A'olume XXVIII Number 2-A

Librarian's Report

for 1935-36

Ithaca, Published by the University July 15, 1936




To the President of the University:

Sir: I have the honor to submit the. report of the Librarian of the Universitv Library for the year beginning July i, 1935 and ending June 30, 1936. For a number of years each annual report of the Librarian has begun with a sad reiteration of the statement that the present library building had long since ceased to afford adequate housing for the University's main book collection. With a feeling of joyous gratitude, shared not only by all members of the library staff, but by faculty and students also, the Librarian is able to record the fact that a measure of relief is in sight. By the action of the Board of Trustees it was determined to carry out the plan for an extension of the present stack space by enclosing with two walls and a roof, the exterior right angle formed by the South and the West wing of the present library building. The space thus enclosed will hold nine decks or floors for book shelves, for a photostat room and storage space, and for a seminar room. The present plans for the new book stacks promise shelf space for about 200,000 volumes. This is the equivalent of about one-third of the books now abnormally compressed into the present stack space. A normal redistribution of our present holdings would practically use up the new space. But even under these conditions the sensation of relief from unutterable restraint and bondage cannot fail to make the Library a more efficient part of the University's practical equipment. The new plan does not provide more space for the technical staff, which now works under great disadvantages. That the Trustees have seen fit to increase the present

helper" inadequate staff by two additional cataloguers and an unskilled "library to be added in the coming year, is another source of satisfaction and an added reason for grateful appreciation. The Librarian ventures to repeat a statement made in his last report. An adequate provision for book space and work space required by a collection as large as ours, with facilities commensurate with the size and importance of the University, can be made only in a new, modern library building. STAFF

During the year Mrs. Anneliese S. Caster, catalogue typist, resigned and was succeeded by Miss Virginia Seery. The Librarian records with regret the death on April 14, 1936 of Dr. Andrew C. White of Ithaca who had been the Assistant Librarian from 1889 until his retirement in 1923.


The Trustees have decided to continue at the University's expense the position began his work of Dr. Henry H. King as Faculty Research Assistant. Dr. King Director of as an experiment which had been suggested by Dr. Harlow Shapley, Carnegie Cor the Harvard Observatory, and was financed for four years by the poration.


in number As in the preceding vear Federal Relief student employees, varying some of the from twelve to fourteen, found work in the Library. They continued unbound projects begun last vear. Their work consisted in covering magazines, torn book pages, pamphlets and maps', lettering covers and signs, repairing maps, and torn book backs, sorting duplicate magazines and duplicate books, listing duplicate books, sorting and wrapping old newspapers, repacking and lettering the Library's collection of publications by the Faculty and Alumni, dusting books, and numerous other smaller tasks. An important single undertaking was the typing on cards of a duplicate of the card catalogue of books added to the Petrarch collection since the publication of the printed catalogue in 1916.


The Icelandic exhibit arranged by Professor Halld6r Hermannsson was re placed by an exhibit of early American playbills from the collection bequeathed by Benno Loewy, which reached the Library in 1924. The exhibit includes bills from New York (1791-1835), (1822-1855), Baltimore (1795-1857), New Orleans (1829), Washington, D.C. (1863), Pittsburgh (1834), Saint Louis (1 830-1 839). Just before the end of the year Professor William Strunk, Jr. of the Depart ment of English, made it possible to exhibit in one show case a number of items connected with the production of a screen version of Shakespeare's Romeo and

consultant" Juliet. Professor Strunk had been the "literary for this production to the firm which made the film.


The total amount expended for books during the year was $30,754.14. The total number of additions was 9,841. Miss Ingersoll, head of the Accessions De partment, reports that 7,919 items were added to the general collection, the remainder going to special collections. Of the general acquisitions 4,403 were purchased and 3,521 were gifts. Items Present Added Extent

General Library .. . 7,9*9 662,133 Items removed 418

Fiske Dante Collection. . 61 10,610

Fiske Petrarch Collection . 22 4,466 Fiske Icelandic Collection. I96 20,393 Wason Chinese Collection 637 21,171

Wordsworth Collection (Gift of Mr. Victor Emanuel) . . 5 2,55i Cornell University theses 582 11,766 Philological Seminary Collection . 6 1,148 Philosophical Seminary Collection. . 1 996 German Seminary Collection ... . 769 French Seminary Collection . . 24 Latin and Greek Seminary Collection. 326 American History Seminary Collection. . . 2 665

Manuscripts. ... 9 949 Cornell University maps and plans. 203 Maps 1 i,i53

U. S. Coast Survey Charts . ... 950 U. S. Geological Survey topographical sheets . 9i 3-879 U. S. Geological Survey atlases 216 British Geological Survey maps. 600

