid Glove, tn na the L Ter, Kidneys •11 .tnpar «—art-ng Kl'STt IK1.D Ι'ΚΜΚΓΕΚΥ otber ho; >rtant oigao·. rl garden WeRheumatism, w >i t to those In the other b!a<-k>in ith -h ith a large »Ld line t of services were similar MAINE. and axle, Pleunsy, ami Rrataea, >p. OXFORD, Npralna SKIN. corner lot.) Ideality ρ ms-int and desirable. the M'MMER COMPLAIXT SOFT, ELASTIC For iber l-a * e bv.u iiaed by was offered Hev. ΓΙΑΜΡ, (OLK'i > I.. Unlaw t\ All tiio lifiy year· cemeteries. Prayer by Salt I >rraerlv »« d by J. Throat arvl Lune Trouhln, Rheum, Mr. I». >o tL«.ir ti black-on nh's t.w.U (umi··, ;y l-lonx'Dg Ame· ν uJ ·υ-ι*ηϋ> of So. Paris, followed Dr. > l'Ile* auii PAIS Ν of every description. Mr. Iugslls by Rural, BEAUTIFULLY TINTED, will al«o be «oil ifdeair.·., Korl'urth tal·* I. for external and ■••pnatcl Mir «bin bow lb ·τ are a, ^re. is J. U. P. BURNHAM, It U a Valuable I'reparation P. Gordon of Portland. The speaker, who to the formula of er partie lara sd Ire»·* BL'KNHAM, Intentai u*«·, made according ALSO BLACK. Bethel Hill. >|e. « tan, and succesafulljr well known to many of our >xford County a noted German Pliyali meed for avtr βΟ j *art. A in 20 Diseases. the wti amr known. PAIR WARRANTED. Perfect Remedy ! citizen·, he being a native of County, PHOTOGRAPHER, ▲ Failure to Cera EVERY Send Illustrated of for testimonials, if doubted. .for Catalogue AûW lILti, Ha.vî». of Send 1 cent clamp a trll nte to the memory A iten'l Ma. PAIR paid special MAINE. W. W. Whipple Co., Agts., Portland, A NEW GIVEN I nr. »·-r· d|o· iears, an'l 'leera !t mr whose NORWAY, FOB IT. ei(kl| the gallaut Col. Harry Ku*t, grave notice. Mr. Burn*nm will b« ut ASK TOCB DBl'UUMT For those that BICYCLES· Until farther Iree t> all oili-et ■to tυ tuffen·* hiiaau.tT to lb :l tuv Ιοαιΐ on ard Sat- Machinée delivered express f I»r. Gordon was Sur- hi* room·» uo Cottigv "«treoi Kridav \ is iu tbi» cemetery. he in Oxford, Cumberland, and Carroll II.,ι life* la* to Hp. χ ν !·*» m'a FILL» wlurb bave urday of each week, the t-alance of each week, l:tth or Strain in first on. counties. 1 of Col Rests regiment—the will be a»M>ut taking ν lew* Λ 11 w iching sluing*, Tear trying beer, my »"le mtdieme for ball a century. geon Rip. should eall on Friday or Saturday. is o* a flue and his Pasturing. CLAYTON W. know like la·; foriT Hirer year» of III y |ι e Me. Vols. He is speaker, ΡΓΚΕ, Pastnring lor oxen, young cattle and colt*. In· SENT! BY MAIL ANYWHERE. to tb*lr ■·< Yoor PlLU «a*ed me to with intense in- near Ml. Mica, or Of S. :i( tolely remarks were listened i|Uirr ol' W. W. MAXIM. FRYEBURG a all. r the -ta·· :.-al »si.' la Mirerai ! I·. MAXIM. So. Pari- M<. POSTAGE FREE. ME._ many Cm- terest, and were warmly received by hun- AUCTION St*:#· ha·' t re· m« »ρ·» h"pele««. I bnre had OF dreds who were neighbors and friends of $1.00. STATE COLLEGE AGRICULTURE mas y >c vertu to pur*.i!i>ii with Βκαιπ>·ΙΓΗ*« ADJOURNED SALE. NOTICE. PRICE, AND THE MECHANIC ARTS worth and virtues he -old at Public Anrtioo, at tlie ana ioai. (. «urne» tu Agr.cnltnrr, FiLt·» srdhjre .« ee them perform aim· mira- the brave hero whose There will be now over five hundred dol fticntiflc I'rtc of the late Jo*e;oks, due for Probate letry Science and I.iu rature. Expenses *«r ixJ STAPLES, ate. Term» «ο that undent· can tench cured roeude·. *·*τ1«·ι ί« wtoopinf column was reformed, this he HORATIO arranged Again the Air. These hills mnst and work out the ha>mg t-o>'Me* and »·ϊΙο»·· I advertising in the winter durtdg, In a 1 fctntle a June 1883, rm of the next coogh time to Concert Hall, where col- Thursday, 14th, estate its are scattered season. The tlr*t t« college year > I moving o'clock, Α. Μ the following real bare never keown 'hem t (ail. In a-lu!t m%iee at ten they 246 Middle St., < Examination far a.lmi-»· Piece of near Ox paid promptly, begins August 7, l!· which had been pre- 1! irtlcit Farm, in Oxford ; Land, or fur them to cure the wnr«t eu*e·· of dj«- lation was served, in small amounts all over the icn, Juno .'