Students Kick Back at Chapel Street Festival
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Field hockey falls The No. 14 Hens lo e to N. 8 Old Reminisce the pop Dominion, 3-2, and drop to 2-2 Ill AA culture of the '90 competition thi eason. Mosaic I Bl Sports/ B6 The news source of Tuesdays the Blue Hens & Fridays FRE E 250 Perkins Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 VolunH.: I J l, Issue 12 1111 11 · re\ '1£'\l.Wif!!.edu Tuesday, Octohcr I 2, 2004 Draft bill defeated shots in House in low BY JEN IFER LU AS supply Nt•u \ Features £(/l{ut The U.S. House of Representatives vo ted against bringing back th e mi litary BY RENEE GORMAN draft when it defeated a bill ct. 5 that pro Staff Reporter posed mandatory military service. The university was com Proposed by Rep. Charles Rangel, D pelled to cancel its routine nu shot N.Y., the bill was defeated by a vote of402- clinics Wednesday, in response to 2 in th e House. a shortage of the vaccine that has The version of the draft bi ll propo ed affected the entire co unlly. in th e Hou se calls for mand ato ry mi litary Dr. Joseph Siebo ld , director service fo r all American , inc luding of Student Health Services, said fema le , between th e ages of 18 and 26. tudents and empl oyees would The onl y exempti ons wouJd be fo r high on ly be considered for nu shots if school students and peop le with menta l and they were at high risk according physical handicaps. Citizens cou ld also to the Centers for Disca e ontrol apply for conscienti ous objector status and Prevention standards. accord ing to their religious be li efs. Employees and studen ts will St ill , rumors of reinstating the draft receive a ca ll of approval after have not died down., a they visit Student Health Services group dedicated to registering young vot arid their health sta rus is eva luat ers, lists the draft as a major campaign ed , Siebold said. Those who have iss ue. President George W. Bush was asked a critical need for a nu shot, such during Friday's presidential debate whether as those who arc pregnant or have or not he wou ld su pport bringing back the chronic health conditions, still dr_llft. receive one. "Forget all thi s talk abo ut a draft," British officials stopped a flu Bush sa id . "We're not going to h11ve a draft vaccjpation manufacturer, Chiron so long a I'm the president." TI;E REV LEW/Doug Shields Corp., from shipping their prod He said a draft is not needed because Students and residents gathered Friday for Chapelfest, a twice-annua Newark tradition similar to other uct to the United States due to forces around the world can be reduced and possible contamination. The replaced with more effective weapons, par neighborhood "fests" held during the school year. company has been suspended ticularly in Europe and on the Korean from manufacturing the shots for Peninsula. three months. Ills one of two flu "We don 'l need mass armies any vaccinat ion manufacturers that more," Bush said . "We're withdrawing ship prod_ucts to the United States. manpower so they can be tationed here in Ameri ca, so there's less rotation, so life is Students kick back at Chiron 's shipments' of 46 to easier on their fam ilies. We'll be more 48 million flu shots would have like ly to be ab le to keep people in the all accounted for approximately half vo lun teer army." of the U.S. shots for this upcom The Department of Defense has also ing flu season. Cun·ently, there is continually denied the possibi lity of a draft. only one company, Aventi , hip Lt. Co lonel Ell en Kremke, Pentagon Chapel Street festival ping flu vaccinations to the spokeswoman, said a draft is not needed. United States. "We do not believe we need a draft," BY MIKE HARTNETT Andrew Hcckrote, a nearby resident, The cracking and crunching of step Dr. Mar~aret Conte, a she said. "We are ab le to recruit and retain Newark physic1an, said her prac the people we need. " Copy Editor became a crowd favorite with the mini ping on empty plastic cups and leaves Students dropped otT their back keg of East India Pale AJe he carried grew louder as the night went on, while tice has few flu shots left to give However, many disagree wi th the Bush patients. She . unknowingly administration's claim that there will not be packs Friday aftcmoon and started their arOLmd in a backpack. some people avo ided the crowds and sat weekend early as they flocked to · North " hapelfest is a monument of on their roof to drink. A few people even ordered vaccination materials a draft. [rom Chiron. Rangel said in a statement the Bush hapel Street for hapelfest. Newark," he sa id, while a girl came up to] climbed on top of a garage and swu ng on Held once per semester, Chapelfest him and began pumping hi s keg. " It a rope tied to a tree branch. Under normal conditions, adm inistration shou ld tell Congress the Student Health Services would number of troops needed and how much the can be described as a festiva l in three defines co ll ege life as we know it." Police officers stood in front of the parts. On the sidewa lks, people were toss houses, but said they could not go into the administer hundreds of nu shots military is overextend ed. during a flu season, he said. " I f they did all of those things in a se ri The .lir t part was the early after ing a football back and forth over speed backyard to break up the party until they noon, when the only people drinking ing car , while the other si de of the street received a complaint fr m a landlord or Marianne Carter, diiector of ous way," he aid, "th ey would have to the Employee Wellne enter, admi t my bill is an option." were residents and their friends. There remained fairly quiet and empty. neighbor. was no tras h on the ground yet, and no Newark Police officer anived at 5 Senior Josh Locke, a resident of said the university has cancelled Rangel said the bill was vo ted on with- nu shots to employees because out proper consideration. · lines for beer pong or kegs. p.m. as J-Kwon's "Tipsy" was blaring out North hapel Street, sa id he had not Senior Kevin Gr If, who sal on his of the speakers. heard any complaints .!Tom neighbors, but there are populations who are in "The American people are deeply con more dire need of the shot, such ccmcd about this i sue and deserve m re friends' porch trumming hi guitar and By 5:20 p.m., more officers aiTived was surprised the police allowed them to drinking, said he likes hapelfest beca use and began asking eve1yone in the back even have parties, unlike last year. as nursing home patients and peo than this ," he sa id . "So do our troops ... ple with chronic illnesses . who wi ll still be n th~ ground, and left it's an excuse to drink in the afternoon. yard to leave immediately, and they all Last year, .he said, the police went "It's extra pecial and something dif migrated across the street. house to house the prcviou day telling "In general, we are a healthy with the message that we couldn't take the ,POpulation," . he said. time to di scuss their situation and what can ferent," he sa id. The land lords ca lled the Newark residents they wi ll receive a ticket for a, The second part of the festival was P lice and told them stud ents were tear noise vio lation if they had a party. Carter said the Employee be done to relieve them." Wcllness Center notified 300 peo , During Friday's debate, Democratic late afternoon, when students began to ing up thei r property, a Newark Police pl. Tracy Simp on of Newark flood the backyard of the row house on omcer sa id. Po li ce said students cannot break a noi se ple Wedne day about the cancel presidential candid ate John Kerry said lations. The dcci ·ion was made alth ugh he does not support a drart, the one ide of the street. By 4 p.m., more By 6 p.m., the third prut of the festi violat ion just by having a party. Po lice than 300 people were carrying Solo cups va l was in full swi ng a the party m ved only hand out tickets when they consider by Siebold and supported by military is overextended under Bu h's lead Carter. ership. and dancing to music such as Bli 11k 182 across th e street and stayed there the rest it u "loud party." and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. of the night. Locke said it is up to each house's Most empl yccs de iring a "Our [National] Guard and Reserves flu shot have been referred to their have been turned into almo t active duty," In the backyards, eight beer pong Ha lf-lillcd cups at on the . I ncly land lord to decide whether U1ey can have tab les were packed with players and spec beer pong tables in the backyard where a party or not.