ISSN 2414-0562 (Print) ISSN 2617-2224 (Online) DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5

NGO “Ukrainian Assembly Interregional Academy of doctors of science of personal management in public administration”


№ 5 (15) — September 2018

Collection is trained in scientific partnership with the Ukrainian Technological Academy

Kyiv ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” 2018

1 Редакція Editorial Головний редактор Editorial in Chief Романенко Євген Олександрович, Yevgen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, доктор наук з державного управління, in Public Administration, Professor, професор, академік Української Технологічної Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії International Personnel Academy and Academy та Академії наук публічного управління, of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer заслужений юрист України of Заступник головного редактора Deputy Editor Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна, Iryna Vitaliivna Chaplay, кандидат наук з державного управління PhD in Public Administration Випусковий редактор Ю. А. Носанчук Managing Editor Y. A. Hosanchuk Комп’ютерне макетування А. П. Нечипорук Computer modeling A. P. Hechyporuk Публічне урядування Public management Свідоцтво КВ 21596-11496 Р Certificate КВ 21596-11496 Р Видається з листопада 2015 року Published from november 2015 Періодичність: 1 раз на квартал + 1 на рік Pereodisity: 4 times on a year + one Друкується за рішенням Вченої ради Published by the decision of Academic council of Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Протокол № 9 від 26.09.2018) (Protocol № 9 from 26.09.2018) Видання є таким, що реферується в міжнародних The edition is such that is reviewed in the interna- наукометричних базах Index Copernicus, tional scientometric bases Index Copernicus, РИНЦ, РИНЦ та КіберЛенінка, у вітчизняній КіберЛенінка and in the domestic abstract database реферативній базі даних “Україніка наукова” “Україніка наукова” and ukrainian abstract journal та українському реферативному журналі “Джерело” (Series 3. Social and Human “Джерело”. Sciences. Arts). Згідно Наказу Міністерства освіти і науки According to the Order of the Ministry of України від 07.11.2018 № 1218 збірник and Science of Ukraine dated November 7, 2018, “Публічне урядування” внесено до Списку № 1218, the collection “Public management” друкованих періодичних видань, що включаються is included in the List of printed periodicals, which are до Переліку наукових фахових видань України, included in the List of scientific professional editions яким присвоєно категорію “Б”. of Ukraine, which have been assigned the category “B”. Відповідальність за зміст, достовірність фактів, The authors are responsible for the content, цитат, цифр несуть автори матеріалів. Редакція accuracy of the facts, quotes, numbers. The editors залишає за собою право на незначне редагування reserves the right for a little change and reduction і скорочення (зі збереженням авторського стилю та (with preservation of the author’s style and main головних висновків). Редакція не завжди поділяє conclusions). Editors can not share the world думки авторів та не несе відповідальність за надану views of the authors and are not responsible for the ними інформацію. Матеріали подано information provided. Materials filed в авторській редакції. in the author’s edition. Передрук — тільки з дозволу редакції. Reprinting — with the editorial’s permission strictly. Адреса редакційної колегії: Андріївський узвіз, Address of the editorial board: 11, Andriyivskyy буд. 11, оф. 68, м. Київ, Україна, 04070 Descent, office 68, , Ukraine, 04070 Е-mail: [email protected] Е-mail: [email protected] Адреса видавництва: Addres of the editorial: ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал” просп. Червонозоряний, 119, літ. ХХ, prospekt Chervonozorjanij, 119 lit. XX, Київ, Україна, 03039 Kyiv, Ukraine, 03039

Public management : collection. — № 5 (15) — September 2018. — Kyiv : ДП “Видавничий дім “Персонал”, 2018. — 298 p. 2 Головний редактор — Романенко Євген Олександрович, Проректор Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, академік Української Технологічної Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії та Академії наук публічного управління, заслужений юрист України. Заступник головного редактора — Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна, кандидат наук з державного управління.

Редакційна колегія 1. Акімова Людмила Миколаївна — кан- місцевого самоврядування Івано-Франків- дидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент ка- ського національного технічного університе- федри фінансів та природокористування ту нафти і газу. Національного університету водного госпо- 9. Валевський Олексій Леонідович — дарства та природокористування, Заслуже- доктор наук з державного управління, стар- ний працівник освіти України. ший науковий співробітник, провідний нау- 2. Андрущенко Тетяна Вікторівна — док- ковий співробітник Національного інституту тор політичних наук, професор, провідний стратегічних досліджень. науковий співробітник Інституту вищої осві- 10. Ващенко Костянтин Олександро- ти Національної академії педагогічних наук вич — доктор політичних наук, Голова Націо- України. нального агентства України з питань держав- 3. Афонін Едуард Андрійович — док- ної служби, член-кореспондент Національної тор соціологічних наук, професор, академік академії педагогічних наук України, заслуже- Української технологічної академії, заслуже- ний економіст України. ний діяч науки і техніки України, професор 11. Вендт Ян Анджей — доктор хабіліто- кафедри публічної політики та політичної ваний наук про Землю у сфері географії, про- аналітики Національної академії державного фесор, заступник директора з питань науки управління при Президентові України. та розвитку Інституту океанографії та геогра- 4. Балашов Анатолій Миколайович — фії Гданського університету (Польща). доктор наук з державного управління, про- 12. Гаєвська Лариса Анатоліївна — док- фесор, професор кафедри публічного ад- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії заступник начальника управління з навчаль- управління персоналом, президент Всеукра- ної роботи — начальник відділу менеджмен- їнської академії наук публічного управління. ту знань Національної академії державного 5. Бова Тетяна В’ячеславівна — доктор управління при Президентові України, про- наук з державного управління, доцент, Хер- фесор кафедри управління освітою. сонський національний технічний універси- 13. Гвожьджєвіч Сильвія — кандидат тет, професор кафедри державного управлін- наук, кафедра адміністрації та національ- ня і місцевого самоврядування. ної безпеки Державної професійної вищої 6. Бодров Володимир Григорович — док- школи ім. Якуба з Парадижа в Гожуві-Ве- тор економічних наук, професор, завідувач ликопольcькому (Гожув-Великопольський, кафедри управління національним господар- Польща). ством та економічної політики Національної 14. Гечбайя Бадри Нодарович — доктор академії державного управління при Прези- економічних наук, асоційований професор, дентові України. Батумський державний університет ім. Шота 7. Бульба Володимир Григорович — док- Руставелі, факультет економіки і бізнесу. тор наук з державного управління, професор, Керуючий департаментом управління бізне- декан факультету підготовки магістрів дер- сом (Грузія). жавного управління Харківського регіональ- 15. Гурковський Володимир Ігорович — ного інституту державного управління На- доктор наук з державного управління, пер- ціональної академії державного управління ший заступник директора ВГО “Центр до- при Президентові України. слідження проблем публічного управління”. 8. Бутирська Тетяна Олександрівна — 16. Дацій Надія Василівна — доктор наук доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, з державного управління, доцент, завідувач професор кафедри державного управління та кафедри менеджменту і маркетингу Київ-

3 ського національного лінгвістичного універ- та психології Національної академії педаго- ситету. гічних наук України. 17. Девадзе Анзор Хемидович — кан- 27. Кіслов Денис Васильович — док- дидат економічних наук, доктор економіки, тор наук з державного управління, доцент, професор, Батумський державний універси- член-кореспондент Української Академії. тет ім. Шота Руставелі, факультет туризму Наук, професор кафедри публічного адміні- (Грузія). стрування Міжрегіональної Академії управ- 18. Денисюк Світлана Георгіївна — док- ління персоналом. тор політичних наук, професор кафедри су- 28. Козаков Володимир Миколайович — спільно-політичних наук Вінницького на- доктор наук з державного управління, профе- ціо-нального технічного університету. сор, професор кафедри державної політики 19. Довгань Валерій Іванович — доктор та суспільного розвитку Національної акаде- наук з державного управління, доцент, про- мії державного управління при Президентові фесор кафедри державного управління та України. місцевого самоврядування Хмельницького 29. Корнієвський Олександр Анатолі- університету управління та права. йович — доктор політичних наук, професор, 20. Драган Іван Олександрович — доктор головний науковий співробітник Національ- наук з державного управління, старший нау- ного інституту стратегічних досліджень. ковий співробітник, професор кафедри еко- 30. Кринична Ірина Петрівна — доктор номічної безпеки, публічного управління та наук з державного управління, доцент, про- адміністрування Житомирського державного фесор кафедри державного управління та технологічного університету. місцевого самоврядування Дніпропетров- 21. Драгомирецька Наталія Михайлів- ського регіонального інституту державного на — доктор наук з державного управління, управління Національної академії держав- професор кафедри філософських та соціаль- ного управління при Президентові України. но-політичних наук Одеського регіонально- 31. Крюков Олексій Ігорович — доктор го інституту державного управління Націо- наук з державного управління, професор ка- нальної академії державного управління при федри політології та філософії Харківського Президентові України. регіонального інституту державного управ- 22. Жулева Гергана — Доктор PhD, ви- ління Національної академії державного конавчий директор болгарської урядової управління при Президентові України. “Програми доступу до інформації” (Болга- 32. Литвин Юрій Олексійович — доктор рія). наук з державного управління, професор, за- 23. Іваницька Ольга Михайлівна — док- відувач кафедри державного управління та тор наук з державного управління, професор, місцевого самоврядування Академії муніци- професор кафедри теорії та практики управ- пального управління. ління Національного технічного університе- 33. Лопушинський Іван Петрович — ту України “Київський політехнічний інсти- доктор наук з державного управління, про- тут ім. Ігоря Сікорського”. фесор, Херсонський національний технічний 24. Ірвін Студін — Доктор PhD, профе- університет, завідувач кафедри державного сор Школи державної політики та управ- управління і місцевого самоврядування. ління Університету Торонто, Президент 34. Мамічев Олексій Юрійович — доктор Інституту питань ХХІ століття, головний політичних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри редактор і видавець журналу Global Brief теорії та історії російського та зарубіжного (Канада). права Владивостоцького державного універ- 25. Кайдашев Роман Петрович — доктор ситету економіки і сервісу (Росія). юридичних наук, доцент, професор кафедри 35. Миколайчук Микола Миколайо- публічного адміністрування Міжрегіональ- вич — доктор наук з державного управління, ної Академії управління персоналом. професор, Одеський регіональний інститут 26. Карташов Євген Григорович — док- державного управління Національної акаде- тор наук з державного управління, завідувач мії державного управління при Президентові кафедри управління проектами та загально- України, професор кафедри економічної та фахових дисциплін, Інститут менеджменту фінансової політики.

4 36. Мікеладзе Едуард Важаєвич — кан- вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління дидат економічних наук, професор, Хіча- персоналом. урський навчальний університет ім. святої 46. Пивоваров Костянтин Володими- Тбел Абусерідзе, факультет економіки та рович — доктор наук з державного управлін- бізнесу (Грузія). ня, професор кафедри публічного адміністру- 37. Мішель Маффесолі — професор вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління університету ім. Рене Декарта/Сорбонна — персоналом. Париж V (Париж, Французька республіка). 47. Пірен Марія Іванівна — доктор соціо- 38. Молодцов Олександр Володимиро- логічних наук, професор, Чернівецький наці- вич — доктор наук з державного управлін- ональний університет імені Юрія Федькови- ня, доцент, професор кафедри державного ча, завідувач кафедри. управління та місцевого самоврядування 48. Плющ Руслан Миколайович — док- Івано-Франківського національного техніч- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, ного університету нафти та газу. професор кафедри державного управління і 39. Науменко Раїса Андріївна — місцевого самоврядування Херсонського на- доктор наук з державного управління, про- ціонального технічного університету. фесор, професор кафедри публічного управ- 49. Половцев Олег Валентинович — док- ління та адміністрування Київського націо- тор наук з державного управління, професор нального торговельно-економічного універ- кафедри державного управління і місцевого ситету. самоврядування Херсонського національно- 40. Наумкіна Світлана Михайлівна — го технічного університету. доктор політичних наук, професор Дер- 50. Радченко Олександр Віталійович — жавного закладу “Південноукраїнський на- доктор наук з державного управління, про- ціональний педагогічний університет фесор, професор Університету Яна Длугоша ім. К. Д. Ушинського” (м. Одеса). в Ченстохові (Польща). 41. Непомнящий Олександр Михайло- 51. Ромат Євгеній Вікторович — доктор вич — доктор наук з державного управління, наук з державного управління, професор, професор, академік Академії будівництва завідувач кафедри маркетингу та реклами України, професор кафедри публічного ад- Київського національного торговельно-еко- міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії номічного університету. управління персоналом, Заслужений буді- 52. Руденко Ольга Мстиславівна — док- вельник України. тор наук з державного управління, доцент, 42. Новак-Каляєва Лариса Миколаїв- директор Науково-дослідного інституту пу- на — доктор наук з державного управління, блічного адміністрування та менеджменту доцент, професор кафедри державного управ- Чернігівського національного технологічно- ління Львівського регіонального інституту го університету. державного управління Національної акаде- 53. Ручка Анатолій Олександрович — мії державного управління при Президентові доктор соціологічних наук, професор, Інсти- України. тут соціології НАН України, головний науко- 43. Новаченко Тетяна Василівна — док- вий співробітник. тор наук з державного управління, доцент, 54. Саханєнко Сергій Єгорович — док- професор кафедри парламентаризму та полі- тор наук з державного управління, професор тичного менеджменту Національної академії кафедри державного управління і місцевого державного управління при Президентові самоврядування Одеського регіонального України. інституту державного управління НАДУ при 44. Олуйко Віталій Миколайович — док- Президентові України. тор наук з державного управління, професор, 55. Сіцінська Майя Володимирівна — голова Хмельницького обласного територі- доктор наук з державного управління, профе- ального відділення Антимонопольного комі- сор кафедри філософії та політології Націо- тету України. нального університету державної податкової 45. Пархоменко-Куцевіл Оксана Ігорів- служби України. на — доктор наук з державного управління, 56. Слінько Олександр Анатолійович — завідувач кафедри публічного адміністру- доктор політичних наук, професор, завідувач

5 кафедри політології та політичного управ- 63. Філіпенко Тетяна В’ячеславівна — ління Воронезької філії Російської академії доктор наук з державного управління, про- народного господарства та державної служ- фесор Міжрегіональної Академії управління би при Президентові Російської Федерації персоналом. (Росія). 64. Чаплай Ірина Віталіївна — канди- 57. Соболєва Наталя Іванівна — доктор дат наук з державного управління, доцент соціологічних наук, старший науковий спів- кафедри публічного адміністрування Між- робітник, Інститут соціології НАН України, регіональної академії управління персона- провідний науковий співробітник. лом. 58. Сурай Інна Геннадіївна — доктор наук 65. Червякова Ольга Володимирівна — з державного управління, доцент, професор доктор наук з державного управління. кафедри публічного управління та публічної 66. Чернишов Юрій Георгійович — док- служби Національної академії державного тор політичних наук, професор, завідувач управління при Президентові України. кафедри Алтайського державного універси- 59. Суший Олена Володимирівна — док- тету, директор Алтайської школи політичних тор наук з державного управління, доцент, досліджень (Росія). Інститут соціальної та політичної психології 67. Шайгородський Юрій Жанович — НАПН України, завідувач лабораторії. доктор політичних наук, доцент, головний 60. Тадеуш Троціковскі — доктор наук науковий співробітник Інституту політичних про управління, професор, член-кореспон- і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кура- дент Регіональної Академії Менеджменту, са НАН України. Голова Правління Регіонального Центру Єв- 68. Шпак Юрій Валерійович — доктор ропейської Інтеграції (Польща). наук з державного управління, професор ка- 61. Усаченко Лариса Михайлівна — док- федри економіки підприємства Східноєвро- тор наук з державного управління, професор, пейського університету економіки і менедж- професор кафедри публічного адміністру- менту. вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління 69. Якимчук Аліна Юріївна — доктор еко- персоналом, Заслужений діяч науки і техніки номічних наук, професор, професор кафедри України. державного управління, документознавства 62. Халецька Аліна Анатоліївна — та інформаційної діяльності Національного доктор наук з державного управління, про- університету водного господарства та приро- фесор, завідувач кафедри менеджменту орга- докористування. нізацій та зовнішньоекономічної діяльності 70. Яутріте Бріеде — доктор юридичних Волинського інституту економіки та менедж- наук, професор, Латвійський університет, менту. юридичний факультет (Латвія).

6 Editor in Chief — Yevhen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, Vice-Rector of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, International Personnel Academy and Academy of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine. Deputy Editor — Iryna Vitaliivna Chaplay, PhD in Public Administration.

Editorial board 1. Lyudmila Nikolayevna Akimova — PhD the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Uni- of economic science, assistant professor, assis- versity of Oil and Gas. tant professor of the Department of finance and 9. Oleksii Leonidovych Valevskyi — Doc- environmental sciences of the National Univer- tor of science in Public Administration, Senior sity of Water and Environment, Honored Work- Researcher, Senior Research of the National In- er of Education of Ukraine. stitute for Strategic Studies. 2. Tetiana Viktorivna Andrushchenko — 10. Kostiantyn Oleksandrovych Vash- Doctor of Political Science, Professor, leading chenko — Doctor of Political Sciences, Head researcher of the Institute of Higher Education of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Service, member-correspondent of the National Ukraine. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 3. Eduard Andriyovych Afonin — Doc- Honored Economist of Ukraine. tor of sociological science, Professor, Professor 11. Andrzej Jan Wendt — Habilitovanyy of the Department of Political Analysis and doctor of Earth Sciences in the field of geogra- Forecasting of the National Academy for Pub- phy, professor, Deputy Director from questions lic Administration­ under the President of Uk- of Science and Development of Institute of the raine. Oceanography and Geography of the Gdansk 4. Anatolii Mykolaiovych Balashov — (Poland). Doctor of science in Public Administration, 12. Larysa Anatoliivna Haievska — Doctor Professor, Professor of the Department of Pub- of science in Public Administration, Associate lic Administration of the Interregional Academy Professor, chief of Management from Educa- of Personnel Management, President of the tional Work is a Chief of Department of Mana- Ukrainian Academy of Science of Public Ad- gement of Knowledge of the National Academy ministration. of State Administration at , 5. Tetiana Viacheslavivna Bova — Doctor Professor of Department of Management Edu- of science in Public Administration, Associate cation. Professor of the Dept. of Public Administration 13. Sylvia Hvozhdzhyevich — Candidate and Local Self-Government of the Kherson Na- of Science, Dept. of Administration and the tional Technical University. National Security of State Higher Professional 6. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bodrov — School. named Jakub from Paradyzhu in Lub- Doctor of economic science, Professor, Head of lin-Velykopolckomu (Gorzow Wielkopolski, the Dept. of administration of National Econo- Poland). my and Economic Policy of the National Aca­ 14. Badry Nodarovych Hechbayya — Doc- demy of Public Administration under the Presi- tor of Economics, Professor Asotsiirovanyy, dent of Ukraine. Batumi State University of Shota Rustaveli. 7. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bulba — Doc- Faculty of Economics and Business. Managing tor of Science in Public Administration, Profes- of the Dept. of business management (Georgia). sor, Dean of the Faculty of Masters Prepara- 15. Volodymyr Ihorovych Hurkovskyi — tion of Public Administration of the Kharkov Doctor of science in Public Administration, Regional Institute of Public Administration of First Deputy Director of the NGO “Center of the National Academy of Public Administration studies of problems of public administration”. under the President of Ukraine. 16. Dadiy Nadezhda Vasilivna — Doctor 8. Tetiana Oleksandrivna Butyrska — of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Doctor of science in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Manage- Associate Professor of the Dept. of Public ment and Marketing of the Kyiv National Lin- Administration and Local Self-government of guistic University.

7 17. Anzor Hemydovych Devadze — Candi- 27. Kislov Denis Vasilievich — Doctor date of economic science, Doctor of Economics, of Sciences in Public Administration, Associ- professor, Sh. Rustaveli Batumi State Univer- ate Professor, Corresponding Member of the sity, Dept. of Tourism (Georgia). Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the 18. Svitlana Heorhiivna Denysiuk — Doc- Department of Public Administration of the In- tor of Political Science, Professor of the Dept. terregional Academy of Personnel Management. Sociopolitical Sciences of the Vinnitsa National 28. Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Kozakov — Technical University. Doctor of science in Public Administration, Pro- 19. Valerii Ivanovych Dovhan — Doctor of fessor of public policy and social development of science in Public Administration, Associate Pro- the National Academy of Public Administra- fessor of the Dept. of Public Administration and tion under the President of Ukraine. Local Self — government of Khmelnytsky Uni- 29. Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Kornievs- versity of Management and Law. kyy — Doctor of Political Science, Associate 20. Dragan Ivan Alexandrovich — Doc- professor, Chief Scientist of the National Insti- tor of Science in Public Administration, Sen- tute for Strategic Studies (NISS). ior Researcher, Professor of the Department of 30. Iryna Petrіvna Krynychna — Doctor Economic Security, Public Administration and of science in Public Administration, Associ- Administration of Zhytomyr State Technologi- ate Professor, Professor Department of Public cal University. Administration and Local Self-Government of 21. Natalіia Mykhailivna Drahomiret- the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of Pub- ska — Doctor of science in Public Administra- lic Administration of the National Academy of tion, Professor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Public Administration under the President of Social and Political Sciences of the Odessa Re- Ukraine. gional Institute of Public Administration of the 31. Oleksii Igorevych Kryukov — Doctor National Academy of Public Administration un- of science in Public Administration, Professor der the President of Ukraine. of the Dept. of Political Science and Philosophy 22. Gargana Zhuleva — Doctor PhD, of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Ad- Executive Director of the Bulgarian govern- ministration of the National Academy of Public ment’s “Program of access to information” (Bul- Administration under the President of Ukraine. garia). 32. Yurii Oleksiyovych Lytvyn — Doctor 23. Ivanitskaya Olga Mikhailovna — Doc- of science in Public Administration, Professor, tor of Science in Public Administration, Profes- Head of the Dept. of Public Administration and sor, Professor of the Department of Theory and Local government of the Academy of Municipal Practice of Management of the National Tech- Management. nical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic 33. Ivan Petrovych Lopushynskyi — Doc- Institute named after M. Sc. Igor Sikorsky”. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 24. Irvin Studin — PhD, Professor in the sor, Head of the Dept. of public administration School of Public Policy and Governance of the and local government of the Kherson National University of Toronto, President of the Institute Technical University. for ХХІ Century Questions, and also Editor-in- 34. Oleksii Yuriyovich Mamichev — Doc- Chief and Publisher of Global Brief magazine tor of Political Science, Associate professor, (Canada). Head of the Department of Theory and history 25. Roman Petrovych Kaidashev — Doctor of Russian and international law of the Vladiv- of juridical science, Associate professor, Profes- ostok State University of Economics and Ser- sor of the Department of public administration vice (). of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Ma­ 35. Mykola Mykolaiovych Mykolai- nagement. chuk — Doctor of science in Public Administra- 26. Evgeny Grigoryevich Kartashov — tion, Professor of the Dept. of economic and fi- Doctor of science in Public Administration, nancial policy of the Odessa Regional Institute Head of the Department of Project Manage- of Public Administration of the National Aca­ ment and General Professional Disciplines, In- demy of Public Administration under the Presi- stitute of Management and Psychology of the dent of Ukraine. National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of 36. Edward Vazhayevych Mikeladze — Ukraine. Candidate of Economic Science, Professor, Tbel

8 Abuseridze Hichaurskiy University. Faculty of Administration of the Interregional Academy of Economics and Business (Georgia). Human Resources Management. 37. Michel Maffesoli — Professor of the 47. Maria Ivanivna Piren — Doctor of So- Paris Descartes University/Paris V (Paris, the cial Sciences, Professor, Head of the Dept. of the French Republic). Chernivtsi National University. 38. Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Molodt- 48. Ruslan Mykolaiovych Pliushch — Doc- sov — Doctor of science in Public Admini­ tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- stration, Professor of the Dept. of Public ate Professor of the Dept. of Public Administra- Administration and Local Self-government of tion and Local Self-government of the Kherson the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Uni- National Technical University. versity of Oil and Gas. 49. Oleh Valentynovych Polovtsev — Doc- 39. Raisa Andrіivna Naumenko — tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Doctor of Science in Public Administration, sor of the Dept. of Public Administration and Professor, Professor of the Department of Local Self-government of the Kherson National Public Administration and Administration Technical University. of Kyiv National Trade and Economics Univer- 50. Oleksandr Vitaliiovych Radchenko — sity. Doctor of science in Public Administration, 40. Svіtlana Mykhailivna Naumkina — Professor of the University of Jan Dluosha in Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Częstochowa (Poland). South Ukrainian National Pedagogical Univer- 51. Yevhenii Viktorovych Romat — Doctor sity named after K. D. Ushynsky. of science in Public Administration, Professor, 41. Oleksandr Mykhailovych Nepomni- Head of the Dept. of marketing and advertising ashchyi — Doctor of science in Public Admini­ of the Kyiv National University of Trade and stration, Professor, Academician of Academy Economics. of building of Ukraine, Professor of the De- 52. Olha Mstyslavivna Rudenko — Doctor partment of Public Administration of the Inter- of science in Public Administration, Associate regional Academy of Personnel Management, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Honored Builder of Ukraine. Public Administration and Management of the 42. Larysa Mykolaivna Novak-Kaliaie- Chernihiv National Technological University. va — Doctor of science in Public Administra- 53. Anatolii Oleksandrovych Ruchka — tion, Associate Professor, Professor of the Dept. Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Chief of Public Administration of the Lviv Regional researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Na- Institute of Public Administration of the Na- tional Academy of Science of Ukraine. tional Academy of Public Administration under 54. Serhii Yehorovych Sahanienko — Doc- the President of Ukraine. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 43. Tetiana Vasylivna Novachenko — Doc- sor of the Dept. of public administration and lo- tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- cal government of the Odessa Regional Institute ate Professor of the Dept. of parliamentary and of Public Administration under the President of political management of the National Academy Ukraine of the National of Public Administra- of Public Administration under the President of tion under the President of Ukraine. Ukraine. 55. Maiia Volodymyrivna Sitsinska — Doc- 44. Vitalii Mykolaiovych Oluiko — tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Doctor of science in Public Administration, sor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Political Sci- Professor, Head of Khmelnitsky regional terri- ence of the National University of the State Tax torial office of the Antimonopoly Committee of Service of Ukraine. Ukraine. 56. Alexander Anatoliiovych Slinko — 45. Oksana Ihorivna Parkhomenko- Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of Kutsevil — Doctor of science in Public Adminis- the Department of political science and politi- tration, Head of the Department of Public cal administration of the Voronezh branch of the Administration of the Interregional Academy of Russian Academy of National Economy and Personnel Management. Public Service under the President of the Rus- 46. Konstantin Vladimirovich Pivova- sian Federation (Russia). rov — Doctor of Science in Public Adminis- 57. Natalia Ivanivna Sobolieva — Doctor tration, Professor of the Department of Public of Social Sciences, senior researcher, leading re-

9 searcher of the Institute of Sociology of National Professor of the Interregional Academy of Per- Academy of Science of Ukraine. sonnel Management. 58. Inna Hennadіivna Suraі — Doctor of 64. Iryna Vіtalіivna Chaplay — PhD in science in Public Administration, Associate Public Administration, Associate Professor of Professor of the Department of Public Admin- the Department of Public Administration of the istration and Public Service of the National of Interregional Academy of Personnel Manage- Public Administration under the President of ment, Executive Director of the Presidium of Ukraine. the NGO “Ukrainian Assembly of doctors of sci- 59. Olena Volodymyrivna Sushyi — Doctor ence in public administration”. of science in Public Administration, Associate 65. Olha Volodymyrivna Chervyakova — Professor, head of the laboratory of the Insti- Doctor of science in Public Administration. tute of Social and Political Psychology of the 66. Yurii Heorhiiovych Chernyshev — Doc- National Academy of Political Science of tor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the Ukraine. Department of Altai State University, Director 60. Tadeusz Trocikowski — Doctor of Ma- of the Altai School of Political Studies (Russia). nagement Sciences, professor, corresponding 67. Yurii Zhanovych Shaigorodskyi — member of the Regional Academy of Manage- Doctor of Political Science, Associate professor, ment, Chairman of the Regional Centre for Eu- Chief Research Scientist of the I. F. Kuras Insti- ropean Integration (Poland). tute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS 61. Larysa Mykhailivna Usachenko — of Ukraine. Doctor of science in Public Administration, 68. Yurii Valeriiovych Shpak — Doctor of Professor of the Department of Public Adminis- science in Public Administration, Professor of tration of the Interregional Academy of Person- the Dept. of Economics of the enterprise of the nel Management, Honored Worker of Science East European University of economics and and Technology of Ukraine. management. 62. Alina Anatoliivna Khaletska — Doctor 69. Alina Yuriivna Yakymchuk — Doctor of of science in Public Administration, Professor, Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Head of the Dept. of Management of Organiza- Dept. of public administration, documentation tions and Foreign Activity of the Volyn Institute and information activities of the National Uni- of Economics and Management. versity of Water Household and Environment. 63. Tetiana Viacheslavіvna Filipenko — 70. Jautrite Briede — Doctor of Law, Profes- Doctor of science in Public Administration, sor, University of Latvia, Faculty.

10 Content

Akimova L. M. Kukharchuk P. M., Kovrigina L. M., Institutions of state regulation Kalinin V. O. of corruption prevention in the system Characteristic features of ensuring economic security of introduction of inclusive in Ukraine...... 15 ...... 120 Bielska T. V., Inkin M. V. Mysara Alkum Problems of formation of asymetric Typology of models of state policies joined territorial communities: from providing civil potential communicative aspect ...... 29 of relations between authorities Bliznuk A. S. and society...... 136 Features of institutional support Marusina О. S. of mechanisms of state regulation Global aspects of the development of recreation sphere development..... 41 of higher education in the modern Brendak A. I. world as the main determinants Prospects of decentralized control of a radical change in public implementation in the area of state administration of this sphere...... 144 customs affairs of Ukraine...... 52 Musienko A. V. Scientific background of the state Vavrenyuk S. A. and problems of development Internal risks of the contemporary state of international instutional principles of higher education in Ukraine ...... 64 from the questions of development Diegtiar O. A., Plotnytska S. I. of mechanisms of public administration Instruments for increasing by transplantology...... 157 performance and efficiency of business Naplyokov Y. V. structures and public authorities A model of delegation of leadership interaction at the process of social between the state authority and economic development...... 75 and the civil society...... 167 Zalizniuk V. P. Nepomnyashchyy O. M., The study of the food security Barzylovich D. V., of the country in the conditions Medvedchuk O. V. of the crisis...... 87 Risk-management as an instrument Ivanenko O. V. of the public regulation of risk Bureaucratic management functions: assessment in construction special issues...... 95 and operation of buildings...... 188 Kulava M. K. Poplavskyi A. A. State-level management of interaction Modern potential of the state of bodies of state executive service regulation of the activity of combating and private bailiffs: the international corruption and organized experience...... 109 sustainability ...... 203

11 Romanenko Y. O. mechanism of industrial policy Step at nato meeting...... 213 in Ukraine...... 256 Diegtiar A. O., Khomaiko K. O. Serohina-Berestovska O. V. Priority directions and practices Theoretical aspects of management in improving cooperation in public of development of social authorities with international infrastructure in the region...... 225 organizations...... 267 Suray I. G. Yarovoy T. S. Public management: scientific Lobism: definition of the concept and substantive discourse...... 236 in the field of theoretical-discussive field and normable process...... 276 Terentieva A. V. Parkhomenko-Kutsevil O. I. System analysis as a method The principle of decentralization of decision making...... 246 as a basis for the formation Filonenko S. V. of a qualitative human resources Directions of improvement potential of the public administration of institutional and economic system...... 286

12 Dear colleagues!

I congratulate the editorial staff of the collection “Public management” with the release of the next issue. During the years of its existence, the collection went along with its readers a difficult but honorable way. The pub- lication plays an important role in the formation and development of educa- tion and science of Ukraine, is a source of useful information and a good advi- ser for employees of the public admin- istration. The collection is filled with the invaluable experience of talented and creative people, teachers, and seeks to present all valuable practices in the work of state institutions, research in- stitutions, comprehensively highlight all new and effective, created by state- management science and practice. The collection is constantly evolv- I wish the collection of “Public ing, reflecting all the new realities of management” for many years of fruit- modern state administration. This is ful life, live interest among scientists, undoubtedly the credit of the editor- relevance, new ideas, meaningful pro- in-chief of the publication “Public jects and prosperity, and its author’s Governance” Romanenko Yevhen team — successes in all endeavors, in- Oleksandrovych, who has high profes- exhaustible creative forces, inspiration sionalism and creative potential. and enthusiasm.

Regards, First Deputy Director of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration National Academy of Public Administration at Presidents of Ukraine Doctor of Science in Public Administration, professor D. V. Karamyshev

13 Dear readers, authors!

context of the current transformation of social processes. For experts in the practical field, articles about state-of- the-art public administration reform for Ukraine will be useful. High inte- rest is the data about new directions of state-management activities. I hope that the materials of this is- sue will be interesting, useful in in- creasing the practical training of civil servants, solving current problems of contemporary politics. The publica- tion of the scientific articles presented in the collection will facilitate the ex- change of views among public admin- istration employees as well as among those engaged in scientific research in the field of public administration theo- ry and practice. I congratulate you with the publica- I express the editorial team’s deep tion of the next issue of the collection and sincere gratitude for your fruitful “Public management”! The collection creative work aimed at developing and publishes articles about the directions improving the science of public admi- of development of public administra- nistration in Ukraine. I wish the rea- tion in the context of globalization ders health, happiness, inspiration in processes taking place in world poli- work. I am confident that in the fu- tics, economics, demography, culture. ture we will not only preserve, but also Much attention is paid to understand- multiply, the glorious traditions of ing the nature of public administration, the science of state administration in its efficiency and effectiveness in the Ukraine by joint efforts.

Regards, Chief editor of the publication, Vice-Rector of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management Doctor of science in public administration, professor Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Y. O. Romanenko

14 UDC 351.863:351.746.1 Akimova Lyudmila Nikolayevna, PhD of economic science, assistant profes- sor, assistant professor of the Department of finance and environmental sciences, Na- tional University of Water and Environment, 33000, Rivne, Str. Оleksу Novakа, 75, tel.: (067) 362 23 91, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2747-2775 Акімова Людмила Миколаївна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, до- цент кафедри фінансів і природокористу- вання, Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування, 33000, м. Рівне, вул. Олекси Новака, 75, тел.: (067) 362 23 91, e-mail: l_akimova@ ORCID: 0000-0002-2747-2775 Акимова Людмила Николаевна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры финансов и природо- пользования, Национальный университет водного хозяйства и природопользования, 33000 г. Ровно, ул. Алексея Новака, 75, тел.: (067) 362 23 91, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2747-2775 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-15-28

INSTITUTIONS OF STATE REGULATION OF CORRUPTION PREVENTION IN THE SYSTEM OF ENSURING ECONOMIC SECURITY IN UKRAINE Abstract. The definitions of “economic security” and “state regulation” are given. In our opinion, under the economic security of the state, one should under- stand the multifactorial system, the main purpose of which is to ensure sustain- able economic development from negative external and internal influence. It is proved that state regulation of the economy is a deliberate and active influence of state and supranational authorities on the functioning and development of of an integral economic system. The institutions of state regulation, through which influence on economic safety of the country is carried out, is defined. The main principles and methods of state regulation are characterized. It is established that the principles of state regulation of the economy are realized through certain methods, which consti- tute a set of specific regulatory means of influence on the object of interest for

15 solving concrete tasks. The methods have a certain status of compulsory use, they show us the patterns of state-regulatory relations. In addition, the classification of methods of state regulation, which includes direct, indirect, legal, administra- tive and economic methods, is given. The legal basis for the implementation of state regulation in ensuring the eco- nomic security of the state is determined. It involves the adoption of laws and legislative acts of the of Ukraine, the issuance of presidential decrees, as well as the elaboration of a mechanism for their implementation and control. Characterized regulatory and legal regulation of ensuring economic se- curity of the state. It is established, in addition to the methods of state regulation of combating corruption in the sphere of economic security of Ukraine, there are entities that are guided by the relevant regulatory and legal acts. The role of state bodies in preventing is investigated. Keywords: economic security, state regulation, the principle of efficiency, the principle of justice, the system principle, the principle of adequacy. ІНСТИТУЦІЇ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ ПРОТИДІЇ КОРУПЦІЇ У СИСТЕМІ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. Надано дефініції поняттям “економічна безпека” та “державне регулювання”. На нашу думку під економічною безпекою держави варто ро- зуміти багатофакторну систему, головною метою якої є забезпеченні сталого економічного розвитку від негативного зовнішнього та внутрішнього впли- ву. Доведено, що державне регулювання економіки являє собою цілеспрямо- ваний та активний вплив державних та наддержавних органів управління на функціонування та розвиток цілісної економічної системи. Визначено інституції державного регулювання, через які здійснюється вплив на економічну безпеку країни. Схарактеризовані основні принципи та методи державного регулювання. Встановлено, що принципи державно- го регулювання економіки реалізовуються через певні методи, які станов- лять сукупність конкретних регулюючих засобів впливу на заінтересований об’єкт для вирішення конкретно поставлених завдань. Методи мають пев- ний статус обов’язковості для застосування і демонструють закономірності державно-регуляторних відносин. Крім того, наведено класифікацію мето- дів державного регулювання, яка включає прямі, непрямі, правові, адміні- стративні та економічні методи. Визначена правова основа здійснення державного регулювання в забез- печенні економічної безпеки держави. Вона передбачає прийняття законів і законодавчих актів Верховної Ради України, видання указів Президента, а також вироблення механізму їх реалізації та контролю. Схарактеризоване нормативно-правове регулювання забезпечення економічної безпеки дер- жави. Встановлено, окрім методів державного регулювання протидії коруп- ції у сфері економічної безпеки України присутні суб’єкти, які керуються відповідними нормативно-правовими актами. Досліджено роль державних органів у запобіганні корупції в Україні.

16 Ключові слова: економічна безпека, державне регулювання, принцип ефективності, принцип справедливості, принцип системності, принцип адекватності. ИНСТИТУЦИИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ПРОТИВОДЕЙСТВИЯ КОРРУПЦИИ В СИСТЕМЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. Представлены дефиниции понятиям “экономическая без- опасность” и “государственное регулирование”. По нашему мнению под экономической безопасностью государства следует понимать многофак- торную систему, главной целью которой является обеспечение устойчивого экономического развития от негативного внешнего и внутреннего воздей- ствия. Доказано, что государственное регулирование экономики представляет собой целенаправленное и активное воздействие государственных и надго- сударственных органов управления на функционирование и развитие це- лостной экономической системы. Определены институции государственного регулирования, через ко- торые осуществляется влияние на экономическую безопасность страны. Охарактеризованы основные принципы и методы государственного регу- лирования. Установлено, что принципы государственного регулирования экономики реализуются через определенные методы, представляющие со- бой совокупность конкретных регулирующих средств воздействия на заин- тересованный объект для решения конкретно поставленных задач. Методы имеют определенный статус обязательности для применения и они демон- стрируют закономерности государственно-регуляторных отношений. Кро- ме того, приведена классификация методов государственного регулирова- ния, которая включает прямые, косвенные, правовые, административные и экономические методы. Определена правовая основа осуществления государственного регу- лирования в обеспечении экономической безопасности государства. Она предполагает принятие законов и законодательных актов Верховной Рады Украины, издание указов Президента, а также выработка механизма их ре- ализации и контроля. Охарактеризовано нормативно-правовое регулиро- вание обеспечения экономической безопасности государства. Установлено, кроме методов государственного регулирования противодействия корруп- ции в сфере экономической безопасности Украины присутствуют субъекты, руководствующиеся соответствующими нормативно-правовыми актами. Исследована роль государственных органов в предупреждении коррупции в Украине. Ключевые слова: экономическая безопасность, государственное регу- лирование, принцип эффективности, принцип справедливости, принцип системности, принцип адекватности.

17 Problem statement. Under modern security of the state; staudy the role of conditions of market transformations, state bodies in the prevention of cor- an important aspect of the formation ruption in Ukraine. of a stable rule-of-law state with sus- Presentation of the main mate- tainable economic development is the rial. The economic security of the state existence of a mechanism for prevent- is a multifunctional and multifaceted ing and combating corruption. Achiev- category that affects all spheres of pub- ing success in this process is an impor- lic life. The experience of many world tant prerequisite for the formation of countries shows us that only a reliable public trust in authorities, the growth and effective mechanism for ensuring of the economic potential of the state, economic security can serve as a guar- and the improvement of the welfare of antor of the country’s sovereignty and Ukrainian citizens. Corruption in all its independence, its sustainable and sta- manifestations poses a real threat to the ble social and economic development. economic security of the state, mean- Just because of the importance of this while reducing its competitiveness. To issue and for a better understanding, regulate this process, the state directly the notion of “economic security” has affects both the destruction of corrup- to be defined. tion and the protection of the economic G. Starostenko, S. Onishko and security of the state. T. Pospinova argue that economic secu- Analysis of recent research and rity is a complex multifactorial dynamic publications. The works of such sci- system, expressed in its scale, structure entists as A. Baranovsky, P. Bernatsky, and technical level, under which it is K. Blishchuk, E. Buchwald, A. Vasina, able to create material and financial L. Gerasimenko, I. Gubareva, M. Dzyu- resources that are sufficient, firstly, to benko, T. Zhelyuk, G. Kaletnik, A. Ko- protect national interests in the inter- rystin, A. Kubay, S. Lazarenko, A. Ma- nal political, international, information, zur, A. Melnik, S. Morecnyi, S. Onishko, environmental spheres, in the sphere of M. Pendyura, T. Popovich, T. Posnova, human health, protection from terror- N. Slovak, G. Starostenko, V. Tambovt- ism, corruption, etc., and secondly, to sev, A. Tretyak illustrate the anti-cor- ensure the level and quality of life of ruption state regulation mechanism in the population, that guarantees to sup- the system of economic security ensur- port social peace and social stability; ing in Ukraine. it creates the conditions for economic The purpose of the article to re- growth as well [1]. veal the essence of such concepts as S. Tambovtsev notes that under eco- “economic security” and “state regula- nomic security of any system, it is ne- tion of the economy”; identify the main cessary to understand a set of proper- components of the state regulation ties of the state of its production sub- mechanism of the economy; characte- system, which provides the possibility rize the principles of state regulation; to achieve the goals of the entire system determine state regulation methods; [2]. characterize the regulatory and legal However, Korystin A. believes that regulation of ensuring the economic economic security should be interpreted

18 as ensuring the ability of the country This influence is realized through a to survive in case of natural and en- certain mechanism of state regulation, vironmental disasters or in the face of which includes the following main com- national and global economic catastro- ponents: goals, tasks, principles, func- phes [3]. tions, subjects and objects, methods, M. Pendyura says that economic forms of state regulation. To prevent security of the state is not only one of unsystematic and destructive inter- the most important components of an ference in the economic mechanism of integral system of national security as management, state regulation is based a complex of protection of national in- on the following principles (see Fig. 1). terests, but also a decisive condition for The figure below illustrtates the the observance and realization of na- principles of state regulation: tional interests [4, p. 13]. • efficiency — implies final economic Researchers E. Buchwald, N. Golo- effect, neutralization of monopolies and vatska and S. Lazurenko suggest to cyclicality, rational tax policy; consider the economic security of the • justice — adjustment of the system state as the most important qualitative of redistribution and material benefits characteristic of the economic system, to prevent society’s sharp stratification its determining ability to maintain nor- by income; mal living conditions of the population, • priority of the right over the eco- and sustainable provision of resources nomy — through the appropriate legis- for the development of the national lative regulation, the transformation of economy [5, p. 27]. state property into private ownership In our opinion, the economic security is carried out, a class of entrepreneurs of the state should be understood as a is formed and an appropriate basis for multi-factor system, the main goal of market relations is created; which is to ensure sustainable econo- • stability — provides equalization mic development from negative exter- of the ups and downs of the business cy- nal and internal impacts. Considering cle, creation of additional jobs, support the importance and necessity of this is- of economic growth for a long period; sue, state regulation is an indispensable – systematic — assumes a compre- condition for normal and continuous hensive approach to solving eco- functioning of the economic security of nomic, social, external economic the country. and other problems; Thus, state regulation of the econo- – adequacy means that the state my is a purposeful and active influence regulation system of the economy of state and supranational governmen- and the ways of its application tal authorities on the functioning and must correspond to the realities development of an integral economic of a specific stage of the state’s system (and consequently, on its ex- socioeconomic development, panded reproduction) by using eco- take into account its interests in nomic laws and solving economic con- the context of trends that show tradictions by means of a certain set of changes in regional and global forms and methods [6]. markets;

19 Fig. 1. Principles of state regulation1

– optimal combination of admini- which is supposed by state, secto- strative, legal and economic le- ral, scientific and technical, etc. vers guarantees the formation of programmes; a rational production structure at – compliance with the require- the macroeconomic level; ment of material and financial – graduality and continuity re- equilibrium ensures the reality quire, when moving from an ad- of regulatory measures from the ministratively command system standpoint of the existing re- of state regulation to a new one source potential of the society depending on the introduction of [7]. economic regulators as the objec- The state regulation principles of tive prerequisites, first of all, for the economy are realized through cer- the completion of the processes tain methods, which are a combination of denationalization, privatiza- of specific regulatory means of influ- tion and macroeconomic stabili- ence on an interested entity to solve zation; specific tasks. The methods are of a cer- – unity of strategic and current tain status of mandatory application; state regulation provides an op- they show us the patterns of state-regu- portunity to comply with the eco- latory relations (Fig. 2). nomic and social strategic course, With the figure below, the methods of state regulation are represented. Ac- 1 Compiled by the author on the basis of the cording to the classification characte- source [7]. ristics, they are divided into:

20 Fig. 2. Methods of state regulation2

– by means of influence on market works, services; state support entities: of programmes, orders and con- • direct — used for direct govern- tracts; regulatory requirements ment intervention in the eco- for quality and certification of nomic processes and economic technology and products; legal activities of the entities [8]; and administrative restrictions • indirect — prices, customs regu- and prohibitions on the produc- lations, benefits, taxation, cur- tion of certain product types; li- rency restrictions; censing of operations for goods – depending on the means of influ- export and import [10, p. 21]; ence on the market: • economic — a system of means • legal — provide for the adoption and methods of direct influence of laws and legislative acts of the on social and economic deve- Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, for lopment. Economic methods of presidential decrees, as well as regulation include forecasting, the development of a mechanism planning, programming, material for their implementation and incentives and sanctions, financ- control [9, p. 311]; ing and lending, etc. [9, p. 311]. • administrative — methods of di- We believe that it is appropriate to rect impact, which directly af- consider legal methods, since they con- fect the functioning of market stitute the legal basis for ensuring the entities. These include the defi- economic security of the state. These nition of strategic objectives of include: economic development and their – the ; reflection in indicative and other – Codes of Ukraine (Criminal, plans, targeted programmes; Criminal Procedural, “On Criminal Of- state orders and contracts for fenses”) certain product types supply, – Laws of Ukraine (“On Amend- ments to Certain Legislative Acts of 2 Compiled by the author on the basis of the Ukraine Regarding Responsibility for source [7]. Corruption Offenses”, “On Purge of

21 Authorities”, “On Preventing Corrup- prise, institution or organization, who tion”, “On National Anti-Corruption promises to provide such a benefit in Bureau of Ukraine”, “On Civil Ser- the interests of a third person, a fine of vice”); one hundred to two hundred and fifty – Decrees of the President of non-taxable minimum incomes or pub- Ukraine (“On the National Council lic works for up to one hundred hours, on Anti-Corruption Policy”, “Issues of or corrective labor for up to one year, the Public Control Council under the or deprivation of liberty for up to two National Anti-Corruption Bureau of years, or imprisonment for the same pe- Ukraine”); riod are imposed on them [12]. – Resolutions of the Cabinet of Mi- In accordance with Article 131 of nisters of Ukraine; the Code of Criminal Procedure of – orders of the ministries. Ukraine (hereinafter — the Criminal The Constitution of Ukraine regu- Procedure Code), the measures to en- lates relations in the sphere of man- sure criminal proceedings are summons agement, in particular; in accordance from an investigator, a prosecutor, a with Article 18, foreign policy activity court and a compulsory attendance; of Ukraine is aimed at ensuring its na- imposition of pecuniary punishment; tional interests and security by main- temporary restriction in the use of spe- taining peaceful and mutually benefi- cial law; removal from office; temporary cial cooperation with members of the suspension of the judge from carrying international community on the basis out justice; temporary access to stuff of universally recognized principles and and documents; temporary seizure of norms of international law [11; 27–29]. property; seizure of property; detaining The Criminal Code of Ukraine a person; preventive measures [13]. (hereinafter referred to as the Crimi- Article 1 of the Code of Administra- nal Code) has an objective to legally tive Offenses of Ukraine (hereinafter support the protection of human and referred to as the Code of Administra- civil rights and freedoms, property, tive Offenses) states that the task of this public order and public security, the document is to protect the rights and environment, the constitutional order freedoms of citizens, property, the con- of Ukraine against criminal encroach- stitutional order of Ukraine, the rights ments, to ensure peace and security of and legitimate interests of enterprises, mankind, and prevent crime. According institutions and organizations, the es- to Article 354 of the Criminal Code, a tablished law and order, to strengthen proposal or promise to an employee of law, prevent offenses, educate citizens an enterprise, institution or organiza- in the spirit of following the Constitu- tion, who is not an official or a person tion and laws of Ukraine, of respecting working for an enterprise, institution the rights, honor and dignity of other or organization, to give them or a third citizens, the rules of coexistance, fulfill- person an undue advantage; or the em- ing duties and responsibility before the ployee who does not perform any ac- society. It is indicated in Article 172 tions using the provision he holds, or of this document, that the violation of a person working in favor of the enter- statutory restrictions on the receipt of

22 gifts entails a fine amounting one hun- measures to prevent, detect, suppress dred to two hundred non-taxable mini- and solve criminal offenses attributed mum incomes with the seizure of the by the law to its investigative authority, gift [14]. as well as during operative-search cases Besides, Article 38 of the Law of demanded from others law enforcement Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain bodies; carry out pre-trial investigation Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding of criminal offenses attributed by the Responsibility for Corruption Offens- law to its investigative authority, and es” states that when a person violates also carry out pre-trial investigation of the statutory restrictions whether on other criminal offenses in cases defined the use of official powers and related by law; take measures for the search opportunities with an undue profit in and seizure of funds and other property the amount not exceeding one hundred that may be subject to seizure or special non-taxable minimum incomes or in seizure in criminal offenses attributed connection with the promises/offers of to the investigative authorities of the such benefits to themselves or others, it National Bureau, carry out activities entails a fine of one hundred and fifty for the storage of non-arrested funds to five hundred non-taxable minimum and other property; interact with other incomes with the seizure of illegally ob- national and local authorities and other tained unlawful material benefit [15]. entities to perform their duties; carry According to the out information and analytical work to “On Purge of Authorities”, Article 1 identify and eliminate the causes and states that the purge of authorities conditions that contribute to the com- (lustration) is the prohibition to indi- mission of criminal offenses attributed viduals to hold certain positions (to be to investigative authority of the Na- in office) (hereinafter — posts) (except tional Bureau; ensure personal safety for elected posts) in the state authori- of the National Bureau employees and ties and local self-government bodies, other persons defined by law, protec- which is established by the Law or a tion from unlawful attacks on persons court decision [16] . participating in criminal proceedings in In accordance with the Law of criminal offenses under investigation; Ukraine “On Prevention of Corrup- provide confidential and voluntary co- tion”, Article 4 states that the National operation with individuals reporting on Agency for Prevention of Corruption corruption offenses; report on their ac- (hereinafter referred to as the National tivities in the manner prescribed by this Agency) is the central body of execu- Law, and inform the public about the tive power with a special status that results of their work; carry out inter- ensures the formation and implemen- national cooperation within their com- tation of state anti-corruption policies petence in accordance with Ukrainian [17]. legislation and international treaties of Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine Ukraine [18]. “On National Anti-Corruption Bureau According to Article 8 clause 9 of of Ukraine” states that the National the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service”, Bureau perform operational search a civil servant must comply with the

23 requirements of the legislation in the national cooperation of Ukraine in the field of preventing and combating cor- field of preventing and combating cor- ruption [19]. ruption [20]. In accordance with the Decree of the According to the Decree of the Pre- President of Ukraine “On the National sident of Ukraine “Issues of the Council Council on Anti-Corruption Policy,” of Public Control under the National it is stated that in accordance with its Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine”, main tasks, the National Council car- it is stated that the main tasks of the ries out a comprehensive assessment of Council of Public Control are: to exer- the situation and trends in the field of cise civil control over the activities of preventing and combating corruption the National Anti-Corruption Bureau in Ukraine, analyzes national anti-cor- of Ukraine; facilitate interaction of the ruption legislation and measures on its National Anti-Corruption Bureau of implementation; monitors and analyzes Ukraine with public associations, other the effectiveness of the implementation institutions of civil society in the field of the anti-corruption strategy, makes of combating corruption [21]. proposals to improve the interaction In addition to the anti-corruption of authorities responsible for its imple- state regulation methods in the sphere mentation; participates in the prepara- of economic security in Ukraine, there tion of bills in the field of prevention are entities that are guided by the re- and combating corruption that are in- levant regulatory and legal acts. The troduced by the President of Ukraine main entities are: for consideration in the Verkhovna • the prosecutor’s office oversees Rada of Ukraine; prepares proposals the pre-trial investigation and main- for bills, drafts of other regulatory and tenance of public prosecution in court legal acts in the field of preventing and [22]; combating corruption; participates in • the Security Service of Ukraine the preparation of the messages of the identifies corruption crimes and refers President of Ukraine to the people, an- them to investigative bodies [23]; nual and extraordinary messages to the • the General Inspectorate of Inter- Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the in- nal Investigations exercises powers for ternal and external situation of Ukraine pre-trial investigation of criminal of- regarding the implementation of the fenses committed by prosecutors, con- anti-corruption policy; organizes the ducting official investigations of prose- study of public opinion on issues con- cutors and employees of prosecutor’s sidered by the National Council, pro- offices [24]; vides coverage of the results of its work • the highest anti-corruption court in the mass media; contributes to sci- of justice in accordance with certain entific and methodological support on law principles and procedures of legal prevention and combating corruption, proceedings is aimed at protecting the conducting analytical studies, develop- individual, society and the state from ing methodological recommendations corruption and related crimes and judi- in this area; prepares proposals for in- cial control of pre-trial investigation of creasing the effectiveness of the inter- these crimes, observance of rights, free-

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28 UDC 351.752 Bielska Tetiana Valentynіvna, Doctor of Science in Public Administra- tion, Associate Professor of the Depart- ment of Management and Administration, O. M. Beketov National University of Ur- ban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshalа Bazhanovа, 17, tel.: + 38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Бєльська Тетяна Валентинівна, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент кафедри менеджменту і адмі- ністрування, Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Харків, вул. Мар- шала Бажанова, 17, тел.: + 38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Бельская Татьяна Валентиновна, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, доцент кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский на- циональный университет городского хо- зяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: + 38 (066) 450 62 12, e-mail: tanya_ [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-4700 Inkin Maksym Valeriyovych, master student of Management and Adminis- tration Department, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshalа Bazhanovа, 17, tel.: +38 (099) 320 09 96, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3691-220X Інкін Максим Валерійович, магістрант кафедри менеджменту і адміністрування, Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 61002, Україна, м. Харків, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: +38 (099) 320 09 96, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3691-220X Инкин Максим Валерьевич, магистрант кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковская националь- ная академия городского хозяйства, 61002, Украина, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажано- ва, 17, тел.: +38 (099) 320 09 96, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3691-220X DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-29-40


Abstracts. The authors suggest non-standard views on the process of decen- tralization in Ukraine. The processes of establishing communication in the newly formed communities have been analyzed. The authors note that the careful plan- ning and implementation of communicative strategies is necessary for making ad- ministrative decisions and is carried out through informational and educational measures aimed at raising the level of public culture, increasing self-organization of the population and public activity. Among the necessary measures the author suggests making changes to the positions of starosta; defininig mechanisms of cooperation between local govern- ment body of the united territorial community, starostas and the body of self- organization of the population, forming and approving the Regulation, which regulates the procedure for formation and functioning of the body of self-or- ganization of the population; in the Statute of the united territorial community establishing the procedure and determining the mechanisms for participation of citizents of peripheral settlements in decision-making process, ensuring a high- quality Internet for citizens including residents of peripheral settlements, or- ganizing educational events to provide citizen with basic knowledge of work on personal computer and Internet; creating a separate communicative unit of local government body in order to promote the functioning and development of bo- dies of self-organization of the population and the peripheral settlements, ensure communication between them. The authors focuse on the necessity to establish communicative policies of local government bodies on the one hand, and culture of public participation of residents of territorial unities, what should contribute to transparency and openness in the activity of local government bodies, reduce social tension and ensure further movement in the field of democratic transfor- mations. Keywords: united territorial communities, bodies of self-organization of the population, local government bodies, civil society, communication, communicative policy, culture of public participation. ПРОБЛЕМИ СТАНОВЛЕННЯ АСИМЕТРИЧНИХ ОБ’ЄДНАНИХ ТЕРИТОРІАЛЬНИХ ГРОМАД: КОМУНІКАТИВНИЙ АСПЕКТ Анотація. Пропонуються нестандартні погляди на процес здійснення де- централізації в Україні. Аналізуються процеси налагодження комунікації в новостворених громадах. Доведено, що ретельне планування і впроваджен- ня комунікативних стратегій є необхідним для прийняття управлінських рішень. Воно здійснюється через проведення інформаційних та просвіт- ницьких заходів з метою зростання рівня громадської культури, посилення самоорганізації населення, громадської активності.

30 Серед необхідних заходів пропонується: внести зміни в положення про старосту; визначити механізми взаємодії органу місцевого самоврядуван- ня об’єднаної територіальної громади та старост з органом самоорганізації населення, розробити та затвердити Положення, в якому регламентувати процедуру створення та функціонування органу самоорганізації населення; в Статуті об’єднаної територіальної громади закріпити процедуру та визна- чити механізм участі у процесі прийняття рішень жителів периферійних населених пунктів, сприяти забезпеченню громадян, у т. ч. мешканців пери- ферійних населених пунктів, якісним інтернет-зв’язком, організувати про- ведення навчальних заходів з надання населенню базових знань по роботі з персональним комп’ютером та в Інтернеті; створити окремий комунікацій- ний підрозділ органу місцевого самоврядування для сприяння функціону- вання та розвитку органів самоорганізації населення периферійних населе- них пунктів, забезпечення комунікацій між ними. Автори акцентують увагу на необхідності формування комунікативної політики органів місцевого самоврядування з одного боку та культури громадської участі мешканців територіальних громад, що має забезпечити прозорість та відкритість діяль- ності органів місцевого самоврядування, знижувати соціальну напруженість та забезпечити подальший рух у сфері демократичних перетворень. Ключові слова: об’єднані територіальні громади, органи самоорганізації населення, органи місцевого самоврядування, громадянське суспільство, ко- мунікація, комунікативна політика, культура громадської участі. ПРОБЛЕМЫ СТАНОВЛЕНИЯ АСИММЕТРИЧНЫХ ОБЪЕДИНЕННЫХ ТЕРРИТОРИАЛЬНЫХ ОБЩИН: КОММУНИКАТИВНЫЙ АСПЕКТ Аннотация. Предлагаются нестандартные взгляды на процесс осущест- вления децентрализации в Украине. Анализируются процессы налаживания коммуникации во вновь образованных общинах. Доказано, что тщательное планирование и внедрение коммуникативных стратегий необходимо для принятия управленческих решений. Оно осуществляется путем проведения информационных и просветительских мероприятий с целью роста уровня общественной культуры, усиление самоорганизации населения, обществен- ной активности. Среди необходимых мер предлагается: внести изменения в положение о старосте; определить механизмы взаимодействия органа местного само- управления объединенной территориальной общины и старост с органом са- моорганизации населения, разработать и утвердить Положение, в котором регламентировать процедуру создания и функционирования органа само- организации населения; в Уставе объединенной территориальной общины закрепить процедуру и определить механизм участия в процессе принятия решений жителей периферийных населенных пунктов, способствовать обес- печению граждан, в т. ч. жителей периферийных населенных пунктов, качест- венной интернет-связью, организовать проведение учебных мероприятий по

31 предоставлению населению базовых знаний по работе с персональным ком- пьютером и в Интернете; создать отдельное коммуникационное подразделе- ние органа местного самоуправления для содействия функционированию и развитию органов самоорганизации населения периферийных населенных пунктов, обеспечения коммуникации между ними. Авторы акцентируют внимание на необходимости формирования коммуникативной политики ор- ганов местного самоуправления с одной стороны и культуры общественного участия жителей территориальных общин, с другой, что должно обеспечить прозрачность и открытость деятельности органов местного самоуправления, снижать социальную напряженность и обеспечить дальнейшее движение в сфере демократических преобразований. Ключевые слова: объединенные территориальные общины, органы само- организации населения, органы местного самоуправления, гражданское об- щество, коммуникация, коммуникативная политика, культура общественного участия.

Problem statement. Implemen- and settlements which are not the com- tation of the process of establishing munity centres to define the interests united territorial communities (OTG) of the settlement they represent; loss of in Ukraine, regulated by the Law of authority of local government bodies, Ukraine “On voluntary association of the problems concerning administra- territorial communities” [1], is aimed tion etc. at forming territorial communities able It is necessary to state that in the to govern their territorials indepen- process of formation of the united ter- dently and providing these communi- ritorial communities communicative ties with new prospects for further de- processes, models and schemes change velopment. However, this process does radically, a new tactics and strategy not take into account the interests of of communicative policy establishes, peripheral settlements, in particular its new potential defines. Such radical asymetric OTGs, where after the pro- changes can cause raise in subjective, cess of association (or joining) of the unjustified by objective factors, situa- communities local government bodies tion assessment. are not placed. Well-established constructive It is possible to predict that mono- adapted to the modern conditions polization of the centres of communi- communication between local govern- ties in decision-making can be the con- ment bodies of asymmetric OTGs and sequence of this. In its turn, it can lead members of peripheral settlements can to a set of negative factors, such as: con- contribute to overcome of the above- flict situations between peripheral set- defined problems, and decrease the tlements and the center; minimization level of conflicts and the risks of their of opportunity for residents of villages appearance in the nearest future.

32 Аnalysis of recent researches and nistrative centre dominates. The ma- publications. Particular aspects of jority citizens live in it, it collects the communicative potential of local go- most part of taxes, and so the majority vernment in Ukraine are revealed in of deputies represent the centre. The works of such researches as Ye. Afonin, result may be a disproportion between L. Goniukova, R. Voitovych, [2], the number of local deputies elected to Ye. Mermann [3], S. Shturkhetskyi [4], the united territorial community from and political communication in works the OTG centre and the number of lo- of К. Кros [5]. The impact of the newest cal deputies elected from the peripheral internet communication nets on public settlements of the same OTG, as well as sphere development has been consi- between the voters living in the centre dered by O. Tretiak [6]. and in the peripheral settlements of the In 2016 the Association for Com- same OTG. As for the cities of oblast munity Self-organization Assistance subordination, to which village and set- hold an interregional study of peri- tlement council join, such statement is pheral settlements in OTG on the is- totally non-alternative. sue of conflicts with the OTG centre. All these factors bear the risks of Information of the study can be found conflict situations between the OTG in the publications by O. Kolesnikov, centres and their peripheral territorials O. Kalashnikova “Peripheral territo- what is an obstacle to the comprehen- ries in OTG — partners or stepdaugh- sive development of the community. ters of the centre” [7] and “Analiti- Violation of interconnection between cal materials for debates on the topic: the community residents and local “Peripheral territories of united ter- power further complicates this process. ritorial communities: mechanisms for At the same time, usage of communica- protection of rights and interest rea- tive methods has a positive impact on lization” (the example of the Soth of establishing constructive dialogue be- Ukraine) [8]. tween different parts of the community The purpose of the article is to what helps to overcome the problems disclose the problem of conflict in the of community development and reduce process of formation of territorial com- the risk of their occurance. munities; to define the ways of estab- Considering this fact, it is possible lishing communication between local to note that ensuring the communica- government bodies of newly formed tion between local government bodies asymmetric OTGs amd residents of pe- and members of united territorial com- ripheral settlements. munity is an importance aspect of OTG Presentation of the main material. development as a whole. Scientists and practitioners single out Due to the fact, that the word com- two types of united territorial commu- munication came to us from English nities. The first one is so called symmet- originated from Latin communicare ric communities, in which residents are meaning “to be in relations, take part, more or less proportionally destributed unite”, the idea of union, association, among settlements. The second type relation with community is of great im- is asymmetric OTGs, where the admi- portance for communication.