β and Auirust Γ. For Catalogue bare known f.ird Poor Kami; The >hurtl«ff Lot, so called; County. liter information, address » Iney dv«en'er? the and ladies l,ot piece of a· Bickford'a cross- p·»—la, rhe> ota'Um, pared by thoughtful willing The Howe ; land, All hills for Prohato advertising ME. < lot. Wood in PORTLAND, Μ. Κ Κ Its A I.I), President, Ομπο, Me. an I inc. Oxford ; Ul< ktord pasture lot, ami diariti··*· eren drop-» paravli·, ap> of and Paris. About »a hour was not in ad- Norway tKisbeld; Pasture lot in Oxford; alao the home- should he if to a pe»· »t *ut coarse of paid promptly piexr hare yelde·! in of the eatables, stead of the late Joseph French, In Oxford VII tVm occupied disposing vance. ■κλ·>ρκ«τη"'» Pills. le Met ! ïîave font)·! lage- Sale Positive. A. M. FKKNClf, when the r^r^ilJe was sounded, and the Administrator. 1883. the true I.ife E! *ir Pier an ·« rotitlctal pre, Paris, May 19, with a con- H. T. Bccknam. Auctioneer. «•entires intent Ute effn·.* of tl t»e, lee·** varions organizations large "H. C. DAVIS, and com- ao Λ labor course of citizens marched to NoB'Heeident Taxe·, Register Prohato. BABY CARRIAGES, JOHN H. MANN town of Lovell, in the of filled the uew Ια the County I'ubllc Notice that pletely for the vear 1882. THE Subscriber hereby give» Oxford the lion. ol on been ΊαΙν by Judge NORWAY HALL, The following liât of taxes real estate •he ha» appointed Doll Children's Carts, for the County of Oxford, and mounted Carriages, and of which of non resident owner* in the town of LotcII, Probate a Never The strength ol administratrix of the e»tat* ol" Nimble is Better than Slow Sung. capaciousness the vear letKî, lu bill* committed to Albert Ρ the truit "A Shilling," Songs for late ol Diafield, Sixpence ''Mow doea .bai rerae run' Something like tested this occa- of said Town,on the ol BARNARD L. MARBLE, were satisfactorily upon Baa-etr.Collector Hithday bind as the and Wheelbarrows, ha· been returned by him to me a* in «aid Couutv, deceased, by giving Wagons, tt.e ι··ι tl was seated June. l&U, «II pereonH in- sion. While the audience being on theSWtdav ot March l&Ct, law dlreeta, «he therefore request* " »» it-maining unpaid «aid dec ased to make itn- Ibere ate wbo touch the mn o<. and of that date, and now remain debted to the estateof Hammocks, » took turns in by hia certiflcate Croquet, u .o two v>ands bave Velocipedes, Λβ.Ι D lav liar la |>I\ J Iv tllCIU the playing me iute and those who any de* ; and notice ia hereby given that if the Mid payment, Alaa' f.rihn»» who n»r.t unpaid mand- (hereon to exhibit the same to *ΙΒ{Γ. were followed singing by the South u tea and interest and chantea are not paid into e a mu«ir io them. they by LUCY T. MARBLE. Bot -l wiu» l their of the said Town, within eighteen May 15,1*83. Bird Children's of Mrs. G. A. Wil- the Treasury Cages, Balls, · an·! troe." said Paris Choir, the date ol the commitment of '-Tea, thai baaotiltil. parhette composed month* tram A NOTABLE BOOK. "The ailudes to peuple and so much of the real estate yoor reprt-aeaiaiJre. poet son, Mr*. Chase, and Messrs. Hall the said bille, «Miarr «uprvaaeil, and never get meir taxed M will be eudkicnt to pay the amount due Bats, Hoops, &c., full ailvwB' e Ol'joy aod air. VToicb reiuiixl» m· By special request they repeated thereoa. including Interest and charges, will, Weed's 1^r hv >x Λ Thayer. Public Auction, Thurlow Autobiography. AT •f a letrrr «hnw* «e tha other HîW Paris without further notice, be sold at AT LOWEST PRICES Wrlun», one of the sung at South Lovel) In all of the country Co. .of New York, titacd hv Mr Κ. C. hymns at the store of Marrhn'l Wu'ker in Village, Ager.ts are wanted parts AL'ToiiiogkaI'H V •f Cbapiaaa »o>«ler Co l'a·, a proiuutenl l>Mai- Post Commander as- In tuid town, oe Tuesday the eighth day of Jan to canvas* for the forthcoming Cemetery. Sprague. Thi« is a mo*t interesting IM- man of lhar Ile trrile·: a. i>. 1nv4, at two o^cloek in the after noon. of Tiii'KLOw Weed. CROCKETT'S DRUG STORE, pU<*«. uury, of Mr. Uare «uflenί »itij a»'l;nu* lur over forty sisted his chief officers, read the ritual work, embracing uamerou* anecdote· "1 by curions a 'ernble a't·»»·* .n Decern!