2014 Parent FAQ’s

Source: Drum Corps International with revisions to apply to the Blue Knights Drum and Bugle Corps. (Revised 4/17/14) TABLE OF CONTENTS

Overview ...... 3  A Message For Parents  Understanding Their Reasoning  Help Them Pursue Their Dreams About Drum Corps ...... 3  What is Drum Corps International?  What is "Drum Corps"?  What's the Difference Between Drum Corps and Marching Bands?  What is the Drum Corps International Tour? Values and Education ...... 4  Is Drum Corps a Good Option for My Son/Daughter?  Drum Corps and Education  Living Drum Corps Values  What's the Relationship Between the Drum Corps and DCI? What’s the cost? ...... 6  What's the Cost?  How Do Corps Raise Money?  Why Do Costs Vary Among Corps?  Where Does the Money Go?  How Do Students Raise Money to Pay Their Fees?  So What Does It Really Cost To Participate? On the road ...... 8  How Are Corps Members Transported?  Where Do Corps Stay While Touring?  How are Students Fed at Rehearsal Camps and on Tour?  What Insurance Does My Son or Daughter Need?  What if Someone is Injured or Gets Sick at a Camp or on Tour?  What Kind of Supervision Do Students Have With the Corps?  How Can I Stay in Contact With My Son or Daughter While on Tour?  How Much Money Does My Son or Daughter Need to Bring? Following the Corps ...... 10  Where Can We Get News About The Blue Knights?  How Can I Find Out About Competitions and Events?  How Can I Learn About Events Close to My Home?  How Do We Get Tickets to Events?  How Can I Find Out the Results of a Competition? Volunteer With Blue Knights ...... 11  Who Can Volunteer To Go On Tour?  How Do I Join the Corps On Tour?  Where Do We Sleep & Eat?  What Are The Benefits of Volunteering On Tour?  If I Am Not Able To Come On Tour, How Can I Help?



A Message For Parents When your child decides to be part of a Drum Corps International corps, he/she is making a choice that requires a deep personal commitment that will require strength and focus. Facing new levels of responsibility, discipline and self-knowledge, they will gain values that will help them succeed in life.

Understanding Their Reasoning Every student has personal reasons for wanting to be part of a Drum Corps International group. Your son or daughter is no different. It may simply be to become a better performer. Alternatively, it could be a way to be with friends. College-level students often view membership in a drum corps as a key rung in their climb to be professional performers or arts educators. For many students, it is a way to challenge themselves to become the best they can be.

Help Them Pursue Their Dreams Winning a Drum Corps International championship title ... Performing in front of tens of thousands of people ... Being a better trumpet player ... Being part of a tradition and part of something bigger than oneself ... Becoming the best music teacher ... Having the most extraordinary summer experience of their lives ... Meeting new people ... Learning from the best teachers ... Seeing new places.

No matter their dream, being part of a DCI drum corps can help them achieve it, while at the same time providing one of the most intense and rewarding performing arts education experiences available in the world. It's an experience that helps build the performance, education and personal foundation of a lifetime.

About Drum Corps

What is Drum Corps International? Drum Corps International (DCI), formed in 1972, is the non-profit governing, oversight and sanctioning body for North American drum and bugle corps, whose members are under 22 years of age. DCI is headquartered in , Ind., where it maintains a small full-time executive and administrative staff. The organization produces and sanctions competitions and oversees the setting and application of the rules of competition. DCI also trains and assigns adjudicators and schedules corps for participation in competitions. The summer tour ends with the Drum Corps International World Championships held each August in Indianapolis. The week-long series attracts live audiences near 30,000!

DCI sanctions two classes of drum corps participation in North America – World Class and Open Class. World Class corps generally have older, more experienced students and tend to achieve levels of excellence commensurate with the experience and skill levels of the students and their instructional staff. Open Class corps tend to be smaller groups, often populated by younger students. Approximately 20 percent of students who participate in an Open Class corps ultimately become part of a World Class corps. Because scholastic music educators view participation in DCI drum corps positively, most World Class groups now process more applicants than positions that are available. This can necessitate an intense, time-consuming off-season audition process. However, most Open Class corps are able to accommodate nearly all students who wish to participate.