33 In our opinion, for modern Ukraine tlements to territorial communities of among the fuctions of communication cities of oblast significance. the most important is the function of Amendments to the Law stipulate social tension reduction, which is called that adjacent village and settlement to ensure further move in the sphere of territorial communities may voluntari- democratic transitions. ly unite with territorial communities of An important function of commu- cities of republican significance in the nicative policy of local government Crimea or the oblast significance upon bodies of united territorial communi- the decision of the village or settlement ties is the function of legitimizing the council. The powers of such councils authorities. “Any authority becomes a shall be terminated when the decision power only when its instructions, or- to voluntarily join the united territori- ders are perceived by the subordinates al community (OTG) enters into force. as truly obligatory and necessary from From that moment authorities transfer the very essence, and their failure to do to the city council of a city of oblast or so is a violation of the truth of life as republican significance. In the event of a crime. Legitimacy of the power is its such accession before regular local elec- enalienable feature” [9, р. 45]. Recogni- tions, the election of OTG heads, local tion or confirmation of the legality of deputies and the starostas shall not be someone’s rights and obligations is un- held, and the head of the territorial derstood under legitimacy. This, in fact, community shall be the head of the city. is the consent of citizents with the right The integral indicator of the legiti- of some (power) to make a significant macy of power is an indicator of the impact on others (society). level of citizens’ trust in power institu- The central official, representing tions, which in the modern democratic the interests of the village (settle- world is not possible without a culture ment) in the center of the community of social participation. The culture of is the starosta. Article 14 of the Law of public participation is one of the le- Ukraine “On Local Self-Government vels of communicative policy, whose in Ukraine” [10] stipulates that the sta- constituent elements are transparency rosta is a member of the executive com- and openness. In the event of non- mittee of the local government body. compliance with such requirements, Starostas are elected by the majority public control over the actions of the electoral system. authorities is impossible. Only when On May 1, 2018, the Verkhovna the authorities are “transparent”, that Rada adopted in general a bill num- is, open, public in their intentions, can ber 6466 (amendments to the Law of determine how its actions are in ac- Ukraine “On Voluntary Association of cordance with the law and are moral. Territorial Communities” on voluntary The necessary element of the trans- association of territorial communities of parency of power is its openness, which villages, settlements to territorial com- first of all characterizes the clarity of munities of cities of oblast significance purposes and functions of power for with regard to voluntary association of citizens, and, accordingly, its functional territorial communities of villages, set- capacity to satisfy the interests of citi-

34 zens and to perceive their influence on • representation with the depu- it. Openness here should be seen pri- ties of the interests of residents of the marily as a form of access to informa- house, street, microdistrict, village, set- tion about the government’s activities, tlement, city, district in the city in the the procedures for the adoption and relevant local council and its bodies, lo- use of public-administrative decisions, cal executive authorities; and also as an opportunity to influence • introduction of proposals for local the activities of public authorities — social, economic and cultural develop- to use and modify what is already avail- ment drafts of relevant local adminis- able. trative units and local budgets drafts; One of the most effective forms of • control over the quality provided public participation and an important to citizens living in residential build- element of the system of local self-go- ings on the territory of the body of self- vernment is the bodies of self-organi- organization of the population, hous- zation of the population. The legal sta- ing and communal services and on the tus of bodies of self-organization of the quality of carrying out repair works in population is determined by the Con- these buildings; stitution (Part 5 of Article 140) and • voluntary involvement of the the laws of Ukraine “On Local Self- population in participation in the imp- Government in Ukraine” (Articles 4, lementation of measures for the natu- 14, 16, 60) and “On the Bodies of Self- ral environment protection, works on organization of the Population”. improvement, landscaping and keeping In accordance with the Law “On farmsteads, yards, streets, parks, ceme- the Bodies of Self-organization of the teries, fraternal graves, equipment of Population” [11], bodies of self-organ- children and sports grounds, children ization of the population have commit- creations, clubs of interests in good tees: house, street, quarter, microdis- condition, creation of temporary or trict, rural, settlement. They are one of permanent brigades for this purpose, the forms of participation of members etc.; of territorial communities of villages, • organization of assistance to the settlements, cities, districts in cities in elderly, invalids, families of dead sol- solving local issues, elected bodies cre- diers, partisans and servicemen, low- ated by residents who legally reside in income and large families, as well as the villages, settlements, cities or parts lonely citizens, orphans and children of them. deprived of parental care, making pro- With regard to the powers of the posals on these issues to the relevant body of self-organization of the popu- council and its executive bodies. lation, the most important of them are In addition to this, the exclusive the following: powers of the bodies of self-organiza- • keeping records of citizens by age, tion of the population are assigned a place of work or studying, living wi- number of powers to promote and pro- thin the territory of the body, as well as vide assistance to educational estab- of citizens, consideration of lishments, institutions and organiza- their appeals; tions of culture, physical culture and

35 sport, law enforcement bodies, as well In modern society, an important fac- deputies of the relevant local councils tor of the openness of power is a proper in organizating meetings with electo- use of the Internet. According to the ral, reception of citizens and conduct- researcher S. V. Shturetskogo “com- ing other work in constituencies [ibid, municative potential of local govern- art. 14]. ment” depends on the following main The Law of Ukraine “On Local factors as: the distance between a com- Self-Government in Ukraine” [12] in municator and a communicant (taking accordance with Art. 8 gives the mem- into account the degree of access to the bers of the territorial community direct definite communicative channels and participation in solving local issues by means); ability of the participants of holding a general meeting of citizens at communicative process in local gov- their place of residence. However, the ernment to produce and and receive a procedure for holding a general meet- flow of messages; restrictive factors of ing of citizens at the place of residence, public regulation: normative provision in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 8 may of the communicative process, on the be determined by the statute of a ter- one hand, and needs for such commu- ritorial community or by a separate law nication on the other [14, р. 44]. Thus, on general meeting. this degree of development of the com- On March 24, 2015, the Verkhovna municative space of the territorial com- Rada of Ukraine submitted a draft of munity and its significant connumica- the Law of Ukraine “On General Meet- tive potential can be expanded with the ing (Conference) of the Members of the help of social and media tools (that is, Territorial Community at the Place of using the Internet) what will signifi- Residence” from the group of deputies. cantly increase the possibility of choos- The conclusion of the Main Scientific ing the forms and ways of communica- and Expert Department on 07.09.2015 tive activity in social media between (Reg. № 2467 dated March 24, 2015) municipality and community for solv- says that the bill proposed by means of a ing different kinds of administrative separate law to determine the legal and tasks [15, р. 37]. Along with this, lots organizational principles for convening of rural settlements in Ukraine have and holding general meetings of mem- problems with the full use of the Inter- bers of a territorial community at the net, caused by the high tariffs for rural place of residence. It was proposed to areas, low speed, frequent trips, lack of determine the legal and organizational specialists for repair and adjustment of principles of convening and holding not computers etc. only general meetings, but also confe- In 2016, the Association for the rences of members of a territorial com- Promotion of Self-Organization of munity at their place of residence, as the Population conducted an interre- well as determine the powers of general gional study of peripheral settlements meetings (conferences) and the proce- in OTG. Considering the conflict situ- dure for their implementation [13]. At ations that arose in the newly formed present, a separate law on general meet- united communities, analyzing their ings (conferences) is not adopted. causes and consequences, developing

36 recommendations for overcoming cri- community problems in the communi- sis phenomena, the problems of various cative sphere is one of the most impor- components of the functioning of the tant tasks for local government bodies, community (administrative, economic, including thorough planning and in- legislative, communication, etc.) are troduction of the communicative strat- violated. In this work we are interested egies, necessary for information and in the very communication component. educational measures, such as involving The study noted the fears of the members of the territorial community residents that the availability of ser- to decision-making and others; increas- vices for peripheral territories could ing the level of public culture of citizens decrease and that they would remain and self-organization of the population, on their own problems, which was one public activity, efficient representation of the main arguments against the uni- of the population interests in local go- fication. The study showed that the in- vernment bodies and others. habitants of small villages are worried In order to achieve normal deve- about the prospect that only the OTG lopment of a community and overcome centers will benefit from the associa- problems associated with conflict situ- tion, and the periphery can only lose. ations in the communicative sphere In the issues of information support that occur or can occur between lo- for OTG activities, the survey found cal government bodies of asymmet- poor information support for the ac- ric OTGs and peripheral settlements, tivities of local OTG councils, which given the theoretical findings and the complicates the access of residents, results of practical research presented including peripheral communities, to in the paper, in our opinion, it is nec- information on the activities of the essary to enforce the communicative councils. Information content and the factor in administrative decisions of process of updating of existing sites local government bodies. At the local materials, according to the findings of level, this can be done through imple- the study, needs to be improved. mentation of the following measures: Considering the direct participation 1. The Provision on starosta should of residents of peripheral communi- include the norm for the approval of ties in decision-making processes, it is draft decisions as for the interests of the emphasized that the practice of con- settlements which he/she represents. sulting with OTG residents, including 2. To determine the mechanisms of peripheral ones, by using forms of di- interaction of the local self-government rect participation is unpredictable [16]. body of the united territorial commu- Conclusions. The well-established nity and the starosta with the body of communicative policy of local govern- self-organization of the population. To ment body is an important and neces- elaborate and approve the Provision sary condition for the comprehensive regulating the procedure for the estab- community development. On this ba- lishment and functioning of the body of sis, it is possible to state, that the need self-organization of the population. for finding optimal and scientifically- 3. To introduce a systematic local based decisions aimed at solving the general meeting of members of territo-

37 rial communities, which will include body (for “large” communities, in case a report of representatives of the local of its financial capacity). self-government body, local authorities, opinions and suggestions of members of References settlements of territorial communities, as well as continuous study of the ideas 1. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1996), of the residents, including question- The Law of Ukraine “On Voluntary Association of Territorial Communi- naires. The local self-government body ties”, available at: http://zakon3.rada. must record and analyze issues that are (Accessed raised by citizens at a general meeting 29 August 2018). in order to provide a timely and compe- 2. Afonin E. A., Gonjukova L. V., Voito- tent response, as well as use suggestions vich R. V. (2006), Hromads’ka uchast’ and comments in making decisions. u tvoreni ta zdiysnenni derzhavnoyi 4. To provide the starostas with a polityky [Public participation in the room and technical and material sup- establishment and implementation of port to carry out the functions assigned state policy], Center for Support of to him/her effectively. Civil Service Institutional Develop- ment, Kyiv, Ukraine. 5. To establish communicative func- 3. Mermann Elizabeth. (2007), Kom- tions for the starostas in order to ensure munykatsyya y kommunykabel’nost’. the systematic interaction between the Praktycheskye rekomendatsyy dlya local self-government body of the uni- otkrytoy kommunykatsyy [Communi- ted territorial community and resi- cation and communication skills. Prac- dents of the peripheral settlements of tical guidelines for open communica- the community. tion], Publishing house “Humanitarian 6. In the Statute of the united ter- Center”, Kharkiv, Ukraine. ritorial community, establish a clear 4. Sturgetsky S. V. (2011), Komunikaty- procedure and mechanism that will en- vnyy potentsial mistsevoho samovry- aduvannya v Ukrayini [The communi- able the inhabitants of the peripheral cative potential of localgovernment in settlements to have a real opportunity Ukraine], Ovid, Rivne, Ukraine. to take part in the decision-making 5. Cross C. (2000), Politychna komu- process (including the ones mentioned nikatsiya i vysvitlennya novyn u above). demokratychnykh suspil’stvakh: per- 7. To promote the provision for spektyvy konkurentsiyi [Political citizens, including inhabitants of peri- Communication and News Coverage pheral settlements, with high-quality in Democratic Societies: Prospects for Internet communication. Create spe- Competition], Fundamentals, Kharkiv, cial Internet connection points. Organ- Ukraine. 6. Tretiak O. A. (2011), The Influence ize educational activities to provide the of the Newest Internet Communica- population with basic knowledge about tions Networks on the Development working with a personal computer and of the Public Policy Sector, Economic on the Internet (including social net- Journal of the XXI Century, Dnipro, works). Ukraine, P. 37–39. 8. To create a separate communica- 7. Kolesnikov O., Kalashnikova О. (2017), tion unit of the local self-government Peripheral communities in OTG —

38 partners or postdrug center, Associa- tions Networks on the Development tion for the promotion of self-organi- of the Public Policy Sector, Economic zation of the population, available at: Journal of the XXI Century, Dnipro, Ukraine, P. 37–39. Me535x7s2UgdutU2PvGk8upZGcJq 16. Peripheral territories of the united sP/view communities: mechanisms of protec- 8. Peripheral territories of the united tion of rights and realization of inte- communities: mechanisms of protec- rests: analytical materials for the debate tion of rights and realization of inter- (for example, the south of Ukraine) ests: analytical materials for the debate (2016) // Association for the promo- (for example, the south of Ukraine) tion of population self-organization, (2016) // Association for the promo- available at: tion of population self-organization, file/d/1r6le-gDE22RscRfWUta9U- available at: UEd_nQAIDfS/view file/d/1r6le-gDE22RscRfWUta9U- UEd_nQAIDfS/view Список використаних 9. Ryabov S. M. (1996), Politolohichna джерел teoriya derzhavy [Politologic theory of the state], Tandem, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 1. Про добровільне об’єднання тери- 10. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1997), торіальних громад : Закон України The Law of Ukraine “On Local Self- від 05.02.2015 № 157-VIII [Елек- Government in Ukraine”, available at: тронний ресурс]. — Режим досту- пу : nsf/link1/Z970280.html (Accessed 29 show/157-19 August 2018). 2. Афонін Е. А. Громадська участь у тво- 11. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2001), рені та здійсненні державної політи- The Law of Ukraine “On the bodies of ки / Е. А. Афонін, Л. В. Гонюкова, self-organization of the population”, Р. В. Войтович. — К. : Центр спри- available at: яння інституційному розвитку дер- laws/show/2625-14. жавної служби, 2006. — 265 с. 12. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1997), 3. Мерманн Элизабет. Коммуникация The Law of Ukraine “On Local Self- и коммуникабельность. Практиче- Government in Ukraine”, available at: ские рекомендации для открытой коммуникации / Э. Мерманн ; пер. nsf/link1/Z970280.html (Accessed 29 с нем. Е. И. Высочинова. — X. : Гума- August 2018). нитарный Центр, 2007. — 296 с. 13. Conclusion on the draft Law of Ukraine 4. Штурхецький С. В. Комунікатив- (2015), “On general meeting (confer- ний потенціал місцевогосамовря- ence) of members of a territorial com- дування в Україні : монографія / munity at the place of residence” (Reg. С. В. Штурхецький. — Рівне : Овід, № 2467 dated March 24). 2011. — 148 с. 14. Sturgetsky S. V. (2011), Komunikaty- 5. Крос К. Політична комунікація і ви- vnyy potentsial mistsevohosamovry- світлення новин у демократичних aduvannya v Ukrayini [The communi- суспільствах: перспективи конку- cative potential of localgovernment in ренції / К. Крос ; пер. з англ. Р. Тка- Ukraine], Ovid, Rivne, Ukraine. чук. — К. : Основи, 2000. — 144 с. 15. Tretiak O. A. (2011), The Influence 6. Третяк О. А. Вплив новітніх кому- of the Newest Internet Communica- нікаційних інтернет-мереж на роз-

39 виток публічної сфери політики / Режим доступу : http://zakon.rada. О. А. Третяк // Економічний часо- пис ХХІ. — Д., 2011. — С. 37–39. 12. Про місцеве самоврядування в Укра- 7. Колесніков О. Периферійні громади їні : Закон України від 21.05.1997 р. в ОТГ — партнери чи падчерки цен- № 280 [Електронний ресурс]. — Ре- тру / О. Колесніков, О. Калашніко- жим доступу : http://search.ligaza- ва // Асоціація сприяння самоорга- нізації населення. — Режим доступу: html 13. Висновок на проект Закону України Me535x7s2UgdutU2PvGk8upZGcJq “Про загальні збори (конференції) sP/view членів територіальної громади за 8. Периферійні території об’єднаних місцем проживання” (реєстр № 2467 громад: механізми захисту прав та від 24.03.2015 р.) реалізації інтересів: аналітичні мате- 14. Штурхецький С. В. Комунікатив- ріали для дебатів (на прикладі півдня ний потенціал місцевого самовря- України) [Електронний ресурс] // дування в Україні : монографія / Асоціація сприяння самооргані- С. В. Штурхецький. — Рівне : Овід, зації населення. — Режим досту- 2011. — 148 с. пу : 15. Третяк О. А. Вплив новітніх кому- d/1r6le-gDE22RscRfWUta9UUEd_ нікаційних інтернет-мереж на роз- nQAIDfS/view виток публічної сфери політики / 9. Рябов С. М. Політологічна теорія О. А. Третяк // Економічний часо- держави / С. М. Рябов. — К. : Тан- пис ХХІ. — Д., 2011. — С. 37–39. дем, 1996. — 240 с. 16. Периферійні території об’єднаних 10. Про місцеве самоврядування в Укра- громад: механізми захисту прав та їні : Закон України від 21.05.1997 р. реалізації інтересів : аналітичні ма- № 280 [Електронний ресурс]. — Ре- теріали для дебатів (на прикладі жим доступу : http://search.ligaza- півдня України) [Електронний ре- сурс] // Асоціація сприяння само- html організації населення. — Режим до- 11. Про органи самоорганізації населен- ступу : ня : Закон України від 11.07.2001 р. d/1r6le-gDE22RscRfWUta9UUEd_ № 2625-III [Електронний ресурс]. — nQAIDfS/view

40 UDC: 351:332.142.6 Bliznuk Andrii Stanislavovich, Candidate of science in Public Administra- tion, doctoral student of the Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 01042, Kуiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: +38 (095) 452 17 71, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8768-5177 Близнюк Андрій Станіславович, кандидат наук з державного управлін- ня, докторант кафедри публічного ад- міністрування, Міжрегіональна Акаде- мія управління персоналом, 01042, Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: +38 (095) 452 17 71, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8768-5177 Близнюк Андрей Станиславович, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, докторант кафедры публичного ад- министрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 01042, Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: +38 (095) 452 17 71, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8768-5177 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-41-51

FEATURES OF INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT OF MECHANISMS OF STATE REGULATION OF RECREATION SPHERE DEVELOPMENT Abstract. The theoretical foundations in the research of institutional support of mechanisms of state regulation of recreational sphere development are systema- tized and specified. Attention is drawn to the fact that the institutional support of the recreation sector is shaped by state and non-governmental organizational structures created at different levels of the mechanism and implementing their decisions through the methods of public administration in the recreational sphere within their pow- ers. There are close subordination, coordination and coordination relationships between these organizational structures. The analysis of the functional purpose of the main institutional actors in the recreational sphere is carried out. The problematic issues of the current state of institutional provision of mecha- nisms of state regulation of the recreational sphere development in Ukraine are determined. It is noted that the complexity of its regulation lies in the fact that in Ukraine there is not a clear, unified system of state regulation of the recreational sphere, and therefore certain aspects of it in our state are now under the control of many state bodies (ministries, services, agencies).

41 It was emphasized that in the system of state management of recreational sphere there is no body that is responsible for carrying out exclusively functions of management of recreational territories; in fact, all state authorities have manage- ment functions in relation to reactionary territories and recreational resources, along with functions of management of other resources, objects, territories . The administrative activity of the authorities is aimed at solving the problems of or- ganization, protection of recreational territories and the use of recreational re- sources to the same extent as for the fulfillment of other tasks in various spheres of society’s activity. The directions of optimization of the institutional mechanism of state regu- lation of the recreational sphere development are outlined. It is noted that the organizational and economic mechanism should be based on the formation of re- gional institutions that would allow to concentrate and coordinate the efforts of all subjects of recreational activity in order to achieve the optimal level of recrea- tional potential at the regional level. Keywords: recreation, recreational activity, institutional mechanism, organi- zational mechanism, state regulation, mechanisms of state regulation. ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ІНСТИТУЦІЙНОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ МЕХАНІЗМІВ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ РОЗВИТКУ РЕКРЕАЦІЙНОЇ СФЕРИ Анотація. Систематизовано та уточнено теоретичні основи дослідження інституційного забезпечення механізмів державного регулювання розвитку рекреаційної сфери. Слід звернути увагу на те, що інституційну підтримку сектора рекреа- ції формують державні та неурядові організаційні структури, створені на різних рівнях механізму, та реалізують свої рішення за допомогою методів державного управління в рекреаційній сфері в межах своїх повноважень. Іс- нують тісні підпорядковані, координаційні зв’язки між цими організаційни- ми структурами. Здійснено аналіз функціонального призначення основних інституційних акторів у рекреаційній сфері. Визначено проблемні питання сучасного стану інституційного забезпе- чення механізмів державного регулювання розвитку рекреаційної сфери в Україні. Визначено, що складність її регулювання полягає в тому, що в Укра- їні відсутня чітка, уніфікована система державного регулювання рекреацій- ної сфери, тому певні її аспекти в нашій державі нині перебувають під конт- ролем багатьох державних органів (міністерства, служби, агентства). Підкреслено, що в системі державного управління рекреаційною сферою немає органу, що відповідає за проведення виключно функцій управління рекреаційними територіями; фактично всі органи державної влади мають функції управління відповідно до реакційних територій та рекреаційних ресурсів, поряд з функціями управління іншими ресурсами, об’єктами, те- риторіями. Адміністративна діяльність органів влади спрямована на вирі- шення проблем організації, охорони рекреаційних територій та використан-

42 ня рекреаційних ресурсів тою мірою, що й для виконання інших завдань у різних сферах діяльності суспільства. Викладено напрями оптимізації інституційного механізму державного регулювання розвитку рекреаційної сфери. Зазначено, що організаційно-е- кономічний механізм повинен базуватися на формуванні регіональних ін- ституцій, що дасть можливість концентрувати та координувати зусилля всіх суб’єктів рекреаційної діяльності з метою досягнення оптимального рівня рекреаційного потенціалу на регіональному рівні. Ключові слова: рекреація, рекреаційна діяльність, інституційний меха- нізм, організаційний механізм, державне регулювання, механізми держав- ного регулювання. ОСОБЕННОСТИ ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ РАЗВИТИЯ РЕКРЕАЦИОННОЙ СФЕРЫ Аннотация. Систематизированы и уточнены теоретические основы ис- следования институционального обеспечения механизмов государственного регулирования развития рекреационной сферы. Следует обратить внимание на то, что институциональную поддержку сектора рекреации формируют государственные и неправительственные ор- ганизационные структуры, созданные на разных уровнях механизма, и ре- ализуют свои решения с помощью методов государственного управления в рекреационной сфере в пределах своих полномочий. Существуют тесные подчиненные, координационные связи между этими организационными структурами. Проведен анализ функционального назначения основных ин- ституциональных актеров в рекреационной сфере. Определены проблемные вопросы современного состояния институ- ционального обеспечения механизмов государственного регулирования развития рекреационной сферы в Украине. Отмечено, что сложность ее ре- гулирования заключается в том, что в Украине отсутствует четкая, унифи- цированная система государственного регулирования рекреационной сфе- ры, поэтому некоторые ее аспекты в нашем государстве сейчас находятся под контролем многих государственных органов (министерства, службы, агентства). Было подчеркнуто, что в системе государственного управления рекреа- ционной сферой нет органа, который отвечает за проведение исключительно функций управления рекреационными территориями; практически все ор- ганы государственной власти имеют функции управления по отношению к реакционным территориям и рекреационным ресурсам, наряду с функциями управления другими ресурсами, объектами, территориями. Административ- ная деятельность органов власти направлена на решение проблем организа- ции, охраны рекреационных территорий и использования рекреационных ресурсов в той же степени, что и для выполнения других задач в различных сферах деятельности общества.

43 Изложены направления оптимизации институционного механизма госу- дарственного регулирования развития рекреационной сферы. Отмечено, что организационно-экономический механизм должен базироваться на форми- ровании региональных институтов, которые позволят концентрировать и ко- ординировать усилия всех субъектов рекреационной деятельности с целью достижения оптимального уровня рекреационного потенциала на региональ- ном уровне. Ключевые слова: рекреация, рекреационная деятельность, институцио- нальный механизм, организационный механизм, государственное регулиро- вание, механизмы государственного регулирования.

Problem statement. A characte- by complexity, inconsistency and in- ristic feature of the progressiveness of completeness, which hinders its deve- structural changes in the economy is lopment. the development of the service sector Analysis of recent researches and the growth of its share in the gross and publications. The study of prob- domestic product, which is due to the lems of state regulation of the recrea- general trend of improving the living tional sector is studied in the works of standards of the population and its de- V. I. Byrkovych, N. G. Bila, M. M. Bi- sire to constantly expand opportunities lynska, V. N. Vasylenko, N. R. Nyzhnyk, to meet their diverse needs. An impor- D. V. Karamyshev, S. I. Kushch, tant role in this process is played by the V. P. Meged, Ya. F. Radysh, O. I. Cher- recreational sphere, the functioning of nysh, O. S. Shaptal, A. Donabedian, which is aimed primarily at preserving L. Forrest, C. Kaspar, J. Krippendorf, etc. and restoring health, as well as provid- However, a significant part of the ing a wide range of additional services research on the regulation of the rec- related to the full and active recreation reational sphere does not take into ac- of citizens. Consequently, the recrea- count the specifics and features of the tional sphere has a complex structure institutional support of the mechanisms of its manifestation in the public life of of state regulation of the development Ukraine, and therefore for its effective of the recreational sphere. In addition, functioning and development state co- this problem was not considered com- ordination and regulation is required. prehensively and did not contain such Providing conditions for the creation components as scientific substantia- of an effective and coordinated system tion, financial, logistical and regulatory of state regulation of the recreational support. sphere of Ukraine, in our opinion, is The purpose of the article is to an important factor in its sustainable develop theoretical foundations and socio-economic development. At the practical approaches to improving the same time, it is the institutional sup- institutional support of the mecha- port of the state regulation of the rec- nisms of state regulation of the deve- reational sphere that is characterized lopment of the recreational sphere.

44 Presentation of the main material. endowed to the Cabinet of Ministers Defining the system of public adminis- of Ukraine. Thus, the government im- tration recreational sphere, it is neces- plements the environmental policy sary to take into account their mana- defined by the Verkhovna Rada of gerial competence in this area. That is, Ukraine, ensures the development of the bodies of state administration of the regional environmental programs. Also, recreational sphere include those bo- the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dies that are endowed with state-power makes a decision on the organization of functions in order to fulfill their tasks territories and objects of nature reserve in the field of protection of recreational fund of national importance, that is, the areas and the use of recreational re- administrative competence of the go- sources, and the effectiveness of man- vernment in the field of protection agement depends on the completeness of recreational areas and the use of of the competence of the subjects of recreational resources extends to re- management in the legislation. creational areas that are part of the ter- Among the bodies of state adminis- ritories and objects of the natural re- tration of the recreational sphere it is serve fund of national importance (for worth to highlight the Verkhovna Rada example, in the territories of national of Ukraine, which plays a special role in parks a zone of regulated recreation and the regulation of relations for the pro- the area of stationary recreation, bio- tection of recreational areas, as in this sphere reserves-zone of anthropogenic area it is endowed with exclusive com- landscapes and the like are allocated). petence. Namely, to the jurisdiction of In addition, the general manage- the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, first of ment of health and medical institutions all, is the legislative regulation of rela- is carried out by the Cabinet of Minis- tions in the field of protection of recrea- ters of Ukraine, by specially authorized tional areas and the use of recreational Central Executive authority on the resources and the definition of the main activities of resorts, as well as regional directions of state policy in this area [1]. and Kyiv city state administration, The exclusive powers of the Verkhovna other executive authorities and local Rada of Ukraine in the field of recrea- self-government. tion include: the definition of the main The main powers of the Cabinet directions of state policy in the recrea- of Ministers of Ukraine in the field of tional sphere; the definition of the legal resorts include: establishment of rules framework for the regulation of rela- and regulations for the use of natural tions in the recreational sphere, their medicinal resources; organization of improvement and adaptation to the state accounting of natural medicinal generally recognized norms of interna- resources, therapeutic areas and resorts; tional law; the definition in the law on approval of the regime of districts and the state budget of Ukraine of financial zones of sanitary protection of resorts support of the recreational industry [2]. of national importance; approval of the Management functions in the field order of monitoring of natural areas of of protection of recreational areas and resorts and the order of creation and the use of recreational resources are maintenance of the state cadastre of

45 natural areas of resorts of Ukraine and acts are aimed at regulating relations the state cadastre of natural medicinal in which the direct objects are both resources of Ukraine [3]. recreational areas that are part of other Consequently, the Cabinet of Minis- territories and objects to be protected, ters of Ukraine in accordance with the as well as recreational areas and recrea- Constitution and laws of Ukraine: car- tional resources. ries out public administration and en- The Ministry of ecology and natu- sures the implementation of state policy ral resources of Ukraine (Ministry of in the field of recreation; develops and natural resources) is the main body approves programs for the development in the system of central executive au- of the recreational sphere in Ukraine thorities, which ensures the formation and finances their implementation in and implementation of the state policy accordance with the budget legislation; in relation to the recreational sphere, adopts legal acts regulating relations carries out its management functions in the field of recreational activities; in accordance with the Law of Ukraine ensures the rational use of recreational "On environmental protection" and the resources and taking measures for their Regulations on the Ministry of ecology preservation; promotes the develop- and natural resources of Ukraine. The ment of the recreational industry and management competence of the Minis- the creation of an effective recreational try of natural resources as to the natural infrastructure; organizes and ensures resources is general, since the manage- the implementation of the state invest- ment in the field of protection of recrea- ment policy in the field of recreational tional areas and the use of recreational activities; prepares and submits to the resources is carried out along with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as part of management of the use and protection the draft law on the State budget of of other natural resources, natural ob- Ukraine for the relevant year propo- jects and territories. And the main tasks sals on the amount of budget funds of the Ministry of natural resources do for financial support of projects and not include the tasks regarding the pro- programs for the development of rec- tection of recreational areas and the use reation; informs the Verkhovna Rada of of recreational resources, they include Ukraine on the implementation of the only the general tasks — to ensure the program of recreation in Ukraine; cre- rational use, reproduction and protec- ates a state system of scientific support tion of natural resources, conservation, in the field of recreational activities, reproduction and sustainable use of etc. [4]. biological and landscape diversity, the Implementing powers in the recrea- formation, conservation and use of the tional sector, particularly in relation to ecological network, organization, pro- protection of recreational areas and use tection and use of the natural reserve of recreational resources, the Cabinet fund. Most of the powers of the Minis- of Ministers issues resolutions and or- try of natural resources in the field of ders that are binding and have norma- protection of recreational areas and the tive, organizational and competence- use of recreational resources relate to constituent character. Government recreational areas, which are part of the

46 individual territories and objects of the health-improving functions are used for natural reserve fund. tourism, sports, spa treatment and rec- Within the framework of the ad- reation of the population, belong to the ministrative structure of the Ministry category of recreational forests. of natural resources of Ukraine, there At the same time, it should be noted are central executive bodies that also that not all issues related to the state regulate the recreational and tourism regulation of recreational nature mana- sector, namely the State Environmental gement are within the competence of Inspectorate, the State Service of Geo- the Ministry of ecology and natural logy and subsoil of Ukraine, the State resources, some of them are attributed Agency for water resources of Ukraine, to the powers of the central executive the State Agency for environmental in- authorities, whose activities are coordi- vestments of Ukraine, the State Agency nated and directed by the Ministry of for the management of the exclusion agrarian policy and food of Ukraine. zone, the State Agency for environmen- However, it should be noted that tal investments. the system of state recreational policy Special attention in the system of of Ukraine is not limited to the above- state bodies of management of recrea- mentioned institutions. The complex- tional areas should be paid to the State ity of its regulation lies in the fact that Environmental Inspectorate (State Ukraine has not created a clear, unified Ecological Inspectorate of Ukraine), system of state regulation of the recrea- whose competence includes the func- tional sphere and therefore certain as- tions of control in relation to the ra- pects of it in our country are managed tional use, reproduction and protec- by many state bodies (ministries, ser- tion of natural resources, in particular, vices, agencies, etc.). natural recreational resources, compli- Among them are the following min- ance with the regime of territories and istries: the Ministry of Social Policy objects of the natural reserve fund, in of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health, particular, recreational areas included the Ministry of Youth and Sports of in their composition. Ukraine. After all, it is within their Through the Minister of agrarian powers to ensure the implementation policy and food, the Cabinet of Mi- of state policy in the field of health, nisters of Ukraine directs and coordi- sanitary and epidemic well-being of the nates the activities of the State Forest population, social protection, compul- Resources Agency of Ukraine (State sory state social insurance, pensions, Forestry Agency). State state Agency social services, collective and contrac- is the Central Executive authority that tual regulation of social and economic implements the state policy in the field interests of employees and employers, of forestry and hunting. Regarding the the development of social dialogue; the powers in the field of recreation, it is implementation of the general legal, so- the State Agency that decides on the cial, economic and organizational foun- classification of forests to the appro- dations of physical culture and sports in priate category. After all, forest areas Ukraine and the participation of state that perform recreational, sanitary and bodies, officials, as well as enterprises,

47 institutions and organizations, regard- powers in the organization, protection less of ownership, in strengthening the of recreational areas and use of recrea- health of citizens, achieving a high level tional resources. of work capacity is carried out and lon- Due to such differentiation of gevity by means of physical culture and spheres of influence among the admi- sports is ensured and monitored. nistrative vertical, it is necessary to add The Ministry of culture of Ukraine that these state structures are not able is an important state institution regard- to control the whole range of relations ing the regulation of certain aspects of arising in the process of recreational the recreational and tourism sector. activities in Ukraine. Also, a certain In accordance with the established share of powers in the management of procedure, it makes proposals on the the recreational sphere is performed by formation of state policy in the resort the following bodies: tax inspections in industry, ensures its implementation, cities, managers and heads of subjects carries out management in this area, as of recreational activities, intermediary well as inter-sectoral coordination. The firms, subjects of advertising and com- main objectives of the Ministry are to munication, and the like. That is, in a participate in the formation and im- sense, subjects and persons of different plementation of the state policy in the forms of ownership are involved in the resort industry; development and im- field of recreational services. plementation of national programs for It should be noted that the activity the development of resorts and tourism of state regulation structures of the rec- and recreation, tourism services mar- reational sphere locally also has similar ket, protection and safety of tourists; problems in the regions. This, above definition of prospects and directions of all, depends on the lack of understand- development of the recreational sphere, ing by the local authorities of the im- the development of material and tech- portance of the recreational sector for nical base of recreation; inter-sectoral the development of the local economy coordination and functional regulation and the need for regulation at the local on recreation; organization and deve- level and to some extent due to the lack lopment of the system of scientific, in- of highly qualified specialists on rec- formation and advertising support of reation in local authorities and among The subjects of state administration workers in the region. of the recreational sphere are also rep- In the context of consideration of resented by the сentral executive au- this issue, it should be emphasized that thorities represented by the Ministry in the system of public administration of Infrastructure of Ukraine and the of the recreational sphere there is no State Agency of tourism and resorts of body whose competence is the imple- Ukraine, as well as by specialized de- mentation of exclusively functions of partments under the regional state ad- management of recreational areas, in ministrations. fact, all state bodies are endowed with At the local level, local state admi- management functions in relation to nistrations and local self-government reactionary areas and recreational re- bodies are vested with managerial sources, along with the functions of

48 management of other resources, ob- velopment of the recreation sector, the jects, territories. Management activi- mechanism for its implementation and ties of the bodies are aimed at solving support of process implementation; de- the problems of organizing the protec- sign and submission to the Parliament tion of recreational areas and the use legislative initiatives; preparation and of recreational resources to the same submission of proposals to the Cabi- extent as the implementation of other net of Ministers for the coordination tasks in various spheres of society. of ministries and departments on the In addition, in Ukraine we observe development of the recreational in- constant reforms to change the central dustry, its infrastructure, material and body of the general state level, which is technical base, recreational enterprises, responsible for the management of the subordination of all forms of owner- recreational industry. We believe that ship; organization of new recreational this is extremely negative, because fre- areas; creation and provision of the quent reorganization and redistribution national information and advertising of powers between existing and newly system of the industry; organization of created state structures neutralize the advertising activities with targeted in- possibility of systematic functioning of vestment projects in the country and the mechanism of state management of abroad. the recreational industry at all manage- The functions of the regional admi- ment levels. nistration (departments of recreation) Due to the fact that Ukraine pro- should include: the functions of moni- claims recreation as one of the prio- toring the quality of service of holi- rity directions of economic and cul- daymakers, licensing recreators, cer- tural development and creates condi- tification of accommodation facilities tions for recreational activities, there is (hotels, campsites, recreation), encou- an urgent need for structural changes raging the development of innovative in the system of public authorities en- tourist and recreational product, a new gaged in state regulation of the recrea- service, search for potential investors. tional sphere at all levels. Moreover, At the same time, studying the sys- the improvement of public authorities tem of public administration in the rec- engaged in the regulation of the recrea- reational sphere, it is necessary to take tional sphere at the local, regional and into account the level of territorial dis- central levels should be in line with the tribution of their powers. For sustain- improvement of other branches of the able use of recreational resources and Ukrainian government. protection of recreational areas, first of A clear distribution of rights and all, it is necessary to ensure the optimal responsibilities of different levels of balance of national and local interests management is a prerequisite for the in the creation of a system of public ad- effectiveness of the management sys- ministration in this area, because the tem of the recreational industry. Con- local authorities are most aware of the sequently, the link of the government's problems of the area and the needs of management of recreational activities the population, which makes it possi- should: develop the concept of the de- ble to take into account such specifics

49 in the implementation of management ties of services that operate in the field functions. of recreation, to create a single rational Effective institutional support system of information support, a system should operate on the principles of of control, analysis and expertise. transparency, efficiency, economy and The solution of the problems con- provide for active cooperation with nected with the institutional principles other structures, including non-state of state regulation of the recreational ones, which are interested in the de- sphere will allow to make structural velopment of the recreational industry. changes in the system of the state power The main task of such provision should of Ukraine for the purpose of creation be the creation of favorable conditions in the state of integral system of state for the development of the recreational regulation of the recreational sphere. sphere. That is, we can identify such ba- Conclusions. Thus, the institutional sic requirements for the construction of support of the recreation industry is an effective institutional support of the formed by state and non-state organi- mechanism of state management of the zational structures that are created at recreational sphere: the elimination of different levels of the mechanism and duplication and differentiation of func- implement their decisions through the tions in the activity; specialization and methods of public administration in the unification of management functions recreational sphere within their powers. by levels and organizational and eco- Among these organizational structures nomic units; reduction and reduction of close subordinate, reordering and coor- costs for the maintenance of the admi- dination relationships exist. nistrative apparatus; efficiency, stabil- ity, flexibility and reliability of the in- References stitutional structure. 1. Gaman P. (2015), “Features of func- At the local level, the imperfection tioning of the mechanism of state reg- of the organizational and functional ulation of tourism development at the structure of the recreational sphere regional level”, Derzhava ta rehiony, management is most clearly manifested. vol. № 2, p. 39–44. Small inspection units with low materi- 2. Lazor O. (2011), “Bodies of state ad- al and technical support can fully meet ministration in the field of ecology and the needs and requirements of society natural resources”, Visnyk UADU, vol. for proper monitoring of the environ- № 4, p. 195–202. ment and improving its quality. Based 3. Rosetovoy O. (2017), “Theoretical Ba- on this, the organizational and econom- sis of State Regulation of the Develop- ment of the Recreation-Health-Tour- ic mechanism should be based on the ist Complex”, Derzhava ta rehiony, vol. formation of regional institutions that № 4, p. 183–188. would allow to concentrate and coordi- 4. Cherchik L. (2012), “Directions of im- nate the efforts of all subjects of recrea- provement of public administration in tional activities to achieve the optimal the field of recreational nature use”, level of use of the creative potential at Nauk.-inform. visn. Akad. nauk vysch. the regional level. At the same time, it osvity Ukrainy, vol. № 2 (79), p. 105– is important to coordinate the activi- 112.

50 Список використаних 3. Розметова О. Теоретичні засади дер- джерел жавного регулювання розвитку ре- креаційно-оздоровчо-туристичного 1. Гаман П. Особливості функціону- комплексу / О. Розметова // Дер- вання механізму державного ре- жава та регіони. — 2017. — № 4. — гулювання розвитку туризму на С. 183–188. регіональному рівні / П. Гаман // 4. Черчик Л. Напрями удосконален- Держава та регіони. — 2015. — № 2. — ня державного управління у сфері С. 39–44. 2. Лазор О. Органи державного управ- рекреаційного природокористуван- ління в галузі екології та природ- ня / Л. Черчик // Наук.-інформ. них ресурсів / О. Лазор // Вісник вісн. Акад. наук вищ. освіти Украї- УАДУ. — К. : УАДУ, 2011. — № 4. — ни. — 2012. — № 2 (79). — С. 105– С. 195–202. 112.

51 UDC: 35.078.2:338.2 Brendak Alina Ivanіvna, Ph.D. Candidate of Economic Policy and Governance Department of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Antona Tsedika, 20, tel.: +380 (96) 625 32 78, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0204-5216 Брендак Аліна Іванівна, аспірант кафедри економічної політи- ки та врядування Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Антона Це- діка, 20, тел.: +380 (96) 625 32 78, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0204-5216 Брендак Алина Ивановна, аспирант кафедры экономической поли- тики и управления Национальной акаде- мии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, вул. Ан- тона Цедика, 20, тел.: +380 (96) 625 32 78, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0204-5216 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-52-63


Abstract. One of the priorities of building an effective system of public admi- nistration in Ukraine is the reform in the area of state customs affairs. Approval of Ukrainian Customs Code renewed edition in 2012 was an important step forward in brining national customs control system to the best international standards. Nevertheless practice shows that since then new threats and challenges in this area have appeared, due to some gaps in legislation and absence of effective mecha- nisms to manage customs sector. Considering mentioned, in this article analysis of core elements of decentra- lized control in the area of state customs affairs is conducted. This approach re- quires separation of two main processes: process of decision making and process of customs formalities fulfillment. On the one hand this will help to involve as many experts as needed for better decision making during customs control, on the other hand such system is expected to contribute into integrity issues.

52 On practice such process may be put into place through establishing of front and back offices. Front offices will be in contact with economic operators in case if needed, and back offices will play leading role in the process of decision making. Core issue is that front and back offices should be geographically located in diffe- rent regions and some decisions on one customs declaration based on risk analysis and assessment may be taken by experts located in different customs offices (e.g. customs value is checked in one office and non-tariff regulation in another one). During prospects of decentralized control implementation in the area of state customs affairs of Ukraine identification it is stressed that some changes have to be done. Such changes have to be made ranging from customs organizational structure review to legislation improvement. The author argues, that integrated implementa- tion of such approach will help to improve efficiency of state customs affairs ma- nagement and to ensure fundamentally new level of state customs security. Keywords: state customs affairs, decentralized customs control, customs clearance, customs formalities, risk management system, risks analysis and as- sessment, front and back offices. ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ ЗАПРОВАДЖЕННЯ ДЕЦЕНТРАЛІЗОВАНОГО КОНТРОЛЮ В ДЕРЖАВНІЙ МИТНІЙ СПРАВІ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. Одним із пріоритетних напрямів розбудови ефективної систе- ми публічного управління в Україні є реформування державної митної спра- ви. Затвердження оновленої редакції Митного кодексу України в 2012 році стало важливим кроком уперед у приведенні національної системи митного контролю до найкращих міжнародних стандартів. Однак практика свідчить, що з того часу у цій сфері відносин з’явилися нові загрози та виклики, пов’я- зані, зокрема, із наявністю прогалин у законодавстві та відсутністю дієвих механізмів управління митним сектором. У зв’язку із зазначеним у статті проаналізовано ключові аспекти органі- зації децентралізованого контролю в сфері державної митної справи. Це пе- редбачає розділення двох основних процесів: процесу прийняття управлін- ських рішень та процесу виконання митних формальностей. З одного боку, це допоможе залучити якомога більше експертів, що є необхідною умовою для більш зваженого прийняття управлінських рішень під час здійснення митного контролю, з іншого, — такий підхід, як очікується, сприятиме до- брочесності. На практиці цей підхід може бути реалізований шляхом створення фронт- та бек-офісів на базі існуючих митниць. Фронт-офіси контактува- тимуть у разі потреби з економічними операторами, а бек-офіси відіграва- тимуть провідну роль у процесі прийняття управлінських рішень. Основна ідея полягає в тому, що фронт- та бек-офіси мають бути розташовані в різних регіонах, а окремі рішення щодо однієї митної декларації, що базуються на аналізі та оцінці ризиків, можуть прийматись фахівцями, які територіально знаходяться у різних митницях (наприклад, митна вартість перевіряється в одному офісі, а нетарифне регулювання — в іншому).

53 При визначенні перспектив запровадження децентралізованого контро- лю в державній митній справі України акцентується на необхідності здійс- нення ряду змін, починаючи від перегляду організаційної структури мит- ниць і закінчуючи вдосконаленням нормативно-правової бази. Комплексне впровадження такого підходу дасть можливість підвищити ефективність управління державною митною справою та забезпечити принципово новий рівень митної безпеки країни. Ключові слова: державна митна справа, децентралізований митний кон- троль, митне оформлення, митні формальності, система управління ризика- ми, аналіз та оцінка ризиків, фронт- та бек-офіси. ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ ДЕЦЕНТРАЛИЗОВАННОГО КОНТРОЛЯ В ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОМ ТАМОЖЕННОМ ДЕЛЕ УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. Одним из приоритетных направлений построения эффектив- ной системы публичного управления в Украине является реформирование государственного таможенного дела. Принятие обновленной редакции Тамо- женного кодекса Украины в 2012 году стало важным шагом вперед в рамках внедрения в национальную систему таможенного контроля лучших между- народных стандартов. Тем не менее, практика свидетельствует о том, что с тех пор в этой сфере появились новые угрозы и вызовы, связанные, в частности, с наличием пробелов в законодательстве и отсутствием действенных меха- низмов управления таможенным сектором. В связи с этим в статье проведен анализ ключевых аспектов организации децентрализованного контроля в сфере государственного таможенного дела. Это предусматривает разделение двух основных процессов: процесса приня- тия управленческих решений и процесса выполнения таможенных формаль- ностей. С одной стороны, это поможет привлечь как можно больше экспертов для более взвешенного принятия управленческих решений, с другой — такой подход, как ожидается, будет способствовать добропорядочности. На практике такой процесс может быть реализован путем создания фронт- и бэк-офисов. Фронт-офисы будут поддерживать контакты с экономически- ми операторами в случае необходимости, а бэк-офисы будут играть ведущую роль в процессе принятия управленческих решений. Основной идеей являет- ся то, что фронт- и бэк-офисы должны располагаться в разных регионах, а не- которые решения по одной таможенной декларации, основанные на анализе и оценке рисков, смогут приниматься экспертами, которые территориально находятся в разных таможенных органах (например, таможенная стоимость проверяется в одном офисе, а нетарифное регулирование — в другом). При определении перспектив внедрения децентрализованного контроля в таможенном деле Украины акцентируется на необходимости осуществления ряда изменений, начиная с пересмотра организационной структуры таможен и заканчивая улучшением нормативно-правовой базы. По мнению автора, комплексное внедрение такого подхода позволит повысить эффективность

54 управления государственным таможенным делом и обеспечить принципи- ально новый уровень таможенной безопасности Украины. Ключевые слова: государственное таможенное дело, децентрализиро- ванный таможенный контроль, таможенное оформление, таможенные фор- мальности, система управления рисками, анализ и оценка рисков, фронт- и бэк-офисы.

Target setting. Capabilities to en- elements, which compensate possibili- sure state customs security largely de- ty of skipping customs formalities upon pends on using mechanisms of selective crossing the border by goods and vehi- customs control. Application of modern cles (authorized economic operators, risk-management technologies in this post-clearance control, customs audit area helps to mitigate human factor etc.). when making relevant decisions and Remediation of current situation is brings a vast improvement to quality of not only about implementation of men- public administration in state customs tioned mechanisms, but also about sig- affairs. Thus, according to international nificant improvement of basic model of requirements and standards each coun- selective customs control organization. try has to ensure the best possible ba- This makes actual tasks of identifica- lance between simplification of customs tion and implementation of tools to op- formalities and sufficient customs con- timize customs control. trol. Analysis of basic research and pub- Unfortunately, current approach- lication. Implementation of risk based es to organization of customs con- selective customs control is subject trol of goods and vehicles in Ukraine to researches of many Ukrainian and can’t solve issues of effective selective foreign scientists. The most compre- control to the full extent. Customs hensive description of Ukrainian risk clearance, which is performed by one management system is given in joint customs officer, and time limits for cus- monograph “Risk management in cus- toms formalities fulfillment, which are toms: foreign experience and domestic established by the law, do not contri- practice” under general editorship of bute into quality and efficiency of cus- Berezhnuk I. [1] Authors of this paper toms control improvement. This also focus their attention on customs risks prevents from ensuring adequate level analysis and assessment during cus- of state customs interests security ac- toms control, legal aspects of customs cording to the competence of customs risk management system application, authorities. Ukraine has made a great finding some steps to improve existing mistake when launched selective cus- system. At the same time, possible sce- toms control, based on application of narios of risk based customs procedures risk management system, and haven’t review have been studied partly and ensured effective application of other specific tools of decentralized customs

55 control implementation haven’t been ration and other documents (if needed), studied at all. and transferring all information to the The object of this article is analysis database); of core issues of decentralized customs 2. initial check (checking submission control organization, prospects identifi- of invoice or document, which contains cation and working out the most appro- information on value, automatic check priate approach to its implementation of filling customs declaration correct- in the area of state customs affairs con- ness according to the requirements of sidering threats and weaknesses in both customs legislation, matching electron- internal and external customs environ- ic and hard copy of customs declaration ment of Ukraine. (if there is hard one)); The statement of basic materials. 3. acceptance of declaration for cus- Article 320 of Ukrainian Customs Code, toms clearance by stamping it (putting states that customs control should be stamps on hard copies or electronically selective and based on risk management depending on type of submitted decla- system application. At the same time, ration); part one of the Article 318 of Ukrain- 4. denying to clear goods by the ian Customs Code stipulates that all customs declaration (occurs on this goods and commercial purpose vehicles, stage when customs declaration is miss- which cross the border of Ukraine are ing some data or is submitted without subjects to customs control. [2] This documents on customs value, which are means that regardless fulfillment of ad- required by the law; electronic customs ditional customs formalities regarding declaration is missing some requisites goods and vehicles, which are based on required by the law; or customs decla- results of risk management system ap- ration is submitted in violation of other plication, supervisory control of other requirements, established by the Cus- foreign economic transactions has to toms Code of Ukraine); be applied. Currently, regardless results 5. customs clearance, which means of risks analysis and assessment cus- fulfillment of the following customs for- toms officer should check each customs malities: declaration submitted to clear goods. 5.1. checking compliance with a Thus, according to the Instruction on deadlines of declaration submission (if customs formalities fulfillment during such deadlines are established by the customs clearance of goods with a use of law); customs declaration in the form of sin- 5.2. checking marks on completion gle administrative document, approved of goods movement (if such cases speci- by the order of the Ministry of Finance fied by customs legislation); of Ukraine № 631 dated 30.05.2012, 5.3. comparison control (comparison process of customs formalities fulfill- of authorized bank requisites, currency ment by each declaration consists of the rates, checking if there are any existing following steps: (not expired) sanctions applied to eco- 1. registration (checking format, re- nomic operator(s) according to the Law cording date and time by assignment of Ukraine on foreign economic activi- registration number to customs decla- ty; checking if there were any denials in

56 customs clearance of the goods; check- if to take into account that such con- ing compliance with prohibitions and trol has to be performed by single cus- restrictions requirements, established toms officer and during not more than by the legislation, considering informa- 4 hours, situations starts to be seen in tion from consent documents, provided a new light. Such approach puts cus- electronically by other authorities; toms officers under pressure of choice: checking customs duties and other pay- whether to check information accurate- ments; considering information from ly and possibly fail 4-hours deadline, or foreign customs authorities and law en- just to carry out sort analysis of infor- forcement agencies); mation and clear goods as soon as pos- 5.4. control, performed with appli- sible. Anyway in such cases thoughts cation of risk management system, in- about securing state interests are not cluding risks analysis by automated risk key factors during decision-making. management system (ARMS); This boosts corruption risks, at the 5.5. tariff classification control; same time security of customs interests 5.6. country of origin control; rapidly decreases. 5.7. non-tariff measures control; Improvement of existing system 5.8. tax exemptions control; may be achieved by different ways. 5.9. IPR control; This may be wider application of cus- 5.10. customs value control; toms audit and its strengthening, in- 6. suspending of customs clearance troduction of post-clearance control (in cases when there is a need for more and automatic release of goods, further detailed IPR or non-food products automation of risks analysis and assess- check according to the law); ment, including capabilities in diffe- 7. handing over declaration to the rent types of border crossing points specialized division (according to the and before arrival of goods [1, 283– law in complicated cases or by demand 285] etc. But in this article we are go- of such division); ing to explore decentralized approach 8. physical inspection (if needed); to customs control, which can help to 9. accomplishment of customs clea- enhance control before and upon ar- rance; rival of goods to the customs territory 10. regardless other customs formali- of Ukraine. At the same moment it ties goods may be subject to customs allows to involve as many customs of- audit [3]. ficers as needed in control of foreign Consequently, today we have a sys- trade transaction, who may work on tem, when each customs declaration has customs declaration simultaneously. to be fully checked as for the possibil- In order to implement decentra- ity of breach Ukrainian customs law, lized system of customs control first including application of ARMS. This of all out-of-date organization charts seems quite consistent considering ab- of regional customs offices should be sence of other efficient mechanisms to reviewed. At the moment there are 27 control foreign economic transactions regional customs offices. Typical struc- before and after customs clearance of ture of customs office consists of the fol- goods and vehicles. At the same time, lowing units [4]:

57 – customs posts (detached offices X-ray scanning, dog handling, weigh- for customs clearance); ing, sampling etc. – customs control organization; To implement such approach all cus- – customs duties administration; toms declarations should be submitted – counteracting customs offences in a centralized way to one server. Once and international cooperation; declaration is submitted it is transferred – risk management; to one of the back-offices according to – information technologies (IT); its specialization (depending on type – customs statistics; of goods) or randomly. Customs officer – human resources (HR); in back-office performs risks analysis – prevention and exposure of cor- and assessment of customs declara- ruption; tion, including ARMS application, and – protection of state secrets and compilates final list of binding customs cryptographic security of infor- formalities, which are to be fulfilled. In mation; complicated cases or if there is a need to – financial support and infrastruc- involve some subject matter expert cus- ture; toms officer in back-office may assign – finance, accounting and report- special status to the declaration and it ing; will be transferred to relevant unit or – legal affairs; expert for providing recommendations – dealing with resorts of citizens or making decisions. Afterwards cus- and granting access to public in- toms officer transmits customs declara- formation. tion in the mode of customs clearance. In case of decentralized approach Once declaration is in mode of cus- launching regional customs structure toms clearance it is automatically sent becomes less important but specializa- to the front-office, which is picked up tion comes into the picture. Decentra- in a random automated way (for docu- lized system requires establishment of mentary control, in case if such formali- front- and back-offices and function- ties are assigned by back-office, and ing of so called physical inspections customs clearance itself) and to physi- groups. cal inspections group, which works in Customs officers in back-offices will customs office/place where goods are make final decision on list of customs physically located (for physical inspec- formalities, which are to be fulfilled tion and other intrusive forms of cus- in each particular case, based on risks toms control, if such formalities are as- analysis and assessment, including ap- signed by back-office). plication of ARMS. Customs officers from front-offices Customs officers in front-offices will and physical inspections groups may make customs clearance itself and per- initiate additional customs formalities form documentary control, if such for- and expand list, assigned by back-office, malities are assigned by back-office. but they can’t cancel any formalities Customs officers involved into work from the list. of physical inspections groups will make Customs officer from front-office can physical inspection of goods, vehicles, clear goods only after entering results of

58 all customs formalities, including physi- tries of origin, manufacturers, typical cal inspection and other intrusive forms routes, market places, illegal modus op- of control, performed by physical in- erandi etc. spections group (if there were any). In fact specializations may be areas Moreover, customs officer from of control (tariff classification, coun- back-office may apply procedure when try of origin, non-tariff measures, IPR, customs clearance can be finalized by customs value etc.) and people work- front-office only after verification of ing today in relevant units of regional customs control results in back-office. customs offices may be offered to pass List of customs formalities, which through the process of specialization as- includes substantiations and additional signing to become part of back-offices. explanations for each customs forma- Apart of back-offices specialization, lity, information on initiator (this infor- customs officers from front-offices and mation is hidden but kept in database: physical inspections groups should go ARMS recommendations or ID of the through practical trainings considering customs officer, who added customs for- specifics of their work as well. mality to the list), and results of their Customs officer in back-office will fulfillment are recorded into database be picked-up randomly considering his/ and are subjects to further analysis of her specialization and type of goods and effectiveness and efficiency. This infor- the only condition is that this officer mation can be also used for personal is not located in customs office, where assessment and financial motivation of goods are physically located. Customs best customs officers. officer in front-office will be picked-up In order to make this system work randomly and the condition is that this properly specialization of customs of- officer is not located in customs office, ficers in back-offices is needed. List of where goods are physically located, standard specialization areas should and/or in customs office, where back- be defined. Specialization, on the one office, which performed risks analysis hand, should be quite narrow (it should and assessment, located. Physical in- be possible for customs officer to acquire spection (if it’s assigned) will be per- necessary competency and knowledge formed by group of customs post, where for carrying-out further risks analysis goods are physically located. and assessment in specific area), but For instance, goods are delivered to on the other one — quite vast (to avoid one of the customs posts of Lviv Cus- cases when customs officers of one spe- toms Office as it’s close to the border, cialization form small group which may importer, which is located in Dnipro, go into cahoots). submits declaration to the central Customs officers will be able to customs server. According to the spe- broaden their specializations by going cialization and random selection this through special trainings and passing declaration is transmitted to Kyiv back- relevant tests. Training for customs of- office for risks analysis and assessment. ficers should be quite practical. They During control of goods customs of- should learn technological and pricing ficer of Kyiv back-office involves ta- characteristics of specific goods, coun- riff classification expert, who is located

59 in Mykolaiv. Afterwards customs of- a need to go to the customs office for ficer of Kyiv back-office forms list of physical inspection or goods can be customs formalities in the system and delivered right to the premises of im- transmits customs declaration in the porter. This procedure is in place in na- mode of customs clearance. By random tional system of state customs affairs at selection declaration appears in Sumy the moment. front-office for documentary check and On the start of the shift customs customs post of Lviv Customs Office for officers will register in IT-system and physical inspection (as both have been become available for declarations pro- assigned by back-office). All results of cessing. All customs declarations from customs formalities fulfillment are put central server are allotted according into the system and if everything is fine to interregional algorithm firstly for customs clearance can be finalized and risks analysis and assessment, includ- goods can be released (Picture 1). ing ARMS application, and, afterwards, If importer doesn’t want to wait for customs clearance and/or physical there is a possibility to submit customs inspection. All decisions on all stages declaration before arrival of goods. In and all communications between stake- this case, once goods cross the border holders should be substantiated, en- importer will be informed if there is tered and stored in IT-system. At the

Pic. 1. Proposed algorithm of decentralized customs control of goods and vehicles in Ukraine (developed by the author)

60 same time all communication should ing at customs posts may start working be anonymous and one customs officer in front-offices. Back-offices may be should not have information about even virtual and involve experts, who other customs officers involved into the are located in different regions, but suc- process of customs control by declara- cessfully have passed process of special- tion. All information regarding place of ization assignment. Also, it is important goods location, back- and front-offices to ensure work of customs audit teams, and relevant customs offices working which will be able to perform customs on customs declaration, the same as in- control on premises of economic opera- formation about other customs officials, tors after goods are released. Subjects to should be hidden from customs officers customs audits as well as post-clearance involved in work with declaration in or- control may be identified by back-of- der to avoid cahoots. fices too. The system of decentralized Implementation of decentralized customs control should be completed customs control system is resource con- with divisions of counteracting customs sumed in terms of IT system develop- offences, which will be transformed in ment, but it brings a lot of advantages. rapid-response units with enforcement One of them is solving of corruption functions. and integrity issues due to multilayered Conclusions. Key characteristics of decisions making and control approach. decentralized system of customs con- Those people in back-offices, who make trol are multilayered approach, geo- decisions on customs formalities list are graphic distance and anonymity, which interested in offences disclosure, at the will reduce influence of human fac- same time they won’t overburden cus- tor of each individual customs officer, toms offices in front-offices or physical who makes decision on necessity of inspection groups with fruitless cus- customs formalities fulfillment, fulfils toms formalities. such formalities and puts results into a To ensure fulfillment of above men- system. This system seems to be quite tioned tasks structure of customs offices adequate to Ukrainian realities and can has to be reviewed. Structure of cus- bring a vast improvement in the area toms should be transformed to tackle of anticorruption activities. Corrup- abovementioned issues. Infrastructure tion is a very serious threat for efficient along the border should be able to han- functioning of inner customs environ- dle goods and vehicles, including car- ment, it also has a negative influence go terminals equipped with technical on customs perception in society (ex- means of customs control where goods ternal aspect). Weak point in imple- may be physically inspected or where mentation of decentralization in the importer may just wait for final decision area of customs control may be absence on release of goods. Inside the country of customs officers’ motivation. They customs officers working in specific have passed through many attempts to units (tariff classification, country of reform customs system and lost their origin, non-tariff measures, IPR, cus- faith in positive changes in the system. toms value etc.) may become experts of This situation has to be solved through back-offices and customs officers work- appropriate funding and salaries level.

61 Additionally, efforts have to be made in nyj dosvid ta vitchyzniana praktyka order to improve image of customs of- [Risk management in customs: foreign ficers through vast outreach on results experience and domestic practice], of implementation new transparent Melnyk A. A., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine. approach to customs control of goods 2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2012), Customs Code of Ukraine, available and vehicles. Non-financial motivation, at: which will be based on respect, advo- show/4495-17/conv/print (Accessed cacy and support of customs officers 12 August 2018) should be essential part of new decen- 3. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine tralized system implementation. (2012), “Instruction on customs It is argued, that implementation of formalities fulfillment during cus- such approach can be done regardless of toms clearance of goods with a use such progressive issues application like of customs declaration in the form of automated release of goods or concep- single administrative document, ap- tions of authorized economic operators. proved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine № 631 dated Thus, customs officers in back-offices 30.05.2012”, available at: http://za- may work only with customs declara- tions selected by results of automa- 12/print1511376159093920 (Ac- ted risks analysis and assessment by cessed 18 August 2018). ARMS, at the time when rest of dec- 4. State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (2018), larations may be cleared automatically. “Regional authorities of the State Fis- But application of such approach is pos- cal Service of Ukraine”, available at: sible when post-clearance control and customs audit is in place and functions struktura-/teritorialni-organi/ (Ac- properly. Implementation of other men- cessed 16 August 2018). tioned initiatives can also strengthen new customs philosophy. Список використаних The most advanced directions of fur- джерел ther researches regarding development 1. Управління ризиками в митній спра- of public administration system in the ві: зарубіжний досвід та вітчизняна area of Ukrainian customs affairs the практика: монографія; за заг. ред. author of the article considers study- І. Г. Бережнюка. — Хмельниць- ing possible algorithms of cooperation кий: ПП Мельник А. А., 2014. — between different stakeholders dur- 288 с. ing risks analysis and assessment, and 2. Митний кодекс України: Закон studying main criteria for measuring України від 13.03.2012 р. № 4495-VI efficient and effectiveness of risk ma- (зі змінами) // База даних “Законо- давство України” / Верховна рада nagement system application during України. URL: http://zakon0.rada. customs control. 3. Порядок виконання митних фор- REFERENCES мальностей при здійсненні мит- ного оформлення товарів із за- 1. Berezhnuk I. G. (2014), Upravlinnia стосуванням митної декларації на ryzykamy v mytnij spravi: zarubizh- бланку єдиного адміністративно-

62 го документа : наказ Міністерства 4. Територіальні органи Державної фінансів України від 30.05.2012 р. фіскальної служби України // Офі- № 631 // База даних “Законодавство ційний сайт Державної фіскальної України” / Верховна рада України. служби України. URL: URL: ua/pro-sfs-ukraini/struktura-/terito- laws/show/z1360-12. rialni-organi/

63 UDC 378.014(477) Vavrenyuk Sergey Anatolievich, PhD in Public Administration, lecturer of the Department of pyrotechnic and special train- ing, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 61023, Kharkiv, Str. Chernyshevskа, 94, tel.: (057) 700 31 71, e-mail: nuczu@mns. ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906 Вавренюк Сергій Анатолійович, кандидат наук з державного управління, викладач кафедри піротехнічної та спе- ціальної підготовки, Національний універ- ситет цивільного захисту України, 61023, м. Харків, вул. Чернишевська, 94, тел.: (057) 700 31 71, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906 Вавренюк Сергей Анатольевич, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, преподаватель кафедры пи- ротехнической и специальной подготовки, Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины, 61023, г. Харьков, ул. Чер- нышевская, 94, тел.: (057) 700 31 71, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6396-9906 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-64-74

INTERNAL RISKS OF THE CONTEMPORARY STATE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN UKRAINE Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of managing internal risks af- fecting Ukrainian educational institutions. The author analyzes the existing inter- nal challenges and risks in the system of higher education in Ukraine. In addition to this, the essence of the cluster approach, which is one of the effective means of overcoming the problems of the economic mechanism of public administration in the system of reform and development of higher education, is being revealed. The author suggests that people risk is one of the most difficult and important problems of internal risks. It is noted that the solution of this problem will lead to an increase in the competitiveness of higher educational institutions and the effectiveness of the entire educational process. It is proved that the management of internal risks is an important issue that is to be decided not only by the , but also by the entire education system of the country. The author shows the importance of improving educational services by achieving an ideal state of the internal environment of the educational institution.

64 It is shown that the management of internal risks of a higher educational in- stitution should be based on generally accepted approaches, take into account the specifics of the education sphere and a specific classification of risks and threats. Also, the author examines the features of the cluster approach in education. It is determined that the cluster approach ensures the concentration of manage- ment efforts of educational institutions to solve educational problems, thereby contributing to the reduction of emerging internal risks in a higher educational institution. It is substantiated that the introduction of the cluster approach in the activity of the educational institution will improve the quality and social sta- tus of and increase the demand for graduates in the labor market. In conclusion, the author says that the modern development of the educa- tion system presupposes taking into account the provisions of risk management that will be for overcoming existing internal problems and challenges, thereby ensuring the creative development of domestic and increasing the competitiveness of domestic education in the world market. Keywords: internal risks, financial risks, innovative risks, people risks, public administration, cluster approach. ВНУТРІШНІ РИЗИКИ СУЧАСНОГО СТАНУ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ В УКРАЇНІ Анотація. Розглянуто проблему управління внутрішніми ризиками, які впливають на українські навчальні заклади. Проаналізовано існую- чі внутрішні виклики та ризики в системі вищої освіти України. Окрім цього розкривається сутність кластерного підходу, який на сьогодні є одним з ефективних засобів подолання проблем економічного механіз- му державного управління в системі реформування та розвитку вищої освіти. Визначено, що однією з найбільш складних й важливих проблем внутріш- ніх ризиків виступає кадровий ризик. Вирішення даної проблеми приведе до посилення конкурентоспроможності вищих освітніх закладів та ефективнос- ті усього освітнього процесу в цілому. Доведено, що управління внутрішніми ризиками є важливим питаням, яке має вирішуватися не тільки з навчальним закладом, а й усією системою осві- ти країни. Підкреслено важливість підвищення освітніх послуг за допомогою досягнення оптимального стану внутрішнього середовища освітньої устано- ви. Управління внутрішніми ризиками вищого навчального закладу має базу- ватися на загальноприйнятих підходах, враховувати специфіку сфери освіти та конкретну класифікацію ризиків й викликів. Досліджено особливості кластерного підходу в освіті. Визначено, що клас- терний підхід забезпечує концентрацію управлінських зусиль освітніх уста- нов на рішення виховних завдань, тим самим сприяючи зниженню внутріш- ніх ризиків у вищому навчальному закладі. Обґрунтовано, що впровадження

65 кластерного підходу в діяльність освітнього закладу буде підвищувати якість та соціальний статус професійної освіти, а також підвищувати потребу ви- пускників на ринку праці. Сучасний розвиток системи освіти передбачає врахування положень ри- зик-менеджменту, спрямованого на подолання наявних внутрішніх проблем та викликів, тим самим забезпечуючи інноваційний розвиток вітчизняних університетів й підвищуючи конкурентоспроможність вітчизняної освіти на світовому ринку. Ключові слова: внутрішні ризики, фінансові ризики, інноваційні ризики, кадрові ризики, державне управління, кластерний підхід. ВНУТРЕННИЕ РИСКИ СОВРЕМЕННОГО СОСТОЯНИЯ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В УКРАИНЕ Аннотация. Рассмотрена проблема управления внутренними рисками, влияющими на украинские учебные заведения. Проанализированы сущест- вующие внутренние вызовы и риски в системе высшего образования Укра- ины. Помимо этого раскрывается сущность кластерного подхода, который на сегодня является одним из эффективных средств преодоления проблем экономического механизма государственного управления в системе рефор- мирования и развития высшего образования. Определено, что одной из самых сложных и важных проблем внутренних рисков выступает кадровый риск. Решение данной проблемы приведет к уси- лению конкурентоспособности высших образовательных учреждений и эф- фективности всего образовательного процесса в целом. Доказано, что управление внутренними рисками является важным во- просов, который должен решаться не только учебным заведением, но и всей системой образования страны. Подчеркнута важность повышения образова- тельных услуг посредством достижения оптимального состояния внутрен- ней среды образовательного учреждения. Управление внутренними рисками высшего образовательного учреждения должно базироваться на общеприня- тых подходах, учитывать специфику сферы образования и конкретную клас- сификацию рисков и угроз. Исследованы особенности кластерного подхода в образовании. Опреде- лено, что кластерный подход обеспечивает концентрацию управленческих усилий образовательных учреждений на решение воспитательных задач, тем самым способствуя снижению возникающих внутренних рисков в высшем учебном заведении. Обосновано, что внедрение кластерного подхода в дея- тельность образовательного учреждения будет повышать качество и соци- альный статус профессионального образования и увеличивать востребован- ность выпускников на рынке труда. Современное развитие системы образования предполагает учет положе- ний риск-менеджмента, который будет направлен на преодоление имеющих- ся внутренних проблем и вызовов, тем самым обеспечивая инновационное

66 развитие отечественных университетов и повышая конкурентоспособность отечественного образования на мировом рынке. Ключевые слова: внутренние риски, финансовые риски, инновационные риски, кадровые риски, государственное управление, кластерный подход.

Problem statement. Risk manage- as, in assessing the situation, to timely ment issues occupy an important place recognize the impact of internal risks in the management of the economic on the efficiency of management of activities of various organizations. De- higher education. spite the specific market of higher edu- Analysis of recent publications on cation institutions services, these prob- research issues. The study of risks is lems are not overlooked by the party devoted to the work of many theorist and higher educational establishments. classics, namely A. Hanna, J. Keynes, The main task of risk management A. Smith, I. Fisher. in this area is to ideal make sure the As for the study of the problems as- relationship between the desired level sociated with the internal risks of the of risk and the necessary cash costs. In higher education system, many domes- this regard, the risk management sys- tic scientists were involved. Among tem of higher education institutions them, T. Bogolib, A. Tarkutsiak, V. Gel- should give the necessary mechanism man, and others. to overcome the problems that they are However, despite the wide range of called upon. studies that have been carried out in Among the components of this sys- this area, today we see a lack of cove- tem is the decision-making procedure rage of the issues of assessing the degree in the case of risk, as well as the choice of impact of internal risks on the ma- of methods for its prevention, the iden- nagement of the institution of higher tification of responsible persons, the education. information management system and Purpose of the article. The pur- the system of internal control. Manag- pose of the paper is to study the inter- ing the internal risks of higher educa- nal risks faced by institutions of higher tion institutions is one of the important education from the point of view of issues that are solved by the manage- their management and overcoming the ment of the institution. Due to the high existing problems. growth of competition in the market Presenting the main material of re- of educational services, it is important search. Among the main internal risks that the state of the internal environ- that depend on internal resource and ment of the educational institution is as management factors, we can highlight optimal as possible. To do this, it is ne- the lack of such resources, especially cessary to carry out continuous moni- students, highly skilled people, finance, toring of all internal mechanisms of in- computer equipment, infrastructure, stitutions of higher education, as well etc. This is all due to the fact that to-

67 day we see an inefficient process of ma- broadening of the range of criteria, in- naging the use of these resources under cluding the ratio of real contingent and fairly complex external conditions [1]. licensed volumes, the unemployment The normative regulations of the rate of graduates in the region and in Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine offer general, should also be taken into ac- those criteria that serve as a basis for count. It is also important to assess the assessing the risk of a separate educa- degree of risk at various levels, includ- tional institution for the system of ge- ing the institution itself, the region, neral secondary, vocational and higher sub-sector or industry in general [2]. education. Among the criteria for as- For the purpose of a detailed analy- sessing the level of risk in the field of sis of the risk management mechanisms higher education, it is possible to show of higher education institutions, it is the terms of conduct of economic acti- necessary to consider elementary inter- vity, which provides educational ser- nal risks. vices in the higher education system, Among them one of the most impor- and the violations of the requirements tant is the risk of lack of funds. Cash, of legislation for conducting economic which is in circulation, is the source of activity, which provides educational this risk. The cash received from stu- services in the higher education sys- dents for education services is unevenly tem. Such violations are the lack of received in higher education institu- legal basis for conducting educational tions, since the payment is one payment activities in certain areas and special- at the beginning of receiving the service ties, those or other violations of the or twice a year, however, the costs for requirements for the formation of the the functioning of educational institu- structure of the institution of higher tions are carried out. In the event of education and student contingent, or improper management financial policy, staffing of the educational process, or there is a shortage of cash back in the failure to make the curriculum and pro- period when there is no payment for gram. Equally important criteria for as- tuition. sessing the level of risk will be the re- One more condition for the emer- sults of the accreditation of educational gence of this risk may be the lack of programs; the planned performance in- funds in circulation, which leads to dicators contained in the annual plans negative consequences, including the of the entity, such as, government order need for a loan or loan, to show a ba- and financial stability. lance of cash in circulation. Therefore, Such criteria are usually analyzed for the rational management of cash in when examining institutions of higher circulation, it is necessary to optimize education, and on this basis, close on them, which is based on the needs of the degree of its risk, which may be the institution. An important task of insignificant, medium or high. From managing cash in circulation will be the a scientific point of view, government provision of their sources of funding. procurement and financial sustainabi- This tells us that in the foreground will lity are very important among these is- be the methodological and practical is- sues, but more complex assessment and sues of managing the analysis processes,

68 as well as the need to discuss the prob- management, scientific and technical. lem of the formation and rational use of In order to manage investment risks it working capital. is necessary to carry out their timely Ensuring a uniform distribution of detection, to rate and analyze the iden- the institution’s costs depend on the tified risks, to find the causes of their correct financial and economic policy occurrence, to develop measures that of the educational institution, tak- will cut their impact, economically ing into account the uneven cash flow. substantiate and implement the deve- Therefore, there is a need to create an loped measures. Implementation of appropriate reserve for certain obliga- such stages will make it possible to in- tory needs and expenditures of the edu- crease the efficiency of management of cational institution, while relying on investment risks. indicators and forecasts of the overall Among the specific internal risks, we economic situation in the country, cal- consider it necessary to refer to the loss culating the amount of tuition fees. The of contingent, which is usually classi- correct determination of the amount of fied as working. Naturally, students are payment for the entire period of study, the main and only consumer of higher as well as its distribution by exchange education institutions. Applicants form in equal parts or evenly, increasing each a potential contingent in a higher edu- year, is one of the important directions cation institution. Recently, there is of the financial and economic policy of such a tendency, which is lack of en- the educational institution. There is trants, which can be explained by the also a need to take into account the op- demographic situation in the country, tion when the student makes an early the policy of the state, financial insol- payment of the entire period of study. vency of the population. All these fac- In this case, it is important to pro- tors influence the significant reduction perly direct the flow of managed funds. of the number of applicants, which, in Among possible options, we can divide turn, forces higher education institu- deposits, investments in long-term pro- tions to intensify the competitive strug- jects or issuing certificates for training. gle for them. The consequences of such All this suggests that the effective al- a risk affect all types of activities of the location and make of investment funds institution of higher education, first, on to meet the needs of the institution its financial status [4]. throughout the student's training will Today, we can see that analysts of bring the most profit [3]. the Ministry of Education and Science Among the internal financial risks is of Ukraine offer us a cluster approach, allocated investment, which for insti- which allows determining the regional tutions of higher education, primarily groups of institutions of higher edu- associated with innovation activities. cation of the degree of aggravation of Innovative activity of institutions of their internal problems. higher education is the organization Important features of the cluster of educational, scientific and innova- participants are the presence of the tion process in four directions, namely, so-called “critical mass”, as well as the educational, research, administrative, sufficiently high level of connections

69 between the participants, that is, in- institutions and each group of research ternal and external connectivity and and development organizations. In this novelty in the activity of the cluster case, clusters will be considered as the participants. If we look at the last part, most effective production system in the note that the cluster is directed and conditions of globalization and deve- concentrated on creative enterprises lopment of modern science, that is, the (firms and institutions). It is innova- knowledge economy [6]. tive development that directs the ac- Considering the sphere of regional tive orientation of these structures development, it should be noted that and defines innovative activity, and is it is worth developing cluster concepts. achieved by continuous improvement In this case, radical reforms are needed of the advantages as a result of various at the national level, which will lead to types of innovations. These include or- greater organizational and economic ganizational, technological, technical cooperation. However, here the main and marketing innovations. aspect of supporting the clustering pro- Summarizing the above, let us note cess is the implementation of a policy at that solving the problem of industrial the national level for maintaining and cooperation precisely in the field of developing scientific and technological training of classified labor is possible progress, developing innovation, con- due to cauterization of the sphere of ducting administrative, financial and education. In this case, this approach economic, as well as regulatory reforms will help increase competitiveness at the and strategic development of the re- regional and national levels, increase gions [7]. the growth of innovation potential, de- According to T. Yu. Krasnikova edu- velop small and medium-sized business- cational clusters are a system of joint es in the field of education and training institutions of specialized education, of skilled workers, as well as in other joined by industry and have partner- areas. ships with enterprises in the industry The accumulated experience tells us [8]. that the cluster approach is not only a Considering the assertions of means of achieving the goal, combined N. V. Vasiliev, it should be noted that with increasing competitiveness, as the educational cluster at the regional well as innovation enhancement, is also level should be considered as a whole an effective means, which is an incen- system of educational institutions of tive for regional development that will 1–4 level accreditation, commercial yield a multiplier effect that will lead to companies, organizations involved in an increase in employment, raise wages, introducing innovations into infra- as well as deductions to the budget and structure at the regional level and le- increase stability in competition bet- vels of entrepreneurship, in close con- ween regions and the state as a whole nection with the authorities and the [5]. part economic system. In line with this, Looking at the centers where clus- she says that the center or nucleus of ters can be formed may be educational the cluster may be a higher education institutions, such as higher education institution, which will assume responsi-

70 bility for the educational and scientific process of co-operation and compete support of the cluster, as well as at the with each other. same time represent an information and The process of continuous educa- methodological center and communica- tion from the institution, tions platform [9]. from school to production itself, is one O. N. Korchagina asserts that to re- system that eventually forms an educa- ceive an educational service, which is tional cluster. the product of an activity, the educa- In addition note that the educatio- tional cluster should be a group of edu- nal innovative socio-cultural cluster is cational institutions in the same region a close interacting economic entity that and in partnership. In this approach, is voluntarily united geographically and the center of the educational cluster includes: educational institutions, au- will be a higher education institution thorities, the banking and private sec- or another educational organization tor, innovation organizations, various [10]. objects infrastructures that include the Educational cluster in the sense of production of competitive educational, O. V. Smirnov is an innovation chain social and cultural services, a directed “science-technology-business”, which development strategy, the realization of is connected horizontally within each the interests of all participants, as well other and is a system of training, mu- as the site of the cluster where it is lo- tual learning, and self-learning tools. In cated and has an important socio-eco- this approach, the educational cluster nomic role in the region. The purpose of is the basis of the educational process, the cluster is to unite the efforts, capa- which enables one to view this cluster bilities, and potential of the subjects of on both sides: as a system and as a pro- the new structure for the implementa- cess [11]. tion of mutually agreed actions for im- But the educational cluster should proving the quality of education in the be seen as a more voluminous, with re- regions, its competitiveness both at the gard to the market of educational ser- domestic and world levels. vices, the concept. That is, the system Summing up the above, we can say of interconnected higher education that under the notion of an education- institutions and educational organiza- al cluster one should mean an alliance tions, the significance of which is quite connected with each other and the ter- large. Such a concept can be defined ritory, institutions of higher education, with such forms of integration between which leads to the development and industries as joint ventures, holding growth of competitiveness of each of structures, strategic alliances, network them, and their activities are aimed at associations, industrial parks, industri- achieving innovative technologies and al parks, economic zones. quality training of workers for the re- In our opinion, the educational clus- gional and national labor market. ter is a more complex process than the Conclusions. Thus, in the economic usual association of educational institu- mechanism of public administration in tions, organizations and enterprises, be- the system of reforming and developing cause these institutions take part in the higher education in Ukraine, we can

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74 UDC 352:338.22 Diegtiar Oleg Andriyovych, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Management and Administra- tion, O. M. Beketov National University of Ur- ban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshalа Bazhanovа, 17, (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Дєгтяр Олег Андрійович, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту і адміністрування, Харківський національ- ний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Харків, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Дегтярь Олег Андреевич, доктор наук по государственному управле- нию, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмен- та и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хо- зяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харь- ков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (095) 772 19 57, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Plotnytska Svitlana Ivanivna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Management and Administration Depart- ment, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshal Bazhanov, 17, tel.: (057) 707 31 13, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0634-1848 Плотницька Світлана Іванівна, доктор економічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри менеджменту і адміністрування, Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 61002, м. Харків, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (057) 707 31 13, e-mail: Svitlana. [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0634-1848 Плотницкая Светлана Ивановна, доктор экономических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры менеджмента и админис- трирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, г. Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (057) 707 31 13, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0634-1848 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-75-86


Abstract. The article examines the processes of business structures and au- thorities interaction in Ukrainian socio-economic environment. The importance of such forms of interaction as business associations and special modes of invest- ment activity is indicated. Attention is focused on tools to support and promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Special attention is paid to GR-management as a combination of tools and forms of constructive dialogue of business structures with public authorities. The approaches to the content of GR-management in modern economic science are explored. The significance of GR-management for effective interaction between public management and busi- ness structures in Ukraine is proved. Forms of establishing and maintaining the GR-partnership of the business community with public authorities have been determined as well as the GR strategy formation to ensure the goal attaining in process to represent business interests in the public administration structure. The main stages for GR-management of business structures interactions with the pub- lic authorities are determined. It is noted that during the developing an effective GR-strategy it is necessary to take into account the resources to reduce the nega- tive attitude of business structure employees to possible changes in the economic activity of the latter. Differences between lobbyism and Government Relations are indicated and it is pointed out that lobbyism is only one of the tools, generally the active part of GR-activity. Requirements for candidates to the position of GR- manager in Ukraine are showed. The findings of this study prove that GR-management is one of the effective tools for establishing and developing interaction between business structures and public authorities aiming to express the economic interests of business structures in the state regulation system of economic relations. Keywords: GR-management, business structure, public management, interac- tion, entrepreneurship. ІНСТРУМЕНТИ ПІДВИЩЕННЯ РЕЗУЛЬТАТИВНОСТІ ТА ЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ ВЗАЄМОДІЇ БІЗНЕС-СТРУКТУР І ОРГАНІВ ПУБЛІЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ У ПРОЦЕСІ СОЦІАЛЬНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНОГО РОЗВИТКУ Анотація. Досліджено процеси взаємодії бізнес-структур і влади в соціаль- но-економічному середовищі України. Відмічається важливість таких форм взаємодії, як бізнес-асоціації та спеціальні режими інвестиційної діяльності. Акцентована увага на інструментах підтримки і сприяння розвитку мало-

76 го та середнього бізнесу. Особлива увага звертається на GR-менеджмент як сукупність засобів і форм конструктивного діалогу бізнес-структур з орга- нами публічної влади. Досліджено підходи до змісту GR-менеджменту в су- часній економічній науці. Обґрунтовано доцільність запровадження GR-ме- неджменту для формування ефективної взаємодії між органами публічного управління і бізнес-структурами в Україні. Визначено форми встановлення і підтримки GR-партнерства бізнес-спільноти з органами публічної влади, а також досліджено формування GR-стратегії, яка повинна забезпечити до- сягнення поставленої мети при висловлюванні підприємницьких інтересів в структурі публічного управління. Визначено основні орієнтири GR-менедж- менту підприємницьких структур у відносинах з системою органів публічної влади. Наголошено, що при розробці ефективної GR-стратегії слід врахувати ресурси, які необхідні для зниження негативного ставлення співробітників бізнес-структур до можливих змін в економічній діяльності останніх. Наго- лошено на відмінності між лобізмом та Government Relations та вказано, що лобізм є лише однією з технологій, загалом активною частиною, GR-діяльно- сті. Наведено вимоги до кандидатів на посаду GR-менеджера в Україні. Зроблено висновок про те, що GR-менеджмент — це один з ефективних інструментів встановлення і розвитку взаємодії між бізнес-структурами та органами публічного управління з метою висловлення економічних інтересів бізнес-структур в системі державного регулювання економічних відносин. Ключові слова: GR-менеджмент, бізнес-структура, публічне управління, взаємодія, підприємництво. ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ РЕЗУЛЬТАТИВНОСТИ И ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ БИЗНЕС-СТРУКТУР С ОРГАНАМИ ПУБЛИЧНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ В ПРОЦЕССЕ СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО РАЗВИТИЯ Аннотация. Исследованы процессы взаимодействия бизнес-структур и власти в социально-экономической среде Украины. Отмечается важность таких форм взаимодействия как бизнес-ассоциации и специальные режи- мы инвестиционной деятельности. Акцентировано внимание на инструмен- тах поддержки и содействия развитию малого и среднего бизнеса. Особое внимание обращается на GR-менеджмент как совокупность средств и форм конструктивного диалога бизнес-структур с органами публичной влас- ти. Исследуются подходы к содержанию GR-менеджмента в современной экономической науке. Обоснована целесообразность внедрения GR-менед- жмента для формирования эффективного взаимодействия между органами публичного управления и бизнес-структурами в Украине. Определены фор- мы установления и поддержания GR-партнерства бизнес-сообщества с орга- нами публичной власти, а также исследовано формирование GR-стратегии, которая должна обеспечить достижение поставленной цели при представле- нии предпринимательских интересов в структуре публичного управления. Определены основные ориентиры GR-менеджмента предпринимательских

77 структур в отношениях с системой органов публичной власти. Отмечено, что при разработке эффективной GR-стратегии следует учесть ресурсы, которые необходимы для снижения негативного отношения сотрудников бизнес-структур к возможным изменениям в экономической деятельности последних. Отмечено различия между лоббизмом и Government Relations и указано, что лоббизм является только одной из технологий, в общем ак- тивной частью, GR-деятельности. Приведены требования к кандидатам на должность GR-менеджера в Украине. Сделан вывод о том, что GR-менеджмент — это один из эффективных ин- струментов установления и развития взаимодействия между бизнес-струк- турами и органами публичного управления с целью выражения экономиче- ских интересов бизнес-структур в системе государственного регулирования экономических отношений. Ключевые слова: GR-менеджмент, бизнес-структура, публичное управле- ние, взаимодействие, предпринимательство.

