Control, Says Dulles' ussiaLosing , .

PRESEN'fS ROSSINI TI-IE DAILY NEWS I\'ailable al ~"r.~)'. brroming cloudy thIs • 1::(~l1nen, Showcrs thIs cI·cnlng. (PrIce 5 centsl Charles Hutton & Sons ~~~~~~~~~~~V~ol~.=~~.~No~.~1~70~~~~~~~S~T.~J~O~H~N~~~N~E~WFOUNm~ND,:i: ~ :o·da:.: 0:; degrces. THUR~~tJUNE28, 1%6 d Control ust O\¥il, Says ommonwea t • . tate Scty. r., lilll\ .\. ~C:\l.1 ~it"::\" :', ':; ,AI') - Slate ra e By aceARTIIUR He made it clear that Britain Mohammad Ali of Pakistan, Solo· on several problems affecting ' .. '. l' ,. <.Iifl 1\'Nln~,d~I' GAVSHO~ 1 j . • \ '. • :.:: \11 tI\"(.lr forl'ign . CAP) - Prime Min· and other NATO countries are ur· man Bandaranaike of Ceylon, Rob· Commonwealth countries. Ister Eden told the Commonwealth gently working on plans to meet ert Menzies of Austrlia, The demand of Ceylon's Band· ::. •••• ~ ,1 :- t j l- io has bCt~n Sidne~' -:, .. l~l:l 3nd l:)~!cncd" prime ministers Wednesday the the Red challenge by gradually Holland of NelY Zealand, J. G. aranike for control of Britain'!' ~ \l','nmrnr~ re\'cl, Commonwealth must stand ready scaling down their spending on Strijdom of South Alriea and Lord nanl and air bases at Trincll· ~: .. :,n·' rl'i~n of )cr' fOr a relentless Soviet trade war conventional arms and armies in iIIalvern of the Central African malee and Katunayake is one such' nolY tbat the nelY Kremlin lead· order to strcngthen their econom· Federation. subject. 10 " i.inter! al a pl'es~ ers have becn warned not to stir ies. Nehr~, who also played hot to Eden hopes persuade hl5 old' I'I'rh"!'5 cI'en the up trouble in the Middle East. 10.DAY CONFERENCE B.ulgal11n and .K,hrushche~ ,in In· I Oxford University friend not to , .. : ,I l'hief :\i\;ita The British leader 'was opening Eden's statement was followcd dla and later l'lslted RUSSia made I undulv dislocate the present : ", 11I::n \l'h.. dis· th~ • conferenc~ of fellow prime by a ¥encral discussion of the in. a statement on the intcrn·ational'rangc·ments. He wil! propose ar· , :-:1:1['" . mi~ht bl' mlRlsters of eIght other Common· tcrna\lonal situation which will be situation "ra lual t· f f t I a " wealth nations They met f t' I d . 0 ( I ans er 0 con ro . \"'n1:nuni,1 part)' . . . o~ se. can mllel to ay. . Informants saict he appeared to Thr. prime ministers and Iheir cret tal~s on. affairs o! the \\or~d TI.'e 10·day talks opened m the I share Eden's I'iew that the nnn· foreign mini,tcrs or amha,,~ador~ .:ern"ti .. n:'1 ('(1111 an~ thm OIl n globe·glrdllng s)';' ~abm,et ro~~ at 10.D0wning Street, Communist \l'orld must ligure, in London Wednesday ni~ht ai, " " ~ "I llrrJllr~· te~ . I f th . . . t : Eden s offiCIal reSIdence. I wa)'s of dl'namic coexistcnce lI'ilh jlended a banquet at Bukcin'ham :'. ; ~dd:, "Jrcall~r , ev~ra 0 e pn~e miniS ers The prime ministers who mel i SOl'ict communism the character' Palacr gil'rn h,· .the Quecn ~ ". ~~i:" caught ~el~~r~i~g t~~le~al~!v~m::\?i~stellea~ ~nd~r sEdtn's. chairm,anship wm Ii of :I'hich he beliel:~~ is changing. i Earlier \Velhiesda), the "Qllec~ crs durin their I'isit to Britain OUIS t.. a~lent of ~anada, .Jaw, Co~fcrence offlcmts reportcd i ;:al'c separate audience., to Strij' :" .. t; in Ihe Ir('e ' . g aharlal Nehlu of Imlla, Chaudhn, that SIde talks ha\'e been arran~ed I dam, Nchru and )Ienlies. ,. c"n1l11uni,m has tlliS sprmg. ---...,-----.:--....:...:..:...:.-=:.:...::::.:.:~=...:::.:.::.-=-=-:.:..:.:.::=:..:..::=:.:....::..::::..::....::.:.:~==:::..-- , tn ('Jnqucr ;m~' ,!h15 \I'~r~ing. d.isclos~d. 10 the I! CYPRUS' .• ::1 r(ll't'nt y.. ars­ pnme minIsters m briefings be • . :.j{':~ of \'ict'lric~, fore the formal sessions began, , .<" :n·t the har"h was that Britain wilt go to war in .. . .. -: !;rn hI' ~I~lin.'·: the cl'ent of any SOI;iet action in T k wall I .",: 11\1 1:11 J:l1 1;1.,\;"; Proposal '. 1 :.111' idca Ihat the )liddle Bast which lealls to a ur s Never Accept • '1~ ~ 1\ leI Ira(ler, stoppage of Commonwealth oil - I:n::.h an,l Amer. I Says Leader , ;1:, :.t), !i~lIrc~ I\'n~ supplies. F Greek Majority, ,i pbn" ~iTllrd at TAKEN SERIOUSLY I or .... rn \\ ,'rirl, Eden has formcd the opinion " ,!e;n~nd. In klloll' that Premier Bulganin and Com· ~y ,ROBERT 'fUCK)IAN told apr e s s conference the 1 even as reports from London in·dl • . ' .. r. Iterr llermiltrd munist parly secretary Nikita, NICOSIA, C~pru~ (AP) -: The "rights and interests 01 the Turks cOlted the British govcrnment I. " ;.: _. ~r~imr ?r~ "quite Khrushchev took the warning ser'lleadcr of ~he TurkIsh mmorlty on can onl)' be guaranteed by a con· I preparing tu offer a new consti· .' ',i . " "ir:1cr, Dulle; said. iously and perhaps for thc first Cy~rus sal.d Wednesday the Turks slitution based on equal repre· tulion for Cyprus which would ". '., '::J\cmrn\, imler! ti,!,e realized. the i~p~r!anc~ of "\vI!~ .ncver acccP.t" an~ ~roposall se~tation." I give the dominant Greeks the .. , '.' ~:" 11, Communist mIddle otl to Brltam 5 highly to ollC .the ,Greeks maJ?nty rep· I II any other course is fOllowerl1 majority in the Cyprus assembly. _.. :, 'idl'o ... illo\\' a I'er\' Industrialized economy. resentahon m the natIOnal as·' We shall again appeal to the Turk,' l\I1DDLE EAST DISASTER

. ,', : ,;;"ati-lal'lion with As a' result he was in a posi. sembly. i.h governmcnt to defend our I' Kuchuk said to accept a con· :"'f~,: !e;idership of the lion to rep.ort to the c.onf~ren~e Doct~; ~azil !i:uehuk~ c,h,airman rights and interests,'" he said. ! stitution giving the Greel>s an as· .:': :",:'I~' as exemplified that the !lhddlc East. sll1allon IS of the CHrus IS Turlnsh part)·, Kuchuk's declarahon was issued' sembly majorily wculd mcan i ',.: \'"mmuni,t part)'." calmer and that. RU~5Ia thus .far --. --.--.------"putting the hangmall's noose" .' :,;~ ':1t, prc,cnt SOl'ict seems to be helpmg In the Unltel~ St I U - around the necks vi the Turks . . ~r ':: I. "with an almo~t Nations quest for an Arab·Israell . e e lllOn WI-II "I wonder il Great Ilritain will . ::! rl i I r m m a" bccau~e settlement.. . sacrifice the friendship of Tnr· ..f::;"~"l: ,:"riplbe can be main. In an appraIsal of the alms and I key," he saill. "I wonder if she ....--_It'1l-: ,~\' lerror tactics such trends of Russia's "new look" re·: E t d A t will take such a cOllrse in fa\'or {[:;,,!o),rd. I C.\DF.T FREDERICK W. COOK, of Duckworth Strec\, S!. John's, gtanlls duty Ilt the gangwav gimel. Eden . predicted .an era of X en gr"eemen of Grecce which will mean dis· 1:." rrp~rtctl he ~aw "a i of II~ICS Fort Eric dUl'in n the ship's "isit III Lambll, ScuUr,nd. ,\'11" I~ort "'r'lc' II'ns one o'f deve liplng . competi~lon betwcen' aster for the whole Middle East:" ,:."r "'ithin the Sol'i~n I\ the three frigates to I'isit the" Scot!ish port nlld I.nndon durin" a onc.month• cruise'" to train cadets Ea st an d IV est for lI1£luenc e. and NEW YORK (AP)-'1'he Gniled: aece table i Kuc. hU', k \l'ho returned )Iono .. y : ,:."" fIr ~reater liberal. 0 power. among the uneom. mIlled l Steelll'orkers II'ednc."d",' ."grned: p . co n',' ',' a month of talks in Turke.l· . :r;"dlO" more freedom or thr. Uni\'ersity Na\'al Training Divisions. l adet Cook is a studcn! at Memorial Unil'crsity 0 t r Europ A ad'" ". Twelve steel mpa Ie In n . •. ,."'hI'" "d U" '"1,1" III ,;" I" I. ,.,,_ I Ph,I'I. . I. "I",. pro,,,I I" bo, • ,ro ,. ' I,It" " ", ld, h., h ... I ..'m, '" Id. ;f H..too. bI,.".. j,;,,' u,;""It,. "~.I nc" ~f'"". ~ m.' .""", • .." "til J ,I, " " " ,If." I , ,I"', ,0;1 P'"o, .. .,,1 '" •,;,pm' .old th, !!'II ~ '. C"",,~ 'm~". ''''. 'CO " th' IXJ)EPESDEST I to avord a strike in the niant steel i bankin" of furn h' h opinIOn that the Crpm, questIOn

O ~.,:::' •...~ oth.e'~ q~l;cslions Pr a v d a P b,- h . C· t· - Of K I- duled.indllstr)'.· ror ASaturday strike had mid~ight. bc'en ~che., 'iVedneselay schcduied tonighl be:~~s,at someat ~~idn;~~~ pla;ts: can~~termination only be soh'edo[ terrori,m fir,t hyon .~hethe "1''11 '_,'" .,' "of""" y"., IS rl Ie Ism re mIn D",' J. ",D",Id, .. ," ,.. ,.; Th, " ...".," "II" ..Id "if' '" ,,' ,,' .",".df, b, "PP'"'' I ~! ' .. 131 Tito has not UQ _es Of S I- ident, made the statement in a i thc union shall accede to this pro. ~cp~;;~~:;I:~~~n" bascd on c'lual .,. :nle as independent letter to John. A. ,Stephens, U.S. posat ... Ihe. companies in sub. .' ~:' war, despite his Lea\ de r' s er T t .t " t n,Ste~1 vlcc·prcsldc.n and chlcf ne· sequent negotiations will be agree· Kuehuk, who speaks for the ,U Ie s rea men a I 100 \: .. : ", Ru~sla and pledge i goILator for. the mdustry. able to reducing the five· year 1 ,000 Turks of the island', 500,. ,', lrith Soviet leaders. By STANLEY JOHNSON Moscow 20th Congress In Fcbruary.' death In March 19j3, though' have any historical or political: McDonald said the union is wi!· :crm s~fo \he rroposed ~greements ~o. popul~tio.n., al,o struck out ;. ,;:i~ pact air base In MOSCOW (AP I-Pravda pub. and that Ihe U.S, stale dcpart'I"shocklng and painful," was his. necessit),; nothing can justify the I' ling to extend the agrcemcnt with! Oct '31 r g60 er\~t:un:r~ .•. 10 I ~ffaJ.n~l B~I\alnls r~r~r\cel ~Iant' to .::. .:'"',11";". ,.",1. ",hod IV"", ,,' "' ..p..... moo' 101" h,d '".. d , '"" ,,,,. Com mPO"'", h' "Id, "m,.,' '" of I"",,,, u' dog" Id,": th, "d'"I""'1' ,f.'""~, ,h" l ,,,;',1;,,,,,' "d,';;oo ,f'~;'~,:., w;:~I. ':0 '\:':S '~ , , ".'"' '"' .: '. I~est s .securlty evcn dentcn criticism of the present ported tcxt of that specch. I have the courage to face up to It, large·seale deportatIOns; provo·, the benefIts pr,oVlded In the settle,: efil s rovi I d in th if" I )ears. ,. ~a: parllcs Who want t K.remlin leadership. It asked In, The Pravda reprinting, running I anal>'ze it and draw conclusions cative and chauvinist actions as I ment which would otherwise be I ro ofal ,I,e c r 1\C·~ear ~IUST PROVE GOODWn,L .".,we"', .. ~I~~~i~~/cored gains dIrectly whcther the current lend. on three pages, m\u'ked a radical [rum it." in the case 01 Yugoslavia; the applicable on July 1, 1956, shall: p it. s. .' lie said: "We consider it 8 F (. I' e i ~ n ~linister ers ever tried to stop StaHn in I shift In Soviet propaganda policy, I "The crimes and brutalities that ,prosecution of the Jewish doctors be retroactive to that (late," ! oUe e I\~ompan~es !el':~ed hcontracl great political blunder and trai· .. "did I his eXcesses. It crcated a sensation al1lon~ sullied thc lalter period o[ Stnlin's and snuffing out tbe lives of There was no immediate com·: hre~kill as m~1 e ID e .Ie opes 0 i torship to accept self·eletermina· .': nO,t ~rD!uc~ It did so by rcprinting an ar. MuscoII' people, many 01 whom: leadership are unlorgivablc," more thall a SC(lre of Jewish cuI·, ment Irom the companies as tol t'atton g ~ st. :mt In the.~eg(). lion which means nothing els! .., ,;';,0I1~;' "':~ I fI". th ~, ",',,.", '!'" '" "fI'" ",I' h. ~ ro, dI., .. pl.; : ,,,,,1. ,,,' hm.'. "N" "d lhoy ",,' "",ro" " wh ."" Ib', ,tip" I, II" wool" b,! ';',000' ,,~,:.:,"""' • ,'n', " h't g.,,;, f "'oo with G"'" 1." ,'n n II rmf I.S I Thc article was hy Eugene Den posted on walls. Dennis had writ. i __. ______. --- i " "I am prepared to comc to an ';, ~I c~ ac ~0\1' nls, J:eneral secl'ctary of thc Com len: i U' 5 N Pd· tN' At· 5 b t • understandin" with the Greeks al • ':~tr.nd~~sta;~~n a\:~ munist party i.n the Uni~ed.SIi~les: • "In the discussion ~n the 20th: avy re IC s ew n ,- u ISIX Provinces OK an)' lime. \rhen the Greeks hm • ,_ ~t' I i~ E ~~IC It ,apPcllrcd In the NCII 'tork Congress currently hellIg centred i • • prol'er! their goodwill and sinccr· " "~,d H ~t e'"e3cS d uJ Dally Workcr of June 18. around the special Khru5hcbel'I T I·· T · I'R ]. f A it\· I am prepared to sit down r 'r,r,n n. C' ce .c. 'fhe C.o m m.n n i I hell.wcther repnrt, lIuestinns arisc 0 CS ,.le Ie !!,reement aiHI talk with them. .~' ommulll_ m cop)'ing It~ .. carned .the ab."ut the presentfrequ~nt1y SOI'let' leRdel" Weapon' Revo utI on Ize act I I" • , "The Turkish nation 1I·m nCI'er _ ..____ t fIrst~ravda: dIrect or imp.lIed crltlcls!" ship. I . ,'". ! 01 rAlyA ~CP)-An uncmpl~y. yield to injustice and intimida· of the p~esent SovIet leadership I "Old slime of Ihem tr)' 10 hring, WASHINGTON (AP) _ Navy nu~bers of u.ndersea craft "IS not I bo~bs. '. 1he. sky\\:amor, a [11'0'1 ment relll;f bIll Wednesday was ,10' tion. Instcad of sittin>: back and lI'el'S To ever pubbshed !Ierc. I about changcs hclol'c the last' Secrctary Ch~rles Thomas, out· bemg recogmzed a,~ it should be engln~ let, IS deslg~ed to oper· lroducc.d.m the cO',llmons by \I el· beinl( gradually eliminalcd we RADlC,\L SIIIFT three years? Could the past evils: lining for Congress the latest by the U.S. Navy. ate either from carners or land lare lIImlster )Iartm. certainly hR"C to defcnd our· . It also carried the first Incally have been chccked earlicr? How naval advances, made cryptic Thomas hotly disagreed, saying bases. Under Icrms of the legislation, seh'es before it is 100 late WI! J I'! ,ltV "hll; h. d "po. U,,' Nlhft, S. bf, ,,' ~ "'" ." tho """," , IV ..,.ro.y I, • ..w lb. '''y " .""" " ",lilly" T'" "b~.m ift" IV ,d,,,',, wo,k" ." wIth ,i, '''';.. ,,', " .."" ft ." d", I, ,ml;,i Ib; I C " Khrushchev, boss of the Soviet now under way? , • ," , weapon "which will revolutioniZe possible 10 push its olYn program made ~ub1ie an olficially censore? six mee,tings, the federal govern· right 0 Jive on hi,1 island which AH1TZBURG South Communist party, had denounced Dennis' a rt I c I e saId that anti.submarine warlare." of building atomic'powered subs. transcrIpt 01 recent army testl' ment WIll pay up to 50 per cenl Is only a part of the Turkish "'J:, ~,,_:\ part~. oC ex. the latc Prime Mlnislcr <;tnlin in Khrushchev's story of Stalin's he. Thomas did not elaborate on Protection of the navy's carrier mony on its work in the' missile of relief costs paid out by the mainland." ".',~ indudes South Af. a secret speech to the parly's havior in the years before his the nature of this development. forces against undersea attack is field. provinces and municipalitles to ------\:3n Paton left here He said only that the U.S. Navy a prime 0 b j e c t i v e because, Lt .• Col. Woodrow B. Sigley, needy unemployed. r., 3 1.000.mile ex, Tat HIT' has such a weapon "on hand." Thomas said, the erippling,of land chief of Ihe air ,defence branch of The relief agreement will ap· . !:~d the "lost city" 01 • 0 0 men r a• umph, . His statement, made before air bases might give the navy the missiles division, said the ply' only after unemployment in a , ';i !l( ;crt. Senate sub·commlttee IllVestigat. "thc balance of power In a strug· army is "confident \l'e can province has risen above ,45 per :'.''; "',hrn the city was ing the relative strenglli of U.S. gle lor surviva!''' . achieve a successful counter· cent of the provincc's total popu ~::,tr'l 11\' American ex. ns n Parle' anti Russian air power,' was' con· Thomas said the navy air arm weapon against ballistic missiles, lation. The legislation covers those " r'arini in his book, Pia Egypt.aa y sldered significant because Soviet is "[ar more powerful than many including the Intercontinental Bal· not nolV covered b~' such welfare :', Kalahari, sc\'en or sea pri~er is concentrated In sub· of Us have realize.d." He said car· listie JIIissile, in time to meet the easures as unemployment insur· hare searched in .BELGRADE (A.P) _ President \ cepted the principles of coexist. marines. rier·based bombers can transport dcscribed threa of ID60 Or ID6I." ancc and includes farmers and .~rient ruins Ihal' 1i~ Tlto came home In triumph from ence laid down In the Tito.Nchru That the navy is ready to meet hydrogen bombs 10 all but."a few Another army expert, .MOlj. fishcrmen. ;, thc la n d of hi,S Moscow t r.i p Wcdnesday I New DeIhl deelaratlun of Decem the Soviet submarine threat was important targets In the world, Gen. J. B. Medaris, predicted that Six provinces - Newfoundland, ': Ilu;hmen bctween Iils government Immediately an Ibcr, !D.14, questioned by chairll)an Stuart 3,000.:lIILE ROUND TRIP the army would be the first "in ;liell' Brunswick.· Prince Edwar ,:.i and Southwest n~unced he plans ~ conlerence . . Symington (Dem. Mo.). The Skywarrior. bomber, he said the western world" to achieve a Island. Manitoba, Saskatchewan II'lth Eg~'ptlan Prc'HI~nt Ga!"al, . 2. ~!anr, ASian an1 Afman na· l'm~lE OBJECTIVE can makl: a round trip combat ballistic missile with a range of I and British Columbia - have A~lel Nasscr and Inlhan Prune I lions Intele~ted In fmding a way Alter hearing Thomas' report run or 3,000 miles, operating al 1,500 milcs. Mcdaris is chief of the' snied agreemgents with ottawa :.,:, .. rxpedition, headed Mmlster Nehru next mon~h. . out of the cold war null' have: on navy progress, Symington said extreme' altitudes in all weather ballistic. misslc agency at the I which are relroactive to July I. I) . FI[I\\ cr, has been Tito renched the lronller raIl "ained strength. I nnssla's production of fal' greater and carrying "hIgh yield nuclear Redstone arsenal in Alaba mao 1955. , n'r Iheorv that road stntion 01 Kikiuda alter 2!i C .------':, '",I nn scientilk '.'! m,t rirscribe the d~ys in Hussia and I{umanill. llc told 60,000 ehccl'ing Yu~oslal's • ,~,~ ',no Ins lear!, the Elect1~ocution Instead Russia is "rcl,ldy to struggle lor . "'~Ih .n area 350 milcs Execution Unde.r 18, peace, togethel" with all prugres· "':.' (,f 1\ here Farini ~ai: No '1;. ;, slve peoplc." UI\I\I~ 1'ItE;\SURY What had happened in. the past lVas now lor gotten and the people To' Stutfy Suggestions .' .. : til)" has bcen said of the Communist countries lIe 'Parliament .• n untold trcasury in Of Hanging; .. ;.",:amond;, ruhies, lapis visited "wrire very happy we had The report on capital punisl session when the government is I should have' the right to appeal to appeal to provincial ap pea I '·'X .nd onyx. Its ori~lns 'come;' THo said. . By JOliN E. BIRD to murder, restrains, criminals ment was adopted at a 20.mlnute expected to writc most of, if not the Supreme Court of Canada on courts. OUI S. G, Ibbetson, a \'ogopress, semi . o!ficlal news OTTAWA (CP)':" RetepUon of Irom using violence and prolects meeting of committee members all, the proposals into legislation.' que,sUons 01 law even if their ap· 8. That the accused should be lil'ed in Bechuana· agency, said the Tito • Nasser· capital punishment, but 5ubstitu·' police. preceding. Wednesday's Commons The report also recommended: pcal to the Supreme Court 01 giVen complete details of the )'Cars and inspired Nehru mueting would be at Brioni tlon of hanging by electrocutinn It said lIoth electrocution and sitting, It will. report later to .Par. h Retention of capital punish Canada on questions 01 law even crown's case befure trial, tbat he expedition, said r '1'lto's summer·resort Island In the or the gas. chamber and no' eX· Ihe gas chamber avoid the worst llament on corporal punishment ment for treason and piracy.' if their appeal has been rciecletl should be prrll'ided wjth com· and lotteries. 2. That 1V0men eOO\'icted of unanimuusly by a provincinl ap· petent dcfence counsel and assist· I\~, founded some 3,000 Adriatic. psychological associations co·nnee. The agency said the conferenec ecutions for cnnvlrled murderers , hy 3 Srmitic people as 18 yenrs or nnder, Was recom lcd with hanging and are greater . The recommendaion for reten: murder shout not .be treated any peal court. ance in obtaining eVidence and : China II1/0rts across wOllld have "far·reachlng Inllu· mended Wednesday to Cannda's proof against human frailty ami lion of capital punishment was difl~rent1y from men.· 5. No different "degrees of mur, that he should he obligcd by law cnee on the futllre development • . ',f ,\friea, somew"at Parliament. error, E x a III pIe s ·of "hnngled not unanimous. Harold Wineh 3. Central places of exec.ution Ider." The presenl distill.ction be, to plead not guilty. . (,re~t \\'all 01 China,' of relations in the world" nnd 'fhe recommendations nrc in, hnnglngs" had been lIrought to (CCF _ Vancouver E a s n and in each province which should tween ',lIurder and maw.;laughter The eommittce said a recent "will show nelv possibilities of 'Pi~i"n, till' people who cluded in a 15,OOO.\\'ord report on the committee's allcntion, other com'mlttee members arc continuc 10 provide facilities for' was qUIte clear and straight·for votc 01 the Ilritlsh House of Com· rltl' mal' then have Ilnding a neW road to agreemenl Ihe death. pcnalty labled In the 'The com mlttee said the death kl\own to have urged compleie carrying out the death penalt)' ward. . mons. in favor of ending capital :~ tn thc il'est coast oi in the world." two Houses of Parliament by the penalty should not apply to a abolltlon of the. death penalty on The Criminal Code now permits 6. No redefinition 01 the crime punishJDent is nol acompeliing I'~- 'N ,.all hy ralts. for "The role of these leaders In Commons • Senate eommittce on person 01 18 years or under at the ground that it belongs to he pl'ovinees 10 establish c c'n t I' a I of murder. The report said differ reason lor a changc in the Cana· . If so, he said. 11 the present situation gocs far be· capllal and corporal punishmenl the time the olfence was commit, Middle Ages, They favor life im, places of execution. However, ences between murdcrs can only dian law However, it rccom· yond. the frames of nallonal pol. a definite lillk and lotteries. ted. It also recommended contin prisonment for mur.der. ' . only Quebec, Sasl.atchcwan, Man : be recognized by granting com mended recunsideration of thr ln~irnt people whom Icies 01 their cOllnlrles." • uance, except In extraordinary It Is unlikely the report will b~ itoba and British Columbia hal'c! stances. question ,by anuther parliament 't'1Il\opress said two eircllm, The' r·e p 0 r t, Ilrcparcd aftcl r:I.~I. on his Kon Tiki more ·than two years 01 study, cascs, (If the prese'llt practice 01 debated Ihis sc·,~ion. The recom. them, . I 7. That all conl'iclcd m'.lrdcrers I ary committce within the .~ext It tried In prove tral·el. slaneie~ hclghlcned the sign III eomnlllting most death 5cntencer mendations wlU be diseu.sed next . 4. T h at condemned per~ons I shuuld hapc I,he. right of automatic ycars. . ...;' canee of their meeting: said capital puni~hment should be the Pal'ifir by rail retained, because It Is a deterrent passed 'on persons under 21. America to Polynesia, 1,' Some great powers have ac· L 'f " a, ,\' . . , . , . ! I I THE DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 7956 I ence Hancock;• IMiss Geraldine. Howard Davis; Mrs. M. Lloyd Me· $1.50-John Par·sons. Effie Garland: Mr. and Mrs. James I CODE OF ETHICS Norman; A. J. W. Troke: Dr. T. Grath: lIlr. Bnd :'tirs. Wallace Dris· $1.00 each-Mr .and Mrs. Gco. Lester: George Vincent: Mr. and TORONTO (ep) - Ch' S. Anderson: R. Hillyard: Jack coli: Mr. and hlrs. O. lIfiller: IIlrs, Day; lIfr" and lIfrs. Ron Dawe; ~Irs. Gordon Lester; Mr. and ~l~s. missioner William COllin;er Derby Competitors Walters; Arthur Colllngwood; Gcr· H. fills; F·O and rs. Gerald Car· Mrs. Gertrude Gladney; Harold Max Lester: eGor~e Starkes: Miss liquor control b~ard of'S aid White; Leonard Moore; J. M. ter: Gerald Co·aker; Mr. and Mrs, Russell: Mrs. W. Murpliy: C. M. Lamb: ;l[iss M. Miles. said Monday h~ favors a , Campaign Baird; Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller: Mr. A, Pitcher: Max Percey: Mr. and Sheppard: R. G. B.; R. Goudie; Under S1.00-!'2.00. code Of .ethlcs for Ihl'nr ~nd From Football C.LB. and Mrs, J. G. Barnes; Mr. and Mrs. K. Moore: Solomon Taylor; Cecil Williams; Mrs. !IIary Raines: Total .. 18,359.89. advertismg. Mr r.ollin., 1Iy RICHARD ANCO Mrs. Charles King; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Melvin; Mrs. H. Hood: Mrs. H. Noseworthy: Mr. A. S. LEWIS, from a meetln~ of prnvi"";,, $10.00 each-Dr. A. W. J. Harry Barnes; r. and Mrs. N, T. Greene; C. Pope: Ralph WiI· nnd Mrs. Samuel Burry; JIIr. and Hon. Treasurer. llor commissioner, ~t CanadIan Press staff Writer THIRTEENTJI LIST Blackler; Mrs. H. C. Alderdice; J. WD."NIPEG (CPI-The $10,000, Short; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Har· IIams; Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Cheese· Mrs. Philip Field: Mt. and ~!rs. ------~·id most commissioner Previously acknowledged $17,· Frank .Tanes (LeMarchant Drug vey; Mr. and Mrs. R. Andrews; man; ~!r. and Mrs. W. E. .French: Gulliver: )!r. and Mrs. K. Bahr: TO J,AllJlOCn VRSSEL his yiew. s City added Canadian Derb)', Westtrn 365.39. Store; N!ld. Wholesale DrYRoods; Rev. J. G. Hodder; Arch Courage; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bishop; Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Hnpgoorl: Mr. and LAUZON. O,,~. (CP) - The C3nada~ richest racing stake, $IOo.OO-NlId Coal &: Oil Co. Mr. and Mrs .•T. R. Chalker; Mrs. has taken on some of the excite· Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Vavascour: Miss lIfrs, R. Jo)mston; Mr. and Mrs. R. lIlrs; C. C. H. Hammond:. Mr. and IT'~tor vessel ~fetis. built pr;'1~""I' ~"Ol' ,,~~.~ ... ,-;- Ltd. " Harold Snow and famlb:; Sgt. Louise oCaker: Miss Ada L. Green: W. Parsons; Raymond LeGrow; lIlrs. T. II. Cook; ~1iss .Tean Nor· "11.' for ~c"'icr on the RIO DE .fANB(RO (~ ment of East·West rh'alry In foot· $311.00 each-George T. Shaw; Tom Snow. Walter Driscoll (Mon' baU. The 27th Derby will be raced Rev. J. nnd Mrs. Goodland; Fred Miss C. Vavascour; W. Hefferton: lall; ~frs. Mary Noftal!: Mr. and Lakc. and St. Lawrcl1r~ Fliver.· llr'zili"n g~I'~rrrnent Dr. Robert Saunders (st. Paul, trcnll: Mrs."George Crosbie: Mr. Vlvinn Jr.; George COJtes; Miss David Courage; Miss JII. Bartlett: Mrs. J. W• .Tensen: 1IIiss Karen was'-I here yt't Yf'ar was I.o~·alist. I,. Norman; W. S. Perlin: Harold Foster: Hobbs frlass: John' M. o\\'nrrl h,' Rill ~Iof{att or Toronto. Bannister. . .Tohn J. Clarke; Mrs. E. Rumbolt: Yetman; Mr. anrl Mrs. V. Gullage: 1 RESTOX. ~Ian. (Cp)-A mal· i - l'nlil 1941 th, rare was known Noseworthy: Mis~ ~!1nR Worsley; ~Ianuel (Twlllingate): JMeph $2.00 each-Const anrl l!r~ .•'. '" ~!emory of Ex.Sgt. George R. Thomas K. Hillier: ~1. G. Bray; \ lard duck i, ncsting b a tree on I Thr nr\\' 1'Io1\legian lin'r applications lor ~II'~. AI'm~' ~!cLoughlin. • Lane: Anon; Gray & .Goodland .T. Hancock: George DOII'ntor.; Mr. and Mrs. W. Bur'j Marion Stonr: H. Ingerman:: the farm of Sturby, in an I cunt.ins H thp ~taniloba Derb,' with a ~Iore~ombe:! ~liss ~!ike ~e",rjord mod~~ .-.n;lon5 were approved: Lewis & Small· : Lhnhcc1. Mr. linn Mrs. Gordon Parsons:) sry: John Parsons. L. Ingerman: R. Ingerman; Mrs.' abandoncrl crow's nest. erb. garage, permissir . '"lr~f' of SI.;oo. That ~'i-ar It he· ~15.00-~IcEI'0~', ---.------_ ...... __ ._--- .. omr thr Canadian Drrbl' and the il'ood. I $5.00 each-\\'. A. Crane; Clar· to a home DIm "une was raised to SS,ooo·added. • to build a basemen Thrcp. yea n 1):0 the pot was and the Council doubled. makinl( the derbY the to ano!her hom' third richest in Canada behind Ih' approval of pl. ~~o.OOO _ added Canadian Cham· minor repairs. pionship lnd the S25.000 • added Quecn's Plate, both at Toronto. REJECT PROP05 STIFF CO:lIPETlTlON • Eastern horses have won the FOR NEW STRI rlcrb~' nine limes. Since 1941 six The council accepted ,linners have been ea~tern·owncd. Ihe Town Planning lhree western·bred. But eastern recommended competition has become stiffer in refuse applicalin rrcent years-the Ea~t has cap· new street a: l hl~td the l'lassic four tim~s in tht on it in a Prol iJ,t .ix \·car.~. development on rur~'in'~ thr F.~~t·~ hope~ thi~ I ~'r:lr i~ Ar;:rnt. ollned hI' Bpn E is·-the month ~~ren 01 Toronto and ~PI,onrl In thr .fllne 16 Qurrn·., Platr. We~t· New Case: rIn (a"oritc i< likely to be Ralph T. rooppr'~ LOI·cr ~Iacr of Saska· I.",n. 3lthnll~h thr I'oll placrr! Reported lh;:rl in the onr·nulp drl·b.,· trial. new C::des of pu nlhrr top hor,;r,~ inrlurfe: were repOi F",' .~:ain. ownrri h~' Bar None to last wcek r. .. ntll and trained h,· I.e! Lrar weekiy report or ('al~ar~·. winnrr of lhr S1.800· Diseases from ~ddrd Mrby Irial: span;:lt' ~hrila. Department of HCi o·.'nrr! h~' .lim Charlesworth 01 report said sCI'en 1:.Im.)nlon. ,pconr! in fhp. trial: had been reported ! lland,' 'rholl~ht. We"Nn r:anada'! Coast Sanatorium i.' r~am'pion tll'o·yc;;r-old last !p.3,;on tlVO I:)nl tilt ~lax\l'cll King Stable,; in St. John·s. .. ! \\,ir.nil'e~: ~tll;ra~' Park, oll'ned ,,, )In. 1'. B. ~Iunson. Edmonton: cases oC chicken'll ~ '3 Bull)'. fram the HiJl~ldr last wrck. Til \'-rm. of rec (hr.,hirr. Calgary: in SI. Joh!!'s ~:rttlrr. 01' ned h,· th! .T. Y. ~ abirs. \l'innil'e~.· ane! Quern', cases of ·t~·phoid frl '\ atr3 or the Yates Stables, Cal· in SI. John's n n' of mcasle~ were 1 j·.\'iOl'S rrst;T in 51. John'~, and :1 The derb.\· ha~ hrrn marked hy I SI. Thomas'. In-ct. and. possibly thr most I -! Jrtling occurred in 19.2 when \ T~n To Att'. owned by the late 11arry l;iddin;:. of Oakville, Ont .. M. Costin II dS comideredsuch a favorite t:lat the derb~' was declared a no. P.R.O. betting race. Ten To Ace. winner of th! p'pnnpl"l"P King's Plate that year, 11'85 eight len;:ths in front at the quarter, 12 I't he hall and 10 at the three· n imter pole. when he faltered. '-111' colt finished Ja~t. . c~, Winner that ~·rar I\'a~ Magln,;t !.inr. owned by Dr. L. H. Appleby "r \'ancouI'er, who came from I • Ln' bock. . It II a, anuthrr no·bettlng race ;', 19H when .\c.ara. Kin;:'s Plate \'I1I:lcr ollned hy the late H. C. 11"tc~ nf Toronl0. wa, conslder!d , . t "nlldtabl~-and. a;ain, the favor· I il~ was up,et. GOII'pr Mon, owned i h~' the late Jim Speers of Wlnni· i p~g. overtook Aeara 20 yaros I from the finish and won by ~. , Ipn~th. I The record wa~ ~r.t in '951 hv 1 1;~311 Ora~r. ollned b,' F. ~i. H'ldcn of ~lidnaporr, Alta. The r h r 'tnut colt was clocked in .. if"; 2· •. The drrh)"~ larte~t firld II';I~ 13 in 19t9. Thp ~mallt~t II·a.~ lour, in 1:1:.1 _nd 19.i3. '. ~'r~. ,1.· Tnmlin~on of O~hil1r. programme open· fhlt,. ucouotetl lor 1\\0 /If th~ of thc Ode E'.srs ·four \\'in~ in Ihe bst ~ix fo11owcr. I ; ~;ln with Lord Strom! in 1952 nee (24 student­ I and Chain Reaction in 1953. which was quit ·U· HOLIDAY SEOA~ thoroughh' enjo ! I items were perf :i ' tIC. Benefits A GENERAL MOTORS VAlUe and Elhel FOlI'i : Buy "Whispering Hope" Teddy Bear." B: For Ar!!entia Lqrraine Wells 1 rendition of "Th· Following the sin Naval Base "Snow..while and I Un!mpln~'ment Insurance hene· .­ was presented. fih are tn be extended to eO\'rr boys and girls too; 1 ci"ilian personnel emplo~·.d at Performance, anrl I I - .\r~tnlia Nal'al Jlase. .1. r.. how well each ~ I O·Grad~·. ~Ianagcr of the Na· , performed his part. i tional Employment OWe. In St. qUite prevalent tl i .Tohn·s told the DAILY NEWS play and it realy nr J: la~t nh:ht that ncgotiallons with lpplause lrom the au f; the U.S. Navy have resulted in an a&recment to pro\'lde unem· And what a ride! Oldsmobile's big-car features pay . f1 ployment insur~nce to civilians Let· us show you why it's· I cmnloycn at Afl:~nlla. off with one of the steadiest. smoothest rides on the . ', The DAILY NEW~ report~" road ... a ride that nestles you down to the road­ . ., three wccks ago that U.S. au· ,l'OUng Woman, arrest, thorities at other bases in New· 'lIIone, in your pocket to safer, more secure. ;i., foundland had dgreed to. the un· , . for disorderly co : S~rect OIl Tue: .,. I'mployment Insurance sch~mc ! • ftir Canadlanll ciUlens In their 'buy your _ocket now! of the offence I • The Rocket's budget-wise! The price is surprisingly Court on '\'ed!lc~ dil'~ct employ.' \ r . ! ;:'!r. O'Grady estimated thaI If you've been longing for the day when you could low.·And Oldsmobile's outstanding resale value means Ined $20.00 or 14 d I s~me 800 additional Newfound· landers will be affected under make a beautiful Oldsmobile your very own .. , take your Olds can cost far less to own. Remember. too, the agre!menls completed with I·i . Arllentia. a good look at these facts I your present car commands a high trade-in value 1 • . 'The agreemenl~ were completed right now! So. make your move up and over to Olds I last wcek follow1ng meetings be· Olds takes care of your .future! This beauty is I tween ~Ir. O'Grady and O. S. Ken· ... and drive happily ever after ! nedy. District Auditor with the styled to capture admiring glances today , , . and , Unemployment Insurance Com· tomorrow. Oldsmobile's styling leadership keeps you !. mission and Commander Alnew 01 YOUR INVESTMENT HOLDS • • • Argentia. in' fashion now or years from now. . , Cpst of the rrolram 'will be lIhared Jointly t·y the employees, WHEN YOU GO OVER TO OLDS! . th~ base and the Federal lavern· You give the orders.. and the Rocket's quick ment. Forty per cent of the eon· You get top value today . .. top return when you trade Irlbution. will come from the to answer! You're in charge of 230 hp.* in one of employees, forty from the bile today's high. compression engines. And you'll notice or sell tomorrow! It can actually cost less to get out of and twenty per cent. from the the ordinary . • . into al1 Olds. . are the wil Canadian lovernment. that makeS a powerful difference in performance. Essay Conte! "'undlo",J . Forest I No esllmates In round ligule. .240 ·hp. in Ninety-Eight and Super 88 mieJ. of the amount of money involved They wiU are available. . Corner BI The program announce!! earl· ler will co,'er more than 3~ civ· Brook . arca - Ilian employers of the United St. ·Bernard's • Stat.. bases In Newroundland. .. Publie Selt ., LIMITED &: Pasad~m THE IlICI(MANMOTORS ·lmmaculat! Sixty Norll'eglan' women took I ST, JOHN'S 1)~er Lakr. l'i1'U d.Cenr, lralnlng COllrS! In •-: Marguerite O~ln spoMnrl!d hy a wOlDen'~ WATER . STREET \'oluntary preparedness Ira up. - .•. _-.

