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DixonBrosnan environmental consultants Project Ecology Assessment for a proposed development at Rialto, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 Client ShipseyBarry Project no No pages Client reference ©DixonBrosnan 2018 1866 6 - v010111 DixonBrosnan 12 Steam Packet House, Railway Street, Passage West, Co. Cork Tel 086 8511437 | [email protected] | Report no Date Edit Prepared by 1885 25.07.19 0 issue to client Carl Dixon MSc Ian McDermot MSc This report and its contents are copyright of DixonBrosnan. It may not be reproduced without permission. The report is to be used only for its intended purpose. The report is confidential to the client, and is personal and non-assignable. No liability is admitted to third parties. Do you really need a printed copy of this report? 1. Introduction Dixon.Brosnan Environmental Consultants have assessed the potential impacts from the proposed development of student accommodation at the Rialto, South Circular Road, Dublin 8, on terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna. This report describes and evaluates the habitats with their representative flora and fauna and addresses the potential ecological impacts of the development on the ecology of the site and the surrounding area. 2. Methodology 2.1 Introduction This appraisal is based on surveys of the proposed works area and a review of desktop data. Although not part of an environmental impact assessment report (EIAR) this report follows the structure and protocols detailed in Advice notes for preparing Environmental Impact Statements (EPA Draft, 2015) and Draft Guidelines on the Information to be Contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports’ (EPA, May 2017). 2.2 Desktop Review A desktop study was carried out identify features of ecological value occurring within the proposed development site and those occurring in close proximity to it. A desktop review also allows the key ecological issues to be identified early in the appraisal process and facilitates the planning of surveys. Sources of information utilised for this report include the following: • National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) - • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – • National Biodiversity Data Centre – • Dublin City Biodiversity Action Plan 2015-2020 (Dublin City Council, 2015); • Bat Conservation Ireland – • Birdwatch Ireland - • BirdWatch Ireland’s Action Plan for Urban & Suburban Birds in Ireland 2011-2020 • British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) • Invasive Species Ireland - • Best Practice Guidance for Habitat Survey and Mapping (Heritage Council, 2011) • Guidelines for Assessment of Ecological Impacts of National Road Schemes (National Roads Authority, 2009). The appraisal of impacts follows the protocols outlined in guidelines for Assessment of Ecological Impacts of National Road Schemes (National Roads Authority, 2009) and CIEEM (2016) Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment in the UK and Ireland: Terrestrial, Freshwater and Coastal, 2nd edition. Potential impacts on designated Natura 2000 sites (SAC/cSAC/SPA) are specifically addressed in an Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Report, which have been submitted as part of this application. 2.3 Survey Overview The likelihood of additional ecological impacts occurring, which have not been identified in this report, is considered remote. The following surveys were carried out at the site: • Habitats were mapped according to the classification scheme outlined in the Heritage Council publication ‘A Guide to Habitats in Ireland (Fossitt, 2000)’ and following the guidelines contained in ‘Best Practice Guidance for Habitat Survey and Mapping (Heritage Council, 2011)’. • The proposed development area was surveyed for invasive species. • All bird species recorded during the walkover survey and habitat survey were recorded. • A general mammal survey was carried out in conjunction with walkover and habitat survey. • A bat emergence survey was undertaken on the 18th of July 2018 using a Batbox Duet bat detector and Echo Meter Touch 2 PRO bat detector. • No surface water features occur within the proposed development site and thus no specialised aquatic surveys were considered necessary. The lack of evidence of any one particular protected species does not necessarily preclude its presence at the site either at this current time or in the future. It is considered however, that the timing of the site visit was suitable for protected species and their habitat-based assessment, as most species would have been active during this time and provided evidence of their presence. This report was prepared by Carl Dixon MSc. (Ecological Monitoring) and