Appendix B. Priority Species List, Accdc, and Mbba

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Appendix B. Priority Species List, Accdc, and Mbba Pokeshaw Black Rock Wind Project Environmental Impact Assessment Registration Document APPENDIX B. PRIORITY SPECIES LIST, ACCDC, AND MBBA 221 Pokeshaw Black Rock Wind Project: Priority Species List – Appendix B Common Scientific Name SARA COSEWIC NBSARA ACCDC Name Vertebrates Acadian Empidonax virescens E E SNA Flycatcher Bicknell's Catharus bicknelli T T Threatened S2S3B Thrush Eptesicus fuscus Big Brown Bat S3 Coccyzus Black-billed S3B, S3M erythropthalmus Cuckoo Blackpoll Setophaga striata S3S4B,S5M Warbler Dolichonyx oryzivorus Bobolink T Threatened S3S4B Brown-headed Molothrus ater S3B Cowbird Wilsonia canadensis Canada Warbler T T Threatened S3S4B Cape May Setophaga tigrina S3B,S4S5M Warbler Cerulean Dendroica cerulea SC E SNA Warbler Common Chordeiles minor T T Threatened S3B Nighthawk Accipiter cooperii Cooper's Hawk NAR S1S2B Eastern Tyrannus tyrannus S3S4B Kingbird Eastern Sturnella magna T Threatened S1S2B Meadowlark Eastern Wood- Special Contopus virens SC S4B Pewee Concern Coccothraustes Evening S3S4B,S4S5N vespertinus Grosbeak Hemidactylium Four-toed NAR S1? scutatum Salamander Golden-winged Vermivora chrysoptera T T SNA Warbler Great Crested Myiarchus crinitus S3B Flycatcher Falco rusticolus Gyrfalcon NAR S1N Hooded Wilsonia citrina T T SNA Warbler Eremophila alpestris Horned Lark S2B Troglodytes aedon House Wren S1B Passerina cyanea Indigo Bunting S3B Charadrius vociferus Killdeer S3B Little Brown Myotis lucifugus E E Endangered S1 Myotis Loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus Shrike migrans E E SNR migrans ssp Northern Bog Synaptomys borealis S1 Lemming Pokeshaw Black Rock Wind Project: Priority Species List – Appendix B Common Scientific Name SARA COSEWIC NBSARA ACCDC Name Northern Long- Myotis septentrionalis E E Endangered S1 eared Myotis Northern Dusky Desmognathus fuscus Salamander - NAR S3 (QC/NB pop.) QC/NB pop. Olive-sided Contopus cooperi T T Threatened S3S4B Flycatcher Pinicola enucleator Pine Grosbeak S2S3B,S4S5N Carduelis pinus Pine Siskin S3 Prothonotary Protonotaria citrea E E SNA Warbler Progne subis Purple Martin S1S2B Melanerpes Red-headed T T SNA erythrocephalus Woodpecker Red-shouldered Buteo lineatus NAR S2B Hawk Special Euphagus carolinus Rusty Blackbird SC SC S3B Concern Savannah Passerculus Sparrow SC SC SNA sandwichensis princeps princeps ssp Piranga olivacea Scarlet Tanager S3S4B Short-eared Owl Cathartes aura Turkey Vulture S3B Pooecetes gramineus Vesper Sparrow S2B Willow Empidonax traillii S1S2B Flycatcher Hylocichla mustelina Wood Thrush T Threatened S1S2B Invertebrates Rusty-patched Bombus affinis E E SH Bumble Bee Yellow-banded Bombus terricola SC SU Bumblebee American Hetaerina americana S2 Rubyspot Fifteen-spotted Anatis labiculata S2S3 Lady Beetle Coccinella Transverse transversoguttata S1S2 Lady Beetle richardsoni Coccinella Transverse S1S2 transversoguttata Ladybird Beetle Crossline Polites origenes S1? Skipper Hesperia sassacus Indian Skipper S3 Pokeshaw Black Rock Wind Project: Priority Species List – Appendix B Common Scientific Name SARA COSEWIC NBSARA ACCDC Name Two-spotted Euphyes bimacula S3 Skipper Plebejus