Good Morning Yang Mulia Associate Professor Dr Hj.Abdul Mohaimin
Good Morning Yang Mulia Associate Professor Dr Hj.Abdul Mohaimin, Dean of faculty of Syariah and Law, University Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, as Chair of the Conference; Dr Haji Serbini bin Haji Matahir/Md. Tahir, Rector, UNISSA; Pengiran‐Pengiran, Dato‐Dato, Datin‐Datin, distinguished experts, honoured guests, ladies and gentlemen. Let me begin by congratulating UNISSA for organising this important Conference. It is a great honour and pleasure to be here to speak on a subject which is very close to my heart. I am, after all, a ‘Muslim woman in a modern world and above all a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and more recently a grandmother!’ 1 | Page Being here on the podium this morning, surrounded by accomplished women, aspiring women and future leaders, and (a few accomplished good men, brave enough to be present with us) reminds me how fortunate we are to be here. With the blessings of Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, I was born in Brunei Darussalam, which is fortunate enough to be ruled by a Monarch who possesses the wisdom to give equal access to girls and boys to basic needs especially education and to give equal opportunities as long as it is not repugnant to Islam. I am also reminded how fortunate I am to have a father, who believes in giving his daughters, an opportunity to have a better future for both sons and daughters (and daughters actually did better than the sons!) a mother; who did not have the opportunity to pursue her dream but relentlessly encouraged her daughters to do so, a husband who is supportive and understand his career‐minded and ambitious wife, (he usually tells his colleagues that he is the ‘Boss’ at home; the wife, only makes the decisions) and family, Bosses, colleagues, friends, men and women who have treated ‘women’ as individuals and dare them to make a difference.
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