Crystal River, Inverness, and Dunnellon

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Crystal River, Inverness, and Dunnellon Project1:Layout 1 6/10/2014 1:13 PM Page 1 Health & Life: Be careful of tick, mosquito bites /B1 TUESDAY TODAY CITRUSCOUNTY & next morning HIGH 90 Mostly sunny LOW with a slight chance of storms. 66 PAGE A4 JUNE 16, 2020 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOL. 125 ISSUE 252 Sheriff hopefuls talk outreach FRED HIERS enforcement and minority The candidates each re- require to ensure cultural said, if he is elected. “You recent Community Action Staff writer communities. sponded by email to the and race awareness and will see me and the depu- Meeting, led by Pastor The Citrus County questions. sensitivity? ties in your neighborhood. Doug Alexander. As a can- As community leaders Chronicle is asking the What steps would We will stop, say hello and didate, I have initiated a across the country con- county’s four Republican you take as sheriff Patrick Crippen be known within your series of meetings with template the recent sheriff candidates facing Q:to ensure or create “There will be a new community. I am a mem- local ministers, to build demonstrations and call each other in a summer good race relations between and much improved com- ber of Rotary and sit on lines of communication for police reform, many primary questions about the sheriff’s office and mi- munity involvement pro- the board of the We Care and trust. are also asking for steps to the demonstrations, mi- nority organizations and gram with the sheriff ’s Food Pantry. “I will assemble a build better relations and nority hiring and race re- communities? What train- office that includes adults “I was one of only two trust between law lations in the community. ing for deputies would you and the youth,” Crippen candidates to attend the See OUTREACH/Page A6 LEFT: Floral City VFW Post 7122 honor guard VFW, Boy Scouts gather members stand at attention Monday, June 15, 2020, as Monday to mark Flag Day their Flag Day service begins. MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle Jacob Tester, a member of Boy Scouts of America Floral City Troop 7122, places an American flag into a burn barrel Monday, June 15, 2020, at the Floral City VFW Post 7122. The scouts, along with members of the VFW post, hosted a Flag Day ceremony and flag retirement ceremony to commemorate Flag Day. Officially, Flag Day is June 14, but due to other commitments the VFW post hosted its ceremony Monday. According to, Flag Day was first officially observed in 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson established June 14 as Flag Day. When a flag is tattered or otherwise unsuitable for flying, burning is an acceptable way to discard an American flag. Superintendent race pits newcomer against incumbent IKE RIGHT parents, school district IKE RIGHT and school board mem- M W n M W Staff writer employees and others OFFICE: Citrus County Staff writer ber before first being who say a change at Superintendent of Schools . elected superinten- The Citrus County the top is necessary, n WHO: Republicans incumbent The Citrus County dent of schools in 2004, Chronicle Editorial citing issues such as Sandra “Sam” Himmel and Chronicle Editorial said voters should be Board on Monday, questionable manage- Paul Reinhardt . Board on Monday, June wary of change for the June 15, 2020, inter- ment approaches and 15, 2020, interviewed sake of change. viewed candidates for lack of resources for n TERM: 4 years . candidates for Super- “Just because you Superintendent of Paul parents. n SALARY: $129,064 . intendent of Schools. Sandra ‘Sam’ change people doesn’t Schools. Here is a run- Reinhardt “I’ve heard a lot of Here is a rundown on Himmel mean it’s better,” she down on some of the responses complaints,” he said. “There n COVERS: All Citrus County . some of incumbent Sandra said. “During this pandemic, and positions of candidate seems to be a shake ’em up, n ON THE BALLOT: Aug . 18 “Sam” Himmel’s responses and we were able to overnight de- Paul Reinhardt. shut ’em up management style primary will decide winner; this positions: velop an online scenario for n n Time for a change: Rein- contest is open to all voters . Experience matters: Him- hardt said he’s spoken with See REINHARDT/Page A11 mel, a former school teacher See HIMMEL/Page A11 Election supervisor candidates lay out different visions IKE RIGHT “Everything has a process IKE RIGHT with the elections pro- M W n M W Staff writer and procedure that must OFFICE: Citrus County Staff writer cess. But he said he be followed.” Supervisor of would hire three investi- The Chronicle Edito- n Vote-by-mail: Secure Elections . The Chronicle Edito- gators, at an approxi- rial Board on Monday, and easy, Baird said. Two n WHO: Republicans rial Board on Monday, mate cost