Problem statement. For the pro- dern forms of interaction between the gressive development of our govern- government and the business. All of the ment, the first priority is the achieve- above determines the relevance of the ment of the sustainable development of study. the socio-economic systems, the provi- Analysis of recent research and sion of which is possible only on the ba- publications. The issues of interaction sis of the effective interaction between between the government and the busi- the authorities and business structures. ness were studied by such well-known It should be noted that the process of foreign scholars as J. Galbraith, John the interaction of the business environ- Mill, K. H. Pay, John M. Keynes and ment entities with the state authori- others. Among the researchers in the do- ties within the framework of the legal mestic scientific community among the relations is permanent. However, the researchers of the theory and practice parties to this process demonstrate dif- of business interaction with the public ferences in value orientations and atti- administration bodies, such scientists as tudes, goals and ways to achieve them. L. L. Gritsenko, A. O. Dehtyar, V. Yem- Moreover, the intensification of the elyanov, S. O. Klimovich, A. M. Krutyy, globalization processes and the rapid V. V. Telipko, Yu. Shevchuk and others change in the economic circumstances should be noted. However, the vector of lead to a transformation of the relation- the development of the modern socio- ship between the business, the society economic processes requires the search and the government, and the growing for new forms and tools for increasing demands of the society on the quality the efficiency of the interaction be- of life, expansion of opportunities for tween the government and the business. development, reception of services, etc., The purpose of the article is to determine the interest in finding mo- study the process of the interaction of

78 the business community and the pub- of the regional and local authorities in lic administration bodies in order to their support is of paramount impor- increase its effectiveness and efficiency tance. The following tools are impor- in the current conditions of the socio- tant in this direction: establishing ef- economic development of Ukraine. ficient and high-quality activity of the Presentation of the main material. centers for providing administrative On the achievement of the sustainable services, regulating the use of financial development, according to the defini- leasing for the business development, tion of the national report “Socio-Eco- promoting transparency of the govern- nomic Potential of the Sustainable De- ment activities, creating simplified tax velopment of Ukraine and Its Regions” procedures, etc. [3]. [1], such actors as different levels of The further democratic transforma- government, business structure, civil tions in Ukraine require the authori- society as a whole and each individual ties to search for new tools and forms man in particular have a significant in- of interaction between the government fluence. That is, the establishment of and the business. In our opinion, one the effective interaction of the govern- of these forms is GR (Government ment and business at the moment is one Relations)-management whose pur- of the most important conditions for pose is to effectively solve the social the formation of the effective economic and economic problems by combining policy, the increase of the investment the resources of the private and the and innovation activity, the growth of public sectors. In economically deve- the competitiveness of the country, as loped countries, the GR-technologies well as the development of the indus- have become an integral part of the trial and social infrastructure [2]. management of the organizations. Un- An effective tool for dialogue be- fortunately, at the domestic enterprises tween the business and the government to this time the GR-communications are the business associations represent- are not integrated into the manage- ing the interests of the business entities. ment structure properly. One of the main tasks of the business In the broad sense, the term GR associations is to promote the creation (Government Relations) includes a of the conditions for the business deve- complex set of tools and forms of dia- lopment by the authorities. logue between the representatives of The special regimes of the investment the business community and the public activity, as a form of mutually beneficial authorities [4]. This interaction takes relations between the state authorities place through the use of a number of and the business, aim at stimulating elements that form the structure of the the development of the territories with information interconnection of the busi- unique advantages and proved their ef- ness entities with the public authorities: fectiveness in many countries. the source of information, the message, Since the small and the medium- the message transfer channel, the re- sized businesses are the driving force ceiver, the feedback. At the same time, behind the development of the econo- the concept of the GR-management can mies of many countries, the activation be interpreted as one of the variants of

79 the communication (communicative) the business, creating a positive impact management which is necessary for the on the socio-economic situation. coordination of the economic interests The process of establishing and of the various organizations of the pri- maintaining the GR-partnership of the vate sector of the economy with the business community with the public public authorities in order to reduce the authorities can be characterized by the economic risks of the entrepreneurial following types [7]: activity. With the help of the informa- 1. The direct dialogue between the tion communications, and, in particular, business entities and the representa- on the basis of the sustained feedback, tives of the public administration. The the public administration bodies regu- dialogue is carried out through the in- late and ensure the ordering of vari- formal channels through direct meet- ous types of relations [4]. On the other ings and negotiations. In business units, hand, the representatives of the busi- the organization of the interpersonal ness community come forward with interactions in discussing the strate- their initiatives, grounded proposals gies, plans and activities, timelines and and projects in the system of the public structural changes should be comple- administration to realize their business mented by the group forms of work on interests [5]. consideration of the GR-strategy that is The GR-management can also be discussed at seminars, round tables that characterized as a strategically impor- contribute to the development of a ra- tant alliance between the government tional plan for the interaction with the and the business whose goal is the ef- public authorities. fective implementation of the socially 2. The formation of various scienti- significant projects and programs of a fic (scientific and informational) insti- wide range (economics, science and tutions, as well as the advisory services education, health care and culture) the object of which is the study of the that are capable of providing our coun- management processes and economic try with an innovative colour scheme relations. These institutions and ser- [6]. vices are able to formulate the propo_ The effective interaction between sals and interests of entrepreneurship the government and the business in- in raising the efficiency of their acti- volves the combination of the bene- vities. fits of the public and private sectors 3. The activity of the mass media in through the integration of the organi- the form of ensuring the public dialogue zational and managerial and financial and reconciliation of mutual interests of and economic potential of the business the business structures with the public sector in the process of solving the na- authorities. tional and state tasks using a variety of One of the most important elements economic incentives and motivational of the GR-environment is the regulatory mechanisms. The task of the GR-mana- framework for expressing the interests gement is to increase the dynamics of of the entrepreneurship in the processes growth, the formation of a culture of re- of the state regulation and implementa- lationship between the government and tion of the local self-government. The

80 GR environment has a significant im- are formulated with the development pact on the GR-partnership that can be of a program of action of the manage- organized in the following forms: ment of the company and co-owners in 1. The integration of the manage- interaction with the public administra- ment resources for the comprehensive tion. This interaction is formed on the consideration and elimination of the basis of principles of creating favorable socio-economic problems. competitive conditions in the external 2. Obtaining mutually beneficial environment, forming and maintaining results reflected in saving the budget the image of the company and raising funds and additional profits of the pri- the level of profit. Thus, there is an im- vate entrepreneurs [8]. portant communication interaction — 3. The joint establishment and pre- the transmission of the messages to the vention of the economic risks through public administration that expresses the development and proper imple- the socio-economic interests of the sub- mentation of the decisions of the pub- ject of the entrepreneurship. The said lic authorities taking into account the technology is implemented through the proposals and interests of the represen- negotiations or electronic information tatives of the business community. networks with the subjects of the adop- Depending on the socio-economic tion of the state or municipal adminis- goal of the organization-developer, an trative decisions [10]. GR-strategy is formed that must en- Within the framework of realiza- sure the achievement of the goal when tion of the established strategy of the expressing the business interests in GR-management, the search and appli- the structure of the public administra- cation of the various methods of influ- tion. This strategy is closely linked to a encing the public authorities is carried wide range of issues: the realization of out by the developing and implement- the production and trade innovations; ing a plan of measures for establishing the policy development of the firm; the a constructive dialogue with the public monitoring of the system of the exist- authorities. Therefore, the main guide- ing legal and regulatory definitions of lines of the GR-management of the the possible options for influencing the business structures in the relations with state decisions, etc. [9]. the system of the public authorities are The GR-strategy can be developed currently: by studying the external socio-eco- 1. Obtaining the maximum possible nomic relations with the identification information on the issues of the state of the needs of the citizens, the inte- (municipal) regulation in the field of rests of the public authorities, the goals business. of the competitors and the specifics of 2. Setting opportunities to influence the activities of the media with the es- the decision-making at the state level tablishment of a real business position and at the local level. in this environment. The aspects of this 3. The definition of the various op- activity are recorded by the means of tions for the participation in the deve- various documents and proposals. The lopment and adoption of these decisions main strategic priorities and constraints [11].

81 4. The preparation of the expert tion is carried out by the universities opinions on issues falling within the from many countries. For example, the scope of the entrepreneurial interests of lobbying is a profession taught in the the business unit for the public authori- United States [11]. The research center ties in demand. of the portal, having stu- 5. Establishing and expanding the died the expectations of the employers business contacts with the representa- from the candidates for the position of tives and heads of the public authorities “GR-manager” in Kyiv, came to the con- from the existing social and economic clusion that the applicants should: problems at the various levels of the – have higher education in eco- public administration [5]. nomics, jurisprudence or public 6. In the internal environment of the administration; business entity, in the framework of the – know the structure of the public implementation of the chosen GR-stra- authorities, public organizations, tegy, there is a need for such measures as the methods of working with providing support for the actions aimed them, as well as the sector speci- at establishing the interrelationships fics of the company in which they with the public authorities on the part would like to work, the mecha- of the managers and staff; overcoming nisms for lobbying their interests the resistance of the employees to the in the state authorities and inter- changes that are implemented by in- national organizations; forming about the goals and methods – have skills to analyze the market for implementing the GR-strategy. At of the consumers and competi- the stage of the planning and imple- tors, work on the PC and have mentation of this strategy, the initiators work experience with the docu- should ensure the participation in this ment circulation; process of the hidden and explicit oppo- – have communicative skills, or- nents of the strategic change that helps ganizational skills, analytical to reduce counteraction. thinking; In developing an effective GR- – have experience in PR, legislative strategy consider the resources that or executive bodies, public orga- are needed to reduce the negative at- nizations, political parties [12]. titude of the employees of the private The choice of the optimal model companies to the possible changes in for establishing the GR-relationships the economic activity. Reinforcing a is determined by a number of factors, positive attitude towards the transfor- namely: mational changes by the active, as well – the specifics of the business ac- as its potential opponents, may be rea- tivity and the economic charac- lized through the additional incentives teristics of the business unit con- such as remuneration for the advanced cerned; training and time for the additional – the level of the influence of a par- training. ticular business unit in the rele- The training of the specialists in the vant industry and territory (re- interaction with the public administra- gion);

82 – availability of the financial re- In addition, the scholars M. Ne- sources of the business unit; dyuha and M. Fedorina point out the – the activities of the trained GR- presence of the latent lobbyism that specialists and top-managers poses a threat to the national security with the necessary communica- of Ukraine [14]. As a rule, such lobby- tive skills; ing activities are directed to the imple- – the scale and level of the econom- mentation of the instructions from the ic value of the tasks solved by a foreign states and transnational corpo- particular business unit; rations whose interests often contradict – an acceptable range of areas of the the national ones. GR-activity in the business com- The main task of forming a system of munity [6]. the regulation and support of the entre- The combination of the GR-mana- preneurship by the public administra- gement functions of the several repre- tion bodies is to increase the efficiency sentatives of the business community of the factors of the development of the at the regional or municipal level sig- business community. The role of such nificantly expands the possibilities of factors can be: strengthening the partnership with 1. The system of the legal regulation the public authorities. It promotes the of the entrepreneurship and implemen- timely and regular receipt of the infor- tation of the entrepreneurial initiatives mation at once by several business en- of the local bodies of the public admin- tities in those areas of the GR-strategy istration. that are implemented for a given period 2. The creation of the favorable fi- of time. Such information may have the nancial conditions for the realization of following character: the economic tasks in the structures of – information contributing to the the authorities. comparison of the interests of 3. The infrastructure provision of the specific business units with the entrepreneurship by the local self- the objectives of the industry government bodies. development in the business sy- 4. The formation of the human re- stem; sources and staffing of the subjects of – information on measures taken the entrepreneurial activity. by the public authorities to pro- Conclusions. Consequently, the vide support and exercise control GR-management is one of the effective over the private business. tools for managing the interaction of At the same time, the GR-manage- the business community with the pub- ment should not be identified with the lic authorities in order to express the lobbyism, since GR is the sphere of the economic interests of the business enti- general management associated with ties in the system of the public manage- the formation of the mechanism of the ment of the economic relations. Indeed, interaction between the government the effective organization of the GR- and the business, while the lobbyism is management contributes to the elimi- one of the technologies, in general, an nation of the administrative barriers to active part of the GR-activity [13]. business development, improving the

83 efficiency of the subject of the entre- and its regions]. Kyiv: DU IEPSR preneurial activity. In order to develop NAN Ukrainy [in Ukrainian]. the GR-management in Ukraine, in our 2. Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy pro Strate- opinion, the following tasks need to be hiiu staloho rozvytku “Ukraina-2020”: addressed: vid 12 sichnia 2015 r., № 5/2015 [De- cree of the President of Ukraine on the 1. The development and approval of Strategy for Sustainable Development the legal bases of the interaction of the “Ukraine 2020” dated January 12 2015, business structures with the authori- № 5/2015]. (n. d.). ties. Retrieved from 2. The analyzing and promoting the ua/laws/show/5/2015 [in Ukrainian]. transfer of the experience of the suc- 3. Bokovykova Yu. V. (2015). Vzaiemo- cessful GR-practices. diia vlady i biznesu [Interaction of po- 3. The development of the insti- wer and business]. Teoriia ta praktyka tute for regulatory impact assessment, derzhavnoho upravlinnia. — Theory the mandatory inclusion of the largest and practice of public administration, 4 (51), 1–7 [in Ukrainian]. business structures in the process of co- 4. Klimovych S. O. (2010). Doslidzhennia ordinating the decisions of the public government relations yak komunikat- authorities at all the levels of the public sii mizh vladoiu ta biznesom: termi- administration. nolohichnyi aspekt [Study of govern- 4. The organization of so-called GR- ment relations as communication forums in order to effectively establish between government and business: bilateral GR-communication for the the terminology aspect]. Stratehichni development of the public-private part- priorytety. — Strategic priorities, 1, nership. 82–85 [in Ukrainian]. 5. The development and implemen- 5. Yemelianov V. M. (2012). Rozvytok partnerskykh vidnosyn biznesu i vlady tation in the leading universities of the v systemi derzhavnoho upravlinnia country of the high-quality educational stalym rozvytkom rehioniv Ukrainy: programs in the field of the GR-ma- teoriia, metodolohiia, praktyka [De- nagement. velopment of partnership relations be- The prospect of the further research tween business and government in the in the direction of the establishment system of public administration. The and development of the GR-manage- steady development of the regions of ment in Ukraine is seen in developing a Ukraine: theory, methodology, prac- mechanism for its introduction and cri- tice]. Mykolaiv: PP Yemelianova T. V. teria for evaluating its effectiveness and [in Ukrainian]. 6. Hrytsenko L. L. (2012). Vzaiemodiia efficiency. derzhavy i biznesu v konteksti reali- zatsii derzhavnoi investytsiinoi poli- REFERENCES tyky [Interaction of the state and busi- ness in the context of realization of the 1. Libanova E. M., Khvesyk M. A. (Eds.). state investment policy]. Sumy: Uni- (2014). Sotsialno-ekonomichnyi po- versytetska knyha [in Ukrainian]. tentsial staloho rozvytku Ukrainy ta 7. Klimovych S. O. (2012). Government yii rehioniv [Socio-economic potential Relations u Yevropeiskomu Soiuzi: of sustainable development of Ukraine mynule, suchasne, maibutnie [Govern-

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86 UDC 338.45:663/664 Zalizniuk Viktoriia Petrіvna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Ph.D. student of Taurian National University named after V. I. Vernadsky, 02000, Kyiv, Str. I. Kudri, 33, tel.: (067) 407 79 97, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7014-0207 Залізнюк Вікторія Петрівна, кандидат економічних наук, докторант Таврійського національного університе- ту імені В. І. Вернадського, 02000, Київ, вул. І. Кудрі, 33, тел.: (067) 407 79 97, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7014-0207 Зализнюк Виктория Петровна, кандидат экономических наук, докто- рант Таврического национального универ- ситета имени В. И. Вернадского, 02000, Киев, ул. И. Кудри, 33, тел.: (067) 407 79 97, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7014-0207 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-87-94


Abstract. The paper examines the country’s food security in a crisis. The main threats to Ukraine’s food security include political threats, excessive im- port thresholds, food price disparities, poor solvent demand of the population, underdeveloped system for analyzing, assessing and forecasting the dynamics of the agro-food market. To increase the level of food security of the country, state policy is a prerequisite, which can ensure the stable development of the domestic agro-industrial complex against the background of risks and threats. The main risks that threaten the state of food security of Ukraine in the near future are identified, namely: an increase in the share of cultivated areas under technical crops, which leads to a decrease in the share of cultivated areas for food crops; the absence of analogues of imported equipment and, consequently, the reduction of the pace of modernization of a number of branches of the agro-in- dustrial complex; insufficient development of the infrastructure of transporta- tion, movement of goods and storage of food products; macroeconomic factors and fluctuations of the exchange rate; rising prices for material and technical re- sources and energy resources; epizootic risks, the manifestation of which is most likely to occur in the event of the emergence and spread in the country of cells of

87 particularly dangerous and quarantine diseases of animals, including those with imported animals — carriers of pathogens or the movement of pathogens from the territory of adjacent states. It is concluded that ensuring food security is first and foremost a complete self-sufficiency, or maintenance of a critical minimum level of production. The identified food security risks create threats that can lead to non-compliance with the food safety margin. To ensure the sustainability of economic development, implementation of state regulation measures aimed at stabilizing and maintain- ing food security of the country is necessary. Security, measures of state regulation, crisis, food safety, risks. It is concluded that ensuring food security is first and foremost a complete self-sufficiency, or maintenance of a critical minimum level of production. The identified food se- curity risks create threats that can lead to non-compliance with the food safety margin. To ensure the sustainability of economic development, implementation of state regulation measures aimed at stabilizing and maintaining food security of the country is necessary. Keywords: security, measures of state regulation, crisis, food safety, risks. ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ПРОДОВОЛЬЧОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ КРАЇНИ В УМОВАХ КРИЗИ Анотація. Досліджено продовольчу безпеку країни в умовах кризи. Ос- новними загрозами продовольчої безпеки України можна вважати полі- тичні загрози, перевищення порогового рівня імпорту, диспропорція цін на продовольчому ринку, слабкий платоспроможний попит населення, сла- борозвинена система аналізу, оцінки і прогнозування динаміки розвитку агропродовольчого ринку. Для підвищення рівня продовольчої безпеки кра- їни необхідною умовою є державна політика, здатна забезпечувати стабіль- ний розвиток вітчизняного агропромислового комплексу на тлі ризиків і загроз. Визначено головні ризики, що загрожують стану продовольчої безпеки України в найближчій перспективі, а саме: збільшення частки посівних площ під технічні культури, що веде до зменшення частки посівних площ під про- довольчі культури; відсутність аналогів імпортного устаткування і, як наслі- док, зниження темпів модернізації ряду галузей агропромислового комплек- су; недостатня розвиненість інфраструктури транспортування, руху товару і зберігання харчової продукції; макроекономічні чинники й коливання ва- лютного курсу; зростання цін на матеріально-технічні засоби та енергоресур- си; епізоотичні ризики, вияв яких найбільш ймовірний в разі виникнення та поширення в країні осередків особливо небезпечних і карантинних хвороб тварин, пов’язаних у тому числі з імпортованими тваринами — переносни- ками збудників хвороб або з переміщенням збудників хвороб з території су- міжних держав. Зроблено висновок, що забезпечення продовольчої безпеки — це повне самозабезпечення, або підтримання критичного мінімуму рівня виробни-

88 цтва. Виявлені ризики продовольчої безпеки формують загрози, здатні при- звести до недотримання граничних критеріїв продовольчої безпеки. Для забезпечення стійкості економічного розвитку потрібна реалізація заходів державного регулювання, спрямованих на стабілізацію та підтримку продо- вольчої безпеки країни. Ключові слова: безпека, заходи державного регулювання, криза, продо- вольча безпека, ризики. ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ПРОДОВОЛЬСТВЕННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ СТРАНЫ В УСЛОВИЯХ КРИЗИСА Аннотация. Исследованы продовольственные безопасности страны в условиях кризиса. К основным угрозам продовольственной безопасности Украины можно отнести политические угрозы, превышение порогового уровня импорта, диспропорция цен на продовольственном рынке, слабый платежеспособный спрос населения, слаборазвитая система анализа, оценки и прогнозирования динамики развития агропродовольственного рынка. Для повышения уровня продовольственной безопасности страны необходимым условием является государственная политика, способная обеспечивать ста- бильное развитие отечественного агропромышленного комплекса на фоне рисков и угроз. Определены основные риски, угрожающие состояния продовольствен- ной безопасности Украины в ближайшей перспективе, а именно: увеличение доли посевных площадей под технические культуры, что ведет к уменьше- нию доли посевных площадей под продовольственные культуры; отсутствие аналогов импортного оборудования и, как следствие, снижение темпов мо- дернизации ряда отраслей агропромышленного комплекса; недостаточная развитость инфраструктуры транспортировки, товародвижения и хранения пищевой продукции; макроэкономические факторы и колебания валютного курса; рост цен на материально-технические средства и энергоресурсы; эпи- зоотические риски, проявление которых наиболее вероятно в случае возник- новения и распространения в стране очагов особо опасных и карантинных болезней животных, связанных в том числе с импортированными животны- ми — переносчиками возбудителей болезней или с перемещением возбудите- лей болезней с территории сопредельных государств. Сделан вывод, что обеспечение продовольственной безопасности — это прежде всего полное самообеспечение, или поддержания критического мини- мума уровня производства. Выявленные риски продовольственной безопас- ности формируют угрозы, способные привести к несоблюдению пороговых критериев продовольственной безопасности. Для обеспечения устойчивости экономического развития нужна реализация мер государственного регули- рования, направленных на стабилизацию и поддержку продовольственной безопасности страны. Ключевые слова: безопасность, меры государственного регулирования, кризис, продовольственная безопасность, риски.

89 Thesis statement. Ensuring Ukrai- transformational crisis of the Ukrai- ne’s food security is an essential com- nian economy, which covered all spheres ponent of national security, a factor in and became a significant obstacle to en- maintaining its statehood and sove- suring sustainable development of the reignty, a key component of demo- economy and society. The first report graphic policy. The strategic goal of on the state of food security in Ukraine food security is to provide the coun- was disclosed in 2007, when there was try’s population with safe products. The a threat of shortage of fish products, guarantee of achieving this goal is the fruits, oils and other products. Accord- stability of domestic production, as well ing to the methodology for determin- as the availability of necessary reserves ing food safety indicators, the situation and stocks. Implementation of measures is considered normal when the share related to ensuring food security of the of imported products does not exceed country is associated with certain risks, 30 %. which can significantly weaken it. Satisfaction of the population’s Analysis of recent research. A needs for food, within its purchasing large number of works by domestic power, in 2017, as in fact during all scientists, in particular O. G. Bilorus, years of Ukraine’s independence, was V. I. Vlasov, P. T. Sabluk and others, are ensured, mainly due to domestic pro- devoted to the study of food security duction. problems of various hierarchical ranks, At the same time, in three food as well as the principles, factors, and groups, the share of imports traditio- threats of its formation. However, it nally exceeds the 30 % benchmark for can be argued that this issue requires this indicator. The highest level of im- additional scientific research, which port dependence — almost 75 % — was led to the choice of the topic of the sci- noted for the group “fish and fish pro- entific article. ducts”, since 90 % of imported delive- Objective. The purpose of the arti- ries belong to fish species that are ex- cle is to study the country’s food secu- clusively extracted in the waters of the rity in the context of the crisis and to marine economic zones of other states, identify the main risks that threaten due to the peculiarities of their biologi- Ukraine’s food security in the near fu- cal cycle [3] . ture. Exceeding the limit criterion for the Results. The food security problem group “vegetable oil” is due to the im- always occupies a leading place in the port of tropical oils (palm and coconut overall national security of each coun- oil occupy more than 90 % of imports), try, as it is a prerequisite for the social which are in active demand from do- and economic stability of the state. mestic producers of food industry. Problems of food security have The import dependence on the fallen into the field of view of repre- group “fruits and berries” is related to sentatives of the national economic the import of significant volumes of ex- science relatively recently. A factor in otic fruits, cultivation of which is not the emergence and constant increase characteristic of Ukraine (bananas, cit- of attention to these problems is the rus fruits, kiwi, etc.).

90 The problem is also that many do- affects the state of livestock, the epide- mestic food products are made from im- miological situation in the country, as ported raw materials. Often, real import well as the possibility of ensuring the volumes are hidden, “gray” imports are protection of the population from ge- not taken into account, so it is difficult neral animal and human diseases. to determine the objective situation Against the availability of the above- with the danger of a crisis. The share of mentioned risks, food security threats imported food is dangerously increas- are created, leading to non-compliance ing. Ukraine’s accession to the WTO with the food safety margin criteria. To increased the share of food imports. ensure the sustainability of economic Among the main risks that threaten development, implementation of state the food security of our country in the regulation measures is required. near future, one can distinguish the fol- The socio-economic policy con- lowing: ducted by the state in the field of en- • an increase in the share of cultiva- suring economic security of the country ted areas for technical crops, which should take into account the risks and leads to a decrease in the share of culti- threats that may adversely affect food vated areas for food crops; security. • the absence of analogues of im- The main threats to Ukraine’s food ported equipment and, consequently, security include political threats, ex- the reduction of the pace of moderni- cessive import thresholds, food price zation of a number of branches of the disparities, poor solvent demand of the agro-industrial complex; population, underdeveloped system for • insufficient development of the analyzing, assessing and forecasting the infrastructure of transportation, cir- dynamics of the agro-food market. culation of goods and storage of food To increase the level of food security products; of the country, state policy is a prereq- • macroeconomic factors and fluc- uisite, which can ensure the stable de- tuations of the exchange rate; velopment of the domestic agro-indus- • rising prices for material and tech- trial complex against the background of nical means and energy resources; risks and threats. • epizootic risks, the manifestation The current macroeconomic situa- of which is most likely to occur in the tion raises the issue of food security as a event of the emergence and spread in priority. Factors for ensuring food inde- the country of particularly dangerous pendence and the policy of import sub- and quarantine diseases of animals, in- stitution of the main categories of food cluding those with imported animals — were exacerbated by the political situa- carriers of pathogens or the movement tion in our country. The question of the of pathogens from the territory of adja- possibility of ensuring food sovereignty cent states. has been actively considered over the Insufficient budget financing of an- past few years [1]. tiepizootic measures in order to pro- Addressing food security and nutri- vide means for specific prevention and tion issues requires food availability, its diagnosis of animal diseases negatively accessibility, adequacy and quality, and

91 improved diet. Proper and balanced nu- ing priority support to the most needy trition promotes human development; walks of the population. it helps a person to fully fulfil his or her In order to ensure the physical potential and make use of opportunities availability of food, it is expedient to for development. It should be noted effectively use mechanisms to support that effective governance, political sta- regions that do not produce enough bility and the rule of law, as well as the food or find themselves in extreme situ- absence of conflicts and civil unrest, ations. contribute to all these aspects of food In order to improve the quality of security. products, the system of control and In the field of sustainable develop- safety of food products throughout the ment of agricultural areas, great atten- circulation of goods, measures should tion should be paid to such directions be taken to create a modern organi- as public financial support for social zational structure for controlling the programs in rural settlements, the ana- quality and safety of food raw materials lysis and assessment of unemployment and food products, as well as the instru- and the level of real incomes of rural mental and methodological basis [2]. population [2]. The joint work of all government In the foreign economic field, un- bodies is necessary to ensure the coun- der the conditions of growing imports try’s food security. of agricultural products, raw materials Much attention needs to be paid to and foodstuffs, as well as the gradual the issues of the creation of effective decrease of the dependence of the agro- mechanisms for ensuring food security. industrial complex on the import of ma- These mechanisms should be consi- chinery, equipment and other resources, dered as part of the analysis, assessment state policy should ensure the active use and forecast of socio-economic deve- of protective measures and the effective lopment of the state. functioning of the system of veterinary, The role of providing food pro- sanitary and phyto-sanitary control ducts to the population is in support of respectively to international rules and the stability of the social and economic standards, thus, foreign-economic poli- fields and determines the importance of cy should be conducted with the obser- the food security issue. vance of criteria of food security. Currently, our country is in a situ- In order to ensure the safety of food ation of economic instability, which products, monitoring of conformity of leads to higher prices and a reduction in products (including imported ones) incomes of the population. The forced with the requirements of Ukrainian redirection of consumers to food pro- legislation at all stages of the circula- ducts, which are cheaper and less nutri- tion of goods is required. tious, leads to negative consequences In the area of economic availability for the working capacity and health of of food (in particular, its increase for all people. groups of the population), special at- One of the most important indica- tention must be paid to measures aimed tors of the level of economic develop- primarily at reducing poverty, provid- ment of the country is the nutrition

92 level of the population. Providing the of the population with the necessary population with food serves as the most food products; important one that defines the parame- – support and development of the ters of the level of social life of the state, domestic agro-industrial complex; the state structure and the viability of – effective international coopera- the economic structure. tion in the field of food security. Lack of food, as a rule, arises be- As a rule, food security is considered cause of wars, economic crises, natural using a variety of indicators and crite- disasters, etc. In connection with this, ria. An example of such parameters is there is a problem of providing food for the degree of food dependence of the both an individual and for the state. country on imported products, that is, Food and ecological safety are closely self-sufficiency in food, economic and interrelated, as agricultural activity physical availability of food products significantly influences the deterio- for the population, etc. ration of environmental safety in the It is necessary to create favourable world. This negative tendency on the conditions by the state for small and one hand prevents the growth of pro- medium business entrepreneurs in con- duction as a raw material for food, and nection with the emergence of a large on the other leads to the production of number of external economic threats. products contaminated with various First of all, at the expense of low, but toxic substances. better, zero, bank credit rates for se- Currently, the most acute problem veral years, the creation of zones of pro- in our country is the low competitive- active development and free economic ness of agriculture. zones, with the creation of preferential Globalization, which seeks to mar- tax conditions favourable for the inflow ket with equal opportunities for all, of investments. with total resources, is currently show- The above measures will contribute ing its failure. The problem of WTO to solving the problem of import sub- countries negotiations on agriculture stitution of food products for goods of was a conflict in which the US farmers domestic producers. Solving the food sharply reduced the cost of agricultural security problems in Ukraine requires products, receiving a subsidy of about the adoption of a package of measures. 120 billion USD from the Government, Firstly, a modification of the system of thereby forcing foreign agricultural socio-economic planning is required. producers to close their production This requires the implementation of because of low profitability and the systemic interconnected actions in dif- impossibility of competition with the ferent fields. Secondly, in order to use Americans [3]. own agricultural machinery and mo- The state economic policy on food dern equipment, development of the do- security can be divided into the follow- mestic industrial complex is necessary. ing fields: Thirdly, state aid to agricultural pro- – a quick and adequate response to ducers, the imposition of a ban on non- the external and internal threats to the targeted use of agricultural land, as well stability of the food market, provision as assistance in their development, in-

93 cluding through the involvement of pri- REFERENCES vate farmers. Fourthly, it is necessary to reduce tariffs for fuel and energy, as well 1. Sabluk P. T. (2008), Hlobalizatsiia i prodovol’stvo — Globalization and as to modernize power plants. Fifth, it is food], Kyiv, Ukraine. advisable to create state-owned trading 2. Seperovych N., Shevtsov O. (2012), enterprises with a market share of 5– Food security in Ukraine: state, prob- 10 %. This measure will allow the use of lems, solutions, Available at: http:// market mechanisms to control retailers. Sixth, it is recommended that measures pol/files/12/ be taken to revive the training system 3. Joint Food Safety Survey, Septem- in the field of trade [2]. ber 2017: Key Findings, Available at: Providing financial and economic stability of agriculture is also no less files/documents/ukr_fslc_joint_ food_security_assessment_gca_ important. To solve this problem, con- ngca_12_09_2017_0.pdf tinuous analysis and evaluation of the price relationship between the agri- cultural sector and other sectors of Список використаних the economy is required, in addition джерел to reacting promptly to foreign policy 1. Саблук П. Т. Глобалізація і продо- changes to take timely measures to en- вольство: [монографія] / П. Т. Са- sure the profitability of production of блук, О. Г. Білорус, В. І. Власов. — К.: milk, meat, grain crops, sugar and other ННЦ ІАЕ, 2008. — 632 с. food products that are vital. 2. Сеперович Н. Продовольча безпека в Україні: стан, проблеми, шляхи Conclusion. Thus, ensuring food se- вирішення [Електронний ресурс] / curity is first and foremost a complete Н. Сеперович, О. Шевцов. — Режим self-sufficiency, or maintenance of a доступу : critical minimum level of production. ua/courses/agr_pol/files/12/ The identified food security risks create 3. Спільне обстеження продовольчої threats that can lead to non-compliance безпеки, вересень 2017 року: with the food safety margin. To ensure Основні висновки [Електрон- the sustainability of economic develop- ний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: ment, implementation of state regula- tion measures aimed at stabilizing and files/documents/ukr_fslc_joint_ food_security_assessment_gca_ maintaining food security of the coun- ngca_12_09_2017_0.pdf try is necessary.

94 UDC: 351:(321.01 +321.7 +321.015) Ivanenko Olena Volodymirivna, Ph.D. in law, associate professor, associate professor of the department of constitutional law, history and theory of state and law of the educational and scientific institute of law named after prince Vladimir the Great Inter- regional academy of personnel management, 03194, Kyiv, Boulevar Koltsovа, 14-Е, tel.: (066) 518 97 97, e-mail: olena.ivanenko81@ ORCID: 0000-0002-9936-6672 Іваненко Олена Володимирівна, кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри конституційного права, історії та теорії держави і права Навчально-на- укового інституту права імені князя Воло- димира Великого Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом, 03194, Київ, буль- вар Кольцова, 14-Е, тел.: (066) 518 97 97, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9936-6672 Иваненко Елена Владимировна, кандидат юридических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры конституционного права, исто- рии и теории государства и права Учебно-научного института права имени князя Владимира Великого Межрегиональной Академии управления персоналом, 03194, Киев, бульвар Кольцова, 14-Е, тел.: (066) 518 97 97, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9936-6672 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-95-108

BUREAUCRATIC MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS: SPECIAL ISSUES Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the nature and essence of bu- reaucracy as a phenomenon of state-political reality. The author notes that for a long time the concept of bureaucratic management was recognized as the most ra- tional and effective in the European tradition of public administration. However, today there is no single approach to understanding the essence of the bureaucracy, as well as its relationship with such concepts as public administration, public ma- nagement, government apparatus, etc. In this regard, scientific research into the nature and essence of bureaucratic management , which, in turn, will help to avoid further terminological and ideological-ideological confusion. The author notes that today in the scientific community there are two dia- metrically opposed approaches to the definition of bureaucracy as a phenomenon

95 of state-legal reality: the first approach is the quintessence of analysis of anti-bu- reaucratic Marxist criticism, which even in today’s conditions has not lost its re- levance, and its basic provisions are scientific interest in studying the problems of public administration; The essence is briefly reduced to fixing the dysfunctions of the public management system; The essence of the second approach is the identi- fication of the latter with government, when bureaucracy is understood as a ratio- nally organized system of public administration, creates the most effective mecha- nism for implementing managerial decisions. In the article it was proposed to proceed from the understanding of the bu- reaucracy as a structured and hierarchically constructed system of highly skilled intellectual workers who have a high level of professional training, intelligent backgrounds, an unblemished reputation, ideological education in the spirit of priority of nationwide well-being, are appointed to posts by competitive selection and qualitatively carry out their professional activities to perform the functions of state darstva. The author also notes that all the “negative” signs of bureaucratic management that are distinguished by scientists should be considered as dysfunc- tions of the bureaucracy. Thus, shifting the emphasis from the struggle against bureaucracy, attention should be focused on identifying negative factors in the im- plementation of public administration and working out ways to overcome them. Keywords: state administration, bureaucracy, bureaucratic management, bu- reaucratic dysfunctions, state manager, state functions, state-power authorities. ДИСФУНКЦІЇ БЮРОКРАТИЧНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ: ОКРЕМІ ПИТАННЯ Анотація. Досліджується природа і сутність бюрократії як явища держав- но-політичної дійсності. Наголошується, що протягом тривалого часу кон- цепція бюрократичного управління визналася найбільш раціональною та ефективною у європейській традиції державного управління. Проте, на сьо- годнішній день відсутній єдиний підхід щодо розуміння сутності бюрократії, а також її співвідношення із такими поняттями як державне управління, пу- блічний менеджмент, апарат державної влади тощо. У зв’язку з цим, як ніко- ли, актуалізуються наукові розвідки в частині дослідження природи та сут- ності бюрократичного управління, що, у свою чергу сприятиме уникненню у подальшому термінологічної та світоглядно-ідеологічної плутанини. На сьогодні у наукових колах існує два діаметрально протилежних під- ходи до визначення бюрократії як явища державно-правової дійсності: пер- ший підхід є квінтесенцією аналізу антибюрократичної марксистської кри- тики, яка, навіть, в умовах сьогодення не втратила своєї актуальності, а її базові положення становлять науковий інтерес при вивченні проблематики державного управління; сутність стисло зводиться до фіксацієї дисфункцій державної управлінської системи; сутністю другого підходу є ототожнення останнього із державним управлінням, коли бюрократія розуміється як раці- онально організована система державного управління, яка створює найбільш ефективний механізм реалізації управлінських рішень.

96 Запропоновано у подальшому виходити із розуміння бюрократії як структурованої та ієрархічно вибудованої системи висококваліфікованих спеціалістів інтелектуальної праці, які мають високий рівень професійної підготовки, інтелігенте походження, незаплямовану репутацію, ідеологічне виховання в дусі пріоритетності загальнодержавного добробуту, признача- ються на посади за результатами конкурсних відборів та якісно здійснюють свою професійну діяльність на виконання функцій держави. Наголошується на тому, що усі “негативні” ознаки бюрократичного управління, які виділя- ються науковцями, слід розглядати як дисфункції бюрократії. Таким чином, переносячи акцент із боротьби з бюрократією, увагу потрібно зосередити на виявленні негативних факторів здійснення державного управління та виро- бленні шляхів їх подолання. Ключові слова: державне управління, бюрократія, бюрократичне управ- ління, дисфункції бюрократії, державний управлінець, функції держави, дер- жавно-владні повноваження. ДИСФУНКЦИИ БЮРОКРАТИЧЕСКОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ: ОТДЕЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ Аннотация. Исследуются природа и сущность бюрократии как явления государственно-политической действительности. Отмечается, что в течение длительного времени концепция бюрократического управления признава- лась наиболее рациональной и эффективной в европейской традиции госу- дарственного управления. Однако, на сегодняшний день отсутствует единый подход к пониманию сущности бюрократии, а также ее соотношение с та- кими понятиями как государственное управление, публичный менеджмент, аппарат государственной власти и др. В связи с этим как никогда актуали- зируются научные исследования в части исследования природы и сущности бюрократического управления, что, в свою очередь, будет способствовать избежанию в дальнейшем терминологической и мировоззренчески-идеоло- гической путаницы. На сегодняшний день в научных кругах существует два диаметрально противоположных подхода к определению бюрократии как явления госу- дарственно-правовой действительности: первый подход является квинтэс- сенцией анализа антибюрократической марксистской критики, что даже в сегодняшних условиях не утратила своей актуальности, а ее базовые поло- жения составляют научный интерес при изучении проблематики государ- ственного управления; сущность кратко сводится к фиксации дисфункций государственной управленческой системы; сущностью второго подхода яв- ляется отождествление последнего с государственным управлением, когда бюрократия понимается как рационально организованная система государ- ственного управления, создает наиболее эффективный механизм реализации управленческих решений. Предложено в дальнейшем исходить из понимания бюрократии как струк- турированной и иерархически выстроенной системы высококвалифициро-

97 ванных специалистов интеллектуального труда, которые имеют высокий уровень профессиональной подготовки, интеллигентное происхождения, незапятнанную репутацию, идеологическое воспитание в духе приоритет- ности общегосударственного благополучия, назначаются на должности по результатам конкурсных отборов и качественно осуществляют свою профес- сиональную деятельность на выполнение функций государства. Автор также отмечает, что все “негативные” признаки бюрократического управления, что выделяются учеными, следует рассматривать как дисфункции бюрократии. Таким образом, перенося акцент с борьбы с бюрократией, внимание нужно сосредоточить на выявлении негативных факторов осуществления государ- ственного управления и выработке путей их преодоления. Ключевые слова: государственное управление, бюрократия, бюрократи- ческое управление, дисфункции бюрократии, государственный управленец, функции государства, государственно-властные полномочия.

Formulation of the problem. For ments of such scientists as V. P. Maka- a long time the concept of the bureau- renko, A. V. Buzhalin, B. P. Kurashvili, cratic administration was recognized A. G. Khudokormov, A. G. Karatuev, as the most rational and effective in the S. A. Denysov. Recently, the scientific European tradition of the government researches are being updated in the administration. The term “bureaucra- direction of understanding the role cy” comes from the French bureaucratie and significance of the bureaucratic or German Вürokratie [1], and literally administration in the context of the means (from the French Bureau — formation of a new state, as well as the office, the bureau) the power of the analysis of the obstacles that arise administration apparatus. during the implementation of this pro- To date, there is no single approach cess. to understanding the essence of the bu- The purpose of the article is the reaucracy, as well as its relation with general theoretical analysis of the na- such concepts as government adminis- ture and essence of the bureaucracy as tration, public management, the appa- a phenomenon of state-political reality ratus of state power, etc. In this regard, in order to eliminate the terminological the scientific researches are never up- and ideological confusion. dated as part of the study of the nature Presenting the main material. and essence of the bureaucratic admi- There are various interpretations of nistration which in turn will contrib- the bureaucracy, among which are ute to avoiding the terminological and the following scientific interests for ideological confusion in the future. us: Analysis of recent research and • the bureaucracy is understood in publications. The scientific study of the strict sense as a hierarchically or- the problems of the bureaucracy began ganized system of governance of soci- in 1985 when the scientific achieve- ety, and in a portable one — as a formal-

98 ism in the conduct of the cases, “closing Extremely interesting and deserving of the eyes” to the essential in order to of scientific analysis is, as it may seem comply with the formalities [2]; strange, the statements of the famous • the bureaucracy — this is, on the politicians, scholars, philosophers on one hand, the form of organization of the theme of bureaucracy. We suggest the work, and on the other — the drift of to consider some of them: this organization. Speaking about it as a • the bureaucracy is like fish- form of organization of work, then the ing there where there is no fish (Cyril bureaucracy is an administration whose Northcote Parkinson); activities are strictly regulated by the • the government administration is law, and the employees that are selected an incredible mechanism that allows through the qualification examinations ten to do one’s work; a bureaucrat is must strictly obey their supervisor and a person with a talent of misunder- work in the specialized sector. But here standing; a part of any government it should be noted that the formalism of administration apparatus exists exclu- the bureaucracy can lead to the severity sively for beauty in its pure form and and rigidity of the administrative acti- does not have any purpose (George vity, and even the monopolization Elgozy); of the power in order to achieve exclu- • the bureaucratic way to get rid of sively the interests of the bureaucrats the useless papers is to eliminate them [3]; retaining a copy of each page; to opti- • the bureaucracy (the French Bu- mize — to complicate the matter so as reau — the office, the Greek kratos — to ensure the maximum level of its se- the power) — the organization of the curity (Lawrence Peter); professional state officials who carry • even the paragraph sign looks like out their activities for the purpose of a an instrument of torture; I believe in well-qualified and effective implemen- the inevitable death of all the living tation of the state policy (M. Weber, organisms but not of organizations; M. Krosse, F. Selznyk, A. Gouldner, the faith in the paper is mystical, be- S. Lipset, etc.) [4]; cause the guarantees of the eternity of • the bureaucracy is a specific form the granite are written on it (Stanislav of social organization in a society the Jerzy Lets); essence of which is the separation of • carry it first, and then improvise; the centers of executive power from the official secret documents do not the will and decisions of the majority exist to protect secrets, but in order to of the members of this organization; in protect the officials (Jonathan Lin and the prevalence of the form over the con- Anthony Jay); tent of activity; in the subordination • the memorandum is not writ- of the rules and tasks of the organiza- ten to inform its addressee, but in or- tion to the goals of its preservation and der to protect its author (Dean Ache- strengthening; and ultimately leads to son); the emergence of a privileged social • the bureaucracy is expanding in stratum detached from the society and order to meet the needs of the growing the political leadership [5]; bureaucracy (Isaac Azimov);

99 • to work with people is easy; dif- bureaucracy recognized the system of ficult is to work with the living people highly skilled intellectuals who have (Oleksandr Kulych); a high level of professional training, • the official papers tend to fill all an intellectual of origin, has an unble- the free drawers (Jerry Brown) [6]. mished reputation. He believed that The analysis of the above aphorisms without it there would be a danger of which, one way or another, can be re- terrible corruption and low moral qua- garded as a manifestation of the public lities which in turn would jeopardize opinion about a certain phenomenon of the purely technical efficiency of the the state-legal reality, and in this case — state apparatus [4, p. 184]. the bureaucracy. Proceeding from the In his opinion, the true profession above, one can formulate the thesis that of a true official should not be politics. the bureaucracy is a negative pheno- He must exercise government admi- menon of the state-political reality. nistration, first and foremost, impar- However, in our opinion, such an ap- tially (this requirement, incidentally, proach to understanding the essence of also applies to so-called political state the bureaucracy is completely wrong. executives); officially; “sine ira et stu- In this case, we propose to consider the dio” — “without fury and bias” to solve negative manifestations or dysfunctions all the state affairs; the state official of the bureaucratic administration not should not do what is always and in as the essential signs of the latter, but as some way obliged to make a politician — the factors whose elimination will en- to fight, since it is decision making, able the government administration to struggle and passion that is a factor of perform qualitatively in the long term. politics; the activity of the politician The most complete basic principles must always be carried out responsibly, of a rational bureaucratic organization but this responsibility is directly op- are formulated by M. Weber, namely: posite to the responsibility of the state the bureaucracy has a hierarchical official; if the senior management in- structure; each institution/organiza- sists on the execution of the order, the tion has its own sphere of competence/ matter of honour of an official should influence; the officials are appointed be precise and qualitative execution of on the basis of the professional quali- it under the personal responsibility of fications, as indicated in the , the person providing the order; in the or on the results of examinations, but absence of such discipline, the whole are not elected; the salary of a state of- apparatus of the government adminis- ficial depends on the rank; the work of tration is doomed to collapse. the state official is his profession, or at It should be noted that the post We- least the main type of work; an official ber period is characterized by a gradual is not the owner of the institution/or- departure from the rational model of ganization where he works; the state the bureaucracy, offering more rea- official adheres to labour discipline and listic models that define the latter as a is in control; the reason for dismissal is social system that, along with the ra- the decision of the governing bodies. tional laws of functioning, allows the Indeed, according to Weber, the state influence of the irrational, personal and

100 informal factors. In this sense, the use and as those who carry out the techni- of the notion of the dysfunction of the cal preparation of the decisions by the bureaucracy which at that time was high-ranking officials, using an arsenal introduced into the scientific use of of available means they try to dictate R. Miquelson, T. Parsson, R. Merton, it to their management which is autho- for which the typical dysfunction of rized to implement the state policy [7]. the bureaucracy is the shift of the state To date, in the scientific circles officials of the accent for the purposes there are two diametrically opposed of the organization to its means, such approaches to the definition of bureau- means of administration as the hierar- cracy as a phenomenon of state-legal chy of the management structure, disci- reality. For example, the latter can be pline, instructions, etc., become an end studied at the level of society as a sys- in itself. In parallel, within the system tem of governance and decision-mak- of the government administration is the ing (K. Marx, L. Trotsky, R. Michels, replacement of the main goals to sec- J. K. Galbraith) or as a mechanism ondary, rational to irrational. independent of the political form However, the most serious problem (M. Weber, R. Merton, F. Selznyk) [8]. of the government administration is its Also, the bureaucracy can be seen as a gradual politicization. If the bureau- manifestation of the professional im- cracy in the classical sense at the begin- plementation of the government ad- ning of the XX century was oriented ministration (G. F. F. Hegel, G. Mosca, towards the achievement of the welfare C. Marx, M. Jilas, D. Brethem) or the and the satisfaction of the general inter- theory of the “formal organization” ests, having a conscious conviction that (M. Weber, R. Merton, M. Duverger, all the state affairs should be decided F. Selznyk) [9]. on purely business apolitical basis; then Within the framework of this study, the modern politicized bureaucracy is it is logical to stop separately in consi- openly and clearly guided by the vari- dering two main diametrically opposed ous political groups of influence, trying approaches to understanding the es- to exercise the government administra- sence of the bureaucracy which can be tion in the process of political negotia- conventionally called as politicized and tions, while using a pluralistic margin of apolitical. protection, namely, parliament, parties, The first approach (K. Marx) is the lobbying, etc. quintessence of the analysis of anti- There is a stance that the modern bureaucratic Marxist critique, which, bureaucracy even tries not only to in- even in today’s conditions, has not lost fluence the formation and implementa- its relevance, and its basic positions are tion of the state policy by the highest of scientific interest in the study of the officials of the state, but also to direct problems of the government adminis- the politicians themselves. Very often tration. The overwhelming majority of in the exercise of the government ad- the data of the scientific theses is the ministration it happens that most of the fixation of the dysfunctions of the go- government administration apparatus- vernment administration system. The es are in favour of a certain state policy, main ones are:

101 • the bureaucracy is a phenomenon which is the relation of the private and of real reality, when formal is perceived state property, material interests and as a content, but the content as a for- division of labour, which is what forms mality; the corporate interests; the bureau- • the state tasks turn into stationery, cracy is called to protect the imaginary and stationery tasks — into state ones universality of the special interest, the [10]; corporate spirit in the name of salvation • the basis of the Marxist approach of the apparent specificity of the ge- to bureaucracy is to represent the lat- neral interest, of its own spirit; the need ter as a social parasitic organism which to protect their interests leads to the throughout its period of existence is an emergence of the stable organizational objectification of the social class an- and managerial forms in which the ap- tagonisms and contradictions, as well paratus of the government administra- as the materialization of the political tion can not have a simple structure alienation [11]; [10, p. 270, 271]; • the bureaucratic relations are a • the political consciousness ac- form of manifestation of the social con- quires a specific character, because the tradictions between the state and socie- determining factor in its formation is ty, the apparatus of the government ad- the material criterion, and the more ministration and the citizens; the state the policy influences the economy, the officials who form the state apparatus more bureaucratic the state is; have a so-called monopoly on the poli- • the bureaucracy developed on the tical consciousness and intelligence and basis of a historically legitimate process all the time try to take full responsibil- of the allocation of the government ad- ity for the ineffective decisions and low ministration into a particular type of effective government administration to social activity, the professionalization be transferred to the society; of the state apparatus and the provi- • there is a direct relationship be- sion of it necessary for the exercise of tween the scale of the bureaucracy and the state governance of the authorities; the level of the democratization of the thus, the socio-economic roots of the society: in the conditions of authorita- bureaucracy can be considered the ex- rianism the government administration cessive delineation of the state appara- is reduced to the functioning of a com- tus from the society, strengthening the pletely independent in relation to the bureaucratic egocentrism, the use of interests of the society, the state appa- state power by the government admi- ratus which consists of specially trained nistrators to secure their own group and people with state-power [12]; precisely individual interests which are primarily the lack of pressure from the civil socie- determined by their material position; ty on the people’s electors to fulfill their • the bureaucracy can manifest it- obligations to the voters and causes the self in two forms: conscientious or pa- flowering of the negative bureaucratic ternalistic (its formula: the maximum manifestations [13]; of the public benefit with a maximum • such a phenomenon as a state for- of order and a minimum of confidence malism takes place, the social basis of in the state officials, a minimum of their

102 independence and initiative; the state the total control of all the spheres of the officials are conscientious and honest public life, maximum use of the state officials who, however, are subjected to authorities by the government admini- the influence of the egocentric spirit of strators through monopolization, pres- the state apparatus, professional snob- ervation and permanent restoration of bery, and technocratic superiority [14, the bureaucratic apparatus, supposedly, p. 9–12]) and selfish (its formula: maxi- in order to ensure general welfare [16]. mum career and selfish use of the office The essence of the second approach with minimal concern for public wel- to understanding the phenomenon of fare; the reason for the alienation of the bureaucracy is the identification of the apparatus of the government adminis- latter with the government adminis- tration from the society is the need for tration. In this sense, the bureaucracy the implementation of the professional is understood as a rationally organized management which itself creates the system of the government administra- feeling of superiority over the officials tion which creates the most effective among officials; there is a substitution mechanism for the implementation of of the mechanism of the bilateral ties the administration decisions. This ap- between the government administra- proach to its design is largely due to tors and the society by a mechanism of M. Weber. Briefly, the essence of this ap- one-sided command from above, which, proach can be reduced to the following: of course, raises the mercenary secrecy, • the bureaucratic apparatus has the the alienation of the apparatus of the main purpose of ensuring the integrity government administration from the of the existence of the society; society, the use of mercenary motives of • the social structuring is necessary the state power, etc. [15, p. 18]); not only for the forces that are directly • there is a specific legal basis the in the system of the government ad- main purpose of which is the legal pro- ministration and interested in its con- vision of the bureaucracy of its repro- servation, but also for the whole society duction and existence; [17, p. 175]; in this sense, the dominant • the ideological unity of the state position of the bureaucracy receives its and the apparatus of the government functional justification and the right to administration; enforce a narrow circle of officials in or- • the existence of a system of me- der to achieve universal welfare rather thods by which all the production was than a separate social stratum; transformed into a nationwide one; • the roots of the phenomenon of the state bureaucracy in the economic bureaucracy lie far from the sphere of sphere carried out a confiscatory policy the economic relations and property that completely neutralized the com- relations, but in the ontological need of petition, fetishized the planned indi- a person in the social structuring and cators, attached priority to procedures organization in order to secure his own and regulatory documents; daily security; • there was a total dependence of • there are two types of bureaucracy: the society on the government admi- traditional or patrimonial, and modern nistration which created conditions for or rational;

103 • the bureaucracy is an administra- In our view, there is a scientifically tion organization with a linear func- interesting approach to the understand- tional structure characterized by a clear ing of the permanent bureaucratization division of the responsibilities between of the government administration for- the hierarchical levels; the presence of mulated by Cyril Northcote Parkinson orders that are mandatory for execu- in his work “The Laws of Parkinson” tion; the strict separation of the indi- the basic provisions of which were as viduals in accordance with the hierar- follows: chical levels of the organization, etc. • the origins of the bureaucracy [18]. must be sought through the prism of Analyzing this approach, the opin- the socio-psychological orientation of ion of T. Parsons, who in the second the government administration: the half of the 20th century criticized the state official multiplies subordinates, mechanistic approach to understand- but not rivals; the state officials work ing bureaucracy, deserves attention. He for themselves [19, p. 13]. drew attention to the fact that there is Considering the first factor (the an ideological contradiction between state official multiplies subordinates, the competence, professionalism and but not rivals), it is necessary to imag- the place of the official in the hierar- ine that a certain state official constant- chy of the system of the government ly complains of the excessive workload. administration, since the specialist and And it does not matter: this is actually the bureaucrat have different reasons the case, or it is the result of his imagi- to occupy certain positions. If we consi- nation. These senses, justice for the sake der the first one, then such personality of being noted, may be caused by age-re- characteristics as education, profession, lated exhaustion. In this case, there are experience, professional knowledge three ways to get out of the situation: and skills are given to the priority, and the state official may retire, may ask for therefore, the execution of his orders help from another public official, or ask does not require the use of coercion. two subordinates. Usually, the third In the second case, the obedience to option is selected. The explanation is an order is merely under threat of tak- as follows: if you retire, you will not re- ing measures of the state power. That ceive a pension; if you ask another pub- is precisely this moment which is the lic official, you can not get an increase key and strikes a clear contradiction when such a chance will be (competi- between the hierarchically constructed tion); choosing two subordinates — the state authorities and the technocratic risks are minimal. In addition, their authorities. presence will add weight, and all the The analysis of the above-men- work he will distribute between them, tioned positions shows that no concept and he alone will know how exactly of the bureaucracy can be considered as each kind of work must be performed. It a methodological basis for formulating should be emphasized that there must the theory of the government admi- be at least two subordinates, since each nistration without certain adjustments one has to restrain others from fear, so taking into account the current trends. that he does not subsist. When the new

104 subordinates complain about excessive leagues, our state official considers this workload, the state official will ask the case a matter of honour. Therefore, he leadership for the need and hire subor- carefully reads the document that he dinates for them. Thus, now, under his himself would write, even if all A, B, C, direction, the staffing of the workers D, E, F, G were not born. However, this will work, and, consequently, he has document was created by the joint ef- been provided with an increase. forts of many people, and it was spent When seven state officials begin a lot of time. None of the state official to carry out the amount of work that did shy away from work. Only late in one could handle at a time, the second the evening the state official leaves his factor turns out to be over. Everyone place to go home. In almost all the win- works so much for one that is extremely dows of his state institution the light is overloaded. But most of them works off, the darkness comes as a sign of an- the state official. Any document must other difficult day of work. The state be certified by each of them. For ex- official leaves the work one of the last, ample, the subordinate A decides that and thinks with a distorted smile on his this document falls within the com- face that late times and gray hair in his petence of the B or C employees and hair is a payback for success. As a sum- makes instructions. He gives him to D mary, the state officials are more or less who makes corrections to it and turns inclined to reproduce… [19]. to E, and E to F. However, F is going No less interesting in our study is to a vacation and transmits the case to the analysis of the “Parkinson’s di- G, who again writes everything again sease” which is able to hit any institu- and passes to D, who in turn revises the tion/organization and lose any capac- document again and, in a new form, at- ity for work. This disease has certain tributes to the state official. And what stages: will happen in this case with the lat- • the first sign of the disease is mani- ter? Of course, he could sign without fested when among the staff of the in- reading, because he has many things stitution appears a person who is com- to do. He knows that next year he will pletely unprofessional and feels jealous go on the rise, and therefore it should of others’ successes. The threat increas- be decided who will take his place: A es when this person can not properly or B. In addition, it should be decided perform his work, prevent others from whether F is going on vacation — it performing their duties and endeavors seems too early. In addition, you must to enter the management; pay G for the work at the conference • when such a person still becomes and send a submission to the ministry the manager, comes the second stage of on the appointment of a pension for C. the disease: he begins to supplant from He also heard that B was in love with the work those who are more capable of the secretary, and C had quarreled for it, but does not allow the development unknown reasons with D. In short, he of those who are potentially able to re- could sign, but, in spite of all the hesi- place him in the future. In the end, the tation and the problems caused by the personnel are filled by people with less very fact of the existence of the col- and less professional training;

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108 UDC: 351.87:35.084.64 (477) Kulava Mariіa Konstantinovna, a student of the Department of Public Ad- ministration of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, lecturer of the De- partment of Law of the Danube Branch of the Private Joint-Stock Company “Higher Ed- ucational Institution” Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”, 68600, Izmail, Str. Klushуna, 3-а, tel.: 048-41-7-79-02, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8081-0211 Кулава Марія Костянтинівна, здобувач кафедри публічного адміністру- вання Міжрегіональної Академії управ- ління персоналом, викладач кафедри права Придунайської філії Приватного акціонерного товариства “Вищий на- вчальний заклад “Міжрегіональна Ака- демія управління персоналом”, 68600, м. Ізмаїл, вул. Клушина, 3-а, тел.: 048-41- 7-79-02, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8081-0211 Кулава Мария Константиновна, соискатель кафедры публичного администрирования Межрегиональной Акаде- мии управления персоналом, преподаватель кафедры права Межрегиональной Академии управления персоналом, 68600, г. Измаил, ул. Клушина, 3-а, тел.: 048- 41-7-79-02, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8081-0211 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-109-119

STATE-LEVEL MANAGEMENT OF INTERACTION OF BODIES OF STATE EXECUTIVE SERVICE AND PRIVATE BAILIFFS: THE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE Abstract. Іn the framework of the article, taking into account the existing developments of scientists in the field of law and public administration, it is de- termined what is the process of state management of the interaction of bodies of the State Executive Service and private bailiffs, the classification of the system of compulsory enforcement of decisions depending on the number of institutions performing the functions of enforcement. The features of functioning and state management of compulsory enforcement in some states are analyzed. Features

109 and positive aspects of functioning of the centralized (state), decentralized, mixed (combined) system of compulsory execution of decisions are defined. Particular attention is paid to countries where there is a mixed (combined) sys- tem of enforcement (France, Georgia, USA), and which is introduced in Ukraine. The positive aspects that could be helpful in the national model forced perfor- mance of the decisions were identified. The opinion on expediency of the direction of public administration of compul- sory execution on stimulation of participants of production of voluntary execu- tion or application of Institute of mediation, introduction of the quota principle of attraction of bailiffs was expressed, as well as on free access of bailiffs to all electronic registers of Ukraine, possibility of record keeping in the sphere of com- pulsory execution in electronic form, accession to system of bodies of compulsory execution of decisions of such institutions as: fiscal authorities, law enforcement agencies, banks is expressed. It is noted that the only purpose of all the proposed changes should be to pro- tect and restore the violated rights of individuals and legal entities. It seems that the introduction of a mixed system of enforcement should improve the situation with the execution of court decisions and decisions of other bodies (officials). Keywords: international experience, public administration, enforcement, mixed system. ДЕРЖАВНЕ УПРАВЛІННЯ ВЗАЄМОДІЄЮ ОРГАНІВ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ВИКОНАВЧОЇ СЛУЖБИ ТА ПРИВАТНИХ ВИКОНАВЦІВ: МІЖНАРОДНИЙ ДОСВІД Анотація. Ґрунтуючись на існуючих доробках науковців в галузі права та державного управління, визначено що являє собою процес державного управління взаємодією органів державної виконавчої служби та приватних виконавців, представлена класифікація системи примусового виконання рі- шень залежно від кількості інституцій, які здійснюють функції примусово- го виконання. Проаналізовано особливості функціонування та державного управління примусовим виконанням в окремих державах. Визначено осо- бливості та позитивні аспекти функціонування централізованої (державної), децентралізованої, змішаної (комбінованої) систем примусового виконання рішень. Особливу увагу приділено країнам, в яких функціонує змішана (комбі- нована) система примусового виконання (Франція, Грузія, США), та яку за- проваджено в Україні. Визначено ті позитивні аспекти, які доцільно було б запровадити у національну модель примусового виканання рішень. Висловлено думку про доцільність спрямування державного управління примусовим виконанням саме на стимулювання учасників провадження до добровільного виконання або застосування інституту медіації, запроваджен- ня квотового принципу залучення виконавців; вільного доступу виконавців до всіх електронних реєстрів України, можливості ведення діловодства у сфері примусового виконання в електронній формі; приєднання до системи

110 органів примусового виконання рішень таких інституції, як: фіскальні орга- ни, правоохоронні органи, банки. Зауважується, що єдиною метою всіх запропонованих перетворень має бути захист і відновлення порушених прав фізичних і юридичних осіб. До- ведено, що впровадження змішаної системи примусового виконання має по- кращити ситуацію з виконанням рішень суду та рішень інших органів (поса- дових осіб). Ключові слова: міжнародний досвід, державне управління, примусове ви- конання, змішана система. ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕМ ОРГАНОВ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОЙ СЛУЖБЫ И ЧАСТНЫХ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЕЙ: МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ОПЫТ Аннотация. Основываясь на существующих наработках ученых в области права и государственного управления, определено что представляет собой процесс государственного управления взаимодействием органов государ- ственной исполнительной службы и частных исполнителей, представлена классификация системы принудительного исполнения решений в зависи- мости от количества институций, осуществляющих функции принудитель- ного исполнения. Проанализированы особенности функционирования и государственного управления принудительным исполнением в отдельных государствах. Определены особенности и положительные аспекты функ- ционирования централизованной (государственной), децентрализован- ной, смешанной (комбинированной) систем принудительного исполнения решений. Особое внимание уделено странам, в которых функционирует смешанная (комбинированная) система принудительного исполнения (Франция, Гру- зия, США), и которая введена в Украине. Определены те положительные ас- пекты, которые целесообразно было бы ввести в национальную модель при- нудительного исполнения решений. Высказана точка зрения о целесообразности направления государствен- ного управления принудительным исполнением именно на стимулирование участников производства к добровольному исполнению или применению института медиации, введению квотового принципа привлечения испол- нителей; свободного доступа исполнителей ко всем электронным реестрам Украины, возможности ведения делопроизводства в сфере принудительного исполнения в электронной форме; вовлечения в систему органов принуди- тельного исполнения решений таких институтов, как: фискальные органы, правоохранительные органы, банки. Отмечается, что целью всех предлагаемых преобразований должна стать защита и восстановление нарушенных прав физических и юридических лиц. Доказано, что внедрение смешанной системы принудительного исполнения должно улучшить ситуацию с исполнением решений судов и решений дру- гих органов (должностных лиц).

111 Ключевые слова: международный опыт, государственное управление, принудительное исполнение, смешанная система.

