ECIECI NEWSNEWS LETTERLETTER July-September 2017 (10th Edition)

Presidential Election 2017 January -March1 From 2017the Editorial Board 2 In- focus 3 The Theme 4 India as new A-WEB Vice Chair 5 SVEEP Initiatives 6 Capacity Building 7 International Co-operation 8 IT Initiatives 9 Important Information 10 In-House Editorial Board • Mr. Dhirendra Ojha, Director General • Mr. R.K. Srivastava, Sr. Principal Secretary • Mr. K.F. Wilfred, Sr. Principal Secretary • Mr. Sumit Mukherjee, Principal Secretary

Editorial Assistance • Mr. Pawan Diwan, Under Secretary • Mr. Arunesh Kumar, Section Officer • Ms. Khushboo Singh, Media Support Executive Contents From the Editorial Board

ith immense pride and delight, I would like to share with you the tenth W edition of the Election Commission of India’s quarterly Newsletter (July- September) for the cycle 2017- 2018. ECI’s Newsletter is an effort to bring out the very best of Election Commission’s painstaking efforts and initiatives which are undertaken in order to ensure no voter is left behind. It’s a matter of joy to share that in this quarter, we have yet again been able to bring to you relevant issues pertaining to Indian elections and democracy. This Newsletter is a product of enduring effort to keep all stakeholders informed with regards to the new steps, actions and activities undertaken by the Commission to strengthen the foundation of Indian democracy. In this issue, you will find significant information with regard to the 15th Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections held in 2017. Along with that, you will also find significant information with on recently concluded bye- elections held in the States of , , Gujarat, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. This edition will also be covering the Extraordinary meeting of the Executive Board of A-WEB. Added to that, there will be articles with specific information pertaining to the new initiatives undertaken along Editorial Board with the important information issued by the Commission. The edition also focuses on special IT initiatives like ETPBS and ERO- NET undertaken by • Mr. Dhirendra Ojha, Director General the Commission for the smooth conduct of the electoral process, significant • Mr. R.K. Srivastava, Sr. Principal Secretary voter awareness practices along with the In-House developmental activities, • Mr. K.F. Wilfred, Sr. Principal Secretary taking place within the Commission and much more. • Mr. Sumit Mukherjee, Principal Secretary This Newsletter is a symbol of the Election Commission’s continuing growth and its perseverance in fulfilling its responsibilities towards its stakeholders. Editorial Assistance I am certain as always that this edition of the Quarterly Newsletter will once • Mr. Pawan Diwan, Under Secretary again truly reflect the Election Commission’s fervent commitment towards • Mr. Arunesh Kumar, Section Officer the nation and presage the developments ahead. • Ms. Khushboo Singh, Media Support Executive Dhirendra Ojha Director General Contents In focus NEW Appointments Chief Election Commissioner Shri Achal Kumar Joti Shri A. K. Joti took over as Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) on 06th July, 2017 succeeding Dr. Nasim Zaidi. Earlier, Shri Joti served as Election Commissioner from 13th May 2015 for a period of two years. He has served the nation as a longtime Civil Servant of Indian Administrative Service of Batch 1975 (Gujarat cadre). He brings with him a rich experience of Public Administration of 42 years.

Shri A.K. Joti taking over as new Chief Election Commissioner of India Shri A. K. Joti served at various posts in Gujarat including the post of Chief Secretary. He has also worked as Secretary in Industry, Revenue and Water Supply Departments in Gujarat. He was Principal Secretary, Finance Department for more than three years. He was also the Chairman of the Kandla Port Trust under the Ministry of Shipping, Government of India on deputation basis from October 1999 to October, 2004. In addition to that, he served as Additional Chief Secretary, General Administration Department and Managing Director of the Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited (SSNNL).

2 ECI Newsletter 2 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) Election Commissioner Shri Sunil Arora Shri Sunil Arora assumed charge as the new Election Commissioner (EC) of India on 1st September 2017. He is a retired Indian Administrative Service

Rajasthan cadre of 1980 batch. Shri(IAS) Arora officer brings belonging with him to a rich the leadership experience of over 35 years, heading key departments while driving governance and policy reform initiatives both at Government of India (GOI) and State levels.

as Secretary to GOI in the Ministry ofWhile Information in office, Shri & BroadcastingArora served (I&B), Secretary to GOI in the Ministry of Skill Development & Shri Sunil Arora taking over as new Election Commissioner of India Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Additional Chief Secretary (Home) to Government of Rajasthan amd Chairman of the Rajasthan State Industrial and Investment Corporation (RIICO). Shri

overlapped with his tenure as Joint Secretary in Ministry of Civil Aviation. Arora was the Chairman & Managing Director of the Indian Airlines, first two years of which

Shri Arora also served as the Principal Staff Officer of Chief Minister, Rajasthan from 2005- Shri Arora retired in April 2016, following which he was appointed as an Advisor to Prasar 2009 as well as from 1993-1998. Bharti followed by Director General & CEO of the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs.

CEOs Conference at New Delhi on 18th & 19th August, 2017

commenced in New Delhi on 18th and 19th August 2017. It was inaugurated by Shri A.K. Joti, ChiefA two Election day Chief Commissioner Electoral Officers' of India (CEOs) (CEC) Conference and Shri O.P. of Rawat, all States Election and UnionCommissioner Territories of India (EC).

ECI Newsletter 3 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 3 gatewaysAddressing for the various Chief Electoralelection servicesOfficers, ofShri Election A.K. Joti, Commission CEC stressed of India.on the He need underlined of providing the needE-services for extensive to stakeholders training programmes and emphasised on VVPAT the requirement as ECI has decided for developing to conduct E-Payment all future elections using VVPAT along with EVMs. CEC also stated that "SVEEP" be developed as core area of election management. Shri O.P. Rawat, EC invoked all CEOs to avail the opportunity to share the experiences and good practices of each other and learn election management related issues from senior practitioners. He stated that all electoral practitioners must work together to reach the higher scale on electoral integrity with further strengthening Indian democracy.

Saxena Jain, Deputy Election Commissioner, Shri Dilip Sharma and Shri Dhirendra Ojha, Shri Umesh Sinha and Shri Vijay Dev, Senior Deputy Election Commissioner, Shri Sandeep the Conference by making presentations on pivotal issues like EVMs & VVPATs, Electoral Director Generals along with other senior officers of the Commission also participated in participation (SVEEP), Expenditure Monitoring, Social Media, Paid News and other issues. Registration Officers' Net, Electoral Roll, Systematic Voter Education and Electoral The event organised by the Election Commission of India (ECI) reviewed performance as well as explored new initiatives to improve the election management and voter experience.