-«r ια·Ι Weed'r early life, and, later, giving many NORWAY, MAINE. .rear» arΛ t.a4 for such occasions. the I hardi; know what of the Post, prepared the inner political history of Jaooarv. prompte·! facti respecting In flu « mi. the half when hi* me to lake I" «Mkku luM». I ·ίι I an 1 tbe selection the band, Mr. country during century After another by Au immense sale is ex- flrat ilay I Iw k lour Je»«sa. Γ;μ l.ct a-ton.«hed ence was ao'powerful. «u the of the I» i circulars and term· to M Tbai niftit I alrpt a* If «ollkine the introJuced speaker day, ^ 3~ Send for agents. Sprague 2^ < < τ s pected. MIKKl.lS A CO. notice that matter with mt-.and hateerer since. I bave bad HOL'ltlirON, THE subscriber hereby gives puolie Kobie. S A <; 5 7i Boston, Mass. the Ifon. Judge colda alec* bet no aakbma. *v bre· lung is now Gov. Frederick F Green, meadow $>n $0 4 Pakk stkekt, he has been duly appointed by (George 67 100 1 ae SIPLEIKTim iD 33ITΟΙΝΈ, assumed a· if I ha·! a*vrr kaown m*t dl.et«e. was M 4 LOOK A.T THIS of Probate lor the County oi Oxford, and a* perl·.·: The address of Governor Kobie Samuel Hill, 1 3ιι tierebr public notice tnat » » 40 1 50 ιυο THE Subscribers gives of ihe elate of If tiwa of any oee β Uaa a.na< tell bim Owner Unknown, Hon. Built in a Manner, and fully the lust of Administrator you : sad have been by the Jadge Self'Contained, Superior of Dtltt Lhat ftlkEt'l To*It «ill cure It these words The fatality C. K.CHAPM/N, they dulyappolnted Portable, MARTHA L. GREENWOOD. Isle Canton, lO BV opened by of Oxlord and assumed There a an Treasurer of »uld tows of Lovell. ol Probata Tor the Countv Stave Mills and other bond as the -ere· «rter ftortv rear* wna in who an of Warranted. Juat the Engine for in laid County, di-cessed,by giving of the recent war carped to early grave trust of Executors of the estate all in- eaeap^l ike lair or tboae wtx>ca u>» ;■ >et I lm.-ou the law direc's : he therefore request* persons 8. HOLMES, late ol Oxford, where in required. to make Tbi· which baa berep>tjre been enrolled men who fought JOHN work light power debted to the estate of «aid deceased Im- prriajalin, of the 2.7R5.000 deceased bond as the law a* Faikks ■ «jIRubk will Hereaf- SPIRIT OF In said County by giving ο 60 horse Also Yatch or Boat ami those wito bave any de- known BONNER, '76, who are am new fitted for up \ power. mediate payment, the reason, therefore all person* I up building engines same to ter be alrer'. Mfl an·! told under t*e name of the battles of their country, nearly 800,000 will stind for eerviee, during ending directs they requests >m thereon lo exhibit the of of said deceased to make.lm motion. Boilers of anj size or style furnished the mands I □a.-uiai h a·, la reallr at South Paria, in charge Ed Indebted to theestate with reversible link EDWIN F. GREENWOOD. F*AklB s Toxic tfiiger flower of the Aug. 15, 18KS, have demand· engines uion troops. The youth, a chestnut stallion mediate and those who any at short notice and at lowest possible prices. Steam is oBiiuporLaai nr«iiicnl. aud uapriociple·! L Tuayer. Bonner la bright payment test manufacturers in the country May », m\. anklea, foaled In 187Θ; the same to are eooauut.i tnelr eu*l xnera are alone with blaze, and wbitehind thereoa to exhibit Boiler Ac., &c. dealer* deceiving manhood repre- lbs SARAH A. HOLMES. and all other kinds of Steam Fittings, Pumps, notice that iu4er lae v'gorof early hand*, welgha about 1,100 Pipe THE auonerlber hereby gives paolie bv »ab*iitutin< interior preparaUoo- steads rising 1ft) Γ. HOLMES. a Dollar Lathe and can now furnish shaft- the Hon. of of the dead; ma- Jr Robert Bonner, 270; by MAKY I have put in Thousand Shafting he has been duly appointed by Judge name <4 «m**r we 'p ihr mialraaner, ; by recently the I1 the old hero of Cbe«. In or short lengths and of any size, at short notice, Probate for the County of Oxford and assumed .a a·» vbaeea. bowerer. la : be prefer» It red \ k's Ifamliletonlan, 10; May 15,1883. of the very best quality long Jbare and old are not thus hon- mare, a ing treat of Administrator of the estate of aii (KiU>e· rtniim in the bandi ture years age l)ana. Kale, a large ebesnut be of responsible parties. No occasion tioa ,l.