-...-.-----_ .. -, - -··r·~- . I .. •

1r-_------ST-'-JO-H-N-'s,-N-EW-F-o-uN-D-LA...N-D,-' ___-1-~_e_-D_a_-i-ly_· __ M __e_w_s ___ ~_,. ____T_H_UR_SD_A_Y'_J_UN_E_2_81_1_95_6 _____ ,I: n-.'_..... I,...... Plan 'New' . City Council News Infirmary "PI_~ r-~------'''nn''r~ ANS APPROVED Ib8" Road. ling 1Y0uld be a fire hazard. Will Begin • nl"t" Pl The report signed by Stanley H. 72 rc£ldents of. the area had Construction JI"r~I\rIt ' l',uncil approved plans cs. Plcllct\, Sccretal'y of the' Town forwarded a petition to the Ir t ~~ M. l::Y d <'0 "aiue ncarl~' 570.000 Planning Commission, said: "It Is Council protcstinj( the rc·opemng This Year • ~1_'1;'\'!d ,:':: rrwlar wcckly meeting the opinion of the Commission of the buUdlnl!. The petition said , .. 'nl~ '~~;'l\. The plans included the that the dC\'elopment of new In· that conditions on Duckworth Plans for the New Infirmary or ,~ ~'lr* ~'~iii,'n of a nell' Irl'ing Oil ternal 5ubdil'lslons in the ab· Street East have become "Very Home for the Aged and Infirm art , ·.Id 11M ,"~::/ Statton on rrt~hll'ater' sence 01 Cih' utilities is undesir· noIRY." It pointed out, In addi· !learing cdmp1ction and the GOY' _'_ ~ (;- lr..i Ihe erection 01 three. able, particularly where Ihe sub- tt~okne'n tphlaatcetwlnD tSheeriobuUslidfl.inrges Iyhllah~ ernment hopes to be rc.1dy to , I dil'isions cannot be properly re· • have the concrete for the new' I' . •. ',>'r~;C. .~ ~"llo"'" IPP len I'1(1' n ror bUI'llln"(to lated to plans for the development Ing the past few year.l. Both, said building poured this year, :.nd: . :"\ ~·IU :;:',j'n' lit'll' approved: a base· of adjoining lands." the petition, threatened to de· the building completed within a ~. ';:. '.m.r. pcrmlssion was "It may be," the report con· stro~' the Whole block. , ycor or two, Hon. Dr. F. W. Rowe, . --to ::ti' 10 a home owner wish· I tinued, "that in future this area APPLICATION REFUSED Acting Minister of Welfare, said ).;" 1'-.,..' hllil.1 a hasement apnrt'l mnyi becomebid suitable Itt for subdi· th An application from J. B. Doyle in a speech a! the presentation· i' ~:.: .~d Ihc Council gal'e its I'i~ on, ut ts eve opmen a e 10 erect facilities for the opera. of diploR'las to nUrsing aides at tlie , r ;>.; t" ano:hfT IlOme owner I pres~nt time would be prema· Uon 'of a Car.Rental Service at Infirmary on Wed!lesday arter-: J.: ;;~:" arrro\'~1 of plan~ fOT' ture. the Intersection of Plymouth Roall noon. . ~.Ir,'r Tt'pair!. The proposed development is and Duckworth street was refus. This building. he s~id, spe;;iting , $itunted on the fringe of the ed by the Council. of the present Infirmary, Is out of ' REJECT PROPOSAL City's control, one mile from the The Council referred to the da te, and the work of the nursin, FOR NEW STREET City Limits. Town Planning Commission an stoff is hampered by not having­ application for a subdivision de· the proper modern facilities. '" l'~ullcil Rcccpted a rcport CHIP SHOP PLAN \'elopment on the property of ~Ir. He congratula:ed the matron: ':~,r T~wn Planning ('ommi,· IS REJECTED H. O. Clarke. Plans for the sub· ~[rs, Amy Bird, on the excellent­ '~Ich rrcommended that the division, on property between work done by thc ~taff. and the ,~:'I rl'lu'r npplicatioll for, a An application to re,open a Freshwater. Bnd Wlsblng Well nursing aides for completing the ,- nrw ;lrcet and lot~ Fish and Chip Shop on Duckworth ROflds, were submitted to the courses in nursing and on their , ; on il in a proposed 47 Street was chucked out by the Council by Mr. R. W. Bartlett, work lit the Infirmary . .1'.: rlrl'cl~pment on the Tor· Council on the. grounds the build· the applicant's solicitor. ------ONE MAN 'WAS INJURED LAST NIGHT in a collis!on at Hutchings Street when this car smashed into a 'Guides teave \rw Cases Professor Morgan First Aid telephone pole. The man was a passenger in the car and was thrown against the windscreen by the impact. His identity was not known up to press time thi~ morning.-(Daily News ~hoto). For Camp , Reported At Rotary Today Competitions Girl Guides from all oYer New. 71:. :,p r:,;c; o[ pulmonary Professor Morgan 01 the Mem· First Aid Competltion~ were foundland will be of! to !'ur,lmer \I l're reported in orial UnIversity of Newfoundland held throughout Canada by the Assist Retarded Children Scholarships i camp dUring July. Yesterday tht · ;:.d:.I~" last wcek, accord· will be the guest speaker at to­ St. John Amb\llance Association I three Bi~hop Spencer Companie., ':: :r,t II (ekly rrJlort 0:1 Com· day's luncheon meeting 01 the St. during the spring months. This Numbers 1, 22 and 23, consi!tin, ni.'cases Irom the Pro· John's Roatry Club. Is the first year Newfoundland Are Awarded of ~6 Guides, lelt here by bu. , Perarlm(nl of Health. The ~opic of Professor Mor· ha~ submitted elliries. and car for their annual outin, .. I :1 r,'rl ,airl fC\'en cases of gan's speech wl11 be "The Com, Mr. W. J. Bennett, the Chief The I,ewfoundland Government· at Mackinsons. They are under ; :.;j hrrn rrpor1rd from the monwealth Conference". Mem­ Commissioner, visited NewCound· Employees' Association h<-5 voted Ithe direction of Miss Jean Mur· .,' t'r' -: Sana:nrium in Corner hers of the St. John's Brunch of land in Febru~l'Y and examined 5200.00 for four scholarships to: ray. Camp Commissioner. · :., I' In St. .luhn·,. Rn(l one The Canadian Legion will be In the leams. The Nell'loundl3nd be awarded to children of memo -Today District 3 Guide. under awards have now heen announced. Mn. VI : ",:";i·\ j .. ~ II, attendance. bers \\Tiling the 1956 Public Ex. the direction o( Daniels lea ;: r;,r- 01 chickcn·p[lx were The Prol'incbl Trophy for Sen· aminations. . here for camp at Beachy Cove. '>:: wuk. Two were ior First Aid was won by Bell Two Grade Elc\'en students will These Guides tnclude companlll Island. Captain 01 the team was :", " ~t JQh!l'~ and t\\'o be awarded scholarships of $50,00 from Prince of W~le, College, Consider Land Roy Rees. who Is ~afety inspector h J I rL eneh the 1300 member As. George Street Umted Church, with the Wabima Ore Co. He wa~ i tio; MacphenlOn Academy and 8alva· .' IW' ·.f I.' phhid fel'Cr were assisted by J~mc5 Lahey, ,Jack soc a '. . lion Army College. . .;" _;" .Iohn·~ ami two Appropriation Parra nt, Eddie Kennedy and Jack Last year t~e ASSOCiation liward· Company 15 from tht Biack. :!I I"f :'i·("~ .. ll~ wrrr reported, Judgment may be handed down Skinner. cd, Echolarshlps in Grade, Ten. head Road und~r the direction of ;,: .I~hn·~. ~nd !he other by the Exchequer Court of St. John's claimNl Ih~ ,Junior ThIS ye~r the program WIll In· Mi5~ C. Gannon, R.N., Victorian Canada which for the past two First Aid Prol'lltcial Trophy. Mr. c!tlll~ bo.h Grade Ten and Grade Order Nurse In St. Jobn'l, will da,,! hM been heari!!!: r.n appeal Sandy Coibourne, Scout ~taster Eleven. go in camp on July Zrd 011 the Irom lour residents of the Bal· for SI. Thomas' Boy Scouts, sub­ Frank Maynard, the Association 'l'horburn Road. ,I. Costin !erv In SI. John's seeking a blgh· mitted this t~am. Rex Martin, Sccrct~ry, expl"ins that the 5ch· Guides in Central Newfound. er • price for land expropriated captain: assisted by Martin Steele. olarships are being awarded to land will also be going to eamp (rom them by the Federal Gov· Bill Bel1amy, Harry Bursey and help Ftudp.nts, who ftr~ Internt· near Mil1ertown during Ihift week, P.R.O. ernment in 111:12. Gordon'Slmms were Ihe winners. ed, further their stud Ie.. and four campI are planned at The Court is ~ittlnR In 51. Serbert's Farm at Stephen villi Pepperrell John's with its President, J. T. FAREHAM, Hants, Enll. (CPl Crossing for Guides In the Cor- Thorson, presiding. Local chess champion Raymond Quiet Farm Land ner Brook area. These eamp. will ~!!Cerds Major Lawyers representing the }tlche Walml51ey i5 J)laylng ft game of run consecutively, the first on. Itltn Harmn Brothers. Simeon Lewis, Rnd chess, by mal! with a man In Mos· . Ii d begins this week. cow as his "mite towards world Gets In d ustrIa ze A BrownIe Pack Holiday II now L!t.tnlnl ~tina Co~lIn, 01 Jo!cph GU)', al1. of the Ba~tery, peace." Said Walmisley: "The in progres! .t Chamberlains, . 'Ind. India!l3, hroS been are disputing the Federal Govern­ game Is in Its earl)' stages and TAYLOR FLATS, B.C. ICP)- where lIIiss Ann Cbatwood hu Public Relations OUi· ment's evahtr,tlon nf the property may 10 on tor months yet." Blll1dozers shatter Ihe quiet of the group under her ear•• t her PPn'nrrrrll Air }'orce Base, expropriated. The g~vernment 111is farming !ection of north. summer hom •. Major John Barron, who SIYS tb. property Is' worth· $28" eastern Briti~h Colum bia, 375 earl)' in July to return Tribune. She is a graduat. i:l 750., mile~ northwest of Ed!,!onto. UPMINSTER, England (CP)- life. Arts from St. Mary's College, Preselilatlon of the casel on I ThiS shelf of land 25 mJ!es north· Sir Wlruon Churchill hu bt,!D In- I~!;:~';nt Co.!in has been with South Bend, and holds a master'. behalf of the two parties Involved west of Dawson Creek 5t111 Is Pk.! vited by the municipal omcial~ of lor lour years. Before degree In JOUrnalism from Colum· Is expected to be completed this I furesque grain and range land but tbls Essex community to p!int • th~ Airforce she worked bla University Graduale School llIorning and, a decision may.come YESTERDAY AFTERNOON, Mr. Leslie BradbUry (Ielt) presented Mr. Stewart Ayre, Treas. , It will loon be turned Into. min· pclure of Upminster t1)mmOD, lI!p~rttr with the South Bend 01 Journalism. sometime this alternoon. urer of the Retarded Children's Aid Society, with a cheque for $105,00, Icprcsenting donolion. I iature Industrial empire. one of the local beauy IPOh. Th. , from the stalf of Ayre & Sons Ltd. Stnff mem bers were congratulated for their IIenerosity I' Taylor Flat! is a plateau on the common Is near Sir Win~tor.' •. north shore of the Peace Rll'fr OWn parllamental1 _.l1tuency · G- - ' At St • M~ ry ' s lowards SIICh.8 "ery worthy enllsr.·- (Dnily Ne. IVS Photo). i and Is pierced almost through the ~f Woodford. IVI ng ------1 centre by the Alaska Highwar. ------ze • _ Two major projects Rre planned. f~d Into tit. Wtrleout Tnnlmi.. One is the SI8 000 000 Pacilic s'on CDmpany'. pipeline to thl Tut-.;.IY night, June 12th, At the completion of Ihe pro- ~;ry, ~;'hnol held their an· gramme, canteen service was : to the TOO mtll for : " ~t~n 1I~~adve~:r h~~~~rlio Sh:celal~ eJ ec -'. pP . I C Ion· :O~~~~:u~la~:~·nfea~:ca;n:j~ ~; pa~~fi:d~~t~~~ t En~tfrn ;:'\'IO!!, branch Ihe Home and School . a ,&1,000,000 Pacific Great the Jcrubhlng .plant construction, ,mr which lI'as made available to the patrons 01 R t A I 111·" ded by parents and during a 10·mlnute Intermission. Association operating in their Railway bridge to span the Peace another 1,300 are expected to cf Ii'" !chooJ. The Home and School Association ,rl':';mtnc opened wilh members were quite helpful at r; ,,' the Ode to New- Ihls time. ~~;I::~r!~~~~~~~d ~~~!~ss;;; ii' Fo r Ce rt·1 f I- Cat I· 0 n :~~~~d ~~~:~~~:I~~r t~~~~~~~~ i~F:~~:;.il:eth~is;~~lnt~l~aili:: . '::l·'n followed the :'Ilay Among the d I ! I I n g u I s bed as It had in the past year. The gal "scrubbing" plant are bulld- The projected ran extenslDn will '24 students partlci- guests present at the prize glv­ attendance, Mr~. Stone .,aid, had lng a camp to house the 700 men spear into tlte Icrubbilt, plant '" ;,i( h was quite colour- ing were Honourable S. J. Helfer· not been too high, and stressed needed for eonstrnction. where a rich freight plum of mil· ~i:i':I,u~hly enjo~'ed. The ton, Mr. F. Kirby, B.A., Mr. 11. the need for every child to at· The Labour Relations The rejection of the I Strong, Nfld. A.F. of L. '!'he plant ",m ~eparate "wet llion5 oftu'lallonl ~~I btby·Proidt~ct. . ',; \IPre performed by Dawe and Rev. R. Brett. tend regularly. l'he Principal also I . f I ~ns" ,and lulphur from the nat- rom na . ral gas "... WI mg • ;r ': Ethel Fowler, II'ho After the Intermission, the said the visits of their Rector, I Board' has rejected an latest application rom Mr. I organizer, was Infonned . ural gas which will be brought Unconfirmed reports tell of real: ">1;,',: "ring Hope" and "Me chairman, Rev. R. R.. Babb, ad­ Rev. Babb and those of Rev. Reid· application from a newly Turpin's union means that of the Board's decision II through gathering lines from the estate deals such as $5,000 and', ~,' .1)' Brar." Brllce Pey· dressed the gathering. He com· were greatly fllJ'oyed by staff and I 'll' I Fort St. John field of northea~tern more for lots at Fort SI. ,JoM, formed Miners Union in Local 245:30 Wl contmue k . .t:~ I ninc Well;; then gave pllmented the students on their pupl1s alike, a~ were the visits I late yesterday afternoon. British Columbia. Once through 12 miles along the Alu • High: :!1 ':;1 Ion 01 "The ZU~'der splendid performance and highly of Mr. Roebotham, the Supervisor. i St. Lawrence seeking re- to represent the 450 the plant, the. natural gas will be way. . if ~"J'\'in~ the ~in::ing, the praised the staff for the efficient Mrs. Stone thanked Ihe members' consideration of an earlier miners employed at St. 'S:!" w:lite and the Seven training the pupils of SI. Mary's of the School Board for their: 'Id< presented. Twelve School receive. Mr. Babb also generous help during the year. application for cel'tifica- Lawrence.

· :r:, and girls took pilrt in 'I' said there Is a great need lor Mr. Simms, the Secretary, de· tion which was turned Mr. Ryan appeared at ;{,formancp. and it was more schools In St. John's, and served special thanks, she said, d I th h ' . b h If f how Ilell each and every, hoped the eltlzcn~ would pray and as he was unceasing In his efforts down by the Boar ast e earmg mea 0 ':!':r'rmcd hi~ part. Humour sacrifice so tlmt their children to do all he could for the school., month. ' Local 24530 and opposed ;;::! prcI'ulent throughout could have the advantages of a Mrs. (Rev.) R. R. Babb then! Mr. Frank Ryan, who ' the application from the :.;:. anrl II r~ah' dre\\' a lot modern school. presented the prizes 10 the suC·, i ;;;:,:,~ froom Ihe audience. Mrs.' N. Stone, the Prlnclpal, cess lui students. repl'ese~ed Federal Lab- new union. lour Union 24530 at the He told the News last Board hearings, told the I ~ight that Mr. Cyril Day In Court Daily News last night that I the appeal of the new 1 Continue LSPU . i~:.~ wom~n, arrested by the from the Arcade, Water Street, driver's license was suspended for I union had been rejected lor llisorderl)' conduct on Was granted ball of $50.00 and one year. nh S:rcet on Tuesday, was ordered to appear on Friday, June Two men, who were charged by the Board on the i Wage TaU{s , . 01 the olfence in Magis· 29th., at 10.30 a.m. wl:h disorderly conduct and 'as· grounds that sufficient ncprcsent:\'tim 0/ the SI., Sf,ult on Junc 25th., wcre before , lo~rt on \\'ednesda)' and The )'oung IVomf.n, and an older evidence had not been ,John's Longshoremen's Union aOlI ":(1 520,00 or 14 days. man who was watchman at Hor· the court to have their case con· cludrd. One picaded guilty bul resented to warrant the : fI[ Mnnagement in the pl'ol'incir,l :~J." man, who has been on wood Lumber Company's prem, P I Capital meet ~o·day to continup: . (rom Ihc court since ises, who lVer.e before Magistrate's the other pieaded not guilty and review which was sought. . discussions in an effort to worl; . said that he was at the seNe but .. lias hrought before the Court on Tuesday for being drunk The new union, through .Ollt a new "'Me Rnc1l1'orking agree· i ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS LEFT OF THIS GREAT b) the Probation Officer, O!l the street were bo:h ordered took no .. part in. the assault, was also found gu1lty. 'fhey lVere its President, Aloysius ment between the two groups. I I.. Ea3:on. of The Salva, to pay lines 01 S10.0() each or i The L.S.P,U. ha~ already COil· JUNE SALE. SO HURRY DOWN AND GET YOUR 11:n), for lailing to report servc 30 days In the penitentiary. both fined $20.00 CF.oCh or 14 day~. Turpin, asked for certifi- : eluded live sepal'atc r,grcements: . . A motorist charged with drunk The young man said caHan as a bargilining : and necds to sig!l only two morr. . SHARE OF THE BARGAINS. hid Iteen out of town. He A taxlmr.n, who lVas charged driving OIl June 26th, was before I : 10 complete !eh new contract. with Impaired driving on May the court and had his case fie: I ~~;nded for se:ltence. agent to rep ace Loca ! The two groups met yestcrday !l9th., wos convicted In the court down for July 24th. He was reo 24530 an A.F. of L. affiJ- .1nd arc' scheduled to meet Moill thar~ed with stcaling un Wednesday and orderell to pay lellSed on bail of $200 with sure· ,.-0',"01___ \'alued at 56.118 iate. this morning.' a fine or $100.00 or 7 days. ~.Is ties to the same amount. One of the two agreements still ' 'outstanding is for stevedoring and general cargo handling ;:.nd ~he Announce d oth~r is for stevedoring on conI Winners Are . nnd salt premises. are the winners of Amalgamated School. Port BUx Basques to Bonne I Grand FaBs & Windsor-Mnr· Mr. L~o Earle, serving his sixth Essay Contest of the Partridge Poliitto Cape Bona. Bay-' Joan MacKenzie, Morris garet Evans, Grand Falls Academy, two ycar term as L,S,P.U. Presi· Forest Protection vista-Karl' Arnold, U.C. School,' Point, • Grand Falls. dent, whcn questioned yestcrday rhey will be given Tray town, Bonavlsla Bay. Northern Peninsula Including Bishop's Falls & Station _ Lor· by the News ns to the progress 01 to Corner Brook and Cape Bonayista to 'Cape ·SI. W. Bay.;,..Di,yld Gulnehard, 51. raine (\arnicr,' Presentation Con- negotiations, said "they arc pro Francis-Valerie'· Carroll, Convent Barnabas S~hool, Flower's Covc. vent School, Bishop's Falls. gressing." He declined any fur· Brook area - Ingrid School, Briguil. . . Millertown & Buehans _ Mar. !her. comment. I SL Bernard's Academy; . Cape St. Froncls to Cape Race jurle. Lane, SI. Teresa's Acadc!l1y, Botwood & l'cl'rn Nova - Reg· ---.. ~------Publie School .. -Catherine. Lacey, Presentation B h " Inaid Hemeon, U.C. Memorial LONDON (CP)-Staltkecper is- &: Pasadena - Lor· High School, St, John's. uc ans. . Schooi, Botwoort, . racl ["ox caught Thomas Wull I Immaculate Concep· South Coast-Eileen Bambrick, Badger & MilIel'lown .Iunctinn- South Cuast-Cecil I{elly.lluly. stealil1~ clolhes from his LulllbctJ . U~eT Lakt. st. Edward's· High Schoul, Pia· Shirley Bull, Amalgamated School, Cro~s Academy, St. Alban's, BilY: district street stall. Wolf lI'a,\ fincd i ~brguerite Mclean, centla. . lIadger. d'Espoir. I £5. -,". " .

" THE OAll Y NEWS , r "Pardon Me---I'd Like to Take His Pulse" Clarke's Beac~ _THE DAILY NEWS -... 'I' ~ Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper 'fhe News , 1 e.G.I.T. In l By WAYFARER 'rhe D,\ILY NEWS Is a mornlnc paper e~lall\ished In. 1894. and published at the 40th 1 "elI'S Building, 355-359 Duckworth Street, WHEN THE ROOF FELL IN of economic deprcssion, CGIT CELEBRATI St. John's, NCllfllundland, by Robinson & In an I(('m reprinled ill the 040TH ANNtVERSAR l'ompan)', 1.lmltcd. Montreal SIal' from its fIles of He lias righl for tllO rcasons, cLARKE'S B~ACII-On m;~l1l1m OIl TilE CANADIAN PRESS !!5 yenrs ago, It was said Ihat One has just becn ,tat ed-I he 1 ne 15th, the Explorers ~r The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled "ronsequent upon the failure desperate strulls of Ihe country uoups of Clal kes Beach at Ihe time rcquh cd ali avail­ to the use for republication of all news of Nell'lullndland's $8,000,000 ~~Iat evening for IhNr r toan the Government of Nell' ahle revenue, The other wa' , d \lIe mcmbe,. of Ihe I dispr,tches In this paper credited to.\t or til foundland Is (acing bankruptcy, tltal we 1I'0uld not havc hr'cn I~! 40th annivers3l'Y 01 Ih rhe Associate!l Press or Reulers and also Ihe and political cliele.; in SI. allowcd 10 delnult, So Clltical \g of the CG IT. lOCAl neWs published therein. ,Iohn's bclicve that the sitll' was the world situation at Ihe 01 The CGIT is a church All Press scrvlce and leature articles In ation has bccII brought about lime that hclp would have been Ilion formed al1er monlh Ihis pell foundlallrl all pelrolcum \, e ha\'e not had the bellcfits dCl'l\'\Ilg products. The lonn from the Don t cr). m) dr,lr, for II hrn look the form of ~ n ('omer, a gang leader "'ho was recenlly Ihe loan tn 1930 or the puhtic Illwn )011 rio . , • rn)· heart 1; fl~ PE1'ER EDSON from the initial cle\'c!opment assistance. hank~ had a :; sllggestl'ti !luI t1WI ~ II'l'l e lin , , , III ,Ii.!' mc a ~III til hap­ Ihat Iruth can be stranger than fiction. the II('I\' bOlld i',llr. WI' a,)a>d nfr('I,'d ,\fghanislan :1 1110 prl (elll lOI}-llll'lltlll 11011.11 11,,:1 '0 today than we clld fifty ypal'~ ago o( I c\ _~llce Moore, hl1l1 \I hat hi' would do III till' hu t'l', not en QUCIJI'(·. ant! Il/Ill'., , . , lilY d.lrllll~, plt-.I,e \\Illt ,I> thl" pleas('d. The highll~llt of Ih, tho!~ farm prod\ll'l~ which we were able clrculI\stanct" lie _nid lhere II hlie JOl' L'hallllliam II ilS a hus~ donlcl). hI lip tigule ill that palllcular U', of eotlr-p I hc cull hI ~upph' out of Olll' 0\\,11 indu!itl ". \Ia, notlHn~ 10 do hilt dl'I,lUlt 1llJ: Itl'SSl.\S,l'II()I'()~I:I' PIWJ1:nS Ilrfe ~II ,hnll nn"c InnilersaQ' '''~I'. \lhll COil' secl Pt negotia:l(ln, nolhing t'l PI Cerlaill ~mall manllractul'lng Indulitl'leS for thp tinlt' b"ing hf'c.lII'I' ! Th!') p.iI .'rI the Kahul cll eel s for I he II' ,. Wilt tn I, rIDdle., to rel'rr.enl e­ Too Independent (lltion' Ilt're 'llch Ihat all Ihc came of il II Inrh, III till' CIl'nl. h.I·,e al::o di~:lpp('al'cd and c,'('n in the II ,t_ a I en' forlunale matter for allClent hlStory. The)' lIoll.ed oul h.-rtel' dcal, 01 .\f~han II,'.' four decade', I'CI ('nne of lite country would The cake \\~. madr dl~tl'\b\lting II nde~, 1110l'e and more 1'hel e call be such a thillg as being !'iell foundlanrl. RUSSIan manufaelul'es be needed 10 meet the pl'oblems Fred Snow. ~ nd I pr~ too independent and that mlW be the \\'he!) Ihe Afgh;)Il-I'"kl'lan horder 1101' tin'l'lI III Ihr '" money is going 10 pay wOIges and handl­ ~ecorated wllh e.G 1.1' Ing chal'ges on the mainland instead of ~a~e today with Iceland's opposition 10 I'I"toOI1l,til1l. i: .hut of[ gasohnc Import< 'I hp (Oil'lll " ~1nH1 on lop. being put into local circulation. the continuation of American bases in 10 1,11,e 01 rl' Ihe Irarlr, Iruclon!: III SUJlphr< 0' rl n,.,"ll;ln A delicioll' 'tlpprl , The cconomic compemalions are fe\\" the island. What Others Are Saying II 11IIe hUllrllII;: il plprllne The~ hUllt i'- (1 allout t'verythlllg Ihe AI'll)llllry, Sil Ihat thc jl.lradL' Of C. to ellmmate themselves as an outpost III Ihe \\ ay o[ bnl1-wilJlOul sue­ SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT \1111 be able to move off at 7 ~Il Iracts whel c Ihl') cal! m,lke a III mg. cc". Finally, a.; a lasL resort, he OUR LIQUOR CONTROL shal'jl TtllS p,u"lde is a ]\IUS'r lor 11\ ROJlI:1IT 11 in the. ~ATO warning system. 0\('\' 21,(1110 hilH' 3tlra,lI- been ,etlh'd Oil Ihe JIr< lllllJcd Dill put a piece of his lundl hologa (Sadbury SIal) all r,llIks allu :ltajnr ~ltrllllg wishes ('anatlian 1'1 p,s lil~1 Senate Reform A !'Inlstel' note is added b",the fact "01' a ba,l slarl fl \1"15 r, descil oasis l ho,on h Ihr on his rcd eye spinner. Wllh When the prl\'llege of srlling pver) bort)' tu be III Ihrlr phlces un LOxno:-: rcl' 1-\\ h' ~hat the Communists have made gains th~ fil'sl cast his lure disap' Rf'fol'm of Ihe Canadian Sel1Clte j~ bePI and wine II as extended IlInc, Realn't Ihe adl'ice of !\Iotr/son-Kllutil Olnd t!le cO~lt\,jbutiol1 they Ciln make 10 frolll his sheil The haby roll:tl Ihreads that lira Ilnnl' oth~I' than GC(J1'ge Wr.,hingto!l, Tom Paine get a liquor licence Jlrovlo mg a pcreunial winner of Ihe Outel the rl!Sl'usslOn of nalionnl policy. hasn·t been reading any diet 1:. loo'eh-knit p

OJ t:.. ,ila l' kc • s Bea cit: ;j!::~;:,,:,~:'~'i',J:J.,I';..:J~I,,':i,\, ,: i""!I::\,;';;"::,.,,,.'; ,: , .:'::L: ,.:...... l\lC,G.I.T. Celebrate Dr~s!~~ ,