Shri A.K. Joti, Chief Election Commissioner of India and Shri O.P. Rawat, Election Commissioner of India and senior officers of ECI in the Conference of Chief Electoral Officers at New Delhi

4 ECI Newsletter 4 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) The theme ECI conducts Election to the highest office of India

the most important elections which the Election Commission of India conducts under the The election to the office of President and Vice President of the Indian Republic is one of

vestedmandate in ofthe Article Commission. 324 of the Constitution of India. Under Article 324, the superintendence, direction and control of elections to the offices of President and Vice-President of India is

Shri Ramnath Kovind taking over as the new President of India 15th Presidential Election th July 2017. Thus, ECI initiated the process of electing the 14th President of India by issuing Shri Pranab Mukherjee’sth termJune, in2017 the andoffice the of mammoth President exerciseof India was toconcluded conclude with on 24the

aamp; Notification Secretary on General, the 14 on the 20th of July, 2017. declaration of Shri Ramnath Kovind as the President of India by the Returning Officer &

ECI Newsletter 5 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 5 Following was the schedule for the election:

IssueLast date of Election for making Commission’s nominations notification calling the election 14-06-2017 (Wednesday) Date for the scrutiny of nominations 28-06-2017 (Wednesday) Last date for the withdrawal of candidatures 29-06-2017 (Thursday) Date on which a poll shall, if necessary, be taken 01-07-2017 (Saturday) 17-07-2017 (Monday) DistinguishingDate on which counting,features ifof required, the election shall to be the taken Office of President20-07-2017 of India (Thursday) Electoral College: The President of India is elected through indirect elections, and in this case the electors together are called the Electoral College. The Electoral • College consists of elected members of both the Houses of Parliament and Legislative th Amendment) Act, 1992] (Article 54). Every time before the Presidential Election, the list is updated andAssemblies every minute of States detail and is Union thoroughly Territories checked. of Delhi This and time, Puducherry, in 2017, the (17 total number of members in the Electoral College for the Presidential election was 4896. Secret Ballot:

• an elector who belongs Unlike Assemblyto a political and party Parliamentary has to show elections marked that ballot ECI paper conducts, to an a authorizedsecret ballot party box isagent, used in in Presidential Presidential Election, election. electorsUnlike Rajya have Sabhato maintain elections secrecy where of vote. Showing ballot to anyone under any circumstances is totally prohibited. Also, the political parties are not allowed to issue party whip to their MPs and MLAs in the matter of voting in Presidential election. Single Transferable Vote (Electoral System): For the purpose of Presidential Elections, a voting setup called Single Transferable voting is used (Rule 17 of the • an electoral system of proportional representation in which an elector’s vote can be transferredPresidential to and a second Vice-Presidential or further competing Election Rules, candidate, 1974). according Single Transferable to the voter’s Vote, stated is

of counts. Whileorder ofcasting preference, the vote if thein this candidate format of the first voters choice have is eliminatedto mark their during preference a succession using roman numerical I or II in front of the candidates. Highlights of the 15th Presidential Elections Special Pens: initiative by providing a special pen to the electors to mark their votes. This pen was • For the first time, the Election Commission of India started a new handing over the ballot paper. Electors had to mark the ballot only with this particular pengiven and to thenot electors with any in theother polling pen. stationVoting by theusing designated any other official pen mightat the leadtime toof

6 ECI Newsletter 6 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) invalidation of the vote at the time of counting, under Rule 31(1)

Presidential Election Rules, 1974. Posters:(d) of the Another Presidential distinguishing and Vice- feature of 2017 Presidential • Election were special posters, that were made to educate voters as well as general audience about the special pen and various Dos and Don’ts which were applicable in the Presidential elections this time. Special pens provided by ECI for Presidential Election


 please don’t carry mobile/camera inside the place of poll. (Important InformatIon)  please carry your identity card at the time of entering inside the place of poll.  please mark your preference on the ballot paper only for Electors Going to Cast Vote for the presidential Election: with the pen provided by the Presiding Officer or Officer authorized by the Presiding Officer.  please don’t use any other pen, it may invalidate your ballot paper.  Please put figure “1” in the column ‘order of preference’ against the candidate of your choice.  Please do not put ‘tick (√)’ mark or ‘cross(x)’ mark to indicate your preference. Please Mark the preferences on the Please do not mark the Preference  Please notice that putting ‘√’ mark or cross ‘x’ mark on Ballot Paper only with the pen of the on Ballot Paper with any pen ballot paper will result in rejection of your ballot paper.    please do not write your name/your signature/or any Election Commission specially provided other than the pen provided by other words on the ballot paper. by the Presiding Officer/Officer the Presiding Officer/ the Officer  please do not deface your ballot paper. authorised by the Presiding Officer. appointed by the Presiding Officer.  please note that in case the ballot paper issued to you gets torn or mutilated, no new ballot paper may be issued to you. Before leaving place of poll, please Marking the preference on the Ballot  please do not take ballot paper outside the place of poll. return the said pen after casting of your Paper with any other pen would  please ensure that secrecy of voting is maintained at   any cost. vote to the Officer who gave it to you. lead to rejection of the Ballot Paper.  please maintain peace and decorum.

ECI PRES-ELECT 3.indd 1 05-07-2017 23:05:23 ECI Pen-Poster-4.indd 1 30-06-2017 11:45:35 Stages at which ECI gets involved in the process

election.As in the ECIcase is with involved any other in a election,rigorous theand preparation the most crucial for the process Office ofof President updating ofthe India list ofelection eligible starts electors months i.e. thebefore Electoral and the College. first major ECI updatesstep is, decidingits list of who members. all can Duringvote in thisthe

RepresentationPresidential Election, of People the Act Commission 1951. didn’t allow the two disqualified ministers from taking part in the process, who were disqualified under Section 8 and Section 10 A of Since the votes in this election are casted through ballot papers, thus the second important task at the hand of ECI is preparing ballot boxes and printing of ballot papers, the preparations for which are done well in advance. All the security arrangements regarding

transportation of ballot boxes at all the venues are made in co-ordination with ECI. The unpolled ballot boxes are transported from ECI’s office to all the States and Parliament

ECI Newsletter 7 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 7 poll, under tight security. which are subsequently collected at Lok Sabha/ Secretariat after the closing of

Another crucial role of ECI is regarding appointment of the Returning Officer (RO) and 2017Assistant Presidential Returning Election, Officers the (AROs). Secretary By General,convention, Lok the Sabha Secretary was appointed General, as Lok the Sabha Returning and the Secretary General, Rajya Sabha is appointed as the Returning Officers by rotation. For

