175 Subpart 70.05—Collision with Or Damage to Aids to Navigation
Coast Guard, DHS Pt. 72 each offense, and each day during pended for a term to be fixed by the which such violation shall continue judge before whom tried and convicted. shall be considered a new offense. [CGFR 52–15, 18 FR 12, Jan. 1, 1953, as amend- [CGFR 52–15, 18 FR 12, Jan. 1, 1953] ed by USCG–2006–24371, 74 FR 11211, Mar. 16, 2009] Subpart 70.05—Collision With or § 70.05–15 Liability for damages. Damage to Aids to Navigation Any boat, vessel, scow, raft or other craft used or employed in violating any SOURCE: CGFR 52–15, 18 FR 12, Jan. 1, 1953, of the provisions of § 70.05–1 shall be lia- unless otherwise noted. ble for the pecuniary penalties speci- fied in § 70.05–5, and in addition thereto § 70.05–1 General provisions. for the amount of damage done by said No person shall take possession of or boat, vessel, scow, raft or other craft, make use of for any purpose, or build which may be proceeded against sum- upon, alter, deface, destroy, move, in- marily by way of libel in any district jure, obstruct by fastening vessels court of the United States having juris- thereto or otherwise, or in any manner diction thereof. whatever impair the usefulness of any § 70.05–20 Report required. aid to navigation established and main- tained by the United States. Whenever any vessel collides with an aid to navigation established and main- § 70.05–5 Penalty. tained by the United States or any pri- Every person and every corporation vate aid to navigation established or maintained in accordance with Part 64, that shall violate, or that shall know- 66, 67, or 68 of this subchapter, or is ingly aid, abet, authorize, or instigate connected with any such collision, it a violation of the provisions of § 70.05– shall be the duty of the person in 1 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and charge of such vessel to report the ac- on conviction thereof shall be punished cident to the nearest Officer in Charge, by a fine of up to $25,000 per day, or by Marine Inspection, in accordance with imprisonment (in case of a natural per- 46 CFR 4.
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