Anniversary' BY EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D t.~.:,:.\,~.. '.tOtllt NO, IIIEDlCINE HASN'T YET : CGIT CELEBRATE Williams. DISCOVERED A 'YOUTH PLL' :1 ~JTH ANNIVERSARY AI the end of the programme ;:1 'lill\I:':; 1lt':\CII-On Frida~' il wa~ made 1;0001\'n that Rev. Dr. All of liS, I suppose, would like ':i . :;"1~111. Ih.' "xplorers and cmT and ~Il's. DavId were celebrating a formula 101' retaining everlast· ~] '" .,: r\;llla'~ Brach hrld a Iheir 36th wetldin~ anniversary jng youth. Some people wlU grasp i'i ,': .. \I'OIn~ tor their mothcrs' un that ~ame night. Congratu. at any means by which they think ::~ ".1:", IIIl'mhe;', 01 the W.. A" on lations lI'el'e olll'red and the cen. ~~:~p~::agPeOS~r~~~e~he e~fects of ;i t ':, i:l:'h :>lIni\('I·,ar~· 01 the bc~in· Ire of the C.G.l T. cake lVa~ pre· Tllus, it isn't surprising that '\ t ", .', Ih,- Cr,!T. . ~enled to them. I am often asked by milhile·agcll ',\ [ "r (laT i' a church or1/3mz· SCHOOLS CLOSING I I t k' .~ 'o>rmrd ~ller mllllth~ of re. All local schools hal'e now men If Ihere Is any I'a ue n a,' 'i') ; '; .. . 't t '1 th I I Ih . t' 'ti I in(l male hormoncs. ~'J "~ ,nd rxpmmcn "~UI e c OSCI ell' yeurs ac II'I es, IRV· ~II\LE HORMONES have their '\ ~:::;'~" mre', (he want~ and fill ing had succes.lful lerms. We wbh place but there Is little reason to li ,;. "(ril, 01 lrl'na~c CIl1l31lian the best of luck to nil pupils writ· belicve that taking tham will dc· ,'" Thr lir,1 plalllling rom· ing public cxanlinal1on~. I' f th . f r , . 'D b r 1915 There \\'1'11 be three evaminatlon ay, sIgns 0 e passmg 0 years. ", i' ' ".r nll't In ecclll l'. "11 Is true that the male sex glands .,;; l. ::.;·i~'~ ~~o!:g~o~::r O~t~~i~e i~I'a: ~\~wr~~ !~~~e:~:~d ~~r~~s Jr~eC:' producc hormones which ·afTeh3b.;~ ~' •. I:" •. i I' G- I . 0 N'h I sirved into the system. esc ":' I :~;:.,: ~~\Ied "Callil( Ian If s III land 01 Salmon Cove, ort R vcr, probably contribute to the vigor 01 ,:!, ~ '1"1~:' by :llr. Davis of Clarke's Beach, the peak yeaTS of life. But hor· ',t.i· ; . .:.{ rurpo'r of the Canadian and Salmon Cove by Miss Neville mone production keeps up for many t i ,:', In Trilinin~ i. til: of Norlh RiI·cr. years. Generally the origin of .;; ~ r'~trilh lIralth-!:wration elc. FIRE ASSOCIATION MEETING lessened energy In Ihe middle years 2 ; '~'~k Truth-nihl)' study. The annual meeting of the Firc should be sought elscwhere. j' i~:-.''\ l'orl_\ro~;;hlJl.. AssociaUon of Clarke's Bench. Actually. scientific opinion is .:.~ You'll Love For Summer i!:'f Othm-lommunlty ~cr· Soulh River, North River, and greatly divided on whether there ;.; held ':' ! II CupIds was I °ln kJu,neB12thh int Is any period in the life of men ';: It's cotton pickin' time at The Royal Stores, where youll/ find racks and racks of exciting 7:1 40th ;\nll!l'l'r~ar)' 0 Ie Ihe U.C. Ha 1 al C ar e s eac a in which the manufacture of hor· 'j] ~ ':1 "" crlrillat~d b~·. an ap· B.OO p.m. mones is decreased enough to lead fI new cotton dresses at remarkably low prices. We have just received a larga shipment ~;~'Irrr(l~r.,mme. winch was Mr. John Fi~hcr. Ihe president to a change of Ilfe similar 10 that" of popular IIHelen Morgan", "Julianall and "Frances Fayll caftan casuals in new and ,!:,:o'" _, II'lIS In the chair. Other members which occurs In women. 'J ". \ lIT I of Ihe executive pre~ent were Mr. ~IANY MEN, for e x amp I t, ~ very smarl looking summer styles. Come in early for best choice. '. \0""~' C. Fllller and TIel'. W. H. Facey, never do have any symptoms at ;1. ~:!n:n: ~ol1.-C.(i.1.T. ,on~. Honorary Presidents. Mr. George aU which can be considered as ;L :1;".:ion ,,: Trea;urc Chcst- ~Iakinson. Vice President and Mr. reflecting a lessened functioning i? I " ['1':"1 ,'r. r.roup. )Iae Anelrews. Fire Chief. Hrf 2 il r f (.\ 1 II) nc: I The meeting was I'cry success· A lew develop Ic1lin~s of len· :., "Helen Morgan" Casuals r:;C:l.~ ,,'r' '-rrplll"n~' - Four: lui. ~ho\\'ing Ihe association in the sion 01' other I'ague dislurbance> 1 .,-'1" oj 1:\1' EX\110rrr~ Grou.p" black. which arc somctlme~ Ihought ,10 he .", ,~" fl,' :ril. ,\rl~ )lu~lorcl. Slur· I The drction of ollieers result· causcd by decreased hormone pro· J,i' .. , .. _ ; l'.. 'c' .n'; .\tirr ~Inorr were I eel a~ fnlloll'~: duction. But stich sign~ also can :: Gay, fresh cotton casuah in delightfully new ~,_ :.': :.. ~I,., l'(;.I.T. (;1'011\1. i Presielrnt-R. \\'. Shr.pherd. come lrom a 101 of other things. ~: . r":" ~:.'I"I';,I !,)'mn -: .'r~1I5 I hI. Vice· pl'csiden! - George ]T IS APPAREJ't.'T from carre· ~ prints for smart summer wear. You'll love the t.;': ",t~;1 II '.,-rr rr the Sun. . ~I~kinson. spondence Ihat most men arc more \ '. ' 1',;:::',;:\1'11 CrrrlTlon)' - In :!ncl. Vice· Presidenl - Abel' inlerested in the hormone problcm :; clever styling •• , young designs ••• crisp ton ," ." , l, I r, rraflitialcd with Clarke. lrom Ihe standpoint 01 Importenrc I Q '"' \I \ Sect'clary-I~I'el'e\l ~Ioore. than from any oilier youthful char.;: details ClOd their love of soap Clnd water. rp(/ liy ." .- I:' , :n;t lhrl'e il no: Treasurer-Bcrnard En~lish. actcristies. ,,~ :,,: " II,,: \., I Fire Chiel-George Wilson, It Is ccrt'~ to', 'r, 1.T --rrol'",ed by ~Irs. A. 23rd. The delegates of the British, ~ i . . .;:!O!k ~~'p'l1tlerl to b)' ~tarce\1e SPECIAL SERVICES American, French and about 25 t: wear • • 0 they are fashion-right for I. :'.:, SALVATION ARMY nther nations' air forces Tuesday ~ town, country and seashore. There are :".'1' lor ~""~ I:! C~.'mh-rropo5ed b~' Gaye Special services were held al were talten on a tour of the Soviet ... AuthOfllYT ~:,~: :f·r-(.~t\cd to by ReI'. Dr. the Salvation Army oli .fUM 24th Air Force Engineer~' Training In· m many charming st}'les to choose from in slltule and shown three top oper· ~ , r,;: rour .:,_Propo!ed by :llr~. under the direction of Malor lind a size range; that promise fil. Here are t G ali anal jets with fuselage and !~ dresses to see you Ihrough Summer with nis:ralion;\'~ --_.:"':', :"fonded tn by Mrs. Daisy Mrs. ennery. wing panels cut away to reveal I~ 1:0'1 and :1;'1' the Internal working parts. t~ cool flattery. INSPECT JET EJliGINES i1 "lIrl~t'1 for I,!, Western observers spcnt about i~ Discuss Course 15 minutes going over three rna· '" chines-the powerlul twln·jrl ali· t' w~nther fighler Ynk·25 Flash- "'; Commonwealth Ii~ht. tlte big slllglu·jet MiG·19 :; ~'arlllel' lJay inlel"'~plor, HIIlI the ;'1 I:, IWIII':lfI' ltIt'\-: Ihl~a;. . . 11 .. 28 tll'in'jet II g It I h()III11~r Iii (It •• I..11 1'1,"\ Stall \\'rll~r Tltt! .'\'u;tl·~Ii:ln pl'lme 1II1U1~It!r, Beagl~. I ~~ ~!\lI' '\ • ('I'I-\"h"l'r i, th~ H. G. Ml'n~ieH, llelle\'~~ the l 0111.' 'rite), al~o 1311' sel'tlonallied jl't : :':j ::, :.' ";1 iii! ~"ill!(': Thl' aD· nUllllleal1h b It ~ lOotnenl 0\ engines. I ij ",~ :.I'r~ :' tine. 1\1 aI' etnrrgc rlel'ision. \lilt Ihe fulure 01 IItt Thel' said thel' ask!!d lIIanl' "j '.: ~" IL"'\1.,ioll~ of ih,' com'j family uf nations. is "no 101l~I'r ~ Cllll'sti'olls but SOl'iel All' FOI'I'C or· I' :,; :~":" pnmr mini~ter~ start, matter to be rlcculecJ. b~· form\ll.a.~ fidalY dlrl nnt ans\\'er all. ' ~ 'j '!, ,o~'do\' nor br generalized Impresslon~. Gen. Nathan Twining, Unitt'rll' ;: :: 'r !O.;,; or anntlrPr. the "Evcrythlng will lurn upon our States Air f"ol'ce chid of staff, .•; :,~;'. n,' bren put forward me aM and spirit of contact and said it was "the most inleresting" ~,i '!;"':.I I ale I I'. and there consultation." he ~ays. Rdv~cat. day sin~ the Western visitors fl ::!~, II ho a rerlin~ that this Is Ing close thought III each Com· arrh'erl to take part in SOl'iet Avi· ~. :" :::,: Ilmr lor somr. serious monll'ealth country to the need~ ation Day celebrations last Satur· I;' ':;"'(" and somc lorth· 01 others. ,day. \; -'. ':~: :o~rlu;inn'. A British professor, C. E. Car· v; : " '!.r: the \'l'~r' a. Ihe Com. rington, takes this a step further. SENTENCED IN ABORTION ~; " Juliana" Casuals ,~~~!,ith in o'k shape from "The time has come to mob· NEW YORK (AP)-'I'homas G. ,~ . ,i:~.! in em~irc. nistorians hal'e lIlze Ih R~5ets and develop Utem Daniel, 25, was senleneed 'rues· t! ','I~ L, rl~finc its meaninp; and regional!)',' he write~ In The day to 81-1 to 20 years In ~tale ~, A IIHle higher priced our "Juliana" ,,':r,,_to PUt in words Ihe neb. Daily Telegraph. He says smaller prison for the abortion dealh of ~ .; .. "'0; ,1< that WCal'r through dependencies that might not even JacqueUne Smith, 20. The pros· ~ dresses are an excelient choice in ;' .,.,;. '~n:l prtl'lncrship of na. attain self. government should ecutlon contended Miss Smith t' , consider Inte~rat1on with other died Chrlstm as Eve While under· ~ one piece and popular "butcher ":;~, r",'r n trndcnr\' lnr the Commonwc~. cThis h~s prol'cd to b~ a m~st ablc," "westingy," "Ieggies", For their lev'ncr or their {Durer thing about the game. To our un~atis[actory place lor such a ~et "rounders" and the rest. It needs A mug·up or a scorr prejudiced mind this latter game Mr. Gordon Locke, 01 Locklc\'en comIrr~e irolll Ihrir_ daugl -up [M \'arlolls reasons. To get to culUns, Pure diulect which Is es· We used to have such hearty grub Is nothing more than a usurper, Hotel went to St. John's on Wed· 'he booth onc has to go throu~h sentinllY local, must of course be As toutons, duffs, and tarts because we arc one of those who nesday and' returned on Thursday. fJlO)1 G,\!\lJl-:,1t , 'th~ pril'ate 1,([icc. The response to culled by the expert, the skUllul But the maids have gone romantic belong to the old "die hards" of 'irs. E. Ezeklcl o~ t, .c3t\S both making and rcech'lng cullers, the dlnleetologl~IS.. with thcir cookies shaped like the old gamcs that they were ac· Mrs, Colin Hay\'i)r who has been • le day~ or Sundays no matter how And Inquire about his health, velopment 'as well. The expression at Harbour Grace, where she will spend her summer holidays. urgent the sending or reeeil'ing of He's 1I0t lu~ linc, or like a bird, Docs your clock sometimes be "play the game" was common In ~nnl\,EO Sl:;>;Il,\ r 1I ine.;a~c might he. To us, under lIe'slirst rate b'y, hoW'S yourself? random? , those days and was strictly cn· )Ir. Frederi,.k I.r.['"· these conditions, it seems a sense. Were YOII cver In a tear! forced. This we think did not fail Mrs, R, A. Parsons; daughler fails arri\'CI~ in :11C' : 35 SheUa, and grandson Scott after I~ss anel stupid place for a pllbllc Such sll)'lngs I bounrl you will, Docs your house be in a ree·raw? to have eUcol on many In playing flprr,S on sunrl:!, () I spending a pleasant 13 days ,11 I tclephone 10 be. SOI'e up and liard alore, Do you find things shockin' dear? "cricket" 01' the game aHerwards The 01 hcr lon~ distance phone ,\nd most to rlgllts and straight· Or wcre you ever real Pllt out1 In life, taking defeai with as good the Cabins returned to 51. ,John's Irip. on Saturday. ]'Irs. Parsons is the I~ at the Trinit~· Cabins. It hns cncI\ up Did you ever notch a beam? grace as victory. ~ES](;;>;En been in:.talted there within Ih.e Anti dunch an.d dout the fire If you're not a Newfoundlander In the old EnterprJse of 1910 daughter of the late Fred Somer· )ii,; AJln I/unler. Ii I In~1 . wce~ or 111'0. Ailhou~h Ihls IS I These need no delinition~, You don't know what I mean we came across a reference to a ton who resided here for man\' r,a' rc>i"ncd her Im>I" ~ nlile dlsl"nt from Ihe place yet it 1. We heard them in our cradle~. cricket match played here between years as Magistrate, and her man~ an' old 1riends were glad to sec her: ia~k lit ~[ontll'al "111 prol'C 10 be Ear more can· We knoll' how much a yaffte IS But times bring alterations, a local team and a team from the LA CANADA, Cal.-Having (presumably) lem'necl English when they were tadpoles, ,ed" position 3' 5('·· I'enienl to all conecrned than the Though It wasn't in our lables. And, soon we'll hear no more city in July of that year. Some of [niled Church Tram. PEACE OFFERING one in the Posl Office here. It Is Those quaint old local sayings those who playcd arc still in the these two female French frogs, just arri\' ed in sunny California, are reading Ihe 1"1011111. )Ii" Hunt', al'ailable every day 01 thc weck We all know what a graple is' As In the days of yore. flesh and the reference may reo DUNSTABLE, England (CP)­ plea that brought them here. Seems that Don Hoster of the Descanso Camellia 'on Jllly 6th lor TOTOI, inclurtin~ holidays and Sundays, A hRull.oU and a kllllck- Still In my heart I'll treasure vlve old memories. Visitors ,to the open air zoo 'at gardens in La Canada has a pair of mail frogs of French, extraction who were friends wish. her Her lip to midnighl, which will be more I spent my lime around the punts them The St, John's team in company Whipsnade saw two female bears pining for female companionship and were letting the world know about it hrr nclI' dulIe'. rUIII'cnicnt 10 the public in gen. Although 1 was a twllllck. .' They'll alwa)'s seem to be with many old Trinitarians and fighting. Keepers quickly slopped ~ral. There's slewed around and wenl to A precious part of home, sweet visitors from the city, 75 in all the conflict' by giving each bear vociferous croaking. Hoster appealed to France, well known for its romantic rHO)1 LE\\'I~I'()IlTl work . home came here on the S.S. lIIary, eight pounds of honey. pathies. So came the MlIe, Frogs. Hoster says that silence may reigns in the """Jell< llr. II. W. )lanuf'1. E\,ERY FOUR YEARS Turned to and look a spell To simple folk like me. specially chartered by them, Arnor Omnia VinciL-(I.N. Ph.oto). fr11nl Lr.W(;o;P('.:'te 1:-: The "'orld Council. poliey.mak. While of dever lookln' bo~'s and The Enterprise 'speaks of many MANCHESTER, Engla~d (CP) John', lin hu,:nc,' ~,', In~ boor of Ihe YWCA, meels girls N' M"' of the visitors as coming here for A prisoner Who esc.aped Irom a (II at Ihe llrllwn,dale r\ cry four year~. 1'111 sure we've all heard tell ew IDIster the first time to sec for them· working party from the jail here I sell'cs the beauties 01 the place of knocked on the door 80 minules THE TASTY rnml nl:('II.\;>;S '1 which they had so often heard and )ir. Hnd )11'" I;. 1', We ':0 round tile ballycaters later and asked to be taken back. When there's swotches on the Icc Arrives read, The afternoon of the day of He \\'as. PORK LOAF IllS alr!l'rd in St. .I"b \ \1,,, TniNITY-Tho Rev, G. Lester their arrival was- spent In allend· lir. l'ardr lIneif'I"'\{'1 -~- And olliv a Newfoundlander OF MANY USES ••• , I:on at the I;r:,cc II, ,;.V;:!)::: Can fnll ·down and get a h'ist. Garland o[ Bath, Eng" arrived hl' ingthe crl~ket n~alch: and the eve~. work, disposing of Ihe side for 44 1/ \ , \'ou'd nel'cr !:ucss a bedlamcr Irain on Friday. lie has been ap. Ing was IIl1ed In with a dance In runs. G. Tapp and C, Wiseman cia:'. poinlcd priest in charllc of thc Ihe PaIish Hall. They returned 10 REDDY KILOWAn ® I~ ~n at\nlcseent iad . balted well for the "isitors, scar· I.EFT YESTEllII.\ Y Anglican Parish of Trinity for ~ SI. Jolin's thc 101l0wing day. ing 15 runs each. No olher gal __':'::':'::-:;:';:;::~:':':'';;''-~l' Whi! e in Iei"J1l ittent snow nu mes ')\1'5 Ruth Tillm', whil~ , \ Are dllighs or just a 5call into double figures, f-ith Ilw un" rei I·h" Last slimmer 'he served in that ST, JOliN'S "5. TRINITY The home tcam made 74 runs capacity at Twillingale. Father "The cricket match attracted IQundland, H t hl"(, All Work - No Ploy I Now other people say down south­ of which Lilly contributed 27, and Clarcnl'illc h,' ,.ar. This I don't understand, Garland is remolely associated with considerable attention and re\'ived F, J, Morris 16, both batting New[oundland in generai, and Inlerest in the manly game which ~':c will go I" Llton I Long Hours - Low Poy For e\,erybody always says splendidly. rounci!. Till' 1'0111, Trinil~' in particular, His grtRt was so oIl en played here in days Down North In Newfoundland. St. John's lollowed and were 1"iloll'('[l liy a Ir:'illll Bldc, where you're at or leU' 'em grnnclIather, John Binsiey Gar!and gone by. Neilher team had much disposed of lor 27 runs, leal'ing Serving You carried on an extensive businl'ss opportunity for practice, but in f:rarancrs. "lid 'HI bide the home side \'ictors by an in· ramp and I '::mp ("ollr here about 150' years ago on Ihe spite 'of this drawback the match You'li hear the old [olks say, nings and 3 runs. r..m 1l1,IIlS Ilf go ~I)r: NIGHT and DAY We s~y we're tlrlnkln 5witchel premises at the IOlVer end 01 the was inleresting lrom slart to lin· spl'nci Ihr rc" Whcn we drinl! unsweetened lay town where some of the buildin~5 ish and some good criclrot was The lielding of the home team r.~cr cilrav311:n::. =q/lmJloundfand=­ still sland, It was he who built seen on bolh sides. R. W. Pittman was a feature of the malch, as Some' think we live on !Ish anr! the third story on the old brick captained the home cleven and was shown by the score sheet IHJ:lt!'>ISG LIGH' Co MID- Spuds huu~e here in 1819, John Dingley winning the toss, sent the ·other which showed no ,'extras' lor the llr. nOIl~las Bulk I. IN' , I D CO·Ct"NY This fairly makes 1110 boil Garland was also clcctecl the Ilrsl side to the bat first. H. Lilly, F. visitors, The city team on the Ir.d )lr,. ,I. E. Blltler Though' 'tis a treat when spring, speaker of the first House 01 A~· J, Brady, W. G, Brady, and Pitt· other hand had good men In Tapp, 1:1I3d. is iJ!lt'rnin~ :,: Cheap, Reliable Electricit!' I comes round sembi), in 1833, He represenled the man handled the ball and did good Neary, Yetman and Grimes, And (,cneral ]]..-Pi!.,!. II but for the lack of practice 10- fClur~ In Rnd 'Around St. Jolm·s ,1'0 get a meal of sw]\e. District of Trinily at that time. c:1mplrliJ1;.! !Ii ... : A local dish Is fish and brewis great granclson FI', Garland Bnd we hope his sojoul'D here will be gether they would have given the l;1~dical ~tll"('nl ~,t J) • i The youngslcrs like the scrunchenl, We are glad to welcome his a Imppy one. local boys a' hard game". Imit)" Ihl> 'I""n~_

lrl:nIJIXC; ;:YITIlII Thr wen" ,JI~ '.,,1: ' i'c"hnmc s: 1',.,.\ l" n:1 ~ IlurriOlY (j t ~.:W 11!) . :'d Fl'['PlIlilt:. I '.!ll",II.! .I • BRAND NAME SPECIALS. AT O'LEARY'S h> • ~fnt;ttl\'r in .~! .I" , I ., I It;.l'y \,('inllt'r ol Y; : :"tia, )1i!'!' \'r III fill I ;;1" ill SI •.Iohn·, h~

[, . I'X HOI.IIl.' Y ~trs, Krh'!n Gil .... ' 1\ ';11(' io:: :H pn'''Pllt 'j' I 5 -.---- Tit/! ori~iJ1nl pork IUllcheon loaf of sel(lcte~d

Ideal for cold plates .•. deliciolls Spork sandwiches .•• scrumptious Spork salad ••• for breakfast Spork 'n' Eggs •. , for dinner oven-baked or fried ... Tender as " !Jt'4. Cw, ~ REM 0 DEL '., chicl{en , •. all solid, nutritious meat! I MASONIT KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • NURSERIES .'" PERFORATED " ,.. ' ~ BARCLAY Primtile HANDY • when you're c 0.::"~f~~~~,~oM' BARCLAY Primt", Panels win II0t chip, crack or peel. " ~ -I. do .. ", Ulch ••I, oxo is ,he ,ce ~ b.lh,oOIlIl, ".,klhopl, The colorful plastic slIrfaces or. ~uick, IISY and .co­ frion,1 •••• I~"\ garagtJ, ilia"'. roofl'l~, ttc. nomical to apply. Iud the: (onr!ntr.l , Thll.', a .,od.", ".Y ness and S1lisfl if ~ .f ha.glng thIng. on "'. of prime lun hr< ".UI-.t.. IYI tI.y I, Gim color and smartn.1t dishes, soups, , gra .... les. "',nl' .ny ." •• g.... 1II "lthDv' 10011 Of to your kitchen, batk­ Inl~'" I.... n Iv,f.,., G., • ~."""I' •. Ex/r.l nouri!ahinr room or playroom. Panel. econominl, too'! are Jiain and water-proof, you al .... ys hl' VI' thIck Temp.,.d P,tld"ccd, .at.,.1 hand)' in yuur K' ~ Itothtrwoad Of th, •• colorfast and IIsily kept At your grocel ~ caloun ., L•• tht,...~o~' dean. in pacb~el of 60' 12 CU~OI ---- "' .. - ~ The hard but f1~xible SttrfaclS come In e wid. range rI . . .• ''h ao,l tl 07, bOlrles . colors to ,uit any desired intt,rillr trecitment, Can UI fer. .lImpill alld pr~ . _ ,~ ',,1!' - , /)o'lIIRllfKtll-.mi 'TRY with these handy

~'OUR , CHOtcE OF Your choice of rink, blue or grecn with matchinlt paslel sh~de BUILDING MATERIALS DIVISION COLORS- , -IS" high ••• rerlect f~r bed table, dresser or Ih'ill~ rooJll· , o~ SHAW ST. DIAL 80291 PINK lI'ilI want a paIr of these beautiful figurille~. 1:01' each lall1l' S~I~ .. 1 ~'OOall"l,r . .;,; .... BLUE Iwo Burns c:luned IlIcat labels or key striPS \\,It I ". , 'HEADQUARTER~/rOR ' I dd C'< SI"!! ;A. , GREEN for rart cost of Jlosta(!e. Enriosr name ,1111 ~ , "., " 'I' ",11.,11\1" ' QUALITY BUILDI~f:' M,ATERIALS. ~rcoJ1d cholrr III ,III", •.\1101\' I"n "'N't;, f'" p:ln t' " , ~ ·1 JulIO" Send to IIhRVEY & CO., LTD., t\eh'erHsing Del,I., ~ . . - _ ...... --"'-- i~~:~D~AI~lY~N~E~W~5~,~TH~U~R~SD~A~Y~,~JU~N~E~2~B~;~79~5~6 ______~---- __-- __------____~ __~-- __------______------~------~-~~ ..-- The Family Council JCHIT-CHAT COLUM~ I • EDITOR'S NOTE: The Family CouncJI tonslst'J of a judie; • ,. t~ psychiatrist, a nc'wspaper cditor, a women', page editor and twu 1]r.\1111 \ \'. I da~' In SI. John's. newspaper writers. ' These conslllt wIth clergymen of all failll. a.d S ," ',,\ ~n'rllll~~ to Da\'id denominations. All letters are held In complete confidence, ",:~.\ 1I'II11ilh'lI AI·C., who INSTRUCTORS COURSE T ' .. ~" Iii, '('I'I'lIth birthday In kecplng wllh the Walcr Salc· TED-My wife' resents my new social tolerance Irom his wife, bill t~· plans o( Canadian IIcd Cross a \;fl'('lin~~ Irom Mum· friend, . Ted scems to bc going too .far. '. :-1.lrr all(1 Brolher and coursc Cor. Instructors In swim· JENNY -1Ie offered a crude in· This man is not an old friend: lor mlng will be held at Bowring Park whom he can vouch, and he has H ~ ,- sult. .. swimlllinG puol ~eglnnlng on Tues' admittedly been ofCen&ive. Ted 11'1'1\1; ,\SSI\'J:RSAn.r da~', July 3rd. should not put his wife to the Y I,. ',; :.,110n~ arl' beln!! ex· need to repeat the el(act words 01 .- \il'. and "r~. Gus Morst, \'ISITING llOBINSONS She Ha' s Helpful Vocatl· on Olli[~r anld r~~d~l~rieu~~~d w~thne: an odious in&ult. ,,!rI"'1 Wr~1 on the oc· de;~~:: ;ne(f~~·r:.o~\,.O~.\i~gJ!~rc~:[ . '. .' ~:r~ 1~~~~u~~~~!l~~'~~~l~It~u~~~: Were the friend a married man ':',:r 1~lh 11'I'ddin~ anni· who would come to the house ac, .111n(' 281h. Gn'eling SI •.luhn's is at prcscnt spending a BY AUCIA IIART I1"S 'fIlB .JOB or the Officc o[ I a~custo~cd to. s~art.aleckYe ~a!kd companied by his wife, a second : 1H'lr daughter Patsy. hollday with his grandparents at Washington _ (NEAl _ Meet Vocational Rehabilitation to co ' 1 With "-omen. ,Evidently,? fal hivitation lor appearances' sake lIohinson~. Muy E. Switzer, crusadcr for ordinate a' fc'deral,stale program _. . somethlllg foohsh t~ my Wife. The might not be unreasonable. If Ted , 1"1.1' I. \ '1111:1\ • -- the handlcappcd, Shc works In a which helps the disabled to ~ct "If you want In get somcthing ncx.t .day he apolo~lzed to n:'c, ex· fccls it is l'i1al to "smooth over" ':" • L;I'~II'I o[ Gandrr i~ nt I YISITING ST. JOIIS'S large. perhaps Hen plush, office hack on their (eet and tind elll· done ask a busy pcrson." pl31~mg t~at he said so~~t~mg .0C, this maller, he should at least have ,,~ ..Iohn·, 111 vbit hrr 1 lilts. II. I'. (iraf and her young out at the Departmcnt 01 Hcallh, ploymenl. . This statmcnt is an unwritten I [enslve Without ~a][.reahzl!lg It. his friend bring a young lad)'. ." " a palient at a cit)" danghter Linda arril'ed here' last Education and Welfare ..The sign The in ilia I cost Il( rehabilitation \ guide for those 'who dircct com. My wlf~, howcler, takes a very 'I' t> aCl'lImpanied b)'1 week ou a \'Isit with hcr parents, )Jy her door announccs In small more than pays of(, according to munily activities and' human bet-. serious. VICIV of the malleI' and It is very Coolish, however, Cor \. '" Phyllis Ele\del and \lIev. Canon and Mrs. J. A, Mendcn, leUers Ihat she's dircctor o( Ihe .Miss Switzer. The net gain in the lerment programs. ha~ told. mc thnt I d~rc not evcr a husband not to trust his wife's ; . '. .'. ler. Forest Jload. , Oflice of Vocational Rehabllliution nation's' purchasing power from I Busy pcople budget their time brt~g hIm home agalll. She sa~s judgmcnt when she says that sqme }. ,______-- Yet the carpecd surroundings last year's rehabilitation is esti 'I and organizc their energies. 'I'hey he IS a rott~n person, but.1 can t ncw, bachelor acquaintance is ~.' \'1,1\', TUIl,\ r 1 FRO~I CORSER nROOK mId tllle seem 100 subducd to fit mated at 90 million dollars a year. evaluytc the importance of demand sec that he IS very. much dlHerent persona no grata. She shOUld with· j ,~~ , ,~ lilt. l'nilrd Church at I ~Irs. Gerald Dwycr of Corner her vibrant pCI'sonality, Cor this Earnings from disablcd persons lipan their time. 'fhey consider Crom m?st un.mar~led men. out question have the last word in ~ ',,'. - .' \II" lIul1), I:t'rnire An· Brnnk, is ryt presrnt sprlldinK a all, I1ray.halred woman is on the will giVe thc country about 58.9 the spiritual importance of the Especlal1y III VIC:V, oC, Ihe fact dcciding what men ,he will not } ,.' .1,.,It'nilit. lI'ill hr mar,: holiday II'lIh friends in St, John's. War path. million in Income taxcs this year, things they want to uo, and' what I that thc unpleasant mCldent (jC' entcrtain in her home. t . . ., 1;011:,;,.1\ F. Ea;ltln of Instead of an ax. ~liss Swilzer ~liss Switzer is more thilll a they arc Bslted to do, I curred. and th~l he came tu. me 10 \11'. E;l,I,lIl is a law: OS U:,t\'E carrle(1 a filing,cllbinet brain full statislieian. She takes an acute God uses bus)' people tn carry' apologize .for It, 1 wu!,ld !Ike 10 Jenny, perhaps, should tell hcr \I,di1WU,'" \'Ili\'cr~ity. . Lieulenant lI'alter K. BI'O\~n sr' of I' al'gumcnts. Shc personal inlerest in· the human on the wOI'k of the Church. Thc 1 ~quarc thIngs by haVing 111m ov~r husband that he would ri.k an _. 1'11'ed. la~t week from Sheer· uscs ,thpm continually to; slash factors of Ihe disabled . Sunday SchOOl tcachcrs \\'ho leave lust once more, to dcmons~ratc ugly scenc in his home II he w:cre I \, II' 10 let this man, unaccompanied Irr.1 1 ~I ~Il,\ r watcr, NOl'll SC~t1H, to spend his, awn v at ignorance and lack of IS,h e's an administratllr h 0 lasting influcnec on thc lives o( that therc arc nil hard feeltngs. , ,.rk I.IOrkr of ' Grant! : annll,,1 lcavc WIth relative~. lie I' concern for America's disabled never iets important details gil lin· thcir classes arc the people who l'~ afraid that iC we d~ nut square by a girl, come lor another lisit, .. , • 'll :1\1' cit~' by the' ~pent last wcel, with his mol her, persons.' nltended. Every day cases o( dis· are busy scrving God and thcir thmgs, an embarra~sm;: at mos· ".ll1".I, lin a hllsinc~s; ~Irs. ~llIm~y Sloan, I'orl~gal Cov,c. "I'm crllsallin~ not only to gil'e Rbled pel'sons come Across her fcllowmen seven days' a wcek. pherc may dev~lop III the shop, IIlIad, and IS a~ prr~cnt Visiting IllS i the disabled bcltrt' scn'tccs," shc desk, many uf them nt thc per '1 'l'h~ .Iay leaders of ail kinds of w~lCre, 1 am shU ncw and need Baby hl'llthrr and sistel'·in·law, ~Ir. and i explains, "bllt I'm tryin:: also to sonal'reqllest of congressmen. rehglOu~ programs arc the fncnds, . _ .... . 1',1 .\111 \,~(rs, \I'lIlianl llrown at Corner' infilll'ate Ihc psychology that more \'Oflen I personaly follow a case' who coordinate business aelll·i· It scem~ to me that my Wife is --.:: 1 BY BETSY WADE I : \I ''':rr. Barne" Ro;"I, Brook, Waller rceently rctllrncd can be done than Jllst gh'ing Ihem "Crusader for the hanrllcappetl"' Ihrough to the end," she says, ties with the principles of God's be!lIg prim and nurrow about I . : hT lHl.ilil,n wilh the ~ I? Canada. ~rom England by H,M. sonll!thlng 10 IIvc on.' Is the phrase which best de. "For a program is no good unless tcaching, thIS. '. ". ,'" ".11 Jnel h;I" ,terrpt.! C,S. Magnlftcent. . . 111m DRIVING BELIEF 15 hat scribes l\lary E. Swltztr. Sbe's you can test it and make sure it's • • • ~Iany Babies' have slept qllitc • ' 1 " " "'('l'rlary with Ihe , • -- every individual has ft right to Ilircctor of the OClire of Vou. not jUst a batch of papers." People who lead aclh'e lives JENNY-I would .hate to repcnt I happily during the early monijls, \nnp0 CS,' '.: Tr,.inll'~ Schllol in i Wr,DDlSG ~'f 'fI1.: GOULUS , the maximum fulfmml:nt Ollt of lIonal Rebabllltalion. AF'I'ER GIIADUATION fro m find time to pra)' and to listen to what my husband s new·found in a carria"c, If space or money ,. h' ~:!1~ L!: .: ,1I:tnlrr 1"al'I'~ hcre 1 The marrtage took place at the' lile. And shc feels thaI thousands ' Radcliffe College, Miss Switzer Gild In thc wurship process. Pray. "friend" .said tu me. In ,['lct, I is limited ~ick the carriage in· CamelEa, , 1'0" onlo Iil'r many: Goulds on 'I'ue~day morning with 01 handicapped Americans arc de. disabled persons ~ .year are going: start~d working for Uncle Sma as cr quiets jangled nervcs ami c.rea· lVas afraid ul rcal troullic betwcen i stead of 'Ihc bassinetlc' so that i., r "IWY ;urcr~s in Nupllill Mass b~' ReI'. Father Mur. prlvcd of Ihat right. )"Ick to work. ~1lS5 Swllzers goal I a' junior cconomist at the 'l'rea . tes an'c o( ol'gamzat· them so I Iried to make light of I Babv and mother will be mobile, day, 01 ~Iarjol'ie Howlett of thc "'J'pe toU Ihat disability takcs I.' I~ 200,000, slime day. There are' sur)' Department in 1022. Ion an~ integrallon. Men and ,11'0: the matter. But 1 dcfinitely do I' -- (;uulds tu MI'. ~Ilchael Ward, son .Inst enormous," she says, "It; numerous hurdles ahead, I She took a Icading rule in de· men I1'lth [ul1 schedules of Ilork not want him in my home again. A youth bed is nice to have if • ! II t'I'OIlTE ,of ~Ir'. D. Wanl. Portugal COI'C' ha, become onc of thc allpaJiing 1 AI~ the fo r c c s of the com .! I'eloping the Public Health Serl" i and o( pla~' arc the o~es. wbo 1 have thought of thc desirability' the second Baby claims the crih. ,11111'1. bu.,illr" man ,Hua~1. '!'ht! .wcd!lin.~ ,hreakfast was I fal'ls o( our national Hfc." . ,muillty ~n't be brl~ugh~. It: "uear ; ice, which was at lhat lime under i hal;e time 10 ti~ morc 1\or,k.,.. of smoothing I.hings ol'er so that But a grown·up bed w~1 do jusl :,. I, witill~ SI.· ;Cl'lct\ In SI. Kc\'1U s lIall, Mr. I . ' on the ploblem of (hsablht~, she 1 Ihe Trcasury Deparlmcnt. In 1939, No one Is too ,busy to I\OIShlp my husband Will not feel allY ilS well, if it's impractical to bul' ::'" .,n: ter of ~II'. and :III'S. Donald E. Puppy faee~ form the cute pock. onc of thc bcst cooks in the New I ninc'.inch pie shell,. buildi~g it up I ?9:\/, \ \:\ickrrsn". Cornwall Al'enuc, ar· els un this plna(ore _ little girls 1 \ork. area, and she ce r t a I n I)' ! to ~ high edge,. w!th a me~ cl'en , r( \,''\ rived home on Tuesday after are sure to love It! Sew.easy fur : k~ol\ s how to treat fresh blueber'l flutmg.. When .It IS COld. fIll h~lf r", \- ~1 '\ . spcndli\C thc past ~chool year at you, mother; make I pinafore, fleS. full 1I',Ith v~nilla mix. , , (~'';::'':;' i Calrllunia, NO\'a Scotia, with her sundress, or skirt! Blueberry Pancake. Place In refrlgcrator unlll sct. . O~: ' i gr~ndmother. Patlern 7008: Children', SIZes Sift together 1 ~lIP flour and 5 i Mas}11 cup llluebcrries In 1 cup 2, ., 6 Included. Palletn, transler ta~le~poo~s conl~clion~r'~ sugar.' water and cook gcnlly fo~ 10 min. ;t :. , :::,;' A:l'1'ESIllSG eMil' i%Y I 01 embroidery and applique Sllr 11\ 1 cnp milk, stlrrlllg until I utes. Run throush a sieVe and :;1 :III'. Honald Brown, Portugal Send TWENTy.nvt: CENTS In perfccliy smooth. In a deep bowl· add 1 cup sugar 10 this liquid. I ~r- ~ I ,* f " .' ,;;:7\ eOI'e Road, is at pl'e~ent spending coins for this palterl\ (slamps can. beat 3 eggs until light and foam),. Heat to dissolve and bring to boil, " r I his I'aeation atN3\'31 Reserve Camp not be accepled) 10 ST, JOliN'S Add 1,4 tcaspoon salt and fold ing p.oinl. SUr Into It 1 tablespoon /.J~ • al JUl.l'.S. "Patriot" In Onlarlo. ItAII.Y NEWS, lIousebold Art s through flollr mixture •. Don't beat gclnhn, which has been soaked in 'v v I lit. is with . Communications and Jlcpt,.:GO FRONT STREET WEST Add a litlle grated orange rind 2 ablcspoons cold water. Add ',2 I KEEP : rudio dil'ision. TORONTO ONT Print' plai~IY and 1 teaspoon lemon juice or teaspoon lemon juice, and, when. XXX O'AKB MIX t! I - NAME ADDRESS PAT T~' R N orange juice. . I juice Is cold, add 2 cups big frcsh· '. ,1'ARt:"'.:I.1, PARTY NUMBER. ' ' ' ~'ry on hot lighlly, butlered grid· Iblueberries. j 1 :llcmbers of the' Old Colony . Two FREE patJerns-printcd in die, pouring only abl;llt 2 ta?le ': Place in refrigcrator until th~ek ONL Y Broe/ie's offers YOII all these extrasl OXO ,., I Challtcr DC the 1.0,)).E. met al the the nelY Alice Brooks Needlecralt spoons batter onto griddle, Cakcs i unly. NolY pOllr ol'cr the puddmg - --- HANDY J h(lm~ of :III'S. W, D. McCarter, book for 1956! Stunning designs should be paper thin and s~readl in ~he pie, shell and .top I\·!th the • Lingering flavour and freshness-from oven to last .... i you're cooking! ,) Le~larclmnt lIoad on Tuesday, lor yourself. for ,your homc":'just al1 O\'er the surlar~ of griddle. chOicest big blueberries.. Kecp In delicious crumb. '.'; ,lunc 19th, to say farewell to Mrs. for you, ou~ reader~! DozeDS of t'ry genlly un Iii crisp and just sott ref~i~crRtor unli~ ~eady !o serye. (,. other designs 10 order-all ensy, enough 10 nlll. 1 1hls is a deliCIOUS PIc whIch 1\ Ihe ,(ook', be!1 r Norlllsn Pounder. DurinG the • A complete mix-just add water, mix and bake. ; ... ,I", )'\ ready 10 ." el'cning the Regent. lIIrs. J. E. fascinnting hand. work! Send 25 ~(;':: 1 ('iI;' '1Iucbei'rlt.s and ftdd may be made the day before. ; . .- : ""lcntrJled ~Ilod. ") Butler presented ~rrs. Pounder c('nts for YOUr copy of this won· ----_. ~~ ~ i uti'iif~·in.t: flnouf , I with a piece of labradorite jew(:I· • Homogenized i~gredienfs make a creamier batfer r, .. :~ l ~UJl\!I, s.lews and -0 more even-textured cake. ;0, :J : and her chi6dren leRl'e here next \{ i lI't'ck Cor their new !tome in' Port . ",,,:,,,!tin~ .nd IxttA . d",f~1::~:;s';~ke ·\~B~tween Us Women !., .~"~,,I. too! ~hkc sure I William, Ontario. \'" ,i .. ". 11I1'e 0:0:0 t.:r 10 )'our kilChen. ,\'ISITING .'ROltl WASHINGTON Friends 8, RUTH lUnI,ETT I lIlrs. Sanford Brandl and chll· OW nOCKISG' ClIAIR NEED to give up her home and come to AI: jJr grocer's I dren Beverly, Margie Rnd Billie, :, I' ;:J~(' or A gil'j should nel'er' ~cccpt a l'iOT CAPTURE OLDER WO~IAN !1i\'e with them so that they won'l arrived here last. Thursday Irom corsage (rom a boy In such a cas· -- have to worry about her living "'~:~ l'Jhs Richland, Washington; on I \'islt " .. In,1 ual manner that she 'seems 10 "An\' 1I'0man who retires to a alone. to Mrs. Brandt's molher. lIIrs. ha\'e expected It as her due. A rockin'g chair on reaching 65 is Children Rarely Learn This Hazel Gillelte, Morris Al'enue. young lIlan goes to trouble and underestimaling hcrsrU," Ii a y s I.esson Mr~. Brandt was the former Lallra rxpense 10 bl'in!! or send a girl :111'.1. I1'111 a Friede. In nddilion to 01' they throw a fit when she I Glliette DC thl! city. flowers and she shoull\ act SUI' bcing 65' herself, she is a membel' talks about doing', something 'to I priscd and pleased by his thought •. o( the SI. Louis Board o( Educat· supplement her incomc, like sitt· !ulness, • ion and ~hairman or toe geron. ing. with ncighbors' children, There's nothing eharllling aboul' tology division a I tit e Gencral" , " taking even Hic smallest gift for Federation o( Women's Clubs. You don t have to work, I~cy granted. 111e 1V0man who Utinks that a say sharpl~, nel'er undcrstand.lIIg rocking chair comes' with her 65th that she mIght ,want to work lust DEEP BIKE birthday IS underestimating hcr .1 to prove to hcrsclC that she can DEAL, England (CP) - Dh'ers self., Or elsa she! Is letting her I earn, money on her own or bc, AN ENRICHED investigating a wreck three.quar. grown children undcreslimate her cause she, wans to be useful, , tcrs oC a mile from this Kent . get·up,an,d·go potential. Or they discourage her whcn COFFEE THAT TASTES town found a neW blcyclc lying k f' . on the s~a bed. :. My gu,ss Is that it's 1110re oftcn she lal s 0 ,~r!Ving cross·count~y her grown children than the wo~ by herself. We would be frantic different ., , JlOCKEY CIIA~IP man herself who thinks that be. about. you,' thcy say. KIT C HEN E n, Onto (CP)- causc she .has reached 65 s~e It ollen takes real couragc and School officials here say one local ought to SIt down and take hfe self·relianec for' a woman to turn r"olll, you P.RICED WEll BELOW boy must rate as the hoclcey easy while the world passes her a deaf car tu the efforts of her : bill\' S<"I,d champion n( Canada-hc'~ bccn by. . k children to rctire hcr to a rrocking :.O~ :!lId :5C . OTHER BRANr; j absent 75 days 50 !:if this term, Childrcn orten get the mlsta en chair notion that Ihc most they can du' • . TRY THESE FAMOUS ,r('!-~' sr;1C~ BRODIE'S XXX MIXU aRAN'I'FORD, On!.' (CP), - A for 111111113 is tn sec that hcr later 1 PI'obably more wOlllen hal'c to ... t .t, Ii\"s\"' ,e Ask for MORSE'S 540 old a~e pension chcque stolcn years 31'C utterly.useless; .' . {ight'theil' grown children's be . WHITE •. CHOCOLATE • COMBINAT!ON from. 1/ pen~ioner was re(lIrne,1 Thcv c1on't think or II in that, li~f that they arc finished at 65 SI. when you shop. lltr. nrxi rlar-Ihrust thrOlI;:h nn wnr, ~'f cOllnr. They urge mama :1I!ll,n ha\'c I:'. (j~hl tI~eir nll'll :Jm' j open kitchen window onto a'table .. -'-if she happens to be a wldow- ,UllIon to rellre fl'Om hIe. . '

