Case 2:11-cv-00722-PGR Document 1 Filed 04/12/11 Page 1 of 71 1 Hart L. Robinovitch, AZ Bar No. 020910 ZIMMERMAN REED PLLP 2 14646 N. Kierland Blvd., Suite 145 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 3 (480) 348-6400 (480) 348-6415 Facsimile 4 E-mail: 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff Darlene Smith 6 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 DISTRICT OF ARIZONA 9 10 DARLENE SMITH, derivatively on behalf Case No. of APOLLO GROUP, INC., 11 VERIFIED SHAREHOLDER Plaintiff, DERIVATIVE COMPLAINT 12 vs. JURY TRIAL DEMANDED 13 JOHN G. SPERLING, PETER V. 14 SPERLING, CHARLES B. EDELSTEIN, GREGORY W. CAPPELLI, TERRI C. 15 BISHOP, DINO J. DECONCINI, SAMEL A. DIPIAZZA, JR., STEPHEN J. GIUSTO, 16 ROY A. HERBERGER, JR., ANN KIRSCHNER, K. SUE REDMAN, JAMES 17 R. REIS, MANUEL F. RIVELO, GEORGE ZIMMER, JOSEPH D’AMICO, GREGORY 18 J. IVERSON, BRIAN L. SWARTZ, BRIAN MUELLER, P. ROBERT MOYA, ROBERT 19 W. WRUBEL, WILLIAM J. PEPICELLO, and DOES 1- 25 inclusive, 20 Defendants, 21 vs. 22 APOLLO GROUP, INC., an Arizona corporation, 23 Nominal Defendant. 24 25 26 27 28 VERIFIED SHAREHOLDER DERIVATIVE COMPLAINT Case 2:11-cv-00722-PGR Document 1 Filed 04/12/11 Page 2 of 71 1 Plaintiff Darlene Smith (“Plaintiff”), a longtime shareholder of Apollo Group, Inc (“Apollo 2 Group” or the “Company”), brings this shareholder derivative lawsuit against certain officers and 3 directors of Apollo Group for violations of federal securities laws, state law claims for breaches of 4 fiduciary duties, abuse of control, gross mismanagement, unjust enrichment, corporate waste, and 5 insider trading.
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