Host Volume VIII | November 17, 2011 Guest


Jennifer: Welcome, everyone, to Healing with the Masters. Masters, the word, means so much, but while we may think of masters as the wonderful guests that share their knowledge and experiences with us each week, I consider you to be the master, each of you in this audience, you, the participant. No one knows you better than you, and no one is more uniquely qualified to transform your life than you. Today we will together discover the tools and techniques to heal, to continue to shift your life into love and light and, in the process, truly make a difference on this beautiful planet. Together we are a powerful community. You matter. You can light up the world.

Today we are honored to welcome a very, very special guest, someone who has been a very important teacher in my life and has been a teacher in this beautiful Human Potential Movement for many, many years. In fact, I would consider her one of the principal founders of this whole movement. Dr. Jean Houston is joining us today, scholar, philosopher and researcher in human capacities. Is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time and one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement. Jean has worked intensely in 40 cultures and 100 countries, helping global leaders, leading education institutions and business organizations and literally millions of people to enhance and deepen their own uniqueness. She is a prolific writer and author of 26 books, including Passage [sic] for the Possible, Search for the Beloved, Life Force, The Possible Human, A Mythic Life, which is an absolute classic, Learning to Live Our Greatest Story, Jump Time and The Manual of the Peacemaker.

An advisor to UN agencies in human and cultural development, she has worked to implement some of their extensive educational and health programs. Since 2003, Jean Houston has been working with the UN Development Program, training leaders in developing countries throughout the world in the new field of social artistry. Dr. Houston served for a year and a half in an advisory capacity to President and Mrs. Clinton, as well as helping Mrs. Clinton write It Takes A Village to Raise a Child. She has also counseled leaders in similar positions in many countries and cultures, and we are absolutely honored to have such a beautiful soul and spirit, a committed and engaged and intelligent Dr. Jean Houston on Healing With the Masters. Welcome to the show.

Jean: Thank you, Jennifer. Thank you for that overly generous introduction. It reminds me of that wonderful saying. I hope that I can grow into the being that my dog thinks I am.

Jennifer: Well, in our minds and hearts, Jean, you’ve definitely done it. We’re in very interesting times right now, and there’s so many of us that are finding that we’re being kind of compressed in

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our lives, compressed with the happenings of the planet. Many of us are feeling that it’s no longer about just being happy but about surviving. Is it possible for us to still find that place of happiness in the midst of all the turmoil?

Jean: I think what is there, almost prior to happiness, is excitement, is ebullience, and the reason I say that is, when you look at the factors that are absolutely unique in human history, globalization — I mean, the world is flat. Right now, I think it’s two‐thirds of the world are on mobile phones. That’s two‐thirds of seven billion people. Twenty‐five percent are on the Internet on a regular basis. I’m reminded of a story I just heard about someone was taking a walk in Wales with a man. The fellow asked, “Well, what do you do?” He said, “I’m a stone mason, a monumental stone mason. I build grave stones.” He said, “Well, thank goodness you’re not on the global theme.” He said, “Yes, I am. I get all my stone from India by way of the Internet for graveyards in Wales.”

You have the information technology, which is now creating a worldwide interrelationship so that the world mind is taking a walk with itself. People have to develop all matter of new capacities. I mean, the new story that we talk about, which is emergency through emergency, is simultaneous. It is happening all over the world. As you mentioned, I’ve worked in 107 countries, and the world that I began to explore many years ago is a very different world than today. I mean, virtually everybody is getting the tools and the networks to participate in what is called a hyper‐connected world. So this is happening in just a few decades, and it means that we have got to learn how to adapt.

Now, if you look at cell biology — I was just with my good friend, Bruce Lipton, and one of the concepts he talks about is epigenetics. Epigenetics is the environment that turns a gene, that means a potential, on or off. Right now we’re in a totally new world environment, for which few of us have been prepared, that is actually epic genetic. It is turning on the world mind in a way that has never been known before. Part of my work has been to prepare people to live in a radically different world from the one we grew up in. To do this, it means that we have to begin to access the vast domains of inner space, the vast domains of the ecology of the inner world. Right now we are suffering from a terrible overuse of the outer ecology and a horrible underuse of the inner ecology, but having worked with so many thousands of people for so many years, I know absolutely that we are loaded with potentials few of us ever needed to use, and now we do. We need to adapt to a world that is an entirely different reality than the one that we were prepared for.

So I train people. I train people to use their extended internal senses, extended psycho‐ physical awareness, extended psychological realms, where we have more than one — we’re not encapsulated by some skin, dragging around dreary, little egos. We are organism environments. We have so many different people within ourselves and different skill sets, to be able to use time differently, to experience five minutes of clock time as subjectively an hour and do the things that normally would have taken hours to do, to be able to do them or rehearse skills in five minutes to tap into and be part of this colossal new story.

It isn’t about some lonely, young hero battling against impossible odds. It is all of us, collectively, together. This is the new story, and the most important part: women, women rising to full partnership with men over the entire domain of human affairs. I mean, this is women and men together, which means an immense, immense addition to the mind scope of

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who we are and what we’re capable of, and then of course the spiritual sourcing. Yes, we’re living in the divine delicatessen.

Jennifer: Divine delicatessen, I like that.

Jean: Yeah, the spiritual knowings of so many different — not only the great religious traditions but also the great shamanic traditions all coming together to give us access to capacities that hitherto did not seem to be possible but now are available. This, of course, is what my life is about.

Jennifer: Wow. That was a huge amount of information. As I’m thinking about it, you’re talking about epigenetics, and you’re talking about Bruce Lipton and turning on a new world. It truly feels to me like that’s what’s going on. We get literally thousands of emails from people who are saying, “I feel like I woke up.” As we’re moving in this time of waking up, is there a way that we can nudge ourselves a little bit more awake, that we can turn ourselves on, so to speak, in this epigenetic way, that we can mine the ecology of the inner world better than we have been? Is there something specifically that we can be doing to nudge this along within ourselves? I guess the secondary question to that is: does that also, when we open ourselves, does it assist the planet?