\ . i

8 Peru Hackett and Moneypenny 1 Forty.nine mcmbers 01 ,the SOCIAL. AND PERSO:'iAL 'I' Mr. Ed KellY, Cir~u.1atio~.1o[an. .• - . , ,.' arc Ihe holders 01 the present LOIi. Wheaton' College Acadcmy. Choir Mr. James Rosc, President of ihc I ager for the Daily News, :w';'s at Archie Moore: lIenrl' Fo ',NOTES dlln 10 New YOI'k speed record. 01 WI'caton, JIIinois. passed through Canadian Legion, Gander Branch. Gandcr ~uril1g past ,\\'ee~ on bllsi· 'Edwlrd'l'1!r~~m paid' a h~~: Four Killed . ' " Gander lasl Thursday via K"L,1I1, lcft by T.C,A, last week to allend! ness.', . c.,' to Gander durml laslweek , • AI a recenl mec!ln,g of Ihe Gan. R?yal DU,Ich, Airlin~s chartcr~d the Canadian Legion Convention at i' , . ,'. '11'11 retu:-nin«:home from 'hi lu GANDER" clcr Foothall i\ssoclailon the lollow.1 fhght. ThiS Choir Will spend SIX Vancouver. " Mr. and Mrs. L.·A.' BlOwn reo ,eessful.fIght, In the lUi F ,- In Accident, 'I OSHAWA (CPl _ A iar that ' .• ,Ing memhcrs wcre eleclcd 10 office weeks In Europe presentin~ ~o,n. " -,- .' i lurned kl Gander.Thl!l'sday I:il ~ar ,and PlIr,~om I~'tre tri\'~lIin~!dl Toronto sl'fd thr \\'l'Ong lane of a di\'itie(1 NEWS ITEMS A British Canberra .Icl, pl1()I~(I! for 1956: Mr. ~lurr~y s~rat\on re, eerts. ?n Junr, 16~h Ihe ChOIl'l5' Mr .. William rnylman arnvrd: lerry from vacahnn In 51. .lohn s, LoRdon \1, T." ..~. I, $uper.hil:h\l'a~' ear I~' Tucsdar Mr. Ro Sailnders, ardent Ii~h, i b)' Capt. Jack Hackett Rnd Naviga. ~}eelcd as Presld,enl, ~ames ters \\,111 m,nke Ihclr debut in Ihe, hack m G~nder Thl1rsda~ from a I - " . era,hPd head.on inlo another car, erman 3n~ a member of Ihe Gaml, lor Peter Moneypenny, Is expecled I'reake rc·eleeled Vlee.Presldej1t,; I ROY,al Fcshval Cone1!rt Hall, Lon· bus!ness trip. to Montreal aud olher !' ~.! r;Ih~bert, Meehan" .frOll!. 5t. "Ir. Jack Lyunch or Ih killing four persons. cr Rod and Gun Club, was success, to tuuch duwn at Gnnder'early this ~eorgc Vass elected as Sc~retal1' don s largest and most rec~nt con, Mamland po lOts, . ' ,John ~" II as m Gandcr 5alurd~y Circus, w~s in ,to\\'n rlu:in t ••,Tv.r.d'n, I, ",d._' Ib, nn' ,",,'" ..."",,,,n 'f • ,ow ,,,.,d ", ,,,''"''', M,. w,n 'f", "!" h.f" Tho Ch,', w,n ,," - I'" ,,",m ... , , ''', .... ".kl" < .filh;;~t!~es'~.::'j;:~ ~:: I"~salmon for a Gander resident this cord. Depending on favourable handle coaching chores.V.~ . I Blrm.Ingh~m, Glasgow, Leicester,. . ,eluded, 3, triP 1.0 the h,~,""esl h.d~, Co.ast LioJ\~Club·!o,w.~,. """",~Ibrin~ his ' ~!!!" . season, Mr. Saunders landed an winds Hackett and Moneypenny On June 30lh the A,ssoclat!on wlil Dubhn, Liverpool, ~arli!e, BeJfa~1. lIrr:. Gregory Cannlnl! of. Ihe' a~d w~s relurnmg to Ihe Capital G~nder. The sholl' will ope s.. luDirh LoW' C "30 33 32 Killed !n l'lr car pollee s.ald \las eight ounde t Rattling Brook will leave Warton Airport, Eng, hold a Mammolh ~mgo Game In July 12th the ChOir Will open In Royal Bank o~ Canada. staff: IS ~I: ClIy via ,T,C.A. ' onth,e week of Jul)', a 43100 n 38 we.1 In the I t k r a land touch down at Gander a few order 10 sllfflclent funds for Amslcrdaw, Holland, \Viii spend I prescnt spendmg vacaimn With, hiS I -' ',- 100 aoo 800 !~l"Ell!!l):' \\.~ rai~c 200 $~I\ 961> b!:f ~! hl;;h"'ay ~Ol. three mile!! a,. ~. • 1 hour~ later. A' short rcfuellin~ new ~qulpment and help pay next 18 days touring 'Germany,! parents, l\!,r. and Mrs, M. Ca~mng,I' ~~r and 1Ir:l. L~idy and family' , 400 $17. 17 'Ie:! cf hen .• " Bell Telephone I HIS close friend and flslt In,g , stop here.then OD to Ballt!more trnvel.lmg expenses to Dnd from high lighted by Radio and T,V at Plaecnlla. Mr. Canning IS ,ex . .arrived bac~ 11\ G,ander last ~veek . pur, congratulations 10 !lr 1500 16 16 erp C.. partner. Cal Osmond, also' " ' Inter'lsland games. The All Stars .. . ' , . peeled to, rclurn and from' vacation With popular"Slalion !\IISES ~::1?lo~ee! Kennp~ ~!cCaul)', ~\r. ~ 'Thurs~ay, ,l\Ir.~ldy:~ En. ~Ia"3i! 233 21 210' U. lnd Thorn!: K. BrO\\n50n. 31, hooked and landed a ten and three Montego B~>, Jamalca.Albrooillndland, hut. Ih! Dominlr,n of '75:;0 152 IU Ca.'ladl. at the 191i6 Senlor Scout n(M !It, HI., :011 '!~,l ~() Rcundup to be held at the High· ::000 "Ii 4:; and Sta~ Reerutlon Area, one 29000 tij 'is 20~._ $.ljjl'.z lOI; • o! !\!lehJr;an State Parks, The IlM J1[J l61} ~:'~~:!!.!l= o"!!l bring togethEr a!· 26051) 3j[l Jill') 2614 13D I:!, ~:!! IE!"!!!)! i"!rl !C'=ut.!i bf:t· 5!J(hl U I! T!!:: ...~~ !~~.: ~! f~ In:i 15. This I 5t;.) 29 :~ 5tl70 18Z Ii ., ~ ~ ~:-.! !!!'E! ~.!ti:mal !r.camc­ ~(}l) 4:0 UO =~,.'~! :! !he ~~I !couts o! the 1000 15 " lr.s.5 !32-=-, 11 ' , :::. ..~_ ::!"~ !"er ;ta~ed ~n:l th~ 170<1 ~ 50 ='.l ..":'! .,.!!! bE Ame~!can.!. I ;j:.!Z" is j' 116:1 ~a %It ~'.~~"' __ •• : '"...... 1 .t,c._ ..... ··~·t ;l,::'! ....I;'e _ ....,I tho:.'..~ 3330.1 15~ :5 ::n:~~:! :'!.!.!Es. !t i! :ii!!cull for 2RG11:1I i:''' ~or.,1 :'11 :V', :'I~~!!' ~cuntrl~!o g-o.:!: -:: to r:·allzE: lt~HM1 f.~ ~'i ~~!~ ~o~· b~i" ii:l !~out!n.; h.!~ 15M 11 " :;:i:il) :390 :t~(, ::e~o::1e In the United State;; Inoll' 1l:'~11 111 11.1' onr :!I; mUllen members). and 1r.O fjj._ tij,; thr aim of the camp 15 (0 allo\\' ~f,22 ·v~) 3'1.' IJO'J ~ 3j l::i representatins from many phll·t's 8511 !j If> SlrJ .'4: :1: to mtet together, '1'0 thb gatlH'r· (!I)(I]'i It; ing the girl scouts oj Calluda. I 1:1]U ~!i;' !f; .. l()1}O 12t: .. ' were iU\'ited to ~elld "OC' tJ~lrlll ' '/ 3nl){) .' .' I nf eig.'ll Scnj,,1' Guider: and Han' 1730 :II} J:' ~C1'S, The,e eight girl:< ha\'~ ','N'n ·3(;:10 1!J l' 21000 65 09 ,elected tram all Ol'el' Ci"luda, I lO:!OO 66 (.3 \ an:! the Guide, M :\ cwfcunjland I ~~OO :i ~. BiGS ~ ;Ire proud Ihal one of their 11I~1l1' ~300 3~ 3f h!'\'S ha~ hrrn thosrn. 3JM II . 2,] $l;~, H Ft~rcnrr. ~!artin i,1 at prr!I'nl: . , 2300 19 I.' ': 4S .u 'rll";: l.irulrnilll1 Ihe ;t1" ..1 SI. II nr Wl00 ~8 S~ .I"lln·' Comp~n)', Sh~ brl;all her s:nn 10~ :01 (jUl-ilR~ r~r.rr ~~ a BrownJ~ al ~iWl 110 lei I ';3CQ til Jr. ;l,;h~p Srrnr~l' C(1l1eg o and ~all1· , '!ci hrr fir:·! ria!,:, 'Inri (j,'ld C'l'ds I "'ru):,' ~ m~ll1[Ou ..,( 1J1~ L~l ~I.; Jchn~ C"R1p~n:.' III l?jJ, In l:lj4! florrnr. ~tt€nded th~ AlJallli'r. i PRINCE Prol'il1c~~ Frsend~hip Camp. held i in :0;1' ..... England 1,·hel'r. ~!IC reo' ( p:e~cnted Xp.wrt'undlan~ Guides, , The !\clI'founland COllllcil lilrl Gulde£ ,u~ociation arc grateful DIRE( ,to Mr. Gerald 5, Doyle, who bas supplied Florence with enough ,: :oples of his song book for all the C.!:.z:il!1l representatives. so that !! Till be possible ofr "The Squid .!i!El~i. Grcund," and other New· !::u::d!and songs ~ be heard at t.l:e =enlor Scout Roundup In ad· . ditlDn to the Sea Chanteys and !\eiro Spirituals of America, ,and the da.'lces of the KentuckY For Infor i .!\!ountairu and the Ojibwas...... : Florence eft by train on Sun· 'day to meet the other Guides of ! l' her Patro in Toronto before pro­ Murray A ~J teedlng to Michigan. t 1 i. ! The Paper DIAL 2031·2·: Nuisance .'

.AJ lr('J\'t o'er, our cit~· slret!! l ' i.:I : Or.1! fllct r!oe~ me impre~~, .. I ...,, Thr. rarl'r. .• ~nr,.~ nf r.illl,I'.n~ ",.",...... 1---L Lf,III'P~ !.hb tnwn in II mp~~. . ~ '"" "rh lin" r~~r, the )'oung , .. .' : lind nld, NEil Lltk Irn!. 01 rily rrid~, TBB 'GJlSOLINB THJI T BJls·BVBBY'I'BING ' . no r!rf)r pl\p~n of !\'I't'y kind '. 01 ~I!eet~ o',r whJch Ihey IUde, Fast Fre 8l!0I' ~'~r~ Ion lire knolf to 'I'r ,. And when thl! day is done from &t;eep rubbish Inlo nearby 5treet~ !he gasoline needs of your car liave been changing, Each year, more To meet the next day'! aUn. MONTRE It'. time thAt \'i'e armend our powerful motors have needed more powerful gasolincs-gasolines with . ' this is I 'II'ays IIIVING 100" higher octane numbers. Irving 100 has an octane rating in excess of ;:~. .And make I solemn ,'OW .. ; 1 That papers, wroppers, scrap, 1, Hlghst oclanl Iv.r ... '. Ii : book lelves, that required by today's high·compression engines. .. , . 2. !alanced combustl.n '.rmull, I ; Shall cease to drop, from now. I ' It sets the pace in the octane race, ;:~. I Were 1 a city cDuncUlor 3. Unlock. nlw 'ow... I : In this our ancient town, Irving 100 brings you everything that's new in gasoline research- ' J.. bye law I would 1ntr04uce 4, Mileage cataly.t .) (,. ADd a new law brilll down; from highest octane and balanced combustion to weather balance 5. Vaporl.lng control , ' ~ n Persons found I1Illty of this vice Shall spend at least one day , and .full powe~ 110"",' '6. Weather balanced' Upon the city streets with bl'ooms , i This nuisance to allay. 100 7. Anti-stall factor I Irving has it all. You just can't buy a better TO PLAYFUL PORPOISES S. Full power flow .;! I gasoline, Get a full tankful of Irving 100. You'll agree, ',.. ;. '; . ~ . '., PORTSMOUTH, England (CP) ,:CORIERI ':.. ,-, Ii Sailors were put on the alert when •• '.t ,: Ir~g 100 is the gasoline that has everything, and ... !'~. ~ ~ . ;1 I. 90 - foot "monster" followed a SJI. GULFP ,1 submarine into the har)lor of this gives it all to you.;"7-l·;, I , Rlellving C Hampshire city. But It was just I ' Junl3O-Jl a school of porpoises.. Slllil1y Jut . . ','. LAST LIGHT , , IRVING O,IL COMPANY LIMITED R. I. SELLA " . f f'" 'YARKLEIGH, England (CP)­ .' P.O. Box E. Tel. 548: Farmer Reg Thorne; 40, playing , , .' '.' ··r the "Old Inhabitant" at fhe \'il. " 1. .I.~;:., . , II.\RVEf " CO Jare pageant in thj~ Devonshire LtMlTED, .\ cO.'",munit~' •. IlL his clay' pipe anti 1f!.llrc 10 hl~ false beard, He car· ned all barclaccd: . New l#bag and Irving 100 - Canada's Greatest Gasolhae :v.:t.IiI.,;:( ___.....: ____ ..... __ ~ ______.:...... :. __ ....:.~.___' • "" ,.~~V ...... _--;r" ,;.., I,. ~ It··,' ~ ..

\: DAilY NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 7956 r---_~~ ~ .. . OUR ... BOARDING IjOUSE WITH MAK,R HOOPLE • \ Steamship Movelnents , 1. Stock Market Report THE NFLD. GREAT LAKES Urn"k alld Nell' Ynl'k). \Latest STEMISIIIPS LTD. iiiI'Ll). CAN. STEMISIIlPS' M.V. Dundee loading at Hamil· Bedford II leaving lIaJi[ax .July r EIII Sutt ~ SOO 600 60 N Manttoba 6400 m m 120 -5 ton about July' 4, Toronto July 5 4, due SI. John's July 6, sailin): r,:UI ~1.lnl. 380 67 157 157 -1 N Mylama 2300 19 15 19 +iii Toronto E"I Mlnln. 60931 670 620 050 +~ N MInda 7723 66 65 65 and Montreal July 8 fOF St. John's. July 9. Io:ldor 1300 49 49 49 NI,ID 1000 2.1 24 ~ +1 111. V. Perth loading at Hamilton Belle Isle II leaving Halifax ",0,111 ('L(mSIl nO[,KI Eldrlrh ~900 116 107' 110 -5 tiDrl.d. 220 UI "'.' 51 -1 July 7,' due St. John's July 9, ~. n. (·anadl,. rr... 10:1 Sol 500 ·131. 13\. 13~ + Ii Nlpl ..ln, 200 310 )U 310 +5 about July 9, Toronto July 10, and j .. ~ .. r~ .: ..~.nle June 27 Em Glad.. 1000 21 22 21 ·tS Naw Thurb 500 19 1t II +I )!ontreal July 13 for St. John's. sailing July 11. I~~ ". on "nil unle .. marked S. Eureka 7100 m 117 146 -2 Nor Aem. 13000 I~I 120 ua -2 Bedford 11 leal'ing Ha(j[ax Jlily <:."'~, \01- E\.dh·ldtnd, r-E·rllhls, .·roh debs 70 189 H 66 -3 Now Taku 900:81> 211> 211> +1 :'!.V. Lunan loading at Hamilton , ... ",;''':''-1''' GianI YK :tOII2l 535 500 UI +30 N.w nouyft 12100 201. 20 :101> - 1\ about July 13th, Torunto July 14th, 13, due SI. John's July 15, sailing •. 1 . 1'101 Franc .. ur Saw,) 22\~ 11 21 -11\ Norlal1lc 4000 11 14 II ,.I ..tU,h Ln. CID" Ch',. Gro Solon lOll 21l1! 2110 200 -10 I'o,.old 200II II 18 18-1 Montreal July 17th, for SI. John's. July 17. N" 3l 32 35 -5 GteO Mine. 320 Smi 17'\4 17~ - Ii Normo,a1 ~oo 610 675 660 Belle lIsle II leavin~ lIalifit~ IJI"" U 31 43 -13 '·robl.h.r 4188 ISO 435 110 NorpAX .14400 157 150 1M FURNESS WARREN LINE July 16, due St. John's .July 18, 1[.' ~ aoo 800 +10 J'arad.y 14800 JaO 151 160 +~ Newnorlh 3000 '. 12 .11~ 12 :." '%1\ 9S1i 961\ _ I; Falconbrld,e 619 136'10 36 :ta -... No. In.. 21300 11\. 10 10 Newfoundland due St. John's sailing July 20. . " l~' m. 11 17 Fed Kirk 6000 3S 331. 33 - I> N nankin . 19350 155 150 154 '. l);<' 16 16 16 -1 Gallwln 7::3 49 48 4~ -I' North Trln 7500 12 11\\ 12 + Ii June 28. Sailing again !ame day ,II Bedford II leaving .Hali.lax .JI·riy 'lI~l:~ Gold E•• I. 3000 11 101> 101> - Ii Norlh Can 400 70 166 1M -I for Liverpool. . . 21, due St. John's July 2a, sailing ",-' ~)1:1 :10 210 +S Gold.rlll lUDO· Z1 23 26 +1 Norvolle 1330 56 &5 51 .. Nova Scotia due St. John's June Jul)' 25. ~ ~,:::'!" ,;\;~;~ ~~ ~~ +2 g~\~.I~lan :0 3~ 3~~ 3~ g~~~e: 1= ~~ ~ ~ :\\ 29. Leal'ing [or Halifax and Bos· CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO: ,,:~,:~ Iln m IW Uran 150 32 32 32 -1 O'LearY ~600 27 :!5 n +2 .. I·.·. .,.:" :6 I:' 16 _ 1, Grah "n'"~ 2000 24 23 23 - Ii Omnllran. 14200 1 71> a ton June 30, due Halifax July 2 Elespoint sailing Ju~e: 30. . • I' pt I~; ~1:3& lli :30 .. 4 Grandlnu ~OO 34 33 34 +\1 Optmllka 5310 t\4~' I.V~ '.1, -t \. and Boston July 5. Leaving Boston Elespoint leaving Alontreai June .", " .....' U 4) 4S Gllnna. :.J~ '111. 1711 18 + II Orfn.da 2000 ZI 24 2. ," ~. "'" 1~1'.I 33 J.i',: -1 ,\, (1ulrh :!400!'tO 50 ~D i 2 3000 67 17 61 July 6 and Halifax July. 10, due 22. due 5t. John's JUDe 27, sailing ,,'., 11'. II 14 Il,·.n~ue 5~O 620 605 52n -5 Ooloko 4000 4! 12 42 +l 8t. John's 'July 12. Sailing agaIn June 30.' . • : . ~_", :::.,":7~' 17 Ciunnn \\b 9:0 1I0'~ 10 In PIC But :JOO 1l 121.~ 1:.Wa ,;' ..:>(I 12 40 1: 4 I Hroyh.wk t900 57 5. 57 -13 ranfl 5400 105 100 102 same day [or Liverpool. Novaport lea\'ina Montreal July .~:;~; • r• ., :1 :,'0 :1 .., 1 GwllUm :WOO 15 H 14 -1 Palfl' 1500 90 ~S 10 ~,1 Newfoundland leal'ing Lil'erpool due S.t. John's JlIly 9, saWn;: ." . "" 2ll 2D.l 2"' -·10 Gulf I.ud ftOOO II 17 II + 1\ payma.ter 1300 301> 301-1 3011'" 11 I" . !C." 10 II) 10 -11 lI ..a~. 3338 19 III, I~ Perron 4UC10 2.1 Z3 ~5 - I July 11, due St .•John's Jllly 17. July 11 (Bay Rul'ertsl. """ :I'~] 6~ II nant R.. k 41300 II 14 lilt. ~I> Pick Crow 1000 130 150 150 Leaving [or Halifax and Boston! Elespoint leaving Montreal .iuly .'" ;M ~ I~ :10 1~ -10 lI ..dway ~IOIl 137 13l m 42 PII.h 0.. IJOOO 12" 12 12 , •.: .,' ,.~)) ~! lIor Mlnerall 22&0'0 eo 73 eo + I I'la ..r 375 tI~1> 121\ 12\\ Jul)' 18, due Halifax .July 20 and 113. due St. Johu's July 18, sailing ,.. :,~::.II:II:II -s ne.lh 110Il0:~ 21 11 Pow. Rouyn ~O\l 55 ~I ~ -I • Boston July 23. Leaving Basion July 20. ' . ... _;••.•.•.. ::~.' ~4 PI _I IIIXh 8fn 1000 79 7B 11 -2 Prem Bord UOO III> I~ 161\ \.... .< fi ~ .' ~'1 1I0ninior 481 '~8 36 26 - Ii Pre.lon .d 300 850 6.\0 6.\0 -20 July 21 and Halifax July 28, due, _Novaport!! Montreal July .. ' ',"'" .", 2~1 m .5 1Io)'le ,.;00 BOO 181 BOO .10 rronlo 1000 ~70 510 no +! SI. John's July 30. Sailing same 12~, due SI. John's July 30, sailing ',":.". . '." ';, J:. 3.\ .4 1Iud Rar J131 1831\. U', B3Vo - Ii rto. Air JOO 177 16.\ 165 -1~ By J. R, WILLIAMS OJ'" 1:' )" 33D .41 lIu,h rim 2500 31 34 3. -51\ rurdy Mira 7600:19 21. 21 OUT OUR WAY day [or Liverpool. Aucut 1 (Bay Robert). •.•. ,./ :;) 2,1 26! .5 I"d t.ab 3100 24 22 23 -I Qu. Chlb 121g 220 216 III -I Nova Scotia Ical'ing LiI'erpool Etespoint leaving Montreal Aug. ~ .. \" ~ .... " h" 6~ 65 _ 5 Inlp'ratlon :"'00 130 173 12! - 5 Que COp 730 205 200 205 ... ::: , .. I ~." :J' tIS un Inl Nlok.1 lUI '94~ 91 !I4\1 +'t Que Lab 1000 18 IB 11 -1 July 25, due SI. John's .July 31. 3, dlle SI. John's AUi. 8, sailing 0.') ')0 129 129 _I Inl nlnwlck !IOO 11 72 72 -3 QUI LIth .36.\ 11% III.-m :",p, ;) 20 22 Irl.h Cop 632 210 no no -10 Que Min 500 .m.10 110 110 Leaving for Halifax and Boston Aug. 11., oI" ,.'.' II 10 10 Ja,·. Expl 7100 101 'I N -2 Q Mellnu" 3930 3M 3S0 350 Aug. 1, due Halifax Aug. 3 and CONSTANTINE CANADIAN...... ~.,t : ~.\ ::~ :66 266 _, JAcobul 1075 ~n-i 31" 31\1-3\1 Quemont 520 .25 :t 2S -U ,I i ' Bostoll Aug. 6. Leaving· Boston . SERVICES. . :,':.. "', I~" II 121\. I Iron 8ay 'OIl 370 3M 3n -5 Radio", 1700 15 liZ 112 z •. ' ~: II I~ Je.notle m73 8D )I 60 Ralnvlll. 600 lIS II: 112 -I $ , Aug. 7 and Halifax Aug. 11 due . M.\'. AvonwQod sailing Montreal ~;'. ..: ..0 16 16 II .. Ii J.lllro. om 23 ~I 21 Raro Elm 7BOO 350 33.1 311 • .! st. John's Aug. 13. Sailing' for June 30th, arriving;St,.John's July ::.". ,'., "t 11 14 Jnbnrko 1500 11 IS II Illyroek 6J~0 162 160 II: . m HI 515 -I 10 Jonft 60000 IlS 120 130 +7 n.evII 100 2:15 :m :m ~ Liverpool Aug. 14. .~Ih • 1-' :., I)'. m. 1311- 1'0 Jonsmllh 5500 331\ 33 33 -1 Ro.splr 3100 U " 2. +I> Newfoundland leaving Liverpool . M.V. Edenwood salling Hamil· ~I H.:' 17 I_ 16" .Iow.e,· 3898 117 -10& 110 .. 5 Rlx ... thlb ~650 77 75 77 ., ~I Il 4& _, K.nvllle 1000 \I 10 10 -I Rocho 1000 141~ 141. mH I> Aug. 11, due st. John's Aug 17. ton, July 9th, Toronto, July 10th '.' 1.,.. 21 22 +I Kerr Add MiO .Im 19" 911 - I~ SI Mlehatl 11100 39 38 31 - I. LeavIng for Halifax and Boston July 14th, arriving 51: ~-:: , ' ; 5:9'. 16'. 16', - Ii KerOOf.on 500 O~ 1011 101, Sin AnI lOll 15 15 LI -5 ~Ionl;eal, ",'.', ). : .s II 47 -12 KII.mbf 700 315 310 310 -S SInd Rlvtr 2300 II H I~ +1 Aug. 18, due Halifax Aug 20 and John s, July 19th. "~ ., ~z I: 42 -I Kltemho 1\1' 1800 185 155 110 -10 ShawkfY 7000 17 II 18 -I Boston Aug. 23. Leaving Boston l!.V. A"onwood sailing Hamil· :'. I 'P I!n 113 -2 Kirk Ilud 55m 3lI 15 sa Sherrtlt 3m all 660 110 -5 I :.\1 Cla 211 ::10 Kirk Min ~oo ISS 181 IS8 Sit Miller 5950 110 I3l In Aug. 24 and Halifax Aug. 28, due ton, uly 19th, Toronto, July 21;t, ;'", ,., III IJO IlD _I Kirk Towa 1500:7 21 16 811 Stand 500 51 51 51 -1 St. Jobn's Aug. 30. Sailing same ~!ohnt;eal, July 23th, .r~iving St, ; ,.. ,',:. 1'. H .. II II.abrado. 230 1191, 19~, I~" - ~ SI,eo. 1200 90 r7 17-1 "_,, .' I: "" m\ _~\. I•• ke ·Clnrh 800 75 75 75 Slocan.VR ~oo 25 ~4 2.1 H day for Liverpool. 0 n s, July 30th. . ;. ,.. . m ~M ~&l -5 I•• k. !.Inx SOD lR 16]6 ~p.n Am 114 III lao III •• ' ;' :1', In\! 11 • 1\ I t. IloII.ult 7.\60 210 21n ~.O -5 Sle.loy MOO. 12 III, Ii ~ 1 Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool 'I~;:"';;:;:::;:;;;:==:;;;;;;;;;;;';;;==;;' , '" : ,', fit .\ .5. I. Sontlc 17\0:.'70 267 267 -3 Hle.p Ro.k 2!18l .IIli 19\\ 19\i + U Aug. 25, due st. John's Aug. 31. : \ '11' 1:.1 4111 + 11 I I. 125 1.10 1)0 • 30 Slur.ton 100 71 73 7B +3 ; 1:, lin 116 ; I. 0111 21)1)(1:1fi 26 26 -I'" Sullivan 6.10 541 510· 540 -5 Leaving for Halifax and Boston )Z·. _Nt 3,,1 _. : I.. Iou, 100 42D 4:0 420 Surl hl.t 4.. 100 I~~ 10'" 111>-1 Sept. 1, due Halifax Sept. 3 and I .FL1RNESS ...··' ,:" 7,' 70 I I.• llrh 71'0 15 15 71 -I 1 S)'lvanllo 1600 III 110 121 il " '7 _7 _I ; 1.. ,in,lIn 1000 2~ 3m 2m .1'. Took lIu,h 3."00 207 200 200 -I Boston Sept. 6. Leaving Boston ,. ;.' 7,1 75 _" I l,o""x, 17000:0 19 1~ -I Toma.a.,1 32) ~ao 175 615 -15 Boslon Sept. 7 and Halifax Sept. , ,., I~'; 19'1 _11\ : 1.1. I.• e 32100 270 :9] 24.1 445 Thom Lund 48'" U9 141 141 .: 14" !l; -3 Ilmnc,. 17000 2 In 19 -I 'I'laI·. 1730 ~I 21 ~I-I 11, due st. John's Sept. 13. Saillng .' :l', 1"1 14'; ! 1.)'n~hu"l 2,11'0 140 ~ft .., -5 'romhill I~OO 31 )I 38 i2 5ame day for Liverpool. .. '\ :u,' V1l I 1.\'" 000 12\, 1m 12\~- Ii ·r.rbll 10011 10 III III J,\ '~I .~ ... I ~IUi\l". 1 \10'96 195 193 'fuwaa:mlr 130n 'l1 :5 2.~ ','...... ,,; ':l" , M.c~nnlld 210Q ~8 Pl 95 t4 Tr.n. II.. lBOO 40 40 40 FURNESS RED CROSS I...... '1"', 10'\ 1111, . ~locn. 100 H 14 II \l Mlnln, SlO:r.t r~ 11 Fort Hamilton sailing today for I'" ,', .Ii.' 18" 3~l -5 I ~,..k,no 15050 10 39 In 41 II A."..IO. IIIU flO 665 56l . . . •.• c.,,, 360 J70 +l I ~Iarl.,.d 518 123 123 1~ ." 1I MDnlDub 1000:t3 :t3 ::3 -1\\ (Halifax and New York). f !',:: ...• ,::~ m lJO .3 1 ~I.~n.1 loon 13 1~ 13 + I IIJpp "an IlIO lIZ 12 92 +2 I' , ,. I~ II 1\ -1 ~Iaral"n ~DO ~l 2.\ 2.\ V.ndoo 61110 35 II 31 Fort . Hamilton Leaving New Red Cross Line .. r: I· '" .: :,:9::l1.1 I ~I.t 141't+ \I . St. John's July 12, salling July 16 SAILINGS k- .~ ,:. I ..". !JZ'. ll', illl, + I> ISlnr 8 "II 4000 103 100 105 +5 We.don 2100 73 70 70-1 TO' I ,O' .... ::.. :;.I S~ 5.\ MarUn 1500 1711 17 Ill, Weol Malar 7000 17 'IS 17 +1 (Halifax and New York). ".,.,. .:0 7! 75 75 Sial'bron 9100 106 1M 10& -I Wllt ..y 5.100 U 131\ 14 +1\ Fort Avalon leaving Halifax July ST. JOHN'S '.: :'.'1.' .:,. Z! 18 :A +1 Slclnl)·,.. ra $79'. 791. 791. -" Wlnch ..l" )00 \I II 11 24, due SI. John's July 26, sailing ".;:~, ::, l;;" I~~ 1~~":1 ~I~~"a~~~.. In~ I~I 1~3 I~] / I> ~~~n~r~~~ imo I!~' 17~ l~!l WATERFRONT I M. V. Payoff, which has been tory to go freighting. FROM PHILADELPHIA I! ,.': "I 3' 31 _ 4 SI.nlor n."'. .100 ftQ M ftQ Yole 1100 3ft 31 3! -1 I mooder up all the winter Is slat· BOWRING BROS. l!TD. July 30 (Corner Brook Bnd New ,. '., ,.1 All 83 -2 Morrill 1I~:1 110 293 310 +10 Yeno... I~OO 13 12 12 -I J ! Pod to e\'entunlly go on lry dock. M.V. First. Trialulled for home York). . Fort Hamilton •. July 2ft' ,'" : ., 11 0:00 2r.O Fort Hamilton .. Au, 20 .... : ., :~ II _I ~Iola Urlft' 193~~ 19121 19121 +I YukenoVk R.or 1000221 11218 11un I +\1 \ ~ NAVAL DOCK port on FrIday. Fort Hamilton leal'mg New York '.,,,. .. ,~o" 10~I,' ~~l11., ., ~lIlIIken~lId'ln' ~334100 18.1 180 las +1 Curb DIRECTORY_. SoutMide I M.V. President Brown, L~wls July 31, Halifax Aug. 4, due St. FROM NEW YORK: Fert Hamilton •• June 111 .' ,.' :.' ,:1 673 ~7~ -23, ~lInln" Corp 200 1211, 211~ 21\~ Co.,1 Cop lD lID 10 10 n'haler Olaf Olsen 1'5 -till moor· : Glover, master, took freIght John's Aug 6, sailing Aug. 9 (Phil· "'. ,'" ,:; ,"1 3"" 400 .5 i EndeRv 10100 BO 73 110 -J rolo' 1.. 1 555 m &51 -. ' " • 'j"Fort Avalon ....June 29 :1 '''' '. J 'R: It; 181 ~lInSlln Oro .500 ~'9 25 2.1 -4 ukon Can 3loo 6l n 52 -1 I ed Up I'ndeflnitely for the conven· lor Bonavista Bay ports, lailed adelpbia and New York). Fort Hamilton , •• July 3 T I:.. ,.,:t " I~ 161. _ u.. Slngul 3516 311 30l 310 +5 '1 OILS ON DRY DOCK ,,':;' :" 11; 112 .2 41:!'! 7l . 71 75 Ar Co.. ~l()0 49 " 41 -I d ,ience of the Vocntlonal student!. Friday a.m. Fort Hamilton leaving New Fort Hamilton ••• July 31' ,", I_ Iii:' ~I~IU ~lln .10011 135 143 135 +t I .\m L,duc 332.10 110 106 108 -2 .••Santa Addresse, Cornwall 2n .,: IUf.C. DOC]{Y ARD 1II.V. Silver Jubilee, Parsons Is York Aug. II, st. John, N.B., Aug ::.'" :., 18l H Cre.k 2100 119 III 119 I Anchor 20 21+ I .. Klpawo and Bamafash These ltd' h d FROM ST. JOHN, N.B.: H',') l~~' l~l12', 12', S.I 0100 62 59 • 62 +2 ... nRlo .... m r. 200~500 JIm ~m 121. 121. + \I .: Sandy Point under repairs. I Ie ma, er, 1St arge a cargo 11, Halifax Aug. 14, due SI. John'~ :." ., :7 2;"S X.1l0 2:100 29\-1 291-1 291>-11'. 8all.y Sel A 2111 $1m 1." 1m four came 0[( dock on Thursday, Royal Flretug 3 and III.V. Parr. of lumber and after discharged °tFort Avalon .... June 11 AIl,§. 16, saJlin~ Aug. 18 (Corner -, Ig Sol pr + I> June 28th. Seal, sailed for El· II taking freight for. Carmanville, Fort Hamilton ••• July 6 ~.;.~.-_'. .;";0 1~~ 1~3 I~] ~~~ Ltl~I:; 1~~ I: 1~ :1 ~:~It 1: mill 2~l"2~il1 Chrl~mas FROM HALIFAX: , :":~ :~ ~ :~ .~~ ~:~ ~1~Dna ~ ~~I't ~ ~1>~21> ~:lt~lla 23gllG,sl5 2IIi41't~41>-1> A~~O~K PWD 20 lislon. Trinity Bay, then all Twillingate, Gander Bay and QUIET PLEASE ,:: ," :.'0:1 27 -2 S.w Cal. 2200 78 "75 '.'6 +1 ·Cal,alto P 5400 1M 150 ISS Tug Peel an • re ge . .. 'around Trinity 'Bay, then to Bon· at Bowring's, salling °tFort Avalon ..•.. June 13' ~'7 'Frede~ickton WALTON. ON ·THA~mS, Eng. ::" t"':2 22 !!2 .. 1 Se"' lJrlhl. t0723 112. 101 101 Cal Ed 200 '2m 26" 2iI'-i sailed for Port Unlol\; Henry W. avisla Bay, then to White Ba", on Frtday. Fort Hamilton ••• June 23 :;: Z)01 3: 30 3D _ S .·orlune 16200' 47 44 45 Calnorlh ~IOO 39 38 38 st nd S S Glencoe also Cap ""NS LTD land (CP) - Whist players at n °tFort Avalon ..... July " I'_ w "',c~ 11 13 14 +'~ N Goldvue '1~200 17 2m 25 -1 C 011 Land. 2300 "0 320 320 -lB one a . . , . then to the Llbrador and then AYRE 8: Sv . club In this Surrey town bave •. ,,,' :.1 Ill', II W. _ I. :.; lIa.rlcana· ~lll ~I 211 21 C 011 L ,.t. 33O:r.tO 210 210 -12 taln H, Ware. to Bonal'ista Bay. M. and S. Johnson, Rogers, mas· Fort Hamiiton ••• July 10. ~,': !"'il 19 16'~ 16h -I'.> S IIIAbtld,e saoo 63 62 6Z CS Pele 800 32.1 :no 325 MUNICIPAL BASIN STEERS LTD. ter, from Trl'nl'ty Bay, took a been asked to refrain from shout· °tFort A\'alon , •... July 24. ];.",WlM 4SlR nS& 4351 -2+2 Sow 1100.0J.rultl ~'931O3300 19030 1M10 19030 +5 Cdn AllAd 01\01\ IlBI4810 m I 71062 74051-t -10 M.V. Mercer and Greene 151 C. and A. Brown I! taking quantity of freight, after which ing. It disturbs residents living Fort Hamilton •• Aug. 4' m: :~~ m m +1 ~·'liot~~·:n 6r~ 211 2~m XJ~\ ~II> g ~;It1~~~ 1~ i~1> 6~" I~I' t\i moored up Indefinltel~. freight {or the usual ports, utl· sailed on Monday for Trinity Bay nearby. SAILINGS. • :wo 10 10 10 :';e"'lund 19750 78 M 71 H C con p. 1300 90 90 90 M.V. Thomas & Robert shifted ing on Friday. . ports. FROM gd~"rl:~tj. wt. 7~~ 7:~ T~~ 7~~ -I up to allow vessels to ~Ise?arge lJ.V. Bertba Joys took freight 1I1.V. Sid and Sam, ~Iover is 1:. Gli 2160 655 no 655 +J at Horwood Lumber Co. S II harf. and sailed for Spencer's Cove, Hr. the master, took freIght for Grand Banks, ST. JOHN'S g:~.d~'~ PO 13ro36i903&oI~IO 1~~0!20 A, E. HlCKMA~ CO ~TD Buffett, Tacks Beach, and other for Bonavlsta Bay ports: Bona· BAINE JOHNSl'ON 8: CO. LTli. TO CORNER BROOK: Canao Nat 1300 13lI 135 131 -10 Kean Bros., takmg freIght for ports in PlacentJa Ba.... 1 vista, Glov.ertown, ·Hare. Bay, Dov· lII.V. lIIaggie Green, Delorey, °tFort Avalon ...... June '18 . pmNCE EDWARD ISLAND Can.oCen I 01\Ledue 2200150 milO191 119 . m119 -20 PI ac en. tla Bay Gras ~!orne, Snooks " is the mas· cr, Indian Bay an d Greenspon, d maste r, f rom St~!'. ary 5 Bay, °tFort AvalOn ..... July 28: Charier 011 1600 177 171 176 +1 W Decal "II 2'300 42 40 40 -3 ter, from Burill, b waiting for Isaile.d. on S.aturday p.m., June 16. loaded a cargo of coals for the TO HALn'AX: ComCDnro relo ,2001700 411031 41031 16031 +_I10 Wllrlch ~IOO 43 41 II -I Isailing orders. Lllhan Rle Ilar! d Hounse II II th e variou S l'Ig bth ouses at F erryandI Fort Hamilton ... June· 27' C Allonb.. 1000 ]61i 161> 161\ Yan C.nuek 1000 16 16 16 +1 M.V. Tweedsmuir I~ taking master, took freight for the fol· sailed on Wednesday. ' ·tForf Avalon ••••• J~ t· ST. JOHN'S C P.a,on 1&500 39 38 38 _2 IUSKS . T '11' t L'ttl MV C I' R B tl I C Mle MI. 11107 395 3&! 390 ~•.Isonl 1911 SlO SA ~O ... II freight for Placentia Bay. lowing ports, WI tnga e, Ie" .aro me ose, u er s :F Jrt Hamilton ... July 18.. r.on reak 3lOll I!'" IS 15" m 55.m 55 35\, .1. CA"ADA PACKL'RS 'TD. Bay Islands, 'Nippers' Hr., Seal the owner. Brown is the master J c Fort lIamllton .. AUI. II DIRECT STEAMSHIP SERVICE C $1m DelWo.l nlo rol. 31lOO400 340 3301311 ~JO13" -10 c:ommImp l:mW8~i~ALi6200 "Dli 50\~ 560' ••-I< 1 Dorothy" Beryl sailed",,,, {or Bona· Cove and Jackson'!. Arm. Salle. d [ rom northern porls. Sailed on, TO PHILADEPHIA . lJrv.Leduc noD 150 ISO 110 . t B Frid"y June 15 Sa'urday, June 23. Fort Hamilton •• July 16 I t:I Pen.Roy ml81 7 n 69 iT C Jlr.w 4!0 mI. ~'9!l29':' ,\I 1'15 a ay. " , • I For.o '00 210 Z8D 1BO -11 gtii~~~ ~ ~\. ~~!.' \l II. & M. Hunler took freight Jennie Elizabeth, John Kean FURNESS RED CROSS Fort. Hamilton •• Au,. I, M.V. FERGUS m TO NEW YORK: . ' 8:~ ~~\~. t.y i~oo$J~~ 4m' .~~ 5 No,· Sla. 00 mil, 1414 III, ' '\ for Bunavista Bay and sailed. master, took freight for En· Pier 1 11. sw.,1 c; 800 315 m 31l ~~'!lt:':-:' 610 m 181. 19 : Shirley Goodyear 2, Hllnt, nias. glee, Cook's Hr., Conche, SI. Jul· S.S. Novaport, discharged a ·tFort Ava'Jon ...... June 18: WEEKLY SAILINGS FROM 1 m:~w~~.t I~OO 4!0 4~ 4~7 ! 1 Sledman l~ m";: ~:" I tcr, sailed Friday for!\onavlsta iens, Main Brook; Raleigh and ~:~t~~~ld epa~~~. and sailed for her Fort Hamilton •.• Jun. 27 : o Fort Hamilton .. July 16 ' nome all A 1100 'I ~ 111\ 13 _ '\ _I I I . - - - . . Bay. . sailed June 15. CHARLOTTETOWN TO ST. JqHN/S nom. 011 B 1m 1m 12~1 m~ -'i JU~~ In: 1.~~I~.rONlnl. ~t"k 1"rhanR" CROSBIE & CO. LTD. II!.V .. Eugene Roy, will probably A. HARVEY 8: CO. LTD. °tFort Avalon ..... July 28·. 235 975 975 915 -111 . d S S Co II I d' h . °Fort Hamilton .... Au,•• HUlky wt.' 100 40.1 401 405 -5 M01111'e"l I Veteran Explorer is moored up be IQI . .• rnca s ISC argtng a Jupiter 150 2111 2!2 m _I .~ inciefinltely. T, HALLETT LTD. cargo of coals. Kroy 011 4500 23& tlG 233 -s I d fr FURNESS RED CRO Vessels will call Newlond· ror Information and Rates contact Ube ..1 Ptlo 14M 290 215 PO H •• • I I 111. V. Fenton, which was tali" M.V.. Exploits Irr ve om SS IS • - 2~ .. ••• , . June27b i biG B dl h d b p'e .. laad Outports IDducemeat . ~I ar I,0 Id 1000 • .. ' _ \'0 MONTREAl. CLOSING !TOCK! cd nto port y the ocean go ng toose ay, sc arge anum er I r ~ offers. . Merrill Pol. 110 SIT 17 17 Ab' hi II, n. C... 41.n rr... tu~ Foundation Franklin, will of emptv crated bottles. Now 5.S. Bedford 2nd from Hall£ax, 'Calls Comer Brook alter ~Ild.onMitt. Clly t8DO"00 11131 11031 11432 tI AbltIII pr 211'II~ .1I0wGr Lak., Smllh ao44!~ ha e to undergo mlDor. repairs. wa It Ing tor ders, d'Ischarging a general cargo and SI. John' •• Murray Agencies & T(ansport ~Nat Brlllol Pfl. aooo1100 I"3M 1M380 155390 _I "'B,, I 11 > Ilow Smllh 1>r 47 Ill. V. Maneco is It III Ull for IItV. Lindy Marbour, GIII ,mI!· aft er d'ISC harge d WIII sa II f or h er '1 Accepts refrIJ:eratloll .. D _ ••• ank 50 Ilud 8ay Min 83'1 , '1 d fBI t B Itb destined t 'ow 8 om >vu ~o_ ._•• ~o.~ + Bank ~loDNS 54 Imp 011 <2' sale. ter, Bal e or onay s a ay w por • earl/o . N Da.IOI :1000 221. 2'l~ 22\.... \\" BAINE JOHNSTON •. CO "Will arcept cargo to and s an Eopl 1700 III 160 16.1 H Bnque C Nil 41'.. Inl Nlek 94 111. V. Carnell 2nd, is having general cargo on June 21st. .,.. • NOli.c I 77 40 5'0, ,5'4 ..... , -a, Bathurslnalhu,,1 AII If)1.1111 MInl.... PapII.r lJZ7'. some.. mIRor repairs. am I t h e W h a·I "..'I V E xp I't01 S IOR de d a urgo 0 f An ne It a L OVC.'1 a, Benne, tt mas· r,'om Philadelphia. Co., Ltd. Norlhland 2700 70 66 66 -7 n.1I 4lo.i M.... llar pr 59' ers Gunn 6 and Flnback are moor. soft crated bottled drinks' for ter, from Burin, loaded a full /' 011 Sol.rt 25000 20 18 18 Dr.dl 6 MeColI 5l II d F id GENERAL AGENTS P.O. BOX 2155 ~;~II;el' 4.\~:0 .ml.21;" ~ :'1. BId, Prod rul> Noraftda lB'\ ed for the sea~on. Goose Bay and sa e on ray, general and deck cargo for Burin ilarvey & Co" Ltd. DIll :un , f DIAL 2031-2-3 Pan Well 4900 381> 36 36 g gan I l~ ~rlre 67 A. H. MURRAY'" CO. LTD. June 15th. and St. Lawrence. Sailed on l\!on· W. G. Moore DIal 5890· Y- rathflnder 8151 147 142 115· _I C B~~e~om :1 R~;I."~~nk ~rl Blue Peter 2nd is having a N. C. Ralph, Cheater, master, day, got as far as Petty Harhour, " FURNESS. WITHY .-.: '.:.. !~'. reaco RIve. 2US til. 11',1 Il\\ dd n BCtllW 2m ROflUle 13'4 i general ·rellttal. sailed for Bonavlsta Bay on Sun· had to return owing to very thick I'onderrONY 0111 2600100 58115 ~l95 6!U -t nCh.m e a. 1&911 Shall'lnSI L Corp 10,82'1' Avonwoo d'discharged genera I day, 'J une 24th • fog, sal.\ ed again• on Wednesday, &'CO" LTD; ~~~o E~:r ~ooD.l ~ 2~~ 2~~ +1 rn 301i Sleel IIi, cargo and sailed for' Toronto, ON THE SOUTHSIDE June 27th. Rallfax Saint John, N••. l1oun. 1000 Il 15 15 D":~~~: ~li g~S~~;lN m. Hamillon and 1II0ntreal. 'I1tere are 4 Portuguese fishing S.S. O. K. Service, Gillett, mal· New York . Montrear n!o ralmer 1900 m m 18! -7 0 T 16' I I h I I f Ii d ft t f H I'f '1 d f th Royalll. 510 114 13\1 II I .'~!'!er or 361. Cons rIP 431. . M. V.. Agnes McG a~hen s avo vesse ~ n or suplIP . eS11 afn ather er, rom a I ax, sal e or e s.urrY.Rn 725 210 12011 210' N York in~g~Si~O~m~e~m~i~n~or~r~e;pa~l~rs~p~r~e;pa~r~a~.~r~e~ce~i~vl~n~g~5a~m~e~w~~!a~~0;r ~;;;e~S.~W~.~c;oa~s;t~o;n~T~u;e;Sd;a~y~at~n;o;on;.~======:;::;::::;==:; Sapphlr. deb, 0$102 102 1tY.! e "V Socllr Fr.. 4~SO 325 310 3:z.~ + IS '" Roulh U 011. 2600 66 6.\ 6.1 +1 NEWFOUNDLAID! Spooner . 5900 3! J3 11 -4 NEW YORI[ CLOR NO 5t.nwen . 181! 7'a" 157 7' +10' II! The .Cu.dlan I, Prill~TnCll Surely ons 1100 119 114 119 +1 8elh SI.e l521i Konne.olt IJIR,ECT WITH'''T TRIINIHIPMENT Tran •. Ernp 3lOU ~30 roo 220 - 5 lIor, Warn" 43 Monly IV Fast Freight Service Trans Era 4700 401>' 40 -2 C and 0 &m NY Cenl Trend P.le 6000 5 141\ 141\ - ~~ eon. Edl.on 481< Rodl. Corp Triad 011 522.1 930 915 915 1!:1 AulD L 3m Sid 011 NJ Un Oil, moo 263 255 255 -t Gon EI.. 60 Uld Alrerall THE· from Vulnn 2000 70 70 70 -1 Goodyear n Vlnadlum THE We.t "'shlel' 5000 13 121'0 121\ - ~ I GI Nor Ry 1m W.. ln, •• W•• I DI.IUa . 1102 175 168 II! -7 . Int T and T 32 NE'VFOENDLAND~GRE4T LAKES (abot STEAMSHIPS LIMITED LINES LIMITED . I Nfld.-Canada Steamships Ltd. Ste4lH4k~ ~~ 'PlJ6t ~ ~~-96'MJ4'l,{Qu FREIGHT SAILINGS