Problem statement. Reform of the I. Pysmennyi points out that it is the sphere of enforcement of decisions, as participation in joint activity of sub- well as mechanisms of state manage- jects of management in the process of ment of interaction of the Executive achievement of socially necessary goals. system has to focus on the experience In the process of social interaction and achievements of foreign countries. there is mutual influence and interde- The correct interpretation of this expe- pendence of individual social pheno- rience will allow to identify the factors mena, as a result of which they change, that reduce the effectiveness of public complement each other and form a sin- administration of the system of en- gle integrated social system [3, p. 82]. forcement of decisions in Ukraine, and Yu. Kravchenko understands this phe- to identify ways to address these short- nomenon as a form of connection of comings, and the benefits to introduce system elements, with the help of which into national practice. they, mutually complementing each Analysis of recent research and other, create conditions for the success- publications. The study of interna- ful functioning of the whole system [7, tional systems of compulsory execution р. 500]. On the basis of the above defi- of decisions is the topic of the works of nitions, we understand the interaction legal scholars: A. Avtorhov, F. Bortniak, of the State Executive Service bodies Ye. Maltseva, N. Shelever, etc. and sci- (state bailiffs) and private bailiffs under entists in the field of public adminis- the state management as a relationship tration: E. Hryshko, S. Shandruk and with respect to independent entities, in others. the process of which they complement The purpose of the article is to each other, they create conditions for study the international experience of the timely, full and unbiased execution public administration interaction of of decisions, the enforcement of which Public Executive Service and private is provided by law, thereby ensuring the bailiffs, to identify the most effec- successful functioning of the whole sys- tive aspects that can be used in the tem. national system, taking into account Enforcement systems can be classi- socio-economic, geographical, ideo- fied according to various criteria. If the logical and other factors of our coun- criterion of classification is the number try. of institutions that carry out the func- Presentation of the main material. tions of enforcement, we can distin- Studying the international experience guish three systems: of public administration interaction of – centralized (state-owned or pub- Public Executive Service and private lic) operates in such countries as Bela- bailiffs we will give, first of all, the defi- rus, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Germany, nition of this concept. Denmark etc.;

112 – decentralized system — in Lithu- are two structures: bailiffs of General ania, Belgium, the Netherlands, Lux- courts (they have dual subordination- embourg, etc.; to courts and indirectly to the Ministry – mixed (combined) system — in of justice of Belarus through territo- such states as Kazakhstan, Poland, rial administrations) and the service Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of bailiffs of economic courts, which is USA, Bulgaria, France, Czech Repub- subordinate to the court. lic, Canada, Greece, , Georgia, An interesting experience is the ex- etc. perience of state management of en- The transition from a public to a forcement proceedings in Germany, combined system of public administra- which is regulated by the Civil proce- tion is also observed in Ukraine. We dure code of Germany. Implementation emphasize that the presented classi- of decisions is carried out at the level of fication is somewhat conditional and the court in whose territory it is neces- outdated, in its pure form, enforcement sary to carry out executive actions and systems are almost non-existent. is a state function. That is, Germany has Thus, centralized systems of state a centralized system of enforcement of administration of compulsory enforce- decisions. Enforcement proceedings are ment are characterized, as V. A. Se- exercised by the registrars of the court leznev points out, by the presence of (civil servants, while the constituent a single state body of compulsory en- entities of independent professional forcement; the presence of a mecha- activity, which act for its own account nism of legal regulation of the process and are personally liable). The activity of execution of judicial acts and acts is legal in the presence of a special cer- of other bodies established by law [6, tificate (“license”). p. 112]. Persons who are engaged in Bailiffs have the opportunity to ar- the enforcement of that pattern, have rest the debtor’s property for subsequent the status of civil servant with relevant sale at auction; to arrest accounts; at the rights, duties and guarantees. And it is claim of the debtor to delay the imple- not necessary that this body belongs mentation of the arrested property for a to the system of Executive authorities, year, if the debtor agrees to pay the debt like in Sweden the National Executive within this period. It is interesting that Agency, which ensures the implemen- the court’s decision to recover the debt tation of judicial and other decisions, in Germany is valid for years. belongs to the system of Executive au- Positive experience: mutual trust thorities (under the supervision of the between the bailiffs and the partici- Ministry of Finance), in Austria, Spain pants of enforcement proceedings, the and Denmark, for example, for exam- ability of the bailiff to provide a defer- ple, the courts deal with enforcement ral to the debtor, to make the recovery proceedings. A positive fact, in our in parts; bailiffs being under the pro- opinion, is the presence in Sweden of a tection of court, which significantly special act that regulates the procedure increases their credibility and provides of enforcement proceedings, namely, more tools to perform duties; quota the Executive Code. In Belarus, these principle of attracting bailiffs.

113 The existence of decentralized gov- forcement, with an emphasis on reforms ernance systems implies that the state in Ukraine, requires more detailed delegates enforcement powers to non- study and reflection. governmental organizations and in- Let’s start with the French model dividuals. Thus, in the Netherlands, of management of enforcement bodi- Belgium, the powers are delegated to es, it originates from the XIX century private bailiffs, carrying out profession- and is significantly different from other al independent activities, competing systems. In France, the system of ex- with each other. In Lithuania, private ecution of decisions is represented by: bailiffs execute court and other deci- the Ministry of Justice of France, state sions. Among the additional mecha- bailiffs who are engaged in collecting nisms of influence on the debtor in tax obligations, carry out the decision Lithuania criminal liability, as well as a in favor of the state, acts that are taken system of fines can be identified. by administrative courts; judicial bail- Even more “private” is the system of iffs who act at the level of local courts compulsory enforcement of Estonia. In are private self-employed persons and this state, the bailiff is an independent exercise their powers on the basis of a person who acts on his own behalf and license [8, p. 250]. The legal status of is personally liable. It is not a private the latter combines the features of a entrepreneur or a public servant [1, state (Ministerial) employee (public- p. 11]. The Ministry of Justice of Esto- legal nature), a private entrepreneur nia, as a body of the state administra- and a legal specialist. tion, provides only organizational gui- A bailiff of France should have: the dance and coordination of the activities conclusion about professional suitabili- of bailiffs. ty, which is prepared by the prosecutors Consequently, under this system, of the corresponding regional districts bailiffs are not civil servants, and oper- and Department (regional) chamber. ate under a license. At the same time, The main function of the Department the private system of execution of de- (regional) chamber is to ensure the rep- cisions also provides for state regula- resentation of bailiffs in public authori- tion of professional activities of private ties and administration, organization of bailiffs, in particular, regarding access professional training, organization of to the profession, the definition of com- the annual organization of the Congress petence, the establishment of rules of of compulsory enforcement officers, etc. activity and the like, but the volume Bailiffs are appointed by order of the and content of control is significantly Minister of Justice of France, and are limited. subject to disciplinary prosecutors of The combined system of execution the Republic [9, p. 31]. The number of of decisions is a combination in diffe- bailiffs is limited and regulated by the rent variations of the features of the two French Ministry of Justice. previous types of enforcement systems. The bailiff of France is autho- Of course, the experience of coun- rized to perform the following actions: tries that have moved to a combined to present judicial and non-judicial system of public administration of en- documents to the persons concerned;

114 to execute the judgments on behalf of was a reorganization of the executive the state, using the state’s coercion; to power and the institution of private en- fraft documents, protocols on various forcement was introduced. issues of proceedings with the status Thus, the system of public adminis- of evidence; to provide legal advice; tration bodies of compulsory enforce- the ability in some cases to manage the ment is represented by: the Ministry of debtor’s property; to establish the facts, justice of Georgia; NBE — a legal entity which in the future will not need proffs of public law, which is founded by the in court, in exercising its powers, to act Ministry of justice of Georgia, cont- personally or in association [8, p. 250]. rolled by the Ministry of justice and the The bailiff may be brought to criminal, judicial authorities. At the same time, civil, disciplinary responsibility for the NBE is autonomous in matters of lo- legal consequences of his/her actions. gistics, personnel management, opera- Payment for the work of the bailiff is tional activities. NBE operates within carried out not by the state, but by the the Tbilisi Bureau of enforcement and interested person. 8 territorial Executive bureaus. NBE Positive experience: the remunera- also includes the Executive Police De- tion of the bailiff is carried out not by partment. the state, but by the interested per- Private bailiffs, by analogy with son, and these are the prerequisites France, are both bailiffs and legal con- for the bailiff's interest, competitive sultants. The activities of private en- interaction, continuous improve- forcement officers are monitored by the ment of professionalism, professional Ministry of justice of Georgia, which ethics of bailiffs; quite rarely measures includes the General Inspectorate for of compulsory enforcement of the court enforcement of decisions. against the debtors are applied due Positive experience: free access of to the process of mediation, unwilling- the NBE personnel to a special compu- ness to public disclosure; the state sets ter system, which covers record keep- tariffs for the services of bailiffs, and ing, production of procedural docu- this minimizes cases of abuse by the ments and the register of enforcement latter. proceedings and provides access to all The reform of the system of compul- electronic registers of Georgia. In this sory enforcement of Georgia is more state, there is a register of socially vul- similar to the national one. In 2000, nerable persons who have a low level of the Department of enforcement was income. In the presence of the debtor in established within the Ministry of Jus- this register the executive production tice of Georgia. Bailiffs, that worked at concerning it stops; creation on the the courts, were trabnsferred to it. In basis of NBE of police of performance; 2008, this Department was reorgan- accession to the system of enforcement ized into an independent body, which bodies of institutions that have an ex- was called “National Bureau of enforce- tremely effective impact on the out- ment” (NBE) (by analogy with the De- come of the proceedings: the National partment of State Executive Service of Bank of Georgia; record-keeping in the Ukraine). Next year in Georgia there field of enforcement exclusively in elec-

115 tronic form [2]; the use of mediation Among the “standard” measures of in all possible cases; the performance enforcement (foreclosure on the deb- of many enforcement actions without tor’s property (movable and immova- obtaining court permission. ble), foreclosure on the debtor’s income It is interesting that a private bailiff (wages, deposits, etc.); execution of the in Georgia has the right to combine its court decision in kind), in addition, activities with any other paid work or the bailiffs are authorized to initiate entrepreneurial activity. the procedure of bringing the debtor Despite the effective work of both to justice. In Latvia, on weekends and private and public bailiffs, as evidenced holidays, enforcement actions are car- by the millions of US dollars entering ried out in urgent cases. Enforcement is the country’s budget, Georgia contin- suspended from 24 to 6 a.m., which is ues to further reform the system and positive, from the review of the consti- the adoption of the Executive code of tutional rights and freedoms of citizens. Georgia in the future. Positive experience: the state has The system of state administration established tariffs for the services of of compulsory enforcement in Latvia is bailiffs; bailiffs are both a under the considered to be mixed. protection of the court and executive The state administration of the in- authorities; quota principle of attract- teraction of the institutions of enforce- ing bailiffs. ment in this country is as follows: the In the United States, there is no implementation of decisions in the state single system of government enforce- is carried out by sworn bailiffs, who are ment. The order of enforcement of deci- subordinate to the Council of sworn sions of courts and other bodies in the bailiffs, which operates within the Mi- United States is regulated at the Fed- nistry of justice. This body performs the eral level — the Federal rules of civil executive and supervisory functions of procedure. However, each particular the jury bailiffs. However, sworn bai- state has its own rules of civil proceed- liffs are persons who are members of ings, so the question of recognition and the judiciary and are subject only to enforcement of the decision of another the law. Remuneration of bailiffs shall state in the territory of the state is made be approved by the Cabinet of Minis- in a lawsuit [4]. ters of Latvia, agreed by the Minister of Enforcement of decisions of courts justice. Consequently, control over the and other bodies in the United States activities of the jury judicial bailiffs is can be carried out by bodies such as the carried out both judicial and executive Federal Marshal service, which is the power and, in our opinion, it’s a positive coordinator of marshals in federal enti- experience. ties (performs particularly complex and The bailiff in Latvia is equal to pub- important decisions). It is interesting lic officials, therefore the incomes of that this service is an influential law such persons are subject to declaration. enforcement agency of the state within The bailiffs are checked by the Tax In- the Ministry of justice. The marshals spectorate, the Anti-corruption De- and their assistants enforce primarily partment. decisions of the courts or the federal

116 level (on behalf of the court) for other a larger array of proceedings. Public particularly difficult and important authorities responsible for enforcement decisions; the office of the Sheriffs per- are used where there is a risk of physi- forms a forced enforcement of the de- cal conflict or disorder. So, the Mar- cisions of state courts. The Sheriff is a shals Institute, the Marshal service, is civil servant, an elected official, whose an influential law enforcement Agency main function os to maintain public or- of the system of state institutions. der in the territory of a certain commu- Positive experience: the practice of nity, road patrol, detention of offenders, compensation of losses by insurance conducting operational investigative companies; close cooperation with law activities and so on, that is, purely the enforcement agencies. function of the police. The Sheriff is Summary. So, experience, which, in elected for a limited term, with the our opinion, could be implemented in right of re-election, has a staff of his the national system: own assistants [5]. – to stimulate the participants in the In addition, in some states, enforce- production of voluntary compliance or, ment may be carried out by: 1) con- alternatively, the use of mediation that stables — staff members of the court, will be cost effective and will reduce subordinate to judges and bailiffs; the time for conducting enforcement 2) the service of bailiffs of the Dis- actions; trict Judicial Council, which performs – to introduce in Ukraine the quota mainly administrative functions and principle of attraction of bailiffs; performs certain categories of deci- – to set tariffs for the services of bai- sions, for example, the decision on liffs in order to minimize cases of abuse non-discrimination on grounds of sex; by the latter; 3) law enforcement agencies — non- – to introduce free access to a first state agencies that exercise informal state, in the future, private actors of all pressure on debtors. The main means electronic registers of Ukraine; of making a certain pressure on the – to attract to the system of enforce- debtor — a written appeal to the latter ment bodies the institutions that have regarding the beginning of legal action a very effective impact on the outcome against the debtor. Such agencies oper- of the proceedings, in particular: fiscal ate on the basis of a license and often in- authorities, police response (Georgia), volve not only lawyers but also private banks; detectives. Since the practice of such – to conduct paperwork the sphere agencies has often been abused in the of compulsory execution in electronic past, Federal legislation and govern- form would be very effective. ment agencies are now closely moni- It is clear that this should be done toring their activities. Almost 75 % of taking into account the socio-econo- the decisions of the courts is performed mic, geographical, demographic, ideo- by damages insurance companies [8, logical, educational, cultural and other p. 255]. factors inherent in our country. At the Sheriffs and their deputies, bailiffs, same time, the only purpose of all these as well as private law agencies carry out changes in the sphere of public admi-

117 nistration of the interaction of bodies ganizational and legal aspect”, Zhur- of the State Executive Service and pri- nal zarubezhnogo zakonodatel’stva i vate bailiffs should be the protection of sravnitel’nogo pravovedenija, vol. 4, the violated rights of individuals and p. 111–117. legal entities. International experience 7. Kravchenko Yu. F. (1999), Teoriia up- ravlinnia orhanamy vnutrishnikh proves (France, Latvia) that private sprav [The theory of management of bailiffs work much more effectively internal affairs], Natsional’na aka- than public ones. Therefore, we believe demiia vnutrishnikh sprav Ukrainy, that the introduction of a mixed system Kyiv, Ukraine. of enforcement will gradually improve 8. Fiolevs’kyj D. P., Lobantsev S. Yu., the situation with the implementa- Miezientsev Ye. I. (2004), Derzhavna tion of court decisions and decisions of vykonavcha sluzhba v Ukraini [State other bodies (officials). Bailiffs Service in Ukraine], Alerta, Kyiv, Ukraine. 9. Khalishkhov V. M. (2016), “Foreign REFERENCES experience of the Institute of Private 1. Avtorhov A. (2004), “Private court Executor”, Porivnial’no-analitychne executor. Estonian experience”, Yury- pravo, vol. 5, p. 30–33. dychna hazeta, vol. 11 (23), p. 11–12. Список використаних 2. Vse. Media (2017), “Georgian experi- джерел ence in the execution of court deci- sions”, available at: 1. Авторгов А. Приватний судовий ви- dosvid-gruziyi-u-sferi-vikonannya- конавець. Естонський досвід / А. Ав- sudovih-rishen/ (Accessed 9 August торгов // Юридична газета. — 2018). 2004. — № 11 (23). — С. 11–12. 3. Surmin Yu. P., Bakumenko V. D., Mykh- 2. Досвід Грузії у сфері виконання nenko A. M. (2010), Entsyklopedych- судових рішень [Електроний ре- nyj slovnyk z derzhavnoho upravlinnia сурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// [Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration], Natsional’na Aka- vikonannya-sudovih-rishen/ demiia derzhavnoho upravlinnia, Kyiv, 3. Енциклопедичний словник з держав- Ukraine. ного управління / уклад.: Ю. П. Сур- 4. Kolontaevskaja I. O., Cepkoe G. N. мін, В. Д. Бакуменко, А. М. Михнен- (2001), “Training of Law Enforce- ко та ін. ; за ред. Ю. В. Ковбасюка, ment Officials in the USA”, Sbornik В. П. Трощинського, Ю. П. Сурмі- materialov mezhdunarodnoj konfe- на. — К. : НАДУ, 2010. — 820 с. rencii [Sbornik materialov mezhdun- 4. Колонтаевская И. О. Подготовка arodnoj konferencii], Dejatel’nost’ сотрудников правоохранительных pravoohranitel’nyh organov zaru- органов в США / И. О. Колонта- bezhnyh stran [Activities of law en- евская, Г. Н. Цепкое // Деятельность forcement bodies of foreign countries], правоохранительных органов зару- Moscow, Russia, p. 157–160. бежных стран: сб. материалов. — М., 5. Kononov O. V., Kokarev Ju. G. (1999), 2001. — Вып. 1. — С. 157–160. “Bailiffs: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, 5. Кононов О. В. Судебные приставы: Gosudarstvo i pravo, vol. 1, p. 74–79. вчера, сегодня, завтра / О. В. Коно- 6. Seleznev V. A. (2010), “Executive pro- нов, Ю. Г. Кокарев // Государство и duction in foreign countries: the or- право. — 1999. — № 1. — С. 74–79.

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119 UDC 351.851.352:373.5.016: 37.091.214-053.5-056.24 Kukharchuk Petro Mykhailovych, PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Mu- nicipal Institution “Zhytomyr Regional In- Service Teacher Training Institute” of Zhy- tomyr Regional Council, 10014, Zhytomyr, Str. Mikhaylivska, 15, room 14, tel.: +38 (067) 412 80 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Кухарчук Петро Михайлович, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, професор кафедри суспільно-гу- манітарних дисциплін, Комунальний за- клад “Житомирський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти” Жи- томирської обласної ради, 10014, м. Жи- томир, вул. Михайлівська, 15, к. 14, тел.: +38 (067) 412 80 55, e-mail: kpmkpma@ ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Кухарчук Петр Михайлович, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, профессор кафедры общественно-гуманитарных дисциплин, Коммунальное учреждение “Житомир- ский областной институт последиплом- ного педагогического образования” Жи- томирского областного совета, 10014, г. Житомир, ул. Михайловская, 15, к. 14, тел.: +38 (067) 412 80 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2051-3298 Kovrigina Liliya Mikhailovna, candidate of philological sciences, head of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines Communal institution “Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education” Zhytomyr Regional Council, 10014, Zhy- tomyr, Str. Mikhailivska, 15, room. 14, tel.: +38 (097) 247 73 33, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6008-7211 Коврігіна Лілія Михайлівна, кандидат філологічних наук, завідувач кафедри суспільно-гуманітарних дисциплін Комунальний заклад “Житомирський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти” Житомирської обласної ради, 10014, м. Житомир, вул. Михайлівська, 15, к. 14, тел.: +38 (097) 247 73 33, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6008-7211

120 Ковригина Лилия Михайловна, кандидат филологических наук, заведую- щий кафедрой общественно-гуманитар- ных дисциплин Коммунальное учреждение “Житомирский областной институт по- следипломного педагогического образова- ния” Житомирского областного совета, 10014, г. Житомир, ул. Михайловская, 15, к. 14, тел.: +38 (097) 247 73 33, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-6008-7211 Kalinin Vadim Oleksandrovych, PhD in Philological science (theory and methods of professional education), Asso- ciate Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Educational Innovations, Municipal Institu- tion “Zhytomyr Regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute” of Zhytomyr Regional Council, 10014, Zhytomyr, Str. Mikhaylivs- ka, 15, room 20, tel.: +38 (067) 410 11 61, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8254-5482 Калінін Вадим Олександрович, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач лабораторії упровадження освітніх ін- новацій Комунальний заклад “Житомирський обласний інститут післядипломної пе- дагогічної освіти” Житомирської обласної ради, 10014, м. Житомир, вул. Михайлівська, 15, к. 20, тел.: +38 (067) 410 11 61, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8254-5482 Калинин Вадим Александрович, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий лабораторией внедрения образо- вательных инноваций Коммунальное учреждение “Житомирский областной инсти- тут последипломного педагогического образования” Житомирского областного сове- та, 10014, г. Житомир, ул. Михайловская, 15, к. 20, тел.: +38 (067) 410 11 61, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-8254-5482 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-120-135

CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF INTRODUCTION OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN UKRAINE Abstract. In this article an attempt to analyze the introduction of inclusive education in Ukraine is made. The reform of the education system, providing equal access to quality education for all children, including children with special edu- cational needs, is highlighted. The peculiarities of the inclusive form of education in modern Ukrainian school are revealed, which include the right of a child who

121 needs correction of psychophysical development, to attend general educational institutions and readiness of pedagogical staff for psychological and pedagogical support of the child. The implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” on reforming the education system, ensuring equal access to quality education for all children, in- cluding children with special educational needs, is characterized. The actual sig- nificance of the inclusive form of education in the modern Ukrainian school is re- vealed, which implies the right of a child who needs correction of psychophysical development to attend general educational institutions and readiness of pedagogi- cal staff for psychological and pedagogical support of the child. A shift of emphasis of the state’s social policy concerning disabled people to- wards the formation of public consciousness regarding their perception as equal members of society and the need to create conditions for those citizens to live life to the full, including education, is highlighted. Legally recognized the right of children with special educational needs to study in educational institutions at their place of residence. The issue of the inclusion of children with special educational needs in the children’s collective as soon as possible, starting from preschool age, is described. Within the education of adults the use of non-traditional forms and methods of work is described, which proved its efficiency and effectiveness. While prepar- ing future pedagogical staff, institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education and other institutions involved in further training should include inclusive subjects in educational programs and educate psychologists and professionals to work with children with special educational needs. It is necessary to provide them with knowledge of special and social , as well as tools and models of alterna- tive learning with the use of workshop (an intensive educational activity in which adults learn through their own activities). Keywords: inclusive education, reformation of the educational system, peda- gogical workers, psychological and pedagogical support of the child, correction of psychophysical development, . ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ЗАПРОВАДЖЕННЯ ІНКЛЮЗИВНОЇ ОСВІТИ В УКРАЇНІ Анотація. Зроблено спробу аналізу запровадження інклюзивної освіти в Україні. Висвітлено реформування системи освіти, забезпечення рівного до- ступу до якісної освіти всіх дітей, включаючи дітей з особливими освітніми потребами. Розкрито особливості інклюзивної форми навчання в сучасній українській школі, що передбачає дитині, яка потребує корекції психофізич- ного розвитку, право відвідувати загальноосвітні заклад і готовності педаго- гічних працівників до психолого-педагогічного супроводу дитини. Схарактеризовано імплементацію Закону України “Про освіту” щодо ре- формування системи освіти, забезпечення рівного доступу до якісної освіти всіх дітей, включаючи дітей з особливими освітніми потребами. Розкрито ак- туальне значення інклюзивної форми навчання в сучасній українській школі,

122 якою передбачено для дитини, яка потребує корекції психофізичного розвит- ку, право відвідувати загальноосвітні заклади і готовності педагогічних пра- цівників до психолого-педагогічного супроводу дитини. Висвітлено зміщення акцентів соціальної політики держави стосовно лю- дей з інвалідністю у бік формування суспільної свідомості щодо сприйняття їх як рівних членів суспільства та необхідності створення для цих громадян умов для повноцінного життя, в тому числі здобуття освіти. Законодавчо ви- знано право дітей з особливими освітніми потребами на навчання в освітніх закладах за місцем проживання. Розкрито питання включення дітей з особливими освітніми потребами в дитячий колектив якомога раніше, починаючи з дошкільного віку. Схарактеризовано використання нетрадиційних форм і методів роботи, що на практиці довели свою ефективність та результативність в освіті дорос- лих. Готуючи майбутніх педагогічних працівників, інститути післядипломної педагогічної освіти та інші установи, які займаються підвищенням кваліфіка- ції, мають включати в освітні програми інклюзивну тематику та формувати у педагогів психологічну та професійну готовність до роботи з дітьми з особли- вими освітніми потребами. Необхідно надати їм знання зі спеціальної та со- ціальної педагогіки, забезпечити інструментарієм та моделями альтернатив- ного навчання, використовуючи воркшоп (інтенсивний навчальний захід, під час якого дорослі навчаються через власну активність). Ключові слова: інклюзивна освіта, реформування системи освіти, педаго- гічні працівники, психолого-педагогічний супровід дитини, корекція психо- фізичного розвитку, навчання дорослих. ОСОБЕННОСТИ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ ИНКЛЮЗИВНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В УКРАИНЕ Аннотация. Предпринята попытка анализа внедрения инклюзивного об- разования в Украине. Освещены вопросы реформирования системы обра- зования, обеспечения равного доступа к качественному образованию всех детей, включая детей с особыми образовательными потребностями. Рас- крыты особенности инклюзивной формы обучения в современной украин- ской школе, предусматривающий ребенку, который нуждается в коррекции психофизического развития, право посещать общеобразовательные заведе- ние и готовности педагогов к психолого-педагогического сопровождения ре- бенка. Охарактеризована имплементация Закона Украины “Об образовании” по реформированию системы образования, обеспечения равного доступа к качественному образованию всех детей, включая детей с особыми образо- вательными потребностями. Раскрыто актуальное значение инклюзивной формы обучения в современной украинской школе, предусматривающей для ребенка, который нуждается в коррекции психофизического развития, право посещать общеобразовательные заведение и готовности педагогов к психо- лого-педагогического сопровождения ребенка.

123 Освещены смещение акцентов социальной политики государства в отно- шении людей с инвалидностью инвалидов в сторону формирования обще- ственного сознания относительно восприятия их как равных членов обще- ства и необходимость создания для этих граждан условий для полноценной жизни, в том числе получения образования. Законодательно признано право детей с особыми образовательными потребностями на обучение в образова- тельных учреждениях по месту жительства. Раскрыты вопросы включения детей с особыми образовательными по- требностями в детский коллектив как можно раньше, начиная с дошкольного возраста. Охарактеризовано использование нетрадиционных форм и методов рабо- ты, которые на практике доказали свою эффективность и результативность в образовании взрослых. Готовя будущих педагогов, институты последиплом- ного педагогического образования и другие учреждения, которые занимаются повышением квалификации, должны включать в образовательные програм- мы инклюзивную тематику и формировать у педагогов психологическую и профессиональную готовность к работе с детьми с особыми образовательны- ми потребностями. Необходимо предоставить им знания по специальной и социальной педагогике, обеспечить инструментарием и моделями альтерна- тивного обучения, используя воркшоп (интенсивное учебное мероприятие, во время которого взрослые учатся посредством собственной активности). Ключевые слова: инклюзивное образование, реформирование системы образования, педагогические работники, психолого-педагогическое сопрово- ждение ребенка, коррекция психофизического развития, обучение взрослых.

Problem statement. The rights of tions with special and inclusive groups the child at the level of all members of and classes create conditions for train- society “without distinction of any kind ing persons with special educational as to race, colour, sex, religion, political needs according to the individual de- or other opinion, national or social ori- velopment program and taking into ac- gin, property, birth or other status” [1]. count their individual needs and oppor- Article 20 of the law of Ukraine “On tunities. Persons with physical, mental, education” defines the mechanisms for intellectual and sensory disabilities are the implementation of inclusive educa- provided with educational assistance tion in Ukraine, where educational in- [2]. stitutions form inclusive and/or special At the present stage in the education groups and classes for the training of system of Ukraine there are hidden un- persons with special educational needs. spoken forms of discrimination on the In the case of application of a person above grounds, which for decades have with special educational needs or the become such a social norm that went child’s parents, such a group or class is beyond the awareness of members of so- formed obligatory. Educational institu- ciety. This is especially true for children

124 with special educational needs, who The purpose of the article is to high- have long been isolated from society, light and substantiate the problems of studying in special residential institu- ensuring the right to quality education tions or in an individual form of educa- of children with special educational tion. needs and the prospects of their solu- The implementation of article 20 of tion in the modern Ukrainian school. the law of Ukraine “On education” pro- Presentation of the main material. vides for the reform of the education The change of the educational paradigm system, ensuring equal access to qua- to the humanistic model — “education lity education for all children, includ- for all, school for all”, which is based ing children with special educational on the concept of a holistic approach, needs. An inclusive form of education opens the way to the realization of the in a modern Ukrainian school, which rights and opportunities of each person implies a child who needs correction of and, above all, it is assumed equal ac- psychophysical development, the right cess of children with special needs to to attend educational institutions and quality education. the readiness of teaching staff to psy- The shift in the emphasis of the chological and pedagogical support of state’s social policy towards the forma- the child, is of great importance. tion of public consciousness regarding Analysis of recent research and the perception of persons with disabili- publications. The problems of inclu- ties as equal members of society and the sive education in recent years have need to create conditions for these citi- been the focus of many works of domes- zens to live a full life, including educa- tic and foreign scientists (A. Dyson, tion. The right of children with special A. Millward, C. Clarke, D. Mitchell, educational needs to study in educa- S. Robson,T. Loreman, L. Danylenko, tional institutions at the place of resi- A. Kolupaieva, N. Kupustin, Yu. Naida, dence is legally recognized. N. Svarnyk, N. Sofii, P. Trohanis, S. Yus- In September 2017, the Verkhovna fin, E. Yamburg, E. Andreeva, V. Bond- Rada of Ukraine adopted amendments ar, T. Iliashenko, A. Kolupaieva, N. Sa- № 6437 “On amendments to the Law bat, Ye. Yarska-Smirnova, O. Akimova, of Ukraine “On education” concerning T. Sak, L. Savchuk, L. Priadko, etc. the peculiarities of access to education- Works among the research stud- al services for persons with special edu- ies that have investigated the forma- cational needs”. tion of readiness for work in inclusive Now children with special educa- educational space (I. Sadova, V. Sulym, tional needs, along with other forms I. Demchenko, E. Danilavichute). of education (special, individual), can However, in our opinion, there is a learn in an inclusive way along with search for inclusion studies related to healthy peers, not looking up from their the problems of children with special natural environment. Parents have the educational needs in the modern edu- right to choose an educational institu- cation system, training of teachers for tion for their child. A child with spe- holistic psychological and pedagogical cial educational needs is enrolled to an support of the child. inclusive class on the basis of the par-

125 ents’ application and the conclusion of self-government bodies, which are de- the specialists of the inclusive resource termined by the decision of the relevant center. The school should ensure that local Council on such a budget in ac- appropriate conditions are created for cordance with the legislation. each child to fully implement his or her The subvention is aimed at provid- potential, including children with spe- ing state support to persons with spe- cial educational needs. cial educational needs who study in In the center of the “inclusive” special and inclusive classes of general school there is a child, regardless of institutions (ex- health, physical or mental abilities, cept boarding schools, special schools social status, family and the like. The (boarding schools), sanatorium schools education system adapts to the needs of (boarding schools) and educational and any child. Adaptation takes place at the rehabilitation centers), namely child- level of the physical environment, edu- ren who are blind and with low vision, cational programs, teaching methods, deaf and impaired hearing, with severe implementation of an individual ap- speech disorders, mental retardation, proach to each child, the use of perso- with disorders of the musculoskeletal nality-oriented technologies, differenti- system, with intellectual development ated teaching, etc. A child with special disorders, with complex developmental educational needs is trained under the disorders (including autism spectrum condition of psychological and peda- disorders). gogical support, which is carried out by The following expenses shall be paid an interdisciplinary team of specialists at the expense of the subvention: (teachers, psychologists, social and cor- • carrying out (rendering) additio- rectional teachers, parents, etc.). nal remedial and developmental classes The state promotes support for (services), certain individual develop- children with special educational needs ment program for students in inclusive by providing a Subvention from the classes and the working curriculum state budget to local budgets for the (individual education plan student) for provision of state support to persons students in special classes; with special educational needs (reso- • acquisition of special means of lution of the Cabinet of Ministers correction of psychophysical develop- of Ukraine dated February 14, 2017 ment, which enable the child to master № 88) [3]. The procedure and condi- the curriculum. No more than 35 % of tions determine the mechanism for the total expenditure for each child of granting subventions from the state the relevant general secondary educa- budget to local budgets for the provi- tion institution, which needs state sup- sion of state support to persons with port, is used to purchase these funds. special educational needs (hereinafter- If the institution has several children subvention). The main manager of the with special educational needs with the subvention is the MOH. Subvention same nosology, if necessary, it is possible managers for local budgets are struc- to purchase special means of correction tural units on education and science, of psychophysical development for ge- local executive authorities and local neral use. The model list of special

126 means of correction of psychophysical Teacher’s assistant is introduced in development of children with special schools where inclusive education is educational needs is approved by the introduced to work with students with order of the Ministry of education and special educational needs at the rate of science and posted on the official web- 1 rate per class in which such children site of the Ministry. study .In this way, mechanisms are in- In 2018, the subvention in the troduced to fully ensure the rights of amount of UAH 100 000 thousand is children with special educational needs sent to equip the offices of the inclu- to receive quality education at the place sive resource centers to provide psy- of residence. chological and pedagogical assistance At first we need to state a number to children with special educational of problems related to inclusive edu- needs (purchase of methodological, ed- cation, which lead to the fact that the ucational and software, items, materials inclusive processes in Ukraine is per- and equipment, including long-term ceived negatively, even hostile by many use) in accordance with the require- people. This applies both to the child- ments approved by the Ministry of edu- ren’s group, which houses a student cation and science[3]. with special educational needs, parents According the order of MOH of of such students, and parents of healthy Ukraine dated 01.02.2018 № 90 a po- children, as well as teachers and the sition of the assistant teacher of an in- public at large. clusive class was stipulated. In schools The creation of a favorable climate with education of children with special in the school environment is a necessary educational is necessary special classes condition for the success of the inclu- for the learning process and conduct sion of a child with special educational correctional and developing lessons, needs in the environment of healthy specific curriculum, introduced the peers, which means the acceptance and post of teachers-speech pathologists understanding of the child, the recogni- (teachers, speech therapist, teacher of tion of child as an equal member of the the deaf, teachers for the blind), other children’s team. Only under such con- professionals with relevant training are ditions a child with special educational provided. needs will feel comfortable and will be In schools with education of child- able to learn. Unfortunately, there are ren with special educational is neces- often situations in educational institu- sary special classes for the learning tions where a child with developmen- process and conduct correctional and tal disabilities is not accepted by peers. developing lessons, specific curriculum, Without a doubt, this is an individual introduced the post of teachers-speech problem, which concerns the level of pathologists (teachers, speech thera- education of students, their tolerance, pist, teacher of the deaf, teachers for the respect for other people (not only to blind), other professionals are provided people with disabilities, as well as el- under load of at least 9 hours per week derly people, parents, animals, etc.). In on the basis of norms at the rate of 18 modern reality, when the urgent need hours per week) [4]. of the education system raises the prob-

127 lem of the formation of students’ gene- development will go with formed in a ral cultural competence, which involves diverse society life competencies. both the assimilation of the cultural Among the scientific researches the historical experience of the Ukrainian main provisions defining the essence of people, and the formation of moral professional competence of the teacher qualities (kindness, mercy, compassion, in domestic science include: tolerance and the like), in connection • formation of competence, the ba- with the loss of such qualities of today’s sis — specialization (in-depth study of a young generation, who live mainly in specific field of activity; the virtual world of illusions, formed by • infer competence in the activities, computer games, the Internet, televi- however, not only it. Efficiency of ac- sion, education next to children who tivity, level of success of the solution of need protection and assistance, will professional tasks is a criterion of com- create a real environment for the for- petence; mation of such qualities, which will ul- • a person is competent if this person timately be beneficial for children with knows how to act successfully in a par- special educational needs and for their ticular situation arising in the course of healthy peers. professional activity; In foreign and domestic science • the rapid pace of development of in recent years, there is a question of scientific information requires pro- including children with special edu- fessional knowledge to be with a high cational needs in the children’s team level of generalization, universality, as early as possible, starting from pre- reflect the systemic relationships be- school age. Being all together in kin- tween different objects of reality; dergarten, children of 3–6 years do • the structure of competence is a not quite understand the difference be- synthesis and organic unity of three tween them, but they get used to each types of professional knowledge, which other, learn to live side by side, finding determines the effectiveness and level ways of interaction and mutual under- of activity: theoretical (conceptual), standing. From an early age they begin applied and specific professional; to understand the hardships faced by • competency as the information po- people who have development prob- tential of the human personality has a lems, become sensitive to the needs unique character due to the individual of others, tolerant of human diffe- theoretical and imaginative models of rences, learn to support each other, to results-oriented frameworks. There- interact positively. Coming to school, fore, the formation of professional com- they already have certain social skills, petence is presented as the mastery of formed in a diverse children’s team, so knowledge of means to achieve the the perception of children with spe- goal, and as the mastery of means of de- cial educational needs will not cause sign and implementation of activities in any problems. In school, this process a personally unique way; will continue into adulthood as child- • competency is a relative concept: a ren with special educational needs, person can be competent not in general, and their peers with a typical level of but in a specific area. The level of spe-

128 cialist competency depends on the di- additional burden on ordinary school versity and complexity of the tasks that teachers and students, and that due to can be solved [5. p. 84–124]. too serious behavioural disorders the It should be noted that the process child can cause harm to others. of formation of such competencies Let us recall V. Sukhomlynskyi: should take place in a holistic manner “Teacher begins with love for the child” both in school and in the family envi- [6]. What are the criteria to measure ronment and in the circle of friends. the love of a child entering a pedagogi- Speaking about the school society, it is cal institution or a teacher? Today, a important to emphasize that the forma- graduate of a pedagogical University or tion of a positive climate for students College, having come to school, starts with special educational needs depends first the defense of his subject, con- not only on the perception of their sidering it his main task, we often see children’s team, but also by teachers. how the teacher at school is perceived Currently, the opinions of domestic first as a “language specialist”, “mathe- teachers in relation to inclusive edu- matician”, “geographer” (because he cation have a wide range: some under- loves his profession), and only then as a stand its advantages and believe in the teacher-educator. We have teachers in need for inclusive education, see this as school who see only their subject, the support for teachers and positive chang- program, but not the child, teachers, for es in the school system, others, on the whom nouns, adjectives, discriminant, contrary, are skeptical even to the idea functions, and structure of the flower of inclusive education, which causes are more important than the child’s them outright horror at the thought of feelings, his inner world, interests, as- the load that will fall on their shoulders. pirations and hopes. Is such a teacher Elementary information ignorance, lack ready to change from a defender of his of knowledge of pedagogical technolo- subject to a teacher who is primarily in- gies and the basics of psychology and terested in the child? correctional pedagogy, unwillingness to In our opinion, an inclusive form work in a team with other specialists, of education can be engaged by some- emotional rejection of children with dif- one who came to school by vocation. ferent types of defects and mental un- As you know, today the pedagogical willingness to include such children in institutions of higher education select the usual school activities are the main students, assessing their knowledge in arguments of the position of teachers. If the subjects, and not the love to a child, they are not yet against working with humanity, altruism, tolerance, willing- children with sensory impairments, ness to understand and perceive the children with autism spectrum disor- other, but namely these features are ders, behaviours, mental disabilities, important for teaching activities in an teachers are not ready to accept it, be- inclusive space; society seems to have cause, in their opinion, despite the se- forgotten that teaching is primarily a verity of the disorder, the child will not vocation, creativity, not a craft. be able to get the full benefit of inclu- The scientist Ya. Shven involves the sive education, inclusion will entail an use of non-traditional forms and me-

129 thods of work in adult education, which • “in search of meaning”: during the in practice have proven their effective- workshop it is necessary to guarantee ness and efficiency. Preparing future stability and trustfulness. The educa- teachers, institutes of postgraduate tional process should contain on the pedagogical education and other insti- one hand, a certain provocation, and on tutions that are engaged in professional the other — the possibility of “insights”. development should include in educa- That is why it is important for adult tional programs an inclusive theme and education to be interesting and to give form teachers’ psychological and profes- the opportunity to manage own educa- sional readiness to work with children tional process, to produce an individual with special educational needs. It is trajectory of personal and professional necessary to provide them with know- development; ledge of special and social pedagogy, to • the need to search for departmental provide tools and models of alternative and new information: adults always try training using — workshop (this is an to find already known patterns, inter- intensive training event, during which pret new knowledge through their own adults are taught through their own experience, comprehend it. It is impor- activity). Summarizing the teachings of tant to organize the educational process the German psychologist and psycho- so that each student can draw own con- therapist Klaus Vogel, Ya. Shven offers clusions; a number of his practical ideas, tech- • the value of feelings in learning: it is niques and techniques of dynamic adult necessary to carefully watch emotional education: climate in the group, which creates the • brain as a complex adaptive system: possibility of open communication. organizing the educational process, it is Such interaction allows all listeners to necessary to take into account various speak openly about what is happening aspects of mental activity of an adult: to them, their feelings and emotions. It feelings, emotions, attention, percep- is important to create an atmosphere of tion, etc; support, mutual respect and recogni- • psyche as a social phenomenon: tion in the group; self-identity depends on whether we • differentiation and generalization feel belonging to others and whether of information: a productive educatio- there is an opportunity to interact with nal process should be organized in such them: a way as to form the skills of particles • physiological factors: physiological and to achieve the understanding of characteristics (stress, food, etc.) affect new information gradually. On the the educational process. You should other hand, the parts and the whole are consider the most optimal time for interconnected, so listeners should see learning — it depends on the individual the holistic process of what they mas- and the natural biological rhythms and ter; cycles (schedule a break, mini-break; • features of adult attention: in addi- olfactory considering the factors of per- tion, it is necessary to control the level ception of noise, odors, lighting, and of noise, light and temperature in the so on.); room-it is necessary to consciously use

130 symbols that have a positive impact on ational stress is inevitable: any training peripheral perception: posters, draw- activates personal changes associated ings, presentations (visual perception with uncertainty. Students will be able of information), music (audio percep- to withstand such uncertainty and de- tion of information), psychological ex- velop a tolerant attitude to it; ercises on interaction (tactile percep- • the uniqueness of the brain: the tion of information); educational process should be varied • conscious and unconscious learning: so that all the listeners should be able during active assessment, participants to use their visual, auditory, emotional, can comprehend the experience and verbal and non-verbal abilities. There- understand how and why they learned; fore, it is necessary to constantly give • different ways to remember infor- listeners the opportunity to choose mation: important and unimportant to stimulate individual interest. You information is remembered in differ- should choose training strategies and ent ways. It is necessary often to repeat techniques to help each student of the and practice the facts and skills that group to optimally use the brain; are mastered separately. The less infor- • theory of seven intelligences: mation and skills are associated with Howard Gardner proposed the theory relevant professional experience and of “seven intelligences”, opening up op- knowledge, the more effort requires portunities for the adult educators to their content in memory. The learning create interesting and effective learn- process will be more effective if it in- ing process. After all, intelligence is the volves “personal” memory-personal ex- ability to successfully respond to new perience of the participant; situations and learn from your own ex- • the quality of understanding the in- perience; formation depends on how much it can • psychological characteristics of be felt: during the training, you should adult education: adults learn only what take into account the processes of ex- they are willing to teach; adults learn perience: use a variety of actions (de- better what they really do; adults learn monstrations, projects, research, visual from their mistakes; adults learn more imagination, metaphors, role-playing easily what they are familiar with [7. games, dialogue, polylogue, keeping a p. 12–16]. diary, dancing, pantomime, etc); In order to ensure the right of child- • learning for life: students need to ren with special educational needs aged find incentives for learning. It’s crucial 2 to 18 years to receive pre-school and to be able to have fun and feel produc- general secondary education, includ- tive as a group member. Therefore, it is ing in vocational education institutions important for adults that their spiritual and other educational institutions needs are taken into account; providing general secondary educa- • interest and excitement in adult ed- tion, through a comprehensive psycho- ucation: in the study group, an atmos- logical and pedagogical assessment of phere conducive to “moderate” appear- the child’s development (hereinafter- ance, in which there is little fear and a a comprehensive assessment), the pro- lot of feelings should be created. Situ- vision of psycho-pedagogical, correc-

131 tional and developmental services and ferences from other educational forms; ensuring their qualified system support the peculiarities of psychophysical de- is the education of institutions “Inclu- velopment of children, psychological sive resource centers”. They work in ac- regularities and peculiarities of the age cordance with such principles as respect and personal development of children for and perception of the individual with features of psychophysical de- characteristics of children, respect for velopment; methods of psychological the best interests of the child, non-dis- and didactic design of the educational crimination and violation of the rights process for collaborative learning of of the child, confidentiality, access to children; educational services from an early age, • the constructive component of the interdepartmental cooperation. professional competence of teachers in Inclusive resource centers are crea- the implementation of inclusive educa- ted on the basis of one inclusive re- tion consists of a system of special ana- source center for no more than 7 thou- lytical and prognostic, design, correc- sand children living in the territory of tional, pedagogical and communicative the united territorial community (dis- skills. According to these scientists, the trict), and no more than 12 thousand main professional skills are: to create a children living in the city (district)[8]. developing educational environment, The main requirements for the pro- to provide social and pedagogical sup- fessional competence of teachers in port to a child with - the implementation of inclusive edu- al needs; to implement the principle cation, according to scientists T. Gur, of team approach in interaction with L. Chernikova, which should be provi- various specialists; to apply methods of ded in the system of postgraduate edu- forming a positive social and psycho- cation of pedagogical education, in- logical climate in the classroom; situ- clude namely: ationally respond quickly to problems • the motivational component of that may arise in the child and quickly professional competence of the teacher solve them; own methodological meth- in the conditions of implementation ods of adaptation of the curriculum to of inclusive education is characterized the special needs of the child; to carry first of all by acceptance of values of out parity contacts with the child with philosophy of inclusive education, hu- special needs, etc; manistic orientation, positive motiva- • personal component system in- tion of professional and personal self- cludes competencies which are the sys- development. It is self-correctional, tem forming which include empathy, defines the functional unity of all other reflectivity, cognitive openness, flex- components; ibility, self organization and the like. It • cognitive component involves a is the ability to respond flexibly to the system of theoretical and methodologi- special educational needs of children cal knowledge in the field of inclusive with mental and physical development, education, namely, entity and inclu- as well as to find alternative forms of sive education (principles, contents, communication with such a child is forms, methods and the like), its dif- considered one of the main professional

132 qualities of a teacher in an inclusive those people who are not always ready education [9. p. 114–115]. to send their child to an ordinary school In accordance with paragraph 31 of next to children with a typical level of article 48 of the Law of Ukraine “On development, trying to protect their general secondary education” the Cabi- child from the outside world, fearing net of Ministers of Ukraine, Council of rejection, insults, ridicule from others, Ministers of the Autonomous Republic so for them the most appropriate is a of Crimea, regional state administra- special institution or individual form tions, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state of education. Such parents of children administrations and bodies of local self- with special needs have a number of government were ordered before until established prejudices regarding educa- September 1, 2018, to provide: tion in general education schools, even • changing the type of subordinate inclusive ones. One of the main ones is boarding schools (except institutions of the negative attitude towards children secondary education for children with with special needs on the part of school intellectual disabilities) to a gymna- teachers, parents of healthy children sium, a lyceum in accordance with the and children themselves. requirements of this law with the pre- As D. Velychko notes “in general, the servation of boarding schools with par- prevailing opinion is that the society is tial or full content of students (pupils) not ready for an adequate perception of at the expense of the founder (found- children with special needs. The more ers). The termination of functioning of significant the problem of the child is, boarding schools as a part of such insti- the more the child and the parents face tutions is possible only after the deci- a negative attitude on the part of both sion in accordance with the established adults and children. That’s why parents procedure of the question of obtaining try to protect their children from psy- by pupils (pupils) of education and/ chological trauma and don’t want them or receipt of the corresponding social to act as “trainers” for the formation of services in the place of their residence public tolerance” [11, p. 48]. The edu- (registration) or the residence (regis- cational work of schools, parents’ com- tration )of their parents; mittees, parents of children with special • creation of regional (city — in the educational needs, public organizations cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol) resource and the state as a whole is of crucial im- centers to support inclusive education, portance for solving this problem. as well as district, city (district in the Summary. Specifics of training cities) inclusive resource centers, in- teachers in the implementation of ef- cluding in the united territorial com- fective inclusive education system in munities, through the reorganization of Ukraine is possible on the basis of the the existing network of psychological, interaction of several factors, primar- medical and pedagogical consultations ily state support, improvement of legal [10]. support, improvement of methodologi- Another urgent problem is the atti- cal and personnel support of inclusive tude to the inclusion of parents of child- education, the transition of postgradu- ren with special educational needs of ate pedagogical education from a didac-

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135 UDC 351 Mysara Alkum, postgraduate student, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9492-6773 Майсара Алкум, аспірант, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9492-6773 Майсара Алкум, аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-9492-6773 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-136-143


Abstract. The study of models of interaction between the state and civil so- ciety allowed to consider relevant issues in a functional section. It is substanti- ated that determining and providing an optimal model of interaction between the state and civil society is an overriding and necessary condition for political modernization and democratization, a direct path to the political stability of any state, as adequate interaction between the parties is based on a balanced balance of interests of each of them, and mutually beneficial partnership on the basis of parity social dialogue contributes not only to improving and improving the effec- tiveness of social policy, but also stabilization of all social existence general. It is emphasized that for each state, taking into account its specificity, an own model of social policy is formed. It is noted that the formation of effective interaction between civil society or- ganizations and state institutions depends directly on qualitative changes in the model of public administration in Ukraine, including decentralization, weakening of ineffective administrative and command and purely regulatory methods, and so on. The Revolution of Dignity opened a new stage in the history of civil society development, demonstrated the public's influence on socio-political transforma- tions, and gave impetus to the renewal and reformatting of power. Such goals

136 require the creation of full, rather than declarative, public institutions capable of obtaining information at an early stage in the adoption of management decisions, to propose alternatives, to exercise control. It is considered that mechanisms such as public consultations, participation in public councils, working groups, public appraisals and monitoring, public hearings, information requests to public authorities, etc. are used for interaction between authorities and civil society. It was concluded that today the potential of the analytical and expert environ- ment, trade union organizations, employers’ organizations in forming the content of state policy remains insufficiently realized. At the same time, such cooperation should be based on the following principles: public activity, partnership, openness and responsibility, political independence, prevention of corruption, rational and balanced development, integrity. Keywords: state policy, model of interaction of the state and civil society, so- cial-democratic model, genesis of civil society. ТИПОЛОГІЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ ІЗ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ГРОМАДЯНСЬКОГО ПОТЕНЦІАЛУ ВЗАЄМОВІДНОСИН ОРГАНІВ ВЛАДИ ТА СУСПІЛЬСТВА Анотація. Дослідження моделей взаємодії держави і громадянського су- спільства дало змогу розглядати відповідну проблематику у функціонально- му розрізі. Обґрунтовано, що визначення та забезпечення оптимальної моделі взаємодії між державою та громадянським суспільством є назрілою і необхід- ною умовою політичної модернізації та демократизації, прямим шляхом до політичної стабільності будь-якої держави, оскільки адекватна взаємодія між сторонами спирається на зважений баланс інтересів кожної з них, а взаємови- гідне партнерство на основі паритетного соціального діалогу сприяє не лише вдосконаленню і підвищенню ефективності соціальної політики, а й стабілі- зації всього суспільного буття загалом. Наголошено, що для кожної держави з урахуванням її специфіки формується власна модель соціальної політики. Визначено, що становлення ефективної взаємодії між організаціями гро- мадянського суспільства та державними інституціями напряму залежить від якісних змін моделі державного управління в Україні, серед яких децентралі- зація, послаблення неефективних адміністративно-командних і суто регуля- тивних методів тощо. Революція Гідності відкрила новий етап в історії роз- витку громадянського суспільства, продемонструвала вплив громадськості на суспільно-політичні перетворення, стала поштовхом для оновлення та переформатування влади. Такі цілі вимагають створення повноцінних, а не декларативних громадських інституцій, здатних отримати інформацію на по- чаткових стадіях ухвалення управлінських рішень, запропонувати альтерна- тиви, здійснювати контроль. Розглянуто, що для взаємодії органів влади та громадянського суспільства використовуються такі механізми як консульта- ції з громадськістю, участь у громадських радах, робочих групах, громадські експертизи і моніторинги, громадські слухання, інформаційні запити до ор- ганів державної влади тощо.

137 Визначено, що на сьогодні недостатньо реалізованим лишається потен- ціал аналітично-експертного середовища, профспілкових організацій, ор- ганізацій роботодавців у формуванні змісту державної політики. Разом із тим, така співпраця має ґрунтуватися на таких принципах: громадська ак- тивність, партнерство, відкритість та відповідальність, політична незалеж- ність, запобігання корупції, раціональний і збалансований розвиток, комп- лексність. Ключові слова: державна політика, модель взаємодії держави і грома- дянського суспільства, соціал-демократична модель, генезис громадянсько- го суспільства. ТИПОЛОГИЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ ПО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЮ ГРАЖДАНСКОГО ПОТЕНЦИАЛА ВЗАИМООТНОШЕНИЙ ОРГАНОВ ВЛАСТИ И ОБЩЕСТВА Аннотация. Исследование моделей взаимодействия государства и граж- данского общества позволило рассматривать соответствующую проблемати- ку в функциональном разрезе. Обосновано, что определение и обеспечение оптимальной модели взаимодействия между государством и гражданским обществом является назревшим и необходимым условием политической мо- дернизации и демократизации, прямым путем к политической стабильности любого государства, так как адекватное взаимодействие между сторонами опирается на взвешенный баланс интересов каждой из них, а взаимовыгод- ное партнерство на основе паритетного социального диалога способствует не только совершенствованию и повышению эффективности социальной политики, но и стабилизации всего общественного бытия в целом. Отмече- но, что для каждого государства с учетом ее специфики формируется собст- венная модель социальной политики. Отмечено, что становление эффективного взаимодействия между ор- ганизациями гражданского общества и государственными институтами напрямую зависит от качественных изменений модели государственного управления в Украине, среди которых децентрализация, ослабление неэф- фективных административно-командных и чисто регулятивных методов и тому подобное. Революция Достоинства открыла новый этап в истории развития гражданского общества, продемонстрировала влияние обществен- ности на общественно-политические преобразования, стала толчком для обновления и переформатирования власти. Такие цели требуют создания полноценных, а не декларативных общественных институтов, способных получить информацию на начальных стадиях принятия управленческих решений, предложить альтернативы, осуществлять контроль. Рассмотрено, что для взаимодействия органов власти и гражданского общества исполь- зуются такие механизмы как консультации с общественностью, участие в общественных советах, рабочих группах, общественные экспертизы и мони- торинги, общественные слушания, информационные запросы в органы госу- дарственной власти и др.

138 Определено, что на сегодня недостаточно реализованным остается потен- циал аналитически-экспертной среды, профсоюзных организаций, органи- заций работодателей в формировании содержания государственной полити- ки. Вместе с тем, такое сотрудничество должно основываться на следующих принципах: общественная активность, партнерство, открытость и ответст- венность, политическая независимость, предотвращения коррупции, рацио- нальное и сбалансированное развитие, комплексность. Ключевые слова: государственная политика, модель взаимодействия го- сударства и гражданского общества, социал-демократическая модель, гене- зис гражданского общества.

Thesis statement. The interaction state authorities and the public within of the state authorities with the pub- the system of public administration lic is a prerequisite for their effective was carried out by the scholars, such as and transparent activity. The current O. Babinova, V. Bakumenko, N. Drago- international practice shows that only myretska, A. Kolodii, O. Krutii, O. Lit- with the constant interaction between vynenko, N. Nyzhnyk, G. Pocheptsov, the state authorities and the public M. Pukhtynskyi, V. Rebkalo, Yu. Sur- they can properly fulfil their functions. min, V. Tertychka, V. Tokovenko etc. At the present stage of development of Taking into account research conduc- Ukraine, the most relevant tasks are ted by domestic and foreign scholars, attracting the public to the decision- one should note that under the con- making process, and as a result, achiev- ditions of quick-flowing processes of ing a greater degree of efficiency and globalization and development of in- transparency in the activity of the state formation society, a substantial distrust authorities. In Ukraine, the process of of different social communities in the decision-making is still very transpar- state authorities, a need arises to de- ent, and the activity of the govern- velop new mechanisms of interaction ment activity has not always been clear between the state and the public which for the population. A closed nature of would take into account both current governance from the public, especially international trends and Ukrainian re- when it comes to managerial decision- alities. making, is a crucial brake factor on the Objective of the article is to con- democratic transition path. The cur- duct a comprehensive analysis of trends rent Ukrainian legislation provides for of the formation of models of interac- the possibility of interaction between tion between the civil society and the the state authorities and the public, but state in the countries of the European technologies and methods of this inter- Union at the present stage of social de- action still need to be implemented and velopment. developed. Results. Solving the problem of Analysis of recent publications. interaction between the state and the The problem of interaction between the civil society has always been relevant

139 during the existence of modern civiliza- with the association of citizens by vari- tion. Despite the uneven social and hu- ous features and purposes and is below manitarian development of mankind in the hierarchical level of the state. With different historical periods, the form of the increase in the weight of civil soci- coexistence of state, personal and civil ety and the growth of its influence on interests has always been decisive for the state, it gradually gains signs of social development. The study of scien- statehood and passes into its own state tific sources conducted in the previous form (in some cases, into a totalitarian section provides grounds for arguing state). That is, the question of balance that the systematization of certain his- and control in such a model is a factor torical models of interaction between of the existence of the social system as the civil society and the state takes a whole. place on the basis of existence of three The corporatist model is based on cultural and historical traditions — the theory of the combination of the Italian, German and Anglo-American, state and the civil society. According to on the basis of which in modern prac- the model, there are three main corpo- tice, three basic conceptual approaches rate groups: to understanding the nature and prob- – trade unions (representing the lems of the formation of the civil soci- will and interests of employees); ety formed: – economic circles (business – individual and group; groups, companies, corporations, – personal; employers); – corporate and group. – the state (administrative and bu- the reaucratic bodies, institutions of – social democratic; power). – corporatist; Between these groups, levers of con- – liberal [1]. trol are distributed, which determine Let’s take a closer look at each of the form, structure, and nature of social the above mentioned models, since it policy. In our opinion, the core of the is not a secret that modern humanita- corporatist model lies in the fact that rian science needs certain structure for solidarity of all parts and their interac- the purpose of developing a unified sci- tion are called to defend the priority of entific approach to the interaction of group (corporate) interest over the pri- the civil society and the state. Accord- vate one. Such a model involves a strong ing to the social democratic model, the centralized state institute, which coo- state acts as a result of social structur- perates with various mediator groups ing, and as the main political institute and participates in the organization of subordinates to itself all other areas all processes. with the help of normative regulation According to the liberal model, the (laws, regulations, codes) and struc- main purpose of the state is the preser- tural influence (bureaucracy, executive vation and protection of natural human institutions, apparatus, coercion). That rights, and the relations between the is, the civil society in such a model is a individual and the state itself are de- sphere of private and public interests termined on a contractual basis. At the

140 same time, rule of law is the main tool • the model of “driving belts” is typ- of public control and regulation. How- ical for mono-ideological state forma- ever, in such social relations, priority tions, with such a model, all non-state is given to civil liberties over political, structures are considered solely as the moral and legal norms. The influence levers of the influence of the ruling no- of the state is limited by constitutional menclature in relation to ordinary citi- and normative documents [1]. zens; If one directly considers the immedi- • ignoring model — in which the ate level of relations between the state state does not interfere, but also does and the civil society, the typology that not cooperate with elements of civil is determined on the basis of three basic society, such a form cannot be of a determinants is rather detailed: long-term nature, since in any case the – cooperation; expansion of the interests of one party – ignoring; will lead to a transition to another mo- – confrontation. del of interaction; In its turn, the relevant determi- • a model of struggle — when the nants allow to distinguish eight histori- state treats non-state public institu- cally-determined models of interaction tions as potentially dangerous from a between the state and the civil society political and social point of view and [2]: the activities of the relevant institu- • support model — in which state tions are out of the reach of official in- authorities contribute to the normative stitutional ties; and institutional design of non-govern- • a model of disobedience — when mental organizations; political and even power fights un- • partnership model — when the fold between government and society, state and its institutions agree with the which manifests itself in rallies, clashes necessity and importance of civil soci- with power structures, unauthorized ety structures and facilitate the estab- strikes, rebellions, such a model deve- lishment of interaction in the form of lops in the event of a loss of legitimacy social dialogue and social partnership; and illegal actions by the state in rela- • architect model — when elements tion to its citizens (repressions, viola- of civil society take part in the forma- tions of rights and freedoms, encroach- tion and implementation of public po- ment on private life and property). licy, identification of socially important As you can see, the first three mo- problems and ways of their solution, dels of interaction, in which necessary reforming institutions of state power, institutionalization and segmentation education of structural elements of of civil society take place one way or state institutions; another, are the ones that are accept- • paternalism model — in which the able for modern realities. At the same state contributes to a certain autonomy time, the improvement of the relevant of non-state social structures under relationships, based on the realities, is certain conditions (for example, loyalty a very significant point. Undoubtedly, and not counteraction to the existing the formation of the most developed political course); and functional model of interaction be-

141 tween the state and civil society has an fectively with the state, it must be en- important socio-political significance dowed with the right of legislative ini- not only on a national scale for each tiative, the right to control and monitor country, but also on a global scale. Since the activities of executive bodies and the maintenance of a decent existence local self-government bodies, which of a modern society is based on a ba- will enable effective implementation of lance of interests between all spheres, the principles of direct and representa- when balanced and optimal relations tive democracy and intensify civil po- between the parties increase the effi- litical and social activity. ciency of each of them, and mutual con- The functional interaction between trol and regulation allow the optimal the civil society and the state is based use of resources and internal potential. on a combination of objective vertical We believe that the development of and horizontal ties, where civil society a functional model of interaction be- institutions should pass to the state tween the state and civil society must institutions the functions and respon- first of all be based on the principles of sibilities that are beyond their capabili- self-organization, self-regulation, pro- ties and competences, and, accordingly, portionality, interintegration. A deci- the same principle also applies to the sive aspect is the proportional relations state party. Such a model of interaction in the context of centralization and between the state as the main political decentralization of power among state institution and civil society as a sum and public organizations, centres and of active citizens is intended to deter- regions. Soon a self-regulating system mine the boundaries of influence and is created, as a result of the consensus powers on the basis of necessity and integration of the interaction between expediency, denying excessive inter- the state and the civil society. ference and coercion by one party in Regarding the self-regulatory sys- relation to others, while not reducing tem, it must necessarily include a feed- thus to a simple restriction of functions back between state and civil elements, [4]. thus ensuring the ability for sustainable In my opinion, under the current development of society as a whole. The conditions, in order for our state to oc- feedback cycles contain the conditions cupy a good place in the world arena under which civil society institutions and the conditions and quality of life of operate within the Constitution and the citizens accordingly to correspond assist the state in implementing the to European standards, it is necessary national idea, preserving national sove- to replace the inefficient and unprofit- reignty, the rights and freedoms of a able social policy, by a policy, focused citizen. On the other hand, the state, as on the needs and desires not to only of the main political institution, through a certain group of people, but also every its influence and resources, contributes person in general. to the free development of civil society Therefore, in our opinion, the main institutions [3]. signs of a new, improved model of state In order to improve the functional policy of our state should be: capacity of civil society to interact ef- – reduction of the poor population;

142 – strengthening the role of the mid- 2. Yakobson L. I. (2008). Faktory razvi- dle class; tiya grazhdanskogo obshchestva i me- – strengthening the competitive- khanizmy ego vzaimodeystviya s gosu- ness of the state economy on the basis darstvom [Factors of development of of an innovative model of development civil society and mechanisms of its in- teraction with the state]. (p. 209–237). and implementation of effective state Moscow: Vershyna [in Russian]. anti-corruption policy; 3. Boichuk M. A. (2007). Vlada i hro- – an increase in the level of incomes madianske susshlstvo: mekhashzmy of citizens in comparison with inflation; vzaemody [Authorities and civil so- – reduction of financially unsecured ciety: Mechanisms of interaction]. benefits; (p. 187–190). Kyiv: Vyd-vo NPU ime- – providing people with jobs and ni M. P. Drahomanova [in Ukrainian]. stimulating of a skilled personnel for 4. Romanenko Ye. A., Chaplay I. V. the work; (2017). Modern administrative tool of – increasing state mobility; the innovative development of the en- terprise. Scientific bulletin of Polissia, – strengthening of the volunteer 2, 156–163 [in English]. movement. Conclusions and prospects of fur- ther research. We consider the most Список використаних expedient option for Ukraine to intro- джерел duce a positive experience of the civic 1. Гурицька М. С. Основні моделi potential of Scandinavian countries, громадянського суспiльства в iсторiї especially Sweden. In its turn, this will полiтичної думки // Полиологічний help to adapt the Ukrainian civil soci- вiсник. — 2007. — Вип. № 30. — ety to the modern model of governance С. 168–174. and ultimately implement a coherent 2. Факторы развития гражданского общества и механизмы его взаимо- and logical model of state policy that is действия с государством / под ред. in line with the advantages and disad- Л. И. Якобсона. — М.: Вершина, st vantages of the 21 century. 2008. — С. 209–237. 3. Бойчук М. А. Влада i громадянське суспільство: механізми взаемодії: References монографiя. — К.: Вид-во НПУ iм. М. П. Драгоманова, 2007. — 1. Hurytska M. S. (2007). Osnovni mo- С. 187–190. deli hromadianskoho suspilstva v isto- 4. Romanenko Y. A., Chaplay I. V. Mo- rii politychnoi dumky [The basic model dern administrative tool of the inno- of civil society in the history of politi- vative development of the enterprise / cal thought]. Polyolopchnyi visnyk — Y. A. Romanenko, I. V. Chaplay // Polioplophnyi Newsletter, 30, 168– Наук. вісн. Полісся. — 2017. — № 2 174 [in Ukrainian]. (2017). — С. 156–163.

143 UDC: 378 : 005 Marusina Оlena Sergeyevna, postgraduate of the Departmen Public Ad- ministration, Interregional Academy of Per- sonnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frome- tivska, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-4557-5524 Марусіна Олена Сергіївна, аспірантка кафедри публічного адміні- стрування, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, e-mail: marusina@ ORCID: 0000-0002-4557-5524 Марусина Елена Сергеевна, аспирантка кафедры публичного админи- стрирования, Межрегиональная Акаде- мия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Ки- ев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, e-mail: marusina@ ORCID: 0000-0002-4557-5524 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-144-156


Abstract. The actual components of truly revolutionary changes in the sphere of higher education that are caused in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries by various objective processes — globalization, world integration and informatiza- tion, and the introduction of new technological processes and technologies into all spheres of social and spiritual production are considered. The emphasis is placed on the fact that higher education fundamentally changes its role, purpose, nature of influence on the vital activity of man and society. It is emphasized that radical changes in the phenomenon of “higher education” make it necessary to review and improve the management of this process, primarily at the state level, which requires appropriate correlations in public policy regarding higher education as a whole. The special accents in the article are related to the following aspects of the problems of the development of higher education in the modern world:

144 First, higher education, as a social institution, radically changes its purpose in connection with the change of status, participation of man in all socio-politi- cal processes. In addition to general education, professional and other training, a modern specialist should have the appropriate skills of interpersonal comattabi- lity, business qualities that fully meet the requirements of market economy. Secondly, in the 21st century, an essentially new revolutionary process, associ- ated with global, globalization, integration and information phenomena, began to emerge in education. Higher education is designed to form innovative develop- mental human capital, emerging as a basis for continuous renewal and multiplica- tion of such capital. Based on the widespread use of a variety of electronic and computer technology radically changing forms, technology learning, the function- ing of the educational process. Thirdly, radical changes in the essence, role, importance of higher education in human life, the functioning of society, requires a fundamental change in the nature of public administration such education. This is a new model of such a manage- ment, clarifying and working out the role and status of these processes of different subjects of such a management, especially the authorities, especially the executive, on the autonomy, democratization of higher education management, at the first level at the level of a specific institution of higher education. Keywords: education, higher education, basic world and national foundations for the development of higher education, modern models of higher education, state regulation of the development of higher education. ГЛОБАЛЬНІ АСПЕКТИ РОЗВИТКУ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ У СУЧАСНОМУ СВІТІ ЯК ГОЛОВНІ ДЕТЕРМІНАНТИ РАДИКАЛЬНОЇ ЗМІНИ ДЕРЖАВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ ЦІЄЮ СФЕРОЮ Анотація. Висвітлюються актуальні складові дійсно революційних змін у сфері вищої освіти, які у ХХ–ХХІ ст. викликані різними об’єктивними процесами — глобалізацією, світовими інтеграцією і інформатизацією, впро- вадженням в усі сфери суспільного і духовного виробництва новітніх тех- нологічних процесів і технологій. Робиться акцент на тому, що вища освіта кардинальним чином змінює свою роль, призначення, характер впливу на життєдіяльність людини і суспільства. Підкреслюється, що радикальні зміни феномену “вища освіта” викликають необхідність перегляду і вдосконалення управління цим процесом, насамперед на державному рівні, що вимагає від- повідних кореляцій в державній політиці щодо вищої освіти в цілому. Особливі акценти у статті пов’язані з наступними аспектами проблем роз- витку вищої освіти у сучасному світі: По-перше, вища освіта як соціальний інститут радикально змінює своє призначення у зв’язку зі зміною статусу, участі людини в усіх суспільно-полі- тичних процесах. Крім загальноосвітньої, фахової та іншої підготовки, сучас- ний фахівець повинен мати належні навички міжособистісної комутативнос- ті, ділові якості, що сповна відповідають вимогам ринкового господарювання.

145 По-друге, у ХХІ ст. в освіті розпочався фактично принципово новий ре- волюційний процес, пов’язаний зі світовими, глобалізаційними, інтегра- ційними та інформаційними явищами. Вища освіта покликана формувати інноваційний розвивальний людський капітал, постає як базис постійного оновлення і примноження такого капіталу. На основі широкого використан- ня різноманітної електронної і комп’ютерної техніки радикально змінюються форми, технології навчання, функціонування навчального процесу. По-третє, радикальні зміни суті, ролі, значення вищої освіти у житті люди- ни, функціонування суспільства, вимагає принципової зміни характеру дер- жавного управління такою освітою. Йдеться про нову модель такого управ- ління, про уточнення й відпрацювання ролі і статусу у цих процесах різних суб’єктів такого управління, найперше органів влади, особливо виконавчих, про автономізацію, демократизацію управління вищою освітою найперше на рівні конкретного закладу вищої освіти. Ключові слова: освіта, вища освіта, базові світові та національні основи розвитку вищої освіти, сучасні моделі вищої освіти, державне регулювання розвитку вищої освіти. ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ РАЗВИТИЯ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ КАК ГЛАВНЫЕ ДЕТЕРМИНАНТЫ РАДИКАЛЬНОГО ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ЭТОЙ СФЕРОЙ Аннотация. Рассматриваются актуальные составляющие действительно революционных изменений в сфере высшего образования, которые в ХХ– ХХІ ст. вызваны различными объективными процессами — глобализацией, мировыми интеграцией и информатизацией, внедрением во все сферы об- щественного и духовного производства новейших технологических процес- сов и технологий. Делается акцент на том, что высшее образование карди- нальным образом меняет свою роль, предназначение, характер влияния на жизнедеятельность человека и общества. Подчеркивается, что радикальные изменения феномена “высшее образование” вызывают необходимость пере- смотра и совершенствования управления этим процессом, в первую очередь на государственном уровне, что требует соответствующих корреляций в го- сударственной политике относительно высшего образования в целом. Особые акценты в статье связаны со следующими аспектами проблем развития высшего образования в современном мире. Во-первых, высшее образование как социальный институт радикально меняет свое назначение в связи с изменением статуса, роли человека во всех общественно-политических процессах. Кроме общеобразовательной, про- фессиональной и иной подготовки, современный специалист должен иметь соответствующие навыки межличностной коммутативности, деловые каче- ства, вполне соответствуют требованиям рыночного хозяйствования. Во-вторых, в XXI веке в образовании начался фактически принципиаль- но новый революционный процесс, связанный с мировыми, глобализацион-

146 ными, интеграционными и информационными явлениями. Высшее образо- вание призвано формировать инновационный развивающий человеческий капитал, выступает как базис постоянного обновления и приумножения такого капитала. На основе широкого использования разнообразной элек- тронной и компьютерной техники радикально меняются формы, техноло- гии обучения, функционирование учебного процесса. В-третьих, радикальные изменения сути, роли, значения высшего об- разования в жизни человека, функционирования общества, требует прин- ципиального изменения характера государственного управления таким образованием. Речь идет о новой модели такого управления, об уточнении и отработки роли и статуса в этих процессах различных субъектов такого управления, прежде всего органов власти, особенно исполнительных, об ав- тономизации, демократизации управления высшим образованием в первую очередь на уровне конкретного учреждения высшего образования. Ключевые слова: образование, высшее образование, базовые мировые и национальные основы развития высшего образования, современные модели высшего образования, государственное регулирование развития высшего образования.

