12:56, 2:40, 4:30, 8:15, 8:05 and Trsns-Lux—“l Am a Camera”; C-6 THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. pjn. ajn., 12:50, 2:40, 4:35, 6:26, Wednesday, October it, uss « 8:65 11 WHERE Plaaa “The Virgin Queen”; 8:20 and 10:10 pjn. AKTCntau passing 12:25, 3:20, 4:16, 8:10 (sneak Warner—" Cinerama Holiday"; m f»fc*n* the show AND WHEN preview, 8) and 9:50 pjn. 2 and 8:30 p.m. Current Theater Attractions When the Redhead and Time of Showing p ¦¦ f ¦ | Stage ACAiIMY 4 i|| ACAPEMY 4 National “Anastasia"; 2:30 fAi mKI AWAta J and 8:30 pjn. f mM 14 Moira, W9mMl * wmi|,sb| Is Why Not Shobert—"Deadfall”; 2:10 and *35 A] 8:30 pm. k By JAY CARMODY I W AUDREY WIUAM HOUWI Terence Rat tigan comes up with an amusing and beguiling Screen HB!MM comedy idea in “The Man Who Loved Redheads," which opened Ambaacador "Blood Alley"; today at the Playhouse theater. 1, 3:08, 8:10, 7:20 and 9:30 pjn. Noiran Houmr itmb it*] , The producers, bless them, i come up with an even more at- Capitol "The Tell Men": tractive notion in choosing Moilra Shearer to play the entire lot 10:48 a.m., 12:58, 2:08, 6:20, 7:30 of readheads with whom the and 9:80 pjn. man in the case falls in love. 'TKX MANWHO LOVED REDHEADS," Colony "The Oredn Scarf”; a London FUms-Losort roIMM.
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