College of Architecture Library. . 120 2,59

Barnes Hall Library ... 37 3,650 Chemistry Library (special) . 13 377 Comstock Memorial Library. . 19 1,594 Economics Laboratory Collection . 340 Entomological Laboratory Collection . . . 2,403 Forestry Library 1,881 Flower Veterinary Library . 353 11,091 Goldwin Smith Hall Library 34 3,539 Gray Memorial Library (Electrical Engineering) . 16 797 Hart Memorial Library (English Literature) . . . 4,758

Kuichling Engineering Librarv ... 9 2,218

Rockefeller . Hall Library (Physics) 1,189 Van Cleef Memorial Library "(Medicine) . 126 4,30i

Total including manuscripts and maps. 9,841 785,278

New York State College of Agriculture Library. . . 3,547 85,083 New York State College of Home Economics Librarv 652 6,668 Law Library 2,943 78,652

Total on entire campus . 16,443 956,099

Of accessions to the endowed collections the following are worthy of special mention. The Fiske Petrarch Collection was enriched by the addition of one of those elusive works which have managed to escape the eyes of collectors and bibliographers, because dealers do not realize the exact nature of the work they offer for sale. Francois de Grenaille's French translation of Petrarch's "De fortunae" remediis utriusque has hitherto been known only in its second edition "privilege" of 1644, although a first edition of 1641 was vouched for by a dated d'imprimer" May 28, 1641 and an "Acheve dated October 5, 1641 and repeated in the 1644 edition. The first recorded copy of the actual first edition is the one secured by Professor Hamilton, Curator of the Fiske Petrarch Collection, from a dealer's catalogue which offered it as Francois de Grenaille's "Le sage resolu l'adversite." contre Among the acquisitions of the Icelandic Collection (Professor Halld6r Her mannsson, Curator) is a fine facsimile edition of one of the oldest Icelandic manuscripts in existence, a twelfth century codex, now in Stockholm, of a "Book Homilies." of


Miss Speed, Head of the Catalogue Division, reports the following figures:

Volumes and pamphlets catalogued . 12,565

Maps catalogued. ... 94 6 Manuscripts catalogued. .. 6,771 Titles added to catalogue . Typewritten cards added. 12.055 Printed cards added. 11,263 Cards added to Library of Congress Depository Catalogue. 55444

Additions to cards. ... 5,649

Volumes recatalogued ... 207 x Cards corrected or dated. 3,4 3


division are: The figures reported by Mr. De Grassi for this 8>8(?6 Books classified. Documents. 267 Manuscripts. 11 9i Maps. 291 Theses

Books reclassified .

"J"-"0 Presses moved. PERIODICALS DIVISION

Miss Leland, Head of the Periodicals Division, reports: Periodicals currently received

By subscription. . . . I,259 By gift and exchange . I,274

Total . . . 2,533

Number of volumes on open shelves 3,574 Current periodicals on open shelves 66 1

Issued for brief home use...... 588 Periodical volumes bound during the year 2,108

The list of publications of Faculty members, appended to the President's Report was edited as usual by Miss Leland.


Mr. Willis, Associate Librarian, who is in charge of the Reading Room and of Inter-Library Loans provides the following figures:

Days open to the public . . . . 340 Registered borrowers Faculty. 1,274 Students

College year...... 5,697 Summer Session 288

Recorded use

Reading Room (number of books) . . 94,861

Seminary Rooms...... 3,524 Laboratories and Departments 2,773 "seven-day" Home use (including 11,039 loans). . 48,383


Loaned to other libraries (volumes) 812 Borrowed from other libraries 255

The number of university, college, government and industrial libraries that borrowed from Cornell was 153. They included:

Rochester University 82 Michigan University 17 Syracuse University 46 Eastman Kodak Company 15 Buffalo University 32 Columbia University 15

Pennsylvania State College . .. 32 Yale University 13 Corning Glass Works 29 Northwestern University 13 Wells College 24 Harvard University. . ... 13 U. S. Department of Agriculture 22 Elmira College...... 13 North Dakota University 20 California University 13 Iowa State University 19 Smith College 10

Cornell borrowed books from forty-one other libraries. They included:

