The following previously admitted exhibits were re­admitted/not admitted/withdrawn/not offered in subproceeding #89­3

1 F­030 Designated interrogatories WITHDRAWN answers of plaintiffs (objections 5/4/94 noted).

F­041 Deposition of Forest L. Kinley 5/4/94 dated July 26, 1973.

F­043 Deposition of Esther Ross dated 5/4/94 June 28, 1973.

F­045 Deposition of Calvin J. Peters NOT ADMITTED dated June 28, 1973. 5/4/94

F­096 Interrogatories answered by WITHDRAWN Steilacoom. 5/4/94

F­146 Report on Indian Affairs for 5/3/94 1867.

F­147 U.S. Coast Survey (Hydrographic 5/3/94 Survey) H­405 (1853).

F­148 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 5/3/94 (Topographic Survey) T­1797 (1887).

F­149 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 5/3/94 (Hydrographic Survey) H­1887 (1888).

F­150 NOAA Chart (Hydrographic) Chart 5/3/94 No. 18424 (1983).

F­151 Executive Order and Map (Boundary 5/3/94 marked in red) November 22, 1873 (1873)

F­152 Map of Washington Territory 5/3/94 accompanying reports of Surveyor General. Rg­75­Map 365 (1859).

F­153 Map of Washington Territory for 5/3/94 Report of Superintendent of Indian Affairs. RG­75­Map 534 (1862).

F­154 Map of Reservation T38NR1E 5/3/94 RG­75­Map 568 (1873).

2 F­155 Map showing Executive Order of 5/3/94 November 22, 1873. RG­75­Map CA 438 (1873).

F­156 Map of Indian Reservation under 5/3/94 agency. RG­7568 (1912).

F­157 Map of Lummi Reservation. RG­75, 5/3/94 Map 8863.

F­158 Map of the Indian Nations and 5/3/94 Tribes of the Territory of Washington. RG­75, Map 187 (1857).

F­160 Hydrographic Surveys of T38N­R2E 5/3/94 series of nine maps dated from April 21, 1859 to April 23, 1975.

F­161 Hydrographic Surveys of T38N­R1E 5/3/94 series of six maps dated from April 21, 1859 to April 23, 1975.

F­162 Hydrographic Surveys of T37N­R1E 5/3/94 series of four maps dated from April 21, 1859 to April 23, 1975.

F­163 Hydrographic Surveys of T37N­R2E 5/3/94 series of four maps dated from April 21, 1859 to April 23, 1975.

F­164 1841 Wilkes Survey 5/3/94

F­165 1983 NOAA Quadrangle map. 5/3/94

G­004 Tribes of Western Washington and 4/22/94 Northwestern Oregon, George Gibbs, M.D., 1877, Department of the Interior

G­005 The Makah Indians: A Study of NOT ADMITTED P o l i t ical and Econ o m i c 5/3/94 Organization by Carroll Riley.

G­006 Indians of the Urban Northwest, NOT ADMITTED edited by Marian W. Smith, 1949, 5/3/94 Columbia University Press.

3 G­009 The Quinault Indians, Ronald L. NOT ADMITTED Olson, 1936, University of 5/3/94 Washington Publications in Anthropology.

G­017a­o Indian Claims Commission, NOT ADMITTED Findings of Fact in 15 cases. 5/3/94

G­021 Early History of Western NOT ADMITTED Washington with Introduction by 5/3/94 Carroll L. Riley, Part I and III.

G­023 Dr. Riley's Nisqually Report. NOT ADMITTED Ind. Cl. Comm. 9/7 5/3/94

G­024 Dr. Riley's Puyallup Report. Ind. NOT ADMITTED Cl. Comm. 9/7 5/3/94

G­025 Dr. Riley's Steilacoom Report. NOT ADMITTED Ind. Cl. Comm. 9/7 5/3/94

G­027 Excerpts from Marion W. Smith's NOT ADMITTED "The Puyallup­Nisqually." 5/3/94

G­029a Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon 5/3/94 by George Gibbs.

G­029c The Northwest Coast, by James G. 5/3/94 Swan.

G­029d Indians of the Northwest Coast by NOT ADMITTED Philip Drucker. 5/3/94

G­029e Klallam Ethnography by Erna NOT ADMITTED Gunther. 5/3/94

G­029f The Makah Indians by Elizabeth NOT ADMITTED Colson. 5/3/94

G­029g The Lummi Indians of Northwest 5/4/94 Washington by Bernard J. Stern. (Substituted for D­134)

G­029h The Structure of Culture by NOT ADMITTED W.W. Elmendorf. 5/3/94

JX­002a Joint Biological Statement NOT OFFERED through Appendix IV.