What is "Drum Corps"? The drum corps activity and the Drum Corps International experience is often classified by fans and participants alike simply as "drum corps." There is not much agreement, however, upon a single definition for the term. Each corps has its own interpretation consistent with its own organization, mission and heritage. Drum Corps International's classification of "drum corps" has evolved over the years, moving from a structured, rules-based definition to an organization- and values-based definition. In addition, the passionate fans and followers of the activity have their own definition that is often personal, deeply held, and reflective of their experience with the drum corps.

Tradition and heritage permeate drum corps. Traditions span through instrumentation, style, attitude, uniforms and music. The degree to which today's corps pay homage to their traditions and heritage is the bellows that stokes the passions that truly separate drum corps from marching bands.


Here's a fairly straightforward definition of "drum corps" from Wikipedia:

A drum and bugle corps is a musical marching unit consisting of brass instruments, percussion instruments and color guard. Drum corps are specialized marching bands. Typically operating as independent organizations (no scholastic affiliation), drum corps perform on-field competitions, parades, festivals and other civic functions. The rules of Drum Corps International set the age limit for drum corps participation at 22, with most participants aged 17-21.

Competitive drum corps take part in a summer tour, visiting various cities around the country and participating in competitions. Competitions occur on football fields. Every year, each drum corps prepares a single show, approximately 8–12 minutes in length, and carefully refines this throughout the entire summer tour. This focus on a single show takes advantage of the large amount of time needed to hone and refine a modern drum corps program, with a momentum that continues to build toward the last performance of the season – championships.

What's the Difference Between Drum Corps and Marching Bands? Drum corps are a subset of the larger body of marching bands. It is accurate to say that all drum corps are marching bands, but not all marching bands are drum corps. At the macro level, there is little difference between drum corps and marching bands.

So what are the specific differences? First, drum corps use only bell-front brass instrumentation – no woodwinds like saxophones, clarinets and flutes. Second, most marching bands (in the ) are affiliated with schools and are usually inclusive – everyone who wants to participate is accommodated. Drum corps are independent organizations (typically not part of a scholastic institution) and have a membership limit set at 150. Depending on the corps, there may be more potential members than performance spaces available. Hence, drum corps, especially the World Class corps, are exclusive, rather than inclusive. Third, drum corps are self-financing. They rely on fees from participants, Drum Corps International, and traditional development and fundraising activities for their budgets. Scholastic marching bands rely heavily on school budgets (usually public tax revenue) for the bulk of their financial needs.

What is the Drum Corps International Tour? Formerly called the "Summer Music Games," the DCI Tour is a series of more than 100 drum corps competitions that take place across the country during June, July and August. These competitions are of two varieties – events Drum Corps International produces (Premier Events) and events sanctioned through DCI's national network of Tour Event Partners (Tour Events).

DCI creates the tour schedule, and corps are assigned to events based on availability and travel and logistical issues. Corps travel to the competitions and rehearse and prepare as they make their way between events. The intensive educational and social characteristics of the tour are a key aspect of the DCI experience that differentiates drum corps from scholastic . From the perspective of many students, the tour IS the essence of the drum corps activity.

Note: Please see Blue Knights Drum and Bugle Corps’ tentative 2014 Tour Schedule handout.

For Drum Corps International Premier Events, DCI is responsible for all aspects of those tour stops. Corps participating in those shows receive performance and travel fees from DCI. DCI also is responsible for paying all operating costs for events it produces, including stadium rental, security, parking, lighting, etc. For regular Tour Events, the Tour Event Partner pays DCI a fixed sanctioning fee. DCI provides the judges for the event and assigns corps to perform. A substantial portion of this sanctioning fee is used by DCI to compensate the participating corps and to pay the adjudicators.

Values and Education

Is Drum Corps a Good Option for My Son/Daughter? Participation in a drum corps is a dramatic positive experience for most young people. Each corps offers a unique combination of education, life experience and tradition. Because of this, matching student and family expectations to the right corps is important.

