INDEX References to illustrations are printed in italics. Ablin, Debbie, 42,92, 258 Azevedo, Margaret, 129 Bolinas-Stinson Beach Master Plan, Adelman, Brenda, 220, 222, 251, 260 34 Aggregate, 243-245, 257 Bagley, Bill, 120 Bolling, David, 224,260 Aggregate Resources Management Bahia Baulinas, 61 Bostick, Benton, 20, 22 (ARM) Plan, 205-206, 256, 257 Ballard, Allan, 87 Bostick, Dr. Warren, 20, 22 Agricultural and Aquifer Baptiste, Arnold, 107 Bouverie Audubon Preserve, xix, Preservation Zone, 205 Barbour, Nancy, 42, 92, 258 152, 153,155-159,258-259 Ah Pah Dam, 163 Barfield, Tom, 63 Bouverie, David, xix, 157, 159,254 Alexander Valley Reach, 236 Bay Conservation and Development Boxer, Senator Barbara, 93, 127,139 Alexander, Meg, 225,260 Commission, 18 Boyd, Rhoda, 67 Allen, Howard B„ 76,93,115,258-259 Beeby, David, 244 Brandt-Hawley, Susan, 208-209, 260 American River, 6 Behr, Peter, 66, 71, 89,97, 107, 128- Bransom-Cooke, Admiral, 65, 67 Anderson, Bruce, 200 129, 132,142,162,171, 191, Brower, David, 113 Angel Island, 12, 27 239,251 Brown, Governor Jerry, 168 Anton, John, 140 biography, 129,169 Brown, Governor Pat, xii, 33 Aquifers, importance of, 162-163 “Belling the cat”, 113,114, 205,207, Brown, Wishard, 148 See also Middle Reach; Sonoma- 209 Burge, Bob, 86 Marin Aquifer Benoist, Jay, 217 Army Corps of Engineers, 143,170, Benthos, 99 Cain, Brighton “Bugs,” 6 , 32,42 218 Bianchi, Al, 120 Cale, Mike, 192 and Bolinas Lagoon, 59, 81 Big Sulfur Creek, 152, 153 California Coastal Act of 1976, xiii, and Coyote Dam, 18, 33, 187 Bird research, 74-75 255 and Warm Springs Dam, 140, 188 Birds.
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