of $200,000, to June 15, 2020, inter- employees retrieve mail Scott Adams and June 15, 2020, inter- ensure the voter regis- viewed Scott Adams and viewed Scott Adams and ballots daily from the Maureen “Mo” Baird . tration rolls are Maureen “Mo” Baird, post office and secure Maureen “Mo” Baird, Re- accurate. Republican candidates Maureen them. Voter signatures n TERM: 4 years . publican candidates for Scott “Keeping fraud from for Supervisor of Elec- ‘Mo’ Baird are compared with those n SALARY: $129,064 . Supervisor of Elections. Adams happening is the real tions. Here is a rundown on file and, if they don’t match, Here is a rundown on issue, staying on top of it and n COVERS: All Citrus on some of candidate Baird’s re- the voter is contacted. some of Adams’ responses and making sure it doesn’t happen,” sponses and positions: Plus, Citrus is now part of a County . positions: he said. “The voter system is n Fraud?: Baird, who has program with 30 states that en- n ON THE BALLOT: Aug . n Fraud?: Adams, who during based on the honor system. There worked in the elections office for sure voters are not registered in 18 primary will decide his four years on the county com- isn’t enough manpower to go vet over 30 years, said it hasn’t hap- other states. winner; this contest is mission leveled unsubstantiated and verify everything.” pened in Citrus County. open to all voters . claims of fraud against county of- “It’s not an issue here,” she said. See BAIRD/Page A11 ficials, said he knows of no fraud See ADAMS/Page A11 Classifieds . .B5 Crossword . .B8 INDEX Sports . A8 Obituaries . .A5 Comics . B4. Editorial . A10 Lottery Numbers . .A8 TV Listings . .B3 Horoscope . A4 Entertainment . .A4 Lottery Payouts . .A8 A2 Tuesday, June 16, 2020 Citrus County (FL) ChroniCLe 000YLOW Page A3 - TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020 STATE &Citrus L CountyOCA ChroniCle L Around the COUNTY COVID-19 cases by the week BUSTER THOMPSON COVID-19 cases ranked by Cit- n 34450 (Inverness and Inver- Sugarmill Woods): 7. Keep Pool Open Staff writer rus County’s 15 zip codes: ness Highlands South): 11. n 34448 (Homosassa, Ho- Committee To n 34452 (Inverness, Floral City, n 34429: Crystal River, Ozello, mosassa Springs, Sugarmill Woods, Here are Citrus County’s Inverness Highlands North and Homosassa Springs, Lecanto and Lecanto and Crystal River): 5. meet June 18 changes in COVID-19 cases, hos- Inverness Highlands South): 34. Black Diamond: 11. n 34436 (Floral City): Fewer n n The Keep Beverly Hills pitalizations and deaths for the 34434 (Dunnellon, Citrus 34428 (Crystal River, Red than 5. week of June 8 through June 14. Springs, Hernando and Pine Level and Inglis): 11. Pool Open committee will n 34433 (Dunnellon, Citrus By the Sunday, June 14, update, Ridge): 16. n 34465 (Beverly Hills, Black Springs and Pine Ridge): Fewer meet at 1 p.m. Thursday, Citrus County had: n 34453 (Inverness, Citrus Hills, Diamond, Citrus Springs, Lecanto June 18, at 1 Civic Circle, 150 cases, an increase of 22 Hernando, Inverness Highlands and Pine Ridge): 9. than 5. Beverly Hills. since June 8; North and Lecanto): 16. n 34442 (Citrus Hills, Citrus n 34449 (Inglis and Yankee- Those who have at- 33 hospitalizations, unchanged n 34461 (Black Diamond, Citrus Springs, Hernando, Lecanto and town): 0. tended prior meetings and since June 8; Hills, Homosassa Springs, Le- Pine Ridge): 9. n 34445 (Holder, Citrus Springs, contributed funds are wel- and 12 deaths, unchanged since canto, Pine Ridge and Sugarmill n 34446 (Homosassa, Hernando and Pine Ridge): 0. come. Social distancing will June 8. Woods): 13. Homosassa Springs, Lecanto and — Source: Florida Department of Health. be followed. For information, call 352-422-2798. — From staff reports BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Follow-up CCBA annual Family Fishing Tournament inspection The Citrus County Build- ing Alliance (CCBA) an- nounces the return of the CCBA Youth Tournament, in leads to animal partnership with FishFlori- and in conjunction with the CCBA Annual Fam- cruelty charge ily Fishing Tournament, pre- sented by Apopka Marine. BUSTER THOMPSON Youth fishing is open to Staff writer all youth, ages 3 to 15, with any legal fish eligible A Homosassa woman’s second chance to except shark and sting ray. improve the conditions of her five dogs Youth tournament hours ended with her arrest on a third-degree fel- are tentatively set for ony charge of animal cruelty. 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, As of Monday, June 15, 2020, 60-year-old June 20, 2020, but are Lisa Camille Bowman was still jailed at the subject to modification as Citrus County Detention Facility, according the tournament acclimates to the jail. to the new location at Mac- A judge kept Bowman’s Rae’s of Homosassa.
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