Page Numbers in Boldfaced Type Indicate Illustrations. Abamectin, 748 Abdomen Structure, 83–84 Appendages, 59, 84–89 Embryon
Index Page numbers in boldfaced type indicate illustrations. Abamectin, 748 Acheta Abdomen A. assimilis, circulatory system, 576 structure, 83–84 A. domesticus, 190, 190 appendages, 59, 84–89 Achilidae, 219 embryonic development, 608 Acoustic parasitism, 383 Abdominal epidermis, differentiation at Acrida,egg pod, 591 metamorphosis, 635 Acrididae, 186, 193 Abdominalganglia, 411 hearing, 380, 381 Abdominal gills, 480 Acridoidea, 185, 186, 191, 193–194 Absorption, 502–503 Acridomorpha, 187 of insecticides,502 Acroceridae, 255 Acalymma vittata, 324 Acron,60 Acalyptratae, 247, 256, 257–260 Acronycta rumicis, diapause induction, 673, 673 Acanthoscelides Acrosternite, 59 A. obtectus, 323, 324 Acrotergite, 59, 74, 83 as control agent, 324 Activating factor, 360, 362 Accessory hearts, 518 Activation center, 598, 599 Accessory pulsatile organs, 516, 518, 519, 520, Aculeata, 331, 333, 334, 335, 341–349 521 Acyrthosiphon pisum Accessory reproductive glands biocontrol, 773 embryonic origin, 612 as disease vector, 741 female host-plant resistance, 767 functions,565, 590–591 mycetocytes, 505 in Glossina, 616, 617 polyphenism, 668 structure, 565 Adelgidae, 219 male,507,541,565, 579 Adephaga, 307, 308, 309–310 functions, 568, 574, 580, 584, 585, 586 Aderidae, 322 hormonal control,580 Adiheterothripidae, 236 structure, 568 Adipohemocytes, 525–526 Acentropus, larvalgas exchange, 479 Adipokinetic hormone, 418, 419, 464 Acerentomidae, 119 Admirals, 291 Acerentomoidea, 119 Aedeagus, 87, 87 Acerella barberi, 118 Aedes,93 Acetophenone, 426 A. aegypti Acetylcholine, 413 anal papillae in larva, 551, 555 Acetylglucosamine, 358, 362, 505, diurnal rhythms of egg laying,665 524 endocrine control of egg development, 577,578 783 784 Aedes (Continued) Alary muscles, 517, 520 excretory products, 543 embryonic origin, 612 Index hearinginmales, 380 Alderflies, 297, 298, 299 hemolymph osmotic pressure, 548 Aldrin, 508, 747 hormonal control of larval salt and water balance, Alena, 300 555 Aleurocanthus woglumi, 746 vitellogenesis, 578 biocontrol, 758 A.
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