Jean: Well, I think it assists the planet because we are Earth‐spawned beings. We’re also, possibly, cosmic agents in a space/time body suit. So we do have access, but we are the Earth mind. Let’s face it. We’re either the neurons or the cancer of the planet, so by golly, we’d better be the neurons. So I think the Earth does celebrate, in some sense, when we do wake up.

Now, waking up, of course, you find this in the great traditions. They said to the Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha, the Buddha, they said, “Sir, are you a god?” “No, I’m not a god.” “Are you an angel then?” “No, I’m not an angel.” “What exactly are you?” “Oh, I’m just awake,” said the Buddha. Then we look at the Gnostic gospels, like the Gospel of Thomas, where Jesus says, “You know, I came here because you’re all asleep. You’re like drunk. You’re asleep. I came here to wake you up.” So the awakening, the whole notion of awakening, is the once and future demand of the human condition.

I think circumstances are such — I wrote in one of my books, Jump Time, we are in jump time. We are in an acceleration of reality such as we have never, ever, ever known before, and I think that ultimately this is what all these occupy movements are about. They’re not just about being angry at the gross unfairness of the banking or the Wall Street system. They’re also about it is time to wake up to the fact that we are the ones who have the capacity to grow or die, and by God, we’d just better get together and do something about it.

Every morning, I am consulted by these Occupy Wall Street people, literally all over the world. Literally there’s over 1,000 cities now, where they say, “Look, we’re enjoying ourselves. We’re feasting. We’re having festivals. We are in this tremendous energy and life‐enhancing group process. What else shall we do?” I say, “Well, one of the things you should do is begin to strategize and go into your neighborhoods and do things and don’t just sit there being against something. That’s just going to take you down. What are you for? Tap into the vast resources of your inner space.” And I give them exercises to do, like the thousands of exercises I’ve invented, to wake up and do something, and above all, go into the neighborhoods. Go back to

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your communities and be of tremendous use. Show those Wall Street folks just how we can profoundly make a difference as we grow into the capacities that then can respond to these huge challenges that are now ours. I mean, that’s certainly a part of it.

These are the most interesting times in human history, Jennifer. I mean, other times in history thought they were it. They were wrong. This is it.

Jennifer: We’re in it. This is it, and we have a role to play, it sounds like.

Jean: Well, I think we have a huge role to play, and this is part of the wake‐up. Let me take your other question a little more seriously in another way. , on her deathbed — I was the adopted daughter of Margaret Mead, the great anthropologist. I had a wonderful mother, and she had a wonderful daughter, but that was our relationship. She said, “I need another daughter, so that’s probably you.” She lived with us off and on the last six years of her life, and I was present at her dying.

She sat up and said, “Look, forget everything I’ve been teaching you about working with governments and bureaucracies.” I looked down at her, shocked. I said, “Now you tell me this, now.” She sounded kind of funny also. She said, “Yes. I’m lying here being an anthropologist on my own dying, a fascinating experience. There’s absolutely no hierarchy to it.” She said, “I realize that, if we’re going to grow and bring our time, it’s a question of people getting together in teaching/learning communities, growing together, doing your kinds of processes, Jean, other people’s processes, whatever it takes to grow together in body, mind and spirit. Then on the basis of this deepening, this broadening, this growing understanding, this use of more capacities, knowing what they have to do to go out into the world and to make the difference, to respond to whatever has to be happening, like a light at a corner where people have been getting killed or creating places where women are safe to putting in the green ecology in companies.” She said, “Whatever it takes, but you’ve got to do this from inside out, and together, if people are working together in these teaching/learning communities, then the world will thrive and grow.”

So in my own small way, miniscule way, I would put it, wherever I am, I try to leave ongoing teaching/learning communities, because if people are just looking at this overwhelming task of their own unique self over against the world, they’re going to give up. A lot of people don’t, but many people do. But if you have a community — now, this is not a psychotherapeutic community. I must say this.

Jennifer: Like a commune.

Jean: Otherwise you get eclectic carnivores who take off all the energy, but if it is a growth community, dedicated to social artistry — bring in the artistry that a good artist — his or her skills and talent and focus and passion and stick‐to‐it‐ness and willingness to fail and, above all, love of what they’re doing. If you apply it to society — and this time the canvas is not the music, paper or the physical canvas. The canvas is society itself, and that’s why I’ve created this whole field called social artistry. We’re all over the world, training people in their own development in the light of social change, but ultimately it goes back to this: people forming their own teaching/learning communities.

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Jennifer: It sounds like these teaching/learning communities, the notion of social artistry; it feels more like a feminine concept. You also talk about, in many of your books, about the feminine and how important it is to bring the feminine into balance in our kind of, somewhat out‐of‐balance patriarchal model we’re currently in. What would it look like? I’m curious to see the vision of what does a society look like that has this balance of the feminine and the masculine in it.

Jean: Well, first of all, there’s no such thing as balance. It always goes one way or the other if only by micro‐inches, but let’s say more of a complimentary relationship. There have been societies that have had this, not too many of them, but sometimes you find them in the Pacific islands. Sometimes you find it in some of the societies of old Europe. Old Europe is from 8,000 to 3,000 B.C, in Easter Europe especially, around Turkey, where you seem to have had a society where men and women had greater equality. You found it among many of the Native American tribes before the missionaries came and said men should be on top, should be the leaders.

So it’s not that we don’t know about it. What we do know is — let’s just bring in — it’s logos and eros. Logos is linear, analytical, given to the logical out‐coming of things, and eros is relational, symbiotic. With women, the eros factor, meaning the emphasis is on process, relationship, on making things cohere and grow, inner space is as important as outer space. Subjective reality is just about as important as outer reality. Logos is analytical, sequential. Eros looks for patterns. When you look at the two together, in an intricate way, you’ve got a society that works, and right now we’ve been much more logos‐emphasized than the eros. Eros has become the pathological version of itself.