M,!. "BEDFORD nu HALIrAX • ST. JOHN'S Lenin•. Hallflll '. July 4th ... , .... , ...... Dlle SI ••Tohn's July 6th· July 13~h ...... Due St. John's July 111th : 1"1 July 21st ...... Due St. John's July 23rd M.S, "BELL! ISLE D" INTENDED SAILINGS TO .ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND HALIFAX ST,.JOHN'S TO . TO Lllvlnll Hallfaxl CLOSING FOR CARGO ON OR ABOUT July 7th...... Due St. John's July 9th MONTREJ,l ~~". VESSELS HAMILTON TORONTO CORIERBROOK ST. JOII'S July 18th ...... Due St. John's July 18th \ . , . For ImmedIate clearance per direct 8amnlll. JULY 9th JULY 10th JULY 13th. s.~. GULFPORT S.S. NOVAPORT For rates. space and other Infonn.llon apply: M/V PERTH - • R.c.lvlnll CUIIO Rlc.lvlng C.rro JULY 5th JULY 8th Jun. 3O-July 4 Jun. 2.8-July 2 HARVEY & CO., LTD" General Agents. Diall 2151 • M/V DUNDEE • • JULY 4th Sailiny July 6 S.l\lnll July 4 R, N, COLE I Special RepresenfafiYi' St. John's. Oial2207 17th ., or le JULY 13th JULY 14th JULY . .' R. I. SELLARS • M/V LUNAN • • P.O. Su E.5112, . THE ROBERT REfORD COMPANY, LTD., Agents • Offers 45,000 cubic feet refrigerated space, . Tel. 5-183 Montreal and Toronto • 'PHONES 3668,' 3795, 6120 .. ." l\R\'l:\' I: COMPANt HEAD.OFFICE - HALIFAX. CU. : . ., LhUTED. ",eag 10 = c' World' Evellts In Pictures

;,Iatlora'~ programme would taloe I to a dHferenl Needless to SlY, • all of these ('~ a [amou> call'

me, place5, nell' thin~: had all'.'a,'s .Ir addition I 11':1, to knull' thai to enoUle Iii IVce!;-en(!,; 11[' wilh Ihe metr, descrted and ('U, trit' , friday allemoon

we P:15SC.1 1he One 1\',,~I;.cnd, we mlJ\0rcd dUI' I'isit thc alii' colleges. .\110: \\'ent tn Stllnehrn~' ruins, \\' c spent a Luke [)i~tl'il" had 10 (Liy, ir. one ni~!H iit t I Hillel. ii) I continuing lh'

WASHINGTON, D.C.-!l'Trs, Florence GowgieJ, of Argo, LOS ANGELES, Calif.-Jad, O'Leary (abo\'e), a little guy with king sIze Enriland he knew YERDUX. Fr~lllce-French PresIdent Rene Coty (center) Is sllown addressing !;ome IlL, who was chairmary pi the "Sa\'e-our-sons Comittee" and belief in prayer and the luck of the 1rish, has apparently rceo\'crcd [rulli alonl! I II!' 11''') J(\OOO "etcrans of the baUle of "Verdun" during 40th anniversary ceremonies in and identified as the leader of a Communist campaign to 8-year sige of hiccuping. Jack, whose marathon hiccups made him a medical [Ill' lhclr lUll,! 1I'liuld ,top :II II1l1 t J ,ont of the ,-crdun memorial Sunday. F'renchmen throughout the nation observed build up sentiment against U_S, participation in the menon, first developed his singular ailmer: after his appendi:: burst in 9~~, 5inrc Ernesl lik.';: :;~e :mni\'ersary of one of its greatest bat ties during world war I, when thousands Korean war, is shown as she appeared before the House his mother described the end of the body racking siege as a miracle and ,:1:,1 his [nod ~l1d pi, of coun:r~'men made the supl'eme sacrifice in order to uphold the famous order ot Unamerican Activities Committec receritly. ,-(LN.P.) eight years of prayer was thc only cure. ,I.::. I the day "they shall not pass".-(l.N. Photo). ,"

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, , II, ' . I , 1

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I , i ... I l' l I' ! 1 , I

! ...... " ...... '.'~ .". ,',," ..... ,,, ..

; , ( WASHINGTON, D.C.-Sen. 111codorc F. Green (D-R.I.), cuts a cake during a party Cor him in the senale caucus CAmo, Egypt-Soviet Foreign Minister Dmitri T. Shepi 10\', (left), Hnd Eg~'plian Premier Galllal Abelel ;\,,,,cr, : 10 Of room celebrate his reaching.lhe grealest age anyone ever to sit in the senate. Senator Green reached the age shown enjoying a joke during a dinner party at the pyr H1nids rest house ill Cairo recently. Shepilo\' ,ll':-j\'ed of 88 years, eight months and 15 days, recently,' which ex ceeds by one day the age of the lale Senator Justin Smith' , , Cair for a six-day stay. The} ~ign Minister, who replr., :d V. M. Molotov, conferreu with Nasser for three and I' Morrill of Vermont, who died on Dec: 28, 1898, while still a member of the senate. Sen. Green first took his seat half hours. Ostensible resaOll lor Shepilov's second \'isi~ to Cairo was to represent the U.S.S.R. at the opening i I !. ~ on Jan. S, 1937 and has:' en re-elecled' three times since. The spry octogenarian hopes to b~ an active member of Egypt's week-long celebration of the withdrawal of th~ last Brili:;h forces from the Suez Canal zonc.-\!.;\, the scnate a t1 Photo).

STOCKHOLM, Sweden-Major Henri S1. Cyr (center) 0 {Sweden, winner of the indviidual dressage event in the NEW YORK-Mildred Elson, President of the World Con federation for Physical Therapy is shown in equestrian olympics at Stockholm,' i~ flanltadium after the judging. Sweden won the individual gress of the organization got underway at the Holel Slat leI' recently.-(I.N. Photo). and team gold medals in the dressage event.-(I.n. Photo). \ , . • • I. .. , _____ F*~------~------;.~~llY NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 7956 t-"';;;;:!.;, r ,.~r h e Due,HESS of WINDSO R' naval ay\ator's·exlstence Into which " Win Spencer had rushed me. . Flux nnd change had been my previous lot' as a navy wife; overshadowing every family deci· slon. and plan was the realisation that out of the blue was certain to come nn order requiring us to pick up our things and move. My English life was secure, fastened .• _, ,... down to earth, with quict rh)·thms , of change. In its prevailing sedate· ) ',-(flUme ness it .was the kind of life my rog. h I' Warfield ancestors would naye un· J . "'1 .. 1•. ;lr"ctl'ri~lie met nt I' ;: derstood and approved; and if my .',_ '" \:rnl',t had lain nut Montague side occasionally yearn· I\ ..... 1.'. I'ro~ramml' 01 ,ight. cd for a gayer circle of fricnds, I • !.' 1:;;.t wttulct take us l'I'el')' was nevertheless quite happy with . . :,' a dilfrrent 1'.lrl ul'.. what 1 hall • . "'I'dlt'>;; tn ~ay. Ihe fneal \ Through the summer and into .' •• ; '.:1\ "I 1!1C,C ,'xc\II',ions the fall, Ernest and I continued •..• ,: ., lamu\I$ calhcdral or the search [or another house. I ~~:;' I lJlc ~ was usualll' clll1lplelecl at breal;. \ with thelll. England had not D' ' , 1 ! must have looked at' a hundred . . ~" J~il I had nol I Ir.Cn a ~ I n~ck :p~eti in II~.m I I', the :;ile Ilf his hisltll'i~loi objc~til'c I cl'cd, el'cn at that late dat?, a VIC' charged with menace: above a lour mcans sulfered from onc draw· " ,._,...... l.ollie arc Ie., ft.·. '1 nd rc"ul"rltv tllat h' 'rl 'f' Iva IDlY back or another When our leasc at " ,Co" .:.. .' h t 'm:lt where he had I'lloms pr: <111.111 C,l 01 a "", dllzcn c all's IC lmes s . . ~:::;". \.1<' nair, t a ant . cng;1~rd I secmcd ngesremol'cd frolll thc ercd In. a .concerted movement, Upper Berkeley·~tre~t ran out, we ;i::,,: I:I~ prOl'prcl nrl'crlhe· u~Erlle.1 was nelW happier than I bustle and I'ush 01 London.' ancl a duzen pairs of eyes were moved temporarily mto a furnish· • !,:.:;'.It'n me. I' . x whcn ~o'lI11in" arllund ancient gill. Dinner usually begun at 6.:10 It'ained upon me in cold disap- ed flat I~ Hertfo~d,slreet off. Par~ • • 1 r" ncw I Iln~s. nell e.' • 0' •. '] I' I .', I' t 730 th I I fbi' It' . d m" lane With the Idea Qf usmg It ,f t'" .: •• , •. , I 'n me. lerics searching out fl'r 11I1nselt oc ~)c" ant preCISe j a. c prol'u. um 109 Y re neve , '. . ","r' h.ld ".,.a~; I r,lIl the architectural delails he had doors were closed. II hag, .. opened it and hastily took D.nly. as a pler·a-terrc whIle con· ~. ..:,:il\l'" I w;!; inwardly tllc one were a second latc, one went nut nt,V handkerchief. tmutng the search [or a place ..... " I;null' th;,1 I \\'ould read dhout in prcpurntion [or I' d' pleasing to both of us .. ;. .. . h' t I'isit lie would hal'e me up cnrlj' I hungry, all( on many an occaSIOn, Seldom in t/lese surroun lOgs • '" llll"UC I l' to cr· . b [ En t' I' In I'In II' n d'd t r anotlle couple . D d :." . . .; I I :I SUIHh}' Illorning undo clirc~tll' attcr ceausc ores s (IS e a 11. I we eneoun e r ,.ea . .:t \\:ol.·rIH" " a Ilrn'lk'['lst I would find Illl's'ell bc. to hurry a guO(I lunch there was as young as ourselves. The oecu· '111'1 the mclrup"'Il~~. Is tI~Inl bIt' ., t II I f tl . t' THEN In October 1929 came ::.;. .' . .., Iin" " Ilrtll1clled, , !trm]" tOll'ards. the arc y Inte on arl'll'tng a Ie 1111 pilnts 0 lese ancien tnns were ' .:nct flur trlen ..~. , alla~ " ". f t I'ush Ilpstnl'r' t Iva II tl' tl'r d liidl' n Army col the ,summons I had been through waiting Lagonda, fur a cluy of or me 11 • ,h. 0 S mos > re ea.. . alll'rnoon ! sight!eeing. my face and. hx Ill): hall', and onels, nal'al olfieers, CIVil servo dreading. ~I)' mother was failing. Ihc sUllll1ll'r i Wi1~n el'er ~:l'Ocst camc upon race dO~I'nslalrs agalll iJc~orc tI.IC ants, ,or plantation, man,agcrs,. or Because Ernest could not leave . I t' .' '(lnl"lllill" tllat Ilc Clln 'I'dnl'e,l \ doors lIere slammed behmd us. the agents o[ lactorlng firms who, his business I crossed the Atlantic ... , , •• 11'\,' ,.rne nr rx... , " s 'Tl t d' [ I'f t' . Ih C I' r alone M ry Raif let . "_ ... ':""I"l'cdI tn Ox. i partieularll' significant or-unusual i , !erc was an. cx ram' a ter a \ e lmc III e 0 oRies o. . a ray n me In ';;' .. , .:. "..d"I~'n . I' h~ wonl'l 'haul IIIC to it ami dIs, I'Itual conne;ted wllh 'al1 thesel1lar~' lara way ,plac~s, had :eturn~d to New York, having bcen asked by :. \.' I lht allC,lIll :1111 I r i'lr! dll' U 011 Ihc 'i"ni l11ns lur wlueh I had obscrvcd no pass their rchr~mcnt III thmr Eng· Aunt Bessie to prepare me lor i ... < .. l!'~~l'" .\I1(1lll1'r tunc! C~Il~ ~c t'. le,:,P . ,s e•. eXllcl clllllltcrpart els~\I'here in my Iish coullh·yside.. , shock. "1 am sorry," ~Iary said, • '. _: :.. ~ltI:1('hrn~c 10 ~ec I he,I,nt fcntur~s. I IIsslbl) t.rncst travels. Aftcr dinner the patrons A great English poet is au· "to have to tel1 you that the news ! ~.:. ,,,.: >;'1'.111 .a wrek'('I!rl d.eclded .!hat tllese week.end. r~eur.. ail r"paired to the lounge. [or thol'ity for the noblc conception Is bad, Your mother is in a coma." :.. :.. ~,. PI;lnrl ~ncl. to lI sl.ons •. ~~I\h thclr. ~1.r~do~lIna~t1). collee, serl'ed by waitresses in sliH thai no man Is an island,' suf· lI!ary took me to PennsylVania Sta· '_.': " .• 11 ",,;,. III :icntl,l1ld.: 11I~torlcal InllC, ,.CIC .• I lei.ltilel) hl3Ck alJlllca uniforms. licicnt Ullto himself. But after lion, and I left for Washington . . ::.: .. :,' I:d:t ~il the tamou,' ~mn]c~s WlIY of teaciung mc Eng· Husband nnd wife paircd of( studyin" this particular breed of lily mother died three days later, j: .. " 1:"lrl. I:, 1\'1 thr-Inrc, ! hsil history. If ~o, he II1U$t h~I'e Iikc the specics in Noah's Al'k, English~tnn. In his chosen habitat, on Novembcr 2, 1029. :. ':.," . !;IH111:n~ Illr.uugh the I kn?1I'11 n tcacher s .mumcnls of Coes· II'lluld head purplIse£ully toward leeling no need to communicate .She had never regained can· ,:; ':'''::'' :::, I"': II', PIXY wl1rld PiliI'. 11'llh a pupil s wandel'lng al· II'lwt wcre u\lI'iou"l), their lavour with or cI'cn to acknowledge the sciousness; and, though there IVcre :;','.1 III 1'. tel~~I(1n..." .. . ite chait's, title to which was e~;islencc o[ othcrs and. coldly re· fugitive moments when she seem· The Duke at Cannes in 1936 with King Leopold o[ the Belgians and the Princess r1e Lr: '111':-;: Oll,li ~ IIl~u;h~" II.IS alII .. )". s:lr~cd b~ theirs by right o[ long and undis. scntful of all intruders, I decidcd cd to be struggling back' to lucidity flr.t '\ohl III somethmg I puted occupancy. Ihat the gcneralisalion was far too and my name squnded among the !11~ ~trll, uht Relhy. r:-.>: :..... !t, ~tli\l' "crrenlllny It 11'11" th.c outward lllok. 01 .thlllgs. I Thc faces, and indeed the cn. sll'ecping. Ernest and I hardlY I'ague whispering!, I rl9 that t \·... (·:;.{.I\l1 1':;('ul';ion;. and the mlernnl elkel It sltmulal· i lire heads and tor,os of the men dared tn talk aloud until lI'e lVere she el'er knew I was close by • .". "', ",," ".. '"'' II)' ,~, '"'\,,~' \. ".' , \., '~' h\,\" '"' ,,'\ i ".,\, ,\ ~ >P'" ;"\.,, \,., b,. : ,,101) ,,,' ;, '"' ''''' no,', ,."' \,.. \.\, I", lb. .,~, "", Th'"",h., p"';'\ '''' .m\· ,1 ,"w hm \, \., h,; \,;", • I Ill'll!; ttl ~c.h~)hlrs whose hluml I~'as: l'e1oping silencc, kniltin~ III' rcad. i lIce c 15 n . [ir,t timc in mv life I had thc. pcrature iu ,'U ,moll a ",,,m I\'as ,... 'm'w >h, 1011\" \,,11" 1"",1", Ii"" ""''' \" '" 'h' :;" ,,'" '" ,\"', N,10",\" ",,,. .;"" "'d \ 10; ".,," ,,"10,. '" eo '" "''' ,,, h",,,,'" ," """" \",. h \~ • 01", "") ,,"', "''''! ,to ,,' '10, ~\, '" P"'" • ~o \ ,10; 1\ " "" k" '''''' ;" '" h "".;" ",1\,,,, ' \ h' k;" ,I "11;,,, \ \""\ 100' h'" 'h. ''''' ,,' d"""" ,,"d ") .. ':~:',11~ ;~t"~"\I;'( Itll' h.ull'h. : SOt.wtcIFI;~t; (:i~~ f;~lic:; (r Ii .~~~';.t~II~I~~~h~~;l~!I:;O~:I~ll \ll~~~'C 1~~i1~~; " I E11')' oy, Lif e T '~~~~t~hi~~~n~~~. of at:~a~~: ~~'~~I~~ ~)~II:tlf~~i~~1'1ll~S~;:Il·~·\;:tu;S;~ICII~~: • ",,' h" d ", \"".. I . ." ~ ,'10, "", •• k;", • ",," 'hoi ,m, \d - n ;"' ,~\ ,,\,' ,mol" 1\) ,,\\10 ,.,,\ m" '" " • ,,'''''' hi. " >h' "", .... : ,n:1 plf' and to i F'\\t more lasclllallug 10 111(' hal'c IWCll no more grating Ihan Ihings of the present. wilh the! ul Inc IIcel;, Wlll~h I,; the hollc 01 'm'" ,,' • 1'10" ".'" t1" '"" \ \'''',' w\,.... w, \ 10'" "I , ,,,,.11... J""\"' " • "'''\ " ,,' • p\",",,: "",,, 1'",\", \' "'"1'\' ri "",'ol \, I'h.~ To help with~\,,' thc necorating. 1. h.cad. ,lOd Illol 01 the lable, and 1\ j'orliuu ul the drive sta)'ed, and the life 1'00/, , oun Y RI'mmetry,. : rel'cr"e lite. IIIll'mal ordcr of the conll~ctcd, Ellgll' SIl' C. . t.. I Ho'telis enlisted the services of a lalenlcd : S!I Wlt!1 my own hack, l'.athcr than young man named Schreh'cr, who' El'l1cst s 10 the opcn wmdol\'. worked [or the well known shop I No CO Ids ~ , of Eldon, off Grosvcnor·square. I Q. The drawing·room which was i TilE "rrallgemcr.t worked out _ . 0 square, had pale grecn walls, cur· i I'cry well: I nOl'er r.lt1'~!" C "'~. HapI!Y _ _ D,ay ., lains of cream damask, anrl a' nor can I rccall Ihat an)' of my Were· H1 Tliese . . , beiae carpet. ~ ~~ucsts W:l::; c\"~l' ,I C::. ..1U.': .~ •• ". secretary; a Inl'cly Italian tah}.e,: The Dutch sccreta!')' Ihat I had; 1l.\·CI'. I lI'as In a ~h'a!~"IC 1",,;1' hotels werc fun. Thc rood, though I thrust oC tragic loss. The details ~amtcd yclluw and hlack: a \III·. found, as well as the wi'l Iia III , lum In Ihrecl lhe serl'lce and t.o simple, \\'as alll'a),s good-excellent' of daily Iile eruwd in upun the ham .and ~Iary walnul. c.l~est; al~d iand. ~Iary chCSI. and thc lOll;! : ~UI~e . (',I,ce:;. at lh~. J1~:'luur'1l1ald If solc, the best roast beef in tbe mind. So it was with me. On my several Qu~~n Anne plec.c~, all 10 Illallan table, wlllC1r had been: .In) ~~11llo 1\ ~nt II IOll~. . wurid, delicious cold Yorkshire return to London I threw myself good condltlon. In a~dltlon, we I bought with no particular 1'00111 in· .'~ Ilh Ihe Idea 11i.1J.rl~htcn~ll~ the ham. and Cheddar and Cheshire into the business of finding a thc fun and CX~lt~1l1ent. of I n~ind ..fitted pcrfeclly-or so I de.: ,al~d ;

"" 'rime calls fOT \ JEST ON US ~ The prim old lady I\'a~ gil'cn CllSIW.l Welll', see ow' new selec- the first glass of becr ~hc ever had. After sipping it Cor a tion of neat, tailored sJJm-Is moment she looked up with a puzzled air. . . SlJuu't clothe$. You'll like the "HoI\' odd" she murmured. "It tastcs just like the medicine styling, new fabrics~ new col­ my husband has been taking for OU,.s. the last twenty ycars". SPORT I JACKETS Sizes 34 to 44 SLACKS FROM $22.50 Sizes 28 to 46 . . FROM $9.75 SPORT SHIRTS Siz'es: Small, Medium, Large. STRAW HATS Short· and long sleeves. MALLORY . FROM $2.95 : $3.50 and $5.00 'SWIM SUITS BEACH ROBES - . $2.95 to $5.95 each Whi.te Terry Cloth. Shorts and .Shirt combination Small, Meduim, Large !8"?5 and $9.95 $8"?5

, .

