Conference “Three Decades of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics in Europe: Methods, Trends and the Impact on Policy Making” (By Videoconference)

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Conference “Three Decades of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics in Europe: Methods, Trends and the Impact on Policy Making” (By Videoconference) Strasbourg, 24 March 2021 CONFERENCE “THREE DECADES OF CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE STATISTICS IN EUROPE: METHODS, TRENDS AND THE IMPACT ON POLICY MAKING” (BY VIDEOCONFERENCE) ********* CONFÉRENCE « TROIS DÉCENNIES DE STATISTIQUES RELATIVES Á LA CRIMINALITÉ ET Á LA JUSTICE PÉNALE EN EUROPE : MÉTHODES, TENDANCES ET IMPACT SUR L'ÉLABORATION DES POLITIQUES » (PAR VIDÉO CONFÉRENCE) 22-23.03.2021 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS MEMBER STATES / ÉTATS MEMBRES ANDORRA / ANDORRE Alfons C. ALBERCA SANVICENS Fiscal General (General Prosecutor), Fiscalia General d'Andorra (Prosecutor's Office of Andorra), Andorra la Vella Guillermo CASAL TARRÉ Secretari Judicial (Judicial Secretary), Fiscalia General d'Andorra (Prosecutor's Office of Andorra), Andorra la Vella Clàudia MONFORT LÓPEZ Secretari Judicial (Judicial Secretary), Fiscalia General d'Andorra (Prosecutor's Office of Andorra), Andorra la Vella ARMENIA / ARMÉNIE Rafayel HARUTYUNYAN Chief specialist, Penitentiary Service Headquarters, Senior Lieutenant of Justice, Yerevan Gevorg SIMONYAN Head, Probation Service, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan AUSTRIA / AUTRICHE Anna ALVAZZI DEL FRATE (Dr.), Chair, Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Vienna Michael JANDL (Dr.), MPA, Independent Senior Consultant, Vienna Michael SORGER MMag., Referent, Bundesministerium für Justiz, Generaldirektion für den Strafvollzug und den Vollzug freiheitsentziehender Maßnahmen, Wien Monika STEMPKOWSKI (Dr.), University of Vienna, Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, Vienna AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAÏDJAN Khayyam BAYRAMOV Consultant, Ministry of Justice "Judicial Services and Smart Infrastructure" Project (World Bank), Baku Samed JAFAROV Judge, Nasimi District Court, Baku Leyla ZAKIROVA Head, Analytical Division, General Department of organisation-supervision, Ministry of Justice, Baku BELGIUM / BELGIQUE Annie DEVOS Présidente du PC-CP Administratrice générale des Maisons de Justice, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Bruxelles Jana FICKERS Attachée, Département Maison de Justice du Ministère de la Communauté germanophone de Belgique, Eupen Eric MAES Senior Researcher, National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC), Belgian Federal Public Service Justice, Brussels 2 Diana RAUW Directrice, Département Maison de Justice du Ministère de la Communauté germanophone de Belgique, Eupen Sara VAN MALDEREN Prison Director, National Coordinator of Drug Policy in Prisons, Research & Development, Directorate General of Penitentiary Institutions (Federal Public Service Justice) Charlotte VANNESTE (Dr.), Correspondante nationale du ”European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics” pour la Belgique, Maître de recherches Institut National de Criminalistique et de Criminologie, Bruxelles, Chargée de cours Université de Liège Jean-Jacques WONDO OMANYUNDU Attaché, Administration générale des Maisons de justice, Service général Justice et Justiciable, Direction Expertise, Bruxelles BULGARIA / BULGARIE Nadya RADKOVSKA Vice-Chair of the PC-CP Head, Department for International Relations and Training of Staff, General Directorate Execution of Sentences, Ministry of Justice, Sofia BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE Edin JAHIĆ Chief, Section for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption, Ministry of Security, Sarajevo CROATIA / CROATIE Martina BARIĆ Social pedagogue, Head of Service of special programs, analysis, evaluation and prisoners' and juveniles' records, Ministry of Justice, Prison System Directorate, Head Office, Zagreb Narcisa BEĆIREVIĆ Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy to the Permanent Representative Permanent Representation of the Republic of Croatia to the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France Reana BEZIĆ (Dr.), Assistant at Chair for Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Anna-Maria GETOŠ KALAC Dr. sc., / PhD, LL.M. (Freiburg), Associate Professor, Head of Balkan Criminology, Head of Violence Research Lab, Head of Institute of Criminal Law Sciences, Criminology and Victimology, University of Zagreb CYPRUS / CHYPRE Athena DEMETRIOU Cyprus Prisons Department, Nicosia CZECH REPUBLIC / RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE Simona DIBLIKOVA Lawyer - Researcher, National Correspondent for Czech Republic (for The European Sourcebook), Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention, Prague Michal KARBAN Mgr., Chief analyst, Probation and Mediation Service, Directorate, Prague 3 Jiří KAWAN International Relations Officer, External Relations Unit, General Directorate, Prison Service, Prague Tomáš OLŠAR Head of the