Mlllburn Short Hills
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■ lie " " 6 * MLLLBURN SHORT HILLS PER e v e r y Thursday at M ILLB U R N , N. j Fifteen Cents COPY Second Class Postage Paid at Millburn, N, J. NaHope lortomediatg FIood Gontrol Action ^o iee® at Meetings MILLBURN FOURTH OF JULY Hope for .any action in. struck this community last a meeting held here Mon the immediate future which month was not offered by day night. M ate would prevent the recu r any of six officials repr residents and merchants re n c e of flooding condf- resenting thefederal,state attended the 2 - hour ses tions such as those which and county governments at sion at- theTaylpr Park Recreation House. , The meptltyg; sponsored by the Millburn-Short Hills County Hoping To Limit chamber of Commerce, featured ias its s p e a r s EVENING EVENTS W representatives of thell^S. AFTERNOON EVENTS AT THE STADIUM Army Corps of Engineers, AT TAYLOR PARK .. Gate* Open Brookside Drive Trucks the Small Business Admin- - 2:00 an * ... CM 7nO|Mo: ., Roefc «N BOW 8anet.~"-:; 9:30 e.m..........Circus Band 8:55 p.m... SpecW Feature Act South Mountain Reservation iatration, theEsserCptinty^ to . .................. ; A county proposal to limit Planners Office and the 9:46 U li . Flea Railing 4:»p.m... 1% . 0:26 p.m... Fireworks (in case of rain, between South Orange Ave- , 3:00p.m.. ' . j ............. fireworks will be held the truck traffic on Brqokside New Jersey Division of 10:00 am . , . f • Act Cifcue first clear night and the \ Drive wifi be die subject of nue and Glen AVenue. £ev— eircus witl tie held 10 <uiti oral appUcationrtothe state - water P^i^sB d j^Ptdy. A meeting here early next The onL?ioiciml$tic note month involving representa division ofvmomr vehicles for such a limitation have struck during the evening- • tives of the Essex County if ; the tesrha "optitnistic’’ Park Commission, and the been denied and die state has advised thepark com can be used at all—was Township government. sounded by StanleyMaisel, The park commission is m ission that approval will in CONGRESS, MrJfti/r not be forthcoming unless chief Of Che n^>*J$fe£p seeking to prohibit trucks planning section l of th e $&lit inuttri mottT5irf»n(S)»i ***-«- Atote of^fUntrifa. weighing more than 4-tons M illburn Township adopts a sim ilar prohibition on Corps of Engineers, Mr. from using Brookside Drive - Mated said -that based on as it passes through die tracks— using Brookside Drive between Old , Short an "initial look” at Che Hills Road and denAvenue. damages ldtbyRahway According to James W. River flooding onM sy39, Public Asked Taylor, secretary to the a restudy of the riv er ba , Master o f Ceremonies . Alfred W. Harris sin is “probably warrant- ‘; Children’s Canw il .... DonaU H. Krautter park a c ommission, Brook- ! Circui. .WL. GeorpU. Belief and'' side DrIve as itruns through ed" at this tim e,t- fb Help Curb the reservation was de The U stsu rv e y of the R ta a n e e -- .^ ^ . .J r a w * E. Ordell signed and constructed for riv er basin by the Corps . Fireworks. W T g m M 'Welter H. White pleasure vehicle use.’ Its W E bffSpre 'wie ©6m- Giles ............................ Werner Bothe cpnyerslon to- other pur pleted in 1963 and» to gen Legal . ..............Hairy Silverstein Vandalism poses, Mr, Taylot stated, eral, concluded that th e Miwic and Special Services . .Milan H. Hartz 1 destroys the origlnal intent Puidk Safety-Fire .Chief John J. Partington — -The aistiitance of the Pa- - economie-^>s,suffered Public Safety^ollee. .Chief Frank Stoeckle rent-Teacher Associations, and creates and excessive through flooding along the Publicity . ------Marian K. Meitner im m e d ia te neighbor of hazard to those persons en Rahway not Warrant Refreshments, Liaison school buildings, and any tering the reservation louse the expSMlttWOS neces andCustpdiei ...... RotsPascall one else noticing anyjtus- its recreational facilities. sary to correct theprob- plcion of vandalism at die Millburn Township. sev- lem*. / L:'w,. public school bulldirigSi fa s eral years ago, unsuceess- An exception to that gen asked by NilsfP; 4|pMab fuffjr sought to designate eral conclusion, Mr. Mm s - chairman of the Board jof Brookside Drive as a truck el noted, was In South Or Education!