4 JX­002b Joint Biological Statement, NOT OFFERED Appendix V.

L­003 Written direct testimony of Paul 5/4/94 Winkler dated September 11, 1973.

L­004 Written direct testimony of 5/4/94 Martin John.

L­005 Written direct testimony of 5/4/94 Isadore Tom.

L­006 Written direct testimony of Ted 5/4/94 Plaster.

L­013 Statement of testmony of certain NOT ADMITTED Indian witnesses in United States 5/4/94 v. Romaine.

MK­002 Article from Seattle P.I. dated 5/3/94 11­26­1905.

MK­003 Swindell 1941 conference on Makah NOT ADMITTED usual and accustomed fishing 5/4/94 places.

MK­014 Excerpts from Dr. Croes Report. NOT ADMITTED 5/3/94

MK­M­001 Barbara Lane anthropological NOT ADMITTED report on Makah marine navigation 5/3/94 and traditional Makah off­shore fisheries.

MK­M­002 Direct testimony of Nora Barker. 5/4/94

MK­M­025 Dr. Lane report "Makah Fishing NOT ADMITTED and the Promise of U.S., a 5/3/94 Supplementary Report."

MK­M­026 Minutes of Treaty Negotiations, 5/3/94 Treaty of Neah Bay.

MLQ­001 Report entitled "A Brief History NOT ADMITTED of the Salmon Fishing and Canning 5/3/94 History On Puget Sound" by Robert Paul Thomas.

5 MS­002 Written direct testimony of Cal NOT ADMITTED Peters. 5/4/94

NQ­M­002 Report on Carr Inlet Area by NOT ADMITTED Barbara Lane. 5/3/94

PL­001 A four page typed document of 5/3/94 letter dated August 30, 1854 from Charles E. Mix, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs to Stevens. Instructions to Stevens regarding treaties.

PL­008 Three page longhand letter dated 5/3/94 December 16, 1856, from E.S. Fowler to with one­page typed version attached.

PL­009 Pages 8­42 of Report of George 4/22/94 Gibbs dated March 4, 1854 to Captain McClellan and published as Executive Doc. No. 91, House of Representatives for Second Session of the 33rd Congress (from Pacific Railroad Report).

PL­010a Fourteen page typed and longhand 5/4/94 document, partial record of proceedings of Commission to hold treaties with tribes in Washington Territory and Blackfoot country, December 7­26, 1854.

PL­010b Fourteen page typed and longhand 5/4/94 document, another copy of proceedings of Commission to hold treaties with tribes in Washington Territory and Blackfoot country between December 7, 1854 and January 3, 1855.

6 PL­011 Twelve page longhand document 5/4/94 consisting of a letter dated December 30, 1854 from Stevens to Commissioner of Indian Affairs transmitting and proceedings of Treaty Commission between December 7­26, 1854, tracings of Nisqually, P u y a l l u p a n d S q u a k s i n Reservations.

PL­012 Six page typed document of 5/4/94 partial record of proceedings on January 22, 1855, Treaty of Point Elliott negotiated and executed.

PL­014 Fourteen page longhand document 5/4/94 consisting of a letter dated May 4, 1855, from Stevens to Commissioner of Indian Affairs transmitting proceedings of Treaty of Point Elliott Treaty Commission, between January 5 and January 23, 1855, and transmitting Treaties of Point Elliott, Point No Point and Neah Bay, negotiatied and executed respectively January 22, 25 and 31, 1855.

PL­015 Eight page longhand document of 5/4/94 record of council proceedings, wherein Treaty of Point No Point negotiated and executed January 24­26, 1855.

PL­016b Seven page document (six pages of 5/4/94 longhand text) consisting of record of council and negotiation proceedings prior to and including execution of Treaty of Neah Bay, January 29­31, 1855.

7 PL­020 Four page typed document 5/4/94 consisting of letter dated August 28, 1856 from Stevens to Commissioner of Indian Affairs r e commending ch a n g e i n reservations initially proposed for Nisqually and Puyallup Indians.

PL­028 Seven page document consisting of 5/4/94 letters dated May 9 through June 7, 1853 from George W. Manypenny to Isaac I. Stevens.

PL­030 Seven page document including 5/4/94 letter dated February 6, 1854 from from George W. Manypenny to Secretary of the Interior.