, tbg stor~ whC?nt

I . I


12 THE DAilY NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 28 , lsMy Sidl Cornwall Star TALL .DRIFTE The Story (Continued frDm page By W,'EDMUNDS CLAUSSEN in rather than , 4.30-News. To:-da.y To-da.y '. room UI-Saddle Serenade with first instinct had b CIN Brian Johnston. . XXV slarcd at him as he rod the walls in a ligh THURSDAY, JUDe n •.35-'l·cmpleman'. Western "UNT AMED" WITH DORO;THY MCGUIRE IN EVERY moment since Frank the trail. "This Is on~ and I would hal', 'CJON.TV Tonight Show. "MAKE HASTE TO LIVE" Ude told him about Cash's bUnch Swede growled in slo if I had folic A.~I. sent an urge dragging through sion, "I might have bee: Unfortunatell 4.4().....Soddle Serenade. my budget 'i.30-5lgn On. CBC News. !I.GO-News. "Untamed" gives a ncw mean· Stephen McNally, co·starring ~:hantry to ride to Yates' home· from saddle. Gla.d It was 'i.35-Top of the Morning. TBVa5DAY, JIIH Z8 8.OD-CJON·TV Public Service. 1I.D1-Record Shop with. Bob ing to the era of big pictures. In with Dorothy MrGulre in Repub· , stead. And still an unusual cu- . He sUppOsed Swede Was with my mistake B.OO-CBC News and Weather. 5H-Jtldt SIMw. 8.3O-Fireslde Thealre. a time of many notable films, the lic's "!\take Hnste t Live" which I l'iosily held him in Cashtown. mg an eye en him and h the wife of Ihe Lockhart. e B.15-~'usieal Clock. 5.a-:.Hew., Doody. 9.IG-Kraft Theatre. 6.00-News In a Minute and De- picture "Untamed" stands out as opens today at the Star Thea·: From his pcsition beside Ihe flatly, "How'd you figure I me with the rc\t 1I.IlO-MDrnlng 'Devotions. I.ot-bnch TiDle. lO.DD-Concert Hour. lalled Weathr r. one of the most unlque-dlslin. tre, practiced .law successfully tn Alhambra he had seen Hyman headed this wav'" Hal'ing inal 9.15-Proeram Pre\·iew. I.JI-Nn. Cavalcade. lUD-News: Public Service. 6.0&-Bulletin Board. gulshed as much by Its grandeur New York for two years before enter Ihe Corbin House. Later "Th~ dus~ at'ihe fork." while rooms. 9.:!O-On Parade. 'UO-Barvey Ii: CDDlpany ShoW. ·8.lD-Notional News. of scale as Its degree of success. he decided to become an actor. George La Tour and Jubal Sims son SOld qllletly but Frank .ltnul.""U herself as a It 9.3()-Reeordi at Random.' 7oS-Tlte Early Show. ll.1 .....The Lale Sbow. 6.J5-Sports Parade. Produced In ClnemoScope with Steve had nlways llked acting. entercd the hotel. A few min· he had been comln o too garde of the lO.DO-Musieal Program. 6.25-PrQvlneial New .. color by De·Luxe· and starring had followcd 'It In high sChoOlj utes later Frank drew In his be guided solet bu °dust of decorating. lO.tD-Hit orthe Day. 6.30-Star Time. Tyrone Power, Susan Hayward and at Fordham where as a fresh· gelding, watching the Aihambra. known which trail Frank was a delightful ill lO.I5-ElIa )lanuel. Ansvier to Previous Punl 6.45-Showcasc of Stars. and Richard Egan, "Untamed" man.he exhlhted enough ability It was too dark for Chantry to ed before he arrived at the alth'lugh aImo~1 lO.~CBC News. Missing Words . 7.0G-News, Courtship and Mar· comes with built·in name power, to win thelea ding role in the see the raised rifle. But he saw I Then Swede struck his bay brooking no inici lO.3~POPS on Parade. I . riagc. and will full: Impress all who are school production oC "othello." Lily stcp to Frank's side. His heels and sct him fcrward ber shop I acquired t IM5-BBC Variety. 7.3G-Bowring's News with Don undeniably worn Adal A(20198 DOWN drawn to it. After selling his law hooks and brows arched when Frank lifted Ishook his head. "I guess . l1.15-Li&ht and L~·ricR1. 7.1&-Atom 1970. The story of the Irresistible closing his law officc, he went her to his stirrups. didn't miss what !\orring !ideboard and a canso' l1,45-Sacred 'Heart Pro&!,am. 1 A - In a 1 Posture Jamieson. passlen of r hcadstrong Irish girl to the Woodstock. N.Y. stock com, He pondered mITre gr3l'cly af· I ted in Doc's yard, either:' he .• ,,,.,.nr~en and whitc. In 1'.~1. '. poke 2 Wooden ships 7.4&-Roynl Stores Theatre. for a leader of t.lle Boers, set In pamy to hegin his new career. It I ter Lily re·entered the hotel. In Iplacidly. "Hyman told me und a lovely tah l:!.OO-Announcers Choice. .. After (pret!x) and - men S.OO-News,. Parade of Hits. the middle or the 19th century didn't take long to provc that his turn Swenson strode rapidly out. Xo';'ring said. I made him origin, po;sibly It 12.15-Dlnner Bell Breakdown. • Tissue . 3 F.rench pollee 1l.4&-Dosco News. "Untamed" was targely' filmed switc.h from law to threatre was picked up La Tour someplace and' it a couple oC times. I[ these h\o piece: l:!.3D-Farm BrCll\deast. 12 Minerai rock 4 MIneral 1O.00-Strictly Privak ,in its actual South African loca· ,a sucess. After only a few short' t'rossed the street. : sent Hackett to Circle X I workmcn mad, 13 - as rou 5 FDl' - IIId 1:!.45-Mld Day Serenade. .' Il.OD-loeal and Provo Nell·S. ! matchinl( chairs IIId I always tions which remain unchanged by months al Weodstock, he got n! WllY had .1ubal Sims rcmained' there's scmething in the wind 1.00-Do~·le Buplletln. 11.0l-Natlonal Ncws. ~ 14 Nomad Ii Tightened time. Dlrcctor n~nry King led a . role on the Broadway plaY, "The: inside the Corbin lIouse? What tonight." styie, pointed 1.15-I.aura Limited. 1l.1&-Sports Final. When the l'ariOll 15 -and heir 7 Insect 25 AmODg 41 Challle huge crew of tcchnicians on n! illan Who Shot Lincoin". I would draw a dull. roughly clad; • • • 1.3D-CBC News and Weather. . t 1.30-Houscpart~·. three.month tril' to Af"ricn, wllcre I I bey like .11Ibal into the hate!'!; THEY rode alon; ~oberl\' final1~' broughl 10~1 16 ProvlJlonll 8 Spud (col!.) 26 Missouri riller 42 Whirl I 12.00-N ews, Houseparty; 1.45-Aunt tuey. 18 Makes beloved 9 Ireland . 27 Envoy 43 Sea eagle most of the e~lerlors were photo· i SPECIAL AOm:n ATTRACTION ! And then like while 'lighl sus· i Frank said. "Hacke1t might for tilc first til :!,OO-Words and Music. 20 Mercenary : 0 Mel!l!d rock 28 Russian city HSeIDes graphed. ; Rex Allen In illieion bloomed into certainty in' figu'ring a raid:' , IiglFed, the ,.! :.30-~lusical RendllZvous. 21.0ne add - 11 Cain and - 29 Essential belna: 46-Eleand V.OWR As the Irish girl who sacrifices II· "Iron Mountain Trail" : Chantry's mind .•Jonathan Yatesl "lie might;· S\\'cd~ a"rced lor the unhappy gL \ :!.4S-The Happy Gang. . THURSDAY, June 28 I, 22 Pitcher 17 Opposed 31 Irish city Roosevelt her husband and uses thearoor --- '!lad heen hrought to the hotel, to ; got to admit I wasl1't' . and charmir,g. :l.IS-~lu5ical Program. 24 Animal fat 19 An- 33 West Indian 47 Modem l of a sinister BOI'l In her pursuit I Athrill·packed race by Rex AI· Lily's room. 1fair about you. l:de. You're 3.30-Trans Canada ~tatlnce. 26 Smell litatesman republic Ireland P8~5-Children's Story Tim!. of the Boer teauet whose first I len and his miracle horse, Koko.l It camc to him Xorring prob- ~ hard case, and I ain't changed Bedroom 4.30-CBC News. 27 Man'. . ~ I -If 1 38 Hebrew 48'A- I a.30-Leonard Warrcn, Baritone. passion remains the wresting of a I arress the Iron Mountain Trail, i ably had a man in the lobby, and I mnid about that. But you're bedrOOIll lIas t hc I ~Ickname could ascetic . JudHlllent 4.35-Timeh· Tunes. I 8.45-BBC Symphony Orchestra. Boer free state from the against kie fast sailing ship Argo- Ihere wasen ough traffic through 11he le\'el with Jean Ca5~." in the flat, a rather 1.1 r 30 SocW Insects 2. - majesty 40 Kind of tie 50-.ndM~ -MS-Children's Story. 1l.00-What Would You Do? warriors, Susan Hayward gives Inaut speeding to San Francisco Lily's room 10 al'ot1se suspicion. A dark hedge cf timber corner. o\'erlookil 32E1cort! 9.15-The Twilight Hour. 5.IS-Muslc 'of the West. 34-' Nevada cne of her most exceptional per· via the Panama Canal. is the ell· A briltle smile drew Chantry's: them on their right. Frank ~"<,,,·."reeL The wall.< II" ii.3D-Fisherles Broadcast .. 35 Rents . 9.45--Hymns for the Quiet Hour. formances'-at onnce the lough I mactlc punch offered in He pub- mouth ullcvenly. III' longed to I cidcd the other side of this he,\ and curt: 6.00-lntermezzo. "Newspaper 10.45-Weather Forecast and renegade the soft romantk', the IIc's action filled Rex Allen star· c?eck .cut llis discove·ries. yet in· i be. Hafler C. Xot far beyond ..n",rlr,e and pink. ~Iy . 6,:!S-Program Prcvlew. executives Closedown. radiant beauty. As the object of rer, "Iron Mountain Trail." Side hlln a more compelling urge meadows. and catlte were ha"c heen 6.30-5upper Guest. ' tab.) her affections w.ho cannot subor· which also opens tcday at tbe was building stronger cvery mo- ing through the bru;h. lie wa, of an li.4&-Musical Programme. 37 Old' dlnate his passloll for a Boer Star Theatre. ment. He meant to pay Emmett out a hand 10 halt Swede. thc chai,c·lo, 'i,(l()-CBC News and Weather. \l9The-of C I t PI homeland In the Dark Continent, Featured with Re~ Is this one Cash an overdue visit. he could hear the running Capri omp e e ans ~noIIISne!a in palc pink .. 'i.I5-Curtain Calls. the redoubtable Tyrone Power, of the outsandlng films in the AI· By the time Frank arrived at I hcrses, much dum'. comCortnl j,3D-Tops Toda~·. "0 Drlnkl made IIIn-Irll-l-io, with malt For Evacuatl"on reveals unsuspected depths. And len se-l'ies arc such notable play· a fork in the trail he had already' Turning off the trail. Next door Wa< nnrl 'i,45-Doyle Bul\elin. UConsumed Rlcha~d Egan, R comparatively ers Rs Slim Pickens. the fromcr made his mind up. Here he .rein. i plun!led the black Erne.'t conl'l 8.15-5ong5 from the Skrways. 42-or · I recent addition to the star ranks, rodeo clown and comic bullfighter cd the black 10 the left tl'31l. A : of limber. They rode room for him.' S,30-Rawhide. , non.ense Of HOsplta S fuJly ustifies her billing as the Grant Withers, prctty Nan Leslie, boa'cd crudely shaped like an ar-\ smell of gun 5moke. liorses the room \Va> llAS-Raring Reperter. 45 Salt liprin,s malevolent Boer whom Miss Hay· Roy Barcoft and Forrest Tayior. row carried the burned brand of. running around a hend to bedroom which ~e: ROO-A Date with Frcd Hill. .'BFonner Fire Commissioner Frank Ryan ward sklllfuJly manipulates. Crammed with artion and SU!· Circle ~ and was pointed this I right. That way would lead !l.3D-Busincs5 and Labor Review. similar act rcvealcd ~'estenlay that his office Obviously, CinemaScope was pense tbe slory centres around way. Behind, Frank could hear! tually to Rafle: C. Once lO.OO-Leicester Square. &1 Alcoholic . has just completed the distribu. made for "Untamed" and the pic· a conflict between shipping in· the scady, far·oCr beat of a rider 1 gelding I'eered sharpl),. A IO.3D-The Great Dllcmma. beverate lion of slIceial evacuation plans ture returns the compliment. On terests and two fcuding stage line following. I piercing scream 5l1'uek the fi2 Preposition 11.00-CoRl·crsation. S3 British to al1 of the province's. major a Zulu perserve in the VaJley of owners resulting from an effort In a quarter mile the trail rose i:\ bullet had found its mark. 11 30-CBC Natlonai News. I Princess -, hospitals. the Thousand Hills, Director King by Rex Allen to enllnlmate waste sharply in C'rossing a raggcd I' • . . :&4 Age Mr. Ryan told the DAILY NEWS ha sstaged massil'e scenes oE bat· motion and speed up mail across spur. The summit of this rise DIRECTLY in {rent '55 Blrd's - ..... +-+-I-~... -+-I-I-I that the plans had been drawn tie action to dwarf any past reo the continent to the California was crowned by a thick stand of made out two men bent·orer VOCM up by his office with the aid of presentation of Africa on the fields. pines. Into these Frank kneed: racing toward their 1'nt:RSDAY, June 28 ~6-Slror I Madam their own experience and through screen. In a spectacular action the biack. . Ithe sound of them __~I~(_~C~~m~ed:,~fa~~~I~c~~~~~_~~====~ ______material supplied hy oulside scene the attack of the Laagar, ' --.~--- The sounds of the hard drIven. through the woods 6.30-Don', Dawn P~trol Rnd agencies. It h~s becn provided you w!m be spellbound by the cx· horse we're much nl!j1rer. He was! wheeled, lifting their XCII's. B.DO-Back to the Bible. B.2G-Shipplng Report. for hospitals as far north as St. citing movement achieved with Capt-tol uncertain of what the black gcl? The roar of a '.H beside •. 30-Breakfast Club ~nd News. B.30-The Clock. 8.25-Khldles Corner. Anthony. the use of sC\'eral thousands of ing do and so closed hiS sent them plungmg on. One , 9.15-The Valley and the HIll 9.GO-Crimes files of Flnmond. B.3D-NHd. New,. The e\'acualion plan strcsses Zulus. Chelf among the support· hand about the wet nostrils. His threw himsclf wildly 9.30-A Oate with Deny •. D.30-Old Favourites. B.3S-Complete Weather noun~· that caution must aiways bc Ing players are John Justin, Ag· -N-- Pl '~;--- .. - Cree hand dropped to loosen the rail fence. Again Frank 10.DO-Nell's. 9.4S-News. Up. taken in emergencies to avoid ncs r.loorehead, Rita illoreno, OlV a.yl1tg gun in his belt. Then in another'l the crash ef Swenson's ~un. IO.OS-A Date with Den,. .. 10.OO-Hour of Charm. BAS-WoOlcn's Ncws. panic and outlincs five other main Houe Emerson, Brad Dexter moment he took a decper breath, i flamcs of exploding gasses ID.30-Adopted SOD. 9.00-~lId. News. points including the prevention Henry O'Neill and Paul Thomp· railing clcariy: "Swenson! It's I Crom Swcde's pistol IO.55-NelVs. 1.3G-Revlval Echoes •• lO.45-News. 9.0&-,Juke Box RC\'iclV with oC fires, alertncs In being on the son. I "THE KILLING" WITH Ude-hold up!" their horse~ had takc~ ,\~ 1l.IlO-Burlons of Banner Street. Boh Lewis. look Ol1t (or fires,. estahlishing I STERLING HAYDEN He freed the black's noslrils'i Cence In full stride. coming l1.15-Song Time. 1l.OO-Sportscast. ll.lS-Sandman Serenade, News. 1I.30-Ncws, It 'fakes A Woman. thc location of fire extinguishers, .... ___~ ______i -- kicking !lim into acUon. Swede i in a clear meadow. 1l.3G-Keyboard Capers. 9.3()-.Juke Box Revicw with Bob and gcncral elncrgency proced- An exciting suspense·packed I ,- .. -.------Aman loomed ;uddenly 11A&-Tops In Pops. l.00-Closedown. i Lcwis. ures. .. story of a $2,000.000 race track !lIe robbery. lIe forms a gang front of Frank's black. lie , I l:!.OD-~ews. Paramount i 9.35-~!~·slcry Sound Quiz. 'fhe program,. a very' compre· robbery, "The Killing," starring composed of men who need. cut a throat;· sell; half 12,05-n~Olblin' With Regan. 10.0D-Ncws, Courtship and Mal' 12.3I1-News. CJON hensivc one, is included In a Sterling Hayden now playing at money quickly, desperately. and i lJal( fear, "Ude!" rlage. special tCll·page pamphlet dealing -'-T--~----~ llle Capitol Theatre tJlrough Unll- in large denominations. The memo I A bl f I II l2,4s--Flihermen'. Forccllt. 10.15-Dukc Box RC\'lew with , , l.I5-Sportscast. THURSDAY, June 28 with all cases of lire emergency 0-1l101T01fJ cd Artlsls rclease. Stanley Kub- bt'rs of the gan~: are: J~y C. Flip. ast o. muzz ~ ame Bob Lewis. and the variolls phases to be rick young director who won pen an ex-alcoholic book keeper at FiranHk \irltualdh tl l.3G-New •. lO.30-News, Who Am 17 I 4S-Ramblln' With ReglL 6.3D-Bob Lewis Show. adopted for an p.vacuation. many plaudit S for his direefon ' ti EJ' I'eac I. e lear Ie 6.30-Nfld. News. lOA~-Joan Blanchard. It was adoptcd first more than "ALEXANDER THE GREAT" f "F d D I" d "~iI who finances. the .opera ani • ~ whine DC the lead ball and :.t'lD-r\e\\'s. I H I ~ , ~rr ,~nh d~s ~eth a~. I - she Cook, a Jlo~dmg race ,If.acd conscious at the same time c[ M lO.45-Helpful Harry. 3.0D-DoUan on Parad .. B.3S-Weather, a year ago by the Genera osp· IN CINEMASCOPE lelr. I sS'f ~~The ITIIle\ gl;.ec 10trh' cashier, whose wlCe (IIIar ie Ibn.. black striking :lliio 4.00-Ne\\'s. US-Fishermen's News and Fore 1O.5&-Wife Saver. tal in st. John's.' a re gns or e.~ n, w sor) goads him on a try f or Ig. bl it! it 4.0;)-Rainbow Ranch. cast. 1l.O()-News, Good Companions. Gcneral distribution was com· Robert Rossen's "Alexander James B. Harrh producing. money' Ted de Corisia, a cop who Hflercke'tt ow wid S. S.UO-Junlor Jamboree. 'T.OO-Nfld. New. and Spal'tl. 11.31-Tops Today. pleted two weeks ago. The Great." spectacular Cinema· Sterling Hayden plays the role needs 'to cover gambling debts; ae de J.,never ;~ ~\'n 5.30-~telody :II an. 1.00-Loca] and National Head 7.05-Local Weather. Scope Technleolor motion pic· ______of Johnny Clad, master·mlnd of Kola Kwariani '.'a c.hess,playlng sprawesoun I' d"leon wetn Ie grc0 un4". 6.0()-Newli and Weather U5-Canadian New. and Sports IIncs New. and Weather. LACK TRANSPORT l 7.3n-Round the World News. 1.l0-Dally Interview: ture epic, with Richard Burton, wrestler who starts a fight at the son's bay leaped O\'er him. 6.2:>-Lost and Found. 'T.35-Complete Weather Roul'd· 1.l5-Jockey Club Ncws with CHARLOTTETOWN (CPl-Ag. Fredric March, Danlelle Darrieux ago. Danlelle Dnrrlcux plays 01- race track bar, and Joe Sa:vyer, This was lhe lasl they UII' 6.45-:\el\'s. up. • John Nolan. riculture Minister Eugene Cullen and Claire Bloom starring In the ympias, Alexander's wild and race track bartender who WIfe I~ the Circle N fight and the ~I)·ster)'. United Artists release. bcautiful mother, While Claire very sick and needs costly medl' they heard of firing. i , i.OO-Simon 7.45-News Summary. t30-Editoriai with Don Jamll!ol says there' Is no reason why i.I&-Dr. Paul. 8.00-Nfld. Newli. son. Prince Edward Island shouldn't The film story of the life and Bloom portrays Barsine, the one ea lattention. Tim Carey plays a '.:lO-Bargain Hour. 8.DS-Provlnclal Weather. 1.35-Sperts Review. have 1,000,000 visitors a year ex· times of the Macedonian con que· true love in Alexander's life. hopped.up sbarpshooter. Nikki. Frank knell' a~ they 1.4S-Second Fiddle. cept that "our transportation fa· ror was written, produced and Important supporting roles In who snipes dead a horse during on In t-l1e wake or the 2.0G-Ma Perkins. cilities will not handle them." directed by Rossen, whose past "Alexander The Great" arc fllled the handicap race as part of tile they had hurst head-on 2.15-0ne Man's Family. film !11m hits inclUde "All The by British stars Stanley Baker, robbery design. Handsome Vince mett's raid. Hc realized 2.3D-Oul of the Dark. NEW WAnsWP . King's Men." "The Brave Bulls" Harry Andrews and Peter Wyn- Edwards plays a smaJI-time hood knew Swenson realized. the.s 2.45-lmprlsoned Heart. and "Body and Sou!." garde. who romances Marie Windsor and inadvertently aided Cash In 3.0D-Housewives Club with' John Princess Sibylla performed the Handsome Richard Burton, who learns of tbe robbery plnns covering the horscs. Nolan. christening ceremony when Swe­ scored In "The Robe" and Robert Krasker, Academy Lovely Coleen Gray is cast as (To B. Continu.dl \ 4.00-Gen. Provincial New .. den launched her new destroyer "Prince of Playcrs," fills the title Award·winnlng cinematographer Hayden's girl, who wants her "AI d Th Great" of "The Tllird "an," "Odd Han VICTORY srOIL'i 4.05-Ranch Party. Ostergotland. ro Ie 0 C exan er e. lU lU man no matter what he doeS. Her Out" and "Henry V," Is director ! F re dr I c Marc, h th e dl s tlngulshed man gets the money, but the DERBY, Engiand (ep ! stage and screen star, portrays of photography for "Alexander wlhms of fate remove him and bers of the local rugby I TO·DAY Phillp of Macedon, Alexander's The Great." Ralph Kremplen, the al\ other characters from the club have been a,ked nol to I father, the man who developed editor of "The African Queen" money and Crom life. rough next se~son. La;t the army that Alexander led to and "Moulln Rouge," Is film edi· d t d f i inate the world of 2.000 years tor of the' Rosen production. "The Killing" was ~ ap e or Ihey broke i9 P ate;, an • ', •• 1 •. ';J tJt dom the screen by Stanley Kubrick of five a week. sPl'cral I'. HERBERT J. ymS Cram the novel, "Ciean Break," I the pavilion and a .It(ll"e PI,"~ts by Lionel White. I celebraling \·ictorie.,. DOROTHY McGUIRE 1 . . i .. .STEPHEN··, McNALLY , 'f , i '.' 'ill t i ; I.. TO-MORROW : L· . :;~ I !I.: I,I tot \. NlWfOUNDlAND'S FRIEND'" IH1ATII : 1: 1GUre" TO-DAY .. , ' , . ~ .. ; I:" d MARY MURPHY ------56 ! EDGAR 8UCH~NAH • JOliN HOWAlD' RON HAGER111V I _"" ...... H.DUlF ...... _ .. 'Hl_' _~ __M WILLIAM SEIlER NOW PLAYING I, A alPU1L1C PICtURE f. i ! Like No Other Picture Since uSCARFACE" and Ii .. ---... uLiTTLE CAESAR"!



, .' ,

I. Y NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 7956 . . important in tile Mayfair mean·' ACfllluintunces nuisance of having to go to the My starr at Bryanston-court·,· ing of Ihc term But in time it 1'1 'office every ib)·. 'also included, as at Ihe house on'· came to ha\'c a rather spcciall 1\ ~IONG lhe pleasant acquaint· Both h~ and Kitty, having i Upper Bcrl;e:ey.strccl, an excel· '.; .·i1is Is My Side quality of its own. The proccss of \11 anccships 11131 had develop-ed t:'avcll~d I'Iidcly. I:nc'." :·s much Ilcnt par~ourmaid, Mary .Cam; II:: forming fricndships in a strangc was one wilh Benjamin Th:~, 1ahont 100d as any amaft":',' I h~':c! housemaid; and a part·llme per· " ... Story community had r~n through its I\l'h'o \l'as Ihen Firsl Secretary of, ".'.'er had ~he g00C~ fortu;"! to m.eet.1 s?nal maid, ~!dry BurJ~c, a girl Q,f ,;. ~The !irst and most trYing placr. the United States Emhassy, and' George lumsclf dill the marketing; fine character ~nd h:gh intelh··· 'i:e~lioutd from pa~e III • his charming wife,' the Cor mer IlI'hene\'cr an unusual (::.lIler party gence whop;'esentlv came to work ,,'m in ralher Ihan oul. I. bcgan WIth only onc person, I Constlelo ~or~'n, \l'ho~e sisters ,\'Us in prospect. lie \'.'culd joyously for me fun tirr.~ and who was 10 ~", '.1 in;lincl had becn 10 hesldes my !JU;b3n.,., Perhaps my group had n strong.! he and novel London, though' .~.: :tr.J.~I)· worn Adam pieces ~ave ~ay cock~nl1 ~Inner Lltc'h~ I." !ocl~l, cr American coloration than I ,pa~t.les With a bright ,infUSIOn of the ~tald tradl.llOns were already . ~.:;(to.,."1 ,1I1d a con~ole. paint·, realized at Ihc time, In a variety llrtltsh and forC;lgn ~vlators, Also MEANWHILE, by a ~troke of I hendm.g grudgll1gly before Ihe' . ·~.:;!:;ff" ~nd white, In anolher of way5 Ernest and I had been the Transatlanlic ~hlPs could be lucie, I found ft very good I galhermg for~e~ of change and . .:; I iour,~ ;, Im'l'Iy table of un· Ihrown in with the American cou~ted upon to ~Ischarge a s.uc· Scots .cook, Mrs .. Ralph, who hatt I soon would ),Ield altogether. . po<,ihly Italian. to :'. ,,'"'0. colony in Lonllon, which Ihen, of old friends, beg!nn!ng I ben kltchcn malll to Lady Cur· I . .::. trl.r I\\(' pieccs, Syric ~csslon pel'haps mOl'e Ihan today, was a lit the spring and continUing lOn's Fre.nch chd, who In turn . .. ,,.,. \I nrkmrn made for me ~, chairs in thc .\ ~cl(.surricient communily, made thr~ugh the ~ummer. • I ~I'a~ conSidered one of the hest! FAST RE LI EF FO R .:>. liP chieflv of ynung ForeiNn Ser. Naturally lIe hRd many British, In London. ~lr.l. Ralph was her· .',_ ':' 'f, p;;inlrd a cr~amy ~. \\ bf~ the "ariou< PICCCS vice offi~ers the residcnt man· fr~r.nds as well. Among those I.~clf no chef, RS the kitchen hier· I ngel's oC An;er;~an banles having \1'llh whom Ih~re ~e\'clo,pccI a I archy; but bein~ observant Rnd R TI RE• <1 ::ri':: hrnu;ht lo~elher, the branches in London, and the rep. 1Il0st agreeabl~ relaltonshlp .were I Scot, ~he had qUietly absorhed her lie .. , 'I'~ :." to" fir.·t lime. and I'csentalives of olhcr Amcrican I C;ror~e Rnd Kitty. Hunter. Frlcndsl master's t:ick~. and in the mat,ter H' : ".. ::., 1':,l'ro, Iht ~(fect (ex· business intcl'ests. . 10f )Iaud Kerr·Smlle)" The ~unters. of preparing ~auces and pastries, r. a:.r~~:;. ~I .;::re unhapl'~' s:laze) was i had an extremely attractlvc flat she could have had few equals.

~ ;utn;;cU. ·i~.~ rbrmii'~. 1 FE ET Intermingled with lhem wcre, in Sloanc·street, in Belgra,·ia. Another quality that endeared 1'. Ycu'r~l' Bed,.oom of course, that early species of I • her to me was her willingness 10 l'ha::;t'd IQ American expatriate who, in con· Cllll1'm".nO' concede, wilhout R ~oul.searinl( I ~\ y:u'rt! f:f·~:O.1m ,\a~ the la~t room h'ast with his morc intellectual. ~ .. hattlc, Ihat the Briti5h method' ·~t..\i:· :.~ ~~r i':;1, :\ father larJ::~ room counlcrpart on Ihe Lcft Bank In i'lllllEY were ~oth "ery Brllish" of preparin~ ve,;etahlc~ could he: :J\~.c:r "in .' :' rcrr'r. o"rrlookinll Upper Paris, fonnel c~~"pe from the prr.-' very c~al'mmg and wonderful I impro\'cd, The essence of this: ... t raJ;); 4tih ~"!:,,t. Thr \\'all~ were aqua· sumeel brnshnc.'s of AI~lerican life I hosts. Florlll, pOl'lIy, Rnel hearly, I mr.lhod i~ to drown Ihem in a ;·f lhi~ ',o~ .":': ~r.r ;'(1,1 ~nrl curtains were in Enghmel, the fox.hllnlim:. Ihe: (:r.or~c \l'a~ the rpi,lome of the! big pot oC Willer. I preferred 10 hryoc.:: ;::~( ~I~' '1\'_ .. .:rll'lIIl;. secretary, · I II t I I . II bngltsh country sqUire: a man of 1 have my vcgclahlcs steamed In I t wcre era~ ':' 7':~: h;;"r hrrn French S. \110 Ini!, nnr Ie, ..sac y SOCIA,' mcans, h e nCI'cr h arl to \1'01' k , ~o, t h e F renc h way.,\"'th 1 'I.' rs, ' -:1. !l~ thr~ ':.:. :0;.. of an off·white ntual of the Brthsh Court, and i far as r was able to judge, and was illalph in charge, r ~cldom had 10 ~;;r:;('. XI .. 'ad :~r rhai'c·lounge wa~ Ihe great coun'ry houscs, therefore never bothered by the worry about the kitchen . • 'r·:.:r:;~ 1',,11' pink. The room · . ~ [.''"i·'(!. rnmCorlahlp. and :r:.i!. Fra. ::': V~t d,lor \\'a' an(lth~r brd· '1';\\1'1':1 r)". ~_ ,~:rll E;III"1 conl'rrtcd into ce 1~lu .. -,,;:~, r,'om for him~elf: and · l!or,es w " :. ::-: 1r.r -room wa~ another t'or:l~ :'l ~: :{.i:",'m I', hich ~rf\'ed as a :: Ira.: tV ·0 ~ ~:~;~ l )r~e rranW ":: ::-r. rl>r m,"'I' 10 :I Bryan. Iy ..\ :nail's :: (~r:. \\'" a lanrimark. ~I~' ;,k t~f ni1~:: <::! '0 rIll' rxprl'~~ion 10 m~' lt~ ~::i:k ~ -::._~P :ntrr(;!'t:"-to cT('atc a At the Cateau de Cande In June, 1937, with Fruity Metcalfe. • .'! !:r.:..• ..:!, Jn~ the amenitie~ and ~r-r,: Fr .. l'" r! t'


tlTo buy a fat pig-home again, home again IN BY 9:30-- OUT BY 5:30 broke as a twig,. ," Alas, as every housewife knows, a dollar doesn't go very far today, • • COST OF LIVING IS sky HIGH 56c worth of mo'st commodities .• COST OF GOVERNMENT IS SKY HIGH • TAXES ARE SKY HIGH • But, Mr, and Mrs. Customer , , • while your Dollar buys ~nly 56c wo'rth of some ,things our ·erVlce it buys ONE DOLLAR AND THIRTEEN CENTS • ,":,orth of Electricity I (My wages). Electricity is the ONLY thing cheaper now than it was •EXPERTLY TRAINED STAFF $1.13 '" worth of fift ••n years' ago. ELECTRICITY •ULTRA-MODERN EQUIPMENT ._ ... - ...... -. lO •MIRROR-CLEAR PRINTS·

:- , . .' . ..,. . ,·f •• LIGII R ,.'.,~.' :,1 ni ,\ COM P A l .• , E D ":.,' .I • :i j 'ft .'