Officer.It is the prime focus of ECI that elections are conducted smoothly and in a free and fair manner. With that aim in mind a Video Conference was arranged at the Election Commission on the 7th

of July, 2017 with all the Assistant Returning Officers and Chief Electoral Officers of all States including the NCT of Delhi and the Union Territory of Puducherry. The Returning ofOfficer ballot & boxes amp; andSecretary other electionGeneral, materialLok Sabha, from accompanied Election Commission by the two to Assistant designated Returning polling Officers, also attended the video conference. Matters relating to polling and transportation boxes to Parliament House (the venue for counting) after the conclusion of polling on 17th venuesof July, 2017in different were discussed. States/UTs and return of the election material including polled ballot Election Commission of India considers media to be its strongest ally and eyes and ears of the Commission. Thus, providing media persons with permission to cover the election is also

8 ECI Newsletter 8 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) a responsibility of ECI. In pursuance of the directions issued by the Election Commission of India, a Media Advisory regarding the issuance of Authority Letters for coverage of polling and counting of the Presidential Election, 2017 was issued through the Press and Public

send nominations from press and media persons having PIB Accreditation, in the prescribed format,Relations latest (PPR) by Wing the 7 ofth ofLok July, Sabha 2017. Secretariat The applications to various received Media Houses from the requesting press and them media to persons were screened by the PPR wing and were forwarded to the Election Commission of India for issuance of Authority Letters. The Authority Letters received from the Election Commission were issued to the concerned press and media persons. The Election Commission of India is the authority that can also allow electors to vote at other venues other than their assigned venue. In this election, 54 Members of Parliament were

Assemblies from various States were permitted to vote at Parliament House. In addition, fourpermitted Members to exercise of Legislative their vote Assemblies at various were State permitted Capitals andto vote five atMembers the polling of Legislative venue in different State Assemblies.

Conclusion th June, 2017, out of which 35 Nomination Papers of 35 candidates were summarily rejected under In all, 108 Nomination Papers were filed by 94 candidates by 3.00 PM on the 28 73 Nomination Papers of 59 candidates were taken up for scrutiny on the 29th of June, 2017.Section 5B(4) of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election Act, 1952. The remaining Total value of votes of the winning candidates 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 Total value of votes of the 400000 winning candidate 200000 0 Unopposed Won 1952 1962 1969 1977 1987 1997 2007 2017

After scrutiny, 65 nomination papers filed by 57 candidates were rejected and four sets of nomination papers each filed by Shri Ramnath Kovind and Smt. Meira Kumar were accepted by the Returning Officer. The quota sufficient to get a candidate elected was determined by dividing the total number of first preference votes secured by both candidates by two and then adding one to the quotient. Shri Ramnath Kovind secured 2930 first preference votes, value of which was

ECI Newsletter 9 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 9 7,02,044 and Smt. Meira Kumar secured 1844 first preference votes, value of which was 3,67,314. As the first preference votes secured by Shri Ramnath Kovind was greater than the requisite quota, (i.e. 5,34,680) the Returning Officer declared Shri Ramnath Kovind duly elected to the Office of the President of India.

Sh. A. K. Joti, CEC and Sh. O. P. Rawat, EC signing the Certificate of Election of Sh. Ramnath Kovind as new President of India

th President of India concluded with the Commission certifying Shri Ramnath Kovind as the new President of the Indian Republic. And finally the process of electing the 15

14th President, Shri Ram Nath Kovind Swearing-in-Ceremony, on July 25, 2017

10 ECI Newsletter 10 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 13th Vice Presidential Election The process for electing the 13th th of July, 2017. The process culminated on the 5th Vice-President of India was set in motion with the issuance of the Notification by the Election Commission of India on the 4 of August, 2017 with the declaration by the Returning Officer that Shri Venkaiah Naidu M. has been elected to the Office of the Vice-President of India.

The President, Shri Ram Nath Kovind administering the oath of office of the Vice President to Shri Venkaiah Naidu M., at a Swearing-in-Ceremony, at Rashtrapati Bhavan, in New Delhi on August 11, 2017.

Presidential Election, 2017, on the 1st RoomSecretary No. 62, General, First Floor, Rajya Parliament Sabha was House, appointed and New as theDelhi. Returning Out of 790 Officer votes, fora total the of Vice- 771 of July, 2017. The place of the poll had been fixed as

votesVotes securedwere polled, by both out candidates of which 760 by two were and valid and 11 were invalid. The quota sufficient to get a candidate elected was determined by dividing the total number of first preference

then adding one to the quotient. The said quota was 381, since the value of votes for the Vice-Presidential Election is One. preference votes as compared to 244 votes Shri Venkaiah Naidu M. secured 516 first preference votes secured by Shri Venkaiah secured by Shri Gopalakrishna. As the first

Naidu M. was greater than the requisite Sh. A.K. Joti, CEC & Sh. O.P. Rawat, EC signing the Certificate of Election quota, he was declared elected to the Office of Sh. Venkaiah Naidu M. as the 13th Vice-President of India of the Vice-President of India. There was no request for recounting.

ECI Newsletter 11 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 11 A-WEB: INDIA TAKES OVER AS THE NEW VICE CHAIR

Bucharest on 30th In a recent Extraordinary meeting of the Executive Board of A-WEB held in Romania, August 2017, Romania200 participants became the from Chair 56 and member India became countries the Vice-who Chair of A-WEB. The meeting was attended by almost and objectives. The General Assembly held on 31st re-affirmed their commitment to A-WEB’s ideals Constantin Barbu, President of Permanent Electoral AuthorityAugust 2017 of Romania. was officially inaugurated by Mr. Daniel It was also decided in this meeting that India will host

take over Romania as the next Chair of the organization. the next General Assembly of A-WEB in 2019 and will The six day event was attended by Shri A.K. Joti, Hon’ble Chief Election Commissioner of India, Dr. Sandeep Saxena, Deputy Election Commissioner and Shri Dhirendra Ojha, Director General. On the occasion of

Chairperson Barbu of A-WEB congratulating Hon’ble CEC on his election as the new Vice-Chairperson rich diversity and cultural heritage of India, processes of A-WEB ofbecoming electoral the management Vice- Chair, ain short Indian film democracyshowcasing andthe IIIDEM was presented to the General Assembly.

Group picture of all the members attending the General Assembly of A-WEB

12 ECI Newsletter 12 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) A special International Conference on ‘Counting the Ballots and Accounting for the Votes –

conducted on 1st September 2017. During the conference on 2nd September 2017, Hon’ble CECThe Useaddressed of Technology the audience for Enhancing and DEC the (SS) Transparency made a presentation of the Electoral on use Processes’ of technology was also in Indian elections and the way forward. Other presentations were made by representatives

from Mexico, Samoa, Argentina, UN Electoral Assistance Division, Mongolia and Iraq etc. included an increase in the strength of the Executive Board members from 13 to 21 – to includeThe General Immediate Assembly Past approved Chair as Membervarious amendments and distribute to the A-WEB remaining Charter seats which, on ainter regional alia, basis, as suggested by ECI.