«e' and u* ter. Old at a as low a8 can bought anywhere MARIA late of Bethel, -* huator Horse; price GODWIN, * 'api·*· «« tar tne η m- of Pakksr s of this roadster, by Gray Kagle; by State for Ac., as the -Tllr ored. After a proper recognition great now for out of the "Dirlgo" Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Gearing, In «aid County deceased by giving bond law λοβΙλι· th» ■· ·>·!·« -nedtrine U bosk Messenger; by Wisthrop Messenger; by Valuable Lost. going 4.itMHUk TiwiT war and by head of trot- Dog as well at home. solicited and ; he therefore reauests ail person* who are e of ΙΙι» >χ Co. is at Um fact, he of the cause of the Mesaeager, 1VU. the fountain when can obtain it everyway just Correspondence direct· iba iai aiat agiQatu χ spoke Imp. Escaped from my Ktnnel on Friday, May, 18, you to the estate or said deceased to make Im- ter*. Uraa dim a large bar mire by quicksilver Bitch Indebted of tbe oiitM'te wra^prr. a of the inci- I My Black White and Tan Beagle answered. demands g»ve political history many I 25 mare*. Send for card giring terms 18fS. promptly mediate payment and those who hare any Limited to Any one seeinc ber will feed memor- and extended pedigree tc t»vp«y."' please thereon to exhibit the tame to dents which occurred during the Inrther deaoripiion, me at once and I will all expense. A M R. or to *and write pay J. W. PENNEY, Mechanic Falls. Wl I.I.I GODWIN, Dr.MACALASTERS 12SÎ ! Id. Thayer. So. Pari», He., MAJOR LOVE.IOY. Τ ι» lAu «uttoe··' « irtea-l 1*4 Motb* ri decade between 1850 and I860, show- S. It. IICCULNS, 15, lft&S, ootHftftM able I Maine, May 19,1»«. 1883. May eotaf ocv It the η err? and glre· peruis Bumfotd, Me. Bethel, January, daatlapa that was the nat· me st relief· For aateby dealers ia aaadiciae. ing conclusively slavery iARtTS LAMB ON A NEW PRIN- THE MEXICAN MU8TANG. CIPLE ΊΤ8 À GOOD THING OUR CORNER. Kamw war* PUZZLE ka4 I the wtrti of nr DIAMOND Her. W. H. H. who haa en- a Murray, Molli· had a little ram aa black u Levi NrtWi «h· CtUknM FaehUa. tor this should » Carriages, CmMw t· Um Pepartment STOP in home in Texu, »Μ· nraafltlk·· [Comuinnic«iiont« breeding Baby that Mol- 4 DYES. be sent the editor, W. II. Kastmas, Kwt Sum- gaged ubber shoe, and everywhere BOLD, SPECIAL NOTICE. the which Tartar, u4«r tka Ruri|iaH(i THK ner, Me-1 $5000 CounterfcRe and imitation». highly pleased with mustangs New for 1883, I.—CHARADE. of Styles ie went he too. HaaM,Pravldaat*f K.l.~lh*w· The h i>f h reputation gained by A DAMSON'S is one ot emigrated BKWARK tore he finds there. Mr. Murray —AND— one what aa haaul Iklai will 4·. Pest Dyes Ever Mace. When Jennie was playing croquet, BOTANIC COUGII BALSAM for (lie of He went with her to church dey "It'a a good thing; I kaow ll'a a good FOB SILK. WL. OU COTTOS.-%« She rumpled her.o'r*/ right away;) the best of of horses, and knows tbleg.·' judges Price» than ever Before, — to see him Lower the folka hilarious grew laeh war* the word· adtfreaaed to your OtISSES, COATS, SCARPA. HOOOB, But no total wis there reporter » one when he sees it. He tbinlw irben be called at Um faahlouble YAPS, STOCKISTS, CAR®ET RACB, To last it with care. good iralk into Deecon Allen'· pew. eauhlMia«Bt or demurely RIBBONS, FIATSERS, or any UkrW So she let it look massed most all day. that the little are the Drug Store, >( Nathan A Taylor, aoder the celmd to THIEF. tough mustangs Noyés' let his an- Narruan*«u and mj deacon fancy krtiolu aaaily ftriicltf COl-1»», BLE*I>n*C. OV THE LiKae, The ffooae, Providence, R I. The tpeaker wu she went in from her core H A, an un- worthy quickly Mr, Brava, iiw». Ulmr. «M'Irl, But when play ν s m ha· rite to stock from which to breed ahado. lilavk. AartiMA am· Co r ition given right NORWAY, ME. it an unchris- Porter, bead maaager 01 the *■«·«· t»li*« called and did say, α ne. and Lerey Uiloriag j,. ( mr4la>l Urd, N'y '«!»». Her mother out, compound*. The gen jry passion· rise, gave SO other beet eolcra. " κρηΓίο·* race of hones. He declares that T. HILL MANSFIELD'S pirtont of tbla large clothing hoy·#, M tl, «. If»-», T«r-a «,·»»· and Here's a total for you, proved between the sad brown eyes. W|| a PuraMo. Esck package will Balsam tian kick hie through a mamoth of Warrant , J. Η. B. mobjull. k. a. Somca. C. K.Wmkitk WEUS N.rHi(«a.