How Do People Use Lighthouses and Navigational Charts? a Marine Education Infusion Unit
DOCUMENT BESUME ED 211 374 SE C36 056 AUTHOR Butzow, John W.; And Others TITLE How Dc People Use Lighthouses and Navigational Charts? A Marine Education Infusion Unit. Revised Edition. INSTITUTION Maine Univ., Crono. Coll. of Educaticn. SPONS AGENCY National Science ,Foundation, Washington, D,. C,. PUB DATE BD GRANT NSF-SER- 800B177 NOTE 71p.; For related documents, see SE 036 055-059 and ED 177 014. Produced through the Northern New England Marine Education Project. Contains ccicred print which may not reproduce well. AVAILABLE FROM Northern New England Marine Educaticn Project, Univ. of Maine at Orono, 206 Shibles Hall, Orcno, ME 04469 ($3.00). EDFS PRICE MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Activity Units; Elementary Secondary Education; Environmental Education: *Interdisciplirary Approach; Intermediate Grades; Junior High Schcol Students; *Map Skills; Marine Biology; Mathematics Education; *Navigation; *Oceanography: Seafarers IDENTIFIERS *Marine 7ducation ABSTR!.CT Activities concerning navigational charts and aids are presented to help fifth- through ninth-grade students learn about the shape of the sea, its coast, and contours, and about the road signs of the sea which warn against danger and help mariners locate their positions. leacher background information includes information on marine charts) navigational aids, lighthouses, and navigation. The multidisciplinary activities involve identifying lighthouse characteristics and chart symbols, reading about lighthouse keepers, writing poetry and log. entries, and doing navigational Eroblems, Lists of marine charts, government publications, books and articles, and places to visit are provided fcr the unit. Informational sheets and student handouts are included. (CC) *******************************************************4*************** 2eprodrctions supplied by EDPS are the best that can be made from the original document.
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