MAY 2016

Contents Acknowledgments ...... 1 Introduction ...... 2 Prior Classifications and Methods ...... 4 Description and Definition ...... 5 Previous Interpretations ...... 7 Models and predictive outcomes...... 15 Habitation ...... 15 Feasting ...... 17 Mortuary Processing ...... 18 Feminine Space ...... 19 Methods and Data ...... 21 Excavation Reports and Catalogs ...... 21 Multiple Correspondence Analysis ...... 30 Spatial Dimensions ...... 31 Results ...... 35 Sayler Park Mound (33HA157) ...... 35 Multiple Correspondence Analysis ...... 37 Descriptive Statistics ...... 40 Spatial Distribution ...... 41 Discussion and Conclusion ...... 43 Future Research and Quality of Data ...... 47 Bibliography ...... 50 Figures ...... 56 Tables ...... 72


Many thanks to Dr. Kevin C. Nolan for his diligence with comments, and his frequent guidance. I am also grateful for the comments from my committee members, Drs. Cailín Murray and Nick Kawa. I would like to thank Dr. S. Homes-Hogue for reading my thesis. I would also like to thank Robert

Genheimer and the Geier Collections and Research Institute for granting me permission to examine and catalog some of the Sayler Park Mound site (33HA157). The Ball State University Department of

Anthropology faculty and staff provided continual words of encouragement and support that helped drive this thesis forward. I would also like to thank the late William Snyder Webb, without whom half of the data presented here would be absent.

I would like to thank my parents, Susan and Conrad Olson, for their continual support and encouragement. Finally, I am gratefull to my fiancé, Kristin Tripi, for always being there for me, and for always reminding me how far of a drive Muncie is from Cleveland.



Prehistoric architecture has fascinated archaeologists for decades in the Mid-Ohio River Valley, from Squier and Davis (1848) to the present (Redmond and Genheimer 2015). Noticeably absent from the most recent publication on prehistoric wooden post architecture (Redmond and Genheimer 2015) is the paired-post circle. This architectural design has been the subject of discussions for decades since the term was first used by William S. Webb (1940).

Prior publications have attempted to tackle the function of the paired-post circle (Clay 1986,

1998, 2009; Purtill et al. 2014; Seeman 1986; Webb and Snow 1945) but none have attempted to systematically compare them to alternative interpretations or hypotheses. Rather, prior literature has simply attempted to extract a function from the data, rather than starting with hypothetical functions and comparing expectations to the data. That is, they were seeking confirmation or revelation instead of attempting to reject alternative hypotheses. These interpretations have been categorized here into three groups: habitation, feasting, and mortuary processing. While these interpretations are certainly not an exhaustive list of the possible functions of paired-post circles (PPCs), they are the most commonly discussed in archaeological literature.

The temporal range of the PPCs falls between 400 B.C to A.D. 50 (Purtill et al. 2014:61-61). This time frame will be referred to as the Late Early Woodland. The area of interest for this study lies between the falls of the Ohio (modern Louisville) and the confluence of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers (modern

Pittsburgh) for west and east boundaries, and from the Ohio River watershed boundaries to the north and south (see Figure 1). A complete list of all known structures that meet the defining criteria for PPCs, expounded in the methods section, are listed in Table 1. A sample of photographs and plan views of the known PPCs is illustrated in Figures 2-4. There are currently 36 known PPCs, with the most recently discovered in a report by the Bureau of Ethnology (Powell 1894).


The earliest interpretations of PPCs come from William S. Webb. He excavated more PPCs to date than any other professional archaeologist (Table 1). The majority (64 percent) of the sample population were recorded by Webb. He interpreted these structures as domestic architecture, perhaps the house of an important individual (Webb and Snow 1945). Webb based these interpretations on ethnographic analogies to the Timucua (Webb 1941). The absence of domestic architecture and sites also lead Webb to this conclusion, and many archaeologists quickly accepted this interpretation (Baby 1971;

Dragoo 1963; Starr 1958).

Late Early Woodland ritual practices and the PPC came under critical examination again in the

1980s, with the evidence for potential graveside feasting at Auvergne Mound (Clay 1983). Following

Clay (1986) and Seeman (1986), the PPC was interpreted as a graveside ritual structure similar to the

“charnel” house of later Hopewellian peoples (see Seeman 1979). Feasting in all referenced accounts

(Clay 1983; Seeman 1986) is discussed in the context of graveside ritual and mortuary processing. Not until Purtill et al. (2014:74) was feasting suggested as a standalone activity without the interment of the dead.

Mortuary processing was seen as an alternative interpretation (Seeman 1986) that fit with other interpretations that “Adena” traits were the antecedents to later Hopewellian traits. The PPC was interpreted as the predecessor to the later charnel house structures of Hopewell people. This interpretation follows the logic that because PPCs are below, and therefore predate the construction of the mound, that these structures were the location for pre-burial rituals or “mortuary processing.”

Recently, PPCs have yet again come under critical examination. In this thesis, I build on the work of Purtill et al. (2014) by creating four predictive models from which I systematically and statistically analyze currently known PPCs. This new model builds upon the work of Claassen (2011), which demonstrates evidence for feminine ritual space at Late Early Woodland rock shelters in Kentucky, in addition to the previous interpretations of other authors. Activities that are encompassed in Claassen’s description of feminine space include, but are not limited to, menstrual seclusion, birthing seclusion,


female puberty rituals, and postpartum care of newborns and mothers. This interpretation also draws on ideas from the Ceremonial Subsistence Hypothesis (Nolan and Howard 2010).

In order to test these hypotheses (interpretations), I have created four models, one for each hypothesis, with nine non-spatial dimensions of discrimination, and three spatial dimensions. This is a paradigm (sensu Dunnell 1971) which will be compared to the empirical data, and a statistical best fit can be determined. Each model was developed based on the external consistency of archaeological publications referring to each hypothesis. Each model is based on the aggregate statements of the archaeologist who either first developed them or used them. In cases where the model was not robust enough to have dimensional criteria for all 12 dimensions, ethnographic, historic, evolutionary, or prior archaeological evidence was used.

Analysis of this kind has not been conducted on Late Early Woodland sites at this scale. By creating multiple hypotheses, I am developing a method that allows for the identification of the best model fitting the available data. An examination of previous analytical techniques, and more importantly, the classification schemes employed by prior archaeologists, is necessary to contextualize my analysis.

Prior Classifications and Methods

Midwestern archaeology has an extended history. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley was the founding publication of one of the most prominent museums, the Smithsonian

(Squier and Davis 1848). Likewise, many of the terms commonly used throughout the Eastern United

States derive from Midwest classifications, such as the McKern Taxonomic System (Lyman and O’Brien

2003). With such intensive archaeological research necessarily comes classification schemes, implicit or explicit, to structure survey and analysis. The classification or misapplication thereof has led to re- evaluation of archaeological methods and techniques (see Dunnell 1971; Lyman et al. 1997; Lyman and

O’Brien 2003).


PPCs offer unique insight into the history of archaeological investigation and classification because they are at a higher scale of analytical units than the most basic unit of archaeology, the artifact.

A PPC is a composite structure, with accompanying associations of construction, artifacts, distribution, and activities. A few interpretations have attempted to explain the function of these structural designs, and the activities conducted within them, but none have laid out the methods for rejecting prior alternative hypotheses. I seek to rectify this by creating a paradigmatic classification (sensu Dunnell 1971) from which to compare interpretive models of activity. Definitions must be used in a way that permits operationalized testing and systematic analysis.

Past archaeological investigations have not adequately addressed these feature patterns, namely due to a misunderstanding and misapplication of basic classificatory terms. The primary flaws in past work have been “definitions,” “paradigms,” and “theory.” These three terms, and their relationship to archaeology, are integral to understanding both the history of the feature pattern known as “paired-post circle” and to archaeology as a discipline.

Description and Definition

Classification and systematics are integral foundations to all research, but are often overlooked because intuitive and implicit classifications can seem obvious. Just as Funkhouser and Webb (1930) claimed certain artifacts are “supposed” to be associated with males for no explicit reasoning or theoretical principle, there are many interpretations that can succumb to such tempting intuition.

Habitation and mortuary processing could be explained as a by-product of sample bias, and the desire on the part of the archaeologist to fill in gaps in archaeological knowledge. The absence of habitation sites leads to the desire to “discover” the missing habitation sites, without first asking “what is a habitation site” as Clay (2009) has suggested. The same is true in the opposite sense for mortuary processing. The overrepresentation of burial mounds in the sample of the archaeological record biases interpretations. The obsession with burial mounds (Dragoo 1963) makes Woodland people seem quite one-dimensional. Part


of this problem lies with the early goals of archaeologists, and the goals of culture history. Culture history was the time period of the first half of the twentieth century in which the goals of archaeology were to document the history of cultures, and to describe the artifacts recovered (Lyman et al. 1997:2; Willey and

Sabloff 1993). The emphasis here is that early twentieth century archaeologists focused on description, to the detriment of explicit definitions and theory. There was no operationalization of culture histories.

Webb and Snow’s (1945) “Adena” trait list is a long list of descriptions of various phenomena in the Late

Early Woodland, but they do not provide explicit definitions from which to identify phenomena. Dunnell summarizes this problem concisely with, “One cannot count apples until one knows what apples are, and why you should count them” (Dunnell 1971:6).

The term definition, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is a declaration or formal explanation of the significance of a word or phrase. As Dunnell (1971:15) has noted, the key element of definitions is “words.” Dunnell (1971) identifies two forms of definition, “extensional” and “intensional.”

Extensional definitions “focus on defining a term in relation to the objects to which the term is applicable” (Dunnell 1971:15), while intensional definitions “specify a set of features which objects, whether known or unknown, must display in order to be considered referents for a given term” (Dunnell

1971:16). The distinction between words and things is vital for archaeologists when conducting hypothetico-deductive research, because archaeological objects only have analytical meaning when they are given meaning through definition.

A paradigm is a type of classification in which classes are created by the intersection of dimension. Dunnell (1971:72) illustrates a paradigm visually as a cube, where the x, y, and z axis represent different dimensions which define the class. The most important part of a paradigm, for the purposes of this paper, are the dimensions. Dunnell (1971:71) defines a dimension as “a set of attributes or features which cannot, either logically or actually, co-occur.” Dimensions create the frame of a paradigm. Dimensions are mutually exclusive.

Finally, it is important to understand what theory is when used in hypothetico-deductive science.

Again, Dunnell (1971:32) provides a concise definition of theory as “the principles by which explanation


is achieved.” The colloquial use of the word “theory” often refers to the explanation itself as the “theory,” when in fact the basic principles of theory are what the investigator uses to derive an explanation. This colloquial use of the word is not applied here. Explanations are historical, and therefore contingent on phenomena that are fixed in time. Theory is a way of explaining, not the explanation itself. In order for theory to have any significant impact on our ability to predict outcomes from specific inputs, then we must have explicit classifications. Without explicit classification, there is no understanding of what we are measuring. This point will become clearer as we examine in more detail prior classifications.

Previous Interpretations

The prior interpretations of PPCs can be broadly put into three groups: habitation, mortuary ritual, and feasting. Each of these groups are a compilation of ideas from multiple authors presenting similar interpretations about the activities and functions of the PPC. There are 35 PPCs discovered at present, the majority of which were discovered and published by one archaeologist, William S. Webb. As a prolific archaeologist during the Great Depression of the 1930s, Webb conducted numerous archaeological excavations under the funding of the Works Progress Administration (WPA). His publications provided the foundations for the classification of PPCs, but also of the classification schemes of the Eastern

Woodlands (Crothers 2011). The sheer volume of Webb’s publications provides a rare opportunity to reflect on one archaeologist’s methods and classifications that has shaped the archaeology of the region.

The first explanation of PPCs came in the 1930s, with Webb’s first documentation and description of one at Morgan Stone Mound (Webb 1941). Drawing heavily from ethnographic analogy,

Webb came to the conclusion that the PPC was a house based on the artifacts recovered in the same stratum as the post molds, along with a burial (Burial 6) in the same stratum. Webb used the law of superposition to determine chronology, although without explicitly stating this in his report. The fact that the artifacts, structure, and burial are all in the same stratum indicate relative synchronicity, but Webb

(1941) falls short of discussing the potential for these relatively contemporaneous features being months


or years appart within the same stratum due to soil deposition rates. Instead, the stratum from which the burial, post molds, and artifacts were recovered is treated as completely contemporaneous. Webb’s classification goals were to describe the PPC in such a way as to create a “trait” that could be added to the trait list for this cultural time period, known as “Adena.” The trait list method of grouping archaeological phenomena in the Mid-Ohio River Valley has its origin with Emerson Greenman (1932). In fact, Webb and Snow (1945:8) credit Greenman for his “scientific methodology” as it relates to the study of “Adena” trait listing. One of the main goals of Webb and Snow (1945) and Webb and Baby (1957) was to expand

Greenman’s trait list. Thus, it was in Webb’s interest to describe the PPC as a trait within the already expanding list of traits that encompassed the entire range of what was identified as “Adena”. By using the word “trait,” Webb was attempting to emulate the species concept as applied to cultures, which for its time was common (Lyman et al. 1997:2; O’Brien and Lyman 2003). Using evolutionary principles in archaeology has seen varying levels of acceptance by archaeologists over time (O’Brien and Lyman

2003). The biological concept of descent with modification was clearly an underlying influence in many of the authors who studied “Adena,” as they sought to make a linear connection through time between geographically overlapping peoples. Webb and Baby (1957:48-51) discuss the morphological similarities between “Adena” and “Hopewell” skeletal populations in order to compare their biological, and therefore cultural, relatedness (for further discussion, see Webb and Snow [1945], Swartz [1971], or Hays [2010]).

Unfortunately, Webb’s classification scheme was based on modern cultural biases. The explanations Webb created for PPCs were either atheoretical, or Webb neglected to explicitly state from where he drew his explanatory frame of reference. This was common for culture historians of the time

(Lyman et al. 1997; Willey and Sabloff 1993). The goal of culture history was not explanatory or prediction based using definitions and operationalized methods, but exactly as the name states,

“historical” and descriptive.

Using Morgan Stone Mound (Webb 1941) as an example, I will demonstrate the biases influencing Webb’s classification scheme. A stone hoe, two ceramic jars, and a slate gorget constituted

“house furniture” (Webb 1941:234). Burial 6, the central extended burial within the mound was sexed


female, but Webb never refers to this burial as “she,” but rather “he.” This point has been noted by R.

Berle Clay (2009) as well. This is likely resultant of Webb’s presumption that “Adena” people were patriarchal, similar to Anglo-Americans in the 1930s. Acknowledging the sex of the individual identified as female would run counter to Webb’s entire interpretation that these inviduals were important male chiefs. Likewise, all of the ethnographic comparisons Webb makes are focused on male chiefs and priests, burned and buried in their home and having great importance, with no reference to women (Webb

1941:240-242). Specifically, Webb compares the PPC to the historic accounts of the Timucua of central

Florida (Webb 1941:240). Webb mistakenly applied a configurational analogy as if it were an immanent analogy (Wolverton and Lyman 2000). Immanent analogies are ahistorical, such as the rate at which C14 decays. Configurational analogies are historically dependent, such as the Timucuan behavior of burning an individual in their home after they die. This behavior of the Timucua was not properly supported by

Webb (1941). There was no supporting evidence that linked Timucuan populations to Late Early

Woodland populations in Kentucky beyond the broad connection of being indigenous to the same continent. Configurational analogies can be applied to archaeological phenomena, so long as they are applied with sound logic and reasoning that can link descendent communities to ancestoral ones. Collard et al. (2006), O’Brien (2008), and O’Brien and Lyman (2003) describe methods and techniques that allow for the application of configurational analogies to archaeological questions. The main principle by which these authors apply these methods is phylogenetics. Phylogenetics is the study of the evolutionary history of individuals or groups (Lipo et al. 2006:5). The theory used in phylogenetics is evolution, or the basic principle of descent with modification. The history of a configurational analogy is thus knowable through the use of phylogenetic principles as laid out in Lipo et al. (2006) and O’Brien and Lyman (2003).

