FRANCIS HANLY - ​CURRICULUM VITAE Producer/Director​ ​- ​ ​Self-Shoot Cameraman – FCP/Avid Trained Name: Francis Hanly Address: 4 Ringslade Road, N22 7TE Mobile: 07711 207060 Telephone: 020 8292 0178 E-mail: [email protected] ​ Website: ​ ​ Instagram francis_hanly


My Grandparents War - Helena Bonham Carter 1x60 TX 27th November 2019 - Wild Pictures

★★★★ The Telegraph ​

★★★★ The stories were jaw dropping...

4th Best TV Programme of 2019 ​The Telegraph

★★★★★ ‘inspiring, moving, humbling and arguably her most important performance ​ to date.’ ​

Pick of the Week ​Mail on Sunday

Critics Choice ​The Times

Francobuilding 1x90 BBC 4 TX 27th August 2019 - BBC Studios

★★★★★ ​Superb documentary The Times

Never has television been used so intelligently, so imaginatively The Oldie

Jargon - More Than You Ever Wanted To Know with Jonathan Meades 1x60 BBC 4 TX 27th May 2018

It’s good to have him back. Nobody else makes television like this. Radio Times

Scathing lucid and hilarious. This erudite verbal and visual essay Observer

A characteristically witty ribald and provocative essay The Times

It’s ace!

There were so many more ideas in this hour than in the entire output, since its inception, of (say) The One Show that it was almost embarrassing.

Blisteringly brutal, clever and hilarious. It manages to be visually interesting on what looks like a budget of 40 quid. The Guardian

How on earth did Jonathan Meades on Jargon make it all the way to the screen? Were the people in BBC corporate responsibility (or whatever it's called) drunk or stoned or something, or did it unaccountably bypass their office all together?

This is a film that should be shown to all aspiring public figures before they disgrace themselves. Above all, like so much of Meades’s work, it is a stunning contribution to our understanding of ourselves, and confirms him as the leading cultural commentator of our age. The

Stanley and his Daughters 1x75 BBC 4 TX 4th Feb 2018

Nominated for Grierson Awards - Best Arts Documentary 2019

Nominated for Best Director - Factual - RTS Craft Awards 2019

This fascinating film Simon Horseford ​ - ​

The way they relate to each other and all the history behind it is fascinating to watch Daily Mail

A fascinating portrait of the artist framed by the peculiar estrangement of his daughters The Observer

This poignant Arena The Times

There is a sweetness at the heart of this documentary

An extraordinary documentary….Francis Hanly made this strange, moving, funny, sad film just in time. Sam Wollaston – The Guardian

Remarkable story of two elderly sisters. Matt Baylis - The

That Frank Hanly was there to capture the sisters last year together fills me with admiration: for both him and for Arena’s long serving editor, Anthony Wall Rachel Cooke – The New Statesman

Sgt Pepper’s Musical Revolution 1x60 BBC2 June 2017

Nominated for Broadcasting Press Guild Award Single Documentary 2018

Brilliant! Of course, you did what I did: put the record on immediately afterwards. There was so much new to listen to even though you’d heard it 4000 times before. The Guardian

Bravo and thank you - the best, most revealing music documentary I have ever seen. Danny Baker

Benbuilding: Mussolini - Modernism, Marble and Monuments 1x90 BBC4 June 2016

Infuriating and enlightening, Meades is a one-off and must be preserved. The Arts Desk

Face of Britain with Simon Schama 1x60 mins BBC 2 TX October 2015

Quietly provocative, unpredictable, educative, at times effervescent. Daily Telegraph

Continues to be one of the best things on TV; it can certainly claim to be without peer on Wednesdays. The Guardian

In Charlie Chaplin’s Footsteps with Terry Jones 1x60 mins Wild Pictures for ITV 1 TX May 2015

Schama on Rembrandt 1x60 mins BBC2 TX Oct 2014

Highlight of the Week FT ​ ​ Chocolate Perfection with Michel Roux Jr 1x60 mins What Larks Productions for BBC4 TX May 2014

Bunkers, Brutalism and Bloodymindedness 2x60 mins BBC4 TX Feb 2014

Meades remains singular, without progenitor or competitor, the great polemicist of the small screen, his latest two-part lecture was one of his best. Producer-director-cameraman Francis Hanly needs a concrete recommendation for engineering the visuals. ​Sunday Times