* building com route an d atthe same tim e to ange wherh the 1963 sur mittee, at Monday night’s prohibit trucks Weighing vey made specific recom Board meeting. " - more than 4-tons from using mendations. Construction In addition to the vandal- Old ShortHllls Road, At that in line with those te epm- ism at the high school and time the Township noted that mendations iaro w u n d er- • G lenw obd School as re -' Old Short Hills Road ran way, bo continued, end if ported in last week’s edi-, through a residential area last month’s storm had not tion, ME. Ohlsori stated and its use as a truck artery occurred uptU hext year, 'three telephones in die al presented a hazard so those South Orange would have m ost completed new Wash living in the area. escaped serious damage, Full Program Planned Here for Fourth of July ington S ch o o l bad been , The Corps of Engineers . ripped ftom the walls and spokesman, a s did several obscenities bad been paint Following a tradition es the 'children’s carnival in Arnold Archer, an d fol MYRC Offers Of the other speaker s,em - White Oak Ridge Park at sen by the local D. A, R. as ed on the building and near- pha sized there was liefle ; tablished 2 1 years ago the die afternoon,and th eF ire- 8:30 aim ., and at 9:30 the the Good Citizenship: Girl lowed by Baby Sheba ele- . by water tower owned by the t o u r th of works in die evening. circus band under the di of 1968. She will enter phant act/ tbe Waltons on fit anything that one mu Commonwealth Water Co, nicipality could do to pro Ju ly 'In Millburn Township The day will start with rection of Mort Brody will Smlth GoUege iirSepfem- the tramp<dlt», the Lljdco Mr. Ohlson r e q u e s t e d Dances, Pool will be presented in three a e r i a l salute's from .the entertain, until 9:45 when a ber. , Chimps, Kastle’s 4 Bears, tect- itself from f u t u r e anyone seeing ary act of flooding. Several of .the parts •'die morning circus. High School Stadium 'and sh o rt patriotic ceremony The ’’Star Spangled Ban the Alexander Wonder vandalism or noticing any will be held with Alfred W. ner” Will be sung by Mrs. Dogs, Carl Chnley on his Parties, Film s speakers also, noted Chat .suspicious, persons around Rahway River flooding is Harris acting as master of Audrey Oliver <x»whltting- robk.bhbt and jug^itWAc^ a n r achool b u tld ln ff toj ceremonies. / ham Terrace. a nd flnaUy j h e Amazliw - . Wednesday night monies “not a new problem^btCis Sixty-Three NinthGraders please can the police im at ffie senior high school A detail from Guy Bos- “ ^The; dftcu s win com- Alexander on a spectacular mediately. He promlsedfull i one Chat has become more worth Post, American Le mence at 10 a.m. opened by; Mgh wire finale. The latr and F r id a y night p o o l serious over the yearB due prosecution ag ain st "any, parties and block dances at Receive Scholastic Awatds gion; will raise the flag, its master-of ceremonies (Continued on Pag* 9) vandals,' whether juvenile to the development of tho and the pledge of allegiance White Oak Ridge Park will area through which th e or adult. • be sponsored tills summer At the junior high school Recipients of du» honor wUl_ fellow^ led by JWe.s. Ify reg ird to the. new river paSSet; nal a s sembly on Friday, certificates were: Nancy A. LeaMond, daugh by the MHHbarn Youth Roe— Cohen of school construction pro reation C e lite f (MY %cj; me 21, Principal H. Rich- , ' ter of Mr. and M rs. E. W. IS T o H o st East Coast M odel gram,'Mr. Ohlson and David Ridgewood Road asked if rd ConoVer, swarded cer-^ ^ r * Lea Mond of Norwood T er- Walters, clerk of the works, The summer events open recommendations made by ficates to sixty-three' mtfh, AndrewBarbashfEoy race,. rep Ob ted that everything this! Fridley evening with a the Corps of Engineers in inth graders, about■ eight- oaicmtm,Bateman, narryHarry oerwey#Berkley, Miss LeaMond was. cho United Nations Conference was proceeding on schedule pool' party . 1963, but not qapteddue to The Wednesday evening class Susan BlaekwMl, J u d ith and th a t only r e l a tly sly .. _ cost cotdd be.adopted now. grades B rie f, William Brunson; Plans for the 12th annual junction with North Haven minor changes and repairs movies will begin at 8 p.m. Mr. Maisel replied that f r t e "TinAptak, AlexapderGanr: East Coast Model .United . High School, Since that had to be made before com each week while hours for dup , to land development, eron, Brenda C a m p b e ll, Playgrounds N a t to n s Co h f e r e n c e time conferences haveb^en pletion. It is anticipated the pool parties and block many .of the solutions pas 4th the Dlan*.