At the heart of the drum corps experience is a set of values – dedication, discipline, commitment and achievement through teamwork – that enhances the student's life. Young people soon discover that dedication and hard work enable them to achieve tremendous success. Success, in turn, promotes confidence in their abilities. Students learn

4 and improve valuable personal skills like teamwork, time management and problem solving. Members of all DCI- affiliated corps are challenged to personally accept a new sense of discipline and responsibility. Above all, one of the key things drum corps participants learn is simply stated, but complex to convey – how to get things done.

While a substantial number of Drum Corps International alums are music and performing arts educators and professional performers, some are doctors, lawyers, business professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders in their chosen fields and in their communities. Regardless of the life path your son or daughter expects to follow, the Drum Corps International experience enhances the likelihood of success.

Drum Corps and Education The drum corps experience itself provides a multifaceted education. First, there is the music and performance education provided by the corps' staff. Second, there is the life and values education that is attained by participation in an intense, focused effort to achieve excellence.

Aside from the music, performance and life education that comes directly from participating, many studies indicate that performing arts students show higher levels of academic achievement in all disciplines than students who do not participate in performing arts. More than 75 percent of the 1,100+ World Class corps students who participated in DCI's 2008 Project Persona research study, reported a grade point average (GPA) above a 3.0 at either the high school or university level.

The degree of performance/music education students receive depends upon the corps. A solid rudimentary education is likely to be available with some groups while others are likely to deliver an educational experience on par with a university-level performing arts curriculum. Regardless, the life education and experience gained from being part of any DCI group is likely to have a positive effect on your son or daughter.

Living Drum Corps Values Your child will be spending all day, every day with the same group of people with a shared purpose – the perfection of the performance. They will eat, sleep, live, rehearse, endure, perform and celebrate together. This is perhaps the single most positive aspect of the drum corps experience for most people. It is virtually impossible to go through an entire season of this and not come away a better person. Specifically, your son or daughter will reap the following benefits from his/her participation in a drum corps:

 Character development  Improved self-confidence and self-esteem  Learning the value of teamwork  Learning the value of commitment to purpose  Learning the value of responsibility, integrity, sacrifice and excellence  One-on-one musical and performance instruction by world-class instructors  Meeting and working with people with diverse backgrounds and origins  Making new, lifelong friends

What's the Relationship Between the Drum Corps and DCI? Drum corps that participate in DCI-produced or -sanctioned events and drum corps that are members of Drum Corps International are independent entities. There are no legal or fiduciary ties between the corps and Drum Corps International other than those associated with membership or participation in an event.

Each drum corps is responsible for its own financial, managerial and operational well-being. That said, Drum Corps International has an interest in helping corps remain financially healthy and organizationally sound. Therefore, each year some resources are allocated to evaluate and support corps that may require assistance.

No money transfers from the corps to Drum Corps International as a condition of participation. At the same time, DCI compensates the corps for performances and participation in DCI events. This compensation can include payment for performances, payment of housing and rehearsal site fees, and mileage allowances.


Drum Corps International produces the "Tour." DCI is responsible for producing and sanctioning events and for scheduling the corps during the season. DCI may schedule corps regardless of their membership status.

Not all corps performing in a DCI-produced or -sanctioned event are "member corps." Corps attain membership in Drum Corps International by having a consistent record of performance excellence; external evaluations of their finances, management and operations; and, finally, a vote of the other members of the organization.

When a corps participates in a DCI-produced or -sanctioned event, DCI pays it a performance fee. This fee is relatively equal for all corps, regardless of placement. By participating in DCI events, the corps agrees to allow Drum Corps International to act on its behalf with respect to securing corporate sponsors and marketing audio/visual products and services. A corps is generally compensated for audio/visual sales of its specific performance, while DCI assumes the responsibility of securing the rights needed to record, broadcast and sell performances.

