Events of the Weekend

5 p.m. BACCALAUREATE MASS­ Events of the Weekend to Athletic and Convocation Center­ 6:30p.m. South Dome. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 1\1ay 17, 18 and 19, 1985. 7 p.m. COCKTAIL PARTY AND Except when noted below all ceremonies and activities are open to DINNER-(Tickets are required for to the public and tickets are not required. 8:30p.m. each and must be purchased in advance. Reserved table assignments FRIDAY, MAY 17 are indicated on the tickets.) Athletic 6:30 p.m. LAWN CONCERT-University and Convocation Center-North Concert Band-Administration Dome-Enter cross over doors located Building Mall. inside the building cast of Gate 2. (If weather is inclement, the concert 9 p.m. CONCERT-University of Notre will be cancelled.) Dame Glee Club-Stcpan Center. 8 p.m. T~VE T110N'T PAY! fVE WON'T PAY!­ NDISMC Theatre-O'Laughlin SUNDAY, MAY 19 Auditorium. 9 a.m. BRUNCH-North and South Dining 8 p.m. GRADUATE SCHOOL to Halls. (Tickets may be purchased in to RECEPTION- 1 p.m. advance or at the door; graduates with 10 p.m. by the Vice President for Advanced meal-validated identification cards Studies for degree recipients in the need not purchase a ticket.) Dining Graduate School and their families. hall designation indicated on ticket. Center for Continuing Education. 10 a.m. to GRADUATE DIVISION: BUSI­ 9 p.m. to Senior Class Cocktail Reception/Dance 12:30 p.m. NESS ADMINISTRATION DI­ 1 a.m. -Athletic and Convocation Center­ PLOMA CEREMONY AND North Dome. (Tickets required.) BRUNCH. Tickets required for each. Brunch tickets should be purchased in SATURDAY, MAY 18 advancc.-Stcpan Center. 10 a.m. ROTC COMMISSIONING-Athletic 12:30 p.m. DISTRIBUTION OF BACHELOR'S and Convocation Center-South AND MASTER'S DIPLOMAS Dome. (Doctor of Philosophy degrees will be individually conferred during the 11:30 a.m. PHI BETA KAPPA Installation­ Commencement Ceremony.)-Athletic Memorial Library Auditorium. and Convocation Center-North (Initiates are requested to arrive at 11 Dome. Graduates only.....::....Enter Gate 3. a.m.) 1:05 p.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION 2 p.m. UNIVERSITY RECEPTION- begins-Athletic and Convocation to by the Officers of the University in the Center-North Dome. 3:30p.m. Center for Continuing Education. Families of the graduates are cordially 2 p.m. COMMENCEMENT AND CON­ invited to attend. FERRING OF DEGREES-Athletic and Convocation Center-South 4 p.m. ASSEMBLY for the Academic Dome. (Tickets for admission to the Procession-Athletic· and Convocation Commencement Exercises arc required Center-AL and BA-Gymnasium for parents and guests.) above Gate 8; EG, GB, LW, MAIMS, 4:30p.m. LAW SCHOOL DIPLOMA PhD and SC-Gymnasium above CEREMONY-Sacred Heart Church. Gate 10. 4:20 p.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION begins


;;:z.:;muC%£.:z: ri Athletic and Convocation Center (South Dome) University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana At 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Saturday, May 18, 1985 Baccalaureate Mass

The Ministers of the Mass

Presiding Celebrant and Homilist Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C.

Presiding Prelate Masters of Ceremonies The Most Reverendjohn M. D'Arcy Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C. Rev. Peter D. Rocca, C.S.C.

Deacon Readers Rev. Mr. William Grey Mr. Douglas Patrick Regan Ms. Patricia Mary Santos

Aco(ytes Students of the University

Musicians Mr. Craig Westendorf Mr. Carl Starn Director of the Chapel Choir Conductor, Notre Dame Chorale Mr. Robert F. O'Brien Ms. Gail Walton Director and Music Arranger Assistant Director of the Chapel Choir Notre Dame Band Rev. George Wiskirchen, C.S.C. Mr. James S. Phillips Assistant Director, Notre Dame Band Associate Director, Notre Dame Band U~iversity of Notre Dame Band Ms. Michelle Rego ('85) University of Notre Dame Chapel Choir Cantor University of Notre Dame Chorale Ms. Katherine Sullivan ('85) University of Notre Dame Liturgical Psalmist Brass Ensemble

Communion Ministers Communion will be distributed by priests of the University community and by residence hall staff members who are Special Ministers of the Eucharist..

This Eucharistic Celebration is planned and prepared under the direction of the Office of University Ministry in cooperation with the Department of Music. Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C. Rev. Peter D. Rocca, C. S.C. Liturgical Coordinators

4 Baccalaureate Mass

Baccalaureate Mass Seventh Sunday of Easter

Opening Rites

ACADEMIC PROCESSION During the procession please remain seated in prayerful silence.

Marc he Triomphale ...... Sigfried Karg-Elert He Watching Over Israel ...... Felix Mendelssohn

He, watching over Israel, slumbers not, nor sleeps. Slwuldst thou, walking in grief, languish, He will quicken thee.

Overture: Fireworks Music ...... George Frederick Handel In Resurrectione tua ...... Jacob Handl

Alleluia. Heaven and earth reJoice in your resurrection, Christ. Alleluia. The Lord who hung for us from the tree is risen from the tomb. Alleluia. The disciples reJoiced when the_y had seen the Lord. Alleluia.

Psalm XIX ...... Benedetto Marcello Ubi Caritas ...... Maurice Durufle

Where charity and love are, there God is. The love of Chrz'st has brought u.s together in one. let us exalt and be joyful in him; Let u.s fear and love the living God, and let u.s love from a sincere heart.

Non Nobis Domine ...... Roger Quilter Praise to the Lord ...... Hugo Distler

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation Praise to the Lord, Who o'er all things so woml'rously reigneth. 0 1'!}' soul, praise him, for He is thy health and salvation! Shelters thee under His wings, ;•ca, so gent!;• sustaineth; Gather ;•e round, let us make music resound Hast thou not scm, how th;• hearts wishes have bem Praise Him in glad adoration! Granted in what he ordaii~eth?

5 Baccalaureate Mass


Te Deum ...... David Clark Isele

You are God; we praise you; You did not disdain the Virgin's womb. You are the Lord: we acclaim you; You overcame the sting of death and opened the kingdom You are the eternal Father; of heaven to all believers. All creation worships you. You are seated at God's right hand in glory. To you all angels, all the powers of heaven, We believe that you will come, and be our judge. Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless praise; Come then, Lord, sustain your people, "Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, brought with the price ofyour own blood Heaven and earth are full of your glory. '' and bn'ng us with your saints to everlasting glory. The glorious company of apostles praise you. Save your people, Lord, and bless your inhen'tance. The noble fellowship of prophets praise you. Govern and uphold them now and always. The white-robed anny of martyrs praise you. Day by day we bless you; Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you; We praise your name forever. Father of majesty unbounded, true and only Son, Today, Lord, keep us from all sin. Wortlry of all worship, and the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us. advocate and guide. Lord, show us your love and mercy You Christ, are the king of glory, eternal Son of the Father. For we put our trust in you. When you became man to set us free In you, Lord, is our hope, may we never be confounded. AMEN.



GLORIA Please sing at the direction of the cantor.

\ } } I J) j j a 2 p h I " I' Glo - ry to God in the high est and 3 3 • j j j_ r r j I II I' peace to his peo - pie on earth.


6 Baccalaureate Mass

Liturgy of the Word

READING I Acts 1 : 15-1 7, 20-26 Please be seated. vVt? must therefore choose someone who !zas been with us the whole time, and who can act with us as a witness to his resurrection.

PSALM 103 Please sing at the direction of the cantor. j. ~ J I F F F F I J J I r7P~1 II The Lord has set his throne in heav en.

READING II 1 john 4:11-16 Those who live in love, live in God, and God in them.

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Please stand and sing at the direction of the cantor.

Jl J j. II AI - le - lu- ia. al - le - lu - ia, al - le- lu - mia,_ al - le - lu - ia!

GOSPEL John 1 7: 11-19 It is customalJ' for men, Father, may tlzry be one in us/ although not for women wearing academic garb, to have their caps removed during the Gospel and lzomih'·

HOMILY Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. Please be seated. President of the University

17zere will be a few monzents of silent reflection after the homily.

7 Baccalaureate Mass


We believe in one God, All bow at the following words We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Father, the Almighty, up to: and became man. the Lord, the giver of life, maker of heaven and earth, by the power of the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father of all that is seen and unseen. He was born of the Virgin Mary, and the Son. and became man. With the Father and the Son We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, He is worshiped and glorified. the only Son of God, For our sake He was crucified He has spoken through the prophets. eternally begotten of the Father, under Pontius Pilate; God from God, He suffered, died, and was buried. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. Light from Light, On the third day He rose again We acknowledge one baptism true God from true God, in fulfillment of the Scriptures; for the forgiveness of sins. begotten, not made, He ascended into heaven We look for the resurrection of the dead, one in Being with the Father. and is seated at the right hand and the life of the world to come. Amen. Through Him all things were made. of the Father. For us and for our salvation He will come again in glory He came down from heaven: to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

GENERAL INTERCESSIONS Please sing at the direction of the cantor.

j 0 II Lord, hear our prayer.

Liturgy of the Eucharist


BEARERS OF THE GIFTS Officers of the Senior Class and Their Parents

Dean William Christy Patricia Cisle Edward Joseph Fitzgerald Richard Francis Irwin

Holy, Holy ...... Felix Mendelssohn

Holy, holy, holy, God the Lord of hosts! All the nations are filled with thy renown. Hosanna sing on high. And praise be he who comes in the name of the Lord!


8 Baccalaureate Mass

Eucharistic Prayer

INTRODUCTORY DIALOGUE + PREFACE It is customary for men, although not for women wearing academic garb, to have their caps removed during the Eucharistic Prayer. The cajJs may be replaced at the end of Communion.

SANCTUS Please sing at the direction of the cantor. Choir: Holy, Holy ... power and might. People:

1 4~" J j J f.J ll 1 J I I

Choir: heaven and earth ... God of power and might. People: &~lz R n J J I J. ~

God of pow'r and might.

Choir: Hosanna in the highest ... People:

Ho - san- na in the high- est. Ho san - na in the

I j j j A &~" .J I r· D !J J I J high- est. Ho - san - na in the high - est.

Choir: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. People:

&~b w 1 ;; a J p 1 J J IJ 1 n n a J 1 J J I a 1 Ho- san -na in the high- est. Ho - san- na in the high- est. Ho -

' ~lz f" p ;;g J I J J I J Ir f' Id J ,] I J Jt a II san - na in the high- est. Ho- san - na in_ the high -est._

9 Baccalaureate Iviass

MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION Please sing at the direction of the cantor. JIJLPpl When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we pro-

J I J J I J I J J J J I ~ J. II claim your death, Lord Je-sus, un - til you come in glo-ry. GREAT AMEN Please sing at the direction of the cantor. c;;- J I JS@jj) I J tHg A men. A men. A -

men. men.

Cornrnunion Rite


BREAKING OF THE BREAD + AGNUS DEI Please sing at the direction of.the cantor.

Cantor: All:

Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the world: have mer-cy on us.

Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the world: grant ____ us peace._

10 Baccalaureate Mass

RECEPTION OF COMMUNION Those who wish to receive are asked to remain in their seats until the usher directs each row to the proper communion station.

The Peace of God ...... Joseph Lubben ('85)

The peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keejJ thy hearts and thy minds through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sixty-seventh Psalm ...... Charles Ives

God be merciful unto us, and bless us; And cause his face to shine upon us; That thy way may be known upon earth, 111)' saving health among all nations. Let the jJeople praise thee, 0 God; Let all the people praise thee. 0 let the nations be glad and sing for }OJ•; For thou shalt judge the people righteous!;~ And govern the nations upon the earth. Let the jJeople praise thee, 0 God; Let all the people praise thee. 11zen shalf the earth ;•ield her increase; And God, even our own God, shalf bless us. God shalf bless us; And all the mds of the earth shalf fear Him.

Dona Nobis Pacem from the Mass in B Minor ...... ]. S. Bach Sleepers, Awake ...... ]. S. Bach Hymn of Praise ...... Anton Bruckner Wortlry Is Christ ...... Richard Hillert

This is the feast ___ of vic- to-ry for our God.

() II Al-le- lu ia, ai-le lu- ia, al - le- lu ia.

Worthy is Christ, the Lamb who was slain, Sing with all the people of God, whose blood set us free to be people of God. and join in the hymn of all creation: Blessing, honor, glory, and might Power, riches, wisdom, and strength, be to God and the Lamb forever. Amen. and honor, blessing, and glory are his. For the Lamb who was slain has begun his reign, Alleluia.


11 Baccalaureate Mass

Closing Rites

THE BLESSING OF THE FLAG As the flag bearers enter, please rise and Join in the singing of the hymn.

BEARERS OF THE FLAG Seniors with the highest academic ranking in the undergraduate colleges.

Liisa Lynn Anselmi Raymond D. Davis Bernard James Huston James Richard Roche Michael Jon Chmell Elizabeth Ellen DeSchryver Kenneth Paul McDonnell Sandi Lynn Stevens Paul Rudolph Bottei Susan Ann Hoelscher Charles Robert Napoli Robert H. Vonderheide

HYMN Eternal Father, Whose Almighty Hand

j. 0 Rl J. J I ; 'ij J J J -9- 1. E - ter - nal Fa - ther , whose a)- might-y hand j J j. )1 I J. I r J J nJ I 0 ~ Leads forth in beau - ty all the glo-rious band j. J 'Jl I J. J l&r J J nJ 0 ~ Of shin - ing worlds in splen-dor through the skies, js I J. J I J CJ II F r· J J -9- Our grate-ful songs be - . fore your throne a rise. 2. Your love divine has led us in the past; ' In this free land by you our lot is cast; Oh, be our ruler, guardian, guide, and stay; Your Word our law, your paths our chosen way. PRAYER OF BLESSING Then the hymn continues: 3. Now with the mind of Christ set us on fire, That unity may be our great desire. Give joy and peace; give faith to hear your call, And readiness in each to work for all.

4. Father, whose bounty all creation shows; Spirit, from whom all life in fullness flows; Christ, by whose willing sacrifice we live; To you with grateful hearts ourselves we give.

12 Baccalaureate Mass


Bishop: Peace be with you. All: And also with you. Bishop: Blessed be the name of the Lord. All: Now and forever. Bishop: Our help is in the name of the Lord. All: Who made heaven and earth. Bishop: May almighty God bless you . DISMISSAL

ALMA MATER Notre Dame} Our Mother O'Donnell-Casasanta

~ ~ -ztl ~ ~ I j ;J p 14 j I t F r F = No-tre Dame our Mo-ther, ten-der,strong and true, ll J) j Jl ~"n J J d j j I J j I II Proud-ly in the heav-ens gleams thy gold and blue. .. J Jl J J j ~ ~ j j I J I I '' Glo- ry's man- tie cloaks thee, gold- en is thy fame, \ '.. '""~UII J j) j J I J J I j Jl j d ,, And our hearts for- ev- er praise thee No- tre Dame, f., J) J) e ~·~ J J J J J I J d F I II And our hearts for- ev- er love thee No- tre Dame. RECESSIONAL

La Rejouissance ...... George Frederick Handel


Acknowledgments GLORIA by D.C. Iscle. Published by exclusive license agreement with GIA Publications, Inc., 7404 S. Mason, , IL 60638. Used with permission. All rights reserved. License #1180. SANCTUS, MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION, and GREAT AMEN (from "The Festival Eucharist") by Richard Proulx. Published by GIA Publications, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved. WORTHY IS CHRIST by Richard Hillert. Published by Augsburg Publishing House, Min­ neapolis, MN. Used with permission. All rights reserved. PSALM 103 ami AGNUS DEI by C.M. Bower. Used with permission. All rights reserved. GOSPEL ACCLA!'vlATION (from "Mass of the Divine \Vord") by Howard Hughes, S.I\1. Published by GIA Publications, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved.


13 Baccalaureate Mass


Participation in this Baccalaureate Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation.



Gate3 Gate2

Crossover Doors

Those attending the cocktail party and dinner are asked to enter the North Dome through the crossover doors located inside the building cast of Gate 2.

14 ;. - ...... -~ "•" ~ ' ·< ::·- .~-: .::· .-: . .

The Graduate School The Law School The College of Arts and Letters The College of Science The College of Engineering The Graduate and Undergraduate Divisions of the College of Business Administration

Athletic and Convocation Center (South Dome) University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana At 2:00 p.rri. (Eastern Standard Time) Sunday, May 19, 1985 ------

The Bachelor degree in the College of Order of Exercises Engineering by Roger A. Schmitz, Ph.D. Processional Dean of the College of Engineering The Bachelor degree in the College of Business America, the Beautiful-Ensemble and Audience Administration 0 beautiful for spacious skies, by Frank K. Reilly, Ph.D. For amber waves of grain Dean of the College of Business For purple mountain majesties Administration Above the fruited plain. Amen"ca! Amen·ca! The Conferral of Degrees God shed his grace on thee, The President of the University And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. Citation for the Laetare Medal The Chairman of the Board of Trustees Convening of the Convocation by Timothy O'Meara, Ph.D., Presentation of the Laetare Medal Provost of the University The Laetare .Medal, the University of Notre Dame's highest honor, has been conferred annually since 1883 on American Catholic men and women who have served with distinction in their chosen fields of endeavor. It is so Valedictory named because the recipient is armounced on Laetare Sunday, the Fourth James Richard Roche Sunday of Lent. St. Paul, Minnesota to Guido Calabresi Citations for Honorary Degrees New Haven, Connecticut The Provost of the University Commencement Address* The Conferral of Honorary Degrees Jose Napoleon Duarte, San Salvador, by Thomas P. Carney, Ph.D. El Salvador Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Charge to the Class the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, The President of the University C.S.C., S.T.D., President of the University Closing of the Convocation Presentation of the Award and Prize Winners The Provost of the University The Provost of the University Notre Dame, Our Mother*-University Band and Presentation of Candidates for Degrees Audience The Doctor of Philosophy degree 0 'Donnell- Casasanta by Robert E. Gordon, Ph.D. Notre Dame, Our lvfother, tender, strong and Vice President for Advanced Studies true The Juris Doctor degree Proudly in the heavens gleams thy gold and blue. by David T. Link, J.D. Glory's mantle cloaks thee, golden is thy fame Dean of the Law School And our hearts forever praise thee, Notre Dame: The Master degree And our hearts forever love thee, Notre Dame. · by Robert E. Gordon, Ph.D. Vice President for Advanced Studies Recessional of the Platform Party The Master of Business Administration degree by Frank K. Reilly, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Business Administration *It is customary for mm, although not for women. wearing academic l~arb to have their caps removed during the The Bachelor degree in the College of Arts and Commencement Address and the singing of the Alma Jo.1ater. Letters by Michael]. Loux, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Arts and Letters The Bachelor degree in the College of Science by Francis]. Castellino, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Science

16 Graduate School

Degrees Conferred In the Graduate School

THE DEGREE OF DOC1DR OF LAWS, THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF HONORIS CAUSA, ON: PHILOSOPHY ON: Giulio Andreotti *Abdulrhman Saleh Al-Ubaid, Davis, California Rome, Italy Major subject: Chemical Engineering. Disserta­ Bruce Edward Babbitt tion: Methane Steam Reforming Activity, Stability Phoenix, Arizona an·d Characterization of Nickel Supported Cata­ Douglas Andrew Fraser lysts. Director: Dr. Eduardo E. Wolf. Northville, Luis Alberto Amestica, Santiago, Chile Donald Raymond Keough Major subject: Chemical Engineering. Disserta­ Atlanta, Georgia tion: Catalytic Liquefaction of Coal with Supercrit­ Romano L. Mazzoli ical Solvents. Director: Dr. Eduardo E. Wolf. Louisville, Kentucky Dorothy A. Autrey, Ozark, Alabama Christiaan Frederick Beyers Naude Major subject: History. Dissertation: The National Johannesburg, South Africa Association for the Advancement of Colored People M'arie Augusta Neal, S.N.D. in Alabama, 1913-1952. Director: Dr. Philip Glea­ Boston, Massachusetts son. *Steven Mark Avella, Milwaukee, Wisconsin THE DEGREE OF DOC1DR OF SCIENCE, Major subject: History. Dissertation: Meyer of HONORIS CAUSA, ON: Milwaukee: The Life and Times of a Midwestern Archbishop. Director: Dr. Philfp Gleason. Gu YiJian Beijing, Chiria Ann Marie Bergquist, Shalimar, Florida Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: Effects of THE DEGREE OF DOC1DR OF Herbivory on Phytoplankton Community Compo­ ENGINEERING, HONORIS CAUSA, ON: sition, Size Structure, and Primary Production. Jose Napoleon Duarte Director: Dr. Stephen R. Carpenter. San Salvador, El Salvador *Edward J. Boland, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: The Structure THE DEGREE OF DOC1DR OF FINE ARTS, of the Gill Filament of the Channel Catfish, Icta­ HONORIS CAUSA, ON: lurus punctatus and the Effect of Post-Branchial Back­ Eileen Farrell pressure and Vasoactive Hormonal Agents on Flow Orland, Maine Distribution and the Influx of Sodium and Water. Director: Dr. Kenneth R. Olson. THE DEGREE OF DOC1DR OF HUMANI­ *Prasarn Boonserm, Bangkok, Thailand TIES, HONORIS CAUSA, ON: Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: The Po­ Bette Bao Lord tential Impact of Thailand's Alcohol Program on New York, New York Production, Consumption, and .Trade of Cassava, Sugarcane,. and Corn. Director: Dr. James J. Ra­ kowski. John Francis Burke, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Major subject: Government and International Studies. Dissertation: Thinking, Willing, andJudg­ ing: A Critical Reading of Hannah Arendt's The Life of the 1\Iind. Director: Dr. Fred R. Dallmayr.

*jmwal)' I 5, I 985, .t:raduales


._------~~----~------~------~·---' Graduate School

Christine Godshall Conway, Birdsboro, Pennsylvania L ...-Kenneth Hannon, San Antonio, Texas Major s~bject: Psychology. Dissertation: Volitional Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: The Root­ Control of Factors Influencing Heterosexual Social ing of Ritual: A Study of the Liturgical Reform as Interactions. Director: Dr. George S. Howard. Exemplified in a Select U.S. Population. Director: Carol Jane Descoteaux, C.S.C., Manchester, New Dr. Mark Searle. Hampshire Edward A. Hjerpe III, Northboro, Massachusetts Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: Chronic Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: Stability Suffering: a Theological and Ethical Reflection on of the Money Demand Function: A Comparison of Brazil's Basic Ecclesial Communities and Jean Va­ Conventional and Simultaneous Equation Estima­ nier's ~Arche. Co-Directors: Dr. James T. Burt­ tion Techniques. Director: Dr. Frank J. Bonello. chaell and Dr. Stanley Hauerwas. Nai-Zhong Huang, Shanghai, China John Patrick Dever, Sharon, Pennsylvania Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: A Mecha­ Nlajor subject: Chemical Engineering. Disserta­ nistic Study of Reactions of Substituted Allenes tion: The Use of Right Half Plane Zeros to Dis­ with NI(O)Complexes. Director: Dr. Daniel J. criminate Reaction Models. Co-Directors: Dr. Jef­ Pas to. frey C. Kantor and Dr. James J. Carberry. Zheng-Feng Huang, Bejing, China John Michael Flentz, Redondo Beach, California Major subject: Electrical Engineering. Disserta­ Major subject: Electrical Engineering. Disserta­ tion: Applications of Generalized Incrementally tion: System Identification by Statistical Inference. Linear Functions to Fault Diagnosis of Analog Sys­ Director: Dr. Yih-Fang Huang. tems. ·Director: Dr. Ruey-Wen Liu. Margaret Scisney Forrest, South Bend, Indiana Anton K. Jacobs, Saint Ann, Missouri Major subject: Sociology. Dissertation: Illness At­ Major subject: Sociology. Evangelicalism and Capi­ tribution, Client-Physician Negotiated Interaction talism: A Critical Study of the Doctrine of Atone­ and Compliance. Dr. Joseph W. Scott. ment in the History of American Religion. Direc­ Clinton E. Gabbard, Trenton, Ohio tor: Dr. Fabio B. Dasilva. Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: Validation Donald Richard Kapitz, Albuquerque, New Mexico of Therapist Adaptiveness in Systematic Eclecti­ Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: Compro­ cism. Director: Dr. GeorgeS. Howard. mise and Regret: A Critique of Charles E. Cur­ *Pravinray D. Gandhi, New Delhi, India ran's Theory of Compromise. Director: Dr. Stanley Major subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engi­ Hauerwas. neering. Dissertation: Spontaneous Ignition of Or­ Mike Forrest Keen, Niles, Michigan ganic Solids by Radiant Heating in Air. Director: Major subject: Sociology. Dissertation: Investiga­ Dr. Murty A. Kanury. tions towards the Foundations for a Sociology of Patricia Ann Gately, Lynnfield, Massachusetts Knowledge in Gramsci's Pn"son Notebooks. Director: Major subject: English. Dissertation: "A Transmu­ Dr. Fabio B. Dasilva. tation of Self': George Eliot and the Music of Nar­ Robert G. Kennedy, St. Paul, Minnesota rative. Director: Dr. Joseph A. Buttigieg. Major subject: Medieval Studies. Dissertation: Patricia A. Guinan, Plymouth, New Hampshire Thomas Aquinas and the Literal Sense of Sacred Major subject: Medieval Studies. Dissertation: Scripture. Director: Dr. Ralph M. Mcinerny. Carthusian Prayer and Hugh of Balma's Viae Sion *Hong-Sen Kou, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China Lugent. Director: Dr. Ralph M. Mcinerny. Major subject: Aerospace and Mechanical Engi­ neering. Dissertation: Turbulent Buoyant and Pres­ sure Variations Around a Circular Cylinder in a Cross Uniform Flow Near the Ground. Director: Dr. Kwang-Tzu Yang.