External Relations Unit, Prison Service, Prague Iva PRUDLOVÁ Specialist in Staff Education, International Co-operation, Czech Prison Service Academy, Stráž pod Ralskem DENMARK / DANEMARK Susanne HILDEBRANDT Danish Prison and Probation Service, Copenhagen Maria Libak PEDERSEN Deputy Head, Research Division, Ministry of Justice, Copenhagen Malthe Øland RIBE Head of Section, Research and Documentation Division, Ministry of Justice, Copenhagen ESTONIA / ESTONIE Andri AHVEN Adviser, Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of Justice, Tallinn FINLAND / FINLANDE Tuomas LAURILA Coordinator, Criminal Sanctions Agency, Central Administration, Helsinki Marja-Liisa MUILUVUORI Senior Researcher, Criminal Sanctions Agency, Helsinki FRANCE / FRANCE Florence de BRUYN Adjointe à la cheffe de bureau, Bureau de la donnée (Ex3), Direction de l'Administration Pénitentiaire, Ministère de la Justice, Paris Nolwënn PIQUET Chargée d’études économiques et statistiques, Bureau de la donnée (Ex3), Direction de l'Administration Pénitentiaire, Ministère de la Justice, Paris GEORGIA / GÉORGIE Mariam KOTOLASHVILI Trainee Legal Adviser, Office of the Prosecutor General, Tbilisi Khatia SHAKAIA Analyst, Office of the Prosecutor General, Tbilisi Ana TSULADZE Legal Adviser, Public International Law Department, Ministry of Justice, Tbilisi Jaba USENASHVILI Head of Analysis Section, Office of the Prosecutor General, Tbilisi GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE Jochen GOERDELER Legal Officer, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Berlin 4 Bert GÖTTING (Dr.), Federal Office of Justice, Division of Justice and Consumer-Research, Criminology, Prevention and Justice Statistics, Bonn Manfred KOST (Dr, LL.M), Ministerialdirigent, Head of Department C - Justice and Law Enforcement, Social and Probationary Services Saarland, Ministry of Justice, Saarbrücken Sarah THOMÉ (Dr.), LL.M., Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Berlin GREECE / GRÈCE Evdokia OIKONOMOU Head of Department, Department of Strategic Design and Evaluation of Anticrime Policy, General Directorate of Anticrime and Penitenciary Policy, Directorate of Anticrime Policy, Ministry of Citizen Protection, Athens HUNGARY / HONGRIE Orsolya CZENCZER (Dr.), Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer, Correctional lieutenant-colonel, National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Department of Corrections, Budapest Gábor SZÁSZVAI-PAPP Head, Statistical Unit, Office of the Prosecutor General, Budapest Mihály SOMOGYVÁRI Col., Head of Department, Central Institute of Analytical Examination and Methodology, Budapest ICELAND / ISLANDE Hanna Rún SVERRISDÓTTIR Legal Counsel, Ministry of Justice, Reykjavík IRELAND / IRLANDE Fiachra BYRNE Justice Attaché, Permanent Representation of Ireland to the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France Felix COLEMAN Statistician, Crime and criminal justice, Central Statistics Office, Cork Alan CALLAGHAN Corporate Services, Irish Prison Service Headquarters, Longford Cáit Ní CHORCORA Research and Data Analytics Unit, Department of Justice, Dublin Caroline FINN Data Policy Analyst, Corporate Services, Irish Prison Service Headquarters, Longford Dianne HILLERY Research and Data Analytics Unit, Department of Justice, Dublin Debra MURRAY Corporate Services, Irish Prison Service Headquarters, Longford Cairbre O’FEARGHAIL Research and Evaluation, Criminal Justice Policy, Department of Justice, Dublin Melanie RHATIGAN Assistant Principal Officer, Care & Rehabilitation Directorate, Irish Prison Service HQ, Longford 5 Gurchand SINGH Chief Data Officer, Department of Justice, Dublin Supritha SUBRAMANIAN Statistician, Probation Service, Dublin ITALY / ITALIE Anna FERRARI Juge, Tribunal, Brescia, Italie Uberto GATTI Emeritus Professor of Criminology, University of Genova Simona IACHINI Officer in charge of the Statistics Unit, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Ministry of Justice, Roma Monica NOLFO Statistics Officer, Statistics Unit, Juvenile and Community Justice Department (DGMC), Ministry of Justice, Roma Flavia TAGLIAFIERRO Officer, Statistics Unit, Department of Penitentiary Administration, Ministry of Justice, Roma Maria Stefania TOTARO Head, Statistics Unit, Juvenile and Community Justice Department (DGMC), Ministry of Justice, Roma LATVIA / LETTONIE Kristine BEITELE Chief Inspector of Training Centre, Latvian Prison Administration, Riga Liga BERGA Head of Working Skills Section, the ESF project “Integration of Ex-Prisoners into Society and Labour Market”, Latvian Prison Administration, Riga Andris BORISS Head of Security Department, Latvian Prison Administration, Riga Kristine KIPENA Head of Punishment Execution Policy Unit, Sectoral Policy Department, Ministry of Justice, Riga Jelena LEVINA Leading Researcher of Risk and Needs Assessment, the European Social Fund project “Increasing Efficiency of Resocialisation System”, Latvian Prison Administration, Riga Līga ROĶE-REIMATE Researcher, State Probation Service, Riga Ronalds CINKS Researcher, Research Department, State Probation Services,
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