Psychic War at the Rollright Stones!

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Psychic War at the Rollright Stones! Secret Energies at Ancient Sites: A Guide to Observed or Measured Phenomena (Blandford, London 1990)and Earth Memory (op. cit. p. 173-4): ‘Dragon Project attempts to work with sensitives in the 1980s proved problematical... psychics felt their sensitivities were too great to work at the Rollright Stones, and complained of headaches and sinister feelings... Nevertheless, some psychics were most helpful and sessions were conducted. Healer Newsletter of the Neoist Alliance Neither Wittgenstein Nor Watkins! No. 7 Autumn Equinox 1997 John Gordon, for instance, went into trance at Rollright and saw entities within the ring of stones. He was able to describe these beings in detail. They told him that they possessed great knowledge, but would cease to exist if they left the circle of stones...’ Devereux’s Places Of Power (op. cit. p. PSYCHIC WAR AT 86) supposedly concentrates on the more ‘scientific’ aspects of the Dragon Project’s research: ‘biologist Harry Oldfield brought some brine shrimp to Rollright in the August of 1981. These creatures are very Barbara Cartland lookalike Nancy Sinclair outside her kitsch sensitive to changes in the geomagnetic field, and Oldfield decided to use them as cafØ La Mirage in the fishing village of Helmsdale, Sutherland. THE ROLLRIGHT biosensors within the circle to see if they Rollright, a group of hippies were scattering radicalism, combined as it was with a would pick up any field variations around votive offerings of flowers, barley and simultaneous denigration of the area’s the stones. In the series of tests the shrimp chocolate on various stones. However, it royalism, particularly insulting. The Neoist Alliance battles followers did clearly cluster towards the stones and wasn’t long before the twenty-somethings Having again occupied the centre of the led Oldfield to comment: “Conclusions retired from the scene, leaving the Neoist circle, the Neoist Alliance proceeded to of Paul Devereux, Ian Thomson, should not be drawn as yet, but the shrimps Alliance free to enjoy the stones alone. A stare out the ‘psychics’ until they slunk do seem to be aligning themselves over couple of Japanese girls entered the ring back to their bus. After scratching a few STONES! Nigel Pennick, Danny Sullivan & lines of force”.’ Elsewhere in the same after we’d been there for ten minutes, their sigils into the ground, symbols that would book, Devereux provides further insights cheerful curiosity demonstrating that give the ‘sensitives’ quite a fright if they Paul Screeton in rural Oxfordshire. into the mentality of those conducting the tourism can on occasion transcend its decided to return, we made our way to the Rollright investigations. For example (p. economic foundations. Next came a coach nearby remains of a megalithic tomb known 72-3): ‘On one occasion a Dragon Project full of self-styled ‘psychics’. Mimicking the as the Whispering Knights – stones which ‘Terror alone monitor, working in the misty pre-dawn antics of twerps like John Gordon, the anybody familiar with Oxfordshire folklore hours at the King Stone, got the fright of his ‘sensitives’ fanned out around the circle – can justly view as a potent symbol of life when he saw shadowy figures passing taking it in turns to place both hands on opposition to monarchism. near the monolith. Summoning up his each and every stone – so that they could cannot courage, he approached the beings to find ‘feel’ the ‘energies’. Not only was this THE WORKING CLASS HAS intrusive, it showed a fundamental they were in fact soldiers on a training NO COUNTRY. exercise making for the Royal Observer insensitivity to the principles of occultism. destroy a Corps bunker in the King Stone field!’ The Neoist Alliance’s reluctance to engage WE ARE UNGOVERNABLE. In many ways it is amazing that the in sex at ancient sites when other people are FORWARD TO A WORLD Dragon Project chose Rollright as a field around stems not from moral qualms about revolutionary base, since Devereux was seriously spooked exhibitionism – it merely reflects the fact WITHOUT FRONTIERS! the first time he visited the place. He that occult means hidden. We confronted recounts the experience in Places Of Power the self-styled ‘psychics’ from the centre of (op. cit. p. 75-6): ‘As my colleagues and I the circle and it wasn’t long before they felt To receive Re:Action current.’’ drove up to the circle... we could see a man the power of our magick. irregularly please send and woman dancing within it. One of the After taunting the New Agers with three 2nd class postage Ian H. Birchall people in our car was a practising cabbalist, aggressive eye contact, we announced that and he led the way from the vehicle to the they were spiritually bankrupt and knew stamps to: Workers Against circle. As he entered the ring of stones he nothing of the primal relationship between Neoist Alliance turned on his heel with such suddenness I communism and shamanism. We then left to The Monolith. stopped dead in my tracks... the cabbalist inspect the outlying King Stone. Having BM Senior Rollright Stones near Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire. fixed his eyes on a third person sitting spat on this symbolic representation of crossed-legged against the tallest stone in aspiring royalty, we returned to the circle London WC1 3XX IT WAS INEVITABLE that the avant-bard would cross Explaining our activities, then, should be all that’s the ring. The two men locked into what I shouting ‘Nothing is sacred before the and you will receive the swords with the ‘earth mysteries’ establishment. The needed to bring blisters to the cheeks of these can only describe as a battle of wills – the flashing blades of the Knights of the mere fact that we advocate the dissolution of both reactionaries. sense of energy within the circle was almost Negative!’ This was a reference to the next two issues. Elsewhere The avant-bard technique of engaging in sexual acts at ‘sacred’ palpable. Eventually, the seated man rose British pro-situ group of the seventies who ancient ideas and ancient conditions of existence angers please send US $1 per sites as a means of facilitating our psychogeographical and backed out of the circle... When we produced The Oxford Companion To various New Age nutters involved with Paul Devereux’s investigations was inspired by a passage in Alastair Service and returned to our rental car after exploring the Absolute Freedom. Screeton had, of course, issue (cash only). geomantic Dragon Project. However, it was our Jean Bradbery’s The Standing Stones Of Europe: A Guide to the site, the key would not turn in the ignition, published his attack on our comrades at the psychogeographical investigations at ancient sites Great Megalithic Monuments:(revised paperback edition though the vehicle had been working LPA in Paul Seiveking’s Fortean Times and Donations which finally drove the loony ley spotters into an Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London 1996, p. 44-5): ‘We see the form perfectly all day. The cabbalist advised the latter edited the Cambridge pro-situ of the chambered mounds and dolmens as sacred to their builders leaving it for 20 minutes or so. We did, and publication Omphalos during his student uncontrolled rage. Unable to understand that humour is Welcome (and as still sacred today) because it was a microcosm of the primal the key then turned with ease.’ days. Devereux’s particularist followers the most powerful weapon of the avant-bard, these mound described in the most widespread ancient myths of creation. When the Neoist Alliance arrived at found our revalorisation of Oxford Cheques payable to: Cash bozos misread our investigations as sacrilegious rites. It should go without saying that Although busy during the day, one east of Banchory. Our investigations dismantled after being declared unsafe. Historic Scotland are doing their best to can enjoy the ruins of the five thousand revealed that female orgasms were When we replied that we would wade discourage sex at the monuments they year old village of Skara Brae for free particularly strong at this site. We also across the river to access the site, a run by installing obtrusive information after closing time under the light of the enjoyed particularly good sex at the phone call was made to the local gillie boards. This has been done in a Orkney simmer dim. Neoist Alliance Achavanich megalithic horseshoe by who gave detailed instructions on how particularly aggressive fashion at researchers arrived at the famous tourist Lock Stemster in Caithness, and the to get across safely. Balnuaran Of Clava, where the signs attraction late one bright June evening nearby Guidebest stone circle situated Helmsdale village was founded in intrude into the outer ring of the stone to discover a crusty couple shagging in at the edge of the Latheron Wheel the nineteenth-century to house the circles surrounding two of the three the otherwise deserted complex. Skara Burn. Even more extraordinary were inhabitants of the Strath of Kildonan cairns, rendering the site worthless from Brae was delightful but we preferred our orgasms at the Sunhoney and who were evicted during the a psychogeographical perspective. the ambience of the Pictish and Norse Tyrebagger recumbent stone circles. ‘necessary’ clearances before the area Fortunately the bureaucrats haven’t yet remains at the Brough of Birsay, where One of the most puissant sites we could be transformed into a royal succeeded in destroying the ambience of sex would have been possible if we’d visited was the Learable Hill complex holiday resort. One of the village the Corrimony chambered cairn and been up for staying in the ruined village at the Strath of Kildonan. It will attractions is La Mirage, a kitsch café stone circle at the west end of Glen during the hours it is cut off from the surprise no one that archaeologists such owned by a Barbara Cartland lookalike Urquhart.
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