And National * Trades' Journal
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j ¦ .v _ - ... r NATIONAL LAXD CONFERENCE, SNIG'S END, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Mi'. Bostock tlien moved :—" That, in the "opinion ot this Conference, (he National Land Suheme can bo made . (From our own Jlqwfter.J reproductive." Seconded by Mr. MonaAX. The Annual Conference of Delegates from •This question save riso to a very lengthened dis- all parts of the country, of the members of cussion , m which Mr. Mvndat and otlwr delegates al " took part, as to whether jSte - ^Nation Land Company, was " held thi> land would relproduce a- this week at Sni 's End. The rental, and support tho allottees g proceedings Messrs. Gilbert, 'Wheblbr eommenced on Monday. Great interest tho, and Clklaxd, sere- j ftt* ™ 1*?'1 f allottees. admitting was occasioned, not only in. fto neighbourhood, thatfhi the landI wouldn clearl^y yield them an indepen- "but throughout the surrounding districts, and dence, although , at first, they were obliged to en- * dure great hardships, which - during the sittings of each day the School- rendered it necessary AND that thejr should ask tho patience of the company for room wasmost inconveniently crowded NATIONAL . , TRADES' many JOURNAL. ,t short time longer. who could not obtain admittance pressing ^ , Mr. O'Coxxor replied. He contended that they1 -against the windows and thus effectuall HQ wa Directors) could net control , to y cir- VOL. ffl . 616. LONDON, SATDRftlfr AJUST g (thfi the seasons ; and cumscribing thejentilation^ much the dis- 2_^ ftliT ggfew as tcr the capability of two or three acres of lahd ¦ anrvnt 4a tnA AniMiAMM Xl_—. —.. 1 i-l *? • . -;¦ _ - _ . ... - ¦» •.»_ : * •.xtiii 1 _._—. *i> n i.i>Tf A L _ ' »». _ " _ f ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ *^™*™™*^ "^^^ bbi -comfort of the vuo; spect to the opinions of**S the subscribers in/thoir that^ they have nothing to do with any other com» the ballot, would tend and encou- for su'PPoi'ting a family, be would show—from other 4^^at©r, g^d-naturedly various localities. _ ; to dispel all that, ! greater proportion of the money had come bore the infliction^ini j^tisitilefUtionof the t-. pany. ¦ ' rage members to subscribe op. One suggestion was, journals than the Northern Star—that that wa3 the . Mr. Sweet thought that the Directors should lay Mr. C. J. Clarke: The opinions of Bristol were de- that they should \'m in that time. It was on that plea only case. anxiefrjr displayed to teas tbeiiseiiilions, and pay three half-pence per share, ¦ : their report before the committee in the first in- cidedly in favour of the continuance of the company 0;?180 a fund t0 bencfi tho company, and the that Mr. Gubbins got Jcdgment, Sb modi,- The discussion , after the wtlidrairal of tbo mo« -their own desire that all <Se]tf^|sHoosargued , stance, and, having received that information, the but they desired to impress on Mr. O' Connor the SSSLHproposition was, that * HhOT, for that. New;, it ftad been tion, fell. be Conference the company should not build saM that wing and all the complaints ioaife^should as would be hi a condition to come to a benefit of getting the company legally established. houses on the land, but allow tho allottees to do so ! some of the men wlso liad got four-acre:scripy The folio delegates wore then appointed an much circulated in as conclusion upon it. They thought that they ought not to pay the dissa- thera eIves» givin ' ' Audit Committee :—Messrs. Ediwards HarJinir, the^cormt% possible. f . , g them' £40, or whatever else for which they had paid oaly 7s. Qd,y had Lord Brown V It may be permitted, ^fefore" entering upon After some conversation, it was agreed tljat the tisfied members the smallest amount of money. In might bq.decided on. There was no getting money , Sweet, , Dowling, ancS Mortan. course snggested b Mr. his district about sixty had from tbo now ike\ hardihood, to asfc 20s. fou' it. ;. The Conference then adjourned • the proceedings themselves," to advert to the y M'Grath should be adopted. paid 2s., between fifty mombers until something should be decided . Mr. Button begged to request Mr. M'Grath to and sixty 3s., and they were the dissatisfied ones. on. lie had various resolutions, but it would be suffi- Now, the purchasers had; no claim on the som- : WETMfESDAY, Auousr S. -appearance of this and the; ih^ghbouring es- prepare, as on the last occasion, an outline of the The branches concurred entirelv in opposing the t0 tJ e pany, even if they did sue-them. That was at " ?kaw « ¥ f - i Pl when the. matters to which . : Iteming Sitting. tate^ in order to give meinlt^s a distance resolutions passed at the Conference, with a sum- winding up the accounts. , they applied came