PL­031 Seven page handwritten version of 5/4/94 articles of Treaty of Medicine Creek.

PL­035 Photographic print depicting map 5/4/94 "from Wilkins charge ofa portion of Puget Sound" forwarded January 1856 by Isaac I. Stevens.

8 PL­036 Print of Olympic Peninsula 5/4/94 portion of Washington Territory forwarded by Isaac I. Stevens, December 30, 1856.

PL­040 Report of Agent M.T. Simmons to 5/4/94 Colonel J.W. Nesmith, June 30, 1858.

PL­041 Report of Agent M.T. Simmons to 5/4/94 Superintendent Geary, July 1, 1860.

PL­043 Annual Report of Agent G.A. Paige 5/4/94 to Superintendent C.H. Hale, June 30, 1862.

PL­044 Report of Subagent F.C. Purdy to 5/4/94 Superintendent C.H. Hale, July 20, 1863.

PL­045 Report of Agent A.R. Elder to 5/4/94 Superintendent C.H. Hale, September 7, 1863.

PL­046 Annual Report of Agent A.R. Elder 5/4/94 to T.J. McKenny, July 28, 1867.

PL­047 Report of Governor Stevens to 5/4/94 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, September 16, 1854 (In Vol. 746, Executive Documents of the Senate, 33rd Congress 2d Session, 1854­1855, page 392).

PL­049 George Gibbs, Indian Nomenclature 5/4/94 of Localities in Washington and Oregon Territories, 1853. Bureau of American Ethnology Manuscripts No. 714.

PL­050 Report upon the Fishes Collected 5/4/94 on the Survey; Report Upon the Salmonidae, G. Suckley, Pacific Rail Road Report, 1854.

PL­056 Constitution and Bylaws of the 4/25/94 Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation, Washington.

9 PL­057 Constitution and Bylaws of the 5/3/94 Makah Tribe of the Makah Reservation.

PL­063 Constitution and Bylaws of the 5/3/94 Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island Reservation.

PL­066 Map by Governor Stevens of the 5/4/94 Indian Nations and Tribes of the Territories of Washington and Nebraska.

PL­086 Selections from Webster's English 5/4/94 dictionaries of 1862 and 1828 regarding language of treaty fishing rights clause.

PL­094 Affidavits from U.S. v. The NOT ADMITTED Alaska Packing Association, 1895. 5/4/94

PL­095 Treaty with the Rogue Rivers, 5/4/94 1853, and Treaty with the Oto and Missouri, 1854.

PU­M­001 Map of Carr Inlet Area (Identical 5/3/94 to SI­M­1).

QN­002 Written direct testimony of Guy NOT ADMITTED R. McMinds with appendices. 5/4/94

QN­003 Written direct testimony of James NOT ADMITTED Allee. 5/4/94

SH/CH­M­098 Folk Tales of the , NOT ADMITTED Thelma Anderson, 1934. 5/3/94

SH/CH­M­114 Narrative of the United States 5/4/94 Exploring Expedition: 1838­1842, Charales Wilkes, 1845.

SH/CH­M­119 Gibbs, Indian Tribes of 5/4/94 Washington Territory.

SK­SM­001 Deposition of Dr. William W. NOT ADMITTED Elmendorf of February 26 and 26, 5/3/94 1982, together with exhibits thereto.

10 SK­SM­002 Dr. Barbara Lane "Skokomish Usual NOT ADMITTED and Accustomed Fisheries in Hood 5/3/94 Canal: A Supplemental Report" dated February 1981.

SU­SM­022 Transcript of proceedings before NOT ADMITTED the Indian Claims Commission, 5/4/94 Tribe of Indians v. United States, Docket No. 132, June 13 and 16, 1952; August 4, 5, and 6, 1953; August 18, 1955.

STC­001 Map of Bellingham Bay Area NOT ADMITTED (oversize) 5/4/94

T­009 Annual report, Tulalip Agency, 5/3/94 1919.

T­020 Nine photographs, Tulalip 5/4/94 Indians.

T­M­012 "Identity, Treaty Status and NOT ADMITTED Fisheries of the Tulalip Tribes," 5/3/94 by Barbara Lane dated 7­18­1975.

T­M­013 "Identity, Treaty Status and NOT ADMITTED Fisheries of the Snoqualmie Tribe 5/3/94 of Indians," by Barbara Lane dated 10­15­1975.

T­M­014 "Identity, Treaty Status and NOT ADMITTED Fisheries of the Snohomish Tribe 5/3/94 of Indians," by Barbara Lane dated 10­15­1975.