An exasperating, exhilarating reminder of real arts broadcasting. All praise to director Francis Hanly for letting Meades have his sometimes perverse, tossing head. ​

Any new Jonathan Meades series is a reason to cancel all other engagements, but this is a treat even by his standards. T​ he Guardian

These might be his richest films yet. T​ he New Statesman

How The North Was Built

2x 60 Mins Silver River for ITV 1 TX July 2013

Jonathan Meades: The Joy of Essex BBC4 TX Feb 2013

Ravishing, precisely composed shots of the churches, chalets, factories, estuaries and houses that revealed the real Essex to be a various, curious place. ​Radio Times

It was a fitfully beautiful film. T​ he Guardian

This was daring TV, boldly moulding the medium to its own message, painting pictures in words with beguiling images used as punctuation. ​Metro

Howard Goodall’s Story of Music BBC2 TX Jan/Feb 2013

Let’s not beat around the bush: Howard Goodall’s Story of Music (BBC2, Saturday) is landmark television, a documentary series that deserves to rank with such unimpeachable classics as Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation. ​

The result was like being on a rather exhilarating rollercoaster, absorbing sensation and information even as the world spun by. T​ he Telegraph

Brazil With ​ BBC1 TX OCT 2012

Magical Mystery Tour Revisited​ BBC2 TX OCT 2012

A marvellously evocative Arena. T​ he Sunday Times

A superb Arena. ​The Times

Francis Hanly’s absorbing film...a first rate documentary. T​ he Financial Times

So many superb and surprising moments. T​ he Independent

Meades On France BBC4​ TX Jan 2012

Chosen as one of the Top Ten programmes of the Year by the Observer

… a brilliant look at France from the man with the sharpest tongue in documentaries. ​The People

Anybody who's ever seen Meades' wonderful Abroad series will know that this is one travelogue not to be missed. ​The Independent

In this typically thoughtful, funny and beautifully shot new series, Meades considers his adopted homeland. ​The Guardian

…brilliant and fascinating and unlike any programme on France you’ve ever seen.​ The Times Some people will find the programme playful, knowledgeable, articulate and refreshingly original, while others will switch off in seconds flat. There's no middle ground. T​ he Telegraph

Arena:Produced by George Martin​ ​BBC2 TX APRIL 2011


This is brilliant, it’s just amazing. D​ aily Mirror A brilliant 90 minutes of television. C​ hris Evans A superb profile. ​Radio Times A beautifully made, intimate and affectionate profile… it’s a joy to watch - and to listen to. ​Daily Mail A superb documentary. ​The Sunday Times Last night’s superb Arena documentary which at an hour and a half didn’t remotely outstay it’s welcome. ​The Independent Fantastic, fresh film. ​The Observer

Imagine: Nigel Kennedy’s Polish Adventure​ BBC1 TX June 2010

It’s all wonderful. Bravo. ​The Guardian

A life enhancing film. ​The Times

Virtual Revolution​ ​EP 2​ ​for BBC 2. TX Feb 2010


Jonathan Meades: Off Kilter 2 X 1 hour for BBC Scotland for BBC 4 – Director – TX September 09

A stunning film, I cannot remember when I have enjoyed a TV programme more. ​The Guardian

The Great African Balloon Adventure 3 x 1 Hour. Tiger Aspect for ITV 1 - Series Producer & Director -TX May/June 09

The Big Art Project 4 x 1 Hour. Channel 4 - Series Producer and Director -TX May 09

Jonathan Meades: Magnetic North​ TX​ FEB O8 BBC4 1x60 TX MAY O8 BBC 2 2x 30

The BBC should be proud of this beautifully directed, intelligent series. ​THE TIMES

The Case of The Disappearing Architect

​(BBC SCOTLAND FOR BBC 2) TX 23.5.07 A programme that inspired you with it’s intelligence. ​THE OBSERVER

How Music Works​ with HOWARD GOODALL (4x 60 mins Tiger Aspect for C4. TX Nov/Dec 2006) WINNER LEARNING ON SCREEN AWARD 2008