\>. them in a RKMKDY. I kaow It· a me«1irtne It whole is the death of a great Jon* P. WKICn, K. FRO LU!··, H. N. butts heap. good ha· My place can from the at JONKK, just piled cared me of atom «eh dieor cent·, :15 rent· and T>1 ceale pee on the have a blood- peptic VoKITt seul to market to sell To the though you woel.l he m» aonre* of relief. r>r *pples. battle. prairie, the crowd. REMEDY Ken he save ihoved him through nedv'e PAVORITK REMEDY acu at>on tie KIDNEY DISEASES. he gare fifty apples, to the secand ed mount that can run like a Blinds αι. Kach grey-hound. Doors, Windows, that geetlve orgae· inaeharmng meaner. Do*· alime back cr disordered urine lnJl and to the third he «ave ten. had often heard r*guUtin( "~ thirty The minister *ed the a t MOT stifles their aciioa. atrergtheeing uuri.iytng lté thal^ou ar· rvmxn ΤUTS DO each Others trot—trot " of the three sold their own naturally—with beast. whole Ait yoar dtuggllet for it. :5SrTATI. ox Kidney-Wort at onea. « tr«r- apples, MOULDINGS, subdue the fiercest ayateta J and no kindness would recommend it)and it wili speedily crer- had the same selling price, assist- well out and knee action and 'J'ji*'·» rester· act!m the perfect that on la| xra<· the diewe and healthy ance was rendered by one to either of "Aha" he said, "I'll try game "1ETALTER T. BOBfϋβΟΙΓ β For complaint* pertiliar will do but however hard * I nHioC others each sold all her aud nothing trot, Novels £l lad vll vo« to arx. such aa pain .J ; yet apples, ηψ~ Stair Balusters. your Bail *■ is il. home sums. What *r 3 irraktiiw,. rHivrr-Wort cnaurpawr they brought ej»r«· uni"puUed—elofiping to chase with her of Hotine Flnl*h far quite dropped ta «»Bar '■·< ■:· tuauner. took the eyes blazing Ν. B. Kvery description and leave a title. MUt «hort notice. the Κ ta effect nUhed at and rose from off his feet, and when SOUND? Ferlnflaefd nti«! Mere re·.—I and ears laid back in a that Band and J ·;. Behead and curtail understood, and way • •r-i'ianing, Matching, Sawing gen ? a U; Jililicwtoorg^ua era) attended to. he was behind the hind- leave at this time. a as jobbing landed BRADLEY'S Kl I· Iitilee* TriwMt >11 f—li told her rider that she felt good deal patron a <■ r. 7. Behead curtail a of time, ; Ja to lu « oudroue pow seat. portion ; a cross most and leave a Nere·, »r Open he did." Mr. advises sign. i or I'lrera, OH Murray Γ8Ε ONLY and closed it ■ ilUiceo■ Beat rcn»»rk- As he shot out the door ν Behead and curtail closely, anil leave \» ou jdw.ilJfec.ion ■) a stallion, 'from thoroughbred believing town SUPERPHOSPHATE a title. alilc. with a he named a California Biin »f In· thai would increase the size without slam, and curtail and Tc ·:! !.p, Fnrrecbr, it Behead opposite, «il tw I by PAINTS. rrrt«, mm re fc~ imaliili RUBBER —I think 'twas "Yuba l)am."—llurl' THE ACKNOWLEDGED STANDARD leave accutnlations. losing toughness, and produce the best I ·. Behead and curtail performed, and e::tract. ! ΈΌ&std'S I as as trotters. Afi'TS inyton llawlceye. FERTILZER leave uneven. saddle horses well S. P, MAXIMA SON, ; it WW rnrsiCTAXst SOUTH PA File. Any artiilelal fertlliier. to be both quirk in lit effe<-u ami la«tln/In ita reaalu, m«>t be · / >SI>. rs/;/> i.v hospitals advice to a boy. S*. B. We deaire to Ui'ieti) βϋΡΒΚΡΒΟβΡΗΑΤΕ. tor ta tbla Ilea •ΓΓΚΚΙΟΚ gtTALini:· of thi* paint. I>urlng th· a of feet that mental prtcmple of o'mmerrial fertilizer·, the 1. A consonant. KXTJ'ACT hi* fmi- 1 two over 01 u m ν i>kkd gallon* of it man Slcmmons tells of tm:'{nn foy.ji'S " a year· pair foundation or their manulacMre being th. In i. /. 