THE AURORA FOUNDED 1875 Let There Be Light'
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KNOXVILLE COLLEGE THE AURORA FOUNDED 1875 let There Be Light' PUBLISHED SIX TIMES A YEAR BY KNOXVILLE COLLEGE VOL. 62 §Jg| KNOXVILLE COLLEGE, KNOXVILLE, TENN., APRIL 28, 1949 No. 5 United College Fund Campaign Begins Truman Speaks ifr • * "n"fes, -i- .J^fc ' "•"•at • if ^§:>~ A A Tk 11 • *v-*_ijTh|e iAvZ^kSm followin g persons have a ..._... ...,.........^* ..'.........&*^ At Rollins "B" (2.0) or better average for •HHHHHHHHHI President Truman on March 8, the Winter Quarter Quarter, with wwBmm on the occasion of receiving an no incompletes or conditional honorary degree at Rolhas^ColJege, grades:,. made an address which* included, Andrews, Dorothy among other things, some remarks Benn, Priscilla on education. The following quo Boyd, Frances tations are from the address. Bradley, Ruth Need for Education Buck, Ona "Never before has this country Chandler, Pearl needed as it does today the leader Chester, Georgia ship of thoroughly trained men and Cooper, Lula Crawford, Garfield MISS ANNA J. ROBB women. We must have leaders in spired from their earliest years Crockett, Gwendolyn with the ideals of true democracy. Daily, Rachel (3.0) "Education is our first line of Dinkins, Emma Former Instructor defense. In the conflict of principle Dorman, Jessye and policy which divided the world Dowery, Mary At K. C. Passes today, America's hope—our hope— Durant, Juanita Eastern, Marion Faculty and students of Knox the hope of the world, is in educa tion. Through education alone can Echols, Roosevelt ville College were saddened by the Evans, Mildred news of the death of Miss Anna we combat the tenants of commun ism. The unfettered soul of free Fletcher, Flora Jane Robb which occured last Fortsan, Goldie Thursday, April 14, in Dayton, man offers a spiritual defense un- conquered and unconquerable. Gardner, Mary Ida Ohio. Miss Robb was a member of Gardner, Rose Marie the Knoxville College Faculty from "We may not know what is be Gillespie, Harry 1927 to 1948, having resigned only hind the iron curtain, but we do Gordon, Alfreddia last summer. In her work she was know that the intelligence of the faithful and thorough, and her people in the embattled decocracies Griffin, Bronce years of enthusiastic teaching of Europe, who live in front of the Hall, -Margaret leave a lasting impression for good iron curtain, is the world's best Hannum, Barbara (3.0) upon her students. She was al hope for peace today. Hargraves, Thomas ways loyal and helpful to the col Federal Aid for Education Harris, Eugenia lege in all its interests and in a Harris, Thereatha "Education is the most import Hemphill, Sidney letter received two days before her ant task before us. The Congress passing she arranged for the pur Henry, John P. should enact legislation authoriz Hicks, Esther chase of the books to complete her ing Federal grants to the States to DR. J. H. PRESNELL sister's memorial. She was a friend Hill, Arthur assist in meeting the operating ex Hill, Edward, to teachers and students and her penses of elementary and second patience and generosity will never Hill, Gwendolyn United College Fund ary schools. There is general Holley, Eunice Alumni News be forgotten. Her fine Christian agreement that such aid can be TT , Campaign Begim; nA^Tf^-rr^Vi^r- • '1 aE cLv uViv isW'M^* -*"VTrd. T)n N cmj^fki gi\cu wftnout interference with Howard, Margaret Church (A.M.E. Zion) presented Knoxville College faculty and Christ, and her loyalty to the State responsibility for the scope students have shared and are still church were an inspiration to all. Johnson, Cora Louise Burge in concert at Mt. and content of the teaching. Johnson, Hattie Zion Baptist Church. Miss Burge sharing in the various local cam Humility characterized her every Scholarships paigns conducted in the commun effort. Johnson, John Etta was a former student of Knoxville "If our country is to retain its Johnson, Ruth College and a member of the Col ity. Miss Mabel Robb, former librar freedom in a world of conflicting Jones, Matthew lege Sextet which toured the U. S. The students under the leader ian, passed away April 13, 1947. political philosophies, we must take Jones, Tyree The concert was directed by Mr. H. ship of the Student Council, of Miss Anna passed on April 14, steps to assure that every Ameri Keene, Marion Wilson. which Mr. Charles White is presi 1949. Her body was laid to rest dent, did a marvelous job in the can youth shall receive the highest Kelly, Mildred Miss Carrie Kellogg, a graduate beside her sister on April 16, level of training by which he can Kemp, Arthur recent Red Cross Drive. exactly two years after her sister's of Knoxville College school of mu The United Negro College Fund profit. "A soundly conceived Fed Kennedy, Walter sic