"Gotta Get Away"

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with her forthcoming AIP motion pic- ming ability.... Iry Derfler of David ture, "Muscle Beach Party." . Lee Rosen and Sid Schaffer (WB) on a Laseff of Record Merch., reporting sales and promo tour of upstate Pa. potential hit in the new group The Matty "The Humdinger" Singer RECORD Tomboys, with "I'd Rather Fight buzzed from Harrisburg where he was Than Switch," on Swan. working on behalf of "Keep On Box Harry Goldstein of Monarch Manu- Pushin" by the Impressions (ABC - facturing Records Co. announces en- Par) which Matty predicts will be a RAMBLINGS gagement of his daughter, Susan, to top ten tune. Also happening for Ken Powell.... Jess Davis, currently Matty is "Love Is A Many Splendored at the Howard Manor in Palm Thing" by Steve Alaimo. CB sends Springs, has been set by film producer many happy returns of the day to the fn role in Philly Philospher who celebrated his diane" by The Bachelors (London), Top 40 stations with new singles by Ace Hudkins for a starring "The Palm Springs Story." . Miss birthday last week. Columbia's "1 Coday" by the New Christy Minstrels Trini Lopez, Frank Sinatra, and Dean and "Again" by James Martin. Meredith MacRae, daughter of Gordon Ted Kellem reports sizzling action on Ñ:olumbia) with "Everybody Knows" by Steve Law- rown (King) top Erwin Barg's plug KLAC's Don MacKinnon guest disk & Sheila MacRae, has signed st.. Bill Hollinger of B & W jockey at Frank Sennes Ciro's le Disc. ist. is concentrating on "When Bill Downer, head of Northern ou're In Love" by Floyd Smith and Champion music firms, jets in Mellon), "Come On Honey" by from New York to meet with Joe teddy Scott (Enrica) and "My Baby" Gerhenson of Universal Pictures to i Ray Jackson Trio (Enrica). place tunes from upcoming "I'd angles in the fore at United Record Rather Be Rich" flick starring Sandra ist. are "Dance Dance Dance" by Dee, Robert Goulet, and Andy Wil- ommy Ducan (Falew) and "Share liams.... Larry Shane of Northridge our Love With Me" b/w "After Music off to New York to promote 's Too Late" by Bobby Bland (Duke). The Murmaids disk of "Wild and Won- derful". Mercury's David Carroll in Las Vegas recording the Smothers IOLLYWOOD: Brothers currently breaking it up at The Astronauts have been set to The Flamingo.... Elektra recording THE FAIRLANES the Crescendo for ten days, artists, The Dillards now appearing JACK HANSEN GENE PITNEY Irs eadline farting June 4. Group will appear at at the Hungry I in San Francisco... Red Gilson's Canjo Records. Thrush fence, "People" by Barbra Streisand, or 'isneyland concurrently, singing in New vocal group, The Honeys, debut- is also a regular on ABC's TVer, "My "That's All That Matters" by Ray .naheim during the days and at the ing on Warner Bros. Records with Three Sons." . Jimmie Haskell is Price, and "World Of Lonely People," itery in the evening. The G their single, "He's A Doll." Trio was arranging two musical sequences for by Anita Bryant. à, ;rothers, (Peter and Jules Guliker) recorded by Brian Wilson. the Jerry Lewis production "The Bird, Liberty's an Sam Fletcher, Vee-Jay recording CLEVELAND-Eli laying local dates and promoting Patsy" being filmed at Paramount, promo rep at the Liberty Branch, I "I star, re -opened May 19 at the Memory ' heir Dee -Jay Records waxing, and starring Lewis. Composer writes he's got a trio of runaways Si1 Lane in Los Angeles. Sam is current- Vill Remember You." Duo hail from George Duning has signed with agent with "Sugar And Spice" by the s x Mills from ly promoting his first single release, r,ustralia.... Jackie back Marc Newman. Chuck Meyer of Searchers, "Good Golly Miss Molly" G "Friday Buck Ram, mu- he MGM -Verve -Ava sales convention Night".... Decca reports excellent Coast accept- the Swinging Blue Jeans (Impe- e sical director -producer for Personality by l':s Las Vegas last week.... Decca's ance to the new Burl Ives album, rial) and "Hickory, Dick And Doc" by ser Lenny Productions, Inc., has announced the ational promotion manager, "True Love." Bobby Vee. od lalidor in town for a few days.. signing of Larry Lee and The Lee- snu ddie Davis's Faro Records have a sures-a Canadian instrumental sex- PITTSBURGH-Fenway's Nick Cenci ig national hit on "Farmer John" by tette.... Robert Goulet, who's got a HERE AND THERE: sends along word that Emanuel Be' ''he Premieres.... Imperial Records fast Columbia climber in "Choose," Lasky's disking of "I Need Some- ii..rtist, Sandy Nelson has cut a novelty is choosing names for his expectant PHILADELPHIA - Bobby Rydell's body" (NPC) has been released na- Copa opening in New York recently Li ingle in the vein of Spike Jones. child. Mom -to -be is singer Carol Law- tionally and is getting solid airtime (14) was a huge success with many sis Citled, "You Don't Say," platter uti- rence. The Everly Brothers are in Detroit, Chicago and P'Burgh. of the songster's friends and admirers Y izes all sounds such as in Nashville, Tenn. for recording ses- of Jones hand to wish him Tony MIDDLETOWN, N.Y.-AI Faust Sú toms, whistles, and animal noises... sions. Boudeleaux Bryant has written on well.... - and Tommy Leonetti were writes that "Marcelle" and "King of L )on and Phil Everly just completed new material for Don and Phil Ever Bennett on to lend "colleague sup- the World" by Little John & the en an album lys' sessions. Donna Loren has also hand ecording six singles and the first -niters Sherwoods is getting a warm recep- Sis or in -Nash- been set for a two week promotional port." Bobby delighted Warner Bros. Records with a dazzling display of his drum- tion in this area. , gille.... Reprise Records hitting the tour of the midwest in connection (SI THE BIG SINGLE HITS ARE ON -77 EPIC _ AND Mk BILLY BUTLER AND THE ENCHANTERS 4.7192 "GOTTA GET AWAY" ANOTHER OKEH SMASH! HEADED FOR THE CHARTS! EPIC". "Okeb," Marca Reg. T.M. PRINTED IN u 1 A Cash Box-May 33 30, 30, 1964 1 www.americanradiohistory.com.
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