11 the wriU rostra Get from the crowd little while been u«od in Tin· νκτχιττ, In κνκιτ 2. A fish. away Î>aatlave riving cover y ol the proccaa of man niacin jr.; au| »r .* ami ow been of regard i, ptrfwe t**T*xcr. the very lient o( «atisfactlon must have objects great and 3. To Aim I Stand one side and phosphate from hone aulphtirir anid. Tiit magnify. '.·»»# T.rm.. in b· / ierii/j*r. every my it I» well known that the boot lead and oil, mix t day, boy. One a of men, arret auperionty of BRADLEY'S 61 Ρ Κ RI»H<>«. 4. A flowering wren Aerïl*/ fOMVê eouah an 1 all other n· -. lodge. quainted We are of a great prejudire againut mix- yourself; gw*re a bar- eaaary eUocnU of plant food, in proportk>n* anil 7. A vowel. Gipsy. we recommend be were to attend MwnnurTmi(. ed pamU but conildently thi·, preparing political material! found the eauerienre Min·: un >%»oFh kind of a fellow are. Ask durable and /rem by practical > I.l>. AM< MOki DUJCATK you yourself licvinv it to be the met beautiful there i. .Ill becue. It was soon discovered that of il yeara to be the best to meet the requirement· 1 wit LA^.U,' UOliMJili. economical in the market. I U.Î. it about Ascer- paint of aU trup·. Answers to Pr/./n> ok Lam Week. 'hard questions yourself. Remember thi. Rubber Paint I· compote·) of as all was no of Jackson, In distinction from "ijieeial feitillitr·," adapted rows EXT-XCT 50c., Sl.oa, $«.75. White UML 2lu, Linneed Oil and India way conveying CA TARRH 1.—Barbecue. tain from sources if you are pure only for rpertnl rop», thia I'h lapuate, containing 75 original Rubber, with the bent coloring pigment· that can e 7.MCtan the vehicles were full. all the tegreiilcnta of plant rood. In thr >*>t form 2.— Κ g r Τ I.COjdtarAOff»- be obtained, in. A careful examination tLY 53: Plaster 25 the manner of man say you ground and in tvr/i<-ietU ■/uanlitirt. 1· a I'Klll Ki. l I'Kli· l h A s I 1 {Vjni-frice really people of baildingi on whleti It ha* been u*ed will con- over "I>et me ride that mule there?" TII.I/Kit for aU «rope an-l 1· e.niy I'oSvo 25 Hhalcr \G*ass 50c.)-1.00 vince the mn«t *k optica I of iu merit*. s u G a r are: find out if arc honest ; for uae with or without manure. ry?£*r 25 you always the who have o* adapted ■>. 50 ul We refer to lolloping partie* ,3C" Syringe- asked hua aloud a mire '-*rAZ m Κ a L y : Jackson. Bradloy'· I'hoepiiate longer ·... 25 the ed our paint ill ν 50 Meoicntod Pspor if tell and severrr teat Uian an ν other fertiliser Κ i f 1 È you always square, perfect J. C. Marble, O. A. Maxiui. J, Daniel*. Pari* world 1.00. "There isn't a man in the that the United S?at»e.and hn eon e out ahead Far..;y Synngc, S is as Hill. N.J. Cufhman. North Pari). S, P. Brigg*,K« Cncral I# truth in business deals ; if your life t*o penrs 1* ntectêtion. Um Hrad ·ν l'-*rul· ■ 8. Bill- a twenty ! .. I J| ^n.l Λ la our Ν Mali, I». X. True, F.t M.-rrill. and L. work to New occasion* teach new duties. I.adir* ! Ifi, can ride that animal. He'll uer Comi>an ν now b**tng th» largest etur. * '» ll UvtU»· ol vur at 11 o'clock at So. Pari*. Α. M Trull. Norway I -r'i: and night ing*, tr* in lAe ts>irl4. w'^Vj/β LLI'l Time makes ancient uncouth. v a good upright on cf artt/lcial fertiliser» good 1 ·"■ .*■·' ··' '.ir ill. U. Send for circular and price liât. or but no one can stay artklfe manefarterrd or aold must upwanl still and onward ier '.mStwi ν m r; ttiTU UteioKTOFOca as it is at noon ; if are as sound a tem- buggy plow, All by They you theai are to be ·· to thr Ι:;- ν Atit FULL· cut ai ljcatio.n to his back." (waraateed ρ eta·· Who would keep abreast of truth. as dard advtrtlaed. la ihalr perance man on a fishing expedition you They emplojr 4.—Pantomine. PC/NO'S EXTRACT CO., "I'll try him anyway and the deter- lahoraior) Arat-claae elt/inUta, who are racket. 2. l'rove, rove. :ire at a school ; if are eonetantljr analyilag llialr gourt*. and .*■.—1. Bracket, Sunday picnic you to narkti I Wi t l-l'h 8t. >7j*v York. mined man instructed several negroes aoiiamiatt· until poaidTcly 4. Track, rack. .