saepiolus a Greenish Blue S1S2 amica Acadian Satyrium acadica S3 Hairstreak Satyrium acadica Acadian S3 acadica Hairstreak Plebejus idas empetri Crowberry Blue S3 Lycaena dorcas Dorcas Copper S1 Eastern Tailed Cupido comyntas S3S4 Blue Plebejus saepiolus Greenish Blue S1S2 Strymon melinus Grey Hairstreak S2 Callophrys henrici Henry's Elfin S2S3 Callophrys henrici Henry's Elfin S2S3 henrici Callophrys polios Hoary Elfin S3 Callophrys polios polios Hoary Elfin S3 Plebejus idas Northern Blue S3 Boloria eunomia Bog Fritillary S3 Compton Nymphalis l-album S3 Tortoiseshell Polygonia gracilis Hoary Comma S3 Special Danaus plexippus Monarch SC SC S3B Concern Boloria chariclea Purple Lesser S3 grandis Fritillary Polygonia satyrus Satyr Comma S3 Short-tailed Papilio brevicauda S3 Swallowtail Promethea Callosamia promethea S2S3 Moth Gomphaeschna Harlequin S3 furcillata Darner Aeshna clepsydra Mottled Darner S2 Canada Leucorrhinia patricia S1 Whiteface Vascular Plants Cryptotaenia Canada S1 canadensis Honewort Pokeshaw Black Rock Wind Project: Priority Species List – Appendix B Common Scientific Name SARA COSEWIC NBSARA ACCDC Name Large-Fruited Sanicula trifoliata S1 Sanicle Antennaria howellii ssp. Pussy-Toes S1 petaloidea Antennaria parlinii a Pussytoes S1 Antennaria parlinii ssp. a Pussytoes S1 parlinii Arnica lonchophylla Northern Arnica S1 Arnica lonchophylla Northern Arnica S1 ssp. lonchophylla Swamp Bidens discoidea S1 Beggarticks Eaton's Bidens eatonii S1 Beggarticks Great Northern Canadanthus modestus S1 Aster Erigeron acris Bitter Fleabane S1 Erigeron acris ssp. Bitter Fleabane S1 politus Ten-rayed Helianthus decapetalus S1 Sunflower Kalm's Hieracium kalmii S1 Hawkweed Hieracium kalmii var. Kalm's S1 kalmii Hawkweed Panicled Hieracium paniculatum S1 Hawkweed Robinson's Hieracium robinsonii S1 Hawkweed Pseudognaphalium Eastern S1 obtusifolium Cudweed Pseudognaphalium Eastern obtusifolium ssp. S1 Cudweed obtusifolium Seabeach Senecio pseudoarnica S1 Ragwort Multi-rayed Solidago multiradiata S1 Goldenrod Solidago multiradiata Multi-rayed S1 var. multiradiata Goldenrod Solidago simplex var. Sticky S1 monticola Goldenrod Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth Aster S1 Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth Aster S1 var. laeve Pokeshaw Black Rock Wind Project: Priority Species List – Appendix B Common Scientific Name SARA COSEWIC NBSARA ACCDC Name Symphyotrichum Gulf of St T T Endangered S1 laurentianum Lawrence Aster Cynoglossum Wild Comfrey S1 virginianum Cynoglossum virginianum var. Wild Comfrey S1 boreale Nodding Hackelia deflexa S1 Stickseed Hackelia deflexa var. Nodding S1 americana Stickseed Limestone Arabis x divaricarpa S1 Rockcress Cardamine parviflora Small-flowered S1 var. arenicola Bittercress Gray Tansy Descurainia incana S1 Mustard Descurainia incana ssp. Gray Tansy S1 incana Mustard Draba glabella var. Rock Whitlow- S1 glabella Grass Twisted Draba incana S1 Whitlow-grass Fleshy Stellaria crassifolia S1 Stitchwort Stellaria crassifolia var. Fleshy S1 crassifolia Stitchwort Chenopodium capitatum Strawberry-blite S1 Chenopodium capitatum Strawberry-blite S1 var. capitatum Maple-leaved Chenopodium simplex S1 Goosefoot Roland's Sea- Suaeda rolandii S1 Blite Terrestrial Callitriche terrestris S1 Water-Starwort