The General Assembly approved the following composition of the diversified Executive BoardFour EMBs (21 members) i.e. from Papua for 2017-19: New Guinea, Colombia, Peru and Somalia were admitted as new members; two Regional Associations viz. Arab EMBs Association & Association of Asian

Election Authorities (AAEA) joined A-WEB as Associate Members and EMB from Slovenia resigned from A-WEB’s membership. A-WEB Secretariat adopted a Resolution to convert A-WEB into an Inter-Governmental Organisation (IGO) from its current status as an international NGO. Secretary-General, wouldA-WEB need mentioned to be considered that the Resolution in detail andwas inaimed consultation to express with members’ the Government support of of the India. intent to convert A-WEB into an IGO. Hon’ble CEC opined on behalf of the ECI that the proposal

with Heads of EMBs of various countries including Bangladesh, Taiwan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, BosniaOn the sidelines & Herzegovina, of the A-WEB Maldives meetings and Brazil. and Conference, Hon’ble CEC had bilateral interaction On 3rd September 2017, Hon’ble CEC addressed a group of representatives of NRI community in Romania at the Indian Embassy in Bucharest. DEC (SS) briefed them about the ongoing process

voting for overseasof registration/ NRI electors. Dr. Sandeep Saxena, DEC explaining the registeration process to the representatives of NRI community in Romania

ECI Newsletter 13 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 13 SVEEP VOTER AWARENESS

Interactive School Engagement (ISE) PHase-II The second phase of Interactive School

Aug 2017 in 16,576 Secondary/ Senior Engagement(ISE)Secondary Schools was covering carried out31,72,243 in July- students across the country. It may be recalled that ISE was launched

jurisdictionon January and 2017 interact for the with first the time students under of class 9th – 12th on topics related to elections and electoralwhich each process. ERO/DEO/CEO First phase were covered directed Twenty to cover Five atleastlakh students one school from under Eleven their thousand area of seven hundred sixty schools all over India. ISE is conducted in two phases every year, January and July with students of class 9th to 12th being sensitised on importance and processes of elections. A standard kit with a

presentation, badge design, video game and a short film had been shared with the EROs/ CEO/DEO to be used during the presentation. Reaching out to Service Voters on Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System (ETPBS) Many ground breaking initiatives have been taken up in recent months to bring the ballot to the Service Voter. While the facilitation part continues, it is to be ensured that simultaneously, the education and outreach aspects are taken care of, so that the service personnel are aware of the latest initiatives, including the online registration facility as well as the Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot (ETPB) facility.

13th September 2017 at Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra, New Delhi by the ACommission film on Service in the Voterspresence registration of Defence and Secretary ETPBS Shri was Sanjay launched Mitra, on Secretary East (MEA) Ms. Preeti Saran, Additional Secretary (Home Affairs) Shri Jaideep Govind, , Lt. General R. Gopal, DG (MP&PS),

14 ECI Newsletter 14 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) Indian Army, Air Marshal P.P. Bapat, Vice Admiral Anil Kumar Chawla and

and CPFs. Moreover, the exhibition onother service senior officersvoter registrationfrom the services and ETPBS was appreciated by the dignitaries. Sh. A.K. Joti, Chief Election Commissioner laid emphasis on motivating the service personnel to ensure enrolment and participation of maximum number of service personnel. Posters and brochures for the Service Voters have also been produced by ECI and are being

Electionshared with Commission the Forces of for India wide also dissemination. attempted to Moreover, reach out even to the as themembers film is scheduledof the target to groupbe screened directly at via all social the defence media. stations in the country for the benefit of the soldiers, the

online platforms. Also, prior to the online launch of the movie, a one minute teaser video Hence, the film was uploaded on ECI’s official YouTube channel and promoted across information brochures. The aim was to reach as many servicemen online as possible. of the film’s theme song was released on Facebook along with motivational posters and Partnering with the social media wings of the Indian Army, Indian Navy and the Indian

Air Force, the film was shared on the official Facebook pages of all the three forces. The film reached 1,00,000 Facebook viewers and created an overall engagement with 31,341 users. The Defence Minister of India, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman herself shared the film on her official Facebook page. 'Mat evam Matdaan' witnesses increased participation ‘Mat evam Matdan, kare Loktantra nirman’, is a joint

different aspects of elections and the election processes areCommunity explored. Radio initiative of ECI and NIOS-CR, where The recently aired fourth episode focused on

Deputy Election Commissioner of India and Mr. S.K. Mendiratta,Presidential Legal Elections Advisor, with ECI Mr. as Umeshthe expert. Sinha, The Senior third episode, broadcast on 17th August 2017, introduced the listeners to Electronic Voting Machines (EVM), VVPAT

and NOTA. The dignitaries who answered the queries

ECI Newsletter 15 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 15 endincluded of each Mr. episode, Umesh Sinha,has increased Sr. DEC, manifoldMr. Sudeep in theJain, recent DEC and episodes. Nikhil Kumar, Director, ECI. It has been witnessed that the participation in the contest, where a question is posed at the

by second episode on Systematic Voters Education & Electoral Participation (SVEEP). It may be recalled that the first episode focused on voter enrolment and registration followed

differentThis one-hour creatives programme developed is aired by ECI every to spread third Thursday awareness of on the importance month at ‘NIOS-CR’ of elections FM such91.2 MHz, incorporates interview/ panel discussion with expert(s) along with small snippets of

as songs, jingles, audio/ video plays, statements by icons, advertisements etc. This makes Commissionthe radio programme of India. even more informative and interesting. Moreover, a question is posed at the end of each programme and first 25 correct entries are given a prize by Election ‘Mainstreaming of Electoral Literacy through Educational Institutions, Organizations and Communities in India (Conceptual Framework and Action Plan) The young and future voters, demonstratedly, constitute a sizeable part of India’s democratic polity and its future. Evidence based on international practices suggests that electoral

informed and ethical electoral participation. literacy supported by civic education, if introduced at a young age, helps in confident, Election Commission of India in due recognition of this fact set mainstreaming of electoral

in this direction is the Report ‘Mainstreaming of Electoral Literacy through Educational Institutions,literacy as a focus Organizations area under andits Strategic Communities Action Planin India 2016-25. (Conceptual The outcome Framework of all efforts and Action Plan).’ The Report essentially includes the following way forward for achieving the objectives: (i) Introduction of Electoral Literacy in Curricula at the School level and above (including colleges, universities etc).

from Secondary School Level and above for engaging, especially, the future and (ii) newSetting-up voters Electoral through handsLiteracy on Clubs experience. (ELC) in all educational institutions starting

(iii) Establish ELCs for future and new voters not covered under the formal educational institutions. A copy of the report has been shared with the Minister of Human Resource Development for including Electoral Literacy in the School and College Curriculum.