Webb’s Timucua analogy requires the phylogenetic history of the trait with which the Timucua exhibit in the historical accounts. The ancestral trait of the Timucua house burning, the PPC as Webb argues, is expected only when there is demonstrable evidence that the Timucua are descendents of the

Late Early Woodland population that exhibited the ancestral trait. However, the principles of evolution and phylogenetics require variation in populations; therefore, simply comparing Timucua behavior to


Late Early Woodland behavior is insufficient. Multiple accounts from descendent populations must be gathered to form a more robust understanding of the ancestral trait that is modified through these descendent groups. Webb not only would need to demonstrate historical links between Timucua populations and Late Early Woodland populations of Kentucky, but also find similar descendent groups and compare their traits to the Timucua trait of house burning after death. In this way, a robust and empirically testable model is derived which can be applied to prehistoric phenomena.

Webb conflates configurational analogies for immanent analogies elsewhere, in a less explicit fashion. Perhaps most glaring of these analogies is at Dillard Stamper rock shelter (Funkhouser and Webb

1930). Here, Webb states that “celts, spears, arrows and knives—would be supposed to accompany male burials” (Funkhouser and Webb 1930:380). It would appear that hunting is associated with male activities, while “domestic” activities such as cooking, weaving, pottery manufacture, and childcare, were distinctly female labor. Webb did not attempt to illustrate the phylogenetic history that links current gender roles with prehistoric, ancestral, gender roles.

The trait list classification is an excellent example of an extensional definition, and an example of the confusion between description and definition (Dunnell 1971). Webb and Snow (1945:16-28) list 218 traits that describe the “Adena” culture. There is a specific set of traits used to describe “Adena” houses

(Webb and Snow 1945:52-59). The need to update trait lists almost a decade later reflects its fluid nature

(Webb and Baby 1957), and a lack of operationalization. With each new site description, the trait list must be amended to include those traits or characteristics that encompass the extensional definition “Adena” or any trait subsumed within the broad category of “Adena,” such as the PPC. Even though the trait list and descriptions are subject to change, the “Adena house” is considered a type (Baby 1971) in the same way

Ford (1952) and Spaulding (1952) debated the type concept and essentialism. Essentialism is reflected in the artistic rendition of the Adena “house,” and the plan view of the perfect PPC found in Dragoo

(1963:268) and Baby (1971:195), both of which are models of what the “Adena” house is expected to look like. However, no such house has ever been excavated that resembles those ideals that are illustrated in museums or in the literature. Thus, the essence of the Adena house lives on, and has no explicit


hypothesis from which to reject all other alternative functions. This “ideal” is identified, even when the criteria for inclusion, the very post molds, are lacking. So prolific was the idea that PPC represented houses and villages below mounds that nearby mounds were assumed to contain similar post structures, even without excavated features that would confirm these assumptions (Swartz 1970:9, 1973:48). In many cases, the “houses” were enough to identify sub-mound village communities (Starr 1958; Webb

1941). Rather than address the definition of a village (which apparently for Starr is at minimum two

“houses”), it is taken as a given that where there are “houses” there are villages. Again, these sorts of logical leaps stem from the misapplication of immanent analogies from ethnographic accounts. The idea of the “Adena” house laying beneath the mound became so prolific that even current authors lump PPCs in with other circular post structures as similar functions, based on no other criteria other than that these structures were both circular (Hays 2010; Schweikart 2008).What they fail to acknowledge is the derived characteristics assumed of circular architecture previously studied (Dragoo 1963; Potter 1971). Single post circles are architecturally antecedent PPCs; therefore, PPCs are thought to derive from earlier single post circles.

By the mid-1980s, PPCs had not been discovered for nearly 30 years (Starr 1958). It was during this time the mortuary processing interpretation first appeared. The mortuary processing interpretation stems from the work of Seeman (1986) and Clay (1986, 1987, 1992, 1998, 2009). The interpreations of

Seeman (1986), like the comparison of single and paired post architecture, attempts to link Late Archaic activities and peoples to Late Early Woodland PPC construction and function. Seeman examined the characteristics of mortuary sites in the preceding Late Archaic, and the later Middle Woodland. Since all

PPCs at the time of the article were beneath mounds, the assumption was that at some point in the PPC’s use-life it became a repository for the dead. This assumption is what led Seeman (1986) and Clay (1998) to examine the patterns of mortuary rituals synchronically and diachronically. While Seeman (1986) was more concerned with the phylogenetic history of the PPC, Clay (1992; 1998) focused on PPC spatial distribution. Clay (1992), without stating so directly, attempted to explain the complex variation in mortuary practices as the cultural “workings out” of the dead by the living, which he considered a


“movable interpretation of ritual space” (Clay 1987:48). What Clay was actually observing was the inadequacy of the “Adena” culture classification. What appears to be highly variable ritual practices (Clay

1992; Hays 2010) is merely a reflection of the extensional nature of the original “Adena” trait list.

Eventually, Clay would throw out the term “Adena” altogether (Clay 2005). “Adena” cannot provide necessary and sufficient definition from which to examine phylogenetic changes, or even basic classification needs. Symposiums such as “Adena: The Seeking of an Identity” (Swartz 1971) encapsulate the struggle of archaeologists as they tried to find common understanding to the term “Adena.”. The entire symposium centered around the variability of “Adena.” The variability discussed at the symposium reflects the real variability of the archaeologists and their classifications, and not the real variability of the artifacts and features. When the classification is based on extensional definitions, there will come a point in inclusive criteria, where the variability among groups is less than that within. This yields analytically worthless terms, such as “Adena Plain pottery” or just simply “Adena.” Instead, these classifications where uncritically accepted, and the extensional definitions first developed by archaeologists like Webb were grafted onto pseudo-phylogenetic questions of “Adena eastern periphery” (Ritchie and Dragoo

1960) and the attempt to map the transmission and change of artifacts through time. Rather than seeing the descent with modification of artifacts in the archaeological record, artifacts were being gradually consumed in a gluttonous “Adena” monolithic cultural unit. The variability within the unit “Adena” became greater than the variability without, thus leading to the abandonment of the term altogether by some (e.g., Clay 2005).

Ritual variability is a common theme of “Adena,” (Clay 1987; 1992), but the activities conducted within these highly variable rituals is rarely studied. Feasting hypotheses are usually associated with the word “ritual” in the “Adena” lexicon since Clay’s (1983) graveside feasting interpretation. There are edited volumes and articles dedicated to the archaeological expectations of feasting (Hayden 2001;

Seeman 1979), yet it is consistently under-elaborated in the context of PPCs (Clay 1983; Purtill et al.

2014:74). Feasting, as an interpretation of PPCs, was first discussed by Clay (1983) as a graveside ritual at the time of burial. This graveside feasting location was then included in the burial mound fill at


Auberge Mound, according to Clay (1983). Moore and Dekle (2010) use the term “social gatherings” in place of the word feast, but they are really discussing a synonymous activity. The aggregation of people, for the consumption of specific foods and goods, is a broad definition of feasts (see Dietler and Hayden

2001). These “social gatherings” or feasts, are often interpreted as the mitigation efforts of dispersed populations with unequal access to resources (Nolan and Howard 2010; Moore and Dekle 2010;

Winterhalder 1986). In the case of Moore and Dekle’s (2010) Archaic populations, these resources were fresh water mussels and mast producing trees. Increasing populations, and the territorial protection of resource abundant locations led to the exclusion of certain groups from access to these resource rich environments. Feasts potentially served as a social buffer to lean seasons or limited access to resource rich locations, and eventually becoming an integral lifeway during the Early Woodland Period (Moore et al. 2010). Activities in the preceding Archaic have been interpreted as ancestral to later Early Woodland activities (Seeman 1986). Feasting as an ancestral character of Early Woodland rituals has also been proposed at the County Home site in Hocking County, Ohio (Crowell et al. 2005).

These three groups, habitation, mortuary processing, and feasting, encompass the general trends in PPC studies. None of these interpretations had considered the potentially gendered space of the PPC. In this thesis, I contribute a fourth hypothesis, which postulates that PPCs are the location of female specific activities including menses, birth, and post-partum rituals. This hypothesis derives from similar conclusions by Claassen (2011) as it relates to Early Woodland Kentucky rock shelters. As should already be clear, my intent is to analyze the PPC in a way that had not been done before. This would require a paradigmatic classification of my feminine space hypothesis. A paradigm in this context does not refer to a theoretical perspective, such as processualism, but a method of classification composed of dimensions.

A dimension, as defined by Dunnell (1971:71), is a “set of attributes or features which cannot, either logically or actually, co-occur.” The attributes that compose these dimensions are thus the inclusion criteria for that dimension, which must be defined. Defining dimensions, and the attributes that compose them, are integral to any paradigmatic classification. Without first defining those attributes that compose the dimensions, there is no means of replicability or conclusion.


By defining feminine space, and creating a paradigmatic classification of the expected archaeological remains, this model can be used to identify feminine space activities at PPCs. To evaluate this hypothesis against the other models necessitated the creation of models for the other categories of interpretation: habitation, feasting, and mortuary processing. In order to create models, it was necessary to create explicit definitions built on a synthesis of ideas and concepts from prior research. However, the term “Adena,” as it should be clear by now, offers little analytic value to the research question at hand: what activities occurred at PPCs, and what function did this serve to the people living during this time and region of the world? As with all classification, the research question must structure definitions, paradigms, and dimensions of inclusivity (Dunnell 1971). Dunnell (1971:15) defines this classification as problem oriented classification. Problem oriented classification has not been applied to PPCs, nor to the contemporary time period as a whole. The reason for this may be the result of a misapplication of extentional definitions and descriptions from the culture history period. That is, while most archaeologists may drop the term “Adena” from their vocabulary, the concept of an all-inclusive geographic, temporal, and formal unit still remains as a frame of reference. This has caused much confusion when analyzing cultural exchange, social interaction, and other patterns of behavior. “Adena” is a heuristic device, but cannot measure time, form, or space because it attempts to do all at the same time. Trying to treat

“Adena” as a cohesive cultural “unit” in time, form, and space is like measuring time in centimeters.

Without clear definitions, it is impossible to know what is being measured unless you are one of the archaeologists who developed the extensional definition (i.e. Webb). Thus, variation in “Adena” is more likely variation of the archaeologists who describe and group artifacts, and not reflective of cultural, social, or behavioral variation.

The result is that whether consciously or unconsciously, the idea that all “Adena” people share a common culture, and therefore are a cohesive cultural unit, still casts a heavy shadow on current archaeological interpretation, and not to the benefit of systematic analysis of hypotheses. However, recent attempts at more rigorous classification of smaller cultural units, such as a lineage, family, household, or community, have emerged (Crowell et al. 2005:96-97).


Models and predictive outcomes

I developed four models that incorporated the internally and externally consistent descriptions and definitions of the authors whom advocate a particular interpretation of PPC. Three of these models are created from the grouping of interpretations mentioned earlier: habitation, mortuary processing, and feasting. The feminine space model is derived from other interpretations of Late Early Woodland landscape use, but has never been applied to PPCs. Each model will be discussed in detail below.


Habitation is here defined as the occupation of people on a landscape for at least two months, with the primary purpose of eating, sleeping, shelter, and any other activity that is neither ritually separated from day to day living, nor behaviorally separated from day to day subsistence and living. The minimum of two months eliminates ambiguity of seasonal occupations or camps. Habitation sites are not segregated by gender, and should show evidence of activities and occupation by men, women, and children. Late Early Woodland habitation sites are relatively scarce and as a result, they have been consistently underrepresented in archaeological literature (Clay 2009; Schweikart 2008). Webb was among the first to “identify” Late Early Woodland habitation when he discovered what he called the

Adena “house” (Webb and Snow 1945) at the Morgan Stone Mound. This gap in archaeological knowledge may have been a result of poor classification, and a lack of absolute dating methods that could have provided better chronological control. There was no clear classification scheme used by Webb when he made his identification of the paired-post circle as a habitation site. The identification as habitation was made based primarily on the post pattern, plain potsherds, with several decorated sherds interred with the individual cataloged as Burial 6, and a stone hoe all considered “domestic wares” (Clay 2009; Webb

1942:234). There was a lack of both “exotic” materials and diagnostic materials. The definition of

“house” was later refined in Adena People No. 2 (Webb and Baby 1957), with two categories of paired-


post circle structures. One for habitation and another communal structure too large to support a roof

(Webb and Snow 1945). The concept of paired-post homes continued to carry interpretive validity with its reference in Baby (1949, 1971), Don Dragoo’s Mounds for the Dead (1963), and in archaeological museums across the Midwest, with dioramas and artist renditions of the now famous “house.”

Habitation sites for this research have expected empirical assemblages. Identification and classification of habitation in the Early Woodland have been hindered greatly by the dearth of currently identified sites. Middle Woodland settlement models, namely the hamlet hypothesis

(Dancey and Pacheco 1997) have been used as a guide for interpretion and identification of Early

Woodland settlement models (Carskadden 2008). Schweikart (2008) defines “open-site seasonal habitations” as:

“Open, nonmound habitations and contain…a variety of subsurface domestic features such as

hearths and pits, as well as irregular patterns of posts. [They]…are focused on a few key locally

available resources such as lithic source areas, nut mast collection areas, or areas that probably

served as hunting/fishing base camps. [They]…also exhibit activity and artifact patterns

indicative of a broader range of domestic activities beyond what we would expect from simple

logistical sites. Type II clusters are situated in close proximity to areas of primary-resource

interest, but also in areas conducive to season-long settlements where proximity to permanent

water sources and well-drained landforms would have also been important” (Schweikart


Assemblages of habitation sites are expected to have large quantities of pottery, diverse diagnostic tools, hearths, fire cracked rocks (FCR), and larger middens than temporary and non-


residential sites. Discard and thus deposition of artifacts at habitation sites is expected to be higher due to the re-use of the landscape over time, whether that re-use is for a few months to several years.


Feasting, as defined by Hayden (2001:28) is “any sharing between two or more people of special foods…in a meal for a special purpose or occasion” However, Wiessner has a six-criteria definition of feasts that requires: 1) the aggregation of people, 2) the sharing and distribution of food, 3) a specific occasion (i.e. puberty, marriage, death, assemble labor force), 4) a display (of objects, groups, individuals, or food), 5) an abundance of resource(s), and 6) the consumption of abundance (Wiessner 2001:116-117).