Virginia St Triadenum virginicum S1 John's-wort Maple-leaved Viburnum acerifolium S1 Viburnum Five-angled Cuscuta pentagona S1 Dodder Cuscuta pentagona var. Five-angled S1 pentagona Dodder Drosera anglica English Sundew S1 Slender-Leaved Drosera linearis S1 Sundew Pokeshaw Black Rock Wind Project: Priority Species List – Appendix B Common Scientific Name SARA COSEWIC NBSARA ACCDC Name Broom Corema conradii S1 Crowberry Large Tick- Desmodium glutinosum S1 Trefoil Round-headed Lespedeza capitata S1 Bush-clover Purple-stemmed Gentiana rubricaulis S1 Gentian Prickly Ribes cynosbati S1 Gooseberry Comb-leaved Proserpinaca pectinata S1 Mermaidweed Juglans cinerea Butternut E E Endangered S1 Pycnanthemum Virginia S1 virginianum Mountain Mint Common Pinguicula vulgaris S1 Butterwort Woodland Pterospora andromedea Endangered S1 Pinedrops Whorled Polygala verticillata S1 Milkwort Polygala verticillata Whorled S1 var. verticillata Milkwort Polemonium Van Brunt's T T Threatened S1 vanbruntiae Jacob's-ladder Lowland Lysimachia hybrida Yellow S1 Loosestrife Whorled Lysimachia quadrifolia Yellow S1 Loosestrife Lapland Ranunculus lapponicus S1 Buttercup Cursed Ranunculus sceleratus S1 Buttercup Ranunculus sceleratus Cursed S1 var. multifidus Buttercup Jones' Crataegus jonesiae S1 Hawthorn Canada Potentilla canadensis S1 Cinquefoil Small-flowered Agalinis paupercula S1 Agalinis Pokeshaw Black Rock Wind Project: Priority Species List – Appendix B Common Scientific Name SARA COSEWIC NBSARA ACCDC Name Slender Agalinis tenuifolia S1 Agalinis Golden Hedge- Gratiola aurea S1 Hyssop Canada Pedicularis canadensis S1 Lousewort Pedicularis canadensis Canada S1 ssp. canadensis Lousewort Furbish Pedicularis furbishiae E E Endangered S1 Lousewort Valeriana dioica var. Marsh Valerian S1 sylvatica Arrow-Leaved Viola sagittata S1 Violet Viola sagittata var. Arrow-Leaved S1 ovata Violet Southern Water Alisma subcordatum S1 Plantain Yellow-Fruited Carex annectens S1 Sedge Carex atlantica Atlantic Sedge S1 Carex atlantica ssp. Atlantic Sedge S1 atlantica Rocky Carex backii S1 Mountain Sedge Bigelow's Carex bigelowii S1 Sedge Eastern Carex blanda Woodland S1 Sedge Thin-leaved Carex cephaloidea S1 Sedge Carex comosa Bearded Sedge S1 Carex glareosa ssp. Gravel Sedge S1 glareosa Carex glareosa var. Gravel Sedge S1 amphigena Inflated Carex grisea Narrow-leaved S1 Sedge Merritt Carex merritt-fernaldii S1 Fernald's Sedge Carex sterilis Sterile Sedge S1 Pokeshaw Black Rock Wind Project: Priority Species List – Appendix B Common Scientific Name SARA COSEWIC NBSARA ACCDC Name Carex viridula ssp. Greenish Sedge S1 brachyrrhyncha Carex viridula var. Greenish Sedge S1 elatior Shining Cyperus bipartitus S1 Flatsedge Cyperus diandrus Low Flatsedge S1 Cyperus lupulinus Hop Flatsedge S1 Cyperus lupulinus ssp. Hop Flatsedge S1 macilentus Eleocharis olivacea var. Yellow S1 olivacea Spikerush Rhynchospora Slender S1 capillacea Beakrush Hanging Scirpus pendulus S1 Bulrush Juncus greenei Greene's Rush S1 Juncus stygius Moor Rush S1 Juncus subtilis Creeping Rush S1 Mountain Death Zigadenus elegans S1 Camas Zigadenus elegans ssp. Mountain Death S1 glaucus Camas Downy Goodyera pubescens Rattlesnake- S1 Plantain White Adder's- Malaxis brachypoda
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