So it would be a society, I think, where education is primary, where children — where there’s no such thing as a stupid child. I’ve never met one. There’s some incredibly stupid systems of education that are logos oriented and are not relational. So what would a relational, balanced education look like? Art would be central to the curriculum. Children, I find, can learn more if they’re dancing, singing, drumming, weaving, telling stories and acting information than if they are just sitting in a classroom taking down discrete facts that seem to have no bearing upon their reality. If children are truly engaging in a reality, then they will go further and faster and deeper, and they will enormously enjoy themselves. They will be adding deep, deep content to their reality. They will be part of their reality, as children in indigenous societies often are. I wrote a whole chapter on it in one of my books, Jump Time, about how to create an ideal educational system.

Jennifer: In Jump Time, you talk about the evolutionary pulse arising from the Earth and the universe and how each individual is an ongoing part of this ongoing, unfinished symphony of the cosmos. So as we talk about art and the feminine and you talk about the inner space — we try to get pretty practical on this call, so the individuals on this call right now, what would you recommend that they can do right now to access this artistry? Well, you talked about social artistry in communities, but our internal, our inner landscape, our inner artist, our inner creative force, can we activate that stuff?

Jean: Well, there’s many things that they can do. I mean, this is what my whole life’s work is about.

Jennifer: Yes, I know.

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Jean: I’ve written a lot of books on the subject, but let’s just start with something very simple first, an overarching goal, and it would be — this is very simple, and in my little course, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, I give a lot of these exercises, a lot of these processes, but just to start, take a sheet of paper lengthwise and draw three columns. You’ve drawn two lines, three columns. At the top of the first column, write what do I want from the universe. Without thinking, just stream of consciousness, down this first column, just write, write, write, write, write. Then at the top of the second column, write what does the universe want from me. Don’t even worry where it comes from. Just stream of consciousness, what does the universe want from me. Write down the second column. Then at the top of the third column, write what do we, the universe and I, want together, stream of consciousness down that third column, stream of consciousness. What do we, the universe and I, want together?

Do it over a period of several days, and you’ll start to get, in many cases, not all, but you’ll start to get insights into your purpose, your destiny, your coding, what I call the suchness of we, you in co‐creation with the universe, you as a god seed in what we might call god school. What is your unique contribution? What is it that is trying to happen? Because once you have that something of that impulse, that activation, then you will tend to pursue these goals.

It’s not simply the hounds of heaven going, “Rawr, rawr, rawr,” at your feet, “Wake up; get on with it.” It’s also something deep, an incendiary vision that begins to call you, knowing that you are a participant in the greatest shift in human history, and you are tremendously important. Now, you might say, “Well, how do I sustain my vision?” Well, one of the things is you activate inner imagery so that you begin to — some people naturally have access to inner pictures. They can close their eyes, and they can visualize. It’s really quite potent, their inner imagery. I’m not one of them. I see very little imagery.

Jennifer: Oh, really?

Jean: But I have very good auditory, so I have auditory. Growing up in a word family — my father was a comedy writer, and my mother was an actor at one time in her life, so words were very important. So I hear things, whereas my vision, my visual, it’s there, but it’s not strong. So some people are auditory. Kinesthetic, I’m kinesthetic. You have a feeling. It’s the body flow. You feel things in your whole body. Some people are aromatic. They have great sniffing capacity for inspiration, and some are gustatory. I’m a little on the gustatory side. You can taste things. If I said to you, for example, taste a crisp, juicy, fall apple, you would probably be able to do it. If I said hot, buttered toast, you would be able to do it, yes? If I said, however, angel food cake topped with a minted dark chocolate mousse and whipped cream, you might have a little more problems, but ultimately you would have that.

Jennifer: Got it.

Jean: You got it, but if I would say visual, can you see a sunrise? Can you see a sunset? Can you see a beloved friend’s face? Here’s a more difficult one. Can you walk along a street in a busy city, looking down and seeing different shoes going by, Oxfords and loafers and Cross Trainers and pumps and boots? You can see those things. So you would activate your visual sense. Touch, I want you to plunge your hands into a barrel of potato chips and break up as many as possible. Can you feel that? Can you touch a baby’s skin? Can you plunge your hands into warm, sopping mud?

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I would take you through all these different senses, and then I would take you, after we activate these senses, we would activate whole stories, using all the senses, the whole story. Then I would have you take some kind of project, something that you truly want to do in the next, say, few weeks to few months, and I would have you live it out to its completion, live it out. I’d put on tremendous music like Chariots of Fire. [Hums] And I’d have you live it out with all the senses until it became so real it would become an activating power in your inner body/mind system, an activating power. Then you would feel the passion. By the way, that’s the name of the book, not passage, but Passion for the Possible. You would feel the passion for the possible to follow through on it, and you would get all kinds of ideas from the vast creative resources of inner space.

Jennifer: Wow. It almost feels like those that are listening on the call right now have done a little bit of something. Something happened. There’s an opening, an expansion that’s occurred, just from that little exercise. I’ve never heard anything quite like this, where we can, first of all, start by activating all of these learning modality senses, all of our senses, and then take these activated senses and apply them to a project or something that we’re wanting to do and play with. Oh, my gosh, Jean.

Jean: Well, that’s how I get through my day.

Jennifer: That’s a good day.

Jean: Even though my visualization may not be good, my other senses are pretty good, whereas my dear, late husband was one of the world’s greatest visualizers. I mean, if he were on the phone now and I would say to him — this is an example. We once did this. “Bob, close your eyes and tell the folks what you see.” He’d say, “Well, here I am in ancient Egypt, and I am the pharaoh.” He was always the pharaoh. He was never the serf, by the way. “And they’re building the great pyramid for me. The great god Horus, in his form of the falcon, comes down, plucks me up, takes me to the top of the pyramid where I am met by the great golden‐ eyed, lion‐headed goddess Sekhmet. She opens her great golden jaws and swallows me, and I am in a land of emerald green Buddhas.” Me, on the other hand, if I close my eyes and I press my eyeballs, I’ll see the pattern on the bathroom floor. I’ve worked at it, so I’m not quite that bad, but people have different forms.