T­M­020 Bagley, Clarence, Excerpts from NOT ADMITTED In The Beginning, Seattle, Lowman 5/3/94 & Handford Stationery and Printing Co. (1905).

T­M­021 Bagley, Clarence, Excerpts from 5/3/94 "Journal of Occurrences at Nisqually House," Washington Historical Quarterly, Vol. VI.

T­M­022 Menzie, Excerpts from Menzie's 5/3/94 Journal (1972).

11 T­M­023 Farrar, Victor, "The Nisqually 5/3/94 Journal," Wash. Hist. Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 1, Wash. Univ. State Historical Society, Seattle, Univ. of Wash. Dept. of Printing, April 1849.

T­M­025 Rice, Chuck, Article from 5/3/94 Snohomish Tribune entitled "Hudson's Bay Co. Journal Cited Snohomish Indians" (undated).

12 T­M­026 MacMillan, James, McDonald, 5/3/94 Archibald, Fort Langley Journal, Hudson's Bay Company (June 27, 1827 ­ July 30, 1830).

T­M­027 Work, John, "Journal" Wash. Hist. 5/3/94 Quarterly, Vol. III, No. 2, April 1912, Seattle (1834­35).

T­M­028 Work, John, Excerpt from Journal 5/3/94 (January ­ October 1835), Archives of British Columbia Memoir No. X, printed by Charles F. Banfield, 1945, Victoria, British Columbia.

T­M­029 Huggins, E., Memoirs of Nisqually 5/3/94 107 (excerpt).

T­M­030 Excerpt, Journal of Father 5/3/94 Blanchet (map).

T­M­031 Handwritten letter from Tulalip 5/3/94 Agency, October 6, 1867 (excerpt), Sand Point Federal Archives and Record Center, MR­7, Roll 2.

T­M­032 Handwritten letter from Olympia 5/3/94 Indian Agency Agent to Superintendent of Indian Affairs (July 1, 1860).

T­M­033 Chirouse, E.C., Excerpt of Annual 5/3/94 Report to Commissioner (September 23, 1874).

T­M­034 Denny, Arthur, Pioneer Days on NOT ADMITTED Puget Sound (excerpt). (Seattle, 5/3/94 C.B. Bagley), 1888.

T­M­035 DeMofras, Duflot, Travels on the 5/3/94 Pacific Coast (excerpt) (undated).

13 T­M­036 Gibbs, George, "Tribes of Western 5/3/94 Washington and Northwestern Oregon" (excerpts), Contributions to North American Ethnology, Vol. 1, Part II, Dept. of Interior, Washington Government Printing Office (1877).

T­M­038 S u t t les, Wayne, K a t z i e 5/4/94 Ethnographic Notes, British Columbia Provincial Museum, Anthropology in British Columbia, Memoirs Nos. 2 and 3 (1955).

T­M­039 Troxel, Kathryn Marie, Fort NOT ADMITTED Nisqually and the Puget Sound 5/3/94 Agricultural Company (1950) (excerpts), doctoral thesis, Dept. of History, Indiana University.

T­M­042 Ind. Cl. Comm. Dkt. No. 109, NOT ADMITTED Duwamish Tribe v. United States, 5/4/94 Transcript of Proceedings, Vol. 3 (August 18, 1955) (excerpts).

T­M­043 Ind. Cl. Comm. Dkt. Nos. 109, NOT ADMITTED 125, 132, Duwamish, Snohomish and 5/4/94 Suquamish v. United States, Transcript of Proceedings, Vol. 4 (January 6, 1959) (excerpts).

T­M­044 Heath Joseph, Memoirs of 5/4/94 Nisqually (1979) (excerpts).

T­M­045 Annual Report of the Commissioner 5/3/94 of Indian Affairs for the Year 1850, Transmitted with the Message of the President at the Opening of the Second Session of the 32d Congress (excerpts).

T­M­046 Message of the President of the 5/3/94 United States Transmitted to Congress at the Commencement of the First Session of the 35th Congress, Vol. I (1858) (excerpts).

14 T­M­047 Stevens, Governor I.I., Report of 5/3/94 Exploration of a Route for the Pacific Railroad from St. Paul to Puget Sound (1854) (excerpts).

T­M­050 Fort Nisqually Sales Journal 5/3/94 (Puget Sound Agricultural Company) ledger page (July 1948) (excerpts).

T­M­051 Ware & Vavaseur, Papers Relative 5/3/94 to the Expedition of Lieut's Ware and Vavasuer to the Oregon Territory (1846) (excerpts).