*». r· S, Grip. ri;v Nearly, as a when you go to Chicago In Great kaow· to be apt· the cj ilred atandard. earlv. ale. good boy him. The ani- >'·, Craving, raving. 7, Bale, Danger, catch the mule and hold Call and get a bcok, giving the 01 ,le«timuny as are at in The are again In grent ditnger of b<»* ; ». ill. :·. I're5>aration. reperation. 1", you home; if, short, you publie many reliable (armera, throughout the gtate.aa HAY-FEVFR iiill, Ιιιι; ilecelri'il by a rton«l of the tmitnTl<>ti of but Jack- mal and kicked, finally to lia value, Irom acieal trial ol it. Soak, oak. man "L. P." VtwiHxl * Bitten· The Rkv .Ion* Pike plunged hi ·«*. art the sort of young your I'Dt-qnali il fin «••'•Ι- Ixi tli·· really sev- Γ Tackle, wrote a* follow* "I bave been deceived son secured a seat in the saddle. Every Ρ I Fishing father you are, your sweetheart be- •rai tlm— by tii·· imitattoo pm np in th·· mom Γ VU hopes bottl·-··. ninl Mgneil one "Wood,* to the BAJjJÛ ! Ρ Hods, ■baped by one to see him dashed lu- re... Ρ /Tooks* Lines, Heels, are. on intimate terms imitation bax expected lieves you Get wUii'U ulwayn proved nearly In lar*e or «null qualities, oa PI ΡΕ worthl·-*·. wiA· U to entarrli and around saw Βτ·» Γ Bait, Sink- My aabjeêt ground, but the mule looked < believe Cat-trrh. Ρ I Ρ Β 1) Flies, $/>ooii with yourself, my boy, and, me, namlyeia, and'baa tried nuinuruu» medicine·, λ" :-■· bill ii< a coiiatnnt medicine none have given the man's feet, and walked VERY FAVORABLE one ο peacefully TERMS, aa.lthτ» 8. J. Λι ers, Baskets, time you come out from h.r»o rniicli reiiof km "t. K." ATWOOI»'· HIT- Drinking every also found ulmoot Immediate he was between a -BY- 1 ... IL! 1, .η. Τηκ Mi-sivc, Uxdershikt. κ it she ha* He win ue a away. thought ··. these interviews In and in ! .κη τι.» tr its Mti.4 fi·» ΙηΐΠΓΙΙ· Scales Λ v.. private you benefit Conatipation I'yapepaia, Cups, done* of one teil*poonful. For the latter coin· pair of shafts.—Arkansaw Traveller. made a in his undercloth- man. Don't for- w k llll 111!' UTS' < Ft. ίϋ Β LU CO OllHt R. Y dentiy change stronger, better, purer |i|iurinir my connip tion with the State U··form NOKWAV. J1E. λ deal to the roots well shing- Seboot, m ft teaebar, L·· P>Atw«y 'he yard th Mr>. II. S. McLaughlin of need shingling again. SI'It Κ in operation, purifie-. "Have, delighted Double Τeu m I towing Matchr* Scarborough, tor··· th·· wnstoil nil ·· Instant Relief for Toothache- energle*, regulate» at State i was benelltted \ -w Of the an·! new ind that are in honest Fair, ÎSHV. to Me., s.iy> by using appllcaliotx much towards preserving shingles, tli-rauKfU function», glv»·* life anil you engaged any Fr Cord and Tasseis Match, Brown's Iron Iiitters for ^1' !'· ;te«i I "tton. wet In to the whole Warranto.! to acour la aoil u l to nges, debility." vigor eyetem. are any give per· *yijs/r~i o: in an it is far to a roof however humble. What fact sati»factM>n. > ^—ί aud k id.· of d< and xsuicn. SLCLCL* tinnier, jilaool cheapcr keep paint- xcupation, All Fixture·. Spi ·· CAUTION. is α» as a remark- will leaden the none and file pood feast," afluiv' rauiii aaln of the Imitation ure AUENT* Knoogh >i< dicaU «I Cot- ed thun to be at the expense of reehing- r< aMini; the pour duties ?" WAMTED. as he the seventh ,N-ru>an«-t t r»-M« f Ohtunder, ed Frank llatton named all ίοr eta. liable to liumeillute prosecution. Manufactured Ion and In-trum. nL. e«juipl»-U·. few The schooner*, sir." by Store. post-offlce after himself. For «ale by all Pnoiitiud l*-al<-r« in l'aient ling every years. clapboards "Unloading Drug the Noyes Medicines ana by Manufacturer, a to man l>. I». Mu> oq the walls of houses would last only Indeed ! CJlad hear it, young F. C. NOHWAY. Dr.ci.ixe Man. υ 1'. MacalasTî-k, Lynn, MERRILL, were not to ! Here's a Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia. Impo- flow years if they kept painted SHORT & HARMON. —glad hear it. Ahem South lie. " LOHING, Mar I, JWJ. Paris, tence. Kxua! I»i cured by Wells's more GEORGE WISE, Sility. and need than the —MAMTACTt'UBRS OK- for l.