BERNARD H. OXMAN Office: Home: School of Law TEL: 305 284 2293 10 Edgewater Drive (9H) University of Miami FAX: 305 284 6619 Coral Gables, FL 33133 Coral Gables, FL 33124-8087 <
[email protected]> TEL: 305 443 9550 Education: J.D. Columbia Law School 1965 A.B. Columbia College 1962 Bar Admissions: District of Columbia, New York Employment: University of Miami School of Law, 1977-present Richard A. Hausler Professor of Law, 2008 to present Professor of Law, 1980-present Director, Maritime Law Program, 1997-present University Faculty Senator, 1996-2008; 2009-2017 Associate Dean, 1987-90 Associate Professor, 1977-80 Subjects taught regularly: conflict of laws, international law, law of the sea, torts AJIL: American Journal of International Law Co-Editor in Chief, 2003-2013 International Decisions Editor, 1998-2003 Board of Editors 1986-present Adjudication, Judge ad hoc, International Court of Justice: Arbitration, Black Sea Maritime Delimitation case (Romania v. Ukraine), Review Panel: 2006-2009 Judge ad hoc, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: Land Reclamation case (Malaysia v. Singapore), 2003 Bay of Bengal Maritime Delimitation case (Bangladesh v. Myanmar), 2010-2012 Indian Ocean Maritime Delimitation case (Mauritius/Maldives), 2019- Member, Arbitral Tribunal constituted under Annex VII of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Land Reclamation case (Malaysia v. Singapore) (2003-2005) ARA Libertad case (Argentina v. Ghana) (2013) Chair, Review Panel Established under Article 17 and Annex II of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean Objection of the Russian Federation to CMM 1.01 (2013) Arbitrator, various international commercial arbitrations Counsel for the Philippines in South China Sea arbitration (Phil.