Control, Says Dulles' ussiaLosing , . PRESEN'fS ROSSINI TI-IE DAILY NEWS I\'ailable al ~"r.~)'. brroming cloudy thIs • 1::(~l1nen, Showcrs thIs cI·cnlng. (PrIce 5 centsl Charles Hutton & Sons ~~~~~~~~~~~V~ol~.=~~.~No~.~1~70~~~~~~~S~T.~J~O~H~N~~~N~E~WFOUNm~ND,:i: ~ :o·da:.: 0:; degrces. THUR~~tJUNE28, 1%6 d Control ust O\¥il, Says ommonwea t • . tate Scty. r., lilll\ .\. ~C:\l.1 ~it"::\" :', ':; ,AI') - Slate ra e By aceARTIIUR He made it clear that Britain Mohammad Ali of Pakistan, Solo· on several problems affecting ' .. '. l' ,. <.Iifl 1\'Nln~,d~I' GAVSHO~ 1 j . • \ '. • :.:: \11 tI\"(.lr forl'ign . LONDON CAP) - Prime Min· and other NATO countries are ur· man Bandaranaike of Ceylon, Rob· Commonwealth countries. Ister Eden told the Commonwealth gently working on plans to meet ert Menzies of Austrlia, The demand of Ceylon's Band· ::. •••• ~ ,1 :- t j l- io has bCt~n Sidne~' -:, .. l~l:l 3nd l:)~!cncd" prime ministers Wednesday the the Red challenge by gradually Holland of NelY Zealand, J. G. aranike for control of Britain'!' ~ \l','nmrnr~ re\'cl, Commonwealth must stand ready scaling down their spending on Strijdom of South Alriea and Lord nanl and air bases at Trincll· ~: .. :,n·' rl'i~n of )cr' fOr a relentless Soviet trade war conventional arms and armies in iIIalvern of the Central African malee and Katunayake is one such' nolY tbat the nelY Kremlin lead· order to strcngthen their econom· Federation. subject. 10 " i.inter! al a pl'es~ ers have becn warned not to stir ies. Nehr~, who also played hot to Eden hopes persuade hl5 old' I'I'rh"!'5 cI'en the up trouble in the Middle East. 10.DAY CONFERENCE B.ulgal11n and .K,hrushche~ ,in In· I Oxford University friend not to , .. : ,I l'hief :\i\;ita The British leader 'was opening Eden's statement was followcd dla and later l'lslted RUSSia made I undulv dislocate the present : ", 11I::n \l'h.. dis· th~ • conferenc~ of fellow prime by a ¥encral discussion of the in. a statement on the intcrn·ational'rangc·ments. He wil! propose ar· , :-:1:1['" . mi~ht bl' mlRlsters of eIght other Common· tcrna\lonal situation which will be situation "ra lual t· f f t I a " wealth nations They met f t' I d . 0 ( I ans er 0 con ro . \"'n1:nuni,1 part)' . o~ se. can mllel to ay. Informants saict he appeared to Thr. prime ministers and Iheir cret tal~s on. affairs o! the \\or~d TI.'e 10·day talks opened m the I share Eden's I'iew that the nnn· foreign mini,tcrs or amha,,~ador~ .:ern"ti .. n:'1 ('(1111 an~ thm OIl n globe·glrdllng s)';' ~abm,et ro~~ at 10.D0wning Street, Communist \l'orld must ligure, in London Wednesday ni~ht ai, " " ~ "I llrrJllr~· te~ . I f th . t : Eden s offiCIal reSIdence. I wa)'s of dl'namic coexistcnce lI'ilh jlended a banquet at Bukcin'ham :'. ; ~dd:, "Jrcall~r , ev~ra 0 e pn~e miniS ers The prime ministers who mel i SOl'ict communism the character' Palacr gil'rn h,· .the Quecn ~ ". ~~i:" h.nr caught ~el~~r~i~g t~~le~al~!v~m::\?i~stellea~ ~nd~r sEdtn's. chairm,anship wm Ii of :I'hich he beliel:~~ is changing. i Earlier \Velhiesda), the "Qllec~ crs durin their I'isit to Britain OUIS t.. a~lent of ~anada, .Jaw, Co~fcrence offlcmts reportcd i ;:al'c separate audience., to Strij' :" .. t; in Ihe Ir('e ' . g aharlal Nehlu of Imlla, Chaudhn, that SIde talks ha\'e been arran~ed I dam, Nchru and )Ienlies. ,. c"n1l11uni,m has tlliS sprmg. ---...,-----.:--....:...:..:...:.-=:.:...::::.:.:~=...:::.:.::.-=-=-:.:..:.:.::=:..:..::=:.:....::..::::..::....::.:.:~==:::..-- , tn ('Jnqucr ;m~' ,!h15 \I'~r~ing. d.isclos~d. 10 the I! CYPRUS' .• ::1 r(ll't'nt y.. ars­ pnme minIsters m briefings be • . :.j{':~ of \'ict'lric~, fore the formal sessions began, , .<" :n·t the har"h was that Britain wilt go to war in .. .. -: !;rn hI' ~I~lin.'·: the cl'ent of any SOI;iet action in T k wall I .",: 11\1 1:11 J:l1 1;1.,\;"; Proposal '. 1 :.111' idca Ihat the )liddle Bast which lealls to a ur s Never Accept • '1~ ~ 1\ leI Ira(ler, stoppage of Commonwealth oil - I:n::.h an,l Amer. I Says Leader , ;1:, :.t), !i~lIrc~ I\'n~ supplies. F Greek Majority, ,i pbn" ~iTllrd at TAKEN SERIOUSLY I or .... rn \\ ,'rirl, Eden has formcd the opinion " ,!e;n~nd. In klloll' that Premier Bulganin and Com· ~y ,ROBERT 'fUCK)IAN told apr e s s conference the 1 even as reports from London in·dl • . ' .. r. Iterr llermiltrd munist parly secretary Nikita, NICOSIA, C~pru~ (AP) -: The "rights and interests 01 the Turks cOlted the British govcrnment I. " ;.: _. ~r~imr ?r~ "quite Khrushchev took the warning ser'lleadcr of ~he TurkIsh mmorlty on can onl)' be guaranteed by a con· I preparing tu offer a new consti· .' ',i . " "ir:1cr, Dulle; said. iously and perhaps for thc first Cy~rus sal.d Wednesday the Turks slitution based on equal repre· tulion for Cyprus which would ". '., '::J\cmrn\, imler! ti,!,e realized. the i~p~r!anc~ of "\vI!~ .ncver acccP.t" an~ ~roposall se~tation." I give the dominant Greeks the .. , '.' ~:" 11, Communist mIddle .ea.st otl to Brltam 5 highly to ollC .the ,Greeks maJ?nty rep· I II any other course is fOllowerl1 majority in the Cyprus assembly. _.. :, 'idl'o ... illo\\' a I'er\' Industrialized economy. resentahon m the natIOnal as·' We shall again appeal to the Turk,' l\I1DDLE EAST DISASTER . ,', : ,;;"ati-lal'lion with As a' result he was in a posi. sembly. i.h governmcnt to defend our I' Kuchuk said to accept a con· :"'f~,: !e;idership of the lion to rep.ort to the c.onf~ren~e Doct~; ~azil !i:uehuk~ c,h,airman rights and interests,'" he said. ! stitution giving the Greel>s an as· .:': :",:'I~' as exemplified that the !lhddlc East. sll1allon IS of the CHrus IS Turlnsh part)·, Kuchuk's declarahon was issued' sembly majorily wculd mcan i ',.: \'"mmuni,t part)'." calmer and that. RU~5Ia thus .far --. --.--.