Hermann Katalog 2002/E 10.10.2002 16:00 Uhr Seite 21 HERMANN Spielwaren GmbH · Coburg a Hermann ® gegründet 1920 HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH Manufacture of fine German Teddy Bears Im Grund 9-11 D-96450 Coburg-Cortendorf Germany Telefon +49 (0) 95 61/85 90-0 Telefax +49 (0) 95 61/85 90-30 eMail
[email protected] Internet www.hermann.de founded 1920 by Max Hermann in Sonneberg-Neufang 5,- / US$ 10,- / engl. £ 5,- / A$ 20,- / ¥ 1000.- · © 2002 HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH, Coburg/Germany · Text and Design Dr. Ursul and Design Dr. · Text GmbH, Coburg/Germany 5,- / US$ 10,- engl. £ A$ 20,- ¥ 1000.- · © 2002 HERMANN-Spielwaren 2 Teddybär’s Centennial We celebrate Teddy Bear’s 100th anniversary HERMANN Teddy Bear New Item Catalogue 2002 · Printed in Germany · Protection Fee: Bear New Item Catalogue 2002 · Printed in Germany Protection HERMANN Teddy Hermann PDF-Katalog/E 10.10.2002 15:10 Uhr Seite 2 HERMANN Teddy Bear Catalogue 2002 We are proud to present you today our 2002 Teddy Bear Catalogue. Nearly 100 new Collectors Bears are waiting for you. Some editions are already sold out. Nevertheless we have decided to include them in our catalogue too. Our catalogue will be for you an illustration book, that will continually remind you of our new Teddy Bears in future years. Some special editions, HERMANN made for special events, shows, fairs, customers or countries, which are not pictured in this catalogue, you will find on our website at www.hermann.de on the internet. FRONT COVER and PAGE 2 MOHAIR The final farewell from the German Mark and the establishment th To Celebrate Teddy Bear's 100 Anniversary of the EURO as the European currency, the memory of the Queen Many stories and legends have grown around the birth of the 2002 Teddy Bear.