Adding to this, most importantly, is the clear distinction that a feast requires not just aggregation, but aggregation of more than one household unit, and quantitatively larger amounts of food per intended consumer (Kirch 2001:169). Feasting, as an interpretation of PPC, was first discussed by Clay (1983) as a graveside ritual that was later redeposited with the construction of mound layers. Likewise in the Archaic, at the County Home Site, large earth ovens with faunal remains were the primary criteria for feasting identification by Abrams et al. (2005), further supporting the potential continuation of feasting in the

Early Woodland period. Feasting has been suggested as a functional explanation of PPCs, with the idea that feasts are being conducted in ceremonies related to preparation of the dead (Clay 1983, 1986, 1998,

2009; Seeman 1986). Feasts have also been suggested as a form of social aggregation of distant groups in order to pool resources (Clay 1998; Purtill et al. 2014). In order to demonstrate feasting as a potential activity at PPCs, there should be evidence for “distinct vessel forms, concentrations of food remains of unusual type or quantity, spatially segregated venues, and distinctive patterns of refuse disposal”

(Gremillion 2012: 379) and there should also be specialized foods or preparations of foods (Clay 1983;

Purtill et al. 2014:76;). Sharing of exotic or finely crafted gifts is considered integral to some definitions of feasting (Dietler and Hayden 2001; Mauss and Halls 2000). While sharing of exotic goods can be a component of feasts, it is not a requirement in identifying feasting behavior.


Mortuary Processing

There is little in the way of clarity in this interpretation from one author to the next. The work of

Seeman (1986) builds on prior work of the concept of the charnel house (Seeman 1979) and extending this Middle Woodland practice into the Late Early Woodland. Charnel houses were locales used for mortuary processing. What that “processing” entailed is vague. Hays (2010:106) states that “it [Late Early

Woodland] has no artifact types or mortuary patterns that are always present or are unique to it.” The behavior involved in mortuary processes should include the storage of deceased individuals (Hays 2010;

Pacheco and Burks 2008; Seeman 1986), the intentional human or incidental de-fleshing and/or cremating of these stored remains either at the site location of final inhumation or prior to final inhumation (Clay and Niquette 1989; Purtill et al. 2014; Seeman 1986), and the absence of food storage or cooking and heating features (Hays 2010:111). These mortuary processes were “spatially separated from domestic contexts” (Pacheco and Burks 2008:176). Bundle burials and pit burials are evidence of storage of human remains for later or final inhumation (Hays 2010; Pacheco and Burks 2008; Seeman 1986).

The archaeological signatures of mortuary processing are not defined in any of the texts discussing this potential behavior at PPCs. Thus, the definition provided above will require elaboration here to provide a robust model with empirical consequences. First, the evidence of storage of deceased individuals should appear in the form of burial pits in the archaeological record. Human remains must be recovered in order to meet this criteria of inclusion as a mortuary processing site. Secondly, there must be demonstrable evidence of de-fleshing, disarticulation, and/or cremation of individuals stored for later reburial or final burial at the site. Archaeologically, this requires the recovery of crematory basins, thermal features, or tools used in the de-fleshing of human remains, such as knives, blades, or other sharp flaked lithic tools. These tools should be long and sharp enough to disarticulate a deceased human into smaller portions with the potential to be wrapped in a bundle manufactured of some form of fabric, bark,


or hide container. Likewise, these sites should have no evidence for “domestic” activities. Domestic activities may include cooking using earth ovens or rock boiling (Pacheco and Burks 2008; Seeman

1986), tool maintenance, and large stratified refuse deposits. Based on the very minimalist descriptions of past authors, there would appear to be no need and/or use for groundstone implements unrelated to apparel or structure construction, such as grinding stones for grains and nuts, or other food processing implements.

Feminine Space

Feminine space has been used as a model for interpreting Late Early Woodland rock shelters

(Claassen 2011; Crothers 2012). Women are underrepresented in interpretations in the Eastern

Woodlands of the U.S. (Braund 1990; Galloway 1997). This under-representation can be seen at the type site of PPCs, Morgan Stone Mound, were the only remains recovered in the context of the circle were that of an adult female, which received hardly any mention beyond sexing of the individual (Clay 2009).

Feminine space is the fourth functional model. This model predicts that women will isolate themselves during menses, birth, and for variable lengths of time postpartum. The model builds on the overarching trends of menstrual and female seclusion during birth found in historic and ethnographic accounts of

Eastern North American tribes discussed below.

This model is derived from the assumption that modern tribes in Eastern North America have a common ancestor, and that the Late Early Woodland occupants of the middle and upper Ohio Valley are in the line of descent. From this logic, the shared traits among the diverse groups are assumed to be indicative of ancestral version of the trait, more closely placed in time to the Late Early Woodland populations, and serve as a more appropriate behavioral analog. Menstrual seclusion and taboo are common across many different ethnographic and historic accounts of various tribes in the Eastern

Woodlands including the Shawnee (Howard 1981:136), Chippewa, Potawatomi (Ritzenthaler and

Ritzenthaler 1983:29, 37-28), Creek (Rector Bell 1990), Ojibwa (Hallowell 1992:114), and Cherokee


(Bruchac and Ross 1994). The practice of separate food and utensils for menstruating women is found among the Delaware (Tantaquidgeon 1972:17), Potawatomi, Chippewa, Menomini (Ritzenthaler and

Ritzenthaler 1983:105), Huron (Trigger 1990:77), Creek (Rector Bell 1990, Galloway 1997), and

Cherokee (Galloway 1997).

Claassen (2011) and Galloway (1997) demonstrate the discrete characteristics of female seclusion, including namely: isolated structures, symbols related to the moon, shell artifacts, cradle boards, textile manufacture, and low meat consumption. DeBoer (2001) has demonstrated that menstrual isolation is also a common location for dice games, which are typically associated with women across

North America. Apart from the Cowan Creek Mound (Baby 1949), paired post circles generally contain few faunal remains, and have a vast array of floral remains (Purtill et al. 2014). Plant domestication plays heavily into gender theory, as it is commonly associated with female reproduction, and often the planting and maintenance of crops is the labor of women (Braund 1990; Nolan and Howard 2010; Sleeper-Smith

2001; Sturm 2002; Trigger 1990). According to Prentice (1986), there is a strong association with domesticated plants and women in the Late Prehistoric period. The association of women with plants may be the result of prehistoric plant consumption during menses, birth, and post-partum care. Many of the domesticated plants cultivated during the Early Woodland have substantial caloric and nutritional values compared to tree nuts and deer (Crites and Terry 1984; Scarry 2003). The minimal maintenance requirements of these plants (Cowan 2003; Scarry 2003) would be an added benefit to women secluded and socially isolated from alternative or even common food sources.

Many Early Woodland cultigens, such as chenopodium and maygrass, could be harvested in the spring, summer, or fall (Scarry 2003:71). Chenopodium, maygrass, little barley, sunflower, squash, erect knotweed, and marsh elder are usually grouped under the term Eastern Agricultural Complex (EAC); the

EAC is a group of domesticated or semi-domesticated plants native to the Midwest and cultivated prehistorically beginning in the Late Archaic (Gibbons and Ames 1998:238). The wide range in growing season and harvesting of many EAC crops would allow for storage of food when other resources are scarce, or in the case of feminine space, when alternative food sources are socially restricted. These


resources also contribute to increased nutritional support (Crites and Terry 1984) for young children, earlier weaning, increased fertility, and an increasing option for alloparenting (Calcagno and Fuentes

2012; Hrdy 1999) since mothers no longer need to be present at all times.

Feminine spaces should have large quantities of domesticated plants, hearths, FCR, shell spoons or other shell artifacts, evidence of infant care such as cradle boards, infant toys, fabric or evidence of fabric manufacture, weaved materials, nut oil processing, and unique pottery styles (Claassen 2011;

Galloway 1997).

Methods and Data

Excavation Reports and Catalogs

An excavation is only as good as its notes. The data for this study was collected primarily from excavation notes, reports, and catalog sheets. In only one case, the Sayler Park Mound (33HA157), was I able to physically examine artifacts. The remaining 18 sites were pulled from published reports and from the Ohio History Connection records. Each site record was systematically coded in a separate spreadsheet.

A code rubric was created to classify items into first provenience groups, and then dimensional groups based on the four models. A PPC is a set of at least 10 posthole features, arranged in a circular pattern of at least 180 degrees of rotation (a semicircle) within which, at least three pairs exist. A pair of posthole features consists of two adjacent posthole features. In order to identify a pair, four posthole features are required, with two adjacent posthole features being half the distance to one another as they are to their other adjacent posthole features. This definition for PPC excludes the following sites, which have been considered PPCs or functioning the same as a PPC: Bagley Open, Buckmeyer, Dominion Land Co., and

Duncan Falls (Cramer 2008; Hays 2010; Pacheco, personal communication, 2015; Schweikart 2008:201).

Likewise, in an effort to find the most complete list of PPCs, those listed in Purtill et al. (2014:63-64) were included in the initial research. Unfortunaetly, the Clough, Lehman, Daines Mound #1, and Young

Mound could not be corroborated. Clough and Lehman are mentioned by Raymond Baby (1971) in a


summary of house types, but their excavation reports could not be located. In addition to these sites, several of the PPCs listed by Purtill et al. (2014) did not meet the criteria of a PPC, and therefore were excluded from this analysis. These include: Riley Structures 6 and 8, and Cotiga second structure unlabeled. Missing from Purtill et al.’s (2014) list was a seventh PPC at one of the Wright Mounds


Provenience consists of five categories of association: burial, mound fill/general excavation, surface, unknown, and paired-post circle. The units of analysis are features and artifacts. Artifacts are

“anything which exhibits any physical attributes that can be assumed to be the results of human activity”

(Dunnell 1971:117). Features are any physical space modified by humans, with associations to activity, and cannot be moved. Each artifact or feature was identified as a member of one of 10 dimensions (see

Table 2). As much detailed description was listed as possible with the information provided in the report or catalog. The data relevant to this study are those artifacts and features with a known context within the

PPC, and contemporaneous with the structure’s use. The frequencies for each variable were compiled into a table (see Table 3). These values are then used to calculate a relative frequency table (see Table. 4). A relative frequency is calculated by dividing the cell value by the marginal row total. The relative frequency, when multiplied by 100, gives the percentage for which that dimension contributes to the overall associated artifacts and features recorded in the context of the PPC. Calculating relative frequencies controls for size differences between sites.

The nine dimensions, their relative frequencies, and their proportions amongst each other, are the defining characteristics of each model. The models used in this analysis are a synthesis of prior studies, which provide extensional definitions of the different models without using the same terminology presented here. The habitation model was built upon prior work by Webb and Snow (1945), Crowell et al.

(2005), and Schweikart (2008). The feasting model builds upon work by Seeman (1979), Clay (1983),

Heyman et al. (2005), Hayden and Villeneuve (2011), and Gremillion (2012). Mortuary processing synthesizes Clay (1986), Seeman (1986), and Hays (2010). The feminine space model is synthesized from

Claassen (2011) and many different ethnographic and historic accounts of menstruation, birth, pregnancy,


and post-partum rituals and practices. Each of these models has a paradigm of defined characteristics composed of 10 shared dimensions. The models are defined by ranges in quantities of those variables, nominal scale variation (i.e. diagnostic tool types or type of funerary object), and the co-variance of multiple different combinations of these variables within the PPC.

Unfortunately, the models could not be applied to the raw count data, or relative frequencies. This is because the units of the model and the empirical units were not the same. Table 2 outlines the very basic parameters of each model’s quantitative tendencies, measured in the qualitative categories low, medium-low, medium, medium-high, and high. These qualitative terms have defined boundaries, and an ordinal code system to accommodate statistical analysis in SPSS, which allows for statistical comparisons of the models to the empirical data. The words low, medium-low, medium, medium-high, and high have no quantitative meaning in terms of frequency. The easiest way to create a similar unit of analysis for both the models and the empirical data was to create defined categories for each of the qualitative terms based on distribution.

The categories are in ascending order of size from 1-5, with low=1, and high=5 (see Table 5). All of these values are quantified using means and standard deviations of column distribution within a dimension. Thus, the relative frequencies (calculated across rows) accounts for within site proportions, while the five size categories account for scalar differences, and eliminate zero values. The size categories are based on distribution using mean and standard deviation; therefore, the size categories are a reflection of the site distribution by dimension The category 1 (low) is the relative frequency 2 standard deviations or greater below the mean of all the cases in that dimension (the column variables). Category 2 (medium- low) is the relative frequency between one and two standard deviation below the mean of the dimension.

Category 3 (medium) is the mean of the dimension, with a range from between 1 standard deviation below and above the mean. Category 4 (medium-high) is 1 standard deviation above the mean, but below

2 standard deviations. Category 5 (high) is 2 standard deviations above the mean or greater. Using the ordinal coding system, the qualitative expected results for each model where then given codes. Each model had at least one variant for expected frequencies (see Table 5).


Each model has an expected distribution on the nine dimensions. However, this does not encompass the entirety of the recorded information at any of these sites. Thus the dimension

“miscellaneous” is a net to catch all of those artifacts and features that do not meet the inclusion criteria for any of the other dimensions. This means that the relative frequencies are calculated using all of the data recorded from each site. Each category within each dimension requires a definition used in the collection and identification of dimensions for analysis. These dimensions are: human remains, debitage, lithic tools, pits, fire-cracked rocks (FCR), fauna, flora, ground stone tools, ceramics, and exotica.

Human remains is the name of the first variable, where the measure is the number, age, and sex of human remains (burials count as a single unit). Human remains should be low for both habitation and feminine space, while human remains should be much greater for mortuary processing, with feasting with a quantity somewhere greater than feminine space but less than mortuary processing. Crematories, fire basins, or hearths with human remain fragments or should be absent in all instances save for mortuary processing. Variable two is lithic debitage, measured in the number of unutilized flakes. This variable should tend to have the largest quantities for habitation, next largest for feminine space, while the lowest quantities are representative of feasting or mortuary processing. Debitage quantity is thus a rough proxy for the lenght of occupation, with more re-touch and re-sharpening of lithic tools occurring at longer occupied habitation space and less re-touch and re-sharpening at short term spaces with tools that may also have a short use-life due to their ceremonial or ritual use (such as feasting or mortuary processing).

The third variable is lithic tools, measured in the diversity of types of diagnostic tools and their degree of use, measured if possible by the amount of retouch on the tool. Variable four is pit features, measured in the quantity, dimensions and artifact densities of pit features. Habitation sites have many large and stratified pits, while feasting will have very few counts of pits, but the pits themselves will be large and rarely re-used. The assumption is that re-used pits indicate longer occupation (in the case of Habitation and Feminine space) and small or large pits indicate short term occupation (for Mortuary Processing and

Feasting). Mortuary processing should have few to no pits with minimal artifact densities, but should have a large quantity of crematory basins or other fire pits lacking FCR. Feminine space should have a


medium quantity of pits, with evidence of a few instances of re-use, but significantly less than habitation.

The fifth variable is FCR, measured in the number of FCR and density in the paired-post circle. FCR should be absent to very minimal at mortuary processing sites, while habitation sites should have large quantities and high densities of FCR, feasting should have large quantities but low density due to fewer fire pits, and feminine space should have a medium density that is larger and more dense than feasting but less than that of habitation.

Variable six is faunal assemblage, measured in the variety and quantity of faunal remains

(fragments are counted as a single unit). The seventh variable is floral assemblage, measured in the variety and quantity of floral remains (individual seeds are counted as a single unit). Variable eight is groundstone tools, measured in the quantity and variety of groundstone objects (i.e. stone hoes, gorgets, nutting stones, celts, adzes, hammerstones). The ninth variable is ceramics, measured in the quantity, variety, and the recorded location of potsherds if applicable. Variable ten is exotica, measured in the quantity, variety, and association of items of distant (100 km or more) provenience or other factors of scarcity or energy cost (grizzly bear canines, copper, non-fossil shark teeth, gulf coast conchs, marine shell). Variable eleven is all other items found inside the paired-post circle that do not fit into the other ten categories, measured in their quantity and variety. It is unknown if this variable will be discriminatory, but it is included for the sake of thorough and holistic inclusion of all artifacts and features that would otherwise be excluded from analysis. These variables are identifying activities and function on the paired- post floor, as opposed to in some cases above floor fill and subsequent mound construction. This lowers the probability of analyzing multi-functions or activities at the site to one location. It is possible that multiple activities occurred at the paired-post circle, but based on preliminary evidence from the C. & O.