What’s the cost? What's the Cost? The cost of participating in a DCI-affiliated corps varies group-to-group. For World Class participation, the costs are likely higher than those of an Open Class corps, mainly due to a more extensive travel schedule. Regardless, each corps independently sets its own tuition and fee schedule. Drum Corps International has no role in determining or regulating the tuition and fees corps charge.

Blue Knights tour fee:

Tuition covers the full cost of participation in the corps, including spring training housing and food, tour food and transportation, instruction, equipment, uniforms and shoes. Limited additional expenses may be incurred. All members are expected to participate in one fundraising project for the corps, the Fuel Fund Campaign. Each member is asked to contact 10 people in their network (family, relatives, teachers, neighbors, etc.) who may be able to assist with $25 (more or less). Mailing material and the cost of postage will be provided for this fundraiser.

Tuition paid by members only accounts for a small portion of the actual expense of the drum corps experience.

 Pay Full Fee: $2,700  Returning members - deduct $200.00 for each year marched  Early Bird Payment - deduct $100 from what is owed if total is paid by February 28.

*Additional fees pertinent to your sections may apply:  Hornline gloves, if needed, at camps: $3 each  Technique Books, as required by caption heads: approximately $10  Compression-type T-shirt, to be worn under uniform; minimum of 2: approximately $20 each  Section gear shorts, with Blue Knights branding, as required by caption heads: between $15-25 each

Considering the cost of a two- or three-day travel trip with a high school marching band to perform at a national parade, or a two week-long summer sports camp can run upward of $1,500 or more, keep in mind that tuition with your son or daughter's drum corps will include travel, food and housing over the course of approximately 90 days during the summer!

How Do Corps Raise Money?

Although the appearance fees and allowances nationally touring, World Class corps collect from Drum Corps International are relatively equal, in reality these fees make up a minor part of the total budget of any corps. As an

6 estimate, the fees and allowances from DCI account for only about 10 to 15 percent of a top-tier corps' total operating budget.

The rest of a corps' operating budget comes from other sources, such as student fees and tuition, corporate sponsorships, merchandise sales and various fundraising activities. Blue Knights’ fund raising activities, in addition to the Fuel Fund Drive include: Bingo games (Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week, all year long) and sponsorship of Drums Along the Rockies in Denver and Corps Encore in Utah. In addition, the Blue Knights receive a 20% commission on all tickets purchased through us to shows in San Antonio, Allentown, and the DCI World Championships! Get your tickets now by clicking or calling our Ascend Events office!

For tickets to Drums Along the Rockies, Corps Encore, DCI Championships, San Antonio and Allentown tickets please call (303)424-6396!

For many DCI member corps, participation is akin to an intense experiential training course on how to organize and teach the marching arts. Considering more than 60 percent of the students participating in DCI's World Class corps are college-level arts and music majors, their participation may more properly be viewed as an extension of their college education. Some corps even have arrangements with universities and colleges in their area to grant college credit for participation.

Why Do Costs Vary Among Corps? Drum corps affiliated with Drum Corps International are independent organizations, not owned, operated or managed by DCI. Each corps is responsible for its own financial and managerial health. Costs vary between corps because each corps makes its own decisions regarding how much it spends and, subsequently, how much revenue it needs to generate. Some corps spend less money than others and may therefore find themselves in a position to offer lower tuition and fees. Other corps may have effective fundraisers that can help keep tuition and fees down. Still others may have a a large pool of applicants, allowing them to charge higher tuition and fees.

Where Does the Money Go? The money paid for tuition goes to pay for instruments, equipment, uniforms, instruction, and facility rental, as well as transportation, food, and housing during the tour. The corps pays the instructors and teachers and has to pay for housing and practice facilities. The tuition also covers the costs of operating or leasing transportation (buses and equipment trucks). If there are certain items not covered by the basic tuition, the corps usually makes that clear during the audition process. A corps may also require money to fund its operations, which can include office and administrative costs.