Another aspect of this that’s very important is the whole psychological compliment. Ego, what we in the West and fairly recently think of as ego, is that one image among the multiple possibilities of the self. We are not schizophrenic. We are poly‐phrenic, and the example that I use is myself. I hate to write. I am phobic for writing, for many good reasons, but I hate it, hate it, hate it. Yet I have 26 books out there, and I also have 120,000 pages of unpublished material. How did that happen? Well, it’s because over 28 years I’ve done a Mystery School, as well as my social artistry thing, and I write maybe 70 to 100 pages a month. But by the time it is delivered for my Mystery School and in the three‐day seminary, it is 400 pages. So you just do the multiplication, and you see how I’ve got so much work out there.

Now, I can’t write. So what do I do? I happen to be a very good cook. There’s two things I do very well in this world. I can talk to any dog, I’m really a good dog person, and I can cook. The reason I can cook is because my mother, Maria Anunciata Serafini Graciela, who was born in

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Syracuse, Sicily, married Jack Houston of . They hated each other’s food. My father could not abide the look or smell of garlic, which was essential to my mother’s cuisine. So to try to keep them together — I was not successful ultimately, but I gave it a good try — I became the world’s first fusion cook, making chicken fried polenta. So I think in chicken‐y, garlic‐y, saucy, artichoke‐y images. I literally do. Therefore what I do is I assume a highly‐ developed persona, which is Jean as cook, and Jean as cook then goes to the computer and is not worried about the words but thinks in terms of stirring in this kind of spice, that kind of butter or sauce. Then the words come, because I’m thinking in terms of ideas and association but in cooking images. Then I can write all this stuff. Otherwise I’m stuck. I’ll just face a blank computer, and nothing will happen.

Jennifer: Wow. So we can tap into a gift that has nothing related to something we must get done and use that gift to accomplish, with great artistry and creativity, the thing that we don’t think we’re good at.

Jean: That’s right. Reasonable artistry and creativity, not great. Yeah. I train people. It’s very simple. It’s in a lot of my books and, of course, in this course, which we’re going to talk about. I train people to be able to tap into these different persona and really begin to work with them. How do you develop another persona that has another skill set? Now, even if you don’t have the skill set, you’ve probably seen it or watched it on television. So I’ve trained athletes. I’ve trained children. I’ve trained thousands of people to do this, and then you see, they’re not blocked. You remove the block, because you’re coming from a different psychological pattern.

Jennifer: Let’s talk about patterns. What we’re talking about is a very positive version of patterns. Many, many people talk about the negative versions of patterns and things like stuck in obstacle. These are not concepts that I’m a big fan of anymore. I actually don’t think that they’re really true any longer. So what do you say to someone who says that they’re stuck or that they have this horrible story that happened to them in childhood? What would you say to them at this stage?

Jean: Well, I would say please don’t take a PhD in your own pathology.

Jennifer: I have all kinds of stuff on my wall of the PhD in my own pathology.

Jean: It means that you’re just digging the trench in your mind deeper and deeper. Oh, it’s because of what my mother did, what my father didn’t do. They bullied me in second grade, and you can go on and on. Some, of course, are really terrible. I’m making fun of it, but really some of it’s awful. Now, this is a massive subject, Jennifer.

Jennifer: I know. It’s no small topic.

Jean: And there’s various things that we do. First of all, we look for what we call the positive fractals in our life, the positive fractals. A fractal is a pattern of repetition. So for example, if you look at a cauliflower, you look at one of the little florets, it completely replicates in a different way and on a different scale the whole cauliflower, doesn’t it? Everything is fractaled. It’s one of the pieces — the way the universe works, these patterns of repetition.

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So you look at what is the positive fractal. Maybe it is helping people. Maybe it’s being a teacher. Maybe it’s a deep sense of compassion, or maybe it’s the kind of pattern that has followed you throughout your life. So for example, if I were to look at the major fractal in my life, it tends to do with crossing cultures and internationalism. I mean, I am Scotch‐Sicilian with a little bit of Cherokee. I grew up — I went to 20 schools before I was 12, because my father was a comedy writer for Bob Hope and others, so we were traveling all the time. I was seeing totally different cultures all the time. When I went to high school, I was president of my high school, which was very large, and it was an enormous amalgamation of people from many, many, many cultures. I have had access to being able to tap into the internal continents that lie within people. I mean, I can go on and on and on. I travel sometimes — I rarely travel less than 100,000 miles a year, working in many cultures. So this is a major fractal, this internationalism, the multiple cultures of the human psyche and the multiple cultures of the world. When I do this sort of thing and I think in this way, I’m generally successful. When I don’t and I block it and I try to get into an insular mindset, I always fail.

So if I were to say to you, Jennifer, what is your dominant fractal?

Jennifer: It’s interesting, Jean. I have a very similar upbringing. My father was a television talk show host.

Jean: So you grew up in show business.

Jennifer: I grew up in show business, and I went to 11 different schools. I moved 44 times.

Jean: Oh, Lord have mercy. What was your dad’s name?

Jennifer: Bob McLean.

Jean: And he was where?

Jennifer: He was in Canada mostly. He ended up in Philadelphia.

Jean: But then he worked on the East Coast, didn’t he?

Jennifer: Yes.

Jean: I know his name.

Jennifer: Yes. In fact, he interviewed you.

Jean: He interviewed me. I just remembered when he did interview me, for one of my first books.

Jennifer: That’s right.

Jean: The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience. In fact, he insulted me. Did you know that?

Jennifer: I did not know that. Oh, great.

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Jean: Yes. He said, “Well, this is a fine book by you and your husband. I guess he wrote most of it.” I said, “No. Actually it was the other way around.” I was very young. What was I, 26? He didn’t want to believe — I remember him very well. He didn’t want to believe this mere girl could write a book that ended up on the front page of The New York Times.

Jennifer: It was a different time.

Jean: That’s how I remember your dad in Philadelphia.

Jennifer: Yes, that’s right. Oh, my gosh. I can’t believe it. That is so funny. He interviewed Wayne Dyer too, in the early days. So I guess my gift from that is somewhat similar, in that I’m able to morph in just about any situation, and I’m really good — I call it dancing on my feet in a very nice way, and I’m an observer, as a result. I’ve seen so many different, interesting, unique personalities through the years, that I’m able to hang out with them.