Mounds (Webb and Snow 1945) and other mounds with multiple post-circles and misaligned mound construction above, it would appear that the paired-post circle served a function independent of later mound activities (Clay 1986, 2009).

Within each category, items were grouped by analytical usefulness. For burials, debitage, features, and FCR, no grouping was done. For chipped stone tools, artifacts were grouped into one of the


following categories: biface points, bifaces, scrapers, core/blanks, stemmed bifaces, drills/gravers, triangular bifaces, corner-notched bifaces, side-notched bifaces, other, and bipointed base bifaces. Biface points are those bifaces that lack both hafting elements and lack medial elements, but come to a point.

Bifaces are chipped stone artifacts with reduction occurring on two faces of the stone, have no hafting element, and are twice as long as wide. Scrapers have an acute angled flake removal pattern on at least one edge of the artifact. Side, end, hafted, and thumbnail scrapers are all subsumed into this category.

Core/blanks are chipped stone that has multidirectional or bifacial flake removal. Stemmed bifaces are bifaces that have a hafting element which has no notches. Drills/gravers are twice as long as wide, are bifacially reduce or beveled, come to an acute point. Triangular bifaces are complete bifaces that are triangular in shape. Corner-notched bifaces are bifaces that possess a hafting element with notching originating in the corners of the biface. Corners are the imaginary space where a projected intersection of two edges of a biface meet. Side-notched bifaces are bifaces were notches originate on the lateral edges.

Bipointed base bifaces are bifaces that come to a point at both the hafting element and the distal end of the biface. This category includes Turkey tails, and similarly looking points. Other is defined as those lithics that do not meet the criteria to any of the previously mentioned categories.

Faunal remains were grouped into seven categories: shell, bone fragments, bird, turtle, meat, non- meat, and other. Meat category consists of those bones identified as bearing enough calories through marrow, fat, and/or muscle attachments that outweigh the cost of acquisition and processing. Meat bearing bones include humeri, femurs, ribs, and scapuli. Non-meat category includes those bones identified as not bearing enough calories through marrow, fat, and/or muscle attachments to outweigh the cost of acquisition and processing. Non-meat bones include phalanges, astraguli, and vertebrae.

Floral remains were put into 11 groups: nutshell, vitis (grape genus), grains, oily seeds, Rhus

(sumac genus), Cucurbita (pumpkin genus), grasses/sedges/brush, Gallium (bedstraw genus), mulberry

(Morus rubra), herbaceous plant, and other. These groups were created both by prior categories of oily seeds and grains (Scarry 2003), and those seeds with medicinal potential (Tantaquidgeon 1972). Nutshell are mast seeds or their remains (i.e. walnut, hickory nut, hazel nut, acorn). Vitis are those seeds identified


as members of the Vitis genus. Grains are seeds identified as any of the following: Phalaris caroliniana

(maygrass), Chenopodium genus (goosefoot), Polygonum erectum (erect knotweed), Amaranthus genus,

Hordeum pusillum (little barley). Oily seeds are seeds identified as any of the following: Helianthus sp.

(sunflower), Iva annua (sumpweed), Ambrosia sp. (ragweed), Polymnia uvedalia (bearsfoot). Rhus are seeds identified as members of the genus Rhus (sumac). Cucurbita are all seeds identified as members of

Cucurbita (gourd genus). Grasses/sedges/brush are any seeds or plant remains that cannot be identified beyond grass/sedge/brush. Gallium are seeds or plant remains identified as members of the Gallium genus

(bedstraw). Morus rubra (red mulberry) are seeds identified as members of Morus Rubra. Herbaceous plants are those seeds or remains that do not have a woody stem, but are not already categorized in another category. Other are those seeds or plant remains that do not meet the criteria to any of the previously mentioned categories, which include Zea Mays (corn), Ruppia genus, and unidentifiable legumes.

Ground stone artifacts were put into 10 groups: celt/hoe, pitted stones, decoratives, grinding stones, pipe fragments, tablets, hemispheres/cones/balls, hammerstones, netstones, and beads. All groundstone artifacts are made of non-siliceous material. Celts and hoes are grouped together because they are identified morphologically without a formal definition of either celt or hoe. Pitted stones are a grouping of groundstone artifacts that contain at minimum one pit, which is macroscopically visible and large enough to cast a shadow under normal light. This definition encompasses all those artifacts identified in reports and catalogs as nutting stones, drill stones, pitted stones, anvils, mortars, and cupstones. These groundstone materials are associated with nut and plant processing activities.

Decoratives category lumps decorative groundstone materials together as those identified as gorgets or pendants. Gorgets and pendants are flat on at least one side, with a minimum of one hole drilled through the entire object. Grinding stones are those objects which do not bear a primary pit or pits, but have deep striations resultant from grinding actions. This category includes artifacts identified as abraiding stones, grinding stones, whetstones, smoothing stones, and sharpening stones. Pipe fragments are those objects of cylindrical form with a hollow center, and a bore thicker than the stone exterior. Tablets are rectangular


shaped stones, that are at least twice as long as wide, and at least four times as wide as thick. They have no holes drilled through them, and no striations indicative of grinding. Hemispherers/cones/balls are rounded stone objects shaped into at least a hemisphere, and can have grooves around their circumference. Hammerstones are human hand sized rocks that have small pits on at least one side, and are not shaped into perfect spheres. Netstones are shaped and polished into form. They may contain a groove, and are twice as long as wide. They include artifacts identified as netsinkers, boatstones, and plummets. Beads are stone objects that are cylindrical with a hollow center, which have a thinner bore than the stone around it.

Ceramics were grouped into seven categories: sherds, Adena plain, plain sherds, cordmarked sherds, burnished/smoothed sherds, burnished sherds, and other. Sherds are those ceramic pottery fragments which had no other identifying features listed in their description. Adena plain are pottery fragments which have a thickness less than 6 mm, and have a plain (i.e. none) surface treatment. Plain sherds are pottery fragments with a description of surface treatment (plain) but no thickness description.

Cord marked sherds are pottery fragments with a description of surface treatment (cord marked) but no thickness description. Burnished/smoothed sherds are pottery fragments with a description of surface treatment (burnished/smoothed) but no thickness description. Smoothing and burnishing are lumped together in this instance, because these were difficult to distinguish in analysis. Burnished sherds are pottery fragments with a burnished surface treatment. Burnishing is the act of rubbing a small stone or pebble across leather hard pottery to produce a smoothed and usually polished surface. Small striations made from the rubbing stone are usually visible, and often have swirling or non-linear patterns.

Exotica were grouped into nine categories: copper bracelets, copper rings, shell beads, mica, copper pins, other shell, other copper, copper beads, and other. Copper bracelets are thin shaped copper strips, large enough to fit around the wrist of an average sized human being. Copper rings are thin shaped copper, large enough to fit around a human finger, but too small to fit on a wrist. Copper rings have a larger bore than thickness. Shell beads are worked shell, with a bore smaller than the object is thick, and are cylindrical in shape. Mica are all objects made into a shape out of mica. Copper pins are pieces of thin


copper, shaped into a cylinder that is twice as long as thick, and taper at either end. Other shell are objects of marginella, conch, or other non-freshwater shell. Other copper are copper artifacts or raw copper that are not bracelets, rings, pins, or beads. Copper beads are copper cylinders with bores smaller than the thickness of the copper. Other are objects that do not fit the previous categories, but are non-local materials. Non-local materials are materials that must be acquired from a distance no less than 200 km from the site.

Bone/antler were grouped into six categories: antler, awls, flakers, worked antler, worked bone, and worked shell. Antler are tines, or any unmodified antler fragments. Awls are worked bone or antler that come to a sharp point of less than 0.5 cm in diameter; these include artifacts also labeled “pins.”

Awls are long enough to hold in any human hand. Flakers are worked bone or antler that can be held in a human hand, and come to a dull point; there is wear at the point resulting from the use of the object to pressure flake lithics into form. This is the key criteria for distinguishing a flaker from an awl. Worked antler are any antler artifacts that have patterned cut marks, a discrete shape, or some other evidence for human reduction, but are not awls or flakers. Worked bone are any bone artifacts that have patterned cut marks, discrete shape, or some other evidence of reduction, but are not awls or flakers. Worked shell are shell artifacts that have patterned cut marks, a discrete shape, or some other evidence of reduction, but are not awls or flakers. This category had no expected frequency across any of the models, but was grouped together during initial tabulation of site reports and catalogs. This dimension was separated from the dimension “fauna” because these artifacts were modified for some intended use, and were not the waste product of eating.

Miscellaneous artifacts were put into one category: miscellaneous. These artifacts or features were defined as any reported or cataloged feature or artifact that did not meet the inclusion criteria of any of the previously mentioned categories.


Multiple Correspondence Analysis

I determined that the best statistical analysis to compare the goodness of fit between the four models, their variants, and the empirical data was Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA). MCA has only one assumption of the data, that it not be negative (Clausen 1998:v). Other, more traditional forms of analysis, such as Chi-square or Fisher’s exact, had assumptions that my data would violate. Chi-square can be applied to contingency tables of any size; however, the assumption for this analysis is that the values in each cell be at least five (Drennan 2009). This would not work for a contingency table where the highest value was five. Fisher’s exact was a poor fit because the contingency table was larger than 2x3, which is considered the limits of analytical validity for Fisher’s exact (Mehta and Patel 1983).

The minimal assumptions, coupled with the often labeled “exploratory” (Clausen 1998:1) approach to MCA, allows for a very flexible range of datasets. The premise behind the analysis is similar to Principle Components Analysis, where there is a visual representation of the relationships amongst cases in a multidimensional space. The final result is a scatter plot which displays similarity through proximity, and difference through distance. The points on the scatter plot are plotted using the chi-square distance formula for each case value in the contingency table. Similar cases should cluster together, while cases that have no similarity to any other cases should be represented as outliers on the scatter plot. It is possible to have no clustering, which indicates no similarity or patterning of the dataset. The goal for

MCA in this study is to first demonstrate any similarities in the composition of the population, and then comparing the population to the expected values for each model. Models that do not cluster with the empirical data are dissimilar, and therefore are rejected. The model or models that cluster closest to the empirical data are the most similar, and therefore have more robust explanatory power. Each model has at minimum one variant of expected values (see Table 5). Because MCA has no significance value, there is no quantifiable cutoff for rejecting a null hypothesis. Technically, there is no null hypothesis in MCA, because there is no assumption about the distribution of the data, unlike Chi-square or Fisher’s. Multiple variants lower the possibility that clusters are a result of poor model design or random variation.


Spatial Dimensions

The GIS software used in this analysis is the ArcMap 10.2.2 program from Esri’s ArcGIS program suite. GIS provides a robust view of spatial relatedness in the inherently spatial discipline of archaeology (Connelly and Lake 2006). The goal of the analysis with ArcMap is to compliment the MCA, and add spatial dimensions to the paradigms of each model. Very few studies have been done on Late

Early Woodland sites using a GIS (Waldron and Abrams 1999). GIS is a powerful tool, but by no means the best tool in every archaeological research question. For the purposes of this research, GIS provides a basic spatial understanding of the context of each PPC.

The study area as defined earlier, is the geographic region of the Mid-Ohio River Valley (See

Figure 1). This region is defined to the North and South by the Ohio River watershed divide. The region extends east to the confluence of the Allegheny River and the Monongahela River (modern Pittsburgh), and extends to the west to the falls of the Ohio River (modern Louisville). Each model, in addition to the nine non-spatial dimensions, has two spatial dimensions: social accessibility and physical accessibility.

Social accessibility is defined here as the Euclidean distance from the PPC site to the nearest 10 recorded site locations. Physical accessibility is defined here as those categories of the physical environment that would facilitate easier travel to the site location, regardless of socially constructed boundaries. The two categories focused on here are slope and distance to higher order (Strahler 1952) streams that could facilitate canoe or other water vehicular travel. Each dimension has expected associations to other site types, as well as expected physical settings on the landscape.

The searchable buffer for each PPC is 10 km. A 10 km boundary is the approximate limits of foraging and resource extracting range of mobile hunter-gatherers catchment studies (Vita-Finzi and

Higgs 1970; Hunt 1992). This buffer is not meant to imply that Late Early Woodland people practiced hunter-gatherer activity; however, this boundary is meant as an extreme limit to the distribution of resource extraction. This applies only to the habitation model, whereas the other three models depend on larger study areas. It is expected that very few, if any, habitation sites will occur within 10 km of another


habitation site. However, for mortuary and feasting models, both of which involve the aggregation of larger populations, it is expected that multiple site types would co-occur on the landscape as shared space is re-used through time. The feminine space model has predictions similar to the habitation model.

Feminine seclusion space is expected to be closest to habitation sites, yet far away from most other site types. This is because Euclidean distance cannot account for all forms of site accessibility such as slope or distance to large navigable streams. The 10 km buffer narrows the search returns in the GIS databases used to collect site location information. The Ohio Historic Preservation Office and Kentucky

Archaeological Survey online mapping systems were used to gather site location information, in addition to regional summaries in site reports (Wall 1994). Only those sites with an Early Woodland component were examined for this analysis.

Social accessibility is measured by the proximity to other site types. This serves as a proxy of social interaction – dense site clusters indicate repeated use, and higher probability that these sites are socially shared space, at least in the shared knowledge of such space. Habitation sites should not be within a kilometer of circular, octagonal, or other geometric earthworks or earthwork groups. Feasting sites, as a location of community aggregation, should be close and near equidistant to all different site types, with a potential overlap in proximity to earthworks and other ceremonial centers. Mortuary processing should be very close to mounds, but beyond this there are no criteria to identify mortuary processing spatially. Feminine spaces are poorly accessible. Proximity to large waterways, low terraces, or other easily visible or accessible locations is not expected. Claassen (2011:638) argues that in areas where rock shelters are absent or remote, such as the lower Mississippi Valley, there should be some structure to serve as a similar staging area. Thus, feminine space is expected to be 10 km or greater from rock shelters with known Woodland components.

Using Strahler’s (1952) stream order, the models are expected to be close to different order ranges of streams, and differing distances to nodes, or confluences. Stream order provides one element of a proxy to both navigation and travel accessibility. The higher the stream order, the more water flows into the stream, and therefore the wider the stream. The stream order ranges from one, the headwater streams,


to 12, the mouth of the largest stream in the world, the Amazon River. The Ohio River is Strahler stream order number eight. Larger stream orders are expected to be known by a larger geographic area of people than smaller headwater streams that would require a more detailed knowledge of the area, and therefore reflect local population knowledge of the area. This comes from Tobler’s (1970) first law of geography: phenomena in proximity to one another will have a higher correlation. Certainly, most people living in the

Mid-Ohio River Valley knew of the Ohio River, but not necessarily its many small, unnavigable tributaries. Thus, larger groups of people are expected to use the larger order streams, since canoes and walking are considered the primary means of transportation at this time (see Livingood 2012; Surface-

Evans 2012). The same concept applies to modern populations, where everyone likely knows the major highways around their city, but not necessarily every side-street.