THE DAILY THURSDAY. JUNE 28 . Attend School PrInCIpal' . " Church Servi sr.\~I,\RD·S BA \', June ~5- day with hIs parents hefore pro· B . "FI" Wed din ()' SPANIARD'S BAY, ."June 25- tor, Rev. Canon T. E. Loder Hoh' Rcdeemer School closed ~n cecding to Wolll'ille, N.S., where rOlVnleS ylng h N . b "H" Company of the Avalon Bat· large congregation and they' . f'ridi\' last with a.scmbly. Pray' he will he ~n the marking board. P Ie In Tee' ws A " tallon of the Church Brigade the lads led by both the frs. as nsnal. were read by Rev, They w1l1 mol'c to Channcl in Up" Ceremony, nmvel'sarV of Bay, Roberts attended a special and junior choirs of the ran on T. E. Lodcr after which as August. We join with his many eop . J service in Holy ·Redeemer Church, j?ined in the singing 01 Ihe Spaniard's Bay on Sunday, June rmg hymns so familiar to • chairman o[ the school he paid h'iends here in o(ferlng , be~t SPANIARD'S BAY. ,June 25- .l\lr. and l\lrs. Thomas Coombs I SPANIARD'S BAY, June 25- 24, at a in the afternoon. The Brigade. lribute to ~Ir. C. Hatcher, B.A .. wishes In his nelV sphfre 01 actl' SPANIARD'S BAL .June 25- :lclrs. (Dr.) J. A. Davis accompan. With t.heir baby, Francis Jerome I Congratulations are cxtended to patrIe \\ho has been principal' of the \·ily. Eight Brownies "flew up" 10' the led by her son Jc.\m, arrIved here from Dunville spent last we,ckend Lieutenant Harold and Wil. parade was under the command of I After the service the ' I Mr~. Capt~lin John Noseworthy. ,with its junior complements JehoO'I {or three )·ears. Mr. Hatcher Guides on Tuesday evening of on Wednesday last from New I' at the home of Mr. Coombss par· son (presently H"ing in Bathrop, has accepted the position 01 prln· PubII"C last week. They were Heather Yaril. They are the guests of Mr. ents, here. ,'TeXaS) who celebrated their (irst With th,e CT·L.~ .• I~erce membders formed outside the church riiJ.'1 o( the region high school . Dawc, GlorIa Seymour, Verna and Mrs. Mark Gosse, Mr. C. Reeves, teachel', has re· wedding annivOI'snry on Saturday, 0,1 the ~unlOr rammg orps un er ptoceeded west ~s far as the first Lieu!. V. C. Sparkes, an~ the road crossing where they TrouI at Channel. Durin!: the three )'enrs B!shop, Janet 'Ed?a Gosse. 1111'S. Norman Pille left here on/turned to hIs home In Garnish, I June' 23. They were marrier] here IE.. V~key, ~oys Corps. under LICUtS. dismissed. o~ltor trallic was in which ~Ir. Hatcher has been xamulatlons \\Inllie Gosse, Enid Balrett, and Tuesday last for Toronto where ~lIs8, 011ve Gosse has been ap· in the parish church hy.the Rev. ?dike Martin tossed ! principal there has becn excellent • Shirley Nell. she will spend a I'ncallon with pomted Librarian at the span· Ganon T. E. Loder. Mrs, Wilson, Irvmg Keefe and Edw~rd Barrett. and cars were parked ali IlInings of perfect bali I The Colour Party consisted ~f 1st. the line 01 march. proaress; the percentage o( passes The ceremony begRn with t.he I her rclatl1'es. iard's Bay for t.he summer! the (ormer Miss Audrey Crane, Lieu!: oGI'don Snow and, hiS two I I st. Pat's ratlled out in the public examinations has In· SPANIARD'S BAY, June 25- Guides in horseshoe formation Miss Hilda Clnulk. B.A., and months. ! plans to visit her hometown in escorts, L/Sg!. Harold French and Several lads h'um :ook advantage of six ~ creased. the honours Ust has grown Thc lIumbcl' of pupils who write and the B~?wnles In thel~, fairy illlss Sylvia Carew, B.A., spent Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coopcr IJuly and will spend a holiday with LISgt. W. Norman, In charge of I Bay who are members of t1 errors for an easy 1 J.nd lwo o[ the pupils hal'c won the high school public examina- ring. Two Golden Hands were Sunday here as the guests of Miss were here far the weekend. . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter lhe Bugle Band was Sgl. Eric! gade received promotions , lot)' In the Senior Basch scholarships. The school bllild· tlons is increasing' year by year, presented to as many Brownies, Allee Jewel'. Const. L. and Mrs; Brazil and Crane. . 15 IN A RO\1 inE or ell:ht e1assrooms. Mr. and this is a very healthy sign. Rosella Drover and Shirley Bak· Mrs GmllRm Seymonr aecom. family from St. John s spent last, Roach. 'Ithese are:CLB-:-to L/Cpl; M:artin strelched thf Hatcher ha, al50 been instrumcn· ,,,hile it cannot be denied that er, by the District CommIssioner, panled by her daughter Carrie I weekend at Spaniard's Bay. The Lads drew much attention Sheppard, Austill Sheppard, as they marched in admirable mili·, ham Vokc),; tn Cpl., Robert hitless Innings for pa.~' tal in establishing a communIty chllr1ren arc required by law to !III's. Winston Sheppard. Cllrs. Cecll Rex) ana her son WeI. Mr. and Mrs. Nath Mercer cele. III to 15 before he \I library and a Canadian Army attend school until they are ~ix, Brownies WJID wer to fly up don left here on Monday on this brated their sixteenth wedding tary style through the' town on I Wallace ~!urrin. In the J. T. their wav to church where the, Gordon SbeplJard h.~ bocn for. single and a hom Cadet Corps. The chairman ex· teen and that children must also were then called to the toadstool week for a holiday at Port Rex. anniversary on WCdnesday, June bottom of the sevpnlh il pressed hi\ thanks and that of the n!lcnd school regnlarl~' to be by Brown Owls i\.lrs. Nellie Iller· ton. Sew It in a Dav ! 27. They were married at AU service li'as conductcd by the rec I moted to L/Cpl. ~ ----.----_.-.-. tin's performance foil board to the prinCipal anrl hope.d j' eligible for (amily anolV, ances, yet cer and 1II1ss Berolna lIIuITln and Visiting Mr. and ~Irs. Harold Snints' Church: Salmon Cove, by Deutsch's nn ~ilter i that he would be successful in 1115 It seems thnt other factors must presentcr! with their wings. After Gosse here presently Is l\lrs. the Rev. G. Gruehy. Congratula. Bishop-Elect ClmrclI Services 1ohn's,International LI n~\\' appointment. nl~o be taken Into consideration. they rccelved their wIngs, the George Sweet (rom the U.S.A. tlons nre extended to them hy their /I)' night. The I·lee·prlncipal, after rxpres· By the time a pupil renehes lhe eight BrownIes ran to the Guide 1111'S. 'Sweet will also spend part daughter Frances and . by their Apart (rom ~larlin'~ ~in~ his thanks and those or the age of sixteen he has already .horseshoe lInd each was met by of hel.' vacntion with her motileI', two 80ns lIfelvin and L[ncoln. Visits Parish A:\GLlC.\~ lime produced little iI: leaching staff to ~Ir. Hatcher, reached the high school age and a patrol lender who look them to IIlrs. Kenneth Gosse, and with her Rector. ReI'. Canun T r.. [hrills for Ihe few hu nllrd on a member of each class will hal'c done one or morc years the captain of their respectIve sister, 1111'S. Cyril Babb o( Hal" Celebraling their sixth wedding : 1I0ly Redeelnrr \'hUTch rho braved falling I tel make presentations of gills. of high school work. Sueh a pupil compnnles, Four of those bour Gracc. SPANIARD'S BAY • .Tune 25-! Spaniard'~ Bay , I~'ho I anniVersary on Thursday, June ~ view the twili~hl cO i BiIIl' Drover represented Grad~s will in most cascs remain In rtew up are attached to the Flfst Mr. nnd IIlrs. Oswald Miller 28, aTli Mr. and lIIrs. Frank Yet. R~I" Canon J. A. lIIea~en, M.A., I 8.30 a.m., Holy Communion: CASEY Hom f 1 ind 3, Wayne Sbeppard IlIr schonl until he has completed Company under Captain Lorraine 'and their SOli Paul, together with man Who were married at Wesle)' Blshop·elect of the DI?c.ese of I a.m .• Choral Euchari;t. lI)'mns \1'i1f Ca.:ey prol'i, :!, XI. 1111'S. 1I11ller Newfoundland, was a "Isltor at Sermon; 7 p.m., Grade Rosella Dro\'er lor Grade Grade Another reMon is, of Sheppard, wlllle the remaining illr. and Fred from. United Church, St. John's bv Mrs. I E\'rn;on~ (Ishe! supporter .. lI'iIll 4 and Heather Dawe f~r Grade 4, course, employers now look upon four became Guldcs In the Sec, St, John's spent Sunday here as _ Yetman's cousin, Rev. Dr. ·A. J. Spaniard's Bay on Sunday Hnd Sermon. assisted the rector; Rev. Canon T. All Saints' Churcb, 1'\1101 Cloment when he la~ Shirley GossP made ·the presenta' Grade XI as a minImum when cn· ond Company under Captain Ule guests 01 1\Ir. and Mrs. Arthur Barrett, Congratulations. I/(ond pitch in the sr tion on behalf of Grades 5. Doreen gaging personnel. Then most faml· Mrs. cwls Sheppard. After the Seymour. E. Loder nt Evensong. This Is 3 p.m. Evensong and SermeL lour·base two·run bla.: Gosse for Grade 7, and ~Iargaret lies arc financially capable of new Guides were welcomed by The Infanl daughter of Mr. and ,j Canon lIIeaden's first visit since he ' wa! chosen to he the next bIshop ~ft field bull pen. } Barrett for Grade 8. Jane Allee I:ecping their children' ill school their captaIns, the remaIning lIlr!'. E. l\1. Gossc of 51. John's, JU and parishoners were delighted. RO~IA~ CATHOI.lC the first homer 0: Dawe on behaU of the high school for that extra year or so. Brownies (of which th~re are Iwo wn. baptIsed here on Sunday by I JIIGIIEST SCI pupil, read an address in which Wr know that all pupils o[ the pack8) gave the "Gran Howl" was U;e' fiel'. J. S. H. l\IOlan, B.A., and Tbe Flower of His vcry fine sermon was an In. 4.30 p.m., ~las!. 5piration. Alter Evensong he was ~Iount Cashel field she lhanked Ihe principal [or his age nf ~istecn wil! not linlsh a partillg salute to tile elghl who wns given the name Suzzanne in'with six errors and help. eumple and guidance; then ~chool at the Grade XI lel'el lor had just then flown up. ,l\lallelinc. the welcome guest of the rector UNITED cnrReR r Remembrance and ~Ir!. Loder at the rectory. nic Ryan and Wilbur : ihe presented him with a smukcr's CI'erYOl1c is not cUJluble uf lenni. About twenty Guides from cadI lIIr. and l\lrs. Arch Badcock :llinistcr. Rel' .•1. S. H. ed out 12 walks to ai sund. ~Ir. !latcher who was taken ing all tlmt is requind. lIut 01 Company receh'ed first year ser· and daughter ,Ieanette form St. I SPA:'i[ARD~S BAY, ,Tunc, 25- edt T Att d B.A .• There wiU he mvi~. dans in piling up t b\' lurprise b)' the "rr~elltatllllJ~ th,,~c who liD write the highest vlee stars, and after these were .John's were the guests of IIlr. and i I Sunday, July 1, will be il-Icmor. a e SO, en Sunday July 1. !core of Ihe season, found It dimcull to cxpress gende that :111 schools Iwith the prl.'scnted the meclin, th last one IIlrs. 11.:0<. Reid here on Sundny.1 ial Sunday. DUring thIs week re. hi~ 1-----_--ir-______S!. Pat's amassed icclings. He I\'a~, how('\'cr, rx· cxception "f a fcl\') oller. therc for t.he year, concluded with camp '!:hey also visited Mrs. Dadcock's slden.ts will be asked to purchase' Summer Camp th! sIxth to make ~Iar Ifemel)' happy and O(tl'~~lt a sin· I ~rc tOil It'll' who mutriclII .. tc, that lire. !istcr, ;'Ilrs. ncg Garland of Car. the little fJnwer of remembrnnce easy one. Lon Ryan r. cere thank you to, tear~., 1>, complete thl' I'utrunrc rClluirr· bonenr. Iann to wear them. I __ ' Green and Gold 10 a ers and parents. The I'ICC'I!rlllcl'jnll'nts III ullil'crsily. Sometimes a I Miss Gel'tIe nyan from St. 'fhe "'not" [s a srmbol i Six cadets from the local Caua. before the sixlh inm pal who seemed to he rnjoyillil traehel' In II onNoom school, and Birthdavs John's Is presently spending a va. Iand like all symbols they. rcpre. ! dian Army Cadet Corps will at. and the game had hrr the 5urprised look on ~I.r. Hatcher's I even those in schools 01 three. ur • c~lion here with lIlrs. ,Tames sent far more than thm own Icnd Camp Aldershot this sum. pitchers' duel. lace .~ the pre~entallons were fonr rooms e:1I1not find the lime -- Ryan materIal value. 'fo 50me they mer and will leave here on July. DIG I:'o/NIN made ~oq.n found himscl! in !~e:h to teach all that h~ I~'ould like to,. SPA~I:\RD'S BAY. June 25- ;Jr: Clifford ~Iercer and 1Ilr'i have a ,'cry deep meaning, im. 4. Thosc nttending the six weeks': St. Pat'.~ sent 15 mel ,ame poslt~on when th~ III.e I Too often the. pupil I~ nHuwer.l to: Little Daphne Gosse, daughter of I Andrew Grnndy frol11 St. ,John's: measurably deep; to others, just I training course [or ~enlors are:: in the sixth and fi\'e >chool p~Plls prC>CI1Ied 111m With I C~OOFC ~hc sl1.h)ccts \l'luch he thlllks I' :'Il'r. and Mrs. Eugene Gosse, was snellt Sunday here with ;\Tr. and: /I, U n token of remembrance. '['0 aU. :'ITnrk Sheppard. Austin s.heppard mdited wit h hits. " !mokrr ~ stand. lie 10.0' (or once" alc CI!Slc,t. Some tcachers are not ene ~'enr olrl on ,llIne 20. and en· :III'S . •1. \\'. "Iercer, " • CI. eo' , of us the should he Eric Pye. FOT the two weeks' rime from the hat of f(lund word~ hard. 10 fll1rl... , I quallfle~ them.scl\,fs 10 teach what 'I jo~'ed her party \'ery much. :\liss illelba HUlcllin/iS from' '-"' /I II' ., ., tI I n reminder thnt our way of Hfe Itraining course for juniors Ted who lofted a lonl\ fly : Be(ore thf ~upiis I~ere nls~l!s'l; the pupils r1~me. And so on., &- Comcr Brook I~ spending her an. ' ,_',. • Ihas heen paid (ora t a price that .Jones, Douglas Noseworthy and' for two bases to prO" "".. ~Icr~'[lne JOined. In the SJn~' I" II I nnymond Chipman was nine I nual \'nrallon here. -- • we can nel·er. ~elln~ .• the price 0 .Ioseph Hutchings will repl'esent potent blaH of the iUl in"~.. n( "F~r he's' K.. wily [II ~o(ld'd fcl·b" But\l'a donc tn'nd cannot in theIrlp numllernollclllg whoI~ I leal'S' 0"I~ 0 n Sunda",. June 24. i ~T1I r. an d .''[ rs. I) all"d Barle . tt I 4553 ; "':':"","",' Sllpreme sacl'lflce. I he least we I"I tile sellool COI'PS. '" II'. \\'es Gosse drl\'e scored Billie Ral Ir\\l. and thiS, Ilasl 0 m~e i i ::·~it~r the' Pllhlic eXilminatiOIlS.,' Best wishes eome [rom Mom, Dad (rom Bell Island spent last week· i 11-20: 30-4' ';,.; Ican no for t.hose who!'e memory, and :lTr. Lewis Gosse will attend llartin who had \'cntu Ihr~e . chcrrs °1 r t lch·IIPrlnc Paa. Such a trrnrl wIll help Ncwfound· Jeanette and Florence. end here with relatives. I,~ -IU .must (orever he held sacred is to: an Instructors' course at the same: And It !cenJs t lat C I {ren en.d __ JIIr and ~Irs Fred Newhook o( forget them not. camp.' , reall,· When want to. lan!l and 11'11i hal'c a trrcllni1endous Reily Drover \\'111 be 'spent Sundgy hcre with Cadets are reminded that a bus II 'I' 'I~hout t II \\,'Ith the~'hi' [a mil\' lclt . III llellce (In our Way 0 e. F Id 1 ~el'cn29' Dild~ I nc. . tuftS •' r. r ~ c cr . • 'I In our area we have the fol· years old on ray. . une . Mrs. r\e\Vhook'~ parents, 1\lr. and I..ook at the dlagram-c"en a will pick them liP at the school h~re on Sat.urda)· for Bonne Ba~ oll'ln' Happy hlrtJlday Is wished for her 1I1!'.~. William ,Jewel'. beginner can whip up this honey G P I on Wednesdar, July 4, at 1.30 In I Ted W whrrf he 11'111 spend a short hOh· ,I g. IX X XI by hel' 1I1ommy, Daddy and [am- lIIr. and i\ll's. James :lliller o( of n dres; in a day! FEW pattern uest reac Ier the afternoon and will be pre. ISpaniard'~ Bar ...... 19 tI 8 lIy. Topsail were vIsitors at the home parts, minimum detail~-a ~orld pared as per Instructions already! BEnER Tilton t 5 2 -- of ;\Ir. and ~Irs. I,aac Sheppard of style! Curl'), neckhne, fitted -- given. I ·u er isi~~d' ·C~~·;··· 18 11 11 Jeanette "okey will be fOllr Ihere on Sunday. bodice and flared skirt are so SPANIARD'S BAY. June 25- II BREAKFASTS? Snap Bfsho's Cove •• 11 3 2 year~ old on Saturday, June 30. MIss Alice Companion from smart, s-o·o flattering! C h 0 ose Assisting the Rev. J. S. H. Moran, 1\il • I S d SCORES AT A , , p •. ,',. II date whIch has been pointed I Corner Brook is presently spend· cotton, linen, cool nylon print. B.A., nt the United Church here If emorla un ay' B.gin 'em wah liatil1!Ul! Leagur.: out to us so often that We ~are lng a holIday here with her aunt, Pattern 45j3: Misses' Sizes 12, on Sunday afternoon was a newly j Hors.ey Orange Juicel Cincinnnti 10, Pitt~ not forget happy birthday, little IIlrs. William Whalen. 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 3l!, 40, ordained minister, Rev. Hubert __ Philadelphia 4, Mih Fol'thcoming one. Here from Gander to spend the 142. Size 16 akes 3 )'ards 35·mch. Mercer, B.A., o( Bay Roberts. I SPA:\,IARD'S BAY, June 211:- innings), weekcnd with his family was Mr. This pattern easy to usc, simple Rev. Mercer, who preached on the' A service of commemoration w.lll No better way to ~art Brooklyn 6, Chica~ Arthur. Huehlngs wl11 have a Lewis R. Gosse, to sew, is tested for fit. Has com· topic "The Healing Power o( I be held at the War Memorial: the day! Enioy Rbi. gla. St. LouIs 6, Nell' • Marriages birthday on July 2, and best wish· IIII'. Ches Baker from 51. John's i plete illustrated in5truction;~. Christ," left a deep Impress[on on I Spaniard's Bay, on Sunday, July ~ .tmerican Leapllr: e~ are extended to him by his SPCllt last weekend here with his Send TIIIRTY.I'IVE CE:"TS (35 the mind~ of his hearers with his: 9. Laying of wreaths willi be III i of Horne), Brand Oranp Cleveland 12. Balti little friend, Keith. brother and sister,ln·law, IIlr. and ccns) in coins (stamps cannot ~e hopeful mcssage so well express· Iorder and the procedure as fol.; Juice every morning. If. r ! SPANIARD'S BAY ,Tunc 25- Washington 3, Det' Mrs. Ernest Baker. accepted) for this pattern. Print cd. i lowed in former years wlll be oh. ~ delicious • • , gil'!'! ~.O!I Boston 11, Chlc~~n The marriage of ~Iiss Marcella Gall Bishop was tlwee years lIIr. Wllllam Strickland and plainly SIZE, NA M E, ADDRESS 1------'--- 'served agaIn this year. The pro- • Vitamin "COO fnr health ~ew York 5, Kan Jean Barrett, daughter of ~Ir. and old on Wednesd~y, June 27. family from St. John's spent Sun· STYLE NUnlllER. • ceedings will be under the direc· : Mr~. W. E. Barrett of Spanla'rd's Greetings come frem Mom Bill, I too! You'll really enjoy Bay, to lIIr. Byron Froude, son Una and Betty, Bnd from Daddy day here with relatil'es. I Send order to ~,NNE A ~ A. M S: tion of the local branch of the By Thp. A~;orial , lITifis Teresa Flynn, a student care o( ST. JOliN S DAILl N~WS 0 i Canadian Legion. ~nd the public: L... ______ChicRgo' While So: . a cup of of Mr. and lIIrs. Ha~'wnrd Froudc at Gandcr. ~inning streak ,,~~ I of Old Perlicnn, will takc place on nurse at St. Clarc's 1\1erey Hos· Pattern Dept, 60 STREET IN MEM RIAM !!, is In"iteEdtoxpal'tlCcIPate'AV:, AT pilal, Sf. ,John'~, is spending her EWST, TOROSTO,FItO~T ONT. IN G Boston Werlnc!day Saturda)', Jul)' 14. at 4.30 p.m. fn Congratulations- to Gordon \'0' ;1 holidays here with llCT parcnts, SHEPPARD 11·9 OXO Itiverdale United Church, Toronto. key Who ha5 a birthday on Sat· Sox won with ;\lr. ancl ilIrs. William Flynn. WASHINGTON (AP)-Th~ big. In lo\'lng memory of hillin~ four singl ReI'. Dr. A. R. Baggs, II!ho hap tis· urday, ,Tune 30. lIIiss Verna Sheppard, a st'udent U.S. history - $33,000,000,000 for H. W. SHEPPARD, thll lOW·CALORIE ed lIIiss Barrett as a bahy, will time! at hat. at the Grace Hospital school of broad, slrai~ht highways criss· who died sllddenly at • i, HOT BEEFY DRINK perform the ceremony. Boslon let ~ ~f\' 1\1rs .•Toseph Vokey celebrated nursing returned to St. John's on crossing the country-was passed Emily Harbonr, Labrador, ~alte all'S'" ~nn th A cuI' or hoc OXO mlkn her birthday on June 22. Best Thursday after spending her holl· by the House of Repr2sentatives Jllne 29, 1951. • Excavations for basements and grading done any· tllh three' in the e The marriage of ~Ii~s, J~ssie a delIcious Ind noulishins wishes come from her children. days with her parents, Mr. and Tuesday With it goes a higher where in Conception Boy. the White Sox. De! I: Nahlta!' full of the con­ Elliot of Cook's Harbour to 1111'. SPANIARD'S BAY, June 18- Mrs. A. R. Sheppard, $14,800,000,000 tax bill (or the next ccn11'ltcG ,ood nen of primt Bert Seymour of Spaniard's Bay rhe hlow was hard, the shock feat the White Sox Mr. Nath Mercer will have a birth· lItr. anrl Mrs. John Lllndrlgan 16 years for motored America to II their be~t homt , II., beef .".jlh • minimum will take place on Saturday, Aug. severe, • Fast and efficient service. day on Friday, June 22. Congratuh, and theIr twin daughters from make the ll-year program pay·as· nln« 12 of 14 gam~. ·1 of caloriet, ust 4. We did not think his deuth Try ;1 soon! tion!. St. John's here with lIlr. and Mrs. you·ride. The measure now has wa5 near, • Reasonable rates. Cleveland stretcher Gary Vokey o( 203 Freshwater Nath Barrelt. to be approved by the Senate, Ilruk to eight by I ; At your grocer's The engagement of Miss Phyllis Road will be nine yean old on ==-..::.:::.:.:.:. ____:--:-:-;-". Only tho~e who have known Noseworthy, daughter o( Mr. and Sunday, June 4. Greetings are sent Tuesday, June 19, and belated can tell more 12.ll in 11 inl ill PIC kalH of TORONTO (CPl-The forestry Iltge, the Orioles he t Mrs. Richard E. Noseworthy of his way by his cousin KeHh, birthday greetlngs come from The pain o( parllng without The AVALON EX.CA,VATING Co. ": 6ctt2cubn department said Tuesday that 42 Chieo Carrasquel's ' \. _• , ,~ .nd Spaniard's Bay, to Mr. George Le, Miss Bctt~ Murrin wl1l have' a Mom, Dad and the family. forest lires are burning lhrongh. farewell. ( W, WHALEN. 'phone 26F14 ...... SpClniord's Sa~ lith dro\'e in Al R IDrew, son of Mr. and Mr5. Fred birthday on ~londay next. the (lrst Linda NOSeworthy had a b!rthclay out Ontario. Four were not under tinning run. LeDrew of Cupids, has recently da\, of her school ,·acatlon. eBst on Sunday, and allhough It Is a -Ever remembered by Ills I control. During the last 24 h9ur5 wife and family. M. CRAWLEY, 'phone 5F2 ...... Holyro~ Bob Wiesler pitcr , 1been announced. The wedding is wi~hes come from the famlly. bit latc for greetings, we wl'h her 10 fires had been extinguished , to take place in the autumn. J. W .MOORE, 'phone 5F4 ...... Harbour Main !lclory and second c , . Eileen Nell had ~ birthday on many, many more. and four ncw ones reported. ~ the season as Wa~ : I .. ' lid Detroit 3-l TI : , ; ,! ·, ,. t· Iilowed only five , .' hun't won in its 1 ; I i:cludlng one tie. : i ~ .. r r: HITS TWO HOlIER. .:} .p I Ken Boyer conlinl 1I~lginl for Sr. Lo ;['.;, ',',. !;JIb his 18th and 191 j •• I ED ACADIA GAS ENGINES 'LlM1r Ind I single In a 6 .. :I' ,,"." ,.. ';' ST. JOHN'S, A1st. the New . '~' ".' tfiom Poholsky hcld FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS 20·35 H,P. FOUR CYCLE ve hlh. I · f;'-:'. ~~" : . Single and Double FOUR CYI.INDER MARINE ENGINE Brooklyn sp la;hrrl :. ;: .. FORD TRACTOR IMPLEMENTS , - fitld puddles to trin' , I' •• GASOLINE OR DIESEL '. Cylinder i:, :i • LOADERS 'tOring fOllr in the : , :1 600 AND 800 SERIES GAS ~Irl Furillo hit hi~ , I • DIGGERS TWO CYCLE In the eighlh innin, I I; • RUGGED I' :;: AND FORDSON MAJOR DIESEL · ,.. • ANGLE DOZERS lIoger Crai~,· Bree . ' ''', ENGINES • GRADERS • DEPENDABLE '?n his elght'h ~trai: rleld since he wa \ • ECONOMICAL • UTIUTl! BLADES • POWERFUL !:om the minor5 ia ! : • POST HOLE DIGGERS ~:er has lost a ga • ECONOMICAl , • DEPENDABLE • FORK LIFrS Boslon's winni " • SPREADERS • PARTS two men IV double • POWERFUi • PLOUGHS ALWAYS Dick Gernert by Billy GO! • HARROWS ON and Williams • SHOVEL5 and FORKS HAND mOre after G( 1 8-8 tie. 1 • SNOW BLOWERS At Cleveland six i • SNOW PLOUGHS (AVAILABLE THROUGH THE LOAN BOARD) to the moune I and three (01 I • HALF TRACKS • Manufacturers of two and four-cycle MARiNE and 1 : ! (AVAILABLE THROUGH THE LOAN SOARD) . Mossl was Ihe I,: " ete., etc. STATIONARY ENGINES, VESSEL HEAVING OUT­ Ilrown tbe II fOR INFORMA liON AND PRICES WRITE TO •• FITS, HOISTS, WINCHES, LOBSTER POT HOIST, Etc. blPIRATES l'S. I 1< " .. 'l'rSBURGIi (A j< Brookg Lnwl I .. ACADIA GAS ENGINES. 'LIMITED : : i; ST. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLAND r--...:.:=.;:,: ;'t DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 7956 - .. ',r SPORTS IN THE "r~EWS" l.oder, Ihr\' By GEORGE PERL.IN the . ~enlar' , THE BULL PF:N '~>~:l patricians Have Big Sixth The home run is !l0 longer an oddity in SI. John's base'hall, In Iac~, I have heard commEnts from some plr.ycrs la!ely which I;oulrl f" ~ndlcate that they feel It has become too commonplace. The complaints, m thc main, dealt with the left field bull pen, which has become t~e haven of all rlght·handed pull flitters in the Scnior League, A few ;;,::~~¥rrouncing Mounties 15-2 ago when home runs Were whacked or even when a player hlt·.a \\~, h I!ft "'L~ ~tlrtin t05sed six slralght base paths by way of a walk and press room lads with hlB top notch I?UI that managed to clear one of the outfield barricades it was con 111 ,.::;" Qf perfect ball last night a single. Martin's single drove In fielding at short. He fllled In for l~~~~ slder~d a topic of discussion for days on end. To,day, however, thinga ~ ;-;: r,,"! r~tlled out 12 hll~ and Jackie Withers who led off the the Injured BIllie Abbott and look­ t .. :,~ !~I'antag~ 01 six )loul1t Ca~h· Inning wllh a hit, Power moved ed as smooth as any city short slop. are different, Certainly all of the home runs aren't going into the bUll ~ i'~m ••tl : rrrm tor an eas)' 15 to 2 \'ic· rouftd to third when Ron Scott Last night just wasn't the night p:n, bu! a lot of them "re, Personally I am all in fa\'our of a ganie n: tnt 1lH., :, l~ Ihe :'t'nior Basehall LUf(uP. grounded 10 the mound and was for Don Ryan. His control was of( With plenty of homers, but I wonded if the bull pen does!l't cheapdn ~:' ,rrcrntb,' ,,, I;; IS A ROW nabbed at the plate when he at· and his curve didn't seem to be the thrill. p.; ~I~ ~,:t:n 'trrtched Ihe stL'ing of tempted to acore on a passed ball, breaking too well. . • • • . rd, Gr.. ';'1'1 ir.nin,:s for Patl'ician hurl· Charlie Walsh made first on the Scott nailed an old opponent of D1l1IlIIING LIGHT ~rrt D~~ ~'!1 15 hrforr he was touched left Hcider's error and I pair of his from the commercial League, The light Is flickering in Brooklyn and' alas mr lowly , I:r ,I, T,'C, "1 .:dt ~nll a hlmle run in Ihe walks to Frank Walsh and Jack Wilbur Newell, for his first hit of Bums appear headed for the boneyard, to use a Brooklyn ex· ~'r~ ;:0. ::.. ,-:-. (II Ihr 'clrnth inning, )Iar· Harvey ~et up R Ihree run error by the season, MarUn picked up seven :.... rrrlw,'''o'" I'lil Ii,:::r I ,,' un~ 11,~ with T,d Williams Inning W~dnesday night tn ,h'e Left III the qUlrter.llnal were t 1111111 he wa~ rockerl to ~Iecp by bp.came Iltp. ~\larkplllg in fllp.! \\e Imc I! ':' r 11\ \t Iho prc,ol1l I'. i: Detroit 3,1 The lefthander reiw Wednesday night a,alns! FElLDIAN tered the ring and went through fans, with blood In their eyes, The second !Jout ~aw had h,ny training camo of Ihp. ;'\ationai bId nnlf five hits. Detroit Kan ... City, taking a 5-2 win be- F.lltHan junior soccer hopefuls C,L.n. his pre·bout ritual but alas "the staye daround \0 see that Hughes Mike Dillon look . rathrr n~lld !Hticke,' Lr~£lIe 1>lontrra 1 (ana, ~l ~'\,n 'in its last 11 alarts, hind the flve.hlt pltchln. IIf big are requested to be at the Felldlan The C,L.B. football team will gods were fallhed against him," received his rights, Maninei, on when confronted With the flYing dirns 'alHl their farm dtlh~, ~lin~ ont lif, Tom Sturdivant. Hank Bauer hit grounds tonight at 8.30 sharp to practice tonight, players will be he lost the malch. being Informed 01 his mistake, fists of Bill Jackson. 1 R~ardon was commel1tin~ on re !.':S '/'11'0 HO~IERS his 18th homer of the 1ear with playa game with thlt team from notified regarding place and time, Hughes pickell the second fall reversed his lirst decision, so the . Jackson tied Dlllon up. ~ the ports that Faull:ner, who is Irnn tIn Bo;'rr ~ontinued his heavy one on In thl .Ighlh. ropes and struck ou~ Wlt~ a Grand Falls, Nfld" h~d brpn I;;i:r.r lor SI. Louis Cardinals SIurdlvant Wal lifted for r!- [\urry of lefts and rights v.hlch traded to Chicago Black Hawk! t:'! hi.- l'th and 19th home run" I I th lelt DiUon hanging on ,the of the NHL. o • lIefer Tom Morllan n the n n and Jackson was dlsquahfledr~~es I,:: ~ 'in~lf In a 6-0 romp over when, with one out, he walked to end the prellminarles. WI~IBLEDON, England - CP­ I. t ,lIt·place Nrw York Giants. pinch hitler Lou Sklzas. Morlan Seeded pla~'ers had their di!ficult: . ::!:: P"hnl~h held the Glants to f(ot pinch hitter Joe Ginsberg and No '55 Starter ies in Wcdnesday's second·roune ~t hi!. • .Toe Demaestrl 10 pop up, endln!! matches of the All·England tenni! Ihe game, tournament as lwo fell by the ,~:"'~I! lJ ,'pla.'hrd through ant· With National However II was Sturdivant's wayside in the men's singles and ,I.: pnr.dlr\ to trim ChicaRo 6·2, anothcr was droppcd in the wo· ~~~~( I~ilr in the fourth inning. win, hl~ fifth a&aln~t one defeat, . ,I:] FuriU, hit hi~ ~eventh homer and well.earned, He fanned Sill All-Stars mcn's dil'ision. ,: Itt ti.hlh iuning. and walktd ,Ix but managed to Ni':W YORK (AP1_Unles5thi:rc The chicf casuruty was third· choke off every A's threat dter is ~ last minute switch in the \'otes ranked SVCtI David~un of Sl\'eden ; P.\i~r rral~. 'Brookl),n winner he put himself ~head In the fifth still to he counted, the National who wris toppled by A~hley Coopel i:;: hil !i~hth straight lit Ehbet~ with • long triple and a rUD League Iinenp for thc July 10 ail- ~he brightest of Amtr t-'!\SS \..l"Il'o)c. ')\)10 $5.00 EACH FR \. \ 3 + Pass 3..J Pm il-1'C. 'R\'V'C.'R, ~C\) .t-'!!'.t:>'C. ~"EW YORK-If "ou ha,'e believed that R'lbins subsist saleh' on a diet of worms, you 4 • Pasl Pass 'I\' Pus W:.'i< PI~'t> c:.~ ~'C.!>t\.''Z'C . .' . FROM • . Opening lead-" J -rnPlj it'lE.~ (. .yC~'C. ~cPl\'\'''l' \-;.::;;:::;;:::? ! may start re\'ising your opinion. Here's Corinne Dalscaard, superintendent of the ,,-.) \.OOs.\ childrcll'5 zoo at the New York Zoological Gardens, Bronx, feeding a foundling robin spades, forcing out East's ace, with banana. The bird is one of a pair found abandoned in a nest on the zoo East could now lead a third club, forcing Sduth to ruff again. sw grounds. Both are doing all right all the banana diet.-(I.N. Photo), At this point South had only . one trump, while East had two trumps, East was thercfore sure ·L to make another trump trick, defeating iJtc conLract. East would not have defeated r I Lhe contract if he had begun the PhD' i,. ! Gold-digger, clubs by leading a low card In that suit. West would win with HIe aee and would return a club. Pearl-seeker Dummy would play the Jack, and R hey B)' CAROLYN WILLETI' East's king would make South r" "' Canadl~n Pren Staff Writer I,ruff? Dummy's queen of clubs E~perierice p _O'ITA \\ A <,cP) - Dr. Fnranz 1 would tlten control U1C sult, and , Kuhn calls hlmsclf a gold·dl"scr, Ilhe defenders would be unable addition to pr a pcarl·seeker, and to top It off, to make South ruIf a sccond 'kids .. a sun-follower. time More- form ,11 y, this tall, . _-'------spl'ighUy German Is recognized as NOVEL EXCUSE IT'S LIGHT-WEIGHT an outstanding scholar and tra~s. BEDFORD, England (CPJ-A lator of classical Chinese. 'In 19a4, lIlotorlst fined £2 for speeding FOOTWEAR TIME the German RepubUc awardc.d I througb the town told the court Music him the Or~cr of Mcrlt for hiS he was admiring the trees. "I've contrlhuUon In his unusual schol.! heard rccs blamed for many astlc field. " i thinss," commented the magis. Slip hito cool, carcfrcc play To PI'. Kuhn, In his early lOS, Ill'ate. "But nCI'cr for going too shocs for fun and comfort., the JJell'els hc secks arc in the fast" CIIILDRES'S manuscripts of Chinese novels -'-.------­ wl'itlen in thc Ming Dynasty, be· \'Shee1 C,\Sl'AS SnOES IWeen 1368 and 1644. into German a.nd many hal'e been Oxford str]e. Sizes 4 to 2. FOl.LOWS TIlE SUN l'e·translaLed mlo oilier western White. Red·Brown·Na I'y 'l\lntern~ So carrying II treasure 01 Chi· languages. : ;"} '_J... • lIese texts, a portable typewriter ONE IS BEST SELLER . and a folding writing tablc, hc One novcl, c~lled. Chin Pmg Mel 1:- 85e folloll's the sun from Frelburg, In· sold 40,?OO COplCS 10 the German .~\~pedol' Meetil 'Multi·co]or Germany's Black Forest, around I translahon and has been trans· In,Yictoria Hall. Europc and Scandinavia. luted Into almost every 1.anguage, "I'm like a swalloW," he ex· hc adds proudly. He has Just com· busim 95e plains in Engllsh. plcte~ a sequ:1 to the popular Last fall the lure of precious claSSIC, called 10 Engllsh Flowery Strap style. Red·Nal·Y. manuscrlpt~ took him to Hong Shadows Behind the Curtain. Slzcs 4 to 2 Kong where he purchased 120 Chi· • Morc than 40 years have passed nese texts. And a nephew, Ottawa since Dr. Kuhn se~ved as an ·a.t- 95e economist TiUo Kuhn invited him tachc In Germany 5 embassy m to his wedding, so the bachelor· China, and realized the kcy to scholar extended his round.thc. Chl~a s soul-her philosophy and world trip to Canada. genms-was in her written Ian· ." F( Relaxing in a photographers guage, particularly In the golden :~ . studio here, he explained that he age of 13th to 16th century novels. could read some 50,000 Chinese law degree dechehoheldaht characters and recogniZe 10,000 So the Dresden·born .attache wllhout using a dictionary. who hcld a law degree .declded he 'Freehold, semi He's already translated 10 Chi. would climb the 'pamer of lan­ nese novels and 26 short stories, gu~ge "and look at the real loom. four be Villna," He would bring thc East room, oil furne , I • to the WesL by translating China's MISSES' SAND.\LS classical masterpieces. 1 Calf .leather uppers ••• LONG STUDYING ,.': . composition soles. "It took 10 years or learning l RED I and study at Berlin University r Sizes 8'1.1 to 3 I nnd now I've had mOre than 30 . 1· years of practice," he said with ,'-I a chuckle. . '. CAN" AS BOOTS ~2.95 ; Through the years, his once­ auburn hatr has taken a Irosty TEAC Sturdy • . comfortable. .I' _. hue. But his cycs are a bright ',..' ' Black with White trim. BE THRIfTY ••• dancing blue and, says his nephew .1\, he puts youth to shame with his .' . Youths' sizes 7 to 13 antics from a diving board, ,. U~e His f8sclnaUon for delving Into ,51 58, 51.75, $3.00 \ China's literary past Is stronger ELECTRICITY ilian ever. Modern Chinese novels Boys' sizes 1 10 :l F.or -he has translated two-are fiat S1.iS, SI.OS, $3.50 and not much' fun to read, he says. ' BETTER LIVING I He denics any interest In poll· tics, but has c. oncluded that today \ the Chinese are behaving more Li~. like Chinese than Communists and working on their ancicnt prlncitJle aue of "compcnsatlon," jI patient be· Cheap, Ucliable Elcelricit~ \ lief that a time \l'ilI come to re· In and Around St. Johll S LaHate against 19th ceilUry' im, perlalism. I

, . "" ,.. , . ... "::.t,'" v' ~~~~.4.:t,~Sii:,,,,,\fb~r:'At~~~~


111 .\\'1) LOIS BY MORT WALKER AND DIK BROWNE / Nurses Aides Obtain Certificotes 4~"":":""~:.~ r>t.A~, .... : F~E:~ ~IS t:e ~~=~. J.~:' ,00 ~,~:" ~=:; ~'r~q~

'.. ...' :"'"'~ .... .

,. ',1 T ''',';,EY'S SC.:\~IP


, NURSING AIDES at the Infirmary, Sudbury Street, were prescntr' wltb cCI'!ifieatcs for complcting a period or tr"ining at the Instil.. ,,; ulion. lIon. Dr, F, W. Rowe, ~ti!1ister of Mines alid Resources. ::nd Acting ~linistpr of Welfare: t:tc5cnted tllp. certifica,t':5 !o ~lill ~ Patsy Bourne and Miss Addie Higdon who tOlllpletcd the \\'01':1, rour olh~r aides who cnmplNd! one year o[ training II't'fC ;'\se:::' llr~~rnl at the ceremony. Left to right, 5p.3tecl:-Pr.tsy Bourne. lio!!. Dr. Rowe, Alhlie Hi~don. Standing:-- ~;mcline Olil'er, Kay':::' Smith, Mrs. E. Kendell, who gal't the course; K. J,i!lnehan, and i\ancy Po\\'er.-.(DaHy ~ews Photo).

MeK TRA.'1SPORT l'LAYFl1J, PORPOISES I CHARLOTTETOWN (CP)-Ag. PORTSMOUTH, England (Cl') i riculture Ministcr Eugene Cullen Sailors were put Oil the alcrl when' '1 ~ays thcre is no rcason why a 90 • foot "mon,;lcr" fonowed a Princc Edward Island shouldn't ! ;;ubmarine into the harbor of this' Hampshire city. Bllt it \\'3S jllst· have 1,000,000 I'isitors a ypar ex· '----0 ~--;'-i----­ ! c~pt that "our transportation Ia'i a school of porpoises.

,IUU .. :::~ b'~::.:.m" I I,AST UGHT LIVE· . WARKLEIGH, England (CP)-I K I '1' C II ENE R, Onto (CP)_: I Farmer Reg Thorne, 40, playing; School officials here say onc local: ELECTRICALL Y 'the "OIel Inhabitant" at the vii.' bo\' must ratc as the hoe-key: : lage pageant in this Devonshire I' champion of Cannda-hc's becn, An,d Enjoy ! commllnity, lit his clay piPe and absent 75 days so far this tcrm. se fire to his false bearil. He car· I the ,ried on barefaced. II he .. - DIFFERENCE , ... ~ "ICfOIlY spon.s ------1 Welcome Wagon DERBY, England (CP)-Mcm. Condensilion Iro'm New Book: bpI'S of the local rugby football Hostess club havc been askcd not to be so u~.ii Grizzly Bears rough ncxt scason. Last season I CO .... ANY """'10 11 Will Knock on Your Door the\' hroNc i9 plates, an al'cragc ! At The Back Door of fi\'e a wcek, scvcl'al panc\~ in C'hcnp, Relinblc Elcctrieil, with Gifts and Greetings I r l When Jim nnd Laurette Stanton thc pavilion and a stove pipe, I In and Around. St. John's I from FI iendly Business celchl'ating victories. I i ""HIed ,in northern British Cu· lumbia they fulfilled a Ion~. II . Neighbors aoCA Your I cherished dream DC irontier living. '. Civic and Social 'I'heir only neichhourII were I he largest colony of grizzlies in Welfare Leaders I N orlh America. . On the occasion of: ! July Reader's Digedt brings The Birth of c Baby, , you their almost incredihle ~1' I p<'rienceo - 30 yellTS of dally Arrivals of Newcomers to , I Rdventure, hair· raisin!: and hu· City. i morOllS, living on friendly terms Elizabeth Arden with mOlllltrou8 I{l'izzly bean. Get 'Phone 3031 vour ,Iuly Render's Di~e!t today: 41 articles DC lasting interen con· JUue G.-ass 1~lo,ver Mist .lensed tn s.v(\ your timp.. THE BEST PLACE '1'0; INSURE YOUR AUTO. MOBILE yomt 'sr';AU:U n;:>m;RS .drlrr".rl to I~. PLEASURE " IInd''UI/:llf'fi ;and pl1t'nr~rr1 ··Tf:MH·;n I FOIL II'IIAIIF ~;x'n:;,;slIl:'ol A:>11 8111':U, BOAT ,1I'ESLEYI'II,U:. 1I0)o.'AV]STA. NOR'fIl OiSTlUL'l'. !IIt·LU.", will be ,oc.h·.rl I.' the olftcc c( thf' Sf'Crftal'Y, IInlil 3.00 ]1.111.1 U;.D.~.T.', WEDNESDAY, JUIS 25, mo.: REG T. MORGAN 1'lOlno; and .!-pccilicfllion!l can I)e hccn I and form II of tender obtained at the oflire 1 ,If li1c Chid Bn~lneer. Ocpartmcnt 01 INSURANCE 1'1Ibllt' Works. OttAwa, Ontario. at th" I otllee, or the District t:nglnerr, Po.t 1',0, Box 168. 'Phone 8.0370.775' Uffh;e nox 11·239, Buildin.\: :!9. Buck. mastcr'~ .·If'ld. St. John's. NlId .. and f'ub. lit! Dulldln" Hrdlnrd now. lJaUfini. N.S .• :md n~ the l'o~l Offkl'!i, at Corner Brook and Grand J.~all", NJ1d. '1"0 he consldertl1 each It'ndc[' ntu!!t b.. accOml)~nlad by n ~et.:urity In tbe lorm of • certified cheque 0[' bOnlh '$ IIpeclfied In the form of tender and nmue ~n or according lO Ihe5c forms .. nd 111 ~cL'o::,LI. ance with the condition. set forth there Ill. The Department. throulh the Chler· En· tlnee'l"':S office (ll.· .nd n,), or throu&h the u",Jfrjl"n~lt, or throuJ(h the oUlet" of tho DI.trlct En.lneer II St. John'., Nlld .• and Halifax. N,S" will lupply blul'·prlnlll and IpecUl.atlon 01 Ih. wor~ on depo,11 of a sum· of '15.00 In the fonn of a cr;n. TWU·:D bank cheque or money order pay· Ablt to the order of the RECEIVER ta~N. CPAI. OF CIINADA. 'fhe d.po.1I will h"1 l'clC',srrl on return or the blur.,prlnt5 and Public Notice "'p(,l"lfil'fltion In flood l"ondltion "itbin A m~lIlh from tile date of tel'f'ptlon pf rcon· ~~:B'lt(,~lirtt ~~i"tu~needfo';l!W~l.that pt'tloll I T~ndcrs a~'c invited and wIl, he' I .:rh. lo ..e.t or any tender ..t n.Ct.'nr· i l'Ceell'cd Up to close of huslne~s i Uy "Cr; rOIl:IlEn. 6.%5 \'AWE , ,,,",.. ot' leoder obl.lnod at the om.. 01 ttlrned 10 unsllccessful tcndcl'€l's IllhO Chler l:ngl ••er. nepart", ••t 01. I'ubll~ whcn the contract is iwarded 4.00 Worl.:;. fJttawOl. t)t~!.,l:·,U, Itt the fJ"I'~ (1 •• I • limiteoi iimc ollCy Ih. llI,trlri En,'. Puhll< Bulldlnf. 1 he succcss[ul tcnderer will be ,!rdiord now. nalll.. ,: !\I,S., and ;t 111', expected to deposit furthl!!' sums 100\ Offl«. Wile nIVer, Digby, ond J' th ttl r!' d it Yarmouth, N.S.a' It 0 lrmg e 0 a a liS epo9 1'0 be eon,ldered .arh lond« ,,1Utt t·, Up to 10<;;, of the amount o[ his Blue Grm Flower Misl •• , one of the IOl'ely lasting aCl'omp:lnlcd by • ECl;UrIIY In the fDrm of. , dclighls, you can Ii\'c' with all day loug. Spray iI, splash , a ' R M.\NNING .. • l(rerttd. •. . t. '. • ! Roct;n'r ron"n'~H" .. , D~plltv Mlnl.tar : Chid of Adml."lrolh'. 1 DAparll[ftn' t of Public: "~ork'5 Ind'-:.rl"'·, S.ertlln', ' . ~ h. ..' r,.~ .. It"•• 1 of !'uhllr Work" .Iune, 11156. . ,jun2n,29 120' • OUo.'o, June 19, 1958. Je28,30 , .- • · ~. ,. " ~ .. . ~'. ,. ~.~~' -:.... ~.~:~ t ;·~'~·;.<~:r .'.! ~'l ~": :.1. _. " . '. • THE DAilY' NEWS; lH'UftS~Ay:I:Jut4!i2s/'",¥, I • I'" ; . J •

,. - t-" . '.. ' '" ... . ~' . 'I ~".. . . ". ~ • ".-' ~ I' .' . . ' .. ,......