Thesis statement. The development problems of the functioning of higher of modern societies, many of which car- education, its management there are ry out revolutionary transformations, many different, including controver- the transition from post-industrial to sial, points of view, which require more informational state, is objectively due detailed analytical comprehension. to the role of science and knowledge. Analysis of recent research. Issues In this case, education, the preparing related to the global aspects of the de- of huge groups of people to fundamen- velopment of higher education in the tally different, new, innovative mod- modern world, public administration els of life occupy a dominant position. of such education, are of great interest Economics, politics, spirituality, other to domestic and foreign researchers — components of social life decisively de- historians, philosophers, sociologists, pend on the essence, the specifics of the political scientists, psychologists, edu- development of education, on its form- cators, representatives of other bran- ing influence on the person. In this ches of knowledge. The most notable case, there are different models of edu- among them are the works of such do- cation, due to world and national so- mestic scientists as V. Andrushchenko, cial processes, radically changing edu- V. Bebyk, O. Valevskyi, M. Holovatyi, cational technologies, which in turn V. Zhuravskyi, V. Kremen, V. Lugovyi, calls for a fundamental improvement of V. Rutkevych, Yu. Surmin, and others. public administration, regulation of the Among the large number of foreign functioning of higher education. Ob- scholars there is an opportunity to ap- jectively, from the described and other preciate the works of: E. Durkheim,

147 P. Bourdieu, K. Jennis (USA), the field of higher education, manage- D. Floude, J. Coleman (England), ment of it, we refer to the works of K. V. Adamskyi, Z. Kveshynskyi, I. Bi- V. Korsak “World Higher Education. aletskyi (Poland), L. Kohan, M. Rut- Comparison and recognition of foreign kevych, L. Rubina, V. Turchenko, qualifications and diplomas / Ed. prof. V. Shubkin, F. Filipova, O. Yakuba G. V. Shchokin: Monograph. K.: IAPM. (Russian Federation) and others. 1998; Hershunskyi B. S. “Philosophy There are many diverse special sci- of Education for the XXI: Textbook for entific publications that form the ba- self-education. Edition 2, revised and sis of this article. Among them there supplemented. M.: Pedagogical Soci- are two: Valevskyi O. Methodologi- ety of Russia, 2002. 321 p.”; “Course cal Principles of the Analysis of State of lectures on : Policy. Philosophical thought. — Textbook for higher education insti- 2000. — № 5. — P. 62–63; Andrush- tutions” / People’s Ukrainian Acade- chenko V. P., Soloviov V. L. Educa- my. — K.: PUA Publishing House, tional Policy (Review of the Agenda) 2003. — 424 p. etc. K.: “MP “Lesia”. — 2010. — 404 p. As Even a retrospective analysis of li- O. Valevskyi writes, "the subject of the terature on a given issue gives grounds analysis of educational policy is the to argue that the valuable conceptual- search of ways of optimal realization generalizing works on the problem of interests of entities of political ac- of radical transformations in higher tion in the sphere of education — state education and, at the same time, their bodies, higher educational institutions, “challenges” to radical change, and the civil society institutions, business” improvement of public administration (p. 62). of higher education are still lacking. Among the foreign authors on such This attempt is to somewhat compen- an issue is the work of Raymers F. and sate for such a gap, to share the author’s McGinnal N. “Competent Dialogue: own point of view. Using Research to Create a World The objective of the study. The Educational Policy. — Lviv : Litopys, article examines the conceptual foun- 2004”. dations of the development of higher In order to analyse the world and education in the XXI century under national trends in the development the conditions of globalization, infor- of education, including higher educa- mation, communication processes in tion, we took into account the works of order to prove that they are the ones V. Andrushchenko [11], V. Astahova that cause the radical change of models [2], A. Verbytskyi [3], K. Volokitin [7], and mechanisms of public administra- M. Holovatyi [9], T. Huzik [6], L. Kar- tion of higher education. We proceed pets [7], D. Matros [8], I. Naidionov from the fact that when developing the [10], Yu. Surmin [13], T. Shcherbakova model of public administration of hi- [4], and others. gher education at the national level, Among the large number of special one must take into account the specif- works related to globalization, na- ics of the socio-economic development tional transformational processes in of the country, the specific require-

148 ments regarding the nature and re- – education. It is not just about the quirements for educational and profes- presence of a certain amount of know- sional training of a specialist, the need ledge but about the analytics of think- to build education on innovation prin- ing, the flexibility of mind, the ability ciples, processes related to mobility of to perceive the new, the ability of con- specialists with higher education. structive thinking, innovation [2–4]; Results. With all the obviousness – sociability. Ability not only to of the essence nature and content, a formulate own thoughts, but also to phenomenon of “education” in general communicate with others, to cooperate has many, often quite different expla- with them in the theoretical and prac- nations. We consider that back in 1998 tical terms [5; 6]; the Russian “Sociological Encyclopae- – professionalism. In addition to dic Dictionary” gave a very specific and knowledge of the case, it needs also ap- original definition of the phenomenon propriate, inherent in a particular kind of “education”. It is as follows: “Educa- of action, skills and is related to busi- tion is: 1) a social institution that car- ness, organization, ability to quickly re- ries out the functions of training and spond to different situations, etc. [7; 8]. incorporating an individual into vari- A significant number of specialists ous spheres of society’s life; 2) univer- from various fields of knowledge now sal value throughout life; a set of syste- speak about the fact that in education, matic knowledge and the skills acquired especially in higher education, in the by the individual independently or in 21st century a particular revolutio- the process of studying in educational nary process began. Yu. Surmin, a well- institutions; 3) one of the indicators of known Ukrainian expert in public ad- the social status of the individual and ministration, believed that the main the reproduction of the social structure features of such a revolution were: of society” [1, c. 610]. This definition 1. The transformation of education is successful and generally accepted, into the main source of wealth of soci- since it provides: the essence of educa- ety. This is the place, they say, because tion, its purpose, functions performed it is human capital that becomes the by education in relation to man and so- main wealth of post-industrial socie- ciety. The essence, purpose and content ties. In the economy, according to the of higher education should answer the scientist, the so-called “extra value”, question — why, what for, for what pur- which is provided by knowledge, infor- pose higher education should prepare a mation, intelligence, plays a very sig- person for life theoretically and prac- nificant role. Actually, knowledge itself tically right now, in the XXI century. becomes a product. A specialist in the modern labour 2. Countries of the world are mov- market must meet the following basic ing from the current issue of specialists requirements: 1) education and the to the “production” of their small “se- availability of appropriate intellectual ries” or even individually. At the same traits; 2) skills of interpersonal com- time, the more important quality of munication (sociability); 3) is its flexibility, the ability to qualities (professionalism): “re-equipping”. This situation applies

149 both to education on the whole, and to have relevant leadership positions at its specialist product. Education is be- the world level in all spheres of life. coming more human-centric. 8. The multiplicity, multi-variance 3. We have a transition from the of education as a social phenomenon, assimilation of information to the for- the multi-level of education grow, the mation of qualities that are extremely possibilities of choosing educational necessary for the creative activity of systems and stages of the process of the individual. An important task of learning expand considerably. education in this case is the prepara- 9. The humanization of education, tion of a creative thinker, an innovative its orientation towards a particular person with a great potential and abi- person, its predispositions, abilities, lity to continuous self-development and talent are quite noticeable. Educa- and self-improvement. tion becomes more targeted, becoming 4. A continuous computerization human oriented. of training, which drastically changed 10. In many cases, one ensures the the whole education system, training a continuity of education, which a per- specialist, is observed. There appeared son will receive not once in a lifetime, fundamentally new, progressive tech- but as a form of education for continu- nologies of learning that essentially ing education (throughout life). In ad- predetermined the role of both teacher dition, with the help of an intensive and student in the learning process. information environment, a person 5. There is an increase in the overall gets opportunities for a permanent and role of education in society, the expan- powerful update of his/her knowledge sion of its scale and, simultaneously, within a rather short time. The periods the strengthening of the impact of edu- of intense productive activity of a per- cation on all spheres of functioning of son are increasingly confined to the pe- society, on the comprehensive process riods of his/her training, professional of socialization of a person (persona- retraining, advanced training. lity) throughout his/her life. 11. The significant technification of 6. There is an increase in society’s education based on the widespread use expenditures on education, studies, of a variety of electronics and computer with the simultaneous growth of the equipment is important. As a result, return on it. In this circumstance, edu- there are great opportunities for the de- cation becomes one of the most profit- velopment of various forms of distance, able spheres of social life, becoming in home-based education [6, p. 318]. many ways an independent and self- This is not just about the cor- sufficient factor of social development. responding structural, meaningful 7. As never before, education con- changes in education, but the funda- centrates many progressive innova- mental transition from classical edu- tions, forms an innovative, developing cation to the so-called post-classical, human capital, and therefore becomes which is often referred to as the revolu- a powerful source of constant renewal tion in education. and multiplication of such capital. In general, when one talks about Countries with better education also the revolution in the education system,

150 one takes into account the cultural, world for all, independently from na- technological, informational and other tionality. changes inherent in the globalization In this case, we also substantiate the process that began to develop especial- thesis that the globalized world largely ly after the end of the Second World uses directly education and science for War and accelerated too much in the integration, unifying processes in the last decades of the twentieth century. relations between countries, states. It A great deal of attention to the de- is necessary to create the most favour- velopment of education systems is a able conditions for student mobility, to global process, and therefore experts give him/her the opportunity to study from UNESCO, the World Bank, the in different countries in the chosen Council of and scholars from specialty. Here it is worth mentioning many countries study how extension the following thesis as well. The well- of the coverage of young people in sec- known American economist, R. Barro, ondary and higher education, and con- managed to analyse the influence of the sequently the increase in the average educational complex itself on the de- duration of training for new genera- velopment of more than 100 countries tions, influences the increase of gross at the end of the 21st century. At the national product (GNP) and human same time, he substantiated the idea potential of countries. Thus, different that the increase in the absolute dura- authors and analysts are not unani- tion of youth education influenced to mous in terms of GDP growth, but a lesser extent directly the economic the positive impact of the expansion and social progress of the countries of secondary and higher education on than the improvement of the study of economic indicators of the countries is natural sciences and mathematics. Ap- undeniable, as evidenced by the rapid parently, therefore, the countries of progress of development not only of the jointly decided to the countries of Eastern and Southern intensify the programs of the develop- Asia, but also of Europe and other con- ment of natural and mathematical edu- tinents. One should study this ques- cation, to stimulate the choice of young tion, however, even more deeply. We al- people of exact sciences for study at so take into account the fact that under universities, to expand the training of the conditions of global integration, young scientists in the most promising global processes, science and education fields — nano-science, high technolo- play a great coordinating, unifying role. gies, computer science, etc. The fact is that global society involves Despite the importance of the sup- the unity of the basic principles of or- port and development of exact sci- ganization of training, retraining and ences, it is more expedient, not to ab- professional development of personnel solutize the value of any one indicator in order to implement common stan- of the education system, but to develop dards of training specialists, to ensure such a system as a whole, designed to their global mobility through equal provide professional competence and conditions for training, internships bring to the labour market all repre- and employment in any country of the sentatives of new generations. At the

151 same time, it is also necessary to opti- of social policy. This is: “the creation of mize the structure of the educational conditions for meeting the social needs system and to increase the duration of and interests of people, support, pro- studies in secondary and high schools, tection, correction and rehabilitation although there is no clear view in this of individual citizens and social groups, regard. as well as the development (socializa- The main trends in the develop- tion) of a person” [9, p. 615]. ment of modern education in general • as the dominant component of and higher education directly are the the productive, spiritual life of society, following: education as a whole, and higher educa- • expansion of the network of edu- tion, above all, — performs three main cational systems in order to ensure the functions: a) human-oriented (provid- for all those wish- ing a certain level of knowledge of the ing (the possibility and equal chances person (personality), literacy, forma- for every person to get education in tion of the corresponding state of the an educational institution of any type, emotional-volitional sphere of a person, regardless of national and racial affili- his/her behavioural orientations, readi- ation); ness to perform various social roles, • formation of continuous educa- b) technological — providing a “base tion (education for all life), accompa- of life”, forming skills and abilities of nying a person in the process of his per- labour, public, economic, professional sonal business, professional life; and other human activities; c) huma- • a clearly expressed process of nistic — the comprehensive education substantial democratization of the of a person, the formation of high mo- educational system, the sequence of rality, culture, understanding the pri- its degrees and levels, the provision of orities of universal values (life, work, maximum autonomy for educational person himself/herself, nature), etc. institutions, the development of stu- The unity of such functions is direct dent self-government; and complex, since radical changes in • significant influence of globaliza- the system of higher education in the tion, integration and other processes last decades of the twentieth century and socio-economic, political factors were caused by: on education (cultural and educational • a huge and noticeable demograph- monopoly of certain ethnic minorities, ic explosion of the late 40s of the twen- paid forms of training, etc.), etc. tieth century, which caused an increase In the above mentioned and other of, for example, students almost three progressive circumstances, higher edu- times, essentially influencing migra- cation is: tion processes, which in turn requires • a dominant condition for the pro- an unprecedented student mobility; gressive development of any society. • a global increase of scientific and It was and remains an integral part of other information, which in turn af- the social policy of any state. An ex- fected the scale of production mobi- planation of this component gives an lity (the emergence of new professions, understanding of the essence, purpose specializations), etc.

152 In the second half of the twentieth proach to the study of human beha- century, UNESCO formulated the main viour and needs a fundamental revi- ideas for the development of education, sion, since it no longer meets the re- which until now have been and remain quirements that are put forward to the dominant in many, especially deve- education by modern society and pro- loped, countries of the world. They are: duction” [12, p. 173]. • integration. Education, educa- In the National Doctrine of the De- tional systems not only of individual velopment of Education in Ukraine countries, continents but also of the among the priority directions of such planet Earth as a whole, can develop development are highlighted: positively only by borrowing the best • personal orientation of education assets, integrating into one another; (its human-centricity); • humanization. Education should • continuous improvement of the serve humane development of mankind, quality of education, updating its con- ensure the fulfilment of its best hopes; tents and forms of organization of edu- • differentiation. In all the unity, cational process in accordance with the integration, domestic education real needs of society; systems must necessarily take into ac- • development of systems of conti- count national aspects (history, cul- nuous education (education through- ture, traditions, etc.); out life); • individualization. Education • close combination of education should be as much as possible focused and science, the development of dis- on the personality (natural abilities, tance education; talent, psychology, etc.); • constant introduction of new in- • democratization. This is a broad formation technologies [13]. and multifaceted process, including Revolutionary changes in the sys- democratization in the management of tem of higher education in the world education in general, higher education and in Ukraine, in particular, are large- directly [10, p. 54]. ly due to the modern informatization of Ukrainian philosopher V. Andrush- societies, the introduction of the most chenko, political scientist M. Holo- advanced information technologies in vatyi, sociologist O. Balakirev and education. Back in 1998, the Verkhov- many other representatives of various na Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of social sciences emphasize that particu- Ukraine “On the National Program of lar thesis that modern man has and Informatization”, in which, in a separate should have a spiritual core, which is subsection, formulated tasks on infor- provided exclusively by education. matization of education. It is assumed A modern person, as V. Andrushchenko that the use of information technology says, is spiritual and the core of his/her in education should envisage four main life is spiritual [11, p. 6], and L. Karpets levels: a) to accompany traditional pe- argues that “today it becomes increas- dagogical tasks; b) in connection with ingly clear that the classical model of the need to solve pedagogical problems education is an important prerequisite that arose during the informatization of for the formation of an economic ap- societies; c) as a technological basis for

153 supporting a new paradigm of educa- dently, with the help of the Internet, tion [14, p. 52]. distance education, etc. [15]. In the world, a lot of very different, The above-mentioned education specific educational models developed models are not “clear”, rather, we have and implemented, among which se- a symbiosis of several models. At the veral of the following can be identified: same time, if we talk about the most • a model of education as a state- basic signs of modernization of higher departmental structure. In this case, education, then they conventionally the state authorities consider the edu- can be divided into two main, domi- cation as a somewhat specific and in- nant — technological and methodo- dependent area among other public logical. In the first case, it is about spheres, exercising public administra- technologies of education, and in the tion of this process, largely adhering to second — on the methodological as- the departmental principle; pects of teaching and learning. • a model of so-called “developmen- Conclusion. Summing up the con- tal education” (V. Davydov, V. Kremen, sideration of the identified relevant V. Fliakov, etc.). Education is con- application problem, we can make the sidered as a system of comprehensive following fundamental conclusions. training, professional training, perso- 1. The revolutionary changes and nality development; transformation in higher education • a traditional model of education are global and nationally singled out, (Zh. Kraplia, Zh. Manso, Ch. Fin, etc.). referring to the specifics of such edu- It states that the main function of edu- cation (history, origins, traditions, cur- cation is the transfer to the younger rent status, etc.). At the intersection of generation of universal elements of these two aspects, there is a modern- culture; ization of higher education, including • a phenomenological model of edu- the formation of a fundamentally new cation (A. Combs, A. Maslow, K. Rog- model of public administration of hi- ers). One tries to study and organize gher education. the education with the maximum con- 2. There are three essential, basic sideration of social, individual psycho- features of modern education in general, logical and other personality traits; including higher education, that are re- • a rationalistic model of education ally felt in the process of modernization (P. Bloom, R. Gannier, B. Skinner, etc.). of modern societies. First: education is It is about the maximum subordination becoming more and more mass, acces- of education, preparation of a person to sible, getting rid of signs of elitism. Se- specific living conditions and activities cond: the fundamental change is the in accordance with the level and status, universal, general civilization purpose of the nature of social development; education. At the forefront is the com- • not an institutional model of edu- pulsory education, its continuity. The cation (P. Goodman, F. Klein, L. Ber- third feature is related to the change in nard, etc.). It refers to the education the technology itself, professional train- acquired by a person actually outside ing (introduction of new technologies, the educational institution, indepen- information systems, etc.).

154 3. The overwhelming majority of clopedic Dictionary], Prohress, Mos- researchers in various aspects of edu- kow, Russia. cational development converge on the 2. Astakhova V. I. (2002), ‘‘New trends fact that modern education, as never in the socio-economic development of before, requires state regulation of its Ukrainian higher education and the tasks of Ukrainian politics’’, Pedaho- development. S. G. Stetsenko writes in hika i psykholohiia, vol. 3, p. 15–18. particular, “The state is regulating this 3. Verbyts’kyj A. A. (1991), Aktyvnoe obu- sphere with agencies and organizations chenye v vysshej shkole: kontekstnyj that make up the system of administra- podkhod [Active learning in higher tive and legal regulation in the field of education: contextual approach], education” [16, р. 410]. He also classi- Vyssh. Shk., Moskow, Russyia. fies these administration entities as the 4. Scherbakova T. K. (2003), “Teacher executive-managing and advisory bo- training in the university: the possi- dies. If one talks about such education bilities of creating a model“, Standarty authorities in modern Ukraine, the y monytorynh v obrazovanyy, vol. 1. p. 53–57. first group includes the Parliament, the 5. Huzik T. A. (1999), “Role of the prin- President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of ciple of role perspective in the school Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Edu- process”, Zaprovadzhennia suchasnykh cation and Science of Ukraine, HAC tekhnolohij navchannia v KNEU. — (former), local administrations and Р. 137–139. the various local self-government bod- 6. Surmyn Yu. P. (2000), “University ies. The second group are Board of the management as a means of implement- MESU, various public councils under ing the requirements of the educational the MESU, and Community boards, revolution in universities”, Sotsiolo- Pan-Ukrainian Congress of Educators hichna nauka i osvita v Ukraini. 7. Volokytyn K. P. (2000), “Modern infor- (last 15 years it is not held in Ukraine), mation technologies in quality mana- the General Meeting of Educators in gement of education”, Ynformatyka y regions of Ukraine, in some higher edu- obrazovanye, vol. 8, p. 32–36. cational institutions, pedagogical coun- 8. Matros D. (2000), “Management of the cils of educational institutions, etc. quality of education based on new in- It should be noted that the presence formation technologies and education- of the above-mentioned administrative al monitoring”. Narod. obrazovanye, structures in the field of education, its vol. 8, p. 75–85. management varies in different coun- 9. Holovatyj M. F., Panasiuk M. B. (2005), tries. Even the central government Sotsial’na polityka i sotsial’na robota [Social policy and social work], Termi- education body is the ministry, part of nol.-politol. sl., IAPM, Kyiv, Ukraine. some ministry (for example — the Mi- 10. Najd’onov I. M. (2010), “Problems nistry of Education, Youth and Sports), of modernization of educational effi- State Committee etc. ciency”, Osvita u XXI stolitti: shliakhy rozvytku, MAUP, DP “Vyd. dim “Per- sonal”, p. 54–57. References 11. Andruschenko V. P. (2007), “The spiri- 1. Sotsyolohycheskyj entsyklopedyches- tual essence of education”, Vyscha kyj slovar (1988). [Sociological Ency- shkola Ukrainy, vol. 31, № 24, p. 5–10.

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156 UDC: 35.029:3 Musienko Andrey Vladimirovich, postgraduate student, Interregional Acade- my of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometіvska, 2, tel.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0239-1626 Мусієнко Андрій Володимирович, аспірант, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0239-1626 Мусиенко Андрей Владимирович, аспирант, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0239-1626 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-157-166


Abstract. Transplantation is proven to be the most important method of treat- ment that is used when other methods are ineffective. Accordingly, the state, which cares for its citizens, is obliged to create mechanisms of state administration of transplantology, a basis for the normal functioning of social relations, including those related to transplantation. The state through the authorities must ensure the right to a healthy life, as well as guarantee the observance of the rights to protect human dignity. It is determined that modern medical science in the deve- loped countries of the world is gaining tremendous growth in development, and all because of the fact that the health issue is particularly acute in society. Legislation is an important link in building and regulating social relations, but it is only part of a mechanism that functions in society. The basic institutional foundations for the development of mechanisms of state administration of transplantology in the European community are defined. Diedden concluded that it was the state’s ac-

157 tions to ensure such patient rights as a free choice of doctor; receiving medical aid; timely and adequate awareness; consent or refusal of the patient from treatment; the attitude of the doctor to the medical and personal information entrusted to him as confidential; patient’s right to a decent death; on spiritual or moral sup- port or on its deviations. The opinion is based on the fact that when develop- ing the mechanisms of state administration of transplantology in the European community, much attention is being paid to informing the population. Informa- tion — positive or negative — plays an important role in the public to the donation of organs. When planning such information and ways of its dissemination, the as- sistance of professionals — experts in communication — is needed. Government support is needed in all countries involved in transplantology. We believe that an indicator of the efficiency of public administration in the field of transplantation of European countries is that the most important principles of organization of the transplant service are considered by them to be the perfect training of the eru- dite, knowledgeable specialists, the mandatory development of research training programs, the inclusion of the fundamentals of donor and transplantation in the lawyer training program, observance of the principles of international coopera- tion, formation of the school of national transplantology. Keywords: public administration in the field of transplantation, principles of international co-operation, European community, patient’s refusal of treatment. НАУКОВЕ ОБҐРУНТУВАННЯ СТАНУ ТА ПРОБЛЕМ РОЗВИТКУ МІЖНАРОДНИХ ІНСТИТУЦІОНАЛЬНИХ ЗАСАД З ПИТАНЬ РОЗРОБКИ МЕХАНІЗМІВ ДЕРЖАВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ ТРАНСПЛАНТОЛОГІЄЮ Анотація. Доведено, що трансплантологія є надважливим методом ліку- вання, який застосовується тоді, коли інші методи неефективні. Відповідно, держава, яка дбає про своїх громадян, зобов’язана створити механізми дер- жавного управління трансплантологією, базу для нормального функціону- вання суспільних відносин, у тому числі тих, що стосуються трансплантації. Держава через органи влади має забезпечувати право на здорове життя, а та- кож гарантувати додержання прав із захисту людської гідності. Визначено, що сучасна медична наука в розвинутих країнах світу набирає колосальних обертів у розвитку, а все тому, що в суспільстві особливо гостро стоїть питан- ня охорони здоров’я. Законодавство є важливою ланкою в побудові та вре- гулюванні суспільних відносин, але це лише частина механізму, який функ- ціонує в суспільстві. Визначено основні інституціональні засади розробки механізмів державного управління трансплантологією у європейському співтоваристві. Визначено, що саме держава своїми діями має забезпечити такі права пацієнта: вільний вибір лікаря; отримання лікарської допомо- ги; вчасна та адекватна інформованість; згода чи відмова пацієнта від ліку- вання; ставлення лікаря до медичної та особистої інформації, що довірена йому, як до конфіденційної; право пацієнта на гідну смерть; на духовну чи моральну підтримку або на її відхилення. Обґрунтовано думку, що при роз-

158 робці механізмів державного управління трансплантологією у європейській спільноті велика увага привертається інформуванню населення. Інформа- ція — позитивна чи негативна — грає важливу роль у ставленні громадськості до донорства органів. При плануванні варіантів такої інформації і шляхів її розповсюдження необхідна допомога професіоналів — експертів по комуні- кації. Підкреслено, що країнам, які зайнялися трансплантологією, необхідна підтримка уряду. Показником ефективності державного управління в галузі трансплантології європейських країн є і те, що найважливішими принципа- ми організації служби трансплантації вони вважають бездоганну професійну підготовку ерудованих, обізнаних спеціалістів, обов’язковий розвиток про- грам навчання наукових досліджень, включення основ донорства та тран- сплантації у програму навчання юристів, дотримання принципів міжнарод- ної кооперації, формування школи національної трансплантології. Ключові слова: державне управління в галузі трансплантології, принци- пи міжнародної кооперації, європейське співтовариство, відмова пацієнта від лікування. НАУЧНОЕ ОБОСНОВАНИЕ СОСТОЯНИЯ И ПРОБЛЕМ РАЗВИТИЯ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ ОСНОВ ПО РАЗРАБОТКЕ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ТРАНСПЛАНТОЛОГИЕЙ Аннотация. Доказано, что трансплантология является важнейшим мето- дом лечения, который применяется тогда, когда другие методы неэффектив- ны. Соответственно, государство, которое заботится о своих гражданах, обя- зано создать механизмы государственного управления трансплантологии, базу для нормального функционирования общественных отношений, в том числе касающихся трансплантации. Государство через органы власти должна обеспечивать право на здоровую жизнь, а также гарантировать соблюдение прав по защите человеческого достоинства. Определено, что современная ме- дицинская наука в развитых странах мира набирает колоссальные обороты в развитии, а все потому, что в обществе особенно остро стоит вопрос охраны здоровья. Законодательство является важным звеном в построении и урегу- лировании общественных отношений, но это лишь часть механизма, кото- рый функционирует в обществе. Определены основные институциональные основы разработки механизмов государственного управления транспланто- логии в европейском сообществе. Пришли к выводу, что именно государство своими действиями должно обеспечить такие права пациента как свободный выбор врача; получения врачебной помощи; своевременная и адекватная ин- формированность; согласие или отказ пациента от лечения; отношение врача к медицинской и личной информации, доверенное ему, как к конфиденциаль- ной; право пациента на достойную смерть; на духовную или моральную под- держку или на ее отклонение. Обосновано мнение о том, что при разработке механизмов государственного управления трансплантологии в европейском сообществе большое внимание отводится информированию населения. Ин-

159 формация — положительная или отрицательная — играет важную роль от- носительно мнения общественности к донорству органов. При планирова- нии вариантов такой информации и путей ее распространения необходима помощь профессионалов — экспертов по коммуникации. Подчеркнуто, что государством, которые занялись трансплантологией, необходима поддержка правительства. Показателем эффективности государственного управления в области трансплантологии европейских стран является и то, что важней- шими принципами организации службы трансплантации они считают без- упречную профессиональную подготовку эрудированных, знающих специ- алистов, обязательное развитие программ обучения научных исследований, включение основ донорства и трансплантации в программу обучения юри- стов, соблюдение принципов международной кооперации, формирование школы национальной трансплантологии. Ключевые слова: государственное управление в области трансплантоло- гии, принципы международной кооперации, европейское сообщество, отказ пациента от лечения.

Problem statement. The urgent development of mechanisms for the need of the European countries in the management of transplantology in the field of healthcare is an introduction of European countries. new technologies for improvement and The organs transplantation control development of the industry. Organ was preceded by the invention of the transplantation is one of these current vascular suture by A. Carrel (1902), and important tendencies in improving the discovery of the blood groups by the delivery of health services, a new K. Landsteiner (1900), A. Decastello step in modern health care and a huge and A. Sturli (1902). The mentioned step in health care for people. This is scientific discoveries have become the clearly demonstrated by the fact that impetus for the emergence of qualita- in the world a large number of people tively new relations that were in need living with transplanted organs. More of regulation. than a million transplant operations The purpose of the research is to were done in the world at the end of the reveal the peculiarities of the state and second millennium. problems of the development of inter- Analysis of recent researches and national institutional foundations on publications. Specialists from all over the development of mechanisms for the world are focusing more and more public administration of transplanto- on finding ways to improve the health logy. system. However, we cannot fully ana- Presentation of the main mate- lyse the work of scientists because of rial. It is impossible to ensure proper the lack of a thorough comprehensive protection of life and health of citizens study on the development of interna- without proper state administration in tional institutional foundations on the matters concerning organ and tissue

160 transplantation. In order to prevent all clude that it is the State itself to ensure kinds of abuses in organ transplantation the patient’s rights such as: free choice procedures and to regulate procedures of physician; receiving medical aid; and processes involving transplanto- timely and adequate awareness; con- logy. State governance in the European sent or refusal of the patient from treat- countries is carried out in such a way ment; the attitude of the physician to that the development of transplanto- the medical and personal information logy management mechanisms. It is that is entrusted to him as confidential; based on the basic principles that de- right of the patient to a decent death; fine guarantees and ensure the protec- and on spiritual or moral support or on tion of public relations in the field of its rejection [1]. transplantation. We consider the main Stage II: 1987–1991 international institutional principles This stage of development is charac- that the European community is gui- terized by the presence of not only the ded in developing mechanisms for state Lisbon Declaration, but also the adop- control of transplantology. We can dis- tion of guidelines for transplantation. In tinguish in 5 stages their formation and the 1987, the 40th Session of the World development: Health Assembly, having been con- Stage I: 1981–1987 cerned about the trafficking of human At this stage, the Lisbon Declara- organs for profit, launched an initiative tion on Patient Rights was adopted. focused on the preparation of the first It has become one of the first interna- WHO guidelines on transplantation, tional institutional foundations that which was approved by the Assembly guided the state through transplant in 1991 in resolution WHA44.25 [2]. management. According to it, manage- Accordingly, the development of me- ment mechanisms were developed that chanisms for state governance in the were aimed at regulating the actions of field of organ transplantation was car- doctors, namely, to fulfil their obliga- ried out on the basis of both documents. tions in the interests of the patient. At Stage III: 1991–1997 the same time, they should act in con- The third stage of the formation and science, taking into account the legal, development of international institu- ethical and practical norms of the coun- tional foundations is marked by the try where they practice. At this stage, Convention on Human Rights and Bio- state regulation is carried out within medicine of 1997 [3]. The Chapters VI the framework of the Lisbon Declara- and VII available therefor determine tion, which aims to support the funda- the actions of States concerning trans- mental rights and freedoms that must plantation issues. After analysing it, be owned by patients. By analysing the we can highlight the aspects in which aforementioned and fundamental prin- countries are required to create appro- ciples of this declaration, which in the priate mechanisms for managing trans- future became international principles plantology. Namely, the creation of such for the development of mechanisms for mechanisms requires the followings: the management of transplantology in (a) Provision of state guarantees in the European community, we can con- cases where organs and tissues for their

161 transplantation are withdrawn from tomical parts cannot be bought or sold, living donors. Such actions are allowed and they just cannot lead to financial only for the purpose of treatment of the benefits for the person they have been patient and under the condition that a deleted or to third parties, whether na- suitable organ cannot be obtained from tural or legal person, such as, for ex- the corpse and it is recognized that ample, hospital. In addition, in accor- it is not possible to conduct alterna- dance with this regulation, which, in tive treatment with comparable effi- our opinion does not stop the person cacy; from whom the organ or the tissue was (b) Obtaining a clearly expressed taken, the State had to regulate the and specific agreement on the dona- question of obtaining compensation, tion. Therefore, the state must provide which, although not part of remunera- mechanisms for obtaining such consent tion, however, compensates for this either in writing or at the appropriate man it costs or loss of income (for ex- official instance; ample, as a result of hospitalization). (c) Ensuring the rules prohibiting Stage IV: 1997–2002 the removal of any organs or tissue In order to develop transplantology, from people who are not able to give an as well as to improve existing provi- agreement on the donation; sions, an additional protocol was ad- (d) Ensuring that the state complies opted to the Convention on Human with the law in exceptional cases. Such Rights and Biomedicine. It should be cases include the removal of regenera- noted that the provisions of this Ad- tive tissues from people who are not ditional Protocol apply not to all types able to consent to this. When permis- of organs and tissues. Thus, new provi- sion for such seizure is to be carried out sions on tissues apply to blood-forming strict supervision of the observance of germ cells. However, the application of special conditions, indicated as manda- this Protocol does not apply to repro- tory for execution in such cases; and ductive organs and tissues, embryonic (e) Compliance with the conditions organs, blood and blood derivatives. for the execution of appropriate pro- States should ensure that the organs cedures, in cases where the withdrawn and tissues, if necessary, are distributed parts of the human body for medical in- exclusively to patients, as indicated in terventions are stored and used for pur- the official letter of expectation. It was poses other than those for which they also the responsibility of the countries were withdrawn. to ensure compliance with the condi- In particular, it is noted that trans- tions for the removal of organ or tis- plantation is not allowed, in the case of sue from living donors, which is pos- another method of treatment. Trans- sible only after obtaining from him an plantation is allowed only if there is informed and explicit consent for this. no other way that would have yielded This person has the right to withdraw a similar result. Thus, according to the his consent. Regarding the deceased Convention, the countries had to regu- persons acting as donors, a rule should late and ensure the inadmissibility of be provided that the anatomical parts receiving material remuneration. Ana- cannot be removed from the deceased

162 person, if he/she is not recognized dead Stage V: 2002–2010 in accordance with the law. Doctors in- The guidelines that were approved volved in witnesses’ deaths are not al- by the Assembly in 1991 have had a ma- lowed to participate directly in the re- jor impact on the code of conduct and moval of anatomical parts in a deceased practice in this profession, on public person and in any subsequent trans- policy throughout the world for almost plantation procedures. The anatomical two decades. But, following the consul- parts cannot be removed from the de- tation process that took several years, ceased persons until consent is given in the World Health Assembly adopted accordance with the law or the permit on the resolution WHA63.22 on May for such removal is not received. Ac- 21, 2010, on the basis of which it ap- cordingly, such removal was prohibited proved an updated version of the WHO in the case of an existing objection to Guidelines and identified progress to- the deceased in the life of the removal wards optimizing donor practices and of organs. In the course of medical in- transplant practices. Accordingly, the tervention, the removal of anatomical main institutional framework for deve- parts to the body of the deceased per- loping mechanisms for the management son should be treated with respect and of transplantology in the European take all reasonable measures to preserve community should be based on: the immutable appearance of the body – Adherence to the Guidelines for of the deceased person. As we see, both the Transplantation of Human Ana- the Convention and the Protocol con- tomical Parts and to ensure, where ap- tain provisions for the prohibition of propriate, their compliance with their the use of the human body and its ana- own policies, laws and legislation on tomical parts in order to enrich and not donation and transplantation; hinder payments that do not materially – Promoting systems for disinter- benefit, in particular: ested, on a voluntary basis and free do- – Compensations for loss of earn- nation and increasing awareness and ings and other legal expenses of living explaining to the public the benefits of donors caused by removal of organs or the voluntary free software anatomical related to medical examination is al- body parts from deceased and living do- lowed; nors; – Payment of compensation for legal – Preventing the pursuit of ma- fees for legal medical or related services terial gain in the conclusion of body incurred due to transplantation is al- parts transactions, organ transplanta- lowed; tion and transplant tourism, including – Payments of compensations are by encouraging health professionals to allowed in case of unforeseen losses in- notify the relevant authorities when curred by a living person as a result of they become aware of such practices, in removal of organs. accordance with national capacity and Almost the most important task for legislation; the countries was to ensure the inad- – Promoting a system of transpa- missibility of trade in organs and tis- rent, equitable distribution of organs, sues [4]. cells and tissues based on clinical cri-

163 teria and ethical standards, as well as ment of 3D-bio-printing should be equitable access to transplantation the creation of complete organs, bones services in accordance with national and tissues, which will significantly re- capacities, which is the basis for com- duce the waiting time for transplants munity support of voluntary donation; for those who need it, and even allow – Enhancing the safety and effi- to replace healthy human organs for ciency of donor and transplantation, their improved version. But today and contributing to the use of international in the near future, tens of thousands of best practices; people who are waiting for organ trans- – Strengthening national and mul- plants can only hope that they will be tinational bodies and/or capacity to next in the transplant lists and that the oversee, organize and coordinate dona- operation will be successful [6]. Now, a tion and transplantation, with particu- new perspective is opened before hu- lar emphasis on maximizing donation manity: it is possible to ‘print’ on the from deceased donors and protecting printer any human body, to create from the health and well-being of living do- it an engineering structure enriched nors through appropriate health and with stem cells of the patient, and to long-term care services; get the perfect prosthesis. In any case, – Collaborating on data collection, such human organs as the liver, kid- including adverse events and reactions, neys, heart and lungs have not yet been on practice, safety, quality, efficacy, epi- able to grow any regenerative surgeon. demiology and ethical aspects of dona- However, countries such as the United tion and transplantation; and States, Sweden, Spain and Israel al- – Encouraging the implementation ready have access to the bio-printing of globally harmonized labelling sy- so-called ‘simple organs’ at the level of stems for cells, tissues and human or- clinical trials and special programs. The gans as such to facilitate the national American government is constantly and international tracking of human investing in similar programs, except material for transplantation [5]. Wake Forest, which collaborates with In addition to the main internation- the Pentagon, in order to reproduce the al principles, the modern state policy of work of the liver, heart and lungs. Mas- highly developed countries for the de- sachusetts Institute of Technology also velopment of mechanisms of state ad- receives significant amounts [7] for it. ministration of transplantology is based From the foregoing, we can conclude on the principles of improving and at- that the health of the nation is so rele- tracting innovative technologies in vant for the modern developed coun- transplantology. Scientists have deve- tries, that, in addition to providing citi- loped a 3D printer capable of producing zens with qualifying medical assistance. organs, tissues and bones that can theo- The countries take on permanent par- retically be implanted in the human ticipation in innovative projects aimed body. We can agree with the opinion of at improving the provision of medical the researchers that this technology re- services and health care in general. quires ‘further development’, however, Conclusions. We have been im- the logical conclusion of the develop- proved the scientific substantiation

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165 ресурс]. — Режим доступа: http:// mezhdunarodnoe_zakonodatelstvo_ 3. Конвенція про захист прав та гідно- zakonodatelstvo_respubliki_belarus_ сті людини в зв’язку з застосуван- sfere_transplantatsii_organov_tkaney ням досягнень біології і медицини: 5. Трансплантация органов и тканей Конвенція про права людини и біо- человека [Электронный ресурс]. — медицини [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступа: Режим доступу: https://rm.coe. gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA63/A63_ int/168007d004 R22-ru.pdf?ua= 4. Международное законодательство и 6. Електронний ресурс: http:// законодательство Республики Бела- русь в сфере трансплантации орга- changes/218957-organy нов и тканей человека [Электронный 7. Електронний ресурс: https://www. ресурс]. — Режим доступа: http://

166 UDС: 35.077

Naplyokov Yuriy Vasilievich, Master of Strategic Sciences, Master of Mili- tary Art and Science, senior lecturer of the de- partment of training of peacekeeping person- nel, National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky, Colonel, postgraduate student of the Department of Management and Administration of Kharkov National University of Municipal Economy named after O. M. Beketov, 03049, Kyiv, Povitroflotsky Рrospect, 28, tel.: +38 (098) 242 13 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 Напльоков Юрій Васильович, магістр стратегічних наук, магістр вій- ськових наук та військового мистецтва, старший викладач кафедри підготовки миротворчого персоналу, Національний університет оборони України імені Іва- на Черняховського, полковник, аспірант кафедри менеджменту і адміністрування Харківського національного університету міського господарства імені О. М. Бекето- ва, 03049, м. Київ, Повітрофлотський проспект, 28, тел.: +38 (098) 242 13 53, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 Наплёков Юрий Васильевич, магистр стратегических наук, магистр военных наук и военного искусства, старший преподаватель кафедры подготовки миротворческого персонала, Национальный уни- верситет обороны Украины имени Ивана Черняховского, полковник, аспирант кафе- дры менеджмента и администрирования Харьковского национального университета городского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 03049, г. Киев, Воздухофлотский проспект, 28, тел.: +38 (098) 242 13 53, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0343-8337 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-167-187


Abstract. This article introduces the model of delegation of leadership be- tween the state authority (SA) and the civil society (CS) in order to make state governance effective in conditions of the complex and dynamic environment. The model has to help to identify the degree of involvement of the SA and the CS

167 in leadership of the state according to complexity, uncertainty and dynamics of changes of the environment and the state (system). Participation of the SA and the CS in state leadership is critical to make the system smart and effective. It requires proper applying of leadership power, chang- ing of leadership styles, and, eventually, the organizational structure based on the situation. The changeable environment requires adaptation of the system and/or shaping of the environment in order to establish equilibrium between the system and the environment. It is possible to do through proper participation of the SA and the CS in the decision-making process (DMP). Together they have to iden- tify roots of the problem, analyze it and make decisions to adapt the system and/ or influence the environment by various synchronized and coordinated activities based on synergy effect. In the changeable environment, a level of participation of the SA and the CS in the state leadership should be flexible. Complete decentralization or centralization with identified rules and regulations may not allow delegating leadership properly between the SA and the CS in order to make the system effective. Moreover, even right combination of the SA and the CS may not provide success because of lack of readiness for their cooperation. It can depend on national culture, a govern- ment system, willingness of people to be involved in the leadership process, and other features. Also often only a smaller part of population is active and ready for innovations and change. To collect and educate these people require efforts based on devotion to national values, beliefs, and altruism. However, in a transi- tion period these notions are also changeable and may not present a real “national fundament”. All reasons above force finding a practical approach when, where and how to divide leadership power between the SA and the CS in the changeable environment. Keywords: leadership, state authority, civil society, system, environment, equilibrium, coefficient, thinking, effectiveness. МОДЕЛЬ ДЕЛЕГУВАННЯ КЕРІВНИЦТВА МІЖ ДЕРЖАВНОЮ ВЛАДОЮ ТА ГРОМАДЯНСЬКИМ СУСПІЛЬСТВОМ Анотація. Представлено модель делегування керівництва між державною владою (ДВ) та громадянським суспільством (ГС), щоб зробити державне управління ефективним в умовах складного та динамічного середовища. Ця модель сприятиме виявленню ступеня залучення ДВ та ГС до керівництва держави відповідно до складності, невизначеності та динаміки змін середо- вища та держави (системи). Участь ДВ та ГС у керівництві державою є критичною, щоб зробити си- стему розумною та ефективною. Це вимагає належного застосування лідер- ської сили, зміни стилів керівництва та, нарешті, організаційної структури, засновуючись на ситуації. Змінне середовище вимагає адаптації системи та/ або формування середовища для встановлення рівноваги між системою та середовищем. Це можливо завдяки належній участі ДВ та ГС у процесі при- йняття рішень (ППP). Разом вони повинні визначити коріння проблеми,

168 аналізувати її та виробляти рішення щоб адаптувати систему та/або впли- нути на середовище різними синхронними та узгодженими діями на основі синергетичного ефекту. У змінному середовищі рівень участі ДВ та ГС у керівництві державою має бути гнучким. Повна децентралізація або централізація з визначеними правилами та положеннями може не дозволити належно делегувати керів- ництво між ДВ та ГС, щоб зробити систему ефективною. Навіть правильна комбінація ДВ та ГС не може забезпечити успіх через відсутність готовності до їх співпраці. Це може залежати від національної культури, системи дер- жави, бажання людей брати участь у процесі керівництва та інших особли- востей. Часто лише менша частина населення активна і готова до інновацій та змін. Щоб зібрати та навчити цих людей, потрібні зусилля, що базуються на відданості національним цінностям, переконанням та альтруїзмі. Проте в перехідний період ці поняття також є змінними і можуть не представляти реальний “національний фундамент”. Усі наведені причини зумовлюють пошук практичного підходу, коли, де і як розділяти лідерську владу між ДВ та ГС у змінному середовищі. Ключові слова: лідерство, державна влада, громадянське суспільство, си- стема, середовище, рівновага, коефіцієнт, мислення, ефективність. МОДЕЛЬ ДЕЛЕГИРОВАНИЯ РУКОВОДСТВА МЕЖДУ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ВЛАСТЬЮ И ГРАЖДАНСКИМ ОБЩЕСТВОМ Аннотация. Представлена модель делегирования руководства между го- сударственной властью (ГВ) и гражданским обществом (ГО), чтобы сделать государственное управление эффективным в условиях сложной и дина- мичной среды. Эта модель должна способствовать выявлению степени при- влечения ГВ и ГО к руководству государства в соответствии со сложностью, неопределенностью и динамикой изменения среды и государства (системы). Участие ГВ и ГО в руководстве государством является критическим, чтобы сделать систему разумной и эффективной. Это требует надлежащего применения лидерской силы, изменения стилей руководства и, наконец, ор- ганизационной структуры, основываясь на ситуации. Изменяющаяся среда требует адаптации системы и/или формирования среды для установления равновесия между системой и средой. Это возможно благодаря надлежащему участию ГВ и ГО в процессе принятия решений (ППP). Вместе они долж- ны определить корни проблемы, анализировать ее и вырабатывать решения, чтобы адаптировать систему и / или повлиять на среду различными синхро- низованными и согласованными действиями на основе синергетического эф- фекта. В изменяющейся среде уровень участия ГВ и ГО в руководстве государ- ством должно быть гибким. Полная децентрализация или централизация с определенными правилами и положениями может не позволить должным делегировать руководство между ГВ и ГО, чтобы сделать систему эффектив-

169 ной. Правильная комбинация ГВ и ГО не может обеспечить успех из-за отсут- ствия готовности к их сотрудничеству. Это может зависеть от национальной культуры, системы государства, желания людей участвовать в процессе руко- водства и других особенностей. Часто лишь меньшая часть населения актив- на и готова к инновациям и изменениям. Чтобы собрать и научить этих лю- дей, нужны усилия, основанные на преданности национальным ценностям, убеждениях и альтруизме. Однако в переходный период эти понятия также являются переменными и могут не представлять реальный “национальный фундамент”. Все перечисленные причины обусловливают поиск практического под- хода, когда, где и как разделять лидерскую власть между ГВ и ГО в изменя- ющейся среде. Ключевые слова: лидерство, государственная власть, гражданское общество, система, среда, равновесие, коэффициент, мышление, эффектив- ность.

Target setting. Technological de- Combination of the SA and the CS, velopment, globalization, increased as two main leadership parts of the sys- communication, growing difference be- tem, is decisive in order to provide ef- tween national and corporate interests fective governance in the complex and can make the environment complex, dynamic environment. The SA associ- dynamic and unpredictable. These con- ates with all official organizations and ditions force seeking new leadership agencies that shaped by law. The CS approaches to maintain system adapt- presents different nongovernmental, able, agile, and effective. This problem nonprofit public local, national and in- requires researching in the context of ternational organizations, private firms when, whom and how the state power and groups. Inter organizational rela- should be delegated. tions between the network of providers Analysis of the recent research and and those who govern them are critical publications. Continuous debates on [4]. numerous reforms, propositions of go- Decentralization can be considered vernance models, and focus on decen- as a delegation of leadership power from tralization have not answered the ques- the SA to the CS. It can facilitate build- tion how to lead the state effectively [2, ing “good governance” [5] that should p. 5]. In the rapid changeable environ- work effectively in the complex envi- ment so called “new public manage- ronment. However, decentralization ment” emerged in the 1980s and early does not mean always increase of system 1990s as “not a reform of the traditional effectiveness especially in conditions of public administration, but a transfor- low readiness of cooperation between mation of the public sector and its rela- the SA and the CS. Also for complex tionship with government and society” societies, “centralization and control [3, p. 135]. emerge as circumstances require” [6,

170 p. 37–38]. Nevertheless, absolute cen- the most important not a fixed public tralize leadership may be destructive administrative model, but an approach in the changeable environment. There- how to lead the system. A model of the fore, to find a harmony between the SA delegation of leadership power between and the CS in complex societies may the SA and the CS should be flexible require promoting asymmetrical and because of the changeable environment balanced decentralization that “should and features of different countries and not be seen as a win-lose or one-sided regions that based on beliefs, values relation” [7, p. 25]. Moreover, change of cultures, and religions. Consequently, the environment requires adaptation of it defines participation of the SA and the society. However, human factor is the CS in the decision-making process naturally stable and its change takes ef- (DMP) that have to establish system forts and time. Thus, under conditions balance as satisfaction of human needs. mentioned above distribution of leader- The needs can be divided into physi- ship power between the SA and the CS ological needs, safety needs, love and is critical in order to lead the system ef- belongingness needs, esteem needs, and fectively in the complex and dynamic self-actualization needs [10]. Deficiency environment. needs are biological needs arising from The purpose of the article is to cre- being deprived of something. Growth ate a leadership model for the system to needs (social) arise as a desire of indi- operate in the complex and changeable vidual growth. The needs are subjec- environment based on proper delegation tive and depend on a particular person. of leadership power between the SA and They develop throughout life and have the CS. Many Western countries have a temporary attachment. In addition, found their ways to satisfy people and any one satisfied need creates a new maintain national interests. A proposed one. This gave the economics a reason leadership model is critical for the sys- to formulate the law of growth needs. tem because a long-term search of a It expresses the objective need for the governance model in the transitional growth of human needs (quantitatively phase can decrease effectiveness of the and qualitatively) with the social and system or even destroy it. economic progress of the society. The statement of basic materials. To analyze relationships between the Applying of philosophy of public ad- SA and the CS is important to review ministration may help to understand theories that describe the origin of the the essence of effective governance. state and explain contradictions be- “Public administration as a process is tween them. According to the conflict a unique phenomenon that has signifi- theory, the state appeared because of cant differences in different countries the needs of individuals and a society. of the world… Each individual state, Integration theories explain that the like every individual, is a unique social state arose because of the needs of soci- phenomenon” [8]. Even in the demo- ety and not the ambitions of individuals cratic European administrative space or subgroups [11, p. 15]. “we need to maintain a broad range and Coordination and direction of dif- diversity of models” [9, p. 8]. Therefore, ferent parts of complex societies by the

171 government [6, p. 34] may create ten- ambitious people who can satisfy own sions between the SA and the CS. The ambitions more than needs of others. state is based on “divided interests, on Members of the CS are bigger in num- domination and exploitation, on coer- ber but not so consolidated, active, mo- cion, and is primarily a stage for power tivated, and politically directed as the struggles” [11, p. 16–17]. The state SA. Together, the SA and the CS should serves to maintain the privilege position operate through the DMP in order to of the SA that is mainly based on “the maintain national interests and satisfy exploitation and economic degradation people by influencing the system and/ of the masses” [12, p. 181–2]. Moreover, or the environment. the governing body that provides goods System adaptation and/or shaping or services has coercive power that is of the environment are two possible “an inevitable covariable of an essential ways to maintain equilibrium between benefit” [13, p. 83]. changeable the system and the environ- Satisfaction of needs forms a set of ment. The degree of their combination interests and influences human behavi- proposes an approach to restore equi- or. Needs expand, multiply and compli- librium based on available ways and cate, and change not only quantitative- means. In many cases, adaptation may ly, but also qualitatively. Needs gener- be a primary to make the system effec- ate motives such as unplanned motives, tive in spite of mental and structural low (wishes, desires, and aspirations), models that are created based on not and high (interest, ideal, orientation) always topical past experience. motives. Motivation is a collection of To analyze the problem of the effec- motives that determine the behavior of tive governance is important to see the the individual. Initiation of the need of system and the environment as a single change is based on knowledge that can whole that generates development and convince and force people for change. life. Like two competitive poles, they A difference between expectations exist in their combination, influence on and achievements can define satisfac- each other, compete, and resist chang- tion. This notion is relative and may ing in order to preserve their physical look different for people.In spite of and mental structures. Eventually, the this, it is possible to assume that there system and the environment strive to is a certain condition when the system decrease conflict between each other is balanced and people are satisfied. To through establishing of equilibrium. In define this condition can help to create fact, this process is endless. Established a universal model that will determine a equilibrium has to balance the system required level of delegation of leader- and provide its maximum effectiveness ship power between the SA and the CS because the system does not spend ad- in any environment and for any system. ditional energy to resist to the environ- It is possible to apply leadership the- ment. ories and rules to describe relationships Resistance is a result of system re- between the SA and the CS like two action to the environmental change leadership subjects — a leader and sub- to secure its balance. The system pro- ordinates. The SA may have politically tects own “center of gravity” as one of

172 “primary sources of moral or physical and their change requires applying in- strength, power and resistance” [14, formation, knowledge, and wisdom as p. IX], in order to be secured from any the highest decision-making level based change. Establishment of a new equi- on intuition, experience, and human librium encompasses strategic, opera- satisfaction. tional, and tactical levels as a system Change of one of elements of a social process of development. This process system may require change of others. includes different planned activities to One spiritual whole links people. “The satisfy the system and the environment whole is at a state of equilibrium if and or establish equilibrium between them only if each part is at a state of equilib- through the DMP based on balance of rium in the conditions provided by the ends, ways and means in the framework other part” [16, p. 83]. It is possible to of the edge risk or possible permissible suppose that equilibrium of the human risk (EWM+R) [15, p. 87]. Ends can be system is more connected with psycho- revised in order to maintain balance in logical side when all parts, as a whole, the framework EWM+R and save sys- share the same beliefs and values. It tem from destruction. means the main effort can be directed to Constraints and quantity of vari- cultivate similar values and beliefs that ety are connected. The balanced par- are critical in the DMP. ticipation of the CS in leadership may Philosophically the notion of provide a required variety to deal with “all-in-one space” may present a combi- resistance of the system when change is nation of opposing the SA and the CS. required. “It is a relation between two It can explain the idea of leadership. sets, and occurs when the variety that “The spiritual principle determines the exists under one condition is less than whole material world with all its forms the variety that exists under another” and, therefore, is itself free from these [16, p. 127]. Delegation of leadership forms. It is free of space and time; the from the SA to the CS can satisfy this beginning of immediate existence and condition. the logical essence — will and idea — Changes in the system are critical to are united in it inseparably; it is uncon- maintain its balance. Technological and ditionally a single and together univer- economic development, globalization, sal being, a whole spirit...” [17, p. 142]. and individual growth make the sys- This spirit can reflect national identity, tem and the environment complex and values, and beliefs. Low readiness of the changeable. The problem is to monitor CS to take part in the state leadership change of elements of the system and process and lack of wish of the SA to the environment, cooperate, and create delegate power to the CS [18] can show a puzzle with “a nice picture”. Change is absence of one whole in Ukraine. natural because it is a source of energy To maintain the system effective that based on human physical and so- in the complex and dynamic environ- cial domains. A human social domain is ment requires building a model of a based on social rules of life that should learning organization [19, p. 3–4] that provide balance of the system in a cer- studies itself, the environment, and tain period. Rules are part of the system urgently makes corrections based on

173 realistic feedback. This organization is 4) lack of communication between agile, adaptable, and resilient enough to the SA and the CS. achieve an established goal. Members of Ukraine has a paradox: the CS is this organization can equally take part ready to participate in governance, but in the DMP and implement decisions. does not understand the role and ways Similar, cooperation between the SA of participation in the leadership pro- and CS facilitates effective decision- cess. Also, because the Ukrainian socie- making that allows properly adapting ty does not trust to the politicians there the system and influencing the environ- is a tendency of decreasing of interest to ment. The CS opens the system through the state policy from the CS (58 % to continuous feedback, learning, and cre- 52 %) and increased number of indiffer- ating conditions for critical, creative ent people to politics from 41 % to 47 % and system thinking. This leadership [21, p. 7]. Thus, as a result of a growing model allows minimizing influence gap between the CS and the SA the sys- of human biases and traps [20] on the tem does not get realistic feedback and DMP. loses effectiveness. The CS, “public governance”, decen- The majority of Ukrainian popula- tralization and democracy are inevita- tion (60 % in 2015 and 64 % in 2016) ble notions of a prosperous society that continues to consider the necessary re- can resolve problems quickly. However, form of local self-government, but only only 32 % of Ukrainian population is 24 % of them consider it to be abso- ready to take part in problem solving of lutely necessary [21, p. 7]. It means the their community [18, p. 13]. Also, only CS is ready to take part in the politics 12 % of population knows well about of Ukraine and the SA has to delegate decentralization [18, p. 11]. The majo- a part of its power to it. Also, the over- rity of population (67 %) does not feel whelming majority of the population, real changes because of decentralization who at least knows about reform (61 %), [18, p. 14–15]. believes that it goes slowly. Thus, re- The CS can influence political ambi- forms are not effective and the DMP tions and directions of system develop- goes wrong. It is possible to explain by ment, but a low level of participation breaks in feedback because of lack of in- of the CS decreases effectiveness of volvement of the CS in the DMP. Peo- the governance. In Ukraine it happens ple do not feel themselves as members because of essential features in interac- of one team. It decreases their wish to tions between the SA and the CS such participate and be responsible for the as: process of state building. At the same 1) lack of understanding of the time, 55 % of populations consider the mechanism of participation and a place need of correction of the Constitution of the CS in the governance in spite of [21, p. 10]. In addition, consciousness wish of the CS to take part in political and knowledge of the CS about coope- discussions and reform implementation; ration with the SA in the framework of 2) the SC does not trust to the SA; a democratic system are low. 3) the SA is not ready to delegate an According to the “Shadow Report” authority to the CS; of the laboratory of legitimate initiatives

174 [22], the reform of the Ukrainian public and the minimum — when any one administration (UPA) shows that there state is realized with probability equal are some success and also problems in to 1. Then the control consists in such reform implementation. In general, the a transformation of the set of states, as UPA) is not a learning organization yet. a result of which the probabilities of In conditions of changeable and dyna- some (undesirable) controlled states mic environment, the UPA as a system decrease, and the probabilities of other is not effective and cannot compete (desirable) states increase, which en- with developed Europium or American sures a lowering of the entropy. Accord- public administration models. ing to the law of Requisite Variety [16], It does not mean the UPA on the this can be achieved by increasing of the wrong way of its development. It is just diversity of the system that leads, under a process of searching and testing of an the condition of unequivocal leader- appropriate leadership model and its ship. Thus, to deal with increased com- structure for Ukraine. But, there are plexity requires a diverse system under obvious gaps in the work because of condition of one leadership. The CS lack of system approach to understand can provide diversity and the SA — one the problem. There are no consolidated leadership. political leadership, a long-term strate- An open system has a tendency to gic goal, and a gap between the DMP decrease its entropy because of interac- and the planning process, a weak legis- tion with the environment and, there- lation system in support of the reform fore, to improve decision-making. De- in PA, weak communication lines, lack pending on the level of initial entropy of professionals, a not enough level of and effectiveness of the decision-mak- computerization, weak feedback, and ing approach entropy decreases in time an assessment mechanism. All above [23]. The external environment has a make the UPA not effective. Thus, it is certain level of residual entropy or un- possible to observe that the UPA as a determined information that is required system is weak and cannot work effec- for the DMP. The start of the DMP cor- tively and maintain national interests responds to the high level of informa- properly especially in competitive con- tional entropy. ditions of a complex and changeable In conditions of the complex and environment. dynamic environment flexible leader- Applying of the notion of “entropy” ship can facilitate building a learning can explain relationships between the organization that is open for adaptation system and the environment in order through an increased level of entropy. to build a model of effective leadership. This organization has the highest level Entropy can be considered as a charac- of democracy based on “public govern- teristic of diversity of the system, since ance” and decentralization when eve- it is determined by the probabilities ryone has an equal voice. It facilitates of realization of states and reaches its developing knowledge and, therefore, maximum on a uniform distribution an ability to revise obsolete ideas and (the maximum variety is when any state perceptions because knowledge proves can be realized with equal probability), the need of change.

175 “Public governance” presents a par- Keq opt [24, p. 216] that provides maxi- ticipative type of leadership based on mum achievable system effectiveness in democracy. However, uncontrolled de- conditions of changeable environment. mocracy can create anarchy when the The SA presents and mainly protects system can lose its functionality. Envi- an existed governance system. The CS ronmental change influences the system changes the system in order to satisfy and, eventually, changes its structure. human needs. Together they have to In this case, an achievement of a certain promote national interests. Degree of critical level can require centralized participation of the SA and the CS in (authoritative) type of leadership in or- leadership process can differ for regions der to make rapid vital decisions to save or districts of one country because of system functionality and accomplish a features of values, beliefs, perceptions, mission. Thus, the leadership process culture, traditions, rules, norms, geo- is flexible and depends on the environ- graphic and economic conditions, dia- ment. lects, and other. The author supposes that to lead If equilibrium is destroyed because of the system effectively means to cre- different reasons, the situation becomes ate a learning organization that will chaotic and the system starts looking maintain equilibrium between the sys- for a new structure (order). It is like “a tem and the environment and achieve puzzle” when a decision-maker should established goals. To lead the system collect parts of the puzzle in a right way properly requires quick reaction to and create “a picture” that should sat- change based on feedback, influence on isfy the system and the environment. political ambitions, speed of the DMP, It is a kind of bargaining and negotia- and decision implementation. It is pos- tion through using of different ways and sible to achieve by a flexible delegation means to get the best possible result for of leadership power between the CS each side. There is the best combination and the SA. It may require structural of the negotiation. However, because change, revising of values, beliefs, and the system and the environment are obsolete mental models [24] because in changeable to maintain this combina- the new environment they do not sup- tion requires continuous leading the port effective decisions anymore. Study system based on decision-making. and knowledge should force people for The system fluctuates under envi- change through their participation in ronmental influence. If fluctuation of the DMP. the system corresponds to fluctuation A coefficient of dynamic equilibrium of the environment, they can produce (Keq) defines a level of equilibrium be- resonance and a synergy effect. Also, a tween the system and the environment physical system can have as many re- [25, p. 8]. In its tern, it can determine a sonant frequencies as it has degrees of degree of delegation of leadership power freedom. It may require understanding between the SA and the CS in order to each other through system openness improve the DMP to maintain system and communication. To create reso- balance. It should correspond to the op- nance may mean change of something. timal coefficient of dynamic equilibrium Resonance can be a force for change

176 that produces a new system structure A level of participation of members through destruction of an obsolete one. of the system in negative and positive It is a result of high frequency of fluctu- feedbacks may define system adap- ation between the system and the envi- tability. The convergent process reflects ronment or their “mutual agreement” to negative feedback, as critical thinking be on the same “wave” and understand in the DMP, and the divergent pro- each other. cess — positive feedback, as creative Delay in system reaction to the en- thinking. System thinking should com- vironmental change (∆T) [26, p. 179] bine paradoxically different the SA with can define its effectiveness. It may cre- the CS. In general, it is a leadership pro- ate a conflict as a lack of step-by-step cess with a certain level of delegation of or “soft” adaptation based on system power to each other. openness and realistic feedback. Proper In conditions of changeable environ- participation of the SA and the CS in ment Keq is equal to a level of delegation the DMP can decrease ∆T. Solving of of leadership power and Keq = f (Fsa, Fcs ). growing conflict may require increased Thus, collaboration between SA and frequency of fluctuation of the SA (Fsa) CS based on knowledge can be critical and the CS (Fcs). Interaction between for timely response to environmental the SA and the CS, as a product of con- change. It may be a key notion to build vergent and divergent processes [27] a model of a learning organization that (fig. 1) should generate required deci- allows finding “a new order from the sions to solve the problem. chaos” without conflicts. Hence, based Points A and B (fig. 1, 2) show diver- on this it is possible to create a leader- gent and convergent processes. At the ship model that can be applied to any start of the DMP, the amplitude of fluc- governance levels: a parliament with tuation of functions Fsa and Fcs is high. opposing parties, regions, local commu- To the end of the DMP convergent and nities with different interests and other. divergent processes come closer and The CS has certain ambitions and eventually the decision is made in the growth needs. Their realization means point of their convergence. achievement of the Keq opt, but on the new

Fig.1. Divergent and convergent interactions in the DMP between the SA and the CS Source: created by the author.

177 level of development. It is a continuous fine Keq opt for the system. Human satis- process of system development when a faction is a relative notion that is based next growth can break equilibrium be- on national traits, culture, perceptions, tween the system and the environment mentality, and other. In any case, it de- again. Frequency of fluctuation of the fines optimal equilibrium between the system (Fs) and the environment (Fenv) system and the environment: Keq opt= may be limited. When they will achieve = f (Lhs). The Lhs can be assessed by a certain possible maximum the system MOE and MOP with value indicators. can be changed in order to restore equi- Satisfaction of the SA and the CS librium again or to achieve Keq opt. may define balance of the system. It is

Assessment of the system can help possible to suppose that Keq opt is con- to determine Keq opt . A measure of ef- stant for any system and conditions fectiveness (MOE) answers the ques- because it is a characteristic of its ba- tion — does the system do right things? lance. For instance, regions of one coun- A measure of performance (MOP) an- try are different because of environ- swers the question — does the system ment (geographical location, climate, do it properly [28, p. 15–2]? MOE, as economical orientation, neighbors) and a level of realization of national (re- own characteristics (religions, language gional) values and beliefs, the future vi- dialects, traditions, and rules), but to sion, and MOP, as a level of life, income, be balanced a regional community has prosperity, security, may determine to establish Keq opt . Also the system can

Keq opt . The SA and the CS establish achieve Keq crt , Keq min , and Keq max in which MOE and MOP as human satisfaction the system can decrease its effectiveness based on realization of their wishes, be- and achieve bifurcation points (chang- liefs, values, and maintaining of other es). The model of delegation of leader- national interests. If there is no satisfac- ship power has to facilitate successful tion the decision is wrong. MOE and leading the system based on four key

MOP should support this condition. points: Keq min , Keq crt , Keq opt , and Keq max For example, if established MOE and [26, p. 180]. MOP do not provide a desired and re- The leadership model includes the alistic level of life, people can consider SA with state agencies and the CS with them as wrong one. different non-state organizations. Ide- MOE and MOP can differ for sys- ally, all players have to work together tems because of variety of reasons. in order to get a synergy effect. A leader MOE depends on the environment, should lead and synchronize them. The state of the system (stable, unstable), SA and the CS are parts of the leader- position of the system in the framework ship process. The SA should feel the of “time-space-force”, mutual influence CS and the CS should understand the between the system and the environ- SA and national interests. Both have to ment. MOP depends on trust, unity of work together because of one goal — to efforts, common interests, patriotism, maintain/improve a level of life (na- openness, and other. The level of human tional interests). The SA and the CS satisfaction (Lhs), as a difference be- are parts of one system that has to re- tween expectations and results, can de- act quickly to any change in the system

178 and/or in the environment. To do this Normal (optimal) leadership of the the system should act with its certain system (Snorm) means a level of com- frequency of fluctuation (Fs) to the en- bination of the SA and the CS in the vironmental fluctuation (Fenv). The SA given environment that should provide and the CS fluctuate in a certain degree required system effectiveness and cor-

(Fsa, Fcs) and together present fluctua- respond to Keq opt when the system tion of the system (Fs). is balanced and effective. Snorm may

Frequency of fluctuation Fs (Fsa, Fcs ) shift to an authoritarian type of leader- and Fenv can define an approach for ship (S1) when the SA is dominant or problem-solving. Based on Fsa the SA a democratic type (S2) when the CS should change leadership power, play plays primary role (fig. 2). Different po- with leadership styles, and eventually sitions of the leadership model can de- change system structure [1, p. 72]. Fcs is pend on the environment and speed of more connected with Fenv. The CS has its change. It is possible to assume that to react to the environmental change sum of power of the SA and CS is equal through the SA. If Fenv is high, the CS to 1 (SA + CS = 1). should play a critical role in dealing To lead the level of participation be- with a change of the environment based tween the SA and the CS is decisive in on decentralization. It is a cycle process order to react properly to changeable en- of reaction on change of the Env → the vironment. However, both sides should CS → the SA. balance and maintain the system on It is possible to assume that func- the level of Snorm. This level provides tions of the SA and the CS have a de- the most effective system functionality. viation form and a certain normal line It is a position that should be lead un- (fig. 2). The normal line is connected til the system with a current structure with system balance and effectiveness. and technological development does Proper use of the combination of the SA not become obsolete. It corresponds and the CS may shift a normal line of to a change of the system structure as the system to another level in order to a third level of leadership approach [1, respond to the environmental change. A p. 72]. A new Snorm with new S1 and normal line can correspond to a certain S2 means a shift of the system on the system structure. new technological and structural levels.

Fig. 2. Balance of leadership power between the SA and the CS Source: created by the author.

179 An optimal combination between system effectiveness (Lsef) is a function participations of the SA and the CS of Keq opt and Keq opt is a function of Cp. can provide maximum possible system Thus, Lsef = f (Keq opt (f (Cp)). effectiveness. It may be based on envi- Therefore, “Public governance” is ronmental and system conditions such not pure participation of the CS when as a geopolitical location, economic, Cp = 1 when there is no SA at all culture, national perceptions, and (Lsa = 0). Actually, it is an ideal model others. Introduction of the notion of of a learning organization that adapts to the level of involvement of SA (Lsa) the environment continuously. On one and the CS (Lcs) in the state leadership hand, a system, can change or disappear process can help to analyze governance during adaptation. On the other hand, effectiveness. it can help to keep the system under The SA presents a centralized power strong environmental influence. If the and the CS — decentralized one. The task is to save the system functionality, proportion of their mutual involvement the SA and the CS, both, have to take can be defined by the participative co- part in the governance process based efficient — Cp. Thus, Cp = Lcs/Lsa. If on secured beliefs, values, ideology, and Cp → 1 the system is democratic and patriotism. If the task is to adapt the theoretically when Cp = 1 there is system, beliefs and values may be re- no leader at all. If Cp → 0 an authori- vised. tarian leader dominates. It is pos- The SA and the CS have to take part sible to accept that under condition in the DMP in order to make a decision 0,5 ≤ Cp < 1 the system is democratic that will satisfy regional and national and when 0 < Cp < 0,5 the system is the interests. The leadership purpose is to authoritarian one. establish Cp based on the situation or A necessity to open the system for favorable moment in the framework adaptation and control it at the same of “time, space, and force”. The task time creates a paradox. In this situa- is to maintain Keq opt that will provide tion a primary role can belong to lea- functionality of the system by timely dership and understanding where, implementation of change. A right Cp when, and who should lead the system. has to balance EWM+R in the DMP.

Thus, the task is to maintain Keq opt based Regulation of Cp is flexible process that on proper Cp that should be flexible requires qualified leaders on local, re- and, therefore, different. It means estab- gional, and governmental levels. lishment of long-term decentralization To make the governance effective or centralization does not provide high can require: system effectiveness. For the CS: The best Cp has to provide maxi- 1) to create/improve a model of par- mum system effectiveness when Keq = ticipation of the CS in state decision-

= Keq opt . This condition defines the level making; of required Cp for the system in the cur- 2) to explain the importance of par- rent environment. Thus, Cp depends ticipation of the CS in the leadership on the environment and Keq in a cer- process and attract the CS as an equal tain moment. Consequently, a level of member in this process;

180 For the SA: lopment. The national social archetype 3) to be ready to delegate a part of its is formed based on geopolitical location authority to the CS; of the system. Change of the environ- 4) to open communication lines with ment forces adapting the system and the CS and deserve trust from the CS neighbor systems and their archetypes. by positive results; It is a system complex change. It means 5) to determine a level of partici- transformation of all types of social ar- pation of the SA and delegation of au- chetypes in order to provide equilib- thority to satisfy the CS and establish rium of the space as a combination of system balance (maintain national in- the system with the environment when terests). Keq → Keq opt . Awareness of the situation, openness A social archetype should facilitate of the system and estimation of results the readiness of the CS to take part in can determine an ability of the system the leadership and the DMP. A new for change. Shift a group mentality to type of social archetype should be de- individual values increases a role of a veloped through the process of learn- person. For instance, the Soviet menta- ing of the environment and the system. lity protects a collective and decreases Thus, a system ability to learn (Satl) can the individual role. The wish of people be a characteristic of the system that to lead defines a level of delegation of also defines its effectiveness. Satl defines leadership power between the SA and how smart the system is and Cp because the CS. Thus, a new democratic gover- the system determines when, who, and nance model can be based on change of where should influence the system in human perception, mentality and cul- order to maintain Keq opt . The Satl defines ture through explanation of importance how close the system is to the model of participation of the CS in govern- of a learning organization. The level of ance. participation of the CS in leadership, The SA may be not ready to delegate system openness, and feedback may de- its authority to the CS and, in its turn, fine Satl . The social archetype, organiza- the CS does not have enough know- tional culture, a structure, and a leader ledge and understanding how to use it can define these characteristic of the properly. Also, one of the problems is system. Thus, Lsef = f (Keq opt (Cp, Satl)). lack of trust between the SA and the CS To increase Satl means to educate because they do not look equal. A social the system, both, the SA and the CS, culture may define these relationships. by using different approaches such as Obsolete mental models do not allow media, development of high standards, establishing a new cultural format in innovations, courses, building a model order to adapt the system in time. of “whole of government”, increased To change proportion of participa- individual responsibility through crea- tion of the SA and the CS in leadership tion of space of leadership participation is difficult because of system inertia. A through social nets, applying of new proper social archetype may provide computer programs, and web nets. It Keq opt as a continuation of a previous creates a culture of a learning organiza- archetype, but on the new level of deve- tion with immediate feedback, correc-

181 tions, and adaptation. Moreover, the ronment is critical. People should revise system should love learning. It means mental models and, in many cases, re- the leadership and members of the sys- fuse using previous experience. For ex- tem have to enjoy this process and be ample, an American state as a business creative with vision and openness for system provides a stress-free approach innovations. In spite of delegation of to change norms because they do not leadership power, the leader remains support system effectiveness anymore. critical. Everything is directed to maintain sys- Also, Cp can correspond to a cer- tem effectiveness (interior and exterior tain combination of convergent and state policies). divergent processes in thinking based To change beliefs and values in on change and complexity of the envi- Ukraine may be more difficult because ronment and the system. For instance, of traditional conservative culture, a complex situation requires divergent mentality, and a closed enough state process or increased Cp. Lack of trust system. In spite of this, technological in- between the SA and the CS creates mis- novations facilitate changing of the en- understanding. To find a common lan- vironment and development of the sys- guage and an appropriate model of their tem. It forces changing norms, behavior, relationships is matter of leadership and communication. In communication based on social archetype, national and social groups adapt own vocabulary, organizational culture. It forms a state emotions, gestures, appearance in order leadership model that can increase or to be in equilibrium with the modern decrease Satl. globalized international space. It is like Knowledge and education for the creating a new common language. This CS can improve social consciousness to process can influence on perceptions, take part in state governance. Educa- values, and beliefs. tion centers, institutions, media, courses Furthermore, under an open in- for the SA and the CS can increase their formational space, e-governance and cooperation; governance effectiveness e-government [29] create conditions based on honesty and transparency. It for e-democracy. “E-Governance is the makes the system survivable and com- use of information and communication petitive based on creativity, knowledge, technologies to support good gover- abilities and skills of each member of the nance” [30]. It makes the system open society. Ideally, it can create a synergy and adaptable through the process of effect of development of the community learning. It influences relationships based on one spirit, freedom, mutual between the SA and the CS and decen- support and a desire to work together. tralize the system. Also, a real leader To make the system effective requires may be replaced a virtual one who can its timely change. The most difficult is be formed by the SA and the CS in the to change mental models that influence Internet space through the social com- decisions. They are stable, long-life con- munication networks. cepts that are based on beliefs and va- Leadership process is a matter of lues. An ability to refuse from accepted system effectiveness based on balance norms in conditions of changeable envi- between min and max limits in order

182 to open or close the system in a certain system and the environment (to main- degree. It means to keep the system on tain Keq opt) and 2) to achieve established the edge of order and disorder for adap- goals of the system. If one of these con- tation with saving system functionality. ditions is not satisfied the leader based

State leadership should apply proper on three conditions [1) Keq → Keq min; leadership power, change leadership 2) Keq → Keq crt ; 3) Keq → Keq max] has stiles and system structure. In other to delegate leadership power between words, if a region requires a centralized the SA and the CS, change leadership power and a strong leader or decentra- power, styles, a structure of the sys- lized power it should be recognized and tem, and always increase Satl. Also, to implemented in the framework of the balance ends, ways, and means in the system and also subsystems (regions). framework of possible permissible risk In spite of this, in case on increased is critical to lead the system success- complexity of the environment the SA fully. Achievement by the system Keq opt , and the CS should be ready for coopera- as a key notion of the algorithm, can be tion based on delegation of leadership determined by social satisfaction based power in right time and in right place. on MOE and MOP. The model of delegation of state Conclusions. The proposed model leadership power between the SA and for delegation of leadership between CS (fig. 3) presents an algorithm to lead the SA and the CS can help increase the the system based on two conditions: efficiency of public administration. To 1) to maintain system balance based on make the governance effective need to providing of equilibrium between the satisfy two conditions (figure 3) in the

Fig. 3. A model of delegation of state leadership power Source: created by the author.