18 Graduate School

Mary Joan Kreuzman, South Bend, Indiana Sharon Rose Murphy, Kenmore, New York Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: Local Major subject: Government and International Properties and Covering Spaces of Parabolic Mani­ Studies. Dissertation: The Foreign Policies of Israel folds. Director: Dr. Wilhelm F. Stoll. and South Africa: A Comparative Study. Director: John W. Kyle, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Dr. A. Peter Walshe. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Character­ *Venkatraman Nagarajan, Madras, India ization of Glycolipid Galactosyltransferases from Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Flash Pho­ Embryonic Chicken Brain. Director: Dr. Subhash tolysis of Transient Free Radicals. Director: Dr. C. Basu. Richard W. Fessenden. TzayShing Andrew Lai, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of *Thomas Brendan O'Grady, Charlottetown, P.E.L, China Canada Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Electron Tun­ Major subject: English. Dissertation: "A Certain neling Studies of Electron-Phonon Renormalization Fascination": Parnell in the Irish Literary Imagina­ Effects in Indium. Director: Dr. Walter J. To­ tion. Director: Dr. Joseph A. Buttigieg. masch. *Sharon A. Pace, Utica, New York Donna L. Lazarick, Cincinnati, Ohio Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: The Old IVIajor subject: Psychology. Dissertation: Volition as Greek Translation of Daniel 7-12. Director: Dr. .a Determinate Factor in Weight Control. Director: Eugene Ulrich. Dr. George S. Howard. Philip Alexander Politowicz, Hanover Park, Illinois *C. Thomas McCollough, Danville, Kentucky IVIajor subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: The Influ­ Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: Theodore of ence of Lattice Topology upon the Efficiency of Cyrus as Biblical Interpreter and the Presence of Reaction-Diffusion Processes. Director: Dr. John J. Judaism in Later Roman Syria. Director: Dr. Rob­ Kozak. ert L. Wilken. Charles A. Pressler, Elkhart, Indiana Nancy J. McCreary, East Freedom, Pennsylvania Major subject: Sociology. Dissertation: Portraits of Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: Competition the Life-World: Hegel, Heidegger, and the Ontol­ and Coexistence in 1\vo Vegetative Freshwater Pe­ ogy of Emotions. Director: Dr. Fabio B. Dasilva. rennials: Eleocharis acicularis (L.) R. and S. andjun­ Michael Joseph Radzicki, Sheboygan, Wisconsin cus pelocarpus forma submersus Fassett. Director: Dr. IVIajor subject: Economics. Dissertation: The Im­ Stephen R. Carpenter. · pact of an Increased Level of Vocational and Tech­ *Daniel McLellan, Boston, Massachusetts nical Education on Employment and Population Major subject: History. Dissertation: A History of Growth in the Indiana Economy. Director: Dr. the Catholic Charitable Bureau of the Archdiocese Lawrence C. Marsh. of Boston. Director: Dr. Philip Gleason. *Eileen Regina Rausch, Cheshire, Connecticut Monica McNamara, Kansas City, Kansas Major subject: History. Dissertation: "Let Ohio Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: The Ef­ Women Vote:" The Years to Victory, 1900-1920. fects of Demand Characteristics on the Cognitive Director: Rev. Thomas E. Blantz, C.S.C. and Behavioral Assessment of Heterosocial Skills. Luis Frias Razon, Manila, Philippines Director: Dr. Thomas V. Merluzzi. Major subject: Chemical Engineering. Disserta­ *Madhusudan Menon, Bombay, India tion: Intrinsically Unstable Behavior during the Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: B/Jv!ETAL­ Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide on Platinum. Di­ LIC SUPERLATTICES: Density of States and Su­ rector: Dr. Roger A. Schmitz. perconducting Phase Boundary for Model Systems. Director: Dr. Gerald B. Arnold. Kim Matthew Morehouse, Utica, Michigan Major subject: Chemistry. Oxidation and Reduc­ tion of Manganese Porphyrins in Aqueous Solu­ tions by Free Radicals: A Pulse Radiolysis Investi­ gation. Director: Dr. Robert H. Schuler.

19 Graduate School

'Mary Keenan Reid, Seattle, Washington Dah-Shyang Tsai, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Major s~bject: Psychology. Dissertation: Attribu­ Major subject: Chemical Engineering. Disserta­ tion and Self-Control Training with Hyperactive tion: Radiant Heat Transport in Spherical and Cy­ Children. Director: Dr. John G. Borkowski. lindrical Pores, Conduction in Random Fiber *Donald J. Richards, New Rochelle, New York Beds, and Heat Transport in Melting with Initial Major subject: History. Dissertation: A Study in Subcooling. Director: Dr. William C. Strieder. Persuasion: Whigs View the Issues, *Jose Carlos Vites, Lima, Peru 1834-1844. Director: Dr. Robert L. Kerby. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Borane Timothy John Roemer, Mishawaka, Indiana Reduction of Organic Fragments Bound to Transi­ Major subject: Government and International tion Metal Carbonyls. Director: Dr. Thomas P. Studies. Dissertation: The Senior Executive Ser­ Fehlner. vice: Retirement and Public Personnel Policy. Di­ Paul J. Wadell, Chicago, Illinois rector: Dr. Peri E. Arnold. Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: An Inter­ *William Hubert Rohrer, North Vernon, Indiana pretation of Aquinas' Treatise on the Passions, the Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: Electrophysi­ Virtues, and the Gifts from the Perspective of ology and Pharmacology of the Dipetalonema Viteae Charity as Friendship with God. Director: Dr. Neuromuscular System. Co-Directors: Dr. Harald Stanley Hauerwas. Esch and Dr. Howard J. Saz. Judith K. Wells de Vargas, Beverly Shores, Indiana *Rene Perez Rosenbaum, Brownsville, Texas Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: Presurgi­ Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: Collective cal Anxiety and Postsurgical Pain and Adjustment: Bargaining of Farm Workers in Northwest Ohio, Effects of a Stress Inoculation Procedure. Director: 1968-1984. Director: Dr. Charles Craypo. Dr. GeorgeS. Howard. *l'vlaria Cecilia Rozak, Lima, Peru *Danny Lee Wiedbrauk, Alpena, Michigan Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Two-Step Major subject: Microbiology. Dissertation: Charac­ Processes in the 160(d,p)170 Reaction. Director: terization of Rat Leukocyte, Fibroblast, and Dr. Sperry E. Darden. Gamma Interferons. Director: Dr. Morris Pollard. *Lawrence Joseph Satkowiak, Auburn, Michigan *Mawlin Yeh, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. l'vlajor subject: Physics. Dissertation: A Study of Major subject: Electrical Engineering. Disserta­ the Energy and Angular Momentum Balance in tion: Two New Approaches to the Design of a the 160 + 12C Fusion Reaction Via Measurements Transmultiplexer. Director: Dr. James L. Melsa. of the Post-Fusion Emissions. Director: Dr. James William Henry Youngs, New York City, New York J. Kolata. Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: Volitional William J. Schmidt, Plymouth, Minnesota and Nonvolitional Factors in Human Behavior. Di­ Major subject: Chemical Engineering. Disserta­ rector: Dr. GeorgeS. Howard. tion: Nonlinear Optimizing Control for Chemical James Andrew Zarzana, Sacramento, California Processes. Director: Dr. Jeffrey C. Kantor. Major subject: English. Dissertation: Arnold Ben­ *Dennis Siy, Albany, New York nett Reconsidered: His Literary Theories and Fic­ Major subject: English. Dissertation: Death, Medi­ tion. Director: Dr. Joseph M. Duffy, Jr. eval Moralities and the Ars Moriendi Tradition. Di­ rector: Dr. Paul A. Rathburn. *Brother Donald Joseph Stabrowski, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana Major subject: Government and .International Studies. Dissertation: A Political Machine, an Eth­ nic Community, and South Bend's West Side: 1900-1980. Director: Dr. R. Robert Huckfcldt. f;Solomon J. Y. Ting, Nan-Tou, Taiwan Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Multiparticle Production in Hadron-Nucleus Interactions at 100 GeV/c. Director: Dr. Nripendra N. Biswas.

20 Graduate School

THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF Donald Callan Bishop, South Bend, Indiana DIVINITY ON: Major subject: Economics. *Ann Louise Boynton, Monterey, California Michael Barry ~erner, Council Bluffs, Iowa Major subject: English. Alan Eugene Bowman, Peru, Indiana Gregory J. Buchholz, Kansas City, Missouri Robert E. deLeon, Albany, New York Major subject: Economics. Jacqueline J. Dickey, Des Moines, Iowa Susan Renee Burgess, Chicago, Illinois Edward B. Kaufman, C.S.C., Orlando, Major subject: Government and International Florida Studies. James B. Luther, West Lafayette, Indiana Martha M. Carr, Warwick, Rhode Island Francis Joseph Murphy, Glenview, Illinois Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: Metacognition Nancy Seubert, Eugene, Oregon in Creative and Gifted Children. Director: Dr. Thomas Gerard Streit, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana John G. Borkowski. Mark Benedict Pius Thesing, C.S.C., Ft. *Valerie D. Castillo, Norfolk, Virginia Lauderdale, Florida Major subject: Sociology. William Walter Traylor, C.S.C., Bridgeport, Con­ David Edwin Chaffin, Cambria, California necticut Major subject: English. Dominic Ovide Vachon, Fort Pierce, Florida Victor Cinson, Jr., Malvern, Ohio Major subject: Theology. Gerard I. Willger, Rice Lake, Wisconsin *Sheila Catherine Conboy, Grand Island, New York Major subject: English. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MEDIEVAL STUDIES ON: *Bruce Peter Corrie, Shillong, India Major subject: Economics. Robert Dale Anderson, Corona, California *William DeMartini, South Bend, Indiana

Mark John Christensen, Taft, California Major subject: History. > Gregory L. Froelich, Corona, California *James C. Deming, Seattle, Washington Major subject: History. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF *Maria Isabel Donoso, Santiago, Chile FINE ARTS ON: Major subject: Government and International Studies. Dale Richard Mainer, Grand Marais, Minnesota Thesis: An Aesthetic Response in the Baha'i Reve­ *Michael Terence Downer, Bridgewater, New Jersey lation. Director: Prof. Donald G. Vogl. Major subject: Communication Arts. Carol Ann Naccarato, OSF, Sylvania, Ohio *Carol Ann Dunleavy, Kalamazoo, Nlichigan Thesis: Art and Belief: An AesthetiC Response. Di­ Major subject: American Studies. Thesis: George rector: Dr. Thomas S. Fern. Washington Winslow, 1809-1878: A Biography in Words and Things. Director: Dr. Thomas J. Schlereth. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS ON: *Patricia Hanley Dunn, Goshen, Indiana Abdelkader Mohamed Abdelkader, Metobis, Egypt Nlajor subject: Psychology. Thesis: Loneliness and Major subject: Economics. the Interpretation of Interpersonal Interactions. Di­ Kevin Michael Bauman, South Bend, Indiana rector: Dr. John F. Santos. Major subject: Modern and Classical Languages. Thomas John Fisch, Burnsville, Min'nesota Thesis: La evolucion del tema de la naturaleza en Major subject: Theology: la.poesia pastoral espanola del Siglo de Oro. Direc­ tor: Dr. Angel Delgado-Gomez. Shelley S. Baxter, Olympia, Washington Major subject: Economics. *Daniel Alexander Beck, Chicora, Pennsylvania Nlajor subject: History and Philosophy of Science.

21 Graduate School

Steve S. Francis, Olympia, Washington *Margery V. Laing, Silver Spring, ~aryland Ivlajor subject: Economics. Major subject: Modern and Classical Languages. Michele Marie Fujawa, Mishawaka, Indiana *Rev. Leo J. Larrivee, S.S., Seattle, Washington Major subject: Sociology. Major subject: History. Sixto Garcia, Ivliami, Florida Mary G. Linehan, Evergreen Park, Illinois Major subject: Theology. Major subject: History. *Eloisa M. Gordon-Mora, Santurce, Puerto Rico *William Henry Christopher Mahon, Ft. Collins, Major subject: Government and International Colorado Studies. Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: The Relation­ *J a~es Edward Grummer, S.J., Milwaukee, Wiscon­ ship of Perceived Financial and Health Status! Se~f­ sm Disclosure Flexibility, and Experienced Meanmg m Ivlajor subject: History. Life to Life Satisfaction in Older Persons. Director: *Sr. Pamela R. Hallett, Ivlonroe, Ivlichigan Dr. C. William Tageson. Major subject: Economics. *Janet Earline Marsh, El Paso, Texas *Anne Louise Haley, Terre Haute, Indiana . Major subject: Government and International Studies. Major subject: Government and InternatiOnal Studies. John David McBride, Oak Park, Illinois Major subject: Psychology. *Reverend John Edward Hammer, Massillon, Ohio Major subject: Theology. Julie Mary McDonald, Glenview, Illinois Major subject: Philos0phy. Gregory Allen Harris, South Bend, ~ndiana Ivlajor subject: Modern and Classical Languages. *Ivlichacl John McCully, Green Bay, Wisconsin Robert D. Hawkins, West Lafayette, Indiana Major subject: Economics. Major subject: Theology. Pamela Ann Moeller, South Bend, Indiana Taufieq Herman, Bandung, Indonesia Major subject: Theology (Liturgy). Major subject: Economics. Linda Derby Monroe, Mishawaka, Indiana Mary Bridget Hickey, Brookfield, Wisconsin Ivlajor subject: Psychology. Thesis: Cognitive Com­ Major subject: Theology. ponents of Child Abuse Potential. Director: Dr. Cynthia J. Schellenbach. Charles R. Hohenstein, Grant. Park, Illinois Major subject: Theology. Yoshio Murakoshi, Shizuoka City, Japan Ivlajor subject: Economics. *Dennis Michael Jay, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Sociology. Paul Raymond Nelson, Watertown, Wisconsin Major subject: Theology *Jean Binkley Johnson, South Bend, Indiana Ivlajor subject: Sociology. *Tawin Nilbai, Nonthaburi, Thailand Major subject: Economics. *Cathy M. Jones, Ellwood City, Pennsylvania Major subject: Art, Art History & Design. Brenda Karen Pennell, Cary, North Carolina Ivlajor subject: Music. Thesis: Integration of Plot Theresa Marie Kenney, State College, Pennsylvania and Music in Show Boat. Director: Dr. Charles A. Major subject: English. Barbera. James Joseph Kevin Jr., Riverside? California . Joanne Michelle Pierce, Swampscott, Massachusetts Major subject: History and Philosophy of Science. Major subject: Theology Thesis: Man's Place in the Universe, Alfred Russel . Wallace, Teleological Evolution, and the Question *Andrew J. Price, Peabody, Massachusetts of Extraterrestrial Life. Director: Dr. Michael J. Major subject: English. Crowe. Ellen Louise Quick, South Bend, Indiana *Pawel Jacek Kotwica, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: Comfirmatory Factor Analysis of Androgyny Instruments: Instru­ Major subject: Government and International Studies. mentality and Expressiveness as M~jor Factors. Di­ rector: Dr. C. William Tageson. *Daniel James Quigley, Hudson, Massachusetts Major subject: English. *LissaJackson Roche, Culver, Indiana Major subject: History.

22 Graduate School

Patrick M. Rooney, Washington, D.C. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC ON: Major subject: Economics. Beth Ann Babbitt, Evanston, Illinois *Judith Eileen Sanderson, Mishawaka, Indiana Constance E. Barrett, Burnt Hills, New York Major subject: Theology. Carrie Ann Carlson, LaPorte, Indiana Makmur Palal Santoso, Jakarta, Indonesia Major subject: Economics. Elizabeth A. Fairlie, Broadview Heights, Ohio Charles Cameron Sylvester, Vancouver, British Co­ Michelle Marie Rego, Hudson, Ohio lumbia, Canada Nancy Anne Riegel, Oxford, Ohio Major subject: Government and International Theresa Ann Timmerman, Green Bay, Wisconsin Studies. Michael John Wellems, Albuquerque, New Mexico *Shamsuddin M. Tareq, Chittagon.g, Bangladesh Major subject: Economics. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE ON: *Catherine Teresa Tobin, Britway, Castclyons, Fer­ moy, Co. Cork, Eire *Nour Edeline Abbes, Ksour-Essaf, Tunisia Major subject: History. Major subject: Chemistry. Thesis: Crystal Struc­ ture and Molecular Stereochemistry of a,g-Di-Iso­ Rev. Paul John Tracy, South Bend, Indiana Profy1-a,g- Dihydroctaethyl porphyrin: A Com pari­ .Major subject: Theology (Liturgy). Thesis: Chris­ son with Octaethylporphyrin. Director: Dr. W. tian Initiation Complete in Baptism? A Continuing Robert Scheidt. Problem for Anglicans. Director: Dr. Mark Searle. *Vandana Srivasta Chakravarti, Bombay, India Sarah S. Tracy, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Physics. Major subject: Theology. Bartholomew Gennaro Corsaro, East Brunswick, Robert C. Tuttle, Kansas City, Kansas New Jersey Major subject: Sociology. Major subject: Biology. Thesis: The Phenogenetic *Laura L. Vadaj, Garfield Heights, Ohio Effects of the Eyeless :Niutation on Selected Lines of Major subject: English. Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Di­ Peter J. Vander Nat, Grand Rapids, :Niichigan rector: Dr. Harvey A. Bender. Major subject: Economics. *John Steven Fezy, II, South Bend, Indiana Michael James Varga, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Biology. Major subject: Economics. Daniel Joseph Hrozencik, Chicago, Illinois *Denn~s Richard Virta, Mt. Prospect, Illinois Major subject: Nlathematics. Major subject: Philosophy. Bokhee Im, Chonan, Republic of Korea Dean 0. Wenthe, Fort Wayne, Indiana Nlajor subject: :Niathematics. Major subject: Theology Mary L. Jaynes, Knoxville, Tennessee *David Allan Werther, Mundelein, Illinois :Niajor subject: Biology. Thesis: Effects of Sub­ Major subject: Philosophy. mersed Plants on Sediment Redox and Solute Lev­ Mary Ann Woodman, Molalla, Oregon els. Directvr: Dr. Stephen R. Carpenter. Major subject: Theology. Krystina Kay Leganza, Indianapolis, Indiana Jie Yang, Shanghai, China Nlajor subject: Mathematics. Major subject: English. :rviary :rvionica Lynam, Dublin, Ireland *Judith Anne Zaccaria, Lee, ivlassachusetts Major subject: Chemistry. Thesis: Boranes­ Major subject: English. Structural Models for Transition Metal Clusters. Director: Dr. Thomas P. Fehlner.

23 Graduate School

*Reena Pinto, Bombay, India . . . . . THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Major subject: Biology. Thesis: Condltlonmg Apzs CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ON: Mellifera to Magnetic Fields. Director: Dr. Harald E. Esch. Kevin M. DeLine, Midland, Michigan *Ennis Rafael Rosas Rodriguez, Cumana, Estado Su­ Thesis: Kinetics and Characterization for Gold­ cre, Venezuela Copper Bimetallic Catalysts. Director: Dr. James J. Carberry. Major subject: ivlathematics. *Anthony Joseph Roux, Charlotte, North Carolina *Jeffrey Thomas Igel, Akron, Ohio . Major subject: Biology. Thesis: Model Calculations of the Phase Behavior of Mixtures at High Pressures. Director: Dr. Mark Bruce Allan Steinbaugh, Mishawaka, Indiana A. McHugh. Major subject: Chemistry. Thesis: The Total Sy~­ thesis of Awaitin A, A Citric Acid Based SI­ Kathi J. McDonald, Mesa, Arizona derophore. Director: Dr. Marvin J. Miller. *Timothy E. Nitschke, Kingsport, Tennessee Katherine Ann Taylor, South Bend, Indiana Thesis: The Study of Partial Miscibility Pheno~­ Major subject: Biology. Thesis: The Axenic Cu_Iti­ ena in Substituted Aromatic-Ethane Systems. DI­ vation of the Free-Living Stages of Strongylozdes rector: Dr. James P. Kohn. Ratti. Director: Dr. Paul P. Weinstein. Ronald N. Occhiogrosso, Whitestone, New York *Andrea Carina Wade, Mishawaka, Indiana Thesis: Phase Behavior Studies of Organic Hydro­ carbon - Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Mixtures. ivlajor subject: Microbiol~gy. Thesis: The Rel~­ tionship between Metastatic Prostate AdenocarCI­ Director: Dr. Mark A. McHugh. noma and Natural Killer Activity in the Lobund­ Peter C. Pawlicki, Buffalo, New York Wistar Rat. Director: Dr. Morris Pollard. *Hao-yuan Xu, Beijing, China . THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Major subject: Biology. Thesis: The Functio~ of CIVIL ENGINEERING ON: Primary Neurons in the Ear of Aclzela Domestzcus. Sami John Andrea, Baghdad, Iraq Director: Dr. Harald E. Esch. *Stephen Howard Fralish, South Bend, Indiana THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN *Tony T. Jia, Shanghai, China AEROSPACE ENGINEEERING ON: *Kevin William Marr, Canton, Ohio *John Thomas Murphy, Stamford, Connecticut *William Gardne"r Bastedo, Jr., Alexandria, Virginia Thesis: In-Plane Bending Behavior of a Two-Ply Thesis: Performance of an Airfoil and Three Rec­ Composite. Director: Dr. Sidney Kelsey. tangular Planform Wings at Low Reynolds Num­ bers. Director: Dr. Thomas J. Mueller. Mondher Saied, Tunis, Tunisia Arthur F. Huber, II, Canton, North Carolina *Tai-Kei Tsang, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Thesis: The Effects of Roughness on an Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers. Director: Dr. Thomas J. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Mueller. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ON: Matthew M. O'Meara, Middlebury, Vermont Stephen John Hahn, Cranston, Rhode Is_la~d Thesis: An Experimental Investigation of the Sepa­ Thesis: The Effect of Growth Rate Vanation on the ration Bubble Flow Field over an Airfoil at Low Conductivity and Morphology of Polypyrrole Thin Reynolds Numbers. Director: Dr. Thomas J. Films. Director: Dr. Walter J. Gajda, Jr. Mueller. Nancy Germaine Hamilton, Houma, Louisiana *Chi-Chien Ho, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. *Daniel Patrick Kelly, Birmingham, Michigan Thesis: A Real-Time Im plemen tat ion of an ADPCM System with Companding. Director: Dr. James L. Mel sa.