The expected locations are based on the closest perennial flowing water sources, so this excludes seasonal stream channels, lakes, ponds, and other forms of standing water. Feminine space is expected to be located nearest what Strahler defines as “head water” streams, ranging in order from one to three

(Strahler 1952). Headwater streams are the least accessible by canoe, considered by many as a major form of transportation (Livingood 2012; Surface-Evans 2012). Feasting sites should be closest to streams order six or higher, and nearest stream nodes. The proximity to nodes and higher order streams reflects the high accessibility and knowledge of the geography by the largest possible number of people from which to aggregate for a feast. Nodes are likely a reflection of common geographic knowledge the larger the confluence, since these large streams are commonly used transportation by all peoples (Livingood

2012:177-178). Mortuary sites should be nearest to streams of order five or higher, with no expected pattern to proximity to nodes; this reflects the pattern of Late Early Woodland mound distribution (Hays

2010; Webb and Snow 1945; Webb and Baby 1957). Habitation sites are expected to have no pattern as it relates to proximity to stream orders; there is an expected access to resources and ecological zones should dictate habitation sites more than the accessibility by larger social networks (Surface-Evans 2012).

The second category of physical accessibility is slope. Tobler’s (1993) hiking function has a precipitous drop-off in speed and travel time for slopes greater than 10 percent. Therefore, sites located on


or near environments with large variability in slope have a higher travel cost than flat terrain or terrain with slopes less than 10 percent. According to the ’s (1998:31) trail construction standards, a trail with sustained slopes of seven percent or less are ideal while slopes of less than 10 percent are optimal to avoid erosion. Soil survey maps provide ample slope information. Those sites that are not close to higher stream orders (five or larger) require an examination of slope because foot travel is the only known alternative to canoe travel during this time period (Livingood 2012: 178). Habitation sites are expected to have high variability in average surrounding slope. The standard resource extraction radius of sedentary horticulturalists is 5 km (Hunt 1992), and as stated earlier, habitation sites should be distributed by ecological resource zones and not necessarily long distance travel. Feasting sites should be highly accessible. The average slope of the surrounding environment should be less than 10 percent, and ideally less than seven percent. Feasting areas should be easily accessible from any direction because they are social aggregation locations that exceed the travel distance of a single household or family unit.

Unfortunately, the expected site locations of mortuary processing is expected in similar slope conditions.

This is because mortuary processing may reflect the aggregation of more than one household unit.

However, the size of social aggregation for the deceased is expected to vary more than the groups gathered for feasts; mortuary processing sites should exhibit greater exploitation of variable sloped environments. The variability in group size coming together to inter the dead may reflect individual households, or multiple households, depending on the individual. This will be reflected on the accessibility of the site across slope and distance to streams. Finally, feminine space is expected in locations with average slopes around the site higher than 10 percent. Feminine space should not be easily accessible, as their use is for isolation of women (Claassen 2011).



Sayler Park Mound (33HA157)

The Sayler Park Mound was located on the second terrace of the Ohio River in Sayler Park,

Hamilton County, Ohio. The mound was excavated by the Cincinnati Museum of Natural History in the summers between 1956 and 1958 (Starr 1958). The excavations were led by Frederick Starr of the

Cincinnati Museum. Starr published a preliminary report (Starr 1958) and a summary of the site (Starr

1960). At the base of the mound were two paired post structures. The site description based on these two publications was not detailed enough for my analysis, so I requested a copy of the site catalog sheet or catalog record. Robert Genheimer of the Geier Collections and Research Institute informed me that there was no record of the contents of Sayler Park, but the artifacts recovered were in storage at the Institute

(Genheimer, personal communication, 2015). On October 26, 2015, I examined and recorded counts, weights, descriptions, and photographs of artifacts from the Sayler Park Mound. The ceramics analyzed are listed in Table 6. A list of artifact description, counts, weights, and provenience is in Table 7.

There was almost no within mound context for any of the artifacts recovered from the mound.

Starr had kept a majority of the artifacts in separate boxes with his name on it, presumably as a comparative collection (Genheimer, personal communication, 2015). There was one box labeled “village area pottery,” which is a common term used to identify with PPC (Webb 1940, 1941; Swartz 1970). The only other artifacts with a direct association with either PPC under Sayler Park Mound are pieces of charred “grass” found along the “wall” of structure one.

The majority of the lithic assemblage was of non-exotic or low-quality materials. There were six large Wyandotte cache blades (Figure 5). There was also a large Wyandotte Snyder’s point with the base broken off and a Wyandotte disc blank (Figures 6 and 7). There were at least two other Snyder’s points with broken bases, suggesting that these points were intentionally broken. Other Middle Woodland artifacts include at least two blades (Figure 8 and 9). A Snyder’s point has already been recorded at


33RO583 (Lee et al. 2008); it is not surprising to find Middle Woodland artifacts at PPC sites. Aside from these few exceptions, the lithic assemblage was devoid of temporally diagnostic artifacts. A sample of the lithic population appears in Figure 10.

The faunal assemblage consisted of fragments of a wide variety of animals and birds. There was a significant amount of animal long bones, accounting for 24 percent of the total faunal remains by count

(n=12). All of these long bones were split. The remaining faunal remains were fragmentary, and fall into the category “non-meat bearing.” The term non-meat bearing should not be construed to mean that no meat consumption could have occurred. In fact, the presence of vertebrae, while not meat bearing themselves, would suggest that other meat bearing bones were present at the site. The logic behind this is that vertebrae connect to ribs, which would require the torso of the animal being consumed or processed. I was unable to identify species, and in some instances the bone was too fragmentary to identify the bone.

However, based on the number and size of astraguli, there were at minimum one deer and one elk at the site. At least one piece of bone had been heavily modified, perhaps in the process of becoming a tool

(Figure 11). There were at minimum 704 shell beads at Sayler Park Mound. Due to the fragmentary nature of the collection, a total number could not be tallied. The minimum number of unmodified shell halves was 40, with a total weight of 1802.7 grams in their bags (n=4).

The ground stone tool dimension consisted of 11 items. These included three hammerstones, two axes, one mano, one “tablet,” one grooved stone, and three unidentifiable ground stone implements. The tablet was rounded on one corner, and possibly made of slate. The grooved stone was sandstone, and contained seven grooves at least half a centimeter deep, except for one. There was a groove on every side of the sandstone cuboid, with two grooves on one side.

There were approximately 626 ceramic sherds recovered from the mound. This approximation was an absolute count save for two boxes of ceramics with unknown contexts labelled “pottery fragments” by Starr. The total weight of pot sherds was 16866.6 grams. The pottery labeled “village area pottery” was analyzed systematically for temper, maximum thickness, and surface treatment. Only 74 sherds were in this “village area pottery” box. Cord marking accounted for 56.4 percent of all village


pottery surface treatment (n=31). The remaining sherds were burnished or heavily smoothed (n=22), with only one sherd having a plain surface and one sherd having an unidentifiable surface treatment due to erosion. All of the village area sherds were limestone tempered. Large chert flake inclusions were identified in 2 sherds from this context. The average maximum thickness was 7.77 mm, with a standard deviation of 1.76 mm. There were three ceramic pipes at Sayler Park Mound. Two of these pipes were effigy pipes of a bear and a bird, and the third was a plain tubular pipe. All three pipes were made of fired clay.

In summary, the artifact assemblage at Sayler Park Mound, although lacking contextual information within the site, shares many of the same components of other PPC sites. The presence of

Middle Woodland temporally diagnostic artifacts (i.e. Snyder’s points and blades) indicates the Sayler

Park Mound was continually visited through time from the Late Early Woodland into the Middle


Multiple Correspondence Analysis

Table 3 illustrates the frequencies of each dimension across each site, in addition to the frequency of burials, bone/antler tools, and miscellaneous counts. The dimension “burials” was removed from all applied Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA). There was little contextual information from each site report, and therefore the actual frequencies of burials within the PPC or in the associated occupation floor could not be tabulated. Weight values could not be obtained consistently for each site, and therefore all data used in statistical analysis is based on count.

Sites with total artifact and feature counts of less than 30 were collapsed into one case, here labeled as “small.” These sites include: 15BE15, 15BE20, 15BH15, 15FA1, 15LW45, and 46KA39. The sites with small frequencies were counted as one case because the sample size (nominal counts of artifacts and features) would have been too small for each individual site from the above list.


An MCA was applied to Table 8 (see Figure 12). The sites generally cluster together, representing a relative similarity between site compositions based upon the frequency of the nine dimensions: debitage, lithic tool, pit, FCR, fauna, flora, ground stone, ceramic, and exotica. The feminine space and mortuary processing models are far from any of the PPCs, and therefore share no significant similarity to any PPC. The object scores are listed in Figure 13. Object scores are calculated using the chi- square distance formula for cases within a single dimension. The object scores in dimension one are the relatedness of each case to one another, represented as a quantified distance; the same applies to dimension two. These dimensions account for 91.9 percent of the total population variance (Figure 14).

The object scores were used to calculate distance between points.

In order to compare which model was the most related, it was necessary to quantify the chi- square distance between points. Calculating distance was necessary to discriminate between cases that visually appeared equidistant. The feminine space and mortuary models were excluded based on their spatial dissimilarity with the site population in Figure 12. The distance from each site to the habitation and feasting models was calculated, and averaged (Table 9). Feasting model 1 (Fea) and Habitation model

2 (Hab2) are on average the closest models to all sites. However, only the feasting models cover the range of variability in site distribution on both dimensions (see Figure 12). The Habitation models only encompass the entire variability of site distribution in dimension one, and not dimension two.

An MCA was also applied to the frequency distributions of tool categories for the following dimensions: Ground stone, Lithics, and Ceramics. These dimensions had expected distribution of categories (i.e. tool or ceramic type). The size categories 1-5 were calculated in the same methodology as previously described from the values in Table 8. Categories 1 and 2 represent 0.25 and 0.5 standard deviations below the mean for ceramics. A single standard deviation below the mean for ceramics was a negative value, which would mean ceramics would have no category 1 represented in their distribution

Relative frequencies were calculated using cell values and marginal row totals, and then the distributional categories 1-5 were identified using the mean and standard deviations of the row. This captures the distribution of categories (side-notched points, bifaces, etc.) within a dimension in the same way Figure


12 captures dimensional distribution within a site. These applied MCAs better demonstrate the similarity of site composition and proportion within a specific dimension, as opposed to as a whole set of dimensions. The row totals encompass between site dimensional frequency, and the size categories reflect a comparison between sites of a single dimension. Row totals and distributional categories (see Table 8) measure the whole dimensional proportions and distribution within each site.

The MCA applied to ground stone (Figure 15) shows clustering amongst most sites. All sites appear to have a similar ground stone distribution and frequency along dimension 1, except for 15JO2. A frequency distribution (Figure 16) suggests the discriminating factor on dimension 1 is size and variety of ground stone tool category. The following categories account for 82.5 percent of ground stone categories: celts and hoes (24.8 percent), other (20.6 percent), pitted stones (14.3 percent), decoratives (14.7 percent), and grinding stones (8 percent). The category labeled “other” contained artifact descriptions that provided little to no information about the ground stone tool, and therefore identification was not possible. The relatively wide spread across dimension two suggests little similarity among sites.

A similar MCA was applied to lithic tool distribution (Figure 17). All sites cluster together except

15JO2, 15JO9, and 33RO583. A frequency distribution (Figure 18) suggests that the number of bifaces and number of drills/gravers is a discriminating factor in these outliers, as are the presence of triangular bifaces, and quantity of corner notched points. The following categories account for 83.5 percent of all lithic tool categories: Biface points (38.8 percent), Bifaces (13.1 percent), Scrapers (11.5 percent),

Cores/blanks (10.3 percent), and stemmed bifaces (9.8 percent).

A third MCA was applied to the ceramic dimension (Figure 19). All sites cluster together except

46MS103, 46MO1, 33RO583, and 33HA157. The discriminating factor to these outliers is the presence of cord marked pottery and/or the presence of burnished pottery (Table 10). “Adena plain” ceramics account for 86.9 percent of all ceramic categories.


Descriptive Statistics

The following dimensions have no expected intradimensional distributions: debitage, pits, FCR, fauna, flora, and exotica. These dimensions can still provide analytically useful information in the form of descriptive statistics. The following sections describes the distribution of dimensional categories. For exact counts of artifacts and/or features, see Table 3. Percentages of categories within dimensions are described only when the category accounts for five percent or greater of the total dimension.

Debitage accounts for 16.6 percent of the total population. However, 46MS103 accounts for 82.7 percent of all debitage by count. The average debitage count per site, with 46MS103 removed, is 19; this is 3.6 percent of all artifacts and features recorded. Debitage was only recorded in counts, with inconsistency between analysis of chert type, flake type, and weight. Webb only recorded count of flakes, with different terms that fit under debitage. These terms include: chips, flakes, lithic debris, and lithic waste.

Pits represent one percent of all artifacts and features in association with PPCs. The volumes of the pits, count, and number of structures associated with each site are listed in Table 11. Volume was calculated using the rectangle or cylinder volume equations based on the recorded dimensions of depth, diameter, or length and width. Pit size dimensions were recorded at 9 sites; 15LW45 and 15BE20 had recorded presence of pits, but no measurements could be recovered in the reports. The numbers on the averages are conservative, because depth dimensions were not always recorded for each pit feature. Those features not identified as “stains,” but had no depth dimension recorded were assumed to be at least one cm deep. Features identified as “stains” lack a depth dimension, and therefore cannot have a volume.

Removing those sites without recorded dimensions increases the average pit volume to 245.4 L.

FCR represents 1.8 percent of the total population. The consistency of recording counts of FCR was the least controlled among all dimensions. In all site reports by Webb, FCR was never recorded, except in profile or plan view illustrations. Counts were obtained from these illustrations as an estimate of


FCR where possible. Regardless of how recent a site was excavated, the reporting of FCR counts and weights was inconsistent.

Faunal remains represent 2.6 percent of the total recorded artifacts and features. Sites 46MS103 and 33CN10 account for 67.5 percent of all recorded faunal remains. Turtle remains represent 73.2 percent of all faunal remains by count. Unidentified bone fragments represent 15.9 percent of the population, combining with turtle remains to account for 89.1 percent of the population. There were no bird remains documented in association with PPCs. At 33CN10, three mud-dauber wasp nests were recorded and classified as faunal remains for this study.

Flora account for seven percent of the population by unweighted count. The following seven sites

(38 percent) contained charred or burned nutshell remains: 15LW45, 33AD121, 33CN10, 33MU77,

33RO583, 46MO1, and 46MS103. Nutshell fragments account for 84 percent of all flora, by count, recovered at PPCs.

Exotica account for 0.5 percent (n=62) of all recovered and recorded artifacts and features. This dimension is represented entirely by cut mica fragments. The majority of exotic artifacts were either in burial association or in unprovenienced general excavation/mound fill.

The provenience of artifact recovery limited the frequency of artifacts in known association with the PPC. However, when considering those artifacts recorded in the “general excavation” or “mound fill” by Webb, a similar pattern emerges. The lithic categories are similar, as are the ground stone, and debitage. The density of artifacts recorded in the general excavation or mound fill was much smaller than those recorded in association with the PPC.