This is thrilling, absorbing and instructive to watch. A winner.​ – ​THE OBSERVER It’s an absorbing, fascinating programme. How Music Works is proper, copper-bottomed, quality television. GUARDIAN​ Who’d have thought that what’s essentially a lesson could be so riveting.​ ​TIME OUT​ ​PICK OF THE WEEK This is simply excellent.​ ​FINANCIAL TIMES How Music Works was a positive credit to the telly​. TIMES​ How Music Works is brilliant.​ THE​ MAIL

Debbie Does Dallas Uncovered​ ​(Boomerang for C4, TX 18.4.05) Time Out Critics Choice

Howard Goodall’s 20th Century Greats RTS WINNER 2005

BAFTA NOMINATED 2005​ ​(Tiger Aspect for C4)

Lennon & McCartney​ (27.11.04)/​Bernard Herrmann​ (11.12.04) One of the landmarks of British Arts Television​ - ​PROSPECT If only all arts shows were this good​ – ​MAIL ON SUNDAY If future instalments are anything like the Beatles programme, they’ll be unmissable​. – ​IRISH INDEPENDENT This is an exemplary documentary​ – ​SUNDAY TIMES A brilliant series​ – ​SUNDAY TELEGRAPH Spellbinding stuff​ – EVENING​ STANDARD Informative, provocative and compelling​ – ​THE INDEPENDENT A precise, musically illustrated and inspiring programme​ – ​DAILY TELEGRAPH It’s all brilliant!​ – THE​ GUARDIAN

Pavarotti – The Last Tenor ​90 mins ROSE D’OR NOMINATED 2005​ ​(VTVC for BBC 2 May 2004) Francis Hanly’s elegant and intimate film reaches and sustains several high notes. ​THE TIMES A definitive and gorgeous portrait. ​DAILY TELEGRAPH A truly amazing man and a great programme.​ – ​EVENING STANDARD

Meades Eats​ ​3x 30 mins (BBC 2 March 2003) GLENFIDDICH FOOD & DRINK AWARDS NOMINATED 2004

Offensive: The Real Derek & Clive​ (Chrysalis​ for C4 - Christmas Day 2002) Time Out Critics Choice ‘The Best Christmas Viewing’ A skilfully constructed, well argued and entertaining package. ​Evening Standard

Surreal Film​ ​(BBC2 & BBC 4Tx 29.9.01) Time Out Critics Choice - Programme of the Week The film is a glorious combination of jokes, juxtapositions, anagrams, art history, personal revelation, nuns, more nuns and even more f*****g nuns. ​TIME OUT A network of images of unparalleled sophistication. ​THE INDEPENDENT A wise & witty celebration of surrealism. ​

‘Queen Victoria Died in 1901 And Is Still Alive Today’​ ​(BBC2 Tx 7.1.01) Chosen as ​THE INDEPENDENT’s ‘Highlight of the Year’ 2001​. If all programmes were half as intelligent, reviewing television would be a joy’ Television Programme of the Year, this was the most creative look at anything since the 1960’s. I demand the BBC issue it on video immediately ​THE SCOTSMAN His programme on the Victorians was wonderful. THE​ TIMES Had the first 10 minutes been made by Malcolm McLaren in his heyday it would probably become some kind of classic. ​THE OBSERVER Racy, Provocative, hallucinatory polemic. Far too much here even to summarise. Just watch and wonder. ​THE MAIL The programme was stuffed with fascinating anecdotes and unexpected insights and was enormously entertaining. ​THE TIMES Image and argument perfectly in step… an invigorating polemic. ​THE INDEPENDENT Idiosyncratic, humorous & colourful. ​TIME OUT

Mr Rock and Roll​ (VTVC Four-part series for Channel 4 Tx. Sept – Oct 1999, Series Producer & Director) An absolute triumph, compulsory viewing. ​MUSIC WEEK Mr Rock and Roll is an unmissable series; beautifully shot, well researched, a truly entertaining show. MOJO​ Excellent. ​HEAT Wonderful. THE​ SUNDAY TELEGRAPH Excellent. ​THE TELEGRAPH A compelling series. A classic rock & roll tale. ​TIME OUT Great Viewing. THE​ MAIL