New York State . Library of Congress 77 Library Harvard (all libraries) 24 Michigan University Union Rochester (all colleges) 23 Theological Seminary Columbia 22 U.S. Geological Survey. Princeton 1 4 Chicago University Yaie 13 U. S. Surgeon General The Library counts itself fortunate in being able to record an actual increase in endowment by several individual gifts this year. To the several donors the Li brarian here makes a public acknowledgment of the debt of gratitude which we owe to these benefactors. Mr. William F. E. Gurley of the Class of 1877, a staunch and faithful friend and donor of long standing, established an endowment fund Fund." of $1,000 to be known as "The Anna S. Gurley Memorial Book The in come is to be used for the purchase of books in the field of the drama. In addition, Mr. and Mrs. Gurley have continued the long succession of contributions of books of all kinds, with especial emphasis on Shakespeareana. Mrs. Miriam S. Weyl Fund" established a of known as Weyl of fund $1 ,000, "The Book in memory her son James Sailer Weyl of the Class of 1929. The income is for the purchase and care of books in the University Library. The friends of Emeritus Professor George Lincoln Burr presented to the Univer Fund" sity a "Burr Memorial of $1,300. The income is being used under the di rection of Professor Burr, for such books as he would like to see added to the Library. Of special significance, in that it comes from within the University and not from a friendly donor not connected with the University, is the fund of $2,000 turned over for the use of the Library by the Department of Economics. The fund students' is the result of an accumulation of fees and the income is to be used for books of interest to the Department. For a second time the Class of 1899 made to the Library an outright gift of $600, the income of a Class Fund which is to be eventually presented to the University. The choice of the Library as the beneficiary of the interest accruing in the mean time is another of those signs of recent interest taken by Alumni in the fortunes of this part of the University. In its immediate benefits it is second only to the annual grant of $5,000 made by the Trustees from Alumni Contributions at the request of the Cornellian Council which, in the past year, for the fourth time has protected our Library from the catastrophic setback which would have resulted from the shrinkage of our endowment income. Contributions in cash from single individuals, like that received from Mr. Elmer M. Johnson of Ithaca, merit a specially grateful comment. To the government agencies, the various foundations, the societies, the editors and publishers of journals and the corporations who have so generously sent us their publications we offer our hearty thanks. The numerous faculty members who our collections are not the least signifi have in many and various ways added to cant benefactors in our list. Of individual donors of books the following is a mere random selection from the gratitude. All their names are listed in an appendix many who have earned our to this report. Mr. John R. Armstrong of Rochester, N. Y. presented us with two folio volumes London" of (1756). Captain S. A. of Wiiliam Maitland's "The History and survey view of the invasion of the Southern Ashe of Raleigh, N. C. sent his "A Southern 1861-1865."of Japan donated States and the war of Mr. Yakichi Ataka Osaka, Tertaro Suzuki. The late Mrs. two recent books on Buddhism by Deisetz volumes. T. Littleton of the Frederick Bedell gave us 237 miscellaneous Mr. J. glass"Littleton Corning Glass Works offered "The electrical properties of by Cornish of Pa. we re and (1933). From Miss Cornelia Baker Mansfield, Morey Y." Cortland N. (1935)- Dr. ceived her geography and history of County, Canadian Historical Review N M Crouse of Ithaca donated Volume 16 of the historiques. Dr. P. De Forest and Volume 41 of the Bulletin des recherches Henry own as well as some 700 pam of New York sent 250 volumes from his library on medicine and finger-printing; and phlets, magazines and reprints, mostly journals from the of the Cornell Club as in past years, a number of Library again, Ambassador Walter on the Library's list. of New York, which are not University public From Mr. R. 1. E Edge gave us his "Speeches and statements'; (1933) of the Writings of H. D. I horeau , of New York came eleven volumes Edwards "Diary" Hone's (1910), and R. A. Abbot s seven volumes of J. G. Whittier, Philip Bacon" "Francis (1935). Mr. Victor Emanuel of New York enriched the Library's Wordsworth Collection by the gift of two autograph letters of William Words worth and a poem of eighty lines in the poet's handwriting. Professor Paul D. Evans of the University of Vermont has added, as in past years, to our files of Welsh periodicals printed in New York State. Professor Graydon L. Freeman, of Chicago University, presented his "Diurnal variations in performance and energy expenditure" book" (1935) and his "The child and his picture (1935). Mr. N. J. imagery" Galucci of Ithaca donated Caroline F. E. Spurgeon's "Shakespeare's (T935)- Mr. Fairfax Harrison of Washington, D. C donated two volumes of 830" "Early American turf stock, 1 730-1 (1934). Mrs. Mabel M. Hebel gave, in memory of her husband, the late Professor William J. Hebel, ten valuable volumes of seventeenth century English literature. The Abbe Victor Leroquais of d'heures" Paris, France, sentus his "Unlivre (1935). From Mr. Lucius N. Littauer of New York came six volumes of the selected works of Hyman G. Enelow. To Mr. Robert P. Ludlum of Ithaca we owe ten volumes of the "Documents relating to the colonial history of New York State". Mr. James McCall of Bath, N. Y., donated five miscellaneous volumes. From Mrs. Edward Lee McClain we re ceived three large volumes of "The Washington ancestry and records of the families" McClain, Johnson and forty other colonial American (1932). Mr. Amos book" B. McNairy of Cleveland, Ohio, sent us "An Austin Dobson letter and the Rowfant Club Yearbook (1935). From Mr. Frederick J. Nettlefold of London, Eng., came C Reginald Grundy's luxurious "Catalogue of the pictures Nettlefold" and drawings in the collection of Frederick John vol. 2, CD-H). Professor Wallace Notestein, Professor Frances H. Relf, and Mr. Hartley Simp 1621" son contributed the seven volumes of their "Commons debates, (1935). From Mr. Carroll H. Owen we received the manuscript diary for 1875 of a Cornell student, W. P. Sturges. The Rev. E. L. Pennington of Ocala, Fla., gave us seven photographic reproductions of 18th century and early 19th century documents relating to the Jones family of Savannah, Ga., and several of his own writings. Mr. William Hazlitt Smith of Ithaca donated fourteen volumes of American local histories. Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson presented the Library with "The sagas" Markland by Jones and Raddle (1934). The Hon. William Sulzer added several filing boxes of personal correspondence to the Sulzer papers already in our Library, and gave us eighty miscellaneous volumes. Mr. Z. D. Sung of Shanghai. King" King" China, sent his "Symbols of Yi (1934) and "Text of Yi (1935). Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Treman of Ithaca presented us with the edition-de-luxe of Peterkin and Ulman's "Roll, Jordan, Roll". Mr. John P. Young of Ithaca con supple- tinued his many earlier donations with Carl Christensen's "Index filicum, mentum tertium, 1917-1933". Otto Kinkeldey, Librarian. List of Donors to the University Library

July i, 1935June 30, 1936

Abbe, E. C, Ithaca Association of American Colleges Academia National de Artes y Letras, Association of American Medical Col Havana, Cuba leges Adams, J. C, Ithaca Association of American Railroads El Senor Director de la Edition Oficial Association of Life Insurance Medical de Obras y Correspondencia Cienti- Directors fica de Florentino Ameghino, La- Ataka, Yakichi, Osaka, Japan Plata, Brazil Athletic Journal Alexander, Stella Hadden, New York Atlantic Deeper Waterways Associa City tion Alexander, William Hardy, Edmonton, Atlantic Monthly Company Alberta, Canada Australia, Office of the Registrar- Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity General Ambition Official Secretary in the U. S. A. American Board of Commissioners for Commonwealth Bureau of Statistics Foreign Missions Council for Scientific and Industrial American Council on Education Research American Federation of Labor Axelson, Marv McDougal, Xew York American Federation of Teachers City American Foundation for the Blind American Geophysical Union Bacon Academy, Colchester, Conn. American Guernsey Cattle Club Bank of National Economy of Warsaw, American Historical Society American Institute for Persian Art and Barnes, F. A., Ithaca Archaeology Barnes, L. L., Ithaca American Issue Publishing Company Barnes Hall Library American Jewish Committee Baruch, Bernard M., New York City American Judicature Society Beck, Adrienne, Vienna, Austria American Liberty League Becker, Carl L., Ithaca American Medicine Beckman, H. C, Westport, X. Y. American Petroleum Institute Beckwith, B. P., Xew York City American Red Cross Bedell, Mrs. Frederick, Ithaca American Schools of Oriental Research Beer, Mrs. George Louis, Xew York American Society for the Control of City Cancer Bennett, John W., Washington, D. C. Biological Station for Re American Society of Civil Engineers Bermuda American Stone Trade search, Inc. American Telephone and Telegraph Bird, Frederick L., Los Angeles, Calif. Company Bishop, M. G., Ithaca American Transit Association Blizzard, Alpheus Wesley, Ithaca Preservers' American Wood Associa Blue Book of the Roosevelt-Garner Inauguration Committee tion Ohio Andrae, W. C, Ithaca B'nai B'rith, Cincinnati, Ithaca Andrews, B. R., New York Citv Boothroyd, S. L., Ithaca Andrews, E. D., Pittsfield, Mass. Borie, William H., Auditor Antioch Press Boston, Mass.. City of Natural Sister Antonia, Saint Paul, Minnesota Boston Society History Japan Areopagus Botanical Society of Consulate Xew York Armstrong, John R., Rochester, X. Y. Brazil, General, George F. and Ora Nixon Arnold City Information Xew Foundation Brazilian Bureau, York City Art Institute of Chicago British Guiana, Department of Agri Ministry of Railways culture Statistical Department British Library of Information, X. Y. China Foundation for the Promotion of Brookings Institution Education and Culture Broughton, L. X., Ithaca China Hydraulic Engineering Society Brownell, William C, New York City China Institute in America Budapest, Hungary, Central Corpora China International Famine Relief tion of Banking Companies Commission Buffalo, Division of Accounting Chinese Consulate General, New York Burnham, S. H., Ithaca Chinese Educational Review Burr, G. L., Ithaca Chinese Embassy, Washington, D. C. Buttenheim, Harold, Xew York City Chinese Institute of Engineers Church of Christ Scientist California, Department of Agriculture Churchman Department of Xatural Resources Cincinnati, City Manager's Office State Emergency Relief Administra Cincinnati Public Health Federation tion Cioffari, Vincenzo, New Rochelle, N. Y. Canada, Ministere de 1'Agriculture Cleveland, Clerk of Council Dominion Bureau of Statistics Cline, Isaac Monroe, New Orleans, Department of the Interior Louisiana Labour Department Coblentz, Santon A., New York City Association of Ontario Land Sur Coblentz, W. W., Washington, D. C. veyors College Entrance Examination Board Department of Mines Colorado Scientific Society Patent and Copyright Office Colorado Tax Commission King's Printer Columbia University Press Public Archives Columbus Memorial Library Queen's University Committee on Modern Languages Canadian Bank of Commerce Commonwealth Fund Carlson, H. G., Aurora, N. Y. Communist Carnegie Corporation of New York Compressed Air Magazine Carnegie Dunfermline Trust Connecticut, Tercentenary Commis Carnegie Endowment for International sion Peace Emergency Relief Commission Carnegie Foundation for the Advance Cooke, Morris Llewellyn, Washington, ment of Teaching D.C. Carnegie Hero Fund Commission Cooper, William J., Hollidaysburg, Pa. Carnegie Institute of Technology Cornell Alumni News Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Cornell Annuals, Inc. Scotland Cornell Countryman Carnegie United Kingdom Trust Cornell Daily Sun Cary, Mrs. E. E., Ithaca Cornell University, Department of Casimir-Lambert, Valentin, Bruxelles, Government Belgium Department of Philosophy Central Conference of American Rab Class in Psychology 16 A bis Veterinary Department Library Ceskoslovenska Spolecnost Entomolo Cornell Medical College gies. Czechoslovakia , Cornell Medical College Library Chamot, E. M., Ithaca Cornell University Press Chang, T. S., Peiping, China Cornell Veterinarian Charleston College Cornellian Council Chemical Foundation Corning Glass Works Chicago, Committee on Traffic and Cornish, Miss Cornelia Baker, Mans Public Safety field, Pennsylvania Department of Finance Courtney, John, Ithaca Chicago Historical Society Coville, Luzerne, Cherrydale, Virginia Chicago Theological Seminary Crouse, N. M., Ithaca Chile, Banco Central Crutts, Mrs. L. S., Cortland, N. Y. China, Commission on Overseas Affairs Cunningham, G. W., Ithaca Ministry of Industries Cushman, R. E., Ithaca 10 Dairy Shorthorn Association Freeman, Graydon L., Chicago, Illinois Darlow, Alfred M., Rochester, N. Y. Freemasons, Grand Chapter, New Dayton, Edson C, Clifton Springs, York City N.Y. Grand Lodge of Iowa, Cedar Rapids, Deering, Fred Morris, Lima, Peru Iowa De Forest, Henry P., New York City Grand Council, R. and S. Masters, Delaware, State Treasurer Rochester, N. Y. Delta Delta Delta Fraternity Supreme Council, Mystic Order of Delta Gamma Fraternity Veiled Prophets, Rochester, N. Y. Denton, Hiram McK., Northville, French Consulate General, New York N.Y. French Embassy, Washington, D. C. Devaux, Andre, Clichy, France Friedrich List-Gesellschaft, Basel, Diesel Publications, Inc. Switzerland Dominick, Miss Mabel A., Los Angeles, Calif. Galucci, N. J., Ithaca Julian M., Xew York Drachman, City Gas Age Record Dominican Republic Legation, Wash General Society of Mechanics and ington, D. C Tradesmen. New York, N. Y. Miss Ruth, Xew York Draper, City Geographical of Philadelphia Duke Endowment Society Gerwig, George W., Pittsburgh, Penn Dun and Inc. Bradstreet, sylvania DuPont, Pierre S., Garden City, X. Y. Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa. C. L Ithaca Durham, Gody, A., Paris, France Durham Durham, England University, Gordon, Ralph. Ithaca George Dutcher, M., Middletown, Great Britain Patent Office Conn. Mr. and Mrs. William F. E., Greece Gurley, Duvaletelli, Theodosius, Athens, Chicago, 111. D'Youville College Gurza, Jaime, Mexico, D. F.

A. Ithaca Eames, J., Hamilton, W. J., Ithaca, Mrs. Rita Ithaca Eames, B., Harris, Alan C, Vevey, Switzerland Eastern Dealer in Implements and Harris, G. D., Ithaca Vehicles Harrison, Fairfax, Washington, D. C. Kodak Eastman Company Hattie Elizabeth Lewis Memorial Forum Economic Hayes Memorial, Fremont, Ohio Walter Ventnor X. J. Edge, E., City, Hebel, Mrs. Mabel M., Ithaca York Edwards, R. I., New City Hebrew Union College Library Egypt Egyptian University, Cairo, Herrick, G. W., Ithaca and Power Electric Light Hershey, Milton S., Hershey, Pennsyl Mitchell Scientific Elisha Society vania Mrs. Herbert Ithaca Elmer, Charles, Historical and Philosophical Society of Conn. Elston, James S., Hartford, Ohio New York Emanuel, Victor, City Historical Society of Northwestern Ervin, Spencer, New York City Ohio Central Bureau of Esthonia, State Hoffman, H. D., Brooklyn, X. Y. Statistics Holstein-Friesian Association of Estrada, Genaro, Mexico, D. F. America Vermont Evans, Paul D., Burlington, Homan, P. T., Ithaca Ohio Eversull, Rev. H. K., Cincinnati, Honolulu, Chamber of Commerce, Department of Public Works Ohio Farrand, President Livingston, Ithaca Horr, A. R., Cleveland, R. Ithaca Farrar, Victor J., Washington, D. C Hosmer, S., Host and Son. Copenhagen, Denmark Firestone, Harvey S., Akron, Ohio Administration Foreign Policy Association Hotel Bulletin and the Nation's Chefs Fort Ticonderoga Museum Hotel E. F. and Company Francis, W. D., Brisbane, Australia Houghton, H. Ithaca Fredericksburg, Virginia, City Mana Howe, E., George D., Oberlin, Ohio ger Hubbard, Edmund Albany, N. Y. Free Press Huyck, N., 11 Idaho, Inspector of Mines Landauer, Bella C, New York City Illinois, Department of Public Welfare Landmark Illinois State Natural History Survey Laterza and Figli, Bari, Italy Independent Petroleum Association of Leach, Mrs. Maud Shipley, Chicago, America Illinois Index Leale, Charles A., Estate, New York India, Geological Survey City Manager of Publications Leland, E. W., Ithaca Indian Lac Research Institute Leroquais, L'Abbe Victor, Paris, Indian Truth France Indiana, Division of Public Health Lilly, Eli and Company, Indianapolis, Indian's Friend Indiana Industrial Accident Commission Liotta, Matthew A., New York City L'Information Universitaire, Paris, Littauer, Lucius N., New York City France Liveright Publishing Corporation Institute of International Education London Shellac Research Bureau Institution of Civil Engineers, West Los Angeles, Water and Power Depart minster, Gt. Britain ment Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kul- Louisiana Conservation Review turforskning, Oslo, Norway Louisiana Tax Commission Investment Bankers Association Ludlum, Robert P., Ithaca Iowa, State Printing Board Iowa State Historical Society McCall, James, Bath, New York Italian Consulate General, New York, McCarty, R. J., Kansas City, Missouri N. Y. McClain, Edward Lee, Greenfield, Italian Tourist Information Office, New Ohio York, X. Y. McCormick Historical Association Ithaca Chamber of Commerce McMurtrie, Douglas C, Chicago, Ithaca Journal Illinois Ithaca Rotary Club McNairy, Amos B., Cleveland, Ohio Malouf, N. S. R., Ithaca Jamaica, Government Printing Office Manchoukuo Government, Depart James H. Hyslop Foundation, Inc. ment of Foreign Affairs Japan, Imperial Foreign Office Mann, Provost A. R., Ithaca National Research Council Manning, H. A. Company, Springfield, Tourist Industry Board Massachusetts Japan Society Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Jersey Bulletin and Dairy World Company John F. Slater Fund Trustees Marine Biological Association of China Johnson, Elmer M., Ithaca Mason, J. F., Ithaca Mass Transportation Kansas, Commission of Labor and Massachusetts, Department of Vital Industry Statistics Relief Committee Emergency Massachusetts Audubon Society State Board of Agriculture Massachusetts New-Church Union Kansas State Historical Society Ithaca Kappa Kappa Gamma Matheson, Robert, Matilda Ziegler Publishing Company Karapetoff, V., Ithaca Maurice and Laura Falk Foundation Charles, Fort Worth, Texas Kassel, Means, Stewart, New York City Planning Board Kentucky, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Miss Alice C, South Lynde- Kimball, Mexican Chamber of Commerce of the N. H. boro, U. S., Inc. D. S., Ithaca Kimball, Mexican School of Mechanical and H., Ithaca King, Henry Electrical Engineering Kingsley, Carter R., Bath, N. Y. Mexico, Director of the General Kornerup, Thorvald, Copenhagen, Archives Denmark Secretary of Public Education Laistner, M. L. W., Ithaca Secretary of Exterior Relations Land and Freedom Secretary of Government Land and Liberty Michigan, Department of Health 12 Milbank Memorial Fund Xew York Historical Society Military Order of Foreign Wars of the Xew York Public Library New York State Association of Dairy H. Mills, P., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. and Milk Inspectors Milton Academy, Milton, Mass. New York State Bankers Association Mining Congress Journal Xew York State Chamber of Com Minnesota Horticulturist merce E. Misner, G., Ithaca Xew York State, Department of Con Missionary Herald servation Missouri Relief Commission Department of Correction Modern Mexico Department of Health Monaco, Musee Oceanographique Department of Mental Hygiene Morrill Press, Fulton, N. Y. Department of Labor Moss, Sanford A., Lynn, Massachu Department of Taxation and Finance setts Xew York State Industrial Com Muenscher, W. C, Ithaca mission Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle, New York State Library Brussells, Belgium New York State Normal and Training Museu Xacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil School Museum of the American Indian New York State Teachers Association New York State Waterways Associa Xankai Institute of Economics, Tien tion tsin, China New York Stock Exchange Xational Association of Schools of New Zealand Patent Office Music Newberry Library, Chicago, 111. Xational Broadcasting Company Norges Riksarkiv, Oslo, Norway Xational City Bank of Xew York Northern Rhodesia, Department of Xational Civil Service Reform League Agriculture Xational Education Association Northup, C S., Ithaca Xational Geographic Society Xotestein, Wallace, Xew Haven, Con Xational Humane Review necticut Xational Xurseryman Publishing Com Xungezer, Edwin, Ithaca pany Xational Research Council, Washing Oga, Jukichi, Osaka, Japan ton, D. C. Ogden, R. M., Ithaca Xational Research Council of Japan Ohio, State Board of Health Xederlandsch-Indie, Kantoor voor de Orsillo, G., Elmira, X.Y. Statistiek Oslo Academie norvegienne des Sciences Xema Press et des Lettres Xesbit, L., Cortland, X. Y. Our Dumb Animals Xettlefold, Frederick J., London, Eng Outlook for the Blind land Owatonna Art Education Project Xeulen, Lester Xelson, Teaneck, X. J. Owen, Carroll H., Ithaca Xew Jersey Department of Banking and Insur Page, Albert E., Santa Rosa, Calif. ance Pallis, Marco, Liverpool, England Department of Institutions and Palmer, William Kimberley, Chicopee, Agencies Mass. State Highway Commission Pan American Union, Washington, Department of Weights and Measures D.C. X ew Jersey Zinc Sales Company Papish, Jacob, Ithaca Xew Orleans, Sewerage and Water Parker, Horatio, New York City Board Parrott, Miss Caroline, Ithaca Xew Republic, Inc. Pease, Mrs. John W., Cincinnati, Ohio Xew South Wales, Peneau, Joseph, Angers, France Government Printing Office Pennington, Rev. Edgar L., Ocala, Statistics Bureau Florida Xew York City, Housing Authority Penniston, John B., Shanghai, China Police Commissioner Pennsylvania, Division of Documents Superintendent of Schools Pennsylvania Forestry Association 13 Pennsylvania Prison Society Roumanian Legation, Washington, Pennsylvania State Library and Mu D.C. seum Royal Institute of British Architects Perkins Institution Royal Society of Queensland, Brisbane, Petkoff, S., Sofia, Bulgaria Australia Phi Beta Kappa Roval Yougoslav Consulate General, Phi Kappa Phi New York City Brad- Philadelphia, Board of Public Educa Ruffsdale Distilling Company, tion dock, Pennsylvania Philippine Islands, Ryan, Frances M., Los Angeles, Calif. Department of Agriculture and Commerce Sabine, G. H., Ithaca Department of Government St. Louis, Superintendent of Instruc Philippine Islands Health Service tion Philosophical Review Samfundet Sverige-Island Photo-Lithographer San Diego, Auditor Poland, Consulate General, New York San Francisco University City Sanidad y Beneficencia Polish Medical and Dental Association Sawyer, Chas. J. Ltd., London, Eng of America land Port of New York Authority Sbath, R. P. Paul, Cairo, Egypt Power Plant Engineering Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation Public Service Magazine Schutt, Miss Kate M., Ithaca Puerto Rico, Emergency Relief Ad Scott, Miss Emma J., Washington, ministration Illinois Scottish Council for Research in Educa Queen's University, Belfast, Ireland tion Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Aus Charles Scribner's Sons, NewYork City tralia Seventh Regiment Gazette, New York Seybolt, R. F. Urbana, 111. R. A. Laan Fonds, Amsterdam, Nether Shepard, M. A., Ithaca lands Siegel, M., Hamilton, Ontario Radio Corporation of America Sievers, A. W., Yonkers, Xew York Ragatz, L. J., Washington, D. C. Sisson, L. E., Lawrence, Kansas Rahn, Otto, Ithaca Smith, F. M., Ithaca Railroad and Warehouse Commission Smith, Preserved, Ithaca Railroad Trainman Smith, William Hazlitt, Ithaca Rakov, Jerome, Brooklyn, N. Y. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Ratcliffe, Mrs. Dorothy Una, Leeds, D.C. England Snap Shots Recruiting Publicity Bureau Societe de Geographie, Geneve, Switz Reece, P. C, Ithaca erland Reed, Edward Bliss, New Haven, South Africa, Government Printer, Conn. Pretoria Rentner, Kurt, Hamburg, Germany Southard, F. A., Ithaca Research Council of Alberta, Canada Southern and Southwestern Railwav Review of Scientific Instruments Club Rhode Island School of Design Southern California Academy of Rio de Janeiro, Departamento Nacional Science da Produccao Mineral Southwest Museum Roberts, Mrs. Anna L., Milwaukee,Wis. Speed, Miss E. R., Ithaca Spiller, G., Middlesex, England Rockland County Board of Super Spilman, Charles H., Boston, Mass. Shawnee- visors Spivey, Thomas Sawyer, Rogalsky, G. F., Ithaca town, 111. Rogers, D. H., Jersey City, N. J. Starry Cross Rolando, Carlos A., Guayaquil, Ecua Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, Xew York City dor, S. A. Stephenson, Carl, Ithaca Rotary International Storke, Charles Albert, II, Santa Bar Roth, Rodolfo, Buenos Aires, Argentine bara, Calif. 14 Sulzer, Hon. William, Xew York City Waite, C.F., Los Angeles, Calif. Sung, Z. D., Shanghai, China Wales National Library Sutton, G. M., Ithaca Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan Swedish Royal Consulate General, West Virginia, Department of Archives New York City and History Swedenborg Foundation Westermann, W. L., New York City Swedenborg Scientific Association Western Australia, Department of Swezey, Ernest P., Hayward, Calif. Education Sze, Dr. Sao-Ke Alfred, Washington, Whitaker, Mrs. E. B., Southold, X. Y. D.C. White, A. C, Ithaca White, J. DuPratt, Xew York City Taylor, Alonzo E., Xew York City Wichelns, H. A., Ithaca Tennessee Valley Authority Willcox, W. F., Ithaca William and College Texas Knights of Columbus Mary Thomas, M. Simon, Amsterdam, Hol Winged Foot Bryn land Winsor, Miss Ellen, Mawr, Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, Tokyo, Pennsylvania Arts Japan Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, and Letters Tokyo Institute of Physical and Chemi F. New York City cal Research Woll, A., Karl Ithaca Tompkins County Board of Super Wood, D., Ithaca visors Wood, Ralph, Wood News Tracy, C.B., Ithaca Preserving Woodrow Wilson Foundation Treman, Mr. and Mrs. R. H., Ithaca E. Ithaca Trinity Church, New York Citv Woodruff, H., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Tucker, R. W., Bath, New York J. Ithaca Turkey, Secretary General Woodward, L., World Calendar Association, New York Xew York City Union Club, City World Order Unione Italiana dAmerica World Peace Foundation United States, Wright, Mrs. A. H., Ithaca Department of Agriculture Wright, A. H., Ithaca Department of the Interior Wiirzburger, E., Leipzig, Germany National Recovery Administration Unity Publishing Company Yale University Press Universita Italiana per Stranieri York, Mrs. W. H., Ithaca Young, John P., Ithaca Vedanta Monthly Zabre, Alfonso Teja, Mexico City, Wagner, R. H., Ithaca Mexico