Jean: So that’s it. You are given to the range of the human condition. This is part of your gift. So what we do is we help people find what their fractals are, their great patterns, and then how to work with them. Now, then there is an esoteric part. I don't know. Can I talk esoteric?

Jennifer: Of course, please. We love it.

Jean: Well, another is that I, myself, abide by the notion from quantum mechanics that time past, time present and time future may be simultaneous, in a way that we cannot understand. Certainly if you don’t like that idea of the past being a past that is present and not just in your collective, unfamiliar, personal unconscious but maybe in the mind of God, so we edit the universal text. We edit time.

Now, people are always editing time as they’re prepping and patterning the future, aren’t they? And also in the present, but what about the past? So what I will do is have people take a small incident from the past, a small incident, and enter into the past. I have various ways of having people have at least a profound sense of entering into the past, entering through time, and then re‐creating that incident. It has to be a small one to start with, but often it has tremendous effects.

I’ll give you an example. My working partner is Peggy Rubin, and she grew up in south Texas with a family of former Methodist missionaries who were thrown out of Japan for trying to help the Japanese — thrown out of Korea for trying to help the Korean people try to find their own identity away from the Japanese takeover. So they were thrown out, and they ended up on this small farm in south Texas, where they were not very good farmers. They became very unhappy and dour. So when she came along — she had two much older brothers, a brother and sister — they were very unhappy about her birth. So what she did was seemingly a small thing. She went back into the past, and she energized the fact of the birth so they welcomed her. They welcomed her, and she began to remember it absolutely that way. Well, the result was not only the lifting of something in her psyche, but then when she went to visit her much older brother and sister, instead of being dour, they welcomed her too, and the whole family relationship shifted.

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Now, you say, what is that. Is she just working with her unconscious? Yes, undoubtedly, but is she doing something that is even deeper and broader? It affected her relationship with these older people who were then in their 80s. So it’s that kind of thing. I can give thousands of examples. I don’t actually say that this is something that you are restructuring the past. I’m just saying that the effects of it certainly look like this, and so that is one way. Now, gradually — you do this enough — we’ve had it so effective sometimes that people who were there at the original incident begin to re‐remember it in the way that you have re‐patterned it.

Jennifer: Wow.

Jean: Everything is interconnected that way. Everything is interconnected.

Jennifer: This is fascinating. I actually got chills.

Jean: Bonded electrons, you know.

Jennifer: Yes. I got chills with that one. It’s interesting, because this is very similar to the healing work that I do through body dialogue, which is we basically go in and re‐pattern. That’s what I call it, re‐patterning.

Jean: Yeah.

Jennifer: And I’ve had miraculous — I’ve had people who’ve completely re‐patterned their entire childhood so they actually got new adoptive parents even, just so they could create a new energy signature, and their current parents took on that role in real life of the adoptive parent.

Jean: Yeah. Everything affects everything else, so to think that you’re an encapsulated bag of skin dragging around a dreary, little ego, completely unique and insular of yourself is simply just not true.

Jennifer: That is an old model that we are completely done with.

Jean: Yes.

Jennifer: As we do some of these practices and as we go into our inner life, as we start focusing on the positive fractals of our life, as we do the columns that you showed us — on the special offer, also, for those who are interested, there’s thousands of more exercises — what happens? What are we going to become?

Jean: Well, I think that, as we begin to re‐grow ourselves, our ways of working with the world are going to change. We will be in‐concert with the world and the planet issues, instead of being the antagonist. We will be able to cross the great divide of otherness between peoples and nations and, probably, very probably, move to a planetary civilization with high individuation of culture. Culture will become more important than this. We will be able to figure out all kinds of balances in terms of our economic needs and wishes. There will be higher orders of education available to everybody. There’s just so many things, existentially, that will happen, and above all, I think, our story will shift. We will have a new story. We will have a lure of becoming that will carry us into a world that works for almost everybody. I think that’s a main

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part of it. Spiritually, we will become adept. People’s spiritual daily life, as spiritual exercise, will become a critical component of our lives.

Jennifer: It sounds pretty good. Let’s talk about this notion of spirituality. There’s a lot going on. Last week we just had 11‐11‐11, and next year we’re going into 12. You talk about 12 being a very cosmic number, an important cosmic number, in some of your books. Tell us about what’s going on and maybe even get it a little more personal again. What can we be doing to assist if there is anything to assist with?

Jean: Well, you see, you can take one view or another. Regardless of how it turns out, the one thing that I say is that we have lived through the good times. We are now in the great times, because we’re in the times of radical whole system transition. It’s a singularity, uniqueness in history. Whether it accrues around 2012 or whether it’s just — we’re already in the midst of the vast changes. Do I expect something spectacular to happen on the night of December 22? No. I just think that we’re in these changes already. I’m reminded of the hilarious New Yorker cartoon, which shows, a thousand years ago, two Mayans walking along together, and in the back is one of these Mayan pyramids. Their hair is erect with feathers and things, and one is rolling along a great big huge calendar stone, and he says to the other one, “I ran out of stone when I got up to 2012.” The other Mayan says, “Boy, that’s going to freak out somebody.”

The expectation of potent dates has been something that people have lived with throughout history, and this is the latest one. Part of it came out of the work of an old friend of mine, Jose Arguelles, the late Jose Arguelles, and he’s the one who came up with the big one in, what was it, 1988, which was the harmonic convergence, and then this whole 2012 one that he popularized. This is not to deny that the Mayans have — it’s the end of one cycle, and it’s the beginning of a new one. So I prefer to think of it as a time of parentheses. We’re at the end of one era. We’re not quite at the beginning of the new one, and of course, we know that the future is seeded and coded in a time of parentheses, and this is where we are. This is where we are. We’re getting to the parentheses.

Now, what we do with it is up to ourselves. Yes, we’re facing enormous challenges, especially the climate challenges and the fact that we’re pretty much finished using up fossil fuel, and we’re being called upon to rise to enormous feats of creativity, alternative energies, different ways that people can heal themselves and, above all, the way, as I say, that we get over our fear of the other and begin to work collectively together and, of course, globalization, which is both positive and negative, but globalization, the social Internet possibilities, the fact that we are all so interconnected. It’s like the world mind taking a walk with itself. These are radical, radical shifts in the human endeavor and may be the very shifts that allow us to survive and to grow.