and Oberlin Conservatory, has funeral. eral scholarship program in our Knighton, Clotilda Campaign which will be officially just completed a tour with her launched the first of May will be The college extends sincere sym colleges and universities is a neces Lane, Charley women's quartet. Miss Kellogg is pathy to the relatives and friends. sary step in attaining this goal. Leeks, Carrie headed by Dr. J. H. Presnell, an a former student of Newell C. alumnus of Knoxville College. The "Education has been defined as a La Sure, Willie Fitzpatrick. bulwark against the acids of fas Letton, Nannie Steering Committee is composed of ARC To Conduct Morrison, Josephine Miss Karen Saunders of Cincin Reverend L. A. Alexander, Attor cism and communism. Neither of nati, Ohio, will be guest soloist Schools for Negroes these totalitarian forms of govern Moulden, Barbara ney W. L. Porter, Reverend A. G. Norcum, Carrie with the Cincinnati Chorus under Dunston, Jr., Mrs. S. A. Downer, The American Red Cross will ment can survive examination by the direction of Coleman Conway. conduct two national aquatic educated men and women — men Pettway, Susie and Mrs. Dorothy Draper. Dr. J. Phillips, Alice Mr. Conway is a former pianist for Reed Miller, President of the Col schools for Negroes in the East and women free to search for the the College Quartet. and Southeast this summer to train truth and imbued with the prin Pinchback, Charles lege, is the advisor. The students instructors in aquatics, first aid ciples of liberty set forth in the Ramsey, Harold Miss Lydia Ann Chenault has have pledged their support and are and accident prevention. preamble to the Constitution of the Reed, Virginia been invited to Louisville, Ky. to making plans to surpass their sing with her chorus. Miss Chen- record of previous years. Oliver Allen of Atlanta, the or United States—the greatest docu Rice, Martha ment of government, in my opin Ridgeway, Gloria ault's chorus won first place last The National Goal for 1949 is ganization's southeastern director season for the best high school $1,400,000. This is considered the of Safety Services, said enrollment ion, that has ever been written by Robinson, Alice the hand of man." Scudder, Samuel choral group. critical ten per cent without which is open to responsible men and none of these colleges and univer women 18 yaers of age or older —From HIGHER EDUCATION, Sims, Margaret Miss Mildred Strider, former stu April 15, 1949. Singleton, Geneva dent of N. C. Fitzpatrick, is teach sities could serve the thousands of and in good health, who will return young Negro men and women who to their home communities and ap Smartt, Reuben ing at Tennessee State College in Smith, Aaron Nashville. daily look to them for their educa ply their knowledge as aquatic or WOMEN'S FASHIONS tion. The local goal is $5,000.00. safety leaders for schools, camps, Smith, Mary E. Mr. James Edwards, a former Now it is spring again and it's Stephens, Beulah student of Knoxville College is now It is an opportunity for our industries, recreation and parks de alumni, students, and friends to partments, youth organizations, time to go and get your rayons, Stephens, Elonzo in Hollywood getting ready to corday seersucer, silks, cottons and Strickland, Joseph make a picture. This month's is make a heart-warming contribu clubs, municipal, state and federal tion and to make it with the knowl agencies, or other organizations in linens out of the storage. Taylor, Willie sue of Ebony magazine carries the Cotton and rayon corday is just Thomas, Curtis story of Mr. Edwards. While at edge that every dollar you give as terested in promotion of safety sures the effective use of nine measures. the thing to wear for this warm Turner, Lorene K. C. he was very active in dra weather. There may be two piece Twyner, Mary Agnes other dollars. Please pledge your Dates and locations of the Negro matics and was also a member of suits or one piece dresses for Sun Varner, Annie R. the Coleridge - Taylor Chorus and interest and support. schools: Tennessee A & I College, day or everyday wear. Walker, George Nashville, Tennessee, June 20-30; Choir. The favorite colors of spring this Watts, Woinza Two former students of N. C. FROSH PRESENT PLAYS and Hampton Institute, Hampton, Whitaker, Wilbert Virginia, July 6-16. year are beige, navy blue flamingo Fitzpatrick's are studying in two On April 25, the freshman class and gray. White, Alice northern universities. Clark Coffin, presented two one-act plays, "I Ten day courses qualifying stu I'm sure you'll see various styles White, Charlene dents as instructors will be offered working for music degree at Bos Shall Be Waiting" and "The Baby in these shades in the Easter pa White, Charles ton Conservatory, and Axie John Sitter." The members of the casts in life saving, water safety, swim rade.