T­M­053 Fort Nisqually Journal (March 10, 5/3/94 1849 ­ August 6, 1850) (excerpts).

T­M­055 Ind. Cl. Comm., Dkt. No. 125, NOT ADMITTED Snohomish Tribe v. United States, 5/4/94 Transcipt of Proceedings (August 15, 1955) (excerpt).

T­M­058 Annual Report of the Commissioner 5/3/94 of Indian Affairs for the Year 1854, Transmitted with the Message of the President at the Opening of the 2d Session of the 33d Congress (excerpts).

T­M­059 Ind. Cl. Comm., Dkt. No. 92, NOT ADMITTED Skagit Tribe v. United States, 5/4/94 Examination of June Collins (September 11, 1958) (excerpts).

T­M­060 H.R. Exec. Docs., 34th Cong. 3d 5/3/94 Sess. (1856­57) "Estimates for Indian Services" (excerpts).

T­M­061 Ind. Cl. Comm., Dkt. No. 92, NOT ADMITTED Upper Skagit Tribe v. United 5/4/94 States, Findings of Fact (1960) (excerpts).

T­M­062 Two photographs of Snohomish 5/4/94 canoes.

15 T­M­063 Ind. Cl. Comm., Dkt. No. 92, NOT ADMITTED Skagit Tribe v. United States, 5/4/94 Examination of June M. Collins (September 10, 1958) (excerpts).

T­M­064 "Diary of General A.V. Kautz" The 5/3/94 Washington Historian, Vol. I, No. 4 (July, 1900).

T­M­066 Contributions to North American NOT ADMITTED Ethnology, Vol. I, Dept. of the 5/3/94 Interior (1877) (excerpts).

T­M­068 Haeberlin, Dr. H.K., Notebooks on 5/4/94 Puget Sound Indian Ethnology, LIMITED unnumbered volume (1927) (excerpts).

T­M­070 Haeberlin, Dr. H.K., Notebooks on 5/4/94 Puget Sound Indian Ethnology, LIMITED Vol. 38 (1927) (excerpts).

UPS­002 Copy of 91st Congressional, 2d 5/4/94 Session Senate Calendar No. 1165, Report No. 91­1144, p. 18­22.

USA­001 Five page document known as NOT ADMITTED Hisata and Cummins report, 5/3/94 compiled in November 1972 (Millenbach deposition, Exhibit 1).

USA­020 Summary anthropological report ­ NOT ADMITTED Barbara Lane. 5/3/94

USA­021 Makah Economy Circa 1855 and the NOT ADMITTED Makah Treaty ­­ A Cultural 5/3/94 Analysis ­ Barbara Lane

USA­022 Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Identity, Treaty Status and 5/3/94 Fisheries of the and Hoh Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

USA­023 Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Identity, Treaty Status and 5/3/94 Fisheries of the Skokomish Tribe of Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

16 USA­024 Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Identity, Treaty Status and 5/3/94 Fisheries of the Squaxin Tribe of Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

USA­025 Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Identity, Treaty Status and 5/3/94 Fisheries of the Nisqually Tribe of Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

USA­026 Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Identity, Treaty Status and 5/3/94 Fisheries of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

USA­027a Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Identity, Treaty Status and 5/3/94 Fisheries of the Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

USA­027b Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Traditional Fisheries of the 5/3/94 Muckleshoot Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

USA­028 Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Identity, Treaty Status and 5/3/94 Fisheries of the Stillaguamish Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

USA­029 Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Identity, Treaty Status and 5/3/94 Fisheries of the Sauk­Suiattle Tribe of Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

USA­030 Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Identity, Treaty Status and 5/3/94 Fisheries of the Lummi Tribe of Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

USA­031 a­e Letters and portions of 1942 NOT ADMITTED Swindell Report. 5/4/94

USA­035 Relevant background description NOT ADMITTED of Dr. Barbara Lane ­ Affidavit. 5/3/94

USA­049 "The Persistence of Inter­village NOT ADMITTED Ties Among the Coast Salish" by 5/3/94 Wayne Suttles.

17 USA­050 Volume 1, "As Told By the NOT ADMITTED Pioneers" 1937, pp. 166­184. 5/3/94

USA­052 Written direct testimony of Dr. NOT ADMITTED Barbara Lane, August 31, 1973. 5/3/94

USA­053 Anthropological Report on the NOT ADMITTED Identity, Treaty Status and 5/3/94 Fisheries of the Quinault Tribe of Indians ­ Barbara Lane.

