Book A5 W 21/09/2017
1616 to 1829 !1 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re-produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder. Thomas Vanderveldt © 2017 ISBN 1 876763 25 6 Layout and Printing: New Holland Bulletin !2 The New Holland Story By Thomas van der Veldt “In the Aboriginal world we have a belief that our spirit is born in the mother earth, the sun provides the warmth to ensure the grass and other feed is available for animals to eat, which we then eat to survive, and when we die our spirit returns to the earth.“ (John Alexander) !3 Acknowledgement I would like to thank all the people who have helped me to provide the many small pieces of the puzzle that in the end produced the contents of this book. Adriaan de Jong, John and Alice Alexander, the late Peter van der Kuil, Lisa Drage, Uncle Clayton Drage Clayton Drage Jnr, the late Jean Eley and her husband Laurie, Paul Eley, Maria Eley, Len Ogilvie and his wife Jean, Jan “Kabarli” James, Tim and Margaret Hargreaves, Neville Green,, Anita Jarvis, Sid de Burgh, Tim Coleman, The Battye Library, State Records Office, Department of Aboriginal Affairs and many others I may have omitted unintentionally. !4 Foreword Did you know that Western Australia has a history that dates back to 154 years before James Cook landed on the East Coast of this great continent? This history is barely touched upon in schools and we persist in celebrating Captain Cook’s discovery.
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