Ian McDermott MSc. (Ecological Monitoring). Carl Dixon MSc (Ecology) is a senior ecologist who has over 20 years’ experience in ecological and water quality assessments with particular expertise in freshwater ecology. He also has experience in mammal surveys, invasive species surveys and ecological supervision of large scale projects. Projects in recent years include the Waste to Energy Facility Ringaskiddy, Shannon LNG Project, supervision of the Fermoy Flood Relief Scheme, Skibbereen Flood Relief Scheme, Upgrade of Mallow WWTP Scheme, Douglas Flood Relief Scheme, Great Island Gas Pipeline etc. Ian McDermott MSc (Ecology) is an experienced ecologist with particular expertise in surveying for invasive species, mammal and bird surveys. He carries out ongoing water quality surveys for a range of projects including quarries, WWTPs etc. Likewise, he has carried out ecological surveys for a range of projects including industrial developments, pipelines, quarries, agricultural units etc. 3. Receiving Environment 3.1 Proposed development The Development is for a new student accommodation scheme at No. 355 South Circular road Dublin 8 at the current derelict Rialto Motors building (formerly the Rialto Cinema). The site Extends to approximately 0.3 ha (0.75 acres) and zoned Z4 under the Dublin City Council Development Plan. The proposal consists of 317 student Beds contained in 314 bedrooms with communal facilities on the Ground floor and Basement. The Scheme is a mix of a retained Art Deco Element to the Front (South Circular road) and a new build over 7 storeysin a cruciform to the rearshape. The development requires the demolition of the rear former auditorium element of the old cinema composition with the ‘head’ Deco element fully restored. This provides for 4 distinct courtyard areas for recreational uses. The development has no parking with approximately 160 bikes spaces provided for on site. Sustainable design is incorporated in building systems and envelope to NZEB standards with extensive green roof areas and arrays of PV panels. it is anticipated the project will have an 18 month build phase for occupation September 2021 Surface Water Discharge At present the existing building and hardstanding surround drains by gravity to a combined public sewer in the South Circular Road. However, once constructed storm water from the upper roof areas will drain, via RW outlets, gullies, downpipes and suspended SW drainage pipework, to a gravity network of below ground surface water sewers on the perimeter of the site at Upper Ground floor level. These sewers will drain by gravity to an onsite attenuation facility proposed on the north western side of the site. Attenuation capacity is designed for a 1 in 100year storm event + 20% allowance for climate change. Attenuation will be provided by a 75mᵌ below ground storage tank. Attenuated outfall from this system will fall by gravity to the public combined sewer in the South Circular Road. Surface water outfall from the attenuation tank is to be restricted by a hydrobrake. The small site area (0.297 Ha.) gives a theoretical greenfield run-off rate less than 2 l/s and as such a 2 l/s value was used to calculate the required attenuation storage volume. The peak stormwater discharge is therefore to be restricted to 2 l/s (or as per lowest commercially available restriction hydrobrake requirement). Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) The Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study (GDSDS) Vol. 2 Section E2.1 requires provision of interception and/or treatment volume for River Water Quality Protection. It is intended to provide interception for first 5-10mm of rainfall within the site by incorporation of Green Roof to approx. 70% of total roof area. The following ‘soft’ SuDS measures are proposed within the site; • Green Roofs system to upper roofs t is intended to provide an overall area of Green Roof of just under 70% of new roof areas (1,264m2). The system proposed for majority of green roof area will incorporate a Sedum type Blanket over a Bauder DSE40 water retention/drainage and protection layer green roof system (or similar approved). This is an Extensive type of green roof which provides a water storage capacity of 13.5 Litres/m2 and will provide interception storage for the first 5-10mm of rainfall. As well as improving water quality by providing surface water interception and infiltration, green roofs improve biodiversity by providing habitat for wildlife. • Permeable paving to courtyards 2,3 & 4 It is intended to provide permeable paving (pervious paving and porous asphalt) within the courtyard areas (circa 650m2) to provide Interception in the courtyard paving and landscaping area by means of provide inherent storage capacity within the voided sub-base