USA­065 "Business Broadsize of 1853," "To 5/3/94 Merchants, Shipowners, and Shipmaster, in all Parts of the World," by William Webster, Port Townsend, Washington Territory.

USA­066 Letter to Grinell and Co. Whale 5/3/94 Fisheries, Pacific Coast, January 8, 1854, from Isaac I. Stevens.

USA­067 History of Seattle, Vol. I, NOT ADMITTED Clarence V. Bagley, Chicago and 5/3/94 Seattle, S.J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1916, p. 398.

USA­068 Direct Testimony of Lena Cultee 5/4/94 Hillaire.

USA­069 Direct Testimony of William 5/4/94 Frank, Sr.

USA­070 Direct Testimony of William WITHDRAWN Frank, Jr., pp. 1­7. 5/4/94

USA­072a Anthropological report on the NOT ADMITTED Indian Herring Fishery ­ Barbara 5/3/94 Lane.

USA­072b Excerpt from letter by J.P. 5/3/94 Hammond dated June 11, 1886.

USA­072e Supplement to Barbara Lane report NOT ADMITTED on non­anadromous fish ­ herring. 5/3/94

USA­073 Anthropological report on NOT ADMITTED Suquamish Tribe ­ Barbara Lane. 5/3/94

18 USA­074 Anthropological report on NOT ADMITTED Indian Tribal Community 5/3/94 ­ Barbara Lane (with Suttles appendix).

USA­075 Anthropological report on NOT ADMITTED Indian Tribe ­ Barbara Lane. 5/3/94

USA­091 Anthropological report on Lower NOT ADMITTED Elwhas. 5/3/94

USA­092 Anthropological report on Tulalip NOT ADMITTED Tribe. 5/3/94

USA­102 Barbara Lane's Duwamish report. NOT ADMITTED 5/3/94

USA­103 Barbara Lane's Snohomish report. NOT ADMITTED 5/3/94

USA­104 Barbara Lane's Snoqualmie report. NOT ADMITTED 5/3/94

USA­105 Barbara Lane's Steilacoom report. NOT ADMITTED 5/3/94

USA­106 Written direct testimony of NOT ADMITTED Barbara Lane. 5/3/94

USA­111 ICC Docket No. 261, Samish Tribe NOT ADMITTED 5/4/94

USA­118 Excerpts from Tulalip Agency 5/3/94 planning report.

USA­M­014 Barbara Lane affidavit re: NOT ADMITTED Nooksacks. 5/3/94

USA­M­015 Barbara Lane report on Nooksacks. NOT ADMITTED 5/3/94

USA­M­019 Barbara Lane report on Port NOT ADMITTED Gamble Clallam. 5/3/94

USA­M­020 Barbara Lane report on Jamestown NOT ADMITTED Clallam Band. 5/3/94

19 USA­M­021 Direct written testimony of Dr. NOT ADMITTED Barbara Lane. Attachment A. Lane 5/3/94 R e p o r t ( s a m e a s USA­M­020).Attachment B. Lane Supplemental Report on Jamestown Clallam.

USA­M­046 Lane typewritten version of Lower 4/27/94 Chinook Treaty, August 9, 1851.

USA­M­052 Lane typewritten version of 5/4/94 August 30, 1854, letter from Commissioner Mix to Governor Stevens re: treaty negotiations.

USA­M­055 Lane typewritten version of 5/4/94 December 30, 1854, letter from Governor Stevens to Commissioner Manypenny re: Puget Sound Treaty.

USA­M­059 Lane typewritten version of 4/27/94 proceedings at Chehalis River Council and proposed treaty, February 20, 1855.

USA­M­096 Curtis ­­ The North American NOT ADMITTED Indian, Vol. 8 (1911) pp. 85­87, 5/3/94 180­183.

USA­M­097 Curtis ­­ The North American NOT ADMITTED Indian, Vol. 9 (1913) pp. 3­11, 5/3/94 153­155, 172­173 ­­ 1913.

USA­M­098 February 20, 1911 letter from 5/3/94 Secy Ballinger to Chairman, Committee of Indian Affairs Burke.

USA­M­099 Adamson ­ Folk Tales of the Coast NOT ADMITTED Salish, pp. VIII­XIII (1934) 5/3/94

USA­M­106 Lane typewritten version of 5/3/94 September 30, 1854, letter to Isaac Stevens from Tappan.

W­M­021 December 26, 1853 Isaac Stevens 5/3/94 to George Manypenny, NA, WA supt. M­234, Roll. 7.