Arena - Busby, Stein and Shankly - The Football Men RTS NOMINATED BEST SPORTS DOCUMENTARY 1998 (Three-part series, BBC 2 Tx. 29.3.97 – 31.3.97​. Absorbing ​SUNDAY TELEGRAPH A superb series. ​SUNDAY TIMES An epic… in a documentary nearly three and a half hours long the managers were not the only stars. There was also the documentary maker. THE​ EXPRESS Essential Viewing THE​ SCOTSMAN A brilliant portrait of men, a game and a generation. ROY​ HATTERSLEY Do not miss the trilogy of documentaries on BBC 2 this weekend. They are pieces of social history. ​THE GUARDIAN The Arena Trilogy was more a study of working-class visionaries than any shallow football history. ​GOAL The Arena logo is a message in a bottle. This programme is one. DAILY​ TELEGRAPH I thought McIlvanney’s first two films were wonderful and nothing will keep me from watching the third part tonight. BRIAN​ VINER, DAILY MAIL Frank Hanly’s imaginative and sensitive direction. THE​ INDEPENDENT The aim, superbly realised, was to dig in the rich seam of their past for something near the truth. ​THE OBSERVER The Football Men, the BBC Arena programme’s piercingly beautiful evocation of the lives of Shankly, Sir Matt Busby and Jock Stein. THE​ EXPRESS

Rock Family Trees I​ ​- (Six-part series, BBC 2 Tx. 24.6.95 - 5.8.95, Series Producer & Director)

Easily the most informative and hilarious music show for years. This could – and should – run and run. NME​ Richly Enjoyable. This is the stuff of rock’n roll. INDEPENDENT​ “Tremendous entertainment. A Gem.” ​EXPRESS “A superb series.” INDEPENDENT​ ON SUNDAY “Thoroughly entertaining.” ​EVENING STANDARD “The series is compulsive viewing.” ​THE STAGE “A fascinating 6 part series.” TODAY​ “This is a great series. Rock & Roll.” ​THE MAIL ON SUNDAY “The highlight of the summer weekend’s viewing. Unfailingly entertaining.” ​THE TELEGRAPH “Television’s surprise hit of the year.” TONY​ PARSONS. THE TELEGRAPH “Both funny and engrossing.” ​THE SUNDAY TIMES “A triumph of the documentary maker’s art.” ​THE DAILY MAIL “The terrific Rock Family Trees.” ​NEWS OF THE WORLD

“So far this series has not only been funny but instructive too.” VICTOR​ LEWIS-SMITH, THE EVENING STANDARD

Rock Family Trees II​ ​ (Six-part series, BBC2 Tx. Sept - Oct 1998, Series Producer & Director) “At last, TV’s greatest music documentary series gets a second outing. To be missed only in the event of death.” ​SELECT “Utterly compelling.” THE​ EXPRESS “Wonderful Stuff.” ​THE TELEGRAPH “Friday Nights have been made beautiful again.” ​NME “As Ozzy himself might say. “Funniest programme of the week, or I’ll eat my bat.” ​THE GUARDIAN “Consistently marvellous.” SUNDAY​ TELEGRAPH “A Compelling Drama” THE​ INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY OTHER CREDITS

CLASH OF THE TITANS – BOBBY FISCHER vs THE SOVIETS (BBC2 Tx July 1999) “Clash of the Titans was a riveting film.” THE​ GUARDIAN “A fascinating documentary.” TIME​ OUT BOOKMARK – ‘The Quest For A.J.'​ ​(BBC 2 3.11.93) “This was one of those few programmes that actually deserve the epithet “memorable”.” ​ ARENA – BUDD SCHULBERG, A CONTENDER (26.5.01)​ Screened at The 30​th​ Telluride Film Festival ARENA – SPORTSWRITER – THE FIGHT, THE MATCH & THE RACE​ (11.7.92) ARENA - EDWARD SAID – THE IDEA OF EMPIRE ​ (12.2.93) ARENA – TEXAS SATURDAY NIGHT​ (31.8.91)

THE LATE SHOW​ - BBC 2 14.9.92 ‘Marshall McLuhan - What If He Was Right?' Sept 91 ‘William Gibson - Cyberpunk' June 89 ‘A Short History of the Robot'

RHYTHMS OF THE WORLD​ - BBC 2 Series 1 1988 - Researcher Series 2 1988-89 - Producer Series 3 1990 - Series Producer Series 4 1991 - " " Series 5 1992 - " "

Education BA Hons Modern History, St Catherine’s College, Oxford