Copyrighted Material
Index Note: Names and page numbers in bold denote main entries in the encyclopedia. Works have only been included under their author where they are mentioned in other entries Abbot, George 862–3 Addled Parliament 114–15, 509, 1073 Abraham 201 Adelman, Janet 238 Abraham and Lot (Anon) 73 adiaphora 569 absolute monarchy 127, 167, 252, 462, 809 Admiral’s Men Acarisio, Alberto 952 Chapman 178 The accomplish’d lady’s delight 1073 Day 257, 258 accretion tradition 445 Dekker 261, 262 Acheron, Lord 438–9 Drayton 294 Achinstein, Sharon 599 Heywood, Thomas 486 Aconcio, Jacopo 79, 1036 Kyd 572 acrostics Middleton, Thomas 682, 683 Davies, John 254 at Rose Theatre 73 Fage 328, 329 Shakespeare 868 Herbert, George 471 see also Prince Henry’s Men Howell, Thomas 518, 519 Advancement of True Religion, Act for Major 635, 636 (1543) 17, 44 Sutcliffe 942 advice literature 114, 1018 actors Adwalton Moor 160, 169 comic 873, 1059 Aesculapius 424 female 148, 798–9 Aesop’s fables 174, 324, 748 males as females 873 agrarian law proposals 440 tragic 655, 683, 873,COPYRIGHTED 1029 Agricola, MATERIAL Rudolph: De inventione see also cross-dressing dialectica 1062 Acts of Apostles 241 Agrippa von Nettesheim, Henry Adams, David 750, 751 Cornelius 1001 Adams, Eleanor 605 Vanity of sciences 197 Adams, John 732 Ahern, Sheila 211 Adams, Robert Martin 233 Ainsworth, Henry 73, 802 The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature, First Edition. Edited by Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr and Alan Stewart. Ó 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
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