1 AsiAn PhilosoPhy PhilosoPhy 260 The College of St. Rose Dr. Laura E. Weed Spring 2013 T Th 11:15-12:30 Alb 213 Office: 458 Western Ave., second floor Phone: 458-5328 Office Hours: Thurs. 3:00 p.m.- 4:15 p.m. and by appointment e-mail:
[email protected] Course Text: The Pulse of Wisdom, The Philosophies of India, China and Japan, 2nd ed., Michael C. Brannigan, Wadsworth/Thompson Learning, Belmont, CA, 2000 Course Objectives This course will give a broad overview of Asian Philosophy, over a span of over 4,000 years, and over a range of countries including India, China, Tibet, Japan and other countries of South East Asia. We will examine major schools of thought in the Asian traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, and read selections from some of the major texts of Asian Philosophy. We will also examine some of the commentaries on those texts and traditions written by major thinkers within those traditions. Students will gain an appreciation for several deeply rich and old cultures that are very different from the western one, with which most of you are more familiar, in many basic aspects of the world view. Students will also learn to recognize and become able to write about some of the key figures and ideas in Asian Philosophy. Course Evaluation & Expectations Evaluation will be based on three exams, one paper, and classwork. The exams will be worth 20% of your grade, each, and will test your knowledge of Indian Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chinese and Japanese Philosophy.