How Do Students Raise Money to Pay Their Fees? During the 2006, 2007 and 2008 seasons, Drum Corps International conducted a series of surveys and interviews with corps members titled "Project Persona." One issue included in that research was how student performers pay for participation in their corps. In the most recent study, covering approximately 1,100 students, more than 80 percent indicated they received some amount of funding assistance from their family. 53 percent indicated they used savings from their job, while 40 percent received some sponsorship assistance. (Note the total funding percentage is more than 100 percent because funding can come from multiple sources.)

Financial Assistance/Scholarships are available and is based upon need. Scholarships are also available for volunteer service. (See section on “Volunteer”) Scholarship assistance can easily add up to $400 or more. Information is also available for acquiring sponsorships. Contact the Ascend Office, 303 777-1937 for information on volunteer service and for sponsorship packets.

Other sources of funding cited in the research included student loans (recognition that participation in a drum corps is a necessary educational experience) and other corps-supported fundraising activities, such as selling ads for event program books.

So What Does It Really Cost To Participate? During the 2008 Project Persona study, a series of questions relating to the total cost of participation were asked, which would include not only the direct costs – tuition and fees – but also the supporting costs incurred during the

7 year – travel to camps and rehearsals, food, other travel expenses, laundry money, etc. The average total cost of participation in a touring World Class drum corps was $3,150. The median value was $3,000; meaning that 50 percent of those responding said the total cost of participation was more than $3,000, and 50 percent indicated it was less than $3,000. One of the largest contributing factors to higher total cost of participation is the cost of travel to off- season rehearsal camps. Some student performers travel from Europe and Asia to participate. They reported participation costs in excess of $6,000.

On the road

How Are Corps Members Transported? Two separate types of transportation are involved in participating in a Drum Corps International corps. First, transportation to off-season rehearsal camps; second, transportation while the corps is on the road and touring.

Transportation for rehearsals camps: For rehearsal camps, students will generally be responsible for arranging and paying for their own transportation. Blue Knights provide transportation from airports/train/bus stations to the rehearsal camp site.

Some corps hold rehearsal camps at locations around the country, thus reducing the student's overall travel expense. When planning your student's drum corps budget, be sure to account for rehearsal camp transportation, as this cost is above and beyond the corps' tuition and fees. Check with your student's corps for specific information about transportation requirements and arrangements.

Transportation during the DCI Tour: While on tour, the corps is responsible for transportation and the cost of that transportation, which is included in the student's tuition.

Blue Knights travel as a group via bus convoy.

Where Do Corps Stay While Touring? When Blue Knights stays overnight at a rehearsal camp or while traveling, it is usually in a school facility (gymnasium or other suitable space).

While on tour, Drum Corps International generally arranges for corps housing. In some cases, a corps may arrange its own housing. This might happen if the corps or someone on the corps' staff has a relationship with a specific school or facility. DCI has a Corps Housing Coordinator who evaluates potential housing sites based on DCI's standards, which includes access to rehearsal fields, sleeping and shower facilities, as well as power/water access so the corps can provide food services.

When staying at schools or other facilities that do not have beds – which are most housing sites – students sleep in their sleeping bags on gym floors or other available space. Most corps recommend students carry an inflatable mattress or pad. DCI even has a corporate partnership with AeroBed.

Members of the Blue Knights will be provided with specifics of how the corps is housed and what rules/procedures they follow when on tour.

Housing corps during the tour is one of the most challenging aspects of DCI's operations. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get access to facilities, with year-round school, liability/safety, and cost all being critical factors. If you believe you can help DCI find suitable housing and/or rehearsal sites for corps during the tour, please contact us today.


How are Students Fed at Rehearsal Camps and on Tour? While on tour or at audition/rehearsal camps, most corps take responsibility for feeding students. To fulfill that responsibility, most corps operate mobile kitchen facilities. A World Class corps expects to feed 150 members, along with approximately 25 instructional and 25 support staffers four times a day while on tour. In a typical summer, Drum Corps International units will feed their combined 5,000 performers and staff a whopping 1.2 million meals!

If a corps does not have a mobile kitchen, they likely feed students through a combination of pre-packaged foods, delivery food services and stops at restaurants or other dining facilities. The extent to which the corps provides food and food services will help determine how much money your student will need to have while on tour or at rehearsals.