-------- "putting the hangmall's noose" .' :,;~ ':1t, prc,cnt SOl'ict seems to be helpmg In the Unltel~ St I U - around the necks vi the Turks . ~r ':: I. "with an almo~t Nations quest for an Arab·Israell . e e lllOn WI-II "I wonder il Great Ilritain will . ::! rl i I r m m a" bccau~e settlement.. sacrifice the friendship of Tnr· ..f::;"~"l: ,:"riplbe can be main. In an appraIsal of the alms and I key," he saill. "I wonder if she ....--_It'1l-: ,~\' lerror tactics such trends of Russia's "new look" re·: E t d A t will take such a cOllrse in fa\'or {[:;,,!o),rd. I C.\DF.T FREDERICK W. COOK, of Duckworth Strec\, S!. John's, gtanlls duty Ilt the gangwav gimel. Eden . predicted .an era of X en gr"eemen of Grecce which will mean dis· 1:." rrp~rtctl he ~aw "a i of II~ICS Fort Eric dUl'in n the ship's "isit III Lambll, ScuUr,nd. ,\'11" I~ort "'r'lc' II'ns one o'f deve liplng . competi~lon betwcen' aster for the whole Middle East:" ,:."r "'ithin the Sol'i~n I\ the three frigates to I'isit the" Scot!ish port nlld I.nndon durin" a onc.month• cruise'" to train cadets Ea st an d IV est for lI1£luenc e. and NEW YORK (AP)-'1'he Gniled: aece table i Kuc. hU', k \l'ho returned )Iono .. y : ,:."" fIr ~reater liberal. 0 power. among the uneom. mIlled l Steelll'orkers II'ednc."d",' ."grned: p . co n',' ',' fr.om a month of talks in Turke.l· . :r;"dlO" more freedom or thr. Uni\'ersity Na\'al Training Divisions. l adet Cook is a studcn! at Memorial Unil'crsity 0 t r Europ A ad'" ". Twelve steel mpa Ie In n . •. ,."'hI'" "d U" '"1,1" III ,;" I" I. ,.,,_ I Ph,I'I. I. "I",. pro,,,I I" bo, • ,ro ,. ' I,It" " ", ld, h., h ... I ..'m, '" Id. ;f H..too. bI,.".. j,;,,' u,;""It,. "~.I nc" ~f'"". ~ m.' .""", • .." "til J ,I, " " " ,If." I , ,I"', ,0;1 P'"o, .. .,,1 '" •,;,pm' .old th, !!'II ~ '. C"",,~ 'm~". ''''. 'CO " th' IXJ)EPESDEST I to avord a strike in the niant steel i bankin" of furn h' h opinIOn that the Crpm, questIOn O ~.,:::' •...~ oth.e'~ q~l;cslions Pr a v d a P b,- h . C· t· - Of K I- duled.indllstr)'.· ror ASaturday strike had mid~ight. bc'en ~che., 'iVedneselay schcduied tonighl be:~~s,at someat ~~idn;~~~ pla;ts: can~~termination only be soh'edo[ terrori,m fir,t hyon .~hethe "1''11 '_,'" .,' "of""" y"., IS rl Ie Ism re mIn D",' J. ",D",Id, .. ," ,.. ,.; Th, " ...".," "II" ..Id "if' '" ,,' ,,' .",".df, b, "PP'"'' I ~! ' .. 131 Tito has not UQ _es Of S I- ident, made the statement in a i thc union shall accede to this pro. ~cp~;;~~:;I:~~~n" bascd on c'lual .,. :nle as independent letter to John. A. ,Stephens, U.S. posat ... Ihe. companies in sub. .' ~:' war, despite his Lea\ de r' s er T t .t " t n,Ste~1 vlcc·prcsldc.n and chlcf ne· sequent negotiations will be agree· Kuehuk, who speaks for the ,U Ie s rea men a I 100 \: .. : ", Ru~sla and pledge i goILator for. the mdustry. able to reducing the five· year 1 ,000 Turks of the island', 500,.
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