24 Graduate School

Yong Tack Kim, Seoul, Korea THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Leo Hubbard McWilliams, Memphis, Tennessee MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ON: Thesis: Nonlinear Models by Layered Tensors. Di­ *Carl P. Aumen, Bellevue, Nebraska rector: Dr. Michael K. Sain. Joseph T. Billetdeaux, Johnstown, Pennsylvania *Kevin ~1ichacl Passino, Ft. Wayne, Indiana Thesis: The Effects of Flexibility and Joint Compli­ Thesis: Reconstruction Methods and the Zeros of ance on the Static Deflection of Robot Manipulator Sampled Systems. Director: Dr. Panagiotis Ant­ J. Arms. Director: Dr. James W. Kamman. saklis. *Paul Richard Bontrager, Goodlettsville, Tennessee Vivck P. Telang, Bombay, India Thesis: A Microprocessor-Based Variable Bit-Rate Lloyd B. Coble, Garfield, New Jersey Control Scheme for an ADPCM System. Director: *Dennis William Heinzman, Wappingers Falls, New Dr. James L. Mel sa. York Dennis Robert Trumble, Lacona, New York Thesis: Investigation of the Image Source Method Thesis: Development of a Catheter-Tip Capacitive to Predict Sound Pressure Levels in Enclosures Pressure Sensor for Biomedical Applications. Di­ with Reentrant Corners. Director: Dr. Raymond rector: Dr. Richard Kwor. M. Brach. Brian Keith Wade, Friendly, Maryland Peter Quast, Vestal, New York ·Thesis: Decreasing Page Fault Resolution Time *Steven Glenn Russell, Houston, Texas Using an Intermediate Page Cache. Director: Dr. Thesis: Hydraulic Fracturing of a Saturated Porous David L. Cohn. Medium. Director: Dr. Nai-Chien Huang. *Teri Louise Wilkinson Miller, Paw Paw, Michigan James C. Waltz, South Bend, Indiana Thesis: Videodisc Premastering and Production Techniques for an Integrated and Interactive Mi­ THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN crocomputer Based Learning System. Director: Dr. METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING AND John J. Uhran, Jr. MATERIALS SCIENCE ON: *David Kyron Balkin, Williamsville, New York THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Thesis: Intermctallic Growth Phenomena in Cu/ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ENGINEERING Sb-Doped-Sn Systems. Director: Dr. Albert E. ON: Miller. Howard William Reeves, Orland Park, Illinois *Martin Stephen Day, Niles, Michigan Thesis: Multicomponent Transport Modeling of Thesis: Electrical Behavior of a Composite Rail Chemically Reactive Solutes in the Groundwater Material. Director: Dr. Albert E. Miller. System. Director: Dr. David J. Kirkner. Mark Robert Fulcher, Murrysville, Pennsylvania *Winai Somboon, Bangkok, Thailand Thesis: An Evaluation of the Measurement of Wet­ tability. Director: Dr. Albert E. Miller. Dennis Ku Shih, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

25 Law School

Mary Alice Culhane, Cary, Illinois The La-w School Dennis Crowley Cusack, River Forest, Illinois John Patrick Daly, Chicago, Illinois THE DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR ON: Teresa Marie Davis, Union City, Michigan Arthur Haig Abel, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey Anthony Raymond DeChello, Milford, Connecticut, Thomas Robert Ajamie, Scottsdale, Arizona Cum Laude Michael John Allen, Elmwood Park, Illinois Robert James DiSilvestro, Chicago, Illinois Kristian Eric Anderson, Winnipeg, Manitoba, John Michael Donahue, Niles, Michigan Canada, Magna Cum Laude Timothy John Doney, Freemont, Michigan William Charles Arnhols, Miami, Florida Portia Lynn Douglas, South Bend, Indiana Margaret Louise Arola, Silver Bay, Minnesota Maureen Anne Dowd, Crete, Illinois, Cum Laude Pierre Fisher Auger, Woonsocket, Rhode Island Maureen 0. Dowd, Mishawaka, Indiana Arthur Thomas Aylward, North Haven, Connecticut, Michael Patrick Dunn, South Bend, Indiana, Cum Cum Laude Laude Gregory Edward Bakies, Carey, Ohio Stephen Joseph Dunn, Grand Rapids, Michigan Matthew James Barrett, Canfield, Ohio, Summa Cum Jennifer Elizabeth Eads, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Cum Laude Laude Dennis James Bartlett, Fayetteville, New York, Cum Bernard E. Edwards, South Bend, Indiana Laude Theodore Benard Eichelberger, Atlanta, Georgia, Nadia Lesia Boburczak, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Cum Laude Mark Donald Boveri, Elkhart, Indiana Hannah Ruth Eisner, South Bend, Indiana Terrence Richard Brady, Glenview, Illinois, Cum Mark Christopher Engel, Stamford, Connecticut Laude Robert Michael Gallagher, Nutley, New Jersey Paul Mark Brennan, Auburn, New York, Cum Laude Michelle Andrea Garcia, Tampa, Florida Mary Bresnicky-Wiatr, Lyndhurst, Ohio John Francis Gibbons, East Mead, New York, Cum Linda Carol Bricketto, Hilton Head Island, South Laude Carolina Richard William Gibson, Florissant, Missouri Paul Farley Brosnahan, White Bear Lake, Minnesota Margaret Mary Gillis, Park, Michigan Peter Michael Brown, Barrington, Illinois Robert F. Gonderman, South Bend, Indiana, Cum Walter Francis BrownJr., San Carlos, California Laude Michael Gerard Bruton, Chicago, Illinois, Magna Elizabeth Anne Graham, Springfield, Illinois Cum Laude Stephen Lee Grimm, Grand Rapids, Michigan Neal Thomas Buethe, St. Paul, Minnesota Lloyd Warren Grooms, Woodbridge, Virginia, Cum Paul D. Buhl, Ashland, Massachusetts Laude Maureen Margaret Cafferkey, Brunswick, Ohio Gerard Jay Habas, Erie, Pennsylvania Wendy Lee Carlson, Milan, Illinois LauraJean Hanson, Waseca, Minnesota Keith Brian Caughlin, Livonia, Michigan Joseph George HarrakaJr., Hawthorne, New Jersey, Steven Daniel Cavellier, Cincinnati, Ohio Cum Laude Kathleen Louise Cerveny, Pullman, Michigan Barbara Marie Harrison, Allison Park, Pennsylvania, Julie Anne Clements, River Ford, Illinois Magna Cum Laude Paul Anthony Coletti, Brooklyn, New York Thomas Carroll Hartzell, Rochester, New York Theresa Ann Colucci, Half Moon Bay, California Kevin James Hasson, Rochester, New York, Magna Cameron Gordon Comfort, Gig Harbor, Washington Cum Laude Christopher Joseph Conboy, Jr., South Bend, Indiana Laura Elizabeth Hazen, Hudson, Michigan Diane Shields Conroy, South Bend, Indiana Christopher Martin Hazlitt, South Bend, Indiana Thomas Joseph Coyne, Cleveland, Ohio Peter Michael Hebert, Seattle, Washington *Gregory Dale Cozad, Champaign, Illinois John Robert Heitkamp, Jr., Mound, Minnesota David Raymond Creagh, Rolling Meadows, Illinois, Deborah Ann Hennigan, West Caldwell, New Jersey, Cum Laude Cum Laude Michon Marie Hinz, Des Moines,Iowa Duane-David Hough, Milford, Connecticut

26 Law School

Romelee Anthony Howard, New Canaan, Jeffrey Blair Norris, Los Angeles, California, Cum Connecticut Laude William Robert Hughes, Kenmore, New York Christine Marie North, Marshfield, Massachusetts Matthew Alan Hurd, Oak Park, Illinois, Cum Laude John Anthony O'Brien Jr., Denver, Colorado Gregg Lee Jensen, Edison, New Jersey Gregory Loren Opfel, Mishawaka, Indiana, Cum Gregory Allen Johnson, Calumet City, Illinois Laude Karen Louise Keltz, Medford, Oregon John Patrick Oroho, Newfoundland, New Jersey Marian J. Kent, Cleveland, Ohio Margaret Ann Peterson, Sheboygan, Wisconsin Brad Kevin Keogh, Wayne, New Jersey Kerry Oliver Phillips, Pontiac, Michigan Kathleen Ellen Kiernan, Verona, New Jersey Robert K. Phillips, Indianapolis, Indiana Karen Wilhelmina Kiley, Livonia, Michigan, Cum Jenny Ann Pitts, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Laude Michael Polacek, Sterling Heights, Michigan Todd William Kingma, Grand Rapids, Michigan, John Christopher Polster, Lake Forest, Illinois Cum Laude Olga Frances Pribyl, Berwyn, Illinois Kim Lavone Kirn, Perryville, Missouri, Cum Laude Michael Desranleau Quinlan, Rutland, Vermont Brian F. Knapp, Indianapolis, Indiana Steven Joseph Renshaw, Wayne, New Jersey Lee Duane Knauf, Oxford, Michigan John Anthony Roda, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Michael James Kocher, Kalamazoo, Michigan Edward Joseph Rolwes, Florissant, Missouri William A. Kovalcik, Jr., Latrobe, Pennsylvania Carol Anne Ruda, Chicago, Illinois Margaret Ann Kruse, Minneapolis, Minnesota Jane Marie Samson, Blair, Nebraska, Cum Laude Donald Robert Lee, Matawan, New Jersey, Magna Patricia Mary Scanlon, Columbus, Ohio Cum Laude David Charles Scheper, Los Angeles, California, Cum Catherine Linehan Lewis, Riverside, Connecticut, Laude Cum Laude Carol Krause Schiffer!, Largo, Florida Peter Joseph Livingston, Kalamazoo, Michigan John William Schillinger, Arlington Heights, Illinois Jessica Lynn Londin, New York, New York Joseph James Shannon, III, West Bloomfield, Michi- Thomas Douglas Lupo, Carmel, New York gan Christopher James Lynch, Geneva, New York Mortimer Charles Shea Jr., Staten Island, New York, John Hugh MacDonald, Buchanan, Michigan New York Timothy Marco Maggio, Glenwood, Illinois, Summa William Gerard Short, Ridgefield, Connecticut Cum Laude Steven Mark Sikich, Cartersville, Georgia Kathleen M. Maher, Grand Rapids, 1vlichigan Anne Lynn Sruba, Grand Rapids, Michigan Brent Everett 1vlarshall, Arlington, Virginia, Magna Steven Martin Surdell, Chicago, Illinois Cum Laude Frank Anthony 1hntone, Jr., Ronkonkoma, New Mark Jeffrey McBurney, Pawtucket, Rhode Island York Karen A. McCluskey, Brockton, Massachusetts Bruce Stephen Terlep, Elkhart, Indiana Stephen Thomas McMahon, Syracuse, New York Stacy Paul Thomas, McVille, North Dakota, Cum James Patrick Micallef, Carney's Point, New Jersey Laude Charles Joseph Miller, Columbia Station, Ohio Nancy Jo Townsend, Schererville, Indiana Crystal Leigh Miller, Normal, Illinois Eduardo Velazquez, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Donald Eugene Moore, South Bend, Indiana, Cum Cari L. Votava, South Bend, Indiana Laude Louis John \'\'cber, III, Streator, Illinois, Summa Elizabeth Mary Mulloy, Buffalo, New York Cum Laude Brian Thomas 1vlurnane, Altamont, New York Kerry Lee Weil, Monroeville, Pennsylvania Madeleine Sullivan Murphy, New York, New York Peter Michael Wittckin~, Torrington, Connecticut Molly Brady Murphy, Winona, Minnesota Michael Dean Woerner, Renton, Washington Susan Theresa Muskett, Arlington, Virginia Gregory Paul Youra, Portage, Pennsylvania, Cum Stephen Martin Naughton, Arlington Heights, Laude Illinois Deborah Anne Yurchuk, Croton-on-Hudson, New Thomas Shaughnessy Nessinger, Frankfort, Illinois York

'27 Arts and Letters

Kevin Michael Barry, Birmingham, Michigan The College of Arts Lisa Marie Bartholomy, With Honors, Long Beach, California and Letters Joseph Edward Bartoszewicz, With Honors, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF Margaret Ann Bass, T1'i'th Hi'gh Honors, Fort Wayne, FINE ARTS ON: Indiana Georg Scott Bower, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Carrie Allison Bates, Kansas City, Missouri Peter James Carolin, Farmington Hills, Michigan Philip John Baty, T1'ith Honors, Cedar Springs, John Kane Costello, South Bend, Indiana Michigan Patricia Kay Healy, Granger, Indiana Robert Andrew Bauer, Eatontown, New Jersey Dwayne Merron Hicks, Freeport, New York Thomas Philip Bayer, With High Honors, Rochester, New York James Carleton Keifer, Malibu, California Michael Joseph Beaudi_ne, With High Honors, Catherine Anna Korbuly, Edwardsburg, Michigan Chesterfield, Missouri Carole Christine Laugier, Houston, Texas Thomas Joseph Beedem, Ex'celsior, Minnesota Ximena Navarra-Fernandez, La Paz, Bolivia Gerard Alan Begley, Convent Station, New Jersey Marya Sue Stevenson, Niles, Michigan Maria DeLaGracia Bellalta, South Bend, Indiana Garrett Mitch VanEyken, North Babylon, New York Scott Christopher Bentivenga, Chicago, Illinois THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS ON: Philip John Bently, Mansfield, Ohio Mary Elizabeth Berg, Greenfield, Indiana Gregory Joseph Abbott, Indian Head Park, Illinois Jacqueline Bouligny Bernard, With Honors, Shamel A. Abd-Allah, Riverside, California Mishawaka, Indiana Paul Joseph Acampora, Bristo!, Connecticut Thomas James Berry, With High Honors, South Bend, Walter Robert Adamchik, Farmingdale, New York Indiana Steven Edward Adams, Prairie Village, Kansas Mary Ellen .Blake, Northbrook, Illinois Michael Anthony Agostino, With Hi'gh Honors, South Anne Marie Blakey, South Bend,Indiana Bend, Indiana Terrence John Bland, South Bend, Indiana Leslie Evelyne Alford, Fort Wayne, Indiana Jeffrey Mario Bocchicchio, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Karen Ann Allen, Williamsville, New York Mark Vincent Boennighausen, With Honors, Philip Charles Allen, With Honors, Chicago, Illinois Mountain View, California Jacqueline Alvarez, Wi'th Honors, Circleville, Ohio Peter Adam Bogaard, Short Hills, New Jersey Kara Lynette Amis, Washington, D.C. Phillip Thomas Bona, Evergreen Park, Illinois Desiree Maria Anagnostopoulos, Chicago, Illinois Joseph Reynolds Bongiovi, With Honors, Anthony Calvin Anderson, With Honors, Camp Williamsville, New York Verde, Arizona Kathryn Grace Bonomo, With Honors, Northport, James Anderson, Jr., Jackson, Mississippi New York Thomas Joseph Antonini, Toledo, Ohio Sharman Marie Bonus, South River, New Jersey Dennis Domingo Arechiga, Laredo, Texas Patricia Ann Booker, Metairie, Louisiana Karen Claire Aschauer, With High Honors, Winnetka, *Suzanne Melinda Booker, Edwardsburg, Michigan Illinois William Andrew Boraczek, Larchmont, New York Kari Marie Augustine, Margate, Florida William Earl Bosler, Cassopolis, Michigan Karen Sue Baer, South Bend, Indiana *Paul Rudolph Bottei, With Hi'glzest flonors, South Carrie Ann Baker, San Luis Obispo, California Bend, Indiana Kevin Robert Baldwin, Belmar, New Jersey Paula Alyce Bourjaily, Elmwood Park, Illinois Carol Mavournecn Barnett, Wi'th Honors, Terre Joseph Andrew Bova, Topeka, Kansas Haute, Indiana Mary Alice Bowman, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania '· Catherine Alice Boyle, Greensburg, Pennsylvania John David Boyle, Chino, California

28 Arts and Letters

Robert Laurence Branick, Mill Valley, California James Flenner Carr, Hamilton, Ohio Amy Anne Brecount, With High Honors, Dayton, Lisa Maria Carrizales, Dallas, Texas Ohio *Michael Joseph Carroll, McLean, Virginia John McCurry Breen, With Highest Honors, Louisville, Patrick Joseph Carroll, With Honors, Bloomfield Kentucky Hills, Michigan Matthew Joseph Breiner, With Honors, Calabasas, Ben David Carson, Statesville, North Carolina California *Mansel Adrian Carter, East St. Louis, Illinois Nancy Anne Brennan, Yonkers, New York Peter William Carter, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Cheryl Marie Brienza, ~idgewood, New Jersey Paul Albert Caruso, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Jennifer Noel Brisbois, With Honors, Marshall, North Carolina Brian William Casey, With Highest Honors, Holmdel, New Jersey Brian Christopher Brisson, Grosse Ile, Michigan John Matthew Casey, Devon, Pennsylvania Mark Peter Broderick, Convent Station, New Jersey Lynn Ann Cassella, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Theodore Joseph Brombach, With High Honors, Saint Paul, Minnesota James Terrence Cavanaugh IV, With Honors, Baltimore, Maryland Mark Anthony Brooks, Cincinnati, Ohio Carol Ann Cerny, South Bend, Indiana Claire Marie Brown, Prattsville, New York Patricia Jane Chandler, With High Honors, Edina, James Morin Brown, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Minnesota Jennifer Brown, With High Honors, Columbus, Ohio Louis Anthony Chiarella, With Honors, Niagara Falls, Jennifer Anne Brown, West Orange, New Jersey New York Joseph Jude Buch, Wheeling, West Virginia *William Emerson Childers, Tulsa, Oklahoma Rita Helen Budnyk, North Palm Beach, Florida Steven Edwin Childress, Sandusky, Ohio Stephen Joseph Burg, Phoenix, Arizona Marybeth Christie, Brightwaters, New York Gregory Gerhart Burkart, APO, New York Patricia Cisle, With Honors, Hamilton, Ohio Martin Christopher Burke, Chicago, Illinois Louis John Cisz, III, Murray, Utah Henry Guy Burnett, Kankakee, Illinois *Carole Lyn Clark, North Oaks, Minnesota Michael Thomas Burnett, With Honors, Highland, Richard Benedict Clark, Park Ridge, Illinois California Joseph Martin Cleary, Indianapolis, Indiana Daniel James Burns, Buffalo, New York James Paul Clevenger, Oregon, Ohio James Francis Burns, Leetonia, Ohio *Michael Patrick Colgan, Eugene, Oregon John Christopher Bustamante, Dearborn, Michigan Mary Kathleen Collins, Minneapolis, lVIinnesota Richard Edward Byrne, T1lith Honors, Oakton, Patrick David Collins, Mendham, New Jersey Virginia Mark John Colon, Grand Rapids, Michigan Ricardo Raccla Cabigas, Richmond, Indiana Margaret· Marie Conlon, With Honors, Binghamton, David Francis Callaway, Jakarta, Indonesia New York Carol Rene Camp, With Honors, Houston, Texas Kevin Donald Conneely, Sterling, Illinois Theodore Joseph Campanello, Woodside, New York Brendan Joseph Conroy, Spring Lake, Michigan Patrick John Campbell, With Honors, McLean, James Patrick Conroy, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Virginia Timothy James Cannon, Ocean Ridge, Florida *Maureen Anne Convery, With Honors, Saint Paul, Minnesota James Michael Canty, San Antonio, Texas *lVIary Grace Corpora, Easton, Pennsylvania James Celeste Capretta, With Highest Honors, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Gian Anthony Cossa, New lVIilford, New Jersey Maura O'Malley Carberry, Newark, Delaware Daniel Justin Costello, Monroe, lVIichigan Colleen Patricia Carey, Spring Valley, New York Bradford Bartholomew Couri, With Honors, Wilmette, Illinois John Lawrence Carnesale, Goleta, California Louis Vincent Carnesale, Goleta, California

29 Arts and Letters

Benjamin Joseph Crosson, South Bend, Indiana Thomas William Donohue, With Hzgh Honors, Michael Theodore Crovello, South Bend, Indiana Paradise Valley, Arizona Ann Elizabeth Fletcher Crumlish, South Bend, Bernard Francis Donovan, South Bend, Indiana Indiana David John Donovan, II, Chicago, Illinois Matthew Stephen Cullinan, Avon, New York Laurel-Ann Elizabeth Dooley, With Honors, Fort Peter Vincent Cullinan, Holtsville, New York Lauderdale, Florida Hamil Michael Cupero, San Antonio, Texas Thomas Francis Dooley, Norwalk, Connecticut Carla Cortes Curry, Park Forest, Illinois *John Thomas Dooling, Plantation, Florida Stephen Henry Danco, Tampa, Florida Michael Joseph Dorenbusch, Columbus, Indiana John Leon Dardis, Toms River, New Jersey Colin Edward Dougherty, Fairmont, Minnesota Timothy Kenneth Daugherty, T17ith High Honors, Laura Jane Dougherty, Hillsdale, New Jersey South Bend, Indiana Craig Scott Douglass, Norris City, Illinois Dorothy Ann David, Maple Heights, Ohio Joseph Thomas Downey, Glen Head, New York *Raymond D. Davis, With Highest Honors, Hilliard, Gregory Vincent Doyle, McLean, Virginia Ohio Kathleen Bridgid Doyle, With Hzgh Honors, Robert James Davis, With Honors, Scottsdale, Arizona Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Daniel Patrick Dawson, Jr., Winnetka, Illinois Martin Vern Doyle, With Honors, Elgin, Iowa Mary Teresa DeAngelis, With Honors, Drexel Hill, Frank Martin Drigotas, III, Norway, 'Maine Pennsylvania Edward John Driscoll, Commack, New York Laurie Kathleen DeBoer, Chattanooga, Tennessee Thomas Michael Duffy, Long Beach, California John Carlin Decker, II, Leawood, Kansas John Francis Dunn, Decatur, Illinois Joan Abigail DeCrane, Lyndhurst, Ohio Robert Nicholas Dunn, Staten Island, New York Philip Eugene Deeter, Hubbard, Ohio Deborah Ann Dupre, Denton, Texas Ian David de Hueck, Aberdeen, South Dakota *Thomas Kevin Dutoit, Adrian, Michigan Patrick John Deignan, With Honors, Monroe, Kevin Ernest Duval, Towson, Maryland Wisconsin David Adam Dziejowski, With Honors, Riverdale, Lisa Marie DeNiscia, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Georgia Laura Maureen Denn, Edina, Minnesota Julia Kathleen Easley, Fort Madison, Iowa Elisabeth Marie DeRoche, Weston, Massachusetts Mary Theresa Easterday, Wichita, Kansas Elizabeth Ellen DeSchryver, With Highest Honors, Glen *Scott Allen Ebersol, Anaheim, California Ellyn, Illinois William Bentley Edmonds, Oklahoma City, Brian Mark DeToy, O'Fallon, Illinois Oklahoma George Scott Devenny, Stratford, New Jersey Daniel Richard Egan, Niles, Illinois Susan Lynne Deyo, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania Elvia Angelica Egoavil, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Mark Alan Dittrich, Wayzata, Minnesota Lisa Marie Ehrhardt, With Honors, Hobart, Indiana Stephen Thomas Diviney, New Hyde Park, New York Daniel Michael Elder, With Honors, Spring, Thomas F. Dlugosz, With Honors, South Bend, Texas Indiana John Chapin Engler, Jr., Charlotte, North Carolina Joseph James Dobosh, Brookfield, Ohio James Joseph Eraci, Elmhurst, Illinois Patrick Dennis Dodd, With High Honors, Moline, Kathleen Marie Erickson, With .Honors, Moorhead, Illinois Minnesota Debra Sue Dodge, Hershey, Pennsylvania Susan Joan Erlenborn, With Hzglz Honors, Glen Kevin Charle~ Dodge, South Bend, Indiana Ellyn, Illinois Nancy Clare Dolan, Wilmette, Illinois Frederick William Everett, III, Miami, Florida Edward Charles Domansky, Toledo, Ohio *Michael Francis Donais, With Honors, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Kathryn Jean Donohoe, Riverdale, Illinois

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Arts and Letters

Kathryn Ann Faccenda, South Bend, Indiana John Duke Gates, Apopka, Florida Daniel Patrick Fall_on, With Honors, Aurora, Illinois William Albert Gehant, West Brooklyn, Illinois Thomas Joseph Farnan, McMurray, Pennsylvania Mara Stacy Georges, Downers Grove, Illinois Megan Irene Fellman, With High Honors, Fond Du Nancy Angela Gianzero, Austin, Texas Lac, Wisconsin James Martin Gibbons, Cincinnati, Ohio Ann Frances Fenner, With Honors, Winnetka, Illinois John Francis Gibbons, Worthington, Ohio Susan Ann Fessler, Erie, Pennsylvania Michael Redmond Gibbons, vVith Honors, Miami, Paul McDermott Finamore, Rockville, Maryland Florida Thomas Anthony Fink, Leonardo, New Jersey Carolyn Ann Gibbs, San Marino, California Susan Marie Fischer, With Honors, Lemont,Illinois Aline Dolores Gioffre, Woodbridge, New Jersey David Marc Fisher, Birmingham, Alabama Lisa Ann Gleason, Oakbrook, Illinois Katherine A. Fisher, Fairview, Ohio Philip Michael Gleason, With High Honors, South Kelly Ann Fitzgerald, Altamonte Springs, Florida Bend, Indiana Nancy Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Old Brookville, New James Bernard Glennon, Park Ridge, Illinois York Tracy Ellen Glockner, Westfield, New Jersey *Daniel Michael Flaherty, Chicago, Illinois Maureen Anne Goddard, South Bend, Indiana Michael James Flannery, Downsville, New York David Gerard Gonzales, Fairfield, California Thomas Patrick Fleming, With Honors, New City, Jeanine Marie Gozdecki, With Honors, Munster, New York Indiana Elizabeth Leona Flor, Bellevue, Washington Mary Margaret Graham, Redford, Michigan Martha Louise Flynn, Pottsville, Pennsylvania Charles Leon Greene, High Point, North Carolina Robert Belson Flynn, New Canaan, Connecticut JamesJoseph Greene, With High Honors, Merrimack, Pamela Ann Fojtik, With Honors, Holland, Michigan New Hampshire Arnold Augustus Foley, Cheltenham, Pennsylvania Mark Railton Greenwood, Scarborough, Maine Gerald Thomas Foley, Hewitt, New Jersey Peter Christopher Grenier, Potomac, Maryland Margaret Marie Fosmoe, Kalamazoo, Michigan Gretchen Anne Grieb, North Palm Beach, Florida Anne Mary Frailey, Granger, Indiana Lisa Anne Griffin, West Hartford, Connecticut Elizabeth Ann Fraser, Richmond, Texas Vincent Carmen Guarino, University Heights, Ohio Eric Lee Fredrickson, Federal Way, Washington Lisa Ann Guerra, With Honors, Dallas, Texas Jaime Luis Fuster, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico Gary Patrick Gunderson, Greendale, Wisconsin Eric James Gaertner, With Honors, Buffalo Grove, *Christopher 1vlartin Gustafson, Oak Lawn, Illinois Illinois Elinor Cecilia Gwynn, Santa Fe, New Nlexico Kateri Ellen Gaffney, ftVitlz Honors, New Britain, Mary Ann Haley, South Bend, Indiana Connecticut Kelly Ann Halligan, West Hartford, Connecticut Gilbert Peter Gailius, ftVith rligh Honors, Concord, Laura Louise Hamilton, Westfield, New Jersey Massachusetts Michael Patrick Hamlin, Mequon, Wisconsin Carol Ann Gales, With High Honors, Livermore, Iowa Margaret Marie Hank, Moline, Illinois Margaret Mary Louise Gans, Syracuse, Indiana Timothy Farrell Hannegan, vVith High Honors, Saint Edward Emil Garofalo, Fairfield, Connecticut Louis, Missouri *Kathleen Jane Garvey, Appleton, Wisconsin Joan Mary Hansen, Franklin, \Visconsin Mary Elizabeth Hanzel, Saint Paul, Minnesota Frank Joseph Hardart, Bronxville, New York George Edward Hardart, With Honors, Bronxville, New York Thomas Roche Hardart, Jr., Bronxville, New York