16 ECI Newsletter 16 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) Creatives for Special Registration Drive A Special Registration Drive was launched by Election Commission of India from 1st July 2017 to 31st July 2017 to enrol all eligible voters especially the youngsters who have completed 18 years of age on 1st

January 2017. Different mediums/ creatives were used to spreadBihar: awareness by all the States/ U.T.s on theM specialeghalaya: registration drive.

Mahatrastra: Meghalaya:

West Bengal: Punjab:

ECI Newsletter 17 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 17 Capacity Building NATIONAL TRAININGS Training on Conduct of Election 1. For State Level Master Trainers: Around 60 State Level Master Trainers (SLMTs) from Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura participated in various trainings programmes on election management at IIIDEM between July and August. The objective was to impart electoral knowledge to SLMTs who would further percolate it to

State Level Master Trainers at IIIDEM and district level executive officers from ‘DEMP, VM, Poll Day Arrangements & Polling Party & SVEEP’; ‘MCC, Paid News & MCMC,master andtrainers Expenditure at the state Monitoring headquarters. & Postal Training Ballot’; programmes to ‘Nomination included Process’ topics and ranging‘EVM &

VVPAT2. E -lection EVM Tracking Related & M Counting’.atters: of Bihar Election Services on ‘Election Related Matters’ during 18th st August. The programme discussed Constitutional A 15-day Provisions training and programme Landmark wasJudgements organized pertaining for Officers to elections training, Demarcation of Polling Station Areas and their rationalisation, July - 1 and EVM

training with team building activities in and around Delhi. and VVPAT with hands-on training. The programme also included leadership and motivation 3. ERO Net:

Two single-day programmes on ERO-Net were conducted in July for Deputy District Election Officers and Deputy Information Officers of different districts of Uttar

18 ECI Newsletter 18 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) Pradesh. Herein, the IT Team of ECI took sessions on accessibility and functioning of ERO- Net. ERO-Net is a platform for preparation, maintenance and revision of E-Rolls. It facilitates efficient form processing, simplified dashboards, role based access, and maintenance of E-Rolls.Certification Program for Returning Officers

HimachalA number Pradesh of Certification was held Coursesduring for Returning Officers of Gujarat and were trained throughout Shimla, Gandhinagar,August-September. Surat, AboutVadodara, 600 Rajkot ROs and Ahmedabad. ROs/AROs at the Training Session at Gujarat Training for Police Officers th Batch of IPS at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad, in September. The training focused on the IIIDEM conducted training of 120 police officers of the 35

coderoles ofand conduct, responsibilities prevention of policeof defacement officers inof elections.public properties, The participants misuse ofdiscussed money power, about andvulnerability election expenditure mapping and were confidence some of building the other measures areas of critical polling stations. Model

Virtual Classroom Training Program 1. A virtual classroom was held through th July for DEOs of 33 locations of Gujarat wherein participants raised their ‘A-View’ on 19 Election. queries and concerns regarding Conduct of 2. In addition, training programme on

Process’ was conducted virtually through ‘Use of Mobile App for receiving EVMs & FLC Virtual Classroom Screen Gujarat and Himachal on 7th July. A-View App with all DEOs, ROs and AROs of Leadership & Motivation Program

for members of IIIDEM in Jaipur during 31st nd September. The programme served asA three-daya retreat residentialcum leadership Leadership building and exercise Motivation to enable Training the programmeIIIDEM staff was to hone conducted their August-2 were organized as a way to teach leadership and team work. interpersonal skills and become more productive and work as leaders. Fun-filled games

ECI Newsletter 19 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 19 INTERNATIONAL TRAININGS:

Facilities Globally’ was organized by IIIDEM in partnership with International IDEA. The 1.workshop A two-day was held International at The Lalit ConsultativeHotel, New Delhi, Workshop on July on24 th ‘Leveraging and 25th, 2017. Electoral Training The workshop aimed at bringing together electoral experts and professionals from Election Management Bodies (EMBs) and International Organizations across the world to share knowledge on electoral training, challenges involved and possible solutions. Members from the EMBs of Australia, Nepal, Bulgaria, Nigeria and Georgia along with delegates from International Organizations such as Association of World Election Bodies

Nations(A-Web), Electoral United Nations Assistance Development Division Programme (UNDP) and United from Administrative Training Institutes(UNEAD) alongin India with participated other Directors in the Electoral Experts and Professionals from Election Management Bodies (EMBs) and International organisation across the world

The workshop recommended setting up of a Forumtwo-day to ensure workshop. continuous interaction

democracyand peer-to-peer and election exchange management. among all the institutions engaged in electoral capacity development with a view to improve the quality and content of training and research on

Management’2. Training-cum-Consultation was held for two days Programme on 23rd and 24 onth August, ‘Election at IIIDEM. Management Process & Administration, Voter Registration & Voter Education and Use of Technology in Election

20 ECI Newsletter 20 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) Delegation from NEC South Sudan participated with

and ECI. The major points ofSenior discussion Officials ofincluded IIIDEM expectation sharing and agenda building followed by electoral process in India. Delegates from NEC South Sudan with Senior Officials of ECI RESEARCH & CONSULTATION 1. On July 24, IIIDEM launched its research publication – ‘How The World Votes: A Compendium Of Voting Methods In Democracies’. The publication launch was facilitated by Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), Hon’ble Mr. Achal Kumar Joti. The publication gives a concise outline on the election system and voting processes of 130 democracies in the world.

bodies of different democracies. The information has been duly referred and verified from concerned election management

meeting. The objective of the REC meeting was to study, scrutinize and shortlist research 2. On September 7, IIIDEM conducted its first Research Evaluation Committee (REC)

proposals sent by various Law Universities/Educational Institutions/ECI Divisions. In total, Election23 proposals Commission had come and fromthree 14external Universities/Institutions/ECI knowledge experts. After Divisions studying the on proposals 15 different at length,topics affectingthe Committee Elections. unanimously The committee took a decision members on included each proposal four senior and the officials due course of the of action. In this regard, one proposal sent by Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai,

on campaign financing and its effect on elections was approved by the Committee. to promote collaboration in research on Indian democracy election management for 3. On September 8, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with TISS, Mumbai

mutual benefits between the two institutions. As per the MoU, IIIDEM and TISS, at large, organizewould develop conferences initiatives and workshops for collaboration to take forward in research the research and knowledge-sharing initiative. They would for a better understanding of electoral laws/ reforms and democracy in India and abroad, and

relatedalso introduce to capacity new building, courses/ resource training centre, modules campaign on electoral on voter laws, education, electoral etc. practices, and electoral data management. The MoU comprises a number of other initiatives as well

training4. On support October materials 4, IIIDEM developed conducted by its IIIDEM, first meeting suggest ofimprovements the Curriculum and Moderationdesign the courseBoard (CMB). of curriculum The objective development. of the CMB The meeting Board members was to examine included the six existing external learning knowledge aids/

experts from different educational/ government institutions among ECI officials.

