The Hidden Structure of Overimitation
The hidden structure of overimitation Derek E. Lyons*†, Andrew G. Young‡, and Frank C. Keil* *Department of Psychology, Yale University, Box 208205, New Haven, CT 06520; and ‡Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Brogden Hall, Madison, WI 53706 Edited by Susan E. Carey, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, and approved October 18, 2007 (received for review May 11, 2007) Young children are surprisingly judicious imitators, but there are than in the utility of the actions that they copy. Others suggest that also times when their reproduction of others’ actions appears children overimitate ‘‘because they [see] the behavior of the dem- strikingly illogical. For example, children who observe an adult onstrator as intentional, even if they did appreciate that some parts inefficiently operating a novel object frequently engage in what of the demonstration were causally irrelevant’’ (ref. 10, p. 179). That we term overimitation, persistently reproducing the adult’s un- is, the intentionality of the adult’s action may constitute an implicit necessary actions. Although children readily overimitate irrelevant social demand for children, leading them to infer that they are actions that even chimpanzees ignore, this curious effect has ‘‘supposed’’ to imitate. A final possibility is that overimitation may previously attracted little interest; it has been assumed that chil- simply be a byproduct of habit. Overimitation may arise, in other dren overimitate not for theoretically significant reasons, but words, because imitation ‘‘remains habitual even in a specific rather as a purely social exercise. In this paper, however, we situation in which less fidelity would actually afford more effi- challenge this view, presenting evidence that overimitation re- ciency’’ (ref.
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