What Insurance Does My Son or Daughter Need? It is highly recommended that members have their own medical insurance. Insurance through the Boy Scouts cover accident insurance only.

What if Someone is Injured or Gets Sick at a Camp or on Tour? In the case of illness or injury while at camp or on tour, the corps will likely attempt to treat it by appropriate means, unless otherwise designated. Many corps have nurses or other medical personnel who travel with the corps. This lets the corps provide professional treatment of most minor illness or injuries without engaging emergency room facilities. When your student joins a corps, the group will likely provide emergency procedures and emergency contact information. Check with them for the specifics.

What Kind of Supervision Do Students Have With the Corps? The first line of supervision in many corps is the students themselves. Most corps place a large responsibility for corps conduct on the student leadership. That said, corps travel with a substantial complement of adults, both staff and volunteers. The touring entourage of a World Class corps usually includes 15 to 25 instructional staff members, 10 to 15 support volunteers, including medical staff, and an additional 10 to 15 management and support personnel. For the bulk of the tour, students are rehearsing. During this time they are under the direct supervision of the instructional staff.

The Blue Knights has “contracts" or "agreements" members must sign and agree to as a condition of participation. Issues addressed in these agreements include attendance and tardiness policies, conduct while in uniform, bus etiquette, peer and staff relationship etiquette, smoking and illegal substance use. These contracts are a clear acknowledgement of what is expected and what the consequences are if those expectations are not met. It is also common for a corps to have very specific guidelines relating to adult staff/volunteer and student interaction.

For the specifics of tour supervision, check directly with the corps in which your student is interested in joining.

How Can I Stay in Contact With My Son or Daughter While on Tour? Mail Stops: Up to three designated mail stops will be announced via newsletters before and during tour. Cell phones: Members are allowed to use cell phones on personal time.

Laptop Computers: The Blue Knights discourage members from bringing laptops and other valuables on tour, so e- mail use will likely be limited to any public access sites the corps encounters, or any capabilities on your student's phone.

How Much Money Does My Son or Daughter Need to Bring? Blue Knights assume responsibility for providing meals while on tour. Generally because of extensive rehearsal and travel schedules, students are not likely to have much opportunity to spend money. Items for which a student might need cash include snacks, laundry, souvenirs or money to spend on "free days" – those days during the tour when a corps doesn't practice and spends the day visiting attractions or a city.

Most corps recommend not bringing a substantial amount of money on tour because of the potential for loss. ATM

9 cards are also an attractive alternative to cash, as are student-oriented credit cards that track use and can easily be reloaded by the family.

Following the Corps

Where Can We Get News About the Blue Knights? For current information for camps, spring camps or tour the following sources can keep you up to date:

Web site: www.bknights.org

Parent Newsletter: Get information particular about the corps needs and doings. You are automatically signed up when your member is contracted and we get your e-mail address.

Become a “friend” on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Blue-Knights-Drum-Bugle-Corps/22192163025

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBlueKnights

Tumblr: http://theblueknights.tumblr.com/

Blue Knights YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/BlueKnights

Drum Corps International has several information resources available to all followers and fans of drum corps. One is DCI's official Web site, DCI.org, where you can get news and updates about DCI corps year-round. DCI.org is also the place to review event schedules, scores and recaps from competitions, purchase tickets and buy DCI and corps merchandise.

You can also check out DCI's Fan Network at TheFanNetwork.org. This multimedia site provides a substantial amount of information about the corps year-round. The corps themselves actually produce much of it. A significant amount of premium content, including live Webcasts of events, is available to paid Fan Network subscribers. Audio and video downloads of past and present corps performances also are available to purchase.

How Can I Find Out About Competitions and Events? The best place to learn about shows and events is online at DCI.org. Click on the "Schedule" tab to see a calendar of events, with the corps lineups, show locations, dates, times and ticketing information as it's available. The schedule section also allows you to search events by an individual group to see only the events in which that corps is participating.