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184 14. Strange J. (2005). Center of Gravity ory and practice of decision-making”, and Critical Vulnerabilities. Quantico, Visnyk Natsional’noho universytetu VA., USA, Marine Corps University, “L’vivs’ka politekhnika”, vol. № 829, Defense automated printing service p. 359–373. center [E-Reader Version]. Retrieved 24. Naplyokov Y. V. (2018). “Changing from: of mental models for effective deci- Documents/JC2IOS/Additional_ sion-making” // Public Management Reading/3B_COG_and_Critical_ № 1 (11). p. 189–206. Retrieved from: Vulnerabilities.pdf 15. Bielska T. V., Naplyokov Y. V. (2017). 25. Naplyokov Y. V. (2014). “An Algorithm Maximum allowable risk in decision- for Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium making process. // Public Manage- to Achieve Strategic Goals.” Master’s ment. № 7 (2). p. 76–88. Retrieved Thesis, U.S. Army War College, Car- from lisle Barracks, Pennsylvania 17013, loads/2017/07/Англ.pdf USA. 16. Ashby Ross W. (1957). An Introduc- 26. Naplyokov Y. V. (2018). The archetypal tion to Cybernetics. Second Impres- foundations of value choice in the pro- sion. London: Chapman & Hall LTD. cess of adaptation to the modern soci- 17. Solovyov V. S. (1873–1877). Kryza za- ety // Public Management. № 4 (14). khidnoi filosofii [The crisis of Western p. 171–183. Retrieved from: http:// philosophy], 2nd ed, Book Society Pros- vita. St. Petersburg, . about/article/view/109/94 18. Sidoruk O. (2016). Detsentralizatsiia: 27. Allen C. D. (2012). “Creative Think- rezul’taty, vyklyk i perspektyvy [De- ing for Individuals and Teams.” An es- centralization: Results, Challenges and say on creative thinking for military Prospects], Analytical report. Demo- professionals. U.S. Army War College. cratic Initiative Foundation named Retrieved from: after Ilk Kucheriv. Kyiv, Ukraine. au/awc/awcgate/army-usawc/allen_ 19. Senge P. M. (2006). The Fifth Disci- creative_thkg_sr_ldrs.pdf pline: The Art & Practice of the Learn- 28. Headquarters, Department of the Army ing Organization. New York, N.Y.: (2015), FM 6-0, Commander and Staff Doubleday. Organization and Operations. Wash- 20. Gerras Stephen J. (2008). Thinking ington, DC, USA, DOI: 104216-001. Critically about Critical Thinking: 29. Bernhard I. (2013). E-government and A Fundamental Guide for Strategic E-governance — Swedish Case Studies Leaders, Planner’s Handbook for Ope- with Focus on the Local Level. Stock- rational Design. holm, Sweden: KTH, Royal Institute 21. Kyiv International Institute of Socio- of Technology. Available at: https:// logy. (2016). Decentralization and local self-government reform: results of the diva2:663249/FULLTEXT01.pdf second wave of sociological research, 30. Heeks R. (2001). Building e-Gover- Analytical report. December 2016. nance for Development: A Frame- 22. Laboratory of legitimate initiatives. work for National and Donor Action. (2018). Shadow Report on Reforms E-Government Working Paper Series, of state service and PA in Ukraine in № 12. Available at: http://unpan1. 2017. U.S. Aid. Kyiv. 23. Katrenko A. V., Parsternak O. V. (2015). cuments/NISPAcee/UNPAN015485. “The problem of optimality in the the- pdf

185 Список використаних 9. Geert Bouckaert, Mzia Mikeladze. джерел (2009). The NISPAcee Journal of Pub- lic Administration and Policy, vol. I, 1. Naplyokov Y. V. (2011). “Increasing № 2, winter 2008/2009. unit effectiveness in a dynamic envi- 10. Maslow A. H. (1943). “A theory of hu- ronment by implementing a leadership man motivation.” Psychological Re- mathematical model”. Master’s The- view. 50 (4), p. 370–396. sis, U.S. Army Command and General 11. Lenski G. E. (1966). Power and Privi- Staff College, CARL, Fort Leaven- lege. A Theory of Social Stratification. worth, KS 66027-2301, USA. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2. Pollitt Cristopher, Bouckaert Geert. 12. Childe Gordon V. (1951). Social evo- (2011). Public management reform. lution. Publisher: Henry Schuman. A Comparative Analysis — New Pub- Tianer Joseph, A. 2003. The nature of lic Management, Governance, and the complex societies, Cambridge, UK: Neo-Weberian State, third edition. Cambridge University Press. New York: Oxford University Press. 13. Haas Jonathon (1982). The Evolution 3. Hoos J., Jenei G., Vass L. (2003). Public of the Prehistoric State. Columbia Administration and Public Manage- University Press, New York. ment: Approaches and Reforms, In: 14. Strange J. (2005). Center of Gravity Public Policy in Central and Eastern and Critical Vulnerabilities. Quantico, Europe: Theories, Methods, Practices, VA., USA, Marine Corps University, (eds.) M. Potucek, L. T. Leloup, G. Je- Defense automated printing service nei, L. Varadi, NISPAcee. center [E-Reader Version]. Retrieved 4. Milward H. B., Provan K. G. (2000). from: Governing the Hollow State. Journal Documents/JC2IOS/Additional_ of Public Administration Research and Reading/3B_COG_and_Critical_ Theory 10 (2): 359–379. Vulnerabilities.pdf 5. Attila Agh. (2013). Europeanization 15. Bielska T. V., Naplyokov Y. V. (2017). of Public Administration in Eastern Maximum allowable risk in decision- and Central Europe. Croatian and making process. // Public Manage- Comparative Public Administration, ment. № 7 (2). p. 76–88. Retrieved p. 739–762. from 6. Tainter Joseph A. (1988). The nature loads/2017/07/Англ.pdf of complex societies, New York: Cam- 16. Ashby Ross W. (1957). An Introduc- bridge University Press. tion to Cybernetics. Second Impres- 7. Utomo Tri, Widodo W. (2009). sion. London: Chapman & Hall LTD. Balancing decentralization and 17. Solovyov V. S. (1873–1877). Kryza za- deconcentration:emerging need for khidnoi filosofii [The crisis of Western asymmetric decentralization in the philosophy], 2nd ed, Book Society Pros- unitary states. Graduate School of vita. St. Petersburg, Russian Empire. International Development Nagoya 18. Sidoruk O. (2016). Detsentralizatsiia: University. Jahan. Discussion Paper rezul’taty, vyklyk i perspektyvy [De- № 174. centralization: Results, Challenges and 8. Korzhenko V. V. (2016). “The phe- Prospects], Analytical report. Demo- nomenon of philosophy as “Practical cratic Initiative Foundation named wisdom” of state governance”, Theory after Ilk Kucheriv. Kyiv, Ukraine. and Practice of Public Administration, 19. Senge P. M. (2006). The Fifth Disci- vol. 2 (53), p. 1–7. pline: The Art & Practice of the Learn-

186 ing Organization. New York, N.Y.: 26. Naplyokov Y. V. (2018). The archetypal Doubleday. foundations of value choice in the pro- 20. Gerras Stephen J. (2008). Thinking cess of adaptation to the modern soci- Critically about Critical Thinking: ety // Public Management. № 4 (14). A Fundamental Guide for Strate- p. 171–183. Retrieved from: http:// gic Leaders, Planner’s Handbook for Operational Design. about/article/view/109/94 21. Kyiv International Institute of Socio- 27. Allen C. D. (2012). “Creative Think- logy. (2016). Decentralization and local ing for Individuals and Teams.” An es- self-government reform: results of the say on creative thinking for military second wave of sociological research, professionals. U.S. Army War College. Analytical report. December 2016. Retrieved from: 22. Laboratory of legitimate initiatives. au/awc/awcgate/army-usawc/allen_ (2018). Shadow Report on Reforms creative_thkg_sr_ldrs.pdf of state service and PA in Ukraine in 28. Headquarters, Department of the Army 2017. U.S. Aid. Kyiv. (2015), FM 6-0, Commander and Staff 23. Katrenko A. V., Parsternak O. V. (2015). Organization and Operations. Washin- “The problem of optimality in the the- gton, DC, USA, DOI: 104216-001. ory and practice of decision-making”, 29. Bernhard I. (2013). E-government and Visnyk Natsional’noho universytetu E-governance — Swedish Case Studies “L’vivs’ka politekhnika”, vol. № 829, with Focus on the Local Level. Stock- p. 359–373. holm, Sweden: KTH, Royal Institute 24. Naplyokov Y. V. (2018). “Changing of Technology. Available at: https:// of mental models for effective deci- sion-making” // Public Management diva2:663249/FULLTEXT01.pdf № 1 (11). p. 189–206. Retrieved from: 30. Heeks R. (2001). Building e-Gover- nance for Development: A Frame- 25. Naplyokov Y. V. (2014). “An Algorithm work for National and Donor Action. for Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium E-Government Working Paper Series, to Achieve Strategic Goals.” Master’s № 12. Available at: http://unpan1. Thesis, U.S. Army War College, Car- lisle Barracks, Pennsylvania 17013, cuments/NISPAcee/UNPAN015485. USA. pdf

187 UDC: 351.814.1-005.52:005334 Nepomnyashchyi Oleksandr Mykhailovych, Doctor of science in Public Administra- tion, Academician of Academy of building of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150 Непомнящий Олександр Михайлович, доктор наук з державного управління, академік Академії будівництва України, професор кафедри публічного адміністру- вання, Міжрегіональна Академія управ- ління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фро- метівська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150 Непомнящий Александр Михайлович, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, академик Академии строитель- ства Украины, профессор кафедры публичного администрирования, Межре- гиональная Академия управления персо- налом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: n_a_m@ ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150 Barzylovich Dmitry Vladislavovich, President, Ukrainian Public Organization “Association of Building Industry Experts”, 02000, Kyiv, Prospect Sobornosti, 15/17, tel.: (097) 255 43 54, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150 Барзилович Дмитро Владиславович, Президент, Всеукраїнська громадська ор- ганізація “Асоціація експертів будівельної галузі”, 02000, Київ, проспект Соборності, 15/17, тел.: (097) 255 43 54, e-mail: akela16@ ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150 Барзилович Дмитрий Владиславович, Президент, Всеукраинская общественная организация “Ассоциация экспертов стро- ительной отрасли”, 02000, Киев, проспект Соборности, 15/17, тел.: (097) 255 43 54, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-3150

188 Medvedchuk Oksana Valeriyovna, postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2795-8193 Медведчук Оксана Валеріївна, аспірант кафедри публічного адміністру- вання, Міжрегіональна Академія управ- ління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фро- метівська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2795-8193 Медведчук Оксана Валерьевна, аспирант кафедры публичного админис- трирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2795-8193 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-188-202


Abstract. The urgency of the article lies in the need of improving the mecha- nisms of public regulation of economic relations in the country. To date, there are many internationally recognized quantitative, descriptive, and imitative ap- proaches to the managing the risk of an investment project in the real sector. Their choice requires taking into account the peculiarities of public regulation of the construction industry on the basis of risk management. Methods of risk assess- ment are considered in the works of domestic and foreign scientists, in particular such as S. Bolotin [3], N. Blanas, C. Syraculis and H. Pandemmenou [19], V. Ko- shelev [8], O. Kruzhilko [9], T. Morozova [11], I. Ptukhina [12], A. Snirov [13], S. Shulzhenko [14], S. Hendrickson [16]. The peculiarities of public regulation of the activity of the construction industry actors and a comprehensive under- standing of all the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of risk as- sessment in construction are still insufficiently worked out. The main task of the investor’s risk analysis is to construct the correct model (presentation) of the project, which is used to make a decision to finance the construction of a par- ticular object. The basic groups of methods for analyzing the risk of financing a

189 project by an investor can easily be determined by the key subject of considera- tion — this may be either a scheme of financial flows that arise from its financing, or a project itself as a socio-economic phenomenon. The use of risk management in the management of investment and construction projects serves as a modern tool for the public regulation and risk management of construction companies. Keywords: public regulation in the field of construction, risk management, risk assessment methods, investment and construction projects. РИЗИК-МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ ЯК ІНСТРУМЕНТАРІЙ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ ОЦІНКИ РИЗИКІВ ПРИ БУДІВНИЦТВІ ТА ЕКСПЛУАТАЦІЇ СПОРУД Анотація. Визначено актуальність і необхідність удосконалення механіз- мів державного регулювання економічних відносин у країні. На сьогодні іс- нує безліч апробованих світовим досвідом кількісних, описових, імітаційних підходів до управління ризиком інвестиційного проекту в реальному секторі. Їх вибір потребує врахування особливостей державного регулювання буді- вельної галузі на засадах ризик-менеджменту. Методи оцінки ризиків роз- глядаються у працях вітчизняних і зарубіжних вчених, зокрема таких, як: С. Болотін [3], Н. Бланас, К. Сіракуліс та Х. Пандемменоу [19], В. Коше- лев [8], О. Кружилко [9], Т. Морозова [11], І. Птухіна [12], А. Шниров [13], С. Шульженко [14], С. Хендріксон [16]. Зазначено, що недостатньо опра- цьованими залишаються особливості державного регулювання діяльності суб’єктів будівельної галузі та комплексне розуміння усіх переваг і недоліків різних методів оцінки ризиків у будівництві. Обґрунтовано, що основним за- вданням аналізу ризику інвестором є побудова коректної моделі (подання) проекту, яка використовується для прийняття рішення про фінансування спорудження того чи іншого об’єкта. Базові групи методів аналізу ризику фінансування проекту інвестором легко визначити по ключовому предме- ту розгляду — це може бути або схема фінансових потоків, що виникають при його фінансуванні, або власне проект як соціально-економічний фено- мен. Зроблено висновок, що використання ризик-менеджменту в управлінні інвестиційно-будівельними проектами виступає сучасним інструментарієм механізму державного регулювання та управління ризиками організацій бу- дівельного комплексу. Ключові слова: державне регулювання у сфері будівництва, ризик-ме- неджмент, методи оцінки ризиків, інвестиційно-будівельні проекти. РИСК-МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ КАК ИНСТРУМЕНТАРИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ОЦЕНКИ РИСКОВ ПРИ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ И ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ СООРУЖЕНИЙ Аннотация. Определена актуальность и необходимость совершенствова- ния механизмов государственного регулирования экономических отноше- ний в стране. На сегодня существует множество апробированных мировым опытом количественных, описательных, имитационных подходов к управ-

190 лению риском инвестиционного проекта в реальном секторе. Их выбор тре- бует учета особенностей государственного регулирования строительной отрасли на основе риск-менеджмента. Методы оценки рисков рассматрива- ются в трудах отечественных и зарубежных ученых, в частности таких, как: С. Болотин [3], Н. Бланас, К. Сиракулис и Х. Пандемменоу [19], В. Кошелев [8], А. Кружилка [ 9], Т. Морозова [11], И. Птухин [12], А. Шныров [13], С. Шульженко [14], С. Хендриксон [16]. Отмечено, что недостаточно про- работанными остаются особенности государственного регулирования дея- тельности субъектов строительной отрасли и комплексное понимание всех преимуществ и недостатков различных методов оценки рисков в строитель- стве. Обосновано, что основной задачей анализа риска инвестором является построение корректной модели (представления) проекта, которая исполь- зуется для принятия решения о финансировании строительства того или иного объекта. Базовые группы методов анализа риска финансирования проекта инвестором легко определить по ключевому предмету рассмотре- ния — это может быть либо схема финансовых потоков, возникающих при его финансировании, или собственно проект как социально-экономический феномен. Конкретизировано, что использование риск-менеджмента в управ- лении инвестиционно-строительными проектами выступает современным инструментарием механизма государственного регулирования и управле- ния рисками организаций строительного комплекса. Ключевые слова: государственное регулирование в сфере строительст- ва, риск-менеджмент, методы оценки рисков, инвестиционно-строительные проекты.

Target setting. is analysis of the use international experience quantitative, of risk management in the management descriptive, imitative approaches to the of investment and construction projects management of risk of the investment as a modern tool of state regulation in project in the real sector, but in practice the field of construction through clari- the whole range of methods is not used fication of the suitability of risk assess- widely. Often it is limited to the basic ment methods for use in the construc- ranking of the riskiness of various pro- tion and operation of facilities (based jects and rules of the assignment of pro- on ISO 31010-2011). In the conditions jects to particular risk categories. of imperfection of mechanisms of state When working with simple projects regulation of economic relations in the this methodology is justified, but with country, organizations of all types and the growing complexity of projects, risk sizes face internal and external factors management is impossible without the and influences, because of which it is involvement of a more detailed deve- impossible to determine how and when lopment. And this requires the account they will be able to achieve their goals. of features of state regulation of the Although there are many proven by construction industry and a compre-

191 hensive understanding of all of the ad- sion at all stages of the project life cycle. vantages and disadvantages of different Therefore, the risk needs to be managed methods of risk assessment in construc- at each stage, and this is possible only tion. Therefore, in practice, such effec- under the condition of the integration tive management tool as risk manage- of risk management into the manage- ment is increasingly used. ment of construction and investment Actual scientific researches and projects and the construction industry issues analysis. Through considerable as a whole. uncertainties in investment in Ukrai- The process of risk management nian construction industry risk analy- begins with identification. During the sis plays an important role in pre-in- process organizations undertake com- vestment studies of firms operating in munication and consulting with stake- the Ukrainian market. Risk assessment holders, analyze risks and controls that techniques are discussed in the works of modify it to ensure that further risk Ukrainian and foreign scientists, such treatment is not necessary. as S. Bolotin [3], N. Blanas, K. Siraku- State regulation in this sphere has lis, H. Pandemmenu [19] V. Koshelev solid international normative basis. In [8], O. Kruzhylko [9], T. Morozova particular, the standard (ISO 31010- [11], I. Ptukhina [12], A. Shnyrov [13], 2011) was developed, which describes P. Shulzhenko [14], S. Hendrickson in detail a systematic and logical risk [16]. Issues of state regulation of risk management process. While all organi- assessment for construction and opera- zations manage risk to some degree, this tion of facilities, risk management and Standard establishes certain principles the concept of risk management are the under which risk management becomes subject of research of such scientists as. more effective. I.Azarov [1], K. Basenko [2], F. Vigbin The mechanism of state regulation [20], I. Vlasenko [4], O. Voskoboynik of risk insurance in the construction [5], N. Jill and B. Tesar [17], A. Kalash- industry is also developed. As noted nikov [7], V. Melko [10]. by V. Melko, world practice has deve- The statement of basic materials. loped two principle approaches to state Currently, the Ukrainian economy is in regulation of risk in construction: con- a situation where the economy itself – tinental (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the basic production assets, outdated Sweden) and Anglo-American (USA, technology, technical and technologi- UK, Canada, Australia). The continen- cal system of construction projects is tal system is based on strict legislative a source of risks of accidents and di- regulation of activity of subjects of the sasters. Objectively and fundamentally market, the laws and codes in details insurmountable uncertainty that oc- regulate all aspects of activity of sub- curs when making state-management, jects of the construction sector and organizational, economic and design of systematic monitoring of compliance the system-technical decisions leads to with laws when conducting insurance the fact that the risk of such decisions operations. The continental model of is never zero. Risk is inherent in every state regulation is characterized by such project, every process and every deci- forms as verification of implementation

192 of business plans, oversight of ongoing considered as a sequence of six stages operations, regular inspections of insu- [1, p. 12]: rance companies. In the Anglo-Amer- 1. identification of uncertainties; ican system the majority of the par- 2. preparation of the preliminary ties of economic life are not codified. checklist; The legislation defines only the most 3. scenario of consequences; general terms, the legal framework of 4. reflection of risk; state regulation of economic activities, 5. systematic list of risks; without detailed regulation. Under this 6. total risk. legal system a liberal model of state The risk assessment may be per- regulation is built, which focuses on the formed with different degree of depth financial condition of companies based and detail using one or more methods on consideration of their reports; [10, of different level of complexity. The as- p. 47]. sessment form and its underlying data The above mentioned standard should be consistent with the risk cri- ISO 31010-2011 considers risk as the teria established when determining the effect of uncertainty on achieving the application. objectives of the organization. The When choosing a risk assessment system of state regulation and enter- method one should consider that the prise risk management-building com- method should: plex, according to K. Basenko, inclu- – respond to this situation and the des: organization; “1) the current regulatory, legal, – provide results in a form that pro- programmatic, informational, logisti- motes awareness of risk and methods of cal, staffing, organizational culture, its processing; within which the functioning of any – ensure traceability, reproducibi- system of controls is performed; lity and verification of process and re- 2) object management — risk, risky sults [8]. and economic investments and socio- Thus, the primary task of a risk ana- risky relations arising in the process of lysis by the investor is building a valid risk implementation; model (representation) of the project, 3) subject of management — a spe- which is used for making decisions cial group of people (a structural sub- about financing the construction of an division: Department, service, or Risk object. Basic groups of methods of risk Manager, Financial Manager, etc.) that analysis of the project financing by the carries out purposeful functioning of investor can be easily determined ac- object of management through various cording to the key consideration — it techniques and methods of managerial may be either the scheme of financial influence” [2, p. 57]. flows, difficulties in its financing, or the The researcher from Odessa I. Aza- actual project as a socio-economic phe- rova, according to popular in foreign nomenon. countries approach Construction Risk The state provides oversight and Management System (CRMS) offers regulation of construction activities in the process of identifying risks to be the country, the state control in this

193 field lies with the Ministry of Regional chain and risks of stream processes’ Development, construction and hous- management. Partner risks include the ing and communal services of Ukraine, risks of shortage of raw materials and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine di- components, supply of substandard rects and coordinates the activities of materials and components, violation of other Central Executive Authorities, in delivery dates, lack of funding. Tech- particular the State architectural and nological risks in construction include construction inspection of Ukraine, preconstruction (technical specifica- which is monitoring compliance with tions, layout, construction, testing and legal requirements, building codes, commissioning) and postconstruction standards and regulations in construc- (operation and maintenance of their tion. The Ministry of Regional Deve- serviceability). lopment carries out monitoring of risks The attention of bodies of state during the construction and operation regulation of construction activities is of facilities and puts forward legislative paid to this special group of internal and other normative-legal submissions risks that characterize public product on the improvement of state regulation character of building activities, as the in the field of construction. risk of possible failure. Accounting for It should be noted that the processes the actual risk of failure (inability to of the construction has characteristics use an object or its component part on defining the species, the degree of in- a functional purpose) is a basis for dif- fluence of risk factors, as well as a set ferentiating between the degree and of methods and diagnostic tools. Con- methods of state regulation in relation struction risks appear as the result of to construction projects. the construction of and cause devia- Since the external risks are not easi- tions of progress from plan targets. The ly influenced, the main focus is on the types of risks encountered in project management of internal risks [9]. implementation are various. In general Based on the nature and objectives they can be divided into internal and of management of construction and in- external. The main external risks are vestment projects, to assess and mana- natural, economic, technical, and ad- ge the risk of design and construction, ministrative risks. These include in par- as well as financial relations arising in ticular risks of force majeure, changes the course of resource provision for in the political environment, currency construction projects a system of risk exchange rates, inflation, changes in in- management is used. Identification terest rates. of the features of application of risk Internal risks are subdivided into management in investment and design resource risks, they are classified by construction requires the analysis of the types of resources consumed in the algorithms of risk assessment and ma- construction process, the loss of which nagement. It should be noted that the can occur at different stages of con- developed to date total risk manage- struction, and partner risks, including ment approaches do not consider the contractual, object, risks of interaction specifics of their application in specific between the contractors of the supply sectors of the economy, and in particu-

194 lar in investment-construction sphere. and economic decisions and actions The problem of evaluation of uncertain- aimed at regulating the probability of ty and risk in managing construction successful implementation of the pro- and investment projects to date has not ject. Thus, it is necessary for the suc- received proper solution. This is large- cessful implementation of the project ly due to the fact that risk assessment to be implemented within the planned methods that are used in the feasibility time and within the defined budget study of objects of construction and re- and with appropriate quality, which construction, do not fully take into ac- ensures the necessary level of safety of count the specifics of construction ac- a construction project during its con- tivities and operation characteristics of struction and further safe operation of construction projects. The main disad- structures. vantage of methods of determining is- Risk analysis allows decision-mak- sues of risk management in investment ing in risky situations to determine the and construction activities, include: the trends of future uncertainties [2]. There lack, as a rule, of quantitative measure- are various risk assessment methodolo- ments and therefore assess the degree gies, each of which has both positive of uncertainty and risk of the basic con- and negative aspects (see table). ditions for the implementation of con- We can distinguish four large groups struction projects; the random nature of methods of risk assessment, in par- of the definition (without holding the ticular: appropriate qualitative and quantita- 1. Theoretical financial methods — tive analysis) of possible changes in the the assessment of the required provi- parameters of investment projects dur- sion in case of failure of the project (the ing their implementation; the absence amount of the provision can be reliably of any substantiation of expediency of estimated), the amount of estimated use in the given conditions of a method damages and lost profits that may the to assess the impact of risk factors on investor suffer. the parameters of the investment pro- 2. Modification of the abstract me- ject in the construction activities; the thods — computer modeling of the pro- use of only monoparametric approach ject that allows to calculate the exact to risk assessment, despite often avai- financial flows. However, the impact of lable in practice interdependence of all, especially of specific factors cannot the basic parameters of investment and be taken into account. construction projects; the absence of 3. Expert methods — description of any recommendations for monitoring the risk with expert assessments. They risks in the process of implementation include general quantitative or ranked of investment construction projects. assessment of the riskiness of the pro- In this regard it is necessary to con- ject, and a description and ranking as- sider that the entire risk management pects of the project that are sources of process (see Figure) in the course of risk. realization of investment construction 4. Modifications of the expert’s of the project should be defined as a methods — trying to bring expert opi- sequence of organizational-technical nions to more abstract with financial

195 Risk сoncept selection

The concept The concept of acceptable risk – the The concept of risk as a resource, of minimiza- “rational” reduction of risk level, i.e. which can be controlled. So it is not tion of risk – spending on anti-crisis measures are necessary to be reduced, you only risk correlated with the possible losses need to maintain at an optimal level

Development of risk management plan

The identification of potential risks

Quantitative risk assessment

Qualitative risk assessment C ontrol and documentation The choice of strategy of reaction to risk

Re-assessment of risks taking into account the chosen strategy

Was an acceptable level of risk achieved?

Yes No

Measures to reduce the level of risk

The allocation The creation of a Insurance of risk reserve to cover between the costs from the parties impact of risks

General algorithm of risk management of investment construction project * Compiled by the authors. performance. There one can use, for ex- key indicators of project implementa- ample, the cumulative build rates, the tion. For housing such factors include allocation of groups of the least risky changes in input prices, stable perfor- projects on the basis of a list of objects mance of technical means, ensuring the of potential funding. continuity of construction materials The sensitivity analysis allows to as- provision, quality of execution of obli- sess the influence of various factors on gations by contractors. In the process

196 The advantages and disadvantages of the main groups of methods of risk analysis Group The basic principle Advantages Disadvantages of methods of development Abstract Evaluation a sufficient If there is sufficient col- The range of available financial amount of additional lateral the risk of par- types of provision in methods collateral that a po- ticipation in the project Ukraine is very limited, tential investor should minimizes assessment of the have quality of collateral is also a challenge Modification The value of the real Benefits and risks of Consideration of all as- of financial cash flows of projects participation in differ- pects of risk a priori is practices for a potential investor ent projects can be not possible easily compared Expert methods Systematization of the Using these methods it Expert views of differ- views of specialists on is possible to more fully ent experts are difficult the implementation of cover all project risks to correlate with exist- similar projects ing financial termino- logy Modification The replacement of Ideally it is possible to The influence of as- of expert the expert evaluations get financial risk as- pects of risk on the methods with certain values of sessment, which is income of a particular the financial variables based on the repre- investor usually cannot on the basis of existing sentation of a wide be standardized and practices range of specialists normalized *Compiled by the authors. of analysis marginal values of risk fac- ness of this methodology is that in a risk tors are estimated. Overall, sensitivity situation it is difficult to find alterna- analysis helps to identify the factors tive solutions, but if an analysis is made that carry the maximum influence on concerning to the the situation, which the project results, and to choose the is unique, then it is difficult to apply most risk-resistant variant of imple- this technique. mentation of the project [13]. However, Using the risk assessment metho- this technique is not amenable to cor- dology based on expert method, and relation analysis of the relationship and also the analysis of the credit quality, interdependence between the indica- one can find substantial and medium tors and fails to explore the possibility risks probability of occurrence, but the of alternative solutions. results will be subjective. By analyzing the probable distribu- Thanks to the model based on the tion one analyze the risk with the time, Markov chains application, one can but there is a negative side — the sub- define the behavior of the production jectivity of the obtained values of re- system at any period remote from the turn and probability of implementation. initial one. The drawbacks of it are The simulation model allows to mathematical difficulties when build- analyze, to estimate the variants of the ing the transition matrix in the analysis decision, and simultaneously take into of economic objects, as well as complex account several risk factors. A weak- selection of reliable information.

197 The technique based on an inte- 3) a set of organizational-technical grated measure of risk takes into ac- and economic measures is developed count the most important factors of all providing for the reduction of the pro- production activity of the enterprise bability of a risk event; allows to analyze the impact of the 4) the additional costs of the imple- factor indicators on the resulting one mentation of anti-risk measures is cal- in their interdependence and to iden- culated tify the factors that affect the risk most 5) a comparison of costs needed for [3]. implementation of the proposed ac- In our view, for risk assessment to tivities with possible cost overruns due differentiate the regulatory influence to the onset of a risk situation is per- of the state in the construction and op- formed; eration of buildings and structures, this 6) the decision on implementation methodology is the most appropriate or rejection of anti-risk measures is because it allows to comprehensively taken; evaluate the risk of their possible fai- 7) next in importance to the risk is lure, which is determined depending on selected, for which the process of map- the potential danger to the health and ping the likelihood and impact of risk lives of people who permanently or pe- events with cost measures to reduce riodically are located at the facility or them is repeated [2]. outside; the amount of potential eco- Existing methods of risk assess- nomic losses; the loss of cultural heri- ment in the design, construction, re- tage; the termination of functioning of construction, repair and maintenance objects of engineering and transport in- of buildings and structures require frastructure. A particular disadvantage further development. This is especially of using this method is some generality true for the management of investment and averaging of approaches that insuf- risk in construction activities. The rea- ficiently reflects the specific features of son is the volatile prices of building projects and the dynamics of change of materials and construction, transpor- risks throughout their life cycle. tation and operation of construction However, it should be noted that in vehicles, machinery and equipment, the management of construction and transportation of workers to construc- investment projects there are some tion projects, travel expenses when general approaches that allow us to de- performing work in other regions termine the sequence of actions in the and at remote sites. New types of costs study of risk in the investment and con- appear (payment for land, new types struction sphere: of taxes and fees, different types of 1) the risk that has the greatest im- insurance, the costs of obtaining the portance for the project is highlighted; initial data, technical conditions and 2) the cost overruns are calculated, approvals, interest on loans, etc.). taking into account the probability of All of this suggests that the probabi- occurrence of an unfavorable situation listic nature of building production in the implementation of the invest- requires the development of manage- ment construction project; ment theory for construction and

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202 UDC 35:328.185 Poplavskyi Andriy Anatolievich, postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Aca- demy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, 04074, Prospect Pravdy, 5-b, sq. 40, tel.: (067) 509 65 56, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5384-1706 Поплавський Андрій Анатолійович, аспірант кафедри публічного адміністру- вання, Міжрегіональна Академія управ- ління персоналом, м. Київ, 04074, проспект Правди, 5-б, к. 40, тел.: (067) 509 65 56, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5384-1706 Поплавский Андрей Анатольевич, аспирант кафедры публичного админи- стрирования, Межрегиональная Ака- демия управления персоналом, г. Киев, 04074, проспект Правды, 5-б, к. 40, тел.: (067) 509 65 56, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-5384-1706 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-203-212


Abstract. The article analyzes the state of scientific developments and inter- national research in the field of state regulation of the fight against corruption and organized crime. The main determinants of the phenomenon of corruption and factors of the formation of organized crime are considered in the light of modern advances in the fields of philosophy, sociology and law. An attempt was made to systematize the main features of the regulation of the fight against cor- ruption and organized crime, which differ in aggregating the corruption ratings offered by the Global Competitiveness Index. The state of the legislative base, the positive and negative dynamics of the state regulation mechanisms of the fight against corruption and organized crime activity are analyzed. The problems of implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Strategy Implementation Pro- gram, which is a reliable political document, but does not have a separate budget, are considered, and at the same time anti-corruption institutions have significant budget allocations, and support of donors also helps to implement.

203 The state and sources of the origin of organized are analyzed. Based on data published in domestic and international studies on anti-corruption and organized crime, it has been established that eradicating corruption is an important aspect of the fight against organized crime. Therefore, the fight against corruption should be comprehensive. Considering the components of anticorruption policy, we conclude that the most important task for Ukraine now is to ensure the stability of the institutional structure and strengthen anti-corruption efforts that constantly undermine the ruling elite, the activation of public institutions, their participation in interna- tional monitoring and the monitoring mission of the institutes of anticorruption policy in Ukraine. Keywords: corruption, mechanisms of counteraction to corruption, counter- action to corruption, anti-corruption legislation, NABU, public control. СУЧАСНИЙ ПОТЕНЦІАЛ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ БОРОТЬБИ З КОРУПЦІЄЮ ТА ОРГАНІЗОВАНОЮ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ Анотація. Проаналізовано стан наукових напрацювань та міжнародних досліджень у сфері державного регулювання діяльності боротьби з корупці- єю та організованою злочинністю. Розглянуто основні детермінанти феноме- ну корупції та чинники формування організованої злочинності з урахуван- ням сучасних досягнень у галузях філософії, соціології та права. Зроблено спробу систематизувати основні ознаки регулювання діяльності боротьби з корупцією та організованою злочинністю, що відрізняються агрегуванням рейтингів корупційності, що пропонуються Індексом глобальної конкурен- тоспроможності. Проаналізовано стан законодавчої бази, позитивну і нега- тивну динаміку впровадження проголошених в державі реформ та механізмів державного регулювання діяльності боротьби з корупцією та організованою злочинністю. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що попри позитивні зрушення у регулюванні діяльності боротьби з корупцією та організованою злочинністю існує ряд проблем, які потребують контролю як з боку держави, так і громад- ськості. Розглянуто проблеми виконання Державної програми з реалізації антикорупційної стратегії, яка є надійним політичним документом, однак не має окремого бюджету, а разом з тим антикорупційні установи мають значні бюджетні асигнування, а підтримка донорів також допомагає реалізації. Проаналізовано стан та джерела зародження організованої злочинності в Україні. Спираючись на дані, оприлюднені у вітчизняних та міжнародних дослідженнях, присвячених діяльності по боротьбі з корупцією та організо- ваною злочинністю, встановлено, що важливим аспектом боротьби з орга- нізованою злочинністю є викорінення корупції. Тому боротьба з корупцією повинна бути всеохоплюючою. Розглянувши складові антикорупційної політики, дійдемо висновку, що найважливішим завданням для України зараз є забезпечення стабільності ін- ституційної структури та посилення антикорупційних зусиль, які постійно

204 підриває правляча еліта, активізації інститутів громадськості, їх участі у між- народних моніторингах та наглядовій місії за інститутами антикорупційної політики в Україні. Ключові слова: корупція, механізми протидії корупції, протидія коруп- ції, антикорупційне законодавство, НАБУ, громадський контроль. СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ БОРЬБЫ С КОРРУПЦИЕЙ И ОРГАНИЗОВАННОЙ ПРЕСТУПНОСТЬЮ Аннотация. Проанализировано состояние научных наработок и между- народных исследований в сфере государственного регулирования деятель- ности по борьбе с коррупцией и организованной преступностью. Рассмотре- ны основные детерминанты феномена коррупции и факторы формирования организованной преступности с учетом современных достижений в области философии, социологии и права. Сделана попытка систематизировать основ- ные признаки регулирования деятельности по борьбе с коррупцией и орга- низованной преступностью, отличающиеся агрегированием рейтингов кор- рупционности, предлагаемых Индексу глобальной конкурентоспособности. Проанализировано состояние законодательной базы, положительная и отри- цательная динамика механизмов государственного регулирования деятель- ности по борьбе с коррупцией и организованной преступностью. Акцентирова- но внимание на том, что несмотря на положительные сдвиги в регулировании деятельности по борьбе с коррупцией и организованной преступностью су- ществует ряд проблем, требующих контроля, как со стороны государства, так и со стороны общественности. Рассмотрены проблемы выполнения Государ- ственной программы по реализации антикоррупционной стратегии, которая является надежным политическим документом, однако не имеет отдельного бюджета, но вместе с тем антикоррупционные учреждения имеют значитель- ные бюджетные ассигнования, помогает реализации и поддержка доноров. Проанализировано состояние и источники зарождения организованной преступности в Украине. Ссылаясь на данные, обнародованные в отечествен- ных и международных исследованиях, посвященных деятельности по борьбе с коррупцией и организованной преступностью, установлено, что важным аспектом борьбы с организованной преступностью является искоренение коррупции. Поэтому борьба с коррупцией должна быть всеобъемлющей. Рассмотрев составляющие антикоррупционной политики, приходим к выводу, что важнейшей задачей для Украины сейчас является обеспечение стабильности институциональной структуры и усиление антикоррупцион- ных усилий, постоянно подрывает правящая элита, активизации институтов общественности, их участия в международных мониторингах и наблюдатель- ной миссии за институтами антикоррупционной политики в Украине. Ключевые слова: коррупция, механизмы противодействия коррупции, противодействие коррупции, антикоррупционное законодательство, НАБУ, общественный контроль.

205 Thesis statement. Under the con- stantiation of modern approaches to the ditions of the modern development of definition of the nature of corruption the Ukrainian economy, the influence and public-management activities in of corruption on the rule of law in the the fight against it and organized crime state becomes ever more and more sig- is reflected in the works of such domes- nificant, which leads to a restriction of tic and foreign scholars as E. Demskyi, the rights and legitimate interests of in- A. Kazdim, G. Kokhan, Yu. Kuzuvkov, dividuals and legal entities, a decrease E. Lohinov, M. Melnyk, R. Senin, in the efficiency of the system of pub- A. Sukharenko, O. Tereshchuk. lic administration, the development of Objective of the article is to ana- monopolization in the economy, and, as lyse the state of scientific developments a consequence, a serious damage caused and international research in the field to the moral principles of society. At the of state regulation of the fight against same time, the patterns characterizing corruption and organized crime, and to the essence of corruption and organized identify the main determinants and fac- crime, its occurrence and development, tors of the phenomenon of corruption necessitate the use of specialized me- taking into account current advances in chanisms for its prevention. the fields of philosophy, sociology and Despite the achievements, the level law. of corruption in Ukraine remains very Results. Following the Revolution high. Fighting corruption, especially of Dignity, which was largely provoked against high-level officials, meets great by endemic corruption in Ukraine, with resistance, and trust in the Government a view to creating an anti-corruption in recent years has further diminished. system in Ukraine, a whole range of However, the most important task for legislative measures was developed and Ukraine now is to ensure the stabi- implemented. Adopted on October 14, lity of the institutional structure and to 2014, a package of anti-corruption laws strengthen the anti-corruption efforts (so-called anti-corruption reform), de- that constantly the ruling elite un- veloped with the participation of the dermines. Recent measures to prevent public and international non-govern- anti-corruption activities are alarming. mental organizations, was accompa- There is a need to ensure conditions for nied by its adoption by adequate and the open and full participation of civil democratically-minded public control. society in the development and moni- These are the laws of Ukraine aimed at toring of anti-corruption policy. fighting crime and corruption: “On the Analysis of recent research. The Principles of State Anti-Corruption mechanisms of state regulation of the Policy in Ukraine (Anticorruption fight against corruption and organized Strategy) for 2014–2017” № 1699VII crime are one of the most discussed [1]; “On the National Anti-Corrup- topics among statesmen and scholars in tion Bureau of Ukraine” № 1698VIІ many countries of the world. Ukraine [2]; “On Prevention of Corruption” started to introduce anti-corruption № 1700VII (entered into force on measures in 2014, and at the present April 26, 2015) [3]; “On Amendments stage, the scientific and theoretical sub- to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine

206 on Defining the Final Beneficiaries It should be noted that the partici- of Legal Entities and Public Figures” pation of public institutions in promot- № 1701VII [3]. ing anti-corruption reforms is extreme- In addition, by the Decree of the ly important, and the international President of Ukraine № 808/2014 of community supports anticorruption in October 14, 2014, the National Council Ukraine. The formation of the legisla- on Anti-Corruption Policy was created tive, political and institutional frame- as an advisory body under the President work for fighting and preventing cor- of Ukraine [5], the activities of which ruption through the implementation of are aimed at the full and effective imple- various transparency initiatives are the mentation of its constitutional powers main achievements in Ukraine. How- in this field. Separate mechanisms for ever, there is a need for adjusting and fighting crime and corruption are regu- maintaining this direction. lated by the Laws “On Prosecutor’s Of- In our opinion, Ukraine has not yet fice” № 1697VII (entered into force on firmly established itself on the path of July 15, 2015) [6], “On Amendments sustainable anti-corruption reform, but, to the Criminal and Criminal Proce- of course, is on the right path. However, dural Codes of Ukraine Regarding the the political will of the Government to Inevitability of Punishment for Cer- truly fight corruption is seriously ques- tain Crimes against the Foundations tioned. Endurance, perseverance and of National Security and Corruption full definition of the anti-corruption crimes” (law on absentee sentencing) struggle of Ukrainian society as a whole [7], “On Prevention and Counteraction will be crucial in the coming years. of the Legalization (Laundering) of the The state program on the imple- Proceeds from Crime, Terrorist Financ- mentation of anticorruption strategy ing and Financing of the Proliferation is a reliable political document. It does of Weapons of Mass Destruction” (en- not have a separate budget, but anti- tered into force on February 6, 2015) corruption institutions have significant [8], “On amendments to some legisla- budget allocations, and donor support tive acts of Ukraine concerning sup- also helps with its implementation. port of the National Anti-Corruption Reports on the implementation of the Bureau of Ukraine and the National State Program and the Strategy have Agency for the Prevention of Corrup- recently been adopted. However, the tion” as of February 12, 2015 [9]. Government or the Parliament do not The unprecedented transparency systematically monitor progress ac- achieved in some industries with the cording to the law. Two-thirds of the use of modern tools is another key as- State Program measures were imple- pect of current anti-corruption reforms mented. The outstanding actions are in Ukraine, which includes the disclo- mainly related to raising awareness of sure of information on electronic assets, the fight against corruption. We must electronic purchases, the opening of state that the implementation of the public registers and the provision of a State Program was the most difficult wide range of data sets in the format of when it came to the interests of the open data. President and the ruling elite.

207 Thus, with some delays, Ukraine note the following. Recently, the Civil began its activities on coordinating Council under NAPC was created, but and preventing anticorruption policy its work and effectiveness have not yet by creating a National Agency for the been verified. Public organizations con- Prevention of Corruption (NAPC). ducted an alternative monitoring and With a broad mandate, significant bud- published shadow reports. According get and staffing capability, NAPC is an to released data, Ukraine is invited to important institution that can play an complete the development of measures important role in the anticorruption in- that are still under consideration and to frastructure of Ukraine. However, the develop a new anti-corruption strategy agency is currently facing serious prob- with broad and significant stakeholder lems ranging from attempts to manipu- involvement based on an analysis of late the choice of its members, to aban- the implementation of previous policy don the legislation necessary for its documents, existing surveys and assess- functioning, to political interference in ments of the situation with corruption its work. Significant achievements are in the country. The methodology of a the creation and financing of NAPC in standardized survey on corruption and a short period of time and ensuring its the first study conducted on its basis is functioning in most of its functions. It a desirable development step. should be noted that further measures Despite the obvious positive deve- are needed to strengthen the units and lopments, the corruption of Ukrainian officials in the fight against corruption, officials provokes the development of their role and to ensure their effective organized crime. These two concepts coordination, assistance and metho- are inextricably linked. The purpose of dological guidance of the NAPC. organized crime communities is to ob- At the same time, the National tain maximum income, enrichment in Council on Anti-Corruption Policy particularly large amounts. Therefore, (National Council) was established and organized crime communities are as a several meetings were held. However, it rule not interested in small and random does not have government support and “sources of income” [10, p. 112]. remains passive, which in turn affects Ukrainian criminologists note: the overall performance of the State “Organized crime is characterized by Program. Notable is the lack of coordi- a clear definition of perspective direc- nation and interaction between the Na- tions of development of the economy tional Council and the NAPC. sectors, business structures and the The Parliament of Ukraine plays an speed of response to changes in eco- important role in anti-corruption po- nomic, social and political conditions” licy, and the functioning Anti-Corrup- [11, p. 76]. tion Committee demonstrates robust The escalation of organized crime activity. in the world today is one of the main Turning to the question of the par- threats to global security. The serious- ticipation of public institutions in ness of this phenomenon was also dis- monitoring and control of the imple- cussed in the UN Congress on Crime mentation of the State Program, we Prevention and Criminal Justice. Ac-

208 cording to its participants, the pro- vador, Honduras and Venezuela are at cesses of globalization and integration the end of the ranking. created new opportunities for criminal Proceeding from the current crimi- organizations that use them to expand nal situation, the legislation on the their activities. They began to more fight against organized crime has been freely use the legal economy to conceal constantly improved. A number of their actions, to quickly launder in- changes were made in the legislation: comes. Applying the latest information the Law of Ukraine “On the Organiza- technologies, they have the opportuni- tional and Legal Foundations of Fight- ty to maintain communication and co- ing Organized Crime” [16], as amended ordinate their actions, despite the state on January 5, 2017. The National Po- borders [12, p. 37]. lice of Ukraine announced the creation Organized criminal activity, espe- of a new department to fight organized cially in the economic sphere, is prac- crime. However, these steps are ina- tically completely globalized. Mecha- dequate and require further legislative nisms for the collection of proceeds in a regulation and control by the public. criminal way are increasingly becoming Conclusion and prospects of fur- interregional and international, reali- ther research. We must state the fact zed in the territory of several countries that organized crime is one of the most at once [13, p.36]. serious problems of modern society. The Globalization exposed new forms activities of organized criminal groups of transnational crime, for example, il- are immediately directed against the legal migration. According to experts foundations of statehood and public from the UNO, illegal migration brings safety and in the overwhelming major- about 7 billion USD annually in gross ity of them are generated by corrupt income. Illegal migration destabilizes factors. Proceeding from this, the fol- the situation in general in the state [14, lowing is necessary: p. 81]. 1. To identify and to analyse new An important aspect of the fight forms of organized crime, as well as to against organized crime is the elimina- formulate goals and priority directions tion of corruption. Therefore, the fight of law-enforcement activity. against corruption should be com- 2. The state policy on fighting orga- prehensive. According to the General nized crime at different levels should Prosecutor’s Office for 2017, the rates be the same regardless of the regional of organized crime increased by 1.6 component, especially in the context of times in Ukraine [1]. decentralization. Specialists of the World Economic 3. The state authorities should car- Forum [15] compiled the rating of the ry out economic and logistical main- impact of organized crime on business tenance of law-enforcement activity, in the countries of the world. Ukraine develop informational-analytical and with an overall score of 3,9 ranked 113th research policy in the field of counter- in the list of 137 countries. The states action organized crime. of South, Latin America and Africa are 5. Strengthening the international next to our country in the ranking. Sal- legal framework for the fight against

209 organized crime should be through the 2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine unification of the norms of the national (2014), The Law of Ukraine “About legislation of the states in this area. the National Anti-Corruption Bureau We also offer the main directions of of Ukraine”, available at: http://za- involving non-governmental organi- 3. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2015), zations in the implementation of mea- The Law of Ukraine “On Preventing of sures to prevent corruption and to fight Corruption”, available at: http://za- against organized crime: • analysis of the situation and re- 4. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), commendations to the authorities and The Law of Ukraine “On Amendments civil society organizations; to the Criminal and Criminal Proce- • creation of new institutions: cen- dural Codes of Ukraine Regarding the tres of civic education, centres of public Inevitability of Punishment for Cer- policy; tain Crimes Against the Fundamen- • construction of anti-corruption tals of National Security, Public Secu- rity and Corruption Crimes”, available networks; at: • control over access to information; show/1689-18 • support for independent media; 5. The President of Ukraine (2015), The • impact on power to ensure its order of Ukraine “About the National transparency (first of all, transparent Anti-Corruption Policy Council”, budget, transparent electoral process, available at: transparent procedures); ua/laws/show/808/2014 • public participation in the process 6. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2015), of preparing, adopting and control- The Law of Ukraine “About the pros- ling the execution of power decisions ecutor’s office”, available at: http://za- through public councils, public exper- 7. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), tise; The Law of Ukraine “On Amendments • introduction of codes of corporate to the Criminal and Criminal Proce- ethics for businessmen and authorities; dural Codes of Ukraine Regarding the • public legislative expertise and Inevitability of Punishment for Cer- legislation monitoring; tain Crimes Against the Fundamen- • legal assistance and protection; tals of National Security, Public Secu- • implementation of the institution rity and Corruption Crimes”, available of the regional ombudsman. at: show/1689-18 8. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2015), References The Law of Ukraine “On Preventing of Corruption”, available at: http://za- 1. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), The Law of Ukraine “On the 9. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2015), Principles of State Anti-Corruption The Law of Ukraine “About the in- Policy in Ukraine (Anticorruption troduction of the law to the active Strategy) for 2014–2017”, available legislative acts of Ukraine. Schodo at: zabezpechennya diyalostі National show/1699-18 Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine

210 National Agency of the Power of Con- Список використаних servation of Corruption”, available джерел at: show/198-19 1. Закон України “Про засади держав- 10. Konnov O. I. (2006), Osnovy borot- ної антикорупційної політики в by z orhanizovanoiu zlochynnistiu: Україні (Антикорупційна стратегія) monohrafiia [Fundamentals of Com- на 2014–2017 роки” [Електронний bating Organized Crime: A Mono- ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// graph], Moskow, Russia. 18 11. Kovalenko O. I., Filonov V. P. (1995), 2. Закон України “Про Національ- Kurs lektsii z kryminolohii ta profilak- не антикорупційне бюро України” tyky zlochynnosti [Course of lectures [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим on criminology and crime prevention], доступу: Donetsk, Ukraine. laws/show/1698-18 12. Sukharenko A. N. (2007), “Countering 3. Закон України “Про запобігання ко- Transnational Organized Crime: State рупції” [Електронний ресурс]. — Ре- and Problems”, Mizhnarodne publi- жим доступу: chne i pryvatne pravo, vol. 2, p. 37–38. ua/laws/show/1700-18 13. Lohinov Y. (2008), “Fighting Orga- 4. Закон України “Про внесення змін nized Crime: An International Aspect”, до деяких законодавчих актів Укра- Zakonnist, vol. 7, р. 36–39. їни щодо визначення кінцевих ви- Nihmatullin R.V. (2007), “Interna- годоодержувачів юридичних осіб tional cooperation of states in the та публічних діячів” [Електронний fight against organized crime: history ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// and modern times”, Mizhnarodni ta natsionalni problemy borotby z orha- 18 nizovanoiu zlochynnistiu: materialy 5. Указ Президента України “Про mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. [Interna- Національну раду з питань анти- tional and national problems of the корупційної політики” [Електро- fight against organized crime: interna- нний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: tional materials. science-practice conf], Kharkiv, Ukraine, p. 78–88. show/808/2014 14. The GPU “Іn Ukraine, the indicators 6. Закон України “Про прокуратуру” of organized crime almost doubled”, [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим available at: доступу: ua/gpu_v_ukraine_pokazateli_org- laws/show/1697 prestupnosti_virosli_pochti_vdvoe/ 7. Закон України “Про внесення змін 15. Global-competitiveness-in- до Кримінального та Кримінально- dex-2017-2018 [Online]: http:// го процесуального кодексів Украї- ни щодо невідворотності покаран- titiveness-index-2017-2018/competi- ня за окремі злочини проти основ tiveness національної безпеки, громадської 16. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1993), безпеки та корупційні злочини” The Law of Ukraine “On the Organiza- [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим tional and Legal Foundations of Com- доступу: bating Organized Crime”, available laws/show/1689-18 at: 8. Закон України “Про запобігання та show/3341-12 протидію легалізації (відмиванню)

211 доходів, одержаних злочинним шля- пект // Законність, 2008. — № 7. — хом, фінансуванню тероризму та фі- С. 36–39. нансуванню розповсюдження зброї 14. Нігматуллін Р. В. Міжнародне спів- масового знищення” [Електронний робітництво держав у боротьбі з ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// організованою злочинністю: історія і сучасність // Міжнародні та націо- 9. Закон України “Про внесення змін нальні проблеми боротьби з орга- до деяких законодавчих актів Укра- нізованою злочинністю: матеріали їни щодо забезпечення діяльності міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 12–13 Національного антикорупційного квітня 2007 р .: Ч. 1 / за заг. ред. бюро України та Національного Ф. Б. Мухаметшин. — Х., 2007. — агентства з питань запобігання ко- С. 78–88. рупції” [Електронний ресурс]. — Ре- 15. ГПУ: в Украине показатели оргпре- жим доступу: ступности выросли почти вдвое ua/laws/show/198-19 [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим 10. Основы борьбы с организованной доступа: преступностью: монография / ua/gpu_v_ukraine_pokazateli_ О. И. Коннов [и др.]; под ред. orgprestupnosti_virosli_pochti_ В. С. Овчинской, В. Е. Еминова, vdvoe/ Н. П. Яблокова. — М., 2006. — 400 с. 16. Global-competitiveness-in- 11. Коваленко О. І., Філонов В. П. Курс dex-2017-2018 [Електронний лекцій з кримінології та профі- ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http:// лактики злочинності. — Донецьк, 1995. — 592 с. itiveness-index-2017-2018/competi- 12. Сухаренко А. Н. Протидія трансна- tiveness ціональної організованої злочинно- 17. Закон України “Про організа- сті: стан і проблеми // Міжнародне ційно-правові основи боротьби публічне і приватне право, 2007. — з організованою злочинністю” № 2. — С. 37–38. [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим 13. Логінов Є. Боротьба з організова- доступу: ною злочинністю: міжнародний ас- laws/show/3341-12

212 UDC: 327.5(477) Romanenko Yevhen Оleksandrovych, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Pre­ sident of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doc- tors of Science in public administration, Vice-Rector of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometіvska, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543 Романенко Євген Олександрович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, заслужений юрист України, президент Всеукраїнської асамблеї док- торів наук з державного управління, проректор Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543 Романенко Евгений Александрович, доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, заслуженный юрист Украины, президент Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, Проректор Межрегиональной Академии управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-213-224


Abstract. The article notes that the Russian occupation of the Crimea, the de- stabilization of eastern Ukraine and the provocations that Russia arranges in the airspace of the EU member states, undermined the security system established af- ter the Cold War. There is a threat of military attack and occupation of Europe. At the same time, armed smugglers are transporting a large number of illegal migrants across the Mediterranean Sea and jihadists are constantly committing new terror- ist attacks. It is proved that in Europe only the Ukrainian army has experience in conducting military operations with Russian troops, so it may be useful for a new defense association. Therefore, the political and military leadership of the country would benefit from proposing a military partnership for defense cooperation with EU member states to the Permanent Structured Cooperation on Security and De- fense (PESCO), as Georgia has already done.

213 It has been characterized that, unlike the previous framework law, which was mainly declarative and consisted of only 12 articles, the adopted Law “On Nation- al Security of Ukraine” provides for a more precise regulation of the actions of the Ukrainian state to counter external and internal aggression. Determined exhaus- tive list and competence of state authorities and military formations responsible for this. These bodies form the security and defense sector. In addition, the law was conceived as a framework, therefore, to realize the full potential of the law, work on other bills is required that will clarify and develop the ideas of the law on national security. To do this, you must adopt or amend the six laws. This is a new law on the SBU, the law on the creation of a committee of the Verkhovna Rada to control the SBU and intelligence agencies, the law on intel- ligence activities, the law on transparency of procurement in the field of security and defense, and amendments to the law on state secrets. Keywords: national security, state administration, President of Ukraine, Se- curity Service of Ukraine, Permanent structured cooperation on security and de- fense issues. КРОК НАЗУСТРІЧ НАТО Анотація. Зазначено, що російська окупація Криму, дестабілізація схід- ної України і провокації, які Росія влаштовує в повітряному просторі країн – учасниць ЄС, підірвали систему безпеки, встановлену після Холодної війни. Існує загроза військової атаки і окупації території Європи. Водночас озбро- єні контрабандисти переправляють велику кількість нелегальних мігрантів через Середземне море і джихадисти постійно здійснюють нові теракти. До- ведено, що в Європі лише українська армія має досвід ведення бойових дій з російськими військами, тому вона може бути корисною для нового оборон- ного об’єднання. Тож політичне та військове керівництво країни отримало б користь запропонувавши Постійному структурованому співробітництву з питань безпеки та оборони (PESCO) військове партнерство для співпраці у сфері оборони з країнами – членами ЄС, як це вже зробила Грузія. Схарактеризовано, що на відміну від попереднього рамкового закону, який носив переважно декларативний характер і складався лише з 12 ста- тей, ухвалений Закон України “Про національну безпеку України” забезпе- чує більш чітке регулювання дій Української держави з протидії зовнішній і внутрішній агресії. Визначено вичерпний перелік та компетенцію держав- них органів та військових формувань, які за це відповідальні. Ці органи фор- мують сектор безпеки і оборони. Крім того, закон замислювався як рамковий, тому для реалізації всього потенціалу закону потрібна робота над іншими законопроектами, які будуть уточнювати і розвивати ідеї закону про нацбезпеки. Для цього необхідно при- йняти або внести зміни в шість законів. Йдеться про нові закони: про СБУ; про створення комітету ВРУ для контролю над СБУ і органами розвідки; про розвідувальну діяльність; про прозорість закупівель в сфері безпеки і оборо- ни; і внесення змін до закону про державну таємницю.

214 Ключові слова: національна безпека, державне управління, Президент України, Служба Безпеки України, Постійне структуроване співробітни- цтво з питань безпеки та оборони. ШАГ НАВСТРЕЧУ НАТО Аннотация. Отмечено, что российская оккупация Крыма, дестабилизация восточной Украины и провокации, которые Россия устраивает в воздушном пространстве стран – участниц ЕС, взорвали систему безопасности, уста- новленную после Холодной войны. Существует угроза военной атаки и ок- купации территории Европы. В то же время вооруженные контрабандисты переправляют большое количество нелегальных мигрантов через Средизем- ное море и джихадисты постоянно совершают новые теракты. Доказано, что в Европе только украинская армия имеет опыт ведения боевых действий с российскими войсками, поэтому она может быть полезной для нового обо- ронного объединения. Поэтому политическое и военное руководство страны получило бы пользу предложив Постоянному структурированном сотрудни- честву по вопросам безопасности и обороны (PESCO) военное партнерство для сотрудничества в сфере обороны со странами – членами ЕС, как это уже сделала Грузия. Охарактеризованы, что в отличие от предыдущего рамочного закона, ко- торый носил преимущественно декларативный характер и состоял всего из 12 статей, принят Закон Украины “О национальной безопасности Украины” обеспечивает более четкое регулирование действий Украинского государст- ва по противодействию внешней и внутренней агрессии. Определен исчер- пывающий перечень и компетенцию государственных органов и воинских формирований, которые за это ответственны. Эти органы формируют сектор безопасности и обороны. Кроме того, закон задумывался как рамочный, поэтому для реализации всего потенциала закона нужна работа над другими законопроектами, кото- рые будут уточнять и развивать идеи закона о нацбезопасности. Для этого не- обходимо принять или внести изменения в шесть законов. Речь идет о новых законах: о СБУ; о создании комитета ВРУ для контроля над СБУ и органами разведки; о разведывательной деятельности; о прозрачности закупок в сфере безопасности и обороны; и внесение изменений в закон о государственной тайне. Ключевые слова: национальная безопасность, государственное управ- ление, Президент Украины, Служба безопасности Украины, Постоянное структурированное сотрудничество по вопросам безопасности и обороны.

Thesis statement. The war in eas- led the state authorities to reform the tern Ukraine and the occupation of part defence sector. Without an updated of its territory, which began in 2014, legislative framework, it is impossible.

215 It is quite logical and natural that the president, “European and Euro-Atlan- law on national security, written during tic integration clearly correspond to a real war and with the help of foreign the national interests of Ukraine”, and advisers, will be different from the laws they are supported by the majority of on the same security and defence of the Ukrainian citizens [1]. country in the early 2000s (although Analysis of recent research. In re- the old ones were simply rewritten from cent periodical and scientific literature, the previous laws of 90s). a large number of publications appeared On April 5, 2018, the Verkhovna on Ukraine’s accession to NATO. We Rada adopted in the first reading the have previously provided a thorough presidential bill № 8068 “On National analysis of the - Security of Ukraine”. On June 19, the NATO relations and the reform of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of in accordance Ukraine on National Security and De- with NATO standards [2, 3]. In the fence recommended the parliament to periodicals, the interesting results of adopt the bill as a whole. A total of 427 the population survey concerning the amendments were submitted to the bill, accession to NATO are presented [4]. 311 of which the committee rejected. But until now there is no professional On June 21, the Verkhovna Rada analysis of the new law “On National adopted the Law “On National Secu- Security of Ukraine” on the restructur- rity of Ukraine” (№ 8068), 248 depu- ing of the Ukrainian army and novel- ties voted for this decision. The law ties that bring Ukraine closer to NATO defines the principles of state policy in standards. the areas of national security and de- The objective of the study is to fence. Among the fundamental national give a brief description of the new interests of Ukraine are the following: Permanent Structured Cooperation Ukraine’s integration into the Euro- (PESCO) program in the field of de- pean political, economic, security legal fence of the EU member states and the space; acquiring membership in the Eu- possibilities of Ukraine’s military part- ropean Union and in the North Atlantic nership for defence cooperation with Treaty Organization; the development the EU member states; to characterize of equal, mutually beneficial relations the competitiveness of the Ukrainian with other states. According to its cre- Armed Forces in Europe and in the ators, the document introduces novel- world; to give a brief analysis of the new ties that bring Ukraine closer to NATO law “On National Security of Ukraine” standards. which opens new opportunities for During a speech on the occasion of closer cooperation with NATO. the Constitution Day (June 28, 2018), Results. Bloody conflicts on the the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko border with the EU made the security said that in the near future he would problem a weakness in the European in- initiate amendments to the Ukrainian tegration project. According to experts, Constitution, which should consolidate the reason for such a situation is the Ukraine’s aspirations for membership reduction of EU spending on the army. in the EU and NATO. According to the In addition, there is no unity and trust

216 between the participating countries, Ukraine have not only reborn, but have they assess the risks differently. All this become one of the most effective armies creates obstacles in building a single se- in Europe [5]. curity strategy. The rating of Global Firepоwer has Therefore, the EU decided to take published the latest results of its re- resolute, specific steps and improve search, according to which in 2018 the the military cooperation apparatus by military forces of Ukraine took 29th establishing by 2025 a full-fledged de- place among the strongest armies of the fence alliance that will exist in parallel world, rising one position in compari- with NATO. Of course, one of the rea- son with the last year. The GFP rating sons for the creation of the EU defence is considered one of the most famous initiative was the unpredictable secu- in the world. It is comprised of specia- rity policy of the new US president, the lists from the oldest British St. Andrew fear that the United States would aban- University (St. Andrews University), don its commitments to NATO, and the founded in the early 1410s in Scotland desire for greater EU autonomy in Eu- to study information on the armed for- ropean security matters. ces of different countries. In early December 2017, the EU This year, experts analysed the Council decided to launch the Perma- armies of 136 states, using for this nent Structured Cooperation program more than 50 factors reflecting the de- (PESCO) — permanent structured co- velopment of economy, industry, the operation of the EU member states in availability of labour force, natural re- the Defence Field. The program will sources, diversity of armed forces. Nu- allow jointly to withstand military clear-weapon states or NATO members threats from Russia and to strengthen received bonus scores. the defence capability of the Europe- In the past few years, the United an Union. In general, 25 of the 28 EU States, Russia and China made the top members joined the new defence alli- three leaders. India is ranked fourth. ance. With regard to Ukraine, our neighbours Today, PESCO employs 17 projects in the rating are the Czech Republic on military training and combat capa- (30th) and Greece (28th). According to bilities development, crisis response, GFP, 182,000 people are serving in the troop-contributing, maritime security Ukrainian army (the Defence Minis- and response to cyber-threats. The offi- try announced about 250,000), and the cial list of cooperation types, which in- Ukrainian defence budget was almost cludes 50 security and defence projects. 4,9 USD. However, as you know, the In addition, the member states of the defence budget of Ukraine includes new EU defence initiative undertook a expenditures on the maintenance of all number of commitments, one of which security forces, and not just the armed is an increase in defence budgets. US forces. President Donald Trump also insisted In previous years, Ukraine has taken that NATO nations increase their de- higher positions in GFP. For example, fence spending to 2 % of GDP. Over in 2014 we were in the 21st place, and in the past four years, the armed forces of 2015 — in the 25th place. The reason for

217 this was the sharp decrease in the num- Council of January 17, 2017 on the ber of tanks and aircraft. So in 2014, introduction of the Law “On National according to GFP, we had 4112 tanks Security of Ukraine” to the Verkhovna and 400 military aircraft, and in 2015 — Rada [8]. The bill was developed in already 2809 and 222 respectively. Such close cooperation with experts from a decrease can be explained by active NATO, the United States and the Eu- military actions in the Donbass. How- ropean Union in order to harmonize ever, higher positions in comparison the Ukrainian legislative framework with 2018 do not mean that the Ukrai- with the standards of the North At- nian army was better four years ago. lantic Alliance. The bill sets itself the But with the help of such ratings it task of Ukraine’s membership in both is impossible to objectively assess the the European Union and the North At- true capabilities of the military forces. lantic Treaty, which should be an un- The true assessment can only be a com- conditional guarantee of the security, bat experience. And in this respect, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of AFU is the only European army that the state. A few days before the adop- has experience of confrontation with tion of the law, June 15, 2018, the ad- one of the strongest armies in the world visers of the International Advisory [6]. Group of NATO countries met with According to the authoritative “Rat- representatives of the Verkhovna Rada ing of Military Power” according to the of Ukraine. At this meeting, the West- version of Global Firepower, today the ern partners pointed to amendments armed forces of Ukraine are the 8th that need to be put into the bill by June largest army in Europe. The first place 22. Among these key requirements are in the ranking of the strongest armies of the transparency of financing of the Europe is still held by France, the army defence sector, the division of powers of the United Kingdom occupies the between the Chief of the General Staff second position. and the Commander-in-Chief of the The index is determined on the ba- Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). All sis of 55 factors, including quantita- these key requirements were support- tive and qualitative indicators of the ed by voting in the Verkhovna Rada. personal component and army, level of On June 21, the Verkhovna Rada financing, military reserve, population, adopted the Law “On National Secu- logistics, geographical position of the rity of Ukraine” (№ 8068) [9]. country and even the availability of Unlike the previous framework law, natural resources. However, the main which was mainly declarative and con- criterion for this authoritative rating sisted of only 12 articles, the adopted is the human factor. Thus, according Law “On National Security of Ukraine” to Global Firepower, today 44 million provides for a more precise regulation people live in Ukraine [7]. of the actions of the Ukrainian State By Decree № 21 of February 2, to counter external and internal ag- 2018, the President of Ukraine Petro gression. An exhaustive list and compe- Poroshenko approved the decision of tence of state authorities and military the National Security and Defence formations responsible for this are de-

218 termined. These bodies form the secu- sociations that voluntarily participate rity and defence sector. in ensuring national security. Functions The law contains five sections. Sec- and powers of the components of the tion I defines the terms used in the Law. security and defence sector are deter- Section II establishes legal princi- mined by the . ples of state policy in the field of nation- Section V regulates planning in the al security and defence, fundamental field of national security and defence, national interests of Ukraine, including defines the basic documents of long- ensuring state sovereignty and territo- term planning, in particular the Na- rial integrity, integration of Ukraine tional Security Strategy of Ukraine, into the European political, economic, the Strategy of Military Security of legal space, membership in the Euro- Ukraine, the Strategy of Public Safety pean Union and in the North Atlantic and Civil Protection of Ukraine, the Treaty Organization. Strategy of Development of the De- The threats to the national security fence Industry of Ukraine, the Stra- of Ukraine and the relevant priorities of tegy of Cybersecurity of Ukraine, the the state policy in the fields of national National Intelligence Program, as well security and defence are defined in the as the procedure for their formation National Security Strategy of Ukraine, and implementation in the documents the Strategy of military security of of the medium and short-term plan- Ukraine, the Strategy of cybersecurity ning. of Ukraine, other documents on na- The rules of law, prepared in close tional security and defence, which are cooperation with experts from NATO approved by the National Security and and the EU, determine not only the Defence Council of Ukraine and are ap- rights but also the specific responsibili- proved by Decrees of the President of ties of the highest state bodies in the Ukraine. field of national security management. Section III defines the principles and In particular, the terms and procedure mechanisms of civil democratic control, for the preparation of strategic docu- powers to exercise such control of le- ments, according to which the army, gislative, executive and judicial power, the police and special services should local self-government bodies and civil develop, shall be established. There are society. clear requirements for their content. Section IV defines the composition The public will be able to control how of the security and defence sector and the declared intentions of the authori- the legal status of the main bodies that ties have been implemented. are part of it, as well as management The new law stipulates that the ex- and coordination in the field of national penditures for financing the security security. and defence sector of Ukraine should According to the Law, the security amount to at least 5 percent of GDP, and defence sector of Ukraine consists with at least 3 percent to finance the of four interconnected components: se- defence forces. curity forces; defence forces; defence in- The new law provides for the trans- dustrial complex; citizens and public as- fer of great power into the hands of the

219 president in a martial law. Also, the law manders to respond in a timely manner sets out a new system for ensuring the to changes in the situation, changing it national security and authority of each to the NATO model. of its subjects. As the law says, the divi- In accordance with the law, the con- sion of the security forces and defence cept of a civilian defence minister is in- forces in Ukraine for the first time is troduced for the first time in Ukraine introduced. Security forces are mainly (Article 15). His duty is the military- law enforcement agencies, as well as political and administrative leadership intelligence, whose purpose is to pro- of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Civi- tect the national security of Ukraine. lians should also be deputy defence This is the Ministry of Internal ministers. Thus, the leaders of the min- Affairs and the SSU. Defence forces istry will be responsible only for re- are the Armed Forces of Ukraine, source management, military personnel the main task of which is the defence policy and comprehensive meeting the of the state from external threats needs of the Armed Forces. (Article 1). In this case, the military leadership The leadership in the field of natio- of the Pan-Ukrainian Armed Forces is nal security is carried out by the presi- the duty of the Commander-in-Chief dent, who is the supreme commander- (Article 16), which is appointed by in-chief. He submits to the Verkhovna the President of Ukraine at the re- Rada a statement on the declaration quest of the Minister of Defence. The of war and decides on the use of armed Commander-in-Chief leads the troops forces in the event of military aggres- through the Staff, commander of which sion against Ukraine. subordinates him. In addition, the President announ- Before that, all the responsibilities ces the full or partial mobilization, for the preparation of the Ukrainian agrees upon a decision on the intro- Armed Forces and their application duction of a martial law in Ukraine or were combined with one person - it was in some of its areas in the event of a the Chief of the General Staff (herein- threat of attack, a danger to state inde- after — GS). Today, General of Ukraine pendence. In particular, it clarifies the Viktor Muzhenko, the General Staff powers of the President regarding the and the command of the branches strategic control of the National Guards of the troops are responsible for pre- through the General Staff of the AFU paring units of the Armed Forces, as during the martial law. well as for planning and conducting Given the ongoing hostilities in military operations. eastern Ukraine and the threat of ex- The new law on national security panding aggression of Russia, it is dif- should facilitate the duties of the Chief ficult to overestimate the importance of the General Staff. It stipulates that of introducing NATO standards into the chief of the GS and the comman- the military command structure. The ders of the branches of the forces will rules of the law replace inherited from be responsible only for the preparation the USSR overly centralized command of the units of the Armed Forces on the line, which did not allow local com- basis of the resources and personnel for

220 which the Ministry of Defence is re- information can put the country under sponsible. attack. The commander-in-chief, to whom The state secret will be only infor- Joint Force Commander and Chief of mation with the corresponding stamp. the Joint Operational Staff will be ac- At the same time, the information countable, will be responsible for plan- marked “for official use” and “for in- ning and conducting operations based ternal use” will become accessible to on prepared units of the AFU to be citizens and journalists. Thus, citizens transferred to his command. of Ukraine will have the opportunity The responsibility for the training to control the security and defence sec- of troops is assigned to the Comman- tor on the basis of the mechanisms and ders of the branches of the troops practices that are in the NATO coun- (Land, Air Force, and Navy), as well as tries. But without amending the Law to the equal by the status Commander on State Secrets (which is not provided of the Air Assault Force and the Com- for in the Final and Transitional Pro- mander of the Special Operations For- visions of the Law), although the new ces. Their powers regarding the choice version broadens citizens’ access to of military equipment and armaments defence information, it does not solve for subordinate commanders of troops, the problem. ways of their training will increase. In addition, the law also introduces Such a structure fully meets the the notion of civilian control over the requirements of NATO and should security and defenсe sector. It gives improve the management of troops in the Verkhovna Rada a large range of Ukraine. If everything goes well, then security and defenсe sector control after 5 years Ukraine can apply for NA- instruments. A separate committee of TO membership. the Verkhovna Rada, which will be in The second key requirement of the charge of the SSU and intelligence, will Allies of Ukraine is the transparency of be created. The composition and func- the Ministry of Defence’s finances. The tions of this Verkhovna Rada Commit- law first introduces the concept of civi- tee will be more detailed in a special law lian control over the country’s defence to be adopted in the next six months budget. According to the law, citizens after the entry into force of the law on can control finances both personally national security. through the Commissioner for Human Also, the Verkhovna Rada rejected Rights and through public associations the suggestion to consolidate in a new (Article 10). basic law the creation of a special de- The law achieved the maximum fence and industrial complex (DIC) transparency of the defence budget, responsible for the formation and main- which will be limited only by the Law tenance of state defence and industrial “On State Secrets”. In our country, the policy in the system of central executive defence budget is 160 billion UAH. power. Nowadays, in accordance with Of these, only one tenth part, about the current law of Ukraine, the state- 16 billion, will be classified. This is a owned enterprise “”, state defence order, disclosure of this created in 2010, provides management

221 of state-owned items in the defence The head of the SSU is appointed industry. At the same time under the and dismissed from office by the Verk- current conditions, according to the hovna Rada at the request of the Presi- military department, the private sec- dent of Ukraine. It was established that tor of the defence industry, which now the SSU is a state body of special pur- has more than 100 defence companies, pose with law enforcement functions, provides about 50 percent of the state which ensures the state security of defence order. Ukraine. There were a lot of comments A separate place in the security sec- from the deputies and public associa- tor belongs to the National Guard. In tions about the powers of the SSU. The accordance with the law, the National parliamentarians of certain fractions Guard is a military formation with law demanded that this service be deprived enforcement functions (Article 18). of its not inherent functions in the Among these functions are the provi- sphere of economy and the fight against sion of state security and protection of corruption, since, in their words, these the state border of Ukraine, the cessa- powers already exist in the newly es- tion of terrorist activities, the activities tablished law enforcement agencies of illegal militarized or armed groups, (NABU, SAP, SIB), and the Security organized crime groups and organiza- Service now uses them for their own tions. selfish purposes. But the Verkhovna In peacetime, the National Guard Rada did not support these changes. together with the police and the SSU is According to the law, the Office of part of the security forces, and in war- the State Protection of Ukraine is sub- time it passes from the Security Forces ordinated to the president and under to the Defence Forces by a decree of the the parliament control. The head of the President. During the war, the strate- OSP is appointed and dismissed from gic leadership of the National Guard is office by the president. [10] exercised by the President of Ukraine Conclusion and prospects for fur- through the General Staff of the Armed ther research. The adopted law will Forces of Ukraine. Such a revision of the allow the President of Ukraine more ef- rule of law was voiced at the meeting of fectively represent the interests of our deputies and international partners. state on the Brussels Summit of NATO The Security Service of Ukraine is on July 11–13, 2018. Now it is possible envisioned to provide state security: to ask questions not only about expand- countering intelligence and subversion ing cooperation, but also about a new activities against Ukraine; the fight format of cooperation such as the En- against terrorism; counter-intelligence hanced Opportunities Partnership. protection of state sovereignty, consti- NATO’s Brussels Summit has ac- tutional order and territorial integrity, cepted declarative but rather impor- defence and scientific and technical po- tant decisions for Ukraine. They did tential, cybersecurity, economic and in- not invite Ukraine to the Enforcement formation security of the state, objects Partnership — France and the Nether- of critical infrastructure; protection of lands opposed such a step, considering state secrets. it premature.