I think it could be an either/or premise. In the next few hundred months we either go start to go off — some people who are muscularly adventurous will want to go into the moon, the other planets, more likely, the asteroids and begin to create different kinds of opportunities out there. I mean, it may be that the stars will be our destination, and most of us will be at home, trying to make of this Earth a paradise, but that requires a going inward to create, to discover our inner capacities, our inner paradise and, above all, our interconnection to each other.

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Jennifer: At the very beginning of the call, you said that we are coded and loaded with potential. You kind of talked about that a little bit more. We’ve got almost ten minutes left. Is there an exercise that you’d be open to maybe walking us through a little bit to maybe help us turn on these codes or get in contact with them?

Jean: Turn on the codes? I don't know that there’s a single exercise to turn on the codes. I wish there were. I’d be a trillionaire if there were.

Jennifer: Come on. Let’s do it.

Jean: What I do is I show people how to turn on, especially in this course you’re going to talk about, turn on all kinds of capacities on sensory, physical, psychological, mythic, as well as spiritual modalities. When you turn on these different levels and layers, then you start to turn on the overriding code. However, I’ll do something very simple for you.

Jennifer: Thank you.

Jean: It’s called the intellikey. The intellikey is a deep, higher guidance, the optimal template that we all contain within us. We’ll call it the friend. The friend is the best way. I would like people who are listening to put up, if they can do this, to put up both hands. If not, then just put up one hand, if you’re holding onto a phone. I want you to imagine that standing opposite you is what we call your higher purposed self. It’s called the intellikey. It’s the intellikey of an acorn to be an oak tree. It’s the intellikey of a baby to be a grown up human being. It’s the deeper intellikey or higher purpose of you to be something extraordinary.

I want you to imagine that standing opposite you is this high self, this higher guidance, this essential being, this great friend, who is yourself if you’d had 1,000 years to really work on yourself. This intellikey loves you and is looking at you with so much love and cherishing. You feel yourself cherished, and perhaps your fingers are beginning to tingle a bit as you begin to feel this great, great presence, this great friend, who is touching your hand and is empowering you, looking upon you with deep encouragement, so much love and is calling you to the greatness that you contain. You begin to feel yourself empowered, cherished, nourished, activated, ignited. You may feel a great feeling force of this great call, this call to become all that you are now and shall be. The great potential is rising in you as you are empowered, activated, cherished, called forth by this high being, the great friend, and knowing that from this moment forward, if you choose and if you persist and continue in this process, this great friend, this intellikey will be with you, following you into your own extraordinary possibilities. That’s the process.

Jennifer: Wow. I’ve got tears in my eyes, Jean. Thank you. I know her. I’ve met her before. That’s beautiful. I keep thinking, and I keep getting nudged about this, which is one of my favorite books is Illusions by Richard Bach.

Jean: Oh, yes, a wonderful book.

Jennifer: I keep thinking about some of the concepts he talks about, swimming in mud, and not that we need to do that, but he talks about that’s what’s possible. Is that, do you think, possible? Not that we need to do that. We have bigger things to do, but that is kind of the result, I think, of

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when we start being in command of our being, of our soul. I’d love to get your views on some of those ideas and what we’re capable of.

Jean: Well, it’s interesting. I think it was in that book that Bach said that what most people call a breakdown, the caterpillar, just a mess, the master calls a butterfly. I believe we’re in butterfly times. When you really look at what happens in the chrysalis, the cocoon of the caterpillar, I mean, the caterpillar eats — yum, yum, yum, yum, yum — eats everything in sight. Finally his outer skin thickens, and he becomes, and he’s in a chrysalis. You would expect, well, lovely butterfly wings are forming. Not at all. Mush. It becomes mush, and out of this mush, the guided cells, the intellikey cells, begin to call to each other and use the mush as food, and they begin to connect. After a while, you have a butterfly, a beautiful being that cross‐pollinates, lives lightly on the Earth and is a being of extraordinary beauty.

I believe that we’re in sort of the final stages of our mush, but we are really — the imaginal cells of self and society, I think, are moving together, and we are in a radical time of emergence. Will it be difficult? Yes. Will some fail? Yes. Will we move to the next stage of our human becoming? Yes, I actually believe that.

The 13.8 billion‐year experiment that resulted in your and my life is not about to end. I think that we are coded with a destiny that is larger than our aspiration and more complex than all our dreams, and we are the fortunate ones who are living in the midst of this.

Jennifer: Amen. Thank you, Jean. Thank you for your remarkable wisdom, incredible passion, for being in touch with your intellikey so that you can bring your wonderful gifts to all of us.

Jean: Well, thank you, and of course we’re going to do this. You’re going to announce something now, and I want to add something too.

Jennifer: Yes. We’re going to talk a little bit about your special offer. I’m quite excited about this. Jean has put together a remarkable program for you. As you can hear, Jean knows how to do this stuff, and she’s got a beautiful seven‐week course called Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose.

Actually I have a little bit of housekeeping to do, I’m being reminded here. We have what’s called a phrase that pays, and we give away $250 every show for the phrase that pays. The phrase that pays today is look for positive fractals in your life. Look for the positive fractals in your life. So that is the phrase that pays today. Go ahead and go to:

Enter the phrase that pays, look for the positive fractals in your life. We kind of try and sum up a little bit of the call. It’s hard to do in your case, but I thought that was a pretty cool one. One of the exercises that you’ll discover is how to look for the positive fractals in your life, through this remarkable program. It’s Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose with Dr. Jean Houston. To me it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to really work with someone at this remarkable time in our evolution and our history, someone who has kind of been there, done that. I remember, on the videos, you talked about your experiments. You were one of the first people to use LSD.

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Jean: It was a government program. It was quite legitimate.

Jennifer: It was a government program. It was legal.

Jean: Yes.

Jennifer: Before it was broadly known.