31 Arts and Letters

Lloyd John Hardin, Staten Island, New York Joe Pernell Howard-Johnson, Clinton, Maryland Terence Michael Harrigan, Madawaska, Maine Alisa Suzanne Hurley, Wagoner, Oklahoma Daniel Joseph Hart, Bangor, Maine Mark Stephen Ishaug, With Hi'gh Honors, Joseph Francis Hart, Huntington, New York LaGrange, Illinois Susan Murray Hartzell, Rochester, New York Francis John James, Williamsville, New York Phillip Dean Hatfield, South Bend, Indiana Michael George Jan is, Jr., Franklin Lakes, Carla Marie Haunz, Louisville, Kentucky New Jersey Albert Edward Haverkamp, Denver, Colorado James Patrick Jansen, Oshkosh, Wisconsin Michele Kathleen Hawkins, With Hi'gh Honors, Christine Ellen Jeffirs, Plymouth, Indiana Indianapolis, Indiana Julianne Jones, T11i'th Hi'gh Honors, Saint Louis, Edward Mullins Hawley, Los Angeles, California Missouri Kevin James Hayes, South Bend, Indiana Kenneth Christopher Jones, Wi'th Honors, Saint Margaret Mary Healy, Wi'th Honors, Olympia Fields, Louis, Missouri Illinois Michael Lewis Jones, Wi'th Honors, Princeton, Paul John Healy, Palm Coast, Florida . Indiana Kristi ~nn Heft, With Hi'gh Honors, West Bloomfield, Ora Marie Jones, Columbus, Ohio Michigan Sharon Marie Jones, Kirkwood, Missouri Michael Joseph Heineman, Framingham, William Paul Jordan, San Diego, California Massachusetts Robert William Juckniess, Riverside, Illinois Donald Louis Heintzelman, Muncie, Indiana Christine Ann ]ursa, Charleston, South Carolina Lesliann· Elizabeth Helmus, Garden City, New York Ruth Anne Kaiser, Tempe, Arizona Gregory William Hendey, Wi'th Hi'gh Honors, Muncie, Michael Christopher Keane, New Providence, New Indiana Jersey Peter Carl Hendrickson, South Bend, Indiana Lorie Manda Keating, Wi'th Hi'gh Honors, Toledo, Mary Jo Hensler, Cincinnati, Ohio Ohio Mary Aileen Herrera, Kansas City, Missouri Brian Scan Keenan, McMurray, Pennsylvania James Francis Heyd, Wi'th Honors, Chicago, *Isabel Marie Keenan, Limerick, Pennsylvania Illinois Paul Joseph Kegaly, Wi'th Honors, Hinsdale, Illinois Deborah Ann Hill, Stockton, California Sarah Lynn Keller, Quincy, Illinois John Sterling Hirschfeld, Wi'th Honors, Champaign, Paul Andrew Kelley, Jr., Strawberry Lake, Michigan Illinois Augustine Kelly, Skaneateles, New York Vincent Wayne Hockett, Mitchell, South Dakota Kevin George Kelly, South Bend, Indiana Kenneth Hoefer, Columbia, South Carolina Patricia Anne Kelly, North Caldwell, New Jersey Charles Edward Hogan, Jacksonville, Florida Patrick Kenyon Kelly, Keewatin, Minnesota Kathleen Marie Hogan, Rockville, Maryland Kathryn Mary Kemp, Wi'th Honors, Elmwood Park, Lawrence Robert Holland, Wi'th Honors, Catskill, Illinois· New York John Kevin Kenefick, Wi'th Hi'gh Honors, Sauk Kurt William Holzberlein, Meeker, Colorado Rapids, Minnesota · *Pamela Eileen Homer, Wi'th Honors, Pampa, Texas Kimberly Ann Kennedy, Wi'th Hi'ghest Honors, Nancy Ar.m Hoodecheck, Winona, Minnesota Tacoma, Washington Angela Lottie Hooten, Tuskegee Inst., Alabama Joseph Edward Horey, Olean, New York Elizabeth Mary Hosteny, Springfield, Illinois Sharon Marie Houk, Purcellville, Virginia

32 Arts and Letters

Michael P. Kennedy, Satellite Beach, Florida Thomas Patrick Lauth, III, With Honors, Stone Michael Joseph Kennelly, With Honors, Fort Wayne, Mountain, Georgia Indiana Suzanne La Croix, Brighton, Michigan Crane Harris Kenney, With Honors, Adrian, John Denis Leary, Rice Lake, Wisconsin Michigan Brian Patrick Lee, With High Honors, Chevy Chase, Clarke Robert Keough, Atlanta, Georgia Maryland Laura Jean Kernan, West Orange, New Jersey Laura Marie Lee, Westlake Village, California 1 Andrew Thomas Keusal, Gaithersburg, Maryland Suzanna Marie Lee, Los Alamos, New Mexico 1 James Patrick Keyes, With Honors, Morrison, Katharine Ann LeHane, Poughkeepsie, New York Colorado Michael Gerard Lepre, With Honors, Madison, New Howard Keyse, With High Honors, Elkhart, Jersey Indiana *Eric Alan Lett, Dallas, Texas Anna Margaret Kim, With Highest Honors, Columbus, Jane Teresa Leyden, With Honors, Saint Paul, Ohio Minnesota Kirk Martin Kimler, Huntington, West Virginia Frank Leyes, South Bend, Indiana Constance Elizabeth King, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Christopher Todd Lillie, Huntington, West Virginia James Edward King, With Honors, Peoria, Guy Goodwine Locksmith, Rockford, Illinois Illinois Michael John Logan, Amherst, New Hampshire Steven George King, With Honors, Irving, Texas Maureen Anne Loiello, Massapequa, New York Michael Patrick Kitz, Farmington Hills, Michigan James Aubury Lowery, III, Baldwinsville, New York Ross Gerard Klisart, With Honors, Chatham, New Robert Joseph Lubben, With Honors, Country Club Jersey Hills, Illinois Karen Ann Klocke, Williamsville, New York Phillip Anthony Luetkehans, Wheaton, Illinois Claire Margaret Kneuer, Fair Haven, New Jersey David Alan Machens, With Highest Honors, Paul Joseph Komyatte, With High Honors, Munster, Chesterfield, Missouri Indiana · Kathleen Anne Mack, Michigan City, Indiana Julie Nicole Koneff, Akron, Ohio Joanne Catherine Madden, With Honors, Doylestown, David Paul Konkey, Niles, Michigan Pennsylvania Lisa Marie Kopidlansky, Barrington, Illinois John Joseph Madden, La Grange Park, Deborah Anne Kopp, With Honors, Edina, Minnesota Illinois Gary Walter Kopycinski, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania *Bruce Maginn, Indianapolis, Indiana Louis Gregory Kosse, Anchorage, Kentucky Mary Frances Maher, Greenwich, Kristen Kostecky, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania Connecticut William Frederick Kracklauer, With High Honors, Daniel Joseph Maier, Arlington Heights, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Illinois Kiernan Ann Kranz, T1'ith High Honors, Worthington, John Robert Maley, Richmond, Indiana Ohio Ellen Marie Nlalloy, With Honors, Grand Blanc, *LauraJean Kuber, With High Honors, Fond duLac, Michigan Wisconsin George Martin Maney, Tulsa, Oklahoma John Evan Kubinsky, With Honors, Johnstown, Joan Maret Mannix, Libertyville, Illinois Pennsylvania Peter Bernard Manzo, With Honors, Seal Beach, Gary Alan Kuchta, Western Springs, Illinois California Heidi Susanne Kuhn, Minneapolis, Minnesota Vernon Patrick Marchal, Greenville, Ohio. Kathleen Elizabeth Lach, Columbus, Ohio Michele Nlarie Marchio, JtJ!itlz Hzgh Honors, Joliet, Ketrenna Rochelle Lake, Selma, Alabama Illinois John Daniel Lally, Saint Paul, Minnesota Roger McCoy Marks, Jr., Belle Harbor, New York Emily Marie Lapeyre, Bozeman, Montana Daniel Dominic Marley, South Bend, Indiana Michael Paul Latz, River Forest, Illinois Robert Michael Marovich, vVith Honors, Crown Point, Indiana

33 Arts and Letters

Katherine Michaele Marshall, Kansas City, Sean Patrick Aloysius McSweeney-Widmann, Missouri Guatemala City, Guatemala Edward Michael Marsico, Jr., Camp Hill, Lori Diane Meiskey, With Honors, Pueblo, Colorado Pennsylvania Mark Winfrey Melchior, Overland Park, Kansas Craig Christopher Martin, With High Honors, Paul David Meosky, With Highest Honors, Englewood, Colorado Grand Island, New York David Anthony Martin, Euclid, Ohio Mary Kathryn Metzger, With High Honors, Arlington Toby Ann Martin, Montrose, New York Heights, Illinois Elizabeth Anne Masciale, With Honors, Poughkeepsie, Christian Joseph Michener, With Honors, Bethel Park, New York Pennsylvania Ralonda Jane Mason, Henderson, Kentucky Laila Theresa Mikhail, Toledo, Ohio Steven Christopher Mason, Danville, Illinois Rebecca Ann Miklos, White Oak, Pennsylvania Josephine M. Maternowski, South Bend, Indiana Madeleine Brady Miles, Rumson, New Jersey Edward Harold Matthiack, Pittstown, New Jersey Angela Mary Miller, Waseca, Minnesota Kurt Edmund Maurer, Lima, Ohio Carrie Frances Mitsch, Perrysville, Ohio Andrea Marie Mazzoli, Alexandria, Virginia Ivan Joseph Mlachak, Houston, Texas Kevin Vincent McAlevy, With Highest Honors, James Robert Monath, With High Honors, Pittsburgh, Arlington, Virginia Pennsylvania Michael Robert McCabe, Whittier, California Paul William Montgomery, With High Honors, Brigid Ann McCafferty, North Olmsted, Ohio Knoxville, Tennessee Kevin Quigley McCarter, Holmdel, New Jersey Daniel John Moran, Oak Lawn, Illinois Karen Rita McCloskey, Rochester, New York William Alan Mortensen, Tacoma, Washington John Kevin McDavid, Terre Haute, Indiana Jess Emory Moyar, Downers Grove, Illinois James Francis McDonnell, Jr., Allentown, Laurence Joseph Mraz, Roselle, Illinois Pennsylvania Javier Fernando Mulero Gonzalez, Tampa, Florida Russell Kevin McDougall, With Hi'ghest Honors, Eileen Ann Mullen, Milton, Massachusetts Merrillville, Indiana Michael William Mulvehill, Los Angeles, California Paul Joseph McElroy, Wi'th High Honors, Bellerose, Kenneth Robert Munro, Des Moines, Iowa New York Douglas John Murphy, Stamford, Connecticut Patricia Ann McGann, Joliet, Illinois John ivlichael Murphy, With Honors, Oak Lawn, Michael Kilroy McGarrity, Wilmette, Illinois Illinois Kathleen Warner McGarvey, With High Honors, Kevin John Murphy, Birmingham, Michigan Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania _ Kevin Patrick Murphy, New Berlin, Wisconsin Hubert Sylvester McGinley, Rydal, Pennsylvania Mark Berry Murphy, Eugene, Oregon David Francis McGonigle, With Highest Honors, Beaver, Pennsylvania Mary Agnes Murphy, With Hi'gh Honors, Flushing, Michigan Maureen Anne McGrail, Fayetteville, North Carolina Margarete Joan Muskett, Arlington, Virginia William Francis McGrath, II, Wi'th Honors, Paul John Najarian, Norwalk, Connecticut Oakmont, Pennsylvania Patrick Michael Neary, Laporte, Indiana Vivian McGuire, Greenwich, Connecticut · John Joseph Neblo, Wi'th Honors, Hickory Hills, Illinois Michael John McKay, Colorado Springs, Colorado Katherine Suzanne McKenna, Morristown, James William Nelson, With Honors, Greenbelt, Tennessee Maryland Brian Patrick McKeon, Auburn, New York Katherine Loretta Nelson, Blue Island, Illinois John Joseph McLaughlin, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania Robert Steven Neus, Novi, Michigan. Thomas Edward McLaughlin, Jr., Renton, Washington Robert Blake McMonagle, Washington, D.C. Mark Joseph McNally, Aiken, South Carolina Daniel John McNamara, Huntington, Indiana

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Arts and Letters

Ann Marie Nicgorski, With Hi'gh Honors, South Bend, James Michael Pier, Neenah, Wisconsin Indiana Barbara Ellen Pitts, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Rebecca Louise Noack, Carrington, North Dakota James Nelson Plamondon, Potomac, Maryland Jean Marie Nolan, Stamford, Connecticut Michael Francis Podratsky, Johnstown, Pennsylvania Oscar Enrique Noriega, San Antonio, Texas Paul James Potocki, With High Honors, Chicago, Laurie Anne Oberembt, T1'ith Highest- Honors, Illinois Mundelein, Illinois Sheila Anne Prendergast, Princeton, Illinois Constance Anne O'Brien, Albany, New York *Ana Maria Price, With Honors, Brandon, Mississippi Douglas Scan Michael O'Brien, Geneva, Illinois David Alan Prue, South Bend, Indiana Kevin Michael O'Connell, Troy, New York Eileen Anne Queenan, Scarsdale, New York Erin Marie O'Connor, Lake Forrest, Illinois Mark Alan Quertinmont, With Honors, Worthington, John Anthony O'Connor, Lyndonville, New York Ohio Thomas Casey O'Connor, Lansing, Michigan Mark Declan Quigley, Northport, New York Timothy C. O'Connor, Ft. Myers, Florida *Christopher Joseph Quinn, Elkhart, Indiana Susan Marie O'Hara, Longwood, Florida Robert Patrick Quinn, Locust Valley, New York Javier Francis Oliva, San Antonio, Texas John Josef Rademacher, Park Ridge, Illinois Michad James Olsen, Alexandria, Virginia Gregory Frederick Radzialowski, Glenview, Illinois Maureen Vivian O'Neil, With Honors, Fort Wayne, Brian Alan Rak, Indianapolis, Indiana Indiana Marc Antony Ramirez, Phoenix, Arizona William Thomas O'Neil, Potomac, Maryland Katherine Marie Raymond, South Bend, Indiana Kevin Doyle O'Rear, Wi'th Honors, Omaha, Nebraska Thomas Matthew Reardon, Wi'th Highest Honors, Susan Mary O'Sullivan, Wi'th High Honors, Winnetka, Boca Raton, Florida Illinois Douglas Patrick Regan, South Bend, Indiana Eric John Olson, With Honors, Edina, Minnesota *John Joseph Reidy, III, Painesville, Ohio Sara Estrad

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Marya Roberta Sakowicz, With Honors, Park Ridge, Kevin Michael Spahn, With Honors, Elmhurst, Illinois Illinois John Flinn Spence, With Hi'gh Honors, Alta Lorna, Patricia Mary Santos, With Honors, Rancho Palos California Verdes, California Michael Allan Spencer, South Bend, Indiana Jennifer Felicia Sassano, South Bend, Indiana Susan M. St. Ville, With Honors, Tulsa, Oklahoma Peter Lease Sawin, Menomonie, Wisconsin James Edward Stavinoha, Richmond, Texas Robert Francis Scanlon, With High Honors, Pompton James Fredrick Stern, With High Honors, Wauwatosa, Plains, New Jersey Wisconsin Mark Patrick Schafer, Costa Mesa, California Barbara Anne Stevens, With Honors, Pitman, New Garry Michael Scheuring, Oak Park, Illinois Jersey Kathryn Agnes Schier!, Green Bay, Wisconsin Daniel James Stewart, Lake George, New York John Everhart Schleck, Prospect, Kentucky Richard Matthew Stickney, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Kimberly Marie Schlenker, Kenosha, Wisconsin Mark Nicholas Storen, Houston, Texas Frank Ernest Schmidt, Jr., New Orleans, Louisiana Robert George Streit, Jr., Wi'th Honors, Libertyville, Lori Ann Schmig, Omro, Wisconsin Illinois John Peter Schmitt, With Honors, Mascoutah, Illinois Michael Fernando Stuart, Hingham, Massachusetts Mary Claire Schoshinski, With Honors, Garrett Park, William Clay Stuhldreher, Indianapolis, Indiana Maryland Guillermo Octavia Suarez, New Rochelle, New York James Anthony Schuetz, Manchester, Missouri Bridget Ann Sullivan, Wi'th Honors, Bellevue, Suzanne Marie Schuller, Seattle, Washington Nebraska Victor Anthony Sciulli, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Edward Michael Sullivan, With Honors, Timonium, James Louis Sears, McLean, Virginia Maryland Madelyn Paula Serna, Taos, New Mexico Katharine Wilson Sullivan, Evanston, Illinois Thomas Webb Sexton, III, Wilmette, Illinois Margaret Mary Sullivan, Wi'th Honors, Wakefield, Daniel Emmett Shannon, With High Honors, Massachusetts Enumclaw, Washington Michael Andrew Sullivan, Jericho, New York Justin Scott Shay, Carlisle, Massachusetts Karer:t Swartz, South Bend, Indiana *Charles Richard Shedlak, Marion, Indiana Terese Helene Szewczyk, South Bend, Indiana Edward Julian Sheeran, With Honors, Sherrill, New Robert John Taft, Troy, New York York Christopher Tayback, With Hi'gh Honors, Glendale, Kathryn Marie Shelley, New Rochelle, New York California Timothy Lee Shilling, With Honors, Massillon, Ohio Edgardo Jose Tenreiro, Miami, Florida Michael David Shriver, Clearwater, Florida Dana Thomajan, With Honors, Wellesley, Paul Kazimieras Sidrys, Streator, Illinois Massachusetts Mary Adele Sieger, With Honors, Roswell, Georgia Elizabeth Frances Thoman, Wi'tlz Honors, Mishawaka, Indiana Henry Jude Sienkiewicz, Columbia, Connecticut Vincent Robert Thomas, Munhall, Pennsylvania Elizabeth Ann Sienko, Unionville, Connecticut Mary Jane Thompson, Osterville, Massachusetts Laurie Lynn Siler, Elkhart, Indiana Julie Marie Thurin, South Bend, Indiana James Matthew Silver, With High Honors, Framingham, Massachusetts Catherine Elizabeth Till, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania LauraJane Sizelove, Elwood, Indiana James Gerard Tillar, Wi'tlz Honors, Cincinnati, Ohio Cara Marie Smith, Plainville, Connecticut Holly Toole, Deerfield, Illinois Julie Marie Smith, Spokane, Washington Robert Jude Trocchi, Sudbury, Massachusetts Robert William Smith, Des Plaines, Illinois Lisa Ann Twardowski, With Highest Honors, Birchrunville, Pennsylvania Stephen Joseph Smith, Wilmette, Illinois Kelly Patricia Twiss, With Honors, Yakima, Kathy Anne Sommer, With Honors, Stony Brook, Washington New York Karen Marie Uddyback, Deptford, New Jersey James Dean Uhll, III, Peoria, Illinois

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Arts and Letters

Diane Marie Ukraine, Waltham, Massachusetts Christopher Eliot Wilson, Baldwin, New York Michael John VanDerbeck, With Honors, Niles, John Joseph Wilson, With Honors, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Michigan Christopher Michael VanDevere, Akron, Ohio Denise Marie Wimbiscus, Cleveland, Ohio George Van Kula,III, With Honors, Big Rapids, Donna-Marie Christina Winn, With Honors, New Michigan Orleans, Louisiana Lori Erica Varlotta, With Honors, Pittsburgh, Mark Douglas Winnubst, Dallas, Texas Pennsylvania Robert Dillon Wintz, Convent Station, New Jersey Patricia Elsa Vela, Westlake, Ohio Michael John Witous, Naples, Florida *Philip Jude Venderley, With Honors, Fort Wayne, Eric Paul Witte, With High Honors, New Richmond, Indiana Ohio Cynthia Ann Vera, Homewood, Illinois Thomas John Wood, With Honors, Denmark, Keith Edward Veselik, With 1-/onors, Oak Brook, Wisconsin Illinois Mark Erik Worscheh, With High Honors, Houston, Peter Timothy Vrdolyak, Chicago, Illinois Texas Timothy Alan Vuono, With Honors, Ft. Myer, Frank Stanley Wosczyna, Jr., Pasadena, California Virginia Edward James Wray, South Bend, Indiana Mary Elizabeth Wackowski, Springville, New York Michael Joseph Wright, Erie, Pennsylvania Stephanie Marie Wadium, Barnesboro, Pennsylvania Karen Marie Wyson, Battle Creek, Michigan Katherine Baldwin Wagner, Louisville, Kentucky Katherine Sozen Yang, Honolulu, Hawaii Stephen Henry Wagner, With Honors, Chicago, Diane E. Yoder, With Honors, Newport Beach, Illinois California Denise Ann Walsh, With Honors, Stamford, Todd Alan Young, With Highest Honors, Hutchinson, Connecticut Kansas Nancy Lynn Walsh, Roanoke, Virginia Alison Margaret Yurko, Orlando, Florida Cynthia Gail Warwick, Indianapolis, Indiana Sara Marie Zappia, With Honors, Mishawaka, Lynn Marie Webster, Springfield, Virginia Indiana William Blake Weiler, Aurora, Illinois John Michael Zaremba, White Bear Lake, Minnesota John Thomas West, With Honors, Wayne, New James Gregory Zellmer, With Honors, San Diego, Jersey California Thomas Richard Weyenberg, Midland, Michigan Frederick Josef Zimmerman, With Honors, Joseph Francis Whalen, Joliet, Illinois Minnetonka, Minnesota Peter Hugh White, With High Honors, Warrenton, Ann Elizabeth Zore, Richmond, Indiana Virginia Paul Jude Zuber, Freehold, New Jersey Stephen Anthony White, With High Honors, Mountlake Terrace, Washington Jeremiah Andrew Whooley, With Honors, Boonton, New Jersey Michael Anthony Wilkins, Fort Wayne, Indiana Stephen John Willertz, Bay City, Michigan Lawrence Richard Williams, II, Santa Ana, California Therese Maureen Williams, Corona del Mar, C~lifornia Charles Robert Wilmoth, With High 1-/onors, Harper Woods, :Nlichigan

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Linda Kim Cissell, With Honors, Stone Mountain, The College of Georgia Kathleen St. Amand Cloud, Stoneham, Science Massachusetts Stephen Michael Cloud, Collinsville, Connecticut THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF John Jeremiah Coen, Wi"th High Honors, Nashville, SCIENCE ON: Tennessee *Kenneth John Adams, Spokane, Washington Thomas Joseph Comer, Jr., Williamsville, New York Regis Eugene Allison, Houston, Texas Kevin Patrick Corbley, Kensington, Maryland Caroline Louise Altergott, Agoura, California Julie Anne Currie, Pontiac, Michigan Timothy Paul Angelotti, With High Honors, Midland, John Brian Curry, Clarence, New York Michigan Edward Christopher Cyr, Freeport, Texas Robert William Antonelle, White Plains, New York Jennifer Virginia Czapiewski, Antioch, Illinois Alan E. Armijo, El Paso, Texas Brian Michael Davis, Upper Saddle River, New Richard Martin Auchter, With Highest Honors, Jersey Neenah, Wisconsin *Michael A. DeCicco, Jr., South Bend, Indiana *James Joseph Babka, Binghampton, New York Robert Thomas Dirksen, Pittsford, New York John Francis Bagnasco, Huntington, New York Gail Nicole DiPietro, With Highest Honors, Reginald Frank Bain, Jr., South Bend, Indiana Framingham, Massachusetts Matthew Charles Bashaw, With Honors, South Bend, Stephen Collier Dollins, With High Honors, Little Indiana Rock, Arkansas Jane Marie Bassler, Anchorage, Alaska Ted Andrew Dore, With Honors, Butler, New Jersey Thomas Roy Bauer, Jr., Valinda, California Michael Dallas Darning, Claremont, California Mark Joseph Baumel, With High Honors, Ames, Iowa John Joseph Driscoll, North Kingstown, Rhode Mary Catherine Baumgarten, Hamburg, New York Island Matthew James Earley, Parkersburg, West Virginia Beth Ann Beeber, With High Honors, Fort Wayne, Indiana Angela Kay Eggleston, With Honors, Monett, Missouri Ottavio Gino Berardis, With High Honors, DeKalb, Illinois *Susan Joan Erlenborn, With Honors, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Brad Charles Beutter, With Highest Honors, Mishawaka, Indiana Raymond Paul Ernst, Canton, Michigan Leonard James Bielski, Carmel, Indiana David Jerome Eveld, Houston, Texas Herbert Clayton Bitting, Jr., Crown Point, Indiana Daniel Donovan Feeney, Greenwood, Indiana Bryan Albert Bognar, With Honors, South Bend, Jose Rafael Fernandez Martinez, Guaynabo, Indiana Puerto Rico William John Borg, With Honors, Costa Mesa, Michael Shawn Fitzpatrick, With Honors, Bedford, California Indiana Thomas James Brandeis, Lemont, Illinois Nancy Ann Fitzpatrick, Buffalo, New York Mark Steven Brazinski, With High Honors, Ridgeway, Patrick Edward Fleming, Redondo Beach, California New Jersey Sherri Lynn Flohr, With High Honors, LaPorte, Michael Thomas Brendle, With Highest Honors, Indiana Indianapolis, Indiana Carol Ann Fredrick, Terre Haute, Indiana Matthew Brian Brown, Goshen, New York Anna Marie Furleigh, Vienna, Virginia Rosemary Buckle, Houston, Texas Martin Liam Gallagher, Grove City, Ohio Armando M. Byrne, J., Poughkeepsie, New York Eleanor Gallo, Southport, Connecticut Kevin James Carrigan, With Honors, Ada, *Stephen William Ganshirt, With Honors, Lake Michigan Forest, Illinois Michael Jon Chmell, With Highest Honors, Elmwood Timothy Joseph Gels, New Canaan, Connecticut Park, Illinois Regina Marie Giangrandi, Ellicott, Maryland

