■ lie " " 6 * MLLLBURN SHORT HILLS PER e v e r y Thursday at M ILLB U R N , N. j Fifteen Cents COPY Second Class Postage Paid at Millburn, N, J. NaHope lortomediatg FIood Gontrol Action ^o iee® at Meetings MILLBURN FOURTH OF JULY Hope for .any action in. struck this community last a meeting held here Mon­ the immediate future which month was not offered by day night. M ate would prevent the recu r­ any of six officials repr residents and merchants re n c e of flooding condf- resenting thefederal,state attended the 2 - hour ses­ tions such as those which and county governments at sion at- theTaylpr Park Recreation House. , The meptltyg; sponsored by the Millburn-Short Hills County Hoping To Limit chamber of Commerce, featured ias its s p e a r s EVENING EVENTS W representatives of thell^S. AFTERNOON EVENTS AT THE STADIUM Army Corps of Engineers, AT TAYLOR PARK .. Gate* Open Brookside Drive Trucks the Small Business Admin- - 2:00 an * ... CM 7nO|Mo: ., Roefc «N BOW 8anet.~"-:; 9:30 e.m..........Circus Band 8:55 p.m... SpecW Feature Act South Mountain Reservation iatration, theEsserCptinty^ to . .................. ; A county proposal to limit Planners Office and the 9:46 U li . Flea Railing 4:»p.m... 1% . 0:26 p.m... Fireworks (in case of rain, between South Orange Ave- , 3:00p.m.. ' . j ............. fireworks will be held the truck traffic on Brqokside New Jersey Division of 10:00 am . , . f • Act Cifcue first clear night and the \ Drive wifi be die subject of nue and Glen AVenue. £ev— eircus witl tie held 10 <uiti oral appUcationrtothe state - water P^i^sB d j^Ptdy. A meeting here early next The onL?ioiciml$tic note month involving representa­ division ofvmomr vehicles for such a limitation have struck during the evening- • tives of the Essex County if ; the tesrha "optitnistic’’ Park Commission, and the been denied and die state has advised thepark com­ can be used at all—was Township government. sounded by StanleyMaisel, The park commission is m ission that approval will in CONGRESS, MrJfti/r not be forthcoming unless chief Of Che n^>*J$fe£p seeking to prohibit trucks planning section l of th e $&lit inuttri mottT5irf»n(S)»i ***-«- Atote of^fUntrifa. weighing more than 4-tons M illburn Township adopts a sim ilar prohibition on Corps of Engineers, Mr. from using Brookside Drive - Mated said -that based on as it passes through die tracks— using Brookside Drive between Old , Short an "initial look” at Che Hills Road and denAvenue. damages ldtbyRahway According to James W. River flooding onM sy39, Public Asked Taylor, secretary to the a restudy of the riv er ba­ , Master o f Ceremonies . Alfred W. Harris sin is “probably warrant- ‘; Children’s Canw il .... DonaU H. Krautter park a c ommission, Brook- ! Circui. .WL. GeorpU. Belief and'' side DrIve as itruns through ed" at this tim e,t- fb Help Curb the reservation was de­ The U stsu rv e y of the R ta a n e e -- .^ ^ . .J r a w * E. Ordell signed and constructed for riv er basin by the Corps . Fireworks. W T g m M 'Welter H. White pleasure vehicle use.’ Its W E bffSpre 'wie ©6m- Giles ............................ Werner Bothe cpnyerslon to- other pur­ pleted in 1963 and» to gen­ Legal . ..............Hairy Silverstein Vandalism poses, Mr, Taylot stated, eral, concluded that th e Miwic and Special Services . .Milan H. Hartz 1 destroys the origlnal intent Puidk Safety-Fire .Chief John J. Partington — -The aistiitance of the Pa- - economie-^>s,suffered Public Safety^ollee. .Chief Frank Stoeckle rent-Teacher Associations, and creates and excessive through flooding along the Publicity . ------Marian K. Meitner im m e d ia te neighbor of hazard to those persons en­ Rahway not Warrant Refreshments, Liaison school buildings, and any­ tering the reservation louse the expSMlttWOS neces­ andCustpdiei ...... RotsPascall one else noticing anyjtus- its recreational facilities. sary to correct theprob- plcion of vandalism at die Millburn Township. sev- lem*. / L:'w,. public school bulldirigSi fa s eral years ago, unsuceess- An exception to that gen­ asked by NilsfP; 4|pMab fuffjr sought to designate eral conclusion, Mr. Mm s - chairman of the Board jof Brookside Drive as a truck el noted, was In South Or­ Education!