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April 22, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E927 honor for me to rise today in recognition of League further fought to have it declared a cans chose to participate in local recycling Clain Roberts on his 25th Anniversary as Min- state historic site and worked 14 more years programs nationwide. Recycling results in a ister of Music at Immanuel Baptist Church in to ensure the Park’s master plan prevented net reduction in ten major categories of air Pace, Florida. commercial development, preserved historic pollutants and eight major categories of water For the past twenty-five years Clain Roberts resources, and protected wildlife habitat. Mt. pollutants. To put this in perspective, a na- has inspired the congregation at Immanuel Livermore, on Angel Island, was named to tional recycling rate of 30 percent reduces Baptist Church with music. As the Minister of honor MCL co-founder Caroline Livermore. greenhouse gas emissions as much as remov- Music, Mr. Roberts leads all of the church’s Working with Audubon Canyon Ranch and ing nearly 25 million cars from the road. choirs as well as the orchestra and band. Mr. the Nature Conservancy, MCL prevented the One vital contributor is the scrap recycling Roberts has also written many of the choruses development of a recreational resort complex industry. In these challenging economic times, in use by Immanuel Baptist including the locally dubbed ‘Newport Beach North.’ By pur- the scrap recycling industry employs more church’s Easter musical. chasing Kent Island and tidelands and donat- than 85,000 workers while providing high-qual- The choir program has grown dramatically ing the lands to Marin County as a park, ity products at lower costs, thus strengthening under Mr. Roberts who created ensembles, Bolinas Lagoon was permanently preserved our economy. quartets, the orchestra, and band. But Mr. as a wildlife refuge. Each year the scrap recycling industry Roberts is also an integral figure in the church Over the years Mann Conservation League keeps over 160 million tons of material out of because of his active participation in all other has played many significant roles including landfills. Recycled aluminum saves our coun- aspects of the church’s doings. He takes sen- helping to establish Point Reyes National Sea- try 95 percent of the energy that would have ior adults on outings and visits congregants in shore and Golden Gate National Recreation been required to make new aluminum from the hospital. Because of the hard work and Area. In the 1960’s they led the fight against ore. It also invests significant capital in high- dedication put forth by Mr. Roberts over the massive development in West Marin and tech, environmentally-designed manufacturing past twenty-five years, he enjoys a special re- stopped a proposed cross-county freeway. machinery that is used to sort, pack, trans- lationship with the members of Immanuel Bap- They advocated for agricultural zoning and in form, process, manufacture and ship materials tist Church and is greatly loved by the fellow- 1972, MCL helped launch the Marin County to become new products. ship. Open Space District. As a member of the House Recycling Cau- Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United During the 1970’s and 80’s, as land became cus, I believe Congress must continue to build States Congress, I am proud to recognize more costly, MCL shifted its political priorities our partnership with the scrap recycling indus- Clain Roberts for twenty-five years of out- to work collaboratively towards the protection try. Last year’s Recycling Investment Saves standing achievement and look forward to of environmental quality throughout the coun- Energy tax credit has been well received, and seeing what the next twenty-five will bring. ty. They campaigned vigorously to oppose off- I think we all agree that more can be done. f shore oil drilling, prevent logging on Bolinas On this Earth Day I would like to thank the Ridge, and worked tirelessly to defeat the pe- scrap recycling industry for the dedication to HONORING THE MARIN ripheral canal, the environmentally costly state strengthening our economy in earth friendly CONSERVATION LEAGUE plan to divert Northern California water to the way. Southland. f Never resting on its laurels, MCL continues HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF CALIFORNIA to work on protecting important natural fea- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tures while developing environmental public policy, and working to implement that policy. HON. CHRISTOPHER P. CARNEY Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Through careful research and evaluation, MCL OF PENNSYLVANIA Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, it is with prepares positions on government proposals, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES great pleasure that I rise today to honor the development projects and ballot propositions. Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Marin Conservation League on the occasion of Madam Speaker, I have appreciated work- Mr. CARNEY. Madam Speaker, on Tues- its 75th Anniversary Celebration. Founded by ing with Marin Conservation League on many day, April 21, I was absent for three rollcall four visionary women, the League has worked complicated issues and know they will con- votes. If I had been here, I would like the to preserve and protect for public use many of scientiously continue to monitor project pro- RECORD to reflect that I would have voted: the magnificent lands of Marin County. posals, track policies, and encourage govern- As the Golden Gate Bridge was nearing ment to adopt decisions that protect the envi- ‘‘yes’’ on Rollcall Vote 193; ‘‘yes’’ on Rollcall completion in 1934 Caroline Livermore, Sepha ronment. I congratulate the Marin Conserva- Vote 194; and ‘‘yes’’ Rollcall Vote 195. I would like this inserted into the RECORD in Evers, Portia Forbes, and Helen Van Pelt tion League on its 75 years of extraordinary its appropriate place. were deeply concerned about unplanned achievement! f growth a completed bridge would enable. Not f wanting ’hot dog stands and billboards,’ they RECOGNIZING EARTH DAY IN HONOR OF MAYOR ELWOOD L. met to discuss the future and agreed to raise MALICK money for the county to hire planning expert Hugh Pomeroy. HON. PATRICK J. TIBERI HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Intrepid women, not easily discouraged they OF OHIO OF NEW JERSEY raised $2500 and Pomeroy developed the first IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES countywide planning study. Learning the pow- Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Wednesday, April 22, 2009 ers of political persuasion quickly, the women Mr. TIBERI. Madam Speaker, as many of convinced the Board of Supervisors to adopt my colleagues know, today is Earth Day. Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I rise today the plan which recommended the preservation Earth Day is dedicated to raising awareness to honor an exemplary citizen, someone who of significant open spaces and guided the of how we can all be good stewards of our en- has served the people of Spring Lake Heights county’s future growth. Almost at once, they vironment and leave our world better than we and my state of New Jersey with distinction— swiftly proposed and persuaded the Super- inherited it for future generations. Mayor Elwood L. Malick. He is being recog- visors to enact a county ordinance forbidding An important task to achieve this laudable nized as the 2009 Citizen of the Year by The billboards which is in force to this day. objective is a comprehensive federal energy Greater Spring Lake Chamber of Commerce Caroline Livermore and her three co-found- policy, one which puts all options on the table for the exceptional work he has performed in ers, along with a growing organization, worked for debate and discussion. In other words, an his community. for more than 30 years to create public parks ‘‘all of the above’’ approach. Mayor Malick served as mayor of the Bor- and secure for permanent preservation such Included in this energy policy will be exciting ough of Spring Lake Heights from 2004 to Marin landmarks as Stinson Beach, Samuel P. new technologies which incorporate more effi- 2009. Located on the Jersey Shore, Spring Taylor Park, Drake’s Bay, Tomales Bay State cient, cleaner and safer ways to harness en- Lake Heights is considered one of New Jer- Park, and Richardson Bay Wildlife Refuge. ergy from the sun and our natural resources. sey’s best places to live, with a vibrant and Never shying away from battle, MCL There will also be an expansion of common- small beachside community. In his position, stopped plans for the commercialization of sense practices to conserve our resources. Mayor Malick has helped Spring Lake Heights Angel Island when it was declared surplus by One such method is recycling. We’re famil- continue to thrive as a vibrant town with ac- the federal government after WWII. The iar with recyclables, as more and more Ameri- claimed picturesque views and a tight-knit VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:01 Apr 23, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22AP8.013 E22APPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS.