"The Harvester" Beginnings Were Modest, and Unassisted of Mr
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I lines, and Mr. O'Gorman la flrat ml all a bwn "railroaded," If he is In truth in- i THE EVENING convicted in- STAB, lawyer. So If Mr. Wllaon issues tfcn noeent and has been upon LARGEST CREDIT JEWELERS Wttk Sunday Morning Edition he is to be advised to Invitation.anddo adequate evidence, he is assured of a fair | In the World. '|! to hia so.Mr. O'Gorman will accept, and that bearing and a chance prove ! caaes will create a vacancy for which Mr. There can be no "Dreyfus" innocence. HfIPES <& PlhNKNiVEs Just a Hint of Our: WASHINGTON, will be urged. SheahanIn this country. CLOSE AT 9 P.M. SHARP 1,1 ' | Mr. Sheehan is a of the the Man of MONDAY December 16, politician con' Gifts of 1 For the Family ^ .1912 ventional New York school, but far above King George reads the Bible each day, j: ||, Great Glove of the in of ability. He may a example to monarchs If tho thought* what to jjiv* a average point setting worthy man have !»h-ii liard to fF" j|| 11 find, hope tw, > be described as the political grandson of who are inclined 'to read the racing '! Komo snireostionH that win km THEODORE W. NOTES Editor I ~" at $L00 Samuel J. Tilden. That is to say. he is charts and the musical comedy programs, I; Jewelry II value. II Specials GKNIIXE BRIARWOOD jj . , npES the political son of David B. Hill, who Arc Se- . I ! »?t W The |i always appreciated. with straight and curved st<-inn \V«MWf»"» < il'li!l"ls Evening Star Eewnpaper Company. was the son of Mr. Tilden. And the h variety of shapes and si*,..' «» («tf| \% >» t M !l« I llHitirs:'. Willi political The German emperor has composed lect yours from the * al » * u biggest 2.1. an.l -»2<-. MH«~IHH] l arks. was favorite of *» ! jj: s;.N-.ir as Mr. Hill the sure n Jf pupil for a haiiet. uen:n is JF music best AMItKR STEM.MFD PIPES ' S*MW « SAij! \\ i. 8oatD?*« 11th 5ft. and Ate* and stock in the \V«.»nicVl S IV m.k! Office. PennwrWanta Mr. Tilden. Mr. Sheehan was the favorite as as some of city, j j quality. at *1.-»<» and |2-«*. wiiii Paris B New York Office: Trlhnne BnlMIn*. lead to nothing striking where can AND 1 lar^f bull *n. i»»-M First of Mr. Hill. He knows all the in you be sure of find- i'ltiAR CIGARETTK iMi«. Chicago Office; National Bank iin'Mln®. pupil the dances that gained vogue Newport. || witli amber stems, at Si j.<» ' ja HOLDERS. ' « . European Office: 3 Recent St.. London. Knjland. ropes, and pulls them well. ing just what you want and and w the busy CORNER* \\' mvn I :< -:i ! Wwlkiit y BRIAKWOOD riPES IX 4 ?*ii\ »."i!r v:» .i b.ui. A a Mr. Sheehan at last real- can tor OASES' ai>«! If. therefore. Blease's adventure with pay it at your con- on at in\ulm*k. r. la-.j m«WT»tn* Perhaps (Jov. gilt trimming pipes, 9Sc Frrr'Tir ztmr with the JhnwluT Izes his ambition, he will enter the KEEN KETTER «. another example of the veniencc. ! PENKNIVES' " t* the his voice is only . «» *»' 1 *! !« »i dfttnn. Iplirrrrl by carrier* within eity in time to in the tariff pearl handle*. at 4l»r to SI.9s \\ i- 1 at 4S renta cent* participate senate <-« \ ! ! while, per m«mth: dally only. 2S per grandstand play that was overplayed. STAG HANDLED PENKNIVES at I i «.!. W. tnnntb: onlr. 20 cen*» per month. Ord^ra knows I»* n a* I :: Sunday by the next Congress. He revision ' ^ " 2ee to SI.00. tan. **> IpV mar b» arnt or Main W>. by mail, telephone PLATED I H 1 l 1 }in»l»vk*T! rvdicrtJon la end of each something about the subject, and twenty SOc a GOED- KNIVES. two \\ 'J »; *0^ made by carrier at the Wesk blades. plain or with Iteaded edge Xmas SeaIs, Folders month. STABS. Cards, to the of SHOOTING years ago leaned side | at 11.00. « r «t %:««**. <»iir i<wn tni|»*iri;itH»vi. for select Si FOR In the contest over the protection. Pays anything you SEPARATE CASES KNIVES, Di« Xmaa and New Ye<jr CardB- ^0 V\«MU. 'J <«-;. I ! If|» Blit'k Stamped to the value of little leather eaaes for carrying the Be to 25c >i h|#» B Parable fn advance.be mall, poatar* prepaid: of the Fifty-second Congressspeakershiphe BV PHILANDKR JOHNSON. $25 and larger in the pocket. eaeh. 10c. large variety; priced j; 10 cental ; penknife r VjSJT k*v*> Strict | W one |f r>aUr. Sunday Inc'nded. month. came to and used his amounts in Notion Store.Street Floor. Stationer; Store.-Street Floor. ^JL/ M j flatly. Sundsy excepted, one month. 40 cents. Washington proportion. Saturday Star. $1 year. Sunday Star. 13.40 year. with the New York delegationInfluencein The Holiday Party. favor of Judge Crisp, who was the "What is this?" asked Maude; "a candidate, against conservative-tariffMr. Catered as second class mall matter at the poat dance program?" office at Washington. D. 0rrm Mills, the tariflf-for-revenue-only "No," replied Mamie; "that's a map And probably he still trainscandidate.with where the mistletoe r Patrons ! ! L showing exactly of Himdreds Ou> the conservatives in the matter of !==By Request of Is located." AgBiirs rder to aeold delaya on account duties. STAB should customs personal absence, letters to THE Unlike Mr. Mr. Sheehan has not be addressed to any individual connected O'Gorman, A Reform Advocate. but to THE STAB, or to given a good deal of time to politics, and with the office, simply "We want a man in Congress who n 3 Tni1 * the Editorial or Business Department, according in the Senate would rank at once with /ni his He can hurry reforms along," said the v\ Tini' /n fTi or {' to tenor purpose. party's managers there. citizen. a good deal of the Gorman finesse, churlish possesses of reform are you fa- plus a knowledge of the law which the "What kind Jt.» s siil... i o IL Whitelaw Reid. senator lacked. voring?" m J Maryland I like is an "Oh, no particular kind. Only ineTafcw < Roid's death Fi Whitelaw Me of so that I'll loss. At his post in Londoninternationalhe to see things stirred up , A Education. be sure to lind something Interesting was an influence f«>r good beyond the Congressional After a continuous of to read in the newspapers." directly intrusted to him. Tie had service eighteen I affairsyears in Congress, William Sulzer retires None Worth established an exceptional popularity in Ao ExceptionalMy Fine Assortment. circles other than diplomatic, but in that to become Governor of New York. At a The Interrogator. Diamond Rings $10 up w dinner the other he of the circle he was held in the highest esteem. evening spoke as a child; Diamond P>rooches.. 11P and happiness he had had iii his He asked strange questions .$15 J5 Less Than $1^>.75. Maoy of Them $25 $30. The representatives of all the great commission, To answer them they tried in vain. Diamond I^ockets... and with of men .$12 up commissioned to the British capital great appreciation the With airs he smiled powershe had met in life. Is not superior Diamond vScarf Pins.. $5 up were impressed by his personal congressional As they endeavored to explain. a word in order as to the value of his Diamond Cuff as well as by his capacity for full with a polished brow. Links,. $5 up \V/» nitr to be the ' <ist before Christmas, but bad ii Mr another * accomplishments Now, grown, 1 * X- i*UVJ1-in,l *intpnrlprl»» -mf SslO.tdo sale of a week ago many rci|iK'-li- business, and became his friends. In this experience in Washington considered in He strange, Diamond Earrings... .$10 up A connection with the duties he will brings up "problems" w< could at a that would en;i able un t<> sell tlicm at Sio.oo % way he added to the prestige of his take Diamond Shirt Studs.. M that a hurried was made to Xew York to get every suit price up at Albany? forsooth. $5 up trip abroad while adding to his own countryfame. He asks more foolish questions now Diamond Watch as in on i stocks, that no suit ca n into them worth umler Jf were It is a certainty that if Gov. Sulzer As know, we are extra p;irticular in these sales, regular gu American travelers visiting London Than in his very early youth. Charms ^ j you gratified by the regard in which he was scores a success it will be due in large $12 up J lot wiith our assurance that none are inider $19.75. ^ 0 ^v<->re extrcmel y U rtunate in securing main measure to the Diamond $19.75, so buy from this held there, and heard his praises sounded opportunities enjoyed and It may he that people are just as .Lavalliers...Si5 up H a improved by Sulzer. We the event one of er importance. Isewhere abroad in terms testifying to Representative as they ever were. Hut it seemsdignifiedmore Diamond Pendants.. .$15 up lots valued at $25.00 and $30.0o, making greal shall see in that success wide distribution of the appreciation of the fruits of the sedate to think of a man boasting that 1 received here. a e season is in the m<}st fashionable colors.