Jean: Yes.

Jennifer: Jean has been there, done that. She’s the person that — Healing with the Masters wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Jean and what she’s created. She’s created the path for many of us, and this program is the next evolution. This program is, I think, the culmination of her remarkable work, and at this very important time in our history, this is a perfect program for you to dive into yourself, that you can activate your intelligence, your unique gifts. You can decode your own patterns. You can open yourself to your own importance and your role in the world and find your unique destiny code. All of this is here for you. You can increase your creativity. There’s discovering deep resources of emotional healing and even physical healing, accessing the multiple forms of intelligence and knowing, holding a perspective that fills you with empathy, patience and wisdom, no matter how challenging the situation. That’s the one that I’m going to be focusing on. I’m definitely going to be purchasing. I’m the first one to purchase this. You can tap into sources of very ancient wisdom, as you’ve kind of heard on this show. So much more. Jean, I would love to hear your perspective on this remarkable program.

Jean: Well, we’ve done it twice, and it’s costly. For you it’s very inexpensive.

Jennifer: I know. For us it’s really reasonable. Thank you.

Jean: It’s normally a $500 program, and I think — what is it, $147 just for the people on this program if they’re listening in now?

Jennifer: Yes, just for the Healing With the Masters crowd.

Jean: $147, and it’s seven weeks, seven 75‐minute programs, I think. Some are a little longer. There’s an enormous amount of content in this, and a lot of things that we talked about are in this program. So it’s normally $500, and for just the people who are listening in now — and don’t sell any to anybody else, because the company that does it will go broke. I think it was $147.

Jennifer: Yes. Actually it’s a 50 percent off coupon. Let me tell you how to get there. Go to:

Then what you’re going to do is, you’re going to go in there. You’re going to see that big, huge price tag, but you’re going to use the coupon healing. Make sure that you click on the activate the coupon button so that it works. You’re going to go to:

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII Page 16 of 26 Jean Houston November 17, 2011 Copyright 2011, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean | Healing with the Masters |

And then use the coupon when you’re checking out — h‐e‐a‐l‐i‐n‐g — and you’ll get 50 percent off; bring it to about $148. You’re only going to be hearing it here, and of course I’ll be sending you the email. We’ll have this information also for those listening to the replay, available on the page. So it’s right there in that big purple button, and the coupon there is also healing.

Jean: By the way, people who are further interested in my work, they can go to my website, which is just:

Sign up to be on my email list, because you’ll get further news further along next year, around March or April. I’m going to be doing the Mystery School on online.

Jennifer: Oh, really?

Jean: Yes, the virtual Mystery School.

Jennifer: Oh, I definitely —

Jean: You won’t see it up yet. It’ll be up in a couple of months.

Jennifer: Next year. So go to:

if you’re interested in getting on Jean’s email list and finding out about the Mystery School. Oh, my gosh. I’m so excited. I’ve wanted to do that forever.

Jean: Well, it’ll also be inexpensive, compared to what a Mystery School — because we’re ending the physical Mystery Schools after 28 years, actually, this next week. I’ve done that enough, traveling all over the world like Johnny, Jeanie Appleseed. I’m now making it virtual, with opportunities to come to several physical events, very inexpensively if they want to do that.

Jennifer: Wonderful. That sounds fantastic. Well, Jean, thank you so much for joining us on Healing with the Masters. It’s been an absolute delight and an honor to have you share your insights and wisdom and passion with all of us. I appreciate it.

Jean: Well, thank you so much, Jennifer. What a pleasure it has been to be with you and with everybody out there. Many blessings on you.

Jennifer: Thank you so much for being part of today’s show, everyone. It seems we always come to these calls as individuals, and in the end, we wind up a united community and united in our intention. We know we make the difference. We matter. You matter. I love you all so very much. Until next time, good night, everyone.

Jean: Good night.

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Jennifer: Good night, Jean.

[End of Discussion]

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Host Volume VIII | August 25, 2011 – December 1, 2011

Jennifer McLean

Jean Houston | Featured Guest | November 17, 2011 Scholar, Philosopher and Researcher in human capacities Foremost Visionary Thinker Principal Founder of the Human Potential Movement

"In our time we have come to the stage where the real work of humanity begins. It is the time where we partner Creation in the creation of ourselves, in the restoration of the biosphere, the regenesis of society and in the assuming of a new type of culture; the culture of Kindness. Herein, we live daily life reconnected and recharged by the Source, so as to become liberated and engaged in the world and in our tasks."

Dr. Jean Houston, scholar, philosopher and researcher in human capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time, one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement. A powerful and dynamic speaker, she holds conferences and seminars with social leaders, educational institutions and business organizations worldwide.

Jean Houston has worked intensively in 40 cultures and 100 countries helping to enhance and deepen their own uniqueness while they become part of the global community. Her ability to inspire and invigorate people enables her to readily convey her vision ‐ the finest possible achievement of the individual potential.

In 1965, along with her husband Dr. Robert Masters, Dr. Houston founded The Foundation for Mind Research. She is also the founder and principal teacher since 1982 of the Mystery School, a school of human development, a program of cross‐ cultural, mythic and spiritual studies, dedicated to teaching history, philosophy, the New Physics, psychology, anthropology, myth and the many dimensions of human potential. She also leads an intensive program in social artistry with leaders coming from all over the world to study with Dr. Houston and her distinguished associates.

She is a prolific writer and author of 26 books including A Passion for the Possible, Search for the Beloved, Life Force, The Possible Human, Public Like a Frog, A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story, Jump Time, and Manual of the Peacemaker.

As advisor to UNICEF in human and cultural development, she has worked to implement some of their extensive educational and health programs. Since 2003, she has been working with the United Nations Development Program, training leaders in developing countries throughout the world in the new field of social artistry. Dr. Houston has also served for two years in an advisory capacity to President and Mrs. Clinton as well as helping Mrs. Clinton write, It Takes A Village To Raise A Child. She has also worked with President and Mrs. Carter and counseled leaders in similar positions in many countries and cultures.