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Elaine Marie Giuglianotti, With Honors, Kings Park, Dean Thomas Kniss, Kutztown, Pennsylvania New York Robert Vincent Kolecki, w·ith High Honors, Cherry Michael Allan Goethals, Sturgis, Michigan Hill, New Jersey Randall Louis Qoskowicz, With High Honors, Matthew Francis Koscielski, South Bend, Indiana Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Karen Kostecky, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania John Merle Gray, Elk, Washington Kathleen Leona Krenzer, Lima, New York Richard Kenneth Green, Jr., With Honors, Western Theresa Marie Kuczkowski, Ann Arbor, Michigan Springs, Illinois Ann-Marie Mcintyre Kuharic, South Bend, Indiana Robert Ernest Guilday, Wallingford, Pennsylvania Martha Anna Kutashy, With Hi'gh Honors, Glen Ellyn, John David Hand, Sherborn, Massachusetts Illinois Joseph Patrick Harmon, III, Indianapolis, Indiana Robert Henry Lane, With High Honors, Champaign, Michael Francis Hayes, Jr., Fairfax, Virginia Illinois Leslie Jo Heineman, Connersville, Indiana Kevin Joseph Laurence, With Honors, Hoffman Michael Scott Heinle, Beaver, Pennsylvania Estates, Illinois Jeffrey John Herrmann, Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania Lisa Ann LaFratta, Richmond, Virginia Stephen Christopher Hill, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Carolyn Jean Leroux, Toledo, Ohio Thomas John Holubeck, With Hi'ghest Honors, Stephanie Lane Linder, With Honors, Bel Air, Cincinnati, Ohio Maryland *Pamela Eileen Homer, With Honors, Pampa, Texas Jeffrey Michael Linnen, Medina, Ohio David Joseph Horan, Raynham, Massachusetts Dena Marie Lordi, With High Honors, Walnut, Patricia Jeanne Huberty, With Honors, St. Paul, California Minnesota Monica Langdon Lorimer, With Honors, Oak Park, Illinois Francis Xavier Hussey, Winfield, Illinois Bernard James Huston, With Highest Honors, Jeffrey Dean Lovin, T1'ith High Honors, Granger, Ottumwa, Iowa Indiana Katherine Anne Immonen, Greenville, Pennsylvania Susan Michele Lupo, With Honors, Elmwood Park, Illinois Maria Teresa Isern, Amarillo, Texas Paul Francis Lyman, With Honors, Philadelphia, Matthew James Janowiak, Merrill, Wisconsin Pennsylvania John William Jaureguito, With Honors, Reno, Christopher Michael Lynch, Topeka, Kansas Nevada Kristin .Marie Lynch, Elmhurst, Illinois Cynthia Marie Jerdonek, Louisville, Ohio Nora Ellen Lynch, vVith High Honors, Erie, ·Wade William Justice, Wi'th Honors, Tucson, Arizona Pennsylvania Albert Joseph Kane, Potomac, Maryland Richard Lloyd Lynch, Decatur, Illinois LindaJoan Kelleher, Lynnfield, Massachusetts Robert Bradford Magill, With High Honors, Christopher John Keller, With High Honors, Wexford, Pennsylvania Brookfield, Wisconsin Celia Camille Maneri, Midland, Michigan Jeffrey Paul Kelly, North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania ivlaura Marie ivianning, Danville, Ohio Kathleen Marie Kelly, Youngstown, Ohio Manna Marie Manning, Danville, Ohio Keri Ann Kennedy, T11ith High Honors, Pittsburgh, Kathleen Marie Marnocha, T1li'th Honors, De Perc, Pennsylvania Wisconsin iviichael Joseph Kennelly, Wi'th High Honors, Toledo, Teresa Ann Marrone, Severna Park, Maryland Ohio William Randall iviartin, JtVi'th Hi'glzest Honors~ Michael William Kier, Buffalo, New York Boonville, Indiana Kevin Michael King, 11Vith I-!i'gh Honors, Christopher ivlaurice Masi, T11i'th Honors, Peoria, Merrillville, Indiana Illinois James Gerard Kirschbaum, T11ith Honors, ivladison, Paul Joseph Massoud, CinCinnati, Ohio Wisconsin Joseph Pasquale Maugeri, Staten Island, New York Thomas Francis Knee, Wilmington, Delaware Charles Edward ivicBride, T11i'th Honors, St. iviary's, Richard Alan Knipe, With Hi'glzest Honors, Orlando, Pennsylvania Florida Jeffrey Joseph IviCClure, New Haven, Indiana *Mary Louise McComis, Sheboygan, Wisconsin

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Kenneth Paul McDonnell, With Highest Honors, Nalini Marie Rajamannan, With Hzgh Honors, Alexandria, Virginia Minneapolis, Minnesota Thomas Patrick McGahan, Atlanta, Georgia Maya Lynn Ramirez, With Honors, Bloomfield Amy Lynne McGarrity, With High Honors, Webster, Hills, Michigan New York Hernando Glenn Ramos, Kalamazoo, Michigan Donald Ray McLaurin, Lake Village, Arkansas Filippo Mario Randazzo, With Honors, South Bend, Gerard Joseph McNulty, Tulsa, Oklahoma Indiana Laura Ann Meritt, Evanston, Illinois John Floyd Rashid, With Honors, Peoria, Illinois Valerie Jean Miller, Henderson, Nevada John Franklin Raster, With Honors, Niles, David Jon Minion, With High Honors, Lowell, Michigan Indiana Kenneth Marlow Reeve, Silver Spring, Maryland Mary Colleen Minogue, With High Honors, John Francis Regan, Peotone, Illinois Worthington, Ohio Joseph Edward Reidy, Wyandotte, Michigan Sandra Gwendoline Monyak, With Honors, Monaca, James F. Reilly, Allentown, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Therese Bourke Reilly, Granger, Indiana Patrick Michael Moore, Virginia Beach, Virginia Michelle Terese Rhinesmith, Davenport, Iowa Patricia Grace Moran, Hobbs, New Mexico Joseph Aloysius Ridgeway, Columbus, Ohio Erin Elizabeth Murphy, With Highest Honors, Ann Elizabeth Riedl, Columbus, Ohio Arlington Heights, Illinois Leigh Anne Ritchie, With Honors, Tulsa, Oklahoma Thomas Robert Murphy, Little Falls, New York Robert Michael Rodriguez, Brownsville, Texas Glenn Albert Nickele, With Highest Honors, Chicago, Kathryn Marie Roller, Elk Grove Village, Illinois Illinois Stephen Michael Roth, With Honors, Springfield, Joseph Anselm Nicolas, With High Honors, Virginia Cincinnati, Ohio Kelly Ann Rourke, Danvers, Massachusetts Mark Leonard Niebylski, Birmingham, Michigan Edward John Rudnicki, Jr., Rockford, Illinois Catherine Lourdes Nowalk, Greensburg, Pennsylvania Charles Joseph Ruhlin, With High Honors, Wadsworth, Ohio Robert Armando Nyc, Baltimore, Maryland Laura J can Rukavina, With High Honors, Winona, Ronald Mark Oberleitner, Franklin Park, Minnesota New Jersey Peggy A. Rumiez, North Muskegon, Michigan Diana Lia Ochoa, With Hon_ors, Fort Worth, Texas Cynthia Josephine Salvino, Frankfort, Illinois James Anthony O'Donnell, Geneva, Illinois Michael Damon Savarese, With Honors, Middlebury, Joseph Patrick O'Leary, Rockford, Illi~ois Connecticut Michael Patrick O'Neil, Mishawaka, Indiana Catherine Ann Schaefer, Lansing, Michigan Kevin Jon Olinger, Huntingburg, Indiana Robert Thomas Schlageter, Springville, New York Jeanne Marie Olson, South Bend, Indiana Michael Jude Schlehuber, Carlsbad, California David Charles Packo, Toledo, Ohio Catherine Anne Schnell, With Highest Honors, *Nancy Eileen Pajaro, North Merrick, New York Ballwin, Missouri Andrew Cannon Palumbo, Oxon Hill, Maryland Paul William Schoephoerster, Anoka, Minnesota Jose Rizal Torres Pangilinan, Wheeling, West Mark Alan Schomogyi, Muskegon, Michigan Virginia Mark Philip Schopper, With Honors, Brownsburg, Thomas Eric Parent, Charleroi, Pennsylvania Indiana Janet Marie Pawlowski, Libertyville, Illinois Michael Thomas Schueppert, St. Paul, Minnesota Paul Gildo Perona, Peru, Illinois Mary Elizabeth Schueth, With High Honors, Michael Anthony Poirier, With High Honors, South Indianapolis, Indiana Bend, Indiana Kary Reginald Schulte, With Honors, Cedar Rapids, *Daniel E. Prinster, With Honors, Grand Junction, Iowa Colorado Julia Ann Schwebel, With Honors, Washington, James Nicholas Priola, Jeannette, Pennsylvania Illinois Andrea Lorenzo Quaroni, San Antonio, Texas Michael George Raab, Batavia, Illinois

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Cyril Joseph Schweich, Jr., With Honors, Prior Lake, Melissa Lynn Trapp, LaPorte, Indiana Minnesota Robert John Treuting, Metairie, Louisiana Terri Jean Seliga, With Highest Honors, Ebensburg, Michael Andre Trudeau, Bellingham, Massachusetts Pennsylvania David Charles Turner, With Honors, Dearborn, Thomas Aquinas Selvaggi, With Honors, Levittown, Michigan Pennsylvania Susan Mary Urban, Grosse Ile, Michigan Richard Joseph Shea, With Honors, Albany, New York Justine Vakkur, South Bend, Indiana Mark Joseph Shepard, With High Honors, Arlington Leticia Ann Valdes, San Antonio, Texas Heights, Illinois Geoffrey James VanFlandern, vVith High Honors, Paul Edward Sherman, With Highest Honors, Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Michael Peter Verdi, Arlington Heights, Illinois Paul Kevin Short, Morris Plains, New Jersey Deborah Jean Villa, Seal Beach, California Mary Catherine Siegel, Spring City, Pennsylvania Francis Albert Voegele, Mansfield, Ohio Mary Elizabeth Sigler, Annandale, Virginia Catherine Ann Voltura, With High Honors, Batavia, Caroline Susan Singler, With Honors, Staten Island, New York New York Gregory Edward Walker, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Jeffrey Joseph Skibinski, Hammond, Indiana John Andrew Walker, III, With Highest Honors, Jeffrey Scott Sleeth, With Honors, Paradise Valley, Stafford, Virginia Arizona Martin Joseph Wall, Crystal Lake, Illinois Ann Louise Smalley, Springfield, Illinois Adrienne Marie Wallace, Malverne, New York Miriam Josephine Smith, Ormond Beach, Florida Molly Kay Walsh, Naperville, Illinois William James Smith, With Honors, Ogdensburg, New York Mark Donald Waumans, Mishawaka, Indiana Jeffrey Neil Sommers, With High Honors, Webster, Mary Florence Wilde, Watertown, South Dakota New York Edward Patrick Williams, Edina, Minnesota Michael Robert Spaulding, Ontario, New York *Kevin Lamar Williams, With Honors, Gaithersburg, Maryland John Kevin Spendley, Huntington St~tion,_ New York Denise Jane Spring, Sacramento, California Michele Lynn Williams, With Honors, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Hilda Elie Stambuk, With Honors, Statesboro, Georgia Jeffrey Steven Withuski, South Saint Paul, Minnesota Matthew James Stamm, Connersville, Indiana Kathleen Ann Wolter, With High Honors, Libertyville, Illinois Glenn Allen Standish, Houston, Texas Nancy Ellen Yast, ivlerrillville, Indiana Kent Donald Sternitzke, Bowling Green, Ohio John Kenneth Younger, Helena, Montan~ . Jeffrey Charles Stevens, Phoenix, Arizona Jennifer Maureen Yuhl, Los Angeles, California Kevin Thomas Stone, With Honors, Muskegon, 1 Michigan Mark William Yusko, T1 ith Honors, Redmond, Washington Maureen Elizabeth Stubbs, North Olmsted, Ohio William Edward Zajdel, South Greensburg, James Patrick Sutherland, Jr., With Highest Honors, Pennsylvania Louisville, Kentucky Jill Diane Zenger, With Honors, Hillsboro, Oregon . Sara Katherine Sweetser, With Hzgh Honors, Edina, Minnesota Stephen Edward Zepf, With Honors, Cincinnati, Ohio Jacqueline Marie Taggart, Lake Orion, Michigan Kimberly Ann Zerr, Little Rock, Arkansas Daniel Paul Taglia, With Honors, Saint Joseph, *James Leo Zukaitis, vVith High Honors, Omaha, Michigan Nebraska 1 Lynn Marie Thomas, With High Honors, Lima, ivlarfa Elena Zuniga Saldievna, T1 ith 1-I£gh Honors, Ohio, 1v1exico City, Mexico Roland Lincoln Thomas, South Bend, Indiana Peter King Tiernan, Jr., Libertyville, Illinois

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Michael William Thompson, With High Honors, The College of Aurora, Illinois Todd Michael Tyner, Anderson, Indiana Engineering Christopher Robert VanMetre, Cary, North Carolina Wayne Tod Whetstone, Columbia City, Indiana THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AEROSPACE ENGINEERING ON: THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE ON: Samuel Albert Awad, With Honors, Ada, Ohio Mark Edmund Biagetti, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Scott Edward Berger, Hackettstown, New Jersey Mark Lawrence Brockman, With Honors, Henderson, William Barnett Clifford, Greeley, Colorado Kentucky Curtis Frank Cormane, Discovery Bay, Hong Kong Brad Thomas Broemmel, Marion, Illinois James Michael Curtin, Austin, Texas Christopher John Burke, Wheaton, Illinois Margaret Mary Derwent, South Bend, Indiana Brendan Patrick Coughlan, Chicago, Illinois Thomas Jeffrey DeGraw, Bellvale, New York Thomas Gary Dickson, Shoreview, Minnesota James Christopher Dudney, Chambersburg, Kevin Thomas Diggins, Norwood, Massachusetts Pennsylvania Steven Michael Divney, Colebrook, New Hampshire Tim Stocker Eagles, B~ttle Creek, Michigan Daniel Geoffrey Flagstad, With Highest Honors, Morris *Therese Patricia Eyler, San Marino, California Plains, New Jersey *Mark Rolland Fisher, Coloma, Michigan Matthew Alexander Goldmann, West Norwalk, Douglas J. Gauthier, Flint, Michigan Connecticut William Jude Haynes, Indianapolis, Indiana Aga Myung Goodsell, With Highest Honors, Bowie, Ronald Eric Henderson, Salem, Indiana Maryland Jeffrey Scott Isley, Tulsa, Oklahoma Richard Anthony Grugan, Philadelphia, I *John Peter Janicki, Sedro Woolley, Washington :t Pennsylvania i *Eric Ronald Janovsky, Arlington, Texas Lisa Ann Guerra, With Honors, Dallas, Texas Cynthia Louise Jett, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania Michael Paul Hanahoe, Burke, Virginia Daniel Joseph Keleher, Jr. , Bartlesville, 0 klahoma Peter Van Amberg Hasbrook, Jr., East Lansing, Michigan John Richard Koplas, Lockport, New York Brian Thomas Hearney, vVith Honors, Santa Ana, Matthew Gerard La Chance, Aurora, Illinois California Theodore Mark Mariani, Washington, D.C. Charles Sven Johnson, Del City, Oklahoma Joseph Ammon McGrath, Warrington, Pennsylvania Luis Kangleon Limcolioc, Foster City, _California Jeffrey David Miller, Birmingham, Alabama Amalia Rebecca Lopez, With Hzgh Honors, Las Vegas, Debra Ann Nauta, T1'ith High Honors, Andover, New New Mexico Jersey Robert James Mahoney, Ridgewood, New Jersey Joseph Brian Pellissier, Ware, Massachusetts Christine Ann McKelvey, With Highest Honors, Susan Elizabeth Pratt, Fair Oaks, California Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania David John Sassano, South Bend, Indiana Joseph Dexter Nickerson, Jr., With Honors, Wellesley, Robert Michael Sponseller, With Honors, Ann Arbor, Massachusetts Michigan Patrick Edward Poletti, Worthington, Ohio Patrick John Tripeny, Casper, Wyoming Thomas William Reidy, With Honors, Painesville, Bruce Durant Turner, Medford, New Jersey Ohio Arthur John Vento, With Honors, Fort Lauderdale, Michael Barry Ryan, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania Florida Mark Edward Skeehan, Greenwich, Connecticut Kevin Michael Vician, Crown Point, Indiana David Stavetski, South Bound Brook, New Jersey Robert Lawrence Wehner, Danville, California David Louis Taurasi, Lighthouse Point, Florida Edward Lawrence Willenbrink, Louisville, Kentucky David Scott Wilson, Los Angeles, California *Bonnie Jean Wolf, With 1-Ionors, Waukesha, Wisconsin

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THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Thomas Drew Kraemer, vVith Honors, Park Forest, IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ON: Illinois David John Adams, Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania Joseph Walter Lynch, Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania Jan Lorraine Albrecht, With Hi'glz Honors, Saint Eric Jerome Maercklein, Delmar, New York Charles, Illinois Brian Joseph Mages, Greensburg, Pennsylvania Gregory Bahlinger Arbour, Baton Rouge, Louisiana David Harry Manzella, Sylvania, Ohio Mark Francis Barchie, Daphne, Alabama Gary Dwight Mason, Evansville, Indiana Timothy Eric Bohdan, Wi'th Honors, Lake Charles, Peter Gerard McHugh, Wilmington, Delaware Louisiana Ivan Joseph Mlachak, Houston, Texas Mark Todd Boone, High Point, North Carolina Stephen Joseph Mulkern, San Diego, California Thomas Martin Cleary, T11i'tlz Honors, Whittier, William Joseph Muller, Wi'th Honors, Bogota, New California Jersey Gregory Allen Crawford, Wadsworth, Ohio John Patrick Murphy, Crystal Lake, Illinois David Brian Curliss, Wi'tlz Honors, Blanchester, Ohio Thomas John Odar, With Honors, South Euclid, Ohio Louis Stephen D' Agostino, ~Vi'tlz Highest Honors, Thomas Francis Patzelt, Oak Lawn, Illinois Wilmington, Delaware Franco S. Proietti Orologio, Caracas, Deanna Marjorie Dallolio, Succasunna, New Jersey Venezuela Marjorie Joy Leilani de Ia Pena, Kapa'a, Hawaii Michael George Raab, Batavia, Illinois Jane Ellen DeRose, Okemos, Michigan Christopher John Rauh, Dearborn, Michigan Jane Agnes Dowd, Cleveland, Ohio *Ivan Rivas, Hempstead, New York Gregory Vincent Doyle, McLean, Virginia Thomas David Ryan, Jr., Honolulu, Hawaii Thomas Christopher Fallon, New Providence, New Mark Gerard Schippits, T~Vitlz High Honors, Chicago, Jersey Illinois Timothy John Fallon, Reston, Virginia Michael Wayne Schmutz, Spokane, Washington David Michael Flynn, Jr., With Hi'glzest Honors, John David Sisto, T11ith Hi'gh Honors, Old Tappan, -Vestavia Hills, Alabama New Jersey Timothy David Foley, Scottsdale, Arizona l'vlaureen Alice Snyder, Yardley, Pennsylvania John Paul Foryt, New Kensington, Pennsylvania Rosa Maria Solaun, Rochester, New York Dawn Renee Freehafer, Wi'th Honors, South Bend, Lorie Ann Struzik, vVi'th Honors, Crown Point, Indiana Indiana John Christopher Gieseman, Riverside, Illinois Mark Allan Stuhler, Butler, Pennsylvania Edward James Gorrie, Fort Myers, Florida Karen Margaret 11-appen, Yonkers, New York Edward William Grant, Naples, Florida Martin William Tyrie, Jr., Staten Island, New York Ioannis Nikolaos Hadjinikolaou, Thessaloniki, Robert H. Vonderheide, With Highest Honors, Greece Lexington, Kentucky Robert Ellis Henson, II, Hermann, :Niissouri John Alex Wachter, Riverside, Illinois Maureen Ann Hintenach, With Honors, Eric, Jerome Thomas Walker, ~Vi'th Honors, Palatine, Pennsylvania Illinois Susan Ann Hoelscher, ~Vitlz Hi'glzest Honors, Ballwin, Stacy Ann Wenzel, Elkhart, Indiana Missouri Mary Jeanne Wiegand, With Hi'gh Honors, Nlichigan \Villi~m Logan Indest, Wi'th Honors, River Ridge, City, Indiana Louisiana Raymond Francis Wise, Jr., Ballston Lake, New York Mary Beth Kiszka, South Bend, Indiana Lynne l'vlarie Konesky, Spokane, Washington

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THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Matthew Edward Connors, West Springfield, IN CIVIL ENGINEERING ON: Massachusetts David Matthew Angelotti, With Honors, Midland, Michael Joseph Crowley, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Michigan John Francis Cummings, Hazel Crest, Illinois Joseph James Bellina, South Bend, Indiana Michael Alan Dahl, Wi'th Hi'gh Honors, Lake Elmo, Sean Patrick Cashen, Naples, Florida Minnesota Brian Phillip Couch, With Honors, Chico, Stephen Philip Davidson, Bedford, Massachusetts California William Patrick Delaney, Wi'th Highest Honors, Troy, Francisco Tomas DelValle, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Michigan Nancy Marie Domzalski, Chicago, Illinois Francisco Delgadillo, Jr., El Paso, Texas Brian Walter Dunn, Kingwood, Texas *David Charles Diebold, Muncie, Indiana Michael Eric English, New Kensington, Pennsylvania Thomas Stephan Donohue, Westchester, Pennsylvania *John Ronald Erichsen, Granger, Indiana Richard Eugene Dyer, Jr., Bellevue, Nebraska Joseph Edward Higgins, Beckley, West Virginia James Louis Educato, Wi'th Highest Honors, Grand Troy Thomas Illig, Kenmore, New York Rapids, Michigan Steven Joseph Johnston, Rochester, New York Robert Meriwether Evans, Jr., Wi'th Highest Honors, Gerard Michael McDonald, East Greenwich, Rhode Saint Louis, Missouri Island Thomas Sarsfield Fergus, III, Roslindale, Josef Leo Michuda, Frankfort, Illinois Massachusetts Mark Douglas Molnar, With Hi'gh Honors, West Kevin Daniel Finger, Medina, New York Seneca, New York Donald Alfred Fleck, Carnegie, Pennsylvania Kathleen Mary Murphy, Naperville, Illinois Michael James Francl, Lombard, Illinois William Joseph Novack, Aurora, Illinois *Gina Maria Gamboa, South Bend, Indiana Joseph Aguon Pangelinan, Tamuning, Guam Brian Jay Ginch, Bethel, Connecticut Karyn Louise Pyrzynski, Wi'th Hi'gh Honors, Mark Peter Gingalewski, East Syracuse, New York Hammond, Indiana David Gerard Grote, Cincinnati, Ohio Anne Elizabeth Stratton, Valparaiso, Indiana John Brooks Harknett, Bay Village, Ohio THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Joseph Patrick Hirl, Fairfax Station, Virginia IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ON: Douglas Lloyd Honeywell, Houston, Texas Ignacio Aranguren-Trellez, vVi'th Highest Honors, Michael Harrison Horn, Tullahoma, Tennessee Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Kenneth Samuel Houston, Mishawaka, Indiana Joseph Anthony Auchter, Jacksonville, Florida Paul Gregory Johnson, Saint Paul, Minnesota Robert Craig Bacchieri, East Wareham, Robert Vernon Jones, Norristown, Pennsylvania Massachusetts George Matthew Jordan, Jr., Hazelwood, Missouri Andrew Damien Boisvert, New Bedford,· Robert Henry Kaulbach, Jr., Richardson, Texas Massachusetts Mark Christopher Kennedy, New City, New York John Kenneth Brixius, Niagara Falls, New York Andreas Gilbert Kinzlmaier, With Honors, Concord, Patrick Dennis Burke, Clifton Park, New York Massachusetts Robert Vincent Burke, Nutley, New Jersey Robert Richard Konicek, South Bend, Indiana

