Train Derailed Remington Stevens Near Kingfield

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Train Derailed Remington Stevens Near Kingfield ^ £ l VOL. XXXIV. NO. §£~ PHILLIPS, MAINE, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1912 PRICE 4 CENTS TRAIN DERAILED REMINGTON STEVENS NEAR KINGFIELD UMC Double Barrel Hammerless Number of Passengers on Board Gun No. 365 But Not One H urt Washout EWCLUB Cause of Trouble. Krup i Fluid SHOT SHELLS Steel Barrels The night passenger train over the Lugs Drop-forgnd Kimgfield branch of the Sandy River REPEATING SHOTGUNS * The old original black in one piece. powder shells. Breech Strongest & Rangeley Lakes R. R. was parti- j If you want a serviceable shotgun, one that where others are ally derailed by a washout Tuesday j Introduced more than fifty a scratch or bump won’t ruin, that can be had W eak. years ago. M ore popular night about three miles from King- at a price that won’t ruin you, the Winchester CANNOT field. The break in the track was today than ever. R epeatin g Shotgun will surely suit you. SHOOT LOOSE fully 25 feet across. T h e perfect ignition of the They are made in 12 or 16 gauge w ith A number of passengers were on N o. 2 primer insures a quick, Pick up this gun strong shooting, full choke barrels, suitable and feel the bal­ board, but so far as is known not snappy load seldom found in for trap work, duck shooting, etc., or with ance of it—exam­ a single person was injured. black powder shells. ine the working The engine almost turned turtle modified choke or cylinder bore barrels for For all shotguns. parts closely and see the fine care and the baggage car was derailed field shooting. They lis t at $27.00, but your f^jnJngiQitUMC and finish of de­ and overturned, while the other cars dealer will sell you one for less. They are a fect shooting combination. tail—you will say suffered considerable damage. bargain in a gun, but not a bargain counter it is a winner. REMINGTON ARMS - UNION gun. They are the only repeater that is METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. The train was in charge of Leon Lists at only Thomas, conductor. The engineer • 290 Broadway S32.50 and will be ENDORSED BY THE U, S ORDNANCE BOARD New York City expressed, prepaid was Daniel Cushman, one of the old­ direct from factory est engineers on the road. Charles in case you can­ French was fireman, E. B. Tufts not secure through a Dealer. baggage master and Hugh Hight, brakeman. Cushman and French For Your Fishing Trip Try Write for Art jumped (to safety, uninjured. Catalog. The cause of the accident was a BALLS GAMPS. washout, water having worked under a culvert in such a manner as to No place like it for salmon, also trout and laketrout. STEVENS ARMS S undermine it. It is said that the Send for book B. Grand Lake Stream, Maine. T 0 0 1 . CO . train was proceeding at a moderate rate of speed, for Engineer Cush­ Post office Bos 50 man bears the reputation of being CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. one of the most careful drivers on the road. Having been an engineer SPRING FISHING for so many years he is familiar SEASON OF 1912 Advertising Pays You with every portion o f the roadbed. The accident occurred about 6:30 THE SANDY RIVER AND RANGELEY LAKES RAILROAD p. m. J-ust before the tip over hap­ pened 40 river drivers had been let Publishes a beautiful little Booklet in colors, Mountain View House off the train. Every platform was entitled “FISHING”. It tells all about where to go, smashed by the impact. Mountain View* Maine As soon as news of the accident in the Rangeley and Dead River Regions of Maine, For further particulars write or address reached Phillips a wrecking crew, in and contains an accurate Map of this Territory. charge of Master Mechanic Caswell, Address with stamp, L. E. BOWLEY, was made up, Conductor Robert Mc­ ^ Mountain View, * * * Maine. ^ Mullen, and rushed to the scene of the trouble. Heavy timbers were F. N. BEHL, G. P. Phillips, Maine. taken along and by early morning the wreckage was cleared away suffici­ ently to allow traips to pass. Another TH IN K OF wrecking crew was sent from Phil­ PieKFORD S eflM PS lips Wednesday afternoon to complete Most modern and up-to-date camps in the state of Maine. All camps GRANT’S CAMPS, KENNEBAGO, MAINE, the work. have bath rooms. Book early. The most of the passengers on the When Packing up for that Fishing Trip. Fly Fishing de luxe H. E. PICKFORD, Rangeley, Maine. U. S. A. train were traveling men. There was £D GRANT