Spatial Distribution

The majority of sites are located on a terrace of a stream order five or higher (n=15) (see figure

1). Only three sites, 15BH15, 15MM6, and 15MM7 are closest to headwater streams (order one through three). Those sites not in proximity to high order, and therefore canoe navigable, streams could still be


easily accessed by foot. Sites 15BH15, 15MM6, 15MM7, and 15FA1 are located in the inner bluegrass region of Kentucky (Newell 1986), and are shown in figure 20. Based on USGS soil survey maps, the general slope of this region is low, averaging 12 percent or less for at least 51 percent of the 10 km area surrounding each of the previously listed sites (Figure 20). A large proportion of the area around sites

15BH15 and 15FA1 have been disturbed by urban development or graded for construction, quarrying, or roads. However, Newell (1986:67) describes the bluegrass region with relatively moderate relief and

“gently rolling hills.”

The distribution of PPCs in association with other site types reflects dense areas of social aggregation. The closest site types are mounds or earthwork complexes, with the exceptions being

15BH15, 15LW45, 33AD121, 33HA157, and 46MO1. In these cases, the closest sites are open habitation.

The distribution of sites around 46MO1 may not be representative of the actual prehistoric occupation of the area, as the counties and surrounding area are poorly documented and surveyed archaeologically

(Wall 1994). In the case of 33HA157, three nearby sites are of an unknown woodland context: 33HA99

(Shorts Woods Park Mound), 33HA100 (Story Mound), 33HA108.

PPCs are a component in a mound cluster/complex, or are closest to mound and earthwork complexes in a majority of the known sites. Except for 15LW45, 33AD121, and 46MO1, the surrounding

10 km landscape was littered with mounds and earthwork complexes. At the Wright Mounds (15MM6 and 15MM7), the surrounding area was 45.8 percent mounds (n=17), and at Robbins and Crigler (15BE3 and 15BE20) the combined distribution of mounds was also 48.5 percent (n=33). There was a general pattern of mound and earthwork complexes to cluster together, with open habitation sites occurring between 5 and 10 km from the PPC and mound/earthwork clusters. At the C. & O. mounds (15JO2 and

15JO9), there was a high concentration of rock shelters that account for 47 percent of sites within 10 km of these PPCs (n=10).

Several PPCs are located within or adjacent to large named earthwork or mound “complexes.” A complex is a cluster of mounds or earthworks with a relatively contemporaneous date range. Webb and

Elliot (1942) and Webb (1943a) lump 15BE3 and 15BE15 together as a mound complex in southwestern


Boone County, Kentucky. The Mount Horeb earthworks (Webb 1941a) are the whole to which 15FA1 is a component. The C. & O. Mounds (15JO2 and 15JO9) and the Wright mounds (15MM6 and 15MM7) are known as a complex contemporaneous with neighboring mounds (Webb et al. 1942a; Webb et al.

1942b). The mounds around Cowan Creek (33CN10) are identified as a complex by Baby (1949). One of the components of the Philo Mound group (33MU77) is the PPC beneath Mound E (Carskadden and

Morton 1989). Lastly, the South Charleston Mound (also known as Criel Mound, 46KA39) is part of the larger Charleston mound group (Powell 1894).

Discussion and Conclusion

The model most similar to the empirical data is feasting. The model that is closest, on average, to all sites is Feasting model 1 (Fea). The second, third, and fourth closest models on average to all sites are habitation 1 (Hab), feasting 2 (Fea2), and habitation 2 (Hab2), respectively (Table 9). While these distances reflect a similarity in dimensional distribution among these models and the sites, the habitation model is rejected based on size differences. The MCA graphically displayed in Figure 12 illustrates the distributional similarities of models and sites, but this graphical display does not account for the scalar differences of dimensions at each site. The amount of recovered materials in association with PPCs is far too small to even suggest that these sites were habitation spaces.

The sites reflect a pattern of activities that support the feasting model, which most importantly include pit feature size and the floral and faunal remains. The pits in PPCs are larger than those expected at habitation sites, and are relatively few, as expected in the model (Table 2). Large is a qualitative measure, but Abrams (2005:75) provides average volumetric sizes of pit features from habitation sites and feasting sites in the Hocking Valley. The “hamlet” (habitation) sites average 2.4 liters, while features of the feasting sites are 421 liters on average. The mean pit volume for PPCs pit features is 135.98 liters. The pit features, in general, are irregularly shaped, with occasional FCR, debitage, and charcoal recovered from inside the pit. The lack of uniformity and raised lips on pit features suggests that these features were


not cremation pits. The lack of crematory basins or pits further rejects the mortuary processing model.

Crematory basins are expected to have a uniform and symmetrical form (Pacheco and Burks 2008), but the pit features in PPCs do not reflect a predetermined design in construction. The large pit size may reflect cooking for groups of people larger than a single household, which is a key criteria to the feasting model (see Kirch 2001:169).

The food consumed within the PPC is not reflective of habitation, mortuary processing, or feminine space. The floral and faunal remains reflect a specialized consumption of food, another criteria of the feasting model (Hayden 2001:28; Wiessner 2001:116-117). Nutshell fragments, pitted stones, a single mano at 33CN10, and domesticated plant seeds are indicators of plant processing and consumption.

The lack of any substantial faunal assemblage (2.6 percent) reflects a specialized consumption of resources with an emphasis on domesticated plant and nut consumption. A majority of the faunal remains are turtle shells and mussel shells, reflecting again a restricted food consumption. Large game (i.e. deer and elk) appears to be used in tool production at these sites, and not food consumption. The majority of the large game remains recovered from PPCs were non-meat bearing bones. Those few bones that were identified as meat bearing came from 33CN10, but were recorded as “split” in both the report and the

OHC catalog (Baby 1949). It is unclear whether these splits were the result of marrow extraction or split bone tool production.

At Cowan Creek Mound (33CN10), there were seven bone awls and seven worked bone and antler artifacts. Worked bone and antler make up 24 percent of the total faunal remains. Whetstones, grinding stones, and other abrading stones reflect potential sharpening episodes of awls, pins, and other bone and antler tools. Grinding stones account for eight percent of all associated ground stone tools

(n=23). However, this does not account for the frequency of tablets (n=12), which are potentially grinding stones as yet unused. All tablets and grinding stones are sandstone, which provides an excellent abrading surface from which to sharpen objects. When grouped together, tablets and grinding stones account for 12 percent of all ground stone tools (n=35).


The spatial dimensions best fit the feasting model. The nearest perennial flowing stream order

(Strahler 1952) is listed in Table 12. Half of the sites are located along the Ohio River (n=5) or one of its tributaries (n=4). The majority of site locations occur along major streams (order five or higher), while those sites adjacent to headwater streams (Strahler numbers one through three) account for 16.6 percent of the population (n=3). Streams of order less than fiveare too small to be considered plausibly navigable by boat year round (Surface-Evans 2012). Sites located adjacent streams of order four or lower include:

15BH15, 15MM6, and 15MM7. These three sites are located in the Kentucky bluegrass region, known for its low relief (Newell 1986). The accessibility of these sites is relatively high, based on the average slope of the surrounding area, and the proximity to large waterways. Although not systematically analyzed, the visibility of these sights suggest that social gathering activities such as feasting occurred at the PPC.

Webb (Webb 1939:505) notes the view of the Ohio River from the Crigler Mound (15BE20).

Several sites contain multiple construction episodes of PPCs. The highest frequency of PPCs

(n=10) are at the C. & O. Mounds (15JO2 and 15JO9). The C. & O. Mounds, 15JO2 and 15JO9, are located adjacent the Lavisa Fork River (Strahler order five) deep within the Appalachian unglaciated plateau (Figure 1).The relatively high relief to the surrounding terrain provides few alternative locations to construct a PPC. The same holds true for Sayler Park (33HA157) and Neibert (46MS103). The repeated construction episodes at these sites may reflect a limitation in viable construction locations.

The PPC is certainly not an isolated structure on the landscape, either socially or physically. In fact, PPCs are very close to other mounds and earthworks. Several PPCs are a component of earthwork complexes, or are themselves the complex. Based on the proximity to earthwork and mound complexes, it is reasonable to assume that these sites are a shared space amongst multiple households for the purpose of community aggregation.

The feasting model does not exclude the possibility that the impetus of the feast is a death.

Funeral feasts are not a new concept in Woodland archaeology (Abrams 2005; Clay 1983, 1998; Hayden

2009; Seeman 1979); however, the correlation of feasting and death does not equal causation. Feasting behavior is not the result of social aggregation for mortuary rituals at PPCs. Mortuary rituals are a by-


product of the natural life-cycles of those groups who participate in the feast. The evidence to follow rejects the hypothesis that the impetus for PPC construction and use is death.

No distinction was indicated in the notes whether the burials were in direct association and contemporaneous with the PPC except in a few cases, such as the Morgan Stone Mound (Webb 1941).

The minimum number of individuals inhumed at sites with PPCs is 294. Cremations account for only 19 of the 294 cases of burial (6 percent), making the confounding factor of multiple individuals intermingled in cremations relatively low. This is a very small frequency of interment when considering both the geographic extent of the sites (Figure 1) and the temporal range (400 B.C. – A.D. 50).

The proximity to mounds at most of these sites is usually cited as the smoking gun of mortuary processing (Clay 1986; Hays 2010; Seeman 1986; Webb 1941; Webb and Baby 1957). The PPC is assumed to be the processing site for neighboring mounds, or the overlying mounds, in many interpretations (Clay and Niquette 1989; Hays 2010; Seeman 1986; Swartz 1970). The explanation is based on the idea that the PPC is the location of burial preparation and a staging area for mound construction. However, at 15JO2 and 15JO9, there are 10 PPCs beneath the mounds, indicative of reuse through time (Clay 1987, 1991; Purtill et al. 2014). If PPCs are used as a staging area for mound interment, would we not expect to find PPCs in the accretion layers of the mound itself? There is also the assumption of contemporaneity between “sister” mounds and PPCs. “Sister” mounds are usually within sight of one another and are less than half a kilometer apart. The Wright Mounds (15MM6 and 15MM7) and the C. &. O Mounds are examples of “sisters.” In both of these cases, the larger mound contains more

PPCs while the “sister” mound contains fewer and is smaller in height. The sister mound that is smaller would be expected to have more PPCs, because the site would remain open longer as it served as the staging area for the sister mound’s construction. Yet, this is not the case. It is more parsimonious to assume that the PPC was a feasting site, and that the conversion of a feasting site into a mound was the result of a death (Purtill et al. 2014). The multiple structures beneath 15JO2, 15JO9, 15MM7, 33HA157, and 46MS103 perhaps reflect the feasts conducted in the lifetime of an individual, a group, a lineage, or clan. The physical or symbolic death of any of these may have been the impetus for mound construction.


The idea that these people were constantly re-negotiating social organization is not new (Clay 1986, 1992,


Feasts also provide the opportunity to solidify social solidarity between groups, thus creating networks of aid during lean seasons of production (Hayden 2001:30-31). Similar feasting activities could have occurred through time at different structures or earthworks. Considering the variability in mast production, it seems logical to conclude that feasts provide a beneficial function to lean seasons (Moore and Dekle 2010). As populations increase, the total consumption at a given feast would need to increase accordingly, necessitating an increase in energy expenditure. This falls in line to a degree with the “waste hypothesis” (Dunnell 1989, 1999; Madsen et al. 1999). The Ceremonial Subsistence Model (Nolan and

Howard 2010) proposes Middle Woodland earthwork centers as the location of horticultural production.

PPC feast fit in well as an explanatory framework building upon these two models. The evidence presented here on PPCs would appear to corroborate a model built on horticultural development and land clearing. The labor and food necessary to mobilize the construction of an earthwork or mound is readily available at a feast (Hayden 2001:29; Nolan and Howard 2010). The abandonment of the PPC construction around A.D. 50 likely coincides with a replacement of structural design, most likely “sacred circles” (Clay 1986, 1987, 2009; Carskadden 2008:264). In at least one case, 15FA1, the PPC is concentric with the outer circular embankment, suggesting at the very least a common knowledge of both the PPC and earth embankment by the builders of both.

Future Research and Quality of Data

Recently, a new PPC has been discovered in Chillicothe, Ohio by Jarod Burks of Ohio Valley

Archaeologists, Inc. It is named the North Bridge Street Mound, after the street to which it is adjacent.

Unfortunately, this site could not be included in my analysis, as it was discovered after I began analysis, and time did not permit a thorough examination. Future studies will be sure to include this new site.


There is a site of interest that may contain an as of yet unidentified PPC in Dearborn County,

Indiana (Swihart and Nolan 2014:143-146). The Oberting-Glen site (12D25) was excavated by an amateur archaeologist, Richard Scammyhorn, in the 1980s (Swihart and Nolan 2014). Field notes and drawings by Mr. Richard Scammyhorn were photographed by Dr. Kevin Nolan while in curation at the

Geier Research and Collections Institute. I examined Dr. Nolan’s photographs of Mr. Scammyhorn’s field notes. Scammyhorn’s field notes indicate a potential PPC north of what he calls Point Mound.

Scammyhorn’s drawing illustrates a semi-circle of post molds, with at most one pair. This does not meet my defined minimum of three pairs; however, a thorough examination of the notes have not been conducted, as the site was discovered much too late to include or warrant further research. The

Scammyhorn collection is housed at the Geier Collections and Research Institute in Cincinnati. It would be the first identification of a PPC in Indiana. In a similar fashion, more thorough reading of older reports from the Bureau of Ethnology is likely to turn up even more sites with PPCs. The Bureau of Ethnology reports were how I first identified a PPC at the South Charleston Mound (Powell 1894).

The South Charleston Mound (46KA39) is but one example of how poorly documented these sites are. The data used in my analysis have a wide range of resolution, based on a wide range in data recovery and recording. Archaeologists involved in future archaeological investigations must take more notes. This study has taught me, as I hope it has taught the reader, that an archaeologist is only as good as their notes. Reconstructing the past is difficult when data are missing. Many of the reports leave out important details, such as weight, description, counts, or all of the above. Burials were omitted because poor reporting could not clearly indicate any context within the site. FCR was only recorded by count, with weights only given in two reports (46MO1 and 46MS103).

The goal of this research was ambitious. There were many forms of analysis that were not conducted due to the volume of data it would entail. The primary pitfall of this research is that it relies almost entirely on the identifications and notes of previous researchers. There are many ways to continue this study, but all of them require access to the physical artifacts. The most basic information that would


increase the validity of results in any Multiple Correspondence Analysis would be physical weight for all artifacts. This would permit a better representation of the actual volume of artifacts than count.

Beyond weight, future studies should attempt to gather basic ceramic attributes, such as weight, thickness, surface treatment, and temper. A classification of tools similar to the one used in this study would help in identification of the actual artifacts rather than the descriptions used in reports and notes.

Additionally, use-wear analysis on lithics would refine our understanding of the activities conducted within the PPCs. There should be evidence to support plant processing, and minimal evidence of butchering wear.

I have presented a robust system of methods that can be applied to the archaeological record for testing functional models for goodness of fit with the empirical data. This methodology will hopefully provide future archaeologists with direction when they ask their own questions. There are countless data collected by Cultural Resource Management archaeology, and the methods I use here can be applied to these data in new ways that can allow a broader scope of people to analyze the past.



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Figure 1: The study area, with site locations.


Figure 2: Several planviews of paired-post circles (partially recreated from Purtill et al. 2014:Figure 6).


Figure 3: Plan view of the sub-mound structures at 15MM6 (Webb 1940: Figure 33).


Figure 4: Photograph of the paired-post structure at 15MM7 (Webb 1940:Figure 58).


Figure 5: Wyandotte cache blades from Sayler Park Mound.

