German Drive May Be Stopp

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German Drive May Be Stopp New York London Edition Paris Daily German Lesson Daily French Lesson Wohin gehen Sie? THE sTA Indiquez-moi le chemin Voheen gayhen Zee? TRIPES AndeeK AY moa lub sh'MAN Where are you going? Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations Show me the way VOL. 5 No. 47—Id. THURSDAY, Dec. 28, 1744 German Drive May Be Stopp • d The Gasoline Got There—But It Must Be Destroyed Americans Retake 2 Towns at Western Extreme of Salient Doughboys, fighting bitterly in the biting cold of Belgium and on the snow- covered hills of Luxemburg, appeared last night to have stopped the German counter-offensive within four miles of the Meuse and some 50 miles inside Belgium. Dispatches from SHAEF and from the Western Front—covering activities up to Tuesday afternoon—reported that U.S. troops had retaken the towns of Ciney and Celles, which previously had been reported as the extreme western ends of the German stab into the U.S. lines. Both lie about four miles to the east of Dinant, which is on the Meuse. U.S. troops also were reported still holding out at Bastogne, a road junction around which German armor and in- fantry moved westward when they failed to take it. Relief troops battling their 600 Heavies Hit way toward Bastogne from the south were reported within five miles of it on a strong 4-mile front, and a late Reuter Again at Rails dispatch from U.S. 1st Army Head- Striking again to disrupt and choke off quarters said that one U.S. Army vehicle had broken through the German ring U.S. Arm, Signal Corps l'111710 the supply channels which feed Rund- stedt's forces, over 600 Fortresses and around the town and reached the U.S. Precious gasoline—for the want of which American troops bogged down in Germany troops in it. — Vignette of War —has to be poured into the dirt, as doughboys of an armored infantry battalion Liberators of the Eighth Air Force, flying grimly go about the business of destroying their gasoline depot to keep it from in favorable weather and unopposed by Material relief was carried to the men falling into the hands of advancing Germans somewhere near the front line. the Luftwaffe, hammered marshalling at Bastogne, however, by C47s which The Leech yards and rail bridges in western Ger- fought their way through German flak and many yesterday. fighter opposition to drop medics and Saves a Life However, a lone fighter outfit, the supplies for them. Trapped Germans Waging 364th Mustang Group, led by 'Lt. Col. The ground forces were being given NEW DELHI, Dec. 27 (UP)—A U.S. strong tactical air support, British rocket- fighter-pilot, Lt. Greenlaw Collins, kept John H. Lowell, of Denver, Colo., re- ported encountering up to 300 enemy firing Typhoons knocking out German himself alive for more than six weeks Suicide Battle jos r Budapest tanks with such pinpoint accuracy that by eating leeches after he had bailed out fighters southeast of Bonn and shooting down at least 29. U.S. tankers, close by, got out of their into the Burma jungle. MOSCOW, Dec. 27 (AP)—Soviet shock troops were battering surrounded tanks to cheer the passing planes. Reports It was July 29 when Collins bailed out. and flame-seared Budapest from cast and west today while the trapped Capt. Ernest E. Bankey Jr., a 364th indicated that the Luftwaffe had had to Unarmed, for more than six weeks he German garrison burned military stores, dynamited public utilities and fought pilot from Toledo, Ohio, claimed the de- struction of 5} Nazi craft. abandon its own tactical support of the wandered in the jungle. By day he lived back grimly with field artillery scattered through the doomed city. German drive in order to fight off Me on the leeches, by night they lived on Escorted by approximately 400 Mus- Allied air forces, which had evidently Russian tanks and tommy-gunners, directed by Marshal Feodor Tolbukhin, tangs and Thunderbolts, the heavies him. charged down from the snowy western wrought such havoc on the supply lines On Sept. 6, a native runner brought a pounded Euskirchen, Andernach, Hom- hills above the capital and penetrated burg, Fulda and Gerolstein—targets on note to an Army officer. It read: some distance into Buda, on the west "Somewhere in hell. I am the pilot the east-west rail lines leading into the B29s Hit Tokyo bank of the Danube. The situation in battle area and on the north-south route who crashed.... I need a pair of shoes, Pest. 