222 However, NATO countries recog- to NATO]. Publichne uriaduvannia — nized the Ukrainian aspiration to be- Public Administration, 1, 171–179 [in come a member of the bloc, and also re- Ukrainian]. affirmed the decision of the Bucharest 3. Romanenko Ye. O. (2016). Reformu- summit decades ago on the open door vannia Zbroinykh syl Ukrainy za standartamy NATO [Reforming the of the Alliance. Despite the fact that it Armed Forces of Ukraine according to is not about any official status (which NATO Standards]. Publichne uriadu- gives a plan of action for membership in vannia — Public Administration, 3 (4), NATO), this decision is also important. 142–150 [in Ukrainian]. In any case, for the last 4 years, the Al- 4. Opytuvannia: za vstup do YeS ponad liance has been consistently, albeit not polovyna ukraintsiv [Survey: More rapidly, rapprochement with Ukraine. than half of are for join- And the prospect of such a rapproche- ing the EU]. (September 24, 2015). ment can be seen on the example of Retrieved from htt- Georgia. The Alliance declared that the ps:// politics/2015/09/150924_dif_rus- Georgians are moving towards NATO sia_nato_donbas_rating_sx [in membership and will also receive an ac- Ukrainian]. tion plan for membership in NATO. 5. Marutian R. (January 13, 2018). With this, the new law can not be PESCO — Novyi Yevropeiskyi Obo- accepted as the end of the process of ronnyi Soiuz: Mozhlyvosti dlia Ukrainy reforming the security and defence sec- [PESCO — new European defense tor. Many of its key parts will enter into union: opportunities for Ukraine]. force only in 2019 and 2021. For ex- Retrieved from ample, a civilian defence minister will appear in Ukraine next year, and the pesco-novyj-yevropejskyj-oboronnyj- soyuz-mozhlyvosti-dlya-ukrayiny/ [in division of powers in the General Staff Ukrainian]. is postponed until 2021. But one way 6. Popovych, D. (April 19, 2018). Sylnee or another, the law on national secu- samykh sebia: pochemu VSU pod- rity gives a start and a basis for further nialys v reitynhe sylneishykh armyi work. This is definitely a big step in the myra [Stronger than ourselves: why right direction, which makes us closer did the Armed Forces of Ukraine rise to NATO. in the ranking of the strongest ar- mies in the world]. References Retrieved from https://ru.slovoidilo. ua/2018/04/19/kolonka/denis-po- 1. V Den Konstytutsii prezydent naha- povich/bezopasnost/silnee-samix- dav pro namiry vnesty popravku pro sebya-pochemu-vsu-podnyalis-re- YeS i NATO [On Constitution Day, jtinge-silnejshix-armij-mira [in Rus- the president recalled his intention to sian]. amend the EU and NATO]. (June 28, 7. Ukraina podnyalas v reytinge luch- 2018). Retrieved from shikh armiy mira [Ukraine rose in the ranking of the best armies in the news-44640248 [in Ukrainian]. world]. (April 18, 2018). www.unian. 2. Romanenko Ye. O. (2016). Ukraina — net. Retrieved from https://www. shliakh do NATO [Ukraine — The Way

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224 UDC 351.83 Diegtiar Andrii Olegovich, Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Honored Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine Head of Department of management and administration of Kharkiv state acade- my of culture, 61057, Kharkiv, Bursaczky’j spusk, 4, tel.: +38 (095) 572 20 91, E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3258-447X Дєгтяр Андрій Олегович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, Заслужений діяч науки і тех- ніки України, Завідувач кафедри менедж- менту і адміністрування Харківської дер- жавної академії культури, 61057, Харків, Бурсацький узвіз, 4, тел.: +38 (095) 572 20 91, E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3258-447X Дегтярь Андрей Олегович, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, профессор, Заслуженный деятель науки и техники Украины, Заведующий ка- федры менеджмента и администрирова- ния Харьковской государственной акаде- мии культуры, 61057, Харьков, Бурсацкий спуск, 4, тел.: +38 (095) 572 20 91, E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3258-447X Serohina-Berestovska Oksana Victorivna, Applicant for a degree of Department of Political Science and Philosophy of Kharkiv regional institute of Public Administration of National academy for Public administra- tion under the President of Ukraine, 61057, Kharkiv, Bursaczky’j spusk, 4, tel.: +38 (095) 572 20 91, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1150-8921 Серьогіна-Берестовська Оксана Вікторівна, здобувач кафедри політології та філосо- фії Харківського регіонального інститу- ту державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Прези- дентові України, 61057, Харків, Бурсацький узвіз, 4, тел.: +38 (095) 572 20 91, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1150-8921

225 Серегина-Берестовская Оксана Викторовна, соискатель кафедры политологии и философии Харьковского регионального институ- та государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 61057, Харьков, Бурсацкий спуск, 4, тел.: +38 (095) 572 20 91, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1150-8921 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-225-235

THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE REGION Abstract. The article summarizes the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of social infrastructure in the region, identifies the main stages of its development, types and characteristics of the system, which together form the basis for further methodological research and determine the importance of social infrastructure for the socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine. Trends in the development of social infrastructure intensified until the mid- dle of the XX century, as a consequence of the formation of a market economy. Within the framework of the scientific and technical revolution, there was a need, firstly, to increase the quality parameters of the personnel at the expense of in- telligence, promotion of healthy lifestyles, deformation of the motives of work, which involved the formation of various sectors of social infrastructure; secondly, in the areas of social infrastructure, a new material and technical base was cre- ated, which provided high efficiency of its functioning; third, the development of material production sectors was accompanied by a significant reduction in social disparities. Creation, development and support of infrastructure, including social, in Ukraine, as well as in the world — the task of the state. Effective functioning and development of the social infrastructure of the regions is possible only with comprehensive and integrated state support. In the article it is found out that the main tasks of management of processes of creation of social infrastructure in Ukraine in modern conditions are: to correspond to dynamics of changes in economic system and in due time to react to new factors of influence; to carry out the analysis of theoretical laws of formation of social infrastructure; to assess the state of national infrastructure in General and social infrastructure in particular and what has happened in Ukraine in recent years, reducing the factors of infra- structure growth; to show the role of social infrastructure as a fundamental basis in the construction of a modern city; to find ways to create a social infrastructure adequate to the transformations that occur within the country; to identify pat- terns that affect the change of existing standards of formation and modernization of social infrastructure.

226 Keywords: state, management, infrastructure, social infrastructure, manage- ment of social infrastructure, objects of social infrastructure, tasks of manage- ment of processes of creation of social infrastructure. ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ АСПЕКТИ УПРАВЛІННЯ РОЗВИТКОМ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ІНФРАСТРУКТУРИ РЕГІОНУ Анотація. Узагальнено теоретичні та методологічні аспекти розвитку со- ціальної інфраструктури регіону, виявлені основні етапи її розвитку, типи і характеристики системи, які разом утворюють основу для подальших мето- дологічних досліджень і визначають значущість соціальної інфраструктури для соціально-економічного розвитку регіонів України. Тенденції розвитку соціальної інфраструктури активізувалися до сере- дини XX ст., як наслідок формування ринкової економіки. У рамках науко- во-технічної революції виникла потреба, по-перше, збільшення якісних пара- метрів кадрового складу за рахунок інтелекту, пропаганди здорового способу життя, деформації мотивів праці, що передбачало формування різних галузей соціальної інфраструктури; по-друге, у сферах соціальної інфраструктури бу- ла створена нова матеріально-технічна база, яка забезпечувала високу ефек- тивність її функціонування; по-третє, розвиток галузей матеріального вироб- ництва супроводжувався значним скороченням соціальних диспропорцій. Створення, розвиток і підтримка інфраструктури, у тому числі і соціальної, в Україні, як і в усьому світі — завдання держави. Ефективне функціонуван- ня і розвиток соціальної інфраструктури регіонів можливий тільки за умови всебічної та комплексної державної підтримки. Обґрунтовано, що головними завданнями управління процесами створення соціальної інфраструктури в Україні в сучасних умовах є такі: відповідати динаміці змін у господарській системі і своєчасно реагувати на нові фактори впливу; здійснювати ана- ліз теоретичних закономірностей формування соціальної інфраструктури; оцінювати стан національної інфраструктури в цілому та соціальної інфра- структури, зокрема і те, що сталося в Україні за останній період зниження факторів зростання інфраструктури; показати роль соціальної інфраструкту- ри як фундаментальної основи в конструюванні сучасного міста; знайти шля- хи створення соціальної інфраструктури, адекватної перетворенням, що від- буваються всередині країни; виявити закономірності, які впливають на зміну існуючих стандартів формування та модернізації соціальної інфраструктури. Ключові слова: держава, управління, інфраструктура, соціальна інфра- структура, управління створенням соціальної інфраструктури, об'єкти соці- альної інфраструктури, задачі управління процесами створення соціальної інфраструктури. ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ РАЗВИТИЕМ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ИНФРАСТРУКТУРЫ РЕГИОНА Аннотация. Обобщены теоретические и методологические аспекты раз- вития социальной инфраструктуры региона, выявлены основные этапы ее

227 развития, типы и характеристики системы, которые вместе образуют основу для дальнейших методологических исследований и определяют значимость социальной инфраструктуры для социально-экономического развития ре- гионов Украины. Тенденции развития социальной инфраструктуры активизировались до середины XX в., как следствие формирования рыночной экономики. В рамках научно-технической революции возникла потребность, во-первых, увеличение качественных параметров кадрового состава за счет интеллекта, пропаганды здорового образа жизни, деформации мотивов труда, что пред- полагало формирование различных отраслей социальной инфраструктуры; во-вторых, в сферах социальной инфраструктуры была создана новая мате- риально-техническая база, которая обеспечивала высокую эффективность ее функционирования; в-третьих, развитие отраслей материального произ- водства сопровождалось значительным сокращением социальных диспро- порций. Создание, развитие и поддержка инфраструктуры, в том числе и соци- альной, в Украине, как и во всем мире — задача государства. Эффективное функционирование и развитие социальной инфраструктуры регионов воз- можен только при условии всесторонней и комплексной государственной поддержки. Обосновано, что главными задачами управления процессами создания социальной инфраструктуры в Украине в современных условиях являются такие: соответствовать динамике изменений в хозяйственной си- стеме и своевременно реагировать на новые факторы влияния; проводить анализ теоретических закономерностей формирования социальной инфра- структуры; оценивать состояние национальной инфраструктуры в целом и социальной инфраструктуры в частности и то, что произошло в Украине за последнее время снижение факторов роста инфраструктуры; показать роль социальной инфраструктуры как фундаментальной основы в конструирова- нии современного города; найти пути создания социальной инфраструкту- ры, адекватной преобразованиям, что происходят внутри страны; выявить закономерности, которые влияют на изменение существующих стандартов формирования и модернизации социальной инфраструктуры. Ключевые слова: государство, управление, инфраструктура, социальная инфраструктура, управление созданием социальной инфраструктуры, объ- екты социальной инфраструктуры, задачи управления процессами создания социальной инфраструктуры.

Problem statement. The processes study of the objective laws of social de- of globalization, characterized by the velopment to create new mechanisms transformation of the global economic to increase the quality of life of the trends of a socially oriented market population. Social infrastructure occu- economy, which requires in-depth pies one of the most important places

228 in the economy of any state, as well as until the middle of the XX century, as a in the economies of individual regions. consequence of the formation of a mar- Currently, sociologists, economists, po- ket economy. Within the framework of litical scientists around the world agree the scientific and technical revolution, that the health of the population, its there was a need, firstly, to increase the level of education and skills are among quality parameters of the personnel at the leading factors of economic growth. the expense of intelligence, promotion Investing today in the development of of healthy lifestyles, deformation of the social infrastructure, through which motives of work, which involved the the population receives the necessary formation of various sectors of social material and social benefits, a set of so- infrastructure; secondly, in the areas cial rights and guarantees, the state is of social infrastructure, a new material preparing the foundation for its socio- and technical base was created, which economic well-being in the future. provided high efficiency of its function- Analysis of recent research and ing; third, the development of material publications. Problems of management production sectors was accompanied by of development of social infrastructure a significant reduction in social dispari- of the region are covered in the works ties. of both foreign and domestic scientists. Scientific approaches to the defini- A significant contribution to the study tion of problems of life as a society as of the influence of the state on the so- a whole, and a single individual were cial and economic relations was made determined before this phenomenon by such scientists P. Bielienkyi [6], was framed in a separate category of M. Butko [2], A. Vsyliev [3], B. Dany- concepts. lyshyn [4], N. Ivanova [2], S. Kyrychen- The term “infrastructure” appeared ko [11], L. Kovalska [9], M. Komarov in science in the 40-ies of XX century, [10], V. Krasovskyi [8], S. Ishchuk [7], and in 50-ies of the twentieth century T. Kulinich [7], V. Krupin [7], [9], when scientists began using it to ex- S. Tkach [7], A. Tkach [12], etc. The plain economic processes. The concept ideas and provisions set out in the of “infrastructure” in the general con- works of these authors served as the text provides for sectoral management, basis for the further development of serving industrial and agricultural pro- social infrastructure. However, despite duction [3, p. 64]. numerous studies, they have a general As a result, the spread of this term scientific meaning and are characte- occurred both in the framework of rized by a more descriptive nature. economic teachings, and later in the Formulation of the aims of the ar- framework of the teachings of society. A ticle. The purpose of this article is to specific characteristic in the definition study the main theoretical aspects of of approaches to the interpretation of management of social infrastructure this concept was not only the material development in the region in Ukraine. and technical support, but also the as- Presentation of the main material sessment of quality parameters of life of of the study. Trends in the develop- the population in terms of meeting their ment of social infrastructure intensified needs. Thus, P. Rosenstein-Rodan con-

229 siders infrastructure as a systematized Let us dwell on the regional infra- environment conducive to the favor- structure, which is associated with all able development of the private sector kinds of social reproduction. In the in the sectoral structure of the economy, structure of this complex the processes the main purpose of which is to meet associated with material production, the needs of the population [12, р. 62]. and the diversity of spheres of human D. Galbraith put forward the view activity, including the social sphere are that the development of economic im- concentrated. Negative factors hinder- balance is in direct dependence on pub- ing the formation and development of lic consumption, as the entire resource regional infrastructure have a negative base is fully consumed in the produc- impact on the dynamics of the economy tion of consumer goods, and not leave of the region as a whole. enough resources to meet public needs Over time, the opinion on the ele- and infrastructure [2, p. 91]. ments of the regional infrastructure The interdependence of economic evolved from a complex of military interests and objective laws in the structures to the underlying national structuring of infrastructure elements, economy — public subsidiary of capi- primarily provide for the activities of tal, which is conducive to sustainable human labor. Further, the formation of industrial and socio-economic develop- infrastructure echoed with the increase ment of the territories [4, p. 75]. in the level of availability of consumer By form of ownership infrastructure conditions as a single individual (em- is divided into: state, municipal, private ployee) and his family. and mixed. As a subject of public infra- In Russian economic science at the structure the authorities and organiza- turn of 60–70-years of XX century, tions of the state and regional level act, the problems, including the formation the property of individuals and legal of environmental, industrial and social entities is a private infrastructure, a infrastructure have intensified, since at mixed one provides for public-private the beginning of the 80-ies of the twen- partnership. tieth century the term “market infra- Regional infrastructure in modern structure” comes in the practice that reality is represented by a multi-level defines the subsystem of the sphere of organizational and economic system, circulation [7, p. 57]. The specific vari- including: production, social, network, ability of infrastructure leads to the institutional and life support infra- conclusion that within the framework structure. of modernization there are new forms of L. Kovalska gives the following defi- structures that subsequently form new nition of social infrastructure as such, types of relevant infrastructure. which is a subsystem of the economy, Separating infrastructure subsys- which creates and implements social tems by the scale of formation, it should infrastructure benefits — general con- be noted that economic structures are ditions of operation of the society as a the constituent elements of each system subject of economic decision-making and act as systems themselves, as they throughout the economy and the ob- have the appropriate infrastructure. ject of formation of the endogenous

230 rules of decision-making (institutions), 2. To conduct the analysis of theo- that is represented by a set of organiza- retical regularities of formation of so- tions and facilities of housing, cultural- cial infrastructure. household, commercial and medical 3. To assess the state of national in- purposes [6, p. 68]. frastructure in general and social in- Creation, development and support frastructure in particular and what has of infrastructure, including social, in happened in Ukraine in recent years, Ukraine, as well as in the world is the the reduction of factors of infrastruc- task of the state. Effective functioning ture growth. and development of the social infra- 4. To show the role of social infra- structure of the regions is possible only structure as a fundamental basis in the with comprehensive and integrated construction of a modern city. state support. Program-target planning 5. To find ways to create a social in- is such a tool of state support. frastructure adequate to the changes Another mechanism of support and that are taking place within the coun- development of social infrastructure in try. the regions is the mechanism of public- 6. To identify patterns that affect the private partnership (PPP). The experi- change in existing standards of forma- ence of Western countries with devel- tion and modernization of social infra- oped economies shows that the state structure. cannot solve large projects on its own 7. To adapt new standards in the without outside investment and busi- Ukrainian climatic, geographic, and ness support. economic features. Regions have great prospects for the The result of solving the above tasks development of PPP, if the state pro- should be: evaluation, standards, evi- vides guarantees for a minimum profit dence-based programs, model of social from the project, and banking institu- infrastructure and scientific and con- tions and insurance companies reduce ceptual conclusions and recommenda- investment risks. This will attract not tions. only large but also small firms. For A special place in the management example, business begins to actively system is played by the analysis. Eco- develop in the fields of infrastructure nomic analysis is a general methodology, construction, education and health, a way of solving problems as a manage- but with sufficient participation of the ment function involves the assessment state or in the form of budget resources of internal and external factors of the or preferential terms for investments [1, situation, trends of development of pro- p. 82]. duction processes, the possible reserves The main tasks of management of of increasing the effectiveness of social processes of creation of social infra- infrastructure [10, p. 56]. structure in Ukraine in modern condi- Thus, we can conclude that for the tions are as follows: harmonious development of the social 1. To correspond to the dynamics of infrastructure it is reasonably neces- changes in the economic system and re- sary to have increase of capacity (intro- spond to new factors of influence. duction of new places in ,

231 schools, increase the number of beds • capital structures, buildings, and the like) [5, p. 43]. equipment, etc.); The main role in the system of re- • non-financial (information sup- gional infrastructure is given to social port, personnel services, etc); infrastructure, which, based on its spe- • organizational and managerial cific structure, which includes a set of (planning, organization, control, func- quantitative and qualitative parame- tioning, etc.) [11, p. 52]. ters of social well-being, determines the It should be noted that organiza- regional social structure. tional and managerial resources act as a The analysis of social infrastructure link between capital and non-financial is based on the following set of me- elements of social infrastructure. thods: The social infrastructure of the re- 1. System; this method considers the gion is separated by the main system object as a system with all its compo- characteristics: consistency; functio- nents — subsystems, reveals the rela- nality, dynamism. tionship between them, and determines The main function of the social in- the degree of influence of the environ- frastructure is the provision of various ment on the object; non-productive services that meet the 2. Situational; this method involves vital needs of the population, which the analysis of any situation, using are: typical research processes; • protection and improvement of 3. Dialectical; it represents the base public health; of special research methods: necessary • satisfaction of the conditions for and random, abstract and concrete, the reproduction of a population of crushing and combining General and power; particular, main and concrete, statics • formation of conditions for pro- and dynamics gressive dynamics of demographic pro- 4. Reflexive; this method as a home cesses; base involves the analysis of systema- • implementation of the principle tized and available information about of accessibility of social infrastructure internal and external environment of services throughout the region, means the object [10, p. 251]. of smoothing territorial imbalances in As the social infrastructure of the the socio-economic development of the region one should consider an industry region; complex (education, culture and art, • development of the basic con- health, and sports), ditions for the full realization of the whose function is to ensure sustainable abilities of each individual by means of regional socio-economic development, the structuring of consumer values [9, improve the quality of life of the popu- p. 37]. lation and contribute to the rational or- Elements of social infrastructure ganization of activities. should be structured on the basis of the The main elements of the regional following criteria: industry structure, social infrastructure include the follow- composition, nature of objects, level of ing types of resources: development of consumer value.

232 According to the sectoral structure by maturity into: developing countries, the social infrastructure is determined developed countries and “output” ele- by the branches of education, culture ments. At each stage of the cycle there and sports, health, physical education may be different states, which are char- and sports. acterized by a certain set of parameters, The corporate level of social infra- the functioning of which depends on structure is aimed at the employees of the dynamics of the phenomenon. As a the companies, and the territorial level result, this fact allows to split subclass- is focused on the properties of life of the es: dominant, stagnant, crisis, depres- population of the region as a whole. sive and such that social infrastructure The social infrastructure is divided is being transformed. into “hard” and “soft”. A “hard” one in- The level of development distin- cludes structures, buildings, that is, all guishes the infrastructure that is be- that is the material basis for the imple- hind the previous system and the new mentation of socio-economic activities. one that is being formed. In the deve- “Soft” one includes non-financial and lopment of infrastructure there are organizational management resources slow and consistent changes, adapta- that are associated with the provision tion, but there can be a sharp change of services and in most cases difficult to of “gradual breaks”, which are the define and measurable, often described result of socio-economic crises of the by subjective characteristics. economic system. From the point of view of providing Conclusions from this study and services to the consumer, the social in- prospects for further exploration. frastructure includes the following ele- Analysis of the system characteristics ments: of the social infrastructure of the region 1. Universal services (medical ser- allows to determine its features: vices, educational services, sports, lei- 1. Social infrastructure sectors com- sure activities); plement each other, some infrastruc- 2. Objects that are designed to pro- ture cannot be replaced by others, they vide services throughout the life cycle coexist only in a complex, interactive from birth to the end of life act as tar- environment. geted services (kindergartens, educa- 2. As a product of social infrastruc- tional institutions, pension funds); ture a service that does not create a 3. Services for people with special new product, and are the result of work, needs and disabilities. In this context, which adds new value to the value of dynamism is defined by processes such the already created product should be as modernization and transformation. considered. Modernization processes, as a result of 3. Social infrastructure services are which there is an accumulation of quan- not transferred, they are provided only titative transformations of elements to the population of the region, they can and relationships between them, then not be imported, they are not subject to flow into the transformation processes. storage, accumulation or reservation. According to the cycle of function- 4. The demand for social infrastruc- ing, social infrastructures are divided ture services is individual. In some

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235 UDC: 35.08 Suray Inna Gennadiivna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Depart- ment of public administration and public ser- vice of the National Academy of Public Ad- ministration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, A. Tsedika Str. 20, tel.: (044) 455 69 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4377-2724 Сурай Інна Геннадіївна, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, професор кафедри публічного управління та публічної служби, Націо- нальна академія державного управління при Президентові України, 03057, Київ, вул. А. Цедіка, 20, тел.: (044) 455 69 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4377-2724 Сурай Инна Геннадьевна, доктор наук государственного управления, доцент, профессор кафедры публичного управления и публичной службы, Национальная академия государственного управ- ления при Президенте Украины, 03057, Киев, ул. А. Цедика, 20, тел.: (044) 455 69 53, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4377-2724 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-236-245

PUBLIC MANAGEMENT: SCIENTIFIC AND SUBSTANTIVE DISCOURSE Abstract. The article is devoted to the scientific discourse on the essence of public administration as a model of management of the affairs of society, which should be continued in the future to create the basis for the legislative consolida- tion of the term ‘public administration’ in Ukraine. It should be noted that the concept of ‘public administration’ is not fixed in the Ukrainian legislation. At the same time, this research has once again confirmed that the concept of ‘public management’ is already in the scientific circulation. In the process of reforming public administration in Ukraine, certain steps were taken to establish and develop public administration. In addition, we note that ‘Public Management and Public Administration’ are included in the list of fields of knowledge and specialties for which higher education graduates are trained. At present, evolutionary processes of public management formation are taking place in Ukraine, but practically management of the affairs of Ukrainian society is still carried out through administration, and some elements of management

236 take place only. This concerns both functional and organizational structures and almost unmodern relations between them, as well as the absence of other manage- ment mechanisms inherent in management. Governance of the country as a social and economic system requires the in- volvement of representatives of the whole civil society in the process of making managerial decisions. Thus, governance at the state level acquires the features of publicity, and the development of the theory and practice of state governance creates grounds for awareness of the leading role of public administration in a social evolutionary context. It was established that the transition to public administration is connected with the ‘denationalization of management’: the deconcentration and decentra- lization of functions and powers between the subjects of management; an increase in the subjects of management; and applying best management practices. We pro- posed state governance, which is carried out through administration, to denote as ‘public administration’. When applied, the elements of management, even at the transitional stage of development of society from administration to manage- ment as ‘public management’. Administration and management are varieties of management, its evolutionary levels. Keywords: discourse, governance, public administration, democracy, public management. ПУБЛІЧНЕ УПРАВЛІННЯ: НАУКОВО-СУТНІСНИЙ ДИСКУРС Анотація. Визначено сутність публічного управління як моделі управлін- ня справами суспільства для створення підґрунтя законодавчого закріплен- ня терміна “публічне управління” в Україні. Зауважимо, що в українському законодавстві не закріплено поняття “пу- блічне управління”. Водночас цим дослідженням ще раз підтверджено, що поняття “публічне управління” вже у науковому обігу. У процесі рефор- мування державного управління в Україні також здійснено певні кроки до становлення й розвитку публічного управління. Крім цього, зауважимо, що до переліку галузей знань і спеціальностей, за якими здійснюється підго- товка здобувачів вищої освіти, внесено “Публічне управління та адміністру- вання”. Наразі в Україні відбуваються еволюційні процеси формування публічно- го управління, але практично управління справами українського суспільства все ще здійснюється через адміністрування, лише окремі елементи менедж- менту мають місце. Це стосується як функціонально-організаційних струк- тур, так і майже немодернізованих зв’язків між ними, а також відсутності ін- ших механізмів, притаманних менеджменту. Управління країною як соціально-економічною системою потребує за- лучення до процесу прийняття управлінських рішень представників всього громадянського суспільства. Таким чином управління на рівні держави на- буває рис публічності, а розвиток теорії та практики державного управління

237 створює підстави для усвідомлення провідної ролі публічного управління в суспільному еволюційному контексті. Установлено, що перехід до публічного управління пов’язаний з “роздер- жавленням управління”: деконцентрацією й децентралізацією функцій й повноважень між суб’єктами управління; збільшенням суб’єктів управлін- ня; застосуванням кращих практик менеджменту. Запропоновано державне управління, яке здійснюється через адміністрування, позначати як Public administration. При застосуванні, елементів менеджменту, навіть на пере- хідному етапі розвитку суспільства від адміністрування до менеджменту — “Public management”. Адміністрування й менеджмент є різновидами управ- ління, його еволюційними рівнями. Ключові слова: дискурс, управління, державне управління, демократія, публічне управління. ПУБЛИЧНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ: НАУЧНО-СУЩНОСТНЫЙ ДИСКУРС Аннотация. Обозначена сущность публичного управления как модели управления делами общества для создания основы законодательного закре- пления в Украине термина “публичное управление”. Отмечено, что в украинском законодательстве не закреплено понятие “пу- бличное управление”. В то же время этим исследованием еще раз подтвер- ждено, что понятие “публичное управление” уже в научном пользовании. В процессе реформирования государственного управления в Украине также осуществлены определенные шаги к становлению и развитию публичного управления. Кроме этого, заметим, что в перечень областей знаний и спе- циальностей, по которым осуществляется подготовка соискателей высшего образования, внесены “Публичное управление и администрирование”. Сейчас в Украине происходят эволюционные процессы формирования публичного управления, но практически управление делами украинского общества все еще осуществляется через администрирование, только отдель- ные элементы менеджмента имеют место. Это касается как функциональ- но-организационных структур, так и почти немодернизированных связей между ними, а также отсутствия других механизмов, присущих менедж- менту. Управление страной как социально-экономической системой требует вовлечения в процесс принятия управленческих решений представителей всего гражданского общества. Таким образом, управление на уровне госу- дарства приобретает черты публичности, а развитие теории и практики го- сударственного управления создает основания для осознания ведущей роли публичного управления в общественно-эволюционном контексте. Установлено, что переход к публичному управлению связан с “разгосу- дарствлением управления”: деконцентрацией и децентрализацией функ- ций и полномочий между субъектами управления; увеличением субъек- тов управления; применением лучших практик менеджмента. Предложено

238 государственное управление, которое осуществляется через администри- рование обозначать Public administration. При применении, элементов управления, даже на переходном этапе развития общества от админист- рирования к менеджменту — “Public management”. Администрирование и менеджмент являются разновидностями управления, его эволюционными уровнями. Ключевые слова: дискурс, управление, государственное управление, де- мократия, публичное (общественное) управление.

Problem statement. Ukraine has The analysis of recent researches chosen a democratic way of its deve- and publications of the authors, lopment, and democratic principles of namely: O. Amosov, N. Havkalova, governance in the affairs of society ra- N. Honharuk, M. Lakhyzha, N. Nyzh- dically change the nature and structure nyk, L. Novak-Kaliaieva, R. Melnyk, of the management of social, political, O. Melnychenko, P. Petrovskyi and economic, social and other processes in I. Skvirskyi, etc. It points to active sci- the state. entific research aimed at disclosing the The experience of other countries essence of public management and de- that build democratic social relations fining it as a concept. points to significant changes in the sys- The purpose of the article is intro- tem of state governance as development duction the nature of public manage- of public management. At the same ment to the scientific discourse. time, public management has its own Presentation of the main mate- peculiarities, with different accents in rial. S. Chyshko argues that the dis- each country. course was addressed when ‘the most Discussion is continuing around the important becomes the context field, definition of the concept of ‘public ma- in particular the social context, and nagement’ in the scientific community. then the sign context (intertextuality And considering the fact that Ukraine, as text fields and text sequences’ [1]. during the entire period of its indepen- Discourse is based on certain practic- dence, is actively reformed the system es, activities that ‘create meaning’ [2, of public administration and intends to p. 159], and not vice versa. According move to a democratic model of gover- to P. Petrovskyi, ‘the significance of dis- nance of public affairs as public admi- course for Ukrainian state formation is nistration the term ‘public’ is some- that it is an effective means of substan- times automatically used instead of the tiating the development of society and term ‘state’. the state’ [3]. The mentioned above actualizes the At the beginning of the 20th centu- continuation of the discussion on the ry, government had its manifestation essential features of public administra- through administration in most coun- tion as a model of management of pub- tries of the world. In our opinion, us- lic affairs. ing the term ‘public administration’, we

239 can talk about public administration civil society in the process of making or state governance (even in the broad managerial decisions. Thus, governance sense) through administration. at the state level acquires the features Quite often, the phrase ‘public ma- of publicity, and the development of the nagement’ as well as ‘public adminis- theory and practice of state governance tration’ is translated into Ukrainian as creates grounds for awareness of the state governance or state administra- leading role of public administration in tion. But ‘public management’ is a ma- a social evolutionary context. There are nagement that based on management evolutionary processes of formation of rather than administration. public administration in Ukraine, dur- The transformation of ‘public ad- ing the period of its independence [4, ministration’ into ‘public management’, p. 28]. took place in an evolutionary way in However, the current (2018) model particular in the Western Europe: with of governance in Ukraine does not meet the development of democratic rela- the current challenges and trends of so- tions in society, the activation of civil cial development in the best way, and it society in solving common issues (the urgently addresses the urgency of find- transfer is not complete the power of the ing and ensuring the emergence of a state, the activities of non-state institu- new model that accelerates the expect- tions in the management chain, etc.), ed positive changes in society. The ac- with the first elements of management tivities of power structures are still sub- in the system of state authorities (ele- ordinated to standards and procedures ments of management from the private of a rational bureaucratic approach that sector, if they are effective, will also be is not sufficiently suitable for the imple- effective in the state) and further deve- mentation of democratic principles of lopment of public management mecha- governance in conditions of dynamic nisms (public management). So, for ex- changes in both internal and external ample, Britain, as a model for managing environments [5, p. 130]. the affairs of society, was used (gradual- That is, practically management of ly modernizing and modifying) ‘public the affairs of Ukrainian society is still administration’, ‘public management’ carried out through administration; (now sometimes referred to as ‘old’) and some elements of management and ‘new public management’... In its take place only. This concerns both development, ‘public management’ can functional and organizational struc- gradually become ‘good governance’, tures and almost unmodern relations etc. (already another, higher, evolutio- between them, as well as the absence of nary level of management). other management mechanisms inhe- Modern social and economic sys- rent in management. In this transitional tems are complex and opened systems, period: from administration (public ad- the development of which is the most ministration) to management (public important task of the present. Gover- management), it is especially important nance of the country as a social and not to automatically use the term ‘pub- economic system requires the involve- lic’ (public) instead of ‘state’ in terms of ment of representatives of the whole management. However, in our opinion,

240 the term ‘public administration’ can be state to the population in particular in used when it comes to ‘public manage- education, health care, social insurance, ment’ in this transitional stage. etc.; on the other hand, new mecha- N. Nyzhnyk, N. Honcharuk and nisms for involving citizens in the pro- M. Lakhyzha argued in 2010 that ‘there cess of adoption and implementation is a belief in the necessity of transition of management decisions are being from traditional state governance to formed. This contributes to the effec- public’ in Ukraine, and pointed to the tive use of public resources for solving existence of a process that can be called social problems, more accurately iden- a ‘denationalization of governance’ un- tifying the priorities of state policy and der the influence of globalization, inte- meeting citizens’ rights to a profession- gration and fragmentation [6, p. 12]. al, capable and responsible government The management of public affairs [9, p. 133]. should become more and more ‘publi- R. Melnyk draws attention to the city’, attracting a wide range of people, fact that ‘power is far from always citizens, public organizations and self- connected with coercion. It is often governing organizations, etc. in the implemented through the use of other process of development of civil society. mechanisms as the belief and the provi- When the level of civil society deve- sion (selection) of material or financial lopment is high enough in a democracy, resources, etc. And once so, then the state power is actually transformed into management, which aims to achieve a public administration and becomes sig- certain state of social relations (com- nificantly dependent on society (the mitting actions or abstaining from ac- public). In this case, it’s worth talking tions), can also be carried out in a non- about ‘public administration’ as a com- compulsory manner’ [10, p. 95–96]. In bination of state governance (in the nar- addition, the content of public adminis- row sense) and public self-government. tration should not be expanded through This is due to the unity of public inter- internal organizational activities of ex- ests, goals and objectives, in achieving ecutive authorities; public administra- and resolving which both systems take tion manifests itself only in the external an active part, as well as and nature of relations of executive authorities with management activities [7, p. 145–146]. other public authorities, as well as pri- The latest management paradigm vate individuals [10, p. 97]. is based on a change in the algorithm We note that the transition from of the relationship between public au- ‘state governance’ to ‘public adminis- thorities and the population and orga- tration’ involves the preservation of nizations [8]. It is about shifting from the list of objects and the expansion a unified subordination and subordina- of subjects of governance [11, p. 3]. tion relationship to interaction and mu- O. Melnychenko notes that the concept tual support at all stages of the mana- of ‘public administration’ is wider in gement cycle. The changes take place scope and richer in content than ‘state in two following directions: on the one governance’, since it covers most as- hand, efforts are being made to improve pects of state, municipal, corporate and the quality of services provided by the public administration [11, p. 6].

241 The thesis is that public adminis- management’ is already in the scientific tration (state governance), as a type circulation. In the process of reforming of social management, is widespread, public administration in Ukraine, cer- consisting of the followings: 1) state tain steps were taken to establish and administration, where the state acts as develop public administration. In addi- the state in the person of the respec- tion, we note that ‘Public Management tive structures; and 2) public admini- and Public Administration’ are inclu- stration, where subjects are non-state ded in the list of fields of knowledge institutions [12, p. 84]. In our opinion, and specialties for which higher edu- public administration is represented in cation graduates are trained [14]. Ac- the narrow sense, and public admin- cording to I. Skvirskyi, there is every istration can include both local self- reason for the division and support of government bodies and other non-state the opinion expressed in the foreign sci- institutions, which should become part entific literature on the expediency of of the chain of management of general introducing into the legal circle of the social affairs. general term ‘public administration’, According to L. Novak-Kaliaieva, within which various, but extremely ‘public administration’ is the activity of tightly relationships between them- state administration bodies, local self- selves, forms of management activity: government bodies, representatives public administration, self-governing of the private sector and civil society (municipal) management and manage- institutions within the limits of the ment, aimed at the implementation of powers and functional responsibilities delegated powers [15, p. 67]. Maintain- established by the law (planning, or- ing the need for the legislative defini- ganization, management, coordination tion of the term ‘public administration’, and control) with regard to the forma- we note that there is still a need to con- tion and implementation of manage- tinue the scientific discourse on the es- ment decisions of public importance, sence of public administration. policies of the state and its administra- Conclusions. Administration and tive and territorial units. Public admi- management are varieties of manage- nistration provides a significant in- ment, its evolutionary levels. We be- crease in the efficiency of management lieve that public administration, both activities, owing to the high level of in the broad sense and in the narrow public support and consolidation of so- sense (through executive bodies), ciety around common goals, it is linked which is carried out through adminis- to democratic values, the principles of tration, should be designated as ‘public the rule of law, respect for human digni- administration’. When applied, the ele- ty, non-discrimination, equality, justice, ments of management, even at the tran- security and efficiency, etc. [13, p. 144]. sitional stage of development of society It should be noted that the concept from administration to management as of ‘public administration’ is not fixed ‘public management’. in the Ukrainian legislation. At the At present, evolutionary processes same time, this research has once again of public management formation are confirmed that the concept of ‘public taking place in Ukraine, but practically

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245 UDC 351.378 Terentieva Anna Valeriivna, Doctor of Public Administration, Full Profes- sor, Senior Researcher, Head of the Depart- ment of public service, administration and training on the international projects, Insti- tute of Public Administration in the Sphere of Civil Protection, 04074, Kyiv, Str. Vysh- horodska, 21, tel.: (044) 468 91 84, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3881-5865 Терент’єва Анна Валеріївна, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, старший науковий співробіт- ник, завідувач кафедри державної служби. управління та навчання за міжнародними проектами, Інститут державного управ- ління у сфері цивільного захисту, 04074, Київ, вул. Вишгородська, 21, тел.: (044) 468 91 84, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3881-5865 Терентьева Анна Валерьевна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, старший научный сотруд- ник, заведующий кафедрой государственной службы, управления и обучения по между- народным проектам, Институт государственного управления в сфере гражданской за- щиты, 04074, Киев, ул. Вышгородская, 21, тел.: (044) 468 91 84, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3881-5865 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-246-255

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AS A METHOD OF DECISION MAKING Abstract. The current system of public administration, which is endowed with administrative and legal authorities, cannot completely fulfill its task of protect- ing the population and territories from emergency, so it is urgent improvements in prevention and elimination of emergency. System approach to management — this is not a set of rules or guidelines to be followed by managers, and the general way of thinking and approach to organiza- tion and management. The essence of the system approach is to find a simple to complex, decomposition of the problem into its component parts. The purpose of using systems analysis concerning the specific problem is to increase the degree of validity of the decision taken, the expansion of a variety of options, including the selection, while indicating ways of discarding options that are inferior to others.

246 System analysis which used in solving such problems as the distribution of resources between departments, determine future needs for new equipment and workers of different skill forecasting the demand for various types of works in emergencies. Reducing the time for development, adoption and implementation of man- agement decisions, increase uncertainty and risk, the need to attract additional resources from the reserves, the availability of different modes of functioning of the public administration in emergency suggest that governance in this area has certain peculiarities. Taking them into account in the work of public ad- ministration in emergency will enable to reduce the likelihood of inappropriate decision-making, will help save resources and time in emergencies, and reduce losses. Thus, the basis of decision-making using system analysis is the general ap- proach used by managers, considering the influence in each particular situation of all factors: technical, economic, social and psychological. Keywords: systematic approach, decision-making, analysis, decision, emer- gency, factor. СИСТЕМНИЙ АНАЛІЗ ЯК МЕТОД УХВАЛЕННЯ РІШЕНЬ Анотація. Сучасна система державного управління, яка наділена адміні- стративно-правовими повноваженнями, не може певною мірою виконати покладені на неї завдання щодо забезпечення захисту населення і територій від надзвичайних ситуацій, тому актуальним є її удосконалення у сфері запо- бігання та ліквідації надзвичайних ситуацій. Системний підхід до управління — це не набір правил чи принципів, яки- ми мають керуватися управлінці, а загальний спосіб мислення і підходу щодо організації і управління. Суть системного підходу полягає у пошуку простого у складному, декомпозицією проблеми на складові. Метою використання системного аналізу до конкретної проблеми є під- вищення ступеня обґрунтованості рішення, що ухвалюється, розширення безлічі варіантів, серед яких проводиться вибір, з одночасним зазначенням способів відкидання варіантів, що поступаються іншим. Системний аналіз набув значного поширення при вирішенні таких за- вдань, як розподіл матеріальних ресурсів між структурними підрозділами, визначення майбутньої потреби в новому обладнанні і працівниках різної кваліфікації, прогнозування попиту на різні види робіт в умовах ліквідації наслідків надзвичайних ситуацій. Зменшення часу на розроблення, прийняття та реалізацію управлінських рішень, зростання невизначеності та ризику, необхідність залучення з резер- вів додаткових ресурсів, наявність різних режимів функціонування системи державного управління в умовах надзвичайних ситуацій свідчать про те, що державне управління у цій сфері має певні особливості. Їх урахування в ді- яльності органів державного управління в умовах надзвичайних ситуацій дасть можливість зменшити вірогідність прийняття неадекватних управлін-

247 ських рішень, сприятиме економії ресурсів та часу на ліквідацію наслідків надзвичайних ситуацій, зменшенню збитків. Таким чином, в основі ухвалення рішень з використанням системного ана- лізу лежить загальний підхід, який використовують керівники, розглядаючи вплив у кожній конкретній ситуації всіх факторів: технічних, економічних, соціально-психологічних. Ключові слова: системний підхід, рішення, аналіз, прийняття, надзви- чайна ситуація, фактор. СИСТЕМНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ КАК МЕТОД ПРИНЯТИЯ РЕШЕНИЙ Аннотация. Современная система государственного управления, которая наделена административно-правовыми полномочиями, не может полностью выполнить возложенные на нее задачи по обеспечению защиты населения и территорий от чрезвычайных ситуаций, поэтому актуальным является ее совершенствование в сфере предупреждения и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций. Системный подход к управлению — это не набор правил или принципов, которыми должны руководствоваться управленцы, а общий образ мышления и подхода к организации и управления. Суть системного подхода заключа- ется в поиске простого в сложном, декомпозицией проблемы на составные части. Целью использования системного анализа применительно к конкретной проблеме является повышение степени обоснованности решения, принима- ется, расширение множества вариантов, среди которых производится вы- бор, с одновременным указанием способов отбрасывания вариантов, усту- пают другим. Системный анализ широко распространен при решении таких задач, как распределение материальных ресурсов между структурными подразделени- ями, определение будущей потребности в новом оборудовании и работни- ках различной квалификации, прогнозирования спроса на различные виды работ в условиях ликвидации последствий чрезвычайных ситуаций. Уменьшение времени на разработку, принятие и реализацию управленче- ских решений, рост неопределенности и риска, необходимость привлечения из резервов дополнительных ресурсов, наличие различных режимов функ- ционирования системы государственного управления в условиях чрезвы- чайных ситуаций свидетельствуют о том, что государственное управление в этой сфере имеет определенные особенности. Их учета в деятельности органов государственного управления в условиях чрезвычайных ситуаций позволит уменьшить вероятность принятия неадекватных управленческих решений, способствовать экономии ресурсов и времени на ликвидацию по- следствий чрезвычайных ситуаций, уменьшению убытков. Таким образом, в основе принятия решений с использованием системно- го анализа лежит общий подход, который используют руководители, рас-

248 сматривая влияние в каждой конкретной ситуации всех факторов: техниче- ских, экономических, социально-психологических. Ключевые слова: системный подход, решение, анализ, принятие, чрезвы- чайная ситуация, фактор.

Target setting. Prevention of emer- in turn, into political conflicts where gencies, liquidation of their conse- power is losing control of the develop- quences, maximum reduction of losses ment of events. and losses is a national problem and Analysis of basic research and one of the most important tasks of state publication. Traditionally, it is believed administration bodies of Ukraine. This that actions in the context of crises and is due to the fact that the negative ten- emergencies are the prerogative of the dencies observed in recent years, in- executive authorities. At the same time, cluding increasing the risk of emergen- experts have tended to acknowledge cies of natural and man-made nature, the fact that the task of ensuring readi- significant material and social damage ness for action under the appropriate due to their increase in their number conditions extends to all public au- and scale, constitute a threat to natio- thorities without exception, including nal security in the economic, social and legislative power, as well as non-govern- environmental spheres. mental organizations and institutions. The modern system of public ad- A condition for an adequate perception ministration, which has administrative of this provision is a clear understand- and legal powers, can not fully fulfill ing of the nature of crisis and emer- the tasks entrusted to it in ensuring the gency situations in terms of functions protection of population and territories and tasks of public administration from emergency situations, therefore, [1, 2]. its improvement in the field of preven- Modern development of Ukraine tion and liquidation of emergencies is under the conditions of system trans- urgent. formation is characterized as perma- Civil servants and policy makers are nently complex, and sometimes even compelled to recognize the fact that with the failures of extreme. The global conflicts and crises can potentially oc- development of human civilization, in cur in any area of their responsibility. addition to positive achievements, has Crisis situations require their consis- created numerous threats to the vital tent efforts to restore public confidence interests of man and citizen, society and integrity of management mecha- and the state. A significant place among nisms, while emergencies may also these threats occupy the dangers of require efforts to limit the extent of technogenic and natural spheres. Many damage to people, their property and of them are, to some extent, also inher- the environment. Historical experi- ent in Ukraine. In this regard, a major ence shows that the emergency is eas- role in ensuring technological and na- ily transformed into political crises and, tural safety is given to the Unified State

249 System of Civil Protection of Popula- by the experience of their use, often re- tion and Territories [3]. sult in unsatisfactory results. The purpose of the article is to ex- The search for solutions to this plore the possibility of using system problem in the event of emergencies analysis in the management of manage- should be carried out not only due to ment decisions in the process of emer- the transformation of the existing func- gency response. tional structure and the improvement The statement of basic materials. of the skills of the managerial staff, and Holistic protection is carried out in or- the transition to a new management der to implement state policy aimed at paradigm - a new system of views based ensuring the safety and protection of on the basic provisions of strategic the population of territories, material management, according to which the and cultural values and the environ- construction of the system Emergency ment from the negative effects of emer- management is an answer to the vari- gencies in peacetime and in a special ous environmental impacts inherent in period, overcoming the consequences nature. In this case, the system of emer- of emergencies, in particular the con- gency management is considered as an sequences of emergencies in the ter- open system, and the basic conditions ritories of foreign states, respectively for its successful functioning should be to international treaties of Ukraine, determined not in its boundaries, but the consent of which is binding on the on the outside [5]. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. That is, the effectiveness of the sys- The risks of emergencies of natural tem is associated with how accurately and man-made nature are a factor de- it reacts to the environment, how stable termining the quality of life in regions is it to unexpected changes in the en- of any country. Unfortunately, for vironment, including strategic, how Ukraine, these risks are high enough, efficiently uses potential opportunities which predetermines the urgent need (reserves of different types). for a detailed elaboration of organiza- The system approach is based on the tional and managerial approaches to theory of systems, which was first ap- solving this complex problem. All of plied in exact sciences and technology, the above leads to the recognition that and in the late 50’s — and in the theory traditional approaches to managing the of management. management of coping with the com- A system approach to management plex consequences of emergencies, as is not a set of rules or principles that proved by the experience of their use, should be managed by managers, but often lead to unsatisfactory results. A a general way of thinking and an or- serious problem with the organization ganization and management approach. of effective management of emergencies The essence of the system approach is is the real complication or lack of coor- to find a simple in complex, decomposi- dination between official governmental, tion of the problem into its components, departmental and non-governmental up to the conclusion of simple ques- bodies [4]. Traditional approaches to tions such as “There is — need to be emergency management, as evidenced defined”.

250 The basis of system management the needs of management: departments, review and emerging problems. in the sectors, sections, etc. course of its implementation, lies the In this case, the subsystems, in turn, concept of the system. may consist of smaller subsystems The system is a certain integrity, (parts, elements). Since they are in- which consists of interrelated parts terdependent, the poor functioning of (elements), each of which contributes even the smallest subsystem can affect to the characteristics of the whole Au- the system as a whole. tomobile, computers, TVs — all these Therefore, systematic analysis is are examples of systems. Consequently, the most consistent implementation of the system consists of many times, each a systematic approach to solving po- of which works in conjunction with litical, socio-economic, technical and others, to create a whole that has quali- other problems in various spheres of ties that are not in its constituent parts. human activity. However, the components of the sys- The main features of system analysis tem are interdependent. If at least one are: of them does not appear, then the whole 1. Involves the adoption of an opti- system either will not work or will work mal solution from many possible alter- incorrectly. natives. There are two main types of system: 2. Each alternative is evaluated from closed and open. The closed system has a long-term perspective. tight fixed boundaries, and its actions 3. Considered as a methodology for are relatively independent of the en- in-depth understanding (understand- vironment that surrounds the system. ing) and organizing (structuring) the An example of such a system can be a problem. clock that works independently of the 4. In the system analysis emphasis is external environment, as long as there placed on the development of new prin- is a spring or there is another source of ciples of scientific thinking, taking into energy. account the relationship of the whole An open system is characterized and contradictory trends. Specifical- by interaction with the environment ly — systematically, at all stages of the through the penetrating “boundaries” life cycle of any system, the comparison of the system (inputs and outputs) of alternatives is carried out, if possible Through the inputs, the environment in quantitative form, based on the logi- influences the system, and the system cal sequence of steps. influences the environment through 5. The intuition of experts is shar- exits. pened. Large complex systems consist of 6. Used primarily to address strate- bits, which can be considered, in turn, gic issues. as systems These parts are called sub- Consequently, system analysis is a systems. The concept of subsystems is scientific method of knowledge, which extremely important for management, is a sequence of actions to establish since it enables to create inside the sys- structural relationships between vari- tem the necessary structural units for ables or elements of the system under

251 study, based on a complex of general System analysis involves the use scientific, experimental, natural-sci- of both rigid quantitative methods, as entific, statistical, and mathematical well as logical judgments, experience methods. and intuition. Using system analysis, The value of the system approach you can investigate any problems, tak- lies in the fact that the consideration of ing into account not only those factors the categories of system analysis creates whose influence can be quantified, as the basis for a logical and consistent well as factors that can be evaluated approach to the problem of decision- qualitatively [5, 6]. Thus, the basis of making [6]. The effectiveness of solving decision-making using system analysis problems through system analysis is de- is the general approach used by mana- termined by the structure of the solved gers, considering the influence in each problems. particular situation of all factors: tech- All problems are divided into three nical, economic, social and psychologi- classes: cal. But at the same time the decision • well-structured or quantitatively maker (DM) must take into account formulated problems in which signifi- not only his subjective thoughts, but cant dependencies are well understood; also the objective data obtained as a re- • unstructured, or qualitatively ex- sult of the research, which enables him pressed problems that only contain a to adopt the most rational and reason- description of important resources, fea- able solution. tures and characteristics, the quantita- Characteristic features of system tive relationships between which are analysis are: completely unknown; • since most decisions are addressed • ill-structured, or mixed issues that to individual elements of the system, contain both qualitative elements and then when solving problems it is neces- little-known, uncertain parties that sary to take into account the interrela- tend to dominate. tions of this element with others and In general, system analysis can be the general purpose of the system (sys- characterized as a methodology for tem approach). That is, the purpose of solving large complex management the system is the expected results of the problems. He investigates system ob- practical work on the elimination of jects using system principles and is in- the consequences of the emergency, the tended to provide a reliable picture of achievement of which is directed at the the development and activities of an efforts, and is a system-forming factor. economic entity. • the analysis at the initial stages The purpose of using system analy- is carried out for the whole complex sis for a specific problem is to increase of problems and is reduced to the level the degree of validity of the decision of their constituents. Studies are con- to be made, to expand the range of op- ducted using the methods used to study tions among which the choice is made, them. with simultaneous indication of ways • priority is attached to such factors to discard alternatives that are inferior as cost and quality of labor, so DM must to others. have a clear idea of them;

252 • in many cases, already given ana- appropriate measures to eliminate ne- lysis shows the way to an obvious so- gative phenomena. lution, but the decision itself has to be System analysis has become wide- adopted; spread in solving such tasks as the dis- • system analysis does not replace tribution of material resources between logical thoughts, but is only an auxi- structural units, determining the future liary element that enables you to iden- need for new equipment and workers of tify the areas where the proposal can be different qualifications, forecasting de- used and to identify each of the possible mand for various types of work in the solutions that the manager considers; context of emergency response [7]. • provides compulsory use of com- System analysis is the most objective puter technology; basis for making managerial decisions • in some cases they can be used as and allows to structure a certain problem technical means. on the basis of analysis of available in- System analysis (as well as eco- formation, including expertly obtained. nomic) also takes into account indica- Then, establish the relationships of the tors based on accounting, reporting and components of the problem, date, where plan data. possible, quantitative assessments, and But for a thorough and in-depth thus translate the problem into a struc- study of the problem, it is necessary not tured category. After that you can al- only to use the data obtained as a result ready use the mathematical modeling of the study of technical, economic, apparatus and the choice of the best financial and other aspects of the ac- solutions, the stages and sequencing of tivities in the process of eliminating which are also often a sphere of applica- the consequences of an emergency, as tion of the system approach. well as the psychological climate and The specific sequence of system social phenomena [6, 7]. In this regard, analysis is determined by a researcher in the system analysis, the indicators studying problems, and is largely indi- acquire, in addition to quantitative vidual in nature, which is determined characteristics, and also qualitative ex- by the problem under consideration. pression. But at the same time, with all its di- It should be noted that in the ab- verse orientations and the absence of sence of the full amount of information rigid frameworks, the system analysis and analysis itself, it is sometimes im- contains typical moments, objective possible to determine the factors of so- factors, including axiomatics, termino- cio-political nature and moral factors. logy, and scientific tools that are widely But they should pay attention to them covered in sources of scientific informa- and take them into account when mak- tion. The developed model of the in- ing decisions. vestigated situation must have certain In system analysis, you can iden- properties that are the conditions of tify not only the causes that cause any significance of the model, such as: negative consequences, but also the • integrity, typeness, the presence of conditions in which these causes occur. common properties and behavior in the Therefore, it is necessary to provide for totality of its elements;

253 • isolation, according to which the to eliminate the consequences of emer- complex of objects creating the system gencies, and reduce losses. can be considered in isolation from the A systemic approach to management environment (at the same time, the suggests that it can be investigated relative nature of this property is obvi- both in terms of content and in terms of ous); its forms of manifestation. Goals, func- • divisibility, which allows a holistic tions and methods of management in object to be considered as a set of ele- the complex characterize the content of ments; the activity and can have different as- • variety and identification, accord- pects. The defining aspect can be called ing to which all elements included in methodological, reflecting a set of prin- the system, have their own state and ciples, laws and laws implemented in behavior, different from the similar the management process and which characteristics of other elements, due can determine with which purpose, to which it is possible to separate each what and how should be influenced to element from others and study its fea- achieve the desired result, including in tures. the development of management deci- In this case, the systematic approach sions in the conditions of emergencies. assumes that an object, which is ana- lyzed as a system, has other properties References than a simple sum of properties of its constituent parts. 1. Larichev O. I. (2000), Teoryya y metodі Conclusions. Vital processes are prynyatyya reshenyy [Theory and the management decision-making in methods of decision-making], Logos, emergencies, for example, in the event Moscow, Russia. of fires, catastrophes, natural disasters, 2. Guriev S. O., Terentieva A. V., Volyans- when it comes not only to the optimum kiy P. B. (2008) Kryzovyy menedzh- use of material and financial resources, ment ta pryntsypy upravlinnya ry- zykamy v protsesi likvidatsiyi na- but first of all about people’s lives. dzvychaynykh sytuatsiy [Crisis Reducing the time for the develop- Management and Principles of Risk ment, adoption and implementation of Management in the Process of Emer- management decisions, the growth of gency Elimination], Kyiv, Ukraine. uncertainty and risk, the need to at- 3. Poteryaiko S. P. (2011) “Organization tract extra resources from the reserves, of state management in emergencies”, the availability of different modes of Investytsiyi: praktyka ta dosvid, vol. 2, operation of the public management p. 94–95. system in the event of emergencies in- 4. Barylo O. G., Poteryaiko S. P. (2015), dicate that public administration in “Approaches to risk management dur- ing emergency response tasks”, In- this area has certain features. Their vestytsiyi: praktyka ta dosvid, vol. 23, consideration in the activities of public p. 144–147. administration bodies in the event of 5. Terentieva A. V. (2009), Upravlin- emergencies will reduce the likelihood nya nadzvychaynymy sytuatsiyamy of inadequate management decisions, [Emergency management], Doctor contribute to saving resources and time Media LLC, Kyiv, Ukraine.

254 6. Surmin Yu. P. (2003), Teoriya sistem 3. Потеряйко С. П. Організація дер- i sistemnyy analiz [Theory of systems жавного управління у надзвичайних and systems analysis], MAUP, Kyiv, ситуаціях / С. П. Потеряйко // Інве- Ukraine. стиції: практика та досвід. — 2011. — 7. Soroka K. O. (2004), Osnovy teoriyi № 2. — С. 94–95. system i systemnoho analizu [Fun- 4. Барило О. Г., Потеряйко С. П. Під- damentals of the Theory of Systems: ходи до управління ризиками під Training. Guidances], KSAME, час виконання завдань з ліквідації Kharkiv, Ukraine. надзвичайної ситуації // Інвестиції: 8. Volyanskyy P. B., Hlovatskiy O. L., практика та досвід. — 2015. — № 23. — Guriev S. O. et all. (2010), Reahuvan- С. 144–147. nya na vynyknennya nadzvychaynykh 5. Терент’єва А. В. Управління надзви- sytuatsiy [Responding to emergen- чайними ситуаціями : монографія / cies], IPASCP NUCP, USPCEMA А. В. Терент’єва. — К. : ТОВ “Доктор and DM, Kyiv, Ukraine. Медіа”, 2009. — 332 с. 6. Сурмин Ю. П. Теория систем и сис- темный аналіз [Текст] : учеб. посо- Список використаних бие / Ю. П. Сурмин. — К. : МАУП, джерел 2003. — 368 с. 7. Сорока К. О. Основи теорії систем 1. Ларичев О. И. Теория и методы при- і системного аналізу: навч. посіб. / нятия решений: учебник. — М.: Ло- К. О. Сорока. — Харків: ХНАМГ, гос, 2000. — 296 с. 2004. — 291 с. 2. Кризовий менеджмент та принци- 8. Реагування на виникнення надзви- пи управління ризиками в процесі чайних ситуацій / П. Б. Волянсь- ліквідації надзвичайних ситуацій: кий, О. Л. Гловацький, С. О. Гур’єв монографія / С. О. Гур’єв, А. В. Те- та ін. — ІДУСЦЗ НУЦЗУ, УНПЦ рент’єва, П. Б. Волянський. — К. : ЕМД та МК. — Вінниця, 2010. — [б. в.], 2008. — 148 с. 412 с.

255 UDC 351.83 Filonenko Sergiy Viktorovich, post-graduate student of the Department of public service and management of edu- cational and social institutions of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko national University, 61002, Starobilsk, tel.: (093) 669 97 47, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9256-2585 Філоненко Сергій Вікторович, аспірант кафедри публічної служби і управління навчальними та соціальними закладами Луганського національного уні- верситету імені Тараса Шевченка, 61002, м. Старобільськ, тел.: (093) 669 97 47, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9256-2585 Филоненко Сергей Викторович, аспирант кафедры публичной службы и управления учебными и социальными учрежде- ниями Луганского национального университета имени Тараса Шевченко, 61002, г. Ста- робельск, тел.: (093) 669 97 47, е-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9256-2585 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-256-266


Abstract. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the cur- rent stage of economic development of the production sector of Ukraine. The question of the need for the development and availability of opportunities for the implementation of an active industrial policy is related to the following circum- stances: in Ukraine, there are conditions for the manifestation of the activity of private capital, which owns funds and financial resources that are quite compa- rable to the resources of the state, and is capable of implementing economic re- forms in the scientific and industrial sphere; private capital begins to realize and formulate its own interests and priorities, to show the ability to self-organization; in the current situation, the modernization of domestic industry is a necessary condition for ensuring high-quality economic growth, and its implementation is impossible without the development and implementation of targeted policies, combining to solve this national problem of the efforts of the state and private capital of considerable economic strength, which is not inferior in its potential to the public sector.

256 It is found out that the clear structure of the state industrial policy of Ukraine at the moment is not defined. The institutional and economic mechanism of industrial policy in Ukraine is proposed, as well as its components are investi- gated. The application of the proposed institutional and economic mechanism for the implementation of the state industrial policy will improve the efficiency of over- coming the above problems not only by clearly structuring the goals, objectives, tools and methods of industrial policy, the study of the effectiveness of its indi- vidual elements on the basis of the analysis of performance indicators, but also by increasing the interaction between subjects and objects of industrial policy with increasing influence of institutional components on the development of the industrial complex of the state as a whole. Keywords: state, industrial policy, institutional and economic mechanism, sectoral approach, strategy of structural transformations in industry. НАПРЯМИ УДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ ІНСТИТУЦІЙНО- ЕКОНОМІЧНОГО МЕХАНІЗМУ ЗДІЙСНЕННЯ ПРОМИСЛОВОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ В УКРАЇНІ Анотація. Розглянуто переваги та недоліки сучасного етапу економічно- го розвитку виробничої сфери України. Постановка питання про необхід- ність розробки і наявності можливостей здійснення активної промислової політики пов’язана з наступними обставинами: в Україні склалися умови для вияву активності приватного капіталу, що володіє коштами і фінансо- вими ресурсами, цілком порівнянними з ресурсами держави, і здатного на здійснення економічних перетворень у науково-промисловій сфері; приват- ний капітал починає усвідомлювати і формулювати свої власні інтереси і пріоритети, виявляти здатність до самоорганізації; у сформованій ситуації модернізація вітчизняної промисловості є необхідною умовою для забез- печення якісного економічного зростання, а її проведення неможливе без розроблення та здійснення цілеспрямованої політики, об’єднання для вирі- шення цього загальнонаціонального завдання зусиль держави і приватного капіталу значної економічної сили, що не поступається за своїм потенціалом державному сектору. З’ясовано, що чітка структура державної промислової політики України на даний момент не визначена. Запропоновано інституційно-економічний механізм здійснення промислової політики в Україні, а також досліджено його складові. Застосування запропонованого інституціонально-економічного механіз- му реалізації державної промислової політики дасть можливість підвищи- ти ефективність подолання зазначених проблем не тільки за рахунок чіткої структуризації цілей, завдань, інструментів і методів промислової політики, дослідження ефективності функціонування її окремих елементів на основі аналізу індикаторів результативності, але й шляхом збільшення взаємодії між суб’єктами та об’єктами промислової політики при посиленні впливу

257 інституціональних складових на розвиток промислового комплексу держа- ви загалом. Ключові слова: держава, промислова політика, інституціонально-еко- номічний механізм, галузевий підхід, стратегія структурних перетворень у промисловості. НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЯ ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО МЕХАНИЗМА ОСУЩЕСТВЛЕНИЯ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ В УКРАИНЕ Аннотация. Рассмотрены преимущества и недостатки современного этапа экономического развития производственной сферы Украины. По- становка вопроса о необходимости разработки и наличии возможностей осуществления активной промышленной политики связана со следующи- ми обстоятельствами: в Украине сложились условия для проявления ак- тивности частного капитала, которая владеет средствами и финансовыми ресурсами, вполне сопоставимыми с ресурсами государства, и способного на осуществление экономических преобразований в научно-промышлен- ной сфере; частный капитал начинает осознавать и формулировать свои собственные интересы и приоритеты, проявлять способность к самоорга- низации; в сложившейся ситуации модернизация отечественной промыш- ленности является необходимым условием для обеспечения качественного экономического роста, а ее осуществление невозможно без разработки и целенаправленной политики, объединения для решения этой общенацио- нальной задачи усилий государства и частного капитала значительной эко- номической силы, что не уступает по своему потенциалу государственному сектору. В связи с тем, что четкая структура государственной промышленной по- литики Украины на данный момент не определена, предложен институцио- нально-экономический механизм осуществления промышленной политики в Украине, а также исследованы его составляющие. Применение предложенного институционально-экономического меха- низма реализации государственной промышленной политики, позволит повысить эффективность преодоления вышеупомянутых проблем не толь- ко за счет четкой структуризации целей, задач, инструментов и методов промышленной политики, исследования эффективности функциониро- вания ее отдельных элементов на основе анализа индикаторов результа- тивности, но и путем увеличения взаимодействия между субъектами и объектами промышленной политики при усилении влияния институ- циональных составляющих на развитие промышленного комплекса госу- дарства в целом. Ключевые слова: государство, промышленная политика, институцио- нально-экономический механизм, отраслевой подход, стратегия структур- ных преобразований в промышленности.