ECI Newsletter 21 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 21 International cooperation

The Election Commission of India regularly interacts with other election management bodies and other stakeholders of democracy in the world. Many such interactions were

carriedJuly, 2017 out in the last quarter as well.

of India on 3rd ACommissioner group of 15 Senior along Journalists with Mr. /EditorsDhirendra from Ojha, ASEAN Director countries General visited on Election “How elections Commission are conducted in India July, and 2017. the best They electoral were practices” briefed by in Mr. this Umesh regard. Sinha, Sr. Deputy Election

Shri Umesh Sinha, Senior Deputy Election Commissioner and Shri Dhirendra Ojha, Director General, Election Commission of India with Senior Journalists/Editors from ASEAN Countries  Mr. Sudeep Jain, Director General, Election Commission of India visited Cambridge,

Westminster Foundation and Association of Electoral Administrators, London to discussU.K. to various attend issues meetings on Electoral with Malaysian training Commonwealthetc. from 15th July, Studies 2017 to Centre 18th July, (MCSC), 2017. 

discussMr. Umesh various Sinha, issues Sr. Deputy like NRI Election Voter registration, Commissioner VoICE visited Net USAand NRIto meet voting the from Election 29th CommissionerJuly – 3rd August, of 2017. USA, Secretary General of IFES and officials of Indian Embassy to

22 ECI Newsletter 22 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 

 Dr. Sandeep Saxena, Deputy Election Commissioner visited USA for Bilateral meetingsth withCambridge officials Conference of various of organizations Electoral Democracy for best global from 26 practiceth July, 2017on NRI to voting. 28th July, 2017. Mr. Vijay Dev, Deputy Election Commissioner visited Cambridge, U.K. to Attend 16 August, 2017  Australian High Commission(AHC) and Ms. Katherine Storey, Second Secretary, AHC visitedA two member Election delegation Commission comprising of India Ms.on 17Jennyth Grant-Curnow, Political Counsellor, Sinha, Senior Deputy Election Commissioner along with Dr. Sandeep Saxena, Deputy Election Commissioner and discussed the issues August, of NRI voting 2017. and They the met Registration. Mr. Umesh  (Ambassadors) of different countries visited Election Commission of India on 21st AAugust, high level 2017. delegation Hon’ble fromElection United Commissioner Nations, comprising Shri O.P. 14Rawat Permanent had an Representativesinteraction with

largest democracy. the delegation and discussed various aspects of conducting elections in the world's

Shri O.P.Rawat, Hon’ble Election Commissioner, Shri Umesh Sinha, Sr. Deputy Election Commissioner and Shri Dhirendra Ojha, Director General, ECI with a high level delegation from United Nations at Election Commission of India  Sabha visited Election Commission of India on 23rd August, 2017. They were briefed 51 foreign Parliamentary Officials from 24 countries recommended by MEA, Lok Ojha, Director General on “How elections are conducted in India and the best electoral practices”by Mr. Umesh in this Sinha, regard. Sr. Deputy Election Commissioner along with Mr. Dhirendra  A group of 18 Diplomats from various countries recommended by MEA, Foreign Service Institute visited Election Commission of India on 24th August, 2017. They

Dhirendra Ojha, Director General and Mr. K.F. Wilfred, Sr. Pr. Secretary on “How electionswere briefed are conducted by Mr. Umesh in India Sinha, and Sr. the Deputy best electoral Election practices” Commissioner in this alongregard with Mr.

ECI Newsletter 23 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 23

ASEAN Diplomats during the briefing  Dr. Radwan Masmoudi, President, Centre of the Studies of Islam and Democracy (CSID), Tunisia visited the Election Commission of India on 7th September, 2017 and called on Mr. O. P. Rawat, Hon’ble Election Commissioner of India in his Chamber. September, 2017  Shri Chandra Bhushan Kumar, CEO NCT of Delhi and Shri R.K. Srivastava, Sr. Pr. Secretary, Election Commission of India visited Russia to participate in the international conference “Contemporary electoral trends in the multipolar world” held on 21st September, 2017 in Moscow, Russia.

Shri Chandra Bhushan Kumar, CEO NCT of Delhi and Shri R.K. Srivastava, Sr. Pr. Secretary, Election Commission of India during the International Conference entitled “ Contemporary electoral trends in the multipolar world” in Russia  Shri Noor Mohammad, Domain Expert (Election), Election Commission of India visited Kabul, Afghanistan to participate in the 8th meeting of the FEMBoSA from 24th th September, 2017.


24 ECI Newsletter 24 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) Information Technology Launch of ERO-NET

ERO-Net: level has been successfully launched in 26 states after providing cascaded training related A System that provides a unified Electoral Roll Management service at national seamless processing of forms, easy handling of databases, regular and simpler way of monitoringto procedures the and Electoral activities Rolls from activities district and level maintaining officers to field level officers. It brings in the Electoral roll health.

systemThe overall is that scope the of voter ERO-Net can upload is to develop personal a web details based at hissystem or her for level.Electoral This officials will reduce and the chances major of benefit mistakes of this in voter card details.

Advantages of ERO Net

suo motu • inEnsuring cases where Notice/intimation elector has shifted to concerned or is absent. applicants and officials while deleting the elector’s entries from the E-Rolls either through form-7 or , and/or

• forApplicant the status is kept informed about the progress of his application through notification if his mobile number is provided, else he can visit website and track

• Proper documentation in digital form for scrutiny from anywhere on-line. • Systematic deletion of entries in Form 6, Part-IV on shifting from the earlier E-Roll • Systematic Disposal of death cases- both registered as well as unregistered. • Uniform Protocol for issuing duplicate & updated EPIC • Sustained monitoring of the health indicators of the E-Rolls viz. EP ratio, gender ratio and age-cohort comparison with projected census population online • Avoids Splitting of family members across E-Rolls while creating Sections. • Easy form filling with auto fetch and suggest features

ECI Newsletter 25 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 25 • Seamless processing of electoral forms • Electoral management with unified electoral roll • Links all EROs of nation • Simplified dashboard for monitoring progress at various levels FORM PROCESSING • Notification and alerts for timely processing The form processing will enable seamless processing of forms on national platform. It will empower EROs to take the timely decisions with proper monitoring mechanism of BLO

inappointment the electoral and process field andverification provides with a communication checklist to ensure network the to correctness EROs for handling of the allforms the migrationreceived in cases. regards with the E-Roll. The ERO Net will help in increasing penetration of ICT FEATURES OF ONLINE FORM PROCESSING