* building com­ route an d atthe same tim e to ange wherh the 1963 sur­ mittee, at Monday night’s prohibit trucks Weighing vey made specific recom­ Board meeting. " - more than 4-tons from using mendations. Construction In addition to the vandal- Old ShortHllls Road, At that in line with those te epm- ism at the high school and time the Township noted that mendations iaro w u n d er- • G lenw obd School as re -' Old Short Hills Road ran way, bo continued, end if ported in last week’s edi-, through a residential area last month’s storm had not tion, ME. Ohlsori stated and its use as a truck artery occurred uptU hext year, 'three telephones in die al­ presented a hazard so those South Orange would have m ost completed new Wash­ living in the area. escaped serious damage, Full Program Planned Here for Fourth of July ington S ch o o l bad been , The Corps of Engineers . ripped ftom the walls and spokesman, a s did several obscenities bad been paint­ Following a tradition es­ the 'children’s carnival in Arnold Archer, an d fol­ MYRC Offers Of the other speaker s,em - White Oak Ridge Park at sen by the local D. A, R. as ed on the building and near- pha sized there was liefle ; tablished 2 1 years ago the die afternoon,and th eF ire- 8:30 aim ., and at 9:30 the the Good Citizenship: Girl lowed by Baby Sheba ele- . by water tower owned by the t o u r th of works in die evening. circus band under the di­ of 1968. She will enter phant act/ tbe Waltons on fit anything that one mu­ Commonwealth Water Co, nicipality could do to pro­ Ju ly 'In Millburn Township The day will start with rection of Mort Brody will Smlth GoUege iirSepfem- the tramp<dlt», the Lljdco Mr. Ohlson r e q u e s t e d Dances, Pool will be presented in three a e r i a l salute's from .the entertain, until 9:45 when a ber. , Chimps, Kastle’s 4 Bears, tect- itself from f u t u r e anyone seeing ary act of flooding. Several of .the parts •'die morning circus. High School Stadium 'and sh o rt patriotic ceremony The ’’Star Spangled Ban­ the Alexander Wonder vandalism or noticing any will be held with Alfred W. ner” Will be sung by Mrs. Dogs, Carl Chnley on his Parties, Film s speakers also, noted Chat .suspicious, persons around Rahway River flooding is Harris acting as master of Audrey Oliver <x»whltting- robk.bhbt and jug^itWAc^ a n r achool b u tld ln ff toj ceremonies. / ham Terrace. a nd flnaUy j h e Amazliw - . Wednesday night monies “not a new problem^btCis Sixty-Three NinthGraders please can the police im­ at ffie senior high school A detail from Guy Bos- “ ^The; dftcu s win com- Alexander on a spectacular mediately. He promlsedfull i one Chat has become more worth Post, American Le­ mence at 10 a.m. opened by; Mgh wire finale. The latr and F r id a y night p o o l serious over the yearB due prosecution ag ain st "any, parties and block dances at Receive Scholastic Awatds gion; will raise the flag, its master-of ceremonies (Continued on Pag* 9) vandals,' whether juvenile to the development of tho and the pledge of allegiance White Oak Ridge Park will area through which th e or adult. • be sponsored tills summer At the junior high school Recipients of du» honor wUl_ fellow^ led by JWe.s. Ify reg ird to the. new river paSSet; nal a s sembly on Friday, certificates were: Nancy A. LeaMond, daugh­ by the MHHbarn Youth Roe— Cohen of school construction pro­ reation C e lite f (MY %cj; me 21, Principal H. Rich- , ' ter of Mr. and M rs. E. W. IS T o H o st East Coast M odel gram,'Mr. Ohlson and David Ridgewood Road asked if rd ConoVer, swarded cer- J.an^ ^ r * Lea Mond of Norwood T er- Walters, clerk of the works, The summer events open recommendations made by ficates to sixty-three' mtfh, AndrewBarbashfEoy race,. rep Ob ted that everything this! Fridley evening with a the Corps of Engineers in inth graders, about■ eight- oaicmtm,Bateman, narryHarry oerwey#Berkley, Miss LeaMond was. cho­ United Nations Conference was proceeding on schedule pool' party . 1963, but not qapteddue to The Wednesday evening class Susan BlaekwMl, J u d ith and th a t only r e l a tly sly .. _ cost cotdd be.adopted now. grades B rie f, William Brunson; Plans for the 12th annual junction with North Haven minor changes and repairs movies will begin at 8 p.m. Mr. Maisel replied that f r t e "TinAptak, AlexapderGanr: East Coast Model .United . High School, Since that had to be made before com­ each week while hours for dup , to land development, eron, Brenda C a m p b e ll, Playgrounds N a t to n s Co h f e r e n c e time conferences haveb^en pletion. It is anticipated the pool parties and block many .of the solutions pas­ 4th the Dlan*.
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