How Can I Learn About Events Close to My Home? As the summer approaches, in the DCI.org schedule section you'll be able to search for events closest to you by zip code and even plan your trip with Google Maps. You can also subscribe to the DCI.now e-newsletter which includes a weekly schedule during the summer months, and the Box Office Alerts e-newsletter which includes information about select events based on your location. You can subscribe to all of Drum Corps International's e-mail newsletters on the DCI.org homepage.

How Do We Get Tickets to Events? You can purchase tickets for many events online directly from Drum Corps International. The best way to determine which events DCI is ticketing is by clicking the "Tickets" tab from from the DCI.org homepage. For events not ticketed by DCI, check the "Schedule" tab for ticketing and other event information. You can also purchase tickets to events for which DCI provides ticketing services by calling 317.275.1212.

Tickets for the DCI World Championships are available in several ways. Blue Knights has an allotment of tickets it makes available to its fans and families. If you are a supporter or are affiliated with a corps, check with us about Championship ticket availability. You will help Blue Knights earn 20% of the value of the tickets. For tickets to Drums Along the Rockies, Corps Encore, DCI Championships, San Antonio and Allentown tickets please call (303) 424- 6396!


How Can I Find Out the Results of a Competition? The best place to get the results from DCI-sanctioned events is online at DCI.org/scores. Results are posted within minutes of the conclusion of each competition. Some corps will also post results on their Web sites, but DCI.org is the only place to see the recap sheets for each event that breaks out all of the scoring results in detail.

Volunteer With Blue Knights

Volunteers help to defray the overall cost of the season. Help is always needed and volunteer opportunities are attached to this FAQ.

Who can volunteer to go on tour? We need of volunteers to help with cooking, driving, sewing, selling merchandise and many other areas to help get the corps across the US. The only requirement for volunteers is to be over the age of 18 and willing to perform the various daily tasks needed to help the corps.

How Do I join the Corps on tour? If you are volunteering for tour when the corps leaves from Denver you will leave when the corps leaves. If you join the tour in any other location you are responsible for your transportation. When you have completed your volunteer time you will be responsible for your transportation home. Depending on the city and location where you join, or leave the corps arrangements may be possible to or from a local airport at the Tour Directors discretion.

Where do we sleep & eat? Volunteers sleep inside the same housing location as the corps, however in a separate area. Most volunteers bring sleeping bag and an inflatable twin sized mattress or small mat to sleep on. All meals are eaten with the corps. Typically there are 3 meals and a late night snack provided. Special nutritional needs can be discussed with the Food Coordinator. There will be opportunity for volunteers to purchase additional foods and snacks at rest stops but you will be required to pay for this on your own.

What are the benefits of volunteering on tour?  Free housing in the volunteer sleeping room and transportation on the volunteer van everywhere we go  Meals provided from the Blue Knights Food Truck  The Blue Knights are known for its good chow which makes you an instant celebrity  DCI passes for free general admission to drum corps shows  Opportunities to meet Blue Knights members, staff, alumni, and fellow volunteers  Occasional free time with the drum corps for laundry, tourism, shopping, or eating out  You can take a 2014 tax deduction on any expenses you incur to volunteer with the Blue Knights. This includes mileage or air & bus travel fares.

If I am not able to come on tour, how can I help? A great way to volunteer is to help at a housing site when we are near your hometown. We appreciate local volunteers to help with errands, food crew, uniforms, or handy-man work. Sometimes local volunteers secure food donations (local produce, powdered Gatorade, bread, milk, etc.), or they just bring us an audience for our evening rehearsal.

For Colorado Residents: Can’t go on tour but willing to help? There are several fundraisers, which need your help. General information and sign-up information are listed below:

Bingo Games: Bingo profits provide a big chunk of money to make the tour a success. Help is especially short during the summer tour because the members are on tour. We would appreciate help even if you can do only one game. Bingo is held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at the Bingo Company, 64th and Wadsworth, Arvada.

Drums Along the Rockies July 12, 2014 at Sports Authority Field

Cooks for Camps and Spring Training Camps and Spring training will be held in Denver. Watch details on the website, newsletters, and Facebook.