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A past President of the Association of Humanistic Psychology , she has taught philosophy, psychology, and religion at Columbia University, , the New School for Social Research and Marymount College, as well as summer sessions in human development at the University of California at Santa Cruz and the University of British Columbia.

In 1985, Dr. Houston was awarded the Distinguished Leadership Award from the Association of Teachers Educators. In 1993, she received the Gardner Murphy Humanitarian Award for her work in psychology and the INTA Humanitarian of the Year award. In 1994, she received the Lifetime Outstanding Creative Achievement Award from the Creative Education Foundation. The following year, she was given the Keeper of the Lore Award for her studies in myth and culture. In 1997 she was made a Fellow of the World Business Academy and in 1999 she received the Pathfinder award from the Association of Humanistic Psychology. In 2000 she was given the prestigious Millennium Award from Magical Blend Magazine.

Dr. Houston holds a B.A. from , a Ph.D. in psychology from the Union Graduate School and a Ph.D. in religion from the Graduate Theological Foundation. She has also been the recipient of honorary doctorates.

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Volume VIII | August 25, 2011 – December 1, 2011 Host

Jennifer McLean

Guest Speakers | Further Information August 25, 2011 Host of Healing With The Masters Launching Her New Book Body Dialoging: 7 Steps to Coping & Thriving in Extreme Times

Jennifer McLean

September 6, 2011 Celebrated Medium Co‐Executive Producer of the CBS series Ghost Whisperer

James Van Praagh

September 8, 2011 & November 9, 2011 Energy Healer Delivering the Power Of Inner Healing

Ann Taylor

September 13, 2011 Spiritual Teacher Life‐changing creator of Diamond Alignment for Equanimity & Joy

Jacqueline Joy

September 15, 2011 Internationally recognized Healer Creator of Reconnective Healing

Eric Pearl

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII Page 21 of 26 Jean Houston November 17, 2011 Copyright 2011, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean | Healing with the Masters |

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d)

September 20, 2011 Internationally known Teacher Co‐Founder/President of the non‐profit New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, Inc.

Patricia Cota‐Robles

September 22, 2011 Internationally renowned Author, Recording Artist, Educator, Humanitarian “Igniting The Power Of Peace In People Around The World”

Marlise Karlin

September 27, 2011 Host of Healing With The Masters Launching Her New Book Body Dialoging: 7 Steps to Coping & Thriving in Extreme Times

Jennifer McLean

September 28, 2011 Best‐Selling Author Motivational Speaker Founder of the UNSTOPPABLE Foundation

Cynthia Kersey

September 29, 2011 Celebrity Life Coach Psychotherapist on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew on VH1

Sherry Gaba

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII Page 22 of 26 Jean Houston November 17, 2011 Copyright 2011, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean | Healing with the Masters |

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d)

October 4, 2011 International Best‐Selling Hay House Author Spiritual Teacher Distinguished Intuitive Advisor

Sonia Choquette

October 6, 2011 Spreading the seeds of Consciousness around the world. “All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!”

Rikka Zimmerman

October 11, 2011 World Renowned Spiritual Teacher, Author, and Master of Energy "The Miracle Worker"

Jo Dunning

October 13, 2011 Social Innovator, Speaker, Author, Educator Leader in The New Worldview of

Barbara Marx Hubbard

October 18, 2011 #1 New York Times Best‐Selling Author, Transformational Leader Leading Expert on Happiness, Success, and Unconditional Love

Marci Shimoff

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII Page 23 of 26 Jean Houston November 17, 2011 Copyright 2011, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean | Healing with the Masters |

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) October 19, 2011 Astrologer Extraordinaire and Gifted Intuitive Revealing the nature of powerful 2011 transitions

Elizabeth Jones

October 20, 2011 Best‐Selling Author of The Four Agreements Toltec Master Founder of The Sixth Sun Foundation

Don Miguel Ruiz

October 25, 2011 Internationally Recognized Spiritual Messenger New York Times Best‐Selling Author of the Conversations With God series

Neale Donald Walsch

October 27, 2011 Catalyst for evolution of the human soul 4‐Time Award‐Winning Author President of the World Puja Network Global Keynote Speaker

Maureen Moss

November 1, 2011 Master Healer New York Times Best‐Selling Health & Wellness Author of Be Your Own Shaman

Deborah King

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII Page 24 of 26 Jean Houston November 17, 2011 Copyright 2011, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean | Healing with the Masters |

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) November 2, 2011 Founder Of VibesUP 3‐Time Visionary Award Winner for her unique healing tools

Kaitlyn Keyt

November 3, 2011 Popular Actress, Advocate of Human Potential Author of “Quiet The Mind & Open The Heart” Workshops and Retreats

Lindsay Wagner

November 8, 2011 Celebrated Leader of Leaders, Healer of Healers Dedicated Servant of World Servers

Bill Bauman

November 10, 2011 Founders of The Lefkoe Institute Morty is the Creator of The Lefkoe Method series Shelly is the Founder and President of the Possibilities of Parenting Center

Morty & Shelly Lefkoe

November 15, 2011 Oprah Winfrey's Mindful Eating Coach Psychotherapist Specializing in Eating Issues Author of The Self‐Compassion Diet

Geneen Roth

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII Page 25 of 26 Jean Houston November 17, 2011 Copyright 2011, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean | Healing with the Masters |

Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII | Guest Speakers | Further Information (cont’d) November 16, 2011 Composer and Musician Awakening the soul through music

Jon Griffin

November 17, 2011 Scholar, Philosopher and Researcher in human capacities Foremost Visionary Thinker Principal Founder of the Human Potential Movement

Jean Houston

November 22, 2011 Internationally renowned Intuitive Counselor, Educator and Motivational Speaker Best Selling Hay House Author

Colette Baron‐Reid

November 29, 2011 Best‐Selling Relationship Author Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus and the Mars/Venus book series

John Gray

December 1, 2011 Renowned Healer Abundance Life Coach Author and Speaker

Mary A. Hall

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Healing With the Masters: Volume VIII Page 26 of 26 Jean Houston November 17, 2011 Copyright 2011, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean | Healing with the Masters |