:- • . t

NOTICE Outside Pllntlng doni Bettlr .t LowI.t Contnct WREA,rHS Prices by thp SPRING TIME PAINTERS THE FINEST 3·TRACK 01.1 4244A or 5534H EXTRUDED ALUMINUM ~ ([i . , ~ Permissi'>I1 h~s hern grnnted for,Ule lIse of tht Synod Hall and Er.; Public Notice Guardian Printing Building (Kin~'s Beach)' for .the deli\'e~y ill COMBINATION STORM MID ~ Wrcaths for Sunday's Memorinl Son'ice, Will ~ll tho!.e d~5irou. SCREEN WINDOW i' o[ having wrea ths placed on the Sersr;eanu illemorlz,l, plene :i.'I.,""It ST. JOHN'S APPROACHES senei them !o the Synod Hall, a!ld thn~e for til'- National War · er et;~3 ~~AR~~T~~~T \:, .. Ii (BUIL.DINGI REGULATIONS, Memorial to Printing Buildinll. tin SA'rURDA Y. i~2'j.28,30 . . .'1' • 1952 June 30th. 1956. je27,28, 'r··.J:" , . I . An application has been re·,·­ MEWS';:b~ItY STEERS CONTROLLED I reived for pl!1'mission to use a ., . I .~ INSUAANCE VENTILATION I parccl of land on the Blackmarsh ) noad, Immediately east of land : AGENCIES I owned by t.he R.C.Episcopal I_LIN'tID ..:... • I .:~r' : ... , '.' .,). ~4 'jJ~ '!"-i";~'<.!r~·f."'v..· Corporation, for the erection of '0" ~"M '-"Ii " .. , WESTCOTT'S LTD. I a snack bar and amusement rides .pen). ". ~~., .,.,1 j . cllnslstillg of a ferris wheel, ".. ,... "~r ~:'~~.' ~~~~;t;~ t"~i ~ mANUF ACTURERS) I {t.,c: Qlr. ElIzabetb and Portugal C. Rd I rocket ride. etc. ·t··h· '·0" :';:..', .. Any persoll whose Inleresb " •'u.'~'"I·'h· . I,, ' . ,-7tf,&'. 'Phone 90118 • 10119 r. may be affected by this proposal · : .. '..... ~.. :l..... !!.~1;~,~ ... ", Dial 91115 Elizabeth A"r ! , and who may wish 10 comment a:30~.• ~n'~ioli·i.'~~~ all this appli(·ation. may do so hy · -,'" . ~ . . .. ~ ~\ wriling to Ihe undersigned on or' .J '. • ',: ., . _. _;1... ~.' I': Ir i' ';' •• before 3rd ,Tuly, 1056. ,·;St ..ut~ryj2: Newfoundland '. C. W, POWEI.L, Deputv Minister of MuniCIpal · '.: ·;H~lidiiY"·: ::-:" ".\ Services Af/air~. STADIUM DANCE t ...... It.t. ""' ... je27,28 . :DIf1.EN.t1 ...I • ..,d..... J"II4t ...... \--_._--- FASSENGER NOTICES CONSTRucriO"N {195'1) CONNECTION GREEN BAY LAMl-S, FIXTURES 'Well, I c&n see it's. chuck wagon-wha~,,1 wlI~t to , -, . ~. ,.. ' ... '" ...... , ...... SERVICE - TO·DAY AND APPLIANCES . know i. where )'ou ,~t the c.~uc~._ ... " Thursday June 28th. -" " . LlMIT~~ R(,l:lIlar ~ II m. train Ical'ln,!: i I ~: .1nhn'; TO·O" Y ••Iunc 28th, \ City Service .. 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. I I'ROJEe~::: CJ)~5trurtion 'flf III "m ('''nncrl :II I.CII ispnrtc with Featuring Princes Orchestra ! PMQ . HIIU!ln, Unlh i.C.A.1. ~I ". (e-drny on Grecn B.ay I Co., Ltd. ! Station;: Goo •• 1Iay. •. LabUdor. 'Fq. ~r~·lC"r-. I ENJOY DANCING ON ST. JOHN'S 122·7·G4-33.·· '. .' CONNECTION ST. JOHN'S. '7 LeMarch.nt Road Dial 7161 BINGO SM led teDder" plain1;' :Mi,rtM BIGGEST DANCE' FLOOR II' to 'tontent: and ~,dnr'8.~r\:")/I CORNER BROOK SERVICE (To help defray expenses of reconditioning and fencing -FRIDAY . G~ Admission: 7'5c per person tho. . underaign,!d, for:,tJ,.e. .•lil;i~ 1 rain "ThE' Caribou" Ical'lnlt I N. E. A. Little League Baseball Diamond) project .will be received u;.ti\ i toO p,~: (Easttrn,I?Aj~itht S""ing ~~ Jnh:1" 1i p.m. Friday, ,lul1c I' GAIETY AMUSEMENT CENTRE ~;tr. \1'111 rnnn~rt at (orner Brook, Sc~olarships . \ Tim~l. . ,.;:~ ~ 5. :\MthE'rn Ranger on i TO.NIGHT AT B.30 \ TIlUIISDA'f • .lalf II, .1~~' . :. .hh::·~· (orner Bronk Ser\'ice. I Four Scholarships will hr · Plan~, Ipecifications and 'tMIi~r Usual Good Prizes 30 Games for $1,00 'Iorml required' may bt obtr.!lied -:!:CTI(\N LEWIS PORTE .' awarded by the Ncwloundland by General €onlrActbrl OIIlt frilm CC'I\NEIt !!r.OOK SERVICE ! GOI'crnmenl Employees' Associa· Door Admission 5 cents LOST -!=R'DAY i tlon 10 candidates in the 1956 D,C.I,. Planl Sectip.D. Jlnorn 1M, je26,tf from.2. King's Bridge Court a .: the ,ddr,.. deposit : ~!!c "T':~ (~ri1J~u" lea\'in~: Pub Ii c Examinations who are b~lo~...A,. ! ()f ·SIOO.OO;payablr. 10 Defence Con- " '~::::" ~ p m. F~lda~·. June II children of members of the ------~---- BROWN AND WHITl COLLIE DOG.' .truction (1951) Limited Is requir­ :!I at Association. :?:.:' ., ~tn!:~~1 ~ewlsporte F I Ied tor etch 1>[ .plli'llK and dO~II' ., ::,~ =:; :;:;:r;~:::~ll' on the Successlul candidates for two or 5a e .,t !..:,,::;:~:~~.Co:_n~r-Brr.ok Ser\'ice Grade XI Scholarships of S50.00 . Reward for information leading to hi' return. men!!. This depoi'it i! flJrftit~d if . each must fulfill the following plans Ind .•pecifh'at.!o'.~ Building Water St. East, ground floor consists of ShoF ,:O~I~I=C;lOfJ BAY RUN conditions:-. 'PHONE 7774 Ut not rellli-ned In· 8Iio'H~rtlrr on t:_LAC.=NT!A BAY-:-MONDAY 11. "lust be under elgh!een years and two other rooms. Second and third floor rooms 11)1' b.ff'ir.~ til. ~fOlrdu'ntl!:!df;§'.. fol· je27,31 !'.' ~;:!r n a.m. Iram to Argen·. of age on July 1. 1906. I may be approached through se.parate ent~ance on side . lJowinf eon:racl award. . ~:! ~.!~:1:\ay. July 2nd. wl\l can· \ 2. lIlust obtain a pass qualifying i Plan.· and .ptcifi~'\lo(I!.~·will be ::l'~t with :II.\', Burin on Bay Run for entrance to Newfoundland i street and are suitable for Offices or Residence. D.parlmlnl 01 Education Ion 'View it Bultde'I'J' l:t~han~'s in Plaw:tia Ba~·. i :llemorlal Unll'erslt~·. ; for further Infor.mation apply WANTED I H.lifax,· Fredericton, MoneLon. SI. CONNECTION SOUTH COAST i 3, :llust registe\ to pursue Icad· ! DIVISION OF ADULT i Johns, N.ll. 1I0arrj. o[ Trade, SI. SERVICE-MONDA Y . emie. prafcssio~ai 01' cammer· i EDUCATION Wanted by a young and 'reliablo Newfound­ I Junn'l, Ne,,·foundland, D.C.!" Hali· T-ain • The Caribou" Ica\'lng clal studies during 1956·57. I .EASTERN TRUST co. : fax Brancb Oifice, and ',I 'the 'ad· s: 'John's :; p.m, ~Ionday, .luly I Succes;;ful candidates foro two i land Couple with one 5 year old child, a aelf­ dml below.' .. '. .' 275 WATER ST. 'PHONE 2027 ::~d. will conncct with S.S. Ba~( I Grade X Scholarships of S.5.00 I Wanted - Three F.ach i8iJ(l~r' ~~,i\' ~e sl.bmittr.rI jnd 1,14,18,21,25,28 contained, unfurnished APARTMENT or I ~a1icn nn the South (oa;( Serl'icc eachditimust fulfill the following, •on the form~ pre~cl'ihed anr! h~ con on5:- Institution l,ccompani,d li~' a ,~cllrlty deposit CONNECTION NOTRE DAME \. be under ;cl'cntccn year, ------HOUSE. Can furnish excellent rp.ferences .. ~I\lSt ~s called for. in :h@ ttnllp-r rloen· BAY SERVICE-MONDAY or a!lc on ,lull' 1. 1~56. -'. Teachers Please 'PHONE 2177-8-9 during businell hour. Ment.. Such d~po~it lih~1I i"· T~ail1 "The Caribou" Iral'i"~ 2. Must obtain a pa~~ in eIJ:hl demnify the owner again~t lo.·~ in .T"h!1', 5 I'l.m ..Iuly Mlbjcrls, one 01 which mllst and ask for Engraving Departmont. ~: ~Ionday LIMITED SALE OFFER I t.he "\'lInt of wilhdrAwal ft( t;'. o , ,\ppli(,~tinn~ are in\'ilrrllo fill tit- ! ::,~. "Ill rnl1~rcl at LC\l'i6pr""~' he a lorr.i!!11 lan;:uat • .lplP,1I IlIcce.sful tp.nd~rpr ~ub~eqt.lpnt to "'~h ".\'. ('\mn\'illr on L!lc :j. Must lake G"nde XI durin; 81G TRADE·IN ALLOWANCE OF 5.00 : fnllnll'inc \'nr~"rirs nn liJp ~I~fl! lof thp. nil'i,inn II[ A,htll 8dlll'n:ion : -----.-----.... -. acceptance o( Ih, bid. '·.!rr Oamr l'a~' 5cn·icr. 'I ln56.[,;. ON ANY U. SED TIRE WHE"I YOU Th. lowest or ;ton\' !r.nder ~ot ; Applications should bp. made. ''\ I1 .•. 111'0 tr~r.hcrs. mil I r • or I Pnlalr. I , 1 i\ece.;~arill" Accepted. FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES . in Ihr. candidate's 011'11 handwrl!· BUY ANY i lor the SI. .lohn·s Snnalorillm ~nd ' J: ». ·.l):NNISOS, ~p~rpllry, ! iil;:. to the SN!retary. Schein." i ~ (cmille IN.UNTER' SERVICf VBLeAIIZI •• ".restone Applications for this position· cealt . on' IIIII Nfld. Armature Works Ltd. SATURDAY next, June 30th. .... BAMBRICIC ST. DIAL 4502 je2R,28;TeI26.211 , 'Great Eastern Oil WANTED . ;IO.DAY'S/SfECIAL CLOTHES make the man If CHAFE Company, Limited · . '. . ~~. ~.;i . I THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED SALESLADY' . !'ir-. .'.. J....l makes the clothes ---_..•. _-, 1951UlliCK :t-Door SedM E;t:c! Jllfnl· cCl<~·ditlon. for our Second Floor Fashion Deparfi'nint WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor ~~g,. $1250 ..... NDw $1050. Apply in person only te 4 HOLDjWORTI+ ST. . CERTIFI!D' IUYS 1951 CHEVRC>L!T". ,s9i5.00 The Model Shop 1951 MONARCH .~ : .. $800.00 REQUIRED 1952 STUDEBAKER; ,;'$850:0'0 1953 HILtMAN::~.;::~,$850:00' THE R.C.A.F,. GROUND OBSERVER CORPS Housekeeper 1__ .______'-- ____ " .." , . I JUNIOR SALESMAN; SALES LADY • a'so J IN YOUR COMMUNITY AS;':'" iSEits·· : . . Application! llI'e Invited to fill \ NEEDS MORE CIVILIAN. VOLUNTEERS Ihe post of Hou~ekeeper at the Writ! stelting age and experience to Botwood Hospital, Botwood. Salary. TO ACT AS AIRCRAfT SPOTIERS. cO{l1mence~ at $150.00 per month. : from which $30.00 is dedllctlble lOl ! PARKER & MONR,DE LTD. board and lodgings, U. niforms arc I' For particulars on how YOU can help In. the provided. . 1952 CHEVROlET 2To/l Truck "efenc'e of your Country by d~lng this important The duties will consist of routine i housekeeping .assignments and as· : With 5t~k~ body'; good lyres; good work write to- . sisling In the supervision 4lf I . . female staff. I battery; a ~eal. bargain.: ...... R.C.A,F. GROUND 'OBSERVER, CORPS, Preference will be given candi ! tlzAes who have had experience in ! GANDER, NEWFOUNDLAND ! institutional work. . REGULAR PRICE I Applicntions slaling age, eduL 1 $850.00 Ition and e~peri~nle should be a,l dressed to rlthrr the lJIr(!('lor II' . ,TO-DAY' . I Surses, Nursing Sen'lets, IItll:II" , ment of lleallh.· ,",01'1 William, S .. :'.~Im's or Ihe Nurse 111 Char~ 'I:olwood Jlospital. Botwood, i ),EONARD mLl.lm, ~I.I)" YOUR HELP IS NEEDED. .. Dcputy IIl1nlstcr 01 HC. alt . jc21,28 Ij ne26,28 " ,------. -......

J. 19.



KEEP IT AND WEAR Outboard Motor IT ON SUNDAY JULY lst The funeral of our late Comrade, R! Allan Edwards, t~abin Cruiser will take place, Thurs· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ day, at 2.l5 p.m. from his --,;: late residence Howley Av REQUIRED for Chapel Arm, FOR SALE-B·flat Tenor Trom· .' e. second room female teacher. bone. Perfect condition. Price , WANTED ~aseballer's Sweep All available Ex·Servicemen Also two femr,le teachers for $40.00. 'Phone 90924. jc27,3i For Sale Ia po~ition as BOOKKEEPER or I' are requested to attend. Ne\v Harbour School and one I The Drawing For The Third Prize J. W. GOODYEAR, male teacher for Spread Eagle New Method . ACCOUNTANT, by a man in I 20 feet long by 7 feet wide; has molded S t Sf J h' B' h School. Apply to Rev. W. E. Rug Cleaners I his early forties, with 27 years ecre ary, • a n s rane R. Cracknell at New Harbour, i mahosany plywood hull, equipped with twin RUGS and CARPETS made to • of .banking experience. Can fI T.B. jne23,lw Evinrude 15 h.p. Engine, remote controls." look like new. Von Schrader Ii supply references. '" i 52,000.00 REQUIRED for four room school proccss adds years to life of please reply to I FOR SALE at Norman's Cove, T.B., Prin­ rugs. Cleaned In home or at Boat and engine in excellent condition. ::-. _ j~'ill be held at the BALL PARK on MONDAY cipal U Grade. Apply to Rev. our plant. NEW METHOD ~ BOX 700 c/o Daily News ~ RUG CLEANEHS, 'Phene ie26,3i· i !'cm. G~ AFTERNOON, July 2nd. All stubs drawn will One 1956 Custom­ W. E. R. Cracknell r.t New Harbour, T.B. jne23,1w nIn3B·F, Freshwater Road. ,---- I' Appl,Y OFFICE MANAGER be returned to the Drum for drawings for the line Ford Sedan je21,lm ------i Household Movers I :ther Prizes which will be held at the earliest Never used. Price $2300. Insurana. J. W. STEPIIE!IIS Umited. Cus· I' I possible dates. Terms can be arranged. tom )liIl ,·nd Factory work. ! a, nd Shippers Ltd. STEERS LTD. INSURANCE-Bowrlnl Broth· FuJI line o[ building supplies which includes Cemcnl, Plas!· I Telephone 4495L Ir Limited Inlllrance DepaM' ering supplics, Rough and IOrricc nnd Warehouse, Torbn:v nd'l ment-Fire. automobile. Mar· I New Phone Number 91925·L I M PORT A NT or apply to Ine and all Casualty linn Drr!sscd Lumbcr of all kinds, I Doors, lntcrior and Exterior Expert packing. err-ling, shipping I 12 YOUNG STREET Telephone 3131. Finish, Shingles, Asphalt, B.C. hou~ehold furnilure and effects. 1 DANCE ~11 S:ubs of sold Tickets must be returned to the r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;=;;; A MESSAGE to all property and Eastern Cedar, in fact, I Local and long distance moving, I Oiiice of MESSRS. GILLIES & ALLAN, Head of owners living berond. St. I Agen!s in all principal Clies. I ' A f II t t everything to build anything. . NIGIIT CALLS D,\ Y LALLS II ST. KEVIN'S HALL, GOULDS rrmoll Street, NOT LATER than this coming CARD Jo h n 5: re you u y pro ec . Prompt delivery. Phone or ed against loss by fire? What write J. W. Stephens Limited, I -,- SATURDAY, June 30th. about Liability Insurance' on I your Truck and Car? Drive _S>_'d_ne_y_, _N_.S_. _____ i Wanted to Rent DR. W. with the sun behind you, and 1 TONIGHT rCKETS IN THE SWEEP ARE STILL AVAILABLE then ~'ou have peace of mind. CARD -w. F. Caldwell, Fire and i Three unfurnished Rooms with '1 QUEEN'S MEN ORCHESTRA GROBIN 1 5.00 EACH FROM ANY, BASEBALL PLAYER OR CasualtyTemple Building,Insurance Duckworth Agent, H•• B Th omson use of bathroom, by family of i HAS RESUMED Street, St. John's, 'Phone 2465 Opt.D., Optometrist four. FROM ~HE USUAL SALESMEN. I PRACTICE I DEPENDABLE FIRB tNSUR. "Eyes Examined .. " ANCI-Don'l risk your valu· Glasses FI'tted" Interested parties HOC·KEY je27,31 .bles to "save" • few dollars. ~t. John's Am~teuf. Baseball' League, Our fair-rate, reliable polley O'flct: 18 LESLtE ST. • Phone 47. 63F , The adiourned ann,:,al meeting of the St. '. gives Immedlalll protecUon. (st., .lohn's Wcst) SWEEPSTAKE DIVISION 'Phone 6921 or write I. J. By Appoiniment. I:' between 6 and 7 p.m. John's SENIOR and JUNIOR HOCKEY LEAGUE .. ' Lacey. P.O. Box fl06. 'PHONE 6770 YOUNG LADY je21,2~,26,27,2B , will be held rO·NIGHT, June' 28th, at 8.15 ". . ' FU RNESS WtTHY INSUR· je26,28,30 • d fo t I h cJ I ANCE Department oUerlnll ------p.m. at the Prince of Wales Arena. The public require 'r e ep one an dependable Insurance-Aula- Business Opportun'ltl'es Ad' . I k d I mobile. Fire, Burglary. Plate I ccommo ahon is invited. cI erlca wor Dwntown office Transportation. Travel Aeel· I' WE S1'IJ.L hal'c a few Western Photo ' Finisher dent. Liability. Phone 2073. tranchlses available in Ontario. . For gentleman; bed-sitting I (Sgd.) JOHN M. TOBIN, Hon. Secretary Apply GlaD, Tourist Baggage, Quebec anel the ~farilimes for II Room in modern heme,· with! . Autom(\\I'e Retail Stores. We Cantecr STAN FOWLER, R.. are offering this oppor~unit)' 10 i or withcut meals; well heated; nouf bulldlnll, for Fire Auto- responsible people interested ,j'shower. Daily or weekly Required P.O. Box E5046 mobUe and Plate Glass Insur. in opera ling their own busi· Street Superintendent Wanted '.~.' Ince. Claims promptly settl· ness. Take ndl'antage o,! thirt.v 1 rates. ed. 'Phone 1l531-P.O. BOl I The City of Corner Brook requires the immediate ;hperience preferred but not essential­ 63. years' experience b,· aS5sociat· 1 APP IY Box 111 ing with Canada's' most pro· services of a competent Street Superintendent who will , ;:=dition to present' staff. FOOTBALL GIBSON \iUITARS _ Horner gressive Automotive Chain, 115 I' care this Office be responsible for the maintenance of streets and ," .Button stop Accordeons and stores now in operation. For ; I drainage systems, snow-clearing operations and the . -. \ Apply MANAGER ' Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo. (ur~her information write 10 phones, Boosey Clarlnel!.- . ----~---- care of parks and lawns. Experience in road mainten· To-night 7.30 Charles Hutton &I Sons. P.O. Western Tire and Aula Supply I WANTED feb3.eod.!! Limited, Head O[£ice, Box 204, I ance and construction, supervision of men and equip. London, Ontario. I ment and some knowledge of progress reports essential. , :Musical Clock Ltd. HOLY CROSS VI. ST. PAT'S ROBERT DAWE & SON, Fire jne27,2B,29 A General Mal'd I and Automobile Insu.ran~. ._._._--.--- Applications staling age; educational qualifica­ WATER STREET Be safe, be sure, Insure. Tele- ANNOUNCEMENT - Private I tions, 'details of experience and salary expected must Officials: J. Doyle, phone 2882,' P.O. BOl 1m Detective. Public lnvestiga. who understands plain cook· i ¥~fi~s. Bank Chambers. st. tor. What do you wont to ing for small family. Exp,eri-· be accompanied by refer~nces and forwarded to the know? Whnt do you want to ence preferred; references re- undersigned not later than July 7, 1956. "..: Parsons and Wheeler i , , WHEN YOUR HOUSI! NEEr;lS find olll about. A modest fee . d A I J S CU REI ELLWOOD·C. REID, , Sheet Metal Workers ______1 a repair job done, small or for all service.' For Interview ,quire. pp y .' R 1 , larlle or It needs to be paint. Dlnl 4260·A. Write or wile 10 Winter Place or, t Superintendent of Public Works, International AS.sociation ed at low eo!t and efficient to Public Bureau, P.o. Box I Ph ne 2228 I Corner Brook, Newfoundland service kindly call J. Strat, E·5400, st. John·s. Nfld. 0 I j1'27.3i LOCAL 512 STADIUM ton, 42 Cashin Avenue. Dial je27,31 i 1~1.lf I 01 Meeting and Social will be held this Evening SCHEDULE 7501J.F. jne12,lmth . Hall. This meeting will start at 8 o'clock. As ONLY COMPLETE BLtND Service. Manulacture, Laun­ tont business is to be conducted at this meeting To July 2nd dry Repair Work gua.ranteed.· members are asked to make a special effort to One day &erv/ce. Frep quota. tiona. Kearneys Limited, JOIN THE BIG T RADE·IN PARADE THURSDAY Manulacturers. 454 Water st. JAKE RALPH, Recording Secretary DANCE, 9·1 Barber AT

Princes Orchestra THE CENTRAL. BARB'n SHOP II • We are now operating six FRIDAY chairs. You can be assured MOTO RS ' Limited of the best possible service I McKINLAY FOR SALE ROLLER SKATING, 8·10 plus the least possible walt· ing. 24 New Gower St. opp. 1 ATLANTIC AVENUE SATURDAY Adelaide Motors Ltd. I ROLLER SKATING BROWN'S' Burin Peninsula * YOU NEED semi.detached House; living·room, dining. Taxi Slrvlc_;. taxi leaves *WE WANT four bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, basement 2·4; 8·10 both St. John's and Grand Bank dally. For passage oil furnace, large garden. MONDAY 'Phone 9033~·A st. John'. or wire Jim Brown, Grand A NEW ONE TELEPHONE 7069 . ROLLER SKATING, 8·10 Bank.' my7,tf , USED CARS ALL WOOL MATTR'CSSIS are picked, re-covered: eprln,. da" beds rewired;' Inner WE AFULL , !gring mattresae. recondltiDn· - . MAKE· MONEY STOCK aI. Write, Phone 3891, wire H. J. KeaLs. 16 Mount Royal CHER WANTED Avenue. HIGHEST ' ~ : ------ON A' . ' , . FOR THE BUCHANS PUBLIC SCHOO'L SINGLE YOUNG MEN LINE OF HUDSON WANTED TRADE- INS TRADE-IN For Grade I. Du!ies to begin Septembe~. 1953 To Ira In for management posUlons .. at Fur Trade Post~ across Canada. AND VANGUARD .CARS Generous augmentation from the Board. MORRIS 'fhese are permooent positions . with excellent opportunltles, and AT , " . 00 • $950. . good working clI.ndltlons. Ap­ :.'4., Apply II1Icants must be unmarried, undt:t ::: I Limited -~, ; 22, with a high school education MOTORS ...... ', • dM " t ' Lt'd Rnd In perfect health. Please McKINLAY" THE SECRETARY Bair 0 Drs 51 LeMARCHANl ROAD .... apply DIAL 4193·4-5 DIAL 80~18.9 HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY, :,ii BUCH4NS PUBLIC SCHOOL MERRYMEETING ROAD jne28,29'::4 Water Street I ______------~--~ I • THE DAILY NEWS, THURS~AY, JUNE 2B, 7956 20 ho HOllOI' Graduate In NCO Course ..' ..o .. . '. :.. '.: PEPPEnRELL AFB - Honor ...... graduate of the last class n the I SPOT STOCK, Northeast All' Command's NCO I Leadrrship School was S/Sst. Fred I S. Losch, an airborne radio pocr· ator in the 06041h Operations i STEEL an'd CAST,. IRON SINKS Squadron. Sergeant Losch is a I Variable c101 former German soldier and Red warmer. HiSh tl I prisoner of war. lIis story o[ his i HIGHEST QUALITY . experience as a Communist POW \' Beyond The Blatk Stump is told below in his own words; '. I was born in . Loctzen, East. /\lev" SllUle ...... CANADIAN • BRITISH WASH BASINS Prussia. In 104:1 I had to leave: Mary of Carisbrooke school when our whole class was' . MANUFACTURERS, sent to the Navy station on t.he I l' ~rgarel Ca, mpbell .Chou Spee PRODUCTS BRITAIN'S LEADING Baltic. El'entu,ally I got the ~ssign Barnes...... 3.00' i 00. GET OUTDOORS ment for which 1 l'olunteere:J, I .. ' NEXT SHIPMENT DUE LATTER PART JUNE, cadet. training with the German 'I A Single Pebble , WITH A CAMERA Restrainel All' force. John Her'''y 3 00 i illy reporting plaC{! was takcn I -~ ...... , i by the !ted Army thc day I wa~ i f.ucy Crown I We have. all popular sizes of Kodak film .•. first choice Parley nf~ STAINLESS ,STEEL SINKS to rcport there. 1'0 avoid loss ,,! Irwin Sh IW 395 I of beginners and experts alike. And be sure to return me, honor and also danger fOI' my • ' ...... ,. I your exposed rolls to us lor prompl developing and DA \'10 CIIII folks, I I'cported to the Office of Th'e King's Messenger large·size prints. Prices and Literature on Applicaton the .~linister of the Air Force in, SamuliEdward 395 (neuters) - Berhn where I got new draft or. s ...... • of Commun, for the first 111 and del'S 10 the meanwhile transferred; Chaplet of Grace Single double unit residing in Saxoniu. 'Bo.1 Parfr'd 4 00 FOR YOUR COMPLETE HOLlDA'. offcr to negoll . In the beginning oC April we .1 1 ge ...... ! ,,,",,alJSSlm 0 Chian;: l­ were sent bael, to Ihc [ranI of Bcr· The Hunters ! on "steps ~r lin. On the 12th the RlisHaills stal'l. J e 5 " . 3 00 : peace/ul h: cd their big drive lin the .Oder am 5 a ,er ...... ,. i PICTURE· TAKING NEEDS river und the OdeI' [ront line was The Undoubted Deed speech at the ~atr· Congress here re: ~~:n~~ 1b;~;ti~~~~te~ll~n t~:~c~~.ea~~ Jocelyn Davey ...... 2.75 SEE step in a policy out o[ this town and eventually The Iron King Asian·African Bani \ 1I'0und up in Nallen, where I lVas Mo' D 3 00 I last year. captured by members oC th Polish u"ce ruon ...... comparative restra f Legion in the Hed Arm)'. Editor's Choice , referring to th'l Then ;1' harder part of my life . H b 'R Ai 5 endeavor to r I started, the life as a pri'oner o[ er 'er, . ayes ...... G and internal te the n~ds. With hardly al,J' food at Never Plead Guilty ade no conces" all, Ihey made us march all the J I all Communi, Old 'P 1 way to Kuestrin on Ih~ Odcr. On 0 In Wesley Noble. and I demanrls. bul til CI11 ren s uzz e the W;IY III lIur destinatt',n 0111' I Bernard 4verbuch ...... 4.50 ; was far I gunbls would IlIl'I, up _II mules' The Dr I, F t and le.,s ag~l COsll1etics Designed,, ,thaI were \\'alking around hl'lween , un ,en ores than tho>!! he ~" ~_. .. ,Ihe agcs of 15 and e5 to rcplare: Gerald Durdl ...... 3.75 i KODAK CAMERAS and SUPPLIES

.- I· people II'ho died during 1,11: mareh i Dieppe At D i . 11' ;1~ From 1(. they srlll liS in t:",ins 10 I awn! For Allergic W0111en Posen. . R. W. Thompson ...... 3.50 : DISTRIBUTORS FOR [(ODAK IN NEWFOUNDLAND BY ,\LlClA IIART I rb runt,. t? which allergic lI'omen\ ~ \ '20 'l3 I In Jllly I was olll)lpcd I" camp: Za b' : 11'1 • grrat relief to find out, arc sen'ltll'e. ., 19, 165 near Vyasniiil on the Trans· ' nzCl U.{U I 307 WATER ST, DIAL 6331 f~nm I doctor exactly IIhat is' One P n rt i cui n l' manufac .1 ' I"' ,17 Siberi;~11 H:lilro3'1. V lI'as ailloul \1 Lewis Coflow ...... 5.00! raU!lO~ meezin;, IlCrling 5 kin. t1ll'er goes straight through the I • I~"/~ 'l! knowin; it's allerg), helps. CI'S; cold cream, elcans~ng cream, I 13' ·11 ~uce }lcat for the electr.'f.JI plant ! r.::~·r i •. 1 . But when an allergist or ler. nlsht crcall}, soap, 1011011, sun . /I •• 10 ' :1." 111 llalaei;na, ncar Gorla. It took I -, ',~. . ~ ~ 1 malolo~isl I~ finbhed \\'lIh his I screen, dcodorant. dusting pow '1 ~. ''a ':1.7 'onlv a [ell' dm's until wc nt!weom' ..~ \l. 0, tc~B, he may annNmce that lip. del', talcum, shampoo, II'al'e set,l 1~ .3':~ ,,, 'i! i er; were in the mic!sl of th~ wo!'ks W;: ... I ~ljfJm·'~lmii!~ or nail poli.1t out, strictly I' nail. po 1 ish, fa c e ','. 'l, ," 0 The norm-that IS, the reqllll'ed Weddin~ Bells ~tirk i~ foundatil~n, I THE BOOKSELLERS l" 011. So mal' br. crab meat, the pOI~drr, rOU~e and lipstick. I ... , amount o[ 11'01'1, for us clay-was pet kitty or work in h haylof. ~ot all allergic women mal' be .I·ery high. EI'cl')' pris!lncr had 10 i 'Phone 319l . 4425 Seaman A marriage of Int('rC;\ In [ric .. Local , in St. John's, look plnec at .. ~lIlst women can al'aoid crab I able to weal' nil the producls in 'I 30 Icomplete hl~ nor. cr he would Ilot! ----==:~=-~------rna. \\'ilh ;urroll', is pos. vI'en a h)·po.allerger.:c line. To ; full food An example! slay too long fOJ in I was : \\'a~hi11~ton, L.S.A. 1)11 ~omc ~ct r~tlons. ~Ia\' .June 9th, 1956, bNwrrn to awOl)' a pel. 'rhe womcn, ii', noi the ,oap in. i o[ I had lVas to move t2 1 transferred a cunslruction eamp ~ible ~iH som~ ~orms t~ Louise ,/ohmton an,l Er!an hal' rna" be al'oidable. But mod· 1 gredlents thaI bothcr, but the soap : cubIC of sand a or to ',in the middlc the city. Work n~.ter~ da~" lIe , Baily of Oklahoma Cily. Tile ern lile' makes III.s of lipstick a I and water. The doctol' must dia~. : un.loml ~3 tnns of coal dlll'ln.1: ol~e . was strenuous hul more interest. , I mony \\'as pcrformr,1 h.1' Ihe p~il'ation Ihal Ihe u;ually male' ~ose and Ii.t what's allowablc. : 5111[(. A g:eat percentage drcd m! ing. El'cry day \\'e wcnt Ihrough d~rtor can'l im:l~inc. i fhuse ilIlo\l';lble cosmetics should : the follo\\'~n\g months bc~allse of! thc town 10 our worl,ing [,lace on ReI' ..J. LCII'i5 W. )lcLran "r Fnrtunateh'. manufaclurers du' he picked from a good hypo. 011. l"nrl~r.nollr~"lme~t and lilstroph)" .the Lennigrad Highway I became Andrew's Prcsbyteri;m Victoria, B.C. ~nd (,,"k rim rart' a h 0 Ii t Ihe reported one! Icrgenic line and Ihrn patelJolesl. i .r",\ . a dls~as~.m whIch the muscles i a~ain dislroplty, and remained J:; the Olympic Hotel. The 'loman in ;ix who has a cosmetic' cd by the doclor. 1 ~) slllll'ly dlsmlcgl';~te. 'the c;lInp fill' ,c\wal \\'e"I\;. ~lIer;~'. There arc 5el'eral who I. For those whosc nlicl'gy is to; ~~ ....~.. ___ When Ihe I\·tnler apprllnched At IhiH time, in 1947, thr !tcds of honor was ~Irs. Lorllc make what's called a hypo. al .1 the .per/un.te fOU~rl in most cos .: ~;I.,. mosl III us w~rc selll til llala;hna : starter! the 111'1\' pronr·m oC con· of Vancouver, B.C .• n. __ calerl tn camp IUn. I hey had het ! meeting. Only a smail j!f'rccntage at the hotel for;; fcl\' . " t ~l. 'L ;tCI' food tl1;ln till! re.t, and thc)' lo[ our mcn wcnt thcr~. Cl'iends. )11'. and )1". Bail\' : • ! ,...... ~ - . wCl'e SIlI?J10~erl 10 tahe (lI'CI' car,IIP: The chief of the C;,::IP saw what Seattle by train [01' " hlln,rror,'!<1 ITh' •• : ••. LLl:.H Icmlc,rshlp JO[,s ~Icre the imlln.; happened, anri decided to have us through the Rockies Ii. Bar.11 I Fl'ank:S fallter Is Cjuite a 1I',II·el. \\'l'S:lJJI~ stm·.tcri. £n,;1 . . . [rom one pile til aIH,UIN. Nr~l' Lake Louise to )!illl1cJpo,i, CI'. When he Goes on his tdps In. n. I:. II nrl,cl~ fOI ),~)O:'t I\\? Sunday, whcn wc had llgain a c,11I 11'11 take up residence al ~H! Fl'ank gels his geogl'aphy and 1110:1I,IS. LI cnluall) .1 '\ll~heri. IH:I.~ I fOI' a mcelillg CI'CI')'on'! allemlul. H . .oklahoma City.. ' ". C folloll's his [alhcr nn his trip !l~. )1I1I1I1 ls".(\ 1~lIlnwll) .. \\~I~1.. That was one (If lile Iriel,s Ih:', U.S.A. Amongst Iho,c :rnm I . I j In II tl b I IbJ) alHl 11,ls un,lhle to \I llk 1.1 pla"eri wHh us lJul II'" I'rlew ., rne If .01, n a Ie num el'el . k '1'1 II ,,', . I I ",. .. •• . , town attending werr \11'. awi !lot,; together, starting wilh riot \101'. Ie un~a~I,lO .~:II11P I OI~.",: I tliO. 1'01' instance whell our bll's Lorne WhiUaker. \',lnCI'UIW. I number [Jne and rnciin" with dot put me on the ~Ick II. t and II It" Isolri gOl'crnment,oll'lIrd pl1\OItm's Dr. and ~!r5. )lcLcan. )\i;, P I number thi;·t\, I'IlU will hRI'I' '1 the ncx.t cultl'OIle~cent tralns lirt I:, Iby the tl'ucl~load. \\'e ~"I'I them Ly Harpel' and iiiI'. L'lI'rir i . , . t f F" 'k' r th 1'·' the m;un cnl1111 I 11'01, a 50 ~ent the h~<,·,·t Allcr· 'III I"e ll'an' .,' I PIC ure 0 l'an' 5 a er ry I . n I I' .. ,. ·.I,U Victoria, B.C, llrs. ~Iil!y. Irho '11 1 It' 'Ii " MI·OIY. t II'US III ecem leI' ane I.le I to HI'C too t, been living at Vielllri, fI.e. 1 y?:ttl' pa n s or crayons on liS cnl'S wcr~ hoxears, un hen ted ", II I In Dce":nber I W"O one of tire lhc past elcl'en FOIl', i, a a~ain called for ,I PIC ure • IS. cus t omal')'. \\' e st'll I IIOIC I el~'I I t . lucky f.CII' " who \\'ere "seleeled .. to "0 IeI' of the laIr ~Jr. "lid )[1", Itimself ~ncl St; I \Ct II f th' miles to \\'~I1~ but lI'e made. II homc. The joy was sure great to f er Ie age a one mon ,) 0111' without losmg one of Ihe ~Ick' . Halliday of st. John·s. John Foster Dulie doctor mav "ive permission for sec Germany I found my , , "m"n t . th a~aln.B 't' I Z I ilsues. 10 5 III rJ 01111 )'our baby hr,I'e daily sun'haths.., -Telh' 1 oc t ors 111 . th'c mam camp IlI'lth,p~ren them I recuperatede IS t ,one for some Two minutes of sunshine dallY I1t a classified me as huving rlistrophv I t' W 1 I I I' tl . d (National Defence Photo) with open window will be sur· I was nul 'into the so·cal1e;1 (lOS IIn.g ani room n~ri olnml'~' tllreu~ahl ~11'er~f' W11'n kidr:f')"J . . f I fl t f d'· \ JOb Ie all a m~ rc a· SERVES IN DESTROYER ESCORT-Ol'di~ary Sca­ (1~lrnt "or tIe. rs ell' ay~, I~' h~spital. The bel~bugs were rll~' lives in the USA, who later span· re:n(',.e fl~ I man Michael P. Keough, of St. J ohn'5, Newfound­ ad Wlstt!, • Wh ... neur.'&:ic rain strik .., l'ou WAnt IClcaslno the lime by .one n~mu.e mn~ up and dOlln the poles 51) sorell me, were lVe able to dress in teLl!, tirrd relid in II hurry And here'ID wnytogetit. ,\ lIpstick IIeslgned' for ,\'Omen a rlay until the child Is takmg a tl~ht that. ~ couldn't touch them cil'i1ian clothes. )Jy f&ther had land, polishes service rilles carried in the destroyer, di~haW rest Doctors K... eraUl' will t.U you thot n.u· I follow. Dodd', rll,ic plin nlay he larRely