*»c. shingles paint :wenty you." *A*tr.vcTi ukκ «ir Health Renewer." 40 fhrnm·, IO cU.| y> K*. because are more ex- said Fulkins to clapboards, they "But, great Scott !" i'hU||c. 20c.. ii Ullt bilge, lie.; A pig would seem the beat subject for V> Krnbomted Slipper· only A»·. AND AMERICA! MARBLE. on the roofs than would be lis when the old man had walk- CARDS ITALIA» me< 1 ical students to experiment on, as he PEARL*S posed they friends, AfrKVTS WANTED. could be killed first and cureil afterward. ori the walls. A farmer who had a low BLANK BOOKS, ?d off, "if he ever finds out that they Agent'* Large Sample book and outflt/uly 15c. MONUMENTS, WHITE a flat roof found that he'll cut me in two LIBBEY it Me, Wanted—Fifty thousand of the good barn with nearly DEALKBS|IN ire schooners of beer MOORE, Auburn, Headxtonea, Tablet*. Table Bo MS. of New to try Wheat Bit- he had to it seven or Shelves, «Ce. people England shingle every eight with a shilling."—San Francisco Pott. Top.*, U-r», a -are cure for Malaria.—"One who GLYCERINE Β Κ Ml 11 η I il t Ο M PU \ IOH, after he WONi.«IEVrS FURNISHED TO ORDER. years. Finally shingling it, NEW and SECOND HAND LOOK HGBJil! GRASITE knows.". >M.\ The Other Siue.—Behold yon man gt( > VTII PAKIS. M CTKr.S ALL KINDS OF DISEASES, it and it twice after- KL is Sara Bernhardt intends painted repainted at There talk that REMOVES FRECKLES, MOTH· jazing in the "Gentlemen's l· urnishing Window Frames Wholesale Prices her If she should do so, PATCHES. TAJI, and at the end of Cenaraon pi·· 4fte 9 7θ· leaving husband. HACK-WORMS, wards, twenty years cra- ti tl.ii:. window. at Hard HI I· a Otlr I.KI will indeed for him a Sahara des- avl all wit; lu 'j- the LAW BOOKS Store" Gazing gaudy Policy atyl·. life be Imparities.eliVr made and PIm I'tatt $·» Biliousness CI CHAFED UlNltis still had a roof. Uprat* Pick·!·, ·# For For HAKDS, Î01ISH good Cheap paint ert. CHAPPtC irats and neckties. Is he vain ? ask par IOOO. au 1 v- u will Urvrr l>e Srliool Book*. intlUpendble. Try .-n of oil and earth colors will do for roof* For 8al· by *'■»·> no. He is not vain as a wo- BAETLETTS TEN CENT FAMILY PILLS Lone Jack, Mo., Sept. 14. ls?9. Without It. Use Wall Papers, jim. Oh not cost S. P. ΠΑΙίπ Λ SOX, ak< s tbc Four <)<>·« » for "ni? 1C cent. been II Bitten, and have and need much.—Ex. ». I have usiug nan. But he wants one of those silken It von cannot th»iu of m\ pO-i.ig< received great U luakr* tli *Mn «le. are Stationery icarfs. There are all colore—old gold pawl. complaints and malarial fever. They white. HEALTH OF HORSES. superior to all other medicines. l*K a it j > u in 11: 474 Congrrm St Opr. Prrblr HotJ·· ind dead gold, and big crimson polka W. P. M. Barnes. LuTT BAETLETT, health and comfort of horses have and 13^ klii(lun Ntrrvt, lti.aton. Hi»»··» The lots, and red and barred scarfs, ." "A distant relative, I suppose?" iardly Vegetable Sicilian '■« : about miles the better construction of stables. to which A Good Smoke* >h. certainly she lives fifty Th°y is he gazes upon them, decide CALL OS away are made more and and ill MAN He stood at a simular roomy lofty, pro- C* TMlt COUM- ie will have. WHO It UMACQUA4MTIO MlTM TMI tlOQRA^HV HAIR RENEWER A MINIM THlf Τ MAT TMI Skin. means of ventilation. TWY WILL MB mr IX α MAP to make Bkutiitl hacts ! Facts ! Facts ! vided with thorough window two blocks above, trying « .is tlit- (lntt preparation perfectly adapt «1 to euro use of Pearl's White ren- H. Porter. So. Paris. The Glycerine new stables lofts are done look liiwuce ο f tbe scalp, an«l the tlr»t succewlul re- G. and in On many away his mind as to which tie would \»·;»Γ the 1'imt Oftie·. ders the skiu tn-autlful permanent jp storer of or gray hair to lu natural color, Its It cures Sunburn. Prickly INDISPUTABLE. with, or the floor of the loft is well on him or he on and he came and of beauty. kept M it, growth, youthful beauty. It baa had man y Ho keen* a *p!endH line kn >w« who h.·»- tr ei. aad iho;e who prettiest Heat. Tan, ctc. EvrybO'lv the horses' and shafts imitators, but uoue have ao folly met all tho iar lave bo: *h >al