Java Technology for Industrial Applications

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Java Technology for Industrial Applications Java Technology for Industrial Applications • Java SE 6 Compatible • 2D/3D Graphics • Demanding Visualization with AWT, Swing, and OpenGL • Hard Realtime down to a few µs • Optimized for Limited Resources • Reduce Your Time to Market • Increase Your System Robustness Key Technologies Java Technology for Hard Realtime Industrial Applications The JamaicaVM offers full Java functionality for hard realtime environments with response times well under 1ms achievable. Realtime Garbage Collection JamaicaVM is the world’s only VM with a fully deterministic, self-pacing Garbage Collector, achieving low GC delays of only a few µs. Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) As one of the first vendors on the market, aicas has supported the RTSJ for years. Using the RTSJ, portable interrupt handlers and device drivers can be written in Java. Safety Critical Support Certifiable for IEC 61508. Small and Fast The JamaicaVM is equipped with a highly optimized static compiler and a profiler. The tradeoff between run- Jamaica VM Toolchain time performance and code size can be chosen freely. Dynamic Loading The JamaicaVM enables dynamic class loading for up- Interoperability grading applications at runtime. Available for Many Operating Systems Powerful Tools The JamaicaVM is available for a multitude of operating The JamaicaVM offers extensive tools that allow analyz- systems and is portable to any RTOS. Currently support- ing, running, and optimizing your applications. ed are Integrity, ITRON, Linux, Linux/RT, MacOS, NetOS, Remote Debugging PikeOS, QNX, RTEMS, Solaris, ThreadX, VxWorks, and Applications running on a target system can be debugged Windows CE. with standard IDEs such as Eclipse and NetBeans. ROMable Code Available for Most 32 and 64 Bit Processors Java applications and resources can be stored in a For example, ARM, Blackfin, ERC32, PowerPC, SH3/4, single executable binary in ROM. Sparc, XScale and X86 are supported. Open Standards Standards compliance is paramount at aicas. Whether using JNI, RTSJ, RMI or J2SE, your existing Java ap- plications will run with the JamaicaVM. Many additional Java libraries, including implementations for XML, OSGi, Corba and web services, increase productivity for embedded Java development. The aicas tool set seem- lessly integrates into Eclipse and other development environments. Although the information herein is provided with good faith, the supplier gives neither warranty nor guarantee that the information is correct or that the results described are obtainable under end-user conditions. aicas GmbH Haid-und-Neu-Straße 18, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany +49 721 663 968 0 aicas inc. 6 Landmark Sq Suite 400 , Stamford, CT 06901, USA +1 203-359-5705 aicas SARL 9 Allée de l‘Arche, 92671 Paris La Defense, France +33 1 49 97 17 62 e-mail: [email protected]
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