CKL SONS, Hennebago, Maine no panic and most of the passengers took the matter very coolly indeed. Some were badly shaken up, how­ successful in his bear hunt, caused, that part of the country and they ever. he claims, by the ldibeiral use of tur­ put rags soaked with turpentine where the hears would smell them. ezar. pentine soaked rags in the swamps B r_ ö w. --- T„ . c ä. n. ^ ^_ a._________I_____i-L ~ -----1 “ I don't think that this was fair. For your Spring Fishing Trip why not come where the salmon are large where the bears were supposed to her enough to interest you. The average weight of salmon here for the r~">ast DIGNARD ANGRY I have got some dogs that will fol- five seasons has been seven pounds. We also offer you private ca ins located. He thinks that jealousy expenses to Sabattus if it isn’t with open fire, bath, twin beds, etc. Bass fishing is unsurpassed Write prompted the use of the turpentine, doubts the statement I will pay theiir us for booklet, rates and detailed information. Address AT WELD HUNTERS expences to Sabattus if it isn't B. E. BROWN, Center Lovell, Maine. causing the bears to seek other lo­ cations. ' * true. I have got a hear down there J. A. Dignard of Sabattus, who has “ We went all over Weld, Byron, and my dogs can show at any time been hunting bears with Gerald Luce No. 6 and Madrid,'* said Hunter Dig­ what they will do.” in the Tumbledown mountain dis­ nard, “but wie got so many bears Mr. Dignard said that he felt sorry trict din Weld is very indignant over that we couldn't count them.” And that he could not spare the time this TIM POND CAMPS the methods he claims are employed he laughed at his little sally. “ You trip to go to Diallas after wild cats. by certain Weld hunters. see some of the Weld hunlters got He hopes to get in a little hunting Open when the ice leaves the lake. We guarantee both bait and fly- •;«: Mr. Dignard said that he was un- wind that we were going to hunt in up that way in the fall, however. fishing and catch trout. Telephone, daily mail. Write for 1912 booklet, jg , JULIAN K. VILES & SON, Fra"klin c°j Tim’ MaiM- | AKEWOOD CAMPS I SONINKE M/Woiy) fORdHE flSHlNG.lPf ME rURNlSH /OU REf- EREMCES. lNj)l%Jj\L Tir e s , WiiwWlfHOUfMilS J. l e W is YORK«— LOON-LAKE ^ RAiteELEYNlE, GO TO JOE’S FORMERLY KNOWN AS ANGLERS’ RETREAT JOE WHITE RUNS BLAKESLEE LAKE GAMPS n Has a greater variety of fishing grounds than any one place in the Rangeley Lakes. Fifteen miles of Dead River Region, where you can catch trout every day in Lake trolling and Five miles of.Stream Fly Fishing andseveral Ponds well stocked with Trout and Salmon. the season. That’ the point and that's the fact. Write, to Table first-class. A No. 1 beds. Camps have from one to seven rooms and open brick fireplace and pure JOE WHITE, Eustis, Me., For Booklet and Particulars. running SPRING WATER in each camp. For rates and booklet address Gapt. E. F. Goburn, Middledam. Rangeley Lakes, Maine Advertise in /¥\aine Woods MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, APRIL 18, 1912. good ones too, in spite of the fact away into the woods at our approach. New S h o o t* that it was nearly noon, of an early As the day promised to be fair we TAXIDERMISTS Model high ve­ August day. Having partaken of decided to stay over until the locity smck:'“ a bountiful meal of trout and boiled morrow, and sent Joe back to the G. W. PICKEL, less cartridge?, potatoes, and the other good things home camps for more provisions and TAXIDERMIST the daily mail, and I believe' a pair REPEATING RIFLE also black and low brought from the home camp, and Dealer in Sporting Goods, Pishing after washing the dishes, we all of bedroom slippers for one of our pressune smokeless. Tackle, Indian Moccasins, Basket* T h e only gun that fills the struck out for an afternoon’s fun j party who had cold feet While Powerful enough for deer, and Souvenirs. demand for a trom­ up Baker inlet. There was not Joe was gone the rest of us de­ safe to use in settled districts, ex­ Rangeley, - - Maine. bone (“pump”) ac­ much doing except an occasional cided to tramp half a mile to Iron tion repeater in cellent for target work, for foxes, shower, which made us hie to the pond, so we struck out, but for .25-20 and geese, woodchucks, etc. shelter of the overhanging trees | some reason or other we were soon N A S H O F M A I N E , It» etciusi?« features: the quick, smooth working Pump action, and beach our craft until the sun j off the trail.
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