Figure 6 and 7: (Left) Wyandotte Snyder’s Point and (Right) Wyandotte disk core, Sayler Park Mound.


Figure 8 and 9: (Left) Trapizoidal blade and (Right) a blade-like flake and a trapezoidal blade, Sayler Park Mound.

Figure 10: A sample of lithic projectile points, Sayler Park Mound.


Figure 11: Modified bone implement, Sayler Park Mound.


Figure 12: Graphical results of MCA applied to Table 6.


Object Scores


Site 1 2

15BE3 .408 .270 15JO2 .932 .025 15JO9 .120 -.908 15MM6 .408 .270 15MM7 .050 -.082 33AD121 .420 -.925 33CN10 1.464 -.058 33HA157 .619 .493 33MU77 -.040 -.157 33RO583 .338 -.006 46MO1 .154 -.502 Small -.466 -1.231 46MS103 1.870 .607 Hab .066 .949 Fem -1.481 -1.094 Fea 1.435 -.266 Mor -1.026 2.428 Hab2 -.828 -1.404 Fem2 -2.043 -1.089 Fea2 -.908 .352 Mor2 -1.493 2.328

Variable Principal Normalization.

Figure 13: The object scores of each case (sites and models). This is the x and y coordinates that create the graphical representation in figure 20.


Model Summary Variance Accounted For

Total percent of Dimension Cronbach's Alpha (Eigenvalue) Inertia Variance

1 .856 4.183 .465 46.477 2 .850 4.089 .454 45.438 Total 8.272 .919 Mean .853a 4.136 .460 45.958

a. Mean Cronbach's Alpha is based on the mean Eigenvalue.

Figure 14: Variance accounted for by each dimension in the MCA applied to Table 6.


Figure 15: Graphical representation of MCA applied to Ground Stone tool distribution.


Ground Stone Distribution 50










0 15BE3 15BE20 15BH15 15FA1 15JO2 15JO9 15MM6 15MM7 33AD121 33RO583 33CN10 33MU77 46MS103

celt/hoe Pitted stones other Decoratives Grinding stones pipe fragments tablets hemispheres/cones/balls hammerstones Netstones Beads

Figure 16: Ground Stone category distribution.


Figure 17: Graphical representation of MCA applied to Lithic Tool distribution.


Lithic Tool Distribution 300






0 15BE3 15BH15 15FA1 15JO2 15JO9 15MM6 15MM7 33AD121 33RO583 33CN10 33MU77 46MO1 46MS103 46KA39

biface point biface Scrapers core/blanks biface, stemmed drills/gravers biface, triangular biface corner notched biface side notched other biface, bipointed base

Figure 18: Lithic tool category distribution.


Figure 19: Graphical representation of MCA applied to Ceramic distribution.


Figure 20: Slope of area around sites 15BH15, 15FA1, 15MM6, and 15MM7.



Table 1: A list of sites with known paired-post circles.

Dia Mound Mound Dia Name Site Feature (m) Post Pairs Ht (m) (m) Reference Data Acquisition Riley 15BE15 7 8.8 35 6 1.8 18.2 Webb 1943a Webb 1943a Crigler 15BE20 1 17.1 80 40 4.6 49.5 Webb 1943b Webb 1943b Robbins 15BE3 26 9.1 49 78 6.2 13.1 Webb and Elliot (1942) Webb and Elliot (1942) Morgan Stone 15BH15 5 7.9 40 20 3.6 15.5 Webb (1941b) Webb (1941b) Mt. Horeb 15FA1 29.6 124 27 0 0 Webb (1941a) Webb (1941a) C. & O. 15JO2 5 8.3 50 14 4.5 49.5 Webb et al. (1942) Webb et al. (1942) C. & O. 15JO2 4 14 81 11 4.5 49.5 Webb et al. (1942) Webb et al. (1942) C. & O. 15JO2 3 11.4 58 13 4.5 49.5 Webb et al. (1942) Webb et al. (1942) C. & O. 15JO2 2 12.6 68 9 4.5 49.5 Webb et al. (1942) Webb et al. (1942) C. & O. 15JO2 1 16.2 59 9 4.5 49.5 Webb et al. (1942) Webb et al. (1942) C. & O. 15JO9 35 15.3 33 8 7.3 13.1 Webb et al. (1942) Webb et al. (1942) C. & O. 15JO9 34 28.3 58 12 7.3 13.1 Webb et al. (1942) Webb et al. (1942) C. & O. 15JO9 32 22.2 40 18 7.3 13.1 Webb et al. (1942) Webb et al. (1942) C. & O. 15JO9 31 13.1 39 10 7.3 13.1 Webb et al. (1942) Webb et al. (1942) C. & O. 15JO2 6 16.2 44 8 4.5 49.5 Webb et al. (1942) Webb et al. (1942) Schock and Langford Null 15LW45 6 12 3 0 0 (1980) Purtill et al. (2014) Wright 15MM6 1 31.4 43 20 9.4 18.4 Webb (1940) Webb (1940) Wright 15MM6 2 18.1 20 10 9.4 18.4 Webb (1940) Webb (1940) Wright 15MM6 3 11.3 15 7 9.4 18.4 Webb (1940) Webb (1940) Wright 15MM6 4 33.5 37 16 9.4 18.4 Webb (1940) Webb (1940) Wright 15MM6 5 10.1 26 9 9.4 18.4 Webb (1940) Webb (1940) Wright 15MM6 6 35.4 35 17 9.4 18.4 Webb (1940) Webb (1940) Name Site Feature Dia Post Pairs Mound Mound Dia Reference Data Acquisition


(m) Ht (m) (m) Wright 15MM7 1 9 33 16 1.5 72 Webb (1940) Webb (1940) Greenly Site #1 33AD121 121-1 8.2 22 11 0 0 Norr and Purtill (2009) Purtill (2012); OHC Cowan Creek 33CN10 14 39 19 5.5 26.5 Baby (1949) OHC 1 Geier Collections and Research Sayler Park 33HA157 7.3 41 18 9.1 61.1 Starr (1958) Institute Geier Collections and Research Sayler Park 33HA157 2 8.2 9.1 61.1 Starr (1958) Institute

37 Carskadden and Morton Philo E 33MU77 10.3 14 (1989) Carskadden and Morton (1989) 0 Woodhenge 33RO583 8 28 8 0 Lee et al. (2008) Lee et al (2008); OHC Cotiga 46MO1 6 29 11 4 24 Wall (1994) Wall (1994) 1 Niebert 46MS103 6.5 23 7 0 0 Clay and Niquette (1989) Clay and Niquette (1989) Niebert 46MS103 2 7.5 13 3 0 0 Clay and Niquette (1989) Clay and Niquette (1989) Niebert 46MS103 3 9.6 44 21 0 0 Clay and Niquette (1989) Clay and Niquette (1989) Niebert 46MS103 5 6.2 19 3 0 0 Clay and Niquette (1989) Clay and Niquette (1989) Criel 46KA394 4.9 20 10 10 50.5 Powell (1894) Powell (1894)


Table 2: Qualitative table defining the expected empirical data for each model.

Dimension Habitation Feminine Space Feasting Mortuary Processing Human Remains low low low high Debitage high medium-high low low Lithic Tools high medium low-medium low low quantity, high low quantity, low Pits high medium volume density High density, Medium quantity and high quantity, low FCR high quantity density density low Faunal high low high low-medium Floral high high high low-medium Ground stone high medium low low-medium high quantity, high quantity, low type medium-high quantity, high type low-medium quantity Ceramics variability low type variability variability and type variability Exotica low low high high


Table 3: Frequency of each dimension by site.

Ground Site Debitage Lithics Pits FCR Fauna Flora stone Ceramics Exotica Burials Bone/Antler Miscellaneous Total 15BE15 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 2 0 14 15BE20 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 6 0 25 15BH15 3 12 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 8 7 0 35 15FA1 0 11 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 14 15JO9 0 57 27 8 1 0 40 0 16 27 16 1 193 15LW45 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 33AD121 8 3 1 50 0 33 1 0 0 0 0 0 96 33HA157 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 54 0 39 0 0 94 33MU77 1 16 20 2 0 2 25 42 0 2 0 0 110 15BE3 0 3 0 0 1 0 6 212 0 101 0 0 323 15JO2 2 96 25 9 0 0 47 2898 35 5 9 0 3126 15MM6 0 47 0 0 4 0 121 3626 10 20 29 0 3857 15MM7 0 23 2 0 1 0 22 225 0 2 13 0 288 33CN10 8 12 0 0 87 20 5 53 0 19 14 7 225 33RO583 118 45 0 0 2 3 2 108 0 0 0 0 278 46KA39 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 1 16 46MO1 187 23 21 80 0 294 0 30 0 19 0 0 654 46MS103 1571 35 15 60 200 455 8 125 0 12 0 0 2481 Total 1900 384 118 211 296 809 282 7376 62 294 96 9 11837


Table 4: Relative frequency for each dimension by site.

Site Debitage Lithics Pits FCR Fauna Flora Groundstone Ceramics Exotica Bone/Antler Misc. TOTAL 15BE15 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 1 15BE20 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.00 1 15BE3 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 15BH15 0.11 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.04 0.26 0.00 1 15FA1 0.00 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 15JO2 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.93 0.01 0.00 0.00 1 15JO9 0.00 0.34 0.16 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.01 1 15LW45 0.25 0.00 0.13 0.25 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 15MM6 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.95 0.00 0.01 0.00 1 15MM7 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.79 0.00 0.05 0.00 1 33AD121 0.08 0.03 0.01 0.52 0.00 0.34 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 33CN10 0.04 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.10 0.02 0.26 0.00 0.07 0.03 1 33HA157 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 33MU77 0.01 0.15 0.19 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.23 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 33RO583 0.42 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 46KA39 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1 46MO1 0.29 0.04 0.03 0.13 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 46Ms103 0.64 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.18 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Total 1.85 2.55 1.68 0.99 0.53 1.26 0.89 6.06 0.005 1.67 0.37 18


Table 5: Expected values for each model and its variant. 1=low, 2=low-medium, 3=medium, 4=medium-high, 5=high

Ground Debitage Lithics Pits FCR Fauna Flora Ceramics Exotica Model Stone Hab 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 5 1 Fem 3 3 2 2 1 5 3 4 1 Fea 1 2 2 4 5 4 1 5 3 Mor 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 Hab2 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 4 1 Fem2 3 3 3 2 1 5 2 4 2 Fea2 1 3 3 3 4 4 2 5 5 Mor2 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 5


Table 6: Ceramics from Sayler Park Mound (Geier Collections and Research Institute).

max thick Accession Catalog Weight Count Description Temper (mm) Provenience 855 134 22.7 1 everted rim smoothed/burnished grit 8.73 Mound Fill 855 155 60.5 1 pipe tubular Mound Fill 855 260 4.4 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 7.06 village area pottery 855 270 3 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 6.87 unknown 44602 54.3 2 clay pipe bear effigy unknown pit tomb 44741 100.9 1 clay pipe duck effigy unknown pit tomb 1.9 1 CM 5.98 unknown 1.7 1 plain int. eroded 5.22 unknown 1.2 1 plain 6.32 unknown 6 1 plain 11.25 unknown 27 1 plain 13.19 unknown 9 1 plain 13.44 unknown 3 1 plain 5.78 unknown 32.8 1 CM 10.27 unknown 4.4 1 plain 7.39 unknown 13 1 obliterated CM 10.23 unknown 11.8 1 CM 6.79 unknown 2.6 1 plain ext. (?) eroded 8.8 unknown 14.4 2 unknown Mound Fill 8.7 1 ext. eroded 8.05 village area pottery 1.9 1 rim? unknown 18.2 1 CM Limestone 9.09 village area pottery 13.7 1 burnished Limestone 6.89 village area pottery 13.6 1 CM LAYERED Limestone 7.86 village area pottery 40.3 1 CM Limestone 10.04 village area pottery 15.4 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 7.76 village area pottery


max thick Accession Catalog Weight Count Description Temper (mm) Provenience 4.3 1 burnished Limestone 4.8 village area pottery 16.4 1 burnished/smoothed flint inclusion Limestone 13.43 village area pottery 7.8 1 CM Limestone 7.46 village area pottery 10.6 1 CM Limestone 8.89 village area pottery 4.9 1 CM Limestone 8.97 village area pottery 4.1 1 CM Limestone 7.51 village area pottery 14.5 1 CM Limestone 8.93 village area pottery 4 1 CM Limestone 8.79 village area pottery 4.6 1 CM flint inclusion Limestone 7.46 village area pottery 2.4 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 6.56 village area pottery 2.3 1 CM Limestone 7.02 village area pottery 7.6 1 CM Limestone 7.81 village area pottery 8.3 1 CM Limestone 9.37 village area pottery 2.3 1 CM Limestone 7.41 village area pottery 10.4 1 CM Limestone 10.59 village area pottery 13.5 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 7.28 village area pottery 4.9 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 8.1 village area pottery 1.5 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 9.61 village area pottery 4.7 1 CM Limestone 8.84 village area pottery 2.1 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 6.45 village area pottery 2.5 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 5.36 village area pottery 7.1 1 CM Limestone 7.97 village area pottery 5.4 1 CM Limestone 6.41 village area pottery 3.3 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 4.38 village area pottery 4.9 1 CM Limestone 8.3 village area pottery 4 1 burnished Limestone 4.77 village area pottery 12.1 1 CM Limestone 8.98 village area pottery 4.6 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 5.82 village area pottery


max thick Accession Catalog Weight Count Description Temper (mm) Provenience 7.9 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 5.92 village area pottery 5.4 1 CM Limestone 8.61 village area pottery 5.3 1 CM Limestone 6.37 village area pottery 8.1 1 burnished Limestone 6.33 village area pottery 2.9 1 CM Limestone 7.69 village area pottery 3 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 7.29 village area pottery 2.9 1 CM Limestone 7.99 village area pottery 3 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 7.13 village area pottery 7.5 1 CM Limestone 9.6 village area pottery 5.1 1 CM Limestone 9.29 village area pottery 3.4 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 5.36 village area pottery 2 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 5.44 village area pottery 6.7 1 CM Limestone 10.22 village area pottery 5 1 CM Limestone 7.57 village area pottery 1.3 1 CM Limestone 8.65 village area pottery 3.2 1 CM Limestone 8.32 village area pottery 5.7 1 plain Limestone 11.33 village area pottery 6.3 1 CM Limestone 9.35 village area pottery 1.4 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 5.71 village area pottery 2.1 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 5 village area pottery 3.3 1 CM Limestone 6.14 unknown 1.8 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 6.75 unknown 4 1 plain Limestone 9.25 unknown 3 1 CM Limestone 7.3 unknown 2.7 1 plain Limestone 5.99 unknown 1.5 1 burnished/smoothed Limestone 6.59 unknown 1.9 1 rim CM flat lipped rim Limestone 5.87 unknown 3.8 1 plain Limestone 5.58 unknown


max thick Accession Catalog Weight Count Description Temper (mm) Provenience 3.4 1 plain Limestone 8.02 unknown 359.7 150 smoothed Limestone unknown 48.8 1 rim CM flat lipped rim grit 9.48 7.7 1 rounded lip plain grit 6.89 19.7 1 rounded lip plain grit 10.38 20 1 rounded lip plain grit 14.35 21.2 1 rounded lip burnished/smoothed grit 13.54 32 1 rim plain grit 8.72 15.7 1 flat lip CM straight grit 9.39 28.6 1 straigth rim CM protruding lip grit 10.1 11.1 1 straight rim CM, burnishing/smoothed grit 8.1 188.6 16 rim, smoothed grit 676.8 169 smoothed grit 13921 131 smoothed grit 956 70 smoothed grit


Table 7: Artifact catalog of Sayler Park Mound (Geier Collections and Research Institute).

Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 89.3 1 antler pestle shaped antler? Groove and snap? burial 20 26.7 1 antler base of antler? unknown 855 240 7.4 1 bone long bone, mammal unknown 855 269 7.4 1 bone mammal bone unknown 855 269 0.5 1 bone bird? unknown 855 269 1.7 1 bone vertebra, turkey? unknown 4.7 1 bone pin? Mound Fill 1 bone bone tool unknown 68.4 1 bone long bone, large mammal unknown 50.2 1 bone astragulus, large mammal unknown 58.8 1 bone astragulus, even larger mammal unknown 7.8 1 bone medium/large mammal bone? unknown 38.2 1 bone mammal scapula? unknown 11.2 1 bone small mammal unknown 3.4 1 bone articulating surface, mammal unknown 13.9 1 bone ulna, medium/small mammal unknown 16.2 1 bone long bone, unknown mammal unknown 11.7 1 bone unknown animal unknown 6.6 1 bone mammal cranial fragment unknown 14.7 1 bone mammal long bone? unknown 3 1 bone animal bone frags unknown 13.7 1 bone scapula unknown 12.1 1 bone astragulus, deer? unknown 12.4 1 bone astragulus, deer? unknown 20.8 1 bone metatarsal/carpal deer or elk? unknown 0.8 1 bone bird unknown 13.4 1 bone long bone, mammal unknown


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 6.1 1 bone long bone, mammal unknown 15.1 1 bone appendicular, mammal unknown 23.9 1 bone metatarsal/carpal deer or elk? unknown 6.9 1 bone long bone, mammal unknown 3 1 bone rib, mammal unknown 17.5 1 bone vertebra, mammal unknown 16.9 4 bone teeth, deer or elk? unknown 2.5 1 bone unknown unknown 6.3 1 bone scapula unknown 5.6 1 bone femur head? Mammal unknown 20.8 1 bone vertebra, elk or deer? unknown 21.1 1 bone sacrum? Deer? unknown 3.5 1 bone vertebra, turkey? unknown 15.3 3 bone long bone frags, unknown unknown 20.8 1 bone long bone, unknown mammal unknown 2.2 1 bone rib? unknown 1.4 1 bone vertebra hook fragment unknown 4.5 1 bone unknown animal bone unknown 20.9 1 bone fragments unknown 18.5 1 bone long bone, mammal unknown 1 copper bracelet? burial 31 West wall of House 1, Sub. 4 mound 1 flora "charred grass" area 41010 1 6.2 1 Lithic biface, corner notched preform Mound Fill 41010 2 10.5 1 Lithic biface, corner notched Mound Fill 41010 3 9.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 4 7.1 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 5 4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 6 17.9 1 Lithic biface preform Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 41010 7 17.3 1 Lithic biface, stemmed base Mound Fill 41010 8 11.3 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 9 17.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 10 6.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 11 2.1 1 Lithic biface, corner notched Mound Fill 41010 12 10.7 1 Lithic biface, stemmed base Mound Fill 41010 13 6.1 1 Lithic biface, bifurcate base Mound Fill 41010 14 35.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 15 7.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 16 15.1 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 17 16.9 1 Lithic biface, corner notched Mound Fill 41010 18 6.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 19 4 1 Lithic biface, side notched Mound Fill 41010 20 8.8 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 21 18.9 1 Lithic biface, leaf base Mound Fill 41010 22 8.2 1 Lithic biface preform Mound Fill 41010 23 8.5 1 Lithic biface, preform Mound Fill 41010 24 28.5 1 Lithic biface, preform Mound Fill 41010 25 12 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 26 9.5 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 27 3.5 1 Lithic biface, stemmed base Mound Fill 41010 28 4.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 29 3.9 1 Lithic biface, corner notched Mound Fill 41010 30 12.5 1 Lithic biface, side notched Mound Fill 41010 31 44.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 32 3.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 33 29.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 34 14 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 35 11.3 1 Lithic biface, stemmed base Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 41010 36 14.6 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 37 9.5 1 Lithic biface, stemmed base Mound Fill 41010 38 14.5 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 39 10.6 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 40 13 1 Lithic biface, side notched Mound Fill 41010 41 7.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 42 5.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 43 3.8 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 45 8.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 46 12.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 49 2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 50 0.8 1 Lithic biface, side notched Mound Fill 41010 51 3.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 52 17.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 53 23.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 54 27.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 55 7.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 56 7.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 56 15.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 57 11.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 59 24.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 60 7.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 61 7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 62 15.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 63 14.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 64 22.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 65 2.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 66 3.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 67 2.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 41010 68 1.9 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 69 23.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 70 12.1 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 71 4.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 72 3.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 73 4.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 74 12.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 74 11.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 74 11.9 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 75 5.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 76 1.1 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 77 12.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 78 24.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 80 2.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 81 8.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 82 5.9 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 83 6.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 84 8.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 85 22.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 86 9.1 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 87 18.7 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 88 1.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 88 5.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 89 17.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 90 13.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 91 3.6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 92 0.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 93 6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 94 4.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 41010 94 5.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 95 5.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 96 5.5 1 Lithic biface, stemmed base Mound Fill 41010 97 7.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 98 1.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 98 14.3 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 100 3.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 101 12.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 102 6.8 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 103 9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 104 10.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 105 3.8 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 106 8.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 107 5.3 1 Lithic biface, stemmed base Mound Fill 41010 108 8.1 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 109 10.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 110 6.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 111 19.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 112 11.6 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 113 8.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 114 1.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 115 3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 116 21.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 117 8.3 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 118 3.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 119 4.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 120 6.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 121 5.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 122 2.6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 41010 123 8.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 124 27.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 125 2.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 126 4.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 127 7.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 128 5.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 129 1.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 130 10.4 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 131 3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 132 3.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 133 1.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 134 3.2 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 135 2.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 136 2.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 137 1.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 138 5.6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 139 1.3 1 Lithic blade Mound Fill 41010 140 12.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 141 1.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 142 2.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 143 5.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 144 3.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 145 1.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 146 2.5 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 147 3.5 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 148 1.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 149 2.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 150 1.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 151 5.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 41010 152 4.5 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 153 3.9 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 154 8.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 155 6.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 156 7.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 157 7.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 158 8.4 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 159 5.3 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 160 5.6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 161 1.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 162 2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 163 1.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 164 3.6 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 165 1.6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 166 2.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 167 0.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 168 4.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 169 1.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 170 1.2 1 Lithic blade-like Mound Fill 41010 171 14.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 172 3.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 173 7.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 174 1.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 175 3 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 41010 176 0.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 177 3.6 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 41010 178 18.2 1 Lithic core Mound Fill 41010 179 2.6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 180 12.2 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 41010 181 4.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 182 1.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 183 6.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41010 184 12.7 1 Lithic biface, corner notched Mound Fill 41010 185 8.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 41112 1 6.7 1 Lithic biface, side notched Unlisted 41112 2 21 1 Lithic biface, side notched unlisted 41112 3 24.7 1 Lithic biface, leaf base unlisted 41112 4 26.3 1 Lithic biface, leaf base unlisted 41112 5 24.9 1 Lithic biface, leaf base unlisted 41112 6 22.2 1 Lithic biface, leaf base unlisted 41112 9 19.3 1 Lithic biface, leaf base unlisted 41112 10 26.8 1 Lithic biface, leaf base unlisted 41112 11 22.2 1 Lithic biface, leaf base unlisted 41112 13 66.5 1 Lithic biface, corner notched cache? 41112 14 115.2 1 Lithic core, disc Cache 41112 15 17.6 1 Lithic biface, bifurcate base Unlisted 41112 16 25.4 1 Lithic biface, cache blade 41112 17 30.1 1 Lithic biface, cache blade 41112 18 23.3 1 Lithic biface, cache blade 41112 19 34.9 1 Lithic biface, cache blade 41112 20 30.9 1 Lithic biface, cache blade 41112 21 30.3 1 Lithic biface, cache blade 82.3 2 Lithic slate rectangle unknown 50.8 1 Lithic "sharpening stone" burial 20 88.8 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 44.5 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 35.7 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 54.6 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 34.4 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 36.1 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 25.9 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 19.4 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 21.5 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 27.6 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 13.4 1 Lithic core, exhausted? blanks box 11.3 1 Lithic biface blanks box 16.6 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 29.5 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 37.8 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 11.6 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 20.9 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 36.6 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 16.9 1 Lithic biface/core? blanks box 137.2 1 Lithic possible axe? stone box 1 of 2 454.8 1 Lithic hammerstone, very round stone box 1 of 2 36.8 1 Lithic stone ball? stone box 1 of 2 202.5 1 Lithic hammerstone stone box 1 of 2 107 1 Lithic unknown fossiliferous rounded stone stone box 1 of 2 186 1 Lithic hammerstone? stone box 2 of 2 421.1 1 Lithic groundstone implement stone box 2 of 2 285.1 1 Lithic hafted groundstone implement stone box 2 of 2 286.6 1 Lithic groundstone implement stone box 2 of 2 93.3 1 Lithic biface/core? Mound Fill 31.3 1 Lithic biface/core? Mound Fill 1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 6.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 4.6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 1.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 12.7 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 38.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 5.3 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 60.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 10.7 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 6.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 6.7 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 9.5 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 4.6 1 Lithic biface, square base Mound Fill 6.9 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 6.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 55.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 13.2 1 Lithic biface, leaf base Mound Fill 9.6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 3.2 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 5 1 Lithic biface, square base Mound Fill 62.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 6.4 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 6.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 6.6 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 6.1 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 9.5 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 8.8 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 7.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 9.6 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 3.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 4.6 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 1.2 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 5.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 6.7 1 Lithic biface, corner notched, snyders Mound Fill 4.8 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 24.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 6.7 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 17.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 10.5 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 13.7 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 7.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 15.5 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 9.3 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 31.3 1 Lithic biface preform Mound Fill 8.7 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 6.3 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 6.3 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 13.3 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 5.4 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 3.4 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 7.7 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 6.7 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 3.1 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 3.1 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 6.7 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 4.6 1 Lithic biface, side notched Mound Fill 3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 20.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 8.4 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 20.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 32.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 5.6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 8.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 7.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 10.5 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 12.6 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 5.1 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 10 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 4.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 4.6 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 7.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 5.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 4.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 1.3 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 27.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 13.2 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 15.9 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 5.6 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 6.1 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 20.6 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 3.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 20.7 1 Lithic biface/core? Mound Fill 3.5 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 1.1 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 2.8 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 7.4 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 5.6 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 5.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 5.8 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 8.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 1.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 32.9 1 Lithic biface/core? Mound Fill 2.9 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 2.2 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 23.7 1 Lithic biface/core? Mound Fill 15.4 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 6.4 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 4.4 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 5.2 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 19.1 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 6.7 1 Lithic biface point Mound Fill 6.7 1 Lithic debitage Mound Fill 10.4 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 14.8 1 Lithic biface Mound Fill 16.2 5 Shell "shell beads, probably from Saylor Park Mound" "From Indian Path" 2.2 4 shell beads, and fragments burial 26 5 shell beads, and fragments burial 29 143.8 50 shell shell beads unknown 50 shell shell beads unknown 180 shell shell beads burial 29 20 shell shell beads burial 29 100 shell shell beads burial 29 180 shell shell beads burial 29 50 shell shell beads unknown 50 shell shell beads unknown 10 shell shell beads burial 24 478.4 10 shell fresh water shells 406.3 10 shell fresh water shells


Accession Catalog Weight Count Material Description Provenience 465.9 10 shell fresh water shells 452.1 10 shell fresh water shells


Table 8: Categorical values for each dimension by site.

Ground Site Debitage Lithics Pits FCR Fauna Flora Ceramics Exotica Total Stone 15BE3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 14 15JO2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 14 15JO9 1 5 3 1 1 1 4 1 3 20 15MM6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 14 15MM7 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 17 33AD121 3 1 1 5 1 4 1 1 1 18 33CN10 1 2 1 1 5 3 1 4 1 19 33HA157 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 14 33MU77 1 3 3 1 1 1 4 5 1 20 33RO583 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 18 46MO1 4 1 1 3 1 5 1 5 1 22 Small 3 5 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 19 46MS103 5 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 18 Hab 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 5 1 28 Fem 3 3 2 2 1 5 3 4 1 24 Fea 1 2 2 4 5 4 1 5 3 27 Mor 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 20 Hab2 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 4 1 31 Fem2 3 3 3 2 1 5 2 4 2 25 Fea2 1 3 3 3 4 4 2 5 5 30 Mor2 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 5 21 Total 48 55 38 38 40 53 42 81 38 433


Table 9: Distances of Habitation and Feasting models to sites.

Site Hab Hab2 Fea Fea2 15BE3 0.760 2.080 1.158 1.318 15JO2 1.266 2.267 0.581 1.868 15JO9 1.857 1.069 1.463 1.626 15MM6 0.760 2.080 1.158 1.318 15MM7 1.031 1.587 1.397 1.051 33AD121 1.907 1.336 1.210 1.842 33CN10 1.722 2.658 0.210 2.407 33HA157 0.716 2.385 1.114 1.533 33MU77 1.111 1.475 1.479 1.006 33RO583 0.992 1.820 1.127 1.296 46MO1 1.453 1.333 1.302 1.362 Small 2.243 0.401 2.131 1.643 46MS103 1.836 3.365 0.975 2.789 Average 1.358 1.835 1.177 1.620


Table 10: Ceramic frequency by category and site.

"adena sherds, Sherds, sherd plain" plain CM B/S Burnished total 15BE3 212 212 15FA1 1 1 15JO2 164 2456 278 2898 15LW45 2 2 15MM6 147 3479 3626 15MM7 10 215 225 33HA157 32 18 4 54 33RO583 24 9 75 5 113 33CN10 53 53 33MU77 42 42 46MO1 22 8 30 46MS103 30 5 16 74 125 Total 450 6418 297 189 23 4 7381 Mean 64 916 74 47 11 4 615 Std 63.829 1434.342 136.005 32.958 9.192 n/a 1248.224


Table 11: Pit features by site, with number of paired-post circles. *average

Site PPC Vol (L) Pits 15BH15 1 0.00 0 15FA1 1 0.00 0 15BE3 1 0.00 0 33CN10 1 0.00 0 33RO583 1 0.00 0 33HA157 2 0.00 0 15MM6 6 0.00 0 15BE20 1 0.00 1 15LW45 1 0.00 1 33AD121 1 1.96 1 46KA39 1 1106.00 1 15MM7 1 507.8* 2 15BE15 1 208.15* 4 46MS103 4 405.30* 15 33MU77 1 136.73* 20 46MO1 1 63.48* 21 15JO2 6 11.67 25 15JO9 4 6.56 27 Total 35 135.98* 118


Table 12: The Strahler stream order nearest each site. The only stream of order 8 in the Study Area is the Ohio River.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15BE15 x 15BE20 x 15BH15 x 15FA1 x 15JO9 x 15LW45 x 33AD121 x 33HA157 x 33MU77 x 15BE3 x 15JO2 x 15MM6 x 15MM7 x 33CN10 x 33RO583 x 46KA39 x 46MO1 x 46MS103 X