before tho Conference. the position in which this company stood. My -an idea of the immense mary of the proceedings, so that the Conference and Mr. T. ftoo D: The^ resolution received from his 3&e roll having- Been called, on the motion of &p |?vement effected ifr. 0' Connor then rose to make tbe state- complaint that had arisen had arisen from the j Mesws. SKKViNGTOtfand Munday in the course of the the subscribers would have the whole at one view constituents was, that they had the fulles t confi- , the minutes were lastiijftt years, notwith- ¦ ' dence in Mr. O'Connor * cry quits mentjor the Directors. He said the delegates men who purchased.their shares-for7s. Qd. and read and confirmed. - before them. i.. ; . , .aud desired--to ¦ standing the various, and oy - no means light Mr. M'Ghatii assented ; and the Conference after- with the dissatisfied members./ ' ;. ' . -.,' would perfectly well understand the 1 delicacy sought to make a profit : of them. That much Credentials weretlara'presentedfrom X Saundcrs, ' ofj fronvt&e Brighton dis ; , annoyancesto which the allottees were sub- wards adjourned till Tuesdav. - - " "Mr. T. GiMJKBl.Mi.icf:that '. those" he represented his position at that moment, and therefore with regard to dissatisfied mem ¦With regard .Mn> . were decidedl : ' 'oni- The\ Chairman of We- Siiianee jected by the petty jealousies of the neighbour- TUESDAY Acocsr 7. y aV^e to the winding up of the c he- was not to ofibr thevshadow of/an opinion; tierging the' company^ into toe new corn- Committee ob- , panyj believing iti ht be jiQJJ tained* leave to delay thsiPTeport ing agriculturists, jftftsibte that measures mig but would leave 1 ¦ until¦ the afternoon who savr with alarm, the Morning Sitting. r- the-Conference to 'decide pipy, the delegates must'throw that out of the sitting .. --! - adopted ?to «ujsj ii on. They thought, that the whether they ^ efforts made by the denizens of towns to free The Conference re-assembled at nine o'clock. holders of two.Or three shares might purchase from should keep on, or at onco winS question, It could not .be done. It would be Correspondence was tfien read from Messrs. chains ' ' ¦ He up tbG themselves^o^the of serfdom, which Mr. Sweet in the chair. ' ._ .,. ,_ the dissatisfied Aiemb^re:; wa^glad to learn tbat eompany. He was determined to abide W complete eatoupel on the new company. He Efeattae and Bradsuaw, relhtfye to oertauielaims a vitiated state of society threw around the Credentials presented-Mr.T. Oliver, Hull ,' Mr. the^ greatest grumbjefs^were th"o*e who bgv ^wbaeeyer^ might bo; the decision of would not they,, as- »Hottees> had upomthecompany. Oleland - GlaB ' h^JPSJi' the , therefore, deal, iurthep ,with that Mr_ . life of the artisan from the hour of his Halliwell, ffewcMtle-on-Tyne ; Mr,. , ; least and- therefore it' would be " no :vcrj' &w&m«SjjH>any, aud*ttS*C4juldibial y say, tKaW| they part? ttie,busihess. <Dti*K. explained the> circumstances render appear- ^ f i ; : q| .( tPJH>JT were all aware bf whiehTtlKF Directors had -i^Euaeu ¦ ance on the world's:stage untilitKe^JasJ^scene, ii m^ei^f-'^^metti oS: ^^riasy-sag^eatei''J^i, deoWed.on breaking "it "up,'' tUfey ^oufirire]fteve tb>.di8aavaotege*of ; *to.<nomply. with, Teig^imffi; Mrr^^ettTSarai^r J; money clubs be formed in:'different* districts, for the theab'eltatee* but when th0S& elaim9, as"also did Mk, O'Connor^ The-lasd -when the curfeia-jdropped , aM the iramer of ^Mr.rJ: Atherton, him from a greatdeal of $xouble and anxiety; they came to Conference had certainly deoiited 'Gilbertaon, Neweastle-on-Tyne purchasing of shares, and they thought that by this ' t look at these, roads and these that Mr Brad- jdhers' fortimes'was permitted "to shuffle off Bolton ; Mr. J. Smith, Birmingham j Mr. J. Sk^v- means the object might be effected. If- the society but, on the other haifd, if tKeys decided- upon houses, and look at the crops that were grow- shavr, one- of the claimants, slicHsld be paid'the a»wa this morjjjgl coil, and to obtain that peace in ington, ^Leicester. ,- '. .' ' could not be legally established, they .were willing to keeping it on, he would not shrink from any ing there, they would h of £30 by way of ;loan; butting to tho funiteof " , p thought, admit that, the company, it : The delegates were then called on to deliirer in go on in the fullest confidence in Mr. O'Connor, and responsibility they might impose on him. He at all events, no great had been impossible to compJyJ the grave which in existence had been denied respective districts. n time had been lost yet. with the claim. :' . " to him. their reports from their they'trusted that means would be adopted to locate the would, in the first place, then, comment, very Before this day two years he was prepared to a Mr.