• Assigning of part/section and BLO. • Checklist for BLO field verification. • Option for correction of forms in case of data entry errors. • Deletion request to/from other ERO in case of migrating cases. • Approval/rejection of applications. • EPIC number generation and inclusion/deletion/modification in E-Roll. E-ROLL MANAGEMENT WITH UNIQUE EPIC NUMBER GENERATION • Dashboard for monitoring form processing at ERO, DEO, CEO and ECI level.

allE-Roll the managementmigration cases will of help within in unified assembly national or across electoral assembly, database within which state will or be across located state, on willcloud simply at one update location the with location proper details DR set. of Major the record advantage instead of having of deleting unified from database one location is that

and adding it to another. Thus it will avoid duplicate records being created in the E-Roll. Also the EPIC number generation module will ensure the unique EPIC number is getting generated to help avoid duplicate EPIC numbers in E-Roll. The architecture and the clusters of the database servers will provide the sufficient computingREPORTS A powerND M OtoNIT smoothlyORING handleDASHBOA E-RollRD with 850 million electors. Reports and monitoring dashboard will provide details of form processing progress at various levels for EROs, DEOs, CEOs and ECI nationally. E-ROLL PDF GENERATION MODULE pdf frozen, is a very crucial activity and it takes a lot of time in the current state ERMS. The generation of E-Roll in Adobe Portable Document Format (i.e. ), when the E-Roll is

26 ECI Newsletter 26 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) system and clusters of servers at backend will make this process fast and will reduce the ERO-Net will provide the feature of online E-Roll PDFs generation. The cloud enabled

overall time required for generating the E-Roll PDFs for entire state. Electoral Services through ERO Net Web Portal (NVSP)

elections 2014. • Launch of national electoral search ( before general th January • More2015. than 1.3 billion hits since the launch of portal. • Launch of National Voters’ Services portal on National Voters Day, 25

• Search based on demographic details and EPIC number. • Generation of voter information slip. • ThisLocating facility polling is availablestation on in map. 14 Indian languages with keyboards and auto • transliterationOnline application support. for inclusion, deletion, modification and deletion in E-Roll.

• Tracking status of application. • Facility to know your BLO/ ERO/ DEO/ CEO and Constituency/ Part. • Facility for submitting family details, absent, shifted and dead elector details. Mobile• AppFacility (Android, for linkingiOS, W indows),of Aadhaar number with EPIC number.

made available through play store. • Mobile applications launched for electoral search and form submission are SOFT LAUNCH OF ERO-NET WITH FOLLOWING FEATURES Digitization of Forms Received Offline

• Entering form receipt count at ERO level. Online Form Processing • Digitization of form 6, form 6A, form 7, forms 8 and form 8A.

• View dashboard for overall processing. • Assigning part number using maps. • Assigning section number and BLO. • Generation of checklist for field verification. • Entering field verification report. • Correction of form details.

ECI Newsletter 27 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 27 • Schedule hearing with electors/objectors or field re-verification. • Getting feedback from ERO of previous AC. • Sharing outcome of possible repeat entries with ERO(s). E-Roll Management • Approve/ Reject forms.

• Generation of EPIC number. Synchronization of E-Roll • Inclusion/ deletion/ modification in E-Roll.

Elec• torsService an ford Citizensdownloading theget E-Roll fo fromllo ERO-Netwing to state servers. Information on the ER entries

• Name search, part & Serial No. • Submit online applications of form 6, 6A, 7, 8, & 8A with supporting documents. • Tracking the status of filled application including auto alerts. • Details of Polling Station (PS) • Details of Assured Minimum Facilities (AMF) • How to reach your PS using GPS, Google Earth, Google Maps and Key Map. • Know your Electoral Officers- BLO, Supervisors, Election Officer/ Nayab relatingTahsildar, to AERO/ enrolment. ERO, DEO & CEO. • Step by step guide on enrolment & FAQs, Information on legal provisions Launch of ERO-NET ()

On October 4, 2017, Shri O.P. Rawat, the Election Commissioner of India launched web- based application ‘ERO-Net’ in Bhopal.

28 ECI Newsletter 28 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) Important Information Revision of Electoral Rolls

Special Summary Revision of electoral rolls w.r.t. 01.01.2018 as the qualifying date in respect of Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh: - In order to update the existing Electoral Rolls, provide opportunity to all eligible voters to get enrolled and to ensure no ineligible person is included therein, special summary

therevisions summary of Electoral revision Rollsprogram w.r.t with 01.01.2018 the aim asof greaterthe qualifying participation date has of allbeen concerned. ordered inFinal all publicationthe States/UTs of electoral except Gujarat rolls will and be Himachal done in the Pradesh. month Adequateof January, publicity 2018. is being given to For any further information on Commission’s instructions and schedule for the summary

2nd Special Summary Revision of electoral rolls w.r.t. 01.01.2017 as the qualifying revision, visit date in respect of Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh: - In order to provide further opportunity to left out electors to get their names enrolled in the electoral rolls, second special summary revision was ordered in the state of Gujarat

15.09.2017 in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh respectively. and Himachal Pradesh. The final publication of electoral roll was done on 25.09.2017 and In Himachal Pradesh, the total number of electors (including NRIs and Service Voters) after 2nd Special Summary Revision is 49,91,921 with an increase of 1.92% over total number

electors (including NRIs and Service Voters) is 4,33,73,139 with an increase of 1.75% over of electors, i.e., 48,98,000 in the final Roll, 2017. Whereas, in Gujarat, the total number of De novo preparation of last part of electoral rolls relating to service personnel with total number of electors, i.e., 4,26,26,476 in the final Roll, 2017. reference to 1st January, 2017 as the qualifying date:- With a view to cleaning the last part of electoral rolls of the names of such service electors who have since retired, left service, or dead, the Election Commission of India ordered the De novo preparation of last parts of electoral rolls of Service voters, with reference to 1st

scheduled to be done on 18th October, 2017. January, 2017 as the qualifying date, in respect of all States and UTs. The final publication is For online registration of service personnel in the last parts of electoral rolls, a dedicated portal i.e. was made operational. All the transactions between

the Record Officers/Commanding Officers and District Electoral Officers/ Electoral Registration Officer were done online and that too, on the above portal.