258 Problem statement. At the pre- industrial policy in Ukraine remains in- sent stage of economic development, sufficiently covered. the production sphere of Ukraine has Formulation of the aims of the ar- a number of advantages: a rich raw ticle. The purpose of this article is to material base and the availability of identify the main elements of industrial scientific and technical potential, and policy at the macro level and the forma- a number of significant shortcomings: tion of the design of the institutional the technological lag of Ukraine from and economic mechanism of its imple- the leading European countries, wide- mentation, as well as the rationale for spread wear and low level of equip- proposals to improve this mechanism. ment of fixed assets, the mismatch of Presentation of the main material the structure of industrial production of the study. The issue of the need for parameters’ characteristic of the eco- the development and availability of op- nomies of developed industrial coun- portunities for the implementation of tries. However, a clear structure of an active industrial policy is related to the state industrial policy of Ukraine the following circumstances: at the moment is not defined, though, – in Ukraine, there are conditions on the basis of theoretical and practi- for the manifestation of the activity of cal experience it is possible to build an private capital, which owns funds and institutional and economic mechanism financial resources that are quite com- of industrial parable to the resources of the state, and Analysis of recent research and is capable of implementing economic publications. General methodological reforms in the scientific and industrial aspects of the formation and implemen- sphere; private capital is beginning to tation of the state industrial policy are realize and formulate its own interests covered in the works of both foreign and and priorities, to show the ability to domestic scientists. A significant con- self-organization. tribution to the study of the state im- – in the current situation, the mo- pact on industry was made by scientists dernization of domestic industry is a such as A. M. Horskyi [5], L. V. Deineko necessary condition for ensuring high- [6], V. M. Yemelianov [7], T. L. Zheliuk quality economic growth [8, p. 64], and [1], A. S. Zarudna [5], I. S. Kalinichen- its implementation is impossible with- ko [5], L. P. Klimenko [7], P. V. Krush out the development and implementa- [8], I. A. Maksymenko [8], L. V. Peltek tion of targeted policies, combining the [3], T. A. Stovba [9], N. V. Tarasova [7], efforts of the state and private capital K. I. Tkach [10], V. Ye. Khaustova [11], of considerable economic strength to E. I. Sheludko [6] and others. The ideas solve this national problem, which is and provisions set out in the works of not inferior in its potential to the pub- these authors served as the basis for the lic sector; further development and implemen- – with the development of large do- tation of industrial policy. However, mestic companies, their role in the mo- despite numerous studies, the forma- dernization of the country will increase, tion of the institutional and economic because it is here that the most qualita- mechanism for the implementation of tive resources of national development

259 are concentrated today: professional products, creating a favorable invest- personnel, managerial competence, ad- ment and innovation climate, over- vanced technologies and financial re- coming technological backwardness, sources. support for competition in sectors and The study of the development of spheres of the national economy and the industrial sector of the economy of the solution of other tasks of the state Ukraine showed that in general there industrial policy, the state administra- are positive trends. Regarding the tion and their sectoral ministries and structure of the industrial production departments develop and implement a of Ukraine in terms of shipped goods of number of federal projects and targeted own production, the leading industries development programs for each sec- are the food industry, chemical industry, tor separately, on the Basis of the stra- metallurgical production [11, p. 35]. tegy of sustainable development “Ukra- Nevertheless, a number of socially ine”. – 2020” [4] in which the main ar- important industries, such as light in- eas which need support are highlighted. dustry, furniture production are deve- The priority industries, in accordance loping ineffectively and not innovative- with the Strategy, include pharmacolo- ly, which causes disproportions in the gy, medical equipment, electricity, aero- development of the industrial complex space and other high-tech industries. of the state as a whole. It should be not- The lack of a targeted economic ed that the company is a key level for growth strategy that is adequate to the determining the competitiveness of the dominant trends in world development country as a whole. And the companies, has led to the intensification and inten- along with industrial clusters, but not sification of discussions on the future of the region should be the main subjects the Ukrainian economy. of industrial policy. Today, it is quite obvious that if cur- Each group has a demand for its own rent levels of material and energy inten- version of industrial policy. It is obvious sity of production, productivity and the that the choice of strategy should be existing structure of the economy are made taking into account the interests saved, its development is faced with re- of the majority. source constraints objective [3, р. 85]. Universal measures to create an The instability of world energy prices enabling institutional environment and the reduction of the developed raw without reference to a specific group material base in the metallurgical and of enterprises are most applicable. At chemical industries give rise to more the same time, it is impossible to ignore doubts about the reliability of reliance some industry-specific features that are on raw materials exports to ensure high subject to special measures, such as “tax sustainable economic growth and solve holidays”, direct subsidies for the costs acute social problems. of development in the field of innova- Under these conditions, improv- tion and development of new products. ing the efficiency and competitiveness In order to implement the main pri- of manufacturing industries and high- orities of industrial policy, namely, the tech industries is an alternative way growth of production of competitive of socio-economic development. Do-

260 mestic industry is already facing or will At the moment, the set of methods face the following problems in the near and tools for the implementation of in- future: dustrial policy is quite wide, however, – a significant increase in the costs there is no effective mechanism for the of manufacturing enterprises and the implementation of industrial policy. In limitation of their investment poten- this regard, on the basis of theoretical tial due to the rapid growth of relative analysis and research of practical expe- prices for products (services) of natural rience, the institutional and economic monopolies; mechanism for the implementation of – reduction of competitiveness of the state industrial policy is formu- domestic goods due to significant infla- lated, developed for application at the tion; macro level, which can be designed at – increased localization of invest- the meso-and municipal levels, if neces- ment resources outside of the manu- sary, is reflected in table 1. facturing sector due to rapid growth of The implementation of the proposed investment in fixed capital in export- institutional and economic mechanism oriented primary industries [5, p. 54]. for the implementation of the state in- In this context, for a deeper under- dustrial policy involves not only effec- standing of the economic essence of tive interaction between subjects and industrial policy, it is necessary to pay objects within the framework of the attention to the main institutions that identified priorities, taking into ac- create the conditions for its implemen- count the features and patterns of de- tation and are defined in a general by velopment of the domestic economy, D. North in his institutional theory as but also the goals and objectives, based the “rules of the game” in society or the on the formulated principles, through restrictive framework created by man, the use of appropriate institutional and which organize the relationship be- economic tools and methods, act as fun- tween people [2, p. 38]. damental factors in the functioning of The role of the institutional compo- industrial policy and have a direct im- nent in the functioning of economic sys- pact on the effectiveness of its imple- tems is undeniable, since the relation- mentation. ship between society and the economy In the context of the Association of is determined by a set of institutional Ukraine and the EU, improving natio- constraints that determine the basic nal competitiveness, compliance with structure of the incentives of the eco- international standards and the expan- nomic system and monitor the obser- sion of the share of domestic companies vance of these rights, acting as the main as the main source of welfare of citizens determinants of the functioning of the of the country with the continuous economy [7, p. 42], as a dynamic system growth of their living standards are the that is regulated by the state. Institu- main determinants of industrial deve- tions are also the keys to understanding lopment. the relationship between business and At the same time, the increase in the management as part of an effective in- relative prices of products (services) of dustrial policy. natural monopolies leads to a decrease

261 in GDP growth rates, deterioration of ture at all stages. Ultimately, the reform the financial condition of enterprises, should lead to improved efficiency of especially in the manufacturing indus- natural monopolies and slowing growth try. in the value of their products (services) The initiated reforms in the sphere of and not to continuous growth rates natural monopolies have not yet gained [6, p. 82]. However, while barriers to the proper pace and remain only a po- access to the electricity market remain, tential factor of economic growth. So the wholesale energy market is not de- far, no such schemes have been found to veloping at a sufficient pace, natural ensure transparency of the cost struc- monopolies retain significant non-core

The main components of the institutional and economic mechanism of industrial policy Subjects The President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Min- isters of Ukraine, including ministries and departments, management bodies implementing Supervisory, control and other management functions Objects Enterprises under public ownership; industrial enterprises with equity partici- pation of the state; private companies that are the subject of legislation Purpose Achievement of sustainable development of the industrial complex on the ba- sis of interaction of participants in the process of development and implemen- tation of industrial policy, the maximum use of the potential of modernization of production Basic tasks – ensuring the competitiveness of production; – stimulating domestic demand for industrial products; – development of public-private partnership in industry; – to promote the integration of and transnational character of companies; – support for the development of science-intensive industry; – priority for innovation-oriented companies Basic consistency; reflexivity; attraction of private investments; effective dialogue principles between the government and business; diversification; inter-industry capital overflow taking into account current and strategic priorities of the industry Institutional components Methods Legislative regulation; public-private partnership; public procurement; lobby- ing Tools Laws and regulations; state order; reforming of natural monopolies and state corporations; contracts, agreements; tools of civilized bankruptcy; public- state dialogue business-power Economic components Methods Economic (financial, tax, customs, tariff, banking); management of state property in industry; programming; design Tools – implementation of economic policy (customs, credit, tax, investment, innovation and technology); – preferential crediting of export of goods, technologies-leasing of expensive machinery and equipment; – standardization and certification; – development of production infrastructure; – implementation of state target programs and projects

262 assets, investments, there is no proper is the most real operating mechanism of transparency in conducting large pur- capital transfer from the export-orien- chases, the formation of competitive ted raw materials sector of the domestic markets and the removal of barriers to economy to the manufacturing sector entry into the relevant markets of other [10, p. 37]. companies is very slow. Despite the existence of a legislative Investment problems of natural mo- framework, the creation of favorable nopolies are solved by including the conditions for the development of the corresponding costs in the cost price real sector of the economy as a whole and thus are transferred to consumers. and priority support for certain sectors, It puts natural monopolies and other there are some negative aspects in the industries in unequal conditions in state industrial policy, in particular: comparison with. 1. Currently, most of the state target Regarding export credit and organi- programs are actually the plan of the zation of leasing of expensive and high- state order. tech products, it is carried out at the 2. Many industries are supported state level under the scheme: only within the framework of system- • lending directly or indirectly to wide policy, and priority support is not the supply of science-intensive pro- covered, but still need it (in particular, ducts for export, especially with a long textiles, clothing and food industries). production cycle; 3. There is no or insignificant con- • leasing as the main form of pur- sideration of the territorial aspects of chase of expensive equipment, especial- production (in this connection, the is- ly in the aviation industry; sue of industrial policy activation at • lending to the population for the the meso- and municipal levels is more purchase of expensive products at an acute). acceptable Bank interest, to ensure the In this regard, the effectiveness further development of mortgages [8, of the implementation of modern in- p. 92]. dustrial policy in Ukraine is not large As an objective specificity of the de- enough, does not meet the modern velopment of the domestic economy, it laws of globalization and prevents the should be noted that there are inten- strengthening of Ukraine’s competitive sive processes of industrial integration. position in the world economic space, The attitude to these processes is dif- which in turn requires: ferent, but they are largely due to the • development and adoption of a lack of effective institutions (banking number of restructuring programs, de- system, stock market, contracts, etc.). termine measures for the development In fact, the main investment resources or reduction of a number of industries are concentrated in a limited number (both sectoral and territorial); of export-oriented integrated indus- • strengthening measures to lobby trial groups in the form of holdings and the interests of domestic producers in strategic alliances. Diversification of the world market [9, p. 34]; assets of such groups in the direction of • measures for temporary protec- enterprises of manufacturing industries tion of the relevant markets for finished

263 products, in particular, to reduce im- rections of development of the industry port duties on imported equipment we should highlight the pharmacology, that has no domestic analogues; the production of honey, technology, • reduction of customs restrictions aerospace, information technology, in- that make it difficult for large foreign novation and nanotechnology; investors to enter the domestic market. • nevertheless, there are sectoral The application of the proposed in- and territorial disparities in the deve- stitutional and economic mechanism lopment of industry, which require a for the implementation of the state clear allocation and structuring of com- industrial policy will improve the effi- petencies of different levels of govern- ciency of overcoming the above prob- ment and the activation of diversified lems not only by clearly structuring the activities carried out at the meso- and goals, objectives, tools and methods of municipal levels in the framework of in- industrial policy, the study of the effec- dustrial policy in accordance with the tiveness of its individual elements on basic conditions of development of in- the basis of the analysis of performance dividual territorial entities. indicators, but also by increasing the in- teraction between subjects and objects References of industrial policy with increasing in- fluence of institutional components on 1. Zhelyuk T. L. (2010), Upravlin- the development of the industrial com- nya dovgostrokovym rozvytkom plex of the state as a whole. nacional’noyi ekonomiky: metodolo- Conclusions from this study and gichni ta prykladni aspekty [Manage- prospects for further exploration. ment of long-term development of na- As a result of the study, it is possible tional economy: methodological and to draw the following conclusions:: applied aspects], TNEU publ, Terno- pil, Ukraine. • a clear structure of the state indus- 2. Nort D. K. (1997), Institutyi, insti- trial policy of Ukraine at the moment tutsionalnyie izmeneniya i funkt- is not defined, however, on the basis of sionirovanie ekonomiki [Institutions, theoretical and practical experience, it institutional change and economic is possible to build an institutional and performance], Fond ekonomicheskoy economic mechanism of industrial po- knigi “Nachala” publ, Moscow, Russia. licy from the macro level, includes: the 3. Pel’tek L. V. (2010), Rozvytok purpose and objectives, basic principles rehional'noyi promyslovoyi polityky and methods, tools, performance assess- derzhavy: teoriya, metodolohiya, me- ment, as well as the allocation of a sepa- khanizmy [The development of regio- nal industrial policy: theory, method- rate block of institutional components ology, tools], ChDU Publ., Mykolayiv, of industrial policy; Ukraine. • the study of the practice of state 4. President of Ukraine (2015), Decree industrial policy in Ukraine in recent of the President of Ukraine “On the years allows us to judge the diversity strategy of sustainable development and a wide range of activities in the “Ukraine-2020” available at: http:// field of regulation and support of indus- trial development. Among priority di- (Accessed 14 September 2018).

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266 UDК 35.077 Khomaiko Kseniia Oleksandrivna, postgraduate student of the Department of Management and Administration, O. M. Be- ketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Kharkiv, Str. Marshalа Bazhanovа, 17, tel.: (098) 222 68 27, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3203-6185 Хомайко Ксенія Олександрівна, аспірант кафедри менеджменту і адмі- ністрування, Харківський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 61002, Харків, вул. Мар- шала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (098) 222 68 27, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3203-6185 Хомайко Ксения Александровна, аспирант кафедры менеджмента и администрирования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, Харьков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: (098) 222 68 27, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3203-6185 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-267-275

PRIORITY DIRECTIONS AND PRACTICES IN IMPROVING COOPERATION IN PUBLIC AUTHORITIES WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Abstract. The article considers the priority directions and practices for im- proving the cooperation of the authorities with international organizations. Ge- neral theoretical positions and scientific approaches concerning interaction with international organizations are considered. The main tasks of development of in- ternational relations for the Ukrainian state are outlined. The existing experience of cooperation of state authorities of all levels with international organizations has been analyzed. The study noted that the establishment of effective relations between the state and the public sector leads to the involvement of the popula- tion in the process of creation and development of civil society, participation of the population in the development and implementation of social and social ini- tiatives, building closer contacts and principles of feedback between authority’s power and population. It is determined that only consolidated efforts of all states on the basis of partnership are able to lead to effective interaction between public authorities. During the comprehensive study, the main tasks of the development

267 of international relations for the Ukrainian state are outlined. The existing expe- rience of cooperation of state authorities of all levels with international organiza- tions has been analyzed. Strategic vectors of cooperation are formulated in the context of the development of the decentralization process to achieve the lead- ing positions of the state in terms of socio-economic development, innovation re- newal, solving key social problems, improving the quality of life of the population by activating the internal potential of the regional economy. Recommendations aimed at the development of effective interaction on the basis of partnership are developed. It is noted that the establishment of efficiently working relations between the state and the public sector leads to the involve- ment of the population in the process of creating and developing a civil society, participation of the population in the development and implementation of social and social initiatives, building closer contacts and principles of feedback between authorities and the population. It is determined that only consolidated efforts of all states on the basis of partnership are able to lead to effective interaction between public authorities. Keywords: international organization; international; international relations; international cooperation; public authorities. ПРІОРИТЕТНІ НАПРЯМИ ТА ПРАКТИКИ ПОКРАЩЕННЯ СПІВРОБІТНИЦТВА ОРГАНІВ ПУБЛІЧНОЇ ВЛАДИ З МІЖНАРОДНИМИ ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯМИ Анотація. Розглядаються пріоритетні напрями та практики покращення співробітництва органів влади з міжнародними організаціями. Проаналізо- вано основні тенденції розвитку співробітництва на базі існуючих наукових розробок та сформульовано гіпотезу щодо даної діяльності, яка перебуває в руслі розробки ефективного та конструктивного співробітництва. Роз- глянуто загальнотеоретичні положення та наукові підходи щодо взаємо- дії з міжнародними організаціями. Визначено, що залишаються проблеми, пов’язані з питаннями співробітництва міжнародних організацій та органів публічної влади як на світовому рівні, так і на державному. Під час комп- лексного дослідження окреслено основні завдання розвитку міжнародних зв’язків для української держави. Проаналізовано існуючий досвід спів- праці органів державної влади всіх рівнів з міжнародними організаціями. Сформульовано стратегічні вектори співробітництва в умовах розвитку процесу децентралізації для досягнення державою лідируючих позицій з точки зору соціально-економічного розвитку, інноваційного оновлення, вирішення ключових соціальних завдань, підвищення якості життя насе- лення шляхом активізації внутрішнього потенціалу регіональної еконо- міки. Розроблено рекомендації, що спрямовані на розвиток ефективної взає- модії на засадах партнерства. Зазначено, що створення ефективно працю- ючих відносин між державою та громадським сектором долучає населення до процесу створення та розвитку громадянського суспільства, його участі

268 в розробці та реалізації громадських і соціальних ініціатив, вибудовування більш тісних контактів і принципів зворотного зв’язку між органами влади і населенням. Наголошено, що тільки консолідовані зусилля всіх держав на засадах партнерства спроможні забезпечити ефективну взаємодію органів влади з громадськістю. Ключові слова: міжнародна організація; міжнародна; міжнародні відно- сини; міжнародне співробітництво; органи публічної влади. ПРИОРИТЕТНЫЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ И ПРАКТИКИ УЛУЧШЕНИЯ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА ОРГАНОВ ПУБЛИЧНОЙ ВЛАСТИ С МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫМИ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯМИ Аннотация. Рассматриваются приоритетные направления и практики улучшения сотрудничества органов власти с международными организа- циями. Проанализированы основные тенденции развития сотрудничества на базе существующих научных разработок и сформулирована гипотеза о данной деятельности, которая находится в русле разработки эффективного и конструктивного сотрудничества. Рассмотрены общетеоретические поло- жения и научные подходы по взаимодействию с международными организа- циями. Определено, что остаются проблемы, связанные с вопросами сотруд- ничества международных организаций и органов публичной власти, как на мировом уровне, так и на государственном. Во время комплексного иссле- дования определены основные задачи развития международных связей для украинского государства. Проанализирован существующий опыт сотруд- ничества органов государственной власти всех уровней с международными организациями. Сформулированы стратегические векторы сотрудничества в условиях развития процесса децентрализации для достижения государст- вом лидирующих позиций с точки зрения социально-экономического раз- вития, инновационного обновления, решения ключевых социальных задач, повышение качества жизни населения путем активизации внутреннего по- тенциала региональной экономики. Разработаны рекомендации, направленные на развитие эффективного взаимодействия на принципах партнерства. Отмечено, что создание эффек- тивно работающих отношений между государством и общественным сек- тором привлекает население к процессу создания и развития гражданского общества, участия населения в разработке и реализации общественных и социальных инициатив, выстраивание более тесных контактов и принципов обратной связи между органами власти и населения. Определено, что толь- ко консолидированные усилия всех государств на принципах партнерства в состоянии привести к эффективному взаимодействию органов власти с об- щественностью. Ключевые слова: международная организация; международная; между- народные отношения; международное сотрудничество; органы публичной власти.

269 Target setting. At the present stage, international relations has a large vari- during the period of rapid development ety of bilateral, multilateral and cross- of scientific and technological progress, border interactions between sovereign it is impossible for states to co-exist states, regions, territories, global and without interaction between them- regional international intergovernmen- selves, which is carried out through tal and non-governmental organiza- economic and political relations. Today, tions and associations. These relations it is the international organizations are cover all significant spheres of life and the key to solving of the urgent global activities, interwoven in political, eco- problems. nomic, military, social, cultural, scien- The formation of an effective rela- tific, technical and other official and tionship between public authorities informal links between them. and international organizations direct- In our research we paid attention to ly depends on the activities of interna- Ukrainian scientists, namely: O. Bak- tional associations and the organization honskyi [1], A. Dmytriiev [2], D. Kule- for build of political system of Ukraine, ba [3], M. Kucheriava [4], O. Novakova to change of the model of public admi- [5], I. Soliar [6], A. Tunian [7]. nistration. International organizations Analyzing trends in the develop- are permanent unions of intergovern- ment of cooperation between public mental and non-governmental nature, authorities and international organi- created on the basis of an international zations in modern conditions, the re- agreement to assistance the resolution searchers conclude that this activity of international problems. is now in line with the development of The relations of cooperation include effective and constructive cooperation. bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, the However, there are still problems rela- conclusion of various types of unions ted to the issues of cooperation between and agreements that envisage the mu- international organizations and public tual coordination of political tacks, authorities at both the global level and common practical ties with the objec- in Ukraine. tives of joint regulation of conflicts, the The purpose of the article is to provision of general security or the so- conduct a comprehensive study of the lution of other issues of common inte- interactions of public authorities from rest to all participating countries. international organizations, the cre- Today, for the improvement of co- ation of strategic directions for the de- operation of public authorities from in- velopment of ways to improve interna- ternational organizations, it is a need tional cooperation, the development of for the development of effective algo- proposals and recommendations aimed rithms and constructive directions for at developing effective cooperation on the protection of that coordination of a partnership basis in order to meet the conflicts of interests of the population, public interest of Ukrainians and public which directly contribute to minimiz- initiative of that self-organization. ing socio-economic and political risks. The statement of basic materials. Analysis of recent research and The current development of an inde- publications. The modern system of pendent democratic country is impos-

270 sible without mutual exchange and ganization to the awareness of the need enrichment with ideas, methodology, to respect the interests of other states and concrete developments between and the international community as a countries around the world. Today, the whole, in order to preserve a certain or- task of improving relations between the der in international relations. countries is solved by developing effec- The main tasks of developing in- tive international contact persons that ternational relations for the Ukrainian can be applied in accordance with the state are as follows: law on combating corruption in accor- – attraction of foreign investments dance with the law on the protection of into the economy and increase of in- human and civil rights and freedoms, vestment attractiveness of the region; except for cases when they are in prison. – assistance in attracting new tech- Increasing the role of international nologies, scientific developments, organizations creates certain guaran- promotion of international scientific tees for states in solving various con- cooperation; flicts. The existence and creation of – development of international international organizations reveals the tourism and promotion of tourism broader possibilities of convergence of products created in Ukraine to foreign all mankind, and also promotes the fas- markets; test development of civilization. – activization of activities aimed at In the process of functioning of the supporting compatriots abroad, deve- international organization, the coordi- lopment of educational, cultural and nation of the activities of the states ac- scientific relations with compatriots quires a different character, since it uses living abroad; a special, permanent and adapted for – development of international co- consideration and agreed mechanism of operation in the field of culture, youth decision of issues. policy, physical culture and sports; The functioning of an international – formation of a positive image of organization is reduced not only to re- the state as a region with favorable con- lations between states, but also between ditions for living, organization of rest, the organization and the states. These doing business and investing. relations characterize the voluntary exe- “Recognizing the role of civil society, cution by the state of certain restric- developed countries and international tions and decisions of the international organizations of countries systemati- organization. The specificity of such cally involve citizens and their associa- relations is that they depend on coordi- tions in solving problems in all spheres nation relations, that is, if coordination of human activity. Thus, in Germany, of activities of states within an inter- the involvement of civic organizations national organization does not lead to enables, firstly, to save 30–37 % of the a certain result, then these relations do cost of such services for the state, and not arise. They arise in connection with secondly, to raise the quality of political the achievement of a result through the and public-law decisions. Civil society operation of an international organiza- institutes account for 3–9 % of deve- tion. States agree to subordinate the or- loped countries’ GDP (5 % in Belgium,

271 7,9 % in Canada). In the public sec- ment agencies, public authorities dur- tor of the European Union countries, ing the special period, carrying out an there are 4,4 to 14 % of the able-bodied anti-terrorist operation, and assisting population. In Central and Eastern Eu- internally displaced persons” [11]. ropean countries, public organizations Proceeding from the existing expe- attract three times more domestic and rience of cooperation of state authori- foreign investment in the social sphere ties of all levels with international or- than state and municipal social-secu- ganizations, a number of reasons can be rity institutions. 60 % of civil society elaborated which encourage the parties representatives, including volunteers to engage in both economic and politi- engaged in service delivery, of which cal interaction. 40 % focus on social, medical and edu- At the present stage, international cational services” [8]. organizations have become centers “Taking into account the increasing of uniting the efforts of States to de- role of civil society in various spheres of velop new forms of cooperation in the activity of public authorities and local economic sphere. In addition, they are self-government bodies, in particular the institutional basis for multilateral with regard to implementation of re- regulation of international economic forms, in support of the public initiative, relations, and carry out important func- as well as in order to establish effective tions aimed at ensuring the free circula- dialogue and partnerships between pub- tion of goods, services, capital, in solv- lic authorities, local self-government ing international economic disputes, in bodies and civil society organizations, making decisions in various forms and first of all, on the issues of ensuring the with varying degrees of binding status rights and freedoms of man and citizen, for states-participants In conditions of guided by part two of Article 102 of the globalization, states are forced to trans- Constitution of Ukraine [9] and, re- fer a significant part of the powers to spectively, on paragraph 28 of the first regulate foreign economic activity, pre- part of Article 106 of the Constitution viously carried out by the states them- of Ukraine On February 26, 2016, the selves, international organizations. President of Ukraine approved the Na- For economic reasons, many inter- tional Strategy for Promoting the De- national organizations (World Bank, velopment of Civil Society in Ukraine International Monetary Fund, etc.) for 2016–2020” [10]. and Western donors believe much less “The development of the new Strat- the ability of national governments and egy was due to changes in the main market mechanisms to ensure the prop- trends in the development of civil so- er level of both social programs and civil ciety, the growth of its role in various society development projects. Another spheres, from advancement of reforms economic motive for cooperation is the at the state and local levels, Euro- fact that, along with the growing needs pean integration and development of for social spending, there is a reduc- e-government to providing volunteers tion in the share of public expenditures, with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which legitimately leads to the desire of other military formations, law enforce- state authorities to “divide the financial

272 burden”. In addition, similar processes vital social agreements in the process of take place at the local level, as for local discussing and implementing political budgets, resource allocation may even reforms. be more problematic, due to a decrease Conclusion. According to the re- in centralized public funding. Finally, sults of the research carried out today, the global experience of public-private the cooperation of public authorities partnership with non-profit making with international organizations is the leads to the recognition that attract- most urgent and most important area ing international organizations to par- of activity for addressing the pressing ticipation in national and local projects problems of the public sector. is more cost-effective and economical, It is sensible that the realization and also has a lower added value, espe- of internationally accepted solutions cially compared to the private sector of is impossible without a deep aware- the economy. ness of the full responsibility for their At the same time, the main socio- implementation on the part of all sig- political factors of the reasons for the natory states, all subjects of political, interaction of authorities with public legal, economic and other types of go- organizations are as follows: vernance within the structure of these – the onset of a new era (in the states, which is why special significance modern political theory of post-con- in the development of active forms of flict or new-administrative) in build- work on the solution of topical issues ing relations between authorities and is given to international organizations, citizens, characterized by a greater role the system of interstate agreements and of civil society and its participants in agreements. matters of governance of the state and Taking into account the world ex- the functioning of its individual insti- perience and the analysis, it should be tutions; noted that the creation of clear, well- – partnerships between civil soci- written, transparent, efficiently work- ety, the private sector and the state are ing relations between the state and the often perceived as the most effective public sector leads to: methods for solving complex socio-eco- – involvement of the population in nomic problems; the process of creation and develop- – social capital (increasing the will ment of civil society; and ability of citizens to participate in – participation of the population in the socio-political life of the country the development and implementation and the state) becomes a prerequisite of public and social initiatives; and ancillary element for supporting – building closer contacts and prin- economic growth and development of ciples of feedback between authorities the country; and the public. – the main motivation of the public Therefore, during the analysis, the sector is the public benefit, not profit; general theoretical positions and sci- – the process of comprehensive and entific approaches to interaction with pluralistic decision-making is recog- international organizations are con- nized as a necessary tool for achieving sidered, and it is determined that only

273 consolidated efforts of all states on the 6. Soliar I. (2013), Ukrainian politician basis of partnership will be able to lead and international organizations in the to effective interaction between public 1920–1930’s: the format of the inter- authorities. parliamentary union, , vol. 22– 23, p. 220–225, available at: http:// References 23_27 1. Bakhonskyi O. (2001), “Problems of 7. Tunian A. T. (2014), International or- Scientific Integration: International ganizations in the formation of inte- Symposium “The Role of Internatio- gration processes, Effective economy, nal Organizations in the Development № 10, available at: of Pan-European Science and Techno- ua/UJrn/efek_2014_10_61 logy Space”, Bulletin of the Natio- 8. Afonin E. A., Bielska T. V. (2013), nal Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Global Civil Society as a Phenomenon Kyiv, Ukraine, № 1, p. 58–59, avai- of the Contemporary Global World, lable at: Bulletin of the National Academy of vnanu_2002_1_10 Public Administration under the Pre- 2. Dmytriiev A. I. (2013), The Role of sident of Ukraine, № 4, p. 9–17, avail- International Organizations in the able at: Global Process of Globalization (Re- Vnadu_2013_4_4 view of the Monograph O. M. Shpako- 9. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1996), vich “Influence of Acts of Internation- The Law of Ukraine “Constitution of al Organizations on the Institutional Ukraine”, available at: http://zakon2. Law of the Member States: Theory and Practice”), Public Law, № 1, p. 418– (Accessed 23 August 2018). 420, available at: 10. The President of Ukraine (2016), Decree UJRN/pp_2013_1_60 of the President of Ukraine “On Pro- 3. Kuleba D. I. (2013), How it was: rec- motion of Civil Society Development”, ognition of the right of subjectivity of available at: http://www.president. international organizations, European perspectives, № 8, p. 180–188, avai- (Accessed 23 August 2018). lable at: 11. Existing mechanisms of coopera- evpe_2013_8_36 tion between public authorities and 4. Kucheriava M. V. (2017), Estimation civil society organizations in the con- of the quality of information provi- text of the implementation of the sion for the adoption of managerial National Strategy for Promoting decisions as a direction of activity of Civil Society in Ukraine 2016–2020 international organizations, Scien- (2016), Vait, Kyiv, Ukraine, avai- tific works of NDFI, № 4, p. 128–142, lable at: available at: ukraine/303331?download=true UJRN/Npndfi_2017_4_25 5. Novakova O. V. (2013), The role of in- Список використаних ternational non-governmental organi- джерел zations in the implementation of the concept of sustainable development, 1. Бахонський О. Проблеми наукової Political science notes, № 7, avai- інтеграції : Міжнародний симпозі- lable at: ум “Роль міжнародних організацій Polzap_2013_7_4 у розвитку загальноєвропейського

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275 UDК 35.077 Yarovoy Tikhon Sergeyevich, PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department Public Admini- stration, Interregional Academy of Person- nel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Fro- metivska, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7266-3829 Яровой Тихон Сергійович, кандидат наук з державного управлін- ня, доцент кафедри публічного адміні- стрування, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7266-3829 Яровой Тихон Сергеевич, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры публично- го администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-7266-3829 DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-276-285

LOBISM: DEFINITION OF THE CONCEPT IN THE FIELD OF THEORETICAL-DISCUSSIVE FIELD AND NORMABLE PROCESS Abstract. The article is devoted to a scientific search for the definition of lob- byism, which best describes the nature of this concept and was optimal for use in the further regulatory regulation of lobbying in Ukraine. Starting his research from the account of the developments of foreign and do- mestic scientists, the author cites various approaches of researchers to the cor- relation of the concepts “lobbyism”, “lobbying”, “lobbying activity”. Based on the analysis of research of predecessors, the author's corresponding definitions are offered. The term “lobbyism” suggests to understand as the mechanism for realizing the interests of citizens and society, functioning through the interaction of these groups with the government, in all its manifestations. Lobbying is seen as an ef- fective manifestation of lobbyism, carried out within the framework of the nor- mative-right field, realizing in practice the desire of pressure groups to influence state authorities, to ensure the interests of citizens and society in a law-abiding

276 and accountable method. The lobbying activity in this context is the professional activity of the subjects of lobbying, it is carried out in the rule-making and pub- lic-management activities, which is aimed at the adoption by the state authori- ties of Ukraine, local self-government bodies of Ukraine, other subjects of power, their officials and officials, deputies of all levels, Solutions that meet the interests of the customer lobbying services. Separate attention is devoted to manifestations of lobbyism and varieties of lobbying. The manifestations of lobbyism are classified by such criteria as: scale; direction of impact; export pressure and pressure for import; operating principle; speed reaction; duration of exposure. Types of lobbying, according to the author, are: lobbying of various social structures; departmental lobbying; regional lobby- ing; foreign lobbying. Keywords: lobbyism; lobbying; lobbying activity; legal regulation; bill; repre- sentation of interests. ЛОБІЗМ: ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ПОНЯТТЯ В РАМКАХ ТЕОРЕТИКО- ДИСКУСІЙНОГО ПОЛЯ ТА НОРМОТВОРЧОГО ПРОЦЕСУ Анотація. Наведено визначення лобізму, яке якомога краще розкриває природу цього поняття та є оптимальним для використання в рамках по- дальшого нормативного врегулювання лобізму в Україні. Враховуючи напрацювання зарубіжних та вітчизняних науковців, роз- глядаються різні підходи до співвідношення понять “лобізм”, “лобіювання”, “лобістська діяльність”. На основі аналізу досліджень попередників, запро- поновано відповідні дефініції. Під терміном “лобізм” пропонується розуміти механізм реалізації інтере- сів громадян та суспільства, який функціонує шляхом здійснення взаємодії зазначених груп з владою у всіх її проявах. Лобіювання розглядається як ді- євий вияв лобізму, що здійснюється в рамках нормативно-правого поля, ре- алізуючи на практиці прагнення груп впливати на органи державної влади для забезпечення захисту інтересів громадян та суспільства в законослухня- ний і підзвітний суспільству спосіб. Лобістська діяльність у цьому контексті являє собою професійну діяльність суб’єктів лобіювання, що здійснюється в нормотворчій та державно-управлінській діяльності і спрямована на при- йняття органами державної влади України, органами місцевого самовряду- вання України, іншими суб’єктами владних повноважень, їх посадовими та службовими особами, депутатами усіх рівнів, рішень, що відповідають ін- тересам замовника лобістських послуг. Окрему увагу присвячено виявам лобізму та різновидам лобіювання. Ви- яви лобізму класифіковано за такими критеріями: масштаб; напрям впливу; експорт тиску та імпорт тиску; принцип дії; швидкість реакції; тривалість впливу. Різновидами лобіювання є: лобіювання різних соціальних структур; відомче лобіювання; регіональне лобіювання; іноземне лобіювання. Ключові слова: лобізм; лобіювання; лобістська діяльність; норматив- но-правове регулювання; законопроект; представництво інтересів.

277 ЛОББИЗМ: ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ПОНЯТИЯ В РАМКАХ ТЕОРЕТИКО- ДИСКУССИОННОГО ПОЛЯ И НОРМОТВОРЧЕСКОГО ПРОЦЕССА Аннотация. Представлено определение лоббизма, которое как нельзя лучше раскрывает природу этого понятия и является оптимальным для ис- пользования в рамках дальнейшего нормативного урегулирования лоббиз- ма в Украине. Учитывая наработки зарубежных и отечественных ученых, рассматри- ваются различные подходы исследователей к соотношению понятий “лоб- бизм”, “лоббирование”, “лоббистская деятельность”. На основе анализа ис- следований предшественников, предложены соответствующие авторские дефиниции. Под термином “лоббизм” предлагается понимать механизм реализации интересов граждан и общества, функционирующий путем осуществления взаимодействия указанных групп с властью, во всех ее проявлениях. Лоб- бирование рассматривается как действенное проявление лоббизма, осу- ществляемое в рамках нормативно-правого поля, реализующее на практике стремление групп влиять на органы государственной власти для обеспече- ния защиты интересов граждан и общества законопослушным и подотчет- ным обществу образом. Лоббистская деятельность в этом контексте представляет собой про- фессиональную деятельность субъектов лоббирования, осуществляется в нормотворческой и государственно-управленческой деятельности, которая направлена на принятие органами государственной власти Украины, орга- нами местного самоуправления Украины, другими субъектами властных полномочий, их должностными и служебными лицами, депутатами всех уровней, решений, отвечающих интересам заказчика лоббистских услуг. Отдельное внимание посвящено проявлениям лоббизма и разновид- ностям лоббирования. Проявления лоббизма классифицированы по та- ким критериям как: масштаб; направление воздействия; экспорт давления и импорт давления; принцип действия; скорость реакции; продолжитель- ность воздействия. Разновидностями лоббирования, являются: лоббирова- ние различных социальных структур; ведомственное лоббирование; регио- нальное лоббирование; иностранное лоббирование. Ключевые слова: лоббизм, лоббирование, лоббистская деятельность, нормативно-правовое регулирование, законопроект, представительство интересов.

Formulation of the problem. Lob- groups of pressure in practice has long byism as a socio-political phenomenon been in the sight of the scholars. At the and lobbying as an instrument for same time, some scholars use the defi- implementing the aspirations of the nition of “lobbyism”, other “lobbying”,

278 and the third — “lobbying activity”. O. Grosfeld, O. Dyahilev, A. Yevhenye- The analysis of the domestic and fo- va, M. Landeil, R. Matskevich, V. Ne- reign scientific literature on the politi- sterovych, A. Onuprienko, O. Por- cal science, public administration and firovych, V. Sumska, Ye. Tykhomyrova, law demonstrates an impressive vari- V. Fedorenko and other researchers. ety of approaches to the definition of Particular attention is devoted to the these concepts. A number of scholars analysis of the relevant definitions pro- identify these terms, some differentiate posed in the draft laws designed to re- or even oppose them as alternatives. If gulate the lobbying activity in Ukraine domestic studies of lobbyism with rare published during the years of indepen- exceptions originate from the second dence. half of the twentieth century, then the The purpose of the article is to US and Western European countries define the concept of “lobbyism” and had a scientific interest in this phe- its related concepts on the basis of the nomenon much earlier. The modern do- analysis of scientific developments of mestic scientific community decisively the domestic and foreign researchers catches up with this gap. Over the past and the domestic lawmaking initiatives 20 years, the world has seen the study aimed at regulating the lobbying acti- of V. F. Nesterovych, V. V. Sumska, vity. O. V. Dyahilev, O. M. Voynych and a Presentation of the main research number of other scholars in the field of material. The genesis of the notion of political science, public administration. “lobbyism” has already been considered Within the framework of the lawmak- by us in previous studies, so let us dwell ing process, several bills have been cre- in more detail on the essential features ated to resolve domestic lobbying acti- of the terms “lobbyism”, “lobbying”, vities. At the same time, the diversity “lobbying activity” and the content of approaches to lobbyism as a pheno- that the domestic and foreign resear- menon, the discrepancy in the outline chers invest in them. The study of the by scientists of the scope of the func- essential content of the terminology of tioning of lobbyists, the lack of regu- the lobbying activity originates from latory legislation that would fix these the consideration of so-called “inte- concepts — all this indicates the need rest groups” or “groups of pressure”. In for a systematic study, the specification the modern political and state-manage- of proposals to consolidate certain defi- ment science, the basis for studying the nitions in the relevant regulatory legal theory of interest groups was laid by Ar- act. thur Bentley in his 1908 scientific pa- Analysis of previous studies and per “The Process of Governance”. The publications. A number of domestic work of Bentley marks the introduc- and foreign scientists devoted their at- tion of a conceptual notion of “group” tention to the problem of lobbyism in (in contrast to class, social strata, etc., particular and the specific features of which can also be regarded as groups this phenomenon in general. The bases of people) in politics. The author ana- for this study were individual ideas, lyzes the group as the basic unit of so- the work of A. Bentley, O. Voynych, ciety, and the political community as a

279 whole treats of a set of different “inter- to make the most profitable decision est groups”. In the sense of A. Bentley, for themselves, while interacting with the group is “this association of citizens representatives of political parties, le- that is considered not as an abstract gislative, executive and judicial branch- unit of society, but as mass activity that es of power, mainly using two methods of does not associate an individual with influencing the power structures: creat- participation in only one group, but ing favorable for self-confidence and di- permits its activities and many others. rect conviction of the civil servants and There is no such group that would not parliamentarians. By competing with have its own interests, groups without each other, they are constantly search- interest do not exist. Society is nothing ing for access to the state institutions but a set of different groups of interests, that are the center of making politically and their number is limited to only one significant decisions in order to maxi- indicator — the interests for which they mize the productive resource allocation. are created and operate” [1, p. 199]. At According to D. Truman, such a sharp the same time, the scientist noted that competition of groups positively affects it is the state that performs the func- the maintenance of the stability of the tion of maintaining balance between political system. Such a vision of groups the groups of interests. It is interest- of pressure as a factor generating a “ba- ing that such a definition of society as a lance of the political system” seems too whole does not contradict the domestic idealized for us. It is worth noting that definition given in the Great Explana- the opponents of the “Truman concept” tory Dictionary of Modern Ukrainian were criticized by the American politi- Language: society is a collection of peo- cal scientist with reason, emphasizing ple united by certain relations, condi- the relativity of the “equilibrium” of the tioned by a historically variable way of system under conditions of the group producing material and spiritual goods competition. For example, R. Mills [2, p. 1417]. However, the definition noted that the “that for one is equilib- of A. Bentley seems more appropriate rium, for another — its just absence” in terms of political science and state- [4, p. 44]. The American political sci- management approach. entists W. Domhoff, R. Watson and In the future, A. Bentley’s concept others resembled similar positions, not- was actively developed by D. Truman, ing that only a small minority of Ameri- who referred to a more precise definition can citizens can influence the direc- of the concept of “interest group”. The tion and nature of the internal and, in American political scientist singled out particular, foreign policy of the state. the category of “political groups” that Rather, it’s worth talking about using in modern political science is complete- instruments of pressure on the state on ly synonymous with the term “groups the part of active groups rather than of pressure” — interested groups that the all society as a whole. exert pressure on state structures [3, With regard to the term “lobbyism”, p. 67]. Within the framework of the Tru- it was used in English-speaking coun- man concept, interest groups use the tries since 1883 in the same sense as full range of democratic instruments “lobbying”, that is to denote a variety of

280 corrupt acts in the adoption of norma- terests of interested stratum and groups tive legal acts by the public authorities of the population, and has the right to [5, p. 376]. However, in the domestic influence the formation of Ukrainian scientific school, these definitions are legislation in legal ways [7]. Taking into considered as identical, and as different, account that this bill was one of the first and even — as mutually exclusive. For in the domestic law-making process on example, V. F. Nesterovych, in his study the normalization of lobbyism, even “Constitutional and Legal Aspects of such a determination of definitions in it Lobbying in the Legislative Process of can be considered a significant achieve- Ukraine” defines “lobbyism” and “lob- ment. bying” at the same time and identifies The domestic constitutionalist them and contrasts them. In particu- O. Dyahilev in his study “The Legal lar, the researcher notes that the use of Institute for Lobbying: Constitutional the term “lobbyism” is “a consequence and Legal Aspects” defines the terms of the borrowing of Russian tradition “lobbyism” and “lobbying” consider- where in the scientific works of the ing them in the legal and institutional scientists on the given problem, since sense. In particular, under lobbyism, Soviet times, the lexical form of the ba- he proposes to understand “a set of sic concept has received the dominant political norms that require legal lega- role in its application”. Instead, he sug- lization, are based on the indispensable gests “more correct use, in particular constitutional right of the citizens to as a legal category, of the form used in participate in the management of the legal acts — “lobbying” which trans- public affairs and regulate relations at lates from English to Ukrainian into the legislative level that arise in the “лобіювання” [6, p. 17–18]. We can not process of defending their citizens or agree with this approach, since from the their interests represented through point of view of public administration methods not prohibited by the law lobbyism is rather a mechanism for re- of influence on the bodies of the state alizing the interests of citizens, whereas power and local self-government” [8, lobbying is a practical manifestation of p. 26]. In this case, the researcher cha- lobbyism within the regulatory frame- racterizes lobbying as “the process of in- work. fluence (pressure) of the citizens or their Repeatedly the theme of lobbyism groups (associations) to be registered was raised in the law-making process. in a special order on certain normative So in the draft law “On the Legal Status bodies of the state power and bodies of of Groups that Are United by Common the local self-government with the pur- Interests (lobby groups) in the Verk- pose of promoting decision-making in hovna Rada of Ukraine” (1999), the the interests of the said persons, their notion “lobbyist” is absent at all, but groups (associations), or those whose in Art. 1 of this bill uses the category interests they present”. Also O. V. Dya- “group united by common interests hilev distinguishes between “lobbying (lobby group)” that refers to the as- activity” (“lobbyist actions”) as “a more sociation of citizens of Ukraine, repre- narrow, specific notion that determines senting certain economic and social in- the direct actions of lobbyists, the

281 use of specific means of influence” [8, client), within the limits and in a man- p. 26–27]. Noting in general the rational ner not prohibited by the legislation division of the related definitions, we of Ukraine, exercises influence on the still consider it appropriate to consider entities whose list is specified by the lobbyism not as a simple set of political law in order to influence the drafting, norms, but as a mechanism for realizing discussion and adoption of draft laws the interests of the citizens and society of Ukraine and other decisions of the that functions through the interaction Verkhovna Rada and Ukraine” [10]. of these groups with the authorities in A slightly broader scope of lobbyism all its manifestations. is outlined in the 2016 bill. “Lobbyism The lobbying researcher V. Sumska is the professional activity of the sub- also shares the notion of “lobbying” ject of lobbyism, aimed at promoting and “lobbying activity”. In particular, laws, other normative legal acts, their she notes the following “to identify the projects during the process of develop- concept of “lobbying” and “lobbying ac- ment, adoption, cancellation or change tivity” is not feasible, since they carry by their bodies of the state power of a different semantic load. Lobbying Ukraine, local self-government bodies should be considered as a certain social of Ukraine, other subjects of authority phenomenon, socio-political institu- of Ukraine, their civil servants and offi- tion, and lobbying activity as a manifes- cials, deputies of all levels; the represen- tation of lobbying embodied in the con- tation and protection of the customer crete actions of individuals” [9, p. 19]. interests in lobbying services” [11]. In part agreeing with the researcher on At the same time, a number of re- the difference in the content of these searchers are leaning towards a much concepts, however, we believe that wider scope of the lobbyists’ activity. lobbying is an effective manifestation In particular, V. F. Nesterovych noted of lobbyism which is an appropriate in this connection: “the restriction of mechanism for realizing the interests of the content of this concept solely to the the citizens and society. influence on the legislative activity of There is no consensus among re- the parliament does not reflect the true searchers and in the context of defin- state of this political and legal phenom- ing the scope of lobbying. Some authors enon, since the modern institute of lob- characterize lobbying as a mechanism bying has de facto and de jure gone out a of influence exclusively (or mainly) long time ago beyond the scope of influ- on the legislative activity of the parlia- ence only on the lawmaking of the su- ment. Thus, the draft Law of Ukraine preme representative body of the state. “On the Activities of Lobbyists in the In proportions of lobbying influence, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine” proposed other bodies of the state power, prima- the following definition: “A lobbyist is rily the governmental institutions, as a citizen of Ukraine registered in the well as the local self-government bodies Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the do not concede to the parliament” [6, manner prescribed by the law, who, on p. 22–23]. We tend to agree with this a paid or non-paid basis, on behalf and position, because even in the absence of in the interests of a legal entity (the proper legal regulation, the activity of

282 lobbyists manifests itself as an influence • For duration of influence: op- on the adoption of certain decisions by erational-tactical (one-time or both the public authorities of Ukraine short-term action) and strategic and the local self-government bodies of (repeated, long-lasting action). Ukraine, other subjects of power, their Lobbying is an effective manifesta- civil servants and officials, deputies of tion of lobbyism within the framework all levels. Moreover, the scale (loca- of the regulatory field, realizing, in lization) can be identified as internal practice, the pressure of the groups of (general state), and external lobbyism pressure to influence the state authori- (the one that is implemented on the in- ties to ensure the interests of the citi- ternational scene). All of this requires zens and society in a law-abiding and that we define a rather wide range of accountable way for the society. activities, its structuring and standar- Depending on for whom the benefit dization that should precede the formu- of the issue should be solved, lobbying lation of the corresponding author defi- can be divided into varieties, namely: nitions of “lobbyism”, “lobbying” and • lobbying various social struc- “lobbying activity”. tures: civic organizations, move- Taking into account the develop- ments, parties, groups, layers ments of the domestic and foreign (trade unions, anti-war and envi- scholars and taking into account the ronmental movements, business need to standardize the maximum num- unions, etc.); ber of existing manifestations of lobby- • departmental lobbying — lobbies ing activities, we propose the following of the state authorities (central definitions: and local), sectoral “pushing” of Lobbyism is a mechanism for rea- certain interests (so, in the Verk- lizing the interests of the citizens and hovna Rada of Ukraine there are society that functions through the so-called “departmental depu- interaction of these groups with the ties” who have lobbied and are authorities in all its manifestations. The lobbying in favor of, for example, manifestations of lobbyism can be clas- energy, agro-industry or military- sified according to a number of criteria, industrial complexes, etc.); namely: • regional lobbying — the influence • By scale (localization): internal on the power of the representa- (general state) and external lob- tives of the regions that are able byism (international arena). to “break through” the resistance • Under the direction of influence and push the desired solution for Down-up and Up-down (at the the regions. general state level); pressure ex- • foreign lobbying — the influence portation and pressure import of foreign “groups of pressure” or (on the international scene). national communities on certain • On the principle of action (direct state bodies in order to obtain and indirect). certain decisions from them. • At speed of reaction: slow and Lobbying activity is a professional fast. activity of lobbying entities that is car-

283 ried out in the normative and state- 5. Murray J. A. H., Bradley H., Crai- management activities, and is aimed gie W. A., Onions C. T. (Eds.).1970. The at the adoption by the bodies of the Oxford English dictionary. (Vols. VI). state power of Ukraine, local self-gov- Oxford: Clarendon Press [in English]. ernment bodies of Ukraine, other sub- 6. Nesterovych, V. F. (2008). Konstytut- siino-pravovi aspekty lobiiuvannia jects of power, their civil servants and u pravotvorchomu protsesi Ukrainy officials, deputies of all levels, solutions [Constitutional and Legal Aspects of that meet the interests of the customer Lobbying in the Law-making Process lobbying services. in Ukraine]. Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv Conclusions. Lobbyism, lobbying [in Ukrainian]. and lobbying activity are definitions 7. Proekt Zakonu Ukrainy pro pravovyi of different content, although they status hrup, obiednanykh spilnymy are, undoubtedly, interrelated. All of interesamy (lobistskykh) hrup u Verk- them urgently need to be fixed in the hovnii Radi Ukrainy: vid 3 lystopada corresponding legal act. Lobbyism is a 1999 roku № 3188-1 [Draft Law of Ukraine on the legal status of groups mechanism for realizing the interests of united by the common interests of (lob- the citizens and society that functions bying) groups in the Verkhovna Rada through the interaction of these groups of Ukraine: from November 3 1999, with the authorities in all its manifes- № 3188-1]. (n.d.). Re- tations. Lobbying is an effective mani- trieved from festation of lobbyism, and lobbying pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=7028 activity is a professional activity of the [in Ukrainian]. subjects of lobbying. The manifesta- 8. Diahiliev O. V. (2010). Pravovyi in- tions of lobbyism can be categorized ac- stytut lobiiuvannia: konstytutsiino- cording to scale, direction of influence, pravovyi aspekt [Legal Institute of Lobbying: Constitutional and Legal principle of action, reaction rate, etc. Aspect]. Candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv: Lobbing is also divided into varieties, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Uni- depending on who whose interests are versity [in Ukrainian]. being defended. 9. Sumska V. V. (2014). Instytutsiona- lizatsiia lobiiuvannia v derzhavnomu References upravlinni Ukrainy [Institutionaliza- tion of lobbying in the state manage- 1. Bentley A. (1967). The Process of Go- ment of Ukraine]. Candidate’s thesis. vernment. Cambridge [in English]. Kharkiv: National Academy for Public 2. Truman D. B. (1968). The Govermen- Administration under the President of tal Process. New York [in English]. Ukraine, Kharkiv Regional Institute 3. Mills C. W. (1959). Vlastvuyushchaya of Public Administration [in Ukrai- elita [The Power Elite]. Moscow [in nian]. Russian]. 10. Proekt Zakonu Ukrainy pro diialnist 4. Busel V. T. (2005). Velykyi tlumachnyi lobistiv u Verkhovnii Radi Ukrainy: slovnyk suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy: vid 9 lystopada 2003 roku, № 8429 250000 [Great explanatory dictio- [Draft Law of Ukraine on the acti- nary of the modern Ukrainian lan- vity of lobbyists in the Verkhovna guage: 250000]. Kyiv; Irpin: Perun [in Rada of Ukraine: from November 9 Ukrainian]. 2003, № 8429]. (n.d.). www.parla-

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285 UDC: 35.08 (477) Parkhomenko-Kutsevil Oksana Ihorivna, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Head of the Department of Public Adminis- tration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0758-346X Пархоменко-Куцевіл Оксана Ігорівна, доктор наук з державного управління, завідувач кафедри публічного адміні- стрування, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0758-346X Пархоменко-Куцевил Оксана Игоревна, доктор наук по государственному управлению, заведующий кафедрой публичного ад- министрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-0758-346X DOI: 10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-286-295

The principle of decentralization as a basis for the formation of a qualitative human resources potential of the public administration system Abstract. The article analyzed the possibilities of improving the professional training of local government staff taking into account the implementation of the principle of decentralization. The ways of improving the training of specialists of local self-government bodies are proposed, it is envisaged to expand the right of territorial communities to choose not only a higher educational institution that will train specialists but also professional programs that will prepare specialists for a particular territorial community. The analysis provided grounds for highlighting important elements of the pro- fessionalization of local government staff as the basis for the formation of decen- tralization in Ukraine. 1) The current legislation should provide for the allocation of funds to terri- torial communities for vocational training, raising the skills of local government officials. This will enable the community to select which professionals to prepare for this area.

286 2) It is necessary to adopt a normative legal document that would provide for the formation of a real need for vocational training and professional development of local government personnel, taking into account the monitoring carried out in need in such professional personnel. 3) Provision of territorial communities with the right to choose a higher edu- cational institution that will train specialists who need this region (population, community). In addition, it is necessary to foresee the organization on the basis of municipal educational establishments of mobile permanent courses of training of officials of local self-government with the involvement of any specialists from all regions of Ukraine, if necessary in such courses. 4) In order to strengthen the role of the territorial community, it should be fore- seen the right of the community to choose not only a higher educational institu- tion, but also the curricula that are required for professionals who work in the area. 5) To oblige the specialists who have received education for the money of a territorial community, to work in this community for 5 years or to return the money for professional training. 6) Provide funds for the financing of talented youth abroad, provided that they work after graduation of a certain time in Ukraine. The system of training and advanced training of staff of local self-government bodies should depend on the needs of the region in certain competencies of such specialists, as well as the number of such specialists, which in turn can be made if the territorial community is empowered to monitor the needs of staff and the right of communities to order professional training or advanced training. In addi- tion, it is necessary to give territorial communities the right not only to choose a higher educational institution, which trains local self-government personnel, but also curricula for which such training will be carried out. Keywords: public service, service in local self-government bodies, personnel, personnel potential, decentralization, development, training, personnel training. Принцип децентралізації як основа формування якісного кадрового потенціалу системи публічного управління Анотація. Проаналізовано можливості удосконалення професійної під- готовки кадрів органів місцевого самоврядування з урахуванням реалізації принципу децентралізації. Запропоновано шляхи удосконалення підготовки фахівців органів місцевого самоврядування, передбачено розширити право територіальних громад на вибір не тільки вищого навчального закладу, який готуватиме фахівців, а й професійних програм, за якими готуватимуться фа- хівців для певної територіальної громади. Проведений аналіз дає підстави виокремити важливі елементи професі- оналізації кадрів органів місцевого самоврядування як основу формування децентралізації в Україні, а саме: 1) у чинному законодавстві слід передбачити виділення коштів територі- альним громадам на професійне навчання, підвищення кваліфікації посадо-

287 вих осіб місцевого самоврядування. Це надасть можливість громаді обрати яких саме фахівців для цієї місцевості потрібно підготувати; 2) необхідно прийняти нормативно-правовий документ, який би передба- чав формування реальної потреби у професійному навчанні та підвищенні кваліфікації кадрів органів місцевого самоврядування з урахуванням прове- деного моніторингу у потребі саме у таких професійних кадрах; 3) надати територіальним громадам права обирати вищий навчальний за- клад, який готуватиме саме тих фахівців, яких потребує даний регіон (на- селення, громада). Крім того, слід передбачити організацію на базі кому- нальних навчальних закладів мобільних постійно діючих курсів підвищення кваліфікації посадових осіб місцевого самоврядування із залученням будь- яких фахівців з усіх регіонів України за потреби у таких курсах; 4) з метою посилення ролі територіальної громади слід передбачити її право обирати не тільки вищий навчальний заклад, а й навчальні програми, які потрібні для фахівців, що працюватимуть в даній місцевості; 5) передбачити обов’язок фахівців, які отримали освіту за гроші територі- альної громади, відпрацювати в цій громаді протягом 5 років або повернути гроші за професійне навчання; 6) передбачити кошти на фінансування талановитої молоді за кордоном за умови відпрацювання після закінчення навчального закладу певного часу на території України. Таким чином, система підготовки та підвищення кваліфікації кадрів орга- нів місцевого самоврядування має залежати від потреб регіону в певних ком- петентностях таких фахівців, а також кількості таких фахівців, що, в свою чергу, можна зробити, якщо надати право територіальній громаді здійсню- вати моніторинг потреби у кадрах та право громад замовляти професійне навчання або підвищення кваліфікації. Крім того, потрібно надати право те- риторіальним громадам обирати не тільки вищий навчальний заклад, де здій- снюють підготовку кадрів органів місцевого самоврядування, а й навчальні програми, за якими здійснюватиметься така підготовка. Ключові слова: державна служба, служба в органах місцевого самовря- дування, кадри, кадровий потенціал, децентралізація, розвиток, навчання, підвищення кваліфікації кадрів. Принцип децентрализации как основа формирования качественного кадрового потенциала системы публичного управления Аннотация. Проанализированы возможности совершенствования про- фессиональной подготовки кадров органов местного самоуправления с учетом реализации принципа децентрализации. Предложены пути совер- шенствования подготовки специалистов органов местного самоуправления, предусмотрено расширить право территориальных общин на выбор не толь- ко высшего учебного заведения, который будет готовить специалистов, но и

288 профессиональных программ, по которым будут готовить специалистов для определенной территориальной общины. Проведенный анализ позволяет выделить важные элементы профессио- нализации кадров органов местного самоуправления как основу формиро- вания децентрализации в Украине, а именно: 1) в действующем законодательстве следует предусмотреть выделение средств территориальным общинам на профессиональное обучение, повы- шение квалификации должностных лиц местного самоуправления. Это по- зволит обществу выбрать каких именно специалистов для этой местности нужно подготовить; 2) необходимо принять нормативно-правовой документ, который бы предусматривал формирование реальной потребности в профессиональном обучении и повышении квалификации кадров органов местного самоуправ- ления с учетом проведенного мониторинга о необходимости именно в таких профессиональных кадрах; 3) предоставить территориальным общинам право избирать высшее учеб- ное заведение, которое будет готовить именно тех специалистов, в которых нуждается данный регион (население, община). Кроме того, следует предус- мотреть организацию на базе коммунальных учебных заведений мобильных постоянно действующих курсов повышения квалификации должностных лиц местного самоуправления по привлечению любых специалистов из всех регионов Украины при необходимости в таких курсах; 4) для усиления роли территориальной общины следует предусмотреть право общины выбирать не только высшее учебное заведение, но и учебные программы, необходимые специалистам для работы в данной местности; 5) предусмотреть обязанность специалистов, получивших образование за деньги территориальной общины, отработать в этой общины в течение 5 лет или вернуть деньги за профессиональное обучение; 6) предусмотреть средства на финансирование талантливой молодежи за рубежом при условии отработки после окончания учебного заведения опре- деленного времени на территории Украины. Таким образом, система подготовки и повышения квалификации кадров органов местного самоуправления должна зависеть от потребностей регио- на в определенной компетентности таких специалистов, а также количества таких специалистов, что, в свою очередь, можно сделать, если предоставить право территориальной общине осуществлять мониторинг потребности в кадрах и право общин заказывать профессиональное обучение или повыше- ние квалификации. Кроме того, нужно предоставить право территориаль- ным общинам выбирать не только высшее учебное заведение, где осуществ- ляют подготовку кадров органов местного самоуправления, но и учебные программы, по которым будет осуществляться такая подготовка. Ключевые слова: государственная служба, служба в органах местного самоуправления, кадры, кадровый потенциал, децентрализация, развитие, обучение, повышение квалификации кадров.

289 Formulation of the problem in modern society and the information general form and its connection with globalization space. important scientific or practical prob- Analysis of recent research and lems. Today, the problems of decen- publications. The problems of forma- tralization are analyzed by political tion and development of the personnel scientists, sociologists, economists, and in the civil service, local self-govern- specialists in public administration. At ment bodies, definition of historical the same time, the problems of analyz- patterns of personnel development in ing the issue of decentralization from the system of public administration the point of view of forming the person- are analyzed by Ukrainian and foreign nel potential of the public administra- scientists, including: V. Averyanov, tion system are actualized. A. Antonova, H. Atamanchuk, N. Hon- The personnel are the basis of quali- charuk, V. Malinovsky, R. Naumenko, tative reforms in the state, as it is public N. Nyzhnyk, O. Obolensky, V. Oluyko, servants who formulate and implement E. Okhotsky, A. Rachinsky, S. Seryohin, administration decisions, predict the A. Sitsinsky, I. Suray, O. Turchynov, possible consequences of such decisions S. Khajiradeva, O. Yakubovsky and and correct them. Therefore, decentra- others. The mentioned scientists ana- lization as the main reform of the coun- lyze modern tendencies of the person- try requires specially trained personnel nel development in the system of pub- who would have not only professional lic administration, problems of staffing knowledge in the field of public admi- in the system of civil service, selection nistration, but could apply them in and competitive procedures, the main practice. stages of reforming and modernizing Thus, the personnel of the public the civil service of Ukraine. At the same administration system are centralized time, the Ukrainian scientist M. Karpa in the system of institutions of higher analyzes the methods of managing hu- education, regardless of the needs of man resources processes in the context regions in certain managerial qualities of the formation of a public service in and certain specialization (in particu- Ukraine. lar, management of the agrarian sector, At the same time, modern aspects educational, etc.). In addition, profes- of staffing and management training sional training is aimed at mastering problems for local governments are un- basic professional skills in the public derdeveloped. administration system, without taking Thus, the previously unresolved into account the needs of such special- part of the general problem is the jus- ist, especially the need for administra- tification of the principle of decentra- tion at the regional level. Separately lization as the basis for the formation of there is a problem of lack of practical a qualitative human resources potential skills in administration situations. of the public administration system. Today, there is a need for the for- Setting objectives. The study pro- mation of the personnel depending on vides for the basis of systematic analy- the needs of the territorial community, sis to justify the implementation of taking into account the demands of the the principle of decentralization as the

290 basis for the formation of a qualitative the professional training of the civil ser- human resources potential of the public vants, heads of local state administra- administration system. tions, their first deputies and deputies, Presenting the main material. officials of local self-government and According to the Law of Ukraine “On local council deputies professional de- the Service in Local Self-Government velopment of civil servants, heads of the Bodies” the following positions in local local state administrations, their first government bodies are: deputies and deputies, officials of the • firstly, elected posts for which in- local self-government — a continuous, dividuals are elected at local elections; conscious, purposeful process of per- elective office on which persons are sonal and professional growth, based on elected or approved by the relevant the integration of knowledge, skills and council; competencies [5]. • secondly, the positions for which The system of professional train- persons are appointed by the village, ing of the civil servants, heads of local settlement, city mayor, chairman of state administrations, their first depu- the district, district in the city, the re- ties and deputies, local self-government gional council on a competitive basis or officials, and members of local councils another procedure provided by the le- is an integral set of interrelated compo- gislation of Ukraine [2]. nents, which includes: At the same time, the specified law • definition of the professional train- does not define the basic requirements ing needs; for the preparation of the local self- • formation, placement and execu- government bodies, however, this is an tion of a state order; important aspect of the development of • formation of motivation to in- decentralization, since it is the person- crease the level of professional compe- nel who form and implement regional tence; policy, determine the priorities of the • ensuring the functioning and de- region’s development, formulate gen- velopment of the market for the provi- eral plans of the cities, etc. Not only the sion of educational services in the field constant development of the regions, of professional training; but also the reform of the regional go- • monitoring and evaluation of the vernance system depends on the quali- quality of education [5]. fications of the local self-government In the above Concept the stages of personnel. the professional training for the local Thus, the professional training of government officials are not separate, the local government officials should however, in our opinion, the stages of vary according to the category of the the professional training of the local posts and the need for certain skills and government officials are specific. The knowledge, since there is a different set most important thing is that the pro- of competencies for each category of fessional knowledge and practical skills posts. that local government officials need It should be noted that according to is industry oriented, at the same time, the Concept of reforming the system of these specialists should have issues re-

291 lated to the formation and implementa- local executive authorities, local self- tion of the local budget, the division of government bodies, other bodies and expenditures from the local budget, and organizations covered by the laws of also understand the system of the local Ukraine “On State Service” and “About self-government and the system of pub- Service in Local Self-Government lic administration. Bodies” in highly professional and Therefore, the key to the system of highly educated workers capable of the professional training of the local competent and responsible manage- government officials is to determine the ment of their functions, to implement need for appropriate competencies. the latest social technologies, to pro- The professional training of the of- mote innovative processes of reform- ficials of the local self-government ing the system of public administration bodies should have some inherent to it and local self-government. In the state features, and be based on the following system of training, above all, include principles: the following institutions: National – regular study of the needs of the Academy of Public Administration un- training and assessment of the person- der the President of Ukraine and its nel changes; regional institutes; other higher educa- – observance of the current norma- tional establishments which carry out tive legal acts on professional develop- preparation of masters in the specialty ment; “Public Management and Administra- – selection of types and terms of the tion”; regional centers of retraining and professional development of the em- professional development of the em- ployees taking into account the results ployees of the state authorities, local of their studies in previous years; self-government bodies, state enterpris- – selection of types and terms of the es, institutions and organizations; state professional development of the em- (branch) institutions of postgraduate ployees taking into account the speci- education [3]. fics of positions; It should be noted that although – priority of training the first-time there is an extensive network of edu- employees elected or accepted; cational institutions that increase the – improvement of the educational qualifications of the local government programs in order to meet the needs of staff as well as educational programs students’ learning, development of their under which these processes are carried abilities and skills, professionalism; out, in Ukraine education and training – classification of the employees of of the local government officials are not the local self-government for the needs related to actual situations, functional of education [1]. duties performed by the specialists. In The national system of training, spe- addition, the educational program does cialization and professional develop- not take into account the educational ment of the civil servants and officials level of a specialist. of the local self-government bodies in In our opinion, the basic principles Ukraine is formed and functions in or- of the training of the personnel of the der to meet the needs of the central and local self-government bodies should

292 be: professionalism; responsibility; ac- Thus, at present, the Ukrainian state countability; the principle of a forward- faces an urgent problem of new under- looking nature (preparation must be standing of the role of the local govern- aimed at the future, mastering of the ment personnel and the “education” of latest technologies, innovative me- precisely such specialists who were able thods of work); efficiency; innovation; at the present stage to solve problems practical orientation; individual ap- arising in the process of decentraliza- proach and so on. tion. Thus, a new approach to the training The analysis carried out provides of the local self-government personnel grounds for highlighting important ele- should be oriented towards the speci- ments of the professionalization of the fics of the specialist’s activities, guar- local government staff as the basis for antee the results of the activity, pro- the formation of decentralization in vide for special professional training of Ukraine. the senior management, determine the Firstly, the current legislation obligatory training of a specialist after should provide for the allocation of his appointment, and also in connec- funds to the territorial communities tion with the change in the state policy, for the professional training, raising the adoption of new regulations. skills of the local government officials. There is a direct relationship be- This will enable the community to se- tween instruction (training) of the lo- lect which professionals to prepare for cal government officials and changes this area. taking place in state administration Secondly, it is necessary to adopt a today. Thus, by 1990 almost all the de- normative legal document that would cisions in the republics of the former provide for the formation of a real need Soviet Union were through the ad- for professional training and profes- ministrative bodies that were located sional development of the local govern- in Moscow. The republican ministries ment personnel taking into account the were subordinate to the union one. monitoring carried out in need in such The local government office mainly professional personnel. served to follow the instructions, not to Thirdly, granting the territorial make policy and decision making alone. communities the right to elect a higher During the transition from the com- education institution that will train mand-administrative system to the precisely those specialists that the given democratic, the mechanism of function- region needs (population, community). ing of the state, which today is called to In addition, it should be envisaged to serve the society, to provide services to organize, on the basis of municipal edu- the population, qualitatively changes. cational institutions, mobile, perma- In view of this, the functions of the civil nently courses servants are also significantly changing: for the local government officials to at- modern social transformations require tract any specialists from all the regions not executors, but active actors in the of Ukraine, if necessary, in such courses. reform of the public administration [4, Fourthly, in order to strengthen the p. 36–37]. role of the territorial community, the

293 right of the community to choose not institution that will train specialists, only the higher educational establish- but also professional programs that will ment, but also the curricula that are prepare specialists for a particular ter- needed for the professionals who work ritorial community. in the area should be foreseen. In the future, further research is Fifthly, to foresee the obligation of planned to analyze the foreign experi- the specialists who have received edu- ence of the formation of the principle of cation for the money of the territorial decentralization, as well as the training community, to work in this community of the specialists commissioned by the for 5 years or to return the money for territorial community. the professional training. Sixthly, to provide funds for the fi- References nancing of the talented youth abroad provided that they work after gradua- 1. Dimova O. V. (2007) Features of per- tion of a certain time in the territory of sonnel support of the service in local Ukraine. self-government bodies [Online] avail- Thus, the system of training and able at: http:// www.kbuapa.kharkov. professional development of the local ua/e-book/db/2007-1-1/dots/3/05. government personnel should depend pdf (Accessed 16.10.2018 ). 2. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2001), on the needs of the region for a cer- The Law of Ukraine “ On service in lo- tain competence of such specialists, as cal self-government bodies”, available well as the number of such specialists, at: which, in turn, can be done if the ter- shov/2493-14 (Accessed 16.10.2018 ). ritorial community is given the right 3. Informational and analytical report to monitor personnel needs and com- “Analysis of the situation regarding vo- munities to order professional training cational training, retraining and pro- or advanced training. In addition, it is fessional development of civil servants necessary to give the territorial com- of officials of local self-government munities the right not only to choose bodies in Ukraine” (2017) available at: a higher educational institution that uploads/2017/07/Analytitsal-report_ trains local self-government personnel, Institution-Training-2017_7Yuly_Fi- but also curricula for which such train- nal.pdf (Accessed 16.10.2018 ). ing will be carried out. 4. Opanasiuk H. (2001) “Trends in the Conclusions. The article analyzes training of civil servants in Central the possibilities of improving the pro- and Eastern Europe”, Vyd-vo UADU, fessional training of the local govern- Kyiv, Ukraine. ment staff taking into account the 5. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine implementation of the principle of de- (2017), “Resolution of the Cabinet of centralization. The ways of improving Ministers of Ukraine” On Approving the Concept of Reforming the Sys- the training of the specialists of the tem of Professional Training of Civil local self-government bodies are pro- Servants, Heads of Local State Ad- posed, it is envisaged to expand the ministrations, their First Deputy and right of the territorial communities to Deputy, Local Government Officials choose not only a higher educational and Local Council Deputies, available

294 at: них службовців посадових осіб ор- shov/974-2017-%D1%80 (Accessed ганів місцевого самоврядування в 16.10.2018). Україні” URL: ua/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ Analytical-report_Institution- Список використаних Training-2017_7July_Final.pdf (дата джерел звернення 16.10.2018 р.). 4. Опанасюк Г. Тенденції підготовки 1. Дімова О. В. Особливості кадрово- державних службовців у країнах го забезпечення служби в органах Центральної та Східної Європи. — місцевого самоврядування URL: К. : Вид-во УАДУ, 2001. — 284 с. 5. Про схвалення Концепції реформу- book/db/2007-1-1/doc/3/05.pdf вання системи професійного нав- (дата звернення 16.10.2018 р.). чання державних службовців, голів 2. Закон України про службу в ор- місцевих державних адміністрацій, ганах місцевого самоврядування їх перших заступників та заступ- URL: ників, посадових осіб місцевого са- laws/show/2493-14 (дата звернення моврядування та депутатів місце- 16.10.2018 р.). вих ради: розпорядження Кабінету 3. Інформаційно-аналітичний звіт Міністрів України від 01.12.2017 р. “Аналіз ситуації щодо професій- № 974 URL: ної підготовки, перепідготовки та ua/laws/show/974-2017-%D1%80 підвищення кваліфікації держав- (дата звернення 16.10.2018 р.)

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297 Scientific publications

Public management

№ 5 (15) — September 2018

1 Signed in print 23.10.18. Format 70×100 /16. Conditional drukaski sheet 24,19. Accounting and publishing sheets 20,68. Edition 300 copies