'on the east hank. was less clear. quinine, socks, cloth, sulphur for boils from Mainz to Cologne which feeds the though an unconfirmed French broadcast smaller east-west routes. and infections rotting my limbs off. claimed "most of Pest" was occupied. Thanks for whatever you can do." In Day Assault Eighth losses were five heavies and four Superforts—estimated Marshal Rodion Malinowsky is in com- An air rescue party sent a glider-pilot Saipan-based mand of the Pest attack. pursuits, two of which were believed to parachuting down with a portable radio. by the Japanese at 50—were over Tokyo have landed in friendly territory. By amazing luck he found Collins, and yesterday in a daylight attack at indus- Meanwhile, the Russians continued to RAF Lancasters also attacked rail more officers were sent to administer first trial targets. battle west of the Hungarian capital on facilities in daylight yesterday, blasting aid. More than 1,500 tons of bombs have the roads to Austria, with Bratislava 80 the railway center of Rheydt in the A week later Collins, a living sketetoa, been dropped on targets in Japan, Brig. and Vienna 100 miles away. No details Cologne area. were given. was carried out. Gen. Heywood Hansel! Jr., head of 21st Up till noon yesterday, Ninth Air Force Bomber Command, disclosed yesterday in Moscow sources estimated 100,000 fighter-bombers. flew 300 sorties, smashing a report on B29 action in the month end- German and Hungarian troops were at German transport, armored columns Trench Foot Licked, ing Christmas Eve. Several large alr.:raft trapped in Budapest when the Reds and communications for the fifth straight factories have been knocked out, 1--e reached Esztergom last night, cutting the day. Five enemy planes were destroyed The Army Claims Meanwhile, the Jap campaign to cripple last escape route. The Germans admeted and five damaged. the Saipan airfields from which the huge 50,000 SS and Wehrmacht men were in Near Liege, the towns of Schleiden and WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 (ANS)—The bombers take off continued when 25 the capital. Army reported today a Western Front Huppentroisch were dive-bombed. Forty- enemy planes appeared over the island. Russian planes and artillery have been six buildings were destroyed and 16 more feeding the German drive that some Ger- victory—over trench foot, the disease that Three were brought down, a communique pounding Budapest incessantly. man armor was being abandoned for lack can knock a soldier out of combat as damaged. Rail yards at Prumberg, Geld- from Pearl Harbor announced. bach and Kalmesweilen, all cast of of fuel. effectively as a bullet. American heavies yesterday continued Since the start of the German drive, 11 At one time the disease afflicted 17,500 Merzig, and Schalkenmerhen, east of their raids on Clark Field, on the out- Nazis in Surprise Attack Prum, also were attacked. days ago, the tactical air forces claimed troops-9.82 men out of every 1,000 on skirts of Manila. Thirty-nine of about to have destroyed 439 German planes, the Western Front. This has been cut Latest reports indicated 196 motor 50 interceptor planes were shot down, Against 5th Army transport vehicles and 40 tanks and probably destroyed 55 and damaged 121; 75 per cent, Gen. MacArthur's Headquarters an- and to have destroyed 2,228 transport The Army enforced precautionary German forces have launched a heavy armored vehicles destroyed or damaged, nounced. and '21 gun positions silenced. vehicles and damaged 1,054. In Washing- measures, taught treatment, increased The Navy Department announced in surprise attack against the 5th Army ton, the War Department announced that supplies of footwear and alerted soldiers Washington that American submarines along the Serchio River valley in western 13,273 Germans had been taken prisoner to the danger of the disease, which results had stink 27 more Jap vessels, including Italy. reports from Allied headquarters French Assembly Votes during the drive. from prolonged exposure of the feet to one large aircraft carrier. in Italy said yesterday. Allied troops There were indications in some dis- cold and moisture. Sixty days' hospitali- were forced to withdraw from forward Confidence in deGaulle patches that for the first time since the positions to their main line defenses. zation is the average recovery time. Execute 8 in French 'Gestapo' PARIS, Dec. 27 (Reuter)—The French Germans started rolling back into Bel- Allied planes were out in force attack- consultative assembly ended a secret gium the U.S. forces had taken the offen- Record Auto Plant Output PARIS. Dec. 27 (Reuter)—Eight of ing German communications and giving session today with a unanimous vote of sive, and that the Germans had been DETROIT. Dec. 27 (Reuter)—The the nine French "Gestapo" men sentenced close support to the ground troops. confidence in the deGaulle government. forced onto the defensive, with losses of U.S. auto industry turned out a reiord to death by the Paris court for dealings armor from destruction and lack of fuel armament production in 1944, putting out with the enemy were shot at Fort Mont- being so great that they had to throw in 59,320,000,000 worth of material-8 rer ronge near Paris this morning.
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