Stephen Matthew Busk, South Bend, Indiana Paul Joseph Kucera1 Alexandria, Virginia Charles Calderaro, III, Mineola, New York John Trainor LaChapelle, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Michael Rocco Cannatti, Austin, Texas Dominique Paul Laflamme, San Rafael, California Michael Jude Carrasco, Calumet City, Illinois Michael Patrick Laughlin, South Bend, Indiana Andrew Joseph Cernicky, Arnold, Pennsylvania Stephen Thomas Liese, Dallas, Texas Hilson Palao Chua, Manila, Philippines Norbert John Loesing, Cincinnati, Ohio David John Claybaugh, Monongahela, Pennsylvania John Anthony Lucas, West Seneca, New York Christopher Francis Coene, With 1-Ionors, Potomac, Maryland

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Gregory Benedict Lush, Palo Alto, California Frederick William Schmidt, Cottage Grove, Michael Patrick Lynch, Covina, California Minnesota James Patrick MacLennan, San Bernardino, Thomas Anthony Schroer, Kansas City, Missouri California · Gregory Joseph Sendi, West Chester, Pennsylvania Daniel Peter Mascaro, North Canton, Ohio James Russell Shea, With Highest Honors, Arlington, Michael Joseph McCaughey, III, Olympia Fields, Virginia Illinois Denis Charles Shine, Lisle, Illinois John Colin McEachen, II, With Honors, Woodbridge, Michael Henry Sitko, With Honors, Morton Grove, Virginia Illinois Paul Stephen Mcintyre, Albuquerque, New Mexico Daniel Edward Skane, Care Free, Arizona Kurt John McNeil, Sterling Heights, Michigan Joan Catherine Smierciak, Fort Wayne, Indiana Kenric Patrick Miller, Manteno, Illinois Andrew Paul Smith, Maumee,Ohio Steven Michael Mills, Wilmington, Massachusetts David Michael Sobczak, Warren, Michigan Mark Michael Monachino, Poughkeepsie, New York Christopher Luke Soha, Miami, Florida Chris H. Mondero, With High Honors, Gregory Anthony Sroka, Orchard Park, New York Weatherly, Pennsylvania Richard Booth Stack, Jr., Ballston Lake, New York John Paul Moorman, Batesville, Indiana Deborah Ann Stephan, With High Honors, Paradise Martha Stevenson Moran, W'ith Honors, Pittsburgh, Valley, Arizona Pennsylvania Jeffrey Scott Stevens, Hamburg, New York William Alan Mortensen, Tacoma, Washington James Patrick Stuber, Palos Heights, Illinois Michael Joseph Mulligan, Lowell, Massachusetts Stanton James Taylor, South Bend, Indiana Scott Patrick Narus, Tucson, Arizona Tracy Allison Thomas, Lima, Ohio Timothy Patrick Nolan, Villa Park, Illinois Christopher Otis Vargas, Presidio of San Francisco, Lynn Scianna O'Meara, Maitland, Florida California Maureen Patricia O'Reilly, With Highest Honors, Silver Hector Velazquez, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Spring, Maryland William Thomas Weidman, Rochester, New York John Edward O'Sullivan, III, South Easton, Joseph Michael Wightkin, Westchester, Illinois Massachusetts Kevin Michael Yoder, Reading, Pennsylvania Richard James Pascuzzo, Tioga Center, New York Kathleen· Ann Ziemer, West Bloomfield, Michigan Patrice Knut Pasturel, Palo Alto, California Robert Gregory Zumbiel, Edgewood, Kentucky Mark Damian Peek, Cherry Hill, New Jersey Joseph Mark Peffen, With Honors, Nashville, THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Tennessee IN ENGINEERING SCIENCE ON: Joseph Gerard Piccolo, vVith Honors, New Haven, David Wilber Booth, Northville, Michigan Connecticut Thomas Joseph Pieronek, Grosse Pointe Woods, THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Michigan IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ON: Thomas Gregory Pratt, With High Honors, Fair Oaks, California Gregorio Alejandro Joco Abad, South Daytona, Florida Stacey Prunesti, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii John Robert Acker, H1ith Honors, Nliami, Florida Michael Scott Quayle, With Highest flonors, Tulsa, Anthony Charles Barr, Nashville, Tennessee Oklahoma Timothy Allen Beardsley, Stratford, Connecticut Trisha Nlarie Richard, Dayton, Ohio Gerald Joseph Bernat, Barrington Hills, Illinois Mark Lawrence Richards, Huntsville, Alabama Jeffrey Saunders Binz, Crestwood, Missouri James Richard Roche, With Highest Honors, St. Paul, Minnesota Stephen Robert Boie, Bozeman, Montana Michael Scott Rottman, Westerville, Ohio Thomas Alan Bradley, vVitlz Honors, Latrobe, Pennsylvania Keith S. Sawayda, Warren, Ohio Francis Joseph Schlueter, vVith High Honors, Cincinnati, Ohio

45 Engineering

Daniel Patrick Brennan, Grand Rapids, Michigan Mariana Robert Karam, With Honors, Gaithersburg, Kevin Ryan Brenton, With Honors, Southport, Maryland Connecticut Michael Patrick Kitz, Farmington Hills, Michigan Norman Gilles Brodeur, Athol, Massachusetts Theodore Andrew Klaus, With Honors, Berwyn, PaulaJean Cloyd, Salem, Massachusetts Pennsylvania Claire Buonaccorsi Coble, West Seneca, New York James Gerald Koehr, With Honors, Long Beach, ivlargaret Ann Collins, With Honors, Munster, Mississippi Indiana Brian David Koors, Harrison, Ohio Michael Edward Conlin, Mount Prospect, Illinois Kristen Kostecky, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania Michael George Connolly, With Honors, Camp Hill, Christopher Stephen Kostic, Potomac, Maryland Pennsylvania Diane Marie Kozak, T11itlz Honors, Grand Rapids, Joanne Conroy, Middleburg Heights, Ohio Michigan- William Lang Courtney, T1lith Honors, Dearborn, Steven Michael Lackner, Glenview, Illinois Michigan Dominic Fred Lee, Houston, Texas Nancy Lorraine Crovo, Melrose, Massachusetts Susan Ann Lord, New Bedford, Massachusetts *John Daniel, South Bend, Indiana Mark Peter Luchini, Wethersfield, Connecticut Joan Abigail DeCrane, Lyndhurst, Ohio David Michael Maloney, Latham, New York Nicholas John DeCandia, Appleton, Wisconsin Martin Sidney Masias, Tulsa, Oklahoma Eric Andrew Englhardt, With Highest Honors, Patrick Thomas McMullen, Webster, New York Cedarburg, Wisconsin Daniel Christopher Moran, Dallas, Texas Robert Joseph Falkenberg, Palatine, Illinois Allyn Dalton Morris, Douglas, Alaska Paul Warren Fellows, Rutland, Vermont Michael Eugene Muldowney, Hagerstown, Maryland Matthew Joseph Ferretti, Wilmington, Delaware Richard Dennis O'Toole, Dolton, Illinois John Martin Flaherty, Old Lyme, Connecticut Maria Abigail Paneque, West Palm Beach, Florid~ Carlos Guillermo Garcia de Paredes, Panama City, Christopher Mark Paolini, Buffalo, New York Panama Brian Richard Parker, Witlz High Honors, Walkerton, Timothy William Gates, North Kingstown, Rhode Indiana Island Lance Joseph Passaretti, Brentwood, New York James Ronald Gerbo, Carmel, Indiana Roger Luke Pearson, Saunderstown, Rhode Island Thomas Patrick Gibbons, Hauppauge, New York Annette Catherine Peterson, T1litlz Honors, Houston, James Patrick Gillis, Federal Way, Washington Texas Joseph Markey Grace, III, With Honors, Southfield, Julia Linus Pierson, Portland, Oregon Michigan *Jonathan Robert Pool, Witlz Higlz Honors, Bloomfield *Scott Anthony Grenquist, Marshall, Michigan Hills, Michigan Lori Helene Haefner, With }fig/zest Honors, Michael John Rentner, Virginia Beach, Virginia Williamsville, New York · · Joseph James Riehl, Jr., Havertown, Pennsylvania Frank Joseph Hardart, Bronxville, New York Stephen Charles Roach, Bellflower, California MichaelJames Harvey, With Honors, Hoffman Theron Bernard Roberts, Logansport, Indiana Estates, Illinois David Andrew Robinson, Lincolnshire, Illinois Deborah Ann Hill, Stockton, California Joan Carol Rolwing, Olympia Fields, Illinois David James Hoerster, Barrington, Illinois Ricardo Antonio Roux, Panama City, Panama Mark Andrew Huffman, Richmond, Virginia James Robert Rowland, Angola, Indiana Ronald Albert Hutter, Cleveland, Ohio Gerard Adam Kaelin, Danvers, Massachusetts

46 Business Administration/Graduate Division

Paul Edward Salmon, Dallas, Texas Steven William Schmitt, Oglesby, Illinois The College of Suzanne Marie Schuller, Seattle, Washington Michael Joseph Schunk, Boonton, New Jersey Business Marc Andre Seguin, Stow, Ohio Richard Gerard Stepien, Tonawanda, New York Ad1ninistration John Joseph Sullivan, Nesconset, New York Benedict Leon Suplick, Abington, Pennsylvania James Kevin Supple, South Harwich, Massachusetts In the Graduate Stephen Joseph Tebbe, Tipton, Indiana M. Christine TePas, B~y Village, Ohio Division John Warren Thomassen, Newport Beach, California THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS Patrick Thomas Turk, Euclid, Ohio ADMINISTRATION ON: Mark Christopher Waller, Alexandria, Virginia *Daniel Joseph Walsh, Chicago, Illinois V. Michael Alverson, With High Honors, Michigan City, Indiana David Charles Wisniewski, Ottawa, Illinois Bradford K. Amman, Littleton, Colorado Donald Stanley Wisniewski, Ottawa, Illinois Mary K. Andrysiak, South Bend, Indiana Eugene Joseph Witchger, Roanoke, Virginia Sharon Elizabeth Athey, South Bend, Indiana Carole Andrina Wong, South Bend, Indiana Gavin M.-Azavedo, Notre Dame, Indiana THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE George Richard Barrie, Kalamazoo, Michigan IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING ON: Ronald L. Bennett, With High Honors, Grand Augustine Kelly, Skaneateles, New York Rapids, Michigan Celeste Kowalski, Southhampton, Pennsylvania Ricardo W. Bernal, Santa Cruz, Bolivia *Mcintyre Richards Louthan, III, Blacksburg, C. James Bluhm, With High Honors, Benton Harbor, . Virginia Michigan Robert Emmet O'Brien, Columbus, Ohio Karen E. Bononi, Greensburg, Pennsylvania JoAnne Thorne Pearl, Plattsburgh, New York William Paul James Bradley, With Honors, East Amarjit Singh Rai, South Bend, Indiana Greenwich, Rhode Island Joseph Baldwin Wiegand, Hartford, Wisconsin Thomas A. Breitenbach, Pepper Pike, Ohio Kevin L. Brown, Louisville, Kentucky Frank E. Budde, With High Honors, Cincinnati, Ohio Joseph W. Burden, III, Williamsville, New York Steven K. Burns, With Honors, Plymouth, Indiana John G. Case, With Honors, Deerfield, Illinois James Edward Cassidy, Fort Wright, Kentucky Ernest P. Clark, Elmer City, Washington Colleen A. Corbin, Palos Park, Illinois Kurt Charles Arvid Cornell, West Covina, California Terese M. Coulon, With High Honors, Skokie, Illinois *Gregory Dale Cozad, With Honors, Champaign, Illinois Dan L. Craft, Mishawaka, Indiana James E. Cremin, Palatine, Illinois Brian F. Cullather, Michigan City, Indiana

47 == Z'WW 7 rrn =

Business Administration/Graduate Division

Edward Leo Daley, III, With Honors, Deer Park, New Charles B. Kovach, With Honors, Kalamazoo, York Michigan Carlos R. Davila, With Honors, Bogota, Colombia James M. Krzyzewski, With High Honors, Three Timothy John Doney, With Honors, Fremont, Rivers, Michigan Michigan Kenneth Joseph Kuczka, Ogden Dunes, Indiana Daniel Gibbs Doster, With Honors, Mishawaka, David Paul Ladd, Munster, Indiana Indiana BarbaraJoan Lambert, Scituate, Massachusetts Donald G. Dotzauer, With Honors, St. Louis, Mis- John Nelson Lawless, III, With Honors, Rochester, soun Michigan Jose Roberto Duarte, San Salvador, El Salvador James Robert Lawn, West Chester, Pennsylvania J. Patrick Dyson, Saint Joseph, Michigan *Michael Fredrick Lenartz, Los Altos, California Robert C. Earl, Hebron, Indiana Mary Kay Lewis, Gifford, Illinois William H. Eichhorn, Jamestown, Pennsylvania Keith Logue, South Bend, Indiana Roger G. Engle, South Bend, Indiana Luis Javier Lopez Franco, Manizales, Colombia Antonette S. Engstrom, With Honors, Niles, Michigan Joseph P. l\llacdonell, Wood Ridge, New Jersey Charles Joseph Faust, Kaukauna, Wisconsin Thomas J. Mack, With Honors, Portland, Oregon Carlos H. Fernandez, With High Honors, La Paz, Alan James MacQueen, Parchment, Michigan Bolivia William J. Magnuson, Jr., T¥ith.Honors, Longview, Robert Dennis Flaig, Walnut Creek, California Texas Steven Garboden, With Highest Honors, Goshen, Balu Mahalingam, Coimbatore, India Indiana Marcia Mandi, With High Honors, Stamford, James Christopher Gleason, Omaha, Nebraska Connecticu't Michael Edward Goldman, With Honors, Fort Wayne, Mario Eduardo Manta, Montevideo, Uruguay Indiana Daniel J. Martin, West Lafayette, Indiana John C. Goodall, Northbrook, Illinois Kevin J. McBride, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Timothy Michael Hakeem, With High Honors, Saint Daniel Kelley McCoy, Waynesville, North Carolina Joseph, Michigan James T. McDermott, Franklin, Massachusetts Cynthia Springer Harbold, Fort Wayne, Indiana Nancy P. McKenzie, , Michigan Donald R. Hasselbring, Spring Lake, Michigan Dirk C. McMahon, With High Honors, Wappingers Cynthia]. Hines, Fort Wayne, Indiana Falls, New York Jerry L. Holt, With Honors, Fort Wayne, Indiana .Michael L. McMillan, Lowell, Indiana Michael P. Horne, South Bend, Indiana Mark Allen McNamee, Xenia, Ohio John P. Hunckler, With Honors, Huntington, Indiana David E. Meehan, Wooster, Ohio Charles James Jaglowski, Grand Rapids, Michigan Teresa L. Mendieta, Lima, Peru Ronald]. Jensen, Warsaw, Indiana LisaK. Mesh, Lake Charles, Louisiana Scott A. Kamieneski, With Honors, Topsfield, William Anthony Montague, Howell, Michigan Massachusetts Karen M. Marinelli, Abington, Elizabeth Kay Kaminski, Merrillville, Indiana Pennsylvania Steven William Karaffa, Valrico, Florida Patricia L. Mras, Mooresville, Indiana Michael Joseph Kearney, With High I-lonors, James Lee Mucha, With Honors, Elkhart, Brockton, Massachusetts Indiana Sung Han Kim, With Honors, Seoul, Korea Salvatore R. l\lluoio, With High Honors, Peter L. Klebba, Linn, Missouri Centereach, New York Mary M. Klocke, With Honors, Williamsville, New Linda S. Myers, Villa Park, California York Donald Carl Naab, Holland, Michigan Katherine Komasinski, Niles, Michigan Hari N. Nair, With Honors, Peoria Heights, Illinois JefferyS. Nemeth, Granger, Indiana John Richard Newbanks, With Honors, Charlotte, North Carolina

48 Business Administration/Graduate Division

Paul E. Niedringhaus, Northbrook, Illinois Kenneth Matthew Uznanski, M.D., Joliet, Illinois Eileen Elizabeth O'Brien, With High Honors, Thomas L. Varga, With Honors, Mishawaka, Indiana Torrance, California Patricia L. Vigansky, JtVith High Honors, Bridgman, John J. O'Sullivan, North Plainfield, New Jersey Michigan Lisa A. Paauwe, With Honors, Holland, Michigan James R. Vignone, Elmwood Park, New Jersey Carlos Pardo-Ortiz, With Honors, Mexico DF, Dennis Groen Wadsworth, With Honors, Westboro, Mexico Massachusetts William J. Pavin, Barrington, Illinois Mary A. Waldner, With Honors, Springfield, Virginia Marc John Peirce, Whiting, Indiana Jeffrey Nelson Walton, Bloomfield, Iowa Barr~ A. Peterson, With High Honors, Palatine, Illi- Sue Alaine Watts, With Honors, Valparaiso, nOis Indiana Herman Gustave Petzold, III, Detroit, Michigan Clifford T. West, Jr., With High Honors, El Cajon, Bryan M. Pilat, With Honors, Itasca, Illinois California Barry W. Wood, Bellmore, New York Patrick G. Pinnick, South Bend, Indiana Dominick P. Yocius, With Honors, Chicago, Illinois George A. Piskorz, With Honors, Saint Joseph, Michigan Ida Hsaio-Chih Yuan, Taipei, Republic of China Cary Wesley Purcell, Quincy, Illinois Farrukh Zaman, With Honors, Karachi, Pakistan William Duret Quick, With High Honors, Paul E. Zeman, With Honors, Grand Rapids, Middlebury, Indiana Michigan Robert E. Quinn, Chicago, Illinois Scott Charles Zettek, With Honors, Elk Grove Village, Illinois James S. Rang, Saint Joseph, Michigan David Eugene Zimmer, With High Honors, Rochester, Anne Mary Rischas,hilwaukee Wisconsin .. p R W11j HtMor-13: ·.h. New York Patncm . ossman, earborn,lviic 1gan Christopher J Row~nd, South Bend, Indiana James D. Ryan, Minneapolis, Minnesota Robert Henry Sass, Indian Head Park, Illinois William H. Schaefer, With Honors, Largo, Florida Donald E. Schlax, With Honors, Arlington Heights, Illinois Michael Joseph Schubert, With Honors, Downing- town, Pennsylvania Michael P. Seifried, With Honors, Newton, Iowa Martin Paul Shiring, Jr., Beaver, Pennsylvania Michael B. Shubeck, Bloomingdale, Michigan Richard Charles Simaga, St. John, Indiana Joseph R. Siman, With High Honors, Fort Wayne, In- diana Robert B. Sinclai_r, With Honors, Summit, New Jersey Jill Kay Strenzel, Jackson, Michigan Mary Karen Sullivan, Clarendon Hills, Illinois Anthony Vincent Szakaly, South Bend, Indiana Robert F. Tordi, With High Honors, Mishawaka, Indiana Leonard A. Troman, Valparaiso, Indiana

49 T Ci'fftl"""'i'i''m-tp 7 9 FT PWW'ff:WfZTTT WMFIT = )""'[ffj)FC =weDS F sa~

Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Karen Teresa Biondi, Granger, Iowa In the Under­ Daniel Joseph Biwan, With High Honors, Kohler, Wisconsin graduate Division Marie Isela Blanco, El Paso, Texas THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS Christopher Adam Boerner, Madison, Wisconsin ADMINISTRATION ON: Lynette Maria Boggs, Heilbronn, West Germany Teresa Ellen Bolger, Algonquin, Illinois Thomas Joseph Abood, With High Honors, Lansing, Michigan Kevin Michael Bolin, Alexandria, Virginia Richard William Adam, Colorado Springs, Colorado David James Boulay, Omaha, Nebraska John Blair Adams, Jackson, Michigan John Fredrick Bowie, Kingston, Massachusetts Paul David Adelizzi, With Honors, Ardmore, Timothy Jacob Boyce, Jr., Fort Wayne, Indiana Pennsylvania Daniel Joseph Brady, Westfield, New Jersey Matthew Peter Albano, Long Valley, New Jersey Elizabeth Jean Brodeur, Hopkins, South Carolina Jamina Maria Allen, Niles, Michigan Robert Kevin Brogan, Green Bay, Wisconsin Jeffrey John Allison, With High Honors, Williamsport, Sharon Louise Broghammer, Mason City, Iowa Pennsylvania Brian Oliver Broucek, Manchester, Michigan Joseph Peter Andreetti, Marco Island, Florida Donald J. Brown, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania Liisa Lynn Anselmi, T~Vith Highest Honors, Rock Martin C. Brown, Columbia, South Carolina Springs, Wyoming Matthew George Brown, With High Honors, Mary Jean Anthony, With Highest Honors, Fort Worth, Gloucester, Massachusetts Texas Thomas Edward Browne, Jr., Chatham, New Jersey Mary Ellen Arn, With Honors, Glenshaw, James Everett Brundage, Woodbridge, Virginia Pennsylvania Dean. Thom~s Burger, With Hzgh Honors, India- Thomas Daviq Arndorfer, With Honors, Carmichael, napolis, Indiana California Paul Michael Burger, Cincinnati, Ohio Joan Irene Avery, With Honors, Orchard Park, New York Thomas James Burke, Livonia, Michigan Robert Martin Barniskis, New Hope, Minnesota Steve Carleton Burt, With Honors, Fort Wayne, Indiana Michael Vincent Barry, Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania Alfredo Gerard Capitanini, River Forest, Illinois Peter John Barry, With Honors, North Easton, Massachusetts Christopher David Carey, With High Honors, Fairfax, Virginia Joseph Stanley Bars, Jr., Farmington, ivlichigan John Patrick Carone, Meadville, Pennsylvania Brian Anthony Bartkowiak, Troy, Mich_igan Elizabeth Marie Carroll, Wheat Ridge, Colorado Gregory Michael Basara, Cherry Hill, New Jersey Maureen Elizabeth Carson, Haddonfield, New Jersey Paul Gregory Bass, Fort Worth, Texas Steven John Cecchettini, Warren, New Jersey Laura Ann Battaglia, East Amherst, Ne~ York Susan Marie Cessar, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Thomas Joseph Bauters, South Bend, Indiana Steve Chang, With H(fth Honors, Burnsville, Robert .Joseph Becht, With High Honors, Hobe Minnesota Sound, Florida Brent Paul Chapman, Agincourt, Canada Jeffrey Anthony Beers, Mishawaka, Indiana Scott Andrew Chaudoin, Danville, New Hampshire Frances C. Beggs-McKeogh, Chagrin Falls, Ohio John Vincent Chiaro, Long Grove, Illinois· Brian Lloyd Behmer, Brecksville, Ohio Lisa Lai Sinn Chow, Honolulu, Hawaii Christian Adam Bella, Granger, Indiana Dean William Christy, Chicago, Illinois Timothy Dale Bender, Logansport, Indiana David Drake Clark, Mitchellville, Maryland Andre Bennett, Memphis, Tennessee Linda Sue Cleveland, T1lith 1-Iigh Honors, Flossmoor, Paul Joseph Benz, Mendham, New Jersey Illinois *William Robert Bergamo, Seneca Falls, New York Virginia Ward Clynes, Ithaca, New York Robert Michael Bertino, Jr., Joliet, Illinois *Michele J anine Biane, Alta Lorna, California

50 j______Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Linda Lee Colarossi, With Highest Honors, Coraopolis, Matthew John Eaken, Griffith, Indiana Pennsylvania Christopher James Eckrich, Fort Wayne, Indiana Michael John Colligan, With Honors, Fort Wayne, James Joseph Elson, Jr., W£th Honors, Canton, Illinois Indiana Steve Lawrence Ely, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada George Stephen Connor, Chicago, Illinois Kevin Patrick Emery, Posthumously, Kansas City, Patricia Anne Conway, Birmingham, ·Michigan Missouri Joseph Baker Coogan, Johnson City, Tennessee Vaughn Walter Emery, West Miami, Florida Eleanor Camille Cooper, Shreveport, Louisiana Kimberly Ann Eslinger, South Bend, Indiana Kimberly Marie Cosgrove, Media, Pennsylvania David James Falcinelli, Silver Spring, Maryland Jeffrey Peter Costello, Granger, Indiana Daniel Scott Falter, Ashland, Ohio John Lester Cox, Oak Brook, Illinois Quinn Paul Fanning, Chicago, Illinois George Joseph Craig, WitlzH£gh Honors, Dunellen, Timothy Michael Farrell, Toronto, Canada New Jersey Joseph Steven Fazio, Willingboro, New Jersey Steven Andrew Crespy, Kensington, Maryland Leanne Michelle Fellin, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mary Beatrice Cronin, West Chicago, Illinois Judy Ann Fenlon, Saint Paul, Minnesota Michael Patrick Crowley, Los Altos, California Robert Sean Finnegan, Richardson, Texas Joseph John Cuff, East Brunswick, New Jersey Jeffrey Richard Fiocchi, Highland Park, Illinois Thomas Joseph Cunningham, West Orange, New Edward Joseph Fitzgerald, Huntingdon Valley, Jersey Pennsylvania Steven John Curvino, Avon, Connecticut Meghan Marie Flattery, Center Moriches, New York Mark Richard Czachowski, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Martin Gerard Flyke, Melrose Park, Illinois John George Dakoske, North Canton, Ohio Terrance Patrick Flynn, Mount Morris, New York John Joseph D'Ambrosia, With Honors, Medfield, Timothy Michael French, Stamford, Connecticut Massachusetts Kenneth Michael Frysztak, With H£ghest Honors, Catherine Anne David, Plainview, New York Glendale Heights, Illinois John Andrew deFrances, North Salem, New York Ronald Scott Gadek, Glenview, Illinois Laura Lynn Deister, W£th High Honors, Manchester, Andrew Jerome Gan, vV£th Honors, Quezon City, Missouri Philippines Louisa Maria de Mello, Nairobi, Kenya Michael Alan Gann, Orlando, Florida James Joseph Dempsey, Staten Island, New York David Raymond Garcia, Morton Grove, Illinois Jack Patrick Dicanio, W£th H£gh Honors, East Michael Edward Gehring, Morristown, New Jersey Meadow, New York Lisa Ann Gillespie, Miami, Florida John Joseph Discepoli, Bridgeport, New York James Francis Gillies, Nantucket, Massachusetts Peter DiChiara, Glen Cove, New York Phillip Andrew Gilmore, Newark, New Jersey Stephen Peter DiSilvestro, J1'£th Honors, Chicago, Ann lVlarie Gobbie, Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania Illinois Brian Charles Golden, St. Louis, Missouri Peter John Dolan, vV£th Honors, Reading, lVlike Louis Colic, Willowick, Ohio Pennsylvania *Susan Elaine Good, St. Petersburg, Florida Dorene Carmen Dominguez, Grand Terrace; William George Goslee, Jr., l'Vith H£gh Honors, California Cincinnati, Ohio Robert Joseph Doone, Jr., W£th Honors, Westerville, Michael Francis Grace, Emmett, Michigan Ohio Nicholas Grasberger, III, Spartanburg, South Christopher James Doran, Manhasset, New York F. Carolina Michael James Doyle, LaGrange Park, Illinois William Joseph Doyle, Mineola, New York Dominick Vincent Driano, Jr., Bellevue, Washington John Francis Duggan, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Martin Patrick Dunn, College Park, Maryland *Bernard Vincent Olmedo Dy, ivlanila, Philippines

51 Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Mary Therese Green, Buffalo Grove, Illinois Rebecca Elizabeth Huling, Fairfax, Virginia Andrea Michelle Gregoire, Tribes Hill, New York Louis Jay Iannamorelli, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania Kevin Gerard Gregory, Chicago, Illinois Michele Margaret Imbriaco, With Honors, Madison, Amy Theresa Griffin, South Bend, Indiana New Jersey Ann Marie Griffin, Emerson, New Jersey Thomas Joseph Irvin, With High Honors, John Francis Griffin, Morton Grove, Illinois Bloomington, Illinois Peter Winston Griffin Miller, Peterborough, Richard Francis Irwin, Phoenix, Arizona England Robin Lynn Israel, North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania Thomas Patrick Griffin, Sunnyvale, California James Oswald Jacoby, Richardson, Texas William Michael Grojean, Los Angeles, California Gregory GarciaJaurequi, Silver City, New Mexico *Scott Arden Grooms, Greenfield, Ohio Christopher Patrick Johnson, Granger, Indiana Timothy Lewis Grozier, Honeoye Falls, New York Cynthia Marie Johnson, Chicago, Illinois Bonnie Sue Gullatt, With Honors, Elkton, Maryland Laura Jane J onaus, Kenosha, Wisconsin Matthew James Haag, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Judy Michelle Jones, Chicago, Illinois Brian John Haas, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Susan Colleen Joyce, With High Honors, Tulsa, Brian Thomas Hagan, Hoffman Estates, Illinois Oklahoma Robert Raymond Hall, Jr., With Honors, Blue Island, Jerome RobertJudd, Cincinnati,Ohio Illinois Beth Ann Kane, Osceola, Indiana Allen Bernard Hank, Wheaton, Illinois Elizabeth Madreen Karle, Lake Forest, Illinois Robert Walter Hannau, Miami Beach, Florida · Matthew Joseph Kase, With Honors, Shillington, Robert Morley Hanson, Arlington Heights, Illinois Pennsylvania Glenn Paul Hanzlick, With High Honors, Garfield David Edward Keglovits, With Honors, Arlington, Heights, Ohio Texas Joseph Paul Harvey, Portage, Michigan Rita Karen Kel~her, Bartlesville, Oklahoma *Lawrence John Hau, Olympia Fields, Illinois Denise _Keller, Leawood, Kansas Michael Edward Hay, Augusta, Kentucky MargaretJean Keller, Wi'th Honors, Casper, Wyoming William Craig Hayes, Pensacola, Florida James William Kelly, Wi'th Hi'gh Honors, Norristown, John Francis Healy, River Forest, Illinois Pennsylvania Geoffrey Robert Henry, Naperville, Illinois Matthew Daniel Kelly, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania Sheila Margaret Heraty, Willowbrook, Illinois Mary Renata Kennedy, Cary, Illinois Richard Allen Herdegen, Birmingham, Michigan Michael Richard Kiernan, Highland Heights, David Francis Heringhaus, Mansfield, Ohio Kentucky William Charles Herr, With Honors, Pontiac, Therese Anne Kincaid, Kalamazoo, Michigan Illinois Theresa Ann Kolasinski, Anniston, Alabama Paulette Ann Heuring, Hobart, Indiana Paul Louis Kompare, Arlington Heights, Illinois Daniel Christopher Hickey, South Bend, Indiana Kathleen Marie Kozlowski, Wi'th Honors, Gahanna John Paul Higgins, Jr., With High Honors, Tampa, Ohio · ' Florida Kala Rae Kraske, Thermopolis, Wyoming Dennis Walker Hill, Silver City, New Mexico Thomas Edward Kruse, Edina, Minnesota Scott Michael Hobar, Alexandria, Virginia Daniel Edward LaFreniere, Inverness, Illinois Patricia Curran Hobert, With Hi'gh Honors, Rome, Georgia Michael Robert Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio Mari Patricia Horne, Saint Louis, Missouri Eugene Jacobs LaNeve, Archbold, Ohio Robert William Hosbach, Paducah, Kentucky William Denn~s Laneville, Memphis, Tennessee Joseph Charles Howe, Freehold, New Jersey Henry Franklin Lange, Wi'th Hi'gh Honors, Midlothian, Virginia Kathleen Elizabeth Huber, Fairfield, Ohio Richard Leo Larkin, Loogootee, Indiana

52 Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Bryan Anthony Lawrence, Westerville, Ohio John Peter Mcintyre, Roseland, New Jersey Tara Anne Lechner, Newark, Delaware Todd Douglas McMullen, Plainfield, New Jersey Thomas Michael Leuer, With Honors, Aurora, Illinois Anthony Michael Mersits, South Bend, Indiana Richard Mullington Lewis, III, Fayetteville, North Christopher John Michalak, South Bend, Indiana Carolina Robert Lawrence Michels, Morton Grove, Illinois Thomas Edward Lezynski, Holland, Pennsylvania Mark Erich Miller, St. Charles, Illinois Robert Joseph Lloyd, Massapequa, New York Brian Joseph Milligan, Arlington Heights, Illinois John Richard Logan, II, With Honors, San MarkJoseph Milnamow, Three Rivers, Michigan Diego, California John Jay Miranda, Schenectady, New York Christopher Gary Long, Liverpool, New York Martin Niaz Mohamed, Wi'tlz Honors, Brawley, John Patrick Looney, College Park, Maryland California Robert Andrew Lopes, New Bedford, Massachusetts Paul Eric Molenda, Mishawaka, Indiana Luis Manuel Lopez, McLean, Virginia Janice Marie Monagle, Brooklawn, New Jersey Thomas Andrew Lucey, South Bend, Indiana John Frederick Monberg, Hammond, Indiana Mark David Ludtke, Lincoln, Nebraska James Lawrence Montgomery, King of Prussia, David James Machtolf, Spokane, Washington Pennsylvania Michael Eugene Mager, With Hi'gh Honors, Crown David Anthony Montoya, El Paso, Texas Point, Indiana Brian Gerard Mooney, Clearwater, Florida Thomas Eugene Maggio, Glenwood, Illinois Charles Skelly Moore, Vero Beach, Florida Steven James Maher, Westford, Massachusetts Melinda Irene Moore, Phoenix, Arizona James Edward Malackowski, With Hi'ghest Honors, John Francis Moran, Memphis, Tennessee Chesterton, Indiana Kevin Patrick Morrisey, Lackawanna, New York Patrick Charles Maloney, Crown Point, Indiana *Timothy H. Murk, Libertyville, Illinois Joseph Luke Mannelly, Edina, Minnesota Arthur Murphy, Milton, Massachusetts Michael Joseph Marinkovich, vVi'th Honors, Martin Patrick Murphy, Manhattan, Illinois San Pedro, California Mary Frances Murphy, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Carmine Joseph Marro, New Milford, New Jersey Patrick David Murphy, Osceola, Indiana John William Marske, Michigan City, Indiana William Edward Murphy, North Massapequa, New Harold Gregory Martin, Washington, D. C. York Eric Tracy Martinez, New York, New York Owen William Murray, Springfield, Pennsylvania Manuel Martinez, San Juan, Puerto Rico Mark Jamf'~ Nagy, T11i'tli Honors, Kettering, Ohio David Michael Mastic, Wi'th Honors, Springfield, Charles Robert Napoli, Wi'tlz Highest Honors, Virginia University Heights, Ohio Michael Robert Mathioudakis, Indianapolis, Indiana Tod Andrew Nestor, vVitlz Honors, Sturgis, Michigan Renee Marie Matvey, Cincinnati, Ohio Nancy-Rose Netchi, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania James Michael McCabe, T11i'tlz Honors, Davenport, Casey Jerome Newell, Fort Wayne, Indiana Iowa Susanne M. Newman, The Woodlands, Texas *Jeanne Elizabeth McCarthy, Naperville, Illinois Michael Nichols, Euclid, Ohio Kathleen Mary McConville, South Orange, New Jersey Alfred Robert Novas, Miami, Florida William Thomas McDermott, Plainview, New York John A. Novatny, Creve Coeur, Missouri John Michael McDonald, Pikeville, Kentucky Christine Marie Obbagy, Oak Forest, Illinois Maureen Frances McGillis, vVi'th Honors, David Michael Obert; Lighthouse Point, Florida Northville, Michigan Kevin Patrick O'Brien, Tampa, Florida Kevin Michael McGovern, Greenwich, Connecticut Gary Andrew Odland, Denver, Colorado John Thomas McHugh, Parsippany, New Jersey Cathleen Emer O'Dowd, Guatemala City, Guatemala Daniel Joseph O'Hare, Porterville, California David Mark O'Haren, Marietta, Georgia

53 Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Patricia Ann O'Keeffe, With Honors, White Plains, Nancy Anne Rohman, Weston, Connecticut New York Edward Casey Roohan, Saratoga Springs, New York Janeen-Ann Ahulani Olds, Honolulu, Hawaii Elizabeth A. Rooney, Cazenovia, New York Thomas Michael O'Leary, South Amboy, New Jersey Kevin Joseph Rooney, Convent Station, New Jersey James Arthur O'Loughlin, Homer, New York Jane Ange Russ, Leawood, Kansas John Michael Olson, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri Charles Henry Ruwart, III, Englewood, Colorado Jeff Henry O'Neill, Avalon, New Jersey Neal Thomas Ryan, Bronx, New York Susan Diane O'Reilly, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida Kaleel George Salloum, Jr., Gulfport, Mississippi John Joseph Palma, New Rochelle, New York James Christopher Salmon, Reston, Virginia Richard Neil Panepinto, Vero Beach, Florida *John Bernard Salmon, Dallas, Texas Jane Dansard Panfil, With Honors, Hastings, Jennifer Cecile Salvador, Beloit, Wisconsin Michigan Enrico Torres Santos, Agana, Guam Anne Marie Parigi, Dallas, Texas Brian Richard Sapp, Solvang, California Laura Judith Parker, Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania *Wayne Frederick Schattenkerk, Auburn, Michael Hal Ferrini, Dublin, Ohio Washington William Kyran Phelan, With Honors, David E. Scherer, Chicago, Illinois Westchester, Illinois FrederickJohn Schlosser, Springfield, Illinois *Michael Pigott, Winnetka, Illinois Michael Lawrence Schmitt, Cincinnati, Ohio Jon Steven Pilarski, Niles, Michigan Jean Marie Schommer, With High Honors, Chilton, John David Pinheiro, With High Honors, Santa Wisconsin Clara, California Lisa Anne Schumacher, Palos Heights, Illinois Scott John Pletzke, Bay City, Michigan Theresa Louise Schwebel, With Honors, Washington, Michael Roger Plunkett, Plano, Texas Illinois Brian Potasiewicz, Whitesboro, New York Beth Marie Schwerha, Joliet, Illinois Michelle Renee Prairie, Alburg, Vermont John Preston Seiler, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Christopher Mark Prebenda, Birmingham, Michigan Stephen Edward Seim, Wausau, Wisconsin Vincent Edward Pryor, Louisville, Kentucky Timothy Joseph Sennett, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Mark Timothy Pulte, Bloomfield, Michigan John Howard Shank, Fort Wayne, Indiana *John Francis Quinlan, Jr., Mont Vernon, New Brian Owen Shannon, Chicago, Illinois Hampshire Kathleen Kelly Shannon, South Bend, Indiana R. Michael Quinn, Bangor, Maine John Joseph Shea, With High Honors, Hinsdale, Charles Preston Rafferty, Indianapolis, Indiana Illinois Michael Scott Raub, Shorewood, Illinois Paul Michael Sheridan, Chicago, Illinois *Ben Record, III, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania Christopher John Shine, Maplewood, New Jersey Timothy Edward Reilly, Melrose, Massachusetts Kurt Frederick Shinn, Ridgefield, Connecticut Timothy James Reilly, East Meadow, New York Joseph Patrick Silk, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Michael A. Reinhart, Barrington, Illinois John Justin Simonelli, Stockton, California *Patrick Lyons Reis, Saint Paul, Minnesota Robert Paul Simpson, Port Jefferson, New York Rowell Tolentino Reyes, Hammonton, New Jersey John Joseph Skawski, Chicago, Illinois Robert Anthony Ricci, Toronto, Canada Michael John Smith, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania Tina Marie Ricci, Toledo, Ohio ~arc Allan Snyder, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Christopher James Richard, With Honors, Anthony Gorham Soards, With Honors, Greenfield, Springfield, Virginia Ohio Sean Patrick Richardson, With Honors, Shaker Sharon Ann Soller, ~Vith Honors, Shelbyville, Indiana Heights, Ohio Martin J. Roddy, Jr., Harleysville, Pennsylvania Thomas Joseph Rohling, Omaha, Nebraska

54 l•m u# W"MU'f EZ WlWP 7

Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

William Latten Soule, III, Pensacola, Florida Clyde Edward Wagner, Jr., Amarillo, Texas James William Sowar, Coldwater, Ohio Joseph Allen Wagy, Blacklick, Ohio Kevin Peter Spatz, Jr., Wyckoff, New Jersey John Thomas Walsh, Huntington Station, New York David Jacob Stabrawa, Oak Lawn, Illinois Kathleen Ann Walsh, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Phillip Shea Stenger, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan PatrickJames Walsh, Birmingham, Michigan Sandi Lynn Stevens, With Highest Honors, Milwaukee, *Robert Joseph Walsh, Livonia, Michigan Wisconsin George James Ward, Roselle, Illinois PatriciaJean Stierwalt, Fremont, Ohio Verrita Lois Washington, Chicago, Illinois Gary Paul Strickland, With Honors, Williamsville, New York Daniel James Watzke, Hickory Hills, Illinois Pamela Jean Sturm, Washington, Joseph M. Weber, Mishawaka, Indiana Michigan Gerard Francis Wehle, With Honors, Tampa, Florida Michael Edward Sulentic, With Honors, Sugar Land, Derek Vincent Weihs, Bradenton, Florida Texas Joseph Benson Weinacht, Newark, Delaware Colleen Marie Sullivan, Westerly, Rhode Island Mary Margaret Welch, Williamstown, Massachusetts Daniel Joseph Sullivan, Mossyrock, Washington Michael Vincent White, Marshalltown, Iowa Patrick George Sulliva~, Salamanca, New York Thomas]. White, With Honors, St. Louis, Missouri Daniel Joseph Suprenant, Oroville, California David Leonard Wiech, Cincinnati, Ohio Patrick Emmett Sweeney, Columbus, Ohio Kay Marie Wigton, Neenah, Wisconsin Michael Joseph Szatkowski, Rochester, New York Jeffrey Carl Williams, Salt Lake City, Utah David Louis Taiclet, Argos, Indiana ivlark Edward Williams, TtVith Hzgh Honors, New Michelle Tomeyo Takazawa, With Honors, Elgin, Hampton, New York Illinois Gregory Thomas Wittrock, Cincinnati, Ohio Edward Joseph Tallon, With High Honors, Peoria, Thomas Edward Woidat, Saint Charles, Illinois Illinois Andrew Louis Wolf, Grand Rapids, Michigan Alan Wayne Targgart, Wolcottville, Indiana Rosalind Woods, North Babylon, New York Thomas Scott Taylor, Muncie, Indiana Stephanie Lynn Wright, Miami, Florida Richard David Tazioli, Highland Park, Illinois Amy Christine Wuellner, Alton, Illinois Tim Herbert Thompson, With Highest Honors, Brian Joseph Wycliff, Houston, Texas Columbus, Ohio Marylou Patricia Yepsen, Frontenac, Missouri Thomas Jeffry Treat, Plymouth, Indiana Richard Keith Yohon, Rochester, New York Robert Takara Tsuchiyama, U plane!, California Darrell Thomas Young, Honolulu, Hawaii Michael Alan 1ullio, Erie, Pennsylvania Mary Beth Young, Honolulu, Hawaii Kathleen Ann Tully, Honesdale, ·Pennsylvania Paul Thomas Zaremba, Venetia, Pennsylvania Daryl Wilfred Turenne, Grantham, New Hampshire Henry Raymond Zeiscl, Villa Park, Illinois Karl Edward Turro, With High Honors, Chicago, Illinois Lawrence Mark Tveidt, Bonita, California Randolph Charles Valdez, Alamosa, Colorado Charles Genaro van Ravenswaay, TtVith Honors, Bedford, William Michael Varanka, East Windsor, Connecticut Eric John Ventura, Kapaa, Hawaii John Miller Verfurth, Annandale, Virginia Theodore Gregory Vidourek, Hampton, Virginia Lisa Marie Visingardi, Elkhart, Indiana Angela Lea Vittori, Cherry Hill, New Jersey

55 Honor Societies

Brian Patrick Lee (Psychology) Honor Societies David Alan Mach ens (Economics) William Randall Martin (Preprofessional Concentra­ IN THE UNIVERSITY, THE FOLLOWING tion) WERE ELECTED 1D MEMBERSHIPS IN THE Kevin Vincent McAlevy (English) HONORARY SOCIETY OF SIGMA XI: Kenneth Paul lVIcDonnell (Preprofessional Concen- Jeffrey Richard Brown tration) Arthur Francis Huber, II Russell Kevin McDougall (Theology) Laura Gwen Loy Amy Lynne McGarrity (Biology) Matthew Michael O'Meara David Francis McGonigle (Philosophy) Philip Alexander Politowicz Paul David Meosky (History) Luis Frias Razon Mary Kathryn Metzger (Economics) William Joel Schmidt, Jr. Mary Colleen Minogue (Mathematics) H wei-gene Heidi Wang Erin Elizabeth Murphy (Mathematics) Glenn Albert Nickele (Biology) IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS Joseph Anselm Nicolas (Preprofessional) AND THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, THE Laurie Anne Oberembt (Government) FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED 1D MEMBER­ Kimberly Ann Pelis (Program of Liberal Studies) SHIP IN THE HONOR ACADEMIC SOCIETY Paul James Potocki (Economics) OF PHI BETA KAPPA: Thomas Matthew Reardon (English) Robert Michael Rodriguez (Preprofessional Michael Anthony Agostino (Preprofessional) Concentration) Karen Claire Aschauer (Government) Robert Francis Scanlon (Modern Languages) Richard Martin Auchter (Preprofessional Concentra- Catherine Anne Schnell (Preprofessional) tion) Terri J can Seliga (Mathematics) Mark Joseph Baumel (Preprofessional Concentration) Mark Joseph Shepard (Preprofessional Concentra­ Beth Ann Becher (Mathematics) tion) Brad Charles Beutter (Mathematics) Paul Edward Sherman (Preprofessional Concentra- Paul Rudolph Bottei (Government) tion) Mark Steven Brazinski (Preprofessional Concentra- James Matthew Silver (Program of Liberal Studies) tion) Jeffrey Neil Sommers (Biology) John McCurry Breen (Program of Liberal Studies) James Patrick Sutherland, Jr. (Preprofessional) James Celeste Capretta (Government) Lisa Ann Twardowski (Program of Liberal Studies) Brian William Casey (Economics) Geoffrey James Van Flandern (Biology) Patricia Jane Chandler (Economics) John Andrew Walker, III (Physics) Michael Jon Chmell (Preprofessional) Charles Robert Wilmoth (Modern Languages) Timothy Kenneth Daugherty (Psychology) Eric Paul Witte (Government) Raymond D. Davis (English) Todd Alan Young (Preprofessional) Elizabeth Ellen DeSchryver (English) · Gail Nicole DiPietro (Mathematics) IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS Patrick Dennis Dodd (Government) AND THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, THE Stephan Collier Dollins (Preprofessional Concentra- FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO MEl\IIBER­ tion) SHIP IN THE HONOR PREMEDICAL SOCI­ Megan Irene Fellman (English) ETY OF ALPHA EPSILON DELTA: Gilbert Peter Gailius (History) Timothy Farrell Hannegan (Government) Timothy Paul Angclotti Elaine Marie Giuglianotti Gregory William Hendey (Preprofessional) Bryan Albert Bognar Randall Louis Goskowicz Thomas John Holubeck (Preprofessional) \Villiam John Borg George Edward Hardart Bernard James Huston (Preprofessional) Matthew Brian Brown Brian Thomas Hearney John Kevin Kenefick (Economics) Kevin James Carrigan Gregory William Hendcy Kimberly Ann Kennedy (English) James lcrrence Thomas John Holubeck Cavanaugh, IV Thomas Howard Keyse (English) Bernard James Huston l\1ichacl Jon Chmell Anna Margaret Kim (Program of Liberal Studies) Maria Teresa Isern Kevin Michael King (Biology) John Jeremiah Coen John William Jauregui to Robert Vincent Kolecki (Preprofessional Concentra- Stephen Collier Dollins Keri Ann Kennedy tion) Angela Kay Eggleston Michael Joseph Kennelly Paul Joseph Komyatte (Government) Susan Joan Erlenborn Kevin Michael King Daniel Donovan Feeney William Frederick Kracklauer (Government) Richard Alan Knipe l\llichacl Shawn Martha Anna Kutashy (Preprofessional Concentra- Robert Vincent Kolecki Fitzpatrick tion) Martha Anna Kutashy

56 U" mv=, r 7

Honor Societies

Robert Henry Lane Francis Joseph Schlueter IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS, Kevin Joseph Laurence Catherine Anne Schnell THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED 1D Lisa Ann LaFratta Mark Philip Schopper MEMBERSHIP IN THE ANTHROPOLOGY Suzanna Marie Lee rviichacl Thomas HONOR SOCIETY OF LAMBDA ALPHA: Stephanie Lane Linder Schueppert Jeffrey Dean Lovin Kary Reginald Schulte Paula Alyce Bourjaily Lesliann Elizabeth Susan Michele Lupo l\1ark Joseph Shepard Colleen Patricia Carey Helmus Ronald Mark Oberleitner Nora Ellen Lynch Paul Edward Sherman Hamil Michael Cupero Filippo Mario Randazzo Christopher rviaurice J efli·ey Scott Sleeth Laurie Kathleen DeBoer Michael Scott R yniak rviasi Ann Louise Smalley Debra Sue Dodge Jeffrey Carl Williams Joseph Pasquale Maugeri Kevin Thomas Stone John Francis Gibbons Charles Edward McBride Maureen Elizabeth Mary Elizabeth Hanzel Todd Alan Young James Robert rvlonath Stubbs IN THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, THE Glenn Albert Nickele Margaret Mary Sullivan Joseph Anselm Nicolas FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED 1D MEMBER­ .James Patrick Sutherland, SHIP IN THE HONOR ACADEMIC SOCIETY Diana Lia Ochoa Jr. OF TAU BETA PI: Paul Gildo Perona Sara Katherine Sweetser Nalini Marie Lynn Marie Thomas John Robert Acker Susan Ann Hoelscher Rajamannan Robert John Treuting Jan Lorraine Albrecht Mariana Robert Karam rviaya Lynn Ramirez Geoffrey James David Matthew Angelotti Theodore Andrew Klaus J olm Floyd Rashid VanFlandern Ignacio Aranguren Dominique Paul John Franklin Raster Keith Edward Vcselik Trellez Laflamme James F. Reilly Francis Albert Voegele Samuel Albert Awad Amalia Rebecca Lopez Robert Michael Jeremiah Andrew Timothy Eric Bohdan John Colin McEachen, II Rodriguez Whooley Kevin Ryan Brenton Steven M. Mills Charles Joseph Ruhlin Michele Lynn Williams Mark Lawrence Mark Douglas Molnar Mark Gerard Schippits Brockman Martha Stevenson Moran Thomas Martin Cleary Debra Ann Nauta IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS, Margaret Ann Collins Maureen Patricia THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED 1D MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL HONOR Michael George Connolly O!Reilly Brian Phillip Couch Thomas John Odar SOCIETY OF SOCIOLOGY OF EPSILON William Lang Courtney Bria!1 Richard Parker CHAPTER OF ALPHA KAPPA DELTA: Michael Alan Dahl Joseph Mark Peffen Jacqueline Alvarez Lynn Marie Thomas James Louis Educato Annette Catherine Julia Kathleen Easley Elizabeth Frances Eric Andrew Englhardt Peterson Laura Jean Kuber Thoman Robert Meriwether Evans Thomas Gregory Pratt Jean Marie Nolan Kathleen Ann Walsh Paul Warren Fellows Michael Scott Quayle Marya Roberta Sakowicz John Thomas West Dawn Renee Freehafer Thomas William Reidy Patricia Mary Santos Matthew Alexander James Richard Roche Goldmann James Russell Shea IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS, Aga M yung Goodsell John David Sisto THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED 1D Joseph Markey Grace, III Deborah Ann Stephan MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL POLITI­ Lisa Ann Guerra Lorie Ann Struzik CAL SCIENCE HONOR SOCIETY OF PI Lori Helene Haefner Michael William SIGMA ALPHA: Michael James Harvey Thompson Peter Van Amberg Robert H. Vonderheide Kevin Michael Barry Margaret Mary Healy Hasbrook, Jr. Mary Jeanne Wiegand Lisa Marie Bartholomy Mark Stephen Ishaug Michael Joseph Beaudine Craig Christopher Martin IN THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, THE Paul Rudolph Bottei Lauric Anne Obereubt FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED 1D 1v1EMBER­ Michael Thomas Burnett Helen Marie Ringler SHIP IN THE HONOR ACADEMIC SOCIETY James Celeste Capretta Edward Julian Sheeran OF THEIR rviAJOR FIELD OF STUDY: Margaret Marie Conlon James Fredrick Stern Pamela Ann Fojtik Eric Paul Witte SIGMA GAMMA TAU (Aerospace Engineering) Kateri Ellen Gaffney Matthew Alexander Amalia Rebecca Lopez Timothy Farrell Hanne- Goldman Christine Ann McKelvey gan Lisa Ann Guerra Joseph Dexter Nickerson, Aga M yung Goodsell Jr. Brian Thomas Heai·ney Thomas William Reidy

57 Honor Societies

TAU SIGNIA DELTA (Architecture) James Edward Theresa Louise Schwebel James Michael Curtin Arthur John Vento Malackowski Anthony Gorham Soards Cynthia Louise Jett Edward Lawrence Michael Joseph Sharon Ann Soller Debra Ann Nauta Willen brink Marinkovich Sandi Lynn Stevens Joseph Brian Pellissicr Bonnie J can Wolf James Michael McCabe Gary Paul Strickland Robert Michael John Michael McDonald Michael Edward Sulentic Sponseller Brian Joseph Milligan Edward Joseph Tallon Martin Niaz Mohamed Karl Edward Turro CHI EPSILON (Civil Engineering) Tod Andrew Nestor Eric John Ventura William Kyran Phelan Kathleen Ann Walsh David Matthew Angelotti ~~lark Douglas Nlolnar John David Pinheiro Gerard Francis Wchlc Brian Phillip Couch Kathleen Mary Murphy Jean Marie Schommer Mark Edward Williams Brian Walter Dunn Joseph Aguon Pangelinan Steven J oscph Johnston Karyn Louise Pyrzynski IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS, THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO ETA KAPPA NU (Electrical Engineering) MEMBERSHIP IN THE ECONONIICS HONOR Christopher Francis Scott Patrick N arus SOCIETY OF OMICRON DELTA EPSILON: Coene Timothy Patrick Nolan George Anis Abd Ross Gerard Klisart Michael Alan Dahl Nlaurccn Patricia William Patrick Delaney Joseph Edward Suzanne La Croix O'Reilly Bartoszewicz James Louis Educato David Alan Machcns Mark Damian Peck Kathryn Grace Bonomo John Robert Maley Donald Alfred Fleck Joseph Mark Pcffen Michael James Francl Theodore Joseph Michele Marie Marchio Joseph Gerard Piccolo Campanella Katherine Suzanne Joseph Patrick Hirl Thomas Joseph Pieronek Andreas Gilbert Brian William Casey McKenna Sheila Anne Prendergast Patricia Jane Chandler Mary Kathryn Metzger Kinzlmaier James Richard Roche Dominique Paul Mary Kathleen Collins John Joseph Neblo Michael Scott Rottman Nancy Clare Dolan Maureen Vivian O'Neil Laflamme Deborah Ann Stephan John Colin McEachen Kathryn J can Donohoe Kevin Doyle O'Rear Kathleen Ann Ziemer Daniel Patrick Fallon Steven Michael Mills Jeffrey Charles Page Susan Ann Fessler Victor Anthony Sciulli Susan Marie Fischer ALPHA SIGMA MU (Metallurgical Engineering) Robert William Smith David Marc Fisher Robert J udc Trocchi Mark Robert Fulcher Augustine Kelly Eric James Gaertner Nlary Elizabeth Philip Michael Gleason Wackowski IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINIS­ Lloyd John Hardin TRATION, THE FOLLOWING WERE Stephen Henry Wagner Christine Ann J ursa Robert Dillon Wintz ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE HONOR Kirk Martin Kimler ACADEMIC SOCIETY OF BETA ALPHA PSI: Mark Eric Worscheh Constance Elizabeth Frederick Josef Paul David Adelizzi Kenneth Michael King Zimmerman J effrcy John Allison Frysztak Liisa Lynn Anselmi William George Goslee, Mary Jean Anthony Jr. Joan Irene Avery Robert Raymond Hall, Peter John Barry Jr. Laura Ann Battaglia Glenn Paul Hanzlick Daniel Joseph Biwan John Paul Higgins, Jr. David James Boulay Patricia Curran Hobert Dean Thomas Burger Susan Colleen Joyce Steve Carleton Burt Matthew J oscph Kase Christopher David Carey David Edward Kcglovits Michael John Colligan Rita Karen Keleher John George Dakoskc Kathleen Marie Laura Lynn Deister Kozlowski Stephen Peter DiSilvestro Henry Franklin Lange Matthew John Eaken Thomas Michael Leuer Meghan Marie Flattery Michael Eugene Mager Martin Gerard Flykc

58 . WE z:m ""'""'' mrrrw" I'IFr.ll

Awards and Prizes

A-wards and Prizes IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS THE PAUL NEVILLE JOURNALISM AWARD IN THE LAW SCHOOL: To the senior in American Studies-, for excellence in journalism THE COLONEL WILLIAM]. HOYNES AWARD Jeanine Marie Gozdecki, Munster, Indiana For outstanding scholarship, application, deportment and THE HUGH A. O'DONNELL AWARD IN achievement AMERICAN STUDIES Matthew James Barrett, Canfield, Ohio To a senior in American Studies-, for outstanding academic achievement THE DEAN JOSEPH O'MEARA AWARD James Joseph Greene, Merrimack, For outstanding academic achievement New Hampshire Timothy Marco Maggio, Glenwood, Illinois THE PROFESSORJAMES WITHEY AWARD To a senior in Amen'can Studies-, THE A. HAROLD WEBER MOOT COURT for notable achievement in writing AWARDS Mary J o Hensler, Cincinnati, Ohio For outstanding achievement in the art of oral argument Barbara Anne Stevens, Pitman, New Jersey Thomas Robert Ajamie, Scottsdale, Arizona Michael Gerard Bruton;Chicago, Illinois THE JACQUES GOLD MEDAL OF FINE Laura Jean Hanson, Waseca, Minnesota ARTS David Charles Scheper, Los Angeles, California Georg Scott Bower, South Bend, Indiana

A. HAROLD WEBER WRITING AWARD THE JACQUES SILVER MEDAL OF FINE For excellence in es-say writing ARTS Jane Marie Samson, Blair, Nebraska Peter James Carolin, Farmington Hills, THE FARABAUGH PRIZE Michigan For high scholarshzp in law Louis John Weber III, Streator, Illinois THE FRANCIS P. CLARK PRIZE EDWARD F. BARRETT AWARD For the bert es-say of the History of Notre Dame For outstanding achievement in the art of tn'al advocacy Carol Camp, Houston, Texas David Raymond Creagh, Rolling Meadows, Illinois THE SAMUEL HAZO POETRY AWARD Stephen Lee Grimm, Grand Rapids, Michigan For outstanding poetry written during -- the school year INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF TRIAL Carolyn Lee Gray, Indianapolis, Indiana LAWYERS AWARD For distinguished achievement in the art of advocacy THE RICHARD T. SULLIVAN AWARD FOR Duane-David Hough, Milford, Connecticut FICTION WRITING Neal Thomas Buethe, St. Paul, Minnesota To the student who submits the best short story Shawn R. Williams, Grosse Pte. Woods, WILLIAM T. KIRBY AWARD Michigan For excellence in legal writing Margaret Mary Gillis, Grosse Pointe Park, THE OT1D A. BIRD AWARD Michigan For the bert senior es-say wn'tten by a student in the Program of Liberal Studies- · THE FARABAUGH PRIZE Paul Joseph McElroy, Bellerose, New York Louis John Weber III, Streator, Illinois THE MEEHAN MEDAL FOR LITERARY THE NATHAN BURKAN WRITING COMPETI­ MERIT TION To the senior who wn'ter the bert literary compositi~n in For excellence in writing on copynght law English Paul Anthony Coletti, Brooklyn, New York Thomas K. Dutoit, Adrian, Michigan THE WILLIS D. NUTTING AWARD To the Program of Liberal Studies- senior who has contn'buted most to the education of fellow students Kathleen Warner McGarvey, Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania

59 Awards and Prizes

THE J. SINNOTT MEYERS AWARD THE WEBER AWARD To an American Studies senior, for outstanding To ~he student in the Department of Economics who has service to the academic community achieved the highest academic average JamesJoseph Greene, Merrimack, Brian William Casey, Holmdel, New Jersey New Hampshire THE ERNEST SANDEEN POETRY AWARD THE MONSIGNOR FRANCIS A. O'BRIEN For outstanding poetry written during the school year AWARD Sean F. Reardon, Wyoming, Ohio The senior student who has achieved distinction in an essay on an histon·cal subJect designated by the Chairman of the THE WILLIAM MITCHELL MEMORIAL Department of History · AWARD FOR PLAYWRITING Gilbert Peter Gailius, Concord, Massachusetts To the student who submits the best onginal play to the De­ Carol Rene Camp, Houston, Texas partment of Englzsh Daniel J. Maier, Arlington Heights, THE JOSEPH ITALO BOSCO SENIOR Illinois AWARD To a graduating senior for excellence IN THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE in Italian Studies Thomas Aquinas Selvaggi, Levittown, OUTSTANDING STUDENT IN BIOLOGY Pennsylvania Nancy Ellen Yast, Merrillville, Indiana THE DOCKWEILER MEDAL FOR SENIOR BIOLOGY SERVICE AWARD PHILOSOPHY Glenn H. Ramos, Kalamazoo, Michigan To the senior in the College ofArts and Letters who submits OUTSTANDING STUDENT IN MICROBIOL­ the best essay on a philosophical subJect OGY Thomas James Berry, South Bend, Indiana Kevin J. Carrigan, Ada, Michigan SENIOR RECOGNITION AWARDS IN James G. Kirschbaum, Madison, Wisconsin PSYCHOLOGY SENIOR MICROBIOLOGY SERVICE AWARD In acknowledgment of meritorious accomplishment in re­ Alan E. Armijo, El Paso, Texas search, academic performance or student-life activities Robert James Davis, Scottsdale, Arizona MERCK INDEX AWARD Jacqueline Alvarez, Circleville, Ohio Presented by. Merck· Inc. to a senior with hzgh scholastic achievement in chemistry THE EDWARD J. CRONIN AWARD Timothy Paul Angelotti, Midland, Michigan For the outstanding piece of writing submitted within the past year in the Program of Liberal Studies AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTS CER­ Paul Joseph McElroy, Bellerose, New York TIFICATE Presented by American Institute of Chemists to a senior chemist with distinguished professional attitude THE MARGARET EISCH MEMORIAL PRIZE Maria Elena Zuniga, Echegaray, Mexico IN SOCIOLOGY To the most outstanding senior maJoring in Sociology OUTSTANDING SENIOR IN BIOCHEMISTRY John Thomas West, Wayne, New Jersey Presented by the biochemistry faculty to the senior with the hzghest achievement in biochemistry THE REV. RAYMOND W. MURRAY, C.S.C. Maria Elena Zuniga, Echegaray, Mexico AWARD IN ANTHROPOLOGY To the outstanding senior maJoring in Anthropology OUTSTANDING SENIOR CHEMIST Lesliann Elizabeth Helmus, Garden City, Presented by the faculty of chemzstry to the outstanding se­ New York nior chemist Timothy Paul Angelotti, Midland, Michigan THE REV. JOSEPH H. CAVANAUGH, C.S.C. AWARD THE RAYMOND C. GUTSCHICK AWARD To the senior who has evidenced high qualities of personal To the graduating senior who has demonstrated the most character and academic achievement, particularly in Theo­ promise in geological research as evidenced by a successful logical Studies undergraduate research proJect Michael Patrick Kitz, Farmington Hills, Matthew James Janowiak, Merrill, Wisconsin Michigan THE O'HAGAN AWARD IN IRISH HIS1DRY To the student who submits the best essay on Insh History Maura Marie Manning, Danville, Ohio


d'! &lii&'Aib&&ii - mzrm •rz=vw=

Awards and Prizes

THE DEAN'S AWARD FROM THE COLLEGE CHAIRMAN'S AWARD FOR ADVANCED OF SCIENCE DESIGN EXCELLENCE IN ARCHITECTURE Presented to the outstanding graduating senior in the College To the student with the best fifth-year design project in the of Science in recognition of exemplary personal character, fall semester leadership, service and outstanding achievement Jeffrey David Miller, Birmingham, Alabama Kevin Lamar Williams, Gaithersburg, Maryland . THE GERTRUDE S. SOLLITT AWARD For best project completed by a fifth-year Architecture stu­ THE REV. ALEXANDER KIRSCH, C.S.C. dent dun"ng the elective design courses or a thesis completed AWARD in the required design course To the senior majoring in Earth Science who has evidenced Daniel Joseph Keleher, Jr., Bartlesville, high qualities of personal character, scholarship and Oklahoma leadership Daniel Edward Prinster, Grand Junction, THE RALPH T. SOLLITT AWARD Colorado F'_or best design in fifth-year Architecture in the required de­ szgn course SENIOR GENERAL ELECTRIC PRIZE FOR Bruce Durant Turner, Medford, New Jersey MATHEMATICS MAJORS For excellence in Mathematics THE RAMBUSCH PRIZE IN ARCHITECTURE Beth Ann Beeber, Fort Wayne, Indiana To the student in the School of Architecture offering the best Terri Jean Selgia, Edenshurg, Pennsylvania solution to a problem related to religious art & architecture Bonnie Jean Wolf, Waukesha, Wisconsin SENIOR GENERAL ELECTRIC PRIZE FOR HONORS MAJORS IN MATHEMATICS IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS For excellence in Mathematics ADMINISTRATION Brad Charles Beutter, Mishawaka, Indiana Dena Marie Lordi, Walnut, California THE DEAN'S AWARD THE LAWRENCE H. BALDINGER AWARD To the student whose leadershzp within the College of Busi­ To the senior in the Preprofessional Program who excelled in ness Administration was outstanding scholarship, leadership and character Carlos H. Fernandez, La Paz, Bolivia Nalini Marie Rajamannan, Minneapolis, THE TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL DELOITTE, Minnesota · HASKINS & SELLS FOUNDATION AWARD IN THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING To the senior showing the highest promise in the field of ac­ countancy THE REVEREND THOMAS A. STEINER Michael Joseph Marinkovich, San Pedro, PRIZE California To the outstanding engineering students who have displayed qualities of leadership THE INLIANA CPA SOCIETY AWARD Susan Ann Hoelscher, Ballwin, Missouri To the Indiana student best exemplifying the qualities neces­ Robert H. Vonderheide, Lexington, Kentucky sary for success in the Accounting Profession James R. Roche, St. Paul, Minnesota James Edward Malackowski, Chesterton, Indiana THE ZAHM AWARD FOR AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING THE HAMILTON AWARD FOR ACCOUNT­ To the senior who has achieved the most distinguished record ANCY in Aeronautical Engineering To the outstanding senior in the Department of Accountancy Aga M yung Goodsell, Bowie, Maryland in the College of Business Administration Sandi Lynn Stevens, Milwaukee, Wisconsin THE ALPHA RHO CHI MEDAL To the graduating student in .architecture who has the qual­ THE HERMAN CROWN AWARD ity of leadership and who shows promise of high profes­ To the College of Business Administration senior in the De­ sional men"t partment of Finance who has achieved the highest overall Daniel Joseph Keleher, Jr., Bartlesville, grade point average Oklahoma Linda Lee Colarossi, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF THE HAMIL1DN AWARD FOR FINANCE ARCHITECTS AWARD To the senior in th~ Department of Finance in the College of For general excellence in the field of architecture Business Administration with high academic credentials Debra Ann Nauta, Andover, New Jersey Tim Herbert Thompson, Columbus, Ohio Robert Michael Sponseller, Ann Arbor, Michigan

61 -~

Awards and Prizes

THE RAYMOND P. KENT AWARD IN THE UNIVERSITY To the senior finance concentrate with outstanding perfonn­ ance in finance courses THE DAVID R. CAPLAN HONOR AWARD Jack-Patrick Dicanio, East Meadow, New York SPONSORED BY THE TEXTILE VETERANS ASSOCIATION THE LE CLAIR EELLS AWARD To a graduating senior in recognition of outstanding aca­ To the senior finance concentrate that has demonstrated out­ demic achievement standing leadership Robert H. Vonderheide, Lexington, Kentucky Thomas Joseph Abood, Lansing, Michigan Margaret Jean Keller, Casper, Wyoming THE REV. A LEONARD COLLINS, C.S.C. MEMORIAL PRIZE THE HAMILTON AWARD FOR MANAGE­ To a graduating senior who has made substantial pe_rsonfll MENT efforts to advance the interests of students at the Unwerszty To the outstanding senior in the Department of Manage­ of Notre Dame ment in the College of Business Administration Catherine Anne David, Plainview, New York Eleanor Camille Cooper, Shreveport, Louisiana THE BYRON V. KANALEY AWARD THE MANAGEMENT AWARD Awarded to the senior monogram athletes who have been To the outstanding student in the Department of Manage­ most exemplary as students & leaders ment (MIS track) Brian William Casey, Holmdel, New Jersey Steve Chang, Burnsville, Minnesota William Lang Courtney, Dearborn, Michigan THE HAMIL1DN AWARD FOR MARKETING THE REV. JOHN]. CAVANAUGH, C.S.C. To the outstanding senior in the Department of Marketing AWARD in the Collegt of Business Administration To the senior Anny cadet officer for excellence in leadership, Charles Robert Napoli, University Heights, academic attainment, and partici'pation in military affairs Ohio Christopher David Carey, Fairfax, Virginia THE PAUL D. GILBERT AWARD THE REV.]. HUGH O'DONNELL, C.S.C. To the senior Marketing concentrate demonstrating outstand­ AWARD ing leadership in departmental activities Presented annually to the senior achieving the highest merit Anne Marie Parigi, Dallas, Texas in Naval Science courses and in aptitude for the Naval THE WESLEY C. BENDER AWARD FOR Service MARKETING Kevin Ryan Brenton, Southport, Connecticut To the seniors with the best performance in the Marketing THESTRAKEAWARD concentration To the Midshipman First Class who has made an out­ Kathleen Mary McConville, South Orange, standing record in academic achievement, in student activi­ New Jersey ties and in leadership qualities throughout four years as an NROTC candidate Brian Thomas Hearney, Santa Ana, California THE NOEL A. DUBE MEMORIAL AWARD To the Air Force ROTC Arnold Air Society senior who con­ sistently has demonstrated outstanding leadership and con­ tributed most toward esprit de corps and morale in the Ca­ det Group David Michael Maloney, Latham, New York THE NOTRE DAME AIR FORCE AWARD To the Air Force ROTC senior with the highest combined merit of character, leadershzp, scholarship, and officer po­ tential, using the uwhole person" concept. John Evan Kubinsky, Johnstown, Pennsylvania THE PATRICK DIXON AWARD To the outstanding Anny ROTC cadet at Notre Dame for School ~ar 1984-85 Scott Michael Hobar, Alexandria, Virginia

62 Awards and Prizes

THE HELEN KELLOGG INSTITUTE PRIZES FOR LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES For undergraduates at Notre Dame who qualify for the cer­ tificate in Latin Amen"can ·area studies and who have writ­ ten outstanding essays on Latin Amen"ca First Pn"ze: Joseph Reynolds Bongiovi, Williamsville, New York

Second Prize: Brian Christopher Brisson, Grosse Ile, Michigan THE BAND VICE-PRESIDENT PRIZE University Bands' Award given to the band vice-president Nancy-Rose Netchi, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania THE ARMAND GALLI AWARD University Bands Award given to the drum captain/section leader of the percussion group James Joseph Elson, Jr., Canton, Illinois THE HALLAND BAND PRESIDENT'S PRIZE For the University Bands President William Edward Murphy, North Massapequa, New York THE TERRY BAUM BAND SECRETARY PRIZE University Bands Award given to the elected band secretary Mark Alan Quertinmont, Worthington, Ohio

63 Academic Costume Code

THE ACADEMIC COSTUME CODE CAPS: Black cotton and stiffened into the so-called mortarboard style. Each cap has a long tassel fastened The history of academic dress reaches far back into to the middle point of the top of the cap. The tassel the early days of the oldest universities. Academic color denotes the subject field. The Doctor's cap may dress finds its source chiefly in ecclesiastical wear, al­ have a tassel of gold thread. University administrators though mediaeval scholars tended to adopt a colle­ may also have a tassel of gold thread. giate costume. A statute of 1321 required that all "Doctors, Licentiates and Bachelors" of the Univer­ SUBJECT FIELD COLORS USED ON HOODS sity of Coimbra (Portugal) wear gowns. Beginning AND CAPS with the second half of the 14th century, civilian colle­ giate costume was specified in various regulations of Arts and Letters ...... White the universities. European institutions continue to Business Administration and Accountancy ..... Drab show great diversity in their specifications of academic Economics ...... Copper wear. Education ...... Light Blue Engineering ...... Orange In American colleges and universttles, the academic Fine Arts, including Architecture ...... Brown costume is prescribed by the American Council of Ed­ Law ...... Purple ucation, and its present form was adopted in 1932. Library Science ...... Lemon Yellow The first suggestion for a uniform code was made in Music ...... Pink May, 1895, following an educational conference at Philosophy ...· ...... Dark Blue Columbia University. In 1902, the Intercollegiate Bu­ Physical Education ...... Sage Green reau of Academic Costumes was created. It codified Science ...... Golden Yellow the 1895 rules and its legal firm serves as a clearing­ Theology...... ~carlet house and "repository" for official university and col­ Humamtles ...... Cnmson lege colors, costumes and insignia. Old Gold and Royal Blue in Hood Denotes The present academic dress consists of gown, hood a Notre Dame Degree and cap with the pattern and trimmings listed below. Exceptions have been granted to specific universities upon request.

GOWNS: Black cotton with long pointed sleeves for the Bachelor's Degree, long closed sleeves (with a slit for the arms) for the Master's Degree, and bell­ shaped open sleeves for the Doctor's Degree. The Bachelor's and Master's gowns do not have trim­ mings. The Doctor's gown is faced down the front with black velvet and there are three bars of velvet across the sleeves.

HOODS: Black in all cases. For the Master's it is three and one-half feet long and closed at the end. The Doctor's hood is four feet long with panels at the sides. All hoods are lined with the official color or col­ ors of the college or university which conferred the highest degree. The edging of the hood is velvet and three inches and five inches in width for the Master's and Doctor's degrees, respectively, while its color is distinctive of the subject field.