ECI Newsletter 29 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 29 Biennial Elections

Biennial Election to the Council of States from the State of Goa

State of Goa was due to expire on 28th July, 2017. On 21st July, 2017, the Returning The term of office of Shri Shantaram Naik in the Council of States representing the Shri Vinay Dinu Tendulkar elected for the above said seat. BiennialOfficer for E lectionthe said to election, the Council Secretary of States of Goa from State Gujarat Legislature and W Secretariat,est Bengal anddeclared bye- election to the Council of States from the State of Madhya Pradesh

West Bengal was due to expire on their retirement in August, 2017. Casual vacancy inThe the term Council of office of States of 9 (Nine)from Madhya members Pradesh of the also Rajya occurred Sabha elected due to deathfrom Gujarat of Shri Aniland Madhav Dave. On 9th Legislature Secretariat, declared Shri Patel Ahmed Mohammad, INC, Shri Shah Amitbhai August, Anilchandra, 2017, the BJP Returning and Smt. Officer Smriti of Zubin the said Irani, election, BJP elected Secretary for ofthe Gujarat three (3) seats from Gujarat. On 31st Secretary of West Bengal Legislative Assembly, declared Shri Derek O’ Brien, Smt. Dola Sen, Shri Pradip Bhattacharya, July, 2017,Shri Manas the Returning Ranjan Bhunia, Officer Shriof the Shanta said election, Chhetri and Shri Sukhendu Sekhar Ray elected (uncontested) for the six (6) seats from West Bengal. On 31st

(uncontested) for July, the 2017, above the said Returning seat from Officer Madhya of Pradesh.the said election, Chief Secretary Byeof Madhya Election Pradesh to the Legislative Karnataka Assembly, Legislative declared Council Smt. by Sampatiya MLAs Uikey, BJP, elected There was one casual vacancy in the State Legislative Council of Karnataka occurred due to death of Smt. Vimala Gowda elected by the Members of Legislative Assembly. On 24th Karnataka Legislative Assembly, declared Shri C.M. Ibrahim, INC elected for the above said seat. August, 2017, the Returning Officer of the said election, Secretary(I/C) of Bye Elections to the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Council by MLAs

CouncilFour (4) elected casual by vacancies the Members in the of State State Legislative Legislative Council Assembly. of Uttar On 8 Pradeshth September, have occurred due to the resignation of sitting members of Uttar Pradesh Legislative Legislative Assembly, declared Shri Keshav Prasad Maurya, BJP, Shri Adityanath, BJP, Shri2017, Swatantra the Returning Dev, OfficerBJP and of Dr. the Dinesh said election, Sharma, Principal BJP elected Secretary (uncontested) of Uttar Pradesh for the above said four (4) seats. Bye Election to the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Council by MLAs

The Commission has decided to hold one more bye-election to the Uttar Pradesh

30 ECI Newsletter 30 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) created by resignation of Shri Thakur Jaiveer Singh. On 11th September, 2017, the Legislative Council by Members of State Legislative Assembly to fill up the vacancy Assembly, declared Shri Mohsin Raja, BJP, elected (uncontested) for the above said seat.Returning Officer of the said election, Principal Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Legislative NEW Appointments/Relieving

Name of Name of IAS Officers appointed as Date of States Chief Electoral Officers Appointment Himachal Pradesh Shri Pushpendra Rajput, IAS (HP:1999) 07.07.2017 Daman and Diu & 11.07.2017 Dadra and Nagar Haveli Dr. S. B. Deepak Kumar, IAS (AGMUT:2005) 14.09.2017 22.09.2017 Uttrakhand Ms. Sowjanya, IAS (UKD:2003) Uttar Pradesh Shri Lakku Venkateshwarlu, IAS (UP:1991) relieved w.e.f. 18.09.2017 to take up his new assignment as Director General (Training) in MinistryShri Vijay of Kumar Skill Development Dev, IAS (AGMUT:1987), and Entrepreneurship. Senior Deputy Election Commissioner has been Instruction on affidavit in Form 26- Filling up of all columns

in Resurgence India Vs. Election Commission of India and Others, has directed that the The Commission in pursuance of the order dated 13-09-13 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court information to furnish against any column, appropriate remark such as ‘Nil’, ‘Not Applicable’ orCandidates ‘Not Known’, are requiredas may be to appropriate, fill in all columns should in be the entered affidavit against and thatsuch if column. there is no specific

options ‘Nil’ and ‘Not Applicable’ for cases of the above nature, and that this is likely to createIn Note confusion 3 given at when the end candidate of the formatmakes ofthe Form-26, entry ‘Not reference Known’ hasagainst been any made column only toin the

referred Order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, it would be open to a candidate to make the entryaffidavit. ‘Not Now, Known’ the alsoCommission in appropriate has clarified cases. that in view of the directions in the above-

ECI Newsletter 31 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 31 in-house Hindi Day Calebration-2017 Like every year, Hindi Pakhwara was celebrated in the Election Commission of India from 1st to 15th September 2017, this year also. The main purpose of celebrating the pakhwara is

accelerate its progressive use. An appeal to this effect was issued by the Shri Achal Kumar to create awareness among officers/employees for the use of official language Hindi and to

toJoti, participate Chief Election in the Commissioner following competitions to encourage as organized the officers by Rajbasha and staff Division: towards the use of official Language. He also made an appeal to the officers and employees of the Commission (i) Hindi Essay Competition (ii) Chitrabhivyakti (Picture expression) Competition (iii) Hindi Knowledge Competition (For MTS) (iv) Poem Recitation Competition (v) Hindi Typing Competition (vi) Hindi Extempore Competition

was organized on 14th Aftera report successful of work completion done by the of Hindithe competitions Division during of Hindi the /period. Prize DistributionShe informed Programme that how Rajbhasha Division, under September the guidance 2017. (Officialof the Commission, Language) Smt. has Rachnaachieved Gupta the laidpresented down targets and highlight of which has been the its successfull attempt in making the ECI website

Manuals on the Commission’s website for the period from 1 June 2016 till 11 September 2017.fully Bilingual, the division has also translated and uploaded 23 Books/Publications/ On this occasion the Commission, Senior Deputy Election Commissioners, DGs released the

English-HindiDuring the function, Glossary theprepared Commission by Rajbhasha presented Division. the awards to the winners of the competitions and also to the winners of Rajbhasha Trophy for doing most of their work in Hindi. Following Sections received trophies and cash prizes this year:

(ii) Right to Information Section–IInd prize (i) North-III and East-I Section-Ist prize

(iii) West-I Section-IIIrd prize (iv) Political Party-I Consolation prize

32 ECI Newsletter 32 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) (vi) Communication and Protocol Division – Special Prize (v) CEMS-II Section – Consolation prize On this occasion, Election Commissioner, Shri Sunil Arora recited Hindi poem by Shri Maithili Sharan Gupta and shared information regarding use of Hindi. Election Commissioner, Shri O.P. Rawat informed some interesting and knowledgeable facts about the use of Hindi. He stressed upon the need of assimilating the words of different Indian Languages in Hindi. Hon’ble Chief Election Commissioner directed Rajbhasha Division to take special care of time while uploading Hindi translation on Commission’s website and Hindi version should be uploaded as early as possible. He also told that common and easy words be used in translation so that there is wide publicity of Hindi. Thereby, the graceful presence of the Commission and enthusiastic participation of all the

officers and employees made this program successful.

ECI Newsletter 33 July-September 2017 (10th Edition) 33 “No Voter to be left behind”

ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 Tel: +91-11-23052205-18, Fax: +91-11-23052219