F.1218 .T30ngressional RECORD-SENATE
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f.1218 .t30NGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MAY 16, De Witt Clinton Jones. Herbert Clay Lieser. Wendell Ambrose Jones. Frederick William O'Donnell. Edward Elmer Lamkin. Cassius Derby Silver. Samuel Connell Lindsay. Alfred Harrold Thomas. Charles Herbert LowelL Frank Christollo Vanatta. Laurence McEvoy. William Cotman Whitmore. Elmer Ellsworth Mansfield. James Ward. Clarence ~Iartin. Shelley Uriah Marietta. James Vance May. Blase Cole. Ben Hicks Metcalf. P.ROMOTIO~S IN THE NAVY. George Seltzer Mintzer. Lieut. Commander Douglas E. Dismukes to be a commander. Charles Bernhard Julius Mittelstaedt. Lieut. Commander Henry J. Ziegemeier to be a commander. John. Lawson Norris. Lieut. Herbert G. Sparrow to be a lieutenant commander. Clarence Quinan. Lieut. (Junior Grade) John El Pond to be a lieutenant. I rnh James Ransbottom. Machinist Raymond L. Drake to be a chief machinist. Emest Charles Schultze. Harry Clay Smith. COMMANDERS TO BE CAPTAINS. William Hickman Spiller. Albert P. Niblack and Charles. Seymour Stern. William S. Sims. · William Stoutenborough Terriberry. POSTMASTERS. James William Thornton. KANSAS. Clarence .Allen Warwick. Fred S. Hazelton; Norton. Joseph Hall Whiteley. Charles G. Webb, Stafford. Roy Alexander Wilson. M..A..INE. Shadworth Oldham Beasley. Edward W. Hyde, Bath. Frederick Douglass Branch. Harry E. Reed, Millinocket. John Carling. Charles .Arthur Cattermole. M ICilIGAN. Frederick Arthur Wellington Conn. Frank Friedrich, Tra1er e City. Charles Grant Eicher. MONTANA. Bruce Ffoulkes. Thomas J. Waddell, . Stanford. John Gilbert Lewis ·Theophilus Griffith. NEDRA SKA, Howard Albertus Grube. William A. Price, Laurel. Vernon Jay Hooper. OKLAHOMA. Simon Pendleton Kramer. Martin Baswell, Poteau. George Bradford Lawrason. William H. Cleveland, Mountain View. William Cooper Le Compte. Clay Cross, Skiatook. Harry Rodgers Lemen. TENNESSEE. Peter Duncan MaCl~aughton. Willis F. Arnold, Jackson. William Barton Orear. Wayne J. Johnson, ,Oakdale. Palmer Heath Lyon. John R. Richards, OliTer Springs. Frank Davtd Pease. Albert L. Scott, Dickson. Alva Sherman Pinto. John Joseph Repetti. WISCONSIN. Herman ,Jo eph Schlageter. Joseph W. Fritz, Ladysl:nith. Robert Scott Spilman. Nicholas A. Lee, Colfax. Walter Hoepfner Winterberg. Clifford Thomas Sappington. Alfred Carlyle Prentice. Clarence Arthur McWilliams. SENATE. Edmund Dougan Clark. John Vernon Frazier. TrasnAY, May 16, 1911. Ernest William Haass. The Senate met at 2 o'clock p. m. Haigazoon Kruger Kaprielian. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. Arthur Waner Slee. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap· Rufus Bartlett Hall. proved. Richard Henry Whitehead. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. John 0 Terton. The VICE PRESIDE1'1T presented a concurrent resolution Charles Sherman Carter. adopted by the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, which James Je e Peterson. was referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto William Henry Condit. Rico and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Robert Emmett Austin. John Elmer Bacon. Concurrent resolution. Whereas the citizens of Hawaii, previous to annexation of the islands Joseph Lawyer Bell. by the United States, had established and maintained for more than 50 Caspar Ralph Byars. years an independent national government, and thereby demonstrated Malone Duggan. their capacity for .self-government under and equal to the respon sibilities of a sovereign State; n.nd Charles Henry Fischer. Whereas annexation by one of the great powers of the world was Albert Pope Fitzsimmons. inevitable, owing to the mere numerical weakness of such a small State Edward Burke Bailey. and its inability to support armed defense on land and sea; and Whereas immediately following the annexation of Hawaii by the Bonaparte Preston Norvell. United States Congress passed an organic law giving Hawaii the status Da-vid Wilmot Overton. of a Territory that has been the trac'µtional stepping-stone to state· .Archibald l\foltz Wilkins. hood; and . .. Whereas under this form the citizens of Hawau have conducted George Francis Wilklow. their government in a conservative, patriotic, and able manner, provid Charles Franklin Smith. ing liberally in all manner for the development of the highest stand Daniel Ba.en Street. ards of American citizenship among all classes of the cosmopolitan population ; and Joseph G. Wilson. Whereas Hawaii, the State, is as certainly the natural and ultimate Robert Emmett Caldwell. destiny of these islands as was the annexation by and ad.mission as Gerry Sanger Driver. an integral part of the United States of America; and Francis Valentine La.ngenderfer. W.hereas the record of our people of the present day, the evidences of their thrift in the figures of per capitn the proofs of their intclli Fred Fellows Sprague. g·ence and ambition as shown by the mall percentage of illiteracy Michael Edward Connor. among them, is such as to command for them a respect and confidence John i\Iil ton Armstrong, equaling that accorded the citizens of .any State in the Union: There- fore be it . .. Thomas Andrew Burcham. Resolved by the l1ouse of representatit:es, session of 1911 (the senate Frederick Ellsworth Clark. concurring), That the Congress of the United States :is hereby re- 1911. .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1219 quested and respectfully petitioned to pass an enabling act authorizing prOif!O~on of homesteading throughout the Territory of Hawaii, which the citizens of the Territory of Hawaii to, and namin!? the date when prov1s1ons may best be made by setting apart for such uses the rents, they shall, elect delegates to a constitutional convention for the pur isst~es, and profits of the developed public lltnds and waters requiring pose of framing a constitution for the government of the State of action of the Congress of the United States of America· and Hawaii, the same to be in full force and effect when approved by Con W?ereas it appears from the records of the land department of the gress and the President in the manner and form usual to the admis Territory o~ Hawaii that in the neigh3orhood of 40.000 acres of de· sion of States ; and be it further velop~d agricultural lands, with water appurtenant thereto or capable Resoked, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Presi ?f bemg led thereon, a:re under lease (principally to large corporations) dent of the United States, the President of the United States Senate, m many instances at a very low rental · and and the Speaker of the House of Representatives at Washington, and Whereas it is estimated thnt such 'developed lands and developed to the Hon. Jon ah K Kalanianaole. ';aters wo.uld, if handled in. accordance with good business principles, return an mcome to the Territory of Hawaii about $400 000 a year· and THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Whereas with a property-tax rate of 1 per cent on' the actual' cash OF THE TERRITORY OF HAW All, yalue, the. Territory finds itself without the funds necessary to carry on Honolulu, Hawaii, April 25, 1911. its €ducational measures and the proper aid to homesteaders throughout We hereby certify that the foregoing concurrent resolution was the Territory; and adoptPd in the house of representatives of the Territory of Hawaii on Whereas heretofore the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii did the 25th day of April, A. D. 1911. petition ~he ~enate and House of Representatives of the United States H. L. HOLSTEI:N', of America, rn Congress assembled, to amend "An act to provide a Speaker House of Representati1;es. government for the Territory of Hawaii " approved April 30 1900 · and EDWARD WOODWARD, Whereas said petition contained in detail the proposed amendmer{ts ta Olerk House of Representatives. said act ; and THE SENATE OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII, Whereas the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Honolulu, Hawaii, April 25, 1911. States ?f America, by act approved May 27, 1910, amended said "act We hereby certify that the foregoing concurrent resolution was to pro!ide a .government for the Territory of Hawaii" as petitioned by adopted in the senate of the 'l'erritory of Hawaii on the 25th day of the s~1d Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, excepting as to home April, A. D. 1911. steadrng, the plan of which as submitted by the said legislature in its ERIC A. KNUDSEN, petition to Congress was so altered, changed, and amended that the President of the Senate. same became, and is, entirely unfit to afford the greatest, or, in fact, JOHN H. WISE, !~~ appreciable benefit to the Territory of Hawaii and its inhabitants; Olerk of the Senate. Whereas the present law, in so far as it relates to developed lands The VICE PRESIDENT presented a concurrent resolution and developed waters which now produce an annual income of about adopted by the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii, which $.150,000, but which under systematic control should, upon the expira tion of the present leases and licenses,. yield an annual income of about was referred to the Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico $400,000, will, unless amended so as to make said lands and waters and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows : capable of reasonable exploitation, result not only in an annual loss Concurrent resolution. of $250,000, but may, through being allotted to speculative homesteaders Whereas the welfare and civic progress of Hawaii depend upon build at a small fraction of its real value, be entirely lost to the Territory: ing- up in this Territory a larger citizen population ; and Therefore be it Whereas such a population,