Bad Luck Plagues Bad Luck Plagues Wesmen Spacemen Page 18 Page 14 Volume 58, Issue 11 november 13, 2003 THE Uniter T HE O FFICIAL W EEKLY S TUDENT N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIVERSITY OF W INNIPEG Pop Culture - Page 6 page 2 november 13, 2003 the uniter the uniter news Volume 58,Issue 11 November 13, 2003 S T A F F Jonathan Tan Editor In Chief Capital Region Report
[email protected] Michelle Kuly Managing Editor
[email protected] Debuts to Mixed Reviews A. P. (Ben) Benton BY SCOTT DE GROOT capital region must be reduced by: decreasing something going here, now that we’re in this News Editor competition to attract new homeowners and capital region process. Someday, maybe, the
[email protected] anitoba’s Capital Region, an area businesses, sharing local services such as province will decide what its policy is, and that includes Winnipeg and neigh- water and waste-treatment facilities, and hopefully sooner rather than later. It’s a col- Cheryl Gudz Mbouring municipalities such as East coordinated riverbank management to protect laborative process and we’d like to know Features Editor St. Paul and Headingly, is considered the water quality. what they’re going to do.”
[email protected] province’s economic engine, cultural heart, Paul Thomas, currently the Duff Roblin Mayor Glen Murray also shares these and home to over 64% of its total population. Professor of Government at the University of sentiments; he’s disappointed